Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1886, Image 1

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Republican Members of the Pan-Electric
Investigation Committee Report.
ft f
t \Horno ) ( Onrlanil mill Sollol-
tor Goriilp ( Jlvcii Their Hlinro of
Attention A\ lint llnll HUM
to Sny AliouL II ,
I'un-IJlPctrlo rimtlng * .
AV VSIIIM.IOS , .June ' . .i. 'Ihreo documents
In M'i ' > imtnronf icpoits will be ptosentcd to
tin house b ) Itio IVin-Klcctilc telephone com-
inllli c , hut as neither will lie signed by : i in.i
joritj of Iho committee , tcohnlcall ) speaking
then1lll be no "leport" bcfoio the house for
mtinii The lepoit drawn up b ) the chalt-
innu will be Mynul bv lilinsulf nnd Messrs ,
Oatcs I don anil llalhday , nil dcmoeiats.
Iliniu ) hassoouied the signatutosof Messrs
Ml nid I tailback and , nil lepuuli-
cans to his lepoit ; while Hall , democrat ,
In * iiH'sunteil hit ) lows In an le
port ( I niiiiinn lovc's ! ! lejioit \\lll not bo
made public betoio 'J hmsday. In tlie
report si 'tied by the republican mem-
bois , the testimony Is cited to show how
the I'an-Lleclilo company was otganl/ed
and time and a half million ot
Its stocks given to gentlemen lei the nso of
theli names and icpntations. The opinion
of Senator Cailtnd , doelaiing tliat Horn's
patents du not infnngo the Hell patent , Is
quoted \vith the statement Hint it had been
pollen because the Pati-Lhctilc could not sill
rights without it , and it was us It is Intended
to bo , the Inducement which caused huge
ninnbeisot prisons to p.u in mono ) , p.utot
which was divided aiming Oailand and his
associated. At the same tlmo , the 1'an-Klec-
ti lc know that theii instiiimciits did inh Inge
' the Hell pati nt. The icpoitthcn lefeis tothe
postal telogiaph bill AS explaining the mo
tives of tno Pan-Kleclrie oigani/cis. and
stated two millions of stock \\.is held bv
iiiembeis ot eongioss when it was expo 'led
that that bill \\ould bo subject to legislation.
11 Is chained that the Pan-Kirch Ir people.
Including darl and , tiled to gel congressional
ondoiMMiient toi theii scheme , and evidence
in cited when1 it touehis upon the eltmt to
Reeiiro the appointment ot Hogeis as house
electilcian. it is tillered that Senatois ( ! ar-
land and HaiiisamKieneial Johnston busied
themselves pctsonallv to accomplish this.
The icport then lemarkson thofale of stain
rights to sub eonipanhjs , nnd sas : "The
Hell company sued the sub-companies. 'I ho company declined to defend on
tlio giound It had no mono ) . Tlieiofoio
they determined to becuic the money ot the
United Slates to bling suit against
the Hell company to fiiglilon it
and drive it to hti ) peace. So thej obtained
j > ei mission , when they wanted It , as
the ) wanted it , without any piellmlnaiy
examination woithy ot tlio name , without
the usual investigation , and In dciinncc of all
tliuiulus and nraeticub of tlio dopai tinent , and
in dlieotdlsicgard of decisions made within
a month bv Its head. Had all the tacts de
veloped before the tommlttco been known
nt that time , " .uus the lopoit , "tho dop.ut-
i inent ot justice would h.ivo then diiven these
jiotltioneis fiom its doors , toi public sent- !
tj inent would luv < ' coiibtialned It to do so"
' The lepoit , In commenting upon tioode's
share In the transaction , declaies that it
had made the Inquiries he ought to ha'
made , he couldn't have panted the appllc ,
tiun within twontjioinhouis and without
/ icleunce. Jt It , alleged that so far Irom
making a caieful o.Mimination of the sub
ject , ho never even irnd the petition.
'Taking all these things to ethei" says tlie
report , "It does not admit ot doubt that the
solicitor gcneial , acting as attoiney general ,
was by some means incited to ciant this ap
plication without tlie usual leteienco or in
quiry , without any uietensc of competent
examination , with unexampled speed , and in
violation of the piactlco of tlio dcpaitmcnt.
In an oulinat v case uch action would be
Bald to have been moot ot liand at least a
proof of gross negligence which , In a person
of Ids position , is equivalent to trand. Upon
( these facts , no ono ol which can be disputed ,
no jur ) would hesitate. It is onomrh , hovv-
. It cannot bo tolerated that
\ \o business of the government can be so
, Nulucted. It cannot escape observation
I ; \Scnntorllariis and Mr. Casey Young
{ luA just as men would act If. already as-
I'Ybt led of what was being askeil , and that the
conduct ot the solicitor gcncial Is most easily
accounted lor on the assumption that ho
nndeistood tlio matter In advance nnd had
piodotciinlnedupon hlseotnsool aitlon. "
'Iho rcpoit then rccins to the subject of the
opinion tuinlshed by the attorney general.
it chaites it was wiittcn with a view to de
ceive the people in the southwest and sajs
that it was a sinew d view that the people so
believed. 15ut ho ( thoattoinoy L'oneial ) did
not. The best tliat can bo slid of
him is that ho lent hlmselt to
the hchemo because ) ho cot his
Mock lor nothing. Ho had neither the
i bhcnglh to dun ) what his associates asked ,
I 1101 to ictuin the stock , and as to being an
associate , ho hail not the boldness to do per-
( Minally vv Hat they thought was fair service
i lei tlio stock lie kept. Hut It was done by his
\ dopaitinent as smii thing was never done
bofoie. The pleas \ that the n.utics con-
reined did not tliinl : they \veie itolng wiong.
Hut agovoinmcnt which expects to bo 10-
hpected cannot permit michtliluu's to bo done ,
Biich InlluoncQ to bo sought for , or such ) > ei-
InterestH to exist and picvall. It Is not
enoiiL'h tliatthosnpeisonally Interested who
ought to have iiiovonted if , say that they
did nothing and meant to do nothing. The
lejioit estimates the ovpcusu of the suit , if
tried on Its met Its , at not less ihan SiOO.OOO.
Mr. Halo of Missouri makes a minority 10
poit In which hosavs that while he concins
in many of tlio statements and conclusloin
of that noitlonof the committee
by C hah man llovle , ) ct lie cannot concur In
cvcrjthlng It eontaliiH. Touching the toi mu
tton ot the I'an-KIettrle company the evi
dence show conclusively , sajs tlio leport ,
that It was a pinely speculative adveiituie ,
nnd tlioio could bo no evidence t oimed to
piovo that Iho gentlemnn connected vvltli
Honors ever anticipated or Intended tint
their olllchil iiositions would or should be
used in any waj to atfecl legislation , or
otherwise to fnithcr advance theli
( liteiiiise. ) The opinion ot Attorney ( ion-
cial ( iiirhind , as held hv Halo , is tliat it vm *
like that ot an ) othei attoiney L'mploed by
an Individual. It does not appeal that it
was intended to Imtlior the sales ot stock
without disclosing Ids lelatlons to tlm com
pany , nor that all ) pel son was deceived 01
mislead by It. As to th < i nttoino ) general'b
connection with the suit , tlm tepoit luul-
that tlieevldencolsovtrwhelmlng and cnn <
elusive In showing that he had notliln
ovci to do vvitli it.
Another KiiiKliion Provided I'or.
'WAfem.xcnox , June 'W.Vm. \ . i ; . Smith
assistant secretaiy of tlio tioasmy , tcndeicd
his resignation to take client July 1. Tin
jnesldeiit selected us Ids succi'ssoi lluxli S
Thompton , gnveinor of South Carolina , anr
VMM oena Iiib noinlnalion to llm senate to
tiioiiovv , 'IhonipMin Is said to bo i
utan ( if ability and to bo In entlu
ticcoid with the piesldcnt's policy 01
al ! pillule o.Ui tloiis. He ha ? been pioni
Incntly iilintiikd vvltli tlie education ; !
Ir.tcrc'ttsjjChi- and is now .seivln Ids
six end term lullssovinnor , Ho losl nei
ti.ut ollUenml c.\i eit.-i to .ibsiimo the dutie *
of his row oilkcat soon as conilrmed. Smltl
F.I Id to-day he lelinnulshid his present po i <
lion voluntatilv and with Ix t teellin ; to
w.irds the purulent and all hi
in lib own
Tlio Lutlicrnn Bjnod.
Mi\MAi'oi.ts , June .1' . Mcmbt'ii of the
Augiibilna s.uod of the Lullicinn rhuicl
cnjojed an o\eui > lon to Lake Minnetonki
iff In the ini'-'nepSbus.slon ' l.i-st nlyh
lliu ( jiu.'jUuu of restoration of Uacckatiuia o
lowiitotLu iniiiUhv , was c-ained over t (
ii teai , The prowsihon \ \ tlie jmbllea
tlon of a special miscionair luonthtv wa
ieatcd li ) a largo luajoiHy. I'ldenfco vva
chuxc-n HS the next plixco of
tu tyuud uUjoumtd tils
i'oury-M. % ni coNOitss.
WA niNfiTov , Juno 2' ' Mr. Haw ley. from
the committee on military alfairs , reported
back the joint icsuhitlon appointing ( Scncral
William J , Hewcll of Now Jersey , General
Martin 0. .MoMnhon of New York , nnd Cap
tain John U Mltjhell of Wisconsin , mana-
tieis of the national homes for disabled sol-
diets to till vacancies. Passed ,
Mr. Heck Introduced n bill to autlioilM the
postmastergpnoinl to nptiolnt anil remove
postumsU. ' ! sol the thiid class who are now
appointed nnd removed by the president ,
licfened lo the polollico committee ,
' 1 lie senate , on motion of Mr. Plumb , re
sinned ooiisldciatlon of the piesldaiit's veto
of the 1)111 ) lo quiet titles of settleis on the
Des Moines nvci lauds , and aftei arguments
bv Mr. Lvaits in siippoit of the veto , and by
MOSMS. Allison and Wilson in favor of the
1)111 ) , It was passed over the piosldont's veto
bv Iho requisite two-thuds majority ) cas ,
"M ; nas , 15 as follows :
Yeas All S'lii , lieirv , neck , Ilhoklnnn ,
Hlalr , Call , C'anicion , ( 'ha-io , Loeloell , t'olvo ,
Conirel , Duvvos Lustis , ( ieoi e , Hale , Harri
son , Hoar , InvnlK Jones olikaiisas Mc
Millan , Minioiie. Mandeison , Ma\ov , Milcli-
' II ot Oicirnn , P.ilmei , Plumb , Klddlobei joi ,
Siw.ver. Sew ell , hhoiiiian , Simmioi , Tellei ,
U altliall. and \ \ ilson ol Iowa ol.
Nas Blown , Hntloi , Colquilt. I'.dm.mds ,
Kvnits , ( ! ra.v , Iliinipton , llawlev , Mi Phei-on.
Mllli'i , Platt , Kansom , Vance , \ cst , and
Whltthoin n.
Mr. Plumb submitted Hie conference 10-
poll on the ami ) appiopiiatlon hill , 'llm
eoiifoionui icpoit.was e\pl.iined by Mr.
Alllsiiii. The bill now nppiopikites about a
bundled and hftv thousand less than
lidldvvhen It Hist iu > bcd thu lioUbO. The
report was a ieed to.
All. Allisiiii submitted the confciencn ic-
poit on the bill to amend the Pauiliu raihoid
acts , and it was atjieed to.
Tlio senate then , on motion of Mi. Allison ,
proceeded toconsidc' the bill ni.iKitiK appio-
piiatlons for the legislative , executive ami
judeiiil expenses ot thoKoveininont. Soveiai
ameiidmeiits , icpoiUd I ) ) tlie committee on
appiopilallons , incie.isln the eleneal lone
ot the state depiitment , weie the occasion ol
consldei.iblo discussion , altei which tlio
amendments weie a11 ed to.
Mi. Plumb , tiom the confeiencc committee
ontliebill in ikinjiappiopiiations foi the de
partment ot aKiicultiiie , submitted tlieie-
poit , wliicli was ai'ieed to.
Mr. Allison tjavo notice that he would ask
tlie senate to linislitho legislative bill to 11101-
low.Adjourned. .
WASitivorox , June S ! ) . Townsheiid of
Illinois submitted the lepoit ol the confci-
cnce committee on the pension appiopiiation
bill and it was agreed to.
Mi. Hums , fiom the committee on appro
priations , lepoitcd the general deficiency
bill , and it was reteiied to Hie committee of
the whole. It appiopiiatcb fcGOGJSM3.
Thohoube then went Into committee of
the whole , Mi. lle.iganin thech.iiion tlicsiin-
dt.v civil bill.
Mr. SpiiiiRcr moved to Increase from
S'.XOOOto ' S OU.O Otheappiopiiation lor pro
tecting Diiblie lands Iiom handulcnt entiy.
Mr. Springer said his desho was to uphold
the anus ot Cominisslonei 'iparks anil Secre
taiy Lamai in theli etfoitsto expose the hands
lieipetiated on tliu public domain , nnd to
icelalm thousands and millions ot actcs horn
the IraiidulentKraspof syndicates.
Aftei debate -Mi. Splinter wltlidrevv Ills
notion , and a motion made by Mi. I/iiid to
tiiko out theelau&o was rejected. Pending
'uithei action tliocommittoo lose.
Mi. Hlouiit submitted tlio confeiencc leport
on the postotllce nppiopiiation bill , and It
was a iced to. Thoheiiato iccedes tiom tlio
iimcndment vvlilcli nuthon/os tlio
postmaster Kcneral to conti.ict for
.nland . and foielcn stciinboat mail service
ivhcn It can bo combined in ono loute , wliero
; ho foreign ollico is not moio than -two bun
dled miles distant fiom the domestic olHcv ,
on tlie same teims as inland steamboat ser
vice. Tlio senate also recedes horn the
amendment increasing by 5rtO,000 Hie ipnio-
pliatlon foi railway postal cai heivice. The
.senate uls.0recedes fiom the foreign mail ser
vice amendment known as the "subsid ) "
Mr. Hiaiir submllted iho conference repoit
on thoaimy appiopiiatloii bill and it was
aiireed to.
Mr. Hatch submitted the conference repoit
on the agicultural [ appropilatlonbill , and it
as agiecd to.
The house then adjourned.
_ .
Now York Dry Goods 3Inrlcet.
Nr.w YOUK , .Iune29. Tno evpoits of do
mestic common goods for the pabt week nave
been GGG , $ pickages , making a total ot 117,570
toi thocxplied poilion of the year. Fiom
.lie much reduced stocks , as compaied with
ast year , the dcclaied shipments foi tlio
month of Juno vveio 23,003 pickages , against
ViiTj In June last ) eaiwhich fact , in con
nection w 1th tlio w ide and legitimate demand
> homo maikets , accounts lei Hie nominal
.oeks vvltli agents and s > o laigo pioductlon
sold to anlvc. Tlio expoits for Iho same
tlmo las > t vear were 10i,7l > ) packai es , against
Moi5 ; in 18M and SJ.700 in isss , vv lilch figmes
sliow a steadily impioving demand foi Amci-
icnu goods b ) tlie markets ot the woild.
The maikct has been moio quiet in demand ,
moio because Hint blocks liavo been so re-
dnecd that spot dellveiiea aio but nominal
in quantltv , hut with laige pioductlon sold
to arrive , ( hcio Is good tiado in movement ,
with prices ot cotton and woolen goods
rnmcrand in man ) liihtanceAof denier cost.
After u 'lOoi-H ICstnto.
CHICAGO , Juno 2'--Cliailes ) H. Fet , of
Hocktoid , 111. , has bionght suit In the circuit
court against ( Jeer o W. Noble for an ac
counting. Fox Is giarnlaon of William II.
Price , who lett this city for California dm-
lng the gold fever In Ibl'j and has never been
lieaid from since. When Price lelt ho was
the ownoi ot a planing mill piopcity In thl *
city , w01 Ui about filly thousand dollars ,
vvnich ho left in c.irn ot his biothci-In-lavv ,
Ceoigo W. Noble , who was to conduct tht
same and pay oil the indebtidncss. The
complaint alleges that Noble was pool when
ho assumed the management of the business ,
undthat it vvasalwas tlm bellnf in PilceV
family th it the father was foully dealt with ,
l''o\ gives it as tils belief tint his death wa <
caused through consphaBV , In vvhkh Noble
Wtdkei and Wlieelei aie implicated , and that
as n icsidt , Noblo. by hutliei conspiring ,
managed lo M-nno possession of till of UK
Pileoostate. Noble died Decemhei in , IBS' !
leaving an estate of which William T. Latoi
and Giibeit C. Noble ; u < : adininistiatois.
"VVoulilii't Cheat tlm Holdlor.
WAsniXd'ioN , June 20. In vetoing an ac
to day , giantlng a iteiibion to Nowcomb Paik
the piesident .sah : "Heloro tlio pas'sso o
the bill heiewilli i turneil , the oominibslone :
of jiouslons , In in'nor.ince of tha action o
lont' , allowed Ids claim nndei tliegcnuia
law. AH this decision of the pension buio.u
entillcsiho bcnelielary n uncd to diavv awn \
blon horn the date of tiling hU applicatloi
vviiich , under the piovUions ot the r-pci'la
bill In his lavoi , would onlj aceiuuhom tin
tlmo of its passage , I am niiwlHIni ; that oiai
found vvoithr to bo placed upon the penslcu
lolls ! > y Iho bineiiu to which ho proieily lip
piled , hlionld bo an actual lohci byieison of ;
special Intciposllion of toneless in his bo
halt. "
These I't'jiblou Vetoes ,
WASlIl ole , Jnno W. The invalid pen
sions committee of tlie house to-day consld
eicd tlm picshlcntiiil veto messages. Tito ;
weie lefcriod hick to sut ) committees , and i
Is the piescnt Intention to select the strong
cst aiidinobt nu'iitoilous ctses nnd make m
nttempt lo pass the bills over the votoea.
Manning Much Ueltcr.
WASIII.SOIOV , Juno -.M ) . Sccreta-iy Man
nlng , who Is still at Hot Springs , telegraph
to his privatebcoictary \Ya5Ulnston to-da ]
as follows ; "Contradict tlio .stoiv In Hi
Now York llciald of Sunday about nv
lioalth. I am much bolter than when 1 Iff
\\ra \ > ! dnjton. ; " _
AVcaclier for Nelrahli. :
J-'or Ncbr.v < k.i : fair weather ,
The Senate Rejects the President's ' Advice
and Passes the Dos Moines Laud Bill.
Comments on the Colih-Iiiilrd
AVotdy Wnr Not PnMirulilo to the
Latter IloiKiuots'or | 'Vlaiulcr-
son Capital News.
Pnsnod Ovoi- Ills llontl.
W.ll ! ( lToJnno 2" . ( Spoclnl Telc-
giain to the Hi i . ] Tlio senate today dem
onstrated tint tvvo-thiids ot Its memheis do
not uiopose to allow the president to aibilia-
rll ) decide , after a casual glance at the facts
tliat the deliberations ot longtess extending
over many years are valulcss. The bill to
quit tltic to seltlcis on DCS Moines rivci
lands , which was vetoed uy the piesident
some tlijio ago , was taken up on motion of
bonatoi WlUon , nnd attcr a vigorous debate
was passed over the veto bv a vote of .11 to
P5. Tlieie is a great deal of jubilation among
the Iowa nieinheis ot congiess in cense
quence. and the opinion among them Is al
most unanimous that the house will follow
the lead of the senate , and b ) even a
laigei eompaiatlve majoiity , enact the bill
into a law In spite ot the opposition ot the
chlel madstinto.
Ciencial It. V. Ankcney , of Des Motnes
was sitting In a recess at the enhance to the
house , and when the news vvasbioucht ovei
tliat the bill had pissed the senate ovei the
veto , to your coiicspondeut General
Ankenov said ! "i'ho senate novel did a
more just act thin It has pel toi mod this alt ei-
noon. That bill ought to have been passed
) ao , and although It seems to have a
fair chance now of becomlmr a law , Its
passage can novel undo the wrong which
congicssdid in the past In legislating awa )
these Des Moines nvei lands. "
"Have yon an ) personal intetest in the
mallei V inqiihed your eonespondent.
"No ; not in the least , " icplied General
Ankenoy , "but I was United .States deputy
maishat foi Iowa dining three ) ears w hen
the tionblts ovci these lands vveio at theli
height. In the course ot those tluec ) cais I
served titty two wilts ot ejectment , by which
tlio com ts , upholding tlie acts ot congress ,
legal l/ed the stealing away ot homes horn
men who had , in many instances ,
lived there for lit teen or twenty
) eais , and had tiled theii original
entries before tlie land was granted to the
navigation eompuiy. 1 remember some cases
wlieie men who had cone on those Ian Is In
the piimeot lite and had complied with all
the requiicments ot the law , who ha I built
homes and sunounded themselves with or-
chaidsandall the othei appuiteiiances ot a
well equipped lann , weie. b ) the act of the
couits , deprived ot the savings of a lifetime.
Gi.iy headed men , who had icared theii
children on the places they supposed they
owned as completely as any one man can
own real estate in this woild , wcic ousted
and robbed of their all by the stupid acts of
congress. The excitement along tlio lands
at one time was so high that I feared that
each call up > n a settler would bo in ) last , and
1 can assnio you that 1 could not have blamed
those poor people it they had killed oveiy
law othcci who entered their places to do-
piivo them of their lights. The piesident's
action \etolngthebiH was unaccountable ,
and the passage of it in the senate to day in
spite of tliat veto , cannot be too highly com
mended. "
IOWA'S uni.r.oATiox .JUIULAM\
The speech of Mr. Wilson ot Iowa today
favoring the passage ot the vetoed bill quiet
ing title to Des Moines tivci lands , and which
passed by moie than the lequiied two-thiids ,
vas ono of the most convincing lesral argu
ments made In ths senate for a long time.
Senator Allison says tlio bill will go through
the house by an almost unanimous vote , and
the whole Iowa delegation arc enthusiastic
ovei theii success.
AS SIIN : UY TIU : I'ltus .
A numbei of. the eastern nnd Washington
novvspapeis hav o significant comments to-day
upon the quaircl in the house of iepic enta-
tives ) esterd.i ) between Mr. Cobb ot Indiana
and Lalidot ot Nebraska. The ) aio all harden
on tht latter. The New Voik Woild lias the
following oditoilal , which lias cieated con-
sldei able talk heie.
"Tho house piocccdlngs ) estorday bora
sonic einbanncn ! to a Mugging match.
.Indue Cobb of Indiana , the stalwait enemy
ol land hands , chaiged tliatMr. Lalid of
Nebraska was an active p.utnci In some ot
these ste.ds , wheieiipon Mi. Lalid was 10-
shained with some dinicultv fiom thing a
loaded copy ot the Itecord at his accuser ,
Later Mi. Pii.vson.a icpubllcan membei tiom
Illinois , ventuied the bold assertion that
nearly all the mombeis Irom Kansas weie
implicated in the trandulent entiles on the
nubile lands. Then tlieio was anotlici scene.
These chaiges aieseiious , and aio made by
corgicssmon of oxpeilonceand food leputo.
The next thing in oidci should be n commit
tee to hnd out vvhethei a lot ot landed gentry
Iiom the west aie masquerading in positions
of publlo tuist. "
This evening's Gillie of this city savs :
"Mr. Cobb of Indiana and Mi. Laird of Ne
braska got leal ugly at each other in the house
yesteulay on the land question.
" 'Don't thieaton me. ' yelled Mi. 7 < and.
" 'Don't Uneaten me , ' said Mr. Cobb. 'for
when It comes to public lands , I think 1 know
a Job. '
"And then they shook theli goiy lists out
right at each other's face , and savascly they
chewed their chops across sixty leet ot space.
They wined the lloor all up in spots , they
kicked theli dulls aiound.lhoy . glared acioss
that open space , and linally sat down. "
A very laigo and magnllleent lloial offering
occupied the desk of Senator Mandeison on
the llooi ot the senate today. It was in the
foini ot scales , representingjusllce , and came
Irom llio omplo.vesot tlm government print-
IncotHiio , tor whom hn advocated gallantly n
bill which iccentlv p.issod the senate , irivlng
a month's leave ot absence everv year with
PI j. lleietotoro the pilntlng ollice people
Iwvo not i > cen given nn annual leave like
othei government servants , .
Patents weni Issued lor the tollowlng to-
dav : John 11. Coicoran , Oakland Valley ,
la , machine lor winding 01 stretching
foncti wile ; James Kra/uie , Newark , Neb. ,
chc-ek tow coin planter ; Itojal Haskell , Now
hhaiou , la , machine foi hanging paper :
CluuloaC. Maves. Kasl Davenpoit , la. , potato
tate phmtci ; William A. Otto. Cedar ItapmV
combined table leg Hiul liangei : William A ,
Overlng and A. H. Llvlnston , hand Spilng ,
la. , lit ) ) loadoi ; Uranvlllu W. I'ittumn , Keo
kut , la. , wheel and axle. M. F. beoley , 1-re
niont , Neb. , device for tumnilng grain ; As
bury N , Townsend. Lucas , la. , rock dill
machine ; John D. White. Worthdigton , la.
di ill i-ciimlkoi ; Dav id I" , Voung , Dav enpatt ,
la ,
ifrfi. Hebicca McDonald vv as unpointed jiost
master at Hint , Kossuth county , luvvaici
( leoigo 1C. Miti bio removed ; ( ! exi e K
Mitchell at M.i)3vllle , Krankllucounty , Iowa
vko John Dunn , leagued.
A NO 1 II f.ll ClIICl'JT COl'llT.
A f.ivtiubto u-jiort was to day aareeJ ti
iiv the lioiiso conindtte on judiciary on tin
mil which teccntly pned the seuati
CMnliujf an additional eiicnlt court , mak
Ing the eighth circuit of tlie su
memo cum t of the United States of Nc
hrasUa , Kana , Aikausas and Coloi do , ani
in : ludlng in the ninth cliylt the states o
Minnesota , Iowa and MI4rii.
1'i.itsoNAi , ANn oruic : NOTPS.
William Mct'ract on ot Valrlield , low J , is a
the F.bbeit.
William H. Lecoli and Mason P. Mills o
Cedur Haplds , low * , aftm lainalnlnic heie fi
a wui. ox uioie ujluL' to &c .uio uctiou b
the bill provldlnir for holding
tei mi of United States court at Cedar liaplds ,
lott for homo to-niitht. They said to the Hi li
oriospondent tliat tholr bill had no chance of
> asate | ,
( Jiiaitenuaster Sergeant Albeit Picrpont ,
eventecnth Infantr ) . hos been ginnted a
'in lough for foily davs to go to lown.
This evening's : "Jen ) Murphy ,
I. C. , has leturnod fiom a cruise on the Hen-
epin canal. When Admlial Muiphy ic-
urns fiom congress lie should apply foi the
osltloii of secretaiy of the navv/1
Switchmen Succeed In Io-
rnlllncn l-'cvv Cms.
UnicAoo , .June 20. [ Special Telegram to
lie Hi i .1 1'relght tunic on the Like Shore
v Michigan Southern railioad was lesiimed
oday In earnest. In and out bound tinlns
vero moved as ranidl ) as occasion demanded ,
tut al ! wcic under strong police piotectlon.
'lie tracks from Twelfth street as fai south
s Hnglcwood piosenteil a qncoi speetaclo tea -
a ) . At each impoitant switch stood one or
wo men , leaning on lilies 01 vMilking up and
own the beat near by as If on picket duty.
. 'hi so sentinels of tiaiks vveio watched curi
ous ! ) b ) a distance. The
nen who hav e composed the mob foi the past
ivo da > s havs sought oilier icsoits , and
witch engines moved out of nnd Into tlio
oinidlioiise , made up trains and tiansacted
ho business of the compaii ) without moloM-
itlon. Hetore 10 o'clock tialns had been sent
nit Iiom Twoltth Sticet , ith-thlul .ticot
ind fiom I'imlewooil , beside the stool : trtiln
aken Irom the Union stock jaids. The
switching to-di : ) Is heiiur done by the eight
)1d "scabs , " so called , tin ee stilkeis whoie-
uined to vvoik yesteidav , theiehy bicomini ;
scabs , mid outside switchmen biought fiom
ithei points. Tliojaidnmstei sas that ho
ias all the switchmen ho need" .
About noon to da ) quite a little sensation
, vas eicated all along the line bj the action of
he load olliclals in olleilng m.OOO rewaid foi
> PISOIIS obstiuctlng trains. Several thousand
lostois were seatteiod and posted b ) eonsta-
iles at all points of ctossing in the towns ot
Lake and lldo Paik olleiing the loward.
The general onlnlon pievalls that the stiik-
ts aie not entiiely subdued , hut no one is
nopiiod to guess what tlii'h next move will
) e. Those who knovv the switchmen well
si : ) that thoii ( pilctness isiorcedand unnat- and will not last long
The Lake Shoie comiiany began operations
at o'clock this inointng. At that bom 250
Killccaud Pinkeiton men , the lattci aimed
iv 1th Winehcsteis , took possession ot the
Koil-thlid stieet switching ) aids. Hy 0
o'clock two long ficichts had been made up
unl started south , can ) ing stiong aimed
guauls , but met no molestation. At 10
o'clock tno Pinkerton squad aecompinlcd n
switch engine to the stock ) ards to get a
rain of live stock.
Theexcitemeiitovci the Lake Shore sti ike
was lenevved tlds evening by a sueiosslul at-
tomntlo wicckii tialn at tlie Union stock
vaids. A number ot empty stock cats had
> een moved fiom Thlrl-sixth stieet tothe
) .uds to bo loaded with cattle. The appar
ent abandomeiitol active hostilities by the
itrikeis had caused the vigilance ot the
; uuds to be lelaxeil slight ! ) . J list as the
, iain had lett the Lake Shore track pio-
ected b ) an Injunction and cnteied
iho tciiltor ) ot tlie stock yaids. a man made
a dash at a sw Itch , throw it , and in an instant
-wo - 01 tluee cais weie ditched. A nlle shot
.ing out as one of thp Pinkeiton men
: ook a snap shot at the disappcaiing
iguic. The shot was ineffectual
and the man escaped. He was
ecognlred and will be ancsted later. No
tiithei attempt was made to inteiteic with
he train and the derailed cais weie soon
rcstoud to the track mid piuceeded to theii
Tlieie me giave fears ot seiious tioublo at
he stock ) aids. Thet-tiikers theio. am ap-
nientlv bent upon causing llie Lnko-'Stiore4-
ndiOad as much trouble as posslblvi r v-
bhciitT Hanchett to-night made a" state-
incnt sa ) ing tliat the teims on which he in-
Jnced a tempoiaiy settlement of the Lake
Shoie troubles two months ago , woie nuicotl
o by the ollicers of the road , but the Lake
jhoic ofllcials induced the men not to accent
the places provided foi them. Hence the
picsent dlmculty.
Carpenters Assault Scabs.
CIIICAOO , June ' 9. A squad of union cai-
iicntois belonging to vvliat is known as the
socialists' blanch of tlie cai penteis' union
mule tluee assaults on oaipentcisin theclt )
to-tlay who were cmploed on buildings in
oiiise ot election because they weie woilcing
on hoins. 'Ilneo ol the men vveio seiious ! ) '
njuied. Six anests liavo been made.
The Prospects of ISnrJy Peace De
cidedly Remote ,
Ciitr vno , , Inno 20. [ Special Telegram to
the Ur.K.J An ellort | s being made to bring
about a meeting ot the general nianageiH ot
the vailous roads Interested In Council
Hlufls , Omaha and Nebiaska hafllc lot tlie
nnposool discussing existing complications
nd to see it nn auansement cannot be made
by which tlie win can bo stopped and paying
i.des obtained. The piosnectsot bringing the
genoial nianageis togethoi foi that purpose
looks lathci pool , bolai the Northwestern
onlv has sl nlhcd its' intention to attend the
meeting. Tlio managprs of othei loads aie
noii-cnmmltalas townattheyvvill do. Theim-
piesslon Is that tlm war will be allowed to go
on until some ot the more aggiesslve loads
become peaceably Inclined and it will proba
bly take several vvcekBotliefoieaIltlioioads
aie icady to join the foimatlon of a now
association , or oven join in an agicement
toi malntalnancc ot unifoim i.itos. It
becomes moie ccitaln oveiy day that it will
not be possible toi the western roads toio-
organl/e the westein Height association ,
without taking in tlio loads foimeily in the
noithwestein tiatlic association , 01 , in othei
words , the two associations will havotobo
amalgamated and plac-ed under one head.
Neail ) all roads Inteiested in Council Hlnffs
and Omaha business aio also interested In bt.
Paul and Minneapolis tiatlic , and tlm only
wav to piovent tlio clashing now going on Is
to foi in nn association , which coveis the
business hoietofoio Included In both western
hek'ht and noithvvchtcrn trallic associations.
"Tlioieaio no fielght nilesthis inoinliig , "
said a gentleman who was discussing the
situation. "Anlodycan get liguies satis
factory to himself by doing enough walk-
in ! , ' . " The lallroads , after deiilng nnd as-
oveiating for a fortnight , liavo linally cut
.ites wide open. It Is mngiilar that all tlio
loadsdeclaie that the St. Paid , whoso otll-
ci.ils most hticiiiuiiisly denied thecuttlnu' ,
reiillv begun it by maklpga contract with the
Omaha mcichanl'.sjiolglit liuic.m under the
tarltt , The loads to ( Livrialm to bo lequli-
ing icbates , but the Wnbash Is maklni ; Hat
rates not requii Ing iclMtos and it is likely
fiat the others aie doing the same whenever
it Is demanded. There WUH some talk to-day
of an elloit being mjido for peace but ft
coulnn'tbe traced. Theilissoun Pacifie last
Ki Iday Issued a call ( or 6 manageis' meeting
to lix no the tailll , byt so lar the Noithwcst-
ein Is tno only whMi sajs tliat it will
attend. S. V. WldteJtie | most prominent
biokei on Wall street , fvlics out heie that
halt the Granger iiiauaj'fn , tire speculating
on the short side of stocks and beginning
late wais to buy their aborts. Ho savs theie
Is no bucking against tills that he , lei one ,
tluowp up his hands , President U. H. Cable.
ot the Kock Island road , u-legiaplied llosvvoll
P. I'lowei , ono of hHuUeUois , to du ) that
tlie late rutting was mpie demonstnitlve and
noisy than dangerous.
A Kfajorlty For fjoeal Option.
PoiiiiiAxu , Oio. , Juno 2y. i'esteula ) tlio
question of local option was voted uy the citi
zens of Washington terrltoiy. Kacli pre
cinct was to decldo wjiflhei intoxlcatlni ;
liquors should be told within the bjimdaiies
of saldprcelnct. In all the cities the ineas-
mo w ah dc'lcatixlbv u vote ol about three to
two. In the small cities and towns the
iiieastiiecairled b ) the same piojiouion in
tin : vote. 1 loin ittmns thus fai icicived il
is bi > lleved that local option lias a mujoiitv In
the tenltoiy ,
Illinois Democrats .
CHICAGO , Juno 23. The executive commit
tee of tlie state democratic icnti-al committet
met at tlio Palmer house this morning uni
elected A. OrendoilT chairman , vice John II
Obeily. ' 1 he headquai lew ol the executlvi
comm'ittcewillboiit bpilusheld , wlieie tin
state tonention will bo UcW Augubt 20.
The Charges Against Shellenberger's ' Law
yers Retracted by the Boy's Guardian ,
tllnt'lK Jack AVIU Not VUlt Crete
.Spotting Hvouts at L'cnilcr Knot
Cdiinty's S-lx-Trcnsurcr's Sliart-
State News.
Tlioy Wore I'.ilse
Nt ntiAsu \ . CITV , Net ) , . ( nne 'Ji. [ Spcelil
Telegiam to theHi r | liver s-inco the com-
inenccinent ol the suit of Calvin Chapman ,
nsRuaidlnn ot , lot > SlielU'iibeiger , brothel of ,
Jtapglc Shcllenboiger , who was o euiell.v
mtndcicd , a/ainst.lohn C. Watson and Pi an k
T. Itnnsoni , attoine.vs tor Lee bhellenbergei.
nnd their counter suits against him for libel
In the sum of lie ( 0 each , nothing Ins held
the public- attention moic until this evening
nt 7 o'clock , when came the sequel In Mi.
Chapman signhu the tollnwitig letiaction ,
\vhlch v\lll bo published in the dally papets
to-inoirow :
To Ulumiittn Uoncein-n : ( ) the'JIst.Mav
of . ) UIIL , ISsii , I commenced an action In the
Otoe count ) dlstikt unnl , asguudlan ot ono
.Joseph Lei1 bhelhiibcrgci , against John C.
Watson , 1'iank 'I' . itinsoii' ' , Lean-
tier ShollcnheiceiIiiandi ! sliellenbei-
gei nnd l\vid SUellenb 'igei to set
aside a cci tain deed , executed bv I.eaiidei
and Miianda Shellunbeigei to W.itsun and
Kansom , to eeitaln leal estnto theieln de-
seiibed ; and In said petition theio weie cei-
taiiicli.ugesasainst snhl Watson and
som , rcllectlng upon their ndions about ob
taining slid deed , which ehaiges In said
petition vvcie unknovv n to me at the time I
signed and svvoio to it , and 1 did not know
that thoie v > ete such chaigcs against Watson
and Ransom , 01 miv langmge lellccthu up
on theli honest ) 01 the cliaiactei ot eithei ol
them In said petition , and the petition was
so explained to me b.v Mi. Cole , and I ex-
plicillv stated to Mi. A. S. Cole , when he was
jucpaiing the sitd petition , that I wanted no
chaises ot anv kind made ag.iinstVntson
and Kansom , 01 eithei ot them. 1 am now
tullv sattsiied that -Mr. A. b. Cole inisiep-
resented the law and the l.tcts
ot the case to me , and
did so puiposely to get me to In Ing Mils suit
In older that no might tir to inj'iio ' Watson
and Hansom , and that attei the petition was
tiled In couit Mi. Cole gave me a paper and
told mo to have It publlshudln the daily and
weekly Xews ot Xebi.iska Citv. and I never
knew what that papei was until the next day
I saw it was the petition Mi. Cole had given
mo to publish. Tlnotighont tlie whole
tiansaction 1 lelicd on Mi. Cole I now heie
redact every statement in said petition as
tiled In com t anil published which in any
way or inannei lellects on Mi. Watson 01
Mi. Kansom , and I now , altei being Inlly In-
foimcd as to the tacts and the law applicable
to the i-afco , admit tint neithet Mi.
Watson or Mi. Hinsom. in the taking oCthc
deed limn Leandcr bhellenbeigei anil wife ,
attempted in any measuio to deprive the b < ; y
.Ion Lee bhellenheigei ot any light In said
land , and that said .loo Lee has no light in
said land until the lite estate of his fathci is
ended , and wein not conspiiing among
themselves or amonc the deleiidants to in
jure 01 defiand tlie said .loo Leo bhellon-
bergei ; and 1 am satlslied the taking of said
deed by Watson and Kansom was a perfectly
legitimate tiansu'tion , and toi the atorcsaid
reason lhave dismissed said suit.
( btened ) 0. CHAPMAX
Hports at Peiiilcr.
> . .Vil'5'iM-.Tt , Xeb. , Juno -'J. [ Special to the
UBK.J The Tender nine plavcd a matcii
game vvltli a club alleged to be the Beemer
base ball club , but it tianspired that it was a
plciccd nine , Including tlie pitcher of the
Wnkelield club , and the eatchei of the Wcsf
Point club. They pl.i ) cd a strong game , lay-
ug it over the home club 19 to 2. After the
ball game a foot race was got up between ono
Fieed , who came ovci with the Heemcr boys ,
and T. C. Wheeloi , a local innner , for31.r > 0 a
, Jde. They ran seventy-live ) ards , Wheelei
coming out about live feet ahead. It was a
sely contested rsco. About S OO changed
liands. Fieed was accompanied by n man
who icgisteicd as Fred Hiovvn , both coming
liom lieemei. but those who claim to know
say they aie Whitney and btone , piotcsslonal
lunncis , and the i.ue was a put up job to
down the Hcemei boys. They will run hcic
against all cornels on tlie Fourth.
Extensive piepaiatlons have been made foi
a celcbiation to bo held July : i. A itood lace
course has been laid out east of the railioad ,
and hoises fiom Lyons , Oakland , Hancrolt.
Heemei , Wakciield and all nclghboiing
towns will bo enteicd for the laces. Tlio
foot lace wi'l ' be open to all comets. Hon.
H. M. rritchiirdwlllbopicsldentoi the day ,
and Judge Davis , ot Blair , will dellvei the
oiatlon. Abandol 100 Winncbago J mil. ins
has been engaged to pai ticlpate and will do
the wai dance act , and have a baibecuo with
a steer which the town will piovidc lor them.
Tlio Wakcneld and Dakota City ball clubs
will bo heio to contest foi the championship.
and sports ot all kinds have been piovldcd
for and liberal purses oil ered. A good brass
band will discourse Inspliinsr miiHc and will
help to contilbute to thosuccess ol the gi mul
ct t celebration cvei held on the Omalu icsei-
Cnn'L Cnino.
Citr.Ti ; , Neb. , Juno S9. [ bpeclal to the
Hi. r. . ] Tlio lollowlng notice to the public
has been issued b ) F. 1. Fos , pesldent of
the Nebiaska Cliantauqua assembly :
Not wanting nnjono to ho disappointed
who conies to onr "Nebiaska Chautauqua
nssoinbl y. " wewishtosa ) that It now looks
as 1C Ueneial Logan would bo iinablo to bo at
Cieto on July 5 as lias been aJveitlsed. Oui
programme Is very lull , and a gieat many
special attiactions Imvo been added tliat aio
not on the piogiamme. While wo mo veiy
sou ) ' that it looks as though Logan will not
Iw litMO , wo can sav to eveiy one : Come cnil
hceusonJiil ) D ; but don't come expecting to
see and heat Ueneial Logan , and then go
awa ) dloapiiolnted. Wn shall have on July
fi.somo ot the best public speakeis In the
count i y , who will addiess the ( ! , A , li. as an
oiganl/ation , the loiomostol which will bo
Colonel I' . W. Wlkox , better known an the
> 'Muidota Carpentei , who is one the best
oiators In tliQcountiv and an old friend of
( leneial Logan's. Kveiv detail will bo car-
lied out , the C. A. It. hem ; in foicc , will do
all they can to cnteitiln inctoiie. In the
evening theie will bo the best dispia ) ot Hie-
woiKs ever been in the state ,
A Murderer Arrested.
.VI : , Neb. , Junoi M. [ Special Tel
egram to the HII : : . | Sheriff Connelly has re
ceived a telogtam fiom Detective J. L. Smith
of the arrct > t of John 1 > , Smith In Nogales ,
ArU. Smith , with W. JI. C.uter , a piornl-
ment business man of Chadion , Jesse Dan-
telson , son of the luomlnont landloid of the
DaiilelbOii housa at Chadron , and John
1'lerce , a popular spoiling man , iwas In-
dieted uyoui last grand Jury lor inurdui In
the hist degree 101 the killing of J. J. Ham-
niond , Ills biothei-in-law. In the lull of lbb.1.
.Since the Indictment bmlth , Danlelson am
Pierce hav o llml the countiy. bmlth was lor-
meily apiomlnent business and cattle man
heie , and his li lends deploie Ids trouble , .vet
all admit the. killing was unjnstlliable.
Slicillf Connelly leaves lor Uinulm today
wheie he expects to meet his pilsoner ,
Tlio Hvor ( ilorlous nt ColumlMis.
CorA'sinus , Neb. , June 20 , [ Special to the
Br.r. . ] Columbus will cclebiato the ad of
July. She has prepared extensive ! ) foi Hit
event. The leading feature of the da ) wil
be the oration delivered by Senator Vai
Wck , who will draw an extensive assembl )
of people. Amone other leading fcatuip
will Iw hose team races , free ro all , coupling
rates , and a foot iace between Willie Pardor
and an unknown foi S5M ) . Pardoe H said ti
be as i.ipld a splinter as there ib in the state
All Kinds of toot i.iees and hoite wees am
base ball idaing will be imliil.'cd in , Thei
will bo .U least Sl.OOO expemled In pikes
Dancing and lueuiiueut ot
re prepared for. I'verythlnc will bo done
0 make visitors from other cities enioy them-
elves to their fullest capacity. Lxtensive
levvorks will eonclmlo theniocrainnu * .
he ) ate expected to lllumlnato the I'ountiy
01 miles mound.
Knox ' " " .
Countv's "Short" Ticn nror.
( "in lotnos. N'eb. , Juno S1)Spoilal ) ( to
lie Hit ] The bondsmen of ex Treasurer
\ J Kadish have held a meeting n Siohiaia
and called him to the ehaige of ills shoitage ,
and ho stated to them tliat ho was behind
vlth Kno\ count ) about S. > , tOObut would not
ell where the mono ) had pone. Theneneial
nilnlon Is that some of the. Knox county
Ing could till Ifthev would wheietlie money
vent. Thov nre all anti-Van Wck. 'Hie
olibeiv has already commeiice.d heie h ) the
lollticians toi tlio fall cimpiign. Seven-
entlis of the republicans of this county am
' 01 Van Wck , but the politicians aio against
lioup Clt Connooto t by AVI re.
Lot I' Cn v , Nch. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele-
Main to the 15i iTo i ] dn > elccti U Itv connects
.oiip Cit ) with the ontoi world , and thumnh
ho cnnitcsv ol Mr. Clias. It Steaduiaii. the
sttalon agent , viurcoiiespiindent ispiiiuitted
o send to tin1 lil I the Ills ! dispM | to tiav-
MSI < the newlvticthed wlie. K ei ) thing
booming. Ciops splendid. All happy
The Itoscrvntloii Stioodnij.
Ciin iiiox , Neb. , Juno ' .0. ( Special to
lie HM..J C. Ciockct , the man who was sliol
on the icseivation two weeks ago by K. J.
lotliwell. Is netting wcl" " . It'ithvvell Is ha\-
un'his cxainlnatlou. Ileclilinssclt defense.
Will CVIobinto.
CnuuiiiioN , Neb. , June W. [ Special to
ho Hnt : . ] CieUhton will eelebiato on HIP
d and is making picnaiations foi a big
ime , with a giand dlspla ) of ilimvoiks in
ho evening.
Sioiiv Oily Stiri oil Ui > Ov or I'rosccu-
tlons ol' liiiior ( Solloi-H.
Sioux Cm , Iowa , Juno " ' > . [ Spc'dalTel-
cgiam to the Hi i.j : Thocouit has been en-
ganed to-day with cases biought against the
liug-'istsol the count ) foi violations ot the
Uliioi laws. In the eases of tlie state ex lei.
V K. Smith vs. F. Hanson and otheis , the
letend.intshave Illcd motions to dismiss , to
elect , to stilke veinication , to make moio
specific , and lei ruling upon the plalntitls'
utoi ney to sliovv anthoiilv. ( losselin Selnk
nnd Jtmgo Cole icpiesent the plaintiffs , and
'lelland it .Nortluup tlio defendants. The
notion was aigned at gieat leiiirth
oday , and Judge Wakcliold has taken
he inattci under advisement. A
Rieat deal of Inteicit is manifested
n ( lie icsiilt of tlic-se pioscculions , and tlieie
s a Icelim ; tliat something Is going to diop
soon , 'llieie is every indication that trouble
s approaching In this city on tills question ,
mil ( hat the inosecittlon in couit is liit ) the
oreiannei of a geneial attack all atom : the
inc. A piominent tempeiaiieo man "states
hat within two weeks the \iolatois ol the
Clark lawandothoisiiow on tliestatntobooks
na ) e.xpect gieatei piostciition than evei
jetoie , and that a movement Is oigam/.ing to
wine out the saloons and biing the ding-
gists to time. It is nndeistood that an at-
empl was made heloie Judge Lewis at Ch ( i-
ikee to-day in cl'nmbeis to soeuie injunc-
ions against tlnce Sioux Citv sdoonists.
Wliat the outcome of all this lei mentation
ma ) be Is on ! ) a mattei of conjcctuie , but
: eitain it is theie Is , \ moic dctei mined offoit
likely to be put toith than evei betoie to put
iovvn the saloons.
The ClaiiB Gathcrlnpr.
DnB-IoiNiHrIn ? Juno 29. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEp.J The dcmociats aic as
sembling in large numbers to attend theli
tate convention , which opens to-inonovv.
They aio all at se.i on candidates , neatly
everyone mentioned for the head ot the
ticket having declined. Mr. W. II. Wil-
nor , of this place , Is the last ono
mentioned for secretary of state , but lotuses
lo beconsidcicd a candidate , So the conven
tion may fall hack upon Mr. A. H. Keith , the
rejected postmaster of Dcnlson. Paul
[ iiicllch , jr. , of Hinllngton. leads tor auditor ,
the only position lor which theio Is any
special competition. Ho will piobably be
nominated to please his ( action and the ( ! ei-
mans. The leellng to-night , smpiislng as it
ma ) seem. Is In tavoi ot putting In a local
option and hUn license plank. Tlie demo-
ciats aio camping on old lepnblican gionnd ,
and in a 'v cat or two moie may treteleai up
topnihililt'on. ' A laige numbm ot piominent
demociats aie heie , inelnding seveial piomt-
nent federal ofliulals who don't seem to bo
al i. lid ol being rated olfensivo partisans.
Western Iowa's Candidate.
Dns Moixns , la. , June 2' ) . [ Special lethe
the linn.J Anothei prominentc.iiididati ) lor
> ho ropuhllcan nomination tor state auditor
is S. C. Osboine , of Mills count ) , and he Is
developing considerable strength. Ho has
[ he support of wcslein lovvaiepiibllcans and
Is tlie only candidate from that section of the
state. Ills li lends ore working hard lor his
nomination , both on peisonal grounds and to
sccine a lecognltlon ten westein , Iowa. He
will come betoio the convention with a
tiong tallowing and good piospccls foi MIC-
The HaiiihiirK T'ostollioo Robbed.
Cin.siox , la. , Juno 31. [ Special Telegiam
to the Bin.J A Fairagnt special to the Ad-
vci User sas the postoflicc at Hamburg was
lobbed ) esloiday. Wallace's clictisvvas thoio
and the emplojes on being paid oil invested
In postolllco oideis to the amount of $4 )0. )
While the postolllcn omnloes were looking
nt the paiade a thief lobncd the ollice and es
caped. _
Injured l > y the Cars.
OxTt'MWA , la. , Juno li'J. [ bpeclal Tele-
giamtothe Urn. I ( Jus Carlson , a Swede ,
was Jonnd lastovenlng ncni tlioliaek in the
Qttnmwa jards , with Ids head badly cut and
bmised. Medical attention was at once sum
moned and the wounded man taken to his
home. The injuries aie supposed to have
b"on nindu b ) a passing train. Cailson Is mai-
ilcd and lias tluee chlldien.
A nullrond Jln.lolned.
Dunt cjiri : , la. , Jnneli' . - - [ > ecIal Telegram
tothe HII : : . ] Judge Shlras has enjoined tlm
Hinllnctoii , Cedar Haplds .t Noithcin'8
Waveily bhuit Line iiom hairing the Illinois
Cential right of wav at Wavoily , The Cen
tral lias consequently vvitlidt awn seven loco
motives and " 00 men. Tlm nial is to take
it ace nt Hotel L.iliuctte , Lake Minnclnnka ,
July I ) . _ [ _
CiiinrdliiK the 'Maclcorol.
OTIAVVA , Juno 20. Mackeiel havlni ;
stiuck in along tlio cotst otPiinco Kd ward's
island , the depirtment of lisheilefc ouleicd
thieogovcinment vessels to vvaUli the hsh-
biles tlieie. The Uoniad , Toiroi and Crltle
liave In en detailed ioi the scnlte. Tliu
feteamei Laiisdovvno will also be sent to the
tame eo.ibU.
Street Ilallvv'ii ) Coiujietltlon.
Dr. " MoiNi',9 , la. , Juno 29. ( Special Tclr-
gram to the Hi.i : . ] The city council to-da >
granted a chaiterto llm new Hio.ul tillage
lallvvay company , which will piocced ut OIKU
to build several miles ol Tills wil
1)1 ing competition to llin old company , and
v asti ) Impro ) e tlm street cai t > ei \ Ice.
Another Q l-'i eight nitnlicd. . , Juno ao. [ Special Telegram
to thollm : . ] No. 11 tinlght wc t on the f ;
this moi nlng struck cattle on the track be
tween Nodaway and Hi ooUe , ditching elgli
caia. No onolnjiucd.
Two HOJH HrovviiciL
CI.INION , la , Juno T ' . [ bpeclal Telegran
to the Jit : : . ] Deeds Uovvley , ti.e elr\cn-ye i
oldsonof Mis Chailes M. Itovvlv ) and Wil
Haxtei , tlio little son of J. T. Haxter , wen
drowned this al'u-iiioou wiulo
The bodice wt'it uot i
ON THE TURF AND DIAMOND , Eflci" " on Washington Park niul
f uc.iu1 Biy Tracks.
t anil n llnrsc Loses Its
Pull Thp rnrltnu
us the ( itoat
Ynolit Knee.
CIIK \ < " no 21'- ' Tills vvs iinotliei day
if delightlnl weathei at Washhmton park ,
vlth a verj luige nttendanco , lacing ( list
lassln oveiy paitlcular on a fast hack , Hie
) ii ! ) liichlent to mat the day being the fall of
'oiost and Kansas iu ( lie fouith lace , lesult-
ngln 1'oiest hieaklng his leg and having to
lesliot , and the ildei whoiotle him being
> adly stunned bv ( lie tall.
Ono and one sixteenth miles1 Jim Domilns
von , Jim tliav second , Lxtle thiid. Time
MT' ' ? . Mutnals piid b.'O.M ) .
Mile : Cloiiio won , Wailellow second , Kd
Jlllmin thud , 'lime1:1 : 1. MntunLs paid
he Hold -H.M.
Lake .Side s ( ikes , live eluhths of n niiloi
Wai.v won. ( iiacie I ) second. Nellie 0 third.
rime 1 l"i ) Muliials paid bM.W.
Mile heals ; 1'iist iio.itllootlilack won ,
Illlv ( iillllOIe sClOIld , MI\CH'I.MI Pat tlllld ,
I'lnio IMtU. Mutiutls paid il V0. Sivond
leal Hillv ( illnioio won , Hootlilack Kecond ,
Soveieign Pal thiid. Tlmi I I'J'f. ' Mntiials
nld liehlS'.S ' ) 'I hlid heat Illllv ( illnioio
\on , Hootblnck sciuiid. lime 1:41. : Mil-
nils paid ll.0. : !
btopu ! chase , shoit com so ; Wellington
von. liiuoplialus second , \Voitli \ tlllld. NO
ime Mutnals paid & 12.M ) .
Sioopslica ! l HIIJ'H ( iiHMit Iny.
Nrvv Voitk , Jnno 2' ' ) . The laigest attend-
ime ol the season at Sheepshead bay wnn
hat ot to dav. ' 1 hole weie lull ) 16,010 sjicctv
01 s present.
Koi tlnee ) eai olds and uuwaids , tlireo
luaiteis ot a mile. Pontl.u won , Little Mlnch
second. Itamhl.i thiid. Tlmi'-i U > f.
Koi tlnee-ear-olds. seveii-elahthsol amllo :
lit f tain won , Pontiae second , Kaliiliih
lilid. Tliiu l 'i'j.
Koi two ) cai olds , selllnc swccpMakos ,
hue touithsof a mile : Klutileitv won , Nat
ioodwln second , A , U. Heed thiid. Time
1:1- : .
tijioclal match lace fora porno of S',000 ' ,
one and ono qnaitci mihs : I loiibadour won ,
Miss Woodtoid second. Time -J ObV. ,
One and ono-qiiaiter miles : Aietino won , *
tutl.ilo second , Hecl-.uid-Too third. Time
2 01' ' .
One and ono eighth miles : Heibcrt won ,
Una H. second , Wai Kagle thiid. Time I
The Knstpi'tt Ynolit Ko nttn.
M \nni.riii.Ai ) , Mass. , June 2 ! > . The cast-
cm yacht club lojatta came oil hcio to-day
at ! > a m. The signal sci vice oftlcor reports :
"The wind has been blowing fiom Iho west
nil the morning Irom lonitecn to sixteen
miles pel hour ; good fiesh wind , " The
) achts stalled at 1 : M p. in. bom d for the
mst stake boit. The Pi iscilla. crossed'
the line hibt ; Koi tuna second ; Mayflower
thiid and Puiltan touitli. A vei ) stilt bicczo
was blowing Iiom Hie west.
'Iho Pi iscilla load the fleet b ) halt a milo
with the Mallowei and Piniiiineven. The
vaclitb lounded fust slake boat as follows :
Pi Iscilla 1J : I ; Puiltan 12:11 : ; Mayflower
12:1. . 'llievvindls btlll blowing a gqod top
ball bree/e.
The Priscllla rounded tlio second f take boit
at 1 : U ! and tlie Puritan at ilou. The ) aehts
lounded Hie stake boat foi the Inst half of the
nice in fho following oulei : PiiiiUn , Piis-
cilla and Mav flower , the last named yacht
gaining on the otlieis. 'i ha fust slake on the
second hnisli was loiuuled hy tlio nirltan at
20. Pil-cllla 2Ui ! , Mavllovvci 2 : ° o , tlie
Puiltan ontiiinnlng all hands before the
wind. The Pmitttn won tlio iacc by live
miniitcb , the Piiscllla second and Mayflower
The 15aee Hull Itocord.
Chieaeo 0 00010100 3
Phlladelpha. . . . 4
Pitchers Clailcson and Feiguson. First
base hits Cliloa.'o 5 , Philadelphia 0. Krrois
Chicago 5 , Philadelphia I. Umpiie .Uc-
A iDi rr.on
Dctioit 2 001 00000 3
Washington . . : i 0000 : t 000 0
Haso hits Washington li , Detiolt li. Jr-
ois Washington 7 , Detiolt 0. Umpire
Cincinnati 0 2040043 13
Ualtlinoio' . . . . 1
Pitdieis Pedilneyand Hondeion. lf
base lilts Clncinnafl 11 , Hidiimoie I. KrR ) '
Cincinnati 2 , Haltlmoie 0. Umplio Yaluli
Ar Kr. Loins--
St. Louis 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5
Mehopolitalis. . 0 2
Pitcliois Caiuthcis and rushmnii. Flist
base lill-s St. Louis 10 , Mctionolit.ilis 5. Ei-
lois-St. Louis fi , Mehoiiolltans'i' Umpiie
Ar LotnsviM.i :
Hiooklvn 1 3300033 0 11
Louisville 1 0 it 0 0 0 1 0 0 5
Pitclieis Tony , Hecculso and Kly. Uase
lilts LonlhVHie 7 , Hiooklyn II. Kuors
Louisvillei ! , Hiooklyn 'i , Umpire Uradlcy.
NovvYoik 0001100 10
Kansas City. . . .
Pitcheih Welch and Whitnev , IHrst b.isT
hits Kansas Cit ) 7 , Now Voile 1. Knois-e
Kansas Cllv 4. New Voik-l. Umpiie York-
AT Puisnuufi
Pittsbmg 7
Alhleths. . . 3
Plleheis llandllmo and Kennedy. First
base hits Patching b , Athletics n. Kuois
PltlMmig1 ! , Athletics ? . Uinplio Kelly.
A i Si. Louis-
SI. Lonlh. . . . ! ! 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Boston n o o i ! o i u on
Piteheis ll.d ) and Stcmmcoi. Fiist
b.ibo hiU-St. Loaiti } , Hoston I.I. Krrots
St. Louis9 , Hoslon 10. Umpiie Cmry.
! ' Oovern > r .
N. H. , Jnnn 21) ) , In the do no
ciatlc convontlon to day the lust ballot for
covniioi icsnlled in the nomination ot
ThomaH Cogswell , ot ( icimtinlovvn , ho u
coivlng ! ) IO ol tlie I fJ votes east.
That Tired Feeling
'llio vN.irm weather linn a ( Icblllt'itlng effect ,
especially upon these who nru vvlllilu doors
most of tlio time. 7liopccullaitt coinniun ,
ioniil.ilit | known .is 'Hut tired ficllng , "
Is the ic-siilt , Tiil feeling can \io \ entirely
ovcicumu by lui ; llnud's haisaparllli ,
which jji\c i\f\\ \ ) , fu anJ strciiflh lo ! 1
II. o fii.ictlima'of Iho bed ; . .
"I ccuM not hlccpj had no appetite. I
ton ) . Hood's hJrr.ijMillla and won liccnn to
flu'f sutiiully ; could cc > t up vvlthuut that
tlrtd ami lanuuld ftul.nui nml my appctlto
linpiovcd. " II. A , BA.vroiiii , Kent , OIilo.
Sti'ent/t/ten the Sy
HooiU HiiBiiiarilla Is chnractcrl/od Ijy
Unco ; ) eciillailtic'3 1 lit , the ennbhiatton o (
MiiNthl iiKcnts ; A\ltt\ainoio\tloai \ \ \ SJ , iho
process of sprmliiK the iittlve medlcliiil
qualities , The result UamruiIno of nmisual
ilienglli , ifTcctlns lines iifihertJ uuKuovru.
Bend for bouk loiitnlnlng tvlOenco.
' Hucid'a .ib nuilll i luac-i up my. Ryst
my lilood , tlnrimisinY afiiictlte ,
tu n.-iKe ma ovrr. " J.r. Tiioxu-
or Dce-Jts , J.ov.ill , I4 s.
d'ii Hinaiiarllli beats sll Uhers , xnd
U v.ril1 ; | U vvoirflil 111 p.M. " I. l
} . / ) H-niV. htreit , Kcvv York Cit ) .
Hood's Sarsaporilla
bold try -.U dr.ifc'Mi ' , | 1 ; ill for 55. Wide
oniyLyO. J. H01 < > U CO. , Lowell , Ifais.
JOG Doses Ono Dollar. ,