Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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    nvrrmviur X TT A T\ATT/V T > 17 < " .7 < TUVYXTT A "VT TTT\TI7' OQ tOQft
OMAHA Ornru. NO. n AM > 014 KAHXAM ST.
NKW YonicOrricK.HooM ( W.TmnoNu llcii.hiNCi
Omens. No. 513 FOVRTEF..VTII ST.
Published orory morning , rxc ptSnnilaj1. The
only Monday morning paper puLllsbou In tno
Pnr Vrnr . JJO.OOTlirro , Montln . $2.M
eix Months . S.COOno Month . 1.W
TiUiYVcEKt.rnr.rub1lilicd ! Bvisrjr Wednesdar.
Trusts , vosir.UDi
One Yrnr , with premium. . . . $ ! . " ?
One Vt-nr. without premium. . . . . . . . . 1.2 ;
fix Months without premium . j
One llontli , on trial . . . . .
connr.sroNnr.nCK !
Allcommtinlcntlons re-lntlnirto ntTrsnntlpdl-
tnrlnl mnttcrft should bo addressed to tlio Kin-
TOIl Of ' JICllEK ,
ntistriERS i.r.TTEns :
loiters find remlttnneni Miould ho
d to THE HKR 1'um.isiiiKn COMPANY ,
OMAHA. nrnfta , checks find i > o lolTloo outers
to bo nmdc pnynblo to the order of the company.
Bworn Statement of Circulation.
Stale ot Nebraska , I _ _
Cottntv of DoiiL'l.-is. { * Ht
N. JM'cll , cashiisr of the Ho
coinnniiVt does solemnly swe-ar tlmt tno ac-
tunl circulation of tlio D.illv Jlro for tlie !
wck cndliiR .linio IStlt , lfSO\v.i as follows :
Saturday , mil . 'M" !
Monelny.lUli . JHJ °
Tuesday. IMIi . ] H
WcdniwiW , 10th . % %
Tlitirsilny. nth . la ! ! > 0
Friday , Ifiilj. . . . . . . .13,100
Average. . . l'J.270
Subscribed nnd sworn to before me tills
lOtlidayof June , 18bO. SIMON J. Kisttun.
Kotnry I'nbllc.
N. P. Fell , bclnc first duly sworn , eieposo ?
nnd says that ho is cnshlcr of thu IJeo J'nb-
lislilnjr company , that tlio actual average
dally circulation of tlio Dally Hee for the
month of January , issc , was 10t7d , : copies ;
for February , lb 0 , 10j'J.j , ! copies ; for .March ,
VfcC , 11.KJ7 cojilos ; for April , 18bO , 12,11)1 )
, < > | > lcs ; lor May , ISbt ) , 12-iyu cojiles.
fl. J' . Fnir. .
flrvorn to nnd subscribed before me , this
IBlli day of June , A. J ) . 18SG.
Notary I'nbllc.
TIIIIKU will bo n great rush to the land
ofllcos , pending the repeal of tlio pre
emption iind timber culture laws.
TWELVE thousand bills have been intro
duced in congress this session. This al
most equals tlio record of the Jersey
mosquito tints.
towns are springing up in Ne
braska like mushrooms after a heavy dew.
But right there the comparison ends.
TJioro is no mushroom growth in the
splendid advance of our little villages
into sturdy towns and lively cities. They
coiuo fast , but they come to stay.
CONNECTICUT is greatly excited over
the prospects of the sponge raising in
dustry. If it fails let the Nutmeg state
apply to Omaha. She has several hun
dred tax shirking "sponges" on honest
tax payers which she will gladly spare
for the benefit of her eastern sister.
AN esteemed contemporary which has
been receiving Ta.mage's sermons "by
telegraph" at ? 3 a week , forty-eight hours
before they were delivered , has found its
mail enterprise ) objectionable to that di-
vii\o nuil will in fiittiro publish them on
Tuesdays. Mr. Talmngo is a fast man ,
but ho protested against such an expose
of his carefully prepared extempore ad
THE proprietors of the Millanl hotel
have taken up a passably good concrete
sidewalk on Douglas street and are re
placing it with a splendid slagolithio
walk. The proprietors of the Poxton
house still consider cloven feet of rotten
planks and four feet of mud bank good
enough for them. The people do like on-
tei prise , and appreciate the oilbrts of
the Mlllard hotel proprietors in that
JIM LAIIJD'S organ is very jubilant over
the purchase by a railroguo republican
lawyer of a Sntton paper which has for
years supported Van Wyck. This Hop is
not likely toloso Van AVyck many friends.
Buying out papers and turning them over
to the support of monopoly has been a
favorite pastime of the Nebraska railroad
bosses for years , but it generally proved
n profitless venture. You can convert a
chonp lawyer for a retainer of $25 or sfflO.
but lie can't convert whole communities
l y paid talk.
JUST after the war was over General
Grant was asked what his highest am
bition was politically. "I would like to
bo mayor of Galena , " said the general ,
"ttnel order n sidewalk built from the
despot to my house. " When General
Grant returned to Galena n few months
Liter the first thing tlmt methisgazo
upon stopping from the train was a mag
nificent arch across the street , with the
Inscription : "General , the sidewalk is
Imilt" General Improvement made
Ids triumphal entry into Omaha years
ngo , but ho has been looking in vain for
Much au Inscription in front of the Pnxton
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
EVEHV person who hus built a house
la. Omaha since the 1st of January of
the present year , or inado any improve-
inant in a building , storehouse or factory ,
willconfer a fnvur by reporting the cost
nnd locution to thu city building inspector
specter , either in person or by mail.
'There is no fee or expense connected
with tliis sorvico. All wo want is ti com
plete building record for the year. The
buildings erected since the inspector
opouuel his oillco will , of course , bo recorded -
corded as required by ordinance , lint the
record of this year will bo Incomplete
unless every house built since the 1st of
January is reported.
WF.B perfecting presses , capable of
turning out 500 pupors per minute , are
nil thp rage just now 3a Nebraska. In
our own city several impors that could
conveniently bo printed on a thousand-dol
lar country drum cylinder , are talking
wildly about twenty-thousand dollar ma
chines to accommodate their enormous
circulation. Ono of them has even gene
to far to surra notice that no more sub-
Bcriptlous will bo taken until Us light
ning prcsf/oslmvo / boon put in position. To of
trump tins card the .Lincoln Journal has
Kivon out that its proprietors are unublo
to moot the demand upon Us printing
machinery for want of n lightning press ,
vrhlcli will iu duo tirno astonish the
natives of the capital city. Wia shall not
bo at ull surprised to hoar in a day or of
I two that Jim I.alrd's daily and the Grand it
[ Island n\llroid : 2Y ) icsrefuse to receive his
nn.v more Mibsoriptlons until their double at
il Hvcr.v line web perfecting presses Imvu
not up and put lu motion ,
The Situation In Mnlnc.
Not because the course of politics In
Maine exerts a very widespread influence ,
nor because that state Is n vcrTimportant
factor in determining national results , do
the occurrence and the promise of politi
cal events there possess such significance
as to challenge general public interest ,
but chlolly because It is the personal bat
tles ground of Mr. Dlaine , and therefore
periodically a ijuielo to the political activ
ity of that gentleman , and in results a
measure , In a decree , of his Influence.
Air. Blaine is as usual credited with hav
ing a great deal to do with the action of
the recent republican convention nnd
liunco the progress of Maine politico is
being regarded with quito the usual
amount of interest. Predictions from
certain quarters of dissensions and of
combinations against the republican can
didates are suillclontly numerous , but
not in all cases unquestionably trust
worthy.'u rend that the republican
candidate for governor , Mr. Bodwcll , is
in danger of encountering a formidable
opposition from the Knights of Labor ,
notwithstanding the fact that hois a self-
made man who has always shown a
friendly disposition toward labor. It is
also said that a considerable part of the
soldier vote will be ngalnst him , al
though the soldiers have found in him a
consistent and faithful friend. The pro
hibition forces , it is further assumed , will
draw liberally from the republlciin ranks ,
being exceptionally well organized for
aggressive work. It would doubtless bo
qnito as well for the republican party of
Maine If the shadow of Mr. Ulaino's in
fluence in directing its action wcro less
prominent , or did not appear at nil , but
from this far away point of view thcro is
nothing apparent in tlio recent action of
the party that ought to condemn it to de
feat. The character of. its ticket is cer
tainly as good as that of the democrats ,
nnd it is not clear how the labor or tlio
soldier elements , said to bo disaffected ,
arc to gain anything by giving their sup
port to the democracy. Certainly , as to
the soldiers , the late course of the demo
crats iu congress cannot bo regarded as
Money and Homo Iltilc.
Money will How like water in the cam
paign which has just opened in Kngland.
The purses of the wealthy lory lords and
squires have been thrown wide open to
carry the election for Salisbury and
coercion. Titled nobodies , whoso only
claim on their party is their enormous
wealth , nro being placed in nomination
by the enemies of home rule , while in
some of the districts it is said to bo dilli-
cult to get Gladstonian candidates bo-
c.iuso of the moncy.power in tlio opposite
camp. The trouble with the homo
rulers is said to bo lack of money.
How much is thought to bo needed to
carry on the campaign may bo judged
from the fact that a half a million dollars
lars , subscribed by four liberals last week
for the use of Mr. Gladstone's candidates ,
is spoken of as a small sum compared
with the fund which the lories have gath
ered as sinews of war.
British members of parliament receive
no pay for their services This fact ex
cludes all but men of means from standing -
ing as candidates. All the elec
tion expenses , under the Eng
lish laws , must bo borne by
the contestants , including the cost
of registration , pay of election clerks ,
printing of tickets and canvassing of tlio
votes. It is a cheap election in England
where the successful member of parlia
ment gains his scat at a less cost than
$0,000 , oven where the contest is a tame
one. In several cases last fall the expenses -
penses ran up to $25,000 each.
The issue as made is money against
merit , and the honest voters of Great
Britain now largely leavened with dcm-
ocracy nro not likely to hesitate in the
choico. The great forces of society
may toll against homo rule at
the elections , but nn Indignant
public opinion rising from the humble
classes of English workingmen and me
chanics who owe their political enfran
chisement to William E. Gladstone can
turn the scale by an avalanche of votes
which will more than outweigh the tory
money bags nnd the millionaire and titled
nobodies which they represent.
The Imto David Davis.
The political prominence attained and
briefly onjoycd by the late David Davis ,
whoso death after u lingering illness oc
curred Saturday morning , was duo largely
to a comlmmtion of fortuitous circum
stances with Iho creation of which ho had
nothing to do , nnd which ho lacked the
political faculty to take the fullest nil-
vantugo of. Though unquestionably pos-
scsscd of the highest ambition that can
animate the American citizen , he was
conspicuously deficient iu those com
manding qualities of leadership which
attract a great following and hold men
in hearty and ( inn allegiance. Without
casting a doubt upon the general honesty
of his motives and his acts , his course
was nevertheless , so fur as its political
relations were concerned , of so tortuous
a character , and his tendencies were so
uncertain , that no parly could have with
safety committed Its policy and Interests
to his direction. l 'ow men in so brief a
public career wcro found so often sup
porting illfl'orent sides of questions of po
litical controversy , and while Ihis ap
parent independence gave him a claim
to public attention nnd won for
him alternately the commendation of one
or the other of the parties , It did not give
him tlio absolute confidence of miy , and
therefore wholly disqualified him for the
functions of a loader.
In consequence of thcso political pecu
liarities Mr , Davis became merely an in
strument which tlio parties sought to play
upon as their necessities seemed to re
quire , Indued , ho entered national poli
tics in this character. It is only neces
sary to recur to the facts connected with
the organization of the electoral com
mission to recall to memory the profound
Interest and anxiety with which both par
ties regarded the possibility of Judge
Davis , then an associate justice of tlio
supreme court , being a member of tite
commission , and from the point of view
Iho democrats it 'was an act of mas
terly shrewdness on the part of the re
publicans in transferring him at the vital
moment to the sanato. In the light of
hU subsequent course it is quito impossi
ble to determine what would have been of
the action of Judge Davis as a member
the electoral commission , but
is n matter .of history that
retirement from the supreme bench
that time was looked upon by leading
democrats generally as fatal to their
case , It would .bo au injustice to IMS it
memory to assume that had ho.boon a
member of that historic body lus action ,
would have been controlled by any other
than the slnccrcst convictions and the
purest motive * , and the belief in either
party which implied anything different
was without warrant or justification.
Judge Davis was unquestionably fond
of popular commendation nnd public
notoriety , and was at all times ready to
accept honors from almost any source.
His presidential aspirations wcro uncon
cealed , and it is not doubtful that their
recognition under any circumstances nnd
by any combination of men calling
themselves a party was pleasing to him.
This fact caused distrust , perhaps un
justly , though quite naturally , of the sin
cerity of his independent course re
specting political issues , and gradu
ally but surely weakened his influence
In public affairs. There is perhaps no
better example in our history than that
presented by the career of Judge Davis
of the impossibility of a man becoming
a great leader in American politics who
refuses allegiance to any party and dis
tributes his favor to all.
It may bo said , we think with entire
justice , that history will have little to
preserve In honor of Judge Davis beyond
Ills judicial career , In which lie fully jus
tified tlio wisdom of Lincoln In appoint
ing him to the supreme bench.
An Early Convention.
The republican state central commit
tee is about to convene in this city to
map out Iho campaign' for 13SU. it is
manifestly its duty to place thu party in
position for a bold , aggressive and decis
ive campaign. Thcro is no good reason
why the party In Nebraska , with its
25,000 majority , should not as.sumo the
ollensivo as early as thu party does in
Iowa , Kansas and other western repub
lican states. With her 800,000 popu
lation increased
enormously every
year by the swelling lido of
immigration a thorough canvass
should begin at least ninety days before
the election. In other words an early
convention is necessary to give ample
time for a state canvass.
In former years the committee has al
lowed only from four to six weeks be
tween nominations and the election.
Such a policy has often embarrassed
the party and frequently jeopardized the
success of tlio ticket. It is almost a fore
gone conclusion that Ilia ticket will bo
made up this year of men who can
stand the brunt of any polit
ical assault. Only such men are
fit to bo the candidates of the
party in the impending campaign.
Republicans from every section of the
state demand nn early convention and : i
thorough campaign. They want the
candidates to canvass the state and give
the people a chance to become acquainted
with and to canvass them. The commit
tee will do well to respect this sentiment ,
and respect our suggestion. Let us have
an early convention ; at any rate no later
than the middle of August.
IT is a little surprising that anyone lire-
tending to a moderate amount of intelli
gent discrimination should class Secre
tary ' ! Whitney as a politician , applying
that term in its best sense. Two years
ngo , Mr. Whitney was wholly unknown to
the country , and his local reputation was
only that of a second-rate lawyer. He
had never been admitted to the inside
circles of the Now York democracy , and
until the last presidential election was
not nn active force nor an estimated fac
tor in the party. But having money
and being the son-in-law of Henry
: B. r Payne , he possessed a value which
New , York democratic managers wcro
shrewd enough two years ago to utilize ,
yet it is not recorded that his usefulness
wont farther than his liberal contribu
tions ! of money to the campaign. It is not
questionable that his appointment to a
cabinet position was duo almost whollv
tiC the Payne influence , his brother-in-law ,
Colonel Oliver II. Payne , having very
shortly after the presidential election re
signed : his lucrative position as Ircusurer
of the Standard oil company and removed
moved to Now York for the well-under
stood purpose of securing au appoint
ment for Whitney either in tlio cabinet or
11r 11a a foreign court. His selection as sec
retary of the navy was n surprise to tiie
country . , and tlio doubt then generally
felt as to the wisdom of the president's
choice has not been greatly iliminishod
by the course ) of Mr , Whitney as the
head l ! of the navy department. Person
ally the secretary is a very respectable
citizen , but his record is yet to bo made
as a man of political ncumon nnd fore
sight , while his aristocratic habits and
tendencies do not mcrcasu las value as
an active politician. In this respect his
brother-in-law is much the abler man ,
and it Whitney
over hereafter figures as
a politician , depend upon it that the
wires will bo laid and their manipulation
dircctesd by Colonel Payne , who has fully
Identified himself with the democracy of
Now York.
SKNATOH MOUHILL , of Vermont , is a
faithful and conscientious public servant.
Until his recent illness ho had not in his
more than thirty years' ' service in con
gress been absent from his post of duty
for moro than two days , nnd it was a
source of excessive annoyance to liim
when his sickness compelled him to add
a third day to his record of absences.
Indeed ho Is said to care less about the
pains and privations incident to his sick
ness than for the necessity it imposes
upon him of keeping away from his
senatorial duties. Such examples of
solicitude and fidelity on ( lie part of pub
lic servants , and particularly of mem
bers of congress , are so exceptional as to
bo noteworthy , but it may bo observed
that Mr. Merrill is one of the few remain
ing products of the "old school" by which
those qualities wcro taught and properly
TIIIJ commissioners are still holding
back for a plan to construct a retaining
wall around the court house. Meantime ,
the unsightly mud-banks are permittee !
to stand What is to hinder the leveling c
down of thcso mountains of dirt and
improving the surroundings of the court
house 1
OMAHA will never bo a great grain
market until tiio elevator monopoly is a
broken up and ilouring mills are built to
purchase and consume at least a portion
our homo products.
Tin ; republican state central commit
tee will covetie in this city on Tuesday to
open the campaign in dead earnest.
THIS paper is a friend of railroads , but
wages unceasing war upon railro'gues.
Our Western Dona Ynrels.
Tlio passage throughtOinalia westward
bound of a party oi scientists from
Princeton college eJn route to the fossil
fields of Wyoming and Utah calls atten
tion to the fact that Nebraska , Wyoming ,
Kansas and Dakota have proved an in
exhaustible treasure ] box of information
to the scientific world. Within the past
fifteen years moro remains of fossil ani
mals , birds and reptiles have been dis
covered and classllicel In the section
named than in the entire glebe bo-
sides. The geological reports of the
government are fillcdVith the recorded
work of American scientific men who
have worked In the great western bone
yards. European authorities have given
them credit for adding more facts to the
knowledge of the extinct fauna of pre
historic days than all their predecessors
from C'uvier down to Owen.
The western bonoyards or fovil fields
contain the remains of thousands ot
species of fossils , most of which are
found in petrified forms In the clays
and shales of what wcro once
great lakes or marshes. Side by
side , with them are discovered immense
palms and ferns , showing that the counj
try was once under a tropical cliniato.
Glnnt tapirs , rhinoceroses , elephants , and
curious genera of animals whose outlines
and characteristics were unlike- any now
discovered , roamed over what is i.ow Ne
braska ami Wyoming , sank in the
marshes and wcro covered up by the
sandy oo/.o. Thousands of years ago the
upheaval of the centre of the American
continent drained the lakes and sloughs
and loft their beds exposed to wind and
storm. The result Is what are called the
! 'bad lands " In
, whoso buttes and canyons
yens lie the fossil remains of hundreds of
centuries ago.
The "bono bods" of Nebraska are
found in the
extreme northwestern cor
ner of the state in the "bad lands" of the
While river. Hero in 1877 , Professor
Marsh , of Yale , uncovered a wealth of
fossil remains which made him famous.
Scott , of Princeton , and other explorers
following in his tracks have made Ne
braska's contributions to science famous
throughout the world.
A Hlo\v at the Jobbers.
President Cleveland has made many
mistakes as a chief executive , but he
made no mistake when ho notified con
gress that ho should decline in future to
sign any bill without informing himself
thoroughly of its contents. He has also
given his word that congress need not
expect him to go to the capital in tlio
closing days of the session and approve
bills to expedite adjo.urnment.
This stand of the president will meet
with the approval of honest men every
where. It is a linn , mimly and square-
toed position in the interest of the public
anel against that o'f the jobbers and
lobbyists. It may dehiyadjounimcnt but
it will iudelinitcly .postpone . a score of
fragrant items tacked on appropriation
bills iu order to be rushed through at the
last minute amid the din and confusion
of the closing hours of the session. In
taking this attitude Mr. Cleveland is
not following the fashionbuthc / is setting
a valuable preecilon't for his successors.
He is doing more. His jiiotico will have
a prompt effect in p'utting ' a stop to ma
turing schemes to saddle questionable
riders on the general appropriation bills.
The assurance that bills must bo
passed in time to be sent to the White
House , examined , item by item by the
president , and returned approved to coni
cross , will force a careful pruning of
these measures in committee of confer
ence before their passage. The president
at one blow has demolished the last
stronghold of the lobby. Let us give him
credit for it.
THE eight-hour movement proved a
most damaging experiment to the build
ing industry of Chicago , where it found a
more general and active support from
workingmen than was given it in any
other city of the country. Two months
ago a great deal of building that was pro
jected had to bo abandoned in consequence
quence of the demands of labor , which
placed the cost largely above the figures
that the projectors were willing to pay.
The effect was to seriously cripple tlio
building industry and leave thousands of
laborers and workmen in idleness. Now
a re-action is taking place. The Tribune
of recent date states that "within the last
few days some of the bidders have re
duced their estimates of cost by as much
as 1C to 20 per cent , and offered to do the
work for that much less than the original
bids put in by them. They can do the
work required for ono-cighlli lo one-sixth
less than was thought possible before the
eight-hour demonstration of six weeks
ago. " This simply means that men who
two months ago demanded reduced
hours of labor without a corresponding
reduction in wages , arc now willing to
accept the minimum price for their la
bor , and this lee after weeks of idleness
during which many of thorn have piled
up a burden of debt for Iho necessaries
of life lhat will bear heavily upon them
for many months to conic. Wo some
time since noted the fact that the money
lenders of Chicago were feeding fat upon
the necessities of the workingmcn of lhat
cily who had been forced by Iho labor
difiicullics lo mortgage' lliclr chattels in
order to keep the wolf from Iho door ,
and it now seems not improbable that
the pressing wants of thpso men may
lead to a conflict of lapor against capital
tence , with the almost iininodiato consequence
quence of culling Iho Svaces of labor In
many Irndcs below afal ( | living sland-
ard. In any event there are thousands of
the workingmcn of Chicago who in all
respects are worse off Umn they were
two months ago , and there has bean no '
compensating gain to the 'general ' cause
of labor , , '
THE highest paid plllcej of Iho city is t
the chairman of tha , board of public ;
works. Ho now receives $2,850 per year , il
13-10 of which ho gets Hie-gaily , It strikes
us that the city is not getting value re
Now thai Postmaster Coutunt's salary
has been increased $100 a ! year , Mr ,
Gallagher will bo likely to push his claim
little more vigorously.
Tut : United States senate * has exon
erated the Standard Oil company for
buying Senator Payne a seat in the house
of lords.
'Colonel John Hay is said to be trying lo
dodge u congtrcslonal notnination.
An unusual number of stated aie to bo
provided with full prohibition tickets tlds
year ,
Ilcpubllcan politicians are trying to make
out that Xortli Carolina Is a doubtful state
this year.
Texas mohlbltionlsts threaten to raise a
breeze by taking a hand In the connicsslonnl
district contests.
It looks as though another fusion canvass
would be nindo by the democrats ami green-
backers in Michigan.
The temperance question keeps Insinuat
ing ' tUelf Into Georgia politics In spllo of all
efforts to keep It out.
The now Poormau registration law In
Ohio Is so strict that a large falling off In the
vote Is apprehended. .
Butler's candidacy In Massachusetts is stir
ring cvoty political circle In tlmt state from
center to circumference.
Congressman lioutcllo wnrns tiio M.ilno
rcpuullcans not to be too comidont , but keep
working right up to the day of election.
There aio POO colored voters lu llarrlsburg ,
P.I. , and they arc determined to hava some
thing at the handsof the republican party or
know the reason why.
The Philadelphia Kccord declares that the
Issue between the two parties In Pennsylva
nia Is a more scramble for power nnd repre
sents nothing weuth contending for In poll-
tics , government or legislation.
The Clmleston Xews and Courier thinks It
would bo ditllcult to Imnu'lno with \vlint keen
sallsfiu'tlon Messrs , llhlnc , Evarls and Sher
man have lead Iho pages of General Logan's
The Philadelphia Press predicts that the
next governor of Pennsylvania will come
I loin the Twentieth concessional distilct be
cause General Beaver , Governor Curtlii and
Senator Wallnco all live there.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat : It Isrcpnitod
thai St. John is going to run for congress In
Kansas. This Implies that thcro must be a
sin , plus In the democratic treasury ; for we
have the direct testimony of Senator Gorman
to the fact that "it costs like li-l" to have
that cntui'inlsing person run forolllcc in the
Interests of Ihe democratic party.
Not JIB It Should rto.
6'f. Louts ( Hobc-Dcmociul.
In St. Louis , ns In other largo cities , the
men who ought to go to congress won't go ,
and the men jyho want to tro ought not to bo
allowed to go.
Jlolnmu's Economy.
CVitaii/o Times.
Mr. llolmaii is carrying his economy racket
altogether too far. It begins to reveal a strlk-
ini j : economy us to the amount of brains put
into j Indiana statesmen ,
Sound Policy.
Kew York Tribune.
It Is sound policy to prohibit , as far as Is
possible1 , the sel/.ure and holding of land for
any speculative purpose , and to ie erve II for
nclual purposes.
Dlelii' Know Anything About
"Pa , who was Horace Greelcy ? " 'Tic was
an editor , Uertlo. " " 1'a , did bo used to wilto
the base hall reports' ? " "Xo , Jicrtle , I be-
Hove not. " "Humph 1 lie couldn't have
been much of an editor then. "
A Proiul Claim.
PMlndclpMa Itixunl.
The proudest claim made by Andrew Car
negie in his new book Is the fact that the
public credit ot the United States stands be
fore thatof Great Britain "and first in all
the world. "
"Iicnvo tlio AVIeloiv to Sic. "
A Blue grass statesmen a widower by the
way-said . blullly , "What do 1 think of Mrs.
Clovclauel ? Wall , now , maybe you remember
what some one says to somebody else In the
'Colleen Bawn , ' 'When you die leave your
money to Ihe poor , but leave your widow to
me. ' So say I to G rover. "
An Unwise Xhiag.
Tlie American.
The senate has done an unwise thing in
voting down Its proposal to hold Its executive
sessions with opeu doors. It Is true lhat the
proposal was not wisely managed , as It was
in the hands of Mr. Itlddlebergcr. But there
were sound reasons for the change on its own
merit.1 ; , which should have commended it to a
larger number of senators Umn Iho thrco
who voted for It. As it was , both parties
agreed to kill the proposal. How many sen
ators of this great majority can say that they
id ways have resneclod Iho rule they now vote
to maintain ?
Tlio ERRS Tlmt Never Hatch.
Merchant Traveler.
There's a vomit : man on Ihe corner ,
Killed with life , and strength , and hope
Looking far beyond the Present ,
With the whole woiM In his scope.
Ho Is grasplne at To-morrow ,
That phantom none can catch ;
To-diiy fslost. He's waiting
For the eggs that never hatcli.
Thore's an old man over yonder ,
With a worn and weary face ,
With searching , anxious features ,
And weak , uncertain pace.
Ilo Is living in the Future ,
With no desire to catch
The golden .Now. He's waiting
For the eggs that never hatch.
There's a world of men and women ,
With their life's work yet undone ,
Who are Hitting , standing , moving
Beneath Urn same great sun ;
Ever eager for the future ,
lint not content to snatch
The Present. They are waking
For tlio eggs that never hatch.
Nebraska Jottings.
The literary picnic begins at Urcto
July 1.
Orel is promised railroad connection bv
July 15.
Three snide circuses have perished this
season iuthls state.
Ono hundred thousand carp have been
planted in the Itlue river.
Holdrcge is to vote ou the question of
issuing $7,900 , in bonds to build a school.
A Ponca bricklayer wants to wager $
$100 that ho can lay 2,500 brick in tlireo
The Plattsmouth canning factory will
begin operations on the summer crop this
Two largo steiol cells are being put into
the county jail at Falls city , at a cost of y
The li. & M. is spending considerable to
money improving depots and yards in
On July 20 Fairbtiry voters will decide
the question of giving $10,000 , in aid of
the Hock Island extension.
The Nomaha tirangur and the South
Auburn Republican nave consolidated
and turned out a first class weekly.
Tom ( lordon , a grader in Cauglilln's
camp near Forest City , foil against the of
point of a plow and crushed one eye ,
A "night blooming corona , " the lirst of
the kind in the city , is blooming in tlio
conservatory of Ur. Abbott , in Fremont.
Grand Island will employ twenty-six
teachers next term , and chums to rank nil
next to Lincoln in schools und school
\ \ ith a canning tactory and machine
shoi ) assureel , and an oil mill and railroad
in prospective , Seward claims to bo "look
ing up. "
Two saloon-keepers in Covington have
been bound over to the district court for
irrigatimr Sioux City picnickers on the
Sabbath day. .
Central City precinct has voted $4,000 ing
to be used exclusively in improving the
roads leadltiR Into the town - a rcry sensi
ble-and prolltablo Investment.
The tramp nuisance continues worry-
me the men anel frightcnlnc the women
of Ulair , A fluent poultice61 solo leather
would prove n wonderful disinfectant.
Three attorneys anil two clients are
wrestling for a call in the courts of tJraf-
ton t , The animal is wortli ? lo. but the
litigants are rich in lighting qualities ami
the lawyers nro corrcspomiinsrly hungry.
tlI' The business men of Central City
promptly subscribed $19,090 , the full
amount of stock In the now hotel com
pany. Work on the building will begin
early next month.
' (5. W , Tombnugh , a wealthy farmer In
Gage county , was thrown on a pile of
rocks by a runaway team In Hlue Springs.
reci'Iving several bad cuts about the head
as well as internal injuriuR.
The twentieth annual fair of thoCass
County Agricultural se > elcty will bo hold
at riattsmouth , Si'ptombcr 21 to 21. A
large and varied assortment of prem
iums are hung up for stock , productsand
handiwork of all kinds.
O'Neill's court house pout Inues to attract
the attention of publle" oltleials of eco
nomical ti-niluncles. 1'or size , conve
nience and I'ost il is a model forjoung
and growing counties. The court room
will seat fiOO persons.
" Slippery Shane , " a Paplllmn
tough who wanted lo run the earth in
that suburb , and massacre thu natives if
they objected , slipped away unheralded
last week , having cashed a number ol
"promises to pay , " just previous.
A mad deig raided llattlo Crook , Madi
son county , last week ami bit two eows ,
a colt and a de > g before it was dispatched.
These animals wore on ( Joorgo Harmon' ! }
arm , and nil died. Mr. Harmon was , bit
ten by the colt just before its death , and
grave fears are felt of the consequences.
Dixon county now occupies the proud
portion of being the only county in the
Mate where the sale of liquor is not li
censed. No more saloons will deck the
, highways there , but thu byways will
blo.-som with bootless thistles and the
waving corkscrew.
, Nebraska City rejoices over reports ,
believed to bo well founded , that the B.
& M. will soon put ; i passenger train be
tween | that city and Columbus , which
will give the city the muiih-deslred sub
urban , ) service. This is the sweet subse
quently of a combined kick.
A singular and fatal accident oceurred
at Crete last week. A current of olec1-
tricjty struck the shafting of a well augur ,
setting lire to the clothes of a workman
namcel Collins and killing him instantly.
Collins leaves a wito and several small
Cozad , Plum Creek and fiothonbnrg
will have a triangular bout with the bird
of freedom on Iho irdHli ) nnd Cth.
Some doubt existed as to the proper day
to celebrate , so Iho residents wisely con
cluded to waive all ceremony and take in
thu three towns on three days so that none
should escape.
W. J. Post of
, Fillmore county , has n
valuable relic a piece of continental
paper money dated "Philadelphia , Fob.
17 , 1770. " It is Sx ! ) iuehesj in hi/.o and was
worth at that time two-thirds of a dollar.
It is signed by S. Campbell. There are
thirteen seals on the back representing
the thirteen original states , and the seal
on the face bears the significant motto ,
"Mind your own business. "
lie was a stranger in a strange land ,
journeying b.v wagon from the crowded
east toward the healthgiving breezes of
the Hoeky mountains. The partner of
liis joys and toils hoped to arrest the
fatal decline that tugged for her life anel
Hushed hur wan cheeks , but she started
too late. Death mot her half way , ami
she gave up the struggle on the borders
of Colorado. Ilo had searcely placed
his wife in a lonely prairie grave when
the baby was taken. Thus doubly bereft ,
he turned back and had rcacheel Indian-
ola when onu of hi.s horses sickened anel
died. The generous people of the town
came to his assistance , purehasod him a
horse and gent him on his lonely home
ward journey liberally supplied with
inner comforts.
Iowa Items.
Liquor spies infest Oltumwa.
According to the now directory Dubuque -
quo lias : i total population of ao.L'80.
A DCS Moines boy of fourteen plaj-ed
with a revolver and shot oft'his knccc'ap.
The Sioux City chamuer of commerce
company has increased its capital stock
from § 50,000 lo $100,000.
The mayor of Burlington has vetoed
the ordinance ) which was to have trans
ferred the waterworks of that city to east
ern capitalists.
There is not a saloon in Ringgold
county. The last gram ! jury sat only
two days , anel the county jail has not hail
au inmate for mouths.
Work on the gratiing contract of the
Wnverlv short line is completed within
sight of Wavcdy , anil the bridge over the
Shell Hock river will be finished this
wee Ic.
Charles Moves , a well-known Daven
port blacksmith , disappeared from his
home last week anil has not since been
heard of. Il is feared that ho has been
foully dealt with.
An Independence youth last week
threw a firecracker into a workshop. It
exploding among a pile of shavings sot
lire to the building , which was totally de
stroyed with a loss of ? 1,000.
A subscription fund is being raised at
Avoca to purchase a homo for the widow
and talhorloss children of William Fur-
re ) , who was lateli' murdered while in
the discharge of his duties as police olli-
A fellow by the name of Griffith , living
near the Barclay township line , Iowa
City , who hail descried his wife to live
with a prostitute , was presented with n
coat of tar , sand nnd fe.'Ulinr.s and given
two days to leave the county.
Thos , K. Kollcyono of the bright young
men of Davenport , la. , and a member of
the wholesale grocery linn of John F.
IColloy , of that place , is visiting this city ,
the guest of Mr. James DeMoouy.
Constable I-'dgorton Is looking for a
woman named Kmmn Doiighin , who left
Jolty Hoynolds' establishment on Nine <
tcenth street the other night with about
$150 worth of goods belonging to the lat
Catarrlial B auger
To lid freed from the annjrora of suifooiitlon
whltolyliiKdown ; to brontho t'rouly , flnopKoiuid-
n nd undlstriilied ; to rlso re fro a lied , lieuil
clour , bruin uetlvo nnd frcn from puln or uchu ;
know that no polsonou ? , putrid muttorde-
Illod thu breath mid rota uwuy the deilleuto ma
chinery of smell , lasto und hearing ; to luel that
tlio system cloo.ii not , through Its veins and nrt-
orlos. Buck up Iho poison lliut Is sure to under
mine iind destroy , Is Indued a Mossing- beyond
all other linnum enjoyments. To piiiolinsi ) tin-
innnltyliom such futo blmnld lie tlioobjeet of
ull mulcted , Hut tlioso who have tried ninny
remedies und .phydluluns despair of relief or
SANFOIID'S It.uuc.uCiriu : moots every phnso
Cntimnli , from u simple head cold lu tlio
mottloutligomu und ilosiructlvu blii''o . It U
local und constitutional , liiMiint In ivIlovliiK ,
permanent In uurlntr , eulo , economical und
B.INKOKK'H K.uiie.u. CmiK conMsIs of ono
bottle of the U.tiiiCAi. Ct'liK , ono box ol e.i.
TAIUIIUI..SOI.VINT : , nnd onolMi'iiovKiil.MUr.iai ,
wrapped In onu pai'kiuo with treatise una
directions , and sold by all dnifc'ulslw for tl.UU.
I'errmi DIHIU & CIIKUICAI. Co. , UosroN ,
that now , ortrlnul , elo ant , anil Infallible -
fallible Intlfttnmiitloii.UioCl'TICfli ' A
ANTM'AIN 1'J.ASTKU. No ncho or
puln , or or slniiu , .or cough
_ . _ or cold , or ir.ucoua weakness but
yields to Us speedy , ull-poivertul und never-tall-
, paiiHtllevIatlnir propaitled. Al drnxKU at
live for JI.W ; or of 1'orrai IJuuxj
is HI-COMMINI : : > KD nv
iiyslclniu , Ministers , Missionaries , MittiRRni
of I'nctotle * . Woik-sliops. riantntloiH ,
Nilrsos In Ilopitnls-in snort , every
body everywhere who tins
over given It n trlnl.
TAKKS mr.HXAt.t.r tr wit.t.nn rous-n \ snva
THROAT , &e.
IT is Tin : MOST r.rrr.cttVK AND nrsr LIMHC.VI
os tUHTit roa
Prices , 26c. , 60c. and $1,00 per Bottle ,
C55" Beware of Imitations. . . 3
National BanR
Paid up Capital $250,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1885 86.00&
II. W.YATH3 , President
A. E. TOUK.VI.IX , Vice President.
W. H. S. HUOUE3 , Unshior.
. . . . . , , , . unteuTOua :
W. V. Mown , JOHN S. COLLINS ,
11. W. YATIS , Luwis S. KKKD ,
A. E. TOU/.AM.V ,
Cor. 12th And Farnnin Strootg.
General Hankluir llaslunsj Trmu.ntol.
f\ \
Vlioso VITALITY It falling. Drain III ! U\iit : and
jxilAlISTr.lorroxT : rl1KKMA'iUIHi.V : { VAS'LV
fcl in y llnil n iwrfivt ml rpllnblc euro In the
Adoptwl lii All French l'hy loUni niicl Iflnar
No. ! 174. Pillion Street. N iv Yoik.
Legal Notice.
/ tEnuGKStNCIAIIlumlOllvo t' . Slnclnlr , till
VJT wife , noii-ruslilcnt ilufotNlniits , will tnXu
notion time on tins 1st day of .III no , 1HHO , Milton
Hoiiilrlx , plaintiff , lioruln , Illuil Ills putlllou 111
the District Court of Douirltis county , N'obrn.f
ln , nwilnet suld ilufomliuitp , tlio otijoct unit
] > iayur of which nro to cainpul tlio ppoclilu per.
rormnnco ot n wrlllnn contract to convuj-
cnUl pliilntllt ny iiilt-cliilin | tlfuil tlio following
lots In the town of Klnronoit in snld county , tv (
wit : Lot 8 , block fl ; lot 'i. Mock 23 ; lot 2 , lilock
i'O ; lot 8 , block B7. the consMurntlon for wlilqft
IIIH boon fully paid by snld plnlntlll to snld do-
tcmlmit * .
You nro required to nnswor snla petition oa
or before the 1-tli < l r of July , 1380.
latocl ) Oinalm..hmo 1st , ISHO.
MI I/TON HKN'DIIIX , Plaintiff.
noys mo-U-U-lO-l
Notice to Co n true tors.
SRAL1JD proposals for the builillnirof n court
honso and jull In Snndii'ioo , Crook oounty ,
Wyoming Territory , nnd for furnlslilntf the ran-
toHnl for thu construction of tlio uniiio will bo
rocolroil by the oommlfMonurs of Mild county
up to 1o clock noon ou Tui > ilii } % July Dili , A.
I ) , ISSii , nt which thno thu proposals will bo
opened In public.
I'lnns nnd spi'oillcntloiis for pnlil building mny
bo soon nt the ollloo of the county clerk on auj
altar Mny 20th , 1WH.
llhlsinust bo noaoinpanlod bv cortlllud check
for < r > ' ' 0 , or an uppiovod bond for lllio amount ,
nsiiKUiirnntcool Koodtnlth.
Tiio county ciiiiiinlstionurs reserve the right
to reject iniy or nil bid ? .
Illds must bo directed to John 8. Hnrpcr ,
County ClerK , Sundniico , VVyon.lntr , mid en
dorsed " 1'ropostils for lluilaing Court Uouso
By order of the Board of County CommlssInoM.
JOHNS. IIAltPlilt , County Clork.
Sundnnco Wvo. May lath , 1880 ,
SCHOOI , DISTINCT NO. 2. Cliiy county , Nob. ,
will receive open bids July U , liWt , nt 4 p.
ni. , nt the o nice of the District Treasurer , for
thomilo of f 10,1)00 ) of IU hands lu denominations
of $000 cnch. llonds run 15 yours with option
nfter II vo years. InturoPt 0 per cent , puyablo
soml-iinnunlly. Tlio right Is rosnrvod to reject
and all bid ) . JOS. QUICK , Director.
isos 2r1i-sisrfv
Practice limited to Diseases of tlio
Glasses flttcil for nil forms of defective
Vision. Artificial Eyes Inserted ,
017 St. ClmrloxNt. , Ht. r.ouls.Mo.
A regular | rUe U of two Ifidleil CollrtM , bil been Infer
encaged la iheitiMUl treatment of CifiuKlo , Nmrou * . Bvl *
aDd IlLOOU Dili * " ! tllftDftDT OUlCf IMlT lcl JI | Q 81. IjODlj
tf cllj ptpcrdsbov and ill old rmlJrnti KOOW.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental ana
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Afloc-
ttons ot Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
Old Sores and Ulcers , art trcittd with uuinr > llol l
ueeru , on lauatieltatlao prlnelptei.SiiMir , Prlvatnlf.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Eicess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vhitb prelim > omt of u > *
fuHuwloC efTcel * 1 uerrouiocii , debllUjr , dlmneu of alibi
aoddcfiellvgrntaiorr , plmplaiou tlia f c , tbyileal ocoaj ,
areriloQlotti * iBcloi/or ftmalei , tooruilos or Jdttt , eto. ,
rendering Marriage Improper or unhappy , u *
rarmtufotly cured. l' ropblet(9fl i > get ) on tb boy , fltol
Inicatod tDieloptf , frecloiujraddreu. ConiulutloaaloC.
Cetor tif mail frei , Imlted atidttt Icily ccuQdc&tla ! .
A Positive Written Guarantee siren la .rirrc * .
rablotiii. t ! 4clu ! < j enU > irr l. rel'ia llorei're | .
300 FADES , yiTTE PLATES , eleltnt oloeb and lilt
Lln.llnlt , itakd for 5Oo. Inrioitiloor currency , liter Imr
on Jcrful | , a i'lttur i , true lo llf | rtlcl < ou the rollolBf
putiWtir ulio nur merrywlionot , why ) pitobood , woman *
Lood , I li/ikal decacffrcli of etIIUir and necii , Itic | > bra.
Joloir of reproduction , apdltiany lucre. Tboie married or
touumplatfuj roarrlace abould r id Ik l"i > rlar .JltlOn
lame , J'aper cor r,20o. ddreuiiibo { > . WllMir , *
Do you want n pure , bloom
ing Coinjiloxiouf If RO , a
low implications oi' Jfayan's
ify yon to your heart's con- (
ont. It docs away with Sal-
- -
! lt
I1IIJIU1 1ULIIKII.T 111 11IU nillll. * !
overcomes the ilHshoilaj.penr-
nnco of heat , fatigue and ex
citement. It makes a lady of
THIUTY appear hut TWfcN-
TY ; and so natural , gradual ,
and perfect are its o.
tlmt it is impossible to detect
its application.
- -