TKE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JUNE 20 , 1886. Arrangements for the Completion of Its Extension to Lincoln , MISSOURI PACIFIC MATTERS. Indications That the Uorul Will Kx- lonil West Kroin Mncotn Silinll Ilnllrond Wnr The Mit- fllorxl Festival , fntOH TOR TIF.K'fi UNf.'Ot.V nttrtRVOL Contractor McDonald , ot the Chicago ft. Northwestern extension work from I'rcinont to Lincoln , Is in this city locat ing his linal grading camp out opposite tlin fair grounds , nnd a largo foreo of men will commence work from this t > olnt fitv the lirst of Iho wcnk grading northward ahoul live miles , where work is already heing pushed with commendable speed. The grading of yard room and depot grounds within the corporation will fol low , and work in securing these grounds Is occupying the attention of the right of way parties. Ono station on this exten sion of the Northwestern has been lo cated south of Wahoo at Ccresco post- olllce , near the Saunders county line , and presumably ono more station will be located in Lancaster county between that point and this city. Advances made to ward purchasing lands for a town site , where the people look for towns to bo located , nro met with fabulous prices , and the farmers who are along the right of way are preparing lo make the most of it. IS IT WANTKllr S. II. II. Clark , Superintendent Nichols , of the Missouri Paoilio , and J. H.McCnll , of Plum Creek , Dawson county , have been in conference in this city the past dny and it gives nn oppor tunity to revive n rumor , that heretofore lias been confined to close quarters , in c fleet that the Missouri Pa cific was not going to stay at Lincoln but had its feelers out for a northwestern ex tension into now Nebraska liolds. In fact , close observers of railroad matters incline to this opinion , and if so , whvnot strike the Dawson county country , nnd wli.y should not Mae come down and talk it over , to be sure. An extension of the Missouri Pacilio west from the state capital would , for n hundnut miles , be through a country already pretty efl'ecl- ually covered by tlio IJ. & M. , but at Plum creek a point' would bo found almost equally distant from tlio 1 $ . & M. Grand Island extension on the' one hand , and the 15. & M. El wood extension on the other sido. Therefore in the pending struggle to ncquiro now territory , and especially in the contest for the cattle trade of the northwest , and the other in terests in that rich und undeveloped land , it need occasion no surprise if the Missouri Pacific becomes an agirressive factor , nnd makes of Lincoln only the half way house on its road. A PASSKNUEIt WAI I III a small way has buon waging in the city tlio last week , the contest being be tween the B. & M. and the Northwestern , and the bone of contention being the Knights of Pythias excursion train to Toronto , Canada. General Passenger Agent Murray of the Chicago & North western has been in tlio city for several days ronrusonliiiK his road in the prenii- hos , and Captain Allen of Omaha , repre sents the Burlington. The excursionists will presumably not number over fifty or sixty , but that docs not lessen the heat of the contest in the least , and the passen ger agents Imvo orated to the boys night and day in committee meetings and ink. The latest report from the war is that the Northwestern will take the excursion party on a rate of pixtoon dollars and nine cents each , for the round trip , Lin coln to Toronto and roturn. LINCOLN'S MUSICAL FESTIVAL. The second concert of the Lincoln Ora torio society will bo given at Funko's ' opera house on Monday evening , tlio -8th , under the direct inuiiagciiicnt of Professor Baxby , the society's musical di- reetor.Tho oratorio of the opening will bo Handel's "Creation , " and the enthusiasm with which Lincoln singers nnd songsters Imvo ttikcn hold of the work ciycs the best promise that the society's second concert will bo an entire success. The principal soprano , Miss lUhel Hpwo , of this city , is a universal favorite in musi cal circles , and will not fail to please the most critical audience. Chas. A. Know , of Chicago , will sustain tlio loading role in tenor , and that gentleman's endorse ments of similar work in other localities is most fluttering. Mr. Portcous , of St. Louis , the basso , will sustain Iho solo Darts in his line with undoubted credit. The orchestra will consist of thirty pieces , Komo eight or ten of whom como from Omaha for the engagement , and the of ficers of the society loel assured that no labor , has been spared that would in any way tend to the successful rendition of "Creation , " which , in time , will promote tlyj object ot tlio society , which has for its aim n cultivation of taste for tliu best of sacred music. FAMILY THOU11LK. A case of domestic infelicity was illus trated at n hotel in this city an n von ing or two ago , in which a husband of tliu liruto order went into the business of licking his wife In public. At the request of tlio woman the police were called , but when they arrived her obstreperous lord nnd master had cooled somewhat nnd bogged oil' from going to jail. Tlio woman , with n bubo in arms , had come to tliu city from a point down on the Atchison & Northern branch , nnd had loft her husband on account of his worth- lossncss to make n living for herself , lie followed her to the city and n partial reconciliation was ncroed upon , nnd the man started out in tlio afternoon with the expressed view of obtaining work. Instead of work , however , ho obtained liquor at a neighboring saloon , and ut supper time ho returned to the hotel loaded for light and commenced beating bin wife witli lists nnd witli n chair that stood conveniently at hand. Tlio mistake - take made in the ending of Iho aIIair was when the police failed to take the wifo- beater to n eoll in the cooler nnd give him thirty days on broad and water and employment for the city , it character of punishment that nt best is too lenient for that class of characters. HOUR A1IOHT Till : EXCUHSION. President Correll , of the State Press association , prior to returning homo , took stops toward securing minor com forts for the trip to Salt Lake and Den ver. If the number so , or anywhere near the number who have nt tflllorent times signified their intention of going , there will bo two or three Pullman cars of excursionists , In that event n bag gage car will bo ndtlud to the train , in which a printing press and typo siilllciont to publisli a daily paper along the route will form n portion of the baggage. A barber shop will also bo loaded in tlio ear for the accommodation of the boys , nnd n physician will bo secured as an attaohn to the excursion in case of accident , CITY IIKIKF3 , Colonel II. 0. dishing , of dishing , Mallory & Co. . contractors , wllh head- quai tors In Omalin , was in the city yes terday between trains , nnd In response to the UKK representative's inquiry slated that two-thirds of tlio work in grading the li , & M. Ashland ciituil' was com pleted , nud that work would bo pushed with increased force on the remainder of the line until the road bed Is reriy ! for the rails. Mr. Cashing was onrouto homeward from u tour of inspection in the grafting contracts of the linn in Ilia western p-1 of I'jc state , the contracts OTOilAOKT C ? corner It rt > colvu uu.l etc. including the Itlue Hill branch and the extension westward from L'lwood , In connection with the cases tried for violating the liccnsoi nnd Sunday laws in Judge Parker's court , two parties were tried for running n bowline alley on the grounds of the beer garden thesnmo day and were linen , oito ? 10 and the olhor $3 and costs of prosecution. An old land mark in the shape of a two-story store room , on the cast side of Government souaro. is being torn out nnd will be entirely rebuilt by Mayor lltirr. The old stnndstono In the building when unearthed call lo mind vividly past days to old residentcrs. Two moro cases were up for hearing in police court yesterday for violations of the city ordinances requiring the city to clean house. The bond election will occupy the al- Icnttoii of the friends of the measure to day , and they confidently predict Ihat not a hundred votes will bo cusl against them. It is very qucstionablo. however , whether a half way icspectnbio vote will bo cast cither way. General llaggage Agent Mneslnnd , of the 1 $ . & M. , is out at Denver this week on a business trip to Iho western terminus of thoirond. The labor organizations of the city have secured as orators for the dav on which they celebrate , Monday , July iith , F. M. Fogg of Michigan , ,1. 11. michantui of Denver , M. K. Lewis , of Omaha , and Patrick l-'gan of Lincoln. The committee - too are also In communication with other speakers of note. /j , 12 Calvert , general suporintendenl of the 15. it M. lines in Nebraska , and Tobias Caster , right of way agent of the same corporation , came In irom a trip out on now lines yesterday. The finance committee of llio grand lodge A. O. U. W. closed a business ses sion in ibis city yesterday , which was called to secure the supplies necessary for tlio grand lodge instituted. Some Novon hundred dollars worth of books and blanks were lot by contract. Ex-Governor David Butler , of Pawnee county , is at the stale capital and is evi dently kept busy by numerous parlies who take a fatherly interest in the doings political al all points of the compass. Sovoial transfers of lots and lands In West Lincoln have been made the last week at advanced figures , and that part of the city is wide awake with the advent of two now railroads. A tramp too much intoxicated to walk , or to see six feet ahead of himself , orna mented tlio state capital grounds several hours yesterday , to the disgust of passersby - by and especially visitors in the city from abroad who daily visil the seat ol state government The preliminary hearing of James Me- Inlco was yesterday postponed until Mon day , when it will be up in Justice Brown's court. Police court yesterday in the mailer of drunks and disorderlies was a while- wash , and the firemen went through their usual practice without disturbing the entire second story. ' AT TIM : I'IOTKLS Yesterday the registers revealed the fol- lowingNobraskans : C. A. Foster , Omaha ; J. L. Hutehiiison , York ; B. K Smith , Hastings ; N. II. Gregory , Wahoo ; D. P. Marsh , Omaha ; 7. . F. lintt , York ; Frank Hitchcock , Hastings ; F. ( I. Simmons , Seward ; J. 12. Lamaster , Tecumseh ; 12. F. Chessman , York ; T. L. Norval , Sew ard. _ _ Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers were filed Juno 21 wjth Iho county clerk , and reported for tlio Bnu by Ames1 Heal Estate Agency : George N Hicks nnd wife to Aaron O Iiidiiini , lot 19 , blkO , Uaiiscom place , Umalin , w d. Sl.ViO. Ella K Lntson to Mary D Stoddnrd , lots 7 , S anil li , blk ' - ' , nud lots n and T , bile -I , Plain- view ndi ! , Omaha , w d , S'isoo. Leah Kcmlls nud others lo Samuel Merten- son , part of lot 02. S K Kogors , Ukalioina , .Douglas Co , w d , 551275. Paul .Nelson and wife to Samuel Jlortou- son , cjjj of lot 5 bile lii , Koimtzo & Huth's add , Omnhii , w d. SHOO. George Wilkiiis ( siiiRlo ) to Otto Dniunann , lots Hand 18 , bile 4 , Omaha View , Omaha , w d , S700. Edward J Mohlers nnd others to The Pub- lie , Ualo Cily park , being lots ( ! . 7 , 8 , 0 , 10. 11 , W , in , 14 , and 15 , Weiss' subdivision of 110 ? of nw ) of see 5-15-1' ! , Dotighis county , dedi cation. Dennis Cunningham and wife and others to John 11 Grossman and others , lot 12. blk 3 , Washington Hill add , Omalin , w d , 8500. George L Miller and wife to Herbert A Doml. lot B , bile 5 , West End add , Omaha , w d , 81500. Augustus Pratt nnd wife and others to James Johnson , lot ' _ ' . bile 10 , Pratt's subdi vision , Oiimha , w d , S050. Matthew L Van Scotun anil wife to Fran cis M. Schrlver , lot IS , blk M , Klrkwood add , Omaha , w d , S700. Francis S Ulaynoy ( single ) to E G Glenn , lots 4 , 5 nnd 0 , Tnbor plneo , Omnhii , w d 82000. William It. Drummond ( single ) to linnnnh T Hover , lot 5 , blk 1 , liulvhlcre , Douglas Co wd , S-150. Isaac S Hascall ( single ) to .lohaniin Llna- linn , part of lot 5 , blk1 , Kountzo's 4th add , O malm , w d , § 500. John H Huncntn and wife to Christopher C Kiold. lot 8 , blk 3 , Patrick's add , Omaha , w d , c OO. Jneob Trojnl nud wife to hawronco C Enc- weld , s ) { ol lot 14 , blk E , Prospect place , Omnlm , 8750. Lawrence C Ennwohl and wife lo Erick Pclcrson , s > 4 of lot 14 , blk E , Prospect place , Omnlm , w d , 8700. Augustus Kountzo nnd wile and others to Sidney 1) . Uarkalow. lots J ) , 10 , 11 , 12 , li ) , 11 , 13 , 10 , blk 7 , 1'laluview , Douglas county , w d , "John W Paul ( single ) to Mllon S Lindsay , part of nejf ol uw } sec 10-15-18 , Douglas Co , w d , 811350 , Goo H. Ayres and wife to Caroline E Ayrcs part of lot : ! . Johnson's add , Omalin , w d , 81. Edward Morony and wife to howls A GrolP nml others , lots KI and 14 , blk ii , llaiiseom , liliu-o Omaha , w d , S4500. , WJ Wagoner nml wife nnd others to Ella K Latson , lots 4 and C , blk 4 , Hawthorne add ; Onmlm , w d , 81700. ' Margaret Clcary ( widow ) loTlionms Tlghe , lot t ) . blk U , KounUo's 4th adit , Omalin , w d. 81000. ' Josephine C. Stewart and husband to Chas L Tmlil , lots 33 and 20 , Auburn Hill , Douglas Co. w d , SOOO. Dexter L Thomas nnd wife to Christiana .Johnson. lot 12 , blk 2,1'attcrsoii'b subdivision , Douslas Co , w d , 8150. GeorgoL Miller and wife lo John E Wil bur , lot 25 , blk 12 , West End add , Omaha , w U , 81500 , FailiiroB. Nr.w VOIIK , Juno M. The totnl number of business failures occurring throughout the United Stales and Canada dining the past suvun days was 102. Arrested for lOmhozzIonicnt. CHICAGO , Juno 25.V. . V. Wheeler , em ployed by A. M. Henderson , n bonul of trade commission merchant , wns arrested to-day for alleged embezzlement of 55,000. XTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE urean slroncen Natural Fruit Flavors , Vanilla , Union , Orange. Almond. Hose , clc , , lUvor as dellcalely und naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICiOO. BT. I-OOT3 , A SUMMER SHOWER OF STORIES Oat and Canine Tales , Both Tender , Tough and Truthful , SEVERAL TALL FISH BITES , Snnkca In Fields nnil Footgear Bkcctcr llltcs and Spldcr-j > lioiics-- A Manunotli AKgrcKntloii or Dcnil null Living Wonders. Two I'Mucntod Cnts. Plillnilclpliia Press : "Oh , that's nothln' ; ho can do ( tetter tlmn tlint. .hi t' wait n miniito an' you'll sco htm walk back ward. " Those remarks were made by the gentleman who wields an oyster knifu in a well known Sansom street house , and they wore : ti > plli > il to a small , frisky , black-and-white kitten. The kitten was practicing foals ot half ncing on the iron foot-rail that ran around the bar. The creature kept its tail switching from side to side to preserve its equipoise , and after walking forward for u space , actually did start backward. The stops were taken with great earc , but presently one foot slippml and the acrobat tumbled. "Antonio ain't n circus eat , " said the oyster ononor , "but ho knows enough to bo in a dime museum. Where did ! gel him ? Down on the wharves. IIu has no education except what he's picked up , but bo's got moro sense than man.y people that come in hero , lie just lives on oysters- cries for 'em and cats 'cm all tlie time. The funny thing is tnat he won't have 'em any way except on the deep shell. Antonio comes from a race of oyster- lovin'cats. " "That cat is an oyster-fed chump to Old Delmonico's , " said u bystander. "Know Old Delmonico's ? No ? Well , you're a dead outsider. The Old Del- monleo saloon stood at Ninth and ( . 'host- nut , on ground now covered by the post- ollieo. There was an enormous eat there which was as well known to the rounders as even the 'night hawks' or the roughs who in those day.s made that locality notorious. The oat ww full of tricks , and allowed nobody oxeopt the bartender to touch him. One of his favorite feats was to pick up a silver quarter from the smooth marble top of the bar. Ot course he could not lake it up in his mouth , as it wonjd lie too Hat on the stone's sur face. So ho would carefully push the coin along with his feet unli.l it projected over the edge ot the marble , when' ho would catch it between his foropaws. and , squatting on his haunches , would hold it up fcr inspection. Ho was fond of prom enading up and down the narrow shelf back ot the bar , where line fancy glass ware was stacked up many tiers high for ornament , and lie was never known to break a glass or displace an article. " A Hrlulit Jojj. Popular Science Monthly for June : " 1 was in the habit of giving bones to my poodle Alouston ilurmjr dinner , and ho would go into the yard to gnaw them. \ \ hen the bone wag too large for him , 1 would get mi aim-go out with him and split it before his eyes witli a hatchet. One day Mouston , after having gone out with his bone as usual , came back , bring ing it in Ins mouth , llxed himself in front of mo and wagged his tail. 1 ordered him back , but lie persisted in staying where he was. Finally i thought of what ho wanted and arose , while the animal in dulged in leaps of satisfaction. The trouble was that the bone was too largo for him. Now , when I call to mind the expression of the dog when ho showed mo the bono without getting an answer from me. 1 could not help thinking that he must at that moment have had a very poor opinion of my understanding. " It is evident from this incident that Mouston know c.xp ieitly that the bono would be easier to manage if it was split , and that 1 alone had means of splitting it ; and ho had a clear and precise idea in anticipation of what lie expected from me. Finally , ho manifested his desire tome mo by the only means within his power. How much better could a deaf-mute do than he did ? lint it is ono thing to think by resem blances and another tiling to think by symbols. A story was recently published by M. Dubuc , of a pointer'which had learned after a few years that its master wont on Sunday , while on the other days he went to business , and M. Dubuc concludes that the animal had Jcarned to count up to seven. The conclusion is not legitimate ; it may oven bo said to bo wrong. The dog distinguished Sunday by sonic features that wore peculiar to it ; by the move ments about the house , the behavior and Sunday dress of the servants , the dross of the master , or any one or more of a number of things that make Sunday dill'orent from the other days of the week ; but wo may say without contradiction that it did not count seven. Wo ourselves , if wo were restricted tea a lifo absolutely uniform , would not bo able to distinguish the seventh day with out niemotcelinin aids , and , as a rule , wo seldom recollect the day or the date except by the assistance of intrinsic cir cumstances. Stories About Snakes. CIIAKMINO SNAKHS. A traveling snake-charmer says that it is easy to win the conlidcnco and nflcc- lion of n youthful boa or anaconda , as they are not venomous or vicious , and can only exert their power of crushing by getting a purchase with their tail on something that will oiler sullieient resist ance after they have completely coiled themselves around tlio limn or the body ' of their intended victim. If surprised o'r annoyed they may bite , but can done no serious harm thereby. Their tongue is as soft and slippery as velvet. A TKIO Ol' ENOItMOUS HATTI.KSNAKES. Andrew J. Shores , of Shefchequin town ship , Pa. , recently cut down u very tall hollow tree on his farm. In chopping it up after it foil ho discovered an enor mous rattlesnake crawling out of the trunk , fifty feet from the butt. The snake was killed. At the first stroke of the ax afterward two other rattlers crawled out at the same spot. They wcro both killed. These three snakes were the largest ot the kind over known to imvo been killed in northern Pennsylvania , which upsets the long-maintained theory that the common rattlesnake never grows over four feet in length. One of the snakes killed' by Shores uninsured six foot ton inches , the second six feet eight inches , and the third live feet nine inches. They had forty-two rattles between them. A IIUOB ItATTIXSNAKE KILLED. At an early hour the other morning , near Ituflnlo , Mo. , when the harvest hands were entering the wheat field of W. S. Hlco , they came in contact with a huge rattlesnake which was concealed in some fallen grain near by the entrance to the field. The reptile , in its angry mood over being disturbed , sprang into the crowd with all the ferociousness of n tiger , and it was only after a desperate fight with fence rails and stones that the snake was overpowered and killed , and had it not been for the timely warning by the peculiar hissing noise of this specie's ot snake some of the men would have fallen victims to the poisonous monster , Atter the snake had been killed it was ex hibited , and measured in lentrtti tivo feet ton inches nnd ton inches around the body in the largest place. It is believed to bo the largest of this kind ever captured - turod in the state , and will stand fair with any ever found in this country. FOUU IIUXDIiEU ANU SEVENTY-TUBER SKAKES. I'aycttoCounty ( Onio ) Republican : The following snake story , though seemingly exaggerated. Is , iiovortlu > lei.s , every word of it said to be true , and will be vouched for by Mr. Wayne Caldwell , of circln- villc , and Mr. 11.1Ilcuick aud Ucnick HogoM , of Harrison township , Pitkaway county. On the farm of Mr. 1 $ . F. Uenick is h largo waste o land known as the prairie , "whii'h H tnfeMcd with snakes and ! * said to bo IjtiT.illy nlivo with them. County Surveyor llowo once refused to survey this tract of land until the grass was mimed off it because of its detested inhabitants. Thonuriof last week Hooded tlw prairlo and drove a number , of the reptiles upon an elevation of dirt thrown up from a ditch about otic-half mile in length , which lias recently been dug through in places , Last Sunday after noon Kentck Hogers , in company with two farm hamU , while viewing tlio. de struction of the1 late storm came upon their ground , buf no sooner had they stepped upon it than they were greeted with a chorus of hisses , and were the tar gets for nn almost innumrrablo number of snakes , but fortunately they were heavy high-lop gum boots and suffered no injury , and it is needless to say they vacated that place in short meter. They returned in a few minutes armed with heavy clubs and commenced their work of extermination , which took them fully a half day. When they had finished they were well nigh given out , and had Killed by actual count -473 snakes , which when piled together wcro three and one-half feet high. They wcro of every species known in this part of llio country. One rattlesnake anout three feet long had nineteen rallies on it. A black snake sK feet long , a copperhead four feet and a water moccasin Iwo feel long , and as thick as ah ordinary man's arm at the wrist , were among the largest killed. It was atougJi experience , and one Hie men say they would not undertake again. Any one doubting llio above story can have it verified by addressing the gentle men heroin named. SOME SHOUT STOIUES. A chicken snake , killed in Florida , was found to contain a china nest egg. Five snakes were killed in the top of n palmetto tree at Crescent City. Fla. A citizen of Miller , tin. , found ti coach- whip snake under the head of his bod. He killed it. * C. O. West , of Uutlcr. Oa. , wont fishing and were an old vest On-returning homo ho hung the on a nail. Some days later his wile was feeling in the pockets for a match when a rattlesnake two feet long dropped from Iho torn lining. Jt must , have got there tlio day Mr. West went fishing. Two boys living near St. Joseph , Mo. , saw a largo bullsnako in the act of swal lowing a rabbit. One of llio lads struck the snake with a hoe , whereupon n second rabbit popped out of tlio reptile's ' mouth and sat ) looking bewildered. Tlio snake was killed. It measured seven feet in length. A largo snake and a dog had a battle on the farm of Y. O'Neal , living near Versailles , Ivy. , and each killed the other. \Vhcn discovered the snake was coiled tightly , around the dog's hotly and its head was sticking in tlio dog's lliroat. Thomas Norton , of Sali.-bury , Mo. , wnjlo hunting saw a monster snake , which was as big around as a Hour barrel. Ho fired both barrels of his gun at it , whereupon it collapsed and several hun dred snakes of assorted sixes ran out of its mouth. Mrv Horton then went homo aud took a drink. / A milk white isnako six foot long was captured near Jcxvoll , Md. It is very gentle , and since it lias been in captivity it has learned trt whjstle several airs from "Tlio Mikado" in a correct and pleasing manner. Thomas Highlown , of Clark's Summit , Va. , went coon hunting one night. After walking some distance ho felt his limbs becoming very' ' heavy. At last lie wax compelled to stop , as his 1'cct seemed lo be tangled up with grape vines lie struck u light and found that his legs were covered with , rattlesnakes , which had struck at him and became fastened by their fangs to tlio gum uoots he woro. Ho killed ninely-thrco snakes and several got away. Fish Stories. SENATOB VEST TELLS HOW" IMtESIDENT AH- TIIUK SKILLFULLY CAbT A FLY , "On that Yellowstone trip , " saiil Sena tor Vest recently , referring to his western tour with President Arthur , "several of us who rode in advance of the mule train reached the place on Snake river desig nated for camp. Wo called it Camp Hampton , in honor of tlio senator from South Carolina. President Arthur , Gov ernor Crosby and one or two others , besides - sides myself , dismounted and proceed to examine tlw surroundings. When wo reached the bend of the river I pointed out an enormous trout playing in the water in full view. The water was as clear as crystal , and that big fellow was amusing : himself playing with loaves. I regretfully wished tor a rod and line , having loft my taeklo back with the bag- gngo. Governor Crosby spoke up , saying that ho had brought one of his rods along , and in a moment moro I had it in hand. I rigged it as fast as possible , and , taking a fly from my hut , soon had everything ready for a east. Turning to the presi dent 1 said : 'Hero , you take that trout in.1 'O no , ' lie replied , stepping back. 'This is tlio Sabbath. I couldn't think of handling a rod to-day. ' I stopped up to the brink of 111 overhanging rock , " con- tinned the senator , "and made a very poor cast. I pretended that I could not get the line out. Arthur is the most ex port lly-lishornian I ever saw , except \Vado Hampton , and ho is 3ustly proud of Ids skill. After several more feints I again turned to the president and said : ' 1 am not able to east that far , and will have to got you to send that fly over for mo. ' Ho took hold of the rod. and after ono or two efforts put the lly in just the right place. It was a long cast. In an instant the noble trout darted for the bait , and with a skillful turn of the presi dent's wrist ho was hooked. 'Hero , Vest1 ! shouted Arthur , holding the rod toward mo , 'you must land him , for I will not. ' I took llio rod , " concluded the senator , "and in about twenty minutes landed tlio trout , which weighed three pounds. " THE VOKACITY Of THE CATFISH. Senator Konna tells a story which illus trates the voracity of the catfish. He says that on a ctjrtiiiii fishing excursion up on Now river , in West-Virginia , ono of the party caught tlueo- catfish , each several sixes larger than the other. As it hap pened , the 1 argent yvas caught first , the next in mzo secoml and the smallest last , and they were slriujg in that order and placed in the water , , .Upon removing the string it was fou'nd .that the second iUh on the string had attempted to swallow his smaller brother , and while ho was per forming that feat the big fellow at the bottom was ongago'u 5n swallowing both the others. Konnu'declares ' that anybody who knows tiny thing1 of the greediness of catfish will readily believe this story. A SHOWIJK OF FISH. At Wyoming , i Ohio , on Juno 10 , a shower of fish foil during the rain. The school children pu.kcd | them up by the bucketful from the sidewalk. They were several inches long. There is really nothing strange about this shower of fish , as angle worms , fish , etc. , are often caught up into the clouds by revolving storms , and then dropped again many miles from the plaen whore they were taken up , Small fish have often been lound in puddles of water in village strcoU , to the astonishment of people who wore unacquainted with the phenomenon. A FIOHT BETWEEN A HAWK ANU A FISH , S. P. Causey , of Macon , Gn. , caught a largo fish on a trot line , While the ilsh was swimming at the top of the water nnd endeavoring to escape , a hawk poitnccd upon it. The hawk in some way got the hook fastened in its beak. Then u struggle ensued , the fish trying to dive downward with tlio hawk and the hawk trying to lly upward with the fish. After a long light between tliu two , the hawk wns killed by some men who had been watching the struggle. A KlUllT WITH A. SHAKK. Chico HodrigucTi , a fUheriu.iu of Santn Cm ? , onught ft shark in a seine when about , three miles from shore. The shark made several drulu-9 at the ii.-Oiorinan nnd nearly destroyed hlc boat. After n long nnd dangerous light Rodriguez reached the Santa Cruz wharf with his lively freight struggling in his wake. The shnrk welched A.WX ) pounds and yielded two barrels of oil. SALMON IK ALASKA , In Alaska the salmon jam the estuaries nnd inlets so that the lisa cannot move at nil. " 1 have seen , " says a writer in the American Angler , "the outlet of Lake Coring , which i a rivulet two miles long nnd two rods wide , connecting the salt water with the fresh , so choked with living salmon that if a plank were laid across their porlrudlng backs a man could walk across dry shod. One can lift them out witli his hands until he it tired. It is almost impossible to thrust a sneer or a boat-hook inlo llio mass , and , of course , n fish miisl come out whenever it is withdrawn. Dears take their opportu nity to s > coop thorn out with their great paws , and when they have regaled them selves to satiety they retire to the adja cent thicket for a dessert of berries , which grow there In great abundance and variety. Of course a great many salmon get into Iho lakes at every tide , but after each recession multitudes are stranded , of which tlio lustiest flop back to the ocean , while llio maimed and hap less remain dead and stranded on the denuded rocks. " A KENTfCKY KISIHNO 1'AltTY. Louisville Courier-Journal : Major Helm : "Talking about fishing , I recently had the greatesl luck in Clover creek t ever had in my life. Wallace Gruello had occasion to go to Hrockinridgo county on official business , and 1 accompanied him as far as Clovernort. While lie was gone back in the hills , Sam Hovious and L rowed four miles up Clover creek to fish. Well , in four hours'time 1 caught twenty- live of' Ihc prettiest bass you e or laid eyes upon. The largest weighed over four pounds and the smallest a pound and ; v half. Everybody in vhe town said it was the most remarkable luck they over heard ot. " * * 4 Wallace Gruello : "Do I know any thing about Helm's fishing in Clover creek ? I know all about it. Ho and Sam Hovious went up the creek in u skiff at 'J o'clock in the morning and llshcd until noon. The only bite lliey got was a sucker about six inches long , that Helm partially hooked and milled out of tlio water , Gut it got awny from him. Hnss ? There never was u bass in thai creek. Their bad luck was probably owing to the fact that Amos Donne stole the whisky Ihoy look along for bait. " A Spider's Telephone. While a gentleman was watching some spiders it occurred to him to try wTmt of- iect u liming fork would have on the in sects. He susjeeted ) that they would re gard the sound just as they were in the habit of regarding the sound made by a lly. And sure enough Ihoy did. He se lected n largo , ugly spider that had been feasting on flics for two months. The spider was at ono edge of its web. Sound ing the fork , ho touched a thread at the other side of the web , ami watched the result. Mr. Spider had the buzzing sound conveyed to him over his telephone wires , but how was he to know on which particular wire the sound was traveling * Ho ran to tlio center of the web very quickly , and felt all around until ho touched tlio thread against tlio other end of which the fork was sounding ; then taking another thread along , just as a man would take an extra piece of rope , he ran out to the fork and sprang upon it. Then ho retreated a little way and looked at the fork. Ho was puzzled. Ho hud expected to find a buzzing lly. Ho got on the fork again and danced with delight. He had caught Iho sound of Iho lly , and il was music to him. It is said that spiders are so fond of music that thev will slop their spinning to listen , and : i man once said that when ho retired to his room for quiet before din ner and played the llute , large spiders would c.omo onto the table and remain quite still , "running awny as fast as their legs coniii carry them" directly ho had finished. Mosqiiltons and Unttlcflnnko Poison. Mew York Medical Journal : The fol lowing story comes from Florida : A man living in the neighborhood of Tampa was bitten on the leg by a rattlesnake. A doctor was at once sent for and the leg was bandaged tightly above the wound , although it was exacted that the man would die before medical assistance could bo procured. The leg having been bared for Iho application of the bandngo was attacked by mosquitoes , and when the physician finally arrived ho found the man in good condition , but tlio ground around where ho lay was strewn with dead mosquitoes. Our informant , who overheard the foregoing story lold by an "old fashioned doctor" on a railroad train , said that tlio narrator remarked , "It was rather hard on the mosquitoes. " and then ho added in a rollectlvc sort of way , "I presume the man's lifo was worth saving. Mosquitoes Tlint Kill Bears , Victoria Times : J. A. Johnson , the well known mining expert , returned from Alaska a few clays ago. "Noxt to the rich ore , " said Mr. Johnson , "what I struck the most forcibly was the mos quitoes. Why , sir , they kill the bears. Now , it seems strange that a musqiiito could kill a bear , but this is tlio way it is done : The bears come down from the hills into the marsh lands lo food on roots and berries a sort of cranberry found there. As soon as they got comfortably to work the mosquitoes attack them , nnd go for their eyes. The boars got up on tlioir hind logs lo fight thorn off , ami sink into the swamp. The mosquitoes , which uro of a most extraordinary size , keep at thorn until they arc totally blind , and they have thorn completely at their mercy. I have seen ever n dozen bear carcasses in llioso swamps positively killed by mosquitoes. " Hut Tales. Several trained rats attract crowd ? in front of a store in Danville , 111. , b'catch- ing flies in a show window. An immense drove of rats rcccntlvlook possession of the premises of S" . W. ijaines , near Solo , Ore , Although lie has killed about 1,000 there are many loft. They have killed some § 500 worth of chickens and other fowls , Charles Wicks of Northport , L. I. , has u tub of water in Ids barn for watering horses. Ho placed seven or eight big bullheads in it. The barn is full of rats , which , when they nro thirsty , climb up on the edgu of the tub and drink. No sooner does a rat dip Ids nose under wa ter than the bullheads grab him , pull him down , drown him , and eat him at their leisure , A largo rat is suid to appear in one of the wards in a Pittsburg hospital a few bourn before the death of a pationt. II will run under llio col of llio doomed per son , and , after remaining there a few minutes without any ilonioiibtralion whatever , it will run away and disap pear. In every instance the person oc cupying the cot has died within thirty- six hours after the occurrence. This has caused such consternation Unit many ef forts have been made to poison the rat. TTben JUtiy WM rick , we g ve bet CattorU , Wlien ehe iru a Child , she cried for Cutoria , When aha became Mlu , ehe clung to Citloria , Wbta the had Chlldnu , the g re them Cutorl A STRANGEIFRENOH STORY. I once knew a happy and peaceful home It was > provided wllh the world's-good * as nol tohavetniymnlrrlal cares : il posiejisqd too little to be im portuned by ambitious desires. The man worked gravely by the side of his smil ing wife. Her smiles were often coupled with Mlent tears. If they had any sorrows it was not known. They received but few visitors , nud the people wilh whom they associated were awed by the grace cf the ono nud the intelligent wit of the other. Strange to say , this couple , so much admired , wcro envied by none. The quiet and peace which surrounded them acted as n barrier against envy. I longed to know the secret which * I felt existed beneath this apparent happiness. "What is Iho skeleton that hides in the closet of these young people , " I often asked myself , "that I heir happiness should be so sweet , and yet so retiring and so timid ? They seem to have no cause of remorse or mourning , but they must have some fooling or sense of in herited misfortune. " 1 loved them , and they had so great conlidcnco in me that my curiosity be came embarrassed , nnd 1 would never have known how to penetrate their secret if fate ono day had not brought on an abrupt disclosure. One day I was dining with them , ac companied by a friend a young lawyer from one of the cities from the south of Franco , where he had announced him self as a candidate for a sent in tlio chamber of deputies. The campaign Promised to bo a hotly contested one. My friend's opponent was a rich and in fluential person of Iho place. Ills name had not been mentioned , and the young couple , who had migrated themselves to 1'aris from that same southern oily , were greatly interested in tlio conversation of my friend ; and when , carried away by his enthusiasm , he exclaimed : "I shall certainly , In good time , cut down from his great height that infernal 1'erpigiiollc. Tlic aired rascal , at sixty to to " As .soon us that name was mentioned by my friend , the young husband's hand which hold his fork began lo tremble and the young wife's eyes began to dilate. 1 was tempted. Now was my chance ami 1. perhaps cruelly , said : "How will you ? " The husband ami wife both restrained a forbidding gesture , yet half made il. "Oh , Unit will bo easy enough , " s\Ul : the lawyer ; "all I shall have to do is to ivfer to llio Gazelle des Trlbunauxof the year IfliO. and cause lo bo ropnblished adventures of his brother and nephew , " "What have they done ? " 1 asked. " Imvo done is " "Well , all they He was interrupted by a cry from the young woman , wiio saw her husband throw himself backward in his chair as if about to faint , and beating the air with both his hands us if lo keep back a spooler. I arose and look Iho young man in my arms. The lawyer , who desired to be a deputy , confused , discountenanced , know not what to do or say. Ho apologetically murmured : "Excuse mo ; I did not know 1 could not anticipate I" Those unmeaning words , I thought , wcro not made to encourage the young man , but , contrary to all my expecta tions , they acted in such a manner as to recall him to his senses ; ho quietly disen gaged himself from my arms , shook my liand , aud gave me a look of gratitude ; thon. placing his elbow on the table with an energetic movement , uttered llicso words in a kind and trcniuling voice : "You have no excuses lo niako , dear sir. Yon surely could not have Known , could not have anticipated , how far your threat would reach , i am the grand-nephew of Mr. Pcrpignolle , and consequently the son and grandson of those whoso memory you wish to invoke to combat the aspira tions of my grand-unclo. " The lawyer appeared greatly surprised and evidently regretted the turn affairs had taken. " 1 pray you , sir , " said the candidate , "think iio more of what I have said ; I would rather eivc up my candidacy than carry out my idle threat. " ' "ihank you , sir ; but I cannot permit you to make any sacrifice on my account ; and now 1 owe nn explanation to my dear friend hero , which 1 know ho must expect. " Ho grasped my hand. I protested. I called in vain upon his young wife to aid mo in my uii'icavors to prevent him from speaking. Instead , she resolutely , calmly and sweetly imprinted a kiss on his fore head and said , "Speak , my love. " "Know then. " began the husband , "my grandfather and my father , who were largo farmers in the environs of A. , after many dissensions , discussions and quar rels had occurred between them and a near neighbor , they associated them selves ono day to have an abominable revenge , and at night.noisclesily making they way into their victim's house , they brutally murdered him , even under the eyes of his wife , and they further exer cised their brutality by bindinir her to a bedpost : then they sot fire to tlio house and escaped , forgetting to free tlio hope less woman who could have denounced them. Horrible , is it not ? ly ! some un known chance Iho poor woman succeeded in freeing her limbs of tlio cords that bound hor.aml she made her way through the flames , crying out as she reached the air. 'Help ! Help ! Murder1 ! "It was a great trial in those times. The testimony of tlio wife of the mur dered man was overwhelming. My grandfather confessed his crime. My lather , remembering his wife and child , refused to confess , but my grandfather's confession condemned him. They were sentenced to deatli and oxccutod. Yet , as until then they had been greatly esteemed and rcspeoled , they were fol lowed to the scutlold with some show of pity , and the executioner , his work be ing done , immediately resigned his olllce. "My mother died ol griof. My grand- unclu accepted the shame ; but , relying on his good name , hold himself upright before the world. Ho look care of mo , orphan that I was , but ho could not in still mo with his courage. The pity with which i was surrounded overwhelmed mo , 1 was placed , under the assumed name 1 now boar , in ono of the colleges in Paris , and when I issued from its doors 1 was paralyzed by the lour of tlio isola tion in which I know I would bo thrown. I imagined that my true nnmo could be road in my face. What should 1 do ? 1 thought often of death as a relief , and when gloomy despondotthoughtsnssailed mo , oven then I hud an inexpressible desire - sire to feel the presence of a loved and loving ono. i fell that il was terrible to bo hold responsible for the crimes of my family , and 1 hoped lo meol a heroic woman who could pardon my birth and beslow as much love on mo as the amount of mitred expected and dreaded lo receive. I mistrusted providence , for that woman I have found. 1 have hur hero ; she given mo moro happiness than a human being lias a right to Imvo : but she cannot prevent two specters at times , like to-night , from appearing and cast ing their awful shadows across my sight. This is my secret. " We hud listened U ) this recital with an emotion that frnzo our blood and burned our hcarls , Wo thought all was over , but lo our surprise Iho young wife now began , in soft , cad tones : "You have heard hisstory , gentlemen , but he has not told you mine. It is tor me to narrate it. 1 , also , am an innocent victim , more isolated from the world than ho. I know the history of the I'ernignollo family. My father often sadly spoke of it. 1 pitied the orphan ; I. upon whom another fatality rested , nnd which weighed me down , I knew ho bore an ussuim-.d name , and when I first mot him ho must liuvu detected in my look an appeal to that brother hi mis fortune which ho understood , nnd he dared to speak to mo It did not tnko long for lo'yo to lake possession of our lipnrls. And when the time onino for mutual oxplalio'is , whoii he told 1110 his true name , which I already know , I * olt moro confuspd nml nshnmod thnn he , while rotating his lite to. mo , for I was In " duty bound to acknowledge Hint I wa * 11 the daughter of the man who rosljcrHHt his ollico after the exeo'uUon'"bf th rcrpicnolloB. father and son. The hek of the assassin is now married to th * daughter of Iho executioner ! " She was grand and full of sorrow , ot innocence , of dignity and of love as film uttered these words. It can bo belter Imagined than u - scribed into what state of mind wo were thrown while listening to this fnmlly history , which I certify to bo absolutely true. true.The oppressivesllonco which followed wat broken by the husband snyir.g : "This is why we love ono another with n tenderness unknown lo other. * ; this i.1 why two outcasts have become united ifl n love which became stnmgthoncd by the reprobation of the world , but It w also why there exists something like R religious palpitation at the bottom Of our love. " lie spoke truly , 1 have never known amore moro satisfied uouplo than they , who , while having a secret .sorrow , nuror per mitted it to sour the sweetness of their life. That sorrow seemed rather 'to stimulate their love and make it Instltig even beyond the grave , extending into that eternity whore love and Impp alone abide , nnd where the stains of thte world are washed away forever. iMijKS ! LMiiKst pinna A sun ) euro for Uliiul. nieotllnir , Itchln nmlUlci'tntLHl Pile * 1ms boon discovered by Dr. Williams , ( mi liiiliiin remedy ) , called lr Wllllntns' Indian Pile Ointment A single box has cured tliu worst uhrunlo rnsos ot a.-tof 80 years staiulltnr. No ono luvxl miffor flyo mlmitusnftur applying thlavomlorful sootii Inc modlcliio. Lotions anil Instrumunta demote mote harm than cooil. Williams' Indian Pllo Olutiitoiit absorbs the tumors , nliixys the Intense ItchliiB , ( particularly nt nltfit ftfter pettliiR warm In bedi , neu as n poultice , clvoa liHtniit ri'Ilof , and is prep.uwl only for PIloJ , itching of nrlvnto p.-uts , nud for nothing olso. SIUX DISKAHias CUIUCI ) . . Dr. braziers -MimicOintment euros as by nmijlc , Pliiijihu , Ulack Heads or Grubs , ijlotclios nnd Kruptlons on the fnco , leaving thosKlii clear and upaiitiful. Also cures itch , Salt Khoiiui , Sore Nipples , Sere Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. sold by ilmgL'lsts , or mailed on receipt of DOcouU. Ketallod by Ktihu & Co. . nnd Schrootor * Conrad. At wholusale bv C. F. tioodmaa , StrniiKO Krloiidnlilp ol'u I/ami ) antl a Colt. John Uurrows , an Klkland ( Pa. ) farmer , had n pot owe with twin lambs ninninp field into which ooit in a a two-year-old was turned a lew days ago. The next morning , when tlio farmer wont to the lot he found the colt and one of the lambs on one side of the Held und the owe and the other lamb bleating disconsolately on the other. Uurrows went to fetch the stray lamb away from the colt. but the latter kept running around it in a circle , keeping itself butwcon the lamb ami the farmer and trying In every way to prevent his Interfering with It. llurrows rinnlly secured the Iamb nnd carried it back to its mate and mother. The colt followed , whinnying and trying to get the lamb back. A Few minutes afterward the colt separated the lamb from the others and drove il along abend of him until they were at the other side of the field again. The Iamb seemed to like its new companion , nnd the two frisked and played , while the ewe and the other lamb were much distressed. The lamb was again separated from the colt , and it was necessary to take the colt out of the lot in order to keep the thrco .1 sheep together. . * 1 i ! LLS 25 YEARS INI USE. The Greatest Medical Trinnph of tli AgeI SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. IiOBBofnppoiIto , IJo roUcostlTe , I'ulnln the bond , with a dull icnsatlon In the back part , 1'aln under llio Iiottldar * blade , I'ullnoii nfter eating , with adlc Inclination to exertion of bodr or mind , Irritability oftompoo I.avr iplrlt * , with n feeling orimvlna neglected Bomedutr * WenrlnoM , Illzzlnen , Fluttering nttbo Ilenrt , Dot * boforetho eyei , IIead > oha over the right cyo , Itcstleiineii , with fitful drenmi , Highly colored Urlno , and CONSTIPATION. . ' TOTT'S JPlIiT.s nro especially adapted to such crises , ono floso eirccta such K cuangaoffcollngnstoagloniihthBButTerer. They Increase tlio Appetl tc.nnU cnu e the body tn Take nil * 'leilitl.iH tU smem U nonrUhcd , anil by Uiolr Tciiln Action oa the IMccatl ve Orgnns.Ilrpulnr HtooU Bra proJuc'f1 , lrlco3f > c * lft Murray Ht..rV. v TUTT'S ' EXTRACT SARSAPARILU iienovales the body ; inakcs healthy flMh , HtronRtliuns tlio veuk , repalm the wastes or the syfiUnn with pure blood anil hard muscle ; tones llio nervous M-.itcm , Invigorates tlio brain , and Impartu tlio vigor ot manhood. $ 1 . Sold hy ilnurghLs. I MurrnySt.NoxvVorU. HAIBORG 2aclcot Company. A DIHKCT LINE FOIl , England , France & Germany. Tlio Btouinslilpsot thlH well known line nre built of lion , la wutor-Uglit onniimrtmoiita , and are furnished wllh every roiiulslio to iniiko the imfBuuo both snfo nml iigruoiihlo. They carry llio Uiiitud HinioB mid Kuroii-nn ] mnllfi.nnd leave Now York Thuriulays nnd Saturday * for Pl . mouth. ( IX3NlONCl.orbouirl ) ( AUi3RUd 1IA.M. , KcluriiluK , thoBtonmorsloiiva Hamburg oa Wodimsdnyii und Hundays , vlii. Huvru , taking pussonKiHunt Boutljiuni > loii und Ix > ndoil. First cabin 8V ) , JO ) mid $75 ; Btoorago fTI. Unll road t Idiots from Plymouth to llrlatol , Car- illtr , London , or to any pluco In Iho fiouth of Knuliind , KltUK. Htoonujo from Kuropo only Guuurul I'nsseiiKor AKUIUH , 61 nroailwuy , Now York ; Wiislitnulou and L SiilloSU. Chicago. III. LINCOLN BJSjfS-S DIRECTORY' ' ' 1 llcccmllr Hunt. Nowlr KurnUuod The Tremont , J. C , I'lT/nilAl ; < l > & KON , Proprietors , Cor. ith und 1'rtls. , Lincoln , Nob. Hatoi 11.00 perdujr , Struct cur * iromuoiuu lo any i > arlif tliu ciir. ' ' J. II. W. HAWKINS , Architect , Onicc8-n. : HI un.l . K , Ittalmnls llloelr , Lincoln , Noli. I'.lovulor onlHIi btrcot. Ilreodcr ol Ilraedarof QAM.OWAV OATII.E. SHOUT llUUN CATTJ.i F , M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer Bulos Jimdo In ull imrtH nt tlio U. p. at fair rates. loom3Btato { llloclt , Lincoln , Nebo Uollowuy unJShort Horn Uiilli for eulu. iTriirooirLDiN , Farm Loans and Insurance , Corrc'siioiiilciiieo In rciraril to louiu eollulioil. Itooin 1 , ItlchurUs Illouk , Llnuuln , Koli. g Public Sale , I I > citvur , Col. , Juno lOlli , ISgO. lOlioml of Show Bhoi't Huron , llutus & Crnlutc Bliiink , U-your-olds , wolflilnir Wflj bull * nn > i liclrois. AdilroM I'lold und I'm in , fof untnlotr- lien , Dunvi-r , Col , O , M. llninuou , Lincoln , Neu. Col. ! ' . M. Wootln , Auuiloiiutir. \Vluiii In Lincoln stop ut National Hotel * And eel u tfood Olnner lur'JJo , J. A. FKDAWAY , Projia