Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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I'ork-Knirlv ncllvo and llrmt old mew ,
quoted at SIO.oo@lo.2o ; new , 810.7rx3ll.a- ) .
lnrd Ori'iied mote active ; western steam
spot , s < xaof'@fl..M { ; .hii.vsn.4Vc.rjO. (
"uttcr-atcatlyj Uenii\ml fair ; \ \ extern ,
( "iicesc-rirm mid ( nlr Infjulry.
f Regs Firm nnd in fair doinaiid ; western ,
Mllwnnkop , Juno 23 Wheat-Steady ;
. h , TOjVc ; August , 74Vc : September , 7 ic.
Corn Strntie ; No , 2 , nr < c.
Oftta-Slrady : No. 2 , CG&c.
Ityc Klim ; No. 1 , r.'c.
liarlcy-Dnll ; No. 2,4 < 1c ,
Provisions Finn ; mess pork , cash nnd
July. S'J.67'4 ; Auirust , S'J.07M-
Cincinnati , Juno 23.Vhcat Steady ;
No. t rod. 78sOc.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , mixed , to 'c.
Oats-Kntlpr ; Xi.2 , inlxod. yj c.
Uye-Lowor ; No. 2 , rSdtr > sUc.
Pork Htpady at 59.rA4'.o ! ' .
la il-5r.13 } ? .
ntliincnpnllH , Juno 2S AVlipat Stpaily ;
fair IniiliiL'ss ; No. 1 hard cash 7lc ; Ausnst ,
Tfi'ic ; Hcntt'inltcr , 77c ; No. 1 nortliern , oiHi ,
7ISc ; AURtist , 74J c ; Sei'toinber ' , TI.-icjiNo.
2 northern , cn-jli-CJc ; Septunibcr , TOKc'i
Flnur-tjiilut ; patents , SI.Uotl.oU ! ; bakers ,
Dltccclpts-Wbeat , 1B4.000 bu.
Slilpnicnts-Wlieat , 21,003 bu ; Ilour , 23OCO
bbls ,
liJRtnrc-Wlieat , nOT2OCO bu ; 3U Paul ,
7bOXX ( ) bu.
Ht. I.oiiln. .June 23. Wheat Kasy ; No. 2
red , cash , 7N- ; July , 73 , ? < c.
Corn Hasy ; No. s mixed , cash , RIKc ;
July , 31c : August , 32J c.
Oats- Weak ; No. a mixed , cash , 2 ! > Vc ;
Hve Ncpleck'd.
1'orK Stro
Laid Finn . .
lluttcr Finn iiml In tnlr dciuaud ; cream
ery , ir , ( < itCc ; dairy , ll@14c.
AFTIIINOON : UoAitti Wheat Steady nnd
i e lilulicr. Corn bto.tdy and unchanged.
Oats Weak nnd J.4@-2 c lower.
ljlvcrun < > lMincH ! Wheat No demand :
new No. a winter , dull at Oa 7d ; spiing , dull
nt fis fi d.
Flour Poor demand ; easy nt 7s 4d.
Corn I'oor denmud ; s ] > utand June , steady
nt 4s 'Ji < d : July and August , steady at 4s ! ) > fd.
KniiHiiH City , Juno 24 Wheat Weaker ;
No. 2 , cash , C.'ic bid. Cfl'ic nskcd ; July , no
bldsAucuKtiV.'cb1d. ;
Corn Weaker ; cash , 25o bid ; July SC c ;
Oats Nominal.
New OrletuiH , Juno 23 Hop products
firmer but not i\iotibly | \ ; hluhur ; pied demand ;
a Hhndu higher ; jiork , SU.75 ; laid , S5.87K ;
bulk meats , Miotildcrs , 0.00 ; long elear ,
C5.87 } { ; rlear i llw , KG.OO.
Data Fnn ; western , ! rc.
Corn Meal-Dull nt 52.05.
Toledo , Juno 23. Wheat Steady but
dull ; cash , 7S < S8ic.
Corn Stradv ; cash , SCJi'c.
Outs Quiet ; August , so.rc. ;
o , June2S. The Drovci's Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 0,000 ; strong nnd n shade
higher ; sliinpiiiK steers , si.7r : > ( i5.40 ; stock-
era and feeders. S2.r > 0i4.40 : cows , bulls and
mixed , 8U.OO@4.00 ; bulk , S2.70&UO ; throimh
Tcxns cattle , si.00@4.uo. :
Hoiss Itccfiipts , :13OUO : , ; slow cnily hut
Closet ! strong ; rough and mixed , SI. ! ! > ( < * l.r > " > ;
packing niidslilnnlnir , S4.2.j@I.C.i ; light , § 4. 0
( < ; skips , si.f > o&i.8.'i. :
Sheep Kucelirts , a.OOO ; steady ; natives ,
Tito"London rablo totho Drover's Journal
quotes tliu market lieavllv.supplied and lower ;
best Aneilean : btecis , l' ' } c perlb , dres&cd.
Knnsnn City , Juno 28. Cattle Receipts ,
1.100 ; bhiimicnts , noun ; market n shade
stronger ; peed tocholccshlpplug , Sl.fiOQl.SO ;
common to medium , $ .t.K@l.40 ! ) ; stockws.
S2.75@3.-10 ; feeders , ga.50@4.00 ; cows , S'iOO
8 Itecclpts , 7,200 ; shipments , 3'OD , ;
market opened slow , closing stronc and net-
ivo ; good to choice , S'l.iiJ I.M ) : common to
medium , S4.00W4.0. ( : ;
Bt. Ijoitl.i , Juno 23. Cuttle Itecclpts ,
1,200 ; shipments , SOO ; imukct active butrxffi
lOc lower ; peed to choii-o shipping , S-l.S5f ( $
6.30 ; common to fair , SI.OO@4. ( ; butcliors'
Btocia , 5j3.50 < B4.2.ri ; cows nnU heifers , $2.23(3 (
5.03 : Texnns , S2.2oS4..r,0. (
Hogs Receipts. 400 : ; ; fihlpmculs , none :
market nctivo and n shade higher ; butchers'
And best heavy. S4..W@1.75 ; mixud , S-l.lO ®
4.CO ; light , .L'0@4.-10.
Holiday Evening. Juno 2S.
Cattle There were no new features in the
maikct to-day , values reiuntning nbout the
bame as on Saturday.
Hogs The maikct opened at Saturday' . '
piiee.s , but on the receipt of the repoit of the
decllno in Cliicago the market diopped oil'
about ftc.
Slieen Tlicro Is uotldng doing In the mar
ket nnd there Is little or no demand.
Cnttle 800
Ilogs looo
I'roTiilliiiK I'riocs.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market :
Choice steers , 1:110 : to IfiOO IDS Si.GO@-i.70
Choice steers , 1100 to i : 0 Ihsl.iXSi.HO
Medium steer ? , 1250 to HiOO Ibs 'l.2A@-t.60
Fat littlu steer. " . 10V ) to UMlbs . . . 4.00l.l'5 '
Ciood Icedei-s , ' .00 to 1000 Ibs B.50@U5 :
Hood to ehoieo cows nnd lieifcrs. . . 3.00 3.25
J'nlrto mediiuu cow a and hellers. . 2.r > < ) ( tei.oo :
Cioott to cliolco bulls OJ.'JC < i : ! . 10
Medium bulls 2.2.XS-3.50
Choice Unlit and medium hogs. , . . . 'I.UXirl.oO
Good to choice heavy hogs 4.00f-l.05
fipod to ehoieo mixed hogs : ! .9. > ( § I.OO
1' to coed shorn sheen 2.75a3SO (
Ultimo or I'rlooa.
Sliowlncr the hichtist and lowest prices paid
for mixed loads of hints on this market ilur
ine tlio past seven days , with comparative
values :
Mny June.
Wonday. 2lst..Su.7Mi.70 : : S3.75 ri3.i
TiicMlny.'Jiil. . . 8.05 G(3.75 3.70 ffii.K : ! )
Wwlnt-'sduv , ttUI 3.fO C I.OO
TliurMlav.Sltli. . . Jl.OO @ 3.70 ii.87U@-l.00
Fihlay , SMIi. , . ' 3.05 $ .1.72 8.W ( n-l.UT
Katurilay , iMItll. . H.M fa-'l.'W ' 4. < W ( fr\.V *
Monday , a > th. . . il.5' > ( ijil.O'JK 4.0J
Jtlva Rtoolc KaloH.
Sliowlnc the number of cattle , hogs and
purchased on tliu maiket to-day by the
OA'tTI.i : .
( i. 11. IlaininouiKt Co . ICO
llai i Is A : KIshiT . i0 !
Umnlm 1'aukint ; Co . 1-j
Ilnminonil . "A3
Claik Jiros . JU
IJarils it FlNhcr . CO
Sliowlnpr the number of cattle , IIORS anil
cheep slilpin-il iluriup the past tweutv-four
0 . . . y.V. . . . .
Alls.ilosofetock in tins market are uiatlo
rcr cwt. live welulit tniloss ottiorwlso statoil.
pcail hoes sull at Kc l > cr Ib tor all weights.
"Skln , " or IIUKSvelnhlun loss than 100 Ibs
no value. 1'ix'Kiiaut sows are OookoJ 40 Ibs
nuil stiuja W Ibs. _
Not OH.
HOK innrkct closed 5a lower.
The usual llclit receipts on Monilny.
Klsselbacli & . Co. , Hlielly , sold a load of
Uipdlko & Titus , Harvard , mnrkcteil a load
OfOtlhOL'S. "
Clark llentou & Co. , Weston , matketed n
load of hogs.
11. It. Falkncr , I'ltim Creek , was nt tlio
Frank .Sanders marketed 1C5 head of cattle
from Uuuuebroj : .
Files &Co. , Cedar llaplils , had four loads
of hous at tlio yards.
; ' . J. Vauce , UIuu Sprlnga , liad two loads
of cnttloat thu yards.
F. J. ( lary , West Side , Ja. , was looking
licit jear. Tlfb Co. , Ularku , disiwsid of a load
llou of n s | > ccial mtstr.fcel to-day.
iealcd by a largo major. James 'fate , Rook-
as HIP next plneo ut - 'j-Uors ' at tbu
udjoumid ; Lia
Tlie Stock Yards company have added 150
l r cent to \aluallon of tficlr lots \vhlch
remain unsold.
Thomas Harris was nt the ynnU yesterday
xvlili four loads of hogs from t'ulletton and
( .WraYCitv ,
C. S , Lincoln , secretary of tlio Osccola
Hnnch company , I'lum Creek , was a visitor
nt the yards to-day.
John McShano lias bonslit n fine lot of
thoroughbred ( Jallonay , Shorthorn nnd Her-
lord bulls for his rnncli at Klmball ,
Mr. Crawford , foreman for lleekwlth ,
Qulnn , t Co , was here todaylth 104 liead
ot cattle belonging to the company.
( Scorire Ilurke , manager of M. llurkc &
Sons , li\o stock commission llrin , has ic *
turned after a week spent in Chlcni o.
ftonrrnl Jlarkoti ,
.Monday Kvunliu Juno 2 ? .
Kno' ' ? Strictly In'sh , intillc.
DfT nit : 1'lip receipt 1 liuu1 not been quite
as liberal Ilio pn.steck , but tin ; quality Is
\ervpoor. Asi : ueneral thine tlio r wliits
nr s\ery lie.ivvat this lime , and tlio quality
of the butter bettor. Hisveiy Door iiollcy
for shippers to park butter In boxes duilni , '
waimiMtliur , as no nitall denier \\lll Imy
stock Hint comes In that sliapo. nnd the com-
inlsolon men arc foiecd to sell It for almoil
iotlilii . The demand Is so Iliiht nnd tlie
Ketieral quality of ( lie butter sopoor thai only
usumll | ifo | > oitiin ( of the receipts \vlll hilun
lop prices. Choice liesh glass butter , 7@lOc ;
'nfurlor , "dli'e
CIIIIKHI : Tim market has appatently
cached bottom. I'ancv full cream ciiedilars ,
; icvv make , li' ' e ; Hats. 10c ; yonnj ?
Amoiicas. 10'4e ' ; Hist ntwlllv Swiss clieeso
- ; ecoinl quality , li oilc , l.imburper ,
OU'-'o : skim llaH , lie : brick i-litese , 1'Jc.
J'ofi.iuv The maiket is In a little belter
condition than last week mid elmleo stock Is
brliniiiK better pilee.4. Cliolci' liirjspiin
hlrk'ens aio selling readllv at good pik-us.
Small sl/cs ai slow sale and tin1 trailu does
\\aiitlliem ninny price. Old fowls do
nit sell asieadlly us spilngehicki'tis , butnto
puitnblu a little "higher tlntti last \\cek. The
ollowlng iiuotntioti.s lepiesent tlio aveingo
.ale . , but iiini-y stock might biing it llttli ! bet-
er juices. ( ) hl lewis , per do/ , i'J.iVKia.7.i ( ;
iprlng chicken * , as to l , per dofc'J.OO ®
J.OO.Tins' IT.KT. ' 1'nii'i : , KTC l-ips' tret , perj
ml , JM.OO ; ito , J. . bbl. S2.00 ; do. nor kit , iwo.
.atnbs' tongues , per } g bbl , S3.2.V. do , per
ill , S2.f > 0 ; do , ( juatt jars per do5fVJ3 ; do ,
> int jars per case , 2 ilo ? . 50,75. Tripe , per \i \
> bl S4.00 ; do per Jjbbl , 8'J.OO ; do , per kit
Kio < AND DAir.s Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
> er Ih , 1'ic. ' lintes , lanc\ lard , W Hi boxes ,
le ; ( lutes. Persian , f > 0 lo boxes , per Ib , lOo.
MrT.s lVcnns. large polished , lie ; ju'cans ,
ucdiniu , Ue ; Kngllsli walnnth , I4e ; almonds ,
1'airagona. ifflc : almonds , Lansneiloe , 17c ;
Hia/.lls , I''c ; lllbsils , He : peiinnb , hand
licked , laiiey Viigliila , 8' ' e ; peanuts , hand
ilcked. choice Vlnrintn , 7 } , c ; peanuts ,
oabteil , 2c extra per Ib.
COM n IIoNKY Calltoinla , 15e : California
stiained. lOc ; Nehntska , choice , 14@15u ; Me-
iraska , dark , 12lurt'iie. ( ' :'i.r. SfOAU lirlcks , per Ib , 12'ijc ;
penny cakes , per Ib , lf > c ,
M API.B SYIIITP Bulk , 13 to 17 gallon kegs.
, MM- Kill , Sl.OO ; isal cans , per gul , 51.05 ; half
; nl cans. Dermal , SI.10.
CiDEit New Yoik. per bbl. 87.00 ; do , half
Dill. 54.00 ; Crab , nor doqts , $ .2.75 ; Mlchlcan
rclincd. cor bbl.'SO.OO.
VINEOAU Wiito wina 13iM7c ( ; cider ,
strengtli , 12o ; tiljile
fitovi ioxs Meatsate steadily udvancln ? .
I'lii ! demand is brisk and prospects laver
higher prices. JJnin , I2c ; oruakfast bn.-
con 8Xc ( jlclcarslile ! ; bacon , 7' @i-c ; dry salt
sides , 7c ; hhoit lib sides. Clje ; shouldcus.
7c ; mess pork. S12.M ) per bbl : dried beef-
ham pieces , Ifio : lard , tierces , 5Ji'C'iCc ; 50 ! b
cans , 0''c ' ; 10 Ib cans ( Kaitbanks ) flj c : 5
Ibcans , do , OJ-j'c ; 8 Ib cans , do. , T.'ic ; boneless
less ham , lie.
lliuiuis : A lull assortment of benieslias
been on the market lor the past few days , Hie
average quality of which langed good. Hed
and black raspberries , as well ns blackberries ,
aio In Kood supplv nnd arrive In better condi
tion than In pievlons years. Htrawbenies
from Michigan aie choice and meet with
le.uly wile. Haspbeiiles , black , per 2 bushel
staiul , S'.OD3510.CO'rasphciries ' , black , nerlC-lS
quait drawer , 82.25 ; laspbetrles , black , per 24
quart case , si.r : > 0S3.7.i ( : rahpberrles , red , per
24 quart case , ? : ! .50 ( < ? I.OO ; raspberries , red , per
OKAMII.S : Stocks nro very much reduced
and tlie season is about over. There is notli-
Ingletton tlio maikct except Los Angeles.
andthesnppl > Is not large. Los Angeles
C.u.iroitNiA FRUITS llecoipts are more
libeinl and outside orders can be tilled mote
readily nnd with bettor block. Apiicots , per
crate , 4 baslcets , 51.50 ; aptieots , 5 crate lots ,
| ) er crate , 51.85 ; peaches , per box , S2.25 :
jieaches , 0 box lots , per box , S2.00 ; plums ,
icrcratu of 4 baskets , S2.75 ; plums , 5 ciate
oN , per crate , fe2.50.
LIMOXS Lemons are advancing steadily ;
the supply is shot i and with hot weather bc-
foiu us we may M > O extremely high ligurcsyct
very lilijh prices seldom prevail beloio July
Jill , but. ot tencr come just after Urn 4th ,
Fancy , pel box , S8.50 : 5 box lots , SB.OO.
UAXATJAS Hananas are very good and
v iy clie.ip now. liananus , per mmch , ns to
. , . '
CocoA.s'frs Cocoan tits , per 100 , 55.00 ; less
than bundled , per 100 , S5.50.
WATKI III.OXS , This tirst car of tlio sea
son luis just arrived ; tlioy aie of n eliolco
quality.Vntermulons , per lee , SM.oo : < ftiO.OO.
( JuiiN : : Ai'Pi.KS LtirKe lots ot green up-
pies niecomlng in H bushel boxes by express ,
Tlio liist carload of green apples in barrels
will be hero about July 1. During thoearly
pait of tlio season the maiket lluctuates ma-
tei Inlly nnd qtiotatlons thetcfore' unrelia
ble. Apples , red June , per kf bushel box ,
S1.OOQ1.25 ; green , pur > jf bushel box , OOc ©
CHKIIIIIKS llccclpts have been light of late
and demand very brlhk.Vo look lor liberal
supplies dining tlie next live or ten days.
Chenies , per 2 busliol stands , S7.00@S.OO ;
per K ! qunit drawer , 51.75M'J.O ( > .
ONIONS California , per Ib , ! i > ife ; southern ,
per bauel , S4.IK ) ; sotithern * pur bushel box ,
Xr.w 1'oTATOKR California , per Ib ,
soutlicrn , per band , SH.OO ® ) } ; homegrown ,
per bairel. S2.75.
OAHIIAHK Cliolco home giown , per crate ,
YKor/rAiu.i-.s Tomatoes , per % bushel
box , Sl.OO ; wax beans , per JJ ( bushel box ,
COc : hiring banp , per K bushel box , CK c ; cu-
cumbcts , per do/en , 00@75c ; cariots. perdoz.
bunches , iXftttOo ; beets , per doz. bunches , 20i ( ?
253 ; celery , Kalanuuoo , per do/ , bunches , 40
( i50c.
'UKANS Inferior stocks. 75c@1.00 ; coed
clean oountrv. Sl.S-VS'l.M ' ) : inedlum liand-
pickcd , S1.30 ( ( 1.4U ; hand-picked nnvy$1.40@
100. , , _ , . , .
KI.OITH AND Miu.sxurFs Winter wlicnt
Hour , best nuality patent , ta.OO ; second
quality , S2.&OdJ.T5 ; best quality spring
wli al Ilour , uatent , S2.6Wg2.GO ; bran , 60o
per cwt ; chopped feed , too per cwt ; white
corn meal , .Kc ) ; yellow corn meal , Ko ) per
cwt ; screening , eec per cwt ; hominy , 81.50
tier uwt : shorts , .Vki per cwt ; graham , 31.7a ;
Iiav , In bales. SB.OO per ton.
( Corn , Ulu : rye. 40@l5c ; oath , 200
27o ; wlieat , No , 2 , iXXSoSe.
Wool , Medium , Oc per Ib ; line heavy ,
lOCtfUn : Hunt , I' ilSc ; coarse , 12 llo ; bnrry
wool. 2&5o oil.
HIDIS : Ciccn butchers' , 0 > < fe ; green cured ,
7fe ; dr > flint , llSiic ( : ; dry halt , IWlOc ; < lam-
aged hides , two-thirds price ; tallow , \M \ io\ \
giease. prime white. , : ie ; yellow , 2c ; blown ,
l/c ; sheep ix-lts , 2.@T5c.
LEATHIK : Pi line slaughter solo leather.
O&fflBc : prime oan solo leather. SWcjsyc.
bpper leather , per foot , uordaao ; hem.
kip. 75 t c : oak kip , hSQ'JSo : Viench kip ,
S1.00 ( < 1. ; Imm. calf. 8l.OJ@1.10 ; oak calf ,
S1.00W1.25 ; FrenchcalfS1.2.X ! 1.85 ; Morocco
boot leg , ao-aiKo : Morocco oil pebble , 2S@3-ic ;
topplimsaml llninu's , $ O.OOCT 10.00 perdo .
UKAVV UAIIUWAKB Iron , rates , S-.U
saweimry. 5i.4u ; longues , eai-n , iac : uxics.
rach,75c ; squiirn nuts , par Ib , 7@llc ; coil
rhuln. per Ib , CfflUV ; iiiallcablo , OMSc ; Iron
wt-dses , Gc ; cro\uiars , Oc ; hsrrow teeth , 4c ;
spring steel , 7iiSc ( : Unidcn's horseshoes ,
51.40 ; liunlen'H rnulo Mioes , S5.40. llarbed
\vlie , in car lots , $1.03 uer 100 tlbs. lion
Nulls , rates , 10 to CO , S2.W ; bteel nails , 52.05.
llot-51.50 ; buckshot , gl.b5 ; oriental
powder , kegs , S3.60oil.00 ; do. half kpgu ,
tviX ) : do , quarter kegs , SI.&O ; blasting , kegs ,
SS.a'i ' ; fusiN iwrlOO leet. 60e , head Uar , Sl.fe
I'Ai.srsix OIL Whlto lead , Omaha , 1' . P. ,
7Wc ; v.hlto lead , St. Louis , pure , S7.K1 ; Mar
seilles gieen , 1 to 5 ib cans , SOo ; Kroucli zlno
green teal , 12o ; Froncli zinc , redbeal , lie ;
French 4lnc. in varnlt > U nsst , 20c ; French
21nc , 75c ; vt-rmllllon. American , Ibc ; Indian
red. lOe : rnso pink , He ; Venetian red. COOK-
bon's , 2Jic ; Venetian red , Ameilean , IJi'c ;
red It-ad , 7 c ; clnome yellow , genuine , 20o ;
clnoine yuliow , K. 12c ; oere , uoclielle , tic ;
ocliie , Ficucb. , " } io\ \ ochre , American. ij ! ;
Prussian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , Ibc ; vandyke -
dyke , brown , be : umber , burnt , 4o ; umber ,
law. 4c : sienna , burnt. 4c ; slvtum , raw , -tc ;
rnf'sctcun , qeluilne , 3.V : Pails Riven , com-
mou.22 < ! : chromourcen , N. Y. . 20c : cniomo
Cicon , K. , I'-'o ; verinillfon , Knclisb , in oil ,
70c ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , I'.V ;
raw nnd burnt sienna , I''e ; Vandyke , brown.
i : > c ; refined lampblack , V2ico.icli : black and
Ivoij black , HV ; drop bliick , lc ( ! ; I'mssUn
bine , 400 ; ulttamarluc blue , ISo : ehiome
creen , I , . , M. .t I ) . , in- ; blind nnd shutler
green , h. , M. > t 1) . . 10e ; I'atis RICCII. Ibc ;
Indian ted , li'c : Venetian led , tie ; Tuscan
2-'e ; Ameilcan vermllllon , h. * 1) . , 20e :
yellow nehre , t'c ' : L. M. iV O. 1) . , l ctRood
ochic , inc : jiatent dryer , c ; graining eolor ,
llnht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and
ash. Uc. , ,
IHircn ANMI CnnMir.u.s Acid , carbolic ,
'We ; acid , taitaric , .Vc ! ; copilba , per
Ib. 4V : liaik. sassafras , per Ib , 10c ; calnmel ,
pel Ib , 72e. ; chlnchonidia , peroI0c ; chloui-
01 in , peril ) , 50e ; Dover's powde.s , ner II ) ,
Sl'i % ; epsom salts , per 11) , : i'jc ' ; ilyciMlne ? ,
Hire , per Ih , ine ; lend , aeetate , perlb , SOt1 ;
ill , castor , Xo. 1 , pel cnl. . St. ' > 0 ; oil , castor
No. 2 , per Kni. , St.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
SI. 10 ; oil , oiig nnum , we ; opium , S-'i.40 ;
ininlne. I' . ttV. \ . nnd K. ifc.S. . perez , Mc ) ;
Iodine , per Hi , SIUH ) , salicln , per
ot. , We ; sulphate moi tililue , per oS2.CO ; sill-
iliur , per Ib4cstrvelinlne ; , peroS1.J1 - " .
VAiiNisiins Hanels. pur gallon : Kurni-
utc , extra , SI. 10 ; turultnrc , N'n. t , ? I.K ( ) ;
conch , cxtin , SI.40 ; coach. Xo. 1 , Sl.-'tl ; Da-
nar , extra , 51.75 ; .lapnn , 70e ; iisphnltiiiii ,
extia , 5b < ; ; slicllac , S3.5J ; haul oil linlsh ,
Sl. ) .
Si'iiiiTS Ooloino spirits , IS8 proof , SI. 12 ;
lolOl pi oof. fcl.n : spirits , second quality ,
01 pioof , 51. 12 ; do 1W proof , Alco-
lol , 183 proof , S2.10 per wine gallon. Kedls-
illed whiskies. Sl.CHVal..W. Clu blended ,
Sl.axft2.00 ; Kentucky butiibons. SJ.KX-0.0 ( ( ) :
Centueky and I'ennsylMinln ryes , ;
toldcn Sheaf bourbon nnd lye whiskies ,
Sl.W@i.OO. ) llrandies. Impoiled , 55.0064850 ;
lomes'tlc. 51-30 ® : ! . 00. ( Jlns , imiiotted , S4.50
feO.OO ; domeslie , 8l.2.-r < caoo. Itumn , im-
loited. SI.50W8.IH ) ; XewKngland , 5l.75&f2.lX ) ;
loiiH'stic , Sl.25tft.0l. : { ( Chntupntfiies , im-
loitcd , per case , i2s.oo@34.00 ; American , per
case , S10.00@10.00. _
l > ry Clooclfi.
I'niNTS Amerlean , 5) ) e ; Arnold's , Cc : Co-
checo , Oe ; Muncliester. Oe ; Lyman , 5c ; Glou
cester. 5'c ; Dunnell Jncquard. Oc ; Diinnell ,
\ \ iniisor , Cc : Pacille.Oc ;
VncnorShhtliigs , 4J e ; Meinmnc Sliirtings ,
4ie ; Berwick. 4e.
DITK ( Unbleached ) 8 Jfagnolln , lOc ;
10 oi. . Magnolia , 12cSo ; / . West 1'olnt , 10 > vc ;
10 o/ . West I'olnt , 12 ' 4 e.
Bitowx COTIO.N Lnwrcnee LL , 5c ; Shaw-
uut LL , 5c : llcavcr Dam \Ai \ , " > c ; Atlniitic
LL , 5c ; Indian Head , \Vaueliussct ; \ , 0/e ;
Ciown XXX , rj.fc ; Clllton CCC , Oc ; Utlca
CCC 4V ; Atlantic 1' , 5 < < e.
TICKINHS Amoskeag ATA , 13'fi ; Thorn-
lyko OOO , 7c ; Tlmrndyko Inncv. 9) c ;
York , lOKc ; York lancy , 12'fc ' ; Mllbury ,
I'Jijc ; IVail lllvcr , ll e ; llamilton , I2c ;
Swltt Klver , li'ie ; Shutueket S , S fe ; Slic-
tuekctSS , 'Jife ; Jlontauk AA,12c ; Montauk
BH , lie ! Omega , ACA. IKc.
DITK ( colored ) Boston 9 oz brown nnd
) rnb. lXc ! ! ; Boston O li brown and drab.
XXX brown and drab , ll' u ; Boston O 1'
blue , llJic ; Waricnt Tricot , l"5e.
HIIACIIID : COTTONS Farmers' choice ,
7c ; reppeiell , 7 c ; Indian Oichaul , Oc ;
Naumkeair , 7c.
Cnnviors Amo kc.iR , checks , OJ c ; Amos.
iteng , stripes , 8Kc ; Slater , htripes , tfc ; Edln-
jiug , ! ij c ; Wlilttenilon , stripes , Sc ; Glen-
rose , Oe ; Otis , checks , U'-j'c ' ; Otis , sttipes , c !
lioynl , ( % c ; AmosUeag , napped , lOUc ; Lit-
ray , book fold , 12c ; Obcion , liook tout , ll' c ;
ICndnrancc , book told. I.e.
DII.NI us Beaver Creek A A. lie ; Beaver
Creek BU. lOc ; Heaver Cieek CC. IV ; J nil rev
XX , lie ; JallieyXXX , 12o ; Jalfiev I ) ite'l1 ,
12 } j'c ; Columbian , 12Mc ; York , irfe ; York ,
fancy , lic : Kveiett , l.c ! ; llnymakcrs' blue
and brow ,
Grocers' I/lst.
PicKT.r.s M edium , in bDls , 55.00 ; do In
halt bbls , &I.OO ; small , in bbls , $0.00 ; do in
mil bbls , ; ghetkins , in bbls , 57.00 ; Uo
in half bbls , S4.00.
MATrnr.s 1'er caddie , Sc ; round , per
ease , Sl.OO ; square cases , 51.70 ; mule square ,
St'OAits Towdcred , 7c ; cut loaf , 7
giannlated , O c ; conlcctioneib * A.
standaid extra C , O'fc ; extia C ,
medium yellow , ( > % c.
] > iur.t Fnuirs No 1 quniter apples , in
evaporated boxes , 8@0 < ; ; blnekbciiie.s , boxes ,
SS/ftiSJfc ; neaehcseastein,4Ar@.V c ; peaches ,
picnic , 5i < c ; cicams , 8V2e ; ginger simps ,
city soda , 7Kc.
boiiA In Ibp.ipers , S5.25v ! ! case ; salsoda ,
keg , per ib"JJ e.
SYiti'iNo. . 70 , 4-gallon kezs , Sl.OO ; Xow
Orleans , ! { ( MOc per gallon ; M aple Syrup. Yt
barrel , strictly pure , 70c pur gallon ; 1 gallon
cans , 9.25 per doK gallon e.ins , 85.25 per
doz ; quart cans , S lJD.
SrAiicii Minor gloss , 1 Ib , Cc ; Mirror
gloss , : i II ) , .Vfe ; Jllrror gloss , 0 Ib ,
, . - ? prime , ll iSc ; ehoice. 12 , ' , . „ .
taney green and yellow , ISJ ffiHVj'c ; old government -
ernment Java , 20y52T ( > o. ; Interior .lava , 10) (3 (
20c ; Mocha , iU@24c ; Arlnickle's roasted ,
l c ; McLnughlin'fi XXXX roasted , 14tfc :
Dflworth's. 1 le ; lied Cross , 14'/c.
So.u'.s Kirk's Savon Impeilal , # 2.70 ;
Kirk's satinet , S3.00 ; Kirk's standard. SaO'i ;
Kirk's white Itnshlan. 84.00 ; Kirk's White
Cap , S0.60 : Dome , & 3.1K ) ; Wabhbuanl , 83.10.
CANNKIJ fioons Oysters , standaid. per
case. § 3.45 ; strawberries. 'J11) per case. 82.00 ;
raspbertIo. > , 21b per ease , 52.25 ; California
peart , per case , 84,00 ; npilcots , per case ,
S4..r)0 : iieaches , per case , Sl.W ) ; wlnto eheirles ,
per ease , S-VJO ; plums , per case , 53,00 ; blue
berries , per case , S3.25 ; egg plums , ill ) , PCI
ease , ; pineapples , 3 Ib , per case , So.20
@ 5.50.
CAXDI.KS Hoxcs. 401lifls , lO e ; 8s , lOk. .
boxes , 40 Ib , 10 ut , Os , 10 > 4e ; lialt box , ,
lOJ/c ,
OANDV Mixed , 0) ) J < v12c : stlcic , 0@10c.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl. 81.65 ; Asliton ,
In sacks , S'w > : X sacks , Aston , B5c ; bbls ,
dairy , b2. @ -.75.
.Si-iCKS ( iroiind Hlaelc popper , boxes , 20
@ 2Je ; allspice , 12@10c ; elnimmon , IStli" '
cloves , VXfifKc ; cluger , ftaTc ; mustaul ,
25c.TIJAS titinpowder , fair , 20JW ( ; good.
65o ; choice , no Tfic ; good Imperial , 40SIic ( ! ;
choke , COftOTOo ; Young Hyson , good , : so@4.ric ;
choice. 50i ( 70e : Oolong , mod. a.5CcWOo ; Oolong -
long , choice , 40@00i ! ; Kiiglish breaktabtgood ,
SOd Oo ; cliolce , f.OiJio.'ii ! : Souchong , good , ! ! 0
@ 45 ; clioice , . " "KiMfie ; Japans , lair , 25t5c
good , : i5@45e ; choice , 55Q75c ; Tea dust , I5c
Tea slftings , IHe
FINIS CUT Hard to Beat , 70e ; Charm of
tlio West , OOc ; Fountain , 70o ; Goluen Thread
07cFnvoiile ; , COc ; Buds , 50o ; Kocky Monn
tain , .We : Fancy , 45e ; Dnlsv , 4Uc : North Star.
f cjood ; luck , 55c ; Our Best , 0-J c ; Good
News , 55c.
Dry IjumOor.
Xo. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12,14 and 10 ft S17.00
Xo. a " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft 15.00
Xo. 8 " " 12,14 nnd 10 It 1H.OO
No. 4 " " Iti , 14 and 10 ft 11.00
Xo. 1 , 4 & ( i Inch , 12 nnd 14 ft. , tough..510.50
Xo. 1, inch , 1(1 ( ft. , rough 17.03
Xo. 2,4 it Cinch , 12 and 14 Ft. , roush , . . 14.00
No. 3.4 & C Inch. 10 It. , rou'-h 15.00
13 ft'H ' ft 10 ft'l ' ftiSO ft S3 ft'24 ' ft
2xo , , ; ; ; 'i.'itiJLuJ'i5t ; ; ' ! > jis'i/ioo6i7ibo ! | oiio5ii)0 ( )
15 50115 W IO.RO 17.S'JlU.riO | 20.50
2x10 , lfi.W I5. 0,15.50 , lfl.TO 17.5120.60 - ' ) .
2x12. is 6015.50,15 M i7 v, ) , 21 no
4x44x8. iSHi5.&' ) : ! ' IT.M
* A * Standard , , 82.05
5-inch clear . , . . . . , , 1.5 ;
Much clear , l.G-
Xo. 1 . , , . . , . , . . , . . . , 1.2J
Lath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 ;
A Olucli , white pine , . 35.00
liOluch " " , 83.00
OOlnch , " " 2-J.50
DOInch , " " , 20.5U
KOInch , " " 17.50
A 12 Inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 1C ft..840.00
B12 inch ' ' " 42.00
O 12 Inch " " " ) .oo
D12 inch. " " " 2 3.00
No. 1 Com. 18 In. , S. 1 s. 12 , 14 and llllt.l 8.00
Xo. 1 " " " 10 , Ib and 20 ft. 1B.OO
Xo.3 " " 12,1-nnd 10 ft. . 10.
fSHtl' t.AI' .
No. 1 Plain , S anA lr Incli Sli.W )
No. 2 1'lnin , 8 and 10 Inch 15.50
0,1,0.0 , .
_ _
ir * Irr n ii tif ntii fTs 'Kit
Mlinn'aSt.NoI Vb .1 60.1 25 2 t < 7 I (17 1 10 tti 40
i/cu ( iiii'ii rmioj 5 ni'i : cos ; : > i an i 31. KI "i
l.'g It'll Mi'ro PC ? J 003 ( V)2 75 1 .Vi.l 3V .JO U
IMIIIHTKtt r1 ll ,
. llfloflf fffil < U'rtlbl l'nll4fir Klt
ao MOO , ro M 40 ' 15 is 10
Noiwpfrlnn I I" I I I I
KK llfr-nir * 12 00,0 53 . ' . P03 SOS 70 . . tt ! , Nt
NlHMO/lllll | I i I
K llpir'liirs 11 01 n TO ft 45 a OVS M1.
4 6T4 Ul 2 : tO I 1111 . tis no
llliU It-.lf llhls Or Illils Kts
xr.w IIPII
'SM ' I UO TO ffl 40 10
Ilimtcr Mc- . M 01 IS ( V)1r ) ( ! , ! ) m 7 lid 1 IW
: \ . NO. i yhoro.4 CHI li ton ; ufi : ) . " 101 40
No. 1 Shore . 1 * OJ 9 M h Ml 4 K ) 3 ' 1 10
led. No. i siioiu , in tin , ; to ii ar , n : > 3 a to , s'i
liny . 11 ( Hi fl " ( i 54 3ori3in 75
, rrur- i ( it ) fl ( I0i 4 ifi's ' W2 10 05
jut I'llllllly. . . . ! 7 IKI 400 ! H' a OM W 65
lit l.I . Or Bhl I1 IV. Kt *
NEW W ll.
I 101 W W 40 12 10
No , l Wlilfo rish. ( i on r , 40 ; tie : 2 ; o ,
Knntlh Wnllo I'isli. : t w 2 70170 Wl1
No. 1 1'nmt . : i 7- ' > : i 3. ' , 2 17 1 H )
No. I I'lckoid _ i NII _ an11 10
"TlollaudlienTiig.vicj smoked linlibut , 10 > j'c ;
Yarmouth bloaters , \ > " > c : ne\\Denied
So ,
1'omcroy no n Miner.
New York Letter : Brick 1'oineroy
vas nil-town to chiy , well dressed , wear-
ng a lasliionablo white lint , looking n
ilettiro of prosperity. Ho said , in
tnswnr to n ( inestion : "I tun popping
tlonir with the iii'wipnpcr business us
isual , nnd nlso : it niininji in Colorado.
IKUO a suit out thorp , wlileli will oo de-
ided this week , with reference to a nitno
vhosp Mnriiinss are between ! f2,000 , nnd
tn $ ! ! ,000 : i week. If 1 win the suit 1 am
i millionaire. If 1 lose it 1 mil still will-
tic to be n millionaire. 1 think 1 slinll
vJii it. "
Tlionsamls have to the ctlloacy
of St. Jacobs Oil in ; iiriiiK rhcnmatisni.
Railway Tims Table
Tno following- tlip tlmo of nrnval nnd do-
parUnoo ! triilns by Central Simulant tlmo at
the loetil depots. Trains of the C. , St. P. , M. A
O. arrive nnd ilopitrt from tholr douot. corner
ol 14th ami Webster st rents ! t ml in on tlio II. A
M. , C. , n. & Q. nnd K. C. . St. J. * C. B. from the
D. k M. depot : nil ol hern from tlio Union 1'aolflo
Bridge truln wll lenv j I' . 1' . depot at 8:15
B7VrV-8:00-8IO : : : 8:60 : ltlOOJ-lluu- : : . m. , n
1:00 : 1:20 : l:80-B:00-3:00 : U 4:00 : S:00 : 5KJJ
0:10 : 7:00 11:10p. m.
Ixmvo transfer for Omnhd at 7:13 : 1 > 8:15 : 0:30 :
t:4B : U I0:33 : l0:37 : ll:3"a. : in.ii : ; : : : 2:13 :
- 2:3733:37 : : : : 4:37-0:5J-0:12 : : : 7:20-7:50- : :
cox.NKcrriNo MNG&
Arrival nnd iloiinrtnre or trains from the
transferdonol nt Council muffs :
CHICAGO , HOCH 1SI.\NU ft PAfllll1.
B 7:15 : A. u 1)0:15 : A , M
nOl.r : > A.M BG:3J : | > . M
CO:40P. M ' J1 7CO : l * . M
K9 :15A. : M I l)8r : > A.M
C :10r. : M . I H7:00 : p. M
A O.a A. M l i A 0Vi : t. M
V 0:40 : p. M , 110:20 : p. v
-.1 A 7:00 v. M
9:15 A. M : I :15 : A. u
0:10 : p. M i 11 7:001M :
A 10:00 \ . M I 1) li:3 : > A. M
C :53P. : M ' I A&SIBP.M
WAnisii , ST. LOUIS t pAciria
A 3:00 : r. M , | A 3:30 : p. u
A 7:0" : ) A. M I -I A 9:35 : A.M
A G : j p. M i . I A 8:53 P. M
Depart. 1VKSTWAUU Arrv i
' A. M. | r. M
. . . 8lWi'.l' : : ' cltlu.E\prosa. . . . 7:50a .
10:5on : Donvur Uxpross. ,
5:05a : J fAllH'A. ll:00a :
E:10n : . .Mull and lOxpross. .
t ) : . . Nlgla llxprcss ' . . _ . _
Depart. fAllH' Arrive
A.M. JllBHOUItl 1'ACUnU A. M. I r. M.
DiiV Kxprcss 0:2Jd' : ' .
. . .Nlaht llxiircss. . . .
h. C..ST. J. & c. B.
8:4r : > b . . .Via I'liittsmouth. . . 7:00d : 7:10 :
Depart. "NOKTHWAKU. Arrlvo.
' „ . M. "r. M. I . ST. P. . M. i ; O. A. M. ] p. M.
8loi\i : . .Ploux City Express ,
| 5lr ; o.Oakland Accommod'n,10:30a : |
Dcp.u-t. BASTWAHD/I Ai rlvo
A.M. I r. M. I C. It. & Q. I A. M. I r. H.
9 20 I 6:00 I..Via Plattsmou h. . . . | 9M : I 7 1J
NOTE -A.trnlnsdnlly : II , dully except Sunday ;
C , dHlly cxci.'i't ' Sutuiduy ; I ) , Daily except Mon
will Icnvo U. 1' . depot , Omulm , nt * 0 1:40-7:35- : :
10:00n. : m : 2iO ( 3Ui : 4:0.j : 5:2. : > 8:00 : p. in.
1'iiL'llli ; Kxprcss , :20p : in. ; Denver Kx. , 10:55 :
a.m. ; Ixicitl Kx.,0:115 p. m.
Louvu stock ynrds lor Oniiilm tit * 7:05 : 9:30
1'H n. m. ; 2:30 3:351:3.1 : : ( i:0) : 80 : \ \ in.
Atlnntlo K.x. . lo S. O. 7:35n. : in. ; C'lleus-o ' Kx. .
If. S. O. 5:07 : p.m. : Local Kx , lo y. O. 10:31 : run. ;
Mo. Pac. ix. : , le. S. O. 5:47 : p. m. ; 2d M. V. Kx. ,
' 09 n. m.
Uxccpt Sunday.
IT ! reason of II * central noiltlon and rlotn r lttlon to
uM nrlnclpul llnca I'.ait and Went , ut Initial anU ter-
mlnal polnti. vomlllutaii I lie moil Important mill
rontlncnt/il link In that urilm or Iliruunli tinnrpnn
tatlon uhlrli Invltei anil rat-llltnlcii tratel tinil trafliC
li lwen citl B of the Atlantic nml i'artflc Coavti. It
IK alto the rnrorlto nnd ! > e t roiilu to and from ( tolnta
la ! t. Nnrlhfn.t nnil Snuthea t , anil rorre > | > omllni !
liolnu Wvtt , Noithwevt and Hoiitntvrst.
The Croat Roclc Island Route
OuarintcM IK patron > that icnio of prrtonal recn.
rltv afforded lijr a hfilld , thoioiivhlr hallNtlHl ronl-
Itp'l , mootti trackB of ( nntlnuotia uel rail. fiilfHtan.
tlallyltulll culverts nnd hrfiltro * , i tllnf ( mookaii near
imrrertlon it * ) tuman rklll inn inako It. tliu vaffly
0ilanc-ci | | ] of pntrnt ilfoi um and alrtrakt'i ,
Diid lliatt.iacllnif diarlnllne which .
7 troToin * thr prau.
JltFifr M' ' lnllli of
rt > iim > clliiir luiliili In
i coiufcrti and
. . 7)111 ) Knit Kiir | < ' Trnlna Ixtnren Clilrtco unit
IVorlnCouncil Itlulu , Kojuan City. l ivrliwnilli nnj
AloliUon lire t-uini < nrd of wrll rclitllatpil , nni-lr UP-
liolru-rixl Day I'oiulifi. Mafrlilllrenl riillman I'Alncfi
blrepomnf tlia latent ile lirn , ami unipluoun lllniiiK
L'apt.lti Mhlcli plabur&tely looked niraliare Jelciirely
lulrn , I'clwrf llClilc'firn i > nd Knli a.rl | ) nnil Alrlillvn
aru AHU | run tlia Coltbrult-il ICuclliilnif C'tialr Cur * .
The Famouo Albert Loa Route
Is the dlrc-ot and fiTorlla Una betwrfii Cblcniro and
tllnnrapnlli and fit. } - > ul. where connrrtloliii ore mailn
la IIiiluii lit-pan fur all polnti In th Trrrltorln and
IlrllUti I-rorlnret. , Ort-r tills route Fait hiprera
Train * are run to the wutctlnif | ilacr , > uinin > r ro-
ort . pUtiireniue locullilfi. and liunllni ; niiil lltlilliK
eroiimltoi Iowa anil illnnenoin , It | > ulio the nio > t
drilritble route to the rliU wheat llcldiiuij ( mttoraj
lauill n ( Interior Dikknlij
bllll anothrr Ullinc ? MNK , Tla Rfnwa anil Kan-
kakru , ha > beta cipvnrd Ixtwt-i-n Clni-lr.nitl , Indian.
MxilUand Lararrtu.iui < lCouncil Uliirrr Kun.aiC'ltr ,
IfiniirapnlU and bt.'Paul ' and Inlf nnedt. > . .o imlnla.
, tar dttallnd Inlunualknn tea Alapi and fultler * .
obtainable. a > well u ( ill km , nt r II iirlnclpall kki-t
OlUret la tue UiUUJ Slates ajid Canada , cr 1 } ail-
I'rcs't A Ueu'l U'jr'r , Ocn-l T'kt A Ag't ,
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
/nd Illnnk Hook Mnnufuoturcrs. 100-103 South
1'ourtccn III fitrt'o
Flour and Feed , _ _
W , J , WELSH ANS li CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Mnnufuctuiersof.W. ,1. Wcbhuns & Co. ' * Quick
Halting lluckwlicat Hour und proprietor * Omaha
City MIllis , cor. etu and rurnaiu iroou , Owobn.
Beer ,
_ _
lor Anheuser-Busn Brewing Bss'n
Spcdul I lirundi t'uuit , IluUweUur , Krliuijc
Book Binding. Eh
CU ,
Trlaters , Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook MnnnfncUuciNos. . tofl niul
Ii > s ontli I4lh Stro .t. 1'iunhn , Neb.
Bridges -Steam Pile Driving.
S nnd Contractors.
Urges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Cnmblnntlon nn.l Iliwo Trn s Ki'lilftp * ,
I'lllnir nnd Onk Timber. 15th St. , iH'ur I'numm ,
Teh-phono No 734.
Cigars and Tobacco.
" " "
MAX MKYl'.ll X CO. ,
Jobbers of Clears , Tobaccos ,
nuns nml AinnumiM'in. 215 to ! 23 South IHh
Mm-t , UtOtolftJI rarinim Street , Omulm , No' * . .
- Cm * n KAcrony.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And \VliolcfnIp Doiilcrs In I.onf Tobneeos. Noe.
1CS > nnd IIJ N. 14th Mrt-i-t , pnmlm. Nob.
* " "
w. u wiuniir
Antmt for the Mnuufucturcrs and Importorj ,
CrocRciy , Glassware ,
Chlmncjs , ito. : Olllrc. 31 : South nth
Street. Umnha. Nub.
"c. s. aootnurii \ co"
i lor T. A. Whltuoy Cnirhuo Co. a
Children's Carriages ,
And Jcwctt'8 Cclohrntcd KofriKprator * . Senor
or prlco lifts. 1411 t , Omnhn.
O. S. 1'1-HTlS & CO. ,
Yfoolsale & Retail , Fine Carriages ,
I'hni-tnn * . Dimities iiml Hn.ul'IIBIIII . 20 pr cent
ta\c < ltnlniliiit ru . 1 UN 1110-1112 , Iturd btrcvt ,
Omnli i. Nolmnkft.
Iliiintli nt Connc-U lUutTtf. lu\\n.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice \Yorfcs.
John Kpenoicr , I'ropiletor. Mnnnfnrtnrer of
fiiilvanl/eil Iron niul Oornlro. IC3 Dodno iiud 101
mil 1U5 North luth Stn-ot , Onmlin , Nob.
KUKMP1NO le 110I.TK ,
Mnnufccturoraof Oniameutal
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Finals , Ete.,310 S. ll'th St. Workdono
Iniiny paitof thocountrj- .
Western Cornice Worfcs ,
C. BI'RCHT , Proprietor.
Unlvnnlrctl Iron ( ; ornlccs. Tie , Speciit'.slm.
proM-d Patent Molnll'c Bkj-JIght. Kb nnd C10S.
Kill St. . Oinnhn. Nut. _ _ _
_ Doors , Sash. Etc.
The Gate Cily Pkn'.ng'liiili.
Doors , Snsh nml Illliida. Also all kinds of
turnlii ) * . Scroll und StiUr work ol o\ury do-
Manufacturer ntid Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stnlr Hulls n ppccInUv Tolcphono No. 02
IMh nmlMiircv Ptg. . Omchii , Neb.
Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLFK & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Oinnha. Burglar Alarms , HclN ,
l-'ii'o Alarms , ' " 'cctrlu Mnttin-r , SpenklnsTuboj ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wori
ron Stairs , Hulling , Holluil lio-ims niut OlriU'ra
Stcnm Knirlnes , llra B Work , Gonurnl Foumlrjr
Machine and Blacksmith Work. Ollico and
Works , U. P. Hy. und S 17th St.
Iron a : d Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Tire Nulls r. Spr jinlty. Omaha , Noli
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Flro mid Burglar Proof Rafo' ,
Vault Doors. Jiiil Work. Shutters nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. IHh nnd Jnckson Sts. , Omalui , Nob.1
Wajrons and Carriaprej <
Established 1S53.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HC'J and Ull Dcnlgo Street , Omaha , NcU
Commission , Etc.
Bl. IIURK12 & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
HPCI. Iliirko , Mnmicr. !
Dnlon Stock Yards , ti. Omnlu. Tolo.ibcno 682
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Vomited. John F. lloyd , Superintendent ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of any andalllclndaof stock solicit
cd. Union bu.clt Vnrda , Omuliii , Neb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , Doors , Kto. Yards Cor. 7th nnd UougUl3 ,
Cor. Uth uud Dougl 3.
' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MouldliiKH , Htalr Work nnd Intcilor llnrd Wood
FlnlBh. Jii6topcnfd. N. 15. cor. btU and I.cuvun-
\torth Bti cuts , Onmhn , Neb ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
tli a 1Kb Street , Omaha , Nub. F. Colpcuer ,
Munn ur ,
Lumber ,
18th nml California Struct ? , Omahn , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth uud Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebratlto.
CHAS. H. I.F.B ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
nron Plotk , Fancy Woods , Ilrldgo Timbers ,
ic. , S. W. Cor. Kill und JJouylas.Omubii , Nob.
Q. p. LYMAN ,
Doors Blinds MonMiB&
Dealer in Sash , , ,
Uulldhur Paper , itc. : South UOi Street , OCM a.
Fish , Etc.
Fisffco. "
Picmascn & C6.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Torelpn Fish , Nos. 011-013 Jonei
< = ? btrc-t nnd v' . P.Truck.OinuliiuXuU.- . .
Con fectionery-
K. I . FAY & 00. .
Manufacturing Confeciioners ,
.TobUers of FruUs.N'iH and Cigars. 121
Fariuttu be , Oinalui. < icl > .
Agricultural Implement s , _
1'Am.iN. oiii-.N witrK * MAUTIN ,
\VhoU' . -'o Uenlers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
niul Unroll * ! Oiunlm Nil' .
ClintCim.l , 1'AllKKH ,
WholcMlo Di irlpr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
i-s ntul Uimnlrj.1' nr * St. , bet. t'th ' und
iJth.Omiihn , Nib.
Uoolsand Shoes ,
" " " " " " " '
"w. V. MOl' ' R A Co" ,
Jotters of Boots and Sees ! ; ,
HlirnrtinmPtrpet.Omiilm , NYli. Miiniifnctury ,
Summer HtriM-t , lloiton.
Carpels. , , ,
F. A. oiiritAiin.
Wliolesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain ( looiK I'.tc. . 14U :
Street. Omuha.Ni
Coal , Lime , Etc.
Coke , Lime and Stone.
OOlOC , 213 S. llth ° t. , Oninhii. ' Nfb. Yard ! , ° t
uiiJ li-'enport Streets.
Shippers of Coal and Cofce ,
Zlt S. 13th St. . Oniiinn. Nrli. , ,
( Ho. C.TOWLK , I'rcsUont.
Cro. I'Arrr.n.soN , Si-o. nnd'ricii ? .
J.ll. llni.iiriiT , 1' . A.
I'litprlctor. Mnmipcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Oinep , 217S. 13th Street. Tolcpliono 15.
CEO. P. rMIAOU , PIT ? . C V. ( Joomns.V. Tics.
J. A. SuMiKHl.tM ) Sec. nnd Ti elf.
Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Lime Company ,
Joblivisutluud mid ioft roa ; , AUS. K'tli ' St. .
Omnhn , Neb
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Exclusive dealers In llonldrr Colorndo Conl.SI"
houth 14th fticut.
Coffee and Spices.
< ; ATKS. con :
Home Coflea and Spice Mills MTg Co.
Colluo HiiuitiMs niul Spluo ( iiliukimiinii
'nctuicisof linking I'owilcr , MiivoiwKl5\Uaot-
liningolc. . Try OIIB cnso nf our Mb pnekmro
lomo Illond Hoastoil Coffee. 1609 HownrJ St. ,
Cmalm , Ncl ) .
n.AHKK nitos.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten * . Colh-es , Splcoff , IlaldiU i'owdor rinvorlnpr
litiacts , l.mmilry Illun. luk , otu. 1414-1U liar-
ncyStn-ot , Omaha , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
" _ _
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
] 1Ziriiriinm.St.niiuilin. Appli's-Oiirown | , .wte-
HIT I'lnlt AcCo. sTitiiT llranil Oytlers , lluttur ,
s. Cliuno , 1'oultry , 1'ottitoos. _
General Commission Merchant ,
Trodiiec , I'roviMoni , Trulls , Flour ninl recil. 1 (
S. 14th St. , On.nliu , Nuh. Coiitlt'iiinciitb bollcltcU.
Uctuins mndo crouiDlly.
B15 12th Street. Oinnhn. Neb. Spcclnltlos : But
ter. ICiiud , ami Chlcicuus.
WIIDEMAN : & co. .
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Uutter , fimno , Fruits , ISto. SOS. 14th
St. , Otnnha , Nobrnelm.
General Commission Merchants ,
UMDodg-e StKct , Omaha Neb. Consignments
w. n. HIDUEM , ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
SPECIALTIES L'liccFo , ItuttiT KSTBH , Poultry
mill tiimia. 112 S. 14th. , Uiualu , Nub. Tele-
Iihotio No. ajj.
W KICKS & MIU.AJtl ) ,
Storage and Commission Marchants.
uralirii mill Domostiu I'i ults 11 upeeliilty. T.l-
CRnut stoiimo fncilltloa. WmrhoUbU mid office ,
10 Noi Hi Uth bt. U'eloilionu | 775.
D. A. HUKLny ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Uiittor , I'.KKS mid Produce. A full line ot Stone-
vaio. Coiiblguments bollcltcd. 1411 Uodco St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , Ktrps" , Clices-o and Counliy 1'ioiliico iron-
craily.aOUiJ.lHthSt. , Oniulia , Ncl ) .
& Eciiuonnr.n ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilclrltforator nnil Pachlnir : ioiifo,14th & Lonvon-
worth St. , on U. P. It. li. Trade , Omaliii , Nub.
nstiililibhcO 16TH.
nouniiT 1'upvis ,
General Commission ,
JUS. Uth St.Onmhu , Neb. 8it | > clnllcs-nutlor !
Krftra , Poultry and Omno.
nitos. ,
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , I'rciluco nnd I'rovlsions , Oiniiliu , Neb
CilMl-'KlTll it THOMAS.
SucopBsor to IB'no ( IrlDlth.
Commission Merchant ,
nnd wliolesrtlodenlor In country produce , fruits
butter , ceKfl , etc. Goods on consignment n
ept'ci&lty. KO N. 10th ft. . Omulm , Nub.
KlllsJl'IllJHAUN As SON'S ,
( Sucirssoi-s to A. P. Schno'c. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South nth Street. Oinnhn , Nob.
Dry Goods.
L. niNSIIIJtlG & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
linens , f.nces , imhroldury : mid Whllo C'ooiSs.
_ K40 ! DLMiflna Street , Onmlin , Nob.
White Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
COIh Bt ; and U , I' . Ity. Omaliii ,
Harness , Etc ,
WBI/fY &
Manufacturers uud Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Goods , Illunkots niul Itobcd. 14211'uruam
Street Omulm. Neb.
E. si.
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufacturlnif Mi'ttro-Fu . Ilcildlnfr , Feather
Plllou i , Cots , Ktc. KM and KUH Duuflua Street ,
Onmtm , Nub.
Overalls ,
LRTrirAcfujiiNa co. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
JWUB Pauls , Bhlrtg. 1'to. , 11Q ( iuuirfH
BttYibt , Oumiuii NtU
Lime , Cement , Etc.
Maiuf aclurers of lillnol s hite I/me ,
And Bh'ppc-ra ' of Coul and Coku , Ceinont , Pins-
tor , Mint- , Hair , Kiiu llili-k , prulii , Tiki ud
Sfut-r I'ipu. Ollico , l tulou Hotel , | elepbouo 811 ,
1IUJ I'm-nuin street , liniUi ) : : , Nubrusku.
OMAII \ ti co ,
Bnilding Material a
1Mb Sti ( ! mid ti on Pftc fl 'TrncV < Omaht
- - -
Wholesale Dealer in Lumfar ,
tOlh tiiid I/mil Plrci'K Oninhit , Xcbnukft.
Wholesale Lumber Latli
, , Shinglas ,
rtnlldlup I'lipon. Sit li. leer ) , Hllmls , Moult ,
Intrs , 1'ickfts , rot , Mine , fluster , JUf , '
C < mi-lit. Nlntn iiniiJunr * , Oiunhn
Millinery. j
" . . . .
" - -
* " - * V x .vtiA I
I. nlir.lUT.I.DEK.
linjiottcirs ruul Jobber * oC
Millinery and Notions ,
1513 run ! V.-ll tlnt-iip ) SHm-t , Onmlin , N'elx
MtisitM Instruments.
Wholesalers or Musical Instruments.
. \\Vl.i-r . , IKikcr. ltnlno . ami
I'niiiiix , ' -
1'iu-Kiml urgniis , Ctmso
1U1 mill UU mil t > luut. !
Furniture , Etc.
( HA
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors I
iie.,12M ; , lawnml lau raiimm Slirel.Oinnlm.
" " " " * " '
DKWKYsToxn ,
Wholesale Dealers in Farnltara ,
_ I'm mini Street , Oinnhn , Ni-V > .
Groceries. \
K , 11. ClIAl'MAN * CO. , '
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , w
Tolmceo nml Sniolieis1 Aitlrles , 1217 llownnlSI ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
| ilci , CtKiiri ) amlToluu-ein. 1317 and 1319 Doujp *
his Street , Omaha , Neb. _
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th mid raniiiiu Streets , Omnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 705,707,70 ! ) mid 711 S. 10th St. , Omah , Neh.
Hardware. '
" M "
\V. J. 1IROATCH , ;
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Pprlnps , tt'unon Stock , Hardnood Lumber , ftt *
. 1203 and 1211 llnrnoy hired , Omalia , Nob.
KUN13Y& 01HI1ON ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
Anil Carrinjro Wood Stock. Heavy Hardware ,
Etc. 1217 and 1210 Lu.ivumrovth Street , Oraftlm ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tool * nnd Hullnlo Scales. 1403 Dourr
li'8 Ktiv.-t. Omaha , Nob.
l.V.E , FRIED k CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Halls , Tinware.
Sheet Iron , Uto. AKIMIIB for Ilowo Scnlot nnd
MliMiiirowdi'i-Co.Oniulia Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Guitus , Ilnics poods. 1321 and 13 I FM *
imm Bticct.
' " ' " *
Wholesale Hardware and Hails.
CmerEon Stei-1 Nails.Cor. . 10th mid Ilnrncf
jjlretjts , Omaha , Nub. _ _
Mnnutr-cturor of the
Deering. Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. I.orinipr. Oaneral Aecnt ;
Omaha. Tc'ephono 610.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Sl.'nm , Wiitpi-.ltalhvity andMllllnif SuppliesEta1
VM , l 3 mill ITU i'liuiam St. Omaha , ? < cb. I
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , fittings , „
Btcmn mid Water Supplies. IIen.1iuariuni far ,1' '
Must Koo t Co.'s OooiU. 1111 VHruUU Street , m ;
Omulm , Neb. ' * * A
Wholesale Jewelers.
ncalers In Bllvorwnre , lllamonds. WatoliM'
Clocks..lowplmn' Tools anil MutorlaU , Etc. , 1UJ
nnd 1UI , IMh Street , Oir. Ucclfro , ( hnahn , Neb. ,
, obuiirx m
notions.Hoslary . &Gonts'Fiirnislilnj GooJ
lOOu mid 11)08 ) I'urmuii St. , Ouiuhu.Nen. _ _ J
J. T. Robinson Motion Company , / ? ,
403 nnd ton S. lOlh Kt.Oinaho , Nob. \ *
Wholesale Deuleis In Notions and Ocnts'Kutv
nlshlutf ( loods. f
Oils , Etc.
CONSOLIDATRI ) TAlflC Lim ! CX > . ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Qneoltnc , Mica A.xlo ( iroiiHO , Kto. A. II.
" , Oinnhtt , Nob.
Pork Packing.
" " "
JAMI'.S 15. I10YD ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Oinnhii , NobrnsUa , jl
Packers and Provision Dealers , 1 ]
Omc-c , Union Murliut. 1517 led o Stroot. 1'ucVInrf <
\\m\fo \ \ \ , U. P. it. lUTiuelf , Omaha , Neb. Tl .
lilionu No. 157.
Safes and Locks.
1 . IlOYUIl & CO. -I
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock o.s1 .1
Flro und Iluwlur J'roof'cs.Thno IxioliS.
miU .lull win k. 1KO ( rnrnain utrc'ct , Oinnhn , Nobl
Seeds ,
J. EVANS , > '
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds , '
ilKiIriiltiirul , Vi'gclnblo , I'.to. Oda Fellows' IIoJl ,
N. W. Cor. 14th mid Doiluo 81 . , Oniiihu ,
Drugs , Etc , 'J ,
. _ . _ _ _
l.f. -i Tj-iftj-inj-tf j-u\f nf > f
Wholesale Druggists I ,
And Dealer In 1'iilnta , Oils and Wlndorr QlnHf
Omaha , Nob. , 4' '
_ I Wines , Liquors , a Etc , .
11.I3U & CQ , ( ,
Distillers and Importers of f inss * ,
And Liquors. Hole inniiiifatturor * of Kcnuodr'l
Kart India llltlt-ri. 1112 Iliirney Btroot , Ouia44
Nub. .
UKO.v. . uii , ,
Buccc-fsor to JlcNAHAiu ti DUNCAN , Import * <
and Wholoenlo DoalorBln
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
211 nnd 10 S. 14th St , Omaha , Neb.
Notions , tttr
' Ih DRANDIE3 it SON , ,
Wholesale Jo Lots , ,
Dry Ooodg , Notions , aonta' Furnlfblnsr Ooo *
( iooils from Ntiw York. Trade Bales daily , K
m > ' < * Houth Uth St. , Omahu.
_ Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Leather llardwaro
, Saddlery ,
Caddlrry nnd Klioo Klndlu B , IIkips , Wool , ' ' urs
' ; U , U ! au'i'a < j y , JUta , Omulm. Uol.