Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1886, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY 13 $ $ : TUESDAY , JUNE 29. 1880. NEBRASKA TEACHERS' ' NEWS , "When and Where Institntas Will bs Hold and Their Conductors. "REDUCED RATES TO TOPEKA. From tlie Ktato Capital A Hot Civil AVnr In AVliicli a Bimrtlvo Cop I'lnys a 1'fBliunoiit I'nrt. [ ritOMTiir. tiRr.'H' ntrtiKAtr. ] TYotn returns compiled in the oflice of the state superintendent the counties that hold Institutes , their place of holding , length of session and oorw | of instruutors , are now bcin issued in eireular form for the information of every lonclii'r in the fitrito , and the latter number well up in the thousands. ' , In addition to the list of conductor * of the difl'crent county insti tutes , every conductor Is assisted by ono or moro instructors , who number among I he host in the sltilo and are largely prin cipals of the more important schools who enjoy vacation in work of this kind. Following Is Iho list of counties , time and place of Institutes as reporled : v nxcuiisiox IIATIS. : State Suporititondunt . \V. W. Jones u has been in correspondence with the railroads in this state relative to reduced rales for 'Nebraska teachers to the Na tional teachers' association at Topeka , coinniencliiK July U. The following rates have boon secured and the superintend ent has issued the following announce ment : Touchers desiring to attend the mooting at Topeka Vlll bo interested in the rates of travel. The H. * Jr. railroad will soil tickets from all stations on their lines to Atchi.soa or Kansas City for ono anil ouo-thlnl fares for the round trip. No vm'tllicato n any kind will bo required. Ask the aircnt a wuolc In ailvnnco bo that ho may Kd orders 1C he has not lecelved thoiu. Tickets will bo solil ou July 11 and IB , limited to return on the 18th. I'rom Alchlson or Kansas City rates will bo one faro for the round trip. .You will .havo . tickets from those points to Tojioka. The Union 1'acllie company will sell tick ets Iroiu all of Its stations to Omaha lor ono anil one-third fares for tlio round trip. The lUlssourl Foclllciallronil will sell tickets from Omaha and all other points on Its line for ono faro for the round trip. The fnro Irom Omaha will bo about Sn.fiO. The fnro from 3,1 n col u to Atchlson will be about § 5.80. l''rom ' these figures you can estimate about what the trip will cost you. You should so- euro a stopping jiliiee at Topeka In advance , Write to li. ( S. Larimer. Topeka , telling him whut kind of place you Uesiro. Jtatorf of board < will be from SI to S3 per day. AT THK STATK HOUSE. With the secretary of state yesterday were filed the amended articles of incor poration of the Adams Countv Savings b.Milc , with its place of business at tlio city of Hustings. This bank has ninety- nine years under the articles to run , with n paid up capital of $00,000 , which may bo increased to $500,000. The names .signed to the articles as incorporate. / V are W. M. Kerr , Leopold llahn , Henry Shedd , Samuel Ilirsoh , A. 11. Van Sickle , J. M. Sowcll , H. A. Hatty , John M. Kenyan , O. ( T. Smith , L. Hifo. Attorney General Lees it came in from his homo at Seward yesterday , and Dep uty Secretary of State Wintorstcin visited over Sunday at Geneva. CIVIL -WAK. Sunday tlioro was warfare in the nortn part of tlio city , and as the news reached jiolico headquarters the next dav it was located in the house of one of tno force. I'rom the reports that neighbors and spectators have given of the affair it was a hot timo. and no ten minutes storm either. The talcs recited state thai tlio "conny11 was discovered by his marital hull in ilagranto dolicto with n girl , ami tlio war opened .in which the Kin was pretty oflectuully thrashed and hurled Irom the promises. Civil war botwcon the husband and wlfo then followed , in which , it is slated , fists , llatirons and fnrp'turo played important parts and a rcvl iwns Hashed in the light. UutfortuiiiiE > Vfor all concerned , il was not used. VfC Muy ft calm suc ceeded the storm , mijS K Neighbor an- nouiiood that an armf $ . so , tending to ward peace , was in o.xistoncn and the opinion was "cnornl tlmttho truce would last It is to be presumed tlmttho proper investigation will bo made in the matter and tlio truth discussed in all its inlnutiu , for if thti circumstances are anything as related , there ought to ho a vacancy on the pohoo force to bo suiiplicd by a now nail less censurable person. I'ASSINO KVKNT3. Ofllcor Pound returned Irom Colorado yesterday bringing with hlinJ.J. 1'oar- son.who wa captured by him at Sterling , this state , and for whom 1'ound had a re- nuisltion from the governor of Nebraska. roarson is brought back to Lincoln to an swer to the charge of obtaining money from several diilorcut parties under false pictcnios , and iiu will bo hold for trial-ul the next tonu of the dUtricl court. U'ho prisoner was at ono timo.i resident ofSow- nrd , where ho dealt in stock buying and shipping. Of lute years , hov.over , iio has been going down irrado without brakes and is now a criminal hold for trial. The Clam liako association elected the following oflirurs for the ensuing vcar , during their Milford convention ; Presi dent , John 1) . Knight : secrtitary , J. P. Clary ; treasurer , II. M.-Wolls ; lirut uook , 1 * . llolwigj iisait-tanl cook , U. G , Court- nay , So URCs.sful was tlio annual bake that tlm association is contemplating an other at Iho same placq in September , whou a vigorous oflort will ho made on A ' ' mart of every member to defeat the enJoyRi = ja wl by J. C. McHrida of eating ye-steulay. a. . - n sitting. ilia quotum of u. t SeK { , , cases , and those tlou of a special \nU lonn'SfvrAtlvir go i . . teatcd by a larso uiojuilts. ( 'lilvnev aiu ( " chosen as Ihp next place of meeting trmi I n tbu tyuua uiljouintd tlb-u.'jiuiui ; . I * ? ionor Todd , of the same county , nnd ex- Mayor Htchcy , of rinttsmottth , were in Lincoln yesterday on business nt the cnpitol iiilliiinR. Mr. Toad was with tlio auditor looking up railroad assessment matters for a lawsuit rcjrardlng the taxa tion of the H. & M. bridge at 1'lalts- mouth , a suit that has been instituted by th railroad eomimny against Cuss county. Among the ca oB called up and pun ished under the health ordinance was a man charged with leaving a dead cow out in the oroiling , blistering sun to fes ter in tlio corporate limits ol the city. Justice Itrown's court yesterday was busy at-work with HIP Mclntco case on the preliminary hearing , in which ho is charged with murder In tlir first degree. J. J. ImhotVis homo from Chicago and Kan.'a * City , where he was on business matters of intcn'st toVosl Lincoln , and urr.iiiRiuncnU are now consummated for the erection of Lincoln's second packing house of the season at once. WoJiu'Ailny tin ; Lincoln and Topeka base ball clubs will cross bats in the first of a series of four games at Durfcc'H park this city. The hoinn club has covered itself with defeat the last week at Topoka. IIOTKL. AUIJlVAt.S. The following Nebniskuns were reg istered at tlm hotels yesterday. Tlioinu.s Graham , Seward : Aug. Hi-ii/.eii. Omaha ; G. A Cecil , Valparaiso ; N. A. bull1 , Sy racuse ; Jsaac L. Cast1 , Syracuse ; Albinus Nance , O.icuohu 15. V. Wilson , Hastings- Frank M. Wheeler , Plattsmouth ; G. Stales , Valparaiso ; T. Sv Large , Omaha ; L. 12. SKinner , Plattsnioiith ; P. J. Nichols , Omaha ; C. W. Stit'kloy , Geneva * ; John H. Manchester , Omaha ; W. IX Hailey. i'ork. PJIO3I AVKKl'IXOVATI3n. . Clone ol'n Vcar of Ilnrd Work nt tlio Academy. WEEWKO WATIU : , Juno 20. [ Correspondence - pondenco of the HUE. ] This week I made my pilgrimage to tins thriving httlo city \ \ ccpt.'ig \\'atcr is in the center of Ciiss county. The branch of the Missouri Pacific from hero to Lincoln is being pushed rapidly forward , and will bo linislied in August. The indications are that another branch will bo built from hero to Slicnandoali , connecting with the Wahash. This will give this place com munication east and west as well as north and south , and make it the railroad center ot Cass county. 1 had often hoard of Weeping Water , of its pleasant situa tion , ot' its young academy , and of its industrious and enterprising citizens. The visit of this week has proved that her reputation is well do- served. She may be styled an intellectual " al , churchgoing"community. . Many of her business men are graduates of eastern colleges , while hoc prominent business men are pillars of the church. The situa tion reminds one of New Knglaml as ho looks up and sees rook hills , covered with trees , stretching beloro him. Hut there is a spirit and lone to the place which only culture and education can give that reminds ono still moro forcibly of Now England. During my visit hero has occurred the closing exercises connected with the academy. Only last fall the academy was started , yet the enrollment of the iiast year has nearly reached a liundrod. No building has boon built vet , but ono will be erected in coed timo. The academy has many friends in Weeping Water and surrounding country , who are willing and able to aid the academy finan cially when the proper time comes. The past year the church has been largely used for recitation purposes. All the ex orcises this week were held in the Con gregational church. On Thursday after noon came the musical rehearsal , in charge of Misses Chadsoy and Pierce , who are the teachers in instrumental anil vocal music. The exorcises were both vocal and instrumental , and showed that thorough training had been given in the past your , Thursday evening Chancellor Manatt , of the state university , gave an able ad dress which was botli scholarly and in structive. His subject was "The Schol ar's Duty to Society. " On Friday evening the students of the academical donartmonnt gave a litcrarj' exhibition. Although many of the par ticipants appeared for the first time every thing passed oil' pleasantly , 'and those that took part reflected credit upon thorn- selves and upon the institution they rep- rosontud. I was especially impressed with the amount of interest : tlio people take in the acadomy. A crowded .house gath ered at each exorcise and every body seemed interested. Two of tlio bus iness men Fred H. Maws and Gcorgo Ashman have heard ulussos the past year. llcv. Gcorgo Ilindly acts as princi pal , though lie lias besides charge of ono of the largest of the churches in the stato. Both are prospering under his direction. Tlio coining year promises to bo better than the past , so Professor Shaw , of lUpton , Wis. , has been secured for tlio coming year. F. 11. P. John O. Voss Has recently purchased the Peoples' cash grocery , N. 15. Cor. ICth and Cal. sts. , and is fitting it up in good shape , where ho will bo glad to see his old and many now 'friends. Hemember tlio place , N. E. Cor. 10th and Cal. sts. Imtlies ! Wo have to-day placed our entire stock of Summer Millinery Goods on sala at cost. This IB no newspaper advertise ment , but solid facts. Give us a call and j'ou will bo convinced that wo mean bus iness , and you will find that wo are giv ing the best bargains over ollbrod in the Millinery lino. JLJall while our assort ment is still largo , at 101 North 10th Street. FKANK O.i KAYSHH , Proprietor , Opposite Jellerjion Square. 'Money loaned on furniture , chattels mortgages , warehouse receipts and all available security , at low rates. 11. C. WiirrcoMii , laoi Douglas st. Two saloon-kcopurs in Covlnglon have boon bound over to the district court for irrigating Sioux City picnickers on the Sabbath day. TUTTS HBHIHHBi HH PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Qreateat Medical Triamph of the Ago ) SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ijosiafoppetllri Ilcnvelicoiitvr , 1'alo In ( ho bead , vrlili a dull aunnnilun Iu Ilio bacU part , 1'aln under Ilio rUonlder- blade , lrullne s nficrtntlnu wIlU udlc iDCllnallonto cxortlouof bodr ortnltiil , Irrltubllllyorirmimr , Iow aplrlta , wllli ufocIluEuf IiRTlusroeel'cieil iouio Jutr , AVrarlueai , IHzzliifii , Fluitcrluir nt Ilia Heart , Dots \iefaiutlio even , llcaducbu iTcr iho rleht eye. Jtcttlcsuneso , xrltli litlliltlreniui , Illclily colored llriue , uuil CONSTIPATION. TDTT'S 1'lJjr.Snro e reclaliy adaptcil to tuch ccioa , ono Uoso effects sucn * cmnBoofiecUiigQstoii3tonl ) litliJeua'oror. They IitcrcAie Ilio AiiiwUtr.uulcauio tSo bodr la Tnke iu 1'lnli , trim Ilia fyUfnt li > ioiirUlteilana bytuclrTaiilc Action OQ do , . ( ro lllKe tlvcOrganllccuIu.rSlouli rro.luo.vl. I'tlcauRc.11 nftiriny St.N.V. TUTT'S EXTRAGT SARSAPARlLU BeuoratM lUa body. ; nakc3 healthy Utah , itrecgtlicni tlie wc.ilc repair * tlie wn&Jea of Die system with pure tlix > cl uij liar > l muscle ; tones tlio ucrvoiu BVhtcm , InvlironUtu tb tnxia , and iuiiKuta tli visor of mauliood. Si. Hold br liniccUt * . 01'1'lC'li ' 41 Murr r SI. , Now York. ? j , Ceo o : > i. THE TOWN IS BORN , ALL'S ' WEIL Another Metropolis Looms Up in Koith- western Kebraaka. THE BIRTH OF CRAWFORD. The Surrounillnc Country Unex celled In I'ertiritymid Itcautjr UuslnosM AtlvnntaKCs of tlic Town. CiiAWroun , Dawcs county , Nebraska , June 20th. The railroad lias reached Crawford , the railroad company have platted their land and the opening day's sale of lots is over. With its conclusion , Crawford enters upon its career as the fiocond largest community in Dawes county , and the future metropolis , as Its citizens ( irmly bellovo , of this section of northwestern Nebraska. Few now towns in Nebraska have started under such favoring auspices. It challenges com parison in the state for the beauty of its surroundings , llill and valley , pine crested butte and corn lined farm lands enclose it on nil sides , whilst through its center runs the beautiful White river with its over abundant cool and clear waters hurrying on its way northward to join the Missouri in eastern Dakota. Crawford is beyond question located in the most fertile portion of the Wliitu river region. It stands in tlio very center of a farming section which lias proved itself capable of growing any crop raised in Nebraska soil. At the present time corn is knee high and oats ami wheat as far advanced as in such counties as Holt and Cherry. Now potatoes raised within two miles of the town are al ready in tlio markets , and all kinds of vegetables in their season are purchased and sold by its merchants , all of which are growu in the neighborhood. There jias Ijoon an abundance of rain , all crops are looking well and their owners cor respondingly happy. So much for the section of which Crawford will bo for the market. Attention is called to those facts only to set at rest the countless ; iuorics whether land is worth anvthing in the region referred to and whether crops can bo raised and farms profitably cultivated. TIII ; TOWN has already put on the airs of an old settlement. Four thousand dollars worth of lots were s-old the first day and the purchasers are now busily at work erecting buildings. Thirty business houses are already on the ground and nearly as many more are said to be on the road coining to locate. A bank , two lumberyards , four general stores , a fur niture store , meat market , blacksmith shop , a wheelwright , livery stable , two restaurants , three drug stores , a hard ware establishment and Hour and feed emporium , with several saloons , were the pioneer business houses. A week hence Messrs. Edgar & Short will print the lirst number of the lirst Crawford paper. IJusiness lias located on Second street , running east and west , and is pushing naturally toward the military reserva tion. Fort Robinson lies only three and one-half miles distant , and a largo trade with its garrison is reasonably expected by the merchants. The purchasers of the lots promptly saw that the nearer they could locate to the military post the bettor for their business , and much to the surprise of the railroad company rejected property on Main strcetforlho thorough fare runnjng at right angles to its course. Five weeks from now "will sco a well built up street , and a bustliutr town , where three days ago not a house was vis ible. THE PIONEERS of Crawford county deserve mention. The land on which the town is located was purchased by the railrona from Messrs. Anuin & Smillie , the former now living in Omaha , the latter a cleric atFort Robin son. Ono of the first on the ground was Air. H. F. Olpugh , formerly an Indian trader , but displaced under the now dem ocratic ciyil service rules in order to make room for a moro pronounced parti san. Mr. Clotifeli has'tho largest stock of general merchandise in the town and is its loading merchant. Ho is an able and popular business man who is hound to leave a broad mark in Crawford's history. -Mr. Leroy Hall is conducting the bank and comes with excellent credentials and a solid basis of capital from Holt county. Mr. Dorr , proprietor of the lumber yard , has put in a heavy stock and is doing a rattling business , as ho ought to. lie is a business man every inch and a courteous and obliging citizen. JbsiahlJurgcr , who conducts the blacksmith shop , is an old settler whoso hearty hand-.shako and genial smile added to his well-named rep utation forhoncsUyorkmakohim a popu lar and valuable citizen. The same may bo said of Wheelwright Harris who came to Crow Unite from Columbus when Crow Uutto was barely moro than u name but who now finds his hands full iu turning out the work which crowds his shop. J. J. Gumming runs the moat market and Gottstein & Owen deal out liqnidTO- frcshmcnts to the non-prohibition class. Townsend & Hardy are the town bakers. The postofllco at Crow Dutlo will soon bo removed to Crawford and Cyrus Fairchild - child , an old wheel-horse of tlio Ohio democracy and a man of sound attain ments and cKcollent judgement , will , in all probability. DO the postmaster. Luck of space forbids mention of the other business men of ( Jruwford , each of whom is deserving of mention and would re- coiovo it if limited time permitted. Craw ford is dcbtlned to have a largo CATTLU bllll'l'IXO IJUSINESS. It possesses unsurpassed facilities for holding cattle and for feeding hud water ing herds. At its silo all tlio trails up northwestern Uawos county converge , and the Sioux county drive 'moots them on the banks of the river just outside of the town. General Manager Fitch has already requested permission to locate snipping yards on the border of the military reserve , where tlio droves will bo romovcd from all danger of inter ference with farmers crops , and the request quest will probably bo granted by 'tho military authorities as the proposed loca tion is fully throe nillos from the fort , and cannot alfect in any way its interests. CJroat interest is felt in this entire section over the approaching rebuilding of FOUT HUIIINSON , the sentinel post on the loft flank of the Sioux reserve and Ilio military guardian of the lives and property of the thousands of swarming into tlio Whlto river valloy. The post is now almost un inhabitable , and its rotting logs and de caying roofs are a standing commentary upon the foolish economy which erects anything but udobo or brick military quarters in this climate , Fortunately , the condition of the post will render any petty patching and roparing impossible , and will force almost the entire rebuild ing of the garrison. ( Jonoral Sheridan has reported to the senate coin , inittou that the position will bo a very "Important ono for many years to come , " and urges the building of a ton- company post as a "wise military meas ure. " while General Schotield in a report of February lust to the adjutant general ot the army urjres- even moro strongly the enlargement of the command urn ! the construction of tlio needed buildings to liouso them. Quartermaster General Dandy , when hero last fall , saw at once tlio value of the position and the urgent need of prompt action and made thecaso so clear toGcuoral Howard that steps wcro tit once taken by the headquarter * to briug tlio matter to a final docisiou. Iu this , both General Mandersou and Con gressman Oorsi-V mil their shoulders to tlic wheel and' ' M'Uureil the promise of General Sheridan that the post should be rebuilt , enlanred tiiul made regimental headquarters a1 * soon as possible. It is to be hoped that before plans are definitely settled upon a thorough roconoissanco of the ground will be miulo from depart- nicnt hoadmiarlt'i-s. Tlio plans sent in were hastily compiled wlillo the post commander wnp sutl'ering from a fatal illness and will probably not bo consid ered to meet the requiri-menls. Olllcers at the po t arc agreed that the line of of- licers' quarti-rs should bo removed back on ti.o slope of the hill norlh , fully two hundred yards , leaving a linely turfed parade ground in the front with the men's barracks in echelon in the rear Hanked by the warehouses along the railroad track to the east and tlii > new hospital building on the west. Such n change would give ample room for a ten- company post of three troops of cavalry and seven of infantry , and it Is tlm only available method by which the space requisite for such a garrison can bo secured. Several of the buildings erected within the past five years can still bo used. The commanding ollicer's house is uraetical , and so is the hospital building. Contracts Imvo been let for the construction of an amusement hall , a nuurtcrinasler's house on the railroad track , and two single quarters for non commissioned stnll'olllcors. The Elkhorn Valley road runs directly behind the post and within a few yards of the quarters. This makes tlio garrison the cheapest frontier post to supply in the entire de partment , and in the words of General Scliolield , greatly increases its im portance. A. INTERESTING INFORMATION. * All About Nebraska's Ctinntniiiiua Katlroiul l nrc , Cost or hiving , Art- mission to tlio CrnumlH anil Other IMiUlern. CKETE , June 27. [ Correspondence of the HEE.I The programme of the Chan- tauqiia assembly to bo hold hero from the 1st to the HHh of July has been fully dis cussed until everyone is acquainted with its merits , and but little more need bo said as to that ; but it will bo necessary to omphasi/.o further a few facts concern ing" accommodations , , etc. , which it seems were not made snlliciently plain. Jly the accommodation of the railroad companies transportation rates are as follows : One faro for the round trip from Hastings , Wymoro , Lincoln and all intervening points. Ono and one-third faro from all other points on the B. & M. and Union Pacific railroads. On purchas ing your ticket to Crcto pay full faro and bo sure your railroad agent gives you a receipt lor each ticket. These receipts carefully preserve and do not fail to have them stamped at the assembly ticket office. Then at their presentation to the agent at Crete tickets for the re turn will bo sold at one-third faro. Hut in parties of fifty or more , from any one station , tickets will bo sold for one fare for round trip. A broad platform , of thron cars length has been built 'by the 15. & M. railroad just opposite th6 entrance to the grounds. Visitors to the assembly will bo landed on this platform frpm which a three minutes' brisk walk will bring them to the grounds. Transportation lor passengers is 10 cents , baggage , of course , extra. A dray will bo in attendance atall trains and baggage Will bo transported With dispatch. Full course tickets , with privilege of entrance and qxit , admitting to all lec tures , concerts. , and overythmir , in fact , $2. Season tickets fpr children between 10 and Ifi years , 50 cents. Admission mission , 10 cents. If you are a stock holder , the ticket is $1.50 , obtained of the secretary or treasurer. Stockholders must pay their assess ments before purchasing tickets or pay the usual i2. Grand Army posts will bo admitted free only on July 0 , and must bo in a body and in uniform. Apply to the superintendent of the grounds tor tents. But if you have not engaged a tent , it would be'wise to do seat at onco. and thus save time .and trouble on the first day. Touts wiJl bo rented as follows : For entire season tents 10x12 foot , $4 ; for entire season tents 113x14 foot , $5 ; floor in tent-extra , $1 ; cots for entire season , $1 : cots per day , 25 cents. Bring bedding , towels and the neces sary articles of furniture may bo rented for u trilling consideration , i have with mo a list from the furniture store of Lang & Doyle , witli the price of rent for one day and for ton. Here is the list : Plain bedstead per day , 6c ; per 10 days , 75c. " Who sprliif ? per day , lOc ; per 10 days , 7f > c. \Vashsianct per day , Cc ; nor 10 days. COc. I'lain table for 4 persons per day , J > ic ; for 10 days , 'Ktc. Camp clialrs per day , IJ c ; for 10 days. 25c. Common chairs per day , Itfc : for 10 days , 25c , Plain rocking chair per day , IJtfc ; for 10 days , ' ic. bnmll mirror per day , IJtfc ; forlOilays , 25e. Other articles may be added at pleas ure at an equally reasonable price. Nowabout ooard. Most ample provision has been made for both modes of subsist ence. Some pcrfor one waj % some an other , so the ladies of the Congrega tional church of Crete , who have charge of the dining hall , will also furnish a lunch counter , where edibles will bo sold in largo or small quantities at reasonable rates for the accommodation of those who deslro to board in their tents. "Milk , butter , broad , etc. , will bo furnished hero. Meals at the dining hall per day , $1 ; meals at the dining hall per week , $5 ; meals at the dining hail for-entlro season , $7 ; single meal , 'Jo cents. The dining hall has been greatly en larged since luktyoar. W. H. Kirkfand. of Omaha , whom the ladies have engaged as steward , estimates the seating capacity at ! 500. So yon sco it will nicely accom modate all who como. The ladies , with tlio assistance of Mr. Kirkland , expect to serve the viands iu an attractive manner. They have engaged competent cooks and tlio tables will bo supplied by atten tive waiters. As to iho convenience of this ( 'lining ball , it is within easy roach of all and accessible , by a good walk , as also are all other buildings on the grounds. , The 110 acres ( Jhpspn for the assembly grounds lie alone ; the banks of the Blue river. They are not low , Hat jrrounds , but slightly rolling'so that during wet weather water does "not stand in pools , The grounds nrodn most excellent condi tion. All underbrush has been cleared away , trees trimmed and trained , until this is ono of thooiiott beautiful spots in the west. There is a summer and row boats , thirty or nuwt. which will bo kept near the grounds ami in good condition for usa on oxcur.-jioiid. . etc. John A. LogatjpU in all probability bo one of the chief aUractions , "VVo have his word of honor thut on his way from the Kansas assonjbly. at Ottawa iio will visit our assembly an'd address us July 5. The following letter from United States Senator Plumb to Ilio secretary of the Ottawa assembly places the certainty of the presence of General Logan at that place beyond a doubt ; n UMTKD STATUS SII.VATK , WASIIIXOTO.V , JunoD. u. 0 , Ilalnos , Secretary , Oltawa , Kan. Dear sir : I have arranged with the linltiiiioro & Ohio railroad company to take General Loiran to Kansas. II Illinois no change lu > will probiuly : leave lioro on the nlclitof thuliiht day ot June and jct Into Ottawa about 1 o'clock on the moriiliiK of the Hd. lie will not , iu this event , luavo the car until after daylight. P. I ) . PI.UMII , J his makes us a sure as wo can bo of anything , for il ho goes to Ottawa ho is bound to lecture to us at Crcto. The loo- tnro of Robert Nourso In the evening of Grand Army of the Republic day is also a special attraction. After this wo shall have the grandest display of lircworks over had in the state. Wo rather expect the largest crowd ou this day. THE 1IEG1RA OF HEIRS , The Titled Dncs of Trance Tljing Over the Borders. THE DISTINGUISHED BOUNCED. Tlio Hoots null Urntiolic < * of tliu Trees ol' Kroneli { loyally A I'rluocly tutu K.xtlc. The niombars of the house of Orleans thnl come under the application of the prince expulsion measure are : Count do Paris , Countess do Paris , and their in fants with them at Cannc.salso ; theirson , Duke d'Orleans , in the Collceo Stanislas , and their daughter , the Prineess llelene , wiio , n year or so ajio , entered society at a felu given by one of the Kothsohilds ; Duke do Gharlrcr ami Duchess do Char- trerand tiioir children , Princess Marie , Prince Itobcrt , Prince Jlenri , Prineess Marguerite , and Prineo Jean ; Duke do Nemours , general of division , living in Paris , and his children : 1st , Duke d'Aleii- con , captain of artillery , in garrison at Vinccnucs , his wife and two children , Louise and Emmanuel ; 2nd , Princess Blanche. Their son , tlio Count d'Ku , has become : i Hrazilian wince bv Ids mar riage to the crown princess of that em pire , and their daughter , the Princess Marguerite , is married to a Polish prince named CV.arloryski. Prineo do .loinvillo , vice-admiral , and the princess , his wife , both living in the Hue do Herri , a few doors from the American chapel , with their children , Duke do Pcnthiovre , a lieutenant in the navy , and Princess I'rnucoiso , wife of Duke do Chartrcs al ready mentioned. Duke d'Aumalo , the senior division general in the French army , one of the iorty immortcls of the French academy , a splendid gentleman , who lives at Chantilly. Duke do Mont- pensier and Princess Clementine , brother and sisters of the Duke do Nemours and d'Aumalo and Prineo do .loinvillo , and uncle and aunt of Count do Paris and Duke do Chartres , would not bo those to be expelled , because one lives in Spain and the other in Austria , the iirin- cess beinc married to the Duke de baxo- Coburg-Uolha and the Unko to the Infanta Louise , sister of ox-Queen Isabella. Of the Hourbotis the elder branch finds its mail representative in tlio person of Count de Chambord , son of the a sas- mated Duo do Herri , grandson of Charles X , and sometimes designated by his friends Henry IV. Of the thirteen children berne to Chas. and Letitia Honajiarte during the eigh teen years of their wedded life live sons have attained maturity and played con spicuous parts in the history of Europe. Those were Joseph , Lucien , Napoleon , Louis and Jerome. Joseph Honaparto , sometime king of Spain and Naples , married a Mile. Clary of Marseilles , by whom ho had no male issue , but Ids only daughter , Xcnaide Charlotte , who died in 1851. married her cousin Prinoo Charles Jules , tlio eldest son of Lucicn Honaparto and became the mother of a numerous family , several members of which are still alive. This union is spoken of by historians as the "fusion of the two lines of Joseph and Lucien. " Its issue , and also that of Prince Lucion's second mar riage with Mine , de Vombertie.constituto the older branch of the Napoleon family , and , thero.foro , all its princes naturally precede the present Jerome in tlio suc cession. Prmco Lneien , the second son , the Corsican notary , and heir presump tive to the Napoleonic throne at the death of Duke de Kcichsladt , was the father by hissccond wife of four sons and three daughters. Ono of the 'sons was Killed in the Hellenic war of 1821) ) ; the three sons were Louis Lucicnborn in England ; Pierre Napoleon , the hero of so many sanguinary adyontrues , and who died iu 1871) ) ; and Antoine , who married a Sig- norina Cardinal ! in 183 ! ) , and about whoso decease without issue in Franco in 1878 , there has always been u doubt. Prineo Charles Jules , son of Jucicn by his first wife , had no fewer than twelve children by his cousin , the Princess Zonaide , of whom two survive viz : Prineo Lucicn Louis Joseph , one of the cardinals at llomo , and Prince Napoleon Charleswho is the actual head of the Bonaparte family. " ! Tlio prince , born in 1839 , entered the French army during the reign of his cousin. Napoleon 111. , fought through the Algerian and Mexican campaigns , and took part as a captain of infantry in tlio late 1'ranco-Prussian war. Ho was taken prisoner by the Germans , and , having refused to give his parole not to servo against the enemy if set at liberty , was imprisoned at Brunswick until pnaco was declared. When only twenty-one years old ho married Princess Marie of Uuspoli , by whom ho has had two daugh ters. Marie and -Eugenic do Honaparto , the latter being born as recently as 1872. The lines of Napoleon I. and of Louis , third anil fourth sons respectively of M. and Mine. Bonaparte , are extinct by the deaths of the ox-king of Komo ( Duke de Hcichstadt ) in 1833 , and the prince Impe rial the 3d of June. 1879. Thus there only remains for consideration the line of Jerome , formerly king of Westphalia , the thirteenth and lust child of Uititiii Bonaparte , born four months before his father's doath. .Early in the present con- tnry this Jcromo Bonaparte nmrriod-Miss Patterson , of Baltimore , who died in 1870 , and by her ho had issue. Their eldest son married Miss Susan May in 1830 , and this marriage resulted in the birth of two sons , the eldest of whom , Colonel Jerome Bonaparte , came over from the 'United States iu the narly days of the Second Empire to servo in the army of his im perial cousin. The original Jerome Bo naparte's marriage with Miss Patterson wan annulled in n highly arbitrary and unjustiliahla manner by Napoleon 1. , who compelled Ids younger brother to marry I'rincuss Frcilerica of Wurtombtirg. Tlioy had two sons imd a daughter Prince Jerome , count of Montfort. who died at Florence in 1817 without issue , and Prineo Nanolcon Joseph Charles Paul , who , on his brother's death , as- Mimed the name of Jerome , and is the "Plon-Plon" that has created so much excitement in Franco. Irrelevant Comparisons. Comparisons ara made botwcon the dressed meat business and railroad busi ness. The Chicago Herald says ; Armour & Co.'s sales last year were about $ r > 0,000,000 , or nearly a million a week , and yet I am tola by ono of their heads of departments , who probably knows what lie is talking about , that the not prohts were n little loss than $ lfi50 , , > 000. That is a largo sum , but it is u miitm Eiim to represent a ynur's profit of u busi ness so viibt. Did you uver stop to think that there is a butcher shop iu Chicago whoso sales are larger every year than the gross ineomu of the greatest railway in tlio country * Tlio earnings of the Nuw York Central are only ( $0.000,000. Our great western roads crowd the Central prctly close , with $27,000,000 for Burling ton , jjyn.OOO.OOO Northwestern and $ . ' 1,000,000 for St. Paul. In puint of gross receipts this big butcher shop leads thorn all , but thuro is u vast difTuruuco in profits. As statements thcso jijruros are inter esting , but Us comparisons they amount to nothing. To earn its $30,000,000 gross ami $8,000,000 net per annum the Now York Central employs an invested capi tal of $103,000,000 , exclusiveof the West Shore. The Li ko shore earns J 5,000.000 ross ami fU,000OJO not per annum and employs au invested capital of $100,000- 000. The St. Paul earns ? .MOvX,000 ) gross and f,000,000 ) net per annum ami em ploys an invested capital of ? lWtO.X)0 ) ( ) , and so on through the list. The capital employed to earn ISO.000,000 gross and $1,000,000 net per annum in the dressed meat business is in jignilicant in compari son with these enormous railroad Ii < niro3. A Cora from I he Dimy ? Inll1Vlil tier Co. . , , , . To tt\o \ ifflfor \ \ c hnvo trtim tlmo to tltno , through the columns ot your pnper no well ns through the medium of the lend ing newspapers of this country , cnllcrt at tention ton fttinplnarul oITcctiro formula for n largo cln s of nllincnts which the the medical profession hns intelligently conceded , cannot lie uenoflttcd perman ently In any other way tluin tluoiiRh the agency of soiuu article of the diameter of a food. The remedy to which wo rotor Is a preparation which can bo prepared Jn any household , the principal Inurctllciits being raw beefsteak null n spoclllctl quan tity of Duffy's pure ninlt whiskey. \Vo expected through the circulation of your pnper and others In which our no- tlccs appeared , to get a larpo demand for copies of this formula and our expecta tions have not only licon met to the fullest degree , but exceeded our most sangulna expectations. Diirlnc tlio few months which IMVO elapsed uinoo the II rat notice appeared , ten thousand Invalids have placed themselves In charge of our Meill- cnl Department ; ull thcso cases received Individual supervision , and the wonderful results that have boon obtained , Includlnu in many cases a Rain in weight from ten to twcnty-flvo pounds , notices of which have appeared In the papers , has also led to the itso of this formula by thousands with whom wo are not lutommnnlratlon. friends of our patients. The wonderful miccesB of tins formula Is duo principally to the peculiar properties of Duffy's I'tiro Malt Whisky. The range of nctlou of this remedy comprises nil lung , stomach , bowel alTuctlons ami weakened conditions ol the nervous system. The extraordinary growth ot our busi ness 1ms uindo It necessary for us to niako special arrangements to meat the Inquiry and attend to the supervision of the thou sands who are ualnt ; our remedy , and wo are anxious that no ono snITuriuq from any of the atiova ailments should fall to Bond to us for a copy of this formula , which wo will suiul with pleasure on to- cclptof a two-cant stamp , to any address that may bo requonted. With the formula wo Cnnilflb evltlfiice of Its valno which causes Duffy's pure malt whiskey and formula to become at once an established household remedy. \Vo appreciate the fact that otir meas ure of success Is duo to the Interest man ifested by your readers , anil we ilcstro that none who nro allluir from tlio dis eases above referred to should remain un- cousulouH of the fact that there is a simple and effective remedy that will restore health where disease nowdwulN. THE DUFFV MALT AVIIISKKY CO. Kminxvny Hoys. Fred and Willie Gerster , aged nhio and eleven , tired of their home in Cin cinnati , so they packed a big basket with provision , stole -fit and a pislol from their father , and set out to see the world. And they saw it for two. weeks. sleeping in barns , selling newspaper anil blacking1 boots in Dayton and Toledo , and were in a fair way to become thorough tramps when the advertise ments of their frantic father led to their apprehension and return to the parental roof. They say they have had all tlio tramping they want. i n ES ! A sure euro for Ulliul. lilccdlncr , Itchin and Ulcerated Piles has boon discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , Dr Williams' Indian 1'ilo Ointment. A studio box has cured the worst chronic cases ot 'j.i or BO years standlmr. No one need sulfcr live minutes after applying this wonderful sooth Inc medicine. Lotions and instruments do mbra harm than irond. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the intense Hulling , ( particularly at nicht after ncttliu. warm in bud ) , acts as a poultice , gives Instant relief , and is prepared only for I'ilos , Itching of private pans , and for untiling olsu. SKIN IHSHASKS OUIIRI ) . Dr. Frazior's Magle Ointment cures as by macic , Pimples , lllaok Heads or Grubs , Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving thesicln clcarand uoautlful. Also cunts Itch. Salt Klieum , Sere Nipples , Sere Lips , and Old Obstiimto Ulcors. Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of 50 cents. Itutallod by Kiihn & Co. , and Schrooter Sr Conrad. At wholesale bv C. 1' . Goodman A JJlvcTy Girl. Marie Hebron , fourteen years old and black , was committed to the industrial school in Baltimore , by her mother , who said .she couldn't do anything with Mario. She had a room on the fifth lloor. One dark night she got out on the roof , hung from the caves by her hands and dropped to a buildini ; beneath , thence jumped to the roof of a. house adjoining , got on the verumla , slid down a post to the ground , scaled the fence and went homo. Her mother at once no tilled the police and ono of the force went to rearrcst Mario. Ho couldn't liiul her until ho happened to stick his hand up : i chimney. Ho felt comothing , and grabbed anil pulled and down come Marie blacker than over , and angry. wfiojseo aoj p ( JD oqs 'p ' 019 UtM. itl il UOIU1 The Ono-AVIioolod Vohlclo. "Papa , if three wheels Is a tricycle and two wheels is a bicycle , what is ono wheel ? " ' "Ono wheel , my son ? Well let me BOO I One wheel must bo a unicyclo. " "No , it ain't papa ; it is a wheolbar- bow,1 ' "SIMMONS' LIVER BE Gui ATOR " AS A 'REMEDY IN Kidney Affection "My kidneys were so nirbctcd I have boon compelled to got up as much as ten 'times in ono night. I had pains in my side , back and left shoulder , and when down could hardly rise. I was nnablo to bond my body without great pain. I tried Simmons Liver Regulator and my condition has improved so much thitt I hardly over feel any of my old trouble , and then very slightly , and am aatlslied tlmt I am entirely cured. I would not take thousands of dol.ars for my improvement. " W. JOHNSON , Express Agent. ESTABLISHED ! W USED IN ALL Catalogues nnrt frlcra on nppllriitlon. best rerrlurn Iinllile uii > l Uralvri. . II. K. A DBEXEL & MAUI , , ( Buoceisori to J. Q.Jaootia U N I ) E M TA KJ2 11 S , AND EMBALMERS. At the old stani ] , 1107 FttrnamBu Otlorttr \ Ulc-eniiibMllcifixl and prouiydy attoj.aod to. Tulcpiou < i NO..U TRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Mid stronpMt NixturM Fmlt Fljtrotu. \mmla , I inoii , OrntiRO , Almond , lime. eW. , Uavor as ttellentely and naturally ns the Iruk. PniCE GAKINQ POWDER CO. , oniCAoo. Or Ilio l.lqitoillulill , " Cured Ity AiliiilulHtorliiK Dr. HrtlncV Uitliluii Nii < rltle. IKnn ! > < Riven In A cup of niflca or t & nUhent theknim-ltnlRnnMlin vcrson tnklnjt It.lmibtulutOlP harmless , nnil nllleflocl n | trmanrnlanj ineedr euro , whether the patlont U .1 moderate drlnkor or tn nicoliollo wreck. U hix * been clven Iu tiiou- nluH of cnica , nuil In every Initune * nnerffd earn hna/ollonvtl. li iit nr r , , I IR , Tbo system once InipiVffnnled ulth the SpoclPc. ttxrtramp ? Auuttof liuiniylhlllty for Iho liquor npti US * tm Uv roil SAI.K 1JY FOI.I.OWIKO DIlUOCflSTHt Kl'IIN A. CO..Cor. JRlli nnil Daucln * . nBd ISlli iV f'nniliiE Hln , , Omaha , Ncb.l A. I > . L'OSTiK tV 11 ! ! ( ? . . Council Illnn'K , [ OTTO. Cull orvrllo ( or immphlct iHintnlnlnff liutirlnds r'lc'lltnonlivl Irntn thi'lie'Ituieii mm lueulrem ii ! < " -lsif the i juntrv. Truiw.romlunetl. ouar nltillb only ono Intbo worldirentratlnB nronlliiitnni XlettHrilagnrlla . , . . , . 'nihl UtTrftlre. ro'lil fraud * . ; > * " ovrriMHHirurril. Krm\Ht.imnfrriinmnhlet. \ ALSO iii : : < ! Tiio nr.i.TFOIIJJIHUAKIIK. . DR. HOHNE. INVENTOR , igi WABASH AVE. . CHicurA. Cure without modi- APOSITIYEi clnn. I'utoutol Octo ber 10 , 1870. Oao bor will ourd tlio most obtlanto cnso In four diva or loss. IP1J No nnii3coiis ilosos of cubebs , oopnlha or oil of ramlnln-ooil tlmt nro corlnlu to prodtiuo ilyapop- tin liy ilo ttiivlnir tlm I'ontlnirs ot tlio Blomwoli , I'rli'ofl.M. Soli 11 ly nil ilniirclsU or miUluil on iccohitof iirk'n. For rurtliur nart'oulnrs ' ' Bout forclroulnr. ! . O. Box ISH. " 3" . C. uSulj3l4 .3iT CO. . CURE. Now York , luus-tii-siitlvin&o "London" Trouser stretGhei ; I'atonloil In Curono and U 8. BOM : Atir.NTs In UNITED STATES for colcliriitoil John llnmlltuu & Co. , Stretuluir. Tiiko * bacirlng out of knoos. restores puntulooiia to orlKltml nhtipu. Only piit'd strtuoh- er cninolnliiK screw rod In coneu- tlon with t'liiniiH. All othora4n- I'rlntri-nu'iHii. Orlirnuil nnil only Strclclior lor Uontlomon's uso. lly uvpn.gj sei'iiroly pnckod , prlco . . _ - ? a r > U. Writ o for clronlnra .AKonU wiiiuoil In every city. U. W. SIMMONS & CO. , i Iloaton , Mass SENT C. O. D. ONE OU MUXU : AT UlIUIJEftAlX I'UIOE. 1 PAY oil ex pro * * chorqrn to alliiwlnlfl wltlitn 300 rotltM. l.ooc irtirloFrc B to wilei'l from. BcnJ two real clamp for HtimruttM catalogue ) . Mrniinn tlUspijxjr. L. G , SPEHCER'S TOY FACTOR * , 221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. MALT Si.iTlullr nimllled for niuillclnol Use. THE BEST TONIC I UNEQUALED tor CONSUMPTIOIk WASTING'DISEASES and GENERAL -DCBILITr. PERFECTS DIGESTION Dlt. K.UW , L. WAI.HNO , 6ur germ In Chief ; National Qutri of N.J.wilicit "Jly ullentlon WM called "U Ynur'Koymnnt ' Multlilikey bj Mr. I/nlor , Innrfl ) t.of Trenton mill I Imvo ui d a few liottlei. with fur Iwtttr floct than anyO liuro liail. 1 alu recoEuuiendmi jour iirllcln In my practice , BUD ilnJ It vury futlsfuclorj. " BEVTA3E Or I1.'ITATI01J3. 7Tli0 ( Ivniilni ha > tin fltrntlurfl 0 KIHNKIl * MKNDEL8UN on the L t l , c'Kli fur Hit U. R. ) , 316,318 and 320 Race St. , Philadelphia. Pa. Forsalo by C. F. Goodman , Omaha , NobrasKa. . lilu i. . w rfw t An ( inlUnl ipulliliiUiiU < l.ii r. Mill * | M.m. . l'.r.l. | . Jn.h , . . . r ! * ! . . . J ll < tlOtt IilfMIn Off * ' " ' "K lfl1L | ft * I.IM. . flw r r u. ! " ' j. vfrvvnrpE'EiJAvir , BOW 1 JtUVAUWJiYt U. UNCOBSESSDBCTY llecuully llullt , The Tremont 'i , 3 , 0. K1TX.OKUAM ) & KON , J'rojirlotors. < < 1) ) Cor. Mh utid PHU. , Llnuoln , Nob. Hnte H.50 tiurduy , Btrout cuu iXroui bousu to any ' .partof . the city. J. II. W. HAWKINS , \ Architect , > OniccHai : ) unil < - ' , Itlohurda-Jllock , UuooJa , ob , Klovutoronlltii BtrucU - " , Ilrocderol ' Wreedorof CAU.OWAV CATTLE. KHOIU' IlOilN CATTMl r. M. WOODS. ! Live Stock Anctioneer Sulos mnile In ull imrta of tlio U. 8. ot fair rates. HooiaiU , Bluto lllotk , Jlntolu ; , Neb Oolloway aud Short Horn bulU'for tale. U. II. GOULDlD , Farm Loans and Insurance , CorrcspOMiU-nco In regard to loam eollolted. KIIOIU 1 , Itlubiu-Us lllonk , Uuooln , KoU. Public Sale , Denver , Col. , Juno lOUi , IHBO. 401ioad oCBhnw Short Horns , riatw I Crulolc fliunk , JJ-yeur-okb , wolKlilny MWi tiulbi tt 4 liDllurB. AUdrcM FldM uinl Farm- , for caUlou * uos , Denver , Col. C. M. IliuubOil , Liuoola , KBb. Col. P. M. Wood * , Auctioimur. t When la Lincoln ftt National Hotel , And can good ulnuor forSKc. . ' J. A. 1'EDAWAV ,