HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. STXTTCRNTH . . Y13ATC. fWAHA T TTTnRT > AY .TTTNTC SWITCHMEN STRIKE AGAIN , The Lake Shore Men at Chicago Once More Leave Their Places. ANOTHER SMALL RIOT OCCURS. Bovcrnl .lion Injured mid tlio Police Cnllrd Out Fears l iitcrtnlnud of * ' n Second General Uallrond Itloukndo , Annihor Kvvltclinicn'H Strike. CiiirAoo , Juno 2.5. The Lake shore iwilchmoti at tlio stock yards iultvvoikat 2:30 : this afternoon owing to the refusal of the rallioad company to discharge eight non union inon. Committees are now going to other yards of thu railroads In the city to In duce all union men to stop work. Tim Lake Shore road Is relusing to accept any more llvo stock over Its road. It Is now believed another genet al sti iku Is to take place on thu road , and a blockade , HUrh as tlio one which occurred last April , will take place. When thu night foico failed to put In an appearance to-nluht It was aptiairni that the sltlku was an assured fact. No freight will he moved to-night , and theio areas jot no Indications of a settlement between the men and thu company. About ! J o'clock an ofTort was made lo move a train at 1'ortj-tlilKl sticct. Suddenly a mob appeared upon the scene , the members if w bleu tiled , bj tlniiwlng a sv\ltch , to ditch the engine and tram , and did succeed in get- tlmr the caboose oil Iho track , Separate sec tions nf the mob attack ) d the train men , UnowImrcouplliiL'pins at them and kicking them and noiinillnp them with Iheh lists. Conductor Chailes Pwusp , of Klkhail.was badly Injuied , being knockid down and kicked by halt a docn assailants , .lohn Deiger , a switchman , was also hurt , but how fccihmsly could not bo learned. The engineer and tiieman escaped entirely. No ariesls weio made. The switchmen held a meeting to iilulit and resolved lo hold out till the company was foieed to adjust their itriuvance. Pollcoolll- ceis aio patiolllin ; the Lake Shotc Hacks to night and n stjuad of twenty will go to Foity third street In the moinlng. It is Intimated that the Height haiidlois will Mippoit the htrlkei.s If necessary. THAVI2LS OK AN ANAI'.Oillsr. B' Hiding Place in Omiiliu and Paplllion. CIIICAOO , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram to thoDni : . ] An account is made public this morning of the tiavels and doings of the an- nichist Parsons , ftom Iho time of the Hay- inaikct riot to his icturu. It appears when the bomb was thrown Parsons leaped from thu wagon and ran hurriedly home. Heio ho hold r. consultation with his wife , and decid ing upon flight took the early Hock Island train foi Omaha. Parsons' hair and mous tache aio Iron giay In color , but peisonal vanity has ever led him to the use of daik dye , ami even his most Intimate acquaint ances have known and desciibcd him as a dark-hahed man. Before leaving homo ho removed the dju fiom his hair and mustache. Thoiesult was a thorough change hi his ap- peaiancc. On leaching Omaha Paisons went „ direct to the homo ot Anton Uuho. kcep- f" er of the road house which shcltcied ' Jtati , dining his sojouin In that city. Unto that time the deslio to anpiehend Paisons had not been known , but he soon leaincd thumvli llionowspareis of the progiess of public .sentiment and tlio yeaimmr the pollen had for a glimpse ot him , and he became Kicatly alarmed. Tlnotigh the meditation ot Jtitlio , ills slaved , he seemed lefugo on a iarm near Paplllion. Theio ho lemalncd until Fiiday l.isl , when , yielding to the ad vise ol Captain Black , ho started for Chi cago. Hu boldly cntcied Omaha , purchased a ticket and madu the jouinoy ol 600 miles without an attempt at concealment. His ben id during his absence coveted his face and v when ho appeared before his wlfu Monday t morning shu scarcely know him. In tlio uttciiioon ho seemed the services of a barber , nnd after taklnc dinner took a cab tor the criminal court. It Is now eeitain lialtha/.nr Kan's mission to Omana was partly to sec 1'aihOiia , but as ho has > aid In a picvlously published letter , ' Kan was so soon shadowed by the pollen In Nebraska that ho abandoned his pioject. Parsons constantly communi cated by letter with his wile and lattcily with Captain Black. THE ANAItOllISTS' TltlATj. The Del'onsc to lOcp Christians Oil * the Jury. CittcAno , Juno 23. [ Sjicelal Telegram to the Duu.J Judge Oaiy's couit was tluongcd when the work of { electing a jury in the an archist cases was lespmed this morning. This Is a tedious piece of business , and fiom the men examined and excused it is not beyond the range of probability that It may bo Imposslulo to llnd within the limits of Cook county twelve men who can pass the ordeal to which they must submit before beIng - Ing accepted. Fiom questions put by conn- bd for the defense It Is evidently their Inten tion to shutout Irish Catholics and veiy pro nounced churchmen of every denomination , all largo employers , foremen In shop' , and old soldiers of the union. Judge Gary was In his place for several minutes bofoiu the hour lor resumption of business. At 10 o'clock picclsely the eight prlsoncis wcro es corted Into the Jury room and subjected to the usual lontlno of hand shaking by Cap tain Dlack and Attorney Zolslcr. ' 1 hey had all been visited over night by a few select friends , among whom Mrs. Parsons was con- eplcnon ? . Paisons' Inner man was strength ened mm regaled bv the delicacies with which this lady never falls to supply her llego loid. Theio was nothing now in the asui'ct oC demeanor of the nnaioli- Ists as they took their accustomed Jilaces. Unon ( pic : > tlons piopoundcd iy the states attoinoy It was found that Dyfus , ono of the men ac cepted b > the defense , had an anarchist In his employ. Ho was excused by the state. The btato accepted James 11. Coleaccepted by the deleiibo jt'sterday. Ho Is the lirst juior chosen , lie Is a locomotive fireman and was nn ollltor In the union nimv. During the progiuhsof the examination , ( Irlnnellstate's nttoiney. said : "lly tlio way , botoro I go fin ther , counsel on the other shlolmvo given us a suipiiso by pioduclng S. Parsons uicouit. Aio von colngto pioducoSchnan- bell heio , ah-oV" "No , sir , " answern Captain Dlack , "thu dial Is lee far advanced tor tlmt. " tjchnaubell Is thu alleged bomb-thro\ver. \ The ijuestlonlng then agnln pioceeded. DufTalo Dill Sued Tor Damages. Piin.ADi.i.i'iiiA , Juno 2,1. [ Special to the DiiJ : Last Wedncsaay Daniel J. ( irecn went out to the Contlomen's Driv ing pailt to bee the Wild West show. With a number of others ho was standing on the track at the tlmo for the Dcadvvood coach to go dashing by. The crowd not falling back fait enough , llnffalo Dill iustruclcd Mi employe named Frank Wllbon to go for thorn w ith a club. Wlh > on did so , and ( irecn got thu club over Ids head. A gentleman driving by at thu time sawthoocciurenco nnd Insisted upon the man being ai rested. Jliiglstr.itoCl.uk afterward Held him In 5500 ball. Green has now biought suit against Wilson and liullalo Dill , claiming 5500 trom each. _ Marriage or Judge Matthews , j NKW YOIIK , Juno 2) ) . Judge Stanley Matthews waa married this morning to Mrs. Mury Thcukcr , of Cleveland , Ohio. The ceremony took place at thu homo of the bride's cousin In this city. About fifty rela tives and filciuU weru present. Among them v\ero the two sons nnd two bothers ot the bridegroom , To-mouow the bridal pair leave forKmopo on thQbteanier Celtic. Wenthor for Nnhraskn. For Nebraskas Fair weather ; stationary } cuipen ture , Terrible Tnlcs of tlio Trcntmcnt of Prisoners nt St. Louis. ST. Louts , June 23. An aftcinoon paper to-day publishes a long sciiialloual article which claims to boa faithful report of the In ward management of the St. Louis work house. The gin of the publication Is as fol lows : Nominally , a prisoner Is allowed50 cents a day for Ids work , but by arbitrary deductions this Is reduced to 3J or 10 cents. Once a week all the vvhlto prisoners , numbering about two bundled , aio required to bathe In one tank , six by live feet , from vvhicli \vaterlsnevcrdrawn till the whole number have washed themselves In It. Meta a few of them ate allllctcd with dis gusting diseases , while others aic cov ered with ulcers and running sOies. which by the means of the bath arc communicated to the ttiiallllcted fifty nuproes aru required to bat ho In thu samu manner , though In a fresh supply nf water , and tliu vvholo iiS'J aie fur nished w ith lour towels. The cells In wulch they are confined when nut at woik aio twelve by ilitecn feet In sle , Into vvhicli aio crowded eight inon. In case of sickness the patient Is placed in a cell of Inferloi ac commodations In which aie also con lined In sane patients and those of the newcomers forvhom loom cannot ho found or made in other cells. The food Is Inferior In qunlltv and Insulll- clent , the bread being too hard to eat and the rolfr o too weak to taste. The water given to the men to drink whllo at vvoik Is dipped fiom a cattle tiougli. and the stone woikers In the ( iiiairy dtluk from the same bucket as the mules anil horses. MILLIONS \V1II3I3LS. . The Mollnn , MlllMirn K Stoddnrd Com pany to Locate In Omaha. CmcAcio , Juno 23. [ Special Telcgiam to Biu. : ] A number of repiesentatlves of the plow and wagon manufacturing tiades hold a meeting at the ( Iinnd 1'aclllc hotel last eve ning to consider the expediency of creating an organization to unite and piomotc their joint Inteicsts. There vvero ptef-eut repre sentatives from the Mollne Plow company of Moline , III. , Mllbnui Wagon company and Stoddaid Maiinfactuilng company , of Day ton , O. Tiu > purpose of tire meeting was to formacorpoiation to bo known as the Mo line , Mllburn * Stoddard company , with a capital of 51,000,000. The corporation will piomoto the general Interest ot the tiado In wagons , buggies , cairiages , plows , mowers , scedeis , and faim Implements generally In Iowa and Nebraska , with hoadrpurleis at Omaha. A large site foi the election of n live-story and basement building to bo used by the company has been scented at Omaha , and much ot the session was devoted to con- sldeiatlon ot plans for this building and the methods to bo adopted tor layimrsido tucks between It and the main lallioad lines. The Deadly Ice Cream , Pi'iLADELi'iiiA , Juno 23. A special dis patch says : Exactly 214 people were poi- .soucd at last Thursday's picnic near Flem- mgton , N. J. Six of these persons will probably die and twenty aio In apicc.uious condition. Ono of the phjslclans In charge ol Hie cases had examined the ice cieam cans and said there was not enough sulplmto of zinc about them to do any damage ; that the symptoms aio those of aiseiilcal poisoning , and tiom the fact that those who lirst ate ot tlio cieam escaped , ho is of the opinion the poison was put Into thu cieam bj .some ono purposely. As a large number ol people were encased in helving the iroam It will lu ) dillicult to catch thoper- ' pctiatora. The Fisheries Question. HALIFAX , June 2H , The captains and lieu tenants of her majesty's ships engaged In pintcctlng the lisheries on the Newfoundland coast have been cieated justices of the peico. Captain Doughty , of thu Portland schooner Klla M. Doughty , which was sei/cd at Kng- llshtovvn , C. B. , last -month , ai lived in Hull- rat jcsteiday from the United States. Ho Is on his way back to Capo Hietonto again take charge of Ills vesselbonds having been given , by her ownois. He will make a deposition of thn facts ot the Doughty case to-moriow. lied Ilnndcil. Di'/ntoiT , Minn. , Juno 23. William Kola- liar , alias Heddy , killed Ollicer Convey to day whllo resisting anef-t. Ho was taken from jail to-night at 10 o'clock by a laigo crowd of disguised men , escorted to a neigh boring giove , hung to a limb , and his body riddled with bullet" . Sheriff Pinnoy at tempted to dalcnd his piisouer , but being a small man , ho was easily overpcivveied. Kel- ahar was a gambler and was known In Min neapolis , wheio ho lived tor a time as a tough. The Hudson Bay Expedition. OTTAWA , Juno 23. The department of the marine has oulcrcd the depart mo from Hall- lax to-day of the steamer Aleit , of Arctic exploration fame , with the Hudson Bay ex pedition on board. Commander Goidon , II. N. . will bo in command. The steamer will this year pi oceed as far as James Hay , also visiting thu pioimscd teinilnus of the Winni peg & Hudson Hay railway. The steamer will return to Halifax caily In October. Tha observing stations will bo withdrawn. "Where Hocer AVIlliains Landed. PJIOVIDKNCI : , H. L , Juno 23. Providence presents a gala appeal anco today In honor of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of the city. Never before has the city been so handsomely decorated nor have the decorations been so piofuse. Nearly all the buildings , public and piivatc , are cov- cicd with streamers , flags and bunting and plctuies of the landing ot lloger Williams. A Mystery or thn Sen. QUII\STOVV.V : : , Juno 2,1. The mate of the Diltlsh bark Aiklow , vvho was picked up at sea In an open boat by the Ameilcan ship Finnic IVndleton , and said that the Arklovv was sunk by a collision on May 8 , has disaiv- peaied. lloleft a note , statingth.it his hcait- lending stoiyof the collision and his subse quent sufferings was talse , and added : " 1 loft the vessel lor icasons which 1 will here after explain. " Prohlhltliinltits In Session. SiMiiNoi'iiii : > , III. Jnno 23. The prohibi tion slate convention met hero to-day with about live hundred delegates In attendance J. C. Pepper , of Aledo , was elected chair man anil the day was spent In talk on pre liminary vvoik. The convention will nom inate a state ticket to-moriow. The President 1'uys Ills Dill. UALTIMOIUJ , Juno 23. A check tor the full amount of his expenses at Deer paik wns yesterday sent by President Cleveland to the lialliinoio and Ohio tallroad company. Inn letter enclosing his check , the president oxpicssed his appreciation of the attention hlmselt and Mrs. Cleveland received. A Mayor Fined , ST. Loui , Mo , , Juno 23. Mayor Maurice Joyce , of Kast St. Louis , wnssubpirnned as a witness in the gambling cases for List Mon day at lielluvlllo , but tailed to appear , and the judge lined him § 5 for contempt of court yesterday , which ho paid , Death or n Jockey , Nr.vv Yoitic , Jnna23 Herbert Mealon , the English light weight jockey , who was In- u led In the fourth race at Sheepshead Day , yesterday , whllo tiding Astoria , died shortly utter midnight. Kiliuundu Endorsed. MoNTi'ii.nii"V : : , T , , Jnuo 21 The county convention of Windsor and Addison counties held to-day , passed resolutions endorsing Senator Kdmundi as hU ovvu biiccetu > or. Hncox Postponed. Nr.vv Yoitic , June 23. Brighton Beach races have been postponed ou account of nilu. A DEMOCRATIC DEMORALIZER That Pension Amendment the Rock Which Threatens a Split , THE PARTY LINES WAVERING. Complete Transformation of the Ittvcr and Harbor Bill Why nil lovvan "Wns ItcTnscd Ills Pension Capital Notes. Democratic Split Imminent. WAiiii.vmoy , D. C. , Juno 2.J. [ Special Telegram to thn BKK.J To-night the demo cratlc leaders are downcast and despondent. There Is a threatened split In 'heir ' ranks which is likely to bring desolation with It. The republicans succeeded to-day In postpon ing the vote on the obnoxious amendment to the rules Imposing a tax provision on the pension bills , and since their succiss the democrats have begun to waver. Them are several to-iiluht who < ay they Intend to go with the lopubllcans on the linal vote , and there are quite n number who have just awakened to the fact that It would not bo quite light for them to put themselves on the wiong shlo of the pension question , and hence the light In the democratic camp. Oiders have been Issued to-night for n full democratic caucus to-moirow night , and at this meeting , If there Is a largo attendance , Moirlson and Jinndall will unite In carrjlng around the beef tea bow I and ask their weak ening couuades to chink , so as to have htiength to stand together In the light. But it Is now thought that the split has started and thccauciis will not bo able to hold them. ITS VKATtmns COMI'I.IJTIII.Y CIIAXOHI ) . The seimto commerce committee has the i iver and haihoi bill about ready to report to the senate. The frlunds of that measure , and Its enemies , too , for that matter , will scaicely bo able to iecogni/e 5t when It the committee gauntlet of the senate. Thcie has been a gencial tearing up of appiopilatlons as arianged by the house committee. Agieat many of the sums al lotted to the smaller streams lm\o boon elimi nated from the bill altogether. 1'lioro have been a few Important additions , but not any of any p.utlcnlar moment. The indications are to day that the bill will tome fiom thu committee In a condition to uretty neaily paraly/e the statesmen at the south end of the capitol , and that If It ever processes far enough to ictiirn to them they will play havoc with the w oik of the senate. Nobody need bo astonished to see tliu nverand Inn bor bill fail , cither by a quaitel In the house over the senate's changes , or by nveto by the piesl- dont. WHY 1111 : IOVVAX nor i.nrr. Among the seven pension oIlN vetoed bv President Cleveland lo d.iv wns one for Will- lam H. Deck , a well known lowan , who i > et\ed in company 1C. Kighth Iowa \eieran volunteer infantry. The incident gives as hisicnson foi vetoing the bill , the loflowmi : : "This claimant oil fisted in 1WJ1. Jlu ic-en- Ilstcdaba veteian Januaiy 1 , 18M , and was liimlly nutbtcted out A pi 1 1 20 , IbOO. In all this time of service his rccoid shows no medical tiiMtment or claim ol disability. In deed , mi abstract ot le-enllstmcnt Januaiy 1 , ltG4 , shows a medical examination and per fect soundness. Notwithstanding all this be liled this declaration on the 4th - - . - - . WJ , neaily thiitcen joins after his dlsclniige. alleging that In June , lbG3 , ho Incuricd epilepsy , (0 ( which ho has btoii subject since , and that his tits have been Irom one to ton dajs.ap.trt. To con- nect this some wav with his militaiy scivice , he stated that thu doctor at the hospital salu his epilepsy was caused by a 'jar to the head from heavy tiling , ' blx months after this alleged 'jar and his epilepsy ho enlisted on a medical ceitltlcate of pel feet health and soived mine than two yeais. Eveiy conceded fact In the case negatives the allegations of his declaration , and the rejection of his claim necessarily followed. It this disease was caused in the mannerhcic detailed , Its manifestations aio such as to leave no doubt of its existence , and it seems to mo simply Impossible under the eiicumstancos detailed that thcro should bo a lack of evidence to support the claim upon which this bill is predicated. " ATIIIISTS : OAX snnr.E. IJecently Delegate Gilford of Dakota re ceived a loiter from one of his constituents uiaKing this inquiry : " 1 wish to know if an Iniidel or atheist can hold goveinment land. and w hen they piovo up if thu title is good ? Theio aie a low atheists settled in hero and another ono coming to settle , but wo don't want him If wo can help it. " Judge Gllloid has just written a loplyto the aoovc. lie lias made diligent rescaich and replies : "I have vet to learn that any i otson's religions belief or lack of all iclluious belief is in quired Into when they attempt to scenic title to public land. " JtUltl'HV TAX STAY AWAY. The leave of absence of Itopicsentativo Murphy , of Iowa , having expired on Mon day last , his colleague , Mr. Hall , to-day had it extended indliiiltely. Mr. Murphy Is at Davenport nnd elsewhere In is district looking after his fences , which aio reported In very bad repair and likely to secure his ileleaU Ho has been politically dopiuclating heio steadily lor jears. A XI'.IIIIASKAN'H CLATM PISALLOWnD. The secretary of the Interior to-day disal lowed the claim of Arthur Whltemoic , of DIxon county , Neb. , for S2.,000 tor bioux Indian depredations In Ib07. Nr.vn.i.K'a KOVIIXATIOX coxriintnn. Hon. William Neville of North Platte was to-day continued as icglsttar of the land olllco at North Pl.ittc. wns'initXKiis AT TUB CAI'ITAI , . Representative Doisey has iccovercd from Ids temporary Indisposition and was In his seat In the house to-day. W. W. Helknnp and II. S. Fanal of Iowa are hero as delegates to the National ship ping league , now in session. Lieutenant Almond L. P.dmerto , Twenty- lirst Infantiy , Foil Sidney , Neb. , has been granttd a leave of onu month. Kx-Congiessman J. S. Clarkson of DCS Molnes , la. , Is at the Illggs house , accom panied by C. F. Mock , Uwi. , of the samu place. FOHTV-N1NTJ1 CONG K CSS. Senate. WASIIIXOTOX , Juno 23. In the senate Mr. Fiye , from the committee- commeice , ro- poiled favoiably the bill to amend the laws lelatlng to the InsDCctlon of steam vessels. The bill provides for the payment out of the ticasniy of the expenses of steamboat in spectors. The bill was passed without do- bato. bato.Mr Mr , Haw ley's motion was then taken uu to iccanslder the vote by which the spuato passed the bill piohlbltlng members of con- gicbs from acting as attorneys of land grant i all roads. Mr. Beck 10 sinned the floor and continued his icmaiks against reconsideration. Ho de nied that he had Intended to Injure anybody by the Introduction of the bill. Mr , Beck did not know whether Mr. Mitchell was attorney of the Northein Pacllic road or not. Mr , BecK had been Informed that ho was. Ho believed that Mr , Mitchell had a right to bo such. The ndhoad companies sought the best lawvers , and hud a light to Uiein. Mr. Mitchell , warmly Jeplledmthat ho was the senati ) . voting In the alUrmatlvo woie Messrs. Cell , Gray , Payne , Pughand Itansom , Mr. Havvley then moved to refer the bill to the Judlclaiy committee , which vvas done. A number of veto messages received from the president were icad and laid oiLtho table , Mr. Logan icinarklnif ( is to ono of them that he had never known such a construction its that a soldier on a fui lough was not Iu the line of duty. The bill to repeal the pre-emption and tim ber cnltuiulaws was then placed before the Ecnnteautl wus debated till adjournment. It was nrecd thatnta o'clock to-morrow a vote should bo taken ott the bill. After an executive bcsslon the senate nd- Journed. i _ _ Honse. June 23. Mr. Morrison called up the report of the committee on rules amending the rules of Iho home upon which the dctntc occmred yesterday. Mr. Heed of Malno raised the question of consideration And Mr. Hiscock of New York expressed his desire lo go on w 1th the sundry civil bill. Mr. Haiulal ! renmkcd that ho could Uiko care of that mrasuro. On a standing vote the house refused ( M to 01) ) to consider the ie- InP port | , and that result was received with ap- plaiiso from the republicans : but on a yea and nay vote the house de atc termined je.is 1st , nays 115 tih consider tne report , Mr. llced changing tin \otu at the last moment to enable him to move : to reconsider. Having made that mo tion , ho yielded to Mr. lll cock to movoto adjourn , and this motion ho supplemented with auothiT that vvlicn the house adjourn to-day it bn to meet on Friday nevt. Mr. Dtutows of Michigan ironically sug gesting that Filday was too eaily adny , moved to suhstllutc Satuiday. Tlio republican" ! refraliied from voting and left the house without a quorum. Mr. Monlson moved the call oftholious-c. Mr. Keed suggested that the house might consider tha sundry civil bill. "I will take caie of the sundry civil bill , " remarked Mr. Morrison. "Vim , tool" exclaimed Kocd , In affected surprise. "lam afraid tlio sundry civil bill Is beinir taken too much care of. " riioca'lof ' the house was ordered and the doors of the chamber closed. The house remained , as one member char- acleilzed It , in a state of Innocuous desue tude mil it a quarter past four , when further piocci'dlngs under call weio dispensed with and the question recmred on Mr. Bur rows' motion to adjoin n until Satnulay. This was voted down yeas , 2 ; nays , 14" > . There being no quoiiim , another loll call consumed Iho tlmo to 5 o'clock , when the house adjoin ncil. It is undei stood that the pionosed change of rules will not be called up lor considera tion to-morrow , but that the sundry civil ap propriation bill will bq accorded the light of THE PUlNCES IjKAVK. Departure of the French Nobles to a llefiigc in England. PAIIIS , Jnno S3. The government at 3 o'clock this aftcinoon will issue a decree ex pelling the Trench pilnces fiom the country. The princes leave France to-night Anum- big' of rojallsts , senators and deputies have gone ' to chateau Deu to condole with the g'tl count of Pails. The police have been ordeied tlu u arrest all persons who make noisy loyalist demonstrations In Paris or elsewhere on the occasion of the departure of the exp'ollcd VIluces. : Count Foucherde Ceieil , ambassa dor to the Austrian court , icslgne-l In piotest against thn action by his eoveriifiicnt in ex pelling ( the Fiench princes. It Is believed that . M. Waddlnglon , French ambassador to the couit ot St. .lames , will icslgn in consequence quence of the exp.ilslon'of the pi luces. His resignation Is momentarily c.xpoctcd. The loyalist press pronounces tno passage of the expulsion : hill tht ; foreiunner ot the downfall of the republic. Moderate lopubllcan papeis generally crltlcbd Iho measuio as unjust. pin opportunist'Journals uigo the govern ment : to discard thu demands of the Irrccon- cllables and ladlcalevtvitl the > > demand fuller republican policv. ' Jric | count and countess of ; Paris and their son , Prince .Louis Phil- Ill pje , aftci rccolv.lntf thdlr friends , will em- b.ukat , Ficpmt in tho'aflcriipon. ' ' ) , , Prince Victor and tifteon ot his most prom- ' Incut adherents , iiidmliilo ; tlio Marquis oT ' Valctto and Bartm JJijUsuNin.ri , s tailed to-day for Biussels. The tram beailmr the party left tlie statioii onilil cries of "Vivo 1/Kni- pcreur , " "Hevolr1 * and shouts ot"Vlvo La Kc " ipublique. " There was some hissing. SeV- eral persons' ' weio arrested. The Count do Paris , his son and suite , will ariive at Tuu- bildgo Wells , England , on Fridav , and will taku up their resilience there. The count will isstio a manifesto , protesting airnlnt his ex pulsion and outlining the monarchical pro- gramme. Hoburt Pasha's Burial. CoxsTAXTiNoi'i.K , Juno 23. The body of Hobnrt Pasha will be received at Genoa by a Turkish gunboat and convoj 51 ! to this city. The funeral will bo conducloJ with great pomp and the Interment bo made In the crm- otrv of Scutari , on the IJosphonis , opposite Constantinople. The enthu expense will bo borne by the Turkish civil list. Fifty People Drowned. Vir.XNA , Juno 23. A dispatch from Prague , Bohemia , states that a leiry boat capsized while crossing the Saaiwa i Iver , throwing llfty pcisons into the water , Th exact number oLUioso drowned has not been asceitaiiied , but twenty-five bodies nave boon rccoveied. Postmasters und Salaries. WASHING rex , Juno 23. Albert Holt , chief of the accounts and salaries division of the postofllco derailment , has completed the thhd annual adjustment of the salaries of the presidential postmasters to take effect on the 1st proximo. The statement ot adjust ment Is summarized as follows : First class ollices,1. ? * ; second class offices , 400 ; third class oflices , 178 ; total presidential otliccs , 2,212. The following named fourth class offices will hcialsedto piesldeutial third class on July 1 : California , llayward ; Dakota , Ashton ; Idaho , Ea lo llock : Kansas , G.iidon City , Lincoln. Stockton ; Nebraska , Alma , Maifi- son ; Washington Territory. Kllensburg ; Dakotn , Paik Hlver ; Inwa , Colfax ; Kansas , Attica , Ptatt ; Nebraska , Geneva ; Washing ton Territory , North \aklma. The salaries will range fioui 1,000 to5I,700pcr annum , Seven nillfi Vetoed. WAsmxfiToir , June ' . ' 3. The president to day sent to congioss seven vetoes , all the vetoed measures being private bills which oilgmated iu the senate. .Among the bills 0V vetoed was ono granting a pension to Alfred Dennis : , whoso iccord shows no disability , but twenty years after lie was discharged ho tiled a claim , alleging that Ho was Injuied by being thrown forward upon the liornofhls saddle. ; The president says the number of Instances In which those ot our soldiers who lode hoihos during the vvarwoio Injured by being thrown loruaril upon their saddles. In dicates that these saddles vvero veiydangci- ous contrivances. j Postmasters ! Appointed. WASIIJNOIOX , June 3 , f Special Telcsiam to the DIE. : ] Dayiel At Barrett was to-day appointed postmaster ajtShclby , Polk county , Iowa , vice John U , Yoijmans , icmovcd ; H , I1. Vanarsdalo at ComlvjIIe ; Johnson county , Iowa , vlco J. 11 , Warp , resigned ; Patrick J. Gallagher at Weston , j'ottawottamlo coun ty , Iowa , vlco H..S. Gallagher , deceased. Postmasters Con tinned. AVASiuxmoN , Junq 23. The following conllrmatlons of prtetipastera wcro made to day : John Xceiunn , Dennlson , Iowa ; It , T. . Austin , Taina City. Iowa ; S. C. Symonds , Hudson , WIs. Powder \Vork Deatioyod. NEWAIIK , N. if. , June 23. The works of thoAmoilcan Foreito powder companv , on the shore of Lake llopakung , Morris county , were entirely destroyed bv lire and an ex to plosion Monday afternoon. Loss estimated at 810J.OOO. Got Thcro nt Last. CmcAflo , June 23. The Inter Ocean's , Beaulstown , III. ' , gpeulal says : ( ieorgo A. Anderson , of'Qulncy , was nominated for congress by the tv\ fifth district democratic convention hnlay on ttio 210th bailor. defeatIng - Ing Scott WiUo and also James M. Klggs , the present member trom that district. K Whitcbrcast nut coal , | 'J.75 per ton the cheapest and beat fuel. NEB. FUEL Co. , 314 South 13th St. COLD LEAD FOR A LUNATIC , A Missouri Desperado Trifles With an Iowa , " * ' Man and Dies. IN THE INTEREST OF THE DAIRY. Appointing Agents to Prevent Adulterations - orations oflluttcr and Cheese Now Depot Promised Sioux Clty Other State News. A DuHj > crndi > Killed. CnusTOX , la. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram lo the DKI : . ! A special to the Adver tiser fiom Farragnt says Tom Golden , who escaped from the as ) him at Ml. Pleasant , Jnno 15 , appeared at the homo of his wife's parents near Farragnt jcstcrday. Mr. Dcnicll , Goldcn's father-ln-lavv , had been advised ot his escape and engascd W. M. Martin to guard tlio house , Being refused admittance ( ioldnu attacked Maitln with a knife. The latter tried In vain to elude him , and as a last resort shot and killed the lunatic. Coioner Hutton held an Inquest and the juiy returned a verdict justifying Mmtlu's action and re- Jcasliigliitn. 'Iho verdict gives satisfaction , as ( iolden wasaMissouri dcspeiado for jcars. The Itrovvn linpenchincnt. Dis MOIXKS , Juno 2.1. State treasurer Tvvombly , In the Impeachment ease to-day produced the monthly reports of the secro- taiyof state and register of the state land otllcc to the state treasurer since 1STO , to show m one was Heml/ed according to law , these oflicers deeming the stntuo dlscretlonaiy. The prosecution objectrd but the court ad mitted the evidence. A. Sllommer , of the Bicimmer county bank was called and re hearsed the examination ol the bank by Brown and his deputy , at close of which Blown dcclaied the bank was all ! right , but the cashier was all wrong. Brown was paid S100 S witness and the bank received certificates of solvency. On cross examination witness said ho told Brown that the cashier was ciooked and thought ho had lost about fen . by him. H. P. Smith testlllcd to ex- nininln IK this bank for Auditor Lucas before Drown' 's ' term anil gave it a certificate of sol- vcney. but privately icnotted to Lucas that the bank was in a bad shape and subse quently leal ned the cashier was a relative of Lucas , 'the cross examination of 11 , 1. Smith , bank cvamlnei under Auditor Lucas , called on the part of the dotense , was contin ued. He testified that when lie examined tlio ueBi Biomlereountj bank , In December. IbMJ , the bank at that tlmo was Insolvent and ho so re ported It to the auditor. Treasuierof State Twombey testified to a number of ropoiIs ot dllfeicnt state oflicers , the ptoportlon Item- I/edand < not Itcmi/od. W. A. L. Limmeis , who gave the 5100 to Blown for the Bremler county bank , was also examined and testified that ho gave that amount to Blown , but for expenses and not for a bribe. Tlio Crop Outlook. DES MOINHS , la. , June 23. [ Special Tele gram to the Bii.l : : Secietary Shaffer of the State Agricultural society , completed to-day his liistcioj ) lepoit aii-1 estimate for the com ing season. Ho says that the drouth has not materially affected the ciop = , hut that they are In a ncttcr than average condition at this tlniQtOf thayear.1'ho sm ing wljeat acreage cent , Ita condltten 'percent ; estimated yield , 2' , , l2y,000 bushels. Jl'he winter" wheaFacreage Is very small , but Its condition 100 per cent. Corn has an increased acieago of 5 } per cent ; con dition 101 per cent ; oats , Increased acroige,7 per cent ; condition , 101 per cent ; flax , decreased acieigo 4 per cent , condition OTperccnt : timothy , incieased acreage 10 percent , with condition 10. > , and clover , in creased acreaeo 8 prr cent , with condition 10(1 ( percent , showing the ciop tame. Hay will bo the largest ever known ; potatoes , in creased acreage 0 per cent , condition 100 per cent , ; sorghum , 5 per cent decieased acreage , with , condition 01 > a per cent ; live stock in good , condition , with very little disease ; con dition { ot cattle 104 > < per cent , IIOKS OS per cent , sheep and horses 100 pui cont. KaHroatl Improvements nt Sioux City. Sioux CITY , la. , June 2. ! . [ Special Tele gram to the Bnn.J Several prominent ofll- uials ' ' of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul rallioad were In the city most of the day , hav ing . . como iu on a special tiain from Minne apolis this moinlng. Among tlio party are J.U. . T. Clatk , gcneial superintendent ; and A. U. Dhd , general freight agent. It was learned from the centlcmcn that a fine lieight depot will bo built in this city by the company tins season , and also that work on it hand some passenger depot will bo begun as soon as the architect has finished the plans. They say they expect to be operating tlio new De fiance line by Januaiy land that it Is mobablo throuuh trains will bo run fiom Mitchell , Dak. , via Sioux City to Chicago as soon as the fccotland-Mitchell line is completed. The party will leave forOmaha in thu morning. acreage'I AVorltlnj ; for Pure Butter. Sioux Cm * , la. , Juno 23. [ Special Telo- giam to the Ur.i : . ] State Dairy Commis sioner II. I ) . Sherman , of Monllccllo , la. , was In the city to-day on a tour over the state In the intoiests of his commission whoso object is to prevent deception In the manufacture nnd sale of imitations of butter and cheese , Ho states that In the vvcstcin pait of the state theio Is not nearly so much deception practiced In this matter as In the eastern poi- tion , as but fovvcieameries become addicted to making adulterations. Ho Is now appoint ing in each city one or mqro coiiC3pondcnt- > whoso duty will bo to notify the commissioner ot any violations ol the daily law. The ImrRcst Class Yet. lovvACiTV. la.June23. The annual com mencement of the state nnlvcisity closed this evening \vlth a banquet of the alumni , A number of speeches weie made. The Colle giate oollogo graduated fifty young men and women this moinlne , the largest class In the hlstoiyof the school. Tim regents will con tinue in session a lew dajs longer. Heavy Heal Kulnto Transaction. DKS MOINKS , la. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to the DKI.J : Theio was a heavy transfer ofiland here to-day. Colonel J , L. Moirlson , of St. Louis , brother of Congressman - man Morrison of Illinois , sold 8,010 * ncros In Kossnthcomity to a syndicate of DCS Molnes gentlQinqn for 3(5,000. ( The land w 111 bu held for speculative purposes. A Democratic Postmaster Caught. Dis Moi.vns , la. , Juno W. [ Special Tele ' gram to the DEK.I A postolllco Inspector has Just como from Angus , Doom * county , vvheioho has overhauling the accounts ol the now democratic postmaster thcro. As a result ho brought avvay S1M > trom thn bonds h men of the postmaster to make his accounts cl stialght. J Hold Tor Horn I ) Throwing. HACINE , Win. , Juno 23. A wan nut was Issued to-day for the arrest of Frank J. Pal- lea , on complaint of e\-Mayor Scar , who charges him with complicity in thu attempt take Ills life by the explosion of a bomb on the night of Juno 15. Palica vvau arrested and taken betoro Justice Heyer , who fixed his bond at 1,000. .lumber , tliu man Inluml by tlio same- explosion , was arraigned but waived examination , and Ills bonds vvero fixed ut tno aamo amount. Opened the Cnmpineotlnjj. K\NKAKII : : , III , Juno 5iU. The two weeks campmeetlng of thu Central Illinois Sunday Tuiuitcmico Workers owneil at KankaKeo to-day with a laige attendance. Briibhes and Puinturd' Supplies. J.A L Fuller & Co. , cor. Mth nnU Douglus NKUItASK.V NKWS. Shcllcubcrccr's , Lawyers Sno ttio ( Junrdinu tbr Mliol. ITY , Nob. , Juno 2J. [ Special Telegram to the Uur.J Pai > ers were filed to-day In the district court by John C. Wat son and ! ' T. Kansom bringing suit ngaln t Calvin Chatuan | In thu sum of $10,00t ) each for libel. These suits arise from the fact that day before j esterday tlio said Chapman , as guardian of Joe Leo Shellenberger , brought suit against the above named gentlemen charging them with con spiracy to defraud nnd starve the plaintiff. Chapman's suit also comes from Leo SliellenborKer deednu over to Messrs Watson and Hnn om all his right , tlllo and Interest In the farm occupied and owned by Joe and the l.tt i Macgio Shollenberfier as at- tornevs fees for dercmlliig him In his an proaohlng suit. Mr. Cliapman's action In this matter Is a great surprise to tlio people , as Iliov cannot .lce upon what giound ho can ba o the ehaigo upon which be seems de sirous to stand. Arniinhoo Will Cclolirnto. Aiai'AiioK , Neb. , Juno U.1. [ Special to the 1JKK.J Piepaiallons aio being made for a grand celebiatlon on the 3d of July , and speakcis are expected fiom dllleiont places. Hopes were entertained that Senator Van Wvck would accent an Invitation , but In ro- sponao to the Invitation ho pleaded puivlous engagement ? . A gcnoiat imiadc. speeches , races and n ball g-amo aio among thu order ot exeiclscs. Vlsltois from Deaver City , Cam- bildue , and othoi points will bo heio and re ceive a hearty welcome. Ireland "Will Ho ItoproHontcd. LINCOLNNeb. . , Juno 23. The following cable message was received to-day fiom Timothy Harrington , M. P. , secretaiy of the league In licland : DtniM.v , Jnno 21. To Palilck Kagan , Lin coln : Parnell authorises me to state that an Impoitantdelegation will attend the ciilragn convention. A.ssuio the American league of our warmest thanks for their continued and ghn lous support. ( Signed ) TIMOTHY Hoard of Trade Formed. PI.ATTK CINTIU : : , Neb. , Jnno 23. [ Special to the Biic. : ] A boaid ot tiado WHS formed at Platte Center yester day and the following gentlemen weioclected as oftlcors tor the ensuing j oar : John N. Ko- nee , president : James W. Lynch , vlco presi dent ; Dr. H. Meade , secretiry. Special com mittee , C. C. Cat Hg , Mr. Stepncnson and Dr. Kdwauls. The Drouth Knds. AisAi'Aiioi : , Neb. , JimoSl [ Special to the Bin : . | Enough rain has fallen In the last week to Insuie good ciops , and the faimcts are rejoicing , asa diy summer was feaied a lew weeks ago. In going over the country one is compelled to note the line appearance ol small grain and coin. A H1IKACULOUS ESCAl'K. A Unity Jlun Over by n.Tcam and Cnr- rln o and lint Slightly Hurt. About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon nn accident occurred at the corner of Capi tal avenue and Thirteenth street which ctimo near resulting fatally to the little child of Mrs. Gouhlcn , who lives at thu corner of Sixteenth ahd Webster streets. Mrs. Gonlden was dnvinp a single horse attached to a carriage , when the animal became frightuncu uiul started " to run awny. In the carriage was Mrs. Gouldon and n little girl who was holding Mrs. Goulden's baby , aged a year and a half. In the ex citement the girl dropped tlio child , which was thrown in front of the wheels as the horse started to run. The wheels of the carriage passed directly ever the body of the baby : nul those who rushed to the scene expected to pick nn the child as a corpse. Strange to say , the little one was found alive and kicking nnd ap parently but slightly hurt , except for a few bruises about the head and ftico. The runaway was stopped without damage. It wns a close call all around , and a mir aculous escape for the child. An Hour in .Tail. The CC.SG against Mr. and Mrs. Michael Iladdam.chargcd with having maliciously doslroyed the property of the Water Works company , was tried bliforc a jury in Judge Stenberg's court yesterday af ternoon. The oflunso with which they were charged consisted in Incaking up somu water pipes and culling down a fence which the company had built on grounds claimed l > y thu defendants. The jury returned a verdict of guilty fixing the amount of damage at $ ( 00. Under the law the Judge hail no recourse except to line the defendants double the sum of the damage , aurl.'alsologivo a jail bciilencc. On account of the ago of Mrs. lladdom , the jail sentence was limited to one hour. The aged couple vvero taken to the county jail whore they staid long enough to make nn inspection of tliu place , after which thuy were allowed to return homo upon the payment of the imposed linu. A Dall Game for Illood. The spoiling event of Iho month will bo a gaino of baseball that will bo played at Athletic park on Saturday evening bo- twcen the police force nine and the press gang champions. The game will bo called at 4 o'clock and will bu completed in time for supper , oven if a score has not been made at that lime. Tliu stakes of Uio ( ranio will bu put "clown" at thu close of the ninth inning , or sooner , as tlio emergency of thu case demands. The following are the playerd : Coppers. Press I-lends Bnrdlsh Fenwlck hlgwait , Keudiick Hoi I Igan Tanner Mostyn Pent/cl i Bnidy. ( iiegg Carroll Coots Bloom Kolt McDonald Lanu Turnbull Hairold . Oontlo Aniilo , Yesterday afternoon n , young girl who works in the City Steam laundry while passing down Eleventh street , between Capital avenue and Davenport street , was mot by Annie Morriso.v , a two hun dred pounder , who lives on thru street. The gcntlo Annlo at oncucommenced abusing the young lady , calling her all maiinor of names. Ofliccr Donnlvan was called upon to arrest the woman. When the oflleer started toward her housu Mrs , Morrisoy turned her watch dog loose and sot him upon thu visitor , Mr. Doniilvan promptly shot and killed the canine and then marched thu gentle i Annlu to the police station , AVantH to Find Tom , A well dressed young woman from Sionv City came to Omaha yesterday in seaich of 'J'om Soudery , who uscil to run an ice cream ] > lacu in Omaha. Tom , ho thu girl siiyti , lias been living in Sioux City for the past year , and won tlio love anil trust of the young girl under prom ise of marriage. Jlu failed to keen his pledge and recently left thu gnl Shu in now anxious to find him , and for this purpose is in the city. The city marshal hub thocaso iu hand. Volt can buy ttunituro choapdr of A. , Fitch & Co. , 12th st. . bet Farnam and Douglas , thiui any other place in thu city , 9 i WATER , TURF AND DtAMOE 1 Great Racing at the Mississippi Bowing Re * , gatta at Moline , - _ _ i THE OMAHA CREW CONFIDENT * , Olllcers Kloctcd For tha Knsttlnj | Yenr I'iifllsli Hnalnit nt Stock brliljfc The Haso Hnll Games Yesterday , Itnat Itncltiftnt Molina. MOMNK , 111..I nun S3. [ Special' ! ' _ . . . „ lo the Bti.J : : The Omahas are practicing oft' the coutso tor to-morrow's race , which will ba a hard one. But they are confident of suc cess and are Improving every opportunity to. Dettcr their condition , Thoclty wascrowdoo } today to witness the spoil this afternoon. The junior four was won bySylvan crow No. 1 of Moline In l :13 : ; Sylvan No. 2 , "MO ; Ccda * Itaplds , 10:0r : ; Sylvan No. a , 10:18' : Daven * port , 11 : W ; hoquols of Chicago , 11:40. : The Dolphins ot McOiogorwon the junior doubla In 10:12 : < f , Sylvans I0iu : > t. The Junior pair was declined elf on account or a foul ana will bo io\ved over again dHiiarrovv. Th Uuillngtons won the junloi Mnglo In 10:35 : ; Dolphins , 10:31 : : Fairagulsof Chicago. 11:18 ; Cedar ItnphK 11:25 : ; Delawares of Chicago , lli'JO ; Pullmans , iatrt. : : The tour cured jrlg rare was won by the Sjlvans In 10:10 : : Cedar Itanlds second In 10 : i ? . The Farracuta ol Chicago , who weru the winners In this rnco last year In the rcmiukahlo tlmo of 0:15)1 : , did not row to-day and their record of last yeariemalns unbioken. The prospects nro fair ' for lo-moriow. The annual meeting ot thcrcgatta ( associa tion was heJd to-night. SKteen of the twen ty-nine clubs in the association were pipsent.1 'Iho Kxeclslor club of St. Louis sent n peti tion to be reinstated. They have now no professionals iu their membership. H waa | leteried to the executive committee with power to act. Four chilis St. Paul Boat ! club , Omaha Mowing association , Aurora Boat club , and Dolphin club , of Mc'lregor weio admitted to membership. Otnccrs weio elected as follows : Piesldeut , 1C. C.JParsons , Dixon ; vlco presi dent , K. 11. Sleight , Moline : secretary andv treasmer. Aveily Fnrnignt , Chicago ; commo dore , K. b. Phi'lpi , Duiliugton ; vlco commo- doic , J. U. Miller , St. Louis : ensign , K. O. ( Jieen , Cedar liaplds ; executive committee , I. A. St. John. St. Lnui.s ; W. K. Moore , Moline ; A. C. Cieirhorn , Burlington ; U. It. Doane , Omaha ; S. B. ( Hover , Chicago ; , Chailes T. Sono.it , Now Orleans ; F. 1 > . Staiidlsh , Dctiolt. 'I'ho constitution was changed so as to hold the annual meeting on the evening of the lirst clay of the races. The ISasc liall Kccord. AT Dmnoii Dcttoit 100002500 8 Philadelphia 1 001 00030 5 , Pitchcih Baldwin and Casey. BaH hlts Dttiolt ( 1ft , Phl'adclphla 12. Knoi-s De troit ' : i. Philadelphia 2. Umplic Oaffnoy. AT Niw VOIIK Thu Metiiipiililan-B.iltlmoro game was postponed on account ol lain. ' PiUsbmir. . . 0 3 St. Louis 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pltcheis Ilaudlboo nnd Caiuthers. First basu hils-PllNbmg 8 , St. Louis 2. Krrors 5 ! Plllslmig ' _ ' , St. Louis . Umpire Frank Curry. ; AT Lonsvii.i.K Louisville 0 : ? 1 0 ooo 4 Cincinnati 0 004 : i 20 0 a Pltcheis Hecker , Mullane and McKcon. First base hits Louisville 12 , Cincinnati 11. Knora Louisville 0 , Clnclifiinti 0. Umpire AT Sr. Louis V Now Yoiks 0 7 St. Louis 1 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 1 Pilclieis Welch and Bdyle. First basa hits New Yoik 12 , St. Louis 7. Eriore St. Loins i. Umpire York. * AT KANSAS CITY F Kansas City. . . . 0 8- Boston 00200200 1 0 Pitchers Weidman an Ktulhourn. Umpire Currv. AT PJIILADEU'IIIA. Athletics 8 Biookljns 1 0 5 0 ! 1 .0.1 0 * 10 First base hils-Athletics 11. Brooklyns 18. Kriois Alhlctics 4 , Biooklyn 0. Umpire- Kelly. ATCllIOAOO , , " Chicago ! l 1 0 IUO. 0 0 1 * 10 Washington. . . 0020 0\2 002 0 . Pitchers Chirkson , Hvan and Shaw. Firet base hits Chicago 12 , Washington 8. Errors' Chicago 9 , Washington 7. Umplio Con nelly. Tlio StoclcbrlilKO fllcetlnp. Loxno.v , Juno 'J3. This vvas the ilrstday of the Stockbiidgo meeting. The i-aco for the Stockbiidgo post ewi-eiistakes for two- year-olds was won by Mr. .Man ton's chestnut colt Timothy. Tim i.ne for tlio Stockbiidgo cap was won by Mr. CKIVOH'B four-ycai-old bay colt Campbell. Porsonul 1'aragrnplifi. Mr. George K. Kay is in Now York. Mr. Robert Patrick left for Now York last evening. Mrs. Hull is Judge recovering from a severe three weeks' illness. Frank Ncdour , Fremont ; F , B. Irwin , Gordon , nro at the Canlichl. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Morse left last evening for a trip to Hoslon. Mr. ami Mrs. O. II. Hakor lo/t for a trip to Now York last evening. * Thomas II. Allen and" W. K. Watson , f Ulair , wcro in the city yesterday. D. C. Cooper , loading grain and stock man of Shelby , Iowa , was in the cityJycB- torday. Miis Libbio Conn el I , of Peru , Intl. , la in the city , the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Neihl. .la m e.s L. Smith , of Fort Kobinson , Nub. , is ono of the guests nt tlio Mer chants. Mr. Adolph Meyer returned ryoslerday from Spirit Laku , Iowa , whither ho accompanied his wife and child. It. W. Morse , a prominent grain man of Shenandoah , In. , and Mr. and Mrs. A. ) Hodgu , of the same place , were Omaha vihitois yesterday. limijamln Williams.of Chicago , George S. Nicholson of Kli/.abetlitovvn und T. S , MoMurray and wife and children ot .Denver are at the Millard. Miss Frankie H , Mayors , of Portland , Oregon , and Mrs. F. W. Munday and Miss ilato Uailoy , of Cnlcago , are tu guests of Mr. and Airs , H. L. Stanlon. Mrs. Richmond Anderson , who has just recovered from a long anil very spyoro ' illness , left Omaha last livening for couple of months visit to her homo neil * Burlington , Iowa , accompanied by her sister , Miss Otto Oldliam , and Miss Elsl * Anderson. _ nira. JJill. About two weeks ago a laboring niCJ named Hill came in from Gllmoro iu search of his wile whom lie claimed had left her homo and had been on a spree iu company with a < ; ) ork in a South Omtilia hotel , Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Hill was picked up iu a drunken condition and lodged in jail , Shu is faupposud to tfi $ somewhat deranged. 3Iothcr. Dan Callahan , an old-iimer lit couits , wiw arrested yestculav afternoon for abusing his mother nndslslera atthcir home near thu nail works. Callaliuu la ono of the bust fellows in the world when sober , but n > u vtn'y demon when under thu Inlluencu of thu indent , lie gave ttu olllcers conshlerablu Iron bio m eH'ccting his nrn-st. - " " : " _ - Uny M A"lestei\\-i(17'iriTiil ( : coaiu. bit lime cement , etc. , of HavousfcCo. 10iV Webster *