r i HE SIXTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. FIODAY MOBNTNG. JTHSTE 25 , 18SG. NUMBER 6. OCITfll \ \ THE ODIOUS EIGHT Striking Switchmen Blockade a Railroad for Employing Non-Union Men. WHAT PRESIDENT NEWELL SAYS. llo Denies Ilnvlnir 1'romlsed to He- moves HIP Objectionable Mm HliorlfT llnnchott on the Hit- unllon TrnliiH Itlockctl. Tlio Striking Switchmen. CitirAoo , Juno2l fSprcIil Telegram to ( ho UEK. ] In icgard to repeated published Mnlements that an agreement was made lij hhcrllT Haiichelt ami the. Lnko Shore rnnd that within sixty das other placet should bo found for UK ; eight objectionable switchmen , on whose account the great strike of two months rg'i % \ns luangumtcd , Piesldent Xowdl of the lallwaj sa-.s- ' I doslio to say that no such atrrrcment was evci made by me with nil } nerson , and I never niaditany piomlse. cxpicssed 01 Im plied , tlialtlicclght men In ( | ucs-ilon should he discharged , icinoved t > ( ilhiT places , ot transferred to other positions , nor wan an } Midi iiiomisc made on hehnli of the Lake Slmiopompiii ) . Hut , on thocouttnry , 1 pos- lllvclv icfuscd nt nil times to make am such pi utilise in permit nnj such iimlei standing. " In summit of tin1 above asM-itlon , short hand notes of Urn conference ) between New ell , the shcilir , mid tht ! piesldent of the switchmen's union mo made public. 'Ihoy show that Mi. Now ell declined to cnti'i into or in any wa } nuthorlvo any ngi cement. The tuitli of the matter seems to bo that the Blurllr , Nels Monis , the packer , and a count ) commissioner signed u pledge , which was given to the stilUcis that the eight objectionable - able mi'ii should bo removed \\illiln sixty davbutthe > hail noatithorit } to do so , .nut J will not bo able to cany out tliolr conti.ict 'Jhostrikcis aiocry cnnsci v.itho and ex press nooptnlon on the slate of ntlalts , ox- ccpl to s'iy that the } have been more faithful to their inrt of tliu contiaet tli.in the paities who sinned the paper that ended the hist stuke. Hones me entiitalned of a speed } and amlc.ihle seltlimjnl , which Is much de sired by the men , though the } still insist that the only tern s which \\ill luducu them to re- tuin to woik are the icmoval of the eight ob- jectionrb'o men. Tlio slttntlon In the jards of the Lake Shine ralhoul in this clt } icmnins tin changed. The rcjiiku pissenget tiaius aio limning as usual , but an ellectual block- ndu of fielght tiallle has occnned. No Irclght trains have been mined , and tin to 3 o'clock no attempt of ail } charactei had been undo to make up any trains Incoming freight tiains ha\e all been Mopped at Hugh- wood and othci stationsoutside ( lie city , and judging fiom tlm foimer expetlonco of the lailro.ul compiny , unless the state alfords piotectlon the company \\lll bo poweiless against the stilkeis. The town of Lake within the precincts ot which the Mi ike is con lined lias n vei } small liollce foiee. and is unable to cope with the croud of sttikcisaiid tlieli adhcieiits. The tiliorlllof the eotintv dtiiint , ' the forinci strike made no serious elTorl to dlspeiso thociowd mid his published Interview condemns the r.iilio.id company and declares It has not lived up to Its agreement. Intimating that it ollcird to discharge the non-union men. What bisls It lias for this asseition has not jctbeon explaiwd. His attnudc , however , taken In connection with the excellence of the former strike , occasions siupuso and sub jects him to comment. A lew of the town of l.ako police arent Koilj-thlid htioetthis morning wliero n largo ciowd had ahead } gatheied at 6 o'clock. The only effort made to-day to pull out freluht on the Lake bhoie load was fius- tiated by the stiiklng sltclinioulio sm- loundcd the train , 'llio attituloof thestrik- eis wnssufllciently threatening to Induce the ( lain men to abandon the nttcmptaml theeu- glue re tinned to the loiinil house. 'Jhocouimitteo ot strikcis. by way of ex plaining tliclr action now. exhibit the follow ing communication , dated dining the foimor stilkonnd written In Mioriir llanchett's hand upon one of his otllclal Irtter-lieads : SniniFFOmei : : , Apill 23 , is o W , L. Stahl. ] % ( ! . , thaii man committee Sii : If all the switchmen ot tlm l.a'te Shoio & Michigan - gan Southern lalhvay company in Chicago 01 Cook county icturn to woilc at once , 1ill personally guarantee that within sixty da\s from this datu the eitrht objectionable switch men will bo furnished with other cmplov- ment and permanently removed fiom their picsent positions. _ Si. t a F. IlAJfcntTT , Sheriff. INTIMIDATING AVITNESStiS. Tlirontcnliij ; Doatli to InformerM on tlio AnarclilntH. CHICAGO , Juno 24. [ Special Telegram to the Hr.i : . ] An olllccr who is thorougly familial with all that has been done botli by the police and odlc rs of the state In woi Ic ing ut > tlm anaichist cases , and In pieparlng Indictments and ovldonto , sas Die man Op- ] ) cnheimer , who has occupied a cell in the Chicago avenue station for tlio past six Weeks , has not been held either without cause 01 contraiy to Ills OVMI will , llosecms to liaveheen a paiticulaily noisy momhcr ot tlieannichlst oulei , and alter leading iciioils of llio Hajniiirkc't riot on tlio morning of May 5 , actually stalled down town with a simply of bombs for th"a\ owed purpo'-oof blowing up the nowspapM olliccs. Tor some loa on ho changed his mind , and a fovv dajs later ho fell Into the hands of the police. Unco in tlio hands of tlio law , of which ho had long been an avowed enemy , ho began to think bettei of It , and Impirtodaluablo Intormatlon , of vvhlch his captorb mailo o\- ' rollout IHLV It was througli him that the \ police got tiacoof many of tlio bomb fac- toilc * , and seemed much , If not all , of tlio evidence , which will bo used to pi eve a con- spltacy to destroy llfo nnd mop erty. Ills In formation was valuable as suggesting howand where ovidouio could bo obtained , but not \ cry nselul us ev Idcnco Ibolf , So ho has not been used as a wltnc-ss , and possibly will not be. One or two othci pei'Mins who wcio con I nected with aiiaichist societies before the : bomb throwing , and who made themselves uscliil to Hie police biib'e < | uently , have not In en kept In custody , and as a consequcnco theh seivlccs ha\o been lost to the state. Ono of these , named Hermann , after Ida 10- lenso upon piomlso to appear and glvo evl- doncdln the piitient dial , subsequently sent wont to thu state's attoinev thiough the lettei box of the Arbeltcr Xeltiing tlmt ho iulKht"gotoli-l , " as liu would not appinr. Still anothei has been thiealencd and an- nojrd by filondh of the pilsoneis until ho has Klitoril to .Stato's Attorney ( iiiniiell.tliiit ho bellou'b ' his llfo will bo in danger If ho goes on the Maud and tells what ho unon.s. riicso wltiu'ssesaio not the only ones wlio luivo bi'nn thieatcned with bombs or with death inailnus violent wa > s. Captain Schaachhas piobably lecelved moio thieats ot this kind than anjbody cbo , and his tamlly ate llvlnu'ln a state of constant alarm. lliswifo's health Is badly Impalied by con- bt.uit oxuitcmcnt and fear. Mllonukro AnarolilslH. JlJUWAt'M.r , Juno 24. The Juiy In the oases of the nnarihlsts , John I'rat/mann and Herman Sampel , this morning bionght In a \cidlct of utility . as to the former and not Kiiiltynsto the latter. It was sliow.ii that rial/man took u lead ! ig part In the I i lots at tho-Hrand btbvo works and Hay VI low rolling pillls. ' 1 he cnao of lleniy Dampf Is now oc- cup ) I lit ' , the attention ot the court , 'ilioliialof Alderman Itiulzlnskl , the al leged riot instlgatoi , was icaiimed befoioa Ejicclal committee of the common council tills morning , wtm decided not to hear any lauuiaems- , and then proreinlcd with cloaeU Uoor to review the testimony wl.lch had bewi t.Vxeii. At noon an adjournment was taken uutlH o'clock , to-uioiiow , when a ii-port will l > e doelJed npon. The chnmcs api't'.u ' to bo that * ponton of the ownuilltco will ie | > oit In \uJilati l'i favor. M V # > 1VJ In ut cai of Jobo I'lot/niau , comlctp < IUu > tnornlne. will be ono jcar in the county jail ( , rn line of SM , or both. Tlio motion to | M vh tin * Indictment of liobert Schilling was ftrcurilthtsmornlui ; . Thowork of draw Ing n jury for the Dampli c.ve is In lirogrcss. Atn ipiartor pa t ten to-nltht ? the jury In the case of Henry Dumif , cnarged \ > lth riot , returned a vrdlct of guilty. l.NIMlOTUCTIOMbTS. . Astoiunllng Progress of TnrlfT Senti ment In tlio Sntitli. AVsntMiTov , Juno \14. \ ( Spt > chl to the Hi r..J In the struggle which has been wag ing for months In the IIOUMJ nf repre sentative for the Morrison taiilt bill , a great deal of missionary work has been di- lected by the tariff reformers to the south. When they Hist began their canva s they were amazed at the gtowth ol protection they found throughout the south , where , n few jears ago , they encountered only free traders thuv mot with enthusiastic tariff pro tectionists. Immediate ! ) they began to In- quite what had wrought this change , and \ery soon the > ascertained tlmt the southern peonlo had began to tcall/o tint the boom their eoiinti \ was entiling upon grew out of tlio development of. Indualiies now piotectcd bj the tatllf law , and If this was lepealed or reduced the development of thu south would tease , nnd there would bo another long session of languid ! ) } . Had It not been foi thu verv rapid giowthot piotettlon In the south , Mi. MonlMUi would have talon upliis tullf bill audit would hive pis-cd Hit ! lions- . Hut the spiiMil of protection in the souili piomises to he u iheck in The future to tlio sproid of lieettado principles cl > ewhere A good dealot eagnness Having been exploded thiougiiout thu until and west foi thoioil reason whj piotective tariff piii ciples have glow n so last ol late In the south , the Hi.i : iiiriespuiidiMit today sought ono of the best- road , most hlghlv edticalo I , Intelligcn' , pop- ulai and juogussho protectli nist domociats in thesoutli , Im the purpose ot piociiiiug In formation on the subject , Kcpti'scntattvo John.M. Maitln of the Sixth Alabama ills- tiltt , wasselcded asbest capiblo of o\pie sIng - Ing this piotectlvolews ot the now south , a'lil Im Is iioin onuof the most i.ipldly giovv- Ing manufactuilngstatiM In thecountiy. The iriowthof the iron and coal mines ol Ala bama , under otti tariff laws , has been won- ( leifill duihig the past four or ll\o vcars , and Its advance dm Ing the coming ilccadu are destined to be mom astounding. "I have been uiged , " said Mr. Maitlu , who Is a highly cultivated and pioinesslvo states man , "not to withhold inv suppoit fiom the Morilsoii taillT bill , but 1 feel constrained to do so. It Is In ellcct a proposition to the Ala bama mining and mamifactuilng Industries to discontinue winking their plants , to dis charge tlieli euiplojes , and to what end1/ bolnly lor thobeggailycouslileiatlonof being able to buy more with a ponnj in a cheaper maiket. Kieo liniiDei , fieotisn , fiee salt , neo wood , to day , mean fioo Iron oie , ireo metils of all kinds to-morrow. ' 1 ho formci might not prejudice the Interests of Alabama , while thelattei would deal a death blow to the glowIng - Ing mining and mauutiictming Interests of iuj state. It would put an end to herrc- sointes , and stop , Imlelinltely , the further progress of our people in mining and manu facturing. Among the stricken Industries of the proposed fieo list of tlio taiilt bill ot the coming nftieth congress I think I see Iron , coal and biigar taking their placns. Wo should remember this , that a false principle , once delibcratcld established by rf political paity , will govein tutuio action until con- demiied by the judgment of the people , ex pressed at the polls. " \VehadanexpeiIencoof that kind when General Hancock met defeat upon n platform which announced the false doctiiue that a taiitf for revenue only.'continued Mr. Mar tin.Vo exiiurgod it fiom ourplatfoim of piiiiclples. and In Its place inseited the good , old , sound and wholesome principle which placed Mi. Cleveland In the piusidentlal clialr , " " I hen you leganl the tarllt as a local issue , and believe local ns well as gciioiul Intelests should bo coiiHldeicd in funning laws upon the subject ? " I suggested. "Certainly , " leplled Mr. Maitin ; "and ( leneml Hancock never spoke a more pro nounced tiuelsm when ho said tarllT iba local ijuestlon. I love to sec Alabama in her re cent development of her coal and lion Inter ests springing , us itweio , Into newness ol life. A gi eat city , tor the south , has sprang up suddenlv and Is growing so lapidly that wo know of no parallel Instance ol It in the history of the south. Capital has come to us ; loimsof industiles unknown to our people h.uo taken the pl.ice of unproductive nirrl- cult me , and Alaoama Is about'to share in the benefits aiisiug liora niolccllnc the Amcii- tan laboiei. To mv mind it is evident that II the policy of the Morilson bill be tollovved out to its logical sequence It must result in one of two things elthct absolute fiee trade 01 the abandonment of intentional incidental piutection and in a taiilt for icvcnuooiily. r.ltbei ono Is a cleat abandonment of demo cratic doctilno as set toith In out platfoim , and would bo a betraval ot the confidence le- pubed in us by the labiuIng men of America. 1 would like to know if any man hcio would liavo the haidlhood to say tliat this measure Is not n violation of that solemn dcclaiation my p-uty lus made to the American laboici'/ \Vu pledged him piotection. " Such aie the icasonswhlchniovcthopronii- nent democrats ol the south to advtcato a general reduction nl thotaiilV. Mr. lotion spokoof the tigure tint the tat Iff will cut in campaigns in the south and called attention to the plank Inseited In the democratic plat- lormlnlS.su , "of tariff for levouue only , " which led the ticket to defeat. Ho pro nounced It "false doctiinc , tlie woik of an evil genius , " and sild the demociatlc put } lound It "as treacherous as the tiapdooi ot the L'ibbet. " Mi. Maitlu ovldi-ntlj expresses the opinion of the thlnkeis In his part } when hosas piotcctlon Is just beginning to giow In the south. Tlip Kelle | < l I'rlnces. Juno ill. The Duke do Chaitics will accompany the Count ot Pads to Kng- lauil and atterwards letiirn to Prance. Duke D'Aumalo and 1'rlnco Joinvlllo will live to gether In rctlioment. The annual hunting mtetliigs at Chantilly foiest have been stopped. I'llnco Jcioino Is at ( ienova en route to Ital } to biinc I'lincessClotllilo. his wile , and theli daujhtci to spend three months at I'nui/.lns , fawit/ciland. The Count of 1'aiis left the Chateau D'Ku at 11 o'clock. Jiibtbcfoio his depaittiroho stood Hinrotiinlcd by his family In the iiilncipal en trance ot thu chateau and bid farewell to l-iX ! ) persons who con vejed to him their sym pathy. The assemblage was- sorrowful but ordeily , and attei tlio count's duparturu dis- peiMu ipulctly. The jouinuy liom thu chateau to Tiepoit was made without any ilo- monstiatlon. The Count ombaikedat Tie- poit lei Knglandat IK : : ) o'clock this after noon. Ue will assumu thotitluof Maitpils of Haifoiut , and lemaln Incognito while In Kmdand. A billllant company , Incluulng Itotlischlld , aio awaiting the count's airlvni nt Dover. LONDON. ! Juno 24. The count of I'arla ar rived In London to-day and issued u mani festo protesting uinilnst thu expulsion tioin his native country. The manifesto closed with the words : "Tlio lupubllo Is atiaid. In stiiklngmo It mark : , me out. I havucon- lidemo in Fianie , and at the dcclsUu hour 1 shall be u-ady. " Tlio Jerusalem HUlioprlc , HKIII.IN , Juno U4. After live > cars ot a deadlock between Prussia and England over their icspectlve rights to the appointment of a Protestant bishop of Jerusalem. Pinssla has decided to dissolve the compactor Ityll , under which the two countries asiced to alteuiato In thu appointment and to found nu Independent blbhoprio at the lljly City. It Is thought that Dr. Knitter , thoCeiman mis- slonaiy , will bo thohn > t appointee under the new order. Dieil In Hplto of I'nstour. PAUIS , Juno 24. An elo\cn-ycar old girl of Pole , in the department of Jura , bitten by a dog API 11 27 and plated under ticatmentbv Pasteur and letuincd home , lias , It Is aii- nouncul , died of lijdiophobla Juno 17. " \Voiulinr KnlKlits Templar. CHEVKNNB , W0. , Juno 24 , [ Special Tel- euram to the HKK. ] The third coiuuiandery Knlchtb Templar ot Wyoming- was Insti tuted to n'glit at 'Laramie by" knights irom Cliejennu. AVeatlior forXobrnskn. Tor NMraska Local rains ; slightly cooler. FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS , Changes Made by tbo Scnato Oommitteo in the Appropriation Bill , ITS PRINCIPAL PROVISIONS. Tlio Amount Appropriated Per the Iteiiiieplit Cnnnl , Jllsslsslppl nntl Ml 8ourl Klvcra nnd Other Wa ter Ways liii | > ro\ciucnts > Hirer nnd Mm nor Kill. WASHISOTO.V , June 21. The senate com mittee on commoico has nearly completed the liver nnd hathor hill. It is possible but not probable that a few unimportant changes will bo made nt the meeting to-morrow. Items In the house bill have been Incieascd to the aggregate of SVIM.OOO , nnd others have been decreased to the agatcuato of Sflin oeo , a net Inciease of S-J.Xis.OJO. The total appioprlntion by the senate bill Is SIS.OOO.OJO. The following aio some of themorc Import ant changes In the housn hill , the amounts given being the totals of the nppioiirliUnns to IJP lecommendcd b } the senate committee : Illinois , Hennepln canal , $ ! ( Ko-0. Missis sippi liver survuvs. deeiease , tr > .OJ3. The ptovisioiiH foi the Micliigan nnd Hennepln canals , nftei man } amendments stand as iol- lows : ' 1 bat tlm grant of the Illinois and Michi gan canal , Its right of wa } and all its appur tenances nnd right , title nnd Inteicst w hlch the state of Illinois may have Inativieal estate heietoforo ceded to the state of Illinois by thu United Mates for canal put poses , made to the United Status by an act of the geneial assembly ot thu state of Illinois , approved Apt II 2s , 1S63. bo nud is heieby accepted on the terms and conditions specified In said net of tlio geneial assembly ot the state of Illinois , foi the construction ot a canal Irom tlio Illinois ilvcr , nt 01 near the town of lieu- nepln , In tin state of Illinois , lo the-Missis sippi liver , at the mouth of the Uock liver , 01 between it and the city ol Itock Island , in said state , toothei ; w Ith such feeders nnd other w ol ks a.s mav bo ueeess.uy to supply said w oiks with walei , fc30 > ,000. Saidcinal o > ioedeis shall bo known as the Illinois and Mississippi livei canal and shall be con structed on such route as may be determined by thesccietaiv of w.u. It is piovldcd that It sliillbe the duty ot the seoietaiy of win. In older to EOcmo the light tor such canal nnd fcedeis to ncmiiio title to such lands ns may be necessity by agiecmcut , vjuichaso 01 voluntaiy conveyance , tioin the owneis. If It can bo done on leasonablu terms. But If it shall bo louiid Impiacticable , then the sec- letais of war shall apply , at anv teimof the circuit or dlsti let com tot tlm United States foi thu not them district of Illinois to be held theieafter , ntany general 01 special term held In said distilct , aud in thu name of the United .States Institute aud cairy on piocced- Ings to condemn such lauds as max be neces- sar\ lei light ot way as aforesaid ; and In such pioccedings said court shall bo governed by the laws uf the state of Illinois so foi as the same may be applicable to the subject of condemnmc pilate - \ato pioucity foi public use : piovided , tuilhci , that the said canal shall bo eighty leetwide.it the watei line nud seven leet deep , with capiiit } for vessels of at least 2t > 0 tons burden , with guard gate" , waste weiis. locks , lock-houses , basins , badges , and all other elections nud lixtmes tint may lie ncccssaiy tor safe and coimiilent naviga tion of said ciual and blanch , as sp'clllcd In said sur\ey. " The house provision for tlio improvement of the Missouii tioiu Its mouth to bioux City , which was to be expended "withcut the In- terveiitlon of the Missom 1 rivet commission , " is changed so as''to be expended niulci the dlicctlon ot the sccictaiy ot war in ae- coidancc will ) the plans , estimates nnd ucummcndations of the Missouri river com mission. " Thu tollow Ing Is the foim of the appropria tion foi tlie impiovement of the Mis slsslppl river : "Impiovlng the Mis sissippi Irom DCSMonies laiiids to the mouth of the Illinois liver , including the nvei at ( jitincy oavaud the lemoval ot the bar \Vhippie creek , Including also the strengthening ot Sny island levee wheio It crosses Snicark slough and other sloughs , continuing the impio\emeht , S200.000. lin- piovlng tlie Mississippi livei liom the mouth ot the Illinois ilver to the mouth of the Ohio livei , Including the completion of the workat Alton and , at the discietlon of the sccretaiy ot war , the protection of the Illinois shoie opposite thu month uf tlio Mis som i nver , continuing improvements , S500- , 000 , ol which fcW.'XJO ' , or as much theieof ns may bo necessaiy to be expended In extend ing the vsoik toi the piotcction of the east- vvardly bank of the Mississippi river nt Calto nnd the pieventlon of its wash 01 ciaslun , commencing nt the south- oily cud ol the piesent go\ernment level- nient woikand continulngdown thostiearn ; and 850,000 lei continuing the Improvement nt , Cqpe ( ilraidcau , Mo. , nnd Jlontone Point , 111. ; and the societal } ' of war nitty , at his dlscietlou , use so much of the said sum ol fcVJO.OOO as ma } bo necessary to conect the current ot thu livei and Impiove the channel nt bt. Louis , Impiovlng the Mississippi livei It out the head of passes to the month of the Ohio rivet , continuing improvement. S2,250,000 , which sum shall be expended undei the diicction ot the secietary ot war In accordance with the plans , specifications nnd lO'oniniendations of the Mississippi ilvcr commission ; piovided that no portion of this appromlatlon shall ho oxoenrtcd to re- pali 01 build levees lor the puiposo of 10- claiming lands or preventiiu injui } to lands 01 private piopeity by oveillows ; piovided. howevei , that the commission Is nulhoil/ed toiepairnnd build levees , it in their judg ment it should be done as n part ol their plan to nlloid ease and safely to the nnIga - lion and common o ot the liver and to deepen thu channels. Ot the amount herein appro- pi Kited foi tlm lower Mississippi , SlOO.OOOmo to bo expended In continuing tlio work in process nt New Oilenns. MiM.OOO for the rectification ot tlio Iced and Atchalnl- na ilveis , b } preventing luilhor enlaigo- muiit ot the lattei slteam and restrlctlni ; Its outlet capacity , and for kooplnc open the uav Igable channel throiu'h the mouth ot the Kedorold rivei Into tlio Mississippi : 810,000 In protecting navigation nt ( ireeuvillo fiom fuithci caving , nnd 3100,000 In deepening the channel at VIckshurg by ( hedging tbiough the bar existing thcic. Hut this last named sum shall not bo expended unless , niter another examination or suivev , the commlsilon shall deem It advis able ; 'and if they shall not , then s : > 0,000 shall he expended In the lniiio\ement | of naviga tion nt Vlckshuig by conslinoting suitable dykes nnd other appropriate vvoiks , and Mfl.oao In completing the work on the livei at Memphis ; also . ' 5,000 , tor work on the liver at Columbus. Ky. rOUTV-Nl.NTIl CON'OMUSS. Kmiutc. AYASIII.NOTOX , Juno 24. After routine moinlnu' business in the senate , the bill re pealing the pro dilution and timber culture laws was laid beloro the senate. Oniequcst of Mi. Pugh It was Informally laid aside , to peimlt the consideration of thu bill providing for the appointment and com pensation of United States distilct judge for the tonthcrn distilct of Alabama. Mr. Logan moved ns an amendment the piovlslon of the bill heretofore passed by the senate fixing all distiiet judges' salaries at 85,000 n M > ar. Mr. Logan advocated the amendment , whlcli wnsagiccd to , the fitst division , ulatlng to salaries , by a vole ot 33 \cas to 20 najs ; the second division , prohib iting nepotism , by a \ Ivu v eco vote , Tlio bill as iiinended was then passed. The bill repealing the pre-emption and tim ber ciiltuio laws was then proceeded with , Mi. Ccorgu addiessed thu senate on the bill. The bill was then passed jras , lil : im } s. 20 , On motion of Mr. Dolph , a committee of con ference was ordered on the disagreeing votes of the hoiisn and senate on the bill. The FiU John Porter bill was then laid bor fore the senate , Mr. Sew ell said it was the same bill that had passed beloie. Mr. Sew ell had the tlerk to read n number of resolutions ot G mud Army posts , urging the tussagu of the bill. Mr. Logan obtained the floor to reply to Mr. Sowcll , and after a.n executive < osslon the enato adjourned. House. WASHINGTON , June 31.- Without division the house ( n conimtttie of the whole Incor porated an amcndtrienfln the stiiuhv oh 11 hill requiring lift * secretary of the treasury to Issue certllfcatcs of the denom ination of one , two nnd five dollars on nil surplus silver dollars , now In the treasuiy , in piiuent of appropriations made In tlio bill , nnd ot'ier expenditures anil obligations of theemernnient. Mr. Long of Ma sachu otts , rising to a cor rection of the record , said that In a speech made some weeks ago the gentleman from Callfoinh jllciile } ) had charged that Charles Francis Adams , of thoj rnlnn I'acllic rail- load , had committed gross \iolatlonsof the Kvv. llo Ind asKcd the gentleman to specify what those \iolatlons were , and the only spe- cllic reply made bv the gentleman was tlmt Adams had hlms-elf stated that the m ittcr of fiee passes given bv the Union Paciticcost thecompanv soiuoJ-'JlXK ) adny. Ho ( Long ) had denied the correctness ot this state ment , and ho found that his denlnl was altogether too broad , as It ap peared from his piihlKhcd spot eh * Henley had said that It cost tliu ciimp my SJ.OOO Adams In his testimony befoio the senate committee , had stated that the free pisses Issued coil the company F2000 a da } , but this was not a % lolal'on ' of law , and the state ment was accompanied bj n modlflng re- mnik that many of the pas < es v\eie Issued to rallrind emploves. lie then went Into a de nial In detail ot the many charges made against Adams. Air. Kandall moved to dispense with the moinlni ; liotn. The motion having been agreed to , the hottsu then went into commit tee of the whole , Mr.Jleagnn of Texas In the chali , on the siiudiv civil hill. The pending amendment was that oileicd bv Mi.Vninei of Ohio providing thai no mono } appropri ated foi the bine tu of engr.nlm : and mint ing shall be u ed In the inlnlltitr of United States mites of laige denomination in lieu of notes of small denomination cancelled or 10- tlied. Agiced to WtoTS Mr. Oibson of West Virginia offered an amendment providing that nothing in the section shall ho constiued as subjecting IXP- polnters In the bureau ot ciigiirvlm : and piintMig loclvil service inles. [ { ejected. Thu section of the bill concerulug the goo- ilctiehurvc1 } having been leached , according topunlous acieement , a general delntowas In oidci , at which thu hou > e adjoin tied. IOWA I1A1MM3XINOS. The 31t. I'lcnsniU 1'oalofllco ICot > bcd of n Large Amount. MT. Pi.uAsAxr , la. , June 21. [ Spsclal Telegram to the HEI : . ] The postolllco heie was burglailzcd list night nnd money and stamps valued at Sl.bOO were taken. An enlianco was effected throuch the iron grating at the tuck wlndovy , and a hole was diillctl In tlio situ , by which the lock was iio\cd : and the door opened. Thobuiglais caulfda\yay evei } thing In the safe , including notes nnd valuable papers belonging - longing to tlio poshnnsjlri , Gcoigo McAdams. About font hnndied dollnis of the mono } be longed to Mr. MoAda'uis. ' A democrat was homo time ago appointed postmastei atMt. Pleasant , but charges * had been prefemd against him and he fins' not been continued , so .McAdams was holding over. Usually a cloik sleeps In tiiepostolllce , but last nlgbt , helm ? unwell , liu ull ( not , and the olllce was left unguauled. ' * tt Homes for T'rleiullcss Children. " Di.s MOINI.S , la , , Juno 2J. [ Special Telc- the li..r--Hibcit . E. giam to : ] - - ( Curian , Mrs. Hlggius and Mis. McUonley anlved lieio this moinlng with flt-lhrec children iruiu the Catltollc foundlings' home of New -YoYfc' City. The clilldFencio fiom thice to lh \cars old , and Uicio"w'ere twice asmany bOS ns girls. Theie wcio thhtv-lho people at the place where they stopped , anxious to adopt them , but the ehildien were all engaged and had homes pi ov Ided for thorn hefoie the } ni- rivcd , and they bore tags with the names of theli tester p.uents on them. Most ot the children will find homes n the countiv. The superintendent in charge ot the ehildien sas ho will bung lift } uioie to Iowa in Septem ber. A Kallroail OUlcial Dis MOINKS , la. , Juno 24 [ Special Tele gram to the I3ni.J Gcoigo W. Ogllvlo , gen eral passenger agent ot the DCS Moluea & Fort Dodge lallinad , lias icslgned , and G. 1 * Huiley , foimoily assistant passenger agent , has been appointed In his stead. Pi Ices for Grain Storajtc. CHICAOO , Juno 24. It Is now undei stood , but not olllclally announced , that on and altei July 1 elovatoi charges lorbtorinj : giam In this city will bo leduccd to % c lor the liist ten da } s and J c for each additional day thereafter. Clinigos for switching and trim ming will also bo abolished. The ellectof the chancre will be n i eduction of C5 per cent In tne ehaiges lorstoiing and luindllng grain dining the Hist teudavson an average cat- load ot six bundled bushels. This mov ement has been \ery stiongl } urged tor seveial jears , and isicgauled in the giain ti.ulo as ono of' the most Impoitant steps taken In re spect to thcluluruof the giain trade in this city. _ _ Jirlfilit tHHiics ] ! | N JManil'esto. LONDON , JuiieSl. In his manifesto just Issucu to the electors of Ceulial Hiimingliam , John Hnght savh : "Xo hish pailiameut can bo so jioueifttl 01 just as the united im- peiial paillament at Westminster. I cannot intrust the peace and Interest of Ireland , noitli 01 south , to the lush pailiamentiiy paity to whom the govcinmenl novvpioposcs to make a general sunuiidci. My six > e.us' experlsuco of them and their languice in the house of commons and tlieli deeds in helaml make It impossible to hand overtothem the iudustrj , piospurity and lights ot llvo millions ot the ijueun's subjects. Out country innn in It eland , least wa3 ( wo milliuns , aio ns lo } al as the people of Hiimingliam. I will ho no paity toameasmo tin listing them 1 1 oin thegeneioilty and justice ol the united Inipeiial parliament. " ninny 1'oslal CleikH WAMIJNOIO.V , , Iuie | SI , A special order was Issued by the geneial supcilmcndoiit of the railway mall servyco that by oidcrof the postmaster generaltwenty-six cleiks named theielu had been rcn ovcd from the service lot insubordlnntfoii and consplilng to ob- struct thchoivlco ot the ( Icpaitment and to Injure Its elliciency. U'lie postmaster geneial Mi ) s the discharged i ion thieatuned to strike , and by the conbnc | | llicslgnatlon of many clcrka menace the'djcpaitmcnt ' with cmbar- inssmeut. Commerce ; to tlio Congo. WASIIINOTO.V , Jiio"il. ? | ! The certlllcatc of Incorporation of Oin United States and Congo National Knilgiatioiirctiinpaiiy , 'of this city , has been filed wltji life rccoider. f ho object of the company Is' to run and opeiato n line of steam vessels fioui" Ualtimuro to 'the Congo country In Africa and Intermediate places , for the nnrjo-.e ofciulciatioii nnd common e. Thu capital stock H lllaced at ยง J,000X ( , which may be increased to 8000,000. , Paid Tor lloing ISlown Up. CIIEYLN.NR , Wyo , Juno 24 , [ Special Tel egram to the HKI : . | Shultz Volger was awarded SbOO damages In n Milt against the Hazard powder company for Injiny to Ids wife , son and building by the explosion ot a maga/Ino hero last Munniei. Krupp In Kiissln. VinsxAi Juno 2-1. Tlm Odessa Journal states that Herr Krupp U prcp.iilng to estab lish a foiiiidiy tor the nianufiicturoof cannon at Nlkolnmt. a Kisslan | nav.il station ut the junction of the Inguo and Hug rivers. far Knw Yonic , JuneS-L Plvo hundied thous and dollars in yold bais has been oidercd for shipment to Hamburg. THE PAY OF POSTMASTERS , The Ecatljnstod Salary List to Go Into Ef fect Next Month. THE PACIFIC RAILROAD DILLS. 1'rovUlous of Van AVyck's Uranch 1)111 1 he Debt KttciiRton Now DC- vclopmcniH In the lati-l < lcotrlc IiucHtisr.itloii Committeo. Bnlarlon. Juno 24. [ Special Tele gram to the lUi.1 : The follow Ing Is the list of leadjusted postmasters' s.ilarle.s In Ne braska and Iowa to take effect July 1:9 : NKtlltSlvA. . . I'mm. 7V ) . Alusworth Sl,0.iO fel.100 Albion , . 1,200 lih ! ( ) Asbland 1.100 I,1 * ) Ileattlco 2.200 2wo : lliownvllle 1KW ( Ithclss David Cll } 1,4(0 ( 1W ) r.dgai I.IXH ) llrt ) Kahlield 1,000 l.HK ) Palls Citv 1/OJ ivo ( iinnd Island 'iOJ J.IOO llehion 1,100 lCO ! lloldiego 1,200 iWK ) McCook 1,100 1,500 Noifollc 1.500 l.COJ Ninth Platte 1VW 1,000 Omaha : ! , ioi : uoo O'Neill 1,200IM \ bt. Paul 1,100 1.6TO bhlne } 1.230 1,100 Miomsburg 1,0)0 ) 1,100 Supcilor l.OJO 1,100 Tciumsoh lwo ) i'iO ( ) Valentino l.ooo i.iro Wnhou 1,500 l(00 ( Wilbur 1,100 1-joo Wjmoro 1.210 1'KH , ) Yoik 1,700 1,600 low v. Atlantic S1WO 52,000 Ceutenllle 1 , SJO 1,500 Charles City 1,000 1,700 Cherokee 1,100 l , x ) Clear Lake 1,000 1,200 Olinton 2,400 2,500 Corning l.tiOO 1,000 CoiinciriJlulls 2,100 2boo CiestOll 2iCO , ! 2,100 Decoiah l.soo 1,1K ) ( ) DllhliqUO 2fK)0 ) ! ! , ( VX ) Dtllllap 1 , : W 1,200 iidma : 1,400 1.W.O Kmmcttshurg 1.400 l.HK ) Greentleld 1.200 iwo Giitluio Centre 1,100 1,000 Hambmg 1,200 ioo : Harlan l.dOO lr > 00 Independence 1MX ) 1,000 ICnox\illo 1,400 1,500 Lansing 1,100 1,200 I.emais 2.100 2,000 Logan 1,100 1,000 Lens li 0 1,700 Maiion 1,190 1,000 Mouticello 103 ! 1,03 NoMidn 1 , 00 1,400 , Ogden 1.IXK ) 4thcls Ottawa 1,100 1,000 , Osige , 1.510 1,000 Ottumwa 2.500 2,000 Hockfont 1,000 4thcls HockKapld 1,100 1,000 Slgouruey lee : 1.4CO SlouxClty 2,700 2bOJ Spencer 1,600 1,100 , btnruiLake l.r)00 1,000 Toledo 1.100 ] ,500 , Walnut 1,000 4thcls A bhluglon 1,1/00 1,700 Watciloo 200 : ! 2,100 Waukon , 1,100 i.axf What Cheer. 1,500 1,000 r ' > > tpAcinc \iriio vo iiihi.s. Senator Van Wjck's Union Pacific biancli bill , as icported favorably by the senate commerce committee , contains seveial Important piovlslous. The bill authoiizes tlm Union Paduc inlliind to build bninci [ Hues In Nebiaska , Kansas , Coloiado , Oregon , Nevada , Utah , \Vomiug , Montana and Idaho , aud to acquho by lease , coutiact , coiistiuction , iHiicha'-c , b } subscilption to capital stock , or by guaianty bonds , i.illioad lianchlses In anj ot these states and ten ho- lies. Tliepcimlssion is goncial aud sweep ing , buttheiu aio certain icstiiclivc pioposi- tlons. lifno case sli ill the puichase piiceor thetimouiitot bonds g'laiautecd exceed the nctual cost of consliuction , and no guaiautcc shall bo given to bonds issued prior to the passage of the act Xo 10 id can be acqulicil In nnv w.v } except upon the basis of Its actual cost of constiuction , and no transaction shall bo valid without the siuctionof two thirds of the stockholders and the approval of the secietary of the Inteiioi , who shall deter mine the value ot the propcity. Another section is added which will not be lelishcd by the i.illroad companies , md rathci Imp ills thu value to them of the piovisions of the bill , as It spreads the lien ol tlio government now existing upon tlm otlgiiial liuoof the Union Pacllieoverall thebiaiiches it now lias 01 may heieaftei aeiuilie. In othei woids , the lust mortgage bonds now seemed to the government by a Hen on the old load will have additional secinit } on all piopeit\ that may heieatler bo obtained hj the Union Pacidc hj lease , coutiact , puichacc , constiuc tion 01 othci means. rim t.sios i-Ariric KI.IIT. There ls\ci } litllo piospcct lor tlie pissago of the hill to extend the time foi the payment ot tliu Union I'.iclae debt to thegoveinment. 'llio senate caucus committee of both jtutics hivoagiecd to give otliei measuies the pief- eieiiLo aud ha\n laid out cnoitcli work to last the whole session without Including this bill In Hie piogramme. In the house the outlook Is just as lavoiable. Kaudill Is detei mined toouupv all Hie time until the } aie.ill passed aud then adjoin n. MoiiKou dccl.ued when his t.ulll bill was denied considciation that he would iintagonl/uevei } measuieexceiit ap- piopiiatiim bills until the house was willing in do something towaid taiill leloim , aud at. this stage ol tin * scsMnu , even it thotwolead- eisol the lumsohadnnlset themselves against the bill , it would bo dillicult , it not Impossi ble , to get up a measine that w ill not meet w ith his decided opposition and so lieicca dchite. The house is full of speculatois on the bear .side of llio market , and scaiccly itnoppoitu- nlH is lost to thiow in homctliiiu Ilko the 11 en Icy lesolutlon that will bit the stock. These men will light and Uldmstci lo ptcvcnt cousldeiathm of the Union Paciuc extension bill , and the house Is not in a tcnipci to take ujiu measuietliat will cost a waste of time. Kveiybody wants to adjoin n and go home. The rai load committee still claims to have hope and expectation that tlio bill will betaken taken up and pissed , but It will boamliaclo It the } smieed , opi'osii10 : wiimwAsiii.\a. : Clmliiiian Jloylc , of thu special house com mittee which Invt'Stigatu ! thu I'an-Klei.tiie telephone matteiH , Isery much worried to night. He wrote what ho supposed would bo a majority lepoit of the investigation , but lU'piesenullvo Jtalo , ademociaticmemberof the commltteu fiom Mlssouil , lefuses to sign it. di elating that "It is too much of a Pan- KUclilu nigument , " and will wiltoa report himsclt. This wilt makutlneo reports of the committee , one hiving alicady been signed by all of thu lour lejmblican members , bo , alter all , thcio will not bo it "vindication" ot tlio Pati-Kleotrlc ofllcets wlio aio nlsopioml- nent democrats and federal olllcialsVhen Halo's action becomes known heio It will create a sensation , as uxtinoidlnary efforts have been put lorth to have a majority report - port whitewashing or "vindicating" tliu course of Attorney ( iuncial Garland , Secie- taiy Lamar , Solicitor Geneial ( loode , .Senator Harris and others. A CHANCT I'On MANV MR IRUIIKS , Thcru Is some hojio among thu members of the house that something may > ct ba ac complished bcfoio the end of the session , Pretty much all the appropriation Dills aie now through the house , and that body will liavo to wait upon the motions ot the senate , and thu senate Is not Inclined to hurry. The bonso having been almost seven months getting the appropriation bills lo the senate , Its members aio not Inclined to rend their underwear In efforts to ittsli bills through for tlio accommodation of the now impatient house , 'the icsiilt will probably bo that the house will havooppoituulty to put in some good work on general legislation dining the next three or four weeks. Herbert thinks he wilt bo able to get his special naval bill through. The friends of thu educational bill still have homo hopes ot Its passage this sea son. There w 111 bo an ellort to get the bankruptcy - ruptcy blU considered , and a number of other measures ot Importance luay piobably tx * taken up nnd dUpnoed of. A report lias been published to the effect that Morrison Is deter mined , elncc ho rannot get his t fir Iff bill through , to prevent action upon any other Imixirtaut measure. Hut this does not seem to bo well founded , nnd ( here Is li'ipo that the last dajs of the house mnv be Its best Ua > < < . 1HHTM \ S1KIIS1TOIM KI > , The postmiMer general lodav appointed Tins. H. Wlnii iHistmastcr nt Thatcher , Chetiv count } . Neb.ico .limes Wilson , re signed ; A. H. Slgmaslernt Dublin , Washing ton county , Iowa , \lco 8. 1) ) . Sipginaster , deceased. IT.ttsOVV.1 , AST ) OrVKIlVU T. M. MaKptette , p\iiiptnl > r of congress and attorney for the U. AM. . , aud Lawyer Ames , both of Lincoln , Neb. , arc heie. A loiuoofnbspneohasbcongiaiitedto Tlrst Lieutenant Charles A. William * , regimental ( iimrtei mister , Twenty-llrst Infantry , Port Sidney , Neb. , of three months fiom July 1st , First Lieutenant John J. O'llilen , Kourth lufnntrj. has been detailed to Inspect 100 marcs tobo dellven > d at Wlnnclnno ngeuc } , Neb. , and Plrst Lieiilcnant Leonard It , Lov- eilng , of tlm s ime regiment , will Inspect cat- t'o and lumber at Santee nueucy. Klrht Lieutenant Pratuls I : . Kltonhead , Twenty-llist Infant ! } , has been oideied fiom dutv nt Poit Sldni' } to his eompanj at Poit Hrldger , Wjo. SuntiolH. Douglas has been commissioned postmaster at Macon , Neb. , and Joint 0. llurkes nt Shcimait , lovva. A postotllce Ins been established al Hawver. Lee county , and Hovvanl M. Dewy appointed postmaster. rtiomniTio.v The Wntor WulfH oT Illinois 1'roclnlin thiilr I'rlnclpleH. Si'iii\nrirt.i > , 111. , Juno 21. When the stale prohibition convention leassemblcd.the committee on icsolutioiis repoi t 'd the follow ing platfoim , which was unanimously adopted : Thoproiilhitlon pirl } of the state of Illi nois makes the following declination of Us principles : Whereas , the llipior tiaflle Is justl } charged witli oignni/ed and lebclllous opposition to exist ! ne statutes ; with meiel- less oppression of thousmds of Innocent women and children ; with attempts to de bauch the moials of our youth ; with the pa rentage of most of the ci Into and lawlessness , mlseiy and want prev ailing among us ; with consplincy to cot mpt politics and legislation , and with the coiitilbutlon ot sinpathy and aid to rloteis. communists and anuichlsts , Thercfoio we call upon all good citizens to renounce alleg iance to parties allied of that traftlc ; to unlto with us In the cxtripntlon of this odious cause of crime , disorder , social disintegration and abounding mlseiy. 1. Wo loveiently reco'iilzo the supiemoan- thoiltrof Almlghtj ( Soil. 2. 'llio nianiifactuic , Impoitatlon , transpor tation and sale of Intoxicating beverages ought to be prohibited. .f. To aid , abet or In any other way assist the dilnk tralllc , eithci by giantlng licenses , signing petitions for license , petitioning saloon bonds , leasing propel ty lor saloon purposes , or voting foi men to ollico who favor license , is to become accessory to the contlnueiip of the Ihiuor business. 4. Piohlhitlon to be completely clTePtually must bo national In scope , nnd must be backed by a party unconditionally com mitted to Us enforcements. 5. In a government of the people the right of sulfrage should not depend upon ex , but should be granted alike to all who aie otlici- wlse qualified foi It. 0 , Wo hcaitlly endorse the AVomen's Chi is- tlanTcmporjuco union of the stiteand na tion , and pledge them out undivided support In their efforts to sccuioalaw making scleu- tllic tcmpuiancc Instruction obligatoiy in 11- llliois. 7. We logaid the Christian.Sabbath as a boon , so valunplo to hnmanltyuliHt the stnte Cannot bo true tfi Its dust winch neglects to gunul it from dcscciatlon. 8. That as tl.ieiMourths of theci iminals nro the product ot th3 lliiuoi tiallic , the supires- sion of such trallic will solve the pioblem of convict laboi and the management of penal Institutions. ! ) . That the suppicsslon of tlioliquoi tiaflie. which absorbs a lame put of the eaiiilugs of. workluguten , will co veryJnr toward solv ing the laboi dillicultles in tills country. 10. Wo demand tnat the jicoplc of Illinois be allowed the opppitunit } \otlucontlio question of a constitutional prohibitory amendment , and dcnounc * politicians who icliise to allow the people \oteonthis \ question. Ilemy W. Austin , of Chicago , was nom inated for stale treasurer by acclamation , aud lei the ofiico of supuilnteiideut ot public Instruction , Piotessor H. L. Gilman. of Quincy , was nominated by a vote ot 201 to 113 cast foi Mis. Keplo } , of Klllncliain. A state central committee was apiiointed , con sisting of lilteen members Jiom the state at large and one liomeaeh coiigiesslonnl dis trict. A campaUn 1 mid ol S1OUO was raised. Tlie committee oiiiani/ed by electing John O. Hart , ol Kuckford , chilrman , H. A. Hnr- nett , of Chicago , seciet.uy , and W. V. Ket- lett , ol Chicago , treisurer. The cxccutlvo committee is coiuiiosed as follows : James McGievv of Kankakee , J. A. IJiovvn of liockford , Hale Johnson of Ncvvlon , and Geoigo C. Clnistlaii of Chicago. The head- quaitti&wcio lixe < l at lucago. The Dcniocrati Deckle. W vsmsmo.v , June 24 Atthedemociatic caucus to-nlelit the attendance was large , neail } all of the dcmociatie lepieseiitativcs in the city being present , and the proceed ings weie hntmonious thiougiiout. The state of business In the house was discussed , and Kepiescntatlvo Caihsle , by request , ran over the calcndai , calling attention to the amount of Incxti Ic dilu cuiil'uslon of the special ordei s on ever } subject ot goneial Impoitance. Altci boiling tlio statement , tlio caucus de- uided to select a committee ot tlnce members whlcli should bo ihaiged witli the duty ol se lecting and pushing to thu point of action on such ol tlm meastiio ns it should deem proper lo attempt to pass , and Mossm. Caillsle , Moinson and Kandall weio named as tlie meinbcis ot thccommlttee. Thu senti ment ot the caucus seemed to bo in lav or of passing the at p opriatlon bills and the hills declaiing theloileitinu of land giants and then adjoin Ping. The membeis present al thu caucus came awnv uml < i the Impiesslon that them would bo no fuithcr elfoit made this session to consider any taillT bill. Drier Capital > , OCR. WA in.\noN , Juno 24. Mis. Cle\eland , assisted by Miss Gieg , held an Infoimal re ception tills atteiiioon. Senator Moirill , ulthoiigh Improved , re mains In a critical condition , Ills dlsoider is Inllamiuatlon or tlie bowels. Secietary Whltnoy said to-day there Is no truth In the report that ho had icslgned , and added tlmt ho had no such Intention. The house committee on foreign alTaiis to- clay decided to jepoit favorably tlie bill mi- thoii/.lnt , ' the piesldciit to appoint mllltaiy nnd naval attaches to loielgn legations ; also the bill to piotect submailiio cnhlps. Tlio Pnyno Urlhery Cane. WASHINGTON , Juno21. The soiinto com- mltteoon piivilcges and elections wcio nil- drcescd this morning by Congressman liut- turwoith who advocated the Investigation of chaigcsof biihery In connection with tliu election of Senator Payne to the United States situate. The committee meet to-niot- row for the purpose of discussing tliu ov Idcnco laid bcfoio them and will endeavor to i each a conclusion as to whether or not an investi gation shall be made. ConilriuntlonH , W.vsiiiNoro.v , Juno 21. William Neville , to bo register of tlio land ollico at North Platte , Neb. Postmasters J , C. Loguc , Central City , Neb. ; W. D. Lon , Kll hoin WJs. ; H , W. Cleiutcnnln , SniliigilolU , Ills. Cabinet Meeting PnHtponeil , WASHING jo.v , Juno 24. The presldont was so much occupied to-day In the considera tion of u largo batch of prlvalo pension bills that ho postponed the regular cabinet meet- Ing. _ _ _ _ _ Morn VUIOCH. WASHING ro.v , June 21. 'J'he piasldeut vetoed tvveiity-ulue uioio pcuslon bills to day. AN OFF DAY FOR OMA1IA , Her Orcw Brings Up the Hoar End in Moliuo Unco. THEIR WIND DIDN'T HOLD OUT * The Day's Iteconl on tlio Ilninotul- < Severn ! Poor ( Jninos Plnycd nnd SoorpK Itcsult llnclng nt Hhoopslienil , Tlio Omnium DePontcd. Moi.i.vr , III. , Juno 21.-Speclnl | Telegram to the llr.K. ) 'llu-ro was n strong wind nn < t some rain during ( ho HNt race to-day , which somewhat lntxilicd | the enthusiasm ot the crowd In ntteiidance. Tlio opening event was the junior piul lowed over on account of the foul josterdav. The Sjlvans , of Mp- llne , won In 11-0. , the Davenport boat bolnfe dlsibled shmtly after the start was made. In thuscnloi foui the Svhatis won In 0:34. : At thctmn a foul w as m ulo by the Panagutsol Clilcasio , and subsequently ono by the 8)1- > ans , disabling the Chlnago boat , Tholnttcr claimed a foul , hut it was not allowed. Tlio sen lot double was n splendid race In good waterand was won bv tlio Delawntos , of Ch c igo , in U-40 , ( ialveston U 01 , St. Johns oC New Orleans 10:0 : ! > , Dolphins of McHregor 10:10 : , Omaha 10:14. : 'IheOmilns had n now boat and had oti'\ ' been in It three times. They me a Hue team , but Connor wa In bid trim todav. With more practice they will stand a I MK | eh uico to w In another year. ' 1 ho Omahas held well nl Ills ) , bill could not hold out. ' 1 he si'iiloi pair was won bv tlio Karra- L'uts , tlmo Ufi ) : : i\coNlois : of Detroit 10:20. : rho senior single was n lluo rnco to the turit hutween Coibll ot the 1'airnguts and ( las- trick of the Modocs of St. Louis , both milk ing the turn in live minutes , with Turner of the Dolphins of Mcivgor ( ! In fi:2i. : Coiblt won. lime , 10.10 ; ( Jaslilck , 10:45 : : Turner , 10 HO'4. ' The It.iHo Hnll Koooril. AT CiurAoo Chicago 042200000 01 0 Wash'n..2 1 0 110300 00 8 lllincn innlims. Pitchers McCormlck and . 1'lrst base hits Chic icon , Washington 14. Kirors Chicago 12 , Washington 0. Umpire Con nelly. Ar Dinnon In the last half of the second Innliu ot tho. Detiolt-Phllndelphia bise hill game It began to rain and the game was called. Ar KitooKlv.s llrnoklins . . . 0 18 Ualtinmres . . . 1000 0 0000 1 Klrstbaso hits lirookh ns 2S. lialtlmorcaB , Krrois Haltlmoies 10. Umplie-Kelly. _ AT PHILADELPHIA Atliletlcs . 0 00002 II 00001 8 Metropolitans . 0 00005000002 7 Twelve Innings. Pitchois. Mathuws anil Liich. Mist base hits Athletics 11 , Metro politans 10. Knois Athletics a , Motiopoll- tans a. Umplio Vuleiitlne. AT Pin sin lid Pittsbuigs . 0 01000 0 1 St. Louis . 1 00010 o abuse Pltiheis ( Jalvin anil Pout/ . buso hits Pitlbburcs8St. Louis H. Kirois Pltts- ( Jlllgs 4 , bt. Louis 2. Umplro Uutlcr. AT Lonsu.i.i : Louisville . 1 0020001 1 8 Cincinnati . 0 * 13 Pltchets Neal and Mullann. Flint base hits Louisville 7 , Cliielnuatl 12. Kriors Loulsvllio 0 , Cinclnnutl a. Umpire 13rad 10 } . AT Si. Louis St. Louis . 3 New \oiks . 11000020 # 10 Klrstlfaso hits St. Louis U , New York 12. Euois St. Louis b , New York 7. Uuipiio Voik. AT KANSAS CIT\ lioslon . : ! 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 7 Kansas City. . . . 00105004 * 10 Pitcheis Steinniver and Conway. 1'lnt base hits Uostoii li , Kansas Cltv 10 Errors Boston Si , Kansas City 2. Umpire Curry. Iliiclng nt Slieepslienil Day. SiiKr.PsiinAD ] ) AiN. Y.June2l. Hand icap foi all jcars , one nnd one-fourth miles : Strntlispoy won , Una U. second , Bramble- ton third. Tlmo-2OI. : Foi two-jeai-olds. thico-fourtlis inllo : Tro- moutwoii , liiiinvood heeond. La Julvo third. Ono and one-half miles : Paver won , Mail- nice second , Ki nest tlihd. Tlmo 2:42. : Kmpoiiiim stakes , Bwtepstakcs lor thrco i ear-olds , S1W each , S ,000 added , 1.000 to .second and 20 ) vei cent ot the stakes , $500 to third and 10 percent of the stakes , so\onty- oiu ) entiles , oneaiid one-half miles : Winifred won , The llaid second , lioverly tlilid. I'lmo , For twoearold" , five-eighths mlle on turf : Juno D. won , .Maggie Mitchell second , Young Luke tlilid. Time , 1:07. : Weltei handicap , one and thiee-slxteonths miles on tmf : Pasha won , Drake Carter second , Aictino thhd. Tlmo , 2:11 : } $ . Tlio Stoukliriiluo I.ovnox , Juno 21 In the Stockbrldgo meet ing the race lor the llnrstbonrno stakes for twoearolds was won by T. Jennings , jr. bay Idly Manila. Arthur Out For Hiti Ilcnltli. Niw : YOIIK , Juuo21. Kx-PiesldeiitArthur left thoclt } this nftei noon lor Now London , Conn. The o.x-Piesldent looks palo and woiii. In leply to a question , Dr. Poternsnlit that his pillent waspiogiisslng favorably and without doubt would ho bcnoiittcd by the cbaiiiio of air. "He has had a slego of It , " said thodoctoi , "but will get along now. " Moro Dr.Tnon , Juno 21. llov. Chinles Hcilly , D. I ) . , tieasuiei of the hish National league of Ameilca , today lemlttcd 12,000 to lions. Jhstin McCarthy and Joseph lllggar , treas- nrcisol the paulamuutaiv Hind. 1 his makes Innllsotmi in.toi.oi JsJAOOO. sent by Dr. Helll } since the Boston convention. A Demournt for Pinsni'iio , Pa. , Juno24. A wpecl.ll trom Coshocton , O. , sasnt the demociatlc con- \eiilion to-day , Hon. llctlali Wliklim waa nomlnalcd lot eongiesH lei the Sixteenth Longiosslonal distilct. Noinlnnteil l > y Aculiuiintlon. FT. WA\M : , Ind , , Juno 24 , Tlio republi can congiesslonal convention of the Twelfth distiiet met nt Kendallvlllo this moinlng and nominated CniitalnJ. li. White of Ft. Wayuo by acclamation. "Will CluuiKu Hmtlotis. CIIKVRNM : , Wjo. , Jnno2J. [ Special Tolo- gi.im to the Hii ! : | The Seventeenth Infantry will take the place of the Ninth at Foil Itus- sell. The lattei has been ordered to Arl-- zona. In Kuior ol" IJiliniiiiilH. n.ir.ii , Yli JIIIIH 24 ? Theiopubll- can .convention of Washington county to day adoptid a lesolutlon favoring the re election of Geoigo F. Kdiminds to 110 United States senate. Itotibed u Foinale. Anna .Joliiihon. a frail loprcsontatiyo of the ditini inondo , iippoiti oil nt tlm ) io- llco station ye&toiday ufternoou and paiiHoil thu uriest of Junics ( Jribby on tlio chargu of liuccny , Cilbby entered the woman's house on Ninth stiect , ami after clouting n distuibanco knocked the irirl down , toio u gold chain from her neck mid Matted it MID tliu house on a run. Tie | wonmn's cnos nroiibod twq coloieil fellows , who avu clmso to tlm thief , l-'indlng himself closolv piossud us lie noaied llio liver , Ciibby took a sliurp linn and llnovv the cliulii into Hit ) river , llo wits then captured anil tin nod oviir to thu pollen. Ho is uvldoiilly nn till , mound erook. Wlion nuesteu , lie io > 111:11 : Led to tlic'dtlvurof tlio putiol llmtlio Imd M'rved ono lot in In the pen , tui ( | could