Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1886, Image 1

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The Bill tlio Pennsylvania Congressman
Introduce in the House.
llomnval of Internal Revenue Tnxix-
lion DII All Tohncuoi , Prult llrnn *
dies ntul IVIncs PiopoHcd
Duties on "Wools.
AVhnt ItniuInU
WAsniufiTON , Juiio'J7. Mi. Itnndnlltll
t o-inoi ron intiodtico tils tail IT bill In tlm
house. Tlio bill , lie says , docs nut contain
an ) tiling novel or extraoidtnary , and Is de
signed to build up much needed Indiistiloj ,
revive those thntniit languishing , and H'iuu\o
Inequalities In ttic existing law. lie does not
claim that tlic bill Is a complete or per *
fc'ctiueasuieof tariff revision , tuit holds that
It Isa decided step In tliu right direction , and
n snllleicnt indication of tlio lollcy tliat
sliould bo Dinaiieil in lomndollng tlio taillT
aiid revenue lawTlio ) changes in i itcs
ptoposcd nto logo Into effect on Janunty 1 ,
1S&7. Tlio additions to tlio present fien
list are srniaied tiiuDurs , boirds and
IUIUDOI In the inugli. Tlio present law ad
mitting live animals for lirecdlni ; purposes Is
repealed. Tito piiuulpal changes piopnscd
to bo made in the existing laws icl.ito to re
duction on planed lumbar , Iron ofaiious
kinds , rice and re-uly m.ulu clothing. The
bill lepeals all fonnsof Intctnal ie\cnuo tax
ation upon tobacco of e\ety dojciiptlon , nmt
nil lavvsrestilctfng Its sale and disposition by
faimcisaml pioduceis alter October 1'next.
ltnllo\\s n diawbiclc or irb.ilu of the full
niiiount of tu\es p.dd on tobacco ofe\eij
deseilptlon held b > in inulacluieis 01 dcah'ts
lit tlio time tlio icpeal goes into elicit. It also
penults , Iiom and after ( lie passage ol the
act , tlio manuluctuie and sale ol fintt bun
dles and \\ines lice ol lnlcinalieveiiiii'ta\os
Undoi tliu luad ol si lie , silk gojds mil
catliei gloves , the bill cmbiaces the leeom-
nieiulatldiis ot Assistant .Sicictar ) Falrchihl ,
In his lettei ol .Juno 14,18 T > , to the clialiman
of tlio commlttcu on waS and means ,
nlieady published. Wools mo divided
into three classes , namely : Clothing , comb
Ing andeaipet wools. On the lirst and see-
end classes the dulv Is llxed at 10 cents per
pound , and on the thin ! class ! ) eents pel
pound. Wasludool of the lirst class Is to
pa ) douhlcdnl ) , which is lixed at tlneu times
the amount to whhh they would l > osubjected
If nnnuilid unuasliid. On eaidedorcomhcd
wools or taps tlio dutv is iid at 4 $ cents p r
pound audio peicent adudoicmoolon ;
the skin , nt tlio same lutes as other
wools ; woolen lags , shoddy , iiiungo ,
waste and thicks , ten cents pel
pound ; vvcolcn 01 worsted cloths ,
and nnenumeiated manulnctiucs of wool ,
.valued at not exceeding U ) cents u i
pound , SO rents per pound and
Ho per cent ad valoiem ; between 00 and
to tents pel pound , liTnents nnd : > 5 peicent
ndaloieui ; above W cents pei pound , : n
cents unit 10 per cent ndvaloicm ; flannels
blankets , hats , halmorals vams , knit goods ,
composed wholly ot in pntot wool , and all
iiiaiiiifnctuies ot alpacu wools and ot wools ol
othci animals not spoolltcally ennmeiated ,
valued at ! ! 0 cents 01 liss wt pound , 10 cents
per pound ; bet \\een liOamNOcenis per pound ,
12 cents : between -JO and 00,15 eents ; be-
tvvcen (0 ( and to , 21 cents ; and In addition ,
upon the above named ai tielesX > pei cent ad
'valoiem ; women and children's diessgmds.
coat linings and toods ol light
description , composed In p.nt ot wool 01 ani
mal hail , not CMcedltlg 20 cents pei yaid In
value , a cents. ] > oi sqnaie jaid and y. > pei
cent advalorcm ; above 20 ccnts.7 cents and-10
percent ndvaloicm ; whollvof wooloi animal
hallin niKtmool them. 9 tents anil to pei
cent aihaloicm ; clothing , leady made , and
vvoaiihg auparel , cxiept knit goods , not
enumerated , composed wholly or hi pait of
woolbr niilnml hail , nnd vvholl ) 01 partly
inaniifattiiied. 45 cents pei pound and -15 per
ci'iit niUaloiem : inuiblo lilock. loush 01
Kipmied , 50 touts percnbie foot ; \pined mar
ble. saWed , dres'ed 01 olhoivvlse , Including
Biates and tiles , 51 per cubic foot ; sawed In
naikagcs 10 cents pet KO pounds , and in
bulk I rents per 100 pounds.
Tlio bill pioposes to amend the existing
tailfl lixwsbv stilkingonthcctlon .215)9 ) Kevlsed
statutes anil hiibstitiitliiifrn clause piov tiling
tiiatali aiticlo not provided foi t-hall pay
tl.o same late ot duty levied on the cnumci-
atcd article which It most icsemblos In ma-
teilal , quality , textuiooi use. In unenumci-
nted artlcks niinnfaetnied of two or mote
iiiatciials , the duty Khali bo assessed at the
htrhest intochaigea'blo If the aiticlo were
composed Inllvot the component mateilal of
chief \alue. The nnlu features ot the Hew
itt bill aie Incnrpoiutcd , including the clause
i cunning the duty on alcohol iiseit In the
arts , the tobacco wrapper clause , anil the ad-
mlnlstiatlvu clauses.
Tim onops.
J'nvorablo lleports Tor YJcltl
of "Wlioiu mill Corn.
CitirAcio , Juno 27. The following will ap
peal In the this week's issue ot the Kirmers'
Itevlcw : hasbccneou-
cluded In Tennessee , Kentucky and Mis-
fouil. In the lounci tw o states the continu
ous wet weather delaved gaiheilng thoKtaln
In some sections , and caused some damage ,
both botnio leaping nnd nfteiward while In
the shock , In'tlo nnd Lexington coun
ties In Kentucky , whllo lields aio lepoited to
have been iiilnodby nist , nnd In Fa ) otto the
itpoits Indliato that lully one-halt of the
lion was mined. The average vield in
both states is repoiled from fifteen to
twenty-live bushels to the neio vvl.ero no In-
jiuy fiom rust occuuod. HepoitH Indlcatu
that In ncnily every portion ' of Mlssoml
faimeis wciouiiiisunlly Hticcessful in lint vestIng -
Ing wheat. Thonveingo jlelil Is placed ns
high ns seventeen to tvventv-tvvo bushels to
tlio ncio In bt. Chili , I'iKo. Pickering , Chail-
ton andScolt counties. The Indlcitlonsiito
that the iivoiago lor the htnto will be unusu
ally heavy. Ilaivestiiig Is itlll piogieslng
In Illinois , Indiana and Ohio under fall ) ) '
Invorablo conditions. Iho'igh ' hcalteiinir re-
poits ol lain and iiist niomade , but notfbucli
as to indicate any wldc-spicad dnmatro.
Italus iiovalled over laigo aieas In
l-kota. Impiovlng the gcncial outlook for
t-pilniwheatgieatlv nnd appniciitlv Instit-
Ing an nveiaguyield. Itepoits Mill Indicate
that the gentinfiut'iiuo thioughout thotei-
iltoiyofbatliwheat nnd oats was lodnced
ten In fifteen percent before tlmdrouth wa.s
bioken. The netd of inln in Iowa and Xo-
binska is repotted In Cass , Cairol , Franklin ,
llovvmd , Iowa , Kcoknk , Mnrlou anil Van-
biiien couiitli'H In lovvn. The necessity tor
tain him been veiy pressing , nndlhopiospett-
Ivo ) icld of w lieat nnd oats has already been
lessened lit teen to twenty pi cent. Corn
prospects continue jiromlslnp ; in bodi the
northwest nnd southwestern states.
A Fatal Snnilay Kail. '
K , H. L , Juno 27 , i : . 0. Fai-
int'i , wife and daughtei ; C. W. ( iirsh , wife
and two ehlldien ; William C. liiajton and
wife , wint font sail down the bay to-day In
n Mill boat. Un the return tlm wind was
blowing httong and the men vvcic unable to
manage the boat. When cnUrlng Potter's
cove the boat capsized and live of tno paity
Mis , Fni incr and daiightoi. William Hi a j ton
and the lwoUIit > h ihlhtien weie drowned.
Nebrnhlcn's Uriuninoia * lleoo ntzed. : , aw. , Juno 27 , [ Special Tolo
Bram to the i.B.--At ] the national conven
tion of the Traveler * ' Piotectlvo association
last evening Nebiaska was reco nl/cd and
civ run member on the national boaid of
directors , Ueo. W. Wllftoii of Fiemont being
A Triple MurUor.
Tjcttfiiiuiui , Ml-s. , June ST.- Last night nt
llitulcr's stomin Uaglo IJcnd Lcolliown ,
coloicd , killed Alfieu and Henry Morgan ,
while , and wounded Cornelius .laulson , col
oicd. Umvv n was porter ut ISIudd's store ,
nnd because the white men rt-luseo to let him
close up Urn btoro lui lUxuLupon
WcntliBi- for Nebraska ,
( lenerally fall weather ,
cliwsen a > . , i , ,
lunar :
Tlio Giant oftlie Initcpendcnts Callctl
totlioSlilnlnu Sliorc.
Ht.ooMiVdTos , 111. . Juno 20. David Davis
died a 0 o'clock this moinlng. He sank Into
a comatose state twelve hours bcfoie the end
nnd pissed painlessly away , surrounded by
his fnmily.
Ilurlnz the early rnrt of last evening he
nnpcaied to bo failing , and it was felt cettaln
that he could not live thiough llio night. At
11 o clock ho levlvtd somewhat and was
civcn milk and stimulants in snmll quanti
ties. Thoetlrct was foi the worse , however ,
lor lie at onto iclnpscd Into a conntosts con
dition , his pulse becoming veiv feeble.
Dining the MucMedln , ' tlneo hours ho failed
gradually , his respiration gio\vinc notleeably
weaket until the end came. The tauso ot
Mr. Davis' death was Uright's Disease of llio
kldncsnttinvatcd by a weakened condition
of his sstem , dating fiom the t line vv lion he
becamealfectid with u caihiincle. His last
horns vx-pre mint and peaceful.
llio funeral of Judge Davis will bo held
from the icsideneo next Tiu dti ) at I p. m.
nnd the remains will bo Intoned in
the family lot in llloomingtou ei'iue-
teiy. 'llio following gentlemen have
been Invited to net ns hoiioimv
pillbcawrs : Judge Walter S. tiiesham ,
Judge Lawrenter. Weldon , Leonnid bvvctt ,
( Soveinoi Oglesby , Joseph i : . .McDonald ,
Judgi ) John M. Scott , Clifton II. Mooie ,
Colonel K. H. Latham. Jes < o W. fell , John
C. Wenlworth , Jndi'uOllvei L.Davis.
Sonntoi Logan will bo one of the pill beai-
ers. The bed ) will la ) in stale Tuesdav ,
from U until 2 o'clock. All business houses
aio diaped nnd the m.ioi his issued a pnc
tarnation closing all phccsnl business dtitlng
the luneial. 'lliedav has been n ijuiet ono
and but lew fiionds called , lluudieds of
iieople visited the mansion and gum mis to-
da > , but aside fiom Itlends none weie ad
mitted , as the family needed test and cuiict
Many men ot prominence will bo li io on
Tuesdn ) . fggggi 1
[ .I udgo DavId Davis was a ptomlnent and
dhtliigiiishe < l hgure in the politics of the
eounli ) tot the past twent ) jeais. He was
hoi n in Cecil count ) , Marhtnd , Maieh' .
is 15 , was iducated In Keiion ( olle e , nnd
studied law in the New Haven law school.
Ho followed the tide of settleis to tlie west it )
IbMiami settled In Boomln'ton ! , 111. , which
has evei since been his home. Hi1 was a
membci ol the Illinois h-iisl ituie In 1841-15 ,
and a membci ot the constitution il conven
tion which drafted tliu constitution ot tliat
state in 1847. The lollovvlng veai lie was
elected judge of the eighth judicial dlstiict
and vvnsie-electtd In lb.r ami again in I'-Ol.
On the bench he dlsplavid signal abllit ) and
Impartiality , and was elevated to the United
.States supreme bench by Piesident Lincoln
in Octohei , IhOJ. The nntl ( Sinnt movement
which be-tan In lS70atid culminated in the
nomination of Hoi-ace dieeley two ) eais
later , lound In Judge Davis a stiong sup
porter , and his admiteis in both the iiidc
penitent republican and democratic iiaities
stiongl ) inged him for tlio empty and latal
lionois which lell to the founder of
the Now Vork Tilbuno He , however ,
secured that the nomination
ol the national labor reioim paitv foi the
presidency. Dining tlio stiiring and anxious
daS following the elation of 1S70-7 , and be-
foie the lesult wasdeteimlnod to the satisfac
tion ot cither puty , the republicans of
Illinois quietly acquiesced In the movement
to elect Judge Davis totho bnited .States
senate. This had a two-fold object to i elite
him fiom the siipiemo bench anil make tor-
tain tlio election of H. 15. Hayes to the piesi-
dencv. The plan woiked suc-essfullj ; he
was elected to the senate and Ha > es was do-
claied piesidcnl. Dining his teim in tlie
senate tint body was close ! v divided pollt-
Icall ) and on pirly questions the Inlance of
wovvei w as held bv Judge Davis. ThejCpnb-
Hcnns noiuliiated him lor mesideiit 1110 tern
and ho was elected over IhomasiK liaaid ,
the demon atie nominee.
Judge Davis was mauled In 1SW to a lady
many ) cms his Jiinlot. Ho was lemniknblo
lei great mental powers and ph.vsical dimen
sions weigh Ing nt ono thno ovei 100 pounds ,
lie has been in poor health for the last tvv o
\ears , and his suffering reduced him to u skel
eton. His weight nt the time of lib death
vvns not much ovei 150 pounds.
Judge Davis leaves an estate valued "at
53,000,000 , mostlv In lands and lots in Hloom-
ington and Chicago. It Is iclated of him that
the foundation ot his foitunc was a fee ot
land , gindgingly accepted , near the then
voting city of Chicago. This land , some
twenty acres , which ho tiicd vainly to dis
pose ot In the early das , is now In tno busi
ness heait of the city and worth thousands of
dollais. Some of It ho soldears azo. but the
lemalndci is vroith a toitunoiu itself. ]
Oin.ilin .al tlio Front with a I'licnonic-
nnl Incrcnsf.
Bostox , Juno 27. [ Special Telegram
to tlio HUE. ] The following table com
piled fiom special dispatches to the Post ,
from the manageisof the leading clearing
houses In the United States , shows the gioss
b ink exchanges at each point for tlm v.eok
ending June - < ) , l&M ) , In compaiibon with the
coiiespondlng week In 1 5 :
Work ofWliiil nnd Mclitnlntr.
HAMKANJuno' ' . ' " . Ono of the most se
vere thunder storms that has occuiredln
) ears passed over the city fo day , continuing
for an hour. Soveial vessels were badlydam-
aged , The lightning sti nek n liie hdrant In
Cornwalllhstieet , passed Into the mound and
toieup the pavement for two blocks.
Prohibition Onndidnrctj Nominated'
Pmsnt'Jto , Pa. , Juno 27. At tlio Alle
gheny county prohibition convention hold
heie vrstorday William H. UilcKcl was nomi
nated foreonj'rcss lor the .second district nnd
Thomas H. Itnuo for the tvvonU-thlrd df -
tilcU In tlio evenlnt ; Governor St. John de
livered an addicts.
Killed ly Indlnns.
GUAWIAS , Mexico , Juno 27 , Woid has
jiit-t been iLcclvod hero that "i'tiquls Indians
tittacUed a mall train loaded vvitli tielght ,
near Uccon , on the 21th Inst. , anil killed a
lieutenant colonel ( name not iwuitalned )
and tixtceii suldiois.
ll.-inU Statement.
Xiw VOIIK , Jtiuo a7. Tha weekly state
ment of the associated binks shows the to-
BCivedefieaseit Sla37OJa. Tlio batiks now
hold 5l4ba4W)0 ) lu eu-css of Ual icquhe-
_ _
Sam Jones.
It Is soml-authoritatively announced
Shut Sam Jones , tlic revivalist , will be in
Omulm for two weeks in November. The
reposition huildin , ' ; ling been L'omlition-
ally cijiscil ) { ! ; for him for n revival season
ojGUin < ; November 10.
England to bs Daltigetl With Spujolies on
Homo Hula This Week.
Gladstone's Treasury nnntr ! pt A
Manifesto totho Middle Classes
I'ropnrliiK For tlio Pit-st roll-
in RS A n\it rs In Krnnuc.
Vor tlic
LONDON' , June 27. ISpeclal Cablegram to
tlio lUt.J : Tlicro will bo apaifect dclugo of
campilgn speeches dining tlie coming \ve2fr.
Improbable inmois uic tiuicnt thai ( ! l > ul-
stone , asa liesh electioneering nianoetiver , is
piepariii ) ; a ninnlfesto to be Issued Thursday
defining the ultimate concessions to his radi
cal opponents. Tlio o leports nro pretty ac-
cmately tiaceable to the national libeial club ,
In which an Important section ol ( Hailstone's
udlicientslmvo osptcsseda dcMic to sec a
moio delinato piogiannnc adopted by tliu
liberal chief , As nsml with him , ( iladstonc
allows some degieo of ohsctultj to creep into
ills ntreianees. This may ho metel > to avoid
tloslng this eisc too eaily In the contest , and
it certalnb haves room for Intnre develop
ment. 'llio unionists Intel piet his speech at
Maiichestci jesterdaj as Indicating at least
a decisive intention to adheio to his lilsh
plans In theh entire , Including the
sihemo of land puichase. The pros-
l etts of tlin unionists appeal favoiablo
In eveiy dliection at picsont , but no situa
tion at this eaily stigo can faiily Indicate
the tin \1 result. 'Iholssiio h , In taet , abso-
lutily unceitatii. Theto aio possibilities In
the \\a > of snrpilses , comblnntlons and shifts
which no nun cm now calculate. Onuol
the moat palinblo and stnbhoin tacts , hovv-
ovei , cannot bu tgnoied , namoiv , the iuipecu-
nlotis conditlun of the ( iladbtonoites. Theio
is jot no piomUe of lellef fioin the embaiass-
niunt which they have cxpeiienccd all
tinongh on account of n lack ot iunds. Their
treasmy Is baiikinpt. They cannot , llko the
Patnellltes , look to Ameiica tor tunds ,
though their labois aio tovvaid the simo end ,
and no adequate somco of homo bitpnly has
vet developed. On the other hand , the
unionists can command practically unlimited
means , enabling them to vlgoionsly contest
cn'cii seat in London and oveiy comihy dis
trict wheie theie seems to bo the lemotest
chance lei theh stictess. The ( ilailstoneltes ,
thus handica ) ) ] > cd , aio leaving 105 scats
In Oicat liritUu to the union
ists without any attempt at contesting
them , while tlic unionists lulraln tiom poslug
candidates in loitj eight distiicts only.
The conseivativopipeis continue tooxpiess
angei ovei Ameiican sub-cnptlonstothe 1'ai-
nell liind. The Speetatoi gives piomliiencc
to a lettei in which the vv liter icualls the Ci-
gllsh siibseiiiition to the conlcdeiato loan1 ,
which , he assumes , weto Intended to help
bieaknpthe Ameiiian union. ( ! rcat stiess
is iil.iccd upon the tact that Gladstone sub-
scnbed S-JSto this loan , rtiegieatebtbtrengtli
ot the Gladstone pnity lemains in the
pi ov Inccs. Thosjmptoms in the metiopolls
distiiiLtlv lav 01 a widely extended liiumph
lei the iinlotilsts. Tlic ladical woikingmen'b
clubs have hitherto been staunch allies of
Gladstone. They now tail tocontilbnte any
btipnoit to ttto ( iladstono electoial tuiid , and
decline to make anj demoiibtralion in llydo
I'ark In lavoi of tlio homo rule measnic. Tne
unionists will make a stiong clfoit to eaptmo
thulabut vote , and will makoa speclalcontcst
toi eveiy In London and In
the piovmces now occupied by vvoik-
ingmen's candidates. Tlie most bittci
contests will no in the Scotish. boroughs
between tlio libciils , unionists and Glad-
stonelfos. ( ilas ow , the stionghold of rad
icalism , lias a unionist-Gladstone conlllct In
eveiy division. So far asfsatpicsentdis-
cei liable , tlie it-suit of the whole election Is
going to hinge once moio uuon the continu
ance ot Scotch mlelily to dl uUtoue. Theio
is at viescnt nothing to show any abatement
ot tlio icveicncc \vlilihlio lins been held in
that section ot the kingdom.
'llio lust pollings In the new election will
occui next Satuiday , July a , but there will bo
only a few that daj , and none tiom whose
icsnlt any indication can bo deiived as to the
geneial dilft. There will bo palling in a
liost ot boioughs on the lollovvlng I'licsdfiy ,
and these will fiunlsli tholitst triistwoithy
eign ot the spirit of tlio countiy.
The ( icneial Council ot Social Uemocials
has Issmd a nnnite&to deelailng that the
breaking up ot the llbctal paitv his liapplly
given a shock to the whole labile of
the middle cliss. "Will L'ngllsh clti-
/ens , " the manifesto asks , "believe
can they behove that dukes , mai-
cjuises , calls and Jew mllllonalics would not
combine to ictuso self-goveinment to lioland
in the Intciest of the people aloueV Tlio
cause of the Jil&h people is the cause of the
Knglish people. Men who oppiessiis crush
them. Classes wno hate us v Hilly them.
Tholicedoniotthopcasantsol helandme.ins ,
In the ncai tutuio , the emauclp ition ot the
wage blavesof Knglind. It K tlm diilyot
Englishmen torcllc\o Iieland foithwltli tiom
the blunting ellccts ot domination and show
them , amid the bieak-nji ol paitlcs , the decay
of class supi em icv , 'llio men of this Island
bhonld Irani to bowoithv ot theli hciitage.
and piovo to the woild that Kngl mil can vet
ihutu the level ot her uncvinalid oppoituni-
tlc . " 'Ihls , bcatteied bioidcast
thiouhout ; ; the country , will , no doubt luvo
a pciceptlblo cllect on the vote of the demo-
iscount nampden ( .Mi. Uraud ) , Into
spakci ol the house of commons , has de
clined unquililiedlv in tavorof Gladstone's
inlnclplcs. llo wiltes that unless home rule
Is gtantedon the lines ol the ictcnt bill the
1'ainellltes will bo justified in making nailla-
nientao Koveinincnt Impossible.
I'.u neil epoko last uUhtat I'lymouth. Ho
said tlio picseut stuigsloasu htiu lo of
timJhitlsh and liemociacies against
class , i'ho lanilloids saved them any torn.
puuctloiis of conscience by Idiotically lelus-
Ing Gladstone's libejal tcims. Votii ! < monuj
to lilah landloidsvvas notout of the ques
tion. Jt had not been and could not bo don -
n led , ho continued , that Loul Caumvou
a ieed wllhlilm as tothn main Hues upon
which autonomy should bo gi anted to
Irelaud. All thai Loul ( Jainavon bald was
that ho could not agico to tuo adoption of
GKulstono't , bill , which nobody dented. I'.u-
nelldid uotddiiie to inako tmtliei discord ,
hut ho thought it veiy piobablo that Lout
Cainavon'tj bcliemo Inelntled the letentlon of
the Irish uiembeis to the liouso ot commons.
Loid Cainavon , foi six months , meed
tlio adoiitlon ot Ids views and the cabinet
hail not opposed them seriously ,
LONDON. Juno U7. Gladstone has wiltton
as follows to John Jiiight : " 1 regret to lead
your lettei s to Mr. 1'etci Itylnuds. Without
losing a moment , 1 beg ot jou cltlici to pub-
llcl.v o.xcopt that fioin join asst itlon that one
vcai ago aliiiuoralsheld Mr. Inland's opin
ion , 01 to glvo inoof ot what jou say , N'tvei
since homo rule WHS started , titteon vears
ago , have 1 once condemned It In iirincinln
01 hehl In any wny the opinions ot Mi. Ity-
lands , which , to bpcak fianMy , 1 think ab-
Etud. "
In Ii eland seventy-seven Parnellito candi
dates will moot with no opposition and seven
Beats will bo contested , In bcothind the
unionists nnd consetvatlves will contest
sixty out of boventy-tw o beats.
Fioude , thohlstoiiau , wiltes ; "Tho Irish
will bo loval and obedient If justly goveined.
They hro as little capable ot governing
themselves as n ship's ciow 01 an Knglibh
public bcliool. The pioposed legislation
would place a lojahiiul worthy minoritvln
the power of the mutinous and worthless.
ItlMholeaM piomlslng expedient over pio-
posed to iconer SvaH'ii allegiance , 'llio
jiroposals of Gladstone aio n icpetltlon of
those attciinit.undei yniving I onus , which
always htadid toward dlsastei. "
, Caidlnal .Manning has wiitten a letter do
living the statement chculatcd that hoiibiiu
opponent of homo rule.
The liberal unionists of Ulster have Issued
an address protesting against Stone's policy
nnd wylnjc It Isiuinotisto the best interests
of the ( .ountry.
Mr , Chamberlain w , rites saying ha lias
earnestly desired to avoid auvtliiiu' llko per
sonal eontioverav with tbe picmlur , but the
statement the premier made Trlday , allitd-
Inn to the plan of Irish land purchiiers ,
which ho sild Chairbcrlain requested him
to have printed for subniittil to the govern
ment calls for Immediate notice. Chamber
lain then ROCS on to deny the statements ami
explain wlm ho really did. He savs he hopes
at some ftituie time , when In a position to
develop them In the light of otllcial informa
tion , to submit Ms views to general
criticism. At present , all ho will suIs that
they differ In every essential particular from
the eovernmcnt'spta * ! , above all , in this , that
they do not contcmp ate the abolishment of
a separate , prnetlea ly Independent legisla
tive body nt Dublin , They presume the
maintenance of the unquestioned authority
of the Impel ial parliament ,
LONDON , .June SO. Hlchard Chamberlain
member of parliament , attempted to address
the eleclois of West Islington last night , but
vv as not allowed to speak. Ho was met w lib
ciles of "traitor" and the plntfoim was
btormed. ChaiiuVrltln and hitf friends es
caped tliroiiL'li a ta-k door.
John Moilev , sitoaking \ewcastlelast
night , said the defection of Hrl ht was the
most painful Incident of the electoial cam
paign. While ho would evci icvere Uilght
as 0110 of the English statesmen , ho
must sty tint that gentleman's defection
would not abate one jot or tithe of the policy
adopted bj one Intellectudlv as good , and In
political giasp and loicslght gicater , than
TUT. rnr.Nrn corxr IN rvm. VM > .
The arilval of the Count ot 1'aris was sig-
nillml bj manv cxpiesslons of frlcndshlii
and lespcct , public and pilvate. Hit and his
family aio popular hcie , especially among
the upper classes. The publication ot his
iinultesto chilled some ot this enthusiasm ,
The indlcal papoi * at once dub him "pre
tender , " and say his open assertion of the
claim to tlio thiono of 1'iaiico excuses expul
sions. Pei haps it does , but the question re
mains whcthci it was wet th while for thoic-
publhtoeoincita quiet cUi/cn Into an active
Tlio late Tads dispatches state that the
agents of the expelled ptlnees openl } avow
thata movement Is on foot for tlic icstoia-
llon of the tin one. Concealment Is ta'd ' aside
and the intention to ovuitlnow the repub
lic publicly acknowledged at llio clubs and
hotels nnd In the stitets nnd newspaper olll-
ces. The icpubllcin hudeis seem Inclined
to loire the issue and foieo the worst. Frev-
cinct Is investigatii'g the recoids of high otll-
cers of tlio admlnistiation in all the principal
dcputments of allahs , not only In 1'ails hut
In thopiovincjs , with a view or pinging the
countii ot royalists and impeilalists in all
the branches of public scivlce. M. Cleinan-
ceau , whoso icsponsibillty for the act ot ex
pulsion is ieco nl/ed in diplomatic elides ,
lavois an'aEiiiesslve attitude. IN KNOIAXD.
Livrnrooi. , Juno ST. Her. Henry Waid
Ueechcr and his wllo an hod hero last evening -
ing on the steamer ntiuvla. They will re
main In this cltv to hear Gladstone speak on
'lutsday. Mi. Ik'ceherls somewhat fatigued
after Ids voj age , but is in eooit spliits. lie
will deliver litty-hvo lectuies. He has 10-
celvrd a host of Invitations to pi cadi and
lecture and also hundieds ol letters and tele
FuifllieiJjxpiitHioiis. .
PAIIIM , June 'J7. The ladical Press do-
niinds a reply to the manifesto of the Count
of I'atls. the immediate expulsion ot all the
Oileanist piinces and tlio i-eizuto of their
piopeity. _
KAXOOOV , Juno 2t Xo furtlier flqlilnc
has ocenired between llio 1) icolts and iJrltlsh
troops. The lattei lost seven killed and
tvventv-thn'o wotindi'd.
The Fight Progressing nnil Sprcaitliifj
In All lircctiniiH.
CiurAfio , Jttrto,2r. [ bpeclal Tcleiain to
the Bii.J : Tlio reasons for opposing lines
making n GO per cent leduction In freight
\atestoOmahaandfCouiicll Ulnlls Filday
last have already beCn given , nnd as the
loada contend that'they have conclusive evi
dence that tlicro has been established a > collusion -
lusion between.tho Omaha freight bureau
and the St. Paul road , wheieby the latter had
seemed a ccitain amount of custom that \v\s-
compclltho to all lines , thnir proof that such
a state of affaiis existed has natuially settled
the question. Si. Paul officials deny these
asseitions point blank and say , on the other
hand , that It Is notoilous that one or two
other roads hive persistently shaded latos
for months past \vl\h \ the Intention of avoid
ing a settlement in the pool , scl/.Ing upon
the pretext of non-piyment of bal
ances bv the St. Paul as sufll-
clent cause for bicaklng the agreement ,
and at no time willing to compiomiso
or do anything that would biing about an
end ol disputes. Tills latter statement is a
little strained , however , for at the first meet
ing of tlio mnnagcis a proposition was made
to arbitrate the inattei over which the loads
were at lozgcrhe.ids , which were declined by
the St. Paul olllclals on thogiound that there
was nothing to arbitrate. How over , theio
nevei Is any Ivk o fair excuses tor any
action lalliond managcts see fit to take.
Theio weio but few developments jcstciday.
An eaincst effoit Is being made to keep tlio
bieak contlncd to rates obtaining In the
Council lltnlls and Omaha pool , but It Is very
doubtful if such an effort can succeed. Noth
ing would suit Omaha nieichantsand jobhcis
better than this , as they would bo able to
stock up at low iatc ° , while all othei jobbing
centets. both on the met and beyond , would
bo foiccd to pay the tailff , w hlch would bo a
AiltuU ttlscilmlnatton against them. The
Illinois Cential K'i'Wul/.ci ( this and meets the
late by making it to Sioux City. If the
bouthvvestein lUilvvay association lines
are Miccesstnl In keening demoiali/atlon
out of tlieli tenitcry , and it thowar Is of very
long dmation th.ero will bo a ho\\l fioin JCiui-
sas City , St. Joseph and Atchison , as Omaha
jobbei- will liavothem on the hip. Alieiee
war between Chicago and St. Paul and Min
neapolis is mtito ceitalu to bo In-indurated to-
nioiiow.and Ilia opinion isthat a ten cent
i ate on till classes of tielchtwill bo made.
'Iheio hasbien un lurieemenl for thoniiin-
tonanco of noitlincstoui latct ; , but It bus not
been well maintained duiiiu the past few
weeks. It was iiimnied jesterday that the
Huillngton notlllld the otlici roads that It is
no longei to bu consldcied a paityto the
agreement , and lliatlt will , lieieatter , make
vvhatovei latos Itllkcs. The Illinois Ciiiitial
people say , ittho repoit h tine , It will make
u ten cent late on all classes of Height tiom
Chicago to bt. Paul nnd Minneapolis via the
Minnesota A ; NorthweMcin. 'Jills would
compel all dtlifrljiic.s to uiaUo the samoiato
aud much "fun" Ina ) then be looked foi.
A l'rencierB Kensatlon.
MADISON , Wli1. , Jtine 2r. Itev , Mr. Me-
Atce , pastor of to Ifybj tei Ian church , to
day created ase satl rj by preaching a fiery
bcimon IncondQniiation | of Governor Husk.
The Northwestj. . ' ! ! ! rtiotheihoo I ot Loco
motive cnglnccf ) met Jrio in annual hession
today and tliu kovenior granted them the
use of the asseiibly Itambei in tlio capltol.
ThUaclJon tli incailiQi condemned as aid
ing In Snbbathlbrcaldnic , and di'Claied that
Lusk must alone' ' for thus defln r the law
bjtorj again teoking thobiittingesof the pee
ple. Many of lioveriini Itutk'ti ' btaunchest
liiendsaio niQpburs of this eongre.'atlon ,
and tbov rose ( i , the middlj ot the sermon
and lott the clinch , '
Ho Had a Trco Rido.
CHIYI.N.N-I1111020. : ( SpecialTulegrain to
the 13ii.J : : Wilio Weber , n hve-vear-old boy ,
boarded a tndi ) at Denver today and canto
up to Chejcine. The conductor supposed
the boy boluiifvd to a passenger. The rhilil
was placed In pliargo of Officer Bean of Chev-
cnno , who tcluraphcd tlie Denver anthoil-
tlea. It Is Mipifocd the boy Intended to go tea
a German picnic at Argo 1'aik nnd got on the
Chojeiuio train by mistake.
The Deail Jtlilnooeros.
NKVV YOIIK/une3" / . Tliodead rhinoceros ,
Bombay , wcJ Lcd tv\o and a half tons , and
thrco cleplmtijt this moinlng ( lui ed the
cnrenH.s011(9 ( u truck which cnrrltd It to a
secluded tiiiot , ' wlieio u post-moitem was
held. Tlio bnta illeil of pi'.etim i lia. Tliu
sUelctoii wai > stutfc'd. The hldo Is to bo
placed In tlm liuscuui of natural hlstoiy.
Iowa Bourbons Sick of Their Enrly Call
lor a State Convention !
No "Unrrels" Manifest n AVIllliiRncss
to lo ) Sacrificed Tor Hmpty Hon
ors Ttio rolltlcnl Situation
Other Iowa Nous ,
No OfTcrliiER In
1 > K9 MOINRS , la. . June 'Jr. [ Special to the
liKr.l Although tlio demoeiatlc state con-
ventlou Is but tlnee days away , meeting In
this city next Wednc'diyot democratic
politics arc more qultt than they have been
at this stage of atlalrs bcforo In years. In
this lespect the acts of the democrats quite
belle their vvoids. When they Issued a call
tor an early convention they declared that
thcj would have an aggressive aud billllaut
campaign , and they were louring for some
body to open the ball and give them a chance
at the enemy. Hut , on second thought , thev
took It all bick. They don't want to open
the ball. They aio not longing to
( ret after anj body. They want to
bo let alone , and they want
It bid. Theie Ins been a very general , but
Inetrectual movement tlnoutrh the rank anil
llio of the paityto luvo the convention post
poned lor two mouths. But the ccntial com
mittee thought that would look too much llko
suiiender , aud so declined. Tlie convention
Is about hero , but the candidates and the en
thusiasm ate all lacking. Soveril names have
been suggested foi the different positions on
the btalo ticket , but nearly all Ihugentlotnen
thus distinguished have sent a declination in
post haste attei the announcement. Xobodv
seems to want demoeiatlc honois this veai at
tlio price they are now lated at In tlio
m.ukct , which means a contribution of
soveial thousand dollars to tlieeampalgnltind ,
and thcli defeat at the end ot the season.
Within a few ditjs some two or tlneo names
have been proposed , though with no especial
enthusiasm , and It is probiblc that in the ab-
seccoof an > rivalry they may leiualn. There
was. u few weeks ago , a little attempt to
boom Mr. A. B. Keith of Denlson toi tlio
head of the ticket sccrctaiv ot state. His
claims weio based upon tlio fact that ho had
been rejected by the United States senate
after Mr. Cleveland had appointed Him post
master. So some ot his fiionds thought that
ho ought to bo vindicated. But that looked
like an attempt to make a state Issue out ot a
vety small eonntiy town affair , and cooler
counsels piovalled , and Mr. Keith
was dioppcd. The last man named
for this i > I ice , who hasn't declined In advance ,
isbenator Cassattot Mailon county. Hois
the authoi of the Cassatt coal scieen bill tint
has been the subject of more or less comment
in ono or two legislatures. What is moio to
thepolntjust now Is IhathcisabnnUci , well-
to-do , anil likely to umtiibute libeiallv totho
camptign fund. The last qualification this
jear means agicat deal. Tlie dcmociats aio
missing the tiuanclal aid of theii old allies
very much. Therotised to be a couple thou
sand saloon keepers in Iowa who weio rett-
lai sttbscrlbeis to the campaign fund. Now
theio arc none. The lew who arc doing a
clandestine business invc to spend so much
to keep out of jail that they have
no money to put into polities. So
the democrats aio looking this vear
for candidates with a "bauel. "
They mention , among othoi possible nomi
nees , Paul Cue-lick of Burlington forautlitor.
Ho Is nxoii of the ( iiiellck who has Demi tlio
attoinoy toi tlio aloou men of Iowa , and
v\ho formerly was a piominent Ccnnan re
publican , but left the paity on account of
prohibition. The voting mm Is at present
county auditor of Des Mol lies county. Mi.
Hcnrlques of Maishalltovvn , who made the
inn two jears ago , will also bo a candidate
for icnomlnatlon as audltoi. The dcmociats
hope that by some good luck they mav possi
bly in inasre to elect an auditoi , hoping that
Mr. Blown will tun as an independent can
didate , and thus thiow the election to them.
But theio is not much probability ol his do
ing this. If ho gets thiough salely
ho will likely bacontont lo retmn to pilvato
lite , nnd thank his fate that ho is otf as easy
as he is.
The lOpubllcan state convention will not bo
held till tlic 'r > th of Auenst , but theie isa
gieat stir amen < : the candidates for auditoi.
All the othei mimes on the ticket will piobi-
bly boienomlnatlons , as they icpiescnt hut
Mnglo terms and the Incumbents have gen
erally given satisfaction. But asMi.Biowji
has had two teims alieuly , oven without tffh
impeachment mallei bsmg considoied. ho
would prolnbly not bo a candidate again.
The tlneo leading nspliants lei the auditor-
ship aio Captain J. A. Lyons ot Guthiio
county , who has been a member of at least
two legislatures ; Mr. A. I ) . Peck , county
auditor of Sac county , and Hon. Chaile's
Beaidsley , ptesent acting auditor. They
leniescnt , Ktographlcally , the northwest , the
central ] mt ol the state and the uoilheast.
They aie all gjod men , with strong lollovv-
Ings , and eithei will save the state iiom any
moio such tioublo and annojaiico as the
picscnt auditoi has caused it.
A DKMorit.viir iii.i'Nnrn.
By some oveisight the democrats have
Issued In tlieii otilelal call n notice to nomin
ate a candid ito tor supreme judge. Theio is
no vacancy tliis jeai , but the big and little
papera of the state keep on publishing the
announcement , and home tliiulc that tlio
dcmociats are going to inn a judge thisjcai.
and next , too , and then add
his vote to'ctlicr. hoping by this
means to comn in biglit ot the republican
ctdldato next veai
i in : CO.N aiir.ssiovAi. M i UAT jov.
Thoroaio no hpetlal changes tn the con-
giesslonal situation , 'llio ical luht this jeai
will bo made on national Issius and Iowa 10-
publicans will tiy to eject ten ol the eleven
congiessiucn. Mi. Dolllvei , the brilliant
juii oiatorof Foil Dodge , ictelved a conllal
ondoisement fioin his home county vestei-
dny , in his contest tor thecon-'iessional nom
ination. Ho will go Into llio convention
htion-'crtliaii any.othci candid ite , but piob-
ably not as stiong as all otheis lombined. If
the Hold unites against him ho mav be beaten ,
biitholsveiy popular throiight thodistiict ,
and has nmny tilends who will vote tor
him on second choice. So It looks veiy
much as though ho would bo thonoxlron-
giesstmin fiom the Tenth dlstiict.
in i ! c. i , , s. r.
The Clmutaiupians , lepiesentlng a laigo
number ot ladles who aio taking tliu touibo
ot study icpiosented bv lids name , aio on-
jm Ing a visit from Itev , Di. J 11. Vincent.
thotoiiiulrr of the Chautamju in assembly
and reading circle. A Iai.o reception was
given to him last night In this city , and Mon
day ho will hold madnatlng exeiclsesat In-
dianola , which all of the graduates ot tlio
course aie invited to attend , 'Ihen theio aio
soveial graduates In this rity who will at
tend and takothcli diplomas tncio ,
iiu : U.NIOV PEi'orhciiKvin.
1 ho movement for a union depot begins to
take an encouraging foi in. Majoi Philips ,
several members of the council , and other
liroiiilnent clti/ens , aieln Chicago con I en Ing
with tlio olllclals-of the princiiial toads that
entei the city. ] t was leaied that the piinel-
pal oppoiltlon might come tiom the Itook
Islam ! , as that load has a good deal alicady
invested in psi niaueut buildings here which
would hoof little 11 0 in case a union depot
was built. But Crucial Manazcr Hoyco has
expics ed himself as quite In favor ot the
plan and the committee are gieatl ) rncoui-
agtu. DehnltoioNiiltsof the vlflt will not bo
known lor a day or two , as tliu Milwaukee
olliclals could not be seen at the tame time
vvltn the others.
] tirra\in : : ins HACK PAY.
Senator McDonotigh. who list wrote
drew back pack pay In the sum of i-ilii ,
has ictnrneil It to tlio ticasuiy , This leaves
the number of senators who have kept the
mono ) twelve foui democrats and eight ie-
publlcaiiH. about tliobamo jiioportlon ot rath
ji irty. Tlio pxodtis to the northern lakes has
alicady begun , and a laigo niimbei of Des
Monies people have lott tlm city , .Spirit nnd
Obokojl lakes aio the favorite JCsOiti foi peo-
plofiom this vklnlty.
fho Trial Neuritis : Its JJnil ,
Di H MOINKS , la. , Juno 27. U , a. Vail oc
cupied the entire time of thc.lmpearjimcnt
couit ) C'stfiday , only the lorcuoon
belni ; held. Ills examination was entirely
cross examination and directed to bringing
out the points moro fully to which ho test !
fied Friday. Ho received from the different
low a compinlcs examined Ifl.lW.ftO for ser
vices and S7T3M for expenses , reckoned at
S.t per eveiy eight hours worked ; total
amount , S7,510.7. . The exact iHles were
luouuht out of the times and amounts paid
Air. Drown for eampalmi expenses. Ihey
were twice ; at DCS Molnes , at the capltol , Au
gust 1 and October I'-1 , ls8l-Si" and PIO , and
the tlilut amount in Cinnell Hlulfs-SSO.
Urovvn will be examined Monday , with ono
or two moio witnesses , and the defense will
Locnti Octs tlio County .Sent-
DKS MOIKRS la. , Juno 27. rSpcclalTcle-
Brnni to the BKI : . ] The contest between
Logan and Missouri Valley for the county
scat of Harrison county has Just been decided
In favoi of Logan by a mijorlty of174. . Miss
ouri Valley has given notice that she will
present a petition to tlio board of sttpcivlsors
nt its Septeinbei session for granting another
vote on the location of the eouutyscat , think
ing that she can cany It by that time and
have the count ) seat returned fro m Logan.
Out of tliciltnuc.
DAVttsToitT , In , Juno 27. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIH : ] The Scott county demo
cratic convention jeMerday elected delegates
to thoiougiesslonal convention who were In-
stuicted to vote tor Judge W.iltei I. Hays.
Tlds mcuis the ictlrcnieut of Jcriy Muiphy.
as he failed to sectiro his own county and
will no bo leiumiluatud.
To Help the OlUoorH.
CMXTOV , la. , Juno 'J7. I Special Tclcgiam
to the Bii.j : : Tlio clll/ens' leauuo of tills
city have tendeied the sheillf a posse of well
aimed men to piotect witnesses In the futuie
piosecutlon of saloonkoepcis , and woik will
continue the saino as betoiu tlie mob attacked
the jail. _
Pnrin Hiiililinc IHirned.
L\civ : , la. , June 27 FSpcclul Telegram to
the Br.i : . ] A liio at the larm of Itobert Hum-
pluev ileotioed ills bain , live horses , wagons
and laim machltieiy , bav and irialu. Loss ,
51,500. The tire Is supposed to have been
staitcd by a tiaiup.
Incrcnso in Wealth as Shimn by the
AsKcssors' Itetnrns.
BKATHICI : , Neb. , Juno 37. ( Special to the
Bin : . ] In the assessoi's retuins for
IbbO for Cage tounty aio some liguies which
may bo of lutcicst :
Horses assessed , 12,709 ; average assessed
value , S20.W ) . Cattle assessed , ! ! I. VJS ; avei-
ago assessed value , SB. 13. Mules assessed ,
1,110 ; avciageBissessed value , SJl.b ) . Sheep
assessed , 10,071 ; avciairo assessed value ,
59 cents. Hogs assessed , 27,7 > 0 ; aveiageas-
bCsscd value , OS cjnts. Itaihoad and tele-
piaph piopeity , total assessed value , 57-1 1,101.
Number of aeies improved lands In IbbO ,
28J,033 ; in 18bo , 2.KtOl ; ntnubei of aeies un
improved lauds In IbbC , an.TU ; in IbM , U.17 , .
OIA Total number city lots in Gage county
in 1SSJ , t'JO-J ) ; in ! Sb5 , 8,7n. ( ToUl assessed
\ahntioii of county foi ISbO , S'j.lW.WJ. '
Theie is an increase oftS,417 acres In culti
vated lands over last veai , and theie aie 1,107
moio town lots than in Ibb.'i. Tlio niimbei ol
boss has fallen elf since last veai bv 10.UCO ,
whicli is ot couitc accounted foi by the hoj
The ciopiepoit taken tills sptlng Is for last
vear's ciop , nnd the follow lint shovvj an In
crease over tlio previous jeai. This rcpoit is
not coirpletc , as some assessors did not 10-
poit fully : Acres wheat sown in lbS" . 20,704 ;
in IbSt , 18,170. Aeies coin sown iu lbb5 ,
1IU.500 ; In 1SS4 , inl > t2. Aeies oats sown in
181) , 20 , Wi ; ill IbM , JO.71'5. Acics ballc )
sown in Ib8. > , 2'J % ; in Ibbl , 1'U2.
Agood deal of llav , ijc , millet and buck
wheat are sown each jeai , but the icpotts on
these crops aio veiy inengie. 'Ihls jeai will
show a much target acreage of coi n and less
wheat , while the acieage ot flax will equal , If
not exceed , the oat ciop. fanners aie hud-
ing out that laising ! lais ptolitablc. It
j'ields fioin ten to twelve bushels pei acio
and bihigs fiom 0 tents to & > l pei btiiliol.
BfATittcn , Neb. , June 27. [ Special to the
Bcn.J The handsome new Methodist cliutch ,
costing atjotit § 2 ,000 , Is neaily completed ,
and will bo dedicated by the bishop on Julj'
11. Ptcvlous to that time aicccptlon will
bo given in the new chinch to tlio pastoi ,
W. K. Beans. The oxpeuslv obtained glass
w indows and the elcjciut ficscoing add much
to thobeautvof this eliuich. Kiuthcr in the
way of now buiidlngsaro ten now bilck busi
ness houses which will bo completed this Jail ,
besides a number alietd ) put up this ceason ;
also a niimbei ot nice icsuleiices aie going
up. A few paitlcs have been heio Intel ) to
seciue locations lei lobbing houses in ea = o
the Itock Island load Luihls to this point.
The chances aio that they w 111 come. How-
evet , we mustget some bettei lielght lates
and bo on a iui with Lincoln aud Kiciuont
bofote any jobbing can bo done.
A Homo for Orphans.
Cor.t MHUS Neb. , Juno 27. ( Special Tele
gram to the Bu. ] At a meeting called in
tlio Intciestsof the Paiksvlllo Orphans' Homo
at Columbus , pteslded over by Carl ICiamci ,
Dr. Armstion ; presented tlio incentives
which actuated him In making tlio phllan-
thiopic dqnation of his I aim lor nn oiphnn-
ae. Di. balcm Aimsttoiu ; spoke of bci
work In Chicago , Now Yotk and Phila
delphia , icsculng the staivlng , abandoned
ehlldien In the hticcts and placing
them In the homes of Phtto county. .Mis.
bpaitock , of Plattsinonth , hioko | ot lici Mini-
lai and Kiictcssful woik. Mcbhrs. KIce , Hud
son , Jlainmond , Chuk nnd Kiamei niiulo
hhoit speeches appiovliu the woik which
Di.Aimstioi : has just be un. Miss Millie
Aimstiongdellveieda veiy select and touch
ing lucitation chiiacteil/lng the oiphaiis.
Aiesoiiitiou of appiovnl and ol
to contilbiito to tliu oiphanna'o was tlio unan
imous sentiment ol the audience.
AflVti } in Sni'i > y.
i i ) , Neb. , Juno 27. ( Special to
the ni. i : . ] James .McDonald , living in bnipy
county , ncai South Bend , was shot Salurdtt )
by ono J , C , Cauoll. The ball cnteieil the
left sldo just below the Hotting ribs and nindo
itsoxltne.u thcHpIne , Caiiollandwife weio
Keeping house toi McDonald , hut owing to a
lamlly < | imicl u lew davs beloio C.nroll went
to South BondloIlvc. Jlo letuinidbatiirday
tin tils cow , when ho nnd .McDonald got Into
n litfhl with the above i esult. Cat roll lamoto
hpilnglicld and gave himself up. McDonald
is apt to die. _
Dr.iUKcd liy a Larlnt.
Scili.'Yl.i i : , Nth. , Juno 'J7 , ( Special Tele-
t : i am to the BM : . ] Ycsteiday nfteinoon the
cloven-yeai-old son of Mr Bailey was badly
bruised up by being dinzgcd at the end of u
long laiiatiopuh ) n bpliltcd hoise. Ho was
diaiwl ulHiiniilmiit a inurtei ot nmile ovei
the tough piaiiles. It \3 \ J eared ho In
injured Intenmllj.
/Inn Hi at
K > nitsi : > x , Neb. , Juno -Special [ Tele-
iriam totho Bu : . ] WIAVCI , son of Oeneral
Joojih Jloltuian , of this place , died last
evening nt nquaitei of ! ' . Tlio family will
U-avo to-moirow wlih the uirp-o by way of
Oiralm lei 1'oit Madibon , la. , where ho will
bo bulled.
To Hold a Ca i nj ) Klio.
SmuYi.Kit , Neb. , Juno " 7. fSpecIal Tele
gram to the HII : : . ] The ( > . A. U. post at this
place will hold u public camp hie nt the opuia
house on Wednesday evening , Juno 3) , at
which lima Uenc.a ) Tliaiiu is expected to bo
present and aildrcst tlio audience.
County CoinnilHstuneis ArrcNtctl.
Br.ooJti.vnrn.NNeb. . , Jnuo 27. ( Special
Telegram to the Bii : : . ] l > , M. Wiant , C. II.
Tovviiseudamt W. 11. Klnley , cotnty coin-
inlsslonerswciojiiiested > cttoiday
v UhUMni ; Illegal leeo-a criulnl
r ( i ir rni /iiiTr * Ttif ?
A Quiet Sunday Among Chicago Striken
After a Bloody Saturday ,
Sxvltoliincn I'uistto n ricelnff TrrtlH
AVI tli Capturcil l.oconiolUca nad
Sticoceil In Dltotilnn It OITlcor *
Shoot Two Striker * .
Tlio Iinko Shore Strike.
CHICAGO , tin IIP'Jf'llio Lake Shore in a 6 a
no attempt to move freight to-day and per *
feet quiet tilcvailed. The switchmen , hovv"
over , expect lively woik to nionow , knowing
( ho company Intends to start out n ( rain
heavily guatdcd , The company has applied
( othulldo Pailc police for assistance , bo
Kevin ? the town of Lake pollco nroflinpa >
thUlng with the sttlkef. The stilkers nC
a meeting to-da ) icsohed totiM ) every means
to maintain thvlc Kioiind.
oni.usm i.MmviKwr.D.
Si'iu.suriKM ) , HI. , Juno 07. In lesponso
ro n reporter's liiquliy as to what action ;
would probably be taken to quell the rlotjj
which ma ) result when the Lake Shore ralbj
load olllclals attempt to move their trains' ,
UovcinorOelesby stated ho had heard notjv-
Imr fiom Chieigo to-day. U Is prcsumra ,
fiom the governors loply , no move has 00511
made by him toi the transput tntlon of troot > 3.
CiiiCAno , Juno 'M. The Lnke Shore rail-
load rompany tiled a hill lor an injunction"
this moinlug , and Judge Shcpnnt granter
the Injunction against the sti iking swttcti
men , to compel them to keep away from th
) mds. Uy 10 o'eloek this nioinlng the traoi
south of Foily-third street had boon clearc
ol deialled cars , but up to II o'clock the con
pany had made no new cIToit to send out nc
trains. '
l p. m. Shoitly after 12 o'clock the Lake
bhoiiulllelnls ) took an engine out of tlla
lound house at rott-thlid stiect nnd under
n stiong police loico ntt.uhed It to a caboo&i
nnd stalled south tovvaid KiiRleuood. Tliera
was a laigo and excited eiovvn at Koily-thira
si i ect , supplemented b ) u largo number oC
Idle men nnd bos. In the caboose vvnaft
niimbei ot tlie town of Lake polled
and Pinkei ton's toico. Immediately
niter the engine started the stiikcr.s made tut
attack on the lound house and drove nwny {
the tow deputies on gimid. They then took Jt
possession ot the two locomotives -vvhlcB fr
had been tiled up and piocicdctl/.ontli mi tjin 4 lj
laihoad to overtake tliu caboose. This hlgw |
handed iiioieedliic was witnessed by a largo1
ciovvd , which made wild demonstrations of
approval as the locomotives pulled outf
On boaid the lotomotivcs were forty
01 lift ) strikers 01 aillii'ientTho captured
locomotives weie inn ut u big rate of speed }
and soon oveitook tlm train , the foremosC
locomotive tunning Into the rearof tnecar
boose , but not ovei tinning. The deputies In
the caboose , when the locomotive ran Into
thocai , tiled some shots lium their revolvers ,
two of the stiikiw beinir woundedJ
Tlio pollco then deseited the train Slid
tied tovvaid Knglvvood. The mob ntoncq
took possession ot the tuiin nnd ditched Ir.
Tlie excitement ovei the alluir Is very great
The police nppe ir to hav c lost complete con *
tiolnnd the stilkeis aie In piactical posses
sion ot tlm inllvvav tomiiany's shoos and
piopeity outside ot tlio city.
'llio LaKeSlioie engine was In charge of
the lesttlnr cicvvand let ! the round hohSo
shoitly alter 12 o'clock. Piom later reports
Itnppcam tlieieweio two cabooses attached
to the liisl Laku.Shoic train , IiiHtcad of ona
as at tirst announced. On each caboose were
iifteen of the town of Lake poltccaiul twenty
Pinkei ton men. A cty of i.ige went up from
the thioats of the mob us tliu engines dashed
by. Soon the Chicago , -Milwaukee fc St.
Paul tnglno and 0110 belonging to the Nickel
Plato load passed the ciowdot strikers. The
engines weie on the way to L'nplcwooil yaids"
to do some switching ( or the roads ttj j
which they belonged , but as they
passed the ciovvd they were boardefl
bv 100 fin ions nun , who , without ceremony ,
took possession. The engines were at lirstu
supposed to have hi on taken fiom the Lake
bhoiuioiuul house. The two engines were
coupled toa'cthei , and , with the tenders' &
swindling vvitli stukeis , they vverd p
given lull head of stcanx'
with the tlnottlos tin own wide open ,
and dashed In eh ise ol the Lake fahord
tialn. Then began a veiy exciting race. The
Like hlioio tiain coinej lug the police lu-
cieased Its speed , but was soon overtaken-
by the locomotives catiylng tbe strikers ,
tully 1(0 ( ot whom weio on
bond. When the fust locomotive inn Into
the caboose t ho pollco filed and a number oil
stiikers jumped tiom tlie locomotive. Tho1
police train slowed upas Mon ) ns the tiling
began and the polite jumped oil the cars and
lan tovvnid Knglewood. The strikers coupled
on to llio train and binught It to the city ,
As u uMill of to da'H collision seventeen
niiests have been made by the Chicago police
and Pinkei ton's men and tvveniy-flvearresM
b.vthollUo Paik polite. Lnto In tlm after
noon a height tialn , containing n large cs
coit of pollco , left foi Millei's station to bring
a ficiKht train from the east. Some strikers ,
seeming an engine , htaitcd In pursuit. At
boulli Chliago the stiikcis had obstiuctcd the
tiack and tlm trains vvetu forced to slop. A
numbci ot shots were hied without serious
damape , and the olllteis , alightlnjr from the I
tiain , nuested tlm leading obgtructoiH nua <
then went back to the pin suing train , whlcli
had stopped , nnd made fiiither nrrosta , < - ,
nniounling to FOV entceu In all. Thopuisttlnc' ' '
engine was then killed and the first train goti
out lei MIlloi'K station , where the otllceis
boaided nn Incoming tialn , which vvaa
bioiight safely to Knglowood. The ether - '
tialn continued eastvvaid unmolested.
BlnHhliiK I'Volifht ' Itatcs.
ST. LOTIH , Juno 20. L'vei slnco thojbrealc ,
in tlieiiorthwcstein intcs It hns been feared , .
Hint the cut would extend to ovety Interest y 9
Involved , on the theoiy that the lines opcrnt-
Ing In the teiiitoiy ulfccted would bo compelled - / , *
pelled to meet the cut foi belf-piotectlonjir > i
The situation has been giovvlnjr more Hcrlous *
nil the time anil ) teidny the rates went all
( o nieces nt this point , and the wnr la now
open nil along the line , with ovcry Indication
of becoming iib lleii'o nnd bitter as rented.
The flint i nt In Height intas announced Iiom
hi. Loiihi was imicli ) KS'lciday fiom tit. Loul ?
toLliuoln ana Kiemont , Neb. , thofollowlne
being tlio lin'iues : Klist dust , , at cents per Id
pounds : second chn > H , r/i cents per 100 pounds !
third cl ISSM : < cuts ; foui Hi class. 23 cents , '
Beware of Scrofulcf
Fcrof ula Is probably more e 'cral ' than tny
other dlsoaso. U Is Insidious In character ,
and manifests ItseH In rimnlni ; Bores , pustular
trujitlon * , bolls , dntlllngti , enlarged joint * , '
abscctscs , sere c ) os , etc. Hood's 8araaparlli | {
cupels all trace of bciofula from the blood ,
IcavhiH It pure , enriched , and healthy. \
" 1 was severely afflicted vvltU sciofula , and i
over n year had t vo running toi cs on my neck.
Took flvo bottles Hood's Bars tparllh , and am
cured. " 0. K. I.OVEJOV , Lowell , Mass. ,
0. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , hail erofuous ]
sores for sov en ) cars , pprhii ; nnil fall. Heed's * " *
Ears.iiaillla | cured him.
Salt Rheum
Isono of the iiioKtdlfnerccablcdlgeascs caused
by Impure blond. 11 Is i caitlly citreil by Hood'a
Baisaparllla , llio great hlooa purltlcr.
William Spies , Klyrla , O. , suffer ! crcatl *
from cr ) lpclas und salt ihcum , caused l > y
handling tobacco. At times his bauds would
cracl ; open and meed. Ho tried various prep-
action * without aid } dually took Hood's Bar *
Eaparllla , anil now bas : " 1 umcnjlrply vvcll.'l
"My fcou had salt rheum on ids hands ao
on tlio c. hci ol his logs , lla toail Jlood'i
Samaparllla nnd U entirely cutctl. " Jt .
BUiitou , lit. Vcnion , Ohio.
Hood's SarsapaHUa - .
I all ilrusj,1ili , filxforJ. \ ; .
by I' I , ItOOll S , CO , ArollitejrlBj.I wsll ,
IOO Doses Ono Dollar