Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1886, Image 1

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    JLJLj.l EE *
The Big Packers of Chicago Cheerfully
Bahilo the Metropolis of Nebraska.
BoiitliOtnnha'.t Ascendent Slnr Points
the U'uy to I'criiiniioncy anil
1'iollt The KfTi-ct on Chi-
7 ho Ituih In ( linnlm.
CiiioAit ( ) , June 2 * . ( Special Telegram to
theUm : . ] The question whether cattle nnd
lioijs inlseil v\c. t and noithwest of the
Mls'oini liver aie lo pay tiilmte lo Chicago
or Omaha packeis , talsed by cITotti now
IK Ing made to o.slaliJIsh adillttonal packing
hour-es at Omnha , is attracting miicli atten
tion nmong local packets who , It Is thought ,
nre looking with nlaiiii upon the rapidly in
creasing facilities anil business of the cattle
nnd hog slaugliteilng gentry in the enter-
pilslng city by the Dig Muddy. Andy Haas
Is In Omaha representing ceitaln Chicago
capitalists who will at once begin the con
struction of n lioii o with n capacity of n.OOO
ntilmalsaday. Mr. McNeil , also rcpicsont-
Ing Chicago capitalists , Is theie with like
Intent. Many of the operators and
Hpecnlatois In provisions on the boaul
of trade have felt a crowing Inteiest
in the cattle and hog pioduct of Nebraska
nnd the tcnitoile.sot Wyoming , Dakota nnd
Montana , and several , notably II , II. Wearc ,
have made n number of visits to these re
gions , vvheie cattle can bo raised at nominal
expense. West and noi ( Invest of Omaha ,
thousands of hogs aie raised , which , it Is
claimed can bo bought at less cost In Omaha
nnd shipped as poik lo the cast and Km ope
than to send it on the hoof to Chicago. Cap
italists hoie who aie supposed to bo Inter
ested in new developments In Omaha gen-
nally decline to say much about their plans.
' Theie Is enough business for both of us , "
Bald Chailes L. Hutchtnson , of the Chicago
Provision and Packingcompaiiy , when asked
what cITcct the opening up of huge packing
establishments In Omaha would have on
those already established In Chicago.
" 1 don't think It will Interfere with the
Chicago market , " said Nels Moil is , picsl-
dcnt of the Fall bank Canning company.
When nsked If ho was inteiestcd In the
Haas Omaha packing house , Mr , Moirisic-
) ) llcd , "Mr. Haas represents certain capital
ists , and ot course their names cannot be
given. "
"I think the tendency will bo towaids a de
crease of business here , " said Michael
Cudahy of Armour & Co.
Til 13 OMAI1.V CUT.
How the Freight Itntc Wnr Affects All
Western Business.
li'mcAHO , June 2 . [ Special Telegram to
the Uii : : . ] "The cut to Omaha on freight is
now an open one , " said a coiiliaclliittagont to
day , and Is about 50 per cent fiom the ( miff.
There is also a cut to St. Paul , but it is a
quiet one , nnd Is not neaily so seilous as ic-
portcd. Theio is no Hat 10 cent rale. 1'iist
anil second clisses me piobably shaded. The
Omaha cut affects business clear aero-s the
country just to that extent. All houses with
ngents or blanches at Council Illnffs or
Omaha arc icbllllng and theio Is no way of
pievcnting tliem. Pi elty neaily every ship
per can lind souu body to icbill hlsgoodsif
liu can save liom twenty-live to Idly cents
iier bundled on Height. The cut on bt.
Paul is about In the position that the cut on
Omaha was bufoie the Chicaga. JSuillii'jrtun
iV Qulney made an open one. There Is some
unsteadiness In latrn , that Is ceitaln. Just
ns soon as their competitors can IIx the case
they will iinnouiico an open war rate. There
Is no change In the passenger war. "
rtrltlsh Grain Traile Tlcvlovv.
LONDON , Juno 28. The .Mark Lane Ex-
pi ess , In Its icview of the llrilish grain trade
during the past week , says : Welcome sum
mer weather has a maikcd effect on crops ,
but It came too late to save a largo propoitlon
of the toicals. The outlook , except for the
best wheat district , Is very dl > couiaglng.
Trade has l > een In the favor of buj er.s. Sales
ot Kngllsh w heat during the week were ! (7 ( , ? ' . . >
( inaitersat ills Id , against : t 1,74(1 ( qnaiteis at
iL'sSd dining the concspondlng period hist
year. Tlio Hour tiado is exceedingly dull.
J''oiegn ! wheats have tavoicd buyers. Foiulgn
Hour Is cheaper , especially Ameilcan.
Twenty-seven cargoes of wheat airlved ;
seven cargoes vvxrs1 sold , three weio with-
diawn nnd loin teen remained , including
nine of Ameilcan. In trade lorward thciuis
110 inqulrr nt to-day's market. Wheat was
dull and ( td lower. Flour was dull and ( id
The Vlsiblo Supply Statement.
CmcAdo , Juno us. The following Is iho
repoil of the visible supply of grain June 3 } ,
ns ri'pailed by thosecretaiy of thu Chicago
boaid of trade :
Wheat i."J-lSI,0 0 Decrease. , .1,425,000
Corn o.4V.iojo Incicaso. . . 70,000
Oats ' VM,000 Deeieaso. . 14,000 ! )
Uye ! M,000 Oecreaso. . 0,000
IJinley , 14,000
The" iirojibitlon 'Chicago elevators hold of
thu vlsiblu gialn supply is :
Wheat T.fWI.KK
Corn 2.7IU.801I
Oats tiiH5 : :
live , 14,0S : !
Uarlcy. 23,501
Dairy Alnrlcut.
CincAoo , Jiini ) US , The Inter-Ocean's
Elgin , III. , special says : The butter market
was quite active and Him at 15 cents , regular
Bales being il.COO pound ? at that liguie. No
cheese \\assold , lull ci earns being quotable
nt < X37c. ; skims , ! ! @ , V ! nccoidlng to quality ,
I'll vale sales ot .7.1,1 b7 pounds of butter , 1.CW1
boxes of chee.-e. . Tol.rl sales S'J3S 14.54. Thoio
Isalaruo hhiliikiigeof milk In this section ,
amounting to''A percent nt some eieameiles.
Con-equentlj Iheiu Is a lighter pioductlon of
The 1'l.slierloH Question ,
ToiiOM-o , Out. , Juno SS.-Tho Mall's Ot
tawa coiicspnndcnt denies on the highest
authority the statement lecently publlshetl
that Iho dominion the instance
of the impcilal aiilhoiltles , have lelaxed their
ineasuivs for the pvotcctlou of the Canadian
lisl "les. On Iho contrary , there has been
i < .terferenco of any kind on the part of the
homo co vein men t , and the dominion irovern-
inent Is determined , as In thu past , to stiletly
enforce the law nguhist United States ibhci-
"Moro KiiiuU For t'iirnell.
Nuvv YOUK , Juno ta. The J'.uudl parlla-
me.itary f und eommltteo held Its next to thu
last meeting at the Hoffman house to-night.
Niiuly SIO.OvKJ us Mibsciibud. Joseph J.
O'Oonuhuu cabled tiom Paris that he had In-
htructed his son to pay Sl.OX ) for himself and
tinted that the geneious support given by the
.American i > eoplo gave great courage to Par-
licit vnd (
low * to\4 nu > M lovvnn'H ArroHt.
iicjrtjear. Tlfb Crt.-jtjeW.-Chrlstian 11 , ( Jould
tlcui of a special mliiT.tet J-tbvdelectfves from
tented bja large iuaJOu Jnn. u n charge ot
chpxen us Iho next piaco or
tbu yui > tl uUjouibid tUb
Ills Address on the Issues ol' the
Ltvnni'ooi , , Juneailndstonelhls ( after-
loon addie sed the cl"ctors of Liverpool In
ilenglcr's clicus. He was received with
wundless enthusiasm. The circus was
rowded to its utmost caparily , 5OOD persons
jelnz presput. Hundreds of people weie mi
able to gain admittance and crowded around
intslde. ( ibdstone said the enth-a-d.isiu In
favor of homo inle far surpassed nnythlm :
ie Ind ever vvitne ud dm inn his
Ifc. Despite the loin ; pur-cs of
Ids opponents , ho looked lorwaid
to the lesult of the elections with confidence.
He reminded Ids nudltois that home inle
vviis a qiKstlon of the classes it iiln l the
nit < i cH. ' 1 he lllieiiil party , tie s.ud. was as a
rule , not supiioited by dukes sn.unu , clergy-
inen of thu I'stahlislicd rhuich , ollioeis of the
iruiy , and so forth. Whenuvei there was a
lilghly privileged , publicly endowed prnles-
slon , almost c vcry member ot tliat iirote.sslun
was an anti-liberal. But tiom the legal nnd
medical piotcsslons , which were now open ,
Ihe liberals lecelvi-d a fair * liaie of support.
Ihe question was whether the masses weie
ible , constitutionally , to oveibear the elates ,
ueeanse it had always been shown thai
vvheiievei truth , justice and humanity vvero
concerned , the masses weiu light and the
classes In the wiong.
Formally Mailo Kosont.
MfN-ini , June 'JPrince * Luilpold waste
to dav foimally made icjcnt of Itavaila to
administer the alfnirs of the kingdom dmlng
the occupation of Ihe throne by King Otto ,
tlie insane successor of LiulvvK' . Tlio cere
mony was peitunned in tlie thiolie loom of
the lesldeu/.sehloss In the ptescncc ol the
ministry und niajoilty ol the p.iillameiit.
AVholesnlo Murder and Uohhory.
Hrrn vnrbT , Jiino'JH. A scivunt In a fam
ily In this city to-day mmdcicd his master
and mistuMS nnd their live children , stole
10,000 tiaiicsand then lied to Uulgaria.
Oolni ; Home to Hcst.
LONDON , June i . Gladstone will remain
at Hai warden a week. He will then come to
'M ) nv A conn.
Iho Kilnklnc AVator Statesman
Koiighly lliiiiilltil ; In the House.
CIIICAOO , HI. , Juno 2 . ( Special Tele
gram to the 15iu.l : The Journal's Washing
ton special sajs : Quito a scene was created
in the house to-day by thechaigo made by
Cobblhat Laiid of Nubiaskn , v\as connected
\\ithaeomp.inv\\hich obtained largo ( pian-
tltles ot land In Nebraska by shaip piactices
and iiuestlonable transactions. Laiid replied
sharplv that the chaigcs were iintuie , and he
had no lelatlons with the company ,
although his dead brother had been
a member of it. lie continued defending the
company , and said It was composed ol lion-
oi.iblo irentlemeti. Cobb replied hotly , and
made some iciimiks In an undeitone , to
which Laiid replied excitedly : "Don't von
Uneaten me.slr ; don't threaten me. " Cobb ,
after a moment's hesitation , continued his
speech , andstlll has the lloor.
The Ucnd Jurist.
IJi.ooMixr.xo.v , 111. , Juno 28. General
Singleton , General MeNulta , IX T. Littler ,
Hamilton Spencer , It. K. Williams and
Norval Dlxon have been added to the list of
pall beaieisnt David Davis' Mineral , as Sen
ators Vooihces and McDonald and Messrs.
Davis , Tieat and Griswold telegraphed their
inability to be picscnt.
The McLean county bar met this morning ,
Jndgol'cuves picslding. It was decided to
march In n body in the proces ion and a com
mittee for resolutions was appointed. A.
Stevenson , and Congiessmaii Gieen , micloot
Mrs. Davis , arrived from Washington
to-day. Genera ! Logan , Governor Oglesby
and .fudge ( iiesham will arrive to-moirow
morning. Judge Hailan telegraphed Mrs.
Davis to-day as follows : "Mis. llinlan anO
niy > cf deeply symjvithl/o with you , and the
childien of Judge Davis in thegieat allllctlon
which has come upon you and them. In his
stainless public and pi Irate life , you and they
have a lien Inheritance. " ( Signed )
Judge IModgett of Chicago also telcgiaiihcd
Ids condolence.
CIIICAOO. Juno 23. A large number of
member * of tha Chicago bar met In Justice
Italian's couit loom ( Ids attcrnoon to ar
range fora lilting icpioent.ition at the fu
neral of Judge Davis at Illornuington to-mor-
low. Judt-'oDrummnnd wasmadeclialrman.
It. S. Tutnlil moved that acommitteo be ap
pointed to attend the funeral. Judge Drum-
mend said tlmt alter consultation witli lead
ing membeis of the har , be had selected the
following peisous as such committee , and
the eliolco was unanlmoiislv latilied by
Noiman Williams , II. W. Jackson ,
J. L. High , T. S. McClellan , J. It.
Dooliltle. Kdvvln Walker , K. 1 { . McClngg.
llobeit T. Lincoln , Lennard Swett and
Henry W. Bishop. The eommltteo will
leave iMiIcajio to-moiiow moining and will
reach liloomiiigtou ntll.ri. : Tbeliuurot the
luneral Is : i o'clock. Chicago.ins who will
act as pall bcaicis aie : Judges Cohen and
Diummond , Itobeit T. Lincoln , II. W.
Ulshop , Leonaid Swell , Noiman Williams
and L. ( ! . Fisher. Tlie last mined Is a man-
ulacturer and son of one ot Judge Davis'
must Intimate friends.
/V / Thiovliitf Trump Shot. Ji'.vniox , Col , , June (29. ( [ Spe
cial Telegram to the Uii.j : : Kor the past
few days the town has been flooded witli
damps. This evening at To'clock thn tramps
attacked Ollio Olestcn neartho Union Paellic
coal chute ? . The attack was supposed to bu
for the purpose of iobbry , and hid It not
been .soon by one of the railioad agents , who
went bravely to the scene of action , the citi
zen would have been moio seiiouoly dealt
with , Ono of the tramps declaied ho would
cave the agent , nnd ran towaid him with
what wus supposed to be u knlle. The agent ,
In self-defeiue. diew his revolver and was
obliged to use II. thu bullet taking ctl'ect m
thu left side of the damp. The doctors aie
inohlng to asceitaln tlio coiitMiot the bullet.
No blamu Is attached to thu shooting should
it piovu fatal.
A Orcnt Strilcn Snttleil.
Hr.u.r.viu.K , III. , Juno y > . The great nail
mill stiiko has finally come to an end , tlio
settlement at Putsbunr of the wage question ,
proving satisfactory to both nailers and oner-
at OIF , I'nderthe new agreement the men
will not ieee.lvo less than 17 cents psr keg ,
no matter what the pi Ice of nails mav be. The
mills employ about avj men and will stait
up again In a lew days.
Hall 1'lnyw Havoc.
ST. PAVI , , June 2 * . A Grafton , Dak. ,
sped al to the Pioneer Piess says : A slnp of
country twenty miles loin ; by two miles wide
around Inks'.er was pounded bam of crops
by a teiribluhail storm Satuidny , Thu Nor
wegian church at N'ew Glutton was blown to
kindling wood. Thu damage to crops U esti
mated at SJOO.OOO.
AVcuthcr Indications.
Nebraska Kalr weather , stationary tem
perature , vailnblu winds , generally southerly.
Illinois Local rains , followed by fair
weather , slatlouaiy temneraUne. vaiiablo
Iowa Slightly cooler , fair weather , vaila-
ble winds , becoming southerly ,
Mr. ISIalno's .Movements.
AUGUSTA , Me. , June 'JS. James ( ! . Ulalno
and family Iwiyo to-day for Har Harbor.
IJIalno will theio lieaUi. reparation of an
impoilant speech whlelf 7vvlll deliver at
the opening of the i > UUo canirnvi u duilnj ;
the iirst week of August. - - „
JMnro ( tolil For Muropo.
Nivv : Vt me , June as , A million dollars In
told was oinacd ) for shipment to EuroiHJ to
day ,
Lake Shore Officials Run Their Trains
Guarded by Rifles.
None Fount ! to Pace the Muzzles of
the Guns mill Six Trains Go
Out Unmolcotctl K.v
by Jeers.
The Iinko Shore Strike.
Cilir.Vdo , Juno 2S. [ Special Telegram to
the llti.J : : Desp.thlni ; ol icceivlng nnv pio-
U'ctloit from either thecounty or state author
ities , the Luke Shore railroad olllclals oigan-
i/eil a defense In their own behalf to-day
which pio\ed successful to the point ot
enabling the company to send out eight heavy
freight tiaius beliiie nightfall , and permitting
tlnee to come Into tlio elty yaids from the
east. The company procuied the sen ices ot
one hnndied men. who weio armed by the
railioad company with Winchester niag.ulno
i Hies. These men were sworn in as special
Town of Lake police und acted under orders
of t'.ochief of police of that village. These
men were placed on guaid In tlie extensive
switching yaids of the railway at Foilv-lirst
and Koily-thhd stieets. In addition to the
miiitlal foice , a squad of men under William
Plnkeitun appealed at the yaids and weie
placed on th'1 locomotives and t'i eight trains
as last as they weie made up. Sixswitcli
engines weie Hied up and , beaiing men car
rying Ihe formidable looking Winchesters ,
moved up and down the load from tliu city
limits to the Indiana state line to give warn
ing ot the gathering of any body ofstiikers.
At Koity-thlrd stieet the police had--averal
skliinlshes witli the stiikeis eaily In the
day and tlnee m rests weio made. Hut It was
lound needless to exercise nny special vie
lence. The stiiKors appealed to be disin
clined to bring on a conflict with the men
canning the lilies. During tlie toicnoou u
deputy .sheriff visited the scene and foimally
lead the lint act. to several small gioups of
men near thu railioad tiacks and then sent a
deputy on boaid each of tlio switch engines ,
( jumps of stiikeis remained on the State
street Intel sections near the railroad tiacks
dnrliu the entile day , but no one of their
number was ventuiosoine enough to attempt
the dangeious p.ut of pulling a coupling pin.
The woik ol making up the Hist freight train
was completed at pi eel sely noon , and it at
onee started south. The tialn consisted of
fouitcen loaded cars of pcilshable Iioiirlit.
Aimed dej titles weie on the locomotive and
a man sat at the end ot each car , making two
persons to guaul each coupling. Passing be
tween tlie armed men patrolling thu tracks ,
the tinln pioceeded slowly to Knalewood.
Ciowdsat the stu-et inteiscctions jeeied at
the guaids and train employes , but ottered no
violence. Leaving Kngtuwood the train was
given full speed and passed through
Orand Crossing and South Chicago to
the Indiana state line without
incident. Tlio company had taken the pre
caution of .sending a squad ot Pmkei ton's
men to the state line , as It was Intimated
that the stilkers contemplated mailing an at
tack on the tialn at that point. The train
pioceeded on to Millet's Station , lud. , with
out any sign of trouble , wheio the guaids
weie relieved and retinncd to the city on an
in-bound tiain. Pivo other tialns were made
up in quick succession and sent out of the
city under similar conditions , and befoieli
o'clock two delayed west bound trains had
ni rived In the city under guard.
Theofticiils ot the Lake Shoie road ex-
piessed the view this aftcinoon tliat the
stilko was practlcalfy ended. They state
that they will , however , maintain their pres
ent strong aimed men till all semblance of
tioublehas disappeared. The strikers had
little to say dining tliu day as to their con
templated course , but have , as yet , displayed
no Indications of their intention to surren
der. They held several consultations with
switchmen from the other roads In the city ,
but the result of thu conference was not dis
It has been asceitalned that there wcio
four men shot on Saturday afternoon during
the chase of thu tinin to Knglcvvood. Their
names aio caicfully suppressed. Two of
them aie as yet nna'jlc to bo about , while the
two others are walking around.
It Is understood to-night that the Lake
Shoie.stiikeis will endeavor to precipitate a
pcneialstilke on all roads leading into the
The chief of police at the town of Lake
appealed at Hie extensive switching yauls
ot the Lake Shoio lailroad at 8 o'clock
this moinlng with a police force of 100 men ,
including specials and Plnkeiton police , and
at once began the work of clearing the yards
ot strikers and idlers. Yeiy few or the latter
had enteied the yauls. but remained In a
laige group just beyond the railioad tiacks
intently watching the movements , of
the lalhoad people. Several hundicd
men , however , lemained In the vlclnltv of
thu round house and the cais ol the LakeShoie
load , and i of used to obey the older of the po
lice to move. Clubs were tfiawn and the po
lice diovo the men from the immediate vicin
ity ot llioyriuls. In one encounter Detective
Finn ol the Lake police knocked one of the
men down. Hois the only poison leported
lo have sustained any seiloas Iiijuiy-
The company made no attempt to
move any eais up to 0 o'clock.
Deputy Shcrlll ( ilea on appealed at Foity-
llrst htieet shoitly niter lo o'clock , accom
panied by six deputies This is tliu iirst tlmu
since thu strike began that any ot Hie icpru-
fentatives ot the sheiill have appeared on the
giound. Tliochiel deputy read thu i lot act
at tour points along the line of the Lake
Shoie road between r'oity-lirststieet and Kn-
Klevvood , nnd the police and deputies then
bourn to clear thu tiacks. The ciowds moved
nil quietly utter leading tlio i lot uet , and up
to 11 o'clock lemained quiet in thu vicinity of
the ralhoad tracks fioui the city limits as far
south ns Kiiglewood ,
The Lake Shoie company succeeded In
making up a train of fourteen freight and
caboose cars and started south at 11:55 : a. m.
without molestation. A few minutes before
the tialn started live stiikeis vcntuied Into
the yaids at Foity-thlul btieet , nnd letiislng
to move , weio handled roughly by the police
nnd one placed under anest. The others
moved otl. The strikeis conureiiated on
State sheet. It Is Intimated they will attempt
no dcmonstiation in the presence of the
aimed toicu now on the ground.
'Iho lallroad company lias brought
out elifht englnesaiid sent six down the load ,
having on boaid a deputy sheiill and a squad
of men armed with Winchester rlllcs. Thu
locomotives are employed ns scouts to see
that tracks and switches aie pioteeted and
ready tor the passage ot leguiarlrelghttratns.
No molestation has been olleied to thu men
on boaid these engines
Kxoi.nwooi ) . HI. , Jnno28. The Hist Lake
Shore outwaid bound freight train to teach
this point arrived heie at 12:20 : p. in. , having
inn ( he gauntlet of strikeis from Foity-lhiid
stiebt without interiuptlon. Thu tialn has
thlrty rined men on board. At Fifty-lint
street eiosslng theio was a largo crowd of
men and boys who jeeied as the tialn passed
but olfcied no violence , The tialn lelt hero
at I'JrJO p. m , and a guard of Hyde Park po-
lien will boaul the train at State btieet.
SOUTH CnifAoo. June as. The Lake
Shoie freight tialn just anlved .it South Chicago
cage (12:50 ( p. m. ) without having encouii-
teied set ions opposition. Thetu was n largo
crowd in anil about the yards here , but lanfo
crowd of Hjdo Park policemen prevented
even the semblance of disorder. The train
loft Jiero at 12:55 : p. m. , and will be guarded
to the liiQiauabtatc llueby tue aimed specials
on board.
1:23 : o. ui. Tli9 jcc nd freight train of
fcVWfc if -
twenty-six loaded freight caw followed tlio
llrt train. 1m inn been undo up fit Knsli-
wood. It had about twenty armed specials
on ooaid , and departed south. Tlio railroad
ollioiils anticipated iii > trouble after leaving
this jKiliit , unless It should be nt some point
be > end tlic state line , anil the S'ltiad ' ol Pink
ci ton's men , already mentioned , has none
that point toguaid against tbat hn ] > ] ) enlntr to
Mu.M.n'fl STATION , liul , . June as. The
two Height trains on tlio Lake Shoie road
made up at Clilraiio at noon , passed here at B
p. in. foi the east without interferenpc of anv
kind. Tlie annud guaids rctinncd on an in
bound fulght tialil.
CutfAoo , .June C * . A freight train from
the cast anlved In the Lake Shore vards In
the city nt 'J:80p. : in. Tlio olllclals issued a
notice to accept freight \\ithout limit. Thov
state that they bellove the strike Is ended.
Switchmen arc holding a session , nnd wheth
er they contemplate any further move Is not
known ,
A Former Nelirnnkiin Meets Ills Death
nt Sioux City.
Siorx Cirv , la. , .Innc 23. fSpsdrl Tele
gram to the llm : . | While bathing in the
Floyd river near the city Suuda.moinlng \ ,
Albeit M. Miller , Into of Wayne , Neb. , but
formerly of Kochelle , L o county , 111. , was
diowncl. Miller , with several couipntlous ,
was stopping at the Central house over Sun
day , and went to the rher nbont 10 o'clock.
.John King the Iirst to enter the water.
When lie was about half wixy ueioss the
stream Milter jumped In and bc.m swim
ming iiiite | rapidly towaids him. King soon
heaid Miller exclaim , "I can't make It. " Jlu
.shouted a second time , and King saw him
dlsapp"ir. Hut as ho icappeaied utmost Im
mediately , the Inrmcr thought ho was I'oolln ;
and so kept on. Immediately after , nnother
starllhiKcry , "I am dt owning , " was heaid ,
and Miller went down for the last time. Tlio
alaim was immediately given and L. V.
Young , an o\peit swlmmei , by a heioic effoit
succeeded llnnllv In lalslng the body , Life
was entiiely i-xtinct , however. The deceased
\\as about twenty-tinea vears of ago and c.imo
heie liom Wayne. The pirents of the
diowned man wcio atoneo telegraphed eon-
coining the sad event , and sent Instnirtlons
toscnd tlio body to their home In Illinois.
The Impeachment Trial.
Diw MOI.MIS la. , June a * . The court of
impeachment met at ! ) p. in. , the defence call
ing , ! . S. Itluomington , publisher of tholn-
vestlgntor , mi Insurance join mil of Chicago.
He testiiled as to the chaigos of Insmaneo ex
aminers , they belli ; ; in all states $ ' ' 5 n day
and over ; also that Vall's lepnlation as an
examiner was iirst class and his charges rea
sonable. The defense olleieil in evidence
new spaperai tides tiom all thn prominent
Insmanco journals of the east , which contra
dicted the vvitnebs' statement. Tlio aiticles
charge that Vail was no expert und that bin
chaiges weie exorbitant. The senate ailed
out the aiticles but one from the Spectator.
Mr. V , A. Harvey , actuary of the Insurance
department ot St. Louis , was also examine ; ! .
Ho testllicd to the general charges made by
insuiance examiners.
Tlio Victims of the Wreck.
Citr.sro.v , In. , June ! J3. [ Special Telegram
to the Bni : . ] Four victims of Thursday's
collision me now laid at rest. Hughes and
While were burled here Saturday. David
son was burled hcra yesterday. Aldrlt's le-
mains were shipped to Moirlson , 111. , last
night for burial. The two who Weie injmed
arc Impioving.
The community is agitated ovcrlhc sudden
death of .Mis. Henry Muiphy at Cromwell
Sunday momlng. ,
The ex-county superintendent of schools.
was conveyed homo Klclfliom a picnic Satur
day and died at 4 o'clock next morning. Tlio
fuueral takes place at Alton to-day.
An Attempted Murilcr.
Sioux CITY , la. , Juno 28. [ Special Tele-
giain to the I5ii.J : Lewis II. Peterson , an
erratic genius , was airested Sunday night
while In the act of pouncing upon Mr. Lewis ,
who keeps a stand on Prospect 11111 , with the
evident Intention of taking his life. Peter
son and family live on the hill , and forborne
time past have tried to keep everybody
down. Seveial days aso ho was airesttd lor
attempting to shoot Mr. Lewis add last nldit
was well equipped for the dastardly work.
The presumption Is * that ho is imitially In
sane and ho will have an examination to-
Tnken From the IConil to Hell.
OTTL-.MWA , la. , June28. [ Special Telegram
to the , UIK. } Kinsley Joidan , or , as he Is
commonly known , "Stormy Jordan , " the
most notorious saloon Keeper In the state ,
has just been jailed for violation ot the pro
hibition law nnd will have to sctvoKOO days
In jail. He kept the notorious saloon at the
Ottumwa depot whose Men boio the legend ,
"The Koad to Hell. "
Malt House llestroycd.
DAVK.NTOHT , la. , June 23. [ Special Tele
gram to the fiin. : ] The malt house in Black-
hawk , four mlle.s west of this city , owned by
J. Lehaklud , and opciatcd by Seeler Uros. ,
was totally destroyed by lire last night.
Fourteen hundied bushels of barley , and
0,000 bushels ot malt weio binned , Loss ,
S1D.OOO ; lubiirnnc8r,700. _
Cliaiitatiiiiu Grntlnntes.
IXTOAXOLA , la. , Juno-8. [ Special Tele
gram to the liK. ! : | Itov. Dr. J. II. Vincent ,
founder of the Chautnuqua circle , held com
mencement exercises hero to-day and iravc
diplomas to seventeen graduates trom differ
ent parts of the state.
Killed riy the Cars.
JKNr.VADA , la. , Juno 23. [ SpecialTelegram
to the Uii.J : Yesterday a boy named Gaff ,
aged seventeen , living a few miles east of
here , attended a camp meeting , and while re
turning homo lav down by tlio truck and
went to sleep. Ho was run over by the cars
and crushed beyond recognition.
Crops Pniiinfe < l ly Hall.
ATLANTIC , la. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele-
ginm to the HKK.J A heavy hall storm
passed about six miles north of Atlantic at
1 o'clock this afternoon. The storm was six
miles wide. AH crop ? weio Injuied trom 10
to ! M per cent ,
Drowned in a Cistern.
MAOUOKITA , , la. , JUno 28. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEE.I Mrfe. L. Tucker , of this
place , who became Insane during the icccnt
heated term , drowne.iLherself hi a clstein
this morning.
The Jubilee of Indulgence.
DtmuijUK , IuJunuiJ3. [ Special Telegram
to the HIK. ; ] BhmopIIennessey this morning
pioclalmcil the jubilee of Indulgence to bo
granted this yeannnd left for li.iltliiioio to
paitlclpato In the. Divestment of Cardinal
Gibbons. _
Ho 1'rovcdr.Too Sllclr.
Sr.iiAi.iA , Mo. , Juno 27. Kd Carp , the
slickest thief that Us struck Sedalia In many
months , was attested yesterday. Ho airlved
Friday , nnd managed to gain entrance to
half a duon piivato boarding houses , under
the pretext of desiring to obtain board. Ho
succeeded in getting awity with various sums
ot money , the Juigeet being § ; o ,
and also jewehy and clothlnc. During
the forenoon ho wo * arralzned betoro Justice
1.evens , charged with burglary and larceny.
On a plea of not guilty his preliminary hear
ing was continued until Monday next , and
he committed to tlio calaboose Instead of
the county Jail. Halt an hour later he pried
loose a scantling from hU cell , with It forced
the door open , thus e.-ciplng. The entlio
police force of the city imt in the a tternoon
searching tor him , but to no puipose. In ad
dition to the inoiitiy taken liom him , ho lelt
behind a valuable , gold watch und chain.
Tlio Halriicldery Mansion IJurnod.
Kuixntito , June 2H. The lialruddory
mansion , owned by Maitln White , a mer
chant of Now York , burned to-day. Loss ,
The Commissioner of Pensions Shows His
Dislike of tha Colored Rnca.
How the National Debt Stands nt the
CloHo of the 1'Msonl Vear.J with
Homo ComrtixrlsimH In\lr < l'
Verbal Klfl > t.
A Queer 1'onslou DccUlou.
WASIIIXOTON- , Juno 2i fSpm-lal Tele-
ernm to the llKf-J I'lio tollowlng rather
cuiious letter from General Dlaek , cimmls-
slonerof pensions , tea eoloied soldier has
jnstcome tolU'ht , and seems to show that
the present commissioner of pensions is Im
bued with an undue h.itre 1 to the colored
mee. The letter Is us follows :
lr.i'AinniNT OK rut : INTHRIOK , 1
Pn.Nsiox Orriri : , >
WA llIXiTON. 1 > . C. , IS O. I
Southern dlvls'on ' , C. W. 0. examiner , Xo.
SW.SMi , motlier ot Arnold Shaw. Company
H , Seventeenth icglmcnt , United States
eoloied trt > ois. |
Silts : This claim for pension lias been re
jected on the L'lound that us the claimant
wnt n shun lit the time of the sold'ler's death ,
she \\as not dependent up < m lilm for sup-
poit at thai time. Very lespecttully ,
JOHN C. Hi. A * u , Commissioner.
To.lool It. ( iilllin. Nasluille , Teiin.
How General Hlack could have fallen Into
Ill's ' mistake Is the strange part of It. The
colored soldier , Arnold Shaw , enlisted In
August , ISO 1. At that peiiod theio vvero no
slaves In the United States , unless (
Uhick proposes to ovenldc the emancipation
pioclamatlon of President Lincoln. The old
colored woman had four sons In the union
nrmy. Tills one was shot to death In delend-
Ing the old Hag , and she received her son's
bounty , S10S. If the evidence was sulllclent
to irlvo her that , why not enoiuh to glvo her
the widows' pension ot SI J per month ?
TIII : rou.vinv's oinr. :
The vear to close with Wednesday of
this week will tlnd the national linances in
pietty good shapo. The public debt , which
twenty yeais ago was S75 for each man ,
woman and child In tins coun try , Is now Si't
tor each person , and the interest charge ,
which at that tlmo was ovei $ J per , Is
now 7"i cents per capita. The total debt to
day is just half what it was then and the an
nual interest charge but one-fourth of vrliat
it was at that time. Then the inteicst-bear-
Ing debt was S , " > H,003,033 and interest fiom
5 to 7 3 10 rcr cent. M ow the Interest-bearing
debt is Sl2. ! 0,030 , 000 and the inteiest rate
from 3 to 4K per cent. Then the population
umong whom the debt was divided was
: r.oooooo , , now it is it is utavor-
ite occupation with people with bad diges
tion to complain that the country is tciribly
burdened with debt. Soitis.but it isoHiieeally
happy in this line when compaicd with the e
of some other count lies that are supposed to
tank very high in the school ol nlvlll/atioii.
For Instanec , while our debt is Sper head ,
that ol Austria is SUO , that of Russia S3" , that
of Spain &SO , that of Italy SM ) , that of Great
Uritaln S100 , and Unit of France S U0. !
now i.Ainn wAiMiiconn. : :
The far-seeing wisdom ol Samuel J. Itan-
dall limiting at an early hour to day tlie
general debate upon the land clauses o'f the
sundiy civil bill to two hours , was
fully denionstiated before that debate was
finished , and was probably the oulv thing
which saved the'house from a riot and the ne
cessity of expunging tiom the Hecoid in the
future some good big chunks ot histoiy and
unpaiUairicntary language. Mr. Cobli of
Indiana and .vtr. Laird of Nebraska differed
so widely and emphatically regaidlug the In
trinsic value of Mr. Sparks to this gieat eov-
crnraent that It seemed they would stop little
short of active veibal assault had not the
gavel of the chairman been brought into
requisition ns a peacemaker. Laird , who has
been for some time aching to
climb Mr. Sparks lor vviongs done
constituents , made a twenty minutes' speech
which mctaiihoilcally wiped up tliu lloor with
the commissioner ol the geneial land olllce
and lelt little of him olliclally but old clothes
and bones. .Mr. Cobb , of course , as a demo
crat and chairman of the committee on pub
lic lands , piocccdcd to defend the. commis
sioner , without rlivme , reason or logic , for all
his acts. As Mr. Cobb Is never air. Cobb on
the lloor of the house If ho doesn't have the
base ball club by tlie butt end , lie pioceeded
to get his 1cm tangled In a good sized blun
der , which was nothing moio nor less than to
get Cougicssman Laiid confounded with his
bi other , a heavy land owner in Nebraska ,
now dead , and tochargo the honorable gen
tleman to his face , through tliu medium of a
special agent's icnort , with all thu crimes ,
misdemeanors and felonies that the average
land thief In pursuit of his calling can bu
guilty of. The result of it was
that when .Mr. Laiid again got
the lloor , the house couldn't get close enough
to the democratic side ( whither Mr. Laird had
gone ) to see the fun , and Mr. Cobb was toasted
by the shrill voiced leader fiom Nehiaska
In a way that he is not likely soon to lorget.
He was shown. In no mild language , how he
had got tlie confusion of the average laud
agent's report worse confounded , and tlien.
In a little side eloquence , Mr. Laird defended
the memory of his brother In a way that.
backed up by Mr. Sparks own njonts. made
Cobb so mad he attempted to delend his own
view of the rase , and sat down nt the end of
his time a pullinc , led laced failure.
run -iin : pAciric KXTHNMOX KIM. .
Since the visit ot Mess. . T. J. Kvans ,
Samuel Haas and ( leoigo F. Wright , ol
Council lilnlfd , on Satuulay. the nieiubeis ot
the Iowa delegation , which Intended to vote
solidly against the bill to extend tlie time of
payment of Urn I'.iciiic tallway debt , have
changed their minds. The delegation hum
on Satuulay represented the board of trade
of Council Hlnlls , and they came with a
mcmoilal signed by almost all the members
ot the state legislature who weie In the se , -
Hens of the senate on tlio impeachment
court , The legislatuio last winter passed
resolutions Instnictlii' : iho Iowa delegation
to vote against any extension meas
ure. This last memorial practically
absolvcsthu delegation tiom cairyinc out the
wishes of that jeglslatnie. The delegation
told the members of countess that thu bill
was not thoiouglily uiideistood , and they
wime here , attcr getting thu memoilnl , In
outer that any member could use his own
judgment on the subject. They do not advo
cate the bill Itself , but simply came lor the
purpose of allowing the mcmbeis to use
their own judgment. All hut Congressmen
.Murphy and Fredeilcks were heie und saw
tliu delegation , and It Is now thought that n
niajoilty at least will vote for the bill pro
vided it Is i cached on the calendar.
rooi.i.vci1111:111 ISSUKS.
The house lias not Vikon action yet on any
of Ihuscoiesot vetoes tliat thu president 1ms
sent in the. pi csent session. It Is understood
that a tacit agi cement has been made by men
ot all i > ai ties In thatbodv to let thu vetoes all
come in until the picHidunt Is done , and then
take them up and pass them over his head.
Hy this arrangement men of nil paitles will
bu united In opposition to the vetoes , and
they will make snoit woik ot the preside. nt's
vetoes , and vvhistlo his objections down the
wind. Some of the old hands are managing
tills matter , and they expect to put tin ough
every one ot tliu vetoed bills before con gi ess
adjouiiiB ,
Them Isvciy little piosix-et ot the adjourn
ment of congress bcloro the last of July , li )
Its debate upon the postotllcu bill to-day , the
senate showed a disposition to Insist upon an
appropriation for the transportation ot ocean
malls , and the democratic senatois were the
most emphatic of all. Thu members of the
house appear quite as determined In their
opposition to the measuie. anil neither will
yield without a long struggle. The president
Jms given notice that he will not sign uny
midnight legislation , and that will
prevent the bills being nished
through , as Is usually the ease on
the last day of thu session. He can take a
bill and keep It ten days If hechoOscs , and
conirress has got to wait for him to consider
it. It Is believed that he will hasten an ad
journment as much as he can , but will op
pose hasty legislation , and It would bu just
like him to veto one of the big appropriation
bills because of boiuo bliiglv uUjcvtluuublu
Item In U. Therefore the prospects of delay
aie better than UIOMJ of adjournment.
THI ; OIIOMno : AI'IINK iiit.i. .
The oleomargailno bill will be considered
by the semte committee on agriculture to
morrow , and it is expected tliat a ropoit will
be made this week. The committee will
piolmblj reduce the tax from 5 cents a pound ,
ns iiatsed by the house , lo 'i cent or I cent ,
ns a 1'iajoilly aie oppjsed topiohlbitinc the
manufactuieof bogus butter. They are will
ing to place It under such u'strlellons as will
prevent decptton and rcipdrells htcntillcatlon
In the mail , nt , but will not consent to tax out
of existence n great Industry. There will bo
a Ion : debate when the hill comes up for
consideration In the senate.
in .mi : os n.rvn v\n.
A N'ew Dniland concrcsuuan who Is very
close to Mi. Hlalno today told v our cot re
spondent that gentleman's iiei onal opinion
of Pield"Ut Clevi-laud. Said he : "Mr.
Bl.ilne told me when lie made his well known
call on the president last fall that lie expected
to lind AH entirely different man fiom tlio
one hn met. He was not a man of hrond In
tellect or culture , as would bu Imagined from
thecuiient repoiR In I art he gave t lie Im-
pivsslou of u stubborn , willtul and Icnorant
man. with no expcilencu In national alfalts
whatever. "
These words from Mr. IJIalne has Just eomo
out , and alivadv the gossips aio nt woik
muiiulactuilng what they can of it. Theio Is
no doubt as to ( be truth of the statement , for
the gentleman who gave It Is well Known as
u warm personal Iriend of the Plumed
iCniu'ht , nnd lie Is not a man who swcrvc.s
fiom the tuith.
Thorumoied appointment of Colonel Mor
ton. of Augusta , Me. , vice Jails Patten , com
missioner of iraviiratiou , Is tlie tesult of an
old deal made last tail bv Senator Hale and
the administration. I'lie agieement , the
democrats say , was that Colonel Moiton
should leceivi1 no office .vhati'ver , and In 10-
turn the lepulillean side of the senate would
not oppose the continuations of PilMtiuv
nnd Chase , the Internal lou'iiue collectors
for Massachusetts nnd Maine. They were
both injected , however , thiough some mis
understanding , and the nresld"iit , who feels
veiy MIIU over the allwir. has proceeded to
takeout his spite in tlie appointment. Mor
ton was the oiiginator of thu scandal against
Mr. lllalne.
TIII : nr.iiT's iiiriiiA i : .
It Is predicted nt the tieasury that the pub
lie debt statement for Juno will show a de-
cicaso of about eleven million dollars.
The bill was reported to tlie senate to-day
to appiopiiate an additional S2"OJO for the
completion ot the publlubulldlugat Xebiaska
City , Neb.AX
AX IOWAX roNniMir > .
William Desmond has- been confirmed
United States attorney for thu northern dls-
tiictof Iowa.
inioi'i'no rnovt TIII ; noi.i. " .
The following named postoflico inspectors
were to-day mopped from the rolls of the de
partment : S. P. Childs , Chicago ; 1) . Pulsl-
ver , Chicago. _ _
Yesterday's Kvcnta on the Ilaco Truck
and Diamond.
nmnitTON IJnAcit , JUPO Us. For maidens ,
thice-yoar olds , thiee-touittis of a mile :
King Victor won , Ll//.io Walton second ,
Hlirhead third. Time ! : ! .
Mile : Cathcart and Aleck Ament ran a
dead-heat for Iirst place. Lute Stilugthiid.
'I ime 1 M-lJf. Tlie heat was runoff was and
won by Aleck Ament by liltecn lengths
Time-1 :47M. :
Mile : Miss Dalv won , Hioughton second ,
Poveity thlid. Time 1 Af. \ .
For two-year , live iurlomri : Nat Good
win won. Jennie Juno second , Tuple Cross
thiid. Tlme-lW : .
One and three-elgliths miles : Adonis > von ,
Santa Clans second , Hen Prjor thiid. Time
-'J'J1J < .
One and ouc-oitrhth miles : Malaria won ,
rcekskilt second , Valet thiid. Timu-1 :37tf. :
The Il.tso Hall Reoord.
riiicimo . i 1001000 o-n
Philadelpha . 0 2
Pitcliers MeCormlek and Casey. Fiist
base hits Chicago S , Philadelphia d ICnors
Chicago U , Philadelphia 4. Umpire Con
Pitlsburg . 1 0400201 1 0
Athletic . 1 00000000 1
Pitcliers Galvlu and Mathevvx. Fiist base
hlts-Plttslmrg 14 , Athletic S. Krrors--Pilts-
bmg'J. Athletic " > . Umpire Kelly ,
Ar : -
Detioit . 0 0340200 2 11
Washington . 2 0 0 0 a : t 0 0 2-10
Uas hits-Detiott 17 , AVashinston IX Kr-
rors Detroit 0 , Washington 3. Umpire
Cincinnati . 0 0005100 * 12
Ualtimoio . 0 10010020-1
Pitchers Mullano and Kilroy. First base
hits Cincinnati 13 , llaltimoiu 8. Krroia
Cincinnati 1. lialtimoiu 1. Umpire Valen
AT Loi'isvii.i.r
Louisville. . . 0 000200010 0 ' !
15looklyn..O 00 ! ! 000000 1 t
Kleven Innings. Pitchers Ilimsey and
Porter. Fiist base hits Louisville 10 , Htook-
lyn 8. Kuors Louisville 2 , Uiooklyn : i. Urn-
liher IJradly.
ATSr. Louis-
Si. Louis . o i : t o o o o i o . "
JJoston . 0 0000000 0-0
Pitchers Moyleand lindbourn. First ha o
hits St. Louis 10 , Hoslon I. Unors-St.
Louis 4 , Huston 8. Umpire -Curiy.
Ar Sr. Louis
St. Louis . 1 0 5 ( I 0 0 0 0 2 S
Metropolitans. . . . 0000020. ! 1 0
Pitcliers Font/ and Lynch. Fiist base
hits St. Louis 7 , Metropolitans & Eirois
St. Louis 4 , Mcliopolitans U. Umpiie
KansasCity . 1 001 00050-7
Now Voik. . . . . . . . . o it : i ooooo * ! >
Pitcheis Con way , Whitney nnd Devlin.
I h'listbaso hits KansasCily 10. Now Voik 8.
Kuoiri Kansas CityU , Now Voik 8T Urn-
jilte Voik _
BliarkH1 Itoply.
WAfrrixoroN , Juno 27. Coinmlsslono
SpaiKs , In leply to a icipicst liom tlio seere-
taiy ot thn Inteilor lor a recommendation In
the matter of thu application of the state of
Kansas for a reconsldiaMon of thu piovlous
decision of tliu Inteilor dep.iitmenl upon thu
claim of thu stale to select ad
ditional lands under the agricultural
collate net of lb < l ) , has lecom-
nic'ndcd that the application bo giantcd. Un
der this act thu stale claims thu light to select
7 , < iS2 acies of land In addition to a like nuin-
her lielectep in 18 i4 , illuming that the lands
weie not legally Increased to the double
inlnlmiim pilcu as held In the piovlous decis-
' ° " '
Nnlirnsku Clty'H 1'obtollloe.
NIHIIASIA : ; Cirv , Neb. , Juno 2 * , [ Special
Tolegiam to the IliiK.J Henry Wales , of this
city , leceivcd this moinlng from Washlnirton
the ofllclal papers awaidlng him tlio contract
for the building of the new postoflicu build
ing , Work will be commenced at once , and
It is thought the woik will he so tarcoinplrlcd
as to bu under roof by this coming winter.
Our people aie much pleased that the contract
has fell Into such good hands us Mr , Wales' ,
as he is a lirst-class builder , which limncs
the city a good building ,
I in I'erlcliolr.
The fact that "Lu Periehou"liad ! never
been snn in Omaha before last night
did not prevent tlioso who attended the
perfornniiico from enjoying u most pleas-
iintQcvonliig. Kvcn ihon li thu ) iicco Is
unknown to most Oinuhans , it ubiiiinils
in boatiliful airs anil choruses , ull of
vvhiuh vvcro rundornd by the ( Jriui coin-
puny in an excellent manner. Koine of
these airs nnd choruses nro as beautiful
as any in thu leulm of lighter opera.
The acting in moot uiitaiu'es was very
satisfactory. If feel that
nothing is worthy attention unless it has
provioiisly been heard by them , there is
little hope of much mlvanro buiiiiT inadu
In tlio line of musical culture in this city.
The opera vyill be repeated tojuoirovv
night. 'Jonijihl "l-'r.i Uiuvolo" \ > 111 bo
Halo Tolls tlio Sotuito How Cleveland Should
Spoilt ! nis Time. ! |
Hut CoiiHiiler I'lans Tor
the Country's t'ommoruo
Illvor Veto ninoiiBHCll *
Affair * In Congress.
The Seuntc'H I'
WA"iiiN < iTo.x , June ! K > . Mv. Allison , In
the absence of Mr. Logan , submitted the eon-
feieneo report on the pension appioprlatlou
bill , the house lecedlug liom Us disagree
ments. The icpoit was ngieed to.
Mr. Teller Introduced n bill authorizing the
pieddent to appoint nnd icilio Aided Pleas-
anton as mnjor general. U ( eried.
Mr. Kdmunds called up the bill granting a
pension of S100 per month to Kmlly J. Stan-
mud , widow of Gcucial Stannnid , of Vci >
nioiit. xThe bill was passed. * >
The chair laid befoie tlio senate the con\
feiencoiepoit on Iho | iotlollleo npproprla >
tlon bill , stnting that the committee was mi-
able toagiee , the question bjlngou the subl
sidy piovlsiou. w
Mr. Pugh addressed the seiinto In favor of
the subsidy appropriation In the bilk The
pilnelplo on which ho stood was that the *
toieign mall service deseived jitsteomponsa- i
tlon as much ns the coastwise mail service , [
the river mall seivlce or the ralhuad mail '
sei vice. |
Mr. Plumb moved tbat the scnato Insist on ,
Us amendment to Iho subsidy appropilatlon , >
and ask turther conteicuce.
Mr. Hale , In the of the debate , said
the Amcilean people Iiad become an over
prodiielnc people , and if It had n fair Held
and fair opportunity it could obtain the trade
of Cential nnd South America , and could
lurnisli products as cheaply as Grer.t llritaln ,
Fiance or ( ienuan.v. One thing was neces-
saiy to It , and that was icgular , continuous ,
cheap transposition. No statesman In the
itiitish house everveiituies to nrojiosc , on the
plea of ccouomv , a ievei-s.i ) of this generous pin MUM ! by thu Hiltlsh government , *
and the lime will come when Ihu American
people will demand that an administration
will bo v\Ke enough , broad enough and farsighted - j
sighted enough to compiehend this gieat sub- / )
jcct. 1 wish that the pres'ldent could borl
drawn away liom some ol Hie things to wide- ) i
lie Is , no doubt , honestlv . giving his time. lV *
him give less time to the examination and
cousldeiiitlon ol tlie subject of a pension to
some poor old soldier , nnd study up this
question and learn something of this great
held that Is open to the American people.
The discussion heie closed , and tlio motion
that the senate Insist upon Us amendment
was iigtecd lo yeatf : ; najs. w. The
deiuociats voting the lepuullcans In the
anirmative weru Messis. Hiown , Call , Kustis ,
( ionium , Pa > neand Pugh.
The senate then , on motion of Mr. Plumb ,
took up the piesident's veto of the bill to
quiet titles ol .suitleis on thu Dos Mollies
liver lands , and Mi. Kvurta deliveied ao , ,
amument in suppmt of tliu veto. In which hb
said the objections lo the bill wcio ter < cly
and comprehensively slated. An examina
tion ol the subject had satisllcd htm that tha
piesldent was lUlit in returning the bill
without his appioval.
Mr. Alison said that the bill affected largo
Inteiestsniida gieat many people in lownj ,
and was ihcioforo an Important bill which ,
should bo considered c.irclully and urgently ;
It was lmi nlnit : In utiother rcsnoct. 'flint
senator from New Yotk ( Evarta ) had JustR
stated that the case was a new one to hlro-
It was also a new one to'the president.
( Allison ) was satislisd from tliu Ht.ltein „ „
made In thu veto message , as well ns fronvx
overstatements made by the senator frouX * .
New York , that neither of them had sufll-
cieutly studied the case so as to understand
liilly the tacts or tlie decision of the courts ,
on the subject , lie pioceeded" to give a his
tory of thu matter and ( o itr o the passage
ol the bill over the piesldcnt's ' veto.
Alter Mr. Allison's remarks the subject
went ov 01 till to-monovv. and after an execu
tive hcsslon the senate adjomncd.
In the House.
WARIIIXOTOX , June 23. Under the call of
states Mr. liandall of Pennsylvania Intro
duced the bill to reduce and equalize duties
on liupoils , to reduce Internal revenue taxes ,
and modify the laws relative to the collection
of icvenuo.
The following icsolutlon was Introduced ,
by Mr. King of Louisiana : That the UuLid'
States will view with great solicitude and dis
favor the contemplated action ot the French
government. In authoring u loan to assist in
thu work on thu Panama canal , or any other
measure calculated to Identify it with the
Panama canal , as such action Is opposed to
the policy of the Ameilcan people as ex-
picsscd by Ilia chief executive of the United.
Slates at the inception ol this canal , and
which policy Is now most emphatically ict
pcnted and it-iterated by thu United Satc : .
Kesohed , that ( lie sccretaiy of state bo re- ,
q"iu > ted lo send to congiess without delay all
coiiespondencu healing on thu subject of ;
Mich vast Impoiliinceand fraught with much
danger to national Intcicsls.
The house then went Into committee of tlio
whole on the mindiy civil ; ippiopilnton | bill ,
.Mr. Moiiow moved lo amend tho.blll by In
creasing fiom 5rooto $10,003 the aojiroprlar ,
tlon to meet expenses Incurred "under tljo
Chinese actandl > > adding a piovl/nrequiring
theseciotnry ot thoiuMS'itiy localise to f tie
prcpatcd piellminiiiy nnd uiturn eertlllcnles /
Identifying mine paitlculiuly than'at pipscnt. M
tlio Chinese to whom they are granted. Ho. MD
piosontcd a petition pinnated under th.o
Knights of Labor of thu Paellic coast- and *
signed by pe.nsons , asking that semi )
action should bo taken which would foreyop
iiiohlbll Chinese emlfrallon Alter debatat 7
iho amendment was adopted without 4
division. < > ' i
The clause lelatho to the expcnFO } of foiI
lection of leveiiue fiom tlio Haled of public >
lands having been leached. Mr. Laird made .
a hoveio attack upon Commissioner Sparks * * 4
in Ids ndmlnlstiatlon ol the general land
olllce , and ouotcd from a number of lettflia '
written by homestead settleis In his district
denouncing Sp.nks' ordein , characteil/lng
Sparks in a scoingu WOIKU than grasshop-
neis.Mr , Cobb defended the commissioner , do * ' '
elating that his action was mcc.Ung wit ! ) Ilia. ,
I'ondemiiiitlon of eveiy hind Blubber andi i
speculator In iiubllc lands. He quoted from , ,
a letter fiom K. 11. Washhiirnu slrongly en/ , :
dorslng the commlKslDiier of iho land oU ( e-
and then ( pinted thiuenoit of a npnclal fluent
taken liom thellhH ot the Interior dep. . '
iiient Implicating Laiid with laud fiwul , s
Nebraska ,
Mr. Laird Indignantly denied Ihe truth ot
this , and eveiy allegation In the icnoif , niul <
he and Cobb Indulged In a shoil nnd spirited ,
but unintelligible colloquy in which thay
weie. heard lo warn one another against niak-
litganv thieats.
Mr , I'nyfcon Kitld that to iiir n.s the. ordtj'.of ,
Cominlssloner SiuiKs of Anill .1 , ltto. ' > . wna'
eonceined. he , ns a member of the committee
on public lands- , was consulted with reference
to the piopilety of It.s Issuance. He- had ad
vised and counseled that It should bo Issued ,
and he Mood by that outer to-day.
On motion ol Mr. Splinter an amendment
was adopted piovldim ; that all feca collected' )
by le lstein and le.-civeis fiom any fcourca
which could iucicaso their salaries beyond
$ : iooo a year shall be coveted Into tlie Ueasr
urv.Mr , Lalul moved to Klrilre out the clause ,
appuquiailng iiuK-o , ( fur protecting thu puli-r
lie. lands tiom illegal or fraudulent cutty.
Pending action tlio eommlttMj roboaud Ihe ,
hutisu adjoin nedr
No Moro ilurors Situiiictl ,
CHICAGO , JunuSS. In the anarchist c-VH *
to-day no additional Jurotft vvero oblalnprf ,
Sevenly-llvo men weio calUul nod
foi cau-H , or peiemptorily ( "
Gwt Mliiiu'sota flour