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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1886)
-w-- = : - - - - - - - - - - . w- - - - - - _ _ - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - -v- - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - - - ' , ' - . - : ThE OMkTA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JuNE 28. 18S6. ' \ 1.-J . _ _ - _ _ _ _ - SPECIALNOTICES. _ Ads'crtIcrnonts inThr ihI heid , 10 cent pr Thio for the firM Inerton , 7 eenth tot each sub. requent in5crton anI 1J. ) it Ilno per month. Wo akort&niont ! taoii for 1ei tlinn 2 for tim first IIIpeTton , Soten words will be countid to tluo line : thcy mtt run eonseeu. tlvoly nn4 must b , i'nld In nIvance. t1I aher tfscmcnts mnt be ) innle ) In before 2 eclock p. m , nn iinilrp no crciim.tnneci Will the ) ' betaken taken or (1Lft ( ontInhI by telephone. l'flTH ( ( n1vertIIn In thosu ( OlUmfl nnil bay. Inr the iinwors flroci In care ot TiTE 1lii , 'wlI tleflO ) ak ror rt check toenablo them to get tbetr lettor. os none wlfl bo delivered except , on pro'eIitnHon ol cheek. All riiswer to nit. : rUt.tiIont .hrmld be 'iieloqod In unvtlop. I 1 - - = To Ix. : : : L1 ) iu : ctsr : money toloan. a. J.tntioney , 1t109 Fiirnnin , IOjO ! . ' jroI : 1 ( ) l.kt -ii rPeI ( tltO. UIhofl vi t.nrn & Co. , Itoom 8 , VtthnolI lI1ock,14 . .1 TON IY TO I. ( ) , % N-At lower rate then any- .a..ii wIitrr tjlo In the etty. on furniture. pIatIO , , ignn , Iiorso , wagn , or tck or iny kini. t Ittrnotnltr , lit towir rat than ony otner olin I esinpaiiy in the city. City Loan & Mortgage J I Co. . room It , 1401 Farnuin at , oplosIt3 I'ztXtOfl i' . hotiI. VJ7 - r ii i : Omaha tltinnelal exi'iange ) Is vroinre to ttiflkn llifl ( III nil ) ' flfloUflt , Oil Rt17 kimi of approvel ? locflrIty. Largi , coIltornI lfllthR C , nl'elChtY. A19o on ohnttcI nni real ettato In flIllOUflt fled tmo to stilL Lower rate , better ( tertrll , nil ) promptr.r FOTVICO thnti tiny lonti flgliIlcy In the city. For fiu-ther pnrtl'IIIltrM enil office DII the tc'ond hoer of the Ilitricer Illock , nonthwest corner of Fnrnam and Ijtti streets. . 3l5 - ! t to loan on rek1oneo nni buIt1eRq k1 property. Loivet rnte. C. .1. Czt'ovell & t Co. , Itootit U ) , iron Bank Ilnilding , 12th ant Par nnm : ; OIY to latin by the unlerslgnel , ictin ha ' ) _ Lv th only properly orgatiliod loan agency . In OmnIia IMiin of $10 to $ lOfl ) mn.o oil fur- I nititro , PIlitloQ. organs , IlorlwB , WngOtl9. mRCIiIfl ery , &o. , ivtiout ) rpmovnl. No aelnys. All btlMlle FtrIetly conthlonttnl , Lofln' o made that any part CUfl ho pitlil at any time. each pay. T ment rrditctng the vet vro rata. Advances male on tine wntcli and diamonds. l'arsong 4 'iluull carefully conller v1lo they nm dciiling With , us mlitIy new cot1cf'rfl are daily coiuIn Into oXiteiicc. Should you IWOl money. call Ittil Pee 010. 'V. It. Croft , ilooni 4 , WItlinoll Iltililing , ltith and lirirnoy. lr.OlOO to loan on tiiy roidonco proliorty 'I' ( leo. W. DnF. ] 'IirIInm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2I9 ' , . - . ' ' & Co. lhllt CEN'l'-Monoy to loan , Stewart , UliflolO : i , IVOT1 hnnk. 12th ullit lnriiniii. CI / ( _ : to loan. Sutn 55fl ( ) ant llpWltflls. , 'I , Lovest i-rttos. 1lonit , 13th and Dougllt4st3. yffOE'TOLOAN-O. i Thiv ! Co. Real .1u. It8tato and Loan agents , 1505 FarnatnSt _ TVIONr.r m LOAN-on oo1 oonrttle3. A .tJ-JMcUayock , room TJicdIck UlockItOFnrnam . 81. _ _ _ _ 1j1oNRv TO LOAN-On real estuto an ) Clint J - : LL bIB. D. I. . Thomn& _ _ _ _ _ F1ToNltY TO ) .4)AN-Tn sums of 2OO an ) up- .LU wards on flrat-clng real estate eciirty. ) Potter t Cobb , 3515 Farnam St. 2i4 ONIY . ( ItII ) at C. F. Iteed & Co's. Lionn JJ ofilco , on thrntturo pianos , horpq , wagong poronnl property of iiii hindS and nit other ar- tlclcsor value , without removal. 3)9 ) S. tttti. 0ie1 lilliglittin's CofliiiiIlfl store. 411 bus. tieqq trlctlv nonfiulontal 3 = = - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - BU8IIES8 CILANCES. _ , I1oIt SALI-1)rug ) store In Denver , Cob. _ .I _ Owner IlOIL go c'itgt to live. y'nt-s labs iii'nily tTUO. ( ) Siooc 1111(1 fixtures nbiout $7thO. Oil I ) tloo liitiitig ci4i ileed a pply. 'l- dioss : 'lJeiivcr , " 2787 ( Jeyor ave. . St. LoiiI. M. t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0M1Ii VIEW-I.ot'i ollIi fit. , Hurry up If. YOU woiilib sceuro one of tbiosu low-priced lots. Iloggs & III ) ) . iuR MilR-.A Ilrst-ciass boarding house i'it Ii iii rgo iiitii , lur U f tonrdorg. Benson , parties nro irolnjz to UIil'olo. I'or utrtIciiitrt : address It 21 , lIce 0111cc. O MMEA VIRW-LOP soIlin.r fast. hurry up If % ohi iiIIIl ( secure ozia of 111030 low-priced . LUt. loxgs. ) 11111. BIl-a - . . . : too cash will buy n business requiring four , I , Ii ) tiri' work a tiny. itinking OO to 7i per . iiioiitli . Iuqt 10 soIl by July 1 , Ciii ! Itid ) how. nrd st. botwoonOiiiid S p. in. 2S2.2O ( \ M1IA'lflV1.ots . selling fast. Hurry up 4 \ _ ) ii. iOu would Feouro one of tlieso low-prIcod bot. 1iogs & 11th. ] jIOR'SAL12) sliam stock of lOQoeh of , t . tim % yolnIig ) Ment COfllfltII ) ) of Cheyenne , 4' w' . This 8toek is Ibrst cliisg , will tear the olc&'sL invotIgntioiu and Is now paying a eel .1 Ivhiloiiil. lur further part iculnrs iuld toss , ti. hi. 'F. , care Omaha lIce , Omitlia , Nob. 2I. \'lI\V-Lots ebhhnr lust. blurry up 1,1 il you woiihl ocuro one of those low-prlccd - lots. Ilorgs & lii ) ) . 3ll 6 11i ( { Mt Ilt-Cn account or other business I , _ j uvili tell lIi ) ice t'rentn ) uflrIOr3 itiol confeo. tioliery store at 1420 1)ouiglnu StrcOt8. at low Ilir- ulrcs. I I you witilt it bargain apply at once. 8. ( iliS. 2l : O M.IIA'l1V.I.ots . o1bing fast , hurry up hr i.oui wtiiiII tocuro one of these low-priced 2ts. Boggii & 11111. 'J11-ti -1 StIE-Stoclv of drugs about. 1.2OO In thriving towiu in coiitriul Nebraska , iuiso physIcians In conncctlou. Address ii , II. care Ijee. 22p2ti * ] 1Olt h4dtLlt-A rostnuimnt doing a argo pay. hug busInos ; very bestlocation : good rout- son for goibing , turitl toriu8 to right unirty. - : Ie8 " 11.10 , " lIce otilco. 212-20' O 1A1A YIEV-I.ots o1bitig fast. blurry tip If von iroull secure one of these low.hirtocd toh. lioggs & 11i1. 811-22 1itoR t3dti.l-Or trnde flood hotel property .L I ii rail rend tniii. Only lintel i ii t O'.Vii.Viii trnto for good wild Jitiid' , 21ildrcss McMahoii & Council JJluiTs. 1111-28 t I OR SAiE-1fnri1wsro busincs atul shock. , Addrc5s MeMabion& Co. , Council BluliM , In. 1112-28 jThMl1A Sli\V-Lotssei1luigfnst. blurry up V 1 f von would secure otto of these how-priced lots , 1bogs & liii ) . 811-26 7Po1 HALlt-ltenl ctiito , abstract tuid irniui . .L otilco , Coinjloto 10 OttO or ho beet coututles lii IOwa. Addrcgt 1cMtubOn & Co. , Council illuirs In. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )310R S.tlill-In a proshuoring little toM-li In liuwit citY iitintit tOO Inhabitants , situittoul on _ ; the C. ii. 1 . .S : l' _ ii. . 11. lliuo a gon(1 fltl coitupboto btitclieriii bnichnes ivill lie sold choan , n8 thin priseiit owner I.itciuds. on uccotusit of his I)00L iio'ltbi , to go to California , Fr fuuthieuin - oriiuuitiouu , tuddrcgs Ii f , hico otlico. I52Jy21' . . ( llhiA VIRW-Lota selling fast. hurry up - I , f Vfltull ( secure one of these low-priced ' .2LJioggs& 11111. al1-6 . . : _ - 4 OR Sbi-t complete took of nuilhlinory go , lg : itlso store flxtuircs ; Iii a tlosittttbo ho. t'uuliiy. % III be soul very ohoip. : Cull Ofl or nil. liew l'iank 0. ICaysor , 401 North 16th st. liniu. tii4 20 1TtN'rEfl-To loarui of otablIshol bnnkthint I I desires to st'li , or of genii location fet now tautr In iontrtth or wot-torn Nibruslut , , .tthilross BuunkorLooklhox 181. SiouxCity. 007-22' " \7N'i'hi-A inro inIuieoiuuouurwill to given c ho a gOod lintel iiinn In ii growing 0112 PrOSperous - porous uvetorn lawn , &o or corre8hlond with fi Jituilott&hhntosIiuatricoNoh. I . 0MAh1 \'IRW-Ltit sehIiii ttt. hiurry It. i-nil 'ivOuhit secure one ot tlioo low.prlcod - ' . , hotut. iogga & 11111. 011.20 i 4 OR 1CiIANUE--locl of zrootI of every i : ' kind , ( or fnrmB and hand ; nhso Janus to ox- cbuougro lorgnocis If you want to ti-ado , no luntler what it Is youiinvo , wrIte , with full do. c Seriptioll , to ( .1. Binyno , itcul Estate and Triit 1'o , , Omaha Nob. 202 -4 011 flr3t-chust bakery , restaurant mid confectionery stand in a town of 7 ' 00) lulsatuitniuts. Inquire of F. 1' . F'ay & Co. , Omii'hin. 4 OR $ tLlt-ovornI stocks of goods , doincra healthy buusinegs. ( ni nOriihi ) clear , iitts- j facibon guarnittood ; itins ensy. souito Omaha property Inluon ha .oxobuuiigo. Muurtbiahl & Lo- 1512 } 'iIrtIUni tt. 413 TotTlrD. I I ] % ( ) t.Tl-Cobd i-ins. .Spply 13U.I : - . , # . ± 111 _ ' osFIcukult bcInuuring , to lbcnion & Co. jetu Cal will be laid for its return to Iluo conIpuuiy ollIec. : i OST-J otto 22 , ii buy xiutto , wlt Ii anchor on J bit hipitolorato ltu0 N. : thi st. and ro. coivo i-wit-d. a7 : : t } ' - ohuPortulnitr to savO IUoiiCy unless , -ou liy your Crockery atud iiyiuro at Itoody S China tero , ltthi and 1)avuiiport. : LIST-Oii4Otti st. , a isllk unubielia , Parties - 4 tvturnlnur tltuamu to J'1J.vuyn , 1s7t N. UhuwtIi bit qtYttt-dutl , . _ rnA't'ir ' ) lttOL1N-'roiuu c'orner nt2dth ) I. . imb Loarnuwoeth its. , ti bay hinto. . woiglit li _ luliOut ILIQ ibs.laiiio Iii rIlit ( Nflt t04)t , bhhli'I in V I loft cue , Itowaru . iourcturn. . J , W , ItouluoL I . _ _ _ _ j : . lucts : .Ost-Lnl-'g htaiud bar with iuuir birnechohs t l0ti.0T.inct % tit\iiSt.bulI , , atuti goh4 Itated bi.tbersU i-'wutrtl Isbul fvr i relus-iu Ici l1l cbutst-n n9 Ibu the yuvU udjouiflu. r. z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - I'EILEDZIAL. P ) tILSONtL-.To persons Who whh tqhuhlia home In Orcharl 11111 , I wilt sell hots upon pltyxnent of the nominal um of ten , lolbar5 neb bRhtuueO at tito ciii ) of live 3cflrlnti'reSt at S psicent. . payable semi-annually. ThIs Is the test oiler over inncie to any homo-Coker In thiS city. CnhI anil Po mo t R MnYfle , ltah 1. tate and Trust Co. , SW. cor iSthi ana Faarn , , 1)EhtUNMj-Thn genii people of Omaha tire .1 heghiuriing to retihiio that tt Ft not only it blnSlIro hut ole , lurofitniubo to trade at Mootiys Chum store , cor. 111th nit ) Psych ott. 1321-20 ( L1 OOinonthlyproflt.ihifluitiftiE phiotnrrnpii ,4 , latfltlFig ) tnoght fico In one hour ciii' uvei'k onger. hIss C hristi , 1Til4 Douphas. 142-2' & CO.1COn0H1Y _ J. _ ClothiIri , 1309 rnrnnnu St. , want nuir trade In tlui' obothihiuiu bum. Call atul see thorn. tiJy1 ) 1OAlttIl-l'iurtIes % cihInui ilay board at - I1.50l'cr wcok , apply at No. 011 N. 1th t I ) OAIII-And lodgings , at322 N 15th st 128 ) OA ii I ) and lotbgliug , t au-cob. 13l .lon st. I ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 620Jys' TjlOIt ItINT-ltoom and boaril for two. 1111.3 .1 Capitol ave 142 7a1ICEZsI.ANEOUS 'Oit lLltNT1'artIoi fitrniliiiig rooms for .1. rent shiouhib buy their toilet orehininber sets lit Mcody , Cli nit Store. 1owct II Ices itnd ! 2uiest good Cur. 113th and Davenport 82l-10 _ rI ( ) T1tIR- pair ot nintehid ( ira ) ' mares .L _ 5-yvnr.old good tir1ter , harnesS cliii buigzy t,1 I i-tub fo r a imt iuimywlici 0 0 Per 1 I itiicoin I 'irk , Whlkinson Sc Slimithi 2Ith nimil I'opbototi itt-o.sL 1itit JLItNT-Sqtlnro Piano , t monthly. A . _ J hiospo , 1518 bougituu. 2T3 _ nndci's pools cft'itiuOt by FU. . Ahuol 1' . O box 87 $ , rcidenco 1018 Cutiuleg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 72I Jolt' ifi' VY but ccsspoobs ceuuiucd ) by l Iiviiug , 1' ' - fox 427 , iiiOJ : 11 too inonthiy profit. Sco Personal colutumn. 'p 141-21' J1tIt IIEST-Organs , * 2 per month. itospu , l&13 Douglas. 274 S TOltIR-Western Transfer & ftorngo Co. , corner 11th iiii ) Nichols st. , nra ruIutrod to rccoivo and store all kinks of liousobiohi goods etc. 2011 -oi ItEN'r-A store on it good retail street. - Apply tim Oiiiaha iteal 1stuto and Loan Co. lOT FOR lttlr-shuare I'Iino : 13 monthly. A Ilospe , 11113 lougias ) 272 - - 1-on LE-MISCZLLANEOVS. I \MAI IA Vi l-Look at lots in this itibbitlon _ J before iiivstiiig ( louv1iere. lloggs & hUll. 1ots 3Uil to 7u0. VJlb-211 Iolt HJtiEA gocil 101(1 sutto fatutily liorue , - 1001 Si.itith 18th sI. (1. F. Lynuiuii _ 2titi-2' oA VI lW-Lonbc at lot in thil aldltioiu lieturo hiivostiiir clsowhore. lloggs & 11111. L4)tSl0) to 7OQ. 311-20 Foht first-class piano , only used 4 - ' months , will tnko Jart ilayntent ill boarding. Buiquhu 221 uu llthi sheet. MAIIA VhiSV Is the nltlhtloiu , In which to O initko inoutcy Lots only 3t.0 to 7UO. 811.211 lloggs & 11111 , F OR SA LE-Good second hound pliulutnuu , suiltabbo for two hiot-ses , at nbai-gain Anti- bieinei-1)usbt ) 1Ixowliig AssociatIon , cur. 11th aud Capitol tivo. 2U.3l ) MAI1A VIEis the itdilitoiu lii which to O make money. Lots only iO0 to 70O. 311-20 Iloggs & 11111. -SAI.R-Wu have a bunch of COO head _ I. two-your-oh SteerS , g.od cattle for silo. Strailgo Jli-onSinux City , Iowa. 1000Jy20 MAI1A VlEV Is the nldlthoii , in which to O iiinko nionoy. L0t8 Oiil3 J&iJ to U0. 311-22 jioggs & liii ) . Foil SAI1-Oiuo 10-horse upright boiler nut engitue with littings complete. A bargaIn. Ncbrasini Steam Lauiidry , 1O S _ 14th t. 7211 MAIIA VIEVis the addition in which to O Ilinke ui000y Lots onb ) $3U ) to 7OO. 811-22 1Iggs & lUll , 1oIt SALI-1 : platte , furniture and kitcho _ L _ rutuge. 7tTS. 111th st 877 MAltA \'IE\V is the iilciitioii , In which to U iiinko moitoy. Lots only $300 to 7Oth 811-20 lloggs & 1111k jiOlt SAi.l-Fliioseeotid-hniud phutoton cluouip at Sititluson's. 714 MAIIA VIfl\V Is the inbilition In which to O iuiuko moncy. Lotsonly 311) to $700. 811-211 IJnggs & full. _ Tuoit Atdt-It. it. contracts on 2,400 acres .1. flue tillabbo land , cheap for cusbi , or will exchange - change t0i fresh stock clothing nut good busi- 11058 biroPertY. Ii. N. Voo1miui , IL P. 'l'oun , lMt iont'er ) .iunctlon , Colorado. 751.Jyil MAIIA % 'Ifl\S' is the addItion iii which to O tiunluc money. Lots only $201) ) to ' 10. 811-21) ) lloggs & 11111. FOR SALfl-Chieuip. Complete bar nuil lix. tUrCS lit. Kontitug. Agent Auihiouser Busch Brewing Association , corner 11th and Capitol ilvoululo. 200.jyt NAIIA 'yjy\y Is the addition in which to O unko moutcy. Lots only $301) to $700. 811.2(1 Itoggs & 11111. TrTIl ; otTer br sabo 500 choice two-yenr-oid V V stcor. &rungo Bros. , 3toux City , In. 431 jyO MAltA VIEVT is the mhuitioui In which to O make money. Lots only 300 to $700 311-26 - ' Iloggs & lUlL _ . I.Iolt _ SALI1-Choap , iroul coturimaq 'intl win. .1. dow Cli)5 suitahilo for trout on brIck build. lug. For luuirtiouhirs apply at this oillco. 813 MAltA VII1SY is the audition iii wh'ch to O luuuiko inouioy. Lots only $0 to $700. 811.22 Ibogs& 11111. 1llIt MALR-2 , year hoaso on Section good .1. hOld , 7 miles southioat of Atkinson and 4 tuiibes umoutliwost of Binmet Unit county , Nob. itenial onby t49 per sear. Ifat.chior. C.add & Co. , 1210 Douglas street , Millard hotel block , Ouuiaiia , Ncb. 14)1 ) Tuloit SALE-Iioro phiuet'n bugnuuul liar. .1. tuess. Exiqulro of .Jntno Uurrott , govern- nientstithuio 12th _ iuid ChIcago. 8011-20' F SALU-A so'oiud.hinuid 2 II , P. Shilpinan - engine autO boiler b John C. lclioer , Vorlc , Not , . 181 ] 31O1t3AL6-Squaro luinito , $511 , inoutiily iuy- monts. hloshie , 1513 Dougluis 271 FOR SALR-.Fninlly liore A.llospo. tl3TJylS F OR StLii-Miitoht bums nod hulur4os of nI Iciiid to stilt cnstoinou-s lit Star ththi 8tblos , 20th altO Cuminur , 1it. Caution , l'iop. 270 O' ' ViEW-Lots selling fast. hurry up 1t'youl wouh1 , ouure enc 01' tiwso ow-hItIeed lots. Iloggs & lulL 1311.2 $ wAIrTED-PnhiALE IZEIIl' . T'ITANTEi-A thoroughly conipotont nurse V V for clilhuron , with reforoticos. Mrs. V. Il. Clarke , 1213 i'itrk a't-U. 1339 20' % -Inimedintol > ' , good gb-i for S 1 kitchen uu'ori ; four dollars a week. 3(117 ( itna-ni-il btroOt. 1317-29' ( % TANTRt-41ond enorgotia lady on snbnty. ' 1 1 MIss Chi-Ittie , 1614 iJoqilus. 328 20' \TfN1'I1)-floO1 iirl for general houe- I 1 work. Itilbuiro third cottage of Leavenworth , ' bide of Cobfax , none Park avenue sttoi.-toai-s. 010 TTtNT1il-Iuunuo1lutoly , a good cook. 418 ) V South 10th stioot. TtN'rIti-Sl1lesltitbY-1ttst ho able to gtve 1 1 itoQi satlgtnetory rofornuces tbuPlY to itoblimsout's chum tore,201 N. 111th _ at. Ud4-0' 13j.tNTIiI-A lady of good tuulrvss ivhio 1 wi hte3 a irood hiiuid and can Uivo bond , to addrcss it 2 , lisa o11c0 iO0.2G' , Once , C.OtUhIOtotut flurSl , glib. ) .Aihi itt OliSouthi 18th street , 2111.20 iNTElJ-A chiunbormald itt the Irhiudsor 1 5 lipte ! . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1T.tNTIt1)-A gooul girl for eumeral lioulto. ' I ivflik , 2011 Cats street. thiquiro Itoso llros. 283-24 iT.tNTid-A girl for gecuenti housework- 1 T good wages-itt northwot corociIianuIl - ton and l'it'r ttccos. 207-28' y'ANFi1)-Lndy uttid boy to learn huok. I I leop1nu , ' 1ttisUon , " room O , ilitsitinan block , J. II. 'uitith. 20-2u3. 'TANTEfl-Two Ironers , one for Tyler me. 1 chine an'l ' lob fot1 1 iu-ontnit nuachutno , lit N1hlsluuight' toamit Lauttdr , .i5 Water at. , I4loux City. Iowa. good girl In do iontuaI hiouso. 1 I workl goul wiiges tiak. N. t : . cor. Nino- tccnth and CoIIurcila at , 3M % 7AN1'flh-G1)oi1 gli-li for lrlvuito families ; V S good witges to i'olnpclont girls. Cull et Otnabiti ltuployneiit Bureau , iltO Vitruiaiu st. 1TAN gii''yot , rurs , one who can cook , V V trash end Iron1 no.1 ono br luousowork. 1004 t'clis1or. 3. . Ii. Loomt $ , 1310 gIrl for gons'r-I housework lii 1 1 a staiR facnIh. rp1Y at 3211 VirgtihmflVo ( - \ ) _ ; tl.)7i ttli t' _ - - - - I. I---- - - 1jANTEi-A good girl for gonorni houo. V Y r rk to go a Shoit distance in the country : ingoi permooth. inqutroofJohn lttislo 1TANTEi-A competent girl for general S ? houSowork.Apply at 4113 Coin-ent at. fi,3 7AThlh-A Shuirtinaker at the ( 'uunflold 1 t M'rgCo. , 11th and Douglas , upstairs 1ANTI1)-Ovcrall unaker at tbu ( 'nnflcld S 1 Mf'g Co , 11th and IJouglas , Upstairs , 1 T.t NTII-lmniodiatoly , a h1rst-cIns cook a 1 1812 Doduro at. % IT.NTIiper week to a geol conk nn,1 S 1 laundress. Mrs. .3 . M. Thuuraton , I308 Far- hum. lull 7.tNTiii-Un : lgirb for general tiOtiSeOrX I V it 21c81'zutnsun. Si ) 7tNTll-2 young hailioS and gents to I 1 benruu ttlegrapiuy. l'ros'ects ' for PultiOluS wluen competent , guo 1. AilIrois V . J. 1) _ r-oont 1. Crouino block , 111th at , Omaha. 73 tNTll-.t girl for general itotisowork at ' 1 212) ) SownrI st WANTED-tALIh XtELP. \ANThb-A oman aciuuthiutod , iii the city to I 1 obieit lor groc"ry , 1(432 ( Cutiniug St 3h 2t' 7.tNTIh1-A man of good address numb clii. 1 Cuttili ( who i whhiiiug to ucork huuird fur it geol salary , to address II 23 , lIce oihlce hand uequli-eil. 801-2(1' ( - 7ANTfll-2ti haboroito work lii ( ) mnhn , \ h $1.73 lotduty. . Il. F Moriurity , l30 Douglas - las 2I.24 TANTU1)-A cook , Commercial I tou'o , V Cedar ltapidiu , Nob. 251-23 . AN'I'hI-Aui esorit'utctat uiullkor ant ' V touuiuiter , ill at Sloints & Sate's Store Stock Yiitds 202.28' 'ANili ) l'A ItT ltitl'nrtnerwanted to 1 1 start iii ii bakery , restatit-ant iutid fruit business ; eonuuneluce .iuby I ; location on Par. nhtiti St _ 'ubdross Ilex 232 , Onunhin , Nd , . 203-20' 7ANTRl-1lrst clns huriduro carpr'ultOrS for ! V huotumo truis ivork. 'I'hilswork will ho till in our yttols lit l.outvotuworth , tutu will lnt thirco or four iiionthus None hut tirat ehtt flown Trutus hirlilgo irtitnoi nec-i apply. AluPllclttiOiu iuut1t be made before July 10th. A. 0 . 'ruhiick , cog. iuini Stilt , , ' 0l-Jy7 TANTlI-Two euiergotic atoll of gael T V clint-actor tutu uthiu-os betuvuon 20 110(1 8. , roars of ltgo. J. : o. Lioticit & Co. , 16 Ihiislt. man bbock. 202,00' TANTItI-A first-class retail btoo sutlo'iuinn. V 1i1tut lie I oiui iul'ttIt I. ) itiud gOO(1 iihiit-es toil Co 1111)11 cot to ivnlt on etist otuieis tutid hittil gael oxporielico iii ii ilest-citiss tuou-o. NOll43 nthci-s iueod apply. A. 1) . Moio. "A Child city buy uus cheap its It 'liin. ' ' 23d-20 . TtTiI-i utborers inc rnllrnutd work ; iiioiu \ V to drive t citutis ; lich , a 0(1 shovel cit on nild tratek-lutyots. ( houh wages toud stoutly work. fl. S. Zlbrlhit , it. It. Labor Agency1308 , Fttrtruuuu Sttc'Ot. - - 21) ) ) - (1IOO nionthuly earned. See l't'lSOllRt coIli4liL. ,4 , \1tTI N1'El-A turiuittu-o salesizinit. . _ T V lOlhi at. 101 ' % TitN'i'i1)-A capable boy to carry a horse I V rouitoouthtily lleo 1159 7tTEi-Meii itiol woinon desiring Punlit- 1 1 nIle Oiflll03'ifll'flt salary or CQuuuWiSSiOtl on sttiplegoods ; itddreswttii 23 cont4 httttups , to ) ) UY biostligo , for colitettet and .StlulhlbO3 : , 1. 5 MEg. Co. , Uhtctigo. bIijyil' - _ _ _ _ sITuATIo : WAITED I TANTEI-1ly a youitg nitum , it situation at 'I anythuitig. Na obJccttouu to care foi uiorsps anti make biiiielt getuerally uofuiI. jttklr.s for three da-ti , box "II 27 , " uiu ohhice. 802.28 11TANTIiI-A sltuniioui as llreitmaut , cittiin'er , V V or at iutiliuyiight work. Address 11 211lIeo 01)1cc. ) 315.20' % % TANTItD.-h'ositiout lit hmotol. or a it clerk in VY agrocery StoiO. Adthcs 1)3 ) , line nillce , - ' 7A4TiiI-lly a young lady who writes a V good hand , a situation as copyists. Ad- drOSSI6O ! ulhumo fl4.26 * 4tNTIiiA tiiorotugbuly educated lady y ivinits ilosyspui1)oiwork. . AddreSs 1) . M. G. 251(1 ( Douglas st. 40820' . AII1ICELX.ANEOUS WANTS. -S TANTitl-Stiltscr1bers for gtock In the V Ontithuit Lana tutU I In lId ing associut ion and the iluttial Loan ncuul lluildlng associiulioii. JIOTnOS for all clnsso can tlnis ho liircltltSCibY innuuthily payiiuents ; sutures 11.0' ' . ) per tuioiith , out whichi $2i0 uvill ho loniuo it. Oillco In Rximiti.ui buiiltliitg on lithistroot. . (1. N. Nutttingor. Secro- tory. 711 1jy25 1TtNTii-lmprovoul : or uniiiipi-ovoi.l land V I' in Nebraska. liutuisnu and lowit to ox- chimuigo for goitoral inerciuitndie. Suehsso & Lnndorgron , 317 S 13th st. TANTED - fly gontlonmn , PhOitsahut fur. y iuislicd hod-room. south ft-out , pi-Ivato house. 4tdilrOSS 11. 2 , lice 0111cc. u1li28 WA N1'fll-Cood socond-litind h-hut cornet , V trOiflb000 and bass viol. I. 0. Jones , 1809 Fainitiii. ) lJ7.71Q % TtNTID-A small unforutishied rnom.noae V V U. P. depot Address it 22 , hoe 0(11cc. ( 287-2(3 ( IXTANTEI-A Partner who can fonishu ctiul- S lab , to ImnUlo young eatilo on a Oto-acro stock fat-in sixty south of Omaha. Call this ituotning at 211 N. 34th at. or addros at lizl3 hub _ to S. Il. IC. 1uirragut , in. 2.M1-211. TANTEI-Ono hut-go or ii suit of unfur- ! Y ailtod roonug iii liu1ness center of oty , for sleeping alurti000t8. ) AUdross IL 21) ) , Jioo Oi8eo. 2(34 - % TtNTI11)-1o moot tiomuutid for competent y T bookkeepers I usllblnstriict a few itersotis nail wait for half-pay. Room 5 , Iiuslmnuan bloCk. .1. 11. SittIthi. 259-20' 1rtNTJII-A phico secured or moiioy ru ! S fundok 11. P. Morarlty , 1mluloyuument Agent , 1320 Douglas. ,4-2O -S 7ANTii1)-A large furiuihioc1 room , at ii 1 rensonablo orico. nnuir cOumtrO built itt city. 1y two yoiuuig fluiii , vlio SlOop tiny hub. Must lie ivoll furnished and rcasouahlo. 4tddrns 117 , lleooilieo. 172 - ' TtNTIt1)-To buy a large seconil imutnd of- ' , ilco safe , A. hiospo. 05(1jy18 , VANT11DTcams. 3lqrray. T.tNT1tShiort.nahid workof all kinils by y J II. hiaynos & Co. , 1511 Iodgo st. 805 roit UEN-IIOUES AND LOTS. JiuOlt ItIiN'J'-7.rooiu hioUso , S. 15th at. , l2. A. 1 1' . 'I'Uliey , 1301 t1irumaiu at. ills 23 lOIt IIRNT-A huouso wit' 3 uiicn rooi sS , .I1j 18th at. , second hoUSO li-out Pierce . .ToIt ilits'r-Now 5-ioonm lint , c aoi221m0 .1' i'o I Miuimi stvcot. N. 1tdtitius. . , 231.29' } 1Ol1 ltItNT-Chicap furiuIhioiI hiouo,5 roonts , good uvoll itiud cistorn. Call at 7 p. un.ellli N. 17th 8t. .115-20' pill 1IRNT-Storo with 4 rocoits in roar , on umnveil Street ; suitable for any bustnos. Ap. lily on preiiilnS _ 2715 Cuutnitig St. t3sJyltl l1lti1'-1Imu buIldIng now lmluii built I 1 tiy lIar kar liros , , on the conicuof 111th ottO Joiios , U0xtt ) ioof , aol tour or lIve torlos bIght , urlil lie muiitol for biotil or wutroluoumso 1'urposo. autO be ilnlshieil to suIt the puurposo of touttuit , C. Ii. Mayno Itoal Estate intO Trust Co. , 11th autO Farnuin. 1191 IIItNT-ltosidonco of 1(1 ( rooiuis , barn for J1Oh1 horses beautiful grounds , 1.envonwortlt nnil 330 at. , ro ) ) CC month. C. IL ) iayno Real Btato &TrustCo. , 15th arid Farnant , 72(3 1J1011 IIIINT-Oiuu ml and one 19 room htouo .I _ _ with till moilorn ItuprOvontoiutS. in it dusir. able location. Inquhto of O F. Davis & Co. , 1505 Farimant. 374 FOIL ILENT-ILOOTzB. - Foil 1IENT-Furntslied room , with or without boarj , oar , Leaveutworthi uuutl 25th r&a. 31J 20' _ fl'o11 ltINT-Foimr unfornistuod i-coitus $8 per _ Lu month , 24)3 ) i'acitlo street. U.5.'i 23' rjtolt : front tootn , suitable .1. . for two gotmtlc'incmi. 11 $ Cuss Street. 280.26' : Z-i JthNT-Vut-nishied rooms , southwest J _ cot-nor 16th and Chicago. 17OIt 1113N1'-i-Ucohy furnitbod rount , 219 N. .1.t 171 * * at , 207-39 7tt)11 1UtNl'-Nicoby furiuisbiei.t rooun. 823 5. _ .A _ $5ttj st , 2$82S' ljtlt ) 1tliNT.lmoiit imrlor liflil bedroom , uiit. _ _ J . furnithed , lit-st lint over 1017 ilowitril St. 221.20' 1'lOll ltItNF-l'ui-iuishiob i-coin y1tlu all uuuodui-ii .1. coitvoiiiettelc. suitublo for ouiig gentle. maim , at 703 N. 111th at. 200200. 4 OIL lttii'iT-1urnishei room. 001 N. 17111. Full lJNT-Nlcly furnisiit'd Irpat r oiiia tuut suite or single ; jirivato Ztuili gas : lath ; IOU ) Citi. ) IiVi , 203-2jly' I m1x'r-r.laant furnlslwd rooms , with ioai-d it desired with family ; house hu miii iutOd0ri conveniences ; rohtireitco given it ro- ( luired ; S W cantor 20th antI % Vobstor. 301-Jyl. J1Olt 3t1IV-Nceiy furutluihiod front room ; e.rat btont west of the St. Jacuos lintel. 4 tilt hthL'iT - lYcfl iui-uishod roorn5. 1Q13 Dodge 5ti-eet. I1ofl fl1T-An cukgant S-room house near .5 Sandcra and Qsunrl sttect : S2.Sto good ten- alit. Saciusso & jtsorgron , , all S. Thirtonth Street. 203-26 ! ! - I 1'O1l 1tIT-Otlcotbom. 107 N. l3thu street. .1. t - 225-26' ipItIiENT..TWOfl2rniShleb rooms iiut hlii .1. . htoUiekeophtin PritittO family , 421 l'tc'as- ! ! stiLe9 ! . ' JOlt 11I7T-i'otut , room with board it' ) ) } 'nrnnm. 1poht ii hNT-SuiIluJutnd situglo liedu-oonu , furn- .1 Itio1 , couuveiicca to hbrt ci iss bonribtnir houses. flood IocAtionl1oferoumces reiuilceib. 645 5. lit strict. ' _ 197 ? III1NT-Fuirijlshuel rooms , cheapest iTt .j _ the city. Apply at ltotit 14 , Atidarson IlIockN , Ittit St. . ( tjIveuilOrt. l74Jy2l 'u11 It1N r-1nhsluod room. 1707 Cn's at. j _ ' - - 1-- ( ) 11flNT-Nici well koptroium , ftirnisht'ih .1 and it uttum in Ihiod , to 3011 tuJ gent bottien % uislihng a t1uIot location at N. L roe. OJ'l and 1)ai-cltbort. ) 177-20 11OI11tEXT-Vurnisbied rooms. 1621 Cap. nyu .1. IO1t It hiNT-Nicely furnished li-out roolit , . , _ ttiluub1c forono or two gentlotitotu ; till mood. cr11 tnuiuoS ctueIuts ( 'oilttlt ulol Jotuoa. I deer irest of lr. I'oahoIy's oillco _ 141 11Oht It Il1'-'l'wo nicely Iurnlshioil rooms .1. uibttublo for titan attd wife ; roieroiuct , , ox' changed.6hilN.t0tht. _ 145-22' 11t ItRNT-2nib ant Oril floors , 22x10) , iass . L _ _ i'arnnnt St I suItable for hihit ntnmuuilactur. ittgor W1tolsutle buiiuuess. L. 0. Jones & Co. , U1t iLltNr-ror hittlut hmoutsekloluiIig , teems fiuritisbod altO unfui-tisliott in lIetituer'S lllocgcor hiigltt and howard ets. 1118 ToIt IIItST-'nruilshmod rooms nnl _ i. . day board ; referotico 1012 Farnaun street. 822-2 fllOhu 1utNr-stor. m-ooni on 11th at , hoar .1 l'tmrnaun ; make hlno olilco , 2.3. finch store , N Fl car. 14th atud lbouvitu-ti , $55 , C. 11. ! iuyno , Iteal lstmito ntm,1 Trust Co. 8113 V011 RENT-A suit of furnished rooms. 11111 I Cahiforitia. Sir-I TJ'Oit JIENT.Ono froutt room very nicely fur _ I _ ntstuetl ; 2117 Webster St. 737 Foil ILENT-An elegant stub of two i-coins , 2hlhY with reicrtnces , 1(307 1)ougbtts 715 litolt RENT-A suitu of roouis wIth boitrd , J. $812 Dodge at. (128 ( FOR It l2NT-Ftirnthi , roonts. 1wuiro ) drug store , 10th itnI Douglas. 04)2 flOit 1ui7Nr-Oito nIce room at 22) 1)odgo _ s. street. _ 1170 T1O1t ItliNV-Two Store rooin on 16th street , .1. 'litcr , gas and sourer connectioits. 'l'hiu C.E.Mit-sio tutu Trust Co. , cur. 15th 11110 Fitrntlin. Felt ItENF-Ait excellent butsoini'utt , 50) tUtu ill S iJth st ; b StoreS ott ( lilt tuud 1)ouigins , nnl2 storeS cit 230 and Cubingl'ttt.i1eiu & Co. , 1513 Fiiruiiuui. 857 011 ltlXI-lurnisluod rooiits. 1810 1)oduiu. F 102 TOR ItINT-Desk : room. lttusht & S01hu3.21 $ . I S. 15th St. ut _ OS 1JALE-IIOUSES-LOTS. - MAltA 'TEW'-LonIc at lots in tiths mlIhtlon O buhoto ilivostiug oisowht'ro _ tieggs & lilik l.ots ' 500 to 00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 81 I 20 Ti ATCILEII , 5)11)1) & CO. , litllat-il Iloiji iI hilock , oiler the iohlowiuig spcchnl butt-gains : licautiftil 11-room cottage autO lot iii 1dlowhld" Ira feet Irom Street cars ; well , cisterut , city wilIer ; gus 111105 thtrougltout huotiso luitniuvood Ibitisit .uisido ; sidewalk , fences ituni itil hut prouo. lileiits 1mw. Thoroughly fLirnishIt'd _ Nessfitp nituro iuiuih carpets. An extra bargain. All for tlue low bunco of * 450O. Nets- i-ooin hiouuso with lot , nicely furnilu'iI barut , clnturiu , iveil , oil ) ' urniur ; lot Ch127t4 , ) , nit Saundei-s street In Nluuldhd locatlout , 1 block north of Citinluig St. , .GJ1IJO. handsome cornet- , hedge ) nitd 2Ctlt St. , 132x140 foot , grautd huigutiti iltOlOY1tl. ( Sibeitdkt 1 totus aitd. lot lit Iullowild addI I howl- papered knit ) IhuiltcJ : ; vci-y coulilotu , 8it'0Ll ' i , I Nice lieshleitco eit1 " hots , couier l'ark ave. aluul WOO1aiilt 1 VCC3' , s.uio Sidondid Ii i-own 110 ; so uind lot in llanscotn Place ; hittdo ttCd-4Siuiilht.lOty , clc , 5.00 ( ) . house 1111(1 lot , Ciurcndon iulditioneasr ; terms , $ .ItOo _ . Beautiful oottaXo whthi 2 lots , in Walnut 11111 , , rsj. Nice 8-room cottage With good lot in Omaha View , a splendid ! nrgdtum , cuisy terms. $1,500. Beituhiltii resiilineot lot on ilurutoy micar 20th , adjoining Judge Naviios block. IOOO. 10 goOll lots lit IJIIJ)1 I'laco , $1,000 each. A beautiful couiier l't 10) loot squnro , Pop- plotoit anti vlrgiiia , uve , $3,000. , No , 1 laiigithit , 02chtoieo lotit , thii11utut in Iluuiscoitl ilace , 2O0) ) ) to * ; 2,000 taluqnsy touiuis a choIce lotugittlt trolutS , iii 1'itrick' 22 ad- iiltion , 3 000 ; oiuy ttU ; , very doiritb1o. 1 bonutihul lot iiiltu3oi1'sIthi addition , on Lake St. , bariiiui , 4I.5t'J. S hots In Vllcox's 1st auldittoncast fronts , easy toriits$600 ouch. I lotnuiel U bait' Boos l'laco , 110x140 feet , $4,200. Slicithid busines- ProPertY Oil 14th ut. be- twoca Douglas utulul Dodge , 71-storybricbc , $ l,000. i'iill size lot , Dodge , between 11th and 12th , $ h1.0u41. 1'ahb , lot , .ioiics at. itoar 13th. Trackage ; good bargahut , hOMl0. Nearly all of ivost half block il West Omaha , for a low daysouily.iC0) . 2011 MAJIA VIE\V-Look at loti In tlths additIon O before investlug elsewhere. Iioggs & 11111. Lots $300 to $700. 1111 2(3 1)ltOlUUE utnOCOinhiiuSSIuli ouhute3s for guibo. 1. Graham & Henawn. 1187 MAltA VIEW-Look at lots in this tuhilithon O behoro investing elsewhere. lIoggs&ihill. $700. 1111 20 SALE-ThuD flutest 20-nero tract utear the Foil , suitable for platting , aulJohnincr ihinuo- baughu's uddltioui on the caSt mind Brookline on the southt. It SOhb 80011 wlii son for $701) or acre. B. F' . Petersen & Ce. , southeast corner itd louglas streets. 209-2(3 MAIIA VJBW-Look at iota in this addItion O before iitcosliitg elewhore. lloggs & lulL ts3OO1o ° - 311.20 . .rusT look at this , in I Iorback'i 2 gild. A very ss Otto cottage tutU half lot with urohl. clturuu , fruIt uuuid sluiul treeS , gruibO ) lnos tutu ahiruuhi lory'ury cluoap and on oxtraordlnttry easy ternts. 5.t)330 k Ltuilurgc.tii , OIT S .13th street. 1190-241 MAIIA Vi8\-Chucapcst utiud hot hots ja O city $ : si to $700. lloggs & hilt. 311-211 A ltAitl hiA1tUIN-i full earlier hot amid . .L3..hinhf lot adjohulnir. initklng lPJxl2O feet with house uiltir rt'tthitg for t75 iwr month , in loon. tiout that will siuoui bo lnisinosi lund oven utour IS uvaihablo for utility kinis of hittsliuus. $ JoOoJ wlll bully it if I-OIl within 10 days , after , WIlhelm nothittg ieS3 titan $ J5,0YJ wIll taku It. n. vostorslook at thtl3. ilogga & 11111 , 1103 l'arnaut st _ 201-2) ) ) M4tiIA'IlWClicuupost ant ) host Iota Iii O city $3) ) to $700. Jiogga & ilibi. 11)1-22 ) Tj'olt SAL.l-1'wu him corners , Duvighit & Ly. it filth's uuhtlht himui , J ii st soul It of 1 itnuscuxa hlutik tit 8759 ouch ; $5) ) itown , balaitcu to suit pureiuln.ot- ; 0 per ccitt Intorast. Addi-eat 'Il' , II , lieu 0111cc. MltlIiu VIRW-Chonpcst antI host lots in O city $301) ) to $700. Iioggs&Ihihl. 1111.243 - 1' ° R S.tLE-iurr ) Oak-Three choice east .1 fiont lots , b9xilO , ivithu iilliuy , ioncoJ , on 1'htih Shiot-Idutit Street , near Ed. Crchghiton au'o. , 0 blocks lu-out hlrOSlit ear ioiiitiiitia , 3 bIock from new Park liulhdiiig As.ocIiulioit tmnd 5110010) ' Sttithnut cii bY. 1' _ untIl. & 'L A lila hirgnlit for ton .iitys. huh r-ushi ; balance to suit. Aihdu-os $ C. , JJox 4811 , Omahiut. 17(1-22' ( \ ' % ' - itlAcO hit Olnithult to owit a haliteI lots IU0 to $700. iii 1-20 JJIOIIMALR-Thu Jbiiost 20-itoio tract utoar tint city , suitable for huhlittiuig , itdjoiumiiug hhlunu- hinuighu 'S audition ott the vast. anti I irtiukhl no ott thu south. If soul scoit unIt sell fat)0) lair 1(010. IL V. l'iutoi-Soiu . ¼ Co. , souuthionst coriior 15th aimd 1)oughas trCet $ . 209-20 O MAltA VI8'IS'-Chioapest 1111(1 1ust lots lit Iioggs& 11111. 1111-2(3 _ 1PtItSALI-Jiolhii if S rooms , lot htiOxi2O _ L. hau1u treestecod thou Iioiiio 11 blocks frotui btroet oars , 0013' 2th ) ; 5OO cash , balance to uttlt , Ilouso 1 $ roomPwhb , cistern , barn , iticely patittod and uiport'f , wilt trade for ( mIller city' , rporty , lAth : SOXITAJ. Onij $1,030. a new cottuigos wttht rooms , nit Ilanillton street , fruit or nil lihmids. $350 cash , balance 95 vor mouth. Cottttgu a rooun ji(1. 17th street , $250 vasim , baluituco 25 l'er inSnth. Cottuigo aim 2711 street ann block from rod Street carp , S roooni , u'3W fence , cistern. house is porroetly now , $905 cash , baluiito $21) ) ; uor nainthu ; only lSl00 , TIlls is a bargain for otto wanting it home. Otto 1.t in l'iuiUuiViow only $570 cash bahuiuico to stilt. lots clue II ) in Lincoln Idaco near tint 1)rOloSOd ) cable ear line for $511) ) . One lot airil fluid qti only $800 , $20' ) cash hull- u11100 $10 per unontlu. One Lot on Hurt bt. * 1.1300 , 250 dish , balauuco to stilt. Lots In all thu additiouts to tlitt city , Inshlo lots itt all luirts of thin city. 'o tuitiko a spociulity of selling homes on small cash litt-&UoultS , bnhuiutco fiont $20 to 0 per litotithi. Don't PliY i-cuit to othmrrs tuhuout you calm uuy tO yoursclt. higgins & I'u.rk , 152 Jouglas. ) _ _ _ _ MAI1A'h1SVlbost 111cc In Omnhuui to own O nhiouuio ; lotsJOto7c5) : ) . 311-20 OMES-0zoomSchty u-ntor.gaa. ote 1 unhio from posttulhic-o iii S1ilnn' add. nice view price $2.2.O. Otto sixth dowu , hal 2. ) muuotithiiy. i-I , C.l'uittorsou , Irohu bunk. 1382I ) LthiX VITW-liuot ; an I' bog lt Irt city $ _ 3I ) to lioggs & 11111. 7111-20 - 'flVSlNlSS Pii iiTY- story ituid buso. .L.'ltieut brick. with lQt 3211021t : one of hest iooatlous on Farnatit street until roahhy voi-tb $20.000 can ho hougbl for $20,000. itogga 6 11111. . - - -t - - O MAltA V1l.W-t buIa'o In Omahato ow a homo ; 1016 $30' ) to $700. 1111.20 t1t11OOO--.To , loan onreal estate 4l ( 'Ohluuty. hnhunsati , l'axtnn block. 31P-211 I-i OMRS-0 roonus , city water , gas , etc. I mile ILfrntit 1'ostoiflc. In hiiiu'9 iimbh utico sieic. l'rleo $2,950 , on.ithu down , bi. $25 monthly. I ) . C. l'nttorson , Iroum bank. 134-20 MAIlA VIEW-Will buLl 50 to 100 hotl'oS on lin3ntcuuts. Ihogga & 11111. Oll.2ti OiF.S-m-ooiuaoIty enter , gas , etc. I tulle H traIn l'oetnhlhcn in Shuliuns udil : uuhco Yiow , puiettf2,250. orie-lxthi dowul , tail. $25 mnotuthly. 1) . C. i'ittter'on , leo mu Inuitk. _ _ _ _ _ 13(3-211 ) tA1t. vi1w-.iiost Itlaco iii tumults toots n U a huonuc ; lots $300 to $70t. 811-23 1) ltlOhITtS ANt ) NllSVl'OitT two test popti' .4 ) Inc nero iuhditloii ; muonror tltan any 00 hairS : sebhilig luster ituud on cier teruutS. See ilright- bit nit ) NeWltOTt , tot it-re lots loratod as thteo arc u III be iltultoSSituhO to Ibm1 In lees titan ft year ft-cull now. ittuiuietnbr Itrond acres titako mono ) ' hots. Sec flrlghmtoui anti Newport. 7411 4tli.S , 1.07 F.&utxAit St' ( tiAh1. VIlW-ihest pluii' in Otiiisha in owut . _ J RhtOtltO lotsVO0to ) $700. 811-22 poll S.tLhl-Sovett choicest ltlby Phutco lots , $35) each. A. I' . Tiukey , 1331 radium t. 113 \'iBt-250 lots to ho cboseih out thIs O stuitirnor. ihargaltia. Iloggs & 11111 , 1Ih12lb 1Olt SALE-Or trade for utuiiutbmroveui lure ; ' . Orty within two tttilo9 Of ci I- , Ii fine unodcrit imnuioof Ii roomlis , ucoll , cisterut afld Uarn , tottit- , tlfuily thnihiol tnskhe ; lot Mtxb5' ' ) . located otio block from terminus (11 rod umnd grotum cur lines. C.II. . Ritton Old 5 I8thtst , 875ly2 ) lItA \'lh\-hlet hllaro in Oinabut to own O ahioutum' ; lotsE-lO. ) to 700. 7111-22 1) 1DiCt'S OhtO\'E. only inside lets at $700 to J1I,4)Xi ) to ha htiud to toueiu 9'huo ) ' ask IkSO ) fur lots johimiuig htedick'S ( rostu See Itedhek's ( Iravo uului $00 for yourself that tltoso lots at $ W to $1,500 nro unoqtunhlod for Price and location. 741 . : iims : , 1507 h'Alus.t Sr. MAIIA VII1W-250 lots to ho closed out this O iitoruuluig _ llargaiius. Ihugga & 11111. 011.12 T'u 011 St 1.fl-Tlue fiuiust 22-act c trflcL near tile .1 Cut ) ' , sit It ublo Inc bulattilig , tuijaluth iiir 1 I line- luttuigh's uuldhtioiu oil I hue eurtt , autO Ihioaldhuuiu out tInt outht. If obth sooli will ell for $700 lair itoro. ii _ P. i'etci-sout & Co. , out1ieutst curlier 11th utint loughums stroots. 2011-20 VlhiW-W'hll built houses immthi $503 ylAhiA I I ott ilumlitteil i , lhtggs & I Ii Ii . Oh 1.211 T1OIt IXOhIANUht-I2,000 stock dr goods for .I _ Oninhuut ProitortY. . 'trelior & } itch , 218 S 11th 51. 480 ) iAhiA VI l.iV-2 lots to tie close,1 , alit thin O stiuttuuer. lIntgiultts. Ihoggs & 11111. 811-211 Flu It SAI.h-ltoshbcttco ui operty ant Vuteuilit 1ot in uIIC ry tahIti loti in Outiaitut. 'I'ot-uit to euit put rchta'er. Also , ioiiutb1o busiutess btrol- erty. Gibson , f.rsoci & Co. , ltoomn 3 , Witlitunil hiloek. 1511 ( \MAfl. 'IB\-55ill built hloit1es uvottht $500 _ , to $ i'OO , ( ( tit lilSttielliS. liogga & huh. : it 1-2(1 ( litoft SALt1-flm'st hCilhy i'Iuico Lots at $5.50. 1. A. I' . Tiukt'y , 1:101 : Farnuitit st _ 203. . MA1IA Vii.V-2i ) lots to liii obool out tills : 0 ilargumltis. Ihogurs & 11111. 011-20 Fuji on , lnck2otist , hutisltless , $12,340. A muiro iutrgumhui. Call soon. Muir- tutii .1 ; Luboc-klbhll'aruuimn. Gil ) ' AIIA. YllS'-Vlhh build houses wart It $501) ) O' vnynuouuis. liogga & 11111. 811-20 : io it st lEirivo de.ulrutblo Aunhiior lila co . lots lit it luargain if sold uiitiuin a few iluuys , Iztqutroof 1tidon .k . Coinstock , Morchuint3 National - tional bank building , Itootut I , uilt-stnhu-5 431 O MAltA vlmv-.Lots $301) ) to $700. Bergs & 11111. 311.24 t ) IA1. ESTATE ltt ItUA I N-$3,500-0-room .1 house. inib lot , , I. I Ito lick's aldition lucite .Juhiro 1)tuiudy ; tt PositiVe bargain. 0. L. lice & Ci ) . , Itooui 6 , over Conitiuerciai bank. 024-28 J3IQJt ( .t1.fl-Or 'rrnto-i utlhirovcl amid utttmn- proved lnttds in Furnut'u unit ot moe western counties Addros Wm Slmoral , Ar.tpa'ioo , Co. Nob. 275 MAltA VIE'-259 lots to ho clocd out thui O athnmner. ituirgutitus. hioggs & lull ! . 811-22 Olt SAI.E-3 acres lit hlutrkalciw a aun-divi. F sion , caSt fromttl 4 shares In Outuatia Dairy assoehittion ; I tWo.SoatOd buggy ; 4 1mb barber chairs. 21 1 S. l3thst. 6111 1AirA VIFiW-Wihl butd 5) ) to 100 houses O payments , ilogga & 11111. 011-26 - _ 1)IU)1)IJCE and coutmunission business for , ulo. .1. Graham & Ibotluiwa. 0117 7iIAbIA 'iEW-Wih1 build 1uoue. worth 1500 O ' 14,000 onpiiyiuuouuts. Uoggs & 11111. 811-20 _ _ _ _ : ? _ rOb SAI.It-Thio finest 20-nero tract near thuo .1. . dty , suitable fur platting , adjoining illume- baugh's addition on the cast , and Iirookhhuie out thai south. If sold soon will sell for $700 per nIce. it. F. Peterson & Co. , soutlucast corner ! ithi and Douglas streets. 289-26 1 th1A VIEW-Lots 300 to $700. Iloggs & O 11111. 311-22 DlLtL ESTATE it.ItGAINS-180 feet on .1k , Calufornla street , 130) feet to C&u , street , beluug ononcre , $1,000. .1. L. itico & Co. , uncut u , over- Commercial bunk. 1121.28 MIONRY'S Addition , near Walnut 11111 , -iii lots $1100 for the utoxt 21) ilays. 'J'erutus to suit purchuuier. Also acres In Wuishlngiomi 11111 uiid targoins In all luarts of the city. 3. .1. Na. honby , 1509 ISO jy2) MAltA VRW-VIll bmii'o ' SI ) to 100 luotics O or' paymneutts. Iloygs & lull. 3)1-26 ) ( ' -4 ItA1IAM &III2NAW'1t , Cu-olghton Jilock. ; r 1.toml Cumimtgst. eS,200. LotsinhiurrOutk , $041310 $950. hits in Iioggs Sr 11111's hat add , , $2,033 , Lot In Capitol 11111 , $5,000. IMtS In flwlglt & Lyman's a(1t , $70) . Iotg in ilutuuulcom I'iueo , $0) ) _ Lots in hihby Plneob0J to $900. I.ots in Lincoln I'1utc. $450. Lots to Lowo' add. , $500 to 1850. IMtl ; lii I'u'oipocit l'lutco. $8.50. Lots on Butt at. , $ l,5430. Corner lot , 1'nrkots told. , $1,250. Lots in Omaha View. $500 liouso. 7 iooma , MitIhSOut aye. , Ilnnscom Plitco , $11600. 1101155' , 8 roomS. on l'ier St. , all medern un. provtiineitts , $3,5O. ) . Ilouso , S rooms , on DivisIon St. , Armstrongs jolt , it bitrgnltt , $1,000. hiouso , (3 1-0(1mm I' acre , good improu'ounonts , a bargahiu , cit hUll st , , $3,501L ilouSo. hit 41tzsit : itOd , , nil modern iinpi-ovo. mnqnts,7 rooms , cIty wutter t'isttrnotr , . $1,070. house , 5 roouuus , no Fuumnluhitt at. , $3,100. House on ItIt ii at. . A roolims , SI , i,513 Iiou'uo , S roonus , ( ) fl Georgia au'ontto , well liii' roi-oci , h1tiuuitutt I'Iuteo , $3 800. Uruthiunmi & Ilonawut , Cruhgiuton Illock. 037 M.U14 'flv\vlll buIld 50 to 103 itoiuscs O oil PtlYuulCfltS. iloggs & huh 1111-2(3 J1O11 SAL1I-Futil lot on 17th St. , iiOliC Nicimo- his , itt a buirguiui. 5utclusu & Lauidorgron , h17S.90thit. lot MAIIA VIEW-Will bulhh hioiise wouthu $530 O to 1,031 on hlUYtuieiltS. flogg & 11111. 311-3d : is-a butrgrulu. % 'Ill roll twelve lots on HEIR . . 1)outgu tutU 1)ouiglas streets to oimu vtur ) . it' sold ui-ithiiu three 1oi $21,030 csim. 'llueo lots will. briit urIc. thil price uvtluin IWO yeliiS , 1111(1 there Is not such uiuothier olutunoc for hlrottt- pblo iuvosummtouit hut Omiutihmu , lloggs & 11111. 231.26 O 7ilAhIA VIliSS'-I.ots SI ) ) ) to $703. iloguts & Ii Ill. 311.26 c18OO ( ) ( easy (01:08) ( ) lo ; lot 47x1311 ; only cite 'I , squat-a from court house. Soittu choice iiit in l'utulsen'a tulditiouu , l'aultco & Co. , l51i Far. nitun. 249410' " ' \'JR\S'-Will hiuhhul 00 to 100 biotisos O" iuuYultcilh8. ) Bogus & 11111. 311.20 J1Olm Lti.32-Ftull hot on Sticrumuium nyu. , opio. silo for hell Linodellot. t0achte Lniiihcr- gron,1$175. $ I3tlmst. ' " 103 O ! ' ! A11.'u. Y1li\V-Lu..m $000 to $700 , iioggs & 11111 , 1111.20 Iy'oLTw.tiiit to lay " 'thu ululitiout to Omuuutbmum ? It so wtlb sell 01l . net es hour U rhihin fartit for $200 per ilct-o. " hiutudroil per ccitt etmit bit niadu on this it' two youu-s. lioggs & 11111. _ 2.11.20. JMAhIA ' % 'IEcc4:1. ; uIlo house trorthi $800 to 11 ,000 on 'lB. liogmiui & lulL 811-24 i ito-t 5tiit.IOflt 1) , by'lliun t.fleu , 218 5 .1. iSthotuoct JUItbO Flute now hi liQSifti ) nit coovonionoos , cash $2O $1,530. anti 118 ! Spfeuuuiid ci uuteimt , lots , Shiub's 1st cOd , 113 feet , $1,500. 01)18) ) ' ' 1.005 bC' 1io $875 to ll00. ( Snail lie. vlhistl Ao. iteud's714 1124 lSG0 Now 7.j , i 0 , 1 bluclr 1u'ouncuinutgstreut cots. 1I't ° Now 1,17 jthlii suii1u1o , &c. , noimi stteet ears. N. OttiuOi 1110 ' 4 , IVairehtoit : a- Waieliouusiulot tOOxllO , N Omalta , $ .5.fl30 SYarebousu lot , 32t102 , Oii Jackson st , 5,00D. O MAIL.t'JtiWLots 41 ® to Q00. Iloygs & 11111. 811.20 'yuOh1 i4.tLfl-3 htitscs In bu tuovul off lots ; .1. wIll toll Chicala The C C. ) ltiyne iteuth 1tato tunrl'I'rumst Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ )1.tlIus VihD'-Wibl build 50 toi00 hoots O on pilytuienla. ' ) iogs & 11111 , 1311--lI -A iiui" VfAL'i forthu Prices ashucit ittud muouey - lmtCittiud is as good tie itivti2IutiIlfl 11 $ ) OU can Iliud , See thu lots ild convlutruyourihf. ' 712 _ _ _ _ AMIS , htOX lAuuu.1t 55. MAltA % 'Ii'\-SVIII buhhul houSes 'multi ISS ) O t i I,030 on pnIuteults. llooua k 31111. 71b1-3 Fall S.t.P-hfiuimso lied lot in North Ouiahiu , one block ( loin btrljet car , cheap at 15j'IYJ. 0. F'.lmavis& Co. f71-iy 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1AUAVfWCesl , amid team city $300 to $7 ( . hiogga & 11111. IIt-2'J . (1TII1AP LOTS-248 hots in Omhn View , nIl to _ $ l'o sohi and lopd out thi slimmer. At bt't pt-ices tbtuy uvtlt britum , Will build luotiseS for all lcnnthnr ltomn nnml elb flIt vnS pill" mr.ejuis , Ihows S. hiibl. 20l.2t1 ) liOlUtR aunt couujutuls-utout bustitess br s.uulo. Uruthitin A ; hieiuiwaCuohghitomi block 0S7 ( " ) tAh1A VI17SV-.l.ots S1L0 to $700. hloggs& y , 811.28 ltC1li.fth ) 1111.1 , hots sell ott their nuortL O Lost- prices litti Cil ) terimiS irlvuit. Cull at Thai C. E. M-no tutu Trust Co.'s oiiheo and get a. hihuit. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( M.htA'IEW'1.ots$33) to $700. lhoge & ' - , 11111 , 311.22 1 : Itlui'I'tN ) A1l ) S lV l'OitT two uitOt piupu. .1 mr acre iutdltlouu ; nearer titulit Cmiottiuis ; selling faster atil Cit s'asher tet-mq. lvo llrlght. toil ant Neirpou-t for nero tots locntl'ut as thom au-u will be iuntos4ittlo ; to limb lit Iossthtutn a ear from imuw. ltoumuemtibcr It-nail acres make ttuuuiuy lots. See fleigluton amot NOWUOrL 713 IiOT l'AulAfl ST. MAltA VIIPV-.W1h1 lutuilil 1.1 to IOu ) huoutso O on l'tllitieiutS. lboggs & I till. 8li-2tl . lS' l'i.ACE ii tito huroPOrt'it whticit to umuake utuotmey by a smnn1l luiviistmnetiL it si'll fuL't tim ) iuotmcs tire being built ott this ground. Conut' atud FO0 tile lots. 7411 Aur.S , bF'07 F.tiucAlI Si' . NAhI 'lB\V-Wlhl ttumild tS to 100 houses O Oil ltutYitlettt.c. Ilogga & 11111. 1311-213 _ _ _ . .1) hT1lCF1'S (1 itO\'h , oiuuy iii'lulo Iota at $70310 It $1li1t ) to be hind In town. They tuSk $3,545) for lots joitmituir llt'iiunk'S Grove. See htehichi ii Grove nod see for yoitrsohithiitt thucso lots at $ it1) to $ h.54kl nte utt&t'ltiuilloib for price huh lot'nttotu , 711 AMI:8. : lufl7 ltmtA1u Sr. " \'ilPuS'-CliiuuimOt iiuilhiost hots In O" to $700. liogga & 11111. 31 1-20 Foil i'IAIli-'t'lto Ihiiost 20nct-o tract tietti' thin Ott ) ' , 511 It able fur bihult thug , uuljolttiuig 1111mm o hiatighu's aihhhthon on time oust , iltid lltookhiitO nfl thu soittit. If sold aeon will tell for $7ki ( suer ticro. h. F , h'm'tergon & Ce. , southicasi corner 15th mind lougliis siroots. 2111-2(3 ( ' 1 M5ltA'l 1D-Ciiotpet : and beSt lots itt .J city $ .TtI to $700. lluggs & hill. 8ih.9t3 Eti1 S.tI,1 or excttutttgo at it bnrgutitt 50 acres of flute lin Intuit witluin 2I ! nuihes of Freiiuautt Nob. S. A SlottinU , 1201 Douglas St , Oitinhta , Nub. 270 MAhLA V1I55'-Chtonpost hut host lots iti cht3 , ' $300 to $700. hhoggs & hilL 311-26 Ort14Al.ll'No clogiutit east frottt corner lots in lhiirr ( hOc : uuniutral itnt1o treeS. ibuitehu'r , ( laid & C , 12111 1)oumgiut Street , Millard lintel block Qitmutlut , Nob. SOt ( ' 5tAh1A VlF.\V - Ciucuipest mitiil best mis iii ' .1 I'll ) $300 to $700. lloggs & 11111. 1111.213 ] 1Ott StLlt-l hots iii Soutit Olmittimit , itrIco $8.-0. N Shnuimiwoiler , :100 : S 11th St. tPT.26' . MAILS VI E 55.-\Vihl hutulhi li'usos uvot-t hi $5041 O t 0 $ I .1100 , tn luluii i'nts. lloggs & I I Il L 8 I 1-20 ill.L & 31'tiANIIiSIt , 1511 ledge st.oiIo Its spucluth biuugut Ills : 0 acres l.eivouiuvortht : strectroad , $2,500. 80-itcro Itirni , uvull Iiutproved , 2 oicituir.hs , stoute basnutui'itt , barn , groves , etc. , 15,01)1 : uviil o.clunuigo Wcst Shulo lots only 32-7 : very catty laY' uulouits. 'l'hio liroseltt httt'ors viii make tilofle ) ' Oil t hula hiiOhtOut ) . Cottuigo tutu hoOf lot near Loavoutwortlu , $1 .1110 : hittlf clt'lh house amid 9 full lots , east fuoutt , Isaac & icIloit's miii , $2rn ) . Flub oust ft-out hot , covered with trees , $1,850 ; $ S3iI cuishi buthuitco bnug tinie. liotie , large htarti , and two lo1 , tionr I.OttVOtt'Vi5thl , 31TtJ. tS'cit 510 tu hits uit-o thin oh oulliost auth utmost de-Iralhulo hf outside lots ; on $025 ott tattutS , 140-26 _ _ _ _ easy M5iIAVIhW-.Vhi $ 1jul11 hioiios vOi-thu $591) ) ' to 54.030 oil layoicnts.iloggs & ihill. 311-20 QACI1SSE & LANDElt(5ltflN LI hlttvo for 8th , 11otto tied hut , il ' . South 'a tidO , cheap at $3,200 F'tihl lot amh 2 houo. [ beditk'2d , add. , a huuirgutlim ut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,500 Flue lot ttiid eottut'o , south front , nit Ilmtit st. , netir Acndouiuy of thio Sacred ltcuLit. . 3,000 Butt I i-tilt lot utmud how hi oiuso atm I liii rum , vet-y eiueap. Autos I'Ineu , Sunutuhors st. Niue 2-stouy 8rootn house utah lot , Omitha Viots- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,8C0 New cottage attul lot out easy terms , thiuthum View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 Stutahl cotingo an I 'ilg hot , 1)oumecltett'a add. , outsIt $800 buihuinco outsy tertuls. Full hut witit house sutid rory ihuto lunpt-oie- tutcitts , Sluiutti's 21 aid ) . , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 Fuuil hot , 8-mont buotiso , now utiud lIne , nod sithitable lot Iiruvumttoutt a , SIt limo's 24 tutu . . 2,500 45 Snuiiileis St. hot In l'iumlnvlow , with very flixi iunpu-ovi.inoot $ , very ehteuip lit. . . . . . . 2,100 ilotmse and lot , S. 17th st. near l.oavctu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , , 3,090 S. 10th St. , 5'x200. Good I ) room huotise nod II no I ti htQuulOlttS. ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 Nice eothiige utiud iuuto-hinlf hot In llou-buclu' SeCuuil aid , 1450. luil I I 5 per miiouit It . . . . . . I ,600 Couuuoi-lot tultd $2,000 Improvements lit liar. tutchi'5 24 utdb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500 Spleutthiul lot G2I8O witit Sl.200 ituiprovoiut'ts out Burt St flOitC Sumered Heart. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 2 It. fi-ouitlot' on Situittiors at with $3,000 iflhlIrOvOlutOuitS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,500 323-26 Sacuso ) & Landougi-co , 317 13. 13th st ulAIlA VIRSV-Loohc at lots in this unhulitlon O iuofoiu invostiuug olsowlicto. lioggs & 11111. Lots $10. ) to $700. 811.22 J ltlGh1TON AND NIlWI'OR'r two unest popu' Jar ucere nilibhtiouts ; nourer thiumu any otluots ; aehlhutir laster tutu on outii i toruuus See lirlght. tort null Newport for nero lots loouttouh as thosu mire wIll ho luiuposshbho to h1i00 in loss thtuttt a. year front itow. Itoumuouiibor hiroad acres make inauiy lots. Sea Brlghitoui and Newport. ' 74:1 : Auu : . 1597 FAu1NAOI Sr. O MAfIA VlltW-IV'iil multI huotuseg trot-thu $504) ) to $1,000 on _ hfl3iuutntS. iloggs & 11111. 311-2(1 ( EO. B. Gibson , 217 S. 14th st. Full 101 and GEO. houo north lilt-I of town , $1,200. Lot and bouno on Sound era at , good place for hnulnoss ; a bargain. Lots on Dodge st..botwon25t1i anti 35th ; easy teruutu. Lot with 2hmousns , north of Bicholuts at , $2,603 hO acres north of city. Aeucs,1n8110 atid outside , from $100 to $2,200 per acre. 135 OiTfA ! VIIIW.-Lota $500 to $700. 13ogs& BDICK'S G1IOVB , only mnshlo hots uit$700 to II . $ l,400 to b build in towut. 'I'luoy asIc $ hfK ) for lots joinIng hledick Grove. Sea ItodIck's Grove neil EOO joe yourself thuiit thuuso iota itt $703 to II 500 itro uiiouruilod for 1)1100 tint ) beat lout. _ _ i : _ 1507 Fuua.ttt Sr. O hi5hlA VIIW'-I.ots $3.0 to $700. Bogga & lull. 811-20 iYjxS It on 10th at , corner , 1. luoust's t-ltt for $ )7 per tuontit ; 153)03 , otuiIhI sell iii 11 lulItts. t , hot uttid 2 hioumuce , rout for $32 var ntouttlu ; Pietco , utotir 7th billieS. $5,000. Now house , overythuhttg that class , full hot on llnuuuthton street , near 2ultht , $3,500. 2 Jots nnd2 luouu on Fuirmntmn utcar 20th street , 19 904) . : ntol7 bormrdhutg hirmuuso , 12 rooms , sabounbarn , full lot. ctc , 8.504) . Phil lot Uni0 rooni hiouso lit Lowo'e whhl,130 II ) acrosi mull , , I rtttiS. Oiututht stock yutrihs$3O3 lice ltc'rO , or ivdl soIl iii 3 ) i.iutS IIf i : , acres ouch. 25 itcre uvoll Iutlroi'ol , , lueumt Ft. Onittiuiti3,0)0. Lot on Sowuirit It , ltl'liC 31st , $130 cuts ) ' torituim. 5 lq in5'ot 5140 near enuituluig factory , $300 cacbi. Acre irs W'eut Ouutnlti : near belt Ltne , $2,070. 11 notes Iti Vet I ) uuuahua , $ ,9J0. 125 1 t trotit out ( ] oot'lu Avo.mtcar Loivonworth : ftnut , $ 'iSCtI. 1)7 ) it mtrthu front oum Dodge itcat2OtIt at. , $3,750 catty tol-rits. :1 : lots in Plain Viuw , lt,203. l.uirgo hot on llowtud at , uiuuim' South Ayoouto block ( rotc St. 8httiy'aA'o $5.01 I , 180 feet west ( tout on2lti ( at , $ l2. par root. lMt \'Irgiutlui Awe , iuiuav 14u111J1u1l'orth at. , Sj ) ( lx ) . Lot in iiuiuutyslulo , $1,130. or 8 l'OOiitSOIi 18(1 * mmciiiNieltolatu street , _ rooms on 18th ar. miour Nicholas , , , 1j:50it : east front on 13th at , $11,030. 4 Sttrlurh'l : bulklhuuur out hiarite'y at , $ : is,000 Corner ltxlO3 It out lInlulo- , 823,041) ) . Lot 4141x102 It , 2 story house on ) iowuitd Street "i 1511. 2ixl2O ft on Jittlgeneur : hear 11111 stl,500 ) itt Nelson's mold , l 700. r.irllor lot Sowuircl at , $750. Money to bait at lowest intoS of totem-oat ( leo. 1' . iioluth4 SW Car 15th altO Ioughasst. 670 ShAilA'JES'.I.ets ? 100 to $7130. Jiogga & O 11131. Ull.1t1 PN : l'A ICIINO LANI-1 iiipt-ovcd uiiiil imut. iIutItovCIl Itt Nohuruiskit , ICaitsni timid iwti , i ( > t' au II , 01 IV ii I tuxtuhtuiitgm for goiturtul miioctt tin- lIke , boots null huoc , guocaulos , liutriltvittu or other stock of goods , tlaclutsu & Launiergroum , 7112 8. 13th at. 223-20 O I ID\-fook itt hots lii t lila imilhltlon h > eiGto I utv3 II utg mlc a wiicte , 1 hifl28 & I I ill. Lots to $730. $80ij _ _ _ _ LAlhiSSi .t I..SNhiElli 1tl4 Ii hhuivo tar ituihtu lots Iii .Smbhei Pltvo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100. 3. : . 5' , Stlt lu's tiulditloit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,111) Ii. V. SuitiIt athilil. U ( Vs lot ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1t0) ) Jcoster'a nuluiithiui. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ) tttiihiii. 5'lo. ( I to 1)1010 ) II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl ) ) Suuitmth.ivr , - hiiuli.ibuu511'4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . 1(19 ( , 7&03 % vil o Ij ijitihllLpji. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ sJo , I ) ) l'luttui'iu'v - 1,11) ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lht1loi-tb l"iuioe amid l1 cud ittud ebiulco lots , . WI F02tl8tdd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tuel cc uuhii t'ottii'r ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i , uc. . Sirouttiuumtlt , bt. ticor Nleohs } : . . . . . . . . . . . S botuii ti ti-etl tie , 151(1) ( it ( - Itvlt Liiuo ulo. 1101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tfs30 2 eoritei a. Mihlorul & UnlilOhI'i . unit . ) , lT4)IJ.J ( Oct iti$1 reaje'eiit'c-------- 511.1 13LOO Itulmhn-Si lot ( uorluur' ' ) hilhtiiry tiiu. , ; ' .uttuIt. Ocr & flutluchlIti11ii : $ ; iaq tul its . . . . . . . 450 5cutli fronts iu l'tthri'uI ' 20 told1 S.ttiiuters , St. : oils > tot mu'- I Aol u bums ill Pot It l5iii $ b'miik 8 2 i I U 4'l 543 itu'V lulliii lotiu'n UI i it I ( Ill ) _ proved . . , ' . . $4,000 to-4 Acre lois in l3 lack . . . . . , . Z75 to 02,1-20 Suuehusso LandeegrEun. I _ t&hhA VIRSV-WIhi itttlkh ) to 160 hiouse O 011 ltartflt'htts. ijogga & huh. 3h1-l' ioit M.ti.l-.Tlai ihuuemt 211-tueto triuctnci'r'fI ciI ) , ttitiuhIo TOe platting , iuijmumning hilme- . k bauglu's aihlitlnu on thmi' e ut , antI Ihenokllno on thin outhu , If 501(1 Soon will mull lor $700 per acrIl. . I' . i'oht'r'iiti & Co. , iotmthucSt corner 15th altO Douglas atmoets. o M .IlA Yb RW-Wtll bum ILl 110 to 10) hudttO - _ ( hiaYiutcttts. iloggs & 11111. _ 1111.211 : I ) . % 11'khtSON h'AIIK-Aeres. Thto cheapest Item-u ltulertY i lit l'attersnii I'ntlt 8" nullS , 4 PC ttt hit ttt of coutrt hmouao , $130 an nero , on 085) t't-tii' _ , . 1) . c : I'uuttcmsottli-on . _ _ ( ) 'ilAilA'lRSS'IIt'st linen lit Ounalta tnowh i it hittiutot lots $ xJ to 87(0. Btl 26 , . \ \7l hi afotuicry elioliocro hots iii I'nt 1 t'i51'ltS Pat-k ( , , itIy 8 mIles ficmn court htitiu at t15 to * 155 Suichiso & Lanlorgrotl4 1117 S lOut at. ---a - - , ,1mtv ( ) acres cit lower l-'uurnrtrui ei cheap. ,1ohimiout , t'timton block , 1)10-20 ) - - - - - - - - I I watci'gius&c. , I trdbe frotut tiStIII1rO , to Slulutii' gild , Nba view. I'tIeo $2 ' 9t-.I'I otw-ixtit doeut , balance $2 niouth. ! ! : I ) . C. i'uiLtersout , i rout tuunii , , ist.iu to 1Tiifoutiiii , if ailtimlitor. iluirgutlius. hiogga & llil ( . 311. 3OltNRht i.or-wlhI soott be ituataciss , Nba Itti-ge lions , , ii rmuutts , a vor ) ' desirable propii mittatol itt a huenthout uu-lioro hUrehtasOr nuts umo ( rIsk on imuuuhihuug a big Pihbt. $16,600 If sold " witltiii few 411)-s. lleggs & I till. 231.28 Ii' 0 MMIA VIRW--litat Phlitlo hut Oumuthut' to own Ii huomiio ; Iota $300 to $7Out. 31t.2i ) $ -lait ) will hiurIt1tthi Ciur. lot Iii hforbaclt'a 21 iudd. Withi $2.0x hinprovounetuts. Snehuito f4 I & 1.almilcrgroiu , 817 S Lhth at 1223-22 1 ) A'hi'RItSON l'.5tlK-Are. Thin cheapest uteri , bn'tiou-ty is lit l'utltcrson Park , 314 miles southwest of entmrt Itotustil $280 mm acre , on easy ' tcrmita.D C. l'nttut-soit , lu-on bank. 1343-26 . , j. lots to ho choed out this J 1 aulunnier fluirgahuis. Ibogga & 11111 , 21i.6 ( - ' ii\vuutcrgnaoto. , I mth fromut piustolhlco Sit tim's ad , ! . nice view , itrltai $2.20 , oute-slxthi dutwut , buth , $2 mnuunholy. h-c. h'attersoum. Iroit huunk 1116-213 , I stAit ; VIhW-I1euuT itt Omithialo Own. 0 Ii htittnu ; lots $1130 to $704) ) . 011-20 j 30X 132-Inuprovuditubusluiess center , putyln $3,000 remit it ouir. Johuen , l'axjomt bbock. i 010-26 I . , IOMRS45 ! moth' .0 1t wototgums. . oto , 1 mIle fmuiuu 1CSt cillctu I it hhui ut It'S ilild : nice view ; li-leo 12.20 , itutim six I hi tlmuw It , biti , $28 tnomtttly ) ( , . I I. C. Pattotuuoti , I u-tutu huitlik , 1716-20 MAltA Viil5'-9S0 lots to ho cl"aed out this 0 suulttntor. hhiui-gutluts. ilogga & 11111. 311-20 ' ( { h7iiniii ii ' . I.ouitl lhroliei-a , No. 1502 Futruuatui , TclcphmoIlO 11)1. ) 11)1.For For Sumbo-Iluslleumo I'roiorty. lb usittosa ptoterty. Lots out t.ouig 'illume. I Ohs liii 1 ( lilt huh r l'tuytii elite. Ltt lit al tltit Addituomts. Fuutlul l'uolicrl3 I W'htwmover u-ott want to lilly we can bow you lirop'ut3' ttt luishlo fluzlro. . If ) 'Ott ii limit to cll list i-our proport- wIth us. .1 Coutue auth . see tug. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . lAi. i&S'I'ATR lhAltflAlNl1uusIiios lot. on t I 4 _ liith , 41xi53 , east front , $2,600 J. i. ltlco I & Ce. , rooumt 0 over Couniuurn-ciutl batik. 1324-28 I Illicit In Ontahmato own C home ; lots $10) to $701) . 1311.28 - - - - - - - - - I31Oii SAI.il111lllggitus & Park-Tiw only I ihtfi-cluiss rnstuvtntmut itt Onutibti ; dolttg ii J good Putlttcr bushimoss ; wltit ioiii , runnitmg tIll 11 t . October , 18 $ ' , umt $1181 mar nuottthm. Call at Itootu .ij 1 , 1iuhtunntu Block , 12th utiud 1)oimgiius. 2811-211 , : u ESTA'l'RIbAitG.tiN-llughiuoss lot oor. tub- South 117th at , Clot ititilt , 4Sxif'b $3,010. ' ' .1. r. itico& Co. , rsoun 0 over Commercial hiutitk , 89420 - 1 ° ° ° hiOht St. , lniproroi. Johituson , I'umxton block. 0111.26 MAIIA'il'.W2.70 iota to be closed out this ( ) 8lmluttnor. Iluirgutlius. Ihogga & 11111. 011.20 lot on swcor , 20th tutu Iottghuts atm. luuuiirovontonts roi-tti $1,500 , one block alt of Put''Od streets and car Iltie. Cheap. IV. U. Shi-iver , opp. post'ifhieo. . I 253-20 0 VIItW-250 lots me be ohosol out this - . , & 11111. silttltulotihargumins lioggs 311-26 1LL E.S1'A'i'1 lhAltUAhN-flushumoss hotoast- front , South 10th at. . flSxiSS , only $ I.000. J. L. itico : c Co. , room 13 uuor Comunarchal batik. , 1324-28 - ' JLflGANT eottitga lilt ) half lot , east froutton I - .4 N. i-lIlt St. hiouttutlful itui'oowoment. Very t choIce huuioutO' ) ; s-2r,00. Will' discount for cash. , Sutchuao & 1.uummiorgruit,3h7 S. 13th at. 013-26 - - - - - - - - t O MAI1ATl15'Yh ( tit hots lii thIs addition 4 leloro hiuvestluig oltowiuore. liogga & lull. Lots $50) ) to $700. 011-20 t' - - - : EL Rltlt Is a 1uurgmultt. Cottuigo rentIng for $20 . .41 tutul ihuto hillS httoist trout lit lt _ V. Stahth'a itdui ; $9COJ , eashu $300. butlumeo'la mumitlthy pay- . bouts. Sachusc & I.atudtirgruum , 317 5. 13th at. 8'J416 : Flivji lots in Ilcdfort ] Ithutco hear new foundry clii' wIlier will lie tlucro mtofl week. Owuter 2iioIIto sell. Johituotm , l'uixtnn block , 0101.0"g " J1O11 SAI.Ii-Your IittrtlCtllftt attention ii "g called to thu following liutrgains for proiht. 13 uublc lnvestuuucnt or pretty imomos , allen easy terms 11111 amuul I cash iuuumitttlta : 2) ) ) iota lit SVost Cuuniuig , II ) ) to $503. lOlots in 1iimcoln Piuico , $1H5 to $500. j. ' 1 hots to 1atrlek's udmhltiout , $580 to $1,200. . , 8 Itits iii iCiritw004 , $50) to t070. ' 10 Iota Iii hiawtluoriun , $01) to * 1100. ' 4 II lots in 'i'Iuoruibtir i'laeo , I iS ) to $500. 1 i.iits itt Satitiuiors . Iliunobaugh's addition tp Wnlntmt 11111 , $ : xt ) to $500. I.ots lit Mount Pheasant additholm , $150 to $2 ? & t - (3 hotsin Saundeis & fluunobutugii'aadd. , $325 to $400. ii 4 lIve-nero iota itt Marshall .S Lobock's division , $100 to $120 iier acre -1 f-iicrtl lobs lit iltuuhhOhtl at 1.130 each. ThIS is I $100 to $151) ) cboapou Ilium otltor tisk. tJ Acm tots at lllghuhautd Luivk addition , $153 to g $700. $700.Acre lots In Patterson I'nrk , S278 to $103. Jiouio utiud lot tiottt 21st utliul strotut ears , 10 ) CecilIa. city uuid citotii wiiier , sewer , line barn , $7Nl0 ( , hull I I cuihm. , :1 : Olin , lwolhluigs nit 2.11 , tuoar Futrnutmn , $10,000 , ' , ( Ctriuer Out Jackson , &Qxl'd , WHim thmroo liousoS , $ l0,5O. I Cou-iut.r lot cmi Cuunlng , with store buihdl'jg and. t 2 hiotuse' , moittlitg for $1 .5)1) ) , $15,000. hIotuso nuni hot out loughuts street , south and 01151 Iuotut , $2,51,0 , line buitttiiu . ! .iutsliutll & Loluock , 1511 Farnam , iloom 8 , ' - Itodick's lilock. 008-20 .3 MAI1A Vi liVi'-Ioohc ut lots In this midlilon c : loforo iitutistliig ulsuwlioro. Bog48 & 11111 , ' lots $030 to $71.0. 0iI.3ff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ; P. BOYER & CO. 'j IJEAUxIIS IN IIsSaG3VatsTimtocks- , - : mid Jafl Work. 1020 Futrumiun Street , Omaha , Neb , RTIIes . . . . . - - - ' WESTER-ii- ; . 1'tiILWAY.'I 'I 1 O1T z4iq ' Ollialla , 'T Council Bluffs A11l ( Ohicag ; 'l'tt 0 colT mail to take fr Dn ! 'Iniui , Mr. , I uutl It civil , Cedar I ml uiht , Cl Ill I ( sum. Dhxto. Cluicno , ! uhllwuuh < et aul all poluuts east , To the people of Nobrilakum , ( ) oht'u-iiuhim , ' 'llnuiulir1 ( flab , 1'02.hO. . , ' , . Not"alutOlegouuYllthtiitrttmn , flail CaIlorjjiui It. otTCrSIUIC4iOr ( ai1ymuttuos hot l'o1bl by umu oilier line Auitotii low of tlto ItlllitltOil $ liOIflt-t' Ut Iu1 riomiiy ettjtuvtud by thu Jtimlroius or titta m'0i14 ps. , - lWitti ( ) uuiuttiit nutil ( Oiicutgj lire Its two trains m ! , .lay el IAY C4).tCJlil ihieht ' .ro liuO 1liI'itt t.15t16 - luummtt utrt autul iull4Otiulty cliii cr0410 , Its PAf ACU SiJIfll'INtJ CAIIS , whu'hi ' . et ootiifou-t iitt4 ulpihtio. ; Jtm I'A 111,1 liyiodt.i , . ' ' 1101)11 GAItS UIisulrululasu.l by aimy. itild uts uylli' I ) OiuiOUt'dtOd I'4i4Tt413 JiI.'INQ M1ts , t ttlUtti of wlilelt CmLtlllit tuti fouttd ylseuvitcee. At Couuwll ItluiTa Iiiu Iruilims ii ! the 1Jutitt1't. lb fly , Ct'tilOCt lii I1iii'in hsi't wltim thiolim gfttia 1 1'Iuiciio & NufIhIufc.tiirth U , , In tiltbeagq l.I' hums or tii1 i19 r.8114U close ciaugu t ; thtiaii of lill uuutbtru limos. For 1)m'thott , Cahtuuutbuu , ltmdhimuaitolis ClmiuoI null , fliuucura Falls. ItuiIal , Vitt6hmdrir. , l'vr Is. ; 1'Iommireal ' , liostuci , Now 'fork PltlladelflutItl , 1humtorv.W5uShtlu1UIOi1 numd till poInts lu IIIQ tli tmekot aigttltt tolk'ktts , , viii thud - ---r' " ) JOhITil-SY ) .4'L'hhI'1 , " - - lfyou Wish thu bout ltc'coiuitio11attons. 4lltbo'u ' ilgolImla sell I1egt ylt ilmis Itte ( 31. iBJJIIITT ( , it. 8 , lIMIt , ( iegiurt ) . PitiS. , tOr3 , - . - -r- S