Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Ptllvcrcil by currier In nny | > nrt of tliocltynt
twenty cents per week.
II.V , Tn/ro.v , Manager.
IirM > r. < Orni : , No , a ,
NXJHT llniTOii No. St.
MlNOlt M
New York Plumbing company.
New snnnnor goods ut Hotler'.s.
Thn on1of ! Sunders , arrested for gen
eral ctis'scilnR.-s , hits been continued two
Alike I'rinty was linc < l yesterday for
being ilriink nnd using profane language
in public.
Permit to wed was yesterday given '
Nols Peterson , of Weston , und AI aggie
Alortson. of this city.
.Inlin.M Ktdiler was yesterday found
guilty of running into AIander.4 wagon
und was lined $5 and costs.
Ed waul I' . I'orris and I'cnrl Honors ,
after having been divorced for it few
months , liavu been remarried.
Leave to marry was given yesterday to
S. L. Tipton , of Superior , Neb. , and
AHeoHolin , of .Manchester , I ml.
J. .1. Slowart Is having his law olhco re-
lilted and rcdeeoraled , making one of
- the nmit uitvttctivo ollices in the city.
, Yank XewolPs company opened a
week's stay at the opera house last even
ing with the comedy drama"No. . 11" ! > . "
Everybody is invited to attend the scs-
Mons o ? IhoToachors' association , and es
pecially the lectures , which will bo of
general nnbliu interest.
Mr. L. ( , ' . Webb and Miss Minnie L.
Darnell , both of Missouri Valley , were
yesterday happily married by fllov. T. J.
Alackoy , at the parlors of the 1'aellic
This evening Miss Blanche Oliver , of
tills city , and Mr. Warner L. , of
Omaha" , will be married at 8 o'clock ni
the residence of thu bride's parents , No.
SMI Park avenue.
The livery rig which young Kcese hail
out .Sunday night when the runaway ao-
cidcnt oecurroil was not one of Field &
Cole's , as staled yesterday , but came
from Hoquot's stable.
Yesterday was the time for Iho receiv
ing of bids for various p.iving to bo done
by the city. These bids are to bo opened
and considered ataspecial meeting of the
council called for this evening.
Ollicer Itcswiuk yesterday morning
found two fellows sleeuing in a uo\ car
anil ran them in as vagrants. They were
, _ given due warning to leave the eily , and
llianked thi ! judge for his advice.
Two of tlie employes of the Chicago
Plumbing company were having' a
friendly round with gloves yesterday ,
when .one gotjuioeked over inlo a pile of
gas pipe , culling his head somewhat.
Aliss Hicks , who was thought to bo so
badly injured by the runaway accident
Sunday night , was comparatively com
fortable yesterday , and it is thought that
she will speedily recover. Heyond a se
vere nervous shock the injuries are not
The works of art and fancy articles
prepared by the skillful lingers of tlio
pupils of bt. Francis academy are ar
ranged for exhibition at the academy ,
and are being greatly admired by tlio
visiting fiicmls. The display is a very
creditable one , and one of which pupils
as weli as teachers may justly feel proud.
To-night the graduating exercises lake
place at tlie academy.
A number of the friends or Airs. H. H.
Bpetman happily surprised her on Sun
day , her lifty-bixth birthday , by gather
ing ut.her home in Lewis township , where
she owns a line farm. She is tlio mother
of Fred W. Spelman , the eily treasurer ,
and has numerous relatives here anil
many friends , whoso best wishes are
Richard Van Leaven had a hearing he-
fore Judo-o Aylohworth yesterday on the
charge or larceny. It was claimed that
Van Leu von had lonnd apocketbook eon-
taming $85 , Iho properly of Mr. Cuuglioy ,
and had appropriated Iho money lo Ins
own nso. One witness testiticd that Van
Lenvcn told him that lie had found this
amount of money , and there was some
testimony ol less importance. Jndirc
Aylesworlh decided to refer the matter
to thn grand jury and lixed the defend
ant's ball at sf00 ! ! , which was promptly
given. Van Lenvcn's reputation is sncl
that his friends arc very certain that he
would not bo guilty of such an act of
meanness. _
lloomAlonldings Largest assortment
and lowest prices at Hoard's Wai 1 Paper
Go to Heard for room mouldings.
We Cluiin.
The American Uonnd Washer is tlio
best made. Actual trial has proven beyond -
yond doubt that it will cleaner ,
quicker , with more case and less injury
to the clothes than .any machine now in
nso. Try ono. Uooi'iiu & AIcGiic ,
W PS tern Agents
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & K. L. Squire , 10
Pearl street , Council Hlnlls.
Tlio Decorative Art.
Air. P , C. Alillor has returned from tno
{ : cast , whore ho has been hunting up the
i novelties in the doeorallve line and study-
iug tlie latest designs. Ho lias brought
* it
t back a varied stock ot papier macho de
signs , figures in bold relief , which can bo
linlshed in any colorings to suit. These
papier macho designs are snnerior to
frescoing , and combined with Linernslan
Walton makes the handsomest iinishing
anil decoration to bo had. Air. Aliller
has supplied himself witli many novelties
and now designs , and tnoso who are con
templating interior decorations should
call upon him and see them. Ho found
that a great deal of these papier macho
designs being used in the linest rooms in
Chicago. Ho has also figures of distin
guished characters In this , and it is fast
taking the place of carvings as well.
Wo have a few more Kefrigorators anil
will make low prices on thorn till they are
closed out. Cooi'im &McJr.u ( ,
Groceries , dry gootls , tinware , cronkory
cheap , J. J. Stcltor , GO. * ) upper Hroa'd
At the Paciiio house von will get all the
comforts of high priced hotels , and save
from liO cents to $1 per day. Try it and
bo convinced.
The Quick Alcal Gnsollno stove is a sno
O- no and return ut our ex *
pcnsu if not satisfactory ,
. Cooi-r.ii & MuUci ; .
Smokers ! Drop hi John Tnmploton
now cigar store , opera luuso block.
A , T , Klwell has on sain at his ticke
n oflico special round trip tickets for the
accommodation of these who desire to
pponil Sundays at Colfax Springs. Thcso
tickets over the Rock Isiaiul enublo anyone
ono to leave Council Bluft's Saturday um
return Monday , Jhe price being $5.70 fo
thu round trip ,
Tlio Work or Children.
jSonio children playing with mnteho
rausod a blay.o in Captain A. Ovorlon's
barn , in the outskirts of the city , near
Gnnn'a school house , which resulted u
the total destruction of the barn anil iU
eonlun'ts. Thu loss li about § 200 am
Micro is no insurance.
Mr , J. F. Evans Concludes to Accept and
Duly Files Hts Bonds ,
Ihc. Tcnctiers' Association's Opening
.Session rinyl'iil Children llnrii n
Ilnrn Aloro Home llcnilln
More 1'nvlnjjto bo I ct ,
Til at Iloino Report ,
Tlio board of trustees of tlio Homo for
! ui fr'riciiillcs1) association begin to < ; i't at
oino iiiKlerstiuulinK with each other ns
o wlnit they inonnt bv their report. It
ins been clalnird that the report onb-
ish''il hi ( lie Itr.i : , ruul to which the names
> ( tlio trustee1 ? wad attached was changed
iy .Mi. Kamlall , tlio secretary of tlio
) o\rd. : It appears that not only the sec-
etary but the imwiilent of the board
vero responsible for what changes were
mule. Air. Uobny IUH pultlishiul a
enutliy card uxplaining how thn ehanpo
vas made. Tlio only point on which tlio
joitril seemed to have disagreed was as
0 whether they should give Mr. Lemon a
otter of recommendation , anil if so , how
strong a letter it should be. The last
clause of the report is thu only one in
controversy , llr. Hobey says the clause
originally road :
That wt1 recoiiil/.o In tlio continuous of-
'oils of Mr. l.t'iucn In this \\ork a Hjiltlt of
sclf-Hnurlllce : iml noble niaiihonil , ami our
ncllon In this uiattcr must not lie construed
is a iTlloctlon upon Air. honiun. I'urther ,
uu iilllnn that any and all uialtiTs that have
lansplied should not and cannot ili'triiui'iit-
\lly I'lft'ct Mr. l.ciiicn In any sphi'to In Hie.
Uov. Air. Hoboy then rxnlams how the
change was made uy him and the seete-
lary , Hov , Air. Hitiidiill. toguthor , and
that it was not Air. Randall's work alone :
"Hut individually I was not satislied
with our delivarancc upon that point. It
did not t\pros the sentiment of the
board as a whole. The language was
stronger than was neee.ssary. T knew
further that Mich apiling up of adjectives
would di.sgnst rather .than commend with
the sober , thinking , while wo would only
subject ourselves to the adage of "white
washing , " etc. So toward evening I
suggested to Air. Kamlall that there
should have I'leen some modilication of He agreed with mo , but wo
were now left alone , and no action was
[ iroposud in the matter only that I cx-
| ) ris < s ( < ( I a desire that the report bo
it'll until some further conference and
agreement. Hut Air. Randall thought
that the report should go to the public
immediately , and 1 said no more. I
started home ; but the conviction grew
upon me that that article should be mod-
ilied. I returned , found Air. Randall in
tlio printing olllco , giving the report to
the papers. I called him out and told
him again that I was unwilling that the
report should be published in that toriu.
1 thought nothing at the time but of
holding the report for further conference
with other members. Hut Air. Randall
spomed anyious to publish without delay ,
and recalling the fact that all had agreed
to the condensing of that paragraph and
also that the verbal structure of the entire
report had been left almost entirely
with us , I proposed that we make
such change as would express in fewer
words and more moderate language our
estimate of Air. Lemon's work. Air. lluu-
dall then suggested the following :
We rccogniio the fact that Air. Lemon has
made an earnest and consecrated effort lor
the good of Humanity , for which ho should
have due credit ,
I remarked : "That will satisfy me , "
and yet to the last 1 protested I was un
willing to have the report published at
all until better matured. However , on
parting with Air. Randall I said , "Do as
yon like about publishing , I will say no
more. "
What followed is well known. The re
port was given to the lir. $ with tlio las > t
article , as Air. Randall and I had agreed
upon , except that some words were
omitted , and one word , the last , changed.
ThoAIueller music company received
hist Saturday the first invoice 'of holiday
goods. Twenty large eases containin"
nothing but china limb dolls.
Stenographer and typewriter. O. Alun-
son , with AI. F. Itohrur , over C. H. na
tional bank.
A Unique 1'ollcy.
Mrs , L. J. Abel
, of Logan , came hero a
few days ago , highly recommended , and
desired to adopt a child from the Homo
of the Friendless , but her request was re
fused. Mr. Highsmilh , of this city , and
others , are reported also as having made
similar offers to give homes to some ol
these children , but the avowed policy o :
the Homo seems to bo to ' keep till the
children that can be gathered in. The
manager recently avowed publicly that
if he had not boon hindered in iiis work
ho would have had by this time ' 00 ehil
dren hero instead of forty-five. It scorns
thu determination to build up a "groat"
institution by gathering in hordes of
children tmd keeping them. It may b (
bettor to hnddlo four to six children in a
bed , underfeed nnd even whip them , do-
pnvo them of the privileges of public
schools , teach thorn to repeat psalms and
sing "Twluklo , Twinkle Little Star , "
than to give them the benefit of private ,
Christian homo anil training. If so , thu
managers of such true homos of the
friendless ns are established in Chicago
and Dos Aloines , and other uharitablo in
stilntlons in other places , have been
making a great mistake in linding pri
vate homos for the children. It is also u
noticeable fact that a Now York institu
lion last week sent into this state sixty
children for adoption in Homes of farm
ers. It remains for Council -01 nil's to hit
upon a policy by which nil the children
possible shall be gathered in , and kept
in , and then if they cannot bo properly
cared for to give as an excuse , "we am
doing the best we can under the circum
stances. " U reminds one of the chaplain
who , in going through the wards , encor
ing the despondent and sick ones , urged
one poor soldier to bo of good heart ami
try to do the best ho could under tK\ \ cir
cumstances. " 1'cs , parson , I'll do that.
I'll try to do the best I can under the cir
cumstances , but , parson , the circum
stances , "
Highest prices paid for county , town ,
city and school bonds. Odoll uro's &
Co , , No. lOU Pearl atrent , Council Ululls ,
If you want perfectly satisfactory no
commodations at $3 per day , go to the
1'acilio house. Depend nnon " it , you will
never regret your nholco ,
1'ropnrlnK 10 Gump Out.
A party ofoung ladies and gentlemen
has just boon completed to go to Arnold's
park , Lake Okoboji , during July. The
party consists of the following ladles
Mi S3 IdaTostovin , Alias Ilurbara Alorklo
Miss Hello Hatcher , Miss Anna Morklo
Mib * Jogslu Walker and Alisj Kilty Itul-
lard , the gentleman being \V , It , Sliorra
don. W.V. . Shormnn , ( joorgo O. llrown
licri KvnnK , Oscar Kcolino und John
Knight , cf Atlantic.
Thov * will stop at thn Hotel Orleans
SpiritLake , for ft law days , after whicl
HJioy will go tn Arnold's ' park , it bcin <
\V intention to. camp out for a couple o :
Several olhcr parties afo bcin iir
bill are no\ yet completed. For
hose who llko camp llfo no nicer spot
ban Arnold's can bo found. The grove
s ono of the linost about , either east , or
rest Lake Okoboil or Spirit LaR6 , nnd
'orgenii'iif ' ' camping out und rural en-
oymenls the place can't bo beat ,
Alany people sleep in their tents nnd
get their meals nt Arnold's hotel , which
as originally a farm house , but has been
constantly improved for several years
intil they can now awommodato ' 'fiO
guests. The hotel is as home-like as any
l > lacc of its kind enn be , and under the
tblo management of Air Hriard ! ' . Hill ,
the chief clerk , will again this jcar be
one of the most popular resorts.
InMriirtloii In Art.
At No.ill ! N. 7th st , Aiiss R. T. Swen-
ning will give leson in lustre , nraelue ,
French , Kensington , cameo and scenery
painting , roproiH'-e work , arnelne and
plush work , Kensington embroidery , sea-
iholl ( lowers , painting on satin , velvet ,
felt , brass ami ehina. Hours 1 to I o'clock.
Host cream soda in the city , So per
glass , at Palmer's , 12 Alain street.
( Jo to the Now York Plumbing com-
. my for garden hose. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
The Toiicliers Arc Here.
The Southwestern Teachers' associa
tion opened its session at the Bloomer
building luM , evening , Rev. Dr. AlcCreary ,
of the Hroadway Alethodlst church , il
llvcriiig the opening lecture. The pro
gramme for to-day is as follows , and the
Footuro to-night will bo by President
Piekard :
8:00 : a. in. Opening exorcises. Alusic.
_ IliliO General business. Free gymnas
10:00 : 1'aper : "Is There a New Hduca-
lion ? " 11. W Sawyer , Discussion : J. A.
11:0(1 : ( Paper : "Supplemental In-true-
lion in Primary ( trades , " Airs. I. F.Warc.
Discussion : Kmma L. Kellogg.
2:00 : i ) . m Alusic. Paper : "The
Schools us a Aleans of Culture , " Ocorge
I. Miller Discussion : . A. Wilt-o.
; i:00 : Paper : "Written Examination , "
C. Il.Gnrncy. Discussion : P. W. Kauf
! l-lo : Lecture : "Temperance Teaching
in Our Public Schools , " Dr. K. J. Chap
8:00 : p.m. Alusic. LccHire : "ThoNow
Education. " President J. L. Piekard.
Uo to Heard for room mouldings.
Wanted 1,000 families to take Ameri
can round washers on two week's trial
with the privilege of returning at our ex
pense if willing to part with thorn after a
fair trial. Cool-Kit & Alcm ( ! : ,
Western Agents.
Go to Heard for wall paper.
A Missionary Convention.
The Alothodists are to have a notable
missionary convention hero next week ,
commencing Tuesday and closing Thurs
day. Chaplain AlcCabc , Dr. William
Duller and Dr. W. A. Sponccr are to be
here from abroad , besides sonic of the
leading ministers of Iowa and Nebraska.
The convention will open ' 1 uesday even-
with a sermon by Rev. C. F. Croigliton ,
of Lincoln , Neb. Tlio programme
promises to be a. decidedly interesting
one for the general public , and especially
interesting to those of this denomination.
The ladies of Hroadway Aluthodist
church will serve a free dinner in the
parlors of the church on Wednesday and
Thursday. The AlethodKts arc aiming
at raising $1,000,000 for missions this
year. The apportionment , on this basis ,
for the Council Dlufl's district is ? -,317.
Last year the district paid that amount.
From what has been reported and esti
mated this vcar , tlio churches and schools
will contribute ? 2,8.jO.
The Day of the Knljjlits.
The Knights of Labor are making ex
tensive preparations for celebrating Inde
pendence Day next Saturday , and the
several civic societies and the citizens
generally are expected to join in the
parade and exorcises. A street parade
will take place at 10 o'clock in tho- fore
noon. A programme has been partly
made out for the exercises in Hayliss park.
Dr. F. S. Lewis , of Omaha ; Rev. T. J.
Alackey , of this city ; ami C. Vincent , of
Tabor , are to give addresses. In the
evening there will be a line display of lire
works. There will bo a ball in Temple
ball in the evening.
The Xcw Mayor.
Yesterday the newly oloct'-d mayor , J.
F. Evans , appeared at tlio city building
and duly qualified. Ho was heartily con
gratulatert , and citi/.ens generally con
gratulated each other and themselves on
having secured so true a man and so
representative a citizen to Jill the vacancy
caused by such a sad event as thu death
of Mayor Chapman. The bonds tiled
yesterday will be presented to the coun
cil for their approval at a special meet
ing called for this evening.
Strength In Union.
The switchmen of tlio various roads
centering hero have formed a union , the
organization being completed Saturday
night. Tlio organization will bo an ad
junct of the Knighls of Labor.
Personal Parasrnphs.
Mrs. W. F. Patton is visiting her pa
Lucius Wells rtnd daughter left last
evening for Alolinu.
V. H. Crane , of Carson , is visiting in tlio
city , the guest of E. E. Adams.
P. H. limit , 0110 of Logan's prominent
merchants , was in the Hind's yesterday.
Aliss Olive Alunson , the stenographer ,
has returned from her visit to Chicago.
Aliss Grace Casady has gone to Pacilio
Junction to visit her friend , Mrs. John
II , T. Irvin , of iho Reporter , and M.
Gumpalso of Neola.woro in tlio city yes
J , W. Squire and family leave to-nmr
row on a trip to Chicago , St. Paul and
other points ,
Aliss Ilnttie Hlasim has concluded her
term of school at Weston , and is at home
for the summer.
W. L , Hedison , auditor and paymaster ,
has returned from a trip on the road unon
which ho made the boys happy. They
always welcome the pay car.
Air. D. Sellout/ , the former county
jailor , moves his family to-day to Corrcc-
tionvillu , wheru ho has lately gone into
the agricultural implement business ,
Jutlgo James nnd J. J. Frainey leave
to-night for Dos Moincs to attend thu
ctato convention. The other democratic )
delegates will probably Icaye to-morrow
Dr. E. W. Fish , the sciontilio lecturer ,
hiis decided Jo enter the active ministry ,
and a council for ordination has been
called to meet in the llaplist church in
this city next month ,
Aliases Adit and Clara Hedison loft via
Council Ululls & St. Louis railway on Sat
urday evening to visit their brother
Harry , the popular railroad agent , at
Shcnumloah , Iowa ,
lion , H. F. Montgomery , oJ Hrcckon-
bridge , Col , , is in tho'oit.y , and will
on returning tuko with him Airs , Alont-
gomory , who has been visiting friends
here for some timo.
L. B. Wofctbrook , of the Hotel Colfax ,
wvs : hero yesterday working up excursion
for that popular summer resort ,
amlscelnc that the 'oily wns properly
uillcd , and the people , dily informed of
the attractions there. t
\V. G.Kalnev. ofdicngoJ.M. | ; Dickin
son , of Nashville , Tcnu. ; and Attorney
Martin * , of Omaha , wore hero yc ler < ! iiy
taking sonicdoposmonif betoro Justice
Selunv. in a tnuloniark suit between the
Lawrence manufacturing company nnd
tlio Aurora cotton mills.
Three Queer lrcnins.
New York Star : In a baek room on the
Ihinl lloor at Ifil Fulton street , a lonely
iiltlo woman runs a jewelry-polishing
establishment. Under the table on which
.she works she keepstarufullv concealed
letters patent for a Freneh clock , which
is put in motion by a Astern of magnets.
The cloek is a mo-l Ingenious aflair. No
hands show upon the dial , but the time
is indicated by butter Hies which crawl
around the dial as the moments and
hours o by. The butterllies are guided
by means of magueth plaeed at the ends
of the hands which are conccak-d behind
the dial. The clock was invented by the
lady's luiihniid , who , she said , "dreamed
Gwinnett ( ( in. ) Herald : Reeenllv , In
Hog mountain district , a gentleman who
is in thu habit of walking In his sleep luid
a dream. He dreamed that he saw a line
covey of partridges running along
toward an old IIOIIMI and then go in.
Thinking this ngood opportunity to cap
ture them he quietly slipped alonir until
he got to the door , when he suddenly
lumped inside and closed the door.
What was his astonWimeut to discover a
mad dog in there , which rushed at him
nt once. His only chaneo of escape waste
to jump through a window , and through
he went \yith a bound. When he awoke
he was lying outside of the house on the
ground , having jumped through a win
dow in his bedroom and carried the .sa h
with him. He was badly bruised and
his leg severely cut by the glass as he
broke through. "
Montgomery Advertiser : As I woke
the mosquito bar parted with a rapping
sound. My shoulder came in contact
with the table , dislodging the big
dictionary , which tumbled olV and lit
ahtrido ot mv neck with a thump and a
lluttor like an angry game cock. A diti
belie rocking chair , lying in wait some
where in the darkness , ro-e tip like a
many-handed ( lend and bnlVetted " mo
irom hcol to crown. A froward .spittoo'i
got up oil' thu hearth and --at down on
my bead. Aching all over from
imaginary exeteise and actual brui-cs , I
crawled wearily back into bed. making a
little speech the while. It was not a nice
speech , but it was a comprehensive ami
pithy one , and voiced my .sentiments ex
actly. If to tlie carri of some it sounded a
trifle profane I trust it may bo forgiven
me , considering the aggravated eiretim-
htancrs. I incrulj said : "Damn that
shrimp salad. "
Sir William BOIUB Five
Sun Francisco Chronicle : "Yes , " .said
Hilly Emerson , "I was lucky in Austral a
awful lucky. I had a bully time , lots
of fun , and pulled in the money Did
yon hoar of my experience with King
KalaKaua ? "
"No ; what was it ? " I
"Well , 1 met the king at Honolulu , and
wo _ had a little gariie > f poker. The
king's ' a good boy , I tell you , and he plays
to win , and don't y6u forget it. There
ain't no cold feet in him.We had a game
of poker , me and tlie king. There was
about a couple of thousand dollars , 1
guess , on my side. "
" ' a' "
"That's a'good -
"Yes , sir. Well , I' says to the king :
'Your ' majesty , 1 gtidsslll have to raise
that $25' ' ,
" 'Well , ' said the king , 'all right. Sir
William , I'll have to-sceyour $23 , an' go
you $ . " > 0 more.1 ,
" 'Your ' I 'I'm but
majesty , says , sorry ,
I'm compelled to see that , und put an
other $100 on. ' ,
"He was came , and finally lie called
me. I had four aces ho had four kings.
" 'Sir William , ' said ho , 'you can say
you're the only man who over beat live
kings in a square game. ' "
A DcnTLawyer's Dcvotcil AVIfc.
Columbus ( O ) Correspondence New
York Sun : Jn a minor case in the Ohio
supreme court to-day Air. N. H. Lutes of
Toledo , the attorney for thcjplainlin' , is
totally deaf. The curiosity of all present ,
not excepting tlio grave judges , was ,
therefore , exicted when his wife ap
peared in front of the bar and said that
slift would interpret tlio words of others
to her husband. This she did simply bv
the movements of her lips. Thu words
ot the court and tiie arguments of tlie
defendant were thus translated to her
husband , whoso attentive brown eyes
were never taken oil' his'wife's oxnros-
sivo face. There was but little
sijrn language used , except in cases
where a particularly forcible remark is
made , and then' Airs. Lutes would ad
vance and make sliclit gestures. She re
ceived the unbounded admiration of
every ono in tlio court room , not only
for her skill as an interpreter , but forlier
devotion to her husband.
I have the largest and niosb com
plete line of
In the city. I am closing out
Yon will find all the latest novelties in
hats , bonnets , llowow , plumes , tips , rib
bens , gaii7.cs , crapes and other styles of
trimmings. ,
Goods Must1 Be Sold ,
Hest of Bargains cVer ? offered. Call
and see them.
No. 328 Broadway , Council Bluffe.
' ' ' "
To be Given by the
At Temple Hall
Sa.tia.r3ay Even-inr- , T\ily 3 ,
3TTickct Admitting ( icnilcmnn and
Ladies , § 1 ,
Agricultural Implements ,
cs , ito : . Kte. Council lllulT * , lown.
Mnko thoUrlfflntU mid Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press ,
COIIN siii'.u.niis AN ! ) Hint : >
Nos. iroi , IS' * ) , noi niul 16)7 South Main Strict ,
_ _ _ Council lllull , lowii. _
DAii > u"Aii7iY : & "cai
Mnnuf 'is nn 1 Jobhor * of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Cnrrlngp4. mill nil klnl * of r rm Mrclilnrrr.
1100 to 1110 Soiitli Miiln Street , Council tllulTj ,
P.O. Ui.Kt'iiN , T. ll.Dorm.v , or.o.1' . Wnmiir.
I'log.iTrein. V.-I'roi .VM in. Sou ftCoiliuol.
Council Bluffs Hindla Factory ,
MnnufnctnrDr nr A\p | , I'lrk , Sloilco nntl Snntl
llnmlii' , of t'M'ry ilnsft-lptlon.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Puttnln rixtuiw , ITpltolMory dooJs ,
Etc. No. < OT ) llroitilwny Council Illutrs ,
Whole np | .lobtiors in tlio
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Nos. iDMnln niul 27 I'eiu-l Sts. Council Illuir * ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 141'cnrl St , Council Itlnffn.
Wholesale Oils Paints Glass
Druggists , , , ,
Druggists' Sundries. Ktc. No. li Miiin St. , nnJ
No. 211'cnil St. , Council Illiilfs.
AI. E. SMITH & CO. .
and JWjH of DrG33J1) / ,
Notions , No's. 112 and 114 Muln St. , Nos. 113
nnil 115 1'cnil St. , Council ItlufTa , lown.
O.V. . 1H1TTS ,
Wholesale California Frails a Specialty
General Commission. No. 5U Hi end war ,
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 10 nnil 13 1'onrl St. , t.'ouu-il IJIuirs.
L. KIllSCIiT Ss CO. .
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Donlois , No. 41(1 ( IJtoiicl-
wny , Council llluirs.
JIanu'ncturois of and Wholesnlo Dealers ID
Leather Harness Etc
, , Saddlery , ,
No. Bi5 Main .St. . ouncil lllutfa ,
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glovas.
No = . HIS anil 311 Broadway , Council Ilium.
Iron Steel Nails Hardwau
, , , Heavy ,
And Wooil Stock , Council lllutrs , lowiu
1) . 11. McDANELI ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tullcw.Wool , I'olts , Oroase imJ L'urj Council
IllufTs lown.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricity Oils G
E3TO. , 33TO.
S.Tlicodoro. Atfcnt , Council llluffa. Io\rn.
Hard Wood , "Southera Luinbei1 , Piling ,
Mid llrldKu Material Speclultlr\sWliolo nlo Lum
ber or nil Kiuils. Olllco No. 130 Mulu tit. ,
Council 111uIIs. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wine ? & Liquors.
Agent for St. Gotlliarn'g llt'rli IllltorJ. No. IJ
Main St. Council Illuirs.
Foreign and Domestic Wtaos and Liquors ,
Xo an Main 3t. , ( .Vuncll Uluft.
Special advcrtlscmunte , such as Lost. Fouivl ,
To I ) jn , For B ilo. To Knnt. Wants , HonrdliDT ,
oi .will boltiEoitcd In tlii coluinn at thu lov/
niloofTBNCKNTrt I'lIU UN'13 lorihe llrtt Inscr
tlonaiul 1'lvoCciitB I'or Line for unch biibsuriiioiit
Intoi tlon. I.cnvo iidviTli-eiiioiits at our olllco.
No. li I'ciul iitiuct , nonr llrouihvny , Ooiincil
. . . . , liniiifillutoly at No , KB
r llroaihviiy , Council I.lulls.
TifllNTiJlJ A wood ( ? lrl for goiu-rul Iioneo-
t\ oik In jirlviitu liiinlly. No , IW I'ouilli-at.
TJi oil"HUNT - No. KM Second nvcniio ; house
-L1 ol ol ht rooms. Mrtlilo , ulc : . Very UuJli'ii-
llo. N. I * . DodtfB K Co.
| 7U > it SAl'l < r. ult , ouiit'cctloiiury nn < l cignr
13 si ere ; | . .IM > JIOII Kivnii rlKlit t'.nar. In-
iiulru at [ ii-cnilsrs , No. 101 Mttln-sl. , CtiuniMl
Men and IOIIIIK towoik on tli > C. ,
M.V8t. 1 > . rallioiul at V.I 5'J per till ) for
U-nim and f I M for men , 1'ico triinsportn-
lion. Apply at U. I * . Bulo hilHblos nl h-chlcuior.V
"oley _ _ _ _
FOHSALB Old papers. In iiiinnMtlcS to suit ,
at lieu olllco No. 12 1'carl struct
R. BICE , M. D.
or olhur tumirs rainoru < l w
ie knife or drawing of blooi
Over tliirty yeuri' pri-tioal atuarlu ui-
o. 11 1'o.irl Struct , Council lllu.Ii
Kit ic &
KT. SCHUH.25 ,
Justice of tlie Peace.
Office Over American BiprttJ
FIRST cim w mm mm
IMiibllilicd 111 1ST7.
20,000 Vehicles Annually. w ' nl for Cutnlotfitc , l'rh-c , rrcls
Odck n.ilMlir ; rmv kltnl rnl'p'1 ' or mvril > ami snt Israel Ion giiniMUtepil , I'rnmo houses movoJ
cnLluleUluJUrJcij-tliu best In tlin vvoi'll.
808 Eighth A.YOiiii3 mil Eighth Street , Council Blairs.
t-w o-C > n o-t-J
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
337 Broadway , Council Blairs , Iowa
To close tlip summer stock to the 'o\v- '
cst possible point.
Are offering' bargains now every day.
Good Corsets for 50e worth 75c
Parasols for /5c / and Upwards ,
Embroideries and Patterns , very
Cheap ,
Only am \ of those Summer
Silks Left ,
Lace Floiiiicings in Spanish and
Chintiliy Laces ,
Cheaper Minn you ever saw them. Fine
assortment for f-Tadmilio
Samples sc'iit wliou requested ,
Clioice patterns , pond quality ami
Special discounts to diun-hcs , Hocio-
tlc.s and clergymen.
Hartness Bros , ,
401 Broadv/ay / , Council Bluffs ,
China. Glassware and Iciinpi ,
\V. S. llonwr i Ou. .
No. 2H , Main St.Uoiinuil lUulVj , la.
I ! mve ft j'J | ntll > - t voun'l. wull rt ! < ar. JI s'-'O'l '
whifli 1 ( > lur ! ut -ufnnallc ntiirs. | . ' 'f'-ii ot tbu
ciopofl Sl Corrt-'tjiuiiilviico suliCitbU. i' , U
Ul'LL , ; li tO.
Dealers in MiluhCows.
At Our U lards
O'Vtv4HH l/V
No M'J ) and ; > 3G E. Hroadway.rouneil Hll's
Creston House ,
Tlipouly linlol In Council liluir * ] in\lnx
IFire Esoa/p ©
.And nil moilcni imiiovi | > incuts.
.MAX MOHN'.l'iop.
Practices In State nnd Federal Courts.
Rooms T and , Klincntt Block.
Star Sale Stables and Mule W ,
| ) | ( = ilo Dummy Depot.
Horses ami Mules hopt constantly on liana
for Bill" at retail or In cur loads.
Ordure proiniltly llllo.l by contract on short
notice. Stoek mid on commis-lon.
SHl.UTKlt i llOLljy , Proprietors.
Ti'luplionc Nu. IH.
Fonnuily ol KIIU , BAISSTAU1.1.B , coruor
Stli arc. nnil 4tli etrcut.
G'iioifc Oftplsiy Vat
Icrns , All
Council Bluffs
A Scluct < r Choicu
Grown and Hftloetol fr.'i u ilir-tlt
Sectl by
J. R. McPherson ,
U rower niul Dealer in
V 1 2 O KTA I S In I L . V\'T/5 / ,
A.VI > rz
Council JHufR Iowa.
Horses and
Koriill purposes , liouxlilS' SSa MiS'i'V
II lull. UlljJO ( JUitu' Mlnru. No'qutckr' ,
r u .wI.'Liiii ' iii. li'uJpU