Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE QMATTA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JUNE 28 , 188(5. (
lower ; western stcntn sptf ,
J 0tter-Oulet { western. 1 <
fihc c PlrraCT Anil rtulet.
Kgus Finn nud In fair demand ; western
Juno CO Wheat Weak ; , ? Jc : August , 74Jfc ; September , 7Cc.
Corn Firm ; No.'J , JMJfe.
Oats Steady ; No. 1 , 20 ic.
Uyo Flirn ; No. l.C c.
liarley-Stcndy ; No. 2,4Sc. '
I'roOslftnf Higher ; mess pork , cash nnd
July , $9.65 ; AtujiHt , $9.02)4. )
Toledo , Juno 20. Wheat Steady ;
Corn ftnlct ; cash , SC' c.
Outs Neglected.
Glnolnnntl , Juno 20. Wheat -Quiet ;
No. u red. TWjsOc.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , mixed. fO'fc.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 , mixed , ' "JXdJSOc.
Ryo-Stendy ; No. 2 , Me.
J'ork Dull nt S0.50.
Lard-Quiet at 80.00.
Whisky-Steady nt 81.10.
, , -
ISO. 2 northern , cash and JulyC'ic.
Flour Qutet ; patents , SViX'U.M ; bakers ,
HrrclphVlioat , 05,000 bit : flour. 125 bbls.
ShipmentsVlieat , 18COJbu ; Hour , 23,400
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lavis HTOCIC.
Clilcnso , Juno 20. The Drover's Journal
rcjiortsas follows :
Caltle Hecelpts , 600 ; nomlnallr steady :
Bliinplng steers. S3.7fKn5.10 ; Btockers nnd
feederH , 8U.60cJMO > : co\vs. bulls and mixed ,
$ y.oo@i.tK : ) ; bulk , 82.1&Q&J.25 ; through Texas
Sheep Ilecelpts. COO ; steady ; natives , S2.25
fTM.'i'i ; Te.xans , S2.00(3i.0j ( : lambs , per he.ul
Knnnna City , Juno CO. Cattle Itecclpts ,
ltoo ! ; shipments , none ; steady nnd iiilet | ;
peed to choice shipping , S4.fiO@l.b."i ; common
to medium , S1.75@-iO ! ( ; stockers and feedcis ,
-.7n@4..0 ; cows , 8-.UO' < i.2.r ; ! .
JIocs-Kccelpts , 10,000 ; shipments , 20,000 ;
choice heavy , 6c higher ; peed to choice ,
? 4.80m4.rx ) ; common to medium , si.7.' : '
Ht. lioiilH , Juno 20. Cattle Itecelpts ,
28) ; RhipmcntH , nonu ; good to cholco
plilpnliiK , S4.bO@fl.VO ; common to fair ,
54.oo@ I.M ; butchers' steers. S3.W4.2.'i ) ;
cows and heilcis , 52.25nt3.0.5 ; Texnus ,
82. . ' 0(34.50. (
Hogs Hecclpts , W.OTO ; flhlpinents , none ;
active nnd 6c higher ; good to cholco heavy
and medium , 81.0001.05 ; mlxud , 84.10a4.15 ( ;
light , S4.10@-i.3- .
Saturday Evening , June 20.
Cattle Values remain about thosamn while
the market continues dull and lifeless.
Butchers' stock is low sale , especially old ,
thin COWH.
Hogs The hog market was higher aealn
to-day , nnd active for the close oftho vruek.
Thcrh WHH a gi d demand for cholco heavy
nnd mixed packers at the advance , and the
pens were soon cleared.
Sheep Thisro IH nothing doing In the mar
ket nnd there Is little or no demand.
Cattle 200
ilogs ' -'COO
1'rcvftllliiK Prices ,
Showlnc the iirovnlllng prices paid for llvo
utock on tula market :
Cliolco btecrs , 1350 to 1500 Ibs C l.00@-l.70
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs J..KrtM.t.O .
Medium stt-eis , 1250 to 1300 Ibs 4.25 ( < r > 4.5'J
Fnt little btecrs. 1050 to 1150 Ibs . . . 4.00 < > 4.:5 : :
Good icedcrs , JXX ) to 1000 Ibs : i.50 ( : i.75
Good to choice cows nnd heifers. . . 3.00013.25
Fnlr to medium cows und hellers. . 2.5U@.UO : )
CiooU to cholco bulls 2.Kt3.i ( ) < )
Medium bulls 2.2.r > fo-.50
Cbolco Unlit and medium bogs 4.00a-l.0- (
Good to choice heavy hogs 4.05ruM.lO
Ciood lo choice mixed hefts 4.00l.5 ( ( !
Fair to good shorn sheep. . 2.75 < f < 3.50
Kcprescntntlvo Sales.
Ttnniro or l rlccs.
Showlnir the highest nnd lowest prices paid
for mixed loads of bois on this nmkct dur-
InR the past e\on days , with comparative
values :
May Juno.
Saturday , 10th. . . 3.7.1 &i3.bO 3.7U ( ( Jll.75
Monday. 21bt. . . . .67Hwt.70 : a.75
Tuc ilav,2.11,1. . . 3.05 ( K'1.73 3.70
WedncMliiv. 2.d ! 3.00 . .
Thursday , 2Uli. . . @ 3.70 3.87 } @ 4.oo
J-'lldav , 2)th. . . ' ! J.(15 ( @J.72) ) < f 3.05 ( " 4.07 }
8atuulny,20tii. . .rj5 rnn.cs 4.00 (
I.lvo Stock SnlcH.
ShowIUR the number ot cattle , hogs nnd
sliecii pin chafed on the market to-day by the
lead ! UK bin eis.
c VTTI.T : .
G. Il.IlnmiuoiiUV : Co
0. M. Cnilulon B07
Hammond 441
Lobman & Itotlichlld 40.
Tremnln te Tiemiiln 525
Cinnlia Paeklnc Co b'J
Shipment * * .
Kliowlni ; the numbci of cattle , hogs and
Rv. sliL-cp blilpjii'd duilnc the past t\\ciuv-l'oiu1
No. Itt. cst.
23 It. I Clileaio
7 .Mil. . "
All sales of stock in tins market nro made
per cut. llvo weluht unless othmwlHO stated.
Ill-nil hoes soil at KC per Ib tor all \ \ .
"Skliih , " or lie s welchlun less than 100 Iba
no value. I'legnantsowaaio docked 40 Ibs
nnd sings 80 Ibs ,
Jlos pens cleared.
llo. iimrKet higher ,
lluteher's htock Nlow ,
Over 5,009 IIOKS clmnged haiitls today.
] ' , Mc.MulIeu , Lijon.s , sola a loadot 01 lioge.
K. ( < . Klmmliis , Icn\er , Boldalondof hous.
IjUta iViGicoii , Craig , marketed a load of
tichoflcld it Taylor , Waverly , marketed two
loads of hojs.
J , M. AlJtidinm , Valley , hud 10 head of cat
tle on the maiket ,
The l.obmiui Jt Itdtlichlldliozsavcratcd O'J
Ibs ami cost S4 0f \ ,
1C. W. lilack , Plattsmouth , had three loads
of hogs on the market.
'It. C. Jones , Atkinson , came In to-ilay and
iiiaikcted a load of hogs.
P..A. llairett , Weeping Water , sold a load
of IIOK.J on to-day's maiket.
A. Jenkins , Manlor. was at the yards aud
marketed a load of 84 IIOK&
li. Andersen & Co. , Mead , sold two loads
of IIOK& on to-day's market ,
C. Kcdlon , North l.oun. was hero to-day and
disposed of two loads of hogs.
Chas , Itudat , Not folk. 011110 In with a load
of hogs which weio sold on the nmikct.
Frank Sandoni sold 03 head of corn fed
tcer. on the uiaikot at a very batbfactoiy
0. K. Watch , Papllllon ; P.M. Jeffrey , Oa-
ceola ; N. Cllnioro fcSou , David City ; Cjark ,
He.iton & Co. , Weston : Fuller & I'aton , Ful-
Icrton ; lf. Kroiif. fchuylor , end Morse , Ho-
KCIS A. Co , , North Hand , sold hogs to-day ,
' 1 ho question as to who will run the now
exchange hotel has at last been settled. Tlio
Stock VardsCo. will furnish up the building
nnd employ a man to manage the hotel. The
bar privileges have been leased to Duncan &
I Among others selling bos on todays mar *
v ' m the following. John Qiilun , Wood
V , Mov , .SlherOrecK ; J. 0. Hall , Uib-
1 " v M. UametonE. ; JUtes. Lln-
' i , Dorchester , and I '
Goncrnl Marketflt
Saturday Evenlne June * X
The CKK market has taken n cry
sudden jump npwnnl and Is far nt the ad
vance. The largo falling oil in the receipts
has caused a temporary scarcity , and commis
sion dealers arc nnnblo to supply the require
ments of the retail trade. Stocks which had
been accumulated to some extent last \\eok
lm\e been onthely closed out , I > CK , li$10e. (
Ht'TTKi : The iccclpts have not been miitc
as liberal the past week , but the quality la
very poor. Asa I'cneial thing the receipts
are very heavy nt this time , nnd the quality
of the witter better. Hlsveiy veer jiollcy
for shippers to pack butter In boxes miring
warm weather , ns no ictall dc.iltMwill buy
Mock that comes In that shape , and thu com-
inlsolon men are foiccil to sell It for almost
nothing. The demand Is so light nnd the
Kcnoral quality of the butter so poor that only
a small piopoitlon of the iiveints will bring
lop pilces. Choice fresh grass butter , "wlOcj
Interior , S Oc.
CIIKKSK The market Is very weak nnd de-
dining. I'nnev full cream eheddnrs
new make , Kj cj lints. lOc ; > ouug
Americas , lO c ; lirst nunlltv. Swiss cheese
15c ; second ttiality | , lu 'U c. l.lmburger ,
llMISc : skim Hats. Ce : brick checH12c. .
Pot I. ritv The market Is in n little better
condition than last week and cholco stock Is
bringing better prices. Clinic * loign spring
rhlckcns nru selling icndllvat good in Ices.
Small sUrs atoslow v.ili1 and the trnilodoes
not wnntthem ntnny prue. Old fowls do
not sell nsrendlly IH sjiring chickens , but are
ijimlnblo n little 'higher tlmn last week. The
lolloping iiuntntlons rcpicsent the nvctiiuo
hale , Imt fanrv stock might bring u little bet
ter prices. Old low Is , pvr do/ , Si.fiOiW.T.'i ;
spilug chickens , as to sle , pel dor , i',00
Tins' I'r.r.T. TniPK , KTO I'igs' teet , per } <
bnl , S4.00 : do , bbl. fc2.00 ; do. nor kll.VKJc.
hambs' tongues , pet V bbl , 53.25 ; do , per
kit , S2.50 ; do , quart jars per doS5.21 ; do.
jilnt Jars per caM1 , 2 doSO. . 73. 'J'rlpe , per yt
bbl 54.00 ; do pur 'fbbl ' , 32.00 ; do , per kit
Fins .VXD lUins Klg , layer , i Ib boxes ,
per lit , inc. U.iles , lancy laid , IJ Ib boxes ,
He ; dates. Poislati , 50 Ib boxes , per Ib , inc.
Mtns Pecans , large polMieil , lie ; pecans ,
medium , flc ; Kngllsh walnut * , He ; iilmonds
Tarragona , 2 < ) c ; nlmnnds , l.nniruedoc , ITc ;
Jltn/.lls , l'-V ; lilbjits , He ; peanuts , hanil
picked , taney Vngliiln , 8 < 9c ; peanuts , hand
lilckod. choice Virginia , 7j c ; peanuts ,
toasted , 2cc\tia pet Ib.
Covm lIo.NUY Callloinla , 15c ; Californln ,
stinlneil. lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 14i$15ee ( ; -
brnskn , dark , 12V@ic. : !
MAI'I.I : bt'OAit Itilcks , per Ib , 12 , ' c ;
penny cakes , pci Ib , 15c.
MAiM.KSviifi1 Hulk , 1.1 to 17 gnllrin kegs ,
pui gal , 81.00 ; gal cans , per gal , fcl.Oj ; half
gal cans , pei gal , SI. 10.
CIDEU .Vuw "i oik , per bbl , 57.00 ; do , half
bbl , SI.UO ; Crab , nerdoz qts , 52.75 ; Michigan
rennetl. per bbl. , 80.00.
VINEOAU W.'ilto wine 13 ( < 317c : cider , 43
( < 617c ; single strcnuth , 12c ; triple sticngth ,
1'itovistoNs Ham. lie ; oreakfast ba
con 8Kc : clear sldo bacon , 7c ; rv salt
sides , OJi'c ; shott rib sides. O' c ; shouldcr.s.
5c > $ ; mess pork. S12.50 per bbl : di led beef-
ham pieces , iiXc : ; lard , tleices , S feOc ; 50 Ib
cans , 0) ) c ; 10 Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) OJ < e : 5
Ibcans , do , CJj'c3 ; Ib cans , do. , 7'&c ; bone
less ham. tic.
ISmtiiiKs A full nssoittnent of bctiics has
been on the market for the past few d.ijs the
average quality ot which ranged good. JJed
and black raspberries , as well as blackbeiiies ,
aie In good supplv nnd ai rive In butter condi
tion tlmn In pic\lous jeais. Stiawberries
from Michigan nio choice and meet with
ready sale. IJluebenles are expected to ai-
rive.shoitly. Knspbei lies. black , pei 2 bushel
tanl ! , S8.0J ; raspben ies , black , ner 10-18 quart
diawer , S2,005i2.23 ; lasiibenles , black , per 24
quail ease , S3.50gi.7ri ( : : raspberries , led , per
84 quai tease , 83.50 4.00 ; raspbun Irs , led , per
2 1 pi lit ca S.75Ti.X ! ( ) ; blackbeiiies , per 24
quatt case , si.cor : < eioo ; strabeirlcs , jier 10
, quart case. fcl.75@'i23 : bluebell ies , per 1
bushel stands , . 6.lH.@r.OO ; ctiintnts , per 24
quart case , S1.75il2.40. (
Oii..ViiStocks : arc veiy much rcduccli
aud the season Is aboul over. There Is notd
Ing left on the maiket except hoi Angeles-
and the supply Is not laigo. JjOi Angeles
S > 4.)0a4.50. ( ) ( !
CAI.IKOKNIFucirs Receipts nip more
liberal and inside ouleis can bo tilled 711010
readily and with better stock. Apiicots , per
ciate , 4 baskets , S1..10 ; apricots , 5 crate lots ,
per crate , 51.25 ; peaches , per box , 82.25 ;
peaches , i > box lots , per box , $3.00 ; plums ,
per crate of 4 baskets , 82.75 ; plums , 5 crate
lots , per rinto , 5:2.50. :
LK.MO.VS Lemons nro advancing steadily ;
the supply is shoit and with hot weather be-
foious wo may heo extremely high liguicsjet
very high iniccs seldom pievnli beloru July
4th , but oflener coinu just after the 4th.
Fancy , pet box. 88.50 ; 5 box lots , S7.75.
JJAXANAS liauanas nro very good and
very cheap now. Unminas , per bunch , as to
CoroANi'is 100 , S5.00 ; less
than hundred , per 100. fc.3.50. .
WArniiMKi.oxs , Thu lirhtcarof the sea
son has just arrived ; they aiu of a eholco
qunlitv. Wntcrmelons , per 100 , Sir : > oo@40.00.
tnii.N' : : hnr c lots of green np-
iilcs aiucomliig In4 \ busliel boxes bj express ,
The Hist carload of green apples in bairels
will bo lioic about July 1. JJiuIng tlioearly
pai t of the season thu maiket fluctuates ma-
teilally and quotations therefoio aiu uniella-
ble , Apiiles , red June , per % bushel box ,
Sl.00@l.25 ; green , per } & bushel box ,
Si. oo.
Ciiiiuuir.s Jtecelpts have been light of late
and demand\cry bilsk. Welooktor llbcial
suppllcsduiiugtlin next live or ten days.
Cheirlcs , per 2 bushel stands , 87.00@8.00 ;
per 10 ( mart drawer , S1.7. ' > @ 2.00.
OII > POTAIOISJ : Old potatoes arc practi
cally out of the market , only a veiy few are
belut ; bold aud new potatoes have taken their
Oxio.xs California , per Ib , S'-fc ; southein ,
nor barrel , 84,00 ; southern , per bushel box ,
Niw : POTATOHS Cllfornla , per Ib , 2 'c ;
southern , per barrel , S3.00@'i.2j ; homo gi own ,
per b.urel , 8J.15@'l.OO.
OAitnAfii : Choice home giown , per crate ,
Vixir.rAw.i'.s Tomatoes , per K bushel
box , Sl.25Cjl.40 ; wax beansper } < bushel box ,
OOc : btilug bj.ius per K bushel box , me ; en
cumbers , per do/en , 00@75c ; c.irrots. per do/ ,
bunches. 25@ toe ; beets , per do/ , bunches , 20(3) ( )
25. ; celery , Kalaimuoo , pur doz. bunches , 40
C < 30c.
ilKANS Infcilor stocks , 75c@1.00 ; coed
clean countrv. 31.2.X < < ! 1.60 : medium hund-
nlcked , Sl.S06il.40 ; hand-picked nnvjS1.40@
Fi.ouii AND MiLLSTUKKs Winter wheat
Hour , best quality patent , 33.00 ; second
quality , 82.50,75 : best quality spring
wheat ilour , uatent , 82,50 < ffi2.GO ; liran , 50c
per cwt ; chopped feed , 05o per cwt : white
corn meal , lHu ) ; yellow corn meal , Kte per
cwt ; screening , We per cwt ; hominy , Si.50
percwt : bhoits , 55c per cwt ; graham , Sl.7a ;
liav. In bales. Stf.OO per ton.
CHAIN Coin , Ulo : rye. 40@45e ; oats , 20 ®
27e ; wheat , No. 2 , C0d5c.
Woor , Medium , Co per Ib ; fine heavy ,
lOOtUu : Unlit , 12 ( l5c ; coaise , 12Hc ( ! ; buiry
HIDIS : Green butchers' , 0 } e : Kieen cmed ,
7Jfo ; dri Hint , U0 < 13c ; drv salt , ii/rcioo / ; dam
aged hliles , two-thirds pilco : tallow , 3@3..jc ) ;
grease.pilmu whlln , : te ; > i'llo\v , 2ebiowii ; ,
1 4eBhecp ; pelts , 25@r5c.
i I'llmo slaughter solo leather.
08L a.'ie : pnmu oaic suit ) leather. srxgS'Jc.
bpper leather , per loot , 20'a5c ; hem.
kip , 7VSb5c ; oak kip , b5@95o : Viench kip ,
Sl.00 1.25 ; hem. calf. S1.1WM1.10 ; oak calf ,
81.ooai.25 ; French calf , 8l.a51.85 ; Morocco
boot leg , 30.5io : Moiocco oil pebble , 2xy33c * ;
toppluifsandllninus , SO.OOIO.OU ( per do. .
llUAW llAiiowAiii : Iron , intes , ! ! . _ . > ;
plow bteelspecial cast , 4u ; ciuclblu steel , G3c ;
eabt tools do , 12C < $18o ; wagon spokes , perbet ,
S1.75 .i.OO ; 'hubs , per bct , 81.S5 ; lelloes ,
w\weu dry , 81.40 ; tongues , each , 75c : axles ,
each , 75o ; square nuts , par II ) , 7nc ; cell
chain , per lo , C@12e ; malleable , 0 < < 8c ; Iron
wcdgca , Oc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
spring bteel , 7@Sc : liurden's hoibeshocs.
& 4.40 ; liurden's nuilo shoes , 5.40. Barbed
wlro , In cur lots , 51.00 ucr 100 tlbs. Iron
NalU , rates , 10 to CO , 82.50 ; bteel nails , 82.05.
Shot 81.50 ; buckehot , Sl.W ; oiieutnl
powder , kegs , S3.504.00 ( ; do. half kegu ,
$3,00 ; do , quarter kegs , Sl.M ; blasting , kegs ,
83.35 ; fuse , per 100 feet. 50c. Lead Unr ,
PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha. P. P. ,
7Kc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. S7.bO ; Mar-
bellies uicon , 1 to 5 Ib cans , -Oc ; French zlno
Kieen seal , IJo ; Fieneh zinc , red seal , llu ;
French zinc. In varnish ussi , 20o ; Fieneh
2lnc,75c ; vermllllon , American , Ibc ; Iiullan
ochre , ! touch , 'ija ; orhre , American. 2c ;
Winter's inlnerol , 2 > Jo ; Lehigh brown , 2 > fc ;
SjianUh bixiwn , 2Ko ; Prince's mineral. He.
BUiiY PAiJCTbliUe lead , 8 < \ ; French zinc ,
I2o ; 1'arla wlutlnjr , 2i < c : whUlnir , gilders ,
IJchltiiiK : , com'I , IHC ; lampblack , Ger-
inuiitown. l o ; lampblack , oruiuary , So ;
1'russlan blue. & 5c ; ultramarine , Ibc ; vandyke -
dyke , brown , Kc ; timber , buuit , 4c ; uujber ,
raw , 4csienna ; , burnt. < c ; Mcnua , raw , 4ti ;
Pans greun , uenuine , 25Q : P , ds tiecn , com-
uiOJi , ' c ; diruuiegiccn , N. Y. , uc ; ctiromo
prrccn , K. , 12o ; vcrinllllqn , ngllsh , m oil ,
70c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lo. cans. 13e ;
rnwnnd burnl elenna , l-'c ; Vandyke , brown.
I3c ; rellnc < l lampblack , 12e ; cOacli blnok and
Ivory black , lOc ; diqn black , lfaPni'slan \
blue. 40c ; ultraniarlne blue , 16c : chrome
ereen , L. , M. & D. , IGc ; blind and shutter
green , L. , M. A D. . ICc ; Paris crcen. 18e ;
Indian red , 15c : Venetian red , w ; Tuscan
22c : American vermllllon , L. iV 1)'Oe ;
y el low ochre , l c ; L. M. & 0. D. , 1S- ; good
ochre , ICc ; patent dryer , Sc ; giainlng color ,
llpliloak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut nnd
ash. 12c.
Diitos AMI Cin.vurvLS Aeld , catbollc ,
! Kc ; ncld , taitnrle. Me ; balsam copaiba , per
Ib. 4"e ; bark , sassafras , pei Ib. lOc ; calomel ,
tier Ib , T2criilnclionldm ; , pero7 , lOc ; chlmo-
tin in , per Ib , ftOe ; Dover's powders , net Ib ,
fcl,25epsom ; alts pei Ib , S'.c ' : gleprlne.
pure , pet Ib , lc ; load , acetate , per Ib , 20c ;
oil , pastor , Vo. 1 , per mil. . S1.M ) ; oil , castor
No. 3 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil , oll\e. per gal. ,
81.40 ; oil , orlununum , .We ; opium , 83.40 ;
quinine. P. it W. nnd H. AS. pero ; , Mc ) ;
potassium Iodine , pel Ib , S'l.OO , saltcln , per
or. , 40c ; sulphate motphlnc , perez , & 2.00 ; sul
phur. perlb4c ; stijchnlue , per 07 , M.-'B.
VAIIVISIIS ) HmreN , per gallon ; Furni
ture , oxlra. 81.10 ; liiinltuie. No. 1 , SI.OO ;
coach , extra , ) ; coach. No. 1 , ? l.-'i ) ; la- )
niar , extra , SI. 71 ; .inpaii , 70c ; asphaltum ,
extra , ' 6bc ; Bhellac , 8A50 ; haul oil linlsli.
* .Si-iiilTS Coloznc splrltc , 188 proof , 81.13 ;
dolOl pioof , S1.13 : splilN , second inmlltr ,
101 ptoof , S1.12 , do IVi pioof , Sl.ll. Aleo-
hol , IhSprool , 82.10 pci wlue cnllon. Uedis-
tilled whiskies. 81.00 ( 1.50. Gin blended ,
Sl.500t2.00 ; Kentucky bouibons , $2.KK'iaw ( ' ) :
Kentucky and I > eunsjl\niiaryesS2.00i. ! < < < ) .50 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rje vvhlskies ,
SI..VC'n.OO. ) lliniidlfs , Imported , $ fl.oo < _ ; H 60 ;
domestic. 81 30 . ) .t)0. ) Gins , Imported , 84.50
OtO.00 ; donioitle , SI.2.Va3.00. Rums , Impelled -
polled , S-l.50C'i .00 ; NewHiigland , 81.75(32.00 ( ;
domestle , S1.25n3.H ( ( ) . Cliampaues , Im
ported. per case , S2s.xj ( ( 'M.OO ' ; Ameiican , per
case , 810.00(310.00. ( _
l > ry Goods.
Piti.vis American , .Vfe : Atnold's , Cc : Co-
checo , Oc ; Mnnchestei. ( ' ; I ij 111,111 , Be ; ( ilou-
rcstiT. r jfr ; Diiuncll . ) ncimul. | Go ; Dunnell ,
r > > , , cjlnusoi , Oe : 1'acilie , Oc ; lliumon , ! > < e ;
Aucliin Hhh tings , 4Jfc ; Merrimac Shillings ,
4'c ; Dei wick. 4c.
IITK ( Unbleached ) 8 07. Magnolia , lOc ;
10 Magnolia , 12e ; So/ . West Polni , 10' c ;
10 o/ . West Point , 12'4e.
HIIOWN Cono.v I.nwicnce U.,5c : Sliavv-
mut LI5c : Heaver Dam l.L , 5c ; Atlantic
lilt , 5c ; indmii Head , \Vaueliusscl ; , ( i 'e ;
Ciown XXX , 0 } < c : Cllftoii CCC , Oc ; Utlca
CT4i4e ; Atlanllc P , 5 e.
TiruiNds Amoskeng ACA , 12 > e ; Thorn-
dvl.e OOO , 7/c : Tlmrnd > ke Iiuicv. O' c ;
Voik , I0 > fc ; York lancj , 1'J'fc ; Milbury ,
13i'c ; Pcail Klvei , ll > 4 - ; llninllton , 12c
Svvilt Itivci , 0 .c ; Shetueket S. S'je ' ; She-
tueketSS , UKe ; Moulaiik AA , 12c ; Montmik
1JH , lie ! Omega , ACA , ie. : :
( colmed ) lioston fl o/ brown and
brab , 13' < fc ; Huston O li brown and diab.
XXX brown end drab , HJ c ; Boston O P
blue , llj c ; Warrenl Trleot , 15c ,
UiiArini : ) COTTONS Parmers' choice ,
> /c ; Cabot , 0 < e ; Hope , 7c : Hill 4 4 7fe } ;
11 III Jf ( , 0c ; Lunsdale , be ; 1'rult , 83 ; Wama-
sutla , lOjjO.
Conr.r JIANS : Keaisaige , "c : Armorv ,
7e ; Pcppciell , 7 > je ; Indian Oichnid , Cc ;
Naumkeatr , 7c.
CHEVIOTS Amnskcag , cheeks , JUaC ? Amos.
keag , stilpes SUe ; Slatci , stripes , ti < ; ; Edln-
buig , Si'aCf Wliittendon , strijies , 80 ; Glen-
lose , Oc : Otis , checks , Olc ; Otis , stripes , l c !
Itoyal , 03 u ; Amoskeag , napped , lOUc ; Lit-
ray , book fold , 12c : Obcion , book fold. lll c ;
Knituiaiice , book iold. 12c.
OK.VI MS Heaver Cieek AA. He ; Heaver
Creek UH , lOc ; Heaver C'teek CC. Oc ; .lallrev
XX , lie ; Jafliey XXX , 12c ; Jatlroy I ) & ' ! ' ,
12) ) c ; Columbian , 12 > < ; e ; Yoik , 13c ; Yoik ,
fancy , 13) c : Kvcictt , I3c ; ll.iyiiinkcis' blue
nnd brown , 7J c. _
Grocers' Jjlst.
PicrtLKs M'edluin , in bols , 85.00 ; do In
hall bbls , S3 00 ; small , In bbls , Sti.oo ; do In
hall bbls , S3. 50 ; gheiklns. in bbls , § 7.0(1 ( ; do
in half bbls , SI.OO.
MArniKs Per caddie , 2So ; lound , per
case , 81.00 ; squaie cases , 81.70 ; mule sqime ,
St'o Arts Powdered , 7e ; eut loaf , 7fe ;
gianulntcd , 6c ; contectiimeiV A , OJ c ;
standard extra C , Ujjc ; extin C , C ( < il ( c ;
medium yellow , 5c.
Ditir.n Fiti'irs No 1 quaiter apples , in
evaporated boxes , S jOc ; blackberries , boxes ,
8 > 4'i'8Ji'c ( ; peache.sea , stern , 4.6iir5 ( p. ; peaches ,
cvupomtcii , I5 > ( ! l7u ; Salt Lake , new , 05X
@ 7e ; inspbcincs. new. 1 ! ) ( f20c ; cniiauts , 7)
© 7Kc ; nr n nes , new , 4 ® - ! ' .
( JH.vcicKKS ( Jnrnemfs .soda , butter and
picnic , ! > yc ; cieanib , 8 > ac ; ginger snaps , & > iu ;
city soda , 73 < fc.
faoi > A In Ib papers , S3.25 a case ; salsoda ,
keir , per Ib , 2'J4'c.
SYUUP No. 10 , 4-gailon kegs , 81.00 ; New
Orleans , 3S@40c per gallon ; Maple Sviup , yt
bairel , strictly pure , 70c pei gallon ; ! gallon
cans. % 9.25 per do/ . ; J gallon cans , 85.25 per
do/ ; quart cans , 83.00.
STAiim Minor gloss , 1 Ib , Cc ; Mliror
. .oss , 3 Ib , 6Kc ; Mlnoi gloss , 0 Ib , 0 > c ;
Graves'coin , 1 lbOJ < e ; Kiugsfoid'.s corn , 1
11) , 7c ; Kingsford's gloss. 1 Ib , 7c ; KliiRS-
foul's gloss , 0 Ib , 7J c ; Kingsfoid's pine , 31b.
.We ; Kiu.sfoid's bulk , 4e.
Joi'KiiKS-Otdinary grades. 10' < ' e : fair , 11 ®
; piime , HJ lSc ; choice , 18J4'@l3 > 4 > c ;
tancy green and jellovy , 13X@14)fe ) ; old gov-
pinmcnt Java , 20@.Ce ; Inteilor Java ,
20c ; Mocha , 2-J ( f24e : Ailmcklo's roasted ,
H'fc ; McLnughlln's XXXX toasted , 14 > < fc ;
Dllvvoi th's , 14c ; Hed Cioss , Uj c.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , (52.70 ( ;
Kirk's saliuet , 53.00 ; Klik'sstandaid. 83.05 ;
Kirk's white Russian , S4.00 ; Klik's Whlto
Cnp , 80.50 : Dome , 83.00 ; Washboaid , ? 3.10.
CANNIID Goons Oysters , standard , per
case. 83.45 ; stinvvberries. 2 Ib per case. 82,00 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib per case , 82.25 ; Calltouila
peait , per case , S4.CO ; apricots , pci case ,
84.50 : peaches , per ease , 84.50 ; white cherries ,
per case , SVJO ; plumn , per case , 83.00 ; blue
berries , per case , 52.25 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per
case. 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 ib , per case , $3.20
CANDLES Hexes , 40 IbOs , lOUc : 8s , lOJ e ;
boxes , 40 Ib , 10 oOs , 10'fc ' ; half box , ,
CANDV Mixed , 0 ( gtc : stick. 0@10c.
HALT Dray loads , jier bbl. 81.55 ; Asliton ,
In sacks , Si.35 ; } f sacks , Aston , 85c ; bbls ,
dairy , fr OO ® .
SPICKS Giound Hlack pepper , boxes. 20
@ ± ! c ; allspice , 12@lc ( ; cinnamon , 18o)25c ( ) ;
cloves , 15@25e ; ginger , 15c < > 25c ; mustaid , 15@
25c.T JAS : Gunpowder , fair , 20 ( < ? P.7 ; good ,
cnolce. 50jiOc : Oolong , good , : ! 5 ( < i40c ; Oo
long , choice , 40@00el'nillsli ! bieaktast good.
WJMOo ; choice , SO OIc : Souchong , good. 'M
@ 45n ; choice , ! J3@45c ; Japans , fair , 25CiZi5c ! :
uood , : il45c ; choice , 65Q75c ; Tea dust , 15c ;
Teaslftlngs , ISc ,
FINI : CUT Hard to Heat , 70e ; Charm ol
News , 55c.
Drr Ijumbor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12,14 and 10 ft 317.00
No. 2 " " 12 , 14 ami 10 ft 15.00
No. 3 " " 12,14 and 10 It 13.00
4 " " and 10 U
No. 12,14 11.00
No. 1 , 4 ifefi Inch , 12 anil 14 ft. , rough.,810.50
No. 1 , 4 A. 0 Inch , 10ft. , lough 17.03
No. 2 , 4 , t 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , loucli. . . 14.00
No. 2. 4 ibO Inch , 10 it. , lou'-li 15.00
A > O TIMIlhllH.
12ftH | ft'lOft ' ' .
2xl. . is nn'i5. ) 'iB.rjO iaoo iuio'isiiio ' ioiro
SxQ , 15.00 15 00 15 U,16 , 00 17K ( ) .0 00 .1.00
' 15.K ) lft.,15 ) , CO 10.50 17.60 1 .W .O.GO
5x10' 15.50 15.60 15 _ 016.M 17.W ) .0.50 21.W
15 50 1ft 50 16 tt ) 18 GO 17.511 20 W 21.fiO
4.1-8x8 is nuiis.60io | no 17 5J iH.w' '
S , 1.AT1I.
* A Siniuliml S3.M
5-lncli clear 1.55
0-lueli clear , , 1.C5
No. 1 L.5
hath , U.i5
I'l.ooiuxi ; ,
A Olnchliltoiiluo , .S35.00
IJOIlldl " " . . , 83.00
OOlucll. " " 20.50
DOIucll " " 20.60
KOlncll , " " 17.0
SHU' I.A1' .
No. 1 Plain , 8 and 10 Inch S17.50
No. 2Plain , Sand 10 inch 15.50
Xo. 1 , 0. U 18.00
A12 Inch , 8.1s. 12 , Hand 10ft 540.00
1U2 Inch ' . . . . . . . 42.00
O 1'J Inch " ' " 8C.OO
1)12 Inch " " " 2 a.00
No. I Com. 13 In. , s. 1 s. 12,11 and 10 lt.1 8.00
No. 1 " " " 10 , ib nnd 20 ft. . 1B.OO
No. 3 " " 'J | 12,1 * and W ft. . 10.0
Ill's H'f ll'lsyr IHiUJ'ls Kta
I 20J 100 HOI 50 10 | U 10
Munu'.Bt.Kol I/tiV.603 253 871 ( H 1 101 631 10
I/KO Olb'd I'lUlO ) ,6 , 503 00 ; ! 75 1 & 5 1 ! ij 60 15
l.'C H'd Hh'ro Pcy'5 ' DO'S ' 00 2 751 65't _ ) ! 60 15
. _
, llrls II r llils | O'rllbli I'aTM orlxlts
. ao JM W , Q (0 ti li { 10
KKK tler'lifr * i. W.O1 & 0 5 W 3 TO - 70' '
Xorwo lnu ' ' '
KK Hcrr'nn U OVO 00 J 41 ! ) ( tt. M
| 8 004 M i ujs : io'i ' ro no
NEW FISH , < ) 1UO W CO (9 10
lllonlcr Mo . 'is hi m oo m 2.1 o ni 7 : ) i M
Kx No 1 ihoro " 'I 0(1 ( IJ fOIl SOdiMA 101 40
No. 1 "horc. 18 o ) 9 no < wi 4 son w 1 10
Jp | l. No. 1 Shoio. 1.1 l | 7 ( fl a" , 3 iV > t Ji ) . SI
" " Ilo ) . . u io ; a oo n i : > J o > 2 w , : r.
I.nrso rmnlly. , U t | ' r , OH1 4 M 2 M 2 10 fi5
Fat vjJ1' < oo. . ii cr.g oi | TO r > - >
ill IlMsOr HliU rl Kts
FISH. 103 TO 50 40 12 | 10
.Vo , I Whlto Klsh. 0 00 ft 403 SOI2 70 l i 10
Knmll } White Visit. 3 m 2 70170 i no Ml ro
No. I Tiout . . : i7 : > sy.-,2 IT i f ) , K r,7 ,
No. 1 1'lokeicl . 2U 1 Mil iW I 10 < L _ 4t )
IpV ;
Ynrmouth bloatcis l ) c : new ealcd
"Sr *
All "Plnycil Out. "
"Don't know what nils nio lutolv.
Can'tvnt well can't slucp xvcll. Can't
work unit don't enjoy doing anything.
Ain't rcallv sick , nml I really ain't won.
IVol nil kind o' placed out , fcoinwav. "
'I'lmt is what scores of men say u\ory day.
If they would take Dr. 1'iereoV ) " ( loltlcn
Medical Disoovrry , ' , they would soon
liavu no occasion to bay it. U pinilics
the blood , tones tip the system and forti-
lics it disease. It is u great anti-
bilious remedy as well.
Uev. T. C. Hall , pastor of the Southwest -
west 1'rcibyterlnn church of this city , has
aeeupletl a call to take ulmige of the
Kighth chnrph of Chicago. Ho will not
leave Omaha for several monllis.
THien r , by wan sick , ire P TO hot Cntcila ,
Vlion she Child , she cried for Ciutorla ,
When she bccimo Ml > 9 , ulie clang to Caetorlk ,
Wh n the bad Cblldran , ilia gare them C.storU >
Bail way Tim , a TaMe
Tno followintr Is the time of arrival nnd do-
pdrtuioof trains by Central Slnnilnrd time at
the local depots. Trains of the C. . St P. , M. &
0. arrive nnd depart from tholr ilotmt. corner
ot Hth and Webster streets : trains on the II. &
M. , C. , D. & Q. and 1C. C. . St. J. & C. H. from the
0. & M. depot : nil others from the Union J'aolQa
llrldjro train * will Icuvo If. 1' . dopotnt fl-'TS
I17J6-S.OO-8IO : -1110:00-lluu : : a. in. . H
lifl : ( lM-l:80 : ) 8.00-3:00 : 11 4:00-5UJ--5J : : )
0:10-7:00-11:10 : : p.m.
Leiivo transfer for Omaha nt 7:13 R 8:15 : 9:30 :
fl:42 : B lU:5o 10J7 : 11:17 : a. m. ; ; i:3r : 2:1
2:37--3:30 : : 3:37 : 1:37 : 6:5J8:1. : . 7.20-7:50
f.M llKp. : m.
Arilval iinil dmmrtino of trains from the
tranfcferdoi.ot at Council llluffs :
B 7:15 A. Ji l ) : Ir.A , M
I10l.r.v.M : llOJJiM :
C0:40 : P. M" I 117:00 : p. M
H9 .ISA. M ] 1)9:15 A.M
Ct:40I' ! : . M I H7:00r. : M
A ti.rA. : A Ulo : \ . M
r oun r. M
A 7:00 : v. M
0:15 : v. M ,1 I'AUtU:15 \ . M
( i:40 : p. M ' J 7:00 : p. M
A 10.01) A. M f D 0.J : : A. M
C 8. 55 r. A & : . ! ; > l > . M
A 3:00 : p. M I A 3:30 : p. M
A 7:0" : > A. M 1 A 9. ' 13 A. M
A 0P. : . M i I _ A b:53 : p. M
IJeimrt. Arm
. . . .1'nolllo Express. . . .
i6'i'ii ; . . . .Denver ; '
5:05n 11:00n
aM.mNK .
8:10a . .Mall nnd Expioss 8:40a :
Nliflit llxpioss . .
Depart. _ _ SpUTHWAHD. , Arri\o
A.M. P.M. MlfcSOUlfl PACIFIC1. ! A. M. I I * . M.
tmob . . . .Nlirht Express. . . . "fldoa :
K.C..ST. J. A C. K.
0:20a : 8:4 : > b . . .Viu I'liittsmouth. . 7:00a : 7:10
Depni t. NORTH W A HD. _ Arrive.
. M. I P. M. C. ST. P. . M. & O. I A. Mfl p. M.
b:15n : | . . Moui City i\m ess. . | 5:153 :
_ ! 6:4.ric : Oakland Aeeoininod'n _
IlepMit. KASTWAUP. Arflvo
A.M. * P. M. I G It. & Q. I A.M. I p. M.
V SO I 0.00 ' . . . .Via Plattsmou h. . . . | 00 : ! I 7 17
NOTK Atrnliisilull } ; H , dally except Snndny ;
C , dally except Saturday j D , Dally except Mon
srooic VAitn TKAIN.S
will leave U. 1' . depot , Oniulm , nt ' 0:10 : 7:35 :
10.03n m : 3:30-3d.ri : : 4U'i ; bfX 8:00 : p. tn.
1'aclllc Uxpicss , hiX'U p. m. ; Denver Ex. , 10:55 :
a. in. ; Locnl Kx.,5:0."j : p. m.
Louvo block \uids tin dmnlm nt * 7:05 0:30 :
J1'J5 : n. in. : 2:30-i.l5-4ai-8:0' : : : : : - S0 : ! p. m.
Atlantic Ev . lo S. 0 , 7:31 : n. m. ; Chlcn o Ex. ,
If. S. O 5:07 : p.m. : I.ocnl Ex , lo f. O. 10 : : > 1 n.m. ;
Mo. Pnc. Ex.lo. S. O. 5:47 : p. in. ; M M. 1 > . Ex. ,
G:0'J : tu m.
'Except ' Sunday.
Ur reacon of Ita central position and clove relation to
nil principal linn I nt nml Weit. at Initial anil ttr.
tninal polnti , con tllutei the inont Impoitant mlit
-ontlnontal link In that critrni of through tianrpor.
tatlon which Invlm and rarllltatti Itarelnncl tnrrlc
lietwcen cltlefl of the Atlantlu iind Paclno Coaitl It
IR also the furorlta end hmt route to nnd Ironi polntii
l ant. Northeast anil Houtliravt , and correirpondlnff
lulnti Won , Nortuwuit and Soutkwuit.
The Great Rock Island Route
Onaranteei It ; patron * that Btnia of ptreonal ecn *
rltr allord&d by a wild , Ihoioutrhlr ballailed road.
iiel. itnoqth trnckii lit rontlnuoui H cl rail , fiiLitan-
tlally Lullt culvcrti nnd lii Iduei , lolling iork an near
iwrfectluu an hum mi ekll ! can make II , the lafetf
apljllancra of p tml bullrrf .platfornii nd air brakri ,
aniiibat riacllncillirlpllnii vrhkh ROTCIIII the pr c'
tlcalopsratlounr ulllla tralni Other fpeclnlllfs ot
hli route ure Tranir ra ut all connrctlnir colnt In
Union ! > epotv , and the iinriirpaExeU coniforu and
luiurieiof Iti r tn r tqulpme'it ,
The Faat Kiiro TralllN brtwpen ClilOKn and
I'eorla , Counrll llliilfi , Kansai Cltr.Unvrnwiirlh und
Atchlion are tompoawl of well veiitllHtcil. ilncljr up-
liolitond Day Coaclloi. Moenlllcent i'ullintn 1'alacu
Jilceperaof the jaieit da.lgn , and ( iimiituoui plnlnir
Can , In which elaborately reeked nioali are lefiurely
vatvn. ItetKeenc'hlrnira and KanxAM'lty and AlehlKoa
are l > o run the Uelebratud ItecllulnKClialr C i .
The Famous Albert Loa Route
Ii the direct and farorito line between ChlcaRo and
MlimeapnlliandSt. Vaul. where ronnc < tlonn are mada
" I'lllon ' lf ) poll for all point ! In the leriltorlei and
lands of Interior n oi
Btlll another UllthCTr LINU. Tla Senjfa anil Kan-
kakie , has been opeued between Cincinnati , Jndlan-
apollaand | LafaTetleailiU3 < iuiicll Illur ( , KaniasClty ,
tfluneapolls and HI. Paul and Interniedl.tu points.
. dt tailed Inrurm > tl6ii tee Maps and Joldeit ,
Obtainable , as well us tickets , at nil principal Tlckef
finitet In tb United EUtta and Uanadai ur by ad-
ilrtnln. ,
R. R. CABLE , ' E. ST. JOHN ,
l-re't < t Oeu'l M'u'r , Oen'l T'Kt * J'a s. AS't ,
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook Manufacturers. IW-lOd South
Fourteen th Stico
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. Welslmna & Co.'s Quick
Italblng lluckwheut Hour and proprietor * Omaha.
City Mills , vor , tth and Faruuin Streets , Omaha.
gent lor Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n '
Special c bran.j Tuust , llutlncUur ,
Dock Binding , Etc ,
" " " '
nr.ES rmxTiNa cu ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
Ami Illnnk 1'ook Mnnufnctni'Oi * . No . 108 and
_ list South Uth Street. Omalm. Ntli.
Bridges Steam _ Pile Driving.
Fnanicers and Contrnctors.
Bres , Roof Tresses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination and HOMO Tiu s llrlilpcj ,
I'lllnir nnd Oak Timber. Uth ei. , near Kuiiiuin ,
Ti lephonti No 7H < .
Cigars and Tobacco ,
MAX MliYElt 4 , IX ) . ,
Jobhers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Onni and Ainninnltlin. 215 to 2.1 South 11th
Sticet , Itro to liKI rarnnni Strict , Omaha , Nob.
r \rroar.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholi Hlc Dealers In Lonf Tohiicco-t. Xos.
IWjtml no N. Uth Street. Onmlm , Noli.
\.rocKery ,
, . „
" - -
wu,0 , , ,
Agent for the JInnufncturcrs nml Importers ,
Crockety , Glassware ,
I/ntnpf , Chlnmcyg , Etc. ( iniro , 1117 Spilth nth
Struct. Onmlia , hub.
? . "sTooniuni ( ? & co
Agents lor T , A. Whttni'y Ciurlngo Co. s
Children's Carriages ,
And Jewctt'n Celebrated Kolrim rruors. Senor
or prlco ll'ts. 14I" > r.lrnsm st , OmxliT.
O. S. rKTTIS & CO. , 7"
THholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages ,
I'lint'tonf , UiiKKlc * nnd llmidVn iin < ? J per rent
FATCilIn buying of in. UHIII'VIIU ' , leant btrcot ,
Omnhn , Nelinii > k i.
lltuiRh nt Council lllulT. , Itmu.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kponotcr , I'romli'tur. Jlniiiifni'tnrer or
( iiiUiuiirc'il Iron nnd Oornlro. lf-i lndro ) nnd 101
nnd 105 North 10th Streul , Umuha , Nob.
Mnmtfnctureraot Oi ntunentnl
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , KlnnN , Etc. , 310 S. I''th \Vorkdono
ninny part of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
0. BPKCHT , Proprietor ,
tiolranlzcd Iron Cornloe" , Etc. SpceiU'8 Im-
proMd Patent Mctnll'o Skylight. KM und 610 a.
li'lh SI. . Omnhu. Not.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
The Gate City Pi.n'og'Mill.
Doors , Snsh nnd llllnds. Als-o all kinds of
tuinlnir. Scioll uudStnlr work of e\i.ry do-
M nnufacturcr and Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc
, , , Mouldings , ,
Stnlr Halls n specialty Telephone No. S2
ith nnd Maicv Pt . .Oranha , Neb.
Electrical Supplies.
L. Vf." & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Maeonlc Block , Oniaha. liurglar Alarms Dolls ,
I'lro Aluruia , V'ectrlo Matting , Speaklnu Tubes ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion Suilre , Hulllnir , Hollcit lie mis anil Uirdord
Btcam Knglncs , llrass Work , General Foundry
Machine nnd Illacksmlth work. Olllco and
Works , U. P. lly. and B 17th St.
Iron ard Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Fire Nulls r. Spr ilaltv. Omnlm , Nob.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Kli o nnd Hurplar Proof Snfci ,
Vault loois. JnllVoik. . Shutters nnd Wire
Work. Cor. Uth and Jackson fats. , Omaha , Neb.
Wagon : and Carriages.
Established 1853.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
WO and UU Dodge Sti eet , Oniahu. Nob.
Commission. Etc.
M. 1)U11K13 i : SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Geo. Itmko , Mnnuifor ,
Union Stock Yiml-i , S. Omaha. Telo.ihcno G82
Union Stock Yards Company ,
01' OMAHA.
Unilted. John K. Uo il , Superintendent ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of nny nnJ nil lilncls of stock solicit
ctl. Union btrck Vcrds.Oimihn , Nob.
Lumber , Etc ,
LOUIS niuvuFo
Dealer in Lumber , Latb , Lime ,
8Mb , Doors , Kto. Yards Cor. 7th nnd Doug ! ? ; ,
Cor. Utb uud Uouglhi.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stulr Work uud Interior Hani Wood
1 Inlfih. Just ojunioO. N. U. cor. tth unit I.uuvou-
v < orth Streets , Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Bli a Htb Etifcot , Onmlm , Nok F. Colpotzcr ,
C. N. 1)IETZ
Lumber ,
13th and California Sheets , Omalm , Nob.
KIlEI ) W. QUAY , if
Lumber , Lime.Cement , , Etc , , Etc. " "
Cor. Oth und Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnrcn Plock , 1'ancy Woods , llrldgo Timbers ,
&c. , S. W. Cor , Uth uiul loUflilsOiniiliii , NcU
Dealer In Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uutldhur Taper , Kto. Bouth
Fish , Etc.
Eucccebors to Irkcn BiemSBen & Co ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of foreign Mali , Nos. OH-01J Jonei
t-si St "t nnd v' . K Track. Omuha. Nob. „ , _
F. 1' . FAY A ; CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectlonefs ,
Jobbcr of Fiuils.Nuts ' and Ciau. 1211
Fuuium Su , Omuliu.Mib.
Agricultural Implement s.
* " " _ _ _ _
x , onr.Ni > oHrr & MAHTI.V ,
\ > holes..o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
S , Omnlm '
' "
CHI Until , ! , I'AUKKH.
Wholt sale Purler In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carr.ntrt'S mid Hupi le . ! < ne M. , bet. Uth nml
IJtn , Umilin , Nf ii. _ _
Boots and Shoes.
" " * "
" * " '
W.'v. MOI"512 \ CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Slices ,
J411 Fiirnani Plm-t , Oinnlm , Neli. Mmmfnctory ,
Mitnincr Street. lloston.
Carpels , ,
's. A. cmCHAittV
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Uniting , Curt tin Uoo _ . I'.tr. . It-'J I'MIMIM
Stiri't , Oiiinlm. > i- '
Coal , Urns , Etc.
.11-.FT W. JIKI
Coal Coke , Lime and Stone.
J3S. 14th' t. , Oninhn , Neb. Yurds , ° tl'
jinU Oi''enport Slioetj.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
S14 S. 13th St. , Oruniin , Nob.
m. C. Tow I.E. I'rcsldont.
O.II. Itui.nriiT. K. A. JUi.vit ,
1'iopiirtor. Mniif.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Oinco.Xli S. lllthhtioet. 'JcUphono4 .
Hto. 1' . Ian * nn , Prcn. C K tooi t IN , V. Pros.
J. A. St'Nlu.niANli Sec. niul Tri-u .
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of html nml ioft com , Ml S. K'th ' St. .
Umnhii , Neb _ _ _ _ _
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Exclusive deulcrs in Houlder Coluiado Conl.21"
tenth llth street.
Coffee and Spices.
flATKS. ( ' ( M.K * : .MII/KP.
Home Coffee and Spice Mills MTg Co.
Colleo Koiislois und Splco ( irindertiiiinn
fnclilrcisnf HiilthiK Powder , riiivoiniK llttrnot *
lllulnir , utc. Try one case ot our Wb
Iloinu Illi'ml Uoastca Coffee. 1009 llominl bt ,
Cinnlm , Nib.
CLAltKB llROS. & CO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Kills.
Ten" . Coffees , Splcca , linking iMwder KlavorlnR
Eilmcti" , l.mtmlry llinn , luk , etc. 1114-10 llitr-
noy Street , Onmbn , Neb. _ _ _
Commission ! Etc.
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 I'timum St. , Oiniiun. Apples Our own i-ach-
JIIK I'lnlt At Co 8'liRcT llruml Oisteis. lluttur ,
, Ciimu , t'oultry , 1'oHUoes. _
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , riovislims , I'liiltb , Hour nml Peed , lOl
5. llth St.Oinnti > i , Neli Consignments solliilod.
Helm us nmdo Dromutly.
316 12th Street , , Neli. Speelultlos : Butter -
_ tor Virit * , nnd ChlcKuns. _
wmnr.MAN & co ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Butter , flame. Fruits , Ktc , .1)8. 14th
Pt. , Om.ilm , NebrasKa.
General Commission Merchants ,
NOCDodge Street , Omaha Neb. Conslgnmonts
W. 13. UIODUM , ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Si'ECiALTir.s Clieepe , llutter Egu * , I'onltiy
nnd GIIIIIO , 11J a Hth. , Oimxhii , Nob. Tele
phone A'o. JU3.
Storage and Commission Marchaats.
Fore.'Bii nnd Uoniebtlu Frnltrf iibpcelnlty. Kl-
OKUIH ttoniRu fucllltles WnrohoudU und olllco ,
JO Noith Uth tt. Telephone 775. _ i _
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , KgBS und Produce. A full line of Stono-
varc. CoiitiL'inuonts tolicitou. 1414 Doilyo St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , UnlitC'heesu and Coiniti y Produce son-
cnifly.sua S. K'tli St. , Omaha , Neh.
JIcSHAifK & 6CIIUOEDiiti :
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
nofrlgorntor and Pneklnjr House , 14lh & Lf-ivon-
worth St. , on U. P. H. 1 ( . Track , Oiuuhu , Neb.
Eetahlishcd 187P !
General Commission ,
11 8. Hth St. , Omaha , Neb. Specialties Duttor
liggs , Poultry nnd Clunie.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Omaha , Neb
BnrcosBoi" . to IB ao firinilh.
Commission Merchant ,
und wholesale dcalor In country produce , frnlti ,
butter , etTKB , etc. ( Jofxls on coiislgnincnt a
tpLLl&lty , J-JON. 10th St. , Oinalin , Neb.
' "
( Sucios ors to A. P. 8ohxcc. ! ! )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 513 Bouth Hlh Street. Omaha , Nob. _
_ Dry Goads. _
\Vliolcsalo Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Laces , Embroidery nnd Wlilto C-'oods ' ,
w _ 10OJoinla8 | btroet , Omnhii , Neb.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure While Lead.
! 0th St. , and U , P. Hy. Omalm ,
Harness , Etc ,
Mnnuracturers nnd JobbcrH of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Tuil Ooode , JllntiliotB mill Itohrs. 1U1 Faruam
Oiniilia. Neb.
Mattresses ,
E" M. nor SE ,
Mattress Company ,
MnmimctiirJnir Mfttrctbes , Iltxldlnir , Frathor
I'lllowB , Coin , itc. ; UM und I'M Douijlas Street ,
Omalm , Ntb.
CANFJifn : M TtirAC
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jwms PuntsSliliti , Eta.W. \ nnd 1 91
Slrout , Otciiu ! : , KuD.
Llmo , enent , Etc.
llanuf acturers of llllmisWhite L'me ,
Andijii ] . | itiuof Coal and Co'.e. I'lus-
ler. Umu , ilulr , llro Ililck. Diiihi , illg nnd
b'l-H nr I'lpc Olllee. l'n.\tnn Hotel , u-n plionobll ,
l.l/j 1'iuuuir. stn.ti , Omaha , AYbrUifca
ik'-lert In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wtolesali.
If Ih Street mill I n.onPno fl ) Track , Omnlm.
( U'.IIMAN T ) . WrATT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
JOih nnd l/nrtl Stivcli , Omnlm , Ncurnslin.
3. A. K-AKiriKtD : ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lalb , Shinglas , ,
rtnlldlmr Paper ? , SIMM , Door * , llllnd * , Moult i
Inn * , Picket * , Po t , l.lnie , I'lMtor , Hftf
Cement. Nlntn mm , loiH" > , Oivinhn Neb. 3
Millinery. -4
Importers mid Jobber * of ,
Millinery and Notions ,
11JI4 lliirticy Stictt , Omnlm , N'oh. Instruments.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
I'niiiiK , WnlitT. Decker ,
I'iniioH. 1'nuKiml Urtrnng , Chnsu Oriruns ,
Furniture , Etc.
" " " *
GIIA Hr..S MKl \ \ \ ( ] {
Fiirnlturo Mirrors
, Bedding , Upholstery ,
Elf. , 12JO , I W and 1.10 1'1111111111 Siitt-l , Uitinlm.
' " " "
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture1 ,
_ Farnnm Street , Omnhn , Nob.
K. 11. CHAPMAN * CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
TohuuoiuidSmokois * Artlelet , 1J1T llownrtlSC.
" "
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices CiK'irs nnd Tolmrco * . 1.117 unU I31K Doug *
lua Sti cot , Omnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nml Kaiiinin BticctsOmnhn , NoU ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707,709 nnd 711 S. 10th St , Omnhu , Neb ,
* " "
w. J. nitOATcii ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
, WIIKOII Block , IhinlMOtxl Lumber , itcv
Utw nnd Ull llnrney strecv , OoiBba , Nob.
" "
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Carrlnjro Wood Stock. Heavy Hnnlwnr i
iio. : li.17 nnd 1219 l.ciUuniTorlh Street , Omalis ,
Builders' Hardware ,
tleehnnlcs' Tools nnd Iluirnlo Scnlos. liOSDougr
InsSticol , Onmhu , Nob.
Jobbers of Ilnrdwaro and Nails , Tinware ,
Blieet Iron , Etc. Aiuntti for Ilowo Scnlos uni
.Mhunl Po Ucr Co. , Omaha Nob.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mnntk'S , dates , Hints Koods. 1321 and 1&3 For-
mini Sttoet.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Cmcreon Bteol Mulls. Cor. idth nnd Imrncy
Streets , Oni'ilm , Neb.
' Miiiuifr.cturor of the
Deering ; Farvester Gooas ,
( Vrlte to AVin. M. Ixjrlmer. Oonornl
Oniulia. To'epnonoClO. .4
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines. ]
El.nm. Wiitcr.Kulluay lUicl.Milltiitf Supplies , Eta !
WU ' . ( ! end R2J I'm mini 8t. Oniiihti , Nub. J
cauacinij. I'UMp'ax , " !
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , I
Steam und Wntcr Supplies. Hendquurtorg for
Muht Foost Co.'u Goods. 1111 i'urnnm btreot ,
Omnhn , Neb. J
Jewelry. {
"EDIIOI.JI & EinciSoN.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Denlcre In SUvciwnio , lllnmonds. Wntohzi
Clock * * , Jowolcih Tools nnd JIateriul ! ' , lito. , 101
und 1(1) ( ) , ISlli St i eel , ( 'or. Dod c , Omnhn , Neb , 4
Notions-El : . '
. obnurfl m
Rotions , Ilosiary &Gents'Furnlsliln _ Goofl-
1000 and 1IW3 Kainnin St. , Oiiiahu.NeU _ _
J. T , Robinson Notion .Company , X
403 nnd 405 B. ] 0th St. , Omaha , Nob. '
Wliolotnlo Dealers In Notions and Clouts' TurC
lllbllllllf liOOdS.
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
QnEOlInoMica A.lo ( Jumho , Kt6. A. II. Illsliop,1
Mnnuucr , Oinnhn.Neb. i
Pork Packing ! _ "
Pork Packer aud Shipper ,
Omnhn , Nuhinblm. \
IIAHIUB ti riEinjIt ,
Packers and Provision'Dealers ,
Offlie , Union Mnik ( > t.iril7 DoilRO Street. 1'ixtililnsr ti
hoiit-o , U. P. it. It. True-It , Omolja , Nob. Tola * &
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks. -1
P. 110VEH Ic CO , .
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' 1 ,
riro nnd Ilumlnr Pi oof Pnlos/l'lmo LooVRVnulU
' ' "work. lUl'iuiminbii ( ) < ot , ( " '
.1. KVANB ,
ffliolesalo and Retail Dealer In Seeds ,
tViriluiilturnl , Vofrotiiblo. IUc. Odd Follows' Ilnll , .
N. W. Cor. Uth und Dodge .St . , Omaha , Ntbj _ _ " ,
Drugs , Elc
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dealsr In Points , Oils mnl Window i
Omalm , Hob. ,
IWines , Liquors , Etc , t x _ _
II.KIt 4. CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Uijuors. Polo nmiinfiictiiiori of Ki-nuoJy'l
KuM India lllttui. . 11)3 ) iiui ucy Blrcu , Omnhn ,
or.O. w. uun'OAN ,
Successor to MuNAMAlU &li O-AX , Iruporlon
end Wlinlosnlo Ucnlor * In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
214 ami.10H Hth St. , Omalm , NoU.
fiotione , ttc ,
4 : PO'.I , .J *
Dry Ooo < H , Notion : ! , Oenta' Fuinliulnn ( loo.lj ,
( Jootln from Now Votk. TiudohRlva daily , 'Ji\
am1rt Huulh Ulh Bt. , ( ) ! iiilm. :
_ Lealher , Hides , tie.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddlcry nml Shoo , ( lldcil , WK > I , I
I'clts , GiuuuiTallow , Ktc , Ouiuhn. NgV
, jjj