Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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rcllvertcl \ > y rnrrlrr In nnrr ro' the city nt
ti\i nty routs per week.
, No.
, -f IMIT KniTOii No. ! H.
Now Yoik Plumbing company.
New summer goods al Keiter's.
There wcrno services In the congre
gational churci , yesterday , owing to the
absence of the pastor.
SI Paul's Episcopal ehnrcli III have
no .Sunday evening services until the
heated lei m is over.
llve-year-old son of
On Saturday the -
' DHI ' ilulo , while playing on ! ir n\ \
descent City , had liis-left arm fractured
In two places.
W. C. House was arrested Saturday
night for being drunk and disorderly. In
other words , the police pulled a disor
derly house a full one , too.
On June ! ! ( ) the Hock Island road will
sell excursion tickets , good for that day
only , to Col fax Springs for $ ! J.-IO , gooil to
return on tit any liii'0 before July 8.
Jim Smith , who went gunning for his
vlfc , mid who was after her wllh a double
barrelled shot gun when arrested , has
been released by Judge Aylesworth on
J. W. Derger has sold his elegant resi
dence on I avenue lo Mr. ilannan ,
cashier of the Citi/.ens' bank , who will
proceed to occupy it at once. Mr. Berger
intends going to California.
The live * prisoners sentenced to the
penitentiary weio started on their trip to
Fort Madison ri itltiy night in charge of
Deputy Sin-rills llaines and Hall. Every
one of the live was satisfied with his
hcntcnco , and fell that ho had been
especially faunod in getting off so easy.
The rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
church is arranging to have n surpliced
choir of boys for the musical services in
Ihe new church building. Those boys
who desire to join aio requested to meet
at the lector. } Wednesday morning at 10
( J. W. Gimnison is making n wonderful
success showing the people of Fiemonnt
county what a weekly should be. The
Herald this week has ten pages of inter-
tinting reading matter , and every town
for a radius of several miles has its loeal
happenings chioniclcd ii. a readable man
ner.The Nonpareil , which harps so much
fiuout encouraging and standing by
Council Blull's ir.crchanlf , speaks of an
upper Broadway store as being run by
"Dutch John. " Such a slurring way of
speaking of so old and respected a citi/.en
as Mr. J. J. Stelter is hardly consistent
witk their claims. It shows lamentable
ignorance of decent journalism , and
.such slurring ways of treating citi/ens
does not hurl any one but the p.ipur Ihat
indulges in it.
Thursday evening , July 1 , an enter
tainment. under the auspices of Ihe lin-
pnrial club vvill be given for Ihe benefit
of Miss Nellie Hatcher , the elocutionist.
The programme will consist of elocution
ary rcndilipns by Miss Hatcher , and mu
sical selections by the Misses Meakel and
Messrs. J. M ' 1 reynor , Charles 11. Pal
mer , and Samuel Noble. The evening's
entertainment lo close \yitli a short llano
ing programme ; . Admission , 95 cents.
Dancing , oO cents per couple.
Mrs. Anna Hopkins is now being cared
for in the comity jail , on the charge of
assault with intent to commit murder ,
Mr. Bryant , of Macedonia , being the tar
get at which she shot. Her excuse is a
claim that Bryant several years ago made
an indecent assault upon her. She
doesn't explain why she should bo several
years getting mad enough about it to
filioot , and there is evidently something
more about the affair yet to be divulged
when the limo comes for trial.
There was a big land slide Saturday in
the southern part of the city , and three
men had a narrow escape from being
Killed. The landslide was from the bluffs
belonging to Fail-mount park , the ex
cavating having been carried to so near
the line of the park as to commence to.
encroach upon it. The park commis
sioners have given nolico Ihat there must
bo no further excavation at that point.
The commissioners propose to hold to
what park property tliero is , and not
allow it to bo carted off by private par-
Room Mouldings Largest assortment
and lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper
Go to Beard for room mouldings.
Wo Claim.
The American Round Washer is the
bostmado. Actual tiial has proven be
yond doubt that it will wash cleaner ,
quicker , witli more ease and less injury
to the clothes than any machine now in
nso. Try ono. Coornu & McGni : ,
Westo rn Agents
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
e.stato loans , J. W. & K. L. Squire , 10
Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Wo have a few moro llofrigorators and
will make low piices on them till they are
closed out. Cooi'iiu & McGii : : .
John Tompleton has moved his cigar
dietary to KO Broadway , opera house
Chailes Bollnk of Jefferson , Iowa , was
in the city yesterday.
Mrs , Dowoir , of Hoglaml , Mo , , is visit
ing her sister , Mrs. Durgan.
* ' . J , Swenning of Panama was in the
city ycstoiday enrouto to Chicago.
Willie B. Judd , one of the "nngols of
commerce , " spent Sunday at the Ogdcn.
J. B. Johnson of Sacramento. Cat. , is
in the city with his wife visiting his bister ,
Mrs , 1C. 1) . F. Fisher.
Mr , and Mrs. Nimiod Agnew , of Kan-
ens City , are visiting Mrs. Agnow's bis
ter , Mrs. S. Swanson.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Agnnvv of Ashland ,
Neb. , word in the city yesterday visiting
Rlr , Agnovv's sister , Mrs. S. Swanson.
George and Frank Wright , sous of G ,
F. Wright , hiivo returned from Iowa
City , where ihoy hayo boon attending the
Btato university ,
Airs , Charles Kisoinan of Sioux City ,
fiiiont yesterday in this city after bolng in
Omaha last week. She returned to Her
homo last evening ,
Mr. nml Mrs , T , A , Clnrko and daugh
ter , Miss Sudio , loft Saturday night for
Cheyenne , and will visit the Yellowstone
phrk before their return.
Mrs. H , C. Hewitt , who has boon visit
ing friends in Bockford , 111. , for some
mouths pubt , has returned and taken up
lier robidoneo with her daughter , Mrs.
Arthur C'pwjp.
. C. F. Hondrlo and wlfo ot Denver wore
atthoOgdon yostoi day , haying been to
Burlington at the interment of Mr.
Chnrjos Hemlrio , who recently died in
Denver. They returned west last even
ing ,
G roperies , dry goods , tinware , crockery
cheap , J. J. Suitor , COS upper Bioad-
_ _
Attention I , U. G. T.
All nicuibcis of Council Bluffs lodge
No. 175 arc rcqmvsted to meet pronij/.ly
on Miimiav night for the. transaction of
juuorlaul business. W. C. T.
What Ho Has to Say About Accepting nml
About His Policy.
Tlio Itctmlrilcnn Primaries Xotcu
AliniitSnincol' Ilic Siiinnirr Tour
ists Points I'crsonnl nml Ilnp-
| ) Ciiln s About Town.
Mayor .J. ! ' .
Iii accordance with tin csill for n spo-
ciil : niculin of the cily cuutictl to elect n
ninjor to 111 ! the ollieo insiilc vncnnt by
the death of Colonel Clwpniiin , every al-
( lerinnn was ] > rt'&unt Suturtlay nl ht. Tito
ballot rc ! tiltotl live votes for J. V. Kvnns ,
anil one for A. T. Elwull. On motion of
tVldcrntnu Kcllar tliu election ofIr. .
Evans was math ) iinanimoiH.
Thi < action of theVonncil will meet
with thn general public approval. While
tliero are niitur.ilb' nursoinil tn-eferences
wliich might not be tinannnonsly in favor
of Air. Evans , still there- seems to be no
desire to hang to sneh preferences so
strenuously as to mar the em of good
feeling which is characterizing the man
agement of loeal allairs. The public as
well as the council and city ollteials will
give Mr. Evans a hearty support in his
endeavors to carry on the good uork" al
ready commenced for the bettering of
the moral and material interests of Connell -
ell Hluirs. Mr. Evans is one of the most
prominent and respected citi/.ens , and is
a representative business man , having
the interests of Council Hlnll's at heart.
With his ability , inlltience , business e\-
muienee , and acknowledged integrity
there .seems no gioimd for fear but thai
ho will carry on the policy outlined by
the late mayor , and tliat the important
trust placed in his keening will bo : i-
credly caied for. Council lllulls is to bo
congratulated on Mieuring him a its
chief magistrate.
Thin o being some questioning ns to
whether Mr. Evans would accept the
prolleied position , a Bin : reporter called
iinon him yesterday and aslced him the
direct query.
" 1 can hardly say whether 1 will accept
or not , " .said Mr. Evans. " 1 really , uo
not see how I can give it the time
necessary. I was just planning to bo
away a "good deal of the summer , and
it .seems to mo that any one who takes
the position should give it time and at
tention. I just got homo Saturday , and
when I wont to the olliee lor my mail I
was apnroaehed on the subject by Alder
man Shngart and others , but 1 did not
think that the council was going to choose
me. Had I thought so I should have re
fused to have my name used. They have
gone alicad and elected mo , but not by
my seeking or consent. It cannot but be
at a personal saerilieo if I accept. 1 re
member , however , that 1 urged some of
these very men , who are now in the coun
cil , to hacrilico personal interests for the
good of the public , and insisted on their
serving , and I am disposed to be consist
ent and take my .share of sacrilice and
responsibility. .My personal plans are
such that 1 do not see my way clear to' '
give the olHco the lime and attention
which it seems to me it requires. I do
not really Know what the council oM'octs
of mo. If the requirements are too ex
acting. 1 cannot u'cccpt. 1 want to con
sult with the aldermen , and will do so
early to morrow morning , and then I
shall decide what to do. "
"If yon accept the position will you
make any especial changes in the policy
or the organi/ation of city aflhirs ? "
" .Certainly not. The citix.ens seemed
satisfied with the administration of af
fairs. Mayor Chapman had outlined a
policy which scorned to meet the views of
the citi/.ens , and the citygovernmcnt had
been well organi/cd. and everything
moving along welt when Mayor Chap
man was taken away by death. So far
as 1 have been able to learn by expres
sions belorc and since his death the
people were well pleased with his policy ,
and with the actions of the city council ,
and the many expressions of sorrow on
losing Mayor Chapman , as an ollicial ,
outside of the matter of friendship , con
vinces mo that the people want to see
matters move along the same line on
which this new city government has
started out. The appointmentssecm also
to be satisfactory , and if 1 should accept ,
I would not feel like mincing any changes
until real necessity ilomande l. I know
Unit when a convention nominates a man
and that man declines , itgcnerally makes
confusion and causes more trouble than
in the lirst place , and 1 fear that it I
should decline to accent the olllce , it
might make , it more dilllcull to get some
one else. I am willing to do what I can
if too much is not expected of mo. Ho-
fore 1 say whether I will serve or not , I
want to learn just what the council will
expect of me , "
"Do you understand whether it is the
intention of the council to have you servo
until the next spring election' , or only
until a special election can be called ? "
" 1 don't know a thing about it. The
notice 1 got was that L was elected until
an election by the poonlo was had. but
it docs not state when that election is to
be. I do not know what the law is on
this point , not having looked it up. If it
is deemed necessary to hold a special
election before the city election next
spring , or if there are any rights of the
cilv which are to bo jeopardf/.cd. or its
credit hurt in any way , by not holding a
special election , 1 should certainly insist
upon there boinfj a .special election. I do
not believe the city should run any risks
about legality of proceedings for the sake
of keeping me or tiny other man in olllco
for u single day. It is u imestion on
which I am not. posted , anil if there is
any doubt about whether n special elec
tion should bo held before next spring ,
the city cannot all'ord to run any risk
for the sake of saving the expense of
holding an election , or for the sake pf
keeping any man in olllco. 1 do not care
to say nuioli about any of these matters
until I have n. chiinco to talk with the
aldermen , because this has really come
on to me ho suddenly , and 1 know so little
about it , that I am not in a position to
say much.
At the 1'acillo house \on will cot all the
comforts of high priced hotels , and save
from 50 cents to $1 per day. Try it and
bo convinced.
The Quick Meal ( lasollno stove is a fine-
ces i no and leturii at our ex
pense if not satisfactory.
Coot-Kit & A
Two Carroll citi/ons , Hobort Lo vry
and Amos Uunklo , have boon furnishing
some sensations for that vicinity during
the past week , on account of some old
time grudges which they have held
against each other. Homo money dilli-
cultios seam to have been the starter , and
the blood of each got hotter until it nearly
terminated in a murder. A few days ago
Lowry assaulted Kunklo , and is said to
luivo injured him quite.badly. Lowry
was fined live dollars , and in default of
payment was brought to Council Illufls
and lodged in jail for the peculiar com
mitment of ono and two-thirds days.
Thursday ho was reloasml , and reached
homo that day. In the evening Uunklo
visited the ( i. AK , hall , where an im
portant mooting was in progress , and not
apparently finding what ho wanted ho
went out , and scaled himself on the
stairs. Soo.n Lowry came along to enter
the hall and Uuukle u&kcd mm ; "Aro
you going up hero to-night ? " On receiv
ing an amrmativo answer llunklo drew n
revolver and began firing nl Lowry. who
was but n few" feet from him. Lowiy
knocked nl Hunkle's hands , nvoliling the
llrst shot , then turned and run. The
fourth shot struck him in the right arm.
just above the elbow. Htinkle was jailed
atu'I bail was fixed al ? 500. Not being
able to give it ho was brought to this city
for safer keeping and is now lodged In
the county jait here.
Smokers' Drop in .John Templelon's
now cigar store , opeia house block.
A. T. Elwell ha-Ton sale al his ticket
ollieo special round trip tickets for the
accommodation of those who desire to
snend Sundays at Coif axSprings. . These
tickets over the Hoek Island enable any
onotolen\o Council Hind's Saturday mid
return Monday , Hie price being ttf.TO for
the round trip.
llrst nnil Itoorcntlott ,
HUTU. Oiti.i.ANs , Si'imr LAKH. Juno
20. The season hero has not fairly opened
and only a ft'\\ people of any particular
prominence have v't arrived , although a
larger number , by far. than at nn\ time
during the three previous yeais' existence
of the Hotel Orleans are in communica
tion with the management , ami in consequence
quence the success of the season is as
During the week there have been sev
eral parties from Council Bill Us and
Omaha who have taken an oppoitunity
to come up here and fish , prominent
among whom were .1. S. MeCorniaok and
M.V. . Kcnnatd , of Omaha , who made a
tiial trip on Mr McCoimack . new yacht ;
Mark Dunham and Mr. and Mrs. Adolnh
Meyer , child and nurse , ot Omaha. Mr.
Meyer returned to his business after en
joying a couple of da\s' roei ca
tion and Mrs. Meyer will remain
during I lie season. .Mrs. Andrew Hose-
water , wife of the city engineer of
Omaha , child and nurse arrived this
morning and ha\e taken a suite ot rooms
for the season , Colonel L. W. Tnlleys
and > I. N. Hrowu , of the banking house
of Hurnlmm , Tulleys & Co , Council
Hlnll's , spent two days fishing at Arnold's
nark and returned to their home on
Pike , pickerel , black , rock and silver
b.iss , croppies , perch and .sheepsheadsarc
being caught in large numbers. Colonel
Tulleys landed .several ten-pound pickerel
while here
Airs. Van Cott is holding eamp meeting
at the town of Spirit Lake , two miles dis
It is not generally known to the public ,
but nevertheless a tact , that mail to reach
hero promptly should be addressed to
Minnie postollice , Dickinson county ,
which is at the Hotel Orleans , otherwise
all mail sent to Spirit Lake will bo de
tained at the town by that name from
six to twelve hours.
The season will open .July 1 , when
many will begin to arrive , but' not until
after the Fourth will the rush come.
Colonel J. W Hutchison , proprietor of
the Hotel Orleans , informs the HII : : cor
respondent that he is in communication
with a number ot Omaha and Council
lihill's people , many of whom have spent
pait of previous seasons here and
are coming again. It is certain
that a more lovely location in which to
spend a few days or weeks can not bo
found without travejing a much farther
distance and entailing much larger ex
From Omaha or Council Bluffs this
place is of easy access. A through sleep
ing ear leaves the transfer over the Siou > c
City route every evening , arriving at the
Orleans hotel at 7:40 : o'clock in the morn
ing , thereby not causing the tourists to
feel fatigued upon arrival. The hotel is
charming in every respect , the service
perfect , and the management beyond
Hotel Orleans runs east and west ; is
U84 foot long , with a southern extension
170 feet long by 150 feet wide. The hotel
fronts on Spirit Lake , which is 200 feet
distant , while East Lake Okoboji is at the
rear , or , more properly speaking , the
south front , some four hundred feet
away. The lawns are nicely laid out
witli promenades , and flower beds in dif-
erent designs.
Grace chapel will next week bo com-
pjctcd. It is non-sectarian , and the pul
pit will be occupied by any pastor who
may see lit to hold religious services.
A line of music has been engaged
and will be in attendance at the Orleans
after June ! ] Q. Dancing will bo indul < rcd
in every evening , and no doubt the regu
lar hops \Yedncaday and Saturday
evenings will bo as popular as in past
Verandas , sixteen feet in width , oxti'nd
around the entire building on each floor ,
and every room in the house has a door
opening onto the veninda , which is well
supplied with easy-chairs. The doors
and windows aio well screened and ven
tilation could not be better.
All kinds of amusements that arc usu
ally found at summer resorts , such as
bathing , boating , fishing , bowling alleys ,
billiards , livery , etc. , etc. , are all handy
heio and under the very shadow of the
Hotel Orleans.
The dining room occupies part of the
extension ( o the mam building. In it'J.)0
persons can comfortably be attended teat
at one lime. The waiters , this season ,
aio colored , and have been selected from
the best and largest hotels in St. Louis ,
Chicago , Now York and other eastern
cities. The kitchen is of huge dimen
sions and "as-neat as a pin , " in which re
spect it is unlike many a so-called first
class hostelry.
Arnold's ' park is five miles' drive from
hero or seven miles via. Okoboji lakes on
the steamer I5on Lennox , of which Alex
May is captain. It is a beautiful trip for
tomisls to take , as is also a sail on the
steamer Queen on Spirit Lake.
C. II. Judson of Council Bluffs will
spend August at Arnold's park camping
I. A. Miller and family of Council
Bluffs will spend several weeks here ,
The Iowa State Press association , instead -
stead of taking a long trip , will spend a
week at Spirit Lake at the Orleans.
Frank L. Yenawino , wife and child , of
Council Bluffs , will arrive the coming
Scnntor C. II. ( latch and family of Des
Moines will occupy a < " , ic of rooms next
A. W. Pullman of the Nebraska & Iowa
Insurance company , " ' naha. will spend
July at hotel Orleans 'i ids family.
Airs. Sidney Barkal Ind children of
Omaha have engages dto of rooms at
the hotel Orleans , u t-vill arrive on
July 1. '
Hobcrt Hawk of Is MMB x ( jjty
spend July at Hotel On "x fo
_ _ _ dies ii
Go to Beard for room i"1' ' .
Wanted 1,000 families \ sporivnicri-
can round washers on t\V. 'orheaiVrial
with the privilege of ret''rnl. ' gentlj > ox-
pcnso if willing to part with fii V "ifttr a
fair trial. Cooi'KH & McijnK ,
Western Agents.
Go to Beard for wall paper.
Republican Primaries.
The republicans held their ward pri
maries Saturday evening to select dele
gates to the county convention , which
meets to-morrow to select delegates to
the judicial , congressional and stuto con
ventions , The following are the delegates
chosen ;
First Ward-H , Cofllcn , H. T. Bryant ,
II , II. Fi.mi , r M. Williams , E. B.
Second Ward C. Boson , C. S. Hub-
bard , O , M , Hurl , P II Wind , Ed JMott ,
F. A Sackett , A. 0 Larson.
Third Wuid-D. 0. Bloomer , T. A.
Kirklnnd , John LlndtG..tT , , Smith , W. I' .
SappYSIllani Ilavcr. ock <
Fourth Word T. S. Couch. 0. S. Law-
son. 1 M. Treynor , AY 11. Campbell , J.
F. Evans. Eiifrcno Casey , C. A. Kecd ,
George McPeel < .
On the judicial nomination , is is un
derstood , that twenty out of the twenty-
seven urc fiivornlilo to Senator George
Carson for the district imlgcshlp , the
others favoring N. M. i'n cv , who-ti
name was recently brought before the
public by an almost untiiilnions icqucst
of the bar. _
Best cream oita in the Pity , Sp per
glass , at Palmer's 12 Main street.
Go to the New York Plumbing com-
liany for garden hosp. Tluwai rant all
the.v sell. Opera house block.
A Pleasure l.ltlo Knils With n I'rolm-
lily Kntnl Acchlcnt.
A runaway accident thtit will prob.ibly
prove fatal to \ouug lady occurred on
Brancroft sti eel last oxeniujr. A young
nnn named Keesc , ti clerk in Taylor A :
CulofV grocery , was out riding with a
young lad- , Miss llaeke , of Strut'tsvillo ,
driving a spirited IIOIM' from Field
< N : Colo's licr.stable. . . As they \\en
coming up Baneroft street the hoNe took
fright , became unmanageable and ran
anay colliding with another buggy that
was going down the street. In the crash
both Bceso amj his eomp.inioiieru
tin own fiom their bugg\ and hint. Ucoso
was but slightly inntvil. | Miss Hacke ,
however , was found to be hi an unconscious
condition. She removed to the resi
deneo of Mr. . ( ones , on Bancroft sticet ,
and medical attendance summoned. She
appeared to bo mtli'eriiij ? fiom internal
injuries , and up to a laic hour all Him Isle
lo revive her have proved lutile. Her 10-
eovery is a matter of iinno doubt.
The Muecller Music Co. is preparing
for the laigest wholesale holiday trade
this season. The stock limy ha\o oidered
is .simply immense.
Tlio Decorative Art.
Mr. P. C. Wilder has riittirned from the
east , -.vhere he has been hunting up the
novelties in the tleeorative line
ing the latest designs. He has brought
back ii varied slock ot pipier maehe de
signs , ligure.s in bold relief , \\liieh ean bo
finished in any coloring- suit. These
papier macho designs are superior to
frescoing , and combined with Lincuislan
Walton makes the handsomest finishing
and decoration to be had. Mr. Millcrhas
supplied himself with many novelties and
now designs , and who arc cont"m-
plating interior decorations should call
upon him and seothcin. Ho found ( hata deal of _ papier machc designs
being u ed in the finest rooms in Chicago ,
lie has also figures of distinguished char-
acter.s in this , and it is fa t taking the
place of carvings , as well.
Highest prices paid for county , town ,
city and school bonds. Odoll'Bro's A :
Co. , No. 10U Pearl street , Council Blull's ,
Iowa. j1
If yon want perfectly satisfactory ac
commodations at ? i per day , go to the
Pacific house. Depend unon " it , yon will
never regret your choice.
Instruction In Art.
At No. 110 N. 7th st ; Miss U. T. Swcn-
ning will give lessons in lustre , aracino ,
French , Kensington , cameo ami scenery
painting , work , araeine and
plush work , Kensington embroidery , seashell -
shell llower . painting on' satin , velvet ,
felt , brass ami china. Floursi to 1 o'clock.
Uncertainties of Physiognomy.
Philadelphia North American : "Did it
ever strike you that ) t'rf l.i mighty hard
thing to judge a man'soccupation by bis
appearance"said John Bash to his friend
David Blank.
"Easiest thing in the tv-prld , " replied
Blank , with an air of visdom. "This
fine-looking , poitlv gentleman coming
down the street , for instance , is a well-to-
do grocer , probably retired from busi
ness , but I'll bet ho knows all about sti-
gir nntlcolltio. "
"Dead wrong , " said Dash ; "that's M.
Hall Stanton , bai kcr , gas trustee and pol
itician. Now , tell mo haw yon would
si/e up this man with the Napoleonic
mustache and chin beard ? "
"H'm , well he stumps me , " remarked
Blank , his confidence wavering a little ,
and then , jocularly. "He must be u fire
works manufacturer. "
"Tlmt's'a pretty close gticss , for while
the great and only J.unus Matlack
Scovel , of Camden , is not exactly a
manufacturer of lire-works , ho manu
factures a great deal < ) f pyroteclminal
oratory. "
Emboldened by his success , Blank cast
his eagle eye in the direction of a gentle
man whose most prominent feature was
a profuse waist. "It's a shoemaker , " ho
"Sh , " warned Dash. "Why , that's
John Dunn , ono of the managers of the
house of correction , and night mayor at
the Central Station. "
"Nightmaie , eh ! Well , that's the first
time 1 ever mistook th ! nightmare for a
shoemaker. But this niiln with the sun-
dyed locks is a farmer. Can't fool mo
oh farmers. "
"Great Scott ! That's Senator Tom
Cooper , the invincible field marshal of
the republican forces of Pennsylvania.
But look at this man with the smiling
countenance. Who is he ) "
"A Sunday school superintendent , per
haps ; if nol that , at leatt a good man
with a good conscience. "
Dash almost went Into a fit , ami after
he recovered said gravelyi "that's Frank
lin B. ( iowon , who is continually prepar
ing but never completing a plan for the
reconstruction of the Hauling railroad.
Blank , as a physiognomist you're a mis
erable failure. ( Jood-by * '
I Imvo the largest arid most com (
plete linq qC
t I
In tlio city. I am closing out
Ton will find all the Jutcft novelties in
huts , bonnets , flowers , plumes , tips , rib
bens , gau/.cii , cr.ii > c3 and utliur stylus of
Goods Must Be Sold ,
Best of Bargains over offered. Call
and sco them.
No. 328 Broadway , Council BUills.
The Orlfc-liinl and Only Urnulno. '
fcttfcad ! ; HilUUt Rfvutef trortliUaa Imlull'Al.
IjJ'iMOMkU M LADIES. A L jc.t lli-MfftflU la
* 'Cblcl. lcr' * ' ud U > < u oilier ot luiUM U
lo u fur prUeultri < Ittttr bj rtlurn uimll.
MAME PAPER. CLIchoUr CllrmU. ! Co.
! B I tt lU
liT DruEzMiirTrrjrubcrn lik tor "Chlrbt *
t i : * UU V& B > r l t'liU. ItitMBU *
A L U/i'/ < K.vKra. .
UIIKE : : , WKLLS & co. ,
Agricultural Implements , Bn&toJ ,
Tmrlnncs , ito : _ . Klo. Council lllnT ( . town.
K K YST < ) N K M A N U FAC'ITU1N if CO ?
Mnhc Uio Urlglnnl anil Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
COIIN smiu.Kiis AND runt )
. l.'Ul.nrt , mi nnil IVir South Muln S
l IlliinV , lown.
JAII ) ) lilt UH.KY & CO. ,
Mimiil'isiml Jobl-nn of
agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies ,
Cnri Inpca. unit nil Mnl < of Kntin Mi < c1ilnr > rr.
110U to 1110 South Miin Street , Council lIUilN ,
A xi :
I'/ ) . Ol.KON. . T. H.Dnnil.W , UBO 1" . WllKlllT.
l'ii . .vrn > m. V- l'ii"iHti. . See \Coin\sol.
Council BlutTs Haadld Factory ,
. , ftiiroipnrnlPil I
Mniiurncliiror ir.V\lii. 1'ivk , Sloiliro nndSmill
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
ci ) ! L\t M L IILITFS cAuFi-T"cai :
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oilcloths , rurtnln I'ltturci. I'plinlMnrv ( lee U ,
Mo. Na 105 llroiKlnuy Council HIillH
> . ; ; rr.
Wholi'tnln .Itilibuis In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Nog. L'SMnln anil 27 rent I ' 'ts. Council lIlnuN.
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
.No lll'oitl St. , Council
11AULK , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
DrugKlsts' Siimlilps. IHc. No , as Muln St , mid
No. 81 Pearl St. , Council
nitr aoons.
Al. K. SMITH As CO. ,
IjipDrters and Jabbars of Dry
Notions. Kto. Nos. 112 nnil 114 Main St. , Nos. 11) )
mid 113 Pearl St. . Council Illnirs , Iowa.
O. W. 11UTTS ,
Wholesale California Frails a Specialty
General Commission. No. 51 ! Ilrcatltvny ,
ronucll Illntrs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 10 mul IS lVail ft. , Council
L. K1HSCI1T & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dcnlors. No. 41tt Ilroml-
way , Council lllults.
STnnii'actuicrs of unrt Wholosnlo Dofllorj In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. K-'t Main St. . Council llluirIowa. .
UA'1-S , CAPS , KTC.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glove ; .
Nos. U43 iui(13lI Broadway , Council
Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council UliilTHi lovfa.
.1) . II. McDANELI ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tullew , Wool , 1'oltB , OicnonnJ Tun Council
lllulls lou'.i.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricity Oils G
B. Theodore , Aijoiit , Council llluirs. Iowa.
Wood Southern Lumber
Hard , , Piling ,
* nil Hrliliro Mnterliil SpeclaltiPs.Wholosfilo LUIII-
bur ot ill ) Kliuls. OlIIuo No. 130 illilrl St. ,
Council Hluirs.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
for fit. Oottlmiri'H Herb DlttPH. No. 1 ]
Miiln tit. Council Illults.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Ku WO Main St. , C\/uiicll Ulujfi.
Bpoclal ailvcitlscmciits , Mich us 1/ist , 1'otind ,
To Loan , Tor Snlo , To Hunt , Wiints , lloiinllnir ,
etc. , will IxiliiEoiteil In tills column at tlio low
retool TUN CUNTS I'lIU I.IN1S fortho llret inacr
lonunil FlMjCcntal'urMnoforcucheubseiiuuiH
Intention. Li'iuo advertisements nt our ofllce ,
No. 12 1'cnl btioct , llrouilway , Council
\\'ANTin : Men nnil tonms to woilt on tlio U , ,
\ > M , A , St. V. nillroncl at M 60 per cliiy for
teams mul f 1 M lor men , I'roo trunnporta-
lion. Apply at U. 1 * . Sakititublt'sor echlculor .V
Oil RAI.K Old impoiH. In quantities to suit ,
ut lleo olllco No. 1I'enil btrout.
B. BICE , M. D.
07 otuor tumira romovoj
the knlfo or Jrawlnar of blood.
Over thirty yoarV pri5tioil u
o.ll 1'oarl Stroat , Uoiuu-tl Itlu
il fli dllCT.
Justice of the Peace.
Ofllco Over American Kiproii Comuany.
IMnblMieU in 1877.
120,000 Vvliltlninninlly. . s % iul Tor ratnlnguc , Pi-lees , IVcl
Hales unit 'IVsliiuoiiliiN.
W ,
Ndck ti illilltu nnv Viml mi < M or mi\oi1 . . niul * ntl Cnctioii finarnntcnl. IVnnio houses moved
ODLittloUlfUt truokj-ilia boil in tint vtor. I.
803 Eighth Avon 13 mil Eislith Streak , Council Blufft.
fiu > re-tu-
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
To close tlic summer stock to the
est possible jioint. >
Arc ofTerinff bargains now every day.
Good Corsets for 50c worth 75c
Parasols for 75c and Upwards ,
Embroideries aod Patterns , very
Cheap. .
Only a few of those Summer
Silks Left ,
Lace Flouncings in Spanish and
Ciiintilly Laces ,
Clicnpcr Minn you ever sinv tlicin. Kino
assortment fur graduation dresses.
Humpies sent \vlicu requested.
Choice patterns , good ( junlity and
lowest iirlccs.
Special discount to dun-dies , socie
ties and clergymen.
Harlaiess Bros.
401 Broadway , Council Blutfs ,
, Glassware and ,
China Lamps
\V. H. Homer ft Co. .
No. 23 , Main St.Council , Blull's , la.
1 liovo n quantity of found , well cieiiticd eee-l
. .
lili.ti lolfernt rcnsoniiblu Ugimi. b'coJortlie
crop of 1SU. Ojircsjjouduiica io.iiti-J. ! > ' . U
Ui'LKU i. CO.
IJoalcrH In 3i Hch Cows.
* 1 At Our Sloc Ws
No.103 and 500 K. Broadway.Couneil BITs
Creston House ,
Tneonlj liotcl In Council Hluirs hn\Iiiff
. \nilnll inoilein lninoMIICIIIH. | .
S15 , 'JIT nnil Sill -Multi t.
1IAX JI01IN , Pro ] ) .
1'iactli-es In State anil Federal Courts.
_ lloouis 7 aiuljt , Sliucait Block.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
Oppo ilo 1)111111113 ) IH'jiol.
lloiscs nml Mules ] < oit | constantly on hand
forFiilcnt ictiill or incut lotuls.
Ordui-4 promdtly Illlod hy co itnict on short
Dotlco. .Stock Hold on commission.
HIII.UTIIU & ubltKY , 1'roprlotors.
TcU'pliono No. 114.
Foiuifily of KIIUiRAI.R SI'AIII'CB , corner
Stli a\o.and Uli sticot.
( Jlioke l > lH | > la > or Latest Fat
luriiN , All Ciir
Council Bluffs
A Select Slock ol' Choice
IVovellie * In.
Ex trail no
Grown and seleuDa from Jnntl :
Seed Ijy
J. R. McPherson ,
Grower and Dealer in
vi ; BTAitir ; PLANTS ,
AM > riiurrs ,
Council BIiilTri. Iowa.
Horses and Mules
For nil piirjiokos. bought mi'l ' soli ) , nt
n lots. LarBo ijuuutlttu * 10 tclrit