Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1886, Image 1

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Dno do Morney and Miss Gusman Blanc's
Maniago in Paris.
Thousand * of Dollars' \Vartli of Dl.i-
mondH Aowcrcd on Ills lirldc
ItawllncrltiKly llcnutiriil Cos
tumes AVlilch arc Perfect
A Nolilcmnn's Nuptial" .
PAiii , July l.-fNow York Herald Cable.
Special to tlie HIK. : ] The Due de.Morney's
[ wedding with Miss Gusman Blanc came elf
at the Clinft'Ii of the Madeleine to-day with
splendid eclat. The weather was the ideal
Parlsan summer day of du/r.llng sun and
cool northerly brte/.e. At noon the massive
hrotuoilooisof the Madeleine were thrown
Wide open and a crimson velvet earpet was
Spread from tlm gianlle steps and reached
down to tlie boulevard. The vast church was
lilted to overllowlni ; , hundreds of ladles
( standing on tip too on chairs to catch a
K glimpse of the biide. 'i'ho toilets were beau
tiful , lavender pink , pale blue straw and
white predominating. Thousands of people
gathered on the sidewalks and In the 1/al- /
conies and windows facing tlio Madelelno.
At 12:15 : the nuptial cortege appeared. The
DucdoMorncy alighted from a coupe drawn
by two supeib bays. Ho looked \ery pale
and serious , lie was In evening dress , and
wore a largo cross and ribbon of the grand
commander of the order of Charles 111 ot
of Spain. Ills liancco drove nplnalarco
landau , with dark brown horses covered with
white H..tin ribbons , and with coachman and
footmen In brown , crimson and gold livery
She wore a white satin bridal dress with a.
viiylong train , very simple and entirely
coveted by her white tulleveil. . She
was attended by three bridesmaids.
In the nave of the church six
ubhcs In full canonicals performed
the marriage service , Abbe Pattls pronounc
ing the nuptial benediction. The music was
very impiessive , including the Ucus Jsrael of
Bec.ihoven , the Ofons Pietas of Haydn , and
Goiinad's Ave Mai ie. The organ was played
by Theodore Dulccrs. AtSo'clock all left the
church , tlie Due and do Mornoy
driving elf In a coupe drawn by two superb
bays. The wedding reception and bieakfast
were at the Grand hotel.
The due's presents to the bride were equal
to those of the famous duke of Buckingham.
I will only mention four of them : A superb
riviere of diamonds , not mounted ; that is to
say , held together by a wire of gold so line
that when worn on the neck tlio diamonds
only are visible , and liavo the appearance of
hundreds of huge drops ot dew. Another
present was a magnificent diadem of
diamonds , woith at least S O.OOl ) . Then a
broad ribbon of diamonds , attached to a sort
of gold chain work , bo as to tic and untie
about tlie neck like an ordinary silk scarf.
Then a fan of white feathers , literally pow
dered with thousands of small diamonds.
The flowers that the due sent to the bride
during tlio thirty days preceding the wedding
„ were superb , no two bouquets ever being the
J , same. One day there would boa ship of carnations -
t / nations , lilted witli roses ; another day , n
. * - - South Amerlcrn hammock , made of twisted
lilies of the valley and filled with orchids ;
the next day a bicycle , made of corn flowers
surmounted by roses ; then a balloon of lilies ,
with jasmine and pausies ; in short , every
floral oriuinality that a vivid imagination
could deviec.
Among many other striking costumes com
prising tlie trosseaii is a moss-green dress of
1'ieneh foille. The tunic falls in straight
panneaux , and is draped In front with ciepo
do chine. Over the tunic is a dark green
velve.t Louis XV casque , with a tigaro vesto
richly embroidered and studded with emer
alds and gold. One of thu diichcsso seaside
dresses Is a palm In Ivory , white and ecru.
The skirt Is composed of a deep valant ,
which is , like the corsage , covered with
Venetian i-mbioldery. In fiont of tlio cor-
sagu Isa gau/.o ciuvo , forming a jabot. The
diiehesso evening toilets are buwilderlngly
beautiful. Ono of the richest , 1 won't say
tlm loveliest , is u sulphur satin dinner cos
tume , consisting of a bkirt draped with crupo
do chine , exquisitely embroidered , and spangled -
. gled with gold , polannlso of grosse foille ,
caught up at the hips over n pout'coqulllo ,
fastened with llttlo satin bows , and n
cot-sago which meets ami Is merged In
n broad celnture. trimmed with dainty satin
bows. Another dinner toilet , only to bo used
on state occasions , pel haps chaster In taste ,
and 1 think more effective , is made of white
satin , with aditvctoirocasqiieof while striped
Pckln. The skirt is covered with suottcd
guuzc , gracefully draped and festooned with
white silk. Hound the waist is n broad satin
bash , with long ends falling behind und fas
tened In fiont by a double row of large an
tique enameled buttons , pet In gllver.
Like many other duchesses , the Duchess
do Mornoy is not above taking a bint liom
tlm stage. Thocuilosity of her trosseaii Is
undoubtedly a long by/.antino mantle , sug
gested by "Theodora , " made of the richest
Ivory velvetine , lined with' pink satin and
thickly embioldered with by.iuitlno : designs
In silk and gold. After marvels , such
comparatively simple trilles as a blue and
wlntu woolen check morning dress , a dark
blue foulard , a flounced walking costume , and
a rustic toilet of ecru ttissor , and
n stripedmoldclro and white foulard summer
dress , specially made forTiouvllluand thoraces
races , 1 hellovo would shrink back Into In-
blgnilicanco If It were not that each Is remarkable -
markablo for some charming detail of cut or
trimming. But a robu do Hudson of silver
brocade , relieved with rose buds and forgot
mo nols , brings us baclc to ducal splendor
again. This costume , tlio last I will mention ,
Is completed by a casque a la Lamb.illu , open
ing on a bewitching chemise of pale pink
'J.'io Active Policy of General IIou-
lunger , tlio NHW Minister- War.
PAHIS , July L- [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to the BIIK.J General Boulanger ,
the minister of war , inaugurated to-night tlie
now club for tlio officers ot the army and
navy. It Is situated next to the Herald
office in an enormous building that forms
the corner of the Avenue do Lopera and the
Jluo do Lryalx , tlm most central and finest
bite in Paris. The club house was mngnlll-
' rently illuminated and draped with Hags and
banners. Klva hundred huge punch bowls ,
I filled to the brim with various kinds of deli-
( cIiniKly mixed punch , wore placed at
convenient buftcts In thu vast suite )
of apartment * . Thu band of the
Fourth Itcglmenl of the line. Mar-
thai Noy's old regiment , playe-d tlio Mar-
eellleibo and other stirring airs. At 10
o'clock over eight thousand officers were
present. A few moments later General Bou-
langcrciiturod the sallo d'honncur ' where the
embassadors and and thuir military attaches
were gathered ami ptonounecd the toast of
thn evening In a loud , clear voice. "To the
navy und thu nrmy.two sisters burn to underStand -
Stand and to love each other. " Then turning
towaitl the crowa of oUicers In the adjoining
talonp , ho said , with a significant
fimilo , "And wo nil of us nro
ready jit i moment's notlco * to
jtour out our blood for the Krandd we vt love
and so adore "
General lloiilanccr lias attained ( norrnuus
personal luCucnco In thcarny. : - : , | , now
tlia SUntjplutT tif Krutice. Jl'u Is : ' . > i > ! tj
} lne , Is diil of fun tudtuerjy ; , m. I . . . - - u-
did military qualities. Helta republican to
the very tins of his linger nails and has the
courage of his opinions. Iloulanger hates red
tape , and since ho eame to ofllco has under
taken more genuine reforms In the
French army than any war min
ister slupc Marshal Moll. At a
pinch lie Is capable ot an "is
Briimalie" or of thu ' " 'd of December. "
Since the exile of the princes ho has been
traveling with utmost speed through nearly
all thedepaitnients of Franco , Inspecting the
troop8 , ninkliiif speeches , now to soldiers ,
now to bishop * , now to mayors anil then to
postmen. To-night he has ereatcd a fraud
military rhib destined to have great influence
upon the entire body of French oMIcers. To-
iiionow he will bo up to something el e. This
afternoon snmu deputies In the chamber
pitched into him for buying oats and pre-
MT\e.d mcTM.iind otlu-r stmes for the I'rench
army from nbioad. I IP jumped Into the Trl-
mini ! with tln saiim alacrity wllh which ho
\\duld mount his charcer , and said : "Very
well , enlnriio my budget ! give my much more ]
Is tors twitted him with writing u letter to
General Saiisslcr , governor of Paris , which
icsiiltcd In thelatter'sreslgnalion , lluulaiiger
caiil : "Why , If I ohnse to-nhrht to send you
all to Mazas prison Saiissier is not tlie man
that would pi event me "
General Boiilaitgcr Is tall and wiry , with
brown hair , lull moustache and military
beard , eyes full of lire and the power to c-om-
niand men. Ho has splendid military qual
ities. All tlm piofesslnnal politicians , even
the icpn.hllc.iins . , pitch into him , but ho lias
acqiihcd a strong hold on the nrmv and the
people begin to fear him. He is destined to
play an impoitaiit part in Fiench history. If
ilio republic over begins really to weaken and
threatens to fall to pieces for want of a stiong
man at the helm , Dotilamrcr H tlm man to
have at It. As 1 said before , he Is tlm
bkobck'ff of France.
The Bavarian Parliament Closed.
MI-NICII , July 1. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to the Bin : . ] Parliament closed
to-day in tlio presence of the royal princes ,
Leopold , Lmlwlg , Ferdinand , and Duke
Ludwig. The Ilrst president made n lengthy
speech , apart of which was a sort of praycn
for the house of Wlttlesbach. He concluded
by saying : "God grant that we may never
have again a session fraught with such
frightful convulsions and painful excitement
as the session just closed. " All tlie members
withdrew amid wildly enthusiastic cheers
for the king and the loyal family. The
queen's mother Is to-night worse with sevnio
lever and sharp pains
Chamberlain's Sxvuy Declared to be
Glvltifi Out.
BOSTON , July 1. The Herald staff correspondent
pendent cables to-night from London that it
seems apparent that Chamberlain's personal
and local sway Is now restricted almost en
tirely to Birmingham. Yet , even there , he Is
not supreme since in several of the seven
divisions of the borough the Gladstone feel
ing lias been so strong as to oblige the mem
bers seeking re-election to make concessions
or risk defeat by Gladstone candidates. The
political history of the past fortnight in Bir
mingham is slngulailv interesting. Of seven
liberal members live voted against the home
ule bill , bui it is by no means clear that five-
sevenths of the electorate approved of their
vote. Gladstone's followers have been men
aced by their own friends with tory votes.
So confident arc those who threaten that no
tory will compete witli the unionist , even lie
might win against tlio dividend liberal vote ,
that tlio compact is suspected of being some
thing more substantial than appears on the
surface , aome indiscreet expressions which
have fallen from the lips of Arthur Chamber
lain have little loom for doubt that Ins
brother has something very like u
formal understanding on the point witli Lord
liundolph Churchill. On the other hand
there aie but few votes that will be Influenced
by. the personal nature of dilliciiltles which
sundered Chamberlain from his old chief.
Thu Birmingham pet has complained in pub
lic of one of these. His grievance is that
after being uskod to join tlie cabinet for tlio
purpose ot inquiry into tlio cause of Ireland's
trouble , he was left out of the inquiry alto
gether. In private lie says Gladstone is a
man witli whom it Is next to impossible to
work ; that ho is domineering and
Impatient of discussion when it docs
not take the form of eulogy. The return
without opposition of Liverpool yesterday of
three conscivatlves Whitley , Kayden ana
Baron Henry C. Worms signifies nothing.
It Is true each was opposed at the last elec
tion , but in tliat contest VVhitloy and Kayden
won their seats by more than twofold major
ity , and so Worm had a margin of a seventh
ol tlio vote so there was no encouragement
for opposition to their re-election.
Tlio First GlndHtouinn Defeat.
LONUOX , July 1. In the election at Col
chester to-day , 'I. J. Trotten ( conservative )
polled 1,990 votes ; It. K. Causton ( < ! lap4oii-
Ian ) 1,701. This Is the first contested bor
ough. The result Is considered to have
special siunilicanco. The Pall Mall Gazette
said If Colchester went liberal , the fact would
clvo heart to the party throughout the land ,
The result shows the Gladstonlan candidate
lost eround. Among the districts in which
tlio conservative candidates were unopposed
were Blackburn and Croydon , although at
the last election the liberals made u good light
at both places.
Parliamentary Klc.ctlons.
LONDON , July 1. T. Sullivan , Parnellltc ,
lias been re-elected to represent tlio College
Green division of Dublin in the next parlia
ment , and Murphy , Parnelllto , has been re
turned for St. Patrick's division. They had
no opposition. John Bright has been se
lected as a member for tlm house of commons
for the Central division of Birmingham , and
Joseph Chamberlain for the Kast division ,
Neither was opposed. Up to ! l o'clock this
afternoon sixteen tory candidates , seven
unionist liberals and two 1'arnellilo- )
linvo been elected to the house of commons
In uncontested districts.
A Crnnk on tlio Warpath.
PiTTwnmo , July 1. intelligence was re
ceived hero to-day of the arrest In Washing
ton City of Peter Xlngerle , a crank who left
hero on Tuesday for the avowed purpose of
killing the Krench minister , Lewis Theodore
Itouslun. Xlugerlelsa Frenchman and for
some time past Imagined that Minister Itous-
tan had wronged him The Washington au
thorities were notified to bo on the lookout
torXIngerloiind last evening ho was dis
covered 1m kiln : about the minister's residence
with a loaded revolver In his possession. Ho
was anested and Is now In jail at
Harvard Wins the Raoc.
Niw : Lo.vpo.v , ConnJ uly l. The boat race
was won by Harvard , who liulshcd In 10:53 : ;
Columbia making two miles In llQ4) ; { ,
Yale's boat upset , leaving her out of the con
Dnvltt "Withdrawn.
LOXPOX , July 1. Michael Davitt 1ms withdrawn -
drawn from the contest of Lord Uartington's
constituency the llosendale division of
noitlieast Lancashire.
Indicted lor Pool Soiling.
Nnw YOIIK , July t. Coney Island Jockey
club and Brighton lU-ach chili , both Indicted
for allowing pool soiling on the rare track ,
appeared , through their counsel , to-day In
Kings county court of sessions , wlicro the
plea of not cuilty was enleied , They will bo
notllied when the district attorney ii ready to
go to trial.
Orojron'H Vote Canvassed.
Portri.Axu , Ore. , July 1. The vote at the
state election held Juno 7 , officially can
vassed to-day , resulted as follows : Congressman -
man , Hermann , ( rep.)20,019 ) ; Uutlor , ( dem. )
W.8SJ ; .Miller , ( pro. ) 2.7KJ. Secretary of
Confusion Worse Confounded in tbo Iowa
State Democratic Convention ,
Ho Wants the Ko.stcrlttR Sores on the
President mitt ills AtliulnlKlra-
tlon Lnlil lliirc Stormy
Scenes Follow.
A Dcinnorutla Fnrcc.
Dr.s MOINUS , la. , July L [ Special Tele
gram to the BII : . ] In the wildest days of
greenback madness or democratlo discontent
there never was seen in Iowa such a state
convention as the democratic convention
here to-day. Pandemonium let loose but
faintly describes- scenes of riot that were
enacted. All went smoothly till the com
mittee on platform made its repot t , and then
the ball was opened. The majority report re
solved in favor of local option in counties
and municipalities , and for the enforcement
of prohibition whore that was oidered , and
where It was not , the substitution of a license
whose minimum amount should bo SAOO.
This was n lemnikable advance over other
years , and brought the democrats to the old
camping grounds of the republicans. It was
an nma/.lng spectacle to see democrats , who
all their lives had denounced prohibition as
wrong in principle , stand up and demand
prohibition lor the counties that might want
It. Tlsls sentiment , however , was conlined
to the democrats from the Interior , or , as they
were called , the "slough water districts. "
Tlio river counties brought In a minority re
port consenting to local option In cities , but
leaving , as an alternative , a license without
any sum mentioned. Then the light
began. Fifty men were on the lloor
at once , clamoring to bo heard.
The local option and high license men in
sisted that the democratic party was beaten
last year because it had not the couraco of its
convictions and took up low license to please
the saloons. The river counties retorted that
they furnished tlie democratic majorities mid
had a right to be heard. They weie willing
to shut their eyes to consistency and take lo
cal option , but they demand ( lie right to lix
their own license fees and icgulate their own
Hamilton , of Leo county , who wrote the
minority resolution , stood in the aisle expos
tulating with the convention and exclaiming
in a demonstrative way : "Wo will go with
you against our judgment to local option , but
for ( Sod's sake let us regulate our own
license. "
Schmidt , senator from Davenport , spoke In
a similar strain , while Senator Knight , ot
Dtilmiuo , demanded to know whether this
convention was there to stand by demooiatic
principles or to juggle with expediency In
the hope of catching some unwary republi
cans. Ho warned the convention that if it
passed this high license fee and forced it
upon all communities , whether willing or
not , the democrats of tlio river counties
would not be satisfied and would not go into
the light with a prospect to win. But itva s
in vain , for tlio "slough water districts" out
voted them and c.-.mped on the practical pro
hibition ground by 174 majority. *
The turbulence that this called out was
nothing to that which followed when a mem
ber sent up a resolution denouncing , in the
severest language , the senators who took § 210
back pay for the vacation before the
Brown impeachment trial began. At once
there was a motion made to lay the resolu
tion on the table. The convention voted
this down and Senator Knight , of Diibuque ,
waving his tall white hat to attract thu atten
tion of the chair , obtained the lloor , and in
stentorian tones declared :
"Mr. Chairman , 1 tiruud the resolution as a
lie , and I denounce the authors of It as a liars.
The senators liavo performed services for
which this pay was taken. " JIo then
launched out into a vigorous defense of those
who had taken the back-pay , claiming that
they were entitled legally and morally to it.
A rural delegate shouted out : "Dm you
take the money ? "
"Yes , 1 did , and I would do It again , " was
Knight's ringing reply.
"You'll never got another chance , "
screamed a dozen voices.
At tills the Dubmpio delegation , sixteen 111
number , headed by .Mayor Slab , rose to their
feet and. waving their arms , yelled : "Ho
will ! Ho will 1"
"We'll send him again. "
"Yes. 1 will , " said Knight , "and I defy this
convention , mid 1 defy tlie men who wrote
that resolution , to do me harm so long as 1
have tlie confidence and support of tlio people -
plo I represent. My coiihtituuncy endorsed
my action and sent mo to this convention us
chairman of tlio delegation , and 1 don't care
a farthing for your resolution , whether you
vote it up or down. Jf you wanted to de
nounce ical abuses and real evils , why
didn't you denounce tlio president of
the United S ates for bowing down
before the corporate monopolies and veto
ing tlio DCS Monies river land bill at the de
mand of a gigantic land grab ? Why didn't
you denounce him for depriving poor settlers
of tliulr rights ? Why didn't you denounce-
the judiciary department of tlio government ,
loaned down with Pan-Klectrlc stock , and become -
come a shame and disgrace to the country ?
Why didn't you denounce the members of
your last legislature that rode on the passes
of corporations and then drew from tlio
treasury mileage for every milo they traveled
in coming to the legislature ? "
At this point ho was Interrupted with
hlssosand groans and yells of "put him out. "
His words had fallen like a thunderbolt
among the astonished delegates. Knight
had been thu Idol of tlio democratic party.
An eloquent , powerful speaker , a gentleman
of many graces , tlio convention was nearly
struck dumb nt his tierce Invectives upon the
Congressman Cook rushed to the platform
and exclaimed : "This Is outrageous. Senator
Knight Is a gentleman and has aright to bo
heard. "
"No he hasn't when ho abusns n democratic
president , " shouted several angry delegates.
"But I will bu heard , " said Knight , "and
you can hiss , as becomes your nature , but 1
defy you to come down to Dubumto among
my friends and hiss mo there. Von pass u
lot of fulsome llattery of the president that
you know doesn't mean anything , and the
same men , for tlio saku of cheap glory , fulmi
nate against better men , or us good men as
they ever were. I say to you , gentlemen ,
thai you had better direct your surgery. If
you want to correct evils , to the festering
boresof the president and his administra
tion , i Yells and hisses ot rage and horror. )
Hiss If you want to , " ho continued , "I care
not for your hisses and abuse so long as 1
am fortified by tlio respect und regard and
contidcnro of the people of my constituency. "
Ho sat down , and the convention , as by
one accord , bioko for tlio doors and ad
journed for dinner. But it was plain to be
seen that the hone and enthusiasm of the
convention had all vanished , Thu daleirales
wi'io ' too umd for sober utterance. They
went swearing down tlio streets , threatening
vcngenco upon Knight and all his friends.
When the convention reassembled the light
was resumed. A n attempt was madeto compro
mise the affair by a substitute resolution put
ting the blame upon the republican party for
passing the law under which tlio senators
took back nay. Tills resolution was greeted
with derisive shouts of "that's too thin , "
"that never will do , " Then an attempt was
made to carry the previous question and shut
plf debate , but that failed and palidemonlum
broke loose again. Senator Johnson , an
other democrat who took tlio back pay , de
fended his action , hut was hooted down , aim
hnaHy the censure was wsaqd , with a hurrah
wud then the convention went to the nomi
nation of state olliccrs. lint the discord had
taken awny all Interest In further pioced-
inga , Many delegates left in disgust , and the
convention concluded Its work witli 111 feel-
maud shame and chagrin manifested on
t ery fac * .
Cato JjcUi of UlacJ ; liawk county , was nom
inated by acclamation for secretory of state ,
and Paul Onclick tof .Burlington , was nom
inated for auditor.
The convention of the greenback party met
in Lewis opera iiouse with about one
hundred delegates luesont. There was some
opposition to fusion , but the majority were
Inlavoraiid concluded a contract with rep
resentatives of tlio d 'inocratle party on con
sideration that they lib allowed two places on
the ticket , and nominated therefor Daniel
Campbell , of Monroe county , for treasurer ,
and William Thcophllus for clerk of the su-
pieme point. This action being announced to
the democratic convention , the latter com
pleted Its work by nominating for attorney
general C. H. Mae.key , of Keokuk county ,
and Frank Bradley tor supreme court re
porter , of Audubon countv , and then ad
The following Is tlie democratic platform :
The democracy of Iowa , In convention as
sembled , announce the following platform nf
principles : That the clean , pure and honest
administration of drover Cleveland Is a mat
ter of just piIdn for every American citizen ,
without distinction of patty , and we most
cordially and heartily aptnove and applaud
the noble , determined und successful efforts
of the president In the Interests of good itov-
ernment , and we pledge him our continued
support In all such elloits.
That the nohlo and manly efforts of Gladstone
stoneIn behalf of a representative govern
ment for Ireland commands our uiuiualltlcd
That we most heartily express our apprecia
tion of the serviceof nil union soldiers-uud
sailors , and recommend tlm lullest recogni
tion ol in defense ol our conn-
trv by ample and liberal pension laws , making
allowances to all who rcculved Injuries or
disabilities in tlio service , and to those de
pendent upon them. To that end we con
demn private bills and special legislation ,
which favor a few to the detriment of the
manv , and favor general laws that will ena
ble the pension bureau to bestow the go\ em
inent bounty upon all meritorious claimants.
That to Impose taxes for any other purpose
than the raising of necessary revenue for the
support of thu government Is unconstitu
tional and wholly inconsistent with our
boasted freedom. Wo theieforo call upon
congress for the Immediate revision of our
tariff laws to u revenue basis , to the end that
every Industry and every section may enjoy
perfect equality under the law.
That we insist that the surplus revenue ac
cumulated In the treasury of the United
States , not needed to defray the current ex
penses of the government and meet the ap
propriations made by congress , bo applied to
ilm payment of the public debt.
That the public lands nro a trust held by
tlio government as the heritage of its people ,
and that they should under no circumstances
be alienated from its citizens nor made the
subject of barter and sale tor speculative pur
poses , but should be held for actual settlers
who purpose , by their own labor , to buildlup
in our country a homo ; and we demand the
immediate and unconditional forfeiture of
all unearned railroad land grants.
That , recognizing Industry and morality as
tlio standard of individual and national
greatness , and that the foundation of purity
and happiness in tliu'homo would secure to
thu laborer a partlclpatlDii in tlie fruits of his
toll , and a share to the family and the homo
in the refining influences of advancing civil
ization , we therefore call upon all who may
havoat hcait the greatest good to the greatest
number to join with us in sicurln ; . ' , by un
prejudiced legislation , a just recognition of
the rights of the toiler , und in protecting the
Individual rigtits of tlio laboiers by proper ,
equitable and honorable safeguards against
tlie present and threatened encroachments of
monopoly corporations.- ,
Westernly denounce the betrayal of tho'ln-
terests of the miners ot Iowa by tlie last repub
lican legislature and Its shameless violation
of the pledges given ; by its platform and
party leaders as shown by the defeat of the
measures of relief demanded by the miners
of tlio state. Tle ) only safe foundation for
free representative government Is equal rep-
rescntion in our legislative councils. - . - * - : .
Wo denounce tiie action of the last republi
can majority In-tho li < st. general iisseTffiiTyTifi' *
he passaite of the cqhcri'ssiona 1 reappohlon
nient and legislative rcuistricting bills
as a bold , corrupt and despotic dtsfranchise-
mcnt of large bodles-of our people in order to
perpetuate tlio power In the lancl of the re
publican party , and to shield it from tlie just
and certain defeat which its partisan mis-
manaeemcnt so surely invites. A party so
lost to all souse of justice and decency , so ob
livious to the rights of a free people and , the
principles of popular government , is wholly
unfit to bo trusted witli further political
That wherever a public officer Is shown to
have been corrupt , or to have violated the
laws in his otlicial position , wo call for his
prompt conviction and severe punishment.
Mo long continuance in dishonest and illegal
practices can be accepted as a shield orpallla-
tion of guilt. Recent disclosures of republi
can maladministration , corruption , doiianco
of law and abuse of power-call loudly for the
punishment of many guilty men and for
driving from power a party which has so dis
graced und debauched the administration of
public affairs In Iowa.
That wo favor the repeal of the present
prohibitory liquor law of this state , and an
enactment. In lieu thereof , securing each
county and municipal-corporation the right
to determine lor Itself the prohibition or
license of the sale of intoxicating liquor as a
beverage , providing by proper legislation for
the enforcement of prohibition where prohi
bition Is adopted , and where license Is
adopted , for a license fee not less than S500 ,
with such legislative restrictions as will pro
mote sobriety and suppress free whisky.
Wo cordially invite all persons believing In
the foregoing principles to unite in over
throwing the party in power in this state.
Tlio convention sent tlie following cable
gram to Gladstone. :
DIK Moixns , Iowa , July 1,1SSO. Hon. W.
K. Gladstone , Charles Stewart Parnell und
Michael Davitt , esqs , , London , Knghind
The democratic party of Iowa , In convention
assembled , send greetings to you and your
colleagues In Great Britain and Ireland , and
hope lor the success ot ; your noble efforts to
secure homo rule in Ireland.
( Signed ) G. W. HKI.I. , Chairman ,
T. 0. WAI.KIMI , Secietary.
AVImt Arkansas IIcinocrntH Believe.
LITTM : Itocic , Ark. , July L The platform
adopted by the democratic stuto convention
before adjourning this morning endorsed tlio
national administration , reafllrms allegiance
to the democratic party and linn adherence
to Its time-honored principles , which guaran
tee equality , liberty and happiness to all
citizens of tlio common country ; maintains
that the protection of life , liberty and piop-
orty , and the equality of all citizens , the
right of local self-government and the su
premacy of tlio federal government , within
the constitutional IlnilU , are essential to the
continuance of free government ,
regrets the depressed condition of tlie agn-
"Itnral interests of tlictate , and the strained
relations of capital mid labor , and traces
these conditions directly to the operations of
a high protective tnriirf commends the efforts
of the Arkansas delegation in congress In
support of the Mprrlson bill for the revision
or the tat-in" ; favors the unlimited coinage of
silver , and demands that the cJln of the
United w- , . i/uuvau d-und sliver , bo paid
on the government del Is without discrimina
tion ; recognizes that all Industries iindcitl-
7ons should bear oqul proportions of the
dividends of tlm government ; that taxation
should fall equally on all species of property.
Want tlio'Place Themselves.
ST. PAUL , July l.-fAn Abfidemi Dak. ,
special to the Pioneer Press says ; Tlio dem
ocratic central committee of Dakota met here
to-day and passed a resolution petitioning the
piesldent to remove the present Incumbents
of federal oltlces In Dakota as soon as it can
bodono consistently and without intcrfeilng
with public business.
Wiped Out by Khuno.
INDEPENDENCE , Cal.j July L Nearly the
entire city was destroyed by lire yesterday.
Loss , S'JOOCOOj insurance 540,000.
A DaiiKcroiiB Ofllcer to Fool Witli.
CINCINNATI , July 1. Tlio Times-Star
special from Clrcioyllle , O. , says that George
Brown , marshal of Darbyvllle , twelve miles
Horn Circlevllle , Accompanied by a deputy ,
undertook toarrest Seymour Daillng aii.j
Job Carpenter , charged with barn burning.
They were resisted bv Darling and Carpen
ter , and by Nat and Was > h Darling and Ora
Htulclltf , Seymour Darling icceived live
shots and won killed. Tiiu others were dan.
Kerously [ t lut fatally wounded.
A Prospective Wnlk-Out of Western Union
Telegraph Operators.
LakeShore TrnliiH UiinnliiK Ilrgtitnrly
Under Heavy Guards Indications
llinlStrlUlttK Switchmen Are
Completely Vanquished.
Will tJio Operators Strike ?
WA nix m > .v , July 1.- ( Special Telegram
to the Uii.l : There Is considerable talk
among Uin Western Union telegraph oper
ators at this point nf prolublo strike before
the close of the summer. Most of those who
wore spoken with to-tiny on the subject main-
tallied a studied reticence , but one of tlio
mtmbcrlliially made the folluwliigstatcuicnt ;
"Yes ; H Is true wo arc considering the ad
visability of a strike.Vo \ have certain de
mands that we piopose to submit to the com
pany. If these demands mo not cumpllcd
with , wo shall probably quit woilc the 1st of
August. "
"Wlmlnro thcso demands ? " was asked.
"It Is not to secure an Increase of pay. "
WHS the reply , "but rattier to prevent the com
pany from reducing our salaries , us has been
the custom for several years past. 1 can bet
ter Illustrate my Idea by taking the case of .1
ninety-dollar man whom the company lias
seen lit to discharge. This man's place will
boiilled by a slxty-vlollar man , which makes
n practical reduction in that ease of SfSO a
month , In the event of the discharged operator
rater belli ; ; reinstateilby the company , he
will bo fortunate toftevback'nt $ ( tt or , at the
most , 870 a month. The WesternJjUnion olll-
eials arc afraid to make a systcmjfiuq reduc
tion nil along the line for fearof p'reelpltatrftic.
a strike , \\hlcli would crcatu a strong public
sentiment In our favor. For this reason lli'ey
employ the method 1 have Just described ,
whll'h bus amounted , in the last three years ,
to a cut of probably S5 percent. "
"In the event of a strike , will thn men who
took your places In the former strike 'scabs , '
as you call them oppose you again ? "
The operator smiled. "It would surprise
you , 1 dare say , to learn that the 'scabs' are
the most aggiessive element we have among
us. By a soil of retributive justice they
seem to have suffered worse than those of us
who went out in 18S3. hi the great majority
of cases they were inferior men. The com
pany ottered them the highest rate of wages
paid at that time. They were not woiththe
salary then , and are not now. Tne company
latterly lias been discharging them upon the
slightest technicality and ic-cmploylng them
again at about Halt' their former pay. All the
strikers were taken back at greatly reduced
wages , and consequently they hnvo less
grievance than those who took their places.
Nevertheless , wo can't permit the company
to continue cutting down , and for that rea
son shall ask them to cry a halt. If they
don't agree to our proposition. It is very
probable a strike will be ordered August 1.
Our organization Is now incorporated In the
Knights ot Labor , who will give us the bone-
lit of their experience as well as their moral
and mental suppoit. If wo do strike , " ho
added In conclusion , "you may look for a
dilToicnt termination from that of thrco
year ago , " ,
. , } , The Switchmen Bcntoii.
1. Business In the
JShurfl.yaYl&.scemcd nearer its normal condi-
Hlo'n tulD'iifornliiB than it lias been since the
strike was Inaugurate ! ) . Theiewas exoitn-
nient In the vicinity of the round house. En
gines pulled out of the round house and
went to their work in the various yards , each
with its detail of special police. About 80 : : !
an engine was brought out and men were
called into active service once more. They
wcrn loaded on until no more could find fool-
hold on the locomotive , which then started
tor the stock yards , beveral cars were loaded
for consignment over the Lake Shore yester
day afternoon , and it was to take these
out that the engine was sent to tlio yards.
The strikers still keep clear of the vicinity
under the triple inllueiico brought to bear
on them by lear of arrest , the influence of
their leaders and tlio presence of deputy
sheriffs armed with Injunction writs. - Injunction
junction writs next to rille.s , are weapons
most iireadeil by strikersand tliev are careful
to afford them no opportunity of serving
them. About 9:30 : the stock yards engine re
turned from the yards with tlio cars and a
largo number of Plnkerton men , no trouble
having been encountered.
National Ijnw nnit Order League.
ST. Louis , Mo. , July 1. Several very im
portant meetings of the leaders of the Law
and Order league liavo been held recently ,
both hero and ntSedalia , Mo. A prominent
ollleorof the league says the Intentions of
these meetings is to establish an organization
from one end of the country to the other in
support of law and order which can bo largely
massed at ono point if necessary. Kor in
stance , In case of trouble In St. Louis with
which the league hero could not cope , prepar-
tions being made for the purpose , enabling
olllcials hero to call on Chicago or any other
place for icln forcemeats members bel ng bound
to answer such call at a moment's notice. As
means of getting forres out in a moment's
notice , the addresses of all mem
bers , business or residence nro taken. Be
ginning in Scdalla and spieadlng * to Dcsoto
and Hannibal , It was taken up by St.
Louis and trom there spread to Corondelet
ami Clarksvllle. Crystal City , Mo. , Belleville ,
and : Chicago , 111. , Jackson , Mich , , Kvans-
vllle , Ind , , St. 1'anl , Minneapolis , Hoches-
tor , Newark , Milwaukee and Baltimore ,
and Is now gaining a strong foothold in Iowa
and Kansas and other status. It has reaclyd
a membership of over seventeen thousand.
Included In membership , It Is said , are a
largo number of workingmen , engineers ,
conductors and Knights of Labor. The
league has organized a great many branches
and has committees working in ulldhectlons.
Tlio principal object Is to lire vent labor dis
turbances and discountenance strikes and
boycotts- . The latter comes in for particular
Good Times ,
Tnov , N. } ' „ July 1. The tradesmen of
Troy arc having a grand procession , picnic
and Imrhecua to-day. About fifteen thousand
free tickets tn the picnic have been distrib
uted bv merchants , and.thu city Is In holiday
attire , The eala day is supposed to signify
the glad tidings that the merchants of Troy
believe a revival ol business Interests has now
Met In.
Tlio Jury JUfmjjrocs.
Mu.wAT7rni.rulyl. ! The Jury In thocaso
of Itobert Schilling , Knights of Labor organ-
i/.er , tried on'a charge of boycotting the cigar
llrm of Segnltz & Co. , disagreed and was dis
charged this afternoon. Thodato lor tlio new
trial has not been tixod.
Bavcil by n Harking Dog1.
CHICAGO , July L The barking of a dog nt
an opportune moment this morning probably
saved the lives of slumbering people. At -
o'clock this morning the family of August
Limit , of 1S11 Milwaukee avenue , worn
aroused by the barking of a large hound.
Klro was discovered In the rear of limit's
coal yniil. Shea's two stables , three car-
"ilagesand three hoises were burned , with n
quantity of "harness. Several sheds weiu
also burned. The family barely escaped with
their lives. The total loss ) about
seven thousand dollars with u moderate In.
surancc. The origin of the lira Is unknown
Vale's New Prniilduiit Inaugurated.
NKW ilAVKjf , Conn. , July L Professor
Timothy Dwiuht was to-day Inaugurated
as president of Yale college to succeed Ir ,
Porter. The exercises were held In the
Center church , to which the profession es
corted the in trident and preeldcnt-clect. The
exercises included addresses by the ri'tlrlnu'
and incoming president , and a Latin uudress
by Professor Tracy Peck.
Prospective Ucvivnl of tlio Tripartite
on n Peace Knot Ing.
CHICAGO , July 1. [ bpoelal Telrgiam to
the llr.i : . ] Tnero has been considerable
change In the compromise proer.uumo to set
tle the western Height war. The ma/lagers /
liavo given up the meeting called to arrange
the affairs of tlio western freight association
nli < i President 11. It.Cabloof the Uoek Island
has issued a notice that there will bo a meetIng -
Ing of -'Tripartite" ( Western Trunk line )
association , July s. To this helms invited
Vlco-Prcsldont Potter , of the IHirllneton.and
Marvin llughitt , of the Northwestcrn.iieither
of whom Is a member. The Union P.u'llic , It
Is stated , Is particularly anxious to revive
tlio "Tripartite- order to protect Its busi
ness from Invading roads In Nebraska and
Wyoming. It Is not believed the Burlington
and Noilhwcstern will consent to
the proposition. The St. Paul of-
clals appear to bo as anxious for
peace as they foimerly were for war. The
Watuih Is anxious to remain In tlio combina
tion , hut it Is doubtful whether It will bo re
admitted upon the same favorable terms It
formerly enjoyed. When the tripartite com
bination was ilrst formed the Wabash system
had not been dismembered. Ithavimidropped
since its main line Irom Chicago to Omaha ,
It will be requested toMibmil. to a reduction
In its peicoiitaio or go out of combina
tion. That the Wah.ish will resist this Is
quite eeilaln. Kansas City merchants are
bitterly complaining because- - Council Hi nil's
and Omaha merchants get the benelit of war
rules while they ( Kanas City merchants )
are compelled to pay lull tariff rates , thus
preventing Kansas City merchants tiom com
peting with their competitors at Council
Bluffs and Omaha. If the present war on
Council Bluffs and Omaha rates does nut
soon come to an end the Southwestern rail
way association will lie compelled to reduce
rates to Kansas City and southwestern
Missouri points. In the western freight
rates yesterday on open rate was nude by all
roads on lumber to eight cents per hundred
Hounds from Chicago and six cents from
Si. Louis to Council Bluffs and Umalm.
President Arraigned.
BosT,6fvJiily 1. Richmond J. Lane , pi cs-
ldcnVo'ttlfd' ; ( ' ( iVbington bank , wiio was ar
rested lit JortlarTd late last night , was ar
raigned1 before the TJjjlted States commis
sioner court In the cUy'ttlteinornlng. Bank
Examiner Gatchell { estltiecPlhatJho examin
ation of the bank's affairs' had rioVbecn com
pleted , but that the funds fraudulently. ob
tained would probably amount to $180,000.
Of this sum Is represented by notes
In different names to cover drafts on the re
demption agent of the bank , and about
80,000 rcpicseuts over drafts. Counsel for
Lane explained that his. client had gone to
Portland on business of the bank. The dis
trict attorney said tht > government claimed
that Lane had got largo sums of notes on
which the names , other than Lanes , were
"straw" name. " , lie asked that ball be fixed
atSi',000. Commissioner llaltett lixcd bail
ats.)0,000 , and the case was continued to
July 12.
Am.voTON , July 1. The Ahlngton Na
tional bank , whoso president , K. J. Lane ,
was arrested in Portland last night , stopped
payment this morninir. No money will bo
paid out until after the meeting of the direc
tors. Last evening at the close of banking
hours the banic had S1JO.OOO on hand. It is
thought that tlio shortage will amount to
neaily § 100.000.
lt " " tno "Washing
ton I'nrlc Course.
CHICAGO , July ) . At Washington Park
the weather was delightful , tlio track fast and
the attendance very largo. The feature of
the day was the Oakwood handicap , In which
Spaldli'B broke the record.
Three-quarters mile : S. Kobeloff won. Hi
larity second , Kstielta tlihd. I'lmo 1:15 %
Mutualspald-S-l.-fO. )
fixtia race , thice-quarlcrs mile. : Pat Daly ?
won , Pjobus second , Miss Higby thiid.
Time 1 :10'f. : ' Mutual * paid 21.00.
Five-eighths mile : Laredo won , Alle
gheny second , Ast'allus third. Time 1:02. :
Mutiials paid SVi''O.
One and one-eighth mile : Spaldingwon.Lix-
zie Dwyer second , Pearl. Jennings third. Time
1 :5U . Mutmls paid Sl'J.
Mile : Cuban Queen won , Handy Andy
second. Taxgatheror third. Time l:4i % .
Miituals pahtSOO.lO.
One and a quarter miles : May Lady won ,
Lcmaii second , Pine Ityc third. Time
2:09M" : . Mulnals paid t'J.OO.
At ISrlRhtnu Itcach.
maiden , three-year-olds , thrcc-fouiths inllo :
Voucher won , Llz/o ! Walton second ,
Llzzio Bruneth third. Timo-1 :182' : } .
Three-fourths milo : Long Stripper won ,
Lookout second , Bill 13rlen third. Time
1:1S' : .
Kor two-year-olds , three-fourths mile : Al
Uct'd won , Coonus second , Duly Oak third ,
Time 1:21) : ) .
Kings county cup , for three-year-olds and
upwards , two miles : Barniim won , Haitford
second , April Fool third. Tlino ! IM1.
Welter weights , seven-eights milo : Harry
Mann won , Pat Dennis second , Cal Morris
third. Timo-lry : : < f.
Welter weights , seven-eights mile : Blue
Day won , King Victor second , Nlmrod third.
The 15ano Hall llccord.
AT CiiiOAno
Chicago . 0 0 0 3 0I 1 0 x 7
Now York . o-i 011000 u-i :
Pilchcrs-McCormlck and Welch. First
basohlts Cliicago 11 , Jsew Vork 0. Krrors
Chicago 8 , Now York . UmpireYork. .
Detroit . 3 00000000 3
Boston . 0 x 11
Base hits Detroit 4. Boston 10. Krrors
Detroit ( I , llobton . Dmpiio Uurry.
Cincinnati . 0 3 0 0 n 3 0 0 x 7
Hiiltltnoro . 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 5 5
J'Jtchora IVfhlnoy and Ho well. Fhstbase
hits Cincinnati n , Dallimoro 5. Krrors
Cincinnati 2 , Balllmoro 1. Umplio Yulon-
AT ST. Loi'is
St. Louis . 0 0020034 0-0
Metropolitan ) . 0 0 0 1 U n 0 0 ! i-i !
Flint base lilts St. Louis 14 , Metropolitan
fi. Krrors St. Louis 3 , Metropolitan 0. Um
pire Walsh , " . _ _ _
rittbburg . 2 0001001 0 J
Athletic . II 0 0 0 0 2 0 0- , ' )
Fii > t haso liits-l'ittslmrg 0 , Athietlo 8.
Krrors-Plttsburg 0 , Athletic 7. Uraplro-
Louisville . 3 1 0 5 3 3 3 0 n-4 ]
Brooklyn . p 01010000-2
Pitchers Heritor and Tnrry. First base
lilts Loulsvlllo 31 , Brooklyn il. Kirms
Louisville , ' ) , Brooklyn 3. Umpire Bradley.
AT ST. Loris
Washington . 0 00002000 2
St. Louis . : i i a o i : ii i oi2
Pltflliers Harr and Boyle. First basn hits
Washington 7 , HI. Louis 11 , Kriors Wash
ington 10 , St. Lou is ( i. Umjure llntfnoy.
Kansas City . 0 0000000 2-2
Plilladelphla..0 2 1 0 0 1 1 R 0-S
I'Jtchers Weldman , Wliltnet and Casuy ,
First base hltfi-Kansas City 5 , Phlladilplila
II. Knors-Kansas City 0 , Philadelphia a.
Umjilio Ferguson.
A I/OKU ! Hu-indlor.
NKW Voint , July l. A. P. Thornl n , once
a well-to-do lawyer , who ligured piomlnontly
in the senate invcbtlgatlng com.
mitteo , was arraigned in court to-day ,
charged with swindling various business
linns by means of bogus checks of MIJUB
ranging from twenty to one liuruircd iloilai * .
"Wcnlher For Nclrki. .
Kor Nebraska ! Ocsieriilly I'-c
tlinhUy cooler.
The DCS Moincs River Land Veto Sus
tained by the House.
The President ttoliiUoil ) by Mis Own
lnrtj llojrctH Come Too Into
Violations of Civil Service
Capital Note1 * .
Killed lit the
July 1. fSpeelal'lVl
lo the Urn : . ] Thu house tefused It ) pass
over the p.iuldcnt'selo the bill to quiet
title lo the Des Mnlnes river lands. The
vote stood ini to It ! , whle'i ' Is ! fl less than the
necessaiy two-thirds. It Is conceded to
night by tlie Iowa delegation , and , In fact , by
all friends ol the bill , had they consent
ed to the reference of the me.isiiro to tha
house committee- - judlelav.s to-day , Instead
of forcius a vote upon It , it would have suc
ceeded In passage over the president's veto.
As It was , it came within a few votes of ie- ,
coking the necess.xry two-thirds. Ur , if a
little more time been given to stirring
up Its friends , It would have p.vssed jester-
day. It was only yeMeiduy afternoon that lo
was ascertained . consideration of tlm
bill could be secured to-day , and U Is a won
der that they made the .showiu ; tln\ttliny \ did.
A number of democrats say they would liavo
voted against the veto If it had been re. foil-oil
to the committee , as custom icqidrcs , but they
opposed the uneeremonloiiH.coursu puisucd.
Tlie matter is now bej ondf'roach. It Is de
feated , dead. ' , -i
rivn. sr.uvin : nri.its viorATi-u. : . i
The civil service eommi loners are trylnjj
to .shake up the New Vork custom house
They believe that there ha\-o \ been serious vi
olations of the civil scrvleo. rules there. Itja
clmrged that the collector of customs at Now
York , since he entered upon the duties of Ids
otllne , has dismissed from the scrvlceSJOmen ,
all republicans , and appointed 'JSO moil , nil
democrats. It would be impossible for thU
to occur If the civil service laws and the rules
of the commission had been , enforced , and
the commission arc of the opinion that If tha
charge is true , and It appears lo bo substau- *
tlated by n list of persons discharged and ap S
pointed , tlie collector has violated the law or
the examining board have been dlrcllct In , * }
their duty. \ i
The president told Congressman O'Donuell ; , {
this moinlng that It was ( ftilto probable that ; *
ho and Mrs , Cleveland would attend ttio ! > ' <
Michigan state fulral Jackson. Ho was very * {
anxious to take a trip through that part of the {
country. This doslie , coupled withthefacb ,
that Mrs. Cleveland has mitny relatives itt
and about Jackson , will no doubt liuiiicalilui
to visit Michigan. i 4'
Wll.Ij PASS Tin : KKNATK. * . ' >
By a majority of one the senate coniinie r. _
on agriculture to-day reported with favorable ,
lecommeiidation the oleomargarine bill , just
as it came from the hutiso. Arranxe.umnts
liave been pel fectcd for its consideration next
week , and it Is now almost universally conceded - <
ceded that it will pass the senate. t
William N. llensley lias been commissioned . '
postmaster at Columbus , tNcb. , and Ueorgo1 >
G. Kennedy at Uluckbird , Neb. %
In an evening newspaperhere to-day , lion ; .
George 11. Parker , of Davenport , la.-sti
endorses President Cleveland and Bays
will get a second term , II he wants It. „
Parker thinks Mr. Cleveland Is the choice nf ;
the democrats In Ohio , Nebraska and thb'
west generally. p , ,
Colonel Alexander Chambers. Seventeenth
Infantry , who is now at Kort Omaha , Neb. ,
on a sick leave , Is ordered to duty with his
regiment at Fort Yates , Dak.
. 1'residont Cleveland said to-day that con-
" "gross would not adjourn till tlio end of tills ;
month. |
Hills Signed. ]
WASHINGTON , July l. 'fiie president has *
approved the act to reduce the fee on domes" .
tie money orders for sums not exceeding 85.
Tlio act making allowances'for clerk hire to , <
postmasters of the first and second classes ) T
military , poslofllco , agricultural and army "
appropriation bills ; the actgranting Icavo ofil
absence to employes in tlio government
printing oilico ; tlie act providing for fhocom
pletion or construction of public buildings at
Kl Paso , Tex. , Hannibal , Mo. , SavannahGa. ,
Pcoria , 111. , and Des MoIncH , Iowa ; tlio act
for relief of the Kansas City , Port Scott &
Gulf railioad company ; the net
aiitlioil/.tnt : thu Cheyenne & Nortnoni
railroad company to build a road across Kor {
Hnssell and J''ort Laramlu reservations ; tlio
act providing for additional bariuckd at
southern , north-westein and western
branches of the national liomo of disabled
volunteer soldleis ; the act forinllef of ofllcers
and crew of tlio light house tender Lily.
The bill which passed the house some time
ago for tlm relief of the survivors of the
steamer "Jeannelto" and tlio widows and
children of those who perished In
retreat from the wreck of that vessel In the
Arctic , was reported favorably to tlio souuto ,
today from tlio committee on naval affairs.
The senate committee amended the bill so as
to provide lint the. lU-months' pity of Henry
D. Wurion , one of the crew , shall bo paldiiifs
child and not to hlg widow.
Tlie National Inut. Statement.
WASIIINCITON , July L The following I : < ft
recapitulation of the debt , statement Ifsued
lo-day ; Interest bearing debt , principal and
Interest , Sl.W'Vlfl'j.liMjdebtoti ' which Intercut
has ceased flnco maturity , principal and in
terest , SltUis-4M ; debt hearing no interest ,
S5X.loill8 : ) : ; tola ! debt , principals , Sl.TWVm , .
205 ; interest , glif.OSl.r.'W ; total , 81,709 , 20,7-10 ;
total debt , less available cash Hems. Sl.-lGI-
! M7,40 ; net cash In lieasury , S7r , l'Jllo : ) ; ilisbt
less cash in ticasury July 1 , ISM ) . SiiS'li ; ) ! < l , >
Jl l ; decrease of debt uuring the month ,
S ! , MS ! ! > 7 ; total cash III treasury nvallahlo
for rediietlon of tlm debt : ! . '
, S0.ri'JOJai7 ; rn- I
servo lund , iqUil. S'J'.aS'J-lt.V ' ! not cash bal
ance on hand , S7.riHHitotal ( ) ; cash In treas >
ury bhown by the treasurer's general ac
counts , S4' JUlT,171 ; not Incioaso in caah ,
8 ,510,871.
XnnilniitloiiB IMndo and Withdrawn.
WASUINOTON , July 1. John G. Hliehlon ,
of Michigan , was lo-day nominated to bo
chief Justice of I lie supreme court of Arizona ,
Postmaster , William II. Wllcox , Klgin , HI. i
The following nominations worn withdrawn - '
drawn , tlio ollleos having been irlcgatrd to
tlm fourth clasH. Postmasters , Thomas Hull ,
Pieston , Minn , ; V. A. Troudale , Metropolis
City. III. ; II. H. Dohin , Brownville , Neb.
Tlio President Invited to St.
WAMii.NfiTo.v , July l.-S. W. C < ; ub and 0.
C , llalnwuler. u ceo m pan led by the ontlio
Missouri concrcssloiml delegation , called
iiiioii Ilia piesldcnt to-d.iy and formally In
vited him to attend thu state fair to ho held at
St. Louis In October. The pionidont said liq
would consider thu matter unit would notify
them of his conclusion in writing
Tlie President's Siimmor Vnnutloii ,
WARJIINOTON- , July ! . It U said at Ihq
wlilto house Unit there is no truth In ! ho re
port tliat tlm president arranged to make
tour ot the lakes this sui.'iiior. Ho has as-
yet m.idii no plans for tluinummcr. hut it is
mom than likely hound Mrs CluvuUnd will
pass Mis vacation In the noith mountains of
New lori : ,
Kity.Jniri | Vndlciit | d ,
WASHINGTON , Julj l.--Thc pu-.liieut Uai
filgiml tha KiU-'O. n Po-tm bill.
J'lio ApprojU'l.'iKoitH Intended.
WAfi INC. ; ' .N , . lul > l.-The preVdi-it hag
frpwovr't HIP joint . -solid ! ) n c.xtemilug thf
tir < > pir. i ' ! nir Litccii ilajs. *