Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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UIIVCHO lijrnrrlcr In nny pnrt of the city nt
twMity cents per week.
II , W. Tn/io.v .
/ , - - - > InnnRCr.
TP.M'.l'HONC' ' } :
Ilt * i.M'H' OFrirK , No. %
NiniirKiiiTon No. sn.
Mixoit aNew
Now York Plumbing coiniiany.
New siiniinor Kooils at Heitur's.
The public schools of tlio city close to
Tlin republican oily primaries will beheld
held Saturday evening.
The continuation of John Seaman as
iioitniastcr of IVnison cuds tlio
light there.
The school ehildren are
their llnal examination ! ) for the year ,
which closes to-day.
Dr. Kicu slipped and foil on the .side
walk at Ills homo yesterday afternoon ,
badly spraining his foot.
The paving of Madison street is com
pleted , niakinu one of the finest resi
dence streets ill the city.
Tlio pow renting of the Con rojiational
church look nlueo yesterday , and n social
was held in tiic oveiiln .
1'atr.iek .1. tSuHa lier has been up-
pointed mntmasler atVeston in place of
11. S. ( itillagliur , dccca.sed.
The police force ehaiiKcd yesterday ,
OHieers Hendrleks , Lewis and Leonard
goinjr on tiny tlntj' , and the others on
A couple from Missouri Valley , Wil
liam Sales and Miss Laura Crandall ,
were hanjnly joinctl here yesterday by
Justice 1'rainev.
The Irish National league of Council
Bluffs will give u grand ball and festival
Friday evening , .Inly a , for the bcnciit of
the I'arneil lund.
The two Atlantic boys , O'5rien ! and
McCnllom , arr'.sted hero for vagrancy ,
were taken back homo htht evening , tlin
relatives sending for them.
II. A Stoklo. of Washington territory ,
nnd MKs Ida Alarble , of Nebraska , were
yesterday married by Jtiatico Frainoy ,
the ceremony taking place at the Ogdcn
house parlors.
Permit to wed was yesterday given to
T. K. French , of Davenport , and Ada K.
Fuller , of this city ; U. M. Wright , of
1/yoiivillc , la. , and I > ridge.t M. .Morris ,
oi Lincoln , Neb.
The democratic county convention
_ meets at lOo'cloek this morning to choose
thirteen delegates to _ attend tlio demo
cratic state convention , which is to beheld
held in DCS Molnes Juno i0. !
Miss Anna Lnt/.ingcr , who had her
hand caught In a mangle , was Buffering
considerable pain from the injury yester
day , but as no bones arcs broken it is cx-
Dccted that the injury will soon heal.
Tliero have been no tidings heard of
Major Higgan , the skipping traveling
111 mi. Thus far it appears that thoEinp-
kie hardware company is out less than
one hundred dollars , instead of the larger
amounts stated by some of the sensa
tional reports. It is thought that Kiggan
lias gone south , and his shortage was
doubtless due to his recent sprco.
The county recorder has provided
himself with a book for the registry of
physicians and surgeons under the now
law , but as yet Micro has not been a
scratch of the pen in it. Tlio penalties
of the new law do not go into ctlcct until
next January , and there seems no haste
in lilling up the registry on the part of
those who arc required to secure cortifl-
calcs and have thorn recorded.
It is said that the Knights of Labor arc
arranging to give Colonel Keatley a
hearty support for congressional honors ,
on account of the stand he has taken for
labor and against monopolies. A con
vention is reported as being all lixed to
meet at Atlantic soon to further his inter
ests and place his name before the public.
Tlio friends of Colonel Keallcy insist that
he is not seeking the nomination at the
hands of any party or sot of men , and
that he is not working for any suoh nom
ination , but the understanding is that if
it is forced upon him ho will accept.
Colonel Kcatloy has received many com-
rilifticntary notices from the press , and if
he is not doing anything to secure the
nomination at tlio hamls of his demo
cratic brethren , his friends are making
suoh work on his part nnncce.ssary.
Beard lias an immense stock o wal
paper and room Mouldings wlii cli inns
bo turned into cash , so down go t he price
at Hesrd's.
Go lo Beard for room mouldings.
Wanted 1,000 families to take American
can round washers on two week's trial
witli the privilege of returning at our ex
pense if willing to part with them after a
fair trial. Cooi'int & McGnic ,
Western Agents.
Go to Hoard for wall paper.
Highest prices paid for county , town ,
city and school bonds. Odoll liro's A :
Co. , No. ICU Pearl street , Council Hhills ,
Itoom Mouldings Largest assorttne n }
and lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper
Go to Beard for room mouldings.
Go to tlio Now York Plumbing com
pany for garden hose. They warrant all
they soil. Opera house block.
Wo have a few moro Uefrigorator.s and
will make low prices on thorn till they are
closed out. Cooi'i'.ii & McGr.K.
At the Pacilio house you will cot all the
comforts of high priced hotels , and save
from 50 cents to $1 per day. Try it and
bo convinced.
Tlio Quick Meal Gasoline stove is a suc
cess. Try ono and return at our ox-
ponso. if not satisfactory.
Cooi > in : & McGKK.
II Mendel of Neola was in the city yes
J. 0. Spaiiglor of Walnut visited the
.Binds yobtorday.
J. P. Organ , of Noola , was at tlio
Pacilio ycbtcrday.
Stephen King of Woodbine was booked
nt the Pacilio yeMorday.
Elio Clayton of Walnut was greeting
his lUnfl'tf friends yoMorday.
11. F. Jones , of Carson was among tlio
Jowans nt the Pacilio yesterday.
Jacob Sims wont to Sioux 'City ycstor
day on important legal business.
F , L. Davis of Missouri Valley , was in
tliQ city yesterday , bent on business will
Ids usual enthusiasm.
lowans nt the Ogden yesterday : II
Davis. Anitas C. D. Dillin , Ncola ; 11
Bchollold , Walnut : U A , Brace , Persia
Gcorgo Mnsgravo , Logan ; L. bhout. Pan
ama ; W. ft. Negley , Walnut ; G. W
Dewey , Red Oak ; W. M , Coats , lllllsdule
W. F. Patton , who has boon borving ac
Falls. The now run is a bolter ono , ii
many respects , and the transfer is an in
dicauon that Ins services are beingreeog
nlzed. Ilia many friends will congratulate
ulato him on this promotion , althougl
they cannot but regret that it may cause
1dm to tihangp his residence from hero to
Bioiu City ,
? he OofFraan Murder Jury Agrco Only in
Disagreeing *
The Now Methndlnt ParsonnRO HPT-
rod Held In Heavy Hall A
Mayor to Ho Chosen
The city council incut's to-night , ami
vlll probably take some action in regard
o lilling the vacancy caused by Col.
'hapinan's death. Who will be the coni
ng mayor is a matter of conjecture. A
lumber of good names have been sug
gested , but there seems to be a dilllculty
n getting some desirable candidates to
dlow their names to bo used. There is
n stiong belief that T. .I. Kvans will ho
ho ehtice. It is understood that the coun
cil will only elect until such time ns a
special flection bv the people can be had.
I'huti at this special election a mayor
will be chosen by the people to till the
mexpired term , which will bo until olio
year trom nc\t pring. There seems to bet
t disposition favorable to the- election
) f any man , whether ho be democrat or
opnblican , who will best servo tlio inter
ests of the city , and who will carry on tlio
> olicy avowed and outlined by tlio late
nayor. The time seems past for the giv-
ngout of tlio ollice : u > a pleasingchromo ,
nerely to gratify the recipient , but to
call on some public spirited citi/en to
ako the position even at : v personal sac-
ilieo. There is evitlentlvan eraof good
reeling and strong hopes for Council
Hind's , and under the leadership of any
good , wido-axvako mayor the citizens will
unite earnestly in .support of measures
[ or the upbuilding of tlio city , . There
icvcr was a city government which ro-
ccived so licarty support from the citizens
generally as tlio present one , and there
s no disposition to obstruct thu wheels
of progress.
When we bought the first lot of quick
neal gasoline stoves last si > rin < j we
bought it the best .stock made , but it has
iirovcd even hotter tlian wo expected.
In fact it is perfect. Try one.
CoorKii &
If you want perfectly satisfactory ac
commodations at $3 per day , go to the
I'aeilic house. Depend upon it , you will
icver regret your choice.
Organization ofTclCRrnph Operators.
Our union will be what wo make it , the
foundation of which must bo built on
solid rock , While wo doaire earnest , go-
ahead workers in promoting the interests
of tlio order , there should bo no rcsent-
mentor talk of inllammatory nature. The
organization is ono the public and all
fair minded people will uphold us in. It
lias already been endorsed by several
railway superintendents. Ure want to
furnish the companies good talent. Wo
want to weed out those who are addicted
lo strong drink , and arc a disgrace to our
fraternity. Wq want to win for ourselves
a name that will go to endless glory , like
the gods of old Ureck stories raised to
lieavon and heavcniy worth. From re
pent indications our order is growing rap
idly. The lirst and great principle should
1)0 ) the standard ot membership.
Let it bo thoroughly understood
Unit in order to sustain a membership in
our worthy order a brother must be of
5001 ! moral character and worthy ot the
support of his brother members of the
craft. Lot it once be understood that a
membership card means just what it
says. In starting the order we should bo
careful that lest in our ardor for the- welfare -
faro of the fraternity wo bo led to ex
tremes. Let it bo understood that our
deliberations as an order shall bo such as
belit men. Let justice and right bo our
criterion. Tlic.seyo believe are the only
principles by which an order can bo
iorincu which will succeed and command
the respect of all , "and which will be ft
benulit and stronghold to the craft after
we have "ceased to work the key. " Let-
it he said in time to come that wo did our
work well , that we laid the foundation of
this great order so that it would stand
through nil time a monument of good
will and brotherly love. E. L. S.
John Templcton has moved his cigar
aictory to 550 Broadway , opera house
\Vu Claim.
The American Round Washer is the
best made. Actual trial has proven beyond -
yond doubt that it will wasli cleaner ,
quicker , with more case and less injury
to the clothes than any machine now in
use. Try one. Cool-Kit & MrGKi ; ,
Western Agents
Zcnlous Metliotllflta ,
Tlio Iroadway ! Methodist church pqo-
plo are building a now parsonage on
I'lctclicr avenue , which when completed
will be the finest ono in tills conference.
The lot cost auout $1,100 , and the build
ing will cost about ? :5,000. : it is the in
tention to provide about $500 worth ol
furniture , of .such a nature as is incon
venient for a minister to move about tlio
country , so that whoever is pastor ol
the church hero , a very comfortable homo
will bo easily provided. There are also
some marked improvements being made
on tlio church property. Thu church
building is being rejuvenated and its inte
rior boautilicd , the oxpcnso of the improvements -
provomonts Doing about $ -100. Rev.
Dr. McCreary , tlio "pastor , is proving a
wise and earnest leader and the people
seem determined to hold him hqrofor tlio
full length of his term , if possible , Tliero
has been sonio talk of Ins being chosen
president ot Simpson college , but it is
said that neither ho nor his people will
consent to any such proposition being
considered , as ho is wanted hero , and is
expected to stay until at least some of the
plans already on foot are carried to com
pletion. Under his pastorate the church
lias piospercd in all ways , and ouUido ol
the church circles ho ha.s won a linn hoh
on thu esteem and respect of this com
Substantial abstracts of titles and roa
r.stato loans. J. W , & K. L , Squire. 1 (
Pearl htrcut , Council Blnlls.
Best orcam soda in the city , 5u poi
glass , at Palmer's , 12 Main street.
Tlio llardman piano is a piano pur ex
cellence. The company is ovur : tOO in
strumcnts behind orders. The Mueller
Music company handles them mot sue
Waiting For the Verdict.
The jury in the Coll'man case wont out
Wednesday afternoon , and thu prediction
diction that they would not agree
to bo tlio true ono. Morning
came and still they were not ready to
hand in any verdict All day long the
anxious query of "what's the verdict,1
brought the old reply , "still out. " Al
sorts of reports wore afloat as to how the
jury stood , but they were of course mere
guesses. Thu most prevalent ono , am
which seemed to bo the most plausablo
for some reasons , was that the majority
of the jury woru in favor of acquittal
while thrco and perhaps four were lirml ;
ct for conviction , and would not yield
on any account. At nightfall the twelve
were still closeted , ami the prediction
vas made that they would agree to ills , '
agree until this morning , ana then ask to
> edi chargel ( CutatlO:30 : last evening
ho jury was discharged , being unable to
agree upon a verdict.
Hoist the Awiilngfl.
It has been some time since any war
las been waged on awnings and street
signs. The ordinance is qulto plain In
ts prohibitions concerning this class ot
street obstructions , but it has for n long
.lino been treated as a dead letter. Yes
terday the aldermen called the attention
of the city marshal to the fact that along
the business streets there were numerous
awnings which were so low as to bo a
nuisance to any hut children passing
ilong tlio sidewalks. Tlio ordinance was
limited up showing the required height
to lie seven feet from the sidewalk. The
marshal was Instructed to notify all own
ers of awnings hamring lower than this
to raise them to tlin required height or
nay the penalty. The marshal provided
liimsclf with u seven-foot polo , and
started out measuring and notifying. It
Is expected that theVo will bo numerous
loud roars and tlio usual hub-bub.
Ilnrrod Hold ,
The examination of Charles llarrod has
lioon held at Oakland on the charge of
having indecently assaulted n llttlo girl
aged about nine years. The evidence
showed quito clearly that Harrod wan
sitting on the railway track when the lit-
llo girl came along on her way to school.
Ho grabbed her and assaulted her in a
manner which has caused the indignation
of the community to run high , and
numerous threats of lynching have been
made. No offer was made at the time of
Lho examination to do him violence , anil
lie was bound over to the grand jury in
the sum of $2,000. It is understood that
an effort will bo made to have the bail ro-
ducod. In tlio meantime ho remains in
jail horo.
The Coming Fourth.
The Knights of Labor have decided to
celebrate the Fourth of July in this city
by a grand parade in the morning , with
brief addresses in Haylis.s park. In the
evening there will be a display of liru-
works and a ball in Masonic hall , The
Knights arc to invite all the civic socie
ties of tlio city to join in the parade , and
a request will bo made for the decora
tion of tim principal business streets. The
1'ourth coining on Sunday the arrange
ments will bo made for tlio culubration
on the ! 3d , Saturday , and the contractors
and other employers are to bo requested
to allow their men the day as a holiday.
Mr. noyiiton's Condition.
The runaway accident Wednesday
night , by which George Itaynlon was in
jured , as slated in yesterday's BKIJ , docs
not provo to bo as serious as was at first
thought. It was reported that Mr. Boynton -
ton was dying a few hours after the acci
dent , but it appears that though seriously
injured , still no such fatal results need bo
feared. His right arm was badly sprained
and three ribs were fractured , lie was
resting comparatively easy yesterday ,
with good prospects of recovery in duo
The New Catholic Church.
The building of tlio new Catholic church
lias been at a stand-still for some time ,
the basement having been completed and
the work there stopped. Rov. Father
MoMcnoiny lias not been resting , how
ever , and ho now sees his way clear togo
on with the work. The architect has
been written to tocomo to Council Bluffs ,
and soon after his arrival the contracts
will bo let forgoing ahead with tlio work
and pushing it to a happy completion.
The church when completed will bo ono
of the largest and finest stone church
buildings in the state.
A Homo Trndo Squnliblc.
F. B. Hall , of the firm of Bell & Hall ,
yesterday filed an information before
Justice Krainey charging II. W. Pay no
with the larceny of a horso. Payne
claims that ho got the .horse in a trade
with Hall , while Hall claims that while
they talked trade no regular trade was
agr.eed to , and Payne had no right to
keep his horse. The matter is set for a
hearing on the 2Gth.
osloy , the Converted Cowboy
Concludes to Visit Katisan City.
Kansas City Times : Last night two
men -.auntorcd into the St. James hotel
and approached thu register. Ono was a
young man with a bronzed face , and free
and easy walk ; his companion , n young
man with a little of the western man
nerism about him. The former drew from
his pocket a small rubber stamp and im
printed "S. W. Wesley , cowboy evange
list , " upon tlio niige of the register. His
companion \\asThcodoro Scbroeder , of
Chicago , who joined tlio cowboy a few
days ago in Chicago , and who "will ac
company him on his orusadc ainonp- the
cowboys and Indians of Texas aim the
territory this summer.
The evangelist from the wild southwest
has an air about him that is truly gcnu-
ino. Ho has proofs , however , that are
far more convincing , and that ho has had
dealings with a very dangerous class of
people live bullet holes and ono arrow
mark on his person will testify.
Wesley is a native of Farinington , St.
Francois county , Missouri , but before ho
was 12 years old lie tvont to Texas and
became a cowboy. Among tlio Com-
anolie Indians ho became a great favorite -
ito , and was culled by the namu of
Manicliekaiishe in their tonguo. ' 'Four
or live yeans ago , " said Mr. Wesley , re
ferring to his past life , " 1 was about the
toughtost casu in Texas and tlio Indian
territory , I guef > s. There were few that
could gut tlio npporhand of mo in a light ,
and 1 could never bear to miss a free-tor-
nil fracas. About iiiyoar ago I attended
a mooting in Texas , * and was converted
and brcami ) an evangelist. They say in
tint papurs I luu a man slapped mo in the
mouth , and before I thought 1 was an
evangelist in the service of Christ I up
and put -15-calibro hole through his
right lung. But you can set that down
as a lio. Smco I have become a Chris
tian I have determined to follow tlio
ways of Christians , and that would have
boon a very bad example for an evangelist
list to sot.lf '
On tlio tablu in his room the evangelist
had placed a wide brimmed sombrero
and a pair of moccasins made by a little
Cominancho girl tun years old ,
"They make mo fool somewhat at
homo " ho said , ' 'but thu papers ridi
culed my appcnranca in thorn to such an
extent tfmtl leavoj.hom off. "
Mr. Wesley is a doccndant of the great
John Wesley and is now twenty-five
years of ago. Ho docs not use slang to
tlio extent that Sam Jones does and ids
language nt times is dccidly clover. The
sensational reports recently published in
regard to him ho declares untrue , llo
says , however , that in pursuing his voca
tion ho docs not hesitate to enter a sa
loon to deliver a sermon , nor refuse even
so humble u pulpit'as a beer keg to deliver
liver it from , -
Wesley is a regularly orgained Baptist
minister and is raising money to build n
church at Caddo , L T. Ho hicks only
if 100 of having a . .clont amount. Ho
will probably preach in this city in the
course of a few days ,
If you suffer from looseness of the bowels
Angostura Hitters will surely .euro you
liunara of cuiintvi felts and ask your grocer or
druggist for tlio genuine aitlulo , pieimrcd by
Dr. J. U. B. Siwcrt & Sous ,
Tlio Price Set byIorscy City Man
He AVI1I fine f yr tlio Amount.
Now York Journals James Weston , n
resident of South Atrfct , Jersey City
Heights , valued his wife at $20 , and a
Tew days ago sold her for that amount.
The young woman is-abont 20 years old ,
comely , and has bright brown eyes ami
good tooth. After courting her for
several months Wcsloninarricd her two
years ago. Heyas then 20 year.soldand _
was earning a fair living by doing odd
jobs for ( litiurent builders who wanted
repairs done to hou < es. A year after the
marriage a baby girl was born , ami the
V > nng couple were apparently very
Soon after the birth of the child Wes
ton and his wife moved Into A portion o
the house where his parents resided
This.was the beginning of a very peculia
end. The parents of the husband were
uiiablo to agree with their daugliter-ln
law , and frequent quarrels followed. The
husband invariably sided with his pa
rents , and the life of the young mother
was roiiileied miserable.
It was at this tune she became acquaint
ed witli a blacksmith known as Shunigh : < ,
His place of business is on Second street
and iloffuriton avenue , llobokcn. The ac
quaintance ripened into friendship. About
eight months ago she and her imslmml
quarreled. Ho accused her of being too
friendly with Shunaglo. Shu became
angtj * , and declared she would go home
to nor parents , who resided on .leffcr on
avenue , Hoboken. The threat was car
ried out. and the nest day Mrs. Weston
Io < t her homo and husband.
While she remained at her father's
house she allowed the brawny black
smith to visit her frequently. About a
month ago Mrs. Weston determined to
link her happiness with ids , and she lied
with him to another part of the city ,
where they resided together. Weston
learned of it , and during the absence of
the blacksmith from his new homo called
on his wife. Ho endeavored to persuade
her to return to him , but without avail.
She positively declared Blio would not.
Her blacksmith was kind to her and
loved her , she declared , and added that
she was nt the time enjoying the only
happiness she hud experienced in nearly
a year.
The husband swore that ho would com
pel her to return , and have her arrested.
This frightened the young woman , and
after hcitatin" a few moments , she sug
gested that if Westou would seeShunaglo
all might bo arranged to his satisfaction.
Wcston told ids wife to send llio black
smith to his house and talk the affair
over. This proposition resulted in
Shunaglc's calling on him in a few days
later. Taking from ids pocket n paper
on which was waitten an agreement that
Weston would sell all his right , title and
interest in his wife to him for a certain
consideration to bo named , ho handed it
to Weston. The latter read it carefully
and said :
"Well , what'll you give ? "
" 1 will pay you $10 , was tlio generous
This was at once ddclincd. After much
talk Slmnaglc raised < ho 'Jirico ' § 5 more.
Weston hesitated at this proposition for
a moment , and then refused to accept it.
Moro talk followed and Shunaglo , unable
to do otherwise , in a lit nt desperation
said : "Well , take * ' 0 > nd sign the
paper. " ,
Weston picked up pie agreement , read
it carefully , and signed it. Shunaglc
placed it in his pockc .11 $ remarked , "I
will come around in n fovi days and pay
you. "
Weston agreed. Tlio few days have
expired and the $2Q is. not yet in the
hands of the husband. * Becoming en
raged at not being paid tlio money ho de
clared his intention ycstcr'dity to sue for it.
The " fli ur" Time
"Twenty-Four Sys
In view of the new conditions that
have been met by the Canadian Pacific
railway in establishing a continuous
train service on a line of railway cover
ing 515 dcg oi longitude , and soon to
cover 00 dcg ( or four hours of time ) ,
it is necessary for convenience and to
avoid confusion to adopt what is known
as the "twenty hour system , " that is , to
substitute the numbers thirteen to twcntv-
four for the present p. in. hours ono to
twelve , so that the hours from midnight
to midnight will bo numbered from one
to twenty-four. Vice President Van
Homo says a largo majority of the rail
way managers of Canada and the United
States have formally expressed their
opinion in favor of the twenty-four sys
tem , and this adoption is concurred in by
the public press and by all the leadhig
sciuntitio men of tlio continent. Tlio
wisdom of tlio "standard timo" system
wnioh is now used throughout North
America is no longer disputed , and it is
only a question of time when the , 'twenty-
lour hour" sys-tem will bo as generally
followed. It will bo an honor to Canada ,
Mr. Van Homo says , to taKe the lead in
tliis important reform. The directors of
thjs company , in taking this stop , hope
for the approval 9f the employes of tlio
company. It is intended to make the
change first on all the lines of thu com
pany west of Lake Superior , beginning
with the next change of time of the
timu tables , Paper dials with the now
afternoon numbers will be furnished both
for clocks and watches free of charge to
the public as well as tlio employes of the
company. _ _
The wearing of colored eyeglasses lias
become fashionable in Now } ork They
are known as "dudes' glasses. " Their
popularity is said to nave originated
trom the appearance in ( iotliam of an
English society man with colored glasses
on his nose. But tor wcai in bright sum
mer weather glasses of t'io ' proper tint
are a great protection ic eyes that are
weak , and are cool and comfortable.
I have the largest aiill most com
plete line oE
111 the city. I iuu uloding out
a/i i
a-t i
r (
You will find all the ) ntett novcltios in
hats , bonnets , llownrs- plumes , tips , ribbons
bens , gauzes , crapes and other styles of
Goods Must Be Sold ,
Best of Bargains over offered. Call
and see them.
a . j. BLISS ,
No. 328 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Accounts of llankeri.Misiclianti mil otberi solicited.
Collection ! I'-oniptlr Made.
S. A. KEAN & CO. , Bankers ,
( Hucccnon to Vmton. Rean & Co. )
Uunlclpul , It. U. , iJcul unit other llouil > .
t Head fir LUU' .
DKKK13 , WELLS & CO. ,
Agricultural Implements ,
Cnrrlnjros ito : , Kto. Council Hinds , lown.
Make ttia Orlglun ) ntxl Cainplcto
Ha ? Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press ,
No ? . irol.lJJI , 1.YB ami 1507 Poutli Mnlti Slruot ,
Council llltifK limn.
. " T)7v\ll ) HHADLKY A7 ( . ' (
Mnniif'r * nn I Jobhnis of
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , Buggies ,
Oftrrlnffos. nm > nil kln.1 * nf Turin Mnahlnerr.
110) ) to MM Sontli Mnln Street , Council UlitfN ,
X1 ! H.t.VW.KS.
J'.n. ai.RAsnx , T. H.totmi.i , Uno.F' . Wiifuiir.
V . | 'iu AMnn. Snp
Council Blufls Handle Factory ,
( Incori'orntoil.l
Manufacturers of A ln , 1'lck. Sloiliro nrul Siml !
Hiiiullof ) , of ovrry ilo rriptltiii. .
Curtains Window Shades
Carpets , , ,
Oil Cloths. Curtain riituros , tlpholitory Uoo.U ,
Kto. Nix-lOo llromhrny Council lIlufTs ,
, rrr.
Wliolcsiilo .lolibor ? In tlio
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Noe. x'S Main uiul i.7 I'onrl Su. Council
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 141'oarl St , Council Hlutrs.
Wholesale Oils Paints Glass
Druggists , , , ,
Drug-gists' Sundries , Ktc. No. Z2 Mnln St , uuJ
No. 1 I'onrl St. . Council lllulls.
xmr GOODS.
M. K. SMITH & CO. ,
Lnpsrtera ani Jobbsrs of DrGooii ,
Notions. Etc. Nos. 113 ami 114 Mnln St. , Nos. 113
and 115 Pearl St. , Council Illuira. Iowa.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 51. ! Jlroudwixy ,
Council niutTS.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries ,
Nos. 10 and 18 1'carl St. , Council llluirs.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Ilroiul-
wny. Council IlhilTri.
JInnu'actureisof and Wholesale Dealers In
Leather Harness Etc.
, , Saddlery , .
No. EM Mnln St. . Council HluffH , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps ani Gloves.
Nos. 342 nnd 314 Broadway , Council
Iron Steal Nails Hardware
, , , Heavy ,
And Wood Stock , Council IllulTs , Iowa.
i ) . II. WcDANELU & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , I'olts , Orcnso HIM Furd Council
lllulls lown.
Wliolcsnlo Dciilers In
Illuminating & Lubricating Dili
E3TO. , ETO.
S. Theodora , Afront , ( 'onnull HluTa. Iowa.
LUMllKll , I'lLlXO , E'IC.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
A.IU ! llrldjro Material Spoolaltloa.Wholoaalo Luui-
beret nl ) Kinds. Olllco No. 13J Main St. ,
Council ItlnirH. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Y/inei / & Liquors.
Agent lor Si. riollhani'a Herb Ililtcri. No. U
Mnln St. Council IlluIId.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
XoGW .Vain St. , Council IHufft.
Special advuitleoinents , such ns Lost , Found ,
To Loun , Tor Sale , To Hunt , Wants , Iloanllnir ,
etc. , will liulncoitod In tills column lit the low
ratootTiN'Ci.NTS : : I'KM U.N'IS lortho first Insor
tiounnd Klvo Cents 1'er Line for each subsequent
Insertion , I.fiivo advi'illMmii.'nlfl nt our ofllrn ,
No. 1" 1'rul struct , near Ilrotidwuy , Council
{ Hulls. .
\ X7ANTKIMen ) and tmuns KiwurUon the C. ,
) i SI. A : St. V. rallrond at t-'lfiO per day for
I nuns mid $1 M for men. 1'rcu transporta
tion. Apply at IT. 1 * . SaloBtublosof chloutor &
llolcy . _
F OIl SAI.U Old napeis. In quantities to suit ,
ul lice ollloo No. 12 1'carlstiout.
rivpupc nr othur tumors removed without
Uanimno too knlro or drawinsr of blood.
Over thirty youiprustioal oxuerlaujj ,
o. 11 1'ojrl Street , Council Dlulj.
" *
Justice of the Peace ,
Office Over American Kxprosa Comuuur.
IMiiblMictl In 1877 ,
U0,000 Vflilcloi Anniiallj. semi CaUiloeuc , Trier * , 1'rclRli
Hair * , ami 'E'rslliitonlaN.
Ilrlck ti.illillin nnv Vliirt rnl "l or imvpil mul'nllifHctioii jfUnrniitceil. 1'inmolioiiac ! movoJ
ODLlttleUltvJt truo'ij ttiu Unit In tlin worli.
808 Eighth A-vouua uuJ Eijjlitli Strejt , Council Dlulft.
-&ity , . 226 Broadway , Counoil Bluffs ,
\ras \ imi TO ORDER ,
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
To close the summer sloclc to the 'ow- '
est possible point.
Arc ofleriiiK1 bargains now evi'ry tluy.
Good Corsets for 50c. worth 75c
Parasols for 75c and Upwards ,
Embroideries and Patterns , very
Cheap ,
Onfy a few of those Summer
Silks Left ,
Lace Founcings ! in Spanish and
Cliintiliy Laces.
Cheaper than you ever saw thorn. Fine
assortment for graduation dresses.
Samples sent when requested.
Choice patterns , good quality and
lowest prices.
Special discounts to churchcH , socie
ties and clergymen.
Harlaiess Bros. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
China , Glassware and Lamps ,
\V. S. Homer & Co. .
No. 23 , Main St.Council Blulls , la.
I liaro n nunutlty of bound , well clcnnoi ) seed
vhlcli lotfurat rt'iuonablo flumes. Hood of thu
ciopoflbtij. Corj-cspoiidciiou toliflttJ. K ( J
Ul'LUU i.CO.
Dealers In Milch Cows.
o 503 anil 530 E. liroiiilwiiy.Council Ulls
Creston House
The only hotel In Council niufTs haiiiur
.And all modoi n linpt moments' .
Sib , ! M7 iuuli-M9 Muln si.
MAX .MOI1N , Prop.
1'iacticcs In Httite uiiil I' Couits.
Koonib 7 ; u id S , ShiiL'urt Ulock.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Opjioslto Dummy Depot.
urn"os uuif Mulo-i liopt couslantly on hunt !
for Milo tit retail or In car loads.
Order * proindtlv lllloil liy eiritruut on short
notico. .Stock Folil on coininh ion.
SHLUTEU i IIOI.IJV , 1'roiu-ielois.
Tclophono N < i. 1 U.
rormoily of ICIKL BAM ! Sl' , corner
5th nvo. uiul 4tli ftroct.
Choice B > inplny ol' I iilCKt Put
IcriiN , All f/Jrude / * .
Council Bluffs
A Scleol Sloelc of ( Jlioit'O
Aovullius in.
> \
Grown ami soleetoJ fro.u J
Seed by
J. R. McPherson ,
fi rower mill Dealer in
AM ) 1'ItlJI'I's.
Council liliifTti , Iowa.
Horses and Mules
For nil pinposoB. bought atvl sold , at letull uii'l
n lot * Ijujfu quuutittcij to eclect from.