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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1886)
IXTEENTH YEAIf. OMAHA. 8ATUKDAY IUOKNING. JUNE 20 , 1SSG.--TAVELVE PAGES. NUMBER 7 , THE LAKE SHORE BLOCKADE , Chicago Switchmen Ditch a Train and Thump the Police. A GENERAL STRIKE FEARED. A Member of tlio Incentive1 Commit * Y tcfMifttio Union Arrostcil How tlic Train Will Slopped Seal ) ? Rnlicliinen WrrokiiiR Trains. r Cmruio , Juno 'i . [ Special 'leloKiam to the lu ! : . | Ho-dilllhH began eaily along tlic l.alio.sjhore und to-day. Atfl0 ! an online wns run out of the round house near Root fitiect. It win escorted by about twenty po licemen , while lhlit > other officers attempted to char the tracks ami itil\o the crowd back. After inirlt dela > the eniilno moved down to I'oity-thild stieet a'ld hltelicd on to the eaboixe , wlilehhad stood thcio since \Vodlies- day. Twohei\ylmlll sti-ansers whoi-odeon thoiearof theeiulne wi'rejheohjtols of all attention , Tneyeio scab switchmen who I- had volunteered to throw tlio s\\ itches In the face of the an iy ciowd which covered the tracks. At 10 o'clock the ciiKino was backed iin to the side tiaek and hitched on to seven loided cars of the l.ilcu tihoio company. Then thu fun beean. Defoio tliey had pie eeededacir length the tialn parted In tlio middle and a shout wont up liom no , ) lusty voice * . The police made a hasty set. imblo nitci the deft-lin L'ied , nlnible-le Ked fellow who had pulled tlic pin , but they never c.utKht him. Ajj.iln they stutid the io\ Tim riollco ollkeis unaided eveiy eoiiiillni ? on botli sides , but the stitkeis woio invincible. The tiatn paik'd u second , a thiid. and a loin th time to the constci nation of the police , to the disgust of mil road olll- clals and to the delUlil of the switchmen and theli sjmpatln/ln ? spodators. 11 was n wild scone. 'lhoiollcc ] < IId o\eij thing but shoot In drlviiiR the ciowd. The liftb trial took the engine o\ei Ituot street to the noith and on to one of th > main hacks. Two bic ollleors guarded the switch , it looked as If the cam would oe on the line in ten hccomls moie. Ateiilblo cheer went up , two cars tipped paitlyo\er and the tialn came to a blind. Quick as n II ish a little fellow had stooped between the policeman's le s , pulled the pin , kicked the switch , and the tiueks , foiclng the switch farther open , humped on the ties and then plowed deep In the band and Kia\el of the tiack. "Victory I" shouted a hundred voices. " ( ! uon ; ditch them all , " shouted a striker to the engineer , and his aucst ; was in ule on the spot. The man anestcd was small of statute , dressed in black , and woio a sandy mustache and a straw hat. Jt was William Frltch , ol the executive committee. Hnndicdsot men .standing near declined ho was not the man wholhiew the switch , but Fi Itch was Inn- i led oil' to the station. JIu shouted back , as lie was led away by the police : "Stick to 'cm , bovsi Never give up. " Krei'ht ( Ajent Dlodxctt , Assistant Super intendent Am&den and Y\rdmastei Jones wore amoiit ; the ofllcere who were near the Hwltch. They were Indignant bntpowciless. JnriiiK the cxeitemeiit the 11 a. m. sub- ui bin train came dashing up the tracic fioin the south. As the train pulled slowly tluongh the crowd near the ditched c.u > , a MK switcli- man Mtuick a 'Veab1' a terilblo blow in the back , which neatly knocked him under the wheels of tlio moving passenger tialn. In a tcvv seconds the Injured man and n do/en or more of bis svnipitld/ois , thinking tlio at- inospheio too dangeious lei them , clambered on the tialn and weie whirled away fioin the scene of trouble. i , r > r.T.vit.s. At the Hoot .street railroad crossins this inornim : the police on duty numbered thlity , which Included every availableofllcei In tlie town of Lake foice. There was no change In the .situation up to ! ) o'clock.and no intima tions of any attempt to move tiains had been received up to that honi. There was , hovv- evei , a prevailing impression that In spite of the peaceful deelaiatlonsof the strikers , tum ble would occur to-day. A caiload of sw itch- men i cached Chicago fiom Toledo , and Itwas thought they would bo nut to work. About 0 o'clock the impelled switch men were taken out to Foity-thlrd btrcct , in chaigo of Superintendent Amsden. They remained in the ear np to 9:30 : o clock , and had been cxi ostiikited with by the stilkers. The imported men nnmbci about twenty-live , and Inchulo ninny of those bionght to Chicago dining the las't stl ike. Shoitly before 10 o'clock tlie ollicials with the assistance of tlio police succeeded In attaching an eiiulno and caboose to a waiting freight tialn , The woikof making up the tialn was witnessed by an iM.ltul ciowd of fully ono thousand peisons , who lomalncd theio dcsplto a heavy falling rain. When the train suited to move out of the lards the ciowd made a rush for tlio mil- road HWItches which weio guaidcd by the police nnd turned them In the fnco of those olllceis , though not until after a series of peisonal enconntois. Tim train had gained consldoiable headway and was proceeding upon the open switches. The cinrliio and cars weio detailed and tlnovv n fiom the tiack. The train , when it Ilnaily came to n standstill , was twisted Into tlio foun of a letter "H. " The ciowd then rushed for the train and threw away the conp"iulp p'lis. ' Th.qpollccMiiado twoanests , ono of whom is n mi'iiiucrof "m switchmen's executive union. Tlii > railway ofi'ic-ials..o now at woilv cndcavoiing to iciiiovo tlio wiock. The situation ot Foi ty-thlid sheet remained unchanged up to 1 o'clock , it is stated that the companj will make another attempt to move trains this aftei noon. A confeieneo of thogoneralmiiiiagoiMvashcidto-daj.aU loads enU'iing Chicago being represented , 'llie eonfeionco was vuy In Inf. The otliei man- ngors nshined Piesident Juivvcll they would loqtiho theli men to do thch full duty and to handle LakoShoio cars as well as tlioso of other roads. Some ot Ilia linpoiled swlulimcn were at tacked by thoslilkeis shortly alter noon and beveryil Injmed. It is stated a niimbei have lefused to work ouinpr to tear ot' violence. The eiowd at roilv-thhd stieet at 'J o'clock iiinnbeied about 2,000 , 'Ihe LakoShoio toad this afternoon suc- rceded , nided by neail.v u hundred police , In moving a tielglit train out of thotlfy. Piovi- miij cftoits bad been finstrated by the stiikors und It was not till the aiiival of extra poReo that any headway was made. The police chained the crowd and knocked down thieo of the foiemost , who WHO aiiesled. The nit- uatioji othciwlMi iimijilns thubamc. This evening a mob of stilkeis and friends tioaidul aliidn ot empty ems on the Itock Inland ' road which leaving the city. At I'niutj-slNth stieot live llat.s were uncoupled and thiown over acioss ( ho Lake Slmio tmcks , and lit Fltty-fourth stioct seven box eais woio placed In the .samo position. The Hock ihlaiul ollicials weio telegiaphed for and came out with a vviccklng engine and a loicJ ot cleiks who , at a late liom , weio still dealing the track. lti > ck Island Wieckluz ciew lefiisud to come out , All tinfllc Is blocked. At a nicetlmrof t > witihiiien to-night Itwas decided that the Switchmen's union will take nn the cause of thu Lake Shore Milkers llierallioad managers h.ulnc pledged them ttlvcs to act as unit , ' 1'hls ecmt-e on the paitoftho svvilehmen cieates great apnu- lieiiblon , nn : siuunox w IOI.KDO. Tor.iiio : , Juno 'i' ) . All Is ( jnlet lioro amonz ( lie l.aKdbhoio bwllehmen. They liavo no local eaii ! > o of complaint , but piobably if 01 Uureil to jt i ike fioiu Chicago will obey. Four Jnrnra Acceptoit. t'iiifAaoJuno"5. Ablheiohiitofloda | > 's woik In tliu cilmlnal couil the loiirlh juror , iiamiHl C , H Todd , was acceptcil b > both Uw and avvoiti In. fo corner 11 rocolvu uu-l ; etc. I ADA.11S JIAKKS A DRMAU H Says Congressman Ht-nlcy's Arc \Vltlmiit roitndatlon. .v , June 5fSiiecial Telegram to the nil.1'iesident ) Charles 1'rancls Adams acalnst whom clmrces of dlslionestj weio made In the home of representatives bi Con- Bressman Ilonlej of California , was seen this altcrnoon at the olllceof thn IJiilon I'aeiiic railroad , on Milk street. When shown the Washington dKpiteli dotUlliii ; the contto- veisj on the subject belweon Messrs. Henley and l ongof Massiehusetts In the house , lie read It tlnomh attentively and then sild : "Well , It Is all tine onotwlias hoicln stated. Mr. l.oii j has eeitalnl ) made a most just statement of mj eoniKction with the matter and has ' ma to so swccplm ; n ii'iilytoMi. . llonlev's misioirescntatlons | that there le nt iltn little foi mo to s y- Ills simply a gioss Injustice on the partot tlior.villoinla Ki'iitleinan , for 1m nint have known tint only a iioiilon of whit ho alleged wns a citation fiom my icpoit , made ome veils aso , on the lelatlons bj- Iween the Union Ta-ille nndantl the Crodlt .Moblllui , was of mv wiltiiiL' . Indeed , as .Mi , J .on if staled , le-s thin ba't ' ot the mattoi was fiom inj | K n. The despatch states tli it Ml. Henley noiiowlediu'd Ins iuistakeolalm- int ! It was Ihionu'h Imulvoilence , and well ho illicit. At the Mine tint the Union 1'ai'lik boaid of dlicctnis hsiied live millions of5ii ( > i lent collilenil ttust bonds ( it was in April , tss'i , ) I \\iis wns not oven ii dliector in theunnp.inv. Mi. Jlenlev's second diaree , that 1 and thedliedois viol itod thn law In having the dividends of lw and ISM l , , do siiite tliooxlstunce ol a moss lloatlnu'debt of thiilicn million , Is not well founded , lor It is not Illegal to pi > a dlv Idond while theio Is a llo.itlng ill lit. .My compati ) has ptld all money due the eminent nndei tlio Ihui- nmn act as last as the com Is hue de termined the depute as to Us bclnjr tine. 1 liiid mil been n dlioelor of the Union 1'a- ellie foi thieo je-ii sat the time Its en- doisement was placed , without tlie consent ot conpress on n.irxVJOlot tlie Oie 'on Slioit Mne bonds. In addition to that , as Mi. Long has staled , tlie courts have hold the liansarlion tobelejnl. Mr. Henley deelaies his ability to fully siNaln all the ehaiues made. Well , the niattoi has been all thiounh the eouits longaijo , and , as > on will leadiiy see , at the tlmeot the oc'inience ol tlie great nnioiitvof tlm transactions alluded to , 1 was not a dlieetoi of thy company. WITiL UIjOO.U IN O111CAOO. Hose nil/nboth AVill bo Transiilantcd to the Garden City. CIIICAOO , Juno 'J * > [ Special Telegram to the HIM : . ] Itoso Kli/abotli Oleveland Is to make Chicago hci home. Tor some weeks Mi. Klilci , maiiiigei otthoiider : Publishing companj , has been in conimunlcatlon with hoi iclatho to coming to this city and taklnc eluuce of the editoiial dcpaitmcnt ot the Llleiary hlte. A dispatch leeeived this morning tiom Mr. Klder states tint he has completed all arianccinents with Miss Cleve land , and that she will eomo at once to take the position. Llteiai } Mle Is , as Its name Indicates , a m iga/inc devoted to polite Ict- teis. It is imblishcd bj tlie IJIdoi Publiblilng company and numbeis .liming its eintiihn- toisamfpitions some ol the best liteiai.v minds ot tlie eonntiy. .Mi. Klder Ins had this ptoject in mind lor some time , and his been in coiroipondenco vvitli Miss Cleveland ever since the inojeetcd maiiiageof the pies- idcnt made it possible lei his si.slei to the post ot liouoi In the white house. Mi. Kldot is now in Uliea , N. V. , wheie ho met Miss Cleveland and concluded the aiiiuue- meiitb mentioned above. A Destructive Oil Fire. ProniA , 111. , JuneUo. The warehouse of the Consolidated Tank Line in thlscltv , con taining 40,000 gallons ot oil , caught luo this afternoon and was totally dcstioicd. The bin nine oil coinniunlcited with the ticlcht house of thol'eoila ' Ail'ekln Union lailwaj near by , and this was also binned , together with tidily cais and a lai e quantity ot height. The total loss will appioxiinate S OD.OOU. The Peoiia A ; Pekin Union lail- \\ay entiles a total Insurance of SJ'0,000 , nnd melons will be adjusted in the piopoitlnn that the piopeity destiojod beais to the vv hole. Tim loss of the Tank Line is esti mated at 515,000 ; no Insurance. The bnrn- Inprollspieadin all diieitions , mid it was witli gloat diflic-iilty that otliei valnablo piop- eity in the vicinity was saved. The lire was ono of the most ilestiactive that has vlbited tlio city lei leal" . Freight Hates Hiully Cur. CIIICAOO , Juno ! ! > . The Hock Island , 15nr- llngton and Xorthwestern roads lolncd in a movement to cut freight i.ites to Council HlutTb and Omaha , lliey put into clfect the following rates ; rirstclass.10cents per 100 pounds ; second class10 cents ; thiid class , 23 cents ; foiiith class , 15 cents and tilth class 10 cents. This ts an avenge i eduction fiom the former tai 111 of about 00 per cent. Fiolght lates to the not ( Invest and also Inteiloi points In Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota are nl o badly involved , and a general wai thioughont that territory is anticipated. A Knnqnn Man .Suicides. CINCINNATI , Jiine2r > . It. II. Law ton , of Columbus , Kansas , found dead in his room at the Kmoiy hotel to-day. He had been under ttcatmcnt torncomplieation of omanlc diseases , but thcie were some Indications of piemedltnted solf-destiuctlon. When his death became know n a detectlv o slated to the coioncr that he vas shadowing Lavvton , who was iindi'i a heavy bond to answei to tlio chaigo ot fiaud in the teal cstite business in Kansas and thut the time lor the trial was ap01 pleaching. The coionci will hold an In quest. Tlio Nailers' Htriko Kndn. rnTsnuno , June 2X The great strike of . whloli lusted ov era j car , was settled at a confeieneo of ( ho maiiufactuicrsand , theli ciuplojes heio to-day. Tug illngo compiomlsn scale of 18 cents on S2 selling t caul , which was olfeicd by the woikmen. wns injected and the following scale agieed upon : Seventeen cnnts on tJ caul , with adl'i vancn ot 1 cent lei eveiy Increase of 20 cents In belling pi Ice. Knights Tomnliir Organl/o. CIIIVINM : : { , Wjo. , Juio : 2.5. [ Special Tel egram to the Jim : . | Jtawllns Coinmandeiy Knights Temjilar , came to Cliejenne this nminlng with the Cliejenno coinmandory , after Instittitlng r.inaunel commandoy at Itawlins last night. Utto ( iiamin was elected eminent commander , John Heed , goneial- issiino , and M. X. ( Irant captain general of the new commandery. A 1C , of It. ST. Louis Jnno25. Dnrlnir the trial this mottling of Judge Advocate Mcdaiiy of the Knights of Labor , and boveiai more Mlssomi I'aellioomplojps , chaiged with consjiliacy dining thii late strike , an altercation arose between the lonner and the pie ccntlni : at torney. In which seveial blows were ex changed. McUaiiy was llnoil S25 by the court. - * - The French llxulleil. PAHIS , Juno M , Much oxcltemont has been caused by the mnnlfesto of the Count ot i'aii bon bis dopaitnro from France. News- papeis containing the manifesto are selling on the stieet.s In laue numbers. The docu ment made u fieat impiest-ion. Tony Will ho Tried. Xnw YOIIIC , June S5t The cluugesncntnst ( , Tony Miielland , of the Cincinnati club , aioto ho Investigated by Hie Ameiiean association and liNeuilt orlnnoceiico pioven , The Cin cinnati club demanded an investigation , and thu association named JnnolW us the time and Cincinnati the place ot holding the meeting , " - , Juno 21 Twenty-four men wcro killed and sixteen entombed alive by an ox- plo-.lou In a colliery at Itochelio In the de ( part incut of thu Saoue. PASSED IN SPITE OF LOGAN , The Pitz Jobn Porter Bill Qoss Through the Senate , BLACK JACK RANTS AND RAVES. i'ortcr Denounced ns a Criminal and Traitor ot the Deepest Dye Heady Per the Presi dent's Slgiintn 1C. In the Scnnto. AV v. mvrnov , Juno 25. Iho senate took "Iail the Fit/ John Porter bill and Mr. Lozan addressed the senate. Ha opened with an objection to the bill on a constitutional point. II he bill , he said , piovlded for an Increase In the number of poisons on the ictited list of the arm } provided the piesident appointed a in"I . person lo the place If ho could not appoint that special applicant the vacancy Wi nut locust. Where ! did the senate get th [ KVVCI to name to tlio piesident n poison whom ho should appoint to an ollleo1. ' Wheio did ( the house of fcpioscntatlves get an\ powei to name to the president thu pcisnn whom ho should nominate toanollluo , ' Ot , , com so it the scuatois dctei mined to lain tiie bill down the thioats of otliei- ; , the } must take tlic icsponslbllitv. Mr. Logan did not ex pect ' } his wonts to have anv weight in Hie sen ate , foi lioulvv.ijs noticed that when the sen at ate was dctei mined to do um thing It tn a deal eai to eveijllilni' else , whcthci oiluvv 01 fact , that Intelt'eied with its pinposo. Thlseasowas not the lilal ot 1'oitei. 1'oitei had been tiled and con demned. This was the trial ot Abialmm Lincoln , ot James A. dai Held and of many bravo and distinguished olliceis ol the army. lilt. Logan nssiMtud that Poitei was the cause ot the liist Hull Rim defeat bv peisiudln ? PattoiMin to liom Wlnchestei with men. "As ( Sod Is mj judge , " said he , " 1 would stand ovei the dust o ! Lincoln anil by all the ( Sods to his net as being an honest and just one. " ti. Lonran had pride In the aunv and In Its u'loiy , and bctoio ho would di.ii ; Into tlic dust the name of Abialmm Lincoln , tor the sakeot thlsctimlnal , he would let his tongue and his aim becoino palsied. Yet thu lepub- llean lonatoisheie weio willing toote to give S VO ) a to a man vv ho a traitor tohiscomniandei. men wanted to bo paid lib.ially by thu United State- . , they had only to bs tieaehcious when they should be true. It ouaic tine when jou might be tieaeheious , jou aic vetoed. "That"said Logan , "is a stran u thing to take place In this countiv. " .Mr. I'lunib , In opposing the bill , said the reinstatement ot I it7 John Poitei was the beginning ot an attempt to lewiitc the hls- toij of the union aimy , to put tliat whleli was disloval and iinfaitlitul nlo.e whicli waslo > al and taitlitul. Mi. Plumb said ho had just been Infoimcd tliat the pic * > ' - dent had vetoed the bill giving a pension ot S50 a month to tlie widow of M.iioi ( icnuial Hunter , who bad been thopiosldini : ofticorol the com t mat tlal that hid tried Fit/ John Poitei. Tliat seemed a lilting accompani ment to tlio passive ol the 1'iU John Poiter hill. Unt the loyal people of thu country would see to It that Mis. Hunter should not stilfei. Mi. Plumb olleicd an amoiidment to place Mis. lluntei on tlic pension loll at S50 a month. Lost joas , 11) ) ; nujs , 21) ) . JMr. Log.ui ottered an amemlment to place on the ictiied list evoij volnnteoi olllcerwho leeeived woundspioducing total disability. Jeected ! | } , is ; najs-.I. Tlio bill was tlion biotiKht to \otnand passed > eas , . .U ; na.vs , 17. llm bill having ahead } passed tlie house , and not hiving been amended by the senate , now goes to tlie piesident lei hissisnatme. -Mr. Plumb called up the house bill to pio- vldc tortne adjnstini nt ot laud grants made by cougiess to aid In the consti netlon ot i.iil- lo.ids within the state ot Kansas and the for- feltniu ot nnuaincd lands , and thu senate adjutiihcd till Monday. House. WASIIIXO i ox , Juno 25. The cpeakci laid before the house the various veto messages jesteiday transmitted by tlio president. .Mi. Hepbiun moved that the consideration of the one v etolng the bill gi.antlns a pension to the widow of .Major Oeneial Hunter bo postponed until Tuesday next. The motion waslost jeasS'J , nays 111. and thn message took the usual coiiise. The other messages weie appropi lately attended to. On motion of .Mi. Hatch the senatn amend ment to the agilcullural appiopiiatton was non-coneiiircd In , and ilessis. Hatch , Wliiaiisniid Pilcoweic appointed confeiees. On motion ot Mi. Uiaggajolnt icsolutlon wi.s passed appointing ( iuiieral Wm. J. Sow- ell ot New Jeisey , Ceneial Jl.utin T. Mc- M.ihan of Mew York , and Captain J. T. Mitchell ot Wisconsin , to till the vacancies ot the boaid of managers ot thu national home lot disabled voluntc'cis. The house then went into committee of the whole , Mi. Ilca .iu in tlio chair , on the MIII- div civil bill. Mi. Bland offuied an amendment to the sil ver ccitllicate amendment adopted josteulav so as to pl.uu the small ceitlheatcs on the same looting as thu larger ceithicatusalieadv issued. Mi. Cannon offered an amendment piovld- ing that ail ceitillcates shill be lawful money and legal tendci In the payment ot all debts , public and piivatc. Mi. H.i > no raised a point of older , and It \\as.snppoited b > .Mi. liland , who intimated ( hat the obje < tot the amendment was to se- cntun piosidontial veto. The point of older was sustained and the amendment niled out. out.Mi. . Miami's amendment was adopted. A shoit debate ensued upon tlio coast sur- \cy claims ot thu bill , and it was lollowed by a discussion ot the grnplis. .Mi. rovvnshcndoffcicdan amendment in creasing tio.n & 'i' > .030 to SXUOOthoappio- ! pilation (01 ( the detection of persons guilty of violating the Inteinal ievenue laws and for the ! : iwyniQuLof intormers. jtejectcil. On motion or Mi , Gibson , of WestVIi- glnia , tlio pai aciaph cent lining this appro- pilation was stilcken fiom the bill. I'ending fmthei action thu committee io > e. After di ns.sliiL' thu piesldont's pension vetoes at some length and the ueiislon buiean , under Commissioner lllack coming in for ciitlclsm and defense , without triniaactlng any business , the house adjoin ncift AVItO LC Government Kmployoa DlHoliarKccl to Holster Up a Cleveland Hooni. ( WASIIINOTOV , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram totho UIIK.J Next Thuisday , the beginning of Iho now liscal jeir , the t'ovcinnient will bo without Hindi. Only two ot the general appioprlatlon bills have received the presi dent's signature and become laws. The army , ( lie navy , the courts and the postonlee , the legislative and executive blanches of gov eminent , aio still unprovided for , bills for that pin post ) being still in congicss. In order to keep thu machine In motion congicss will bo compelled , as has ficqnently been done befoie , to pass a le.solntlon extending all ap propriations for thocnumit liscal ) ear a num ber of da ) s. Thecmplojes In the vaiions div paitniontsnio tienibling In their boots just now , Tlieto aio "wars and rumorsof wars. " For the past two weeks theio have been n good many quiet dismissals goltiz on In the departments , and as the end of the liscal jear draws near there is Kieat trepidation , The discharges made in tlio past few weeks Dum ber perhaps two bundled , god tlTero is a strong suspicion that the wofk Is only bognn. There was gieat ulaiin when the new admin istration came In , but , in fact , Washington Ims felt the change less In pi oportion to the number of emplojca than any otlicr part of tlieeountiy. Probably it is because Its gov- cinmcnt ofliclals aio moie of tliein subject to civil service rules. I3ut tlicro is our that this peaceful state of facts may not contliiuo long. It is known tliat Mr. Cleve land and his suppoiters are actively walking for bis rcnomlnatlon by Hie next democratic national convention , and everj effort Is beinj : mule to accomplish this icsnll. A well In formed politician , wlib is high In the councils of his pai Ij , Informed jour eoirespondent to-d \ that there was leauvly any doubt but that Cie\oland would l > e renominated. II J.S AI IOIIINMINT. Mr Randall thinks them will be an ad journment about the middle ot July , and will probably leport a ( evolution extending thu n'sslon until Miat dito. Ho makes this prediction upon she supposition tliat cvervthlnc will go rmootlifv along from this date , but on the l < n.ate side ndoad lock Is looked for on tlio sUamshlpamciidmci't to the postoftlco ap pioprlatlon bill. 'Iho scnatois say they will stick , and the hon o committee saj they will stlclc , and us long as both stick theie will 1m no adjournment. It will be a question ot endurance between tlie two houses , and , In limes past , the Iov > crhouse has nsnallv given In liist. wonuiNo Tiiitn > IIPIII. : INTVTIVB. : In an article on tha halnls of certain dlstln- gulHlu d members of the hou e. lids iiioriilnir's National Republican ijs : "The members of the house who can be toiind in their seats at the earliest houi are Wai net of Wiscon sin Lj m in of Iowa , and Kllsbury of Ohio. \\itineiisiithisdesk leguhnl ) at 10 o'clock witli a lauo number of books befoio him. Lillian Is In his icat usually at the same honi. but h" is not turning nvei the loaves of books He has a moio ptesslnm * nttei to at tend to. His dlstilet lias moio ] ) en toncis and elalni.iiils than anj other In tlie I'nltod bt lies. Kaeli in ill brings him heaps of docu ments whleli he iiittst put together and foim- nlate as n bill , in oidei to keep 1111 with his work and lotulii the good will of his constit uents He must tlieioloio. beat ills desk While his colleagues aio at breakfast , uu. NOI s vnsifiio.v. . A icsolntion adoited | by Cluilton posl , ( J. A. I' . , of Kleldaiul , Iowa , piu > me tliat con- Riesswill IKISS iiotwitlistand1 ! ) ! ; the piesi- dont's veto , the bill mantlng u pension to Jtimoi I ) , ilaj vvoitli , was piosented In the semite todaj bv Mr. Wilson of Iowa. KOOI isn w ITU r.vitirr 111:1 : uvi. "There has bei'ii a gieat deal ot bov's plaIn \ In tlio movement for t.nlll loloim of late , " siid an old mombci of the house to-d iy. "And but little ciedit. " emillnned he , "should aeci no tocllhei ilr. Uindiill 01 Mi , Monison. Intlietli'bt place , Mi. M orison bus been talking about and spi'iidlnc a great deal ol time on a t.ultf bill when lie know veiy well that U could not avail anything. When ho found he could not possibly elfect an > tiling he should have abandoned the pro ject to reduce thu tin ill. Woaie living In nn age whun wel-.innot afford to wastcllmo or leiiiehonsiblci" ' 'Ho IMS been holding a bill In abeyance as a club ovei tlio heads ot men who would and who wouldn'tloiorm thetarilT. If wuthoiight It ina h liable to take up for discussion and amendment the Morrison bill none otliei should bo taken up or even talked ot. Tlio Morrison bill could bo amended till It wasjust as acecnta- ble as any measine that am man could intro duce. It looks as thmuh Mr. Hindall was opposing ev civ thing that he did not have todo in oiiginatini ; . I cannot see any dillei- ence in taking np and pinning down tlie Monison bill to wha is wanted and taking np a bill ov Kindall containing only a poi- tlon of the Morrison bill punlsions. If I weio Mi. Rind. ill tshotild not make a fin- thor move on tlio tariff. ' So far ho has done well. It he introduces ; ; bill he spoils all he has done. " TADS AND HIS C VXAT * Captain Kids has beoU mound hero again dining the past week , and has c tiled uiion the piosldcnt and otheis w ho could help him In his Tchaiintcpcc ship railway niojcct , but inpnrts no piogiess. It is not at all prob.ible that an } thin ; w ill be done in tills matter by tills congiess. Captain Kiids cc.itteied too much In the Incipiency of his work. 01 rather tlio committees did in importing the bills on the subject , and thine Is now too much diller- CIKC between the tvywhotises to admit of a compromise. _ IjA BOU'Sbn , Si AN DS. The Knitchtg Ask Consrosg to Pass Ccrtniii JMoasures. AV vmVrtrov , Junc25. The committee of Knights of Labor appointed at the Cleveland convention have scuta letter to Speaker Car lisle and conies to Uandall and Morrison containing a list of the measures which It is dcslicd that congiess should pass , and a memorial looking to that end. Among the measures , many ot which were icferrcd to in these dispatches dining the piogress ol tbo Cleveland meeting , are those repealing the timber culture , pre-emp tion and dtseit land acls , the adjustment of railioad and other land giants , ortKinlzinff the tenitory of Okla homa , piohlblting aliens from holding land in the United States , making piesiden- tial and consrcsslonnl election days holidays , and punishing biibery. In conclusion the committee sajb , in rcrniestinir the passage of these measures , it Is not asking anj tiling fiom the dominant party only to fiilnll tbo promise it made to the people when It was seeking theii .suffrages by which it obtained Its present majority. Business FliHt nnd Then Pleasure. W vsniNoiov , Juno "j. i'cstciday was piobably the busiest day the president has had since his Inauguration. During the day headed up > n one hundicd and eighteen pri vate pension bills , after giving each at'ioi- ' ongh peisonal examination. Thlity bills vvoro vetoed and eighth-eight appiooil. . lie also approved the bill relmbuisine lldvvln Stevens , United States consul at 2f ingono , China , for cxtiaordlnary expenses inclined dining the Fianco-l'iitsslanwar. The bill for tlto icllef of Illchaid T. Wintersmith , Into dooikeepei of tlio house , becomesa law with out the president's si natiuo. The piesident wrote the veto messages without assistance bv dictation or otherwise. The piesident lei t Wiislilngson about 1 o'clock to day tor a cruise down tlio I'otomau and Chesapeake bay on the steam jaeht Coisah , of New vork. lie was accompanied by Postmaster General Vikis , Hepic'sentativeSiottof Penns > lvania and Wilson L. Illssdl of liuffalo. They weio weJlccuJpped with hslilng t.u kle. They ex pect to icuiin tJryirovv : : : nlfht. Etoiicratiiif ; Scimtor Payne. " WASIIIXO ro\ , Juno t7. ! The senate com- mlttco on piivlleges aud elections decided teleport loport adversely to any Investigation ot the charges of brlbeiy In connection with tlio election ot Senator Pavno. Themajoiity of the committee ihlnM theiu Is not snlllciont evidence to show tlmtmoney was used In the election , and aio ciuiliGOnt the lesnlt was not in any way nffrtleU by Impiopcr means. Thoio will bo a nilnolity ruiioitin favor of IIP investigation. It is Mid only Senators Hoarand Fiyo will sign the mlnoiity icpoit , and Tollei , rvaiLsLogan , Sanlsbnry , Vance , Pugh and Knstis will tlio majoiity le- poll. j ' . Incrcnscd lot rual Revenue , WASiuxoTOjr , Juupa1) , The collections of internal revenue during the liist cloven months of tlie tlstal j far , ending Juno : x > , Ibbrt , amount to SlDT.lOJ.-lS.'i , belngan Incieaso of 5fMftJ8.uovcr : tm ! recelits | for the eoi- icspondfng period ot the prcv Ions > ear , A WorUman'8 llud Htninhlo , CIIIYK.NM : : , \\'yo Juno a5. [ Special Tel egram to tlio Hi n.l A woikman in tlio Union Pacific sliopj , named ( icoigo llansen , wlillo splitting timber with a ci enlar saw , stumble ; ! , and trying to jccovcr himself , irot ills light hand against thu saw , lacerating Ins thumb and splitting his haul up tothuwiist. Ho will piobably lese his hand. Tho.Ijlltlo . Qli lccr. , Au | : , JunoiJS. A sjioaial to o the Adveitiser from Sealo says George U. I' D.ivis was liangcd tiicio today for the mmt der of William McClelland , alias Aiclilo t Hcov m , last spring. I AVpather far Nebrusku. ( For Nebraska LOCH ! rains , followed by c fair weather ; utatloilary tenipt'raturo. t , ± ' - - j Tlio "anarcliifits" of the tmf c\uhan o i bavo had thu/fiont of their building waintud a. bright c.inn'inc , _ c THEY RIDE TO THEIR DEATH , Tonr Railroad Men Killed in a Freight Train Wreck Near Oroston. TWO OTHER LABORERS INJURED. rcninto lllackitmllrii ri-oin Omaha Xr.v IMK Their \Vilos on Sioux Oily Merchants The llrovvn Itn- ItCAOlimont Xoius. fntitl Wreck Ncnr Crciton. In. , June a' . ( Special Tele- giam to the Htr.J : 1'relght train \o. til broke In two on tlio bill six miles cast of Cicston at U:15 : last nlghl. It was followed bj an oxlia. Condiutor West , of 13 , lan back to flap the oxtraw lion the broken sec tion followed him , Iho exlia , innnlni ; twelve miles an hour , was within six car lengths of the biokun M-etlon when IMOV- | ered by the cnglneei. lie and the llioman jumped before the onelno clashed Into the cnboo'-c. which was mished Into splinters. hlght nitlioad hiboiors weie asleep In the caboose. Pour were killed ontilght , two In- jmed and two escaped innliiiit. Five car w cio demolished. Thieo of them weio loaded with horses , one with agilciiltinat Im plements , and one with giadcis' tools. Out of fortj-loin horses four weie killed and one iujuied. Tlio names of the dead mon aio : IlKNItYIIUC.HKS , Uuttcilicld , Ills. 1. M. DAVIDSON. DILL ; ALDHNI' . TII os. wiiiTi : . Two of the killed weio badly cut to pieces. The Injured are : JOHN MKDI.VA , left leg bioken below the knee ; hint In back and othciwNo slightly bruised. MIKI : II vim UTiit , Italian , nose broken and otherwise slightly biulscd about the lace , hands ; and body. The w omuls aie not dangerous. Thoen- glue and tender weie stripped. Tlio col lision ' ! occurred on a high embankment and bridge. The track was eleaicd and all tiains running this moinlng. Oinnlin Women Tryluji to Work Sioux City MnlCH. SIOUK CITY , la. , June ' . ' 5. [ Special Tele gram to the HKB.J For several days pist there ' have been In the city , stopping at the Union house , three females , a woman and two girls , w ho have been trying to play the men of this city for hush money , as it seems. 'IIM ho females aic rcglsteied undei the name of Meniek and claim to bo from Om iha. A daj or so ago itseems th.atoneof tlie gills was vvac alking along one of the prlncip il siteets and accosting u loading business man. tin list a letter In his hands purporting to bo tiom her mother. This was 10 the etlect that , as she had learned ho had dragged her girl into a sa loon ami did vvitli hei what ho pleased , she propose 1 making it tlie deaiest tliinghe cvci did in his life. They have been playing thiir game again ( onlay , but the police in eon tlio atcit. So far as known no one has been fleeced as j et. AN UNHtiPE.VTnvr IMlODIGAIj. A Minister's Slick Scheme That Didn't AVork. IunNMDr ? , la. , .TnnoJ 25. [ Special Telc- to the BKK.J i\citement is running high to dav. Recently the son of one of our inln- isteis disappeared , and with him , the stoiy goes , went two noises. The young man returned homo last c\enlng , and to avoid suspicion the father g.i\o a ban quet and called in the neighbois to icjoico over the letuin of the piodigal son. Tlio scheme failed to satisfy tlio tai mers , who aio now poniing in trom every diicction with blood in their cjes. The joung man was handcuffed and Is under arrest. What tlio farmers will do is not yet known. Lynching is feared. _ Tlio Drown Impeachment Trinl. Dns SIoiNi.s , June y . In the Impeach ment trial , II. S. Vail , who examined the in surance companies , was unt on the stand. Ills testimony dilleied nothing mated illy from that he gave before the house commit tee. Hcmadoagenciauienlal of Hiu charges against him biouglit out by Cleiks Sanfoid and Ajcis'to tlmonv. He denied that ho evei told Ajers that he had made a nan ce ment with liiown to share with him any profits aiising out of the examination. IIo tcstlhed on three occasions ho gave liiown sums of money Si" , S40 and & . ! 0 foi campaign expenses. Ho did so on his own motion. With the exception of his eleik ( Heed ) ho did not make an ) thing elf their wages. On Heed's services ho cleared Sl'JS. On the subject ol the payment ot ditfcicnt bills ho denied evei tlneatcnlng the suspension of any company unless the bills weie p ild , but ho did askbtovvait to Insist on the piymcnt of the bills by attaching a formal icqnialtion for tlio amount. On witness , cioss-ovamina tion the fact was biont'litont by thupiosocu- tlon that prior to Vnll's emjifoynieiit on In- stnnnce companies ho had novel , with one exception , examined an insui.anco company. The plan was that ho should examine the companies In Iowa , Minnesota , Wisconsin aim Illinois at tlio same i.ate chaiged Iowa companies whlcli witness claimed was the minimum late charged by eastein actuailes. Attempted Homicide. CAimor.T , , In , , Jnno 25. [ Special Telegram to the II 1:1 : : , ] Last evening several shots were tired by a man named Amos Hunklo at J. H. Lovviv , a constable. Only ono hit the victim , Indicting a wound that will net prove fatal. Htinklo was ejected fiom some inoji- crty ho claimed to o\vn some tlmoHK by I.awiy , who seivod the pipit * . llnnklo become angiy and bus held a grudge evei hinco. Tineo days ago they mot , and Itunkle assaulted Lowry but was Knocked down , Slneo then liunklo has been on Ids track and tiled Uf kill him. Moio solicits eon- sequenceaio anticipated. The Oldest CltUcn DleH. WIOTA , In. , Juno 25. [ Special Tcle0'iam to tlio Ui.i'.J ( Jiaiidiiu Joidan , as she was called , the oldest pcison In Iowa , died last night aged HI joars. She wns bom In Kentucky , and letained to the last a vivid lecollcction of the past. Her Mm It. Ciitio : "Fiinnie."liosail ( to her , "I love you with my whole heart , and I vviint you to bo my wife. It is true I'm only a ilopartment clink vvitli $1.100 a year , but , Funnio , money doesn't buy inuss. Do you love "mo , o-oo"sho cooed , nestling on his now coat front. "And doon love mo ? " ha oxol.Umed , vvitli conlldoncu , "You love mo vvitli ( your whole s > oul and being * " "Mnybo not miitu that mneli , " siio jlud , " I love you $ MOO vvoitli , i go , jind'.s ? tOO moro than I over lovcu tiny living man. " i. Her Particular Flavor , New York Tiiiios : ' 'How fragrant It ( all is , " said ( icorgo us they entered the park ' , "tliotnris very bcavy with tiio scent of blossoms dropping from tlio tiocs and the pel finned odors exhaling from llovyors and bush. Natnic on every hand is yielding lier choicest iiromus. Can you iinngino anything moro deli cious , Clara,1' ' wont onUcorgu enthusias tically , "than the pines' spicy bioatli upon ] tlio biccio. llavor can equal H. What " "Vanilla , " Interrupted Chun , with cjnal enthusiasm. MMUASK.V : xmvs. How Onion Will Cclchratc Imleien- | donee Day , Xcl . , Juno T > . fSpcoIal to the BI.K.J Genoa will celebrate this year In a manner ( hat will cati o the groal American oacle to look down with delicht upon her cffoils. 'Iho main speaker of the day will be the Hon. Horace I ! . Chase , who will deliver Ihcaddiess , andtj bo followed by several others In ( oasts and icspoiw. The IIat the piocrammu for the day are numerous , and liberal purses lm\o been undo up with which to luvvard the skillful nnd athletic. J romlnr < nt among thu sports Is a match game of base ball between a club fioin darks nnd a ofs lekod nine of the ( Jono.i plaven. As bolli Unix consist of good base balUst * , a good Kame Is expected. Thf exorcises will wind up 1 with n iM.vml display of lir. vvoiks In Iho evening , SllVdworlh havInn been nuiehasod foi the occasion. A special train will be ru n fiom Cedai Kiphls and Pnllorton , leaving ( and deiiar Ins from lieie at 11 p. in. , thus giving the visitors a chuncc to spend tlio dn\ with u * . Two Small Tire * . Col fMiifs , Neb , Juno y > [ Special Tolc- gram to the Hi i , | V the bioku out to-day In the HeiRci hiilldlni ; , binning It and thu Hoiiosteel and it.akoi bu Mings outliely up , and also scoichlnir and damaging Mi , Gei- laid's house to a small extent. Mi. Hcraei sustained tlio he most loss , as the Insiiianco had explicit on tne Imildlta- . Ills slock was Insuied foi ? I0) ( ) , ami was mo-dlv savul. Hone-steel was foi SI > 0 in the New Yoik Uiidoiwilteiu. Tim Ilnkoi building wns Insiuod In the New Yoik Undoivvilleis Tliu total hiss Is about SJ.COJ. A i I'l v.i u : ( \ ; \ inn. : CIMI : n. Neb , Juim i' > . [ Special Tulegiam to tlio Hn. | Pied Shaw's hoi * ranch wasdestioyed bv H o'eloek to day , Loss about seven bundled doilats. 3Iiisnnlu Hull Dedicated. Gi\ov : , Neb. , Juno -Speeial | to the Hii..J-Mount : Xebo lnil'e ' , \o. 1J1 , A. F. it A. .M. , dedicated theii now h ill last evening and ulso Installed theli olllceis for the en suing term , I'.wl Grand Mastei Hastings , of Lincoln , was present tiud conducted thu ox- cicNes of the evening. Aftei the business was through w Kit lu the lodge 100111 , the niembeis and about two hundred invited guests who weio present adjourned to the W. C. T. U. hall , wheioiefrosiimentsweioservcd to all. Speeches weio made dining tlioeveii- Ing by the past gi.ind mastoi and Horace H. Chase , stipciintcnticnt of the Indian Induing school , who ita most eloquent spe.akci. Closing the Indian Tr.ilniiitr School. (5i.voNeb. . , .Tune 25. [ Special to the Bi.i : , ] Tbo closing exercises of the Indian ti.dningschool will baheld next Tuesday night and nn Intuicstlng pie iammo has been prepared for the occasion , consistinir of iccitations , songs , etc. , by the chlldien. About thiee bundled invitations havu been sent out , and It Is expected thai all w lie are invited will bo piesont and see what thuso children , who but a little ovei two ago woio in their natnial , wild and uneiiltniod state , ntc cilublti ot doing utter belli : : undei the good have stniounded them and h iviug leeeived the beneht ot edu cational piivclegc's . TUB Si'OUTI.NG ycstcrdaj's livcnts on the Dininond , Turf anil Wator. AT CIIICAOO CIllcaKO 5 0 3 5 0 I 0 0 f 10 nelly. Ar Duriion 'Ilio Detioit-Phlladelphlagamo was post poned on account of lain. AT HKOOM.YV Brooklyn 0 00200010-5 IJaltlmoie n 0110002 * 7 Flidt base lilts Ihooklyn f > . BalUmoio i ) . Kirors Hrooklyn-1 , Baltimore5. Ar PHIL\DKi.rniA The Athletic Mctiopolltan. ( iamo was postponed on account of rain. Cincinnati 0 1 2 St. Louis o 0-1 Fitstbaso hits-Cincinnati 3. St. Louis 7. Duors Cincinnati 1 , St. .uouls 4. Umpiie Hiadley. A r ST. Louis St. Louis 0 0202000 1-G New Yolks 92020000 * 7 Pitcheis Khby and Welch. Flist base hits St. Louis , .Now Yoik 10. Euois St. Louis S , XewYoiIcD. Umpiio Cmiy. Ar Louisvn.i.i : Loulsvillo . 0 0-10 rittsbuig . 0 5 Pitchers Ilaiullbol , Urown and Hamsoy. Flist base hlts-Loulsv Ilio 14 , Plttsbmg iu. i Loultv Uio 1,1'dt-ibui 10. Umpiie . Brighton Hoituh Hnces. 13uir.iiJON Un.von , Juno > . Foi fom- and upwaids , live firiongs : Alsl- norawon : Red Uncle second , Theiesa thiid. Time - 1:01 : Jf. Poiii-yoai-olds and upwanls , live-eighth mile : FJcUhTajIoi won , MIIIoi second , IScn Thompson third ; Tliiio-l05f. : ! ' One and one eighth mlle : I'onnlo S won , Uosslo B second , Olivette thiid. Time . ( ii.ncs End handicap , tinee-\ear olds and npwaidonehalf milo : ( iiienlield won. Delilah bocond , Little Dan thiid. Timc- : > : -0. 0.Pai Pai neil stakes , for thioe-jear-olds and up wards , one and n ( jiinter miles : Haiiiiim won , Pcekskill occond , Tiea iiici tldid. Time : i:3) : ) . Milo : J H won , Tattler second , Emmett tlilui. Ynlc Sculloi-H XVtn. Nr.w LOVDON , Conn. , June 23. In the intei-collogiatc boat lace this evening Y.ilo beat I'dinsjlvanla. Time 23 : iO r. The "Mad KliiK or Havnrln. " NXA , ob. , July 23. To the Kei llor of thu HrcRt What infeinal nonsense does thu quotation contain refuriing to the ilead king , who wns bi ought up nnd educated to a dcgt co in tlio universities CIo of Loipsic iind Ell : niircr , liav.tiiu "Tho only wonder is tluit Ludvvig was not 1111- clowned ycais ago , or peiiiaps it it may bu better to o\iircss wonder that lie vvus permitted to reign at nil. " IIo was only tvventy-ono years of ngn when ] { ; vvnria was involved in 18(50 ( in a war against Prussia , as an ally of Austria , nnd then ito was not responsible for thu blunders of bin statesmen or generals. Ho was equal to every emergency in n political crisis , nnd it is duu to him that thu south Gi'imun states declared that the declara tion of war against Prussia was tlio cause of war for them too ug.thibt Napoleon. IIo disappointed Napoleon very much on this score , who expected that Iho south iorniiin states would lomnin neutral. Fiuthor , King Ludvvig II. olfereil the im perial dignity to King William of Prussia , and was thus active to ro-crcct tlio ( JIT man empiiu. . The vviitor miiddles ovco thing of n king's private ailairs into Ma political ami J duties , and sliovvh liy way tiit ) : his brain needs coiiHidur- able dealing before lie is nblu to write anything conrnrning monarch ! * ) ? . A pile of words and phrases do not miiko good his stupendous lack of infoiiiiatioii about nllaird. The ) icoilu | did not rise under Uio lend of a loyal unele , but foul play was sus pected by mo ttio verj ; first minute , and events show my predictions to bo correct. O. F. K. Hmiihu Illiy JlcAlcstouVsllic'l 11111 co.ils , liestivslO cement , etc , , of llavuiis SCo : , COMMONERS CAN GO HOME , _ _ _ _ _ 4- Parliament Prorogued by the Qnoen iu A Speech to "My Pooplc. " THE PEOPLE'S OPINION WANTED.i \ { The Question of Home UHleorCfcr- ( jloll tllC Otl.M | < l nf thO PlSHtlU- tlon I'nclatHl'rt Connection With TorrlKii Towers. I'nillainrnt Lox't > ov , > lnuc 25. P.iill.imcnt was pro * rogued to (1 ( iy. The follow Ing Is the succn'a pcooh : "M > loidsaii'l ' contleni"ii : 1 have dolor- mined toiclca ovoii finni vow highdutiesbt > foio I he full rmompllshmcnt of ( lie regular w oik of ( he session , in 01 dci to uncertain tlio OHM'of in ) people on Ihelinpoitant pioposal to establish a legislative body In Ireland for till ) lliana-'l'llleilt Ol llisll .It dlstlflKlllMietl tiom Impdial ailahs. Wlih this object , Itla mv intention to dissolve piillaineiit , 1 con- tlntio to lii'iuill ) innlnlnln tlio most friendly / ichitlons with loicign pourii. 1 haveho ( witlsfnct Ion to ; uMiinint | > uu \ \ Ith tlio fnct ( lint tlio wiu-llku opcintloiis of Ken la against ; mli hnvo been bioiiiiht to at lose through tlio wise counsels ot tlio powois and tlio lor- lii'.u.iiiiu of the sultan , nnd also nfter a peN led of anx'otv ' of tlio adoption of paeiiio uuiiisols bv ( ticccn , disarm ing tlio ( ilook fonoo. It Ims removed ii soilous datigei to Ilio pence ot iuopo. 'I ho slain lit atliilis In Eirvpt hai Impiovcd. I have boon able to. icduca my foice matotlull.v In thut country und Inlng it within HIP soiilliein llmlls piopcr. 1 lm\o coneludod an uiiangcnicnt with Spain by illicit , It ndoplrd bv II.o rotten will , 1 trust , Incteasci oin commercial Intercourse with Spain mid al-o enumi-.igo Hi" development 01 lolonlal mine * . 1 lm\o felt lively pleav uio In piomotlng the exhibition of product * , nmiinf.u tines ami aits ot my colonial anil dominions , which Is now being Held In thomettopolis. " H GItlMT CUTOUT. Gladstone KoocUotl With Unbounded Ktithiisiusm at Manchester. ui , Unir. , ilituo 23. llladslono addiesscd tlio electois of Manchester this nt * toinoon in Fioo 'I'r.iilo hall. Ho was rr colvodat Manchester with Indescribableon- thnsinsin , thousands being assembled at the allvvay statiiin toolcdino him , and t o tieots being Iltciull } i > .i"kod with rcopio 1 I- Uio way irom the depot to I'rco Tralo ha1 . When Gladstone : ipionol ) on thostaotlq whole house lose In ono outburst of cnllnis - ism. Tlio eheoiing last-d thieo minute- . Gladstone began by lam 'iit'iii ? th it the Irli tj * inostlon hid bcon so much issociatcdlth doubt In tlio present conlioversy. This resulted In iiitinv losses to the govi'iiiincnu None of those caused him moie .icute pain than tie loss ot , lohn Blight. Ol course the govern ment opponents \\ould not now let Urlgl t ilone. Hoastoo valuable a man. Aftir again challenging Ch.tni'ierhdn to produce Ins maiv clous land sihomu , dy tlio side of \ > hleli tlio gov- niinent fcliemo dwindles into insignllicinoo , and again challenging tlio Kail ot Cai nai von to divulge what ho said to I'arnell unit whothoi ho Informed Lord Salis-buiy of the Intel v low , G'ludstonfl said In ( inclusion that tlio hMi demands were rea- .onablo . and modeiatu , and that their oppo nents b.ul bicn uiitconcrous. K < cum * r pica , , of other connlilo * In KlironO- sl\iiwed tliolsdom nt' the fioverlimtiiit'lj ilolicy. Jle appealed to the mon fiom Man- ehestei , who aio oven in the foiefiont of pro- jrt'sslvt1 mosemimls , to keep true to tnn'i i.idltions. [ Loud rliocis.i > 'ot o\en the opponents licllciod that they could proven * liL'iuitiiiir ( oflioiiiii into to liclaml. All * hey could do was to e.uiM ) delay until homu mle was estoited liom them. now cu A. Sioux Chipl'Oosorlhes iho Massacre on the Ilnulc Kiold. Sr. Tun. , Juno 'X. A special to the PIo- iccr Pi ess liom tlio Cnstir battle Held In Montana dca'ilbes the celebration ot the ' .enth annlvcr.saiy of the battle by a few o , ts siirvivois. 'Iho gical Sioux chief Gall went over the Held and described the manner which Cuslei's command was destroyed. Gall is a line-looking Indian , 40 years old , Jghlng ovcr two bundled. IIo won reti cent at liist , nut finally ho told hlsstoiy with , dicnitv and animation. Wo saw soldiers , oirlyintlie moinlng ciossing the dlvlcd. When KenoandCnstei sep.iulcd wo watched tliem until they came down into the \.alley. i'lin ciy was raised that the white soldleis weio coming , and orders were 'iven foi the village to movu Immediately , licno swept down so lapldlyon the nppen end that the Indians woio forced to light. Sitting Hull and I wuie at the paint wlicio Huno attacked. Sitting Dull was the big medicine man. The women and children weio hastily moved down stieani vvheiu the Cheycnnos wcro CIH camped. T'io ' Sioux attacl.od Keno and thn Clieyenncs Custei , and then all became mixed up. The women and chlldien caught horses foi the bucks to mount. Then the bucks mounted and oh.irfred back on Hono. They checked him and diovo him Into thu timber. The holdieis tied theii hoihcs to ticcs and camooiit and fought on loot. A9 S90.n Pa Ifeiio was beaten and dilvn back across the liver the vvholu loieo tinned on Custer. nnd fought him till they dtislioycd him. Cnster did not leieli Iho itvei , but was met about half u mile iiji the lavlne now called Keno creek. 'I hey lought the Boldlcis nnd beat them back step bv step till all were , killed. Uno of Kono'b olllceis confirms this. They nuvorlnoku , but ictlied Ktep by step till forced back to thu rldgu upon which all hnally puilsliod. Ihey vvliere shot down in line when1 they stood. liivl nt Douth'M Donr. lU.ooMi.N'ciio.v , 111. , June : ! . ' ! , Judge Davhl Dav is has declined steadily to-day and may dlobefoie morning. His physician says ho cannot possibly live moio than ( vrodayitat most. Tlinro will ho no ni'jio drcs.s jiaiado at , Toil Oinaba until fuither ordoiu Care for the Children Clilldrcn foci the tlelilllty of the clianglnu , ccasoas , even nioro than adult ! ) , and they bo * , rome cross , iicctlth , anil imcontrollublo , 'iho blood fihoulil bo cleansed anil the systcin , hnlKoratcil by the use of IlooJ'a K.irt.iiiarllla , "Last BprliiK my two children wcro vaccU , nntcd. hoon after , they brokoidlout with run- nlngfcorca , t > o dic-iilfiil I thought luhould lore them. Iluod'x h.irsip.irlll.i cuicd them com- ] > letclyi uud they ha\o been Jiealthy * vcr since , I do feel tliat llodd'a bais.ijarllla caved my children to me. " Jljis. 0. j TiiOMi-so.v , West Warren , M.IM. Purify the Blood _ Hood * fiamparllla is characterized by , three iicnilUiltlci ; 1st , the combination ot remedial agents } i.'d , the proporUoni M , | h proccti of hccurliiB the actho medleinUi ( juallile.s. Tlio result la a medicine of unusual strciiKtli , ctfuctlng curia hitherto imknow ( Bend for took containing additional ovlclcue * . "Hood's BirKanarllla tone up mr nyiletc , pmincs my blood , than ens tny api > ctilp. ud , pccms to niiko inq over.1 .1. r. Tiioiiraox. JUnibtcrot Deeds , Jxmell , Mass. "Hoo < r RupapiiJlla beats all othoi , uid jsW"rtlilt8wtlBlitliipolrt. I , lUjmiHuion > JO Uaiik btrett , KDW Voik City. * Hood's Sarsapan'IIa Sold by all drnwlsta. i j MX for 55. , only by 0.1. IIOOD & CO. , I.owcll , UMI. 100 Dooos0no _ Dollar *