Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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AthrtIiemont under thi iOd , 10 ccntpr
flno for the flrt lnr1lon , cent ( or each sub.
IeltH'nt lflieTt'On , ffl(1 ( lt.O ft Itho per tdonth.
No flr1vettgernont tRkrn lot 1es thnn cnt
Soi' the flrt Inorton. Seven words will bo
cotrnte to the 1mb ; they tnut rim cont'cu.
tIvoy ) nnI must bo paid In iWvano. All rvi er
temcnt mllftt be 1innIed In botoro 2 c1oc.k
p. ni. . nn.t itiidtr no ctrcum'tnn will they betaken
taken or 1IontInicd by totepbono.
1'nrtIt ndvcrtIIn In thnu coItirnn nd bay.
; In the iutwer aJdrcx1 fn care of Tilic flu ,
'wlfl t,1eao nk for a chcok toiirtb1o thorn to et
tbeh 1otter' , M aonn Will bn dollrorod oxccpt
on pro.ontRtIon or ehok , All auwer to ml.
TorttPnIont should lrn otcosel n enyclot.
- -
7jOlY TO tt-On renitato. % ( JIbon ,
' 1 fjiron & Co. , Itoorn 3. Wlthtiell itlock. 145
l/roNIY / To IAt s-At lower rnt' than an $ .
whore piqa tn the cltyon ttirilttiro , , ptatio ,
organi , boroq , wagons , or Rtock of any kimi.
lte'nombor , nt Iowr rates than itny ottur loan
, in tim city. City Loan & Mnrtao
I Co. . room 1T , 1401 l'arnain t , oppoalt , l'itltnfl
hot'l , WI
nut i : Omaha financial oxchnngn l proparoit to
.I _ rnnko loans In any itinolint on any klnI of
tpprnod o4tIrIty. Largo coitnteral loans a
tI'ctalty. A14) On oliitttel ani rc'at Ctato In
amoutita anti limo to aWL Lower ratO , bettor
tcrn , , 00(1 ( pronipttr nrvIco than any loan
aganay In the city. For further pntIetIlar call
office on the eoond floor of th , BArker Illock ,
Southwest cOrner of Fttrflam stptl Ittli trroLt.
1T ( ) NRY to loan on rolilenco and btttnoM
.uj PIl1rtI. , i.owcst ratr. C. .7. Cawnll &
Co. , ltooII 19 , Iron hank l3ullillng , 12th. nnl
nato. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: ijI ONEY to loan by the tItulorRIgnett , who ba
.Iji. the only proterly nrgnnhol loan agonoy
In Omaha , f.nti of IO to IX made on fur.
flituro , Vlano. orgnn , liorc8 , wagon. ninchtn.
ory , &o. , 'WIthout removal. No ( lelLty. All
buaInca Rtrlctty cotiflilentlal. Lonn 'o mmlo
11t that any part can ho 1)01(1 ( at any limo , each pay.
r meat reducing the cost pro rata. AItViInctnt
' made on flno wntohe antI iIaninn4. Peraoni
ihould carefully consider who they are dealIng
wltb , n many now coneorn arc daily coming
Into oxttnoo. Shotilit you need money , call
aml co me. SY. it. Croft , itoom 4 , Wlthncli
IlulIding , lMh antI Ilarney. tSR
b jfI ClNT money to loan. Cut rates on
) largo lonnq. llalionoy & harris , Itoom 11 ,
lroa Farnam t. R74J )
lToEv TO lOAN at roaonnliio rate on
.LV1 IIoro9 , lurmturo , vatclips anti other per.
onal property. C. .1. Caweli , Ilnotn 10. Troti
hank building , 12th unit Farnain. Take elevator.
1noooo . to loan on cityreIdence property
'P Geo. 55. . IlLy , I4I ( lnrrnun. _ _ _ _ 2J
. ( b l'FIt ClNT-ionoy to loan , Stewart & Co. ,
'iltoomP , Iron lmnk , lith arni Varnum , C2I
* . - _ ! 8oooo to loan. Sums 5)O ) foil upWitrd.
'I , Lowest rates. ] lotnts , lth and 1)otigInt.
IvroNy TO r.OAN-O. P. DavIs . & Co. Real
.1u. 1letti and Luau agonth , 1505 } 'nrwnnSl.
1tProNY TO LOAN-0n good securitlea. A
. .v.izIcaayook , room 7 Rodick Block , iroFnrunm
Bt. _ _ _
M-oNFa' TO LOA-.On real estate and ob
L9.toIi. Pt1th9Lna3 26'j
ONF.Y TO LAf-In auma of 1200 alul up.
WariIR on flrat..elnsi real eatato Security.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam i. 284
MONEY LAiISTh at C. F. flood & Co's. Loan
J .1u. o1l1e , on furniture plano , horoa , wagons
porPonal property of alf ktnd and all other nr
ttcleof value. without removaL 8L S. 18th ,
Over fllntthnm' Cotontlqalon Store. Alt hue
ness atrlctly oonfldontal.
Bt18ZZ3 0W0128.
I SALE-Or trade. Good tiotol property
In rullnIId town. Only lIntel In town. SVIII
tralo for good wtk1 land ! . Addros MoMohon ft
( ; .o. , Council flitiUs. 491.S
Iron SALE-Ifiuilwnro boa 1nna nufl stork.
Addresi MoMalion ft Co. , Council Illulls , In.
t 4 OR stT.I8-uc'Itl ostnto , abstract end loan
office , COflIIlOtO. ) In one or the hesteotiritte
in iowa. Athiross .McMnlion ft Co. , Council
IJiutTs , In. 193-28
4 OR 3L1-3 a prOpor1ng little town Inv
. * Icw 01 nbout 500 inhulltantR , Bitiintml on
r- the C. 11. 1. ft 1' . II. H. hue a good atiti complete
v butchering btrnlness will lie sold cheap , its tIi
present owner iateida , on. necountot his poor
lioiltli , to go to California. Fi further in.
ior&inIun ; , ittttlresJ1 . , I10fI9CO , . _ ,
I3 USfNEt ; UITlCE.40 8i 's witfroly ow
lusinps bringing 3 to $10 profit nor ( lay.
Room 8 , 12.11 flougla8. I7.22
yioit _ StIR-A complete stock of mlllilnery
.1 gOOts alqostoro Ilxtures ; In ii ( lesirnbio in.
- reIlly. IVill ho solil very oIiotp. Call on or ml.
drcs Prank 0. Kay8or , 40t North 18th at. , 0mg.
liaNub. 94.3J
FOR SA1.R-Ieatiinrkot , ; good locatlonens
torin. Mosoloy ft Stephenson , 110am
IilchardslilockLincoln , 1ob. 903.23
17NTED-To learn of established bnnk that
V V destrof ( to sell , or ofgond location for new
hank In central or we'itorn Nebraska. Address
Jinulcor , Lock ilex 183 , l3loux Clty. _ fl0T.26
ijioIt : : EXOIVASGE-A g7od stock and raln
.1. farm , 18(1 ( acres , 4 mIles from baurons , Iowa.
Want astock of general nutrohandlso or bard.
ware. .0. L. Itorton , 1429 Ostroot , Lincoln , Nob.
, - , 883-22.
1I7ANTItI-A nice Indlucernont will ho given
y to agoodhotel man in agrowing and pros.
perous wosturn town , Boo or correspond with
flnilett& Bates , flentrlce , Nob. 872
OltJXUIt4tNil-9tOCg of goods of every
.J _ klpdforfnrmsnnd landi Also lands tO'ox
change forgoods. If you want to trade , no
InCiter whnt t is you hRyo , writs , with full do.
crlptlon , to C. It. Mayno Ioal { Estate nod
Trust Co. , Omaha Nob. _ fed
I T'lolI HALE-A ilrst.clnss bakery , restaurant
' .1. and oonectionory stand in a town of 7,00d
Inhabitants. Inquire of F. P. Fey & Co. , Omaha.
_ _ _ _ 481
' 'I2Oit 4ALR-Iovcrnh tock9 of goads , doing a
' . lioaltlty businos , ownorhip clear , satis.
t fuotlon gnarnnlood ; toying onsy. some Omaha
PlOl'ory taken In eiobango. Murabahl ft Lo.
! 2. ! ± 1511 Furniun st. 412
OI { SALE-In flrst.lass location , grocery
.1 stock iinl fixtures : 5maR11 capital required :
rent low. liquIro _ at drug store . , 10th qnd
Douglas. 787
trAICEN VP-Sorrel horse weight 1,000 ; Inmo
.L in fronrfoot. Tlmonmas liagan. 5 niiie wet
otOiiighia. . 83tll8.I3-22.29
I OT-j'lnnsnnd speeldeatlons for house on
A Dodge , bet. 18th and 11th. Itoturn to leo
, SS otilea end got reward. I&I-23
r _ _ . T OST-Ilettvoon Davenport street and Ifans.
.I.I corn I'ark , In tlmo stocot oar or In the Park ,
, . imoctceihook contnliiing some papora. Vapors in
' favor tf Moos. Johnson Swnburg.Nob. Finder
rovmtrtlet1 foi' return to N. l'arsons , 90714 N. 17th
Street. Wl-22'
S ' 1t4t'EDfb light brown horse numb 4 yrs
DIII , wolgha about 1,000 pouniL'i , bliwlc stripes
oil his logs and across lila neeki neck sere from
ooliitr : return liinj to 2110 l'aoltlo St. , and receive
. reward. 11. T. Wmilclm , l2l.R *
r ; cioo monthly JrOflt. Beautiful lImotog2aph
'p PAinting taught tree in ono hour one vock
onger , Miai * ChrsUu , 1814 Douglas. 142.2O
I DIIRSONAL-IIaylng taken oillcos at 513
t .1. . Farumun et. wnor I can be icon by my per.
aiimih friends aud all oUmora who moo socking to
buy or sell zeal ostnto1 will do roI1 to coitmo itmid
see nie as I Intend to d a atraighmt.foiwardjo.
githnate buelr.esa , 111)4 endeavor to have nolh.
lngbut good and safe bargains to aifor to all.
Comoand see ICC before you purchase or list
yourmroporty. 18. hI. Mouro. 983-22
1)EtjOIYijJoncs ft Co. , Ieonomy
.1. Oiothirs , 1109 Fitrumuu at. , want your trade
. iiithe _ clothing line. Call and see thoni. iul5Jyl
4 , I ) IUONAL-Tuporsnns who wish to build a
I .I mommo In Orohits' ] 11111. 1 will ell lots upon
1 ps'mont of the nominal aunt of ton doIiur antI
) bmmImtmiC at thin end of tire years. Interust at 8
- p'r cent , payable semnl acuually. ThiS U time
r . . beat otter over immado to nii homoSeoknr in this
. city , Cell anti sue me. I. . . Ii. Maine , heal P.s.
tv tat. , iimidTmtmsttJo. , b.W , con littim ann iarflmun.
] 3AItUUU1-Pgiti wishing day board at
. J.M ) per vcek , Llpply Ut No. 611 N. 17th at ,
ti' . . _ - _ 103
J3OA1tD-AndIodgtugsntk2 N. 18th St. 126
* I . 1AIUlNU-A fewdaybotirtioi-aean receive
t , i .1 _ . , itstela8 bouni and attention for * 3.00 a
I - cfeek , Mrs. Win. Voting , JiltS Fornamn mu.
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- ) QAILI)1UItoonia cad board. 2010 Web.
'l pier. _ _ _ _ _
k ] OttitI ) ttPtiIQ&ILtlPtf , 8 i ;
. - : Capitol JSItNT.-ltoom ave and board for two. 1613
- . . _ _ _
. . . . - . . UIaO13ILLwZOUa.-
.tLiiayld QlIy Ilutlur county , Nob. , otftmni to
reliable parties. tubitmintimtl aid to put up minti
opel-ste in said lowit gluooio tactctry works and
fi'uit and voroiaih , cannIng factory. Cmi ! ! on
or Idilicas Jmnc. ildil , hrdoutor % 11. S hum.
per , 8ocrctury O David City hImtsiios Mon's
--8 .
P IIIVT anti ? and CORS pont , ciand by P. 0 ,
Abel 1' 0. b878roldencc1PlGCiming. .
_ _ _ _ _ _ 723Jul5. 10
T1iT\iid ce&o11nml 1)7g. Ewing,1
.1. Ohlor 427. ti40.luIyIO
_ _ _
tijo moflthiyproult.
'p 144-23'
VPOEX(11.tNOR-'arm of t2.S acres to or-
.1. . change for merchandise or livery stock. Atl.
dro box Put Shenandoah , Iowa. 802.23
1TOlI(1R.Wtrrn { ! iriiifer& jnge Co ,
corner 14th and Nietmnhq at. , are renrI to
receive anti store all kinks of household goods
iiii 1IT8NT-A fttortt on a good retail street.
t Apply the pmaha Itoal Estate and Lomtn
: iieit ; ; itlNT-Sqiiara Piano 3 monthly. _ A
. .I. Ilospo , 1513 lougtn.
. , ( PIana,4 monthly. %
* Itospo,18131)ougla.Q. ) 273
10It IIINT-Orgnns , 2 per month. tinspe ,
.J . . 1513 Douglas. 274
TlOlt M1.l-Wuhnve a bunch oF Utlolienil
.1. two.yearll StCrrS , good cattle for S io.
Strange l1ro. , Siouxcity , IOwa. 1000j324) )
iTtt)1tMti.E-Ono 10-horse upright holler anti
_ 1. vtmgitio with fittings complete. A bargain.
Nebraska ttemim Laundry , 103 8. 14th 81728
iOIL StI.E-l piano , furnittmro and kitcho
_ 12 range. 7l7.19t1mt. 873
IOIttCi.-Fimic soeoiiihmammd phaeton )
.1. . atSImnFsoi'a , 714
T'O1L jU,11-1L l. outrnct * on 2.4cR ) acres
. .L fine tlllitblo land , cheap for calt , or will exchange
change for fresh stock elnilmimig amid good bual.
divan property. II. lit. S'ooimiittn. U. I' . l'nwn ,
8ub Agt. , Ioner Junction , Colorado. 781.jyl I
-1-71i otTer br sale 0O chotco two.year.old
T I itouri. Strange liros. , Bioux City , In.
431 jy.5
POTS SALII-Choap , iron cotutmin tnd win.
dow _ caps suitliblo for front on brick build.
Ing. For particulars apply at ilmis olliro. 813
TjIOIt NAI.t-23yoar base on section good
.1. land , 7 miles southeast of Atkinson and 4
nmIle StittlWOSt of fmnmnet Itoh county Nob.
htontal only $48 per year. Iatcbor Omuhil l Co. ,
1216 Douglas truet.Mlllnrd hotel bock , Omaha ,
Nab. t0I
} 1OR S.11.R-A first cIn' 25 here power en-
glue nntl holler. Address Cluis K. harding ,
Atlantic , Iowa. ISO.23
T ? OR t4ALE-4 set'ontl.limind 2 Ii. I' . Shitpmnnn
_ J. . utigimiemiud boilerby John C. hilmier , eric ,
Nob. 181
] 1OhiS.tLl3-Sqdiarn piano , E,0 , monthly pay.
moods. hloSito , 1510 Douglas. 271
Felt S.Ll-Fmdrnhly hmoi-o. A. 1Iopo.
OR S.tT.13-Motclt teams and 1mnr ; . , o ? al
kimu1 to suit ctistomnomm at Star Snio tltnblei ,
20th and Coining. N. Cannon , Prop. 270
IIT4tNTEI-A girl for general hmousoworicin
8 V a sinaI ! fmtmnliy. Apply itt 1914 Vlrgmntaavo.
' (1T.NTIl-Oood girl for general ) mnUsework
V ? Apply at Valkmelro's mncmit market , 2413
Cunilmig 55 , 168-24'
'IlrANTEI-Dlnlng room girl ut I1antors
1 V house , 18th and Dodge. 167.23
'tTtNTEfl-G1rl ; 807S 24th St.
vy 183.23
17ANTJt1)-OIrI to do hoiisowomk in small
, a fatally. Mrs. 11. 0. Counsmnan , 1581 N 18th
Street. 187-24'
'T4tTE1)-A competent girl by small tam.
V V ilyl good wagea to right imrty. 813 louthi
11th st. 179.24'
UANT1)-1mmo8iatoly , colored woman to
V I take came of rurnishmodrooms , Odd Follows'
Block. Mrs. iCeudull. 183.23'
T4tNTEll 1900(1 ( gIrl to db general Ooifso.
V V work in it mn1l faintly ; must ho a good
laundress ; Germanprofurrod , Apply at 424
Con'o1mt8t. 180.24
'TiNT1ifl-Oood girl , Mrs Vt. Id. Bushmen ,
y y 1612 Ihoward at. 183
UTANTEl-A oookt must ho a tamale. tip.
y y ply at once at Bouthorn Hotel. N. Deli-edt ,
prop. 153.23
UTANTEI-A good girl for general house.
V V work to go mthort dhit6mico In the country
wngo I8 per month. inquire of Johmu lIus'lo
% TANTi1D-NImrsodrl ; apply at 8. E. oormior
I T 2OthandSt. Marys awe. 347-27'
TANrkiD-A competent girl to do general
t I housework in ii familT of three ; must
comb voll recommended , Mrs. A. RIley , floor.
gin-avenue , bet. Orantand Howard. 134.23
' % TANTJtDA girl to do general housowomic
V V atS. W. corner 20th mitt Ilarnayst. Good
roforoncesroqulrotl. JaiIios Novihio. 162.24
' ? ITANTE1)-A competent girl for general
I 1 housework. Apply at 446 Convent st , 958
' 7ANTJ-I-A gooti servant girl. Apply to
1'R Nto. Dotreok , Southern Hotel , B. F. . Ca : . 9th
and Leavenworth. 107.23'
' TANTE1)-Girl for general housework in
V I small fnmtly. 4211 Convent st. 109
I 7ANTEI-A shirt tanker at tim Canflold
1' ltf'f'gCo.ilth and Douglas , upstairs.
UTANTEI-Orerahi malcor at tli Cantlold
V 1 M'f'g Co. , 11th and Douglas , upstairs.
. 119.26
'TANT1CD-ExporioncoI , cook ; reference re.
qUirod. S. % V. cor. 21st and Cuss. 132-24'
7ANTED-A good girl for general houw.
I V work ; must bo a good cook. .Apply ut 1905
Fartuont'r ° t 123.22'
TANTED-A onainbormnaid. 012 Douglas.
TV. 900
TANTEfl-A saleslady trith experience mmd
I V good references tar the notion dopni9.
moat ; also aiady with thorough oxporlonco as
bookkeepr and cashier. None but persons whlk
Prmlctical experience 11000 apply. O1)onotmoo ) ft
5rfy. 017
'UAN'rit1)-3minod1atohya thrst class cook a
Iv ltl2Dodyost. 803
% TIWTlt1)-Nur8o girl totake care of baby
fY anti nsslat in tight housekeeping , S. W.
cur. 20th antI Douglas ,
TANT15D- $ per week ti ) good cook and
V V laundress. Mrs , J , M Thurston , 2308 Far.
miam. 941
7ANTED-A lady book-koopor. Must be a
vy good penman mind furnish llrst.clmms ref.
oroncos. Ommiaha Time l'aymont Co. , dl : ) S 101hz
atm-cot. 034
TANTIII-000clgtrl for general hrusowork
I Y at 2100 Farnam. 835
fl7ANT1tU-1mme4tmttoly. three flrst.clats
YR vziist4Itters ; none but oxurioncst1 need
apply. B. ] ? . ilcCartuDy ft CoLS.J ) Douglas. 823
'XTitNTED-A Starchor itntl shirt Iranor at
yY the RurokaStoam Laundry , cor. 16th and
Izard. 800
( ? ( TANTl1)-2.S ytmng ladies amid genta to
' learn teegrnplmy. I'rospects for lositiOng
whioncompotentgood , A1ilrei SI' . .3. D. room
2. Crounso block , 16th st , Omaha. 738
17ANTEt-A girl fer general houaowork at
1 24238ownrdt. 98.1
'fl7ANTEI-A good gas pipe fltter accystom.
V I' to slow work , IV. Li' , iCoarnoy , Sioux City ,
Iowm. 323.23
17ANTEti-A good relimiblo clerk to. aol
1 1 goods in furniture store for one of my
branch stores , .1LF. Mnrtlmi,810 S. 85th. 1511
74tNTJ1J-Immediatoly , two boya for wualm.
VT ing-tilibus. 1017 Uowitrd at. 353-24'
7ANTED-A flrst.etnU bookkeeper ; nmust
3 8 bays good references. Address H 8 , Itco
Ofl1e. 146.23
c12100 monthly earned. See Personal column.
473 143.23'
17ANTE1)-Ati ctiVo , enorgetio salesman
1 for city work. Call 421 . 10th st. 127-23'
1)itNTEI-A turniture eatosman , 613 B
vi lOthiat. 101
'XTANTE1)-A caablo boy to ctrry a horse
V 1 tte on Daily hlot 930
rANt1n-Maclminw hands ; good wmtgos and
1 , StOzidy work to expmiehicOtl bends. Omen.
ima8hii-tFactory.3dS N.ltith at. 861.23
I 7tNTlW-Mon HOd WOflIOfl desiring r'rotht. '
! I duo emnploymnommt ; salary or oomuzuissiou
on stitpiogOtidi address , vitlz 23 cents stamups ,
it ) IU voStago , for coutraat and Smnlo , I. 14
Ztltg. Co. , Ctiicitgo , 844y14
' 7tN'1'Efl-Labovom-a for railroad work ;
, I teamsters , shovelers and trmtoklayars.
llonBlmipIod ) OVOI.Y day. II. 8. Aibrlght , 11. 11.
LaborAgent , 1008 Farmiarust. mlii
1'(71tNTEI-A position by ii tlrst.clube bread
I 1 and cake baker , Addre , T , C. , Bee offloo.
U7'NTICI-l'scauriptlon clerk. grncluatodo- .
1 3 ! ros it llOlltltm. Rxiovidneo both wholo.
nlo muz.l rvbiil lii New Y rk tuid Phlhidolphma.
itoforericos. hex 11,4 , lIeu oUioo. 148-a
1TX:4'r1i-fly ii young laily wlmo wrhteB a
V V good hand , a $ lIuaUou as oopj'lsts. . Ad.
dross U 68. lieu Office , Ltl'
- - - - - - - - -
' 37ANTC1)-Fortwo months troinjuly let. 4
' I or 6-room cottage in northwestern part of
city. P. . 1) . KItton. City Treasurers oRt.e. 932.23'
ANTtl-A ( lermnari to Cull at my t8tlee ,
I I 1512 l'arnnm at , who wish to buy a p16cC
0tittt3 thocity limits' has good tr'ule general
Stock of goods , incltillng beer hail. bweiiing
and large 3dCvo of land. nil Oncluseti , in flOe
eontiition. stabling. etc. IVIhI Sell all for 4,1X10 ,
imaif cash , balanLo in one year , 0. S. .1iote.
' % r.NTI:1)-u3 : n inictI1ni mean , a tttffitIbn in
a V packIng hnusn a ; foreman or ciirsr ( if
mont. Thirty year operlmnc. tte1oreiicr
giveti , Addrs packcr , lion offlco Council
Bluffs , 194.23
rANTitTo : rent , a houe tif S tm tO roomilS
V I uiinti1o for honrdlngg convozileilt to center
ofalty. 8. Momztgomnory , car. 18th end lktdgo
Streets. 128.23'
1\t7.Tlil-A furnished or unfurnilmcd
I I iooin SOUtim of IT. 1' . depot. . .tddreis II I
lice olilco. . 123-22'
% 7ANTIl-Nicolyftmrmzls3od i-coin wtth at.
V coyo , 525 Fmiirvleiy or 25th at , 14 block N St
Nary's uvo. -
% TA1Tll-To : trade it soumid and gentle
V S driving ; mmmy , set of Immirmic , good oliozi
inlzrgy , oiieqtmnrcr ( et road iragohi tlitit enqt
$325. mantle ll1 5lr.tnmlier & Dam-hey , for ii good
alittlo 1(11141 ' .i ( ii' t limit can go i mm 4 in intmt oO , dr vhll
sell cheap for csti. J. L ; ilico & Co. , ithmu 6 ,
over Commercial National bank. l7823
' , ( TANTEI-A large fmirnishol roont , at a
I S renwnnblo iwiti , , noarcontro Part of city ,
by twooimmmg moil , who siceh' daytiiiioa 3Iut
howell tturmiiiiocl and reasonable.AdOrn's 117 ,
IioooI3ce. 132
' TtNTR1)-To lomy et large seconmi hand of.
a v nc afo. A. 11041,0. 1130Jyi8
TiVTI3ivnnt Ilno mimi ombroliery , orlIrst
.1. vins tlrvssmmtlcing at your.hdmoscnlI , at 416
N. 16tm ! st. .
. , .
% NTEfl-1ly gentleman and wife with two
VI children. two ronm8 With Imaril in Private
family ; best of roferoncos. Address ( I 80 , hoe
Office. 117.22'
' rA NTISI-Iluslnots property on Leaven.
V I worth Sticet. J. I. . hilco Co. . Room 11 ,
over Commercial Nnt'I hunk. 178-83
\ANT12lA suit of roonis and bolirit by
V izian itmiil iiIto , iii irivato fatally , or whzero
tizero tire html toW boanters. I'ormminant liotinl
for iviIo mind liartitI boanl for liutbaimil , who IiI
I rmzvcling agent. ltufoi oncosgivon and required.
Address U , room 11Arcndo hotolclty. 161.21'
TANTl1)A simitof rooms for light house.
1 hiecIzing by a young married douhilo. Ad.
dress 11 (1 ( , Ilco omihoc. 154.23'
WArEI-Totrmuio fo. a Ilizo double imini ,
imnrmiota amid _ Pit act on , 8 lIne soil tim front
lots In 1'mztrick' 24 muldltlon , ju't oil Buizt1er8
st. .1. 1. . 111cc ft Co. , route 6 , over Coimitnercimil
National bank. 178-23
'tJ.tNTtt-A scconiIlmniid sett of reports of
1 8 NobrmLskn Supromno Court. Call on or mtil.
dross L. 1) . 1Iolmuc , lioomn 8 , trouzer block. 740
'TANTItD-Shnrt.hand work of all kinds by
y y j , h1ayno ft Co. , 1511 Dozlgo at. RS
ro ENT-nOusEa AND X.OTa.
J1Oh4 IIRNT-Nino roommi cottage on July 1 :
613 S Stxtcentti Street. A. C , Powell. 973.22'
L'tOlL IIISNT-A 8.roornlmouso , now amid well
.4. timmlshied , aitimmited on 22tl near Sowaril1 $25
togoodtonmtnt. 103-li.
Ipoll IIENT-Now store with good baaoment ,
.5. and 20 furziislmed and unrurnistiud rooms to
rent. Inquire at 'I'roitsohko's , oar. 13th and
howard Sts. 1)90-23' )
71Oht ltlNT-Good 6-room cottage in good
.5. kiemitlOn , $2.5. 0. F. Davis ft Co. , 15)5 ) Yiir.
nazi' ' St. 112.2-S
JOlt IIENT-Iinflijziomo brick houSe at the
corner of 20th St. and St. Mary's two. , at $70
Per nzonth. Apply to Mrs Clarkton. 123.23'
FOR 1LISNT-Ilougo , iotweon 14th and 15th
on Chicago St. Inquire John Swift , cnr. 15th.
1)76.22' )
tiolt MALE-A flrt.elnss cottage on Dnvemi.
.1. port at. Tories czsh. Apply 13. 11. cor. 13th
imnd C liming. 928.24'
J1OR I1ENT-Storo with 4 roonis iO roarn
paved StrOct ; szmltablo forminybuslnoss. Ap
ply on Premises. 2713 Cumniug St. thhijyl8
-rO1t ; ILRNT-Thzo building now being built
L by flurkerBre , , on the Cotnor of 18th antI
.lomzos , 00X50 feet , mitid four or five stories high ,
will ho rented for hotel or wartihtoimso h > urPo5e
mitid be finished to suit thi pprposo of torpumt. C.
E. ! )1fl3'ldS ) itemil .
Faruau. - . . ' .
1 7to1t RI'T-1iesldcrzco of 11) ) roomnq , barn for
.1. . 34 horses toinmtifmzl grounds 1.oavenworth
and 88th at. , 50 o' month. C. l7. Mayno heal
Estate ft Trus t Co. , 15th and Fmtrmzam. 70th
DOlt UENT-Ono 8 and one III roOm hioziBo
.L with mdl mothorn tmprovomuents , In a deslr.
able location. Inqulro of 0. P. 1)avls & Co. .
1505 Farnam. 374
-rton IIISNT-Furiiishiod rooms , .choapeat ih
U the city. Aphy at licom 14 , Aumdor8on
ihlock , N. lath _ St. , cor. Davenport. 174jy21
toIt 1LRNT-Nmceiy furnished roomns for
.5. genUomonatoo5lt N. 17111 sI ; roferinicos ro.
quired. 178-23'
F Ofl EIONT-NIcoly furilislied room with ol.
coAti , 523 Fairview or LItli at , 14 block north
St. Mary's eve. 827.23'
F 011 IIBNT-Ftmruishiod room for man and
vlfo , or young IadyS18 N 15th et. 100-29'
.t'OIi ISENT-Furaished zuom. l7O7Case St.
_ L 182-28'
1ou RENT-Nice well koptrooma , furnished
.5. antI umifurnihod , to youut gentlemen
wi8hzing a qulot location at N. Ii. . cor. 334 and
Davenport. 177.26
3O1i house. 1317 Chicago st.
.L 180-2-1'
fl1Olt ItENT-In prtvato house , N. IV. car.
.L 20th mmdl Davenport sts. . , nicely turnished
front room. - 154.22'
T1O1t1tENT-1'urmiished rooms. 1621 Cap. two
.1. 221.26'
(51011 RISNT-Nioohy furnisliod frnit room ,
J. stmitabho forono or two gentlemen all mod.
orn improvements. Cor. 15th and Jones , 1 door
vcSt of Dr. l'eabody's oiilco. - . 141
litoli ItIINr-Ftirnishcd rooms , flr5t house
.3 west of St. James hotel. 115
-poll I1ENT-Two nicely furnished rooms
.1. suItable ( tirnian ate ] wife ; reference ox.
019 N. 19th at. 143.26'
TOR I1ENT-Furntthed rdomus. 718 N. 17th.
.3. . 104-23'
IIENT-Niceiy furnished room ornau
I. and wife or two or thee gentlemen. 1719
Dodge at. ; J minutes' val1c from P. 0. 905.22'
4 011 JII8NT-A t1olrmzb1o room With prIvate
fnmily , for single gontloniap , lit 6137 Phctasnnt
struot. 98t3-22'
IdOR jt11NT-fwo izlooly furnished rooms at
.1. 222Thedge. _ 953.23
1O1t i1l5T-Four unfurnished room,21I3
.1 , Fitcitho Street. 935-22'
I BIONT-3/urmijslzod r ? mn. 603 N 17th.
l7lOhs IIISNT-Snd and 3rmh Boors , 22x100 , 11109
.1. . Farnam St. snitablo for Ilmmht inanufaotur.
lug or wboleammh buaines8 , L. O Jones ft Co. ,
- Old-Jyl
p014 urniahmnd room and very best brd , cmiii
'dl 418 11. 131hz U. 1)30.94' )
131011 1tIINT-Furnlshiod room with flrstclass
.5. board. S. W. oor.201h amid SYobiten 923-84'
11O11 IIENT.-.For light , rbafn'i
.1. furnIshed nnd i1mturiilahod In hldomor'
Bioemc , cor , Right anti howard sts. C 9l8
roh1 1iINT-Stniit room on 11th at , . dar
.1 Fnrnmuim ; make tine olhleo , p83.
Brick store , N 11 car , 14th muiti Howard , $2-S.
C. 11. Myno , Itoal t.stnte and Trust Co. 803
17' OIL IIENT-A suit otfuratslwd roqijis. 16L
a CalIfornia. , I
FOhiItENTFurnisho4 roonzs,15 flarnf
4011 IIENT-Two Floora and oIlie wih _ ue
. ofelovetor , suitable fqr light whmoh _ sulblng
or Storage. SV , I , Wright , 817 14. 13th mu. 761.23'
tIt hiliNT-.Ono front roqmvq y n1c'yrur.
nisimod ; 2117 5Vehtsto St. -
4 OR 1tlT-An elegant Bulb of two t omns ,
Apply whim rofcrouops,1697 Dotglas. , 711
-li'0'1 ' IIIINT-A .ulte of room with board.
J. . hSI2Dodgoat.
iht i1ttNT'm1riiiihod roolna. Juquiro
drugstore , 10th and Douglas. etti
iO8 1RNT-On nice z-ooni at 2333 Dodge
.Loot. 3 879
F01t ItiONT-Two store rooms on 1611t 5tret ,
1 % ater , gas and sewer connections. Tim
C.ILMayno and Trust Co. , cor. 15th antI 1arnam.
4 011 hi1IN'j'An excellent basement 600 ittid
511 3 13th at. ; 3 Btoro on 9th and I3ouglas
audI stores on yll and Cujulng. Iau1.suzz . ft Co. ,
1513 Farmiata. 837
F ° " UENT-Purcishad rooms.1818 . Dodge.
F8.1b8t" 1iim. itush
* -
- - 0 -
_ _ _
- - - -
- -
TOME9-droomjChy ) watorgne. etc. I mOo
.L.Lfrom postolhleo'itt Shinn told , neO View
price $2,251) . one sPthjlown , bal $25 flilThthily.
D. C. l'attersnn , lrp 1nk. 136.26
Oug SALII-3. t. 1-ans &Co. Saunders st.
cornors,5 of th hott on the mu.
fearnort on t'armlairfBt. Thi7 are unoxeoiirtl
forbisin&t lneaUn.
22 mel Oh ft hats o1 1dtrnliort st. . at bett rock
prices : east of 13th sit Investigate.
26 choIce lots in hiedlord ,1ace , on yory easy
lemma 61 low priceS ,
A few lots in Crnton. still on sale.
10 of the host lii llttWthorno heft. hero's yotir
opportunity tar nilmriiiS.
liotinhilock ihwtth ivnstemh$900. A bisrgain.
Aim oton5Ivn htiepteliolt'o , property In han.
ScomI'laco ; eornorIflfli Cast fronts , uncxc'nhletl
for homily muil ( tct'irablltr. Call alitI Pee Ihntn ,
J. II. Evans ft Co. , T.l3iodgo st. 175.2.1
D.STFIIiI9ON 1'ATiik.Aere. 'rhO cheapest
.1. nero properly Is IA Patterson Park .0)4 ) tnila
scimtliu-est of court hzouo , $100 an acre , on easy
teruis. I ) . C. Patterson , Iron btltik. 1:17.24 :
I'jOMES-l ' rooms , city water , gas , ale , I mIle
fnii , Postoiulon , In 'hilnn's add ; utco vle- * .
l'rico $2,230 , OflO.Sizth down , hal. $25 moptbly ,
I ) . C. I'mttterson , Iron batik. 3)141.96 )
H OMr.S-drOomsclty water , ens , etc. I mIle
from lostothleolfl 80iinn' add ; lilen View ,
pricet2,230. , zuo.sitli 'town , hal. $23 monthly.
D. C. l'ntterson , lion bank. 338-20
T.TOMRS-6 rooms , city water , gas , to. , I milo
.11 lroiii potol1hee , iii Shinu's ntld. Nice % 'Iow.
l'rlco $2,230 , one.ttxth down , balance $2.1 month.
ly. D. 0. l'ntteraun , trail bank , 123-26
DA'rFp.h1SO : ; I'AUK-Aores. 'him cheapest
1. nero ProPertY istii Pnttor600 Park,3I4 miles
southwest of coutt 1101150 : 300 an acre , nii easy
terms , I ) . C. l'attorsou. Iron bank. 1045-20
H OMIlt3-4rooms citvwatcrgnseto. , 1 milo
from pastofflee in Shlmmn's mId , nice view ,
Price $2,2.tOoiie.slxth downbah. $23 inuizhmoly.
1) , C. l'mittersotl. Iron bank 336.26
O ClINT money to bail , J. J. Mahoney ,
1.109 Farilnmn. 10'2jy90
31OiiU.IC-1Javit1 Smith Mmiro can sell you
.1. . splendid cast front in John I. h1odick8 mu ! .
dItton toe $1,700 , $350 eush , balance $20 Par
month. Hero 18 a splendid bargain. 1322 Fnt.
Cain at. 965-Ri
HOMES-n rooms , City water , gas , etc. I mile
from poatoffleo in t'lilnhi'B add : nIce % 'ioW
price 88,2.0 , , iiO alxttm downs hal. $2 monthly
1) . C. l'mttterson , Iron hank. 1311-28
lTOCK VAIWS-2 corner blab SouthOmahn ,
L-Itk)0. : ) Iltishi &Solby42ltS. 15th at. 322.28
pEA1J EBPATR RAIIGAIN-4 full lots on
. .LI Satimidora St. , Cflfl ho laiimglzt this % veok fOr
$9-So each , or thu bunch at 173 700 , LI cash. .3. L.
Rico ft Co. , over l'ommnorolnl 4at'l hunk , 178 28
1) 110 1)17(711 atel comimmniasmon bUliics for sub ,
I _ ( Irnhmmirn ft lionawit , 937
(1 IIA1ItM .a hiItN.tWA , Crelglmton tilock.
; - Lot on Cilmnlmmgst. $5,230.
i.nts in hlure 0hc , 1')145 ) to $930.
LotS in hlogs ft hIiiI' 1st add. , $2,000.
Lot In ( Iml'li ' ( tI ii ill , $1,900.
Loll In lwlghmt ft Lytiman's itdd. , $703 ,
1it mu Iimzmtsoom Place , $93) .
Lots In ICIlby I'Iico$0J tnUXJ. )
Lots In LIncoln I'uimrt , $ lr ) .
Lots in Lowe's meld.4 $500 to $830.
Lots In ' I'Imtce .
I'rospoct , $830.
Lots on Burt St. , $1,800.
Cormmor lot , I'nrkors midd. , $1,220.
Lois in Omaha VIew $5110.
lloo , 7 rOoms , lsmldl8on are. , hllinsoom
I'lare , $2,000.
hltiIte , S rooms , on 1'lor St. , all modern im.
ProvoiflemItS3riOO. .
Ilouso,5 iomns , on Division at. , Armstrong's
add. , a bargain , $1,900.
house , ii rooms l nero good Improvements ,
a bargain , on ilurt et. , $3/zOO.
House , in Itimirab add. , all mnodorn improve.
ments , 7 rmms , city water cistern , ole , . $1,030.
Ifouso , 5 roomtzs , on'Frani.dln at. , $3,100.
hinso on 39th etrreoins ,
IIoUo , 8 roomnR.ta Jeorgia avenue , well tin.
roved , Ilmuiscomi hmIct' , $3 800.
Grahaimi ft llonttwa'C'rolgliton Block. 087
It lit
18 F.Ilz EST.t.Thi 3A1OA1N-3 beautiful i-csl.
.1 t' donco Iota smith fronts Just ott Smumn lors
Street , thin bunch itt 83.100 ; h. csh , balance 1) )
years. J. L. Itico ftCo1'ovor Commercial Nmtt'h
hank. ii i : 173.273
F ° ' "m1dro , Forbes suit-dIvisIon ,
Spl'mihld improvr'1onts , 4OO0. , Suchmz'so ft
Lnmuiorgron , 837 18th1t. 1(13-22 (
DEAI. ESTATIr1LfllG4tIN-2 fill Iota in
itShtmIl 1st muldutloti ; t7Oxh6z ( foot oncli , on ear.
norot strootund 4te35.tygcthcr wIth 4 hmouBoS
that rout for $15 per month each. with room
to humid 4 more. : vilLbo soul thus voCk for
17,800 : 3 Cii8hm , bntXct , 1 , 2 and 3 yours. .1. L
ltleo ft Co. , 1ocMi (1 ( , oor Commercial Nnt'l
Bank. " it ii 178-22
$3'iO1t.ALE-FthhJcton 17th tdar 4tdtu2-
_ I _ h2sat- baIg14ImiJ3tchso& LailtlL'rp'ran ,
3178. 11th at. ) o ) ' 1 ' 101.
T : lISlE .lr SIICU'i"-2l)4 ) S. 3.5th St. . offer : 33 ( not
.1II lot , 110w0'lt mulch , dast f8bnt. lays beautifully ,
$500. with $100 down ; another. $475 $10) doWn ;
another , $ $75,00rner $ iOOtbown. 1iz Kirkwood ;
beautiful east froutoq 17th st.,5O ff101 , $ U2.
Another 30 , ft lot $4110
CO ft on Saunders miour Grace st. $2OCO.
South Omabia,2 corners , $3130.
Hanscom I'lnce. bcnutlfitl cast front on
gtnia mivo. near Woolworth , 1 foot above grade
house nnd hot on Charles St. , nlco 0 room
house with lot IJOxIlO , 82.500.
3 room house with 00 Xtlot in Shlnn's 20 add. ,
2 nice mist corner lots In Lowo's add , $723 ouch
A ulco8rooin house andOd ftloton Phoreaet ,
9 vacant lots on 15th st. . 2 blocks south of Vin.
ton , $800 to $ lt03 , with $100 down.
100 ft fronting Boutim of Lau at. , $3,180.
C100 ft square hoar Lake and Saunders , $1.500.
A boautlZul south front lot in Foster's add ,
$ L100.
Tao above are all bargains. 121.25
I CAN soil 3 us beautiful south front Iott in
Lowe's lust add as can be found there for
$07.1 a lot. Lotmo show theta toyiu. I can take
you right out. David S. Nooro , 1512 Farnam at.
1167.2:3 :
I sell you one of time mostslghmtly cast
front lots on Virginia iwo , In hianacam place ,
for $1,475 , if sold soon , 8350 cash , balance time.
D. S. Moore , 1512 Fmzrnam st. 971-22
R 1-CAL ESTATR IIAIIGAIN-FIne corner , 100
xl00. Virginia avenue , Ilunscom l'laeo ,
V3.r,00 , j , L. Itieo ft Co. , ltoomn 0 , over Comrnor.
oial Nat'l hinuit. 178-23
J1O1t PtLE-Fuhl lot on Sherman ave. , oppo.
silo for Belt Lhnodopot. Sitchisso ft Lamitler.
gren,3l7 14. Ihihist , 163
tiOft 8AL16-llargnlns , by'l'lmoo. Olscmi , 2111 B
.1 _ 15th sIt cot.
fiFino now itemise wIth all convenIences , cash
$200 : 13,1)00. )
Splendhl east Iront hots , Skull's 1st add , 183
feet , $1,500.
LotsinCampbell's add , $875 to $1,100.
Good house , barn , ftc. lteod'3d add , $1,800 ,
Now liouso , I block from Cuming street
cars. $13,220 ,
New house with stabbo , ftc. , near Street cars ,
N. Omaha , * 1,800.
SYitrohmouso lots-
Warehouse lot ISOxliO , N. Omaha , $5,000.
Warulmouse hot , 22x182 , on Jackson st , $5,000.
Foil SALE-Duo of tim most lovely lots In
Orchuird 11111. 1 have tiiooclusivo sRlo of
this lot ; lIne cottages all around it. Lot in
Show you this before buyIng olaowhioio , mitl5l'
Faruam at. D. B. Moore. 1)63-22
tioll h3.tLtl-3 houses to be moved otT lot4 ;
.J wIll sell Chieii.p. Thu C. It. Nayimo Ileal Estate
and Trust Co. 8141
A 51128' 1'LACIi ( or thio prices asked and money
.tiinvoated Is as good an Investment us you
can dud. Boo the lots and convimico yourself ,
74:3 AMEs , 1507 PAIwAM BV.
Foil BtLE-A bargmtln-14 foot on Ilarnoy ,
miner 12th : $ : Jthl ) cash , balance long time ;
oniy $1d.000. Iligglns ft I'ark , 1522 Douglas. 812
TOCK Yit1LDS-WcoImor lots In SouttiOmnmtha ,
$900. itusti ft SobyJ8 13. 15th st. 822.2-3
Inracro ltcIditIon ; nearer than any utbors ;
sailing faster end osiLadstor tories. $ ao lirIgh.
ton mind Newport for nero lots located as tlmoio
al-u will be Immmposa1bI p finch In less than a year
from mmciv. htemnumnbvf'bromid mtcros make mummy
lots. Boo Brighton and Newport.
7173 . 14ifm4t , 3307 1'41nAM Br ,
FO1t 8ALE-1Io'5 * a'tmcl lot In North Omnuhim ,
080 block front aired car , eheap itt $5.6-zO.
2' F.Dasls&Co. :1 81 ; 571.Jy 7
P 11O1)UtJR innS eolnimltssloli hmusinoss for mzle ,
Graham ft block , 987
O 16311Afl0 hE1lt toES soil on theIr mnorltl.
Low Jiricos nod easy terms given , Call at
'rho C , . Mayno end rrust Co.'s 001cc and gel a
plat. .ttI : lit 204
A.11128 , PLACE id , i'jiroporty on wittebi to
mmzko _ money by a Muall investment. It SoilS-
last and houses are being built on this ground.
Comnuandsootlmu loIs.
742 Asm8 , 1507 FMO6AM Sr.
B llDICK'B OitOvlI , oni7limsldu lots at $700 to
$1 4(10 to ho hind In town. 'l'hmuy gait $3,580 fur
hots Joining hteUmek'3 Grove. See Itodiok's
(3 rove and see for yourself that timoo lots at $700
to $ h.500 itro Unoqunilod br prioO and location.
744 h.9I1.s , 1507 FtiiaAam ST.
SOht 8Ar.11-'f'jyi elegant oust front corner
lots in Ilurr Oak ; natural shatlo trees ,
Hatcher , Guild ft Co. 1218 Bouglzis Street , MIllard
iotc1 block Onmha , Nob. 834
r" ' { HALE-Chusip hommics at $100 per acre ;
I. . r 10 acre tracts two wIle from Bj'omtdway
Pacific depot. Mldtots 3 , It. 111cc or N. P. Dodge
ft Co. , Council Illults Iowa. 9.33-24'
i3it _ SALII-.4 lofts lmr South Ompahu. prk
.1. * 830. N. l4anmmwgUei,130913. 111hz at , 907.ltJ'
Iohi S.LI.10-$12.003 will buy an ologatit resl.
.1. . . dunce. newly turniahetil Very boat localion
In the oily , near 19th and ChicAgo sta. Uug ft
11111,1403 3arnam.
'DT.L & iICANDLISIT , 1511 flod&e st. , 0126
.1 _ , 515 specIal bargaIns.
.1 acres Leavenworth street road , 12.100.
.aCrO trm , well impi-ovoil , 2 orchiftr.lS ,
Sbono tnionint , barn , groVes , ate. ,
1.1/It ) : will osohnng , .
Wilt iil0 lotS only * 7123 : * ( ry cinsy pay.
Iflonts. The present buyers will niako
money 0mm thl property.
Cottage antI bait lot noise Leavenworth.
$ l,0.)0i hinitcash. - I
hloimat' and :3 : lull Jots , east froht , tsflno ft
Soldon's add , $3,590.
Flub osst front lot , coverOd with trees.
$1,850 : $3bcnshba3aneeloiigtimo.
hloue , lam-go barn anti two lots , iienr
Leavenworth ,
IVelt Sub Iots'kro limo vheapc'pt nitil most
dsirab1e of outside lots ; On $32.3 on
etlq : $ ' tonaL 140-26
1 ? 117(1 ( 1ITtN . % 141) N11\V I'OllT two most rootm'
_ I 'lat acre audItIonS ; nearer than atmy others ;
sohlinr fAtor mel Oil ensior terms. See lhrlgb-
toil tutu Newport for auto 1nt loentr.b as these
arc will be impossIble to hod In IO than a your
from 110W. Ttniembor broad ncros make many
lots. 8o lirighton antI Newport.
743 Aias , lt4.5i'A1lA1t Sr.
flhtlflul ANT ) Nlt\S'I'OhlT two most ; mpu.
larmmeroaiiilitltzns ; nearer than any others ;
soiling faster and on easier terms. 8e0 lirigh'
toll anti Newport , for nero lets loento.1 us thco
arc will be imiilOMiblo to flmi in lesS than a 3-oar
fl-urn now. iteniomnhtr bro6d acres mnriko ninny
lot-s. See llrighton auth Nowport.
748 AMES , 10437 PAI1SAM ! Sr.
L1lIt SALR-Seyon choicest XJlhy l'laco lots ,
$ Scach. A.1'.Timkoy.13)I8aronmn at. 143
] 5O1f SAI.3-Ortraln mr unimuprovod prop-
nrty.wlthin two milesofelty , a fine modOrn
house of it rooms , well , cistern and I urn , beau.
tit'iilly flnlslmotb lnl4o ; lot 50x3545 , located ono
ltl ck frnmtorinintis of red , sndgroon ear limit'S.
C , 34. Eaton 613 S. 13th _ 91- . 875y2
1) tlht7I'S OROi'E , only Inside lots at $700 to
4l,4al to ho had in town. 'they ask $ :3,5O : ) for
lots joining htodek's Grove. See Itediek's (3 rove
and aoo for yourself that those lots at 87th ) to
$1,500 mtro unoquabiod for price and location.
744 AStea , 15177 } ' .uu.ti Br.
D B. 31001115 wIll ohI yOU 1t hens in
S Broohtihots 8(1(1 f or $890 , $100 rash , good time
on balance , This must be ohtl soon or Price
will be raised.
2 full acres In same add for $000 , nice and
sightly. 1532 Farnmimn at. 1170-22
'Ij1OhL BXCIIAI4GII-fO,000 stock , ir goods for
.1. Omaha property. .A.i-chior ft 14ltch , 218 S
iriLi.t. 4113
F ° ' SAIhl-lteslleneo property anti vacant
hots in every nihihitlon in Omaha. Terms to
suit purchnsor. AIo desirable btmsitmes limp.
On ) ' . Gibsomi , 1nraon ft Co. , 1100w 73 , Wlthmuoii
Block. 152
fl'OiI SA8.i2.Corner on Jackson mit , bimsinias ,
.1. $18,160. A rare bmargmtln , Call soon. Mar.
tlialiftLobccjSllFmzmnam. 019
' 1T1Oh1 MAI.lC-'Ive , loslrmlbiIo Amomor itlaco
_ .I. lots at ft bnrgntn If atmiti within mm tow tImi's.
Inquire of 1tlz1on .1 : Coinstock , % lotehmflnts Na.
tioniti bank bzmltdlngltoont I , upstairs. 494
i'lt il.t3IC-'Or 'rrzuio-l mnprot'cl and noun.
.I _ , proved izuols lii Furnas and ot lee weltomn
eonntloq. Address Win. Slinoral , Arapnite ,
Furmla.SCO. Nub.
13ll1 SAI.I5-3 , turos in litirkitlow S
.1. idon , east front : 4 shares Iii Omaha Dairy
ossociatlon ; I two.soated buggy ; 4 lIne barber
ciiimir. 214 S. 12th at. 691
S " ° ° YAILI)5-2 corner lois in Sou tim Omaha ,
$900. itush ft Solby,218 S. 15th _ at. 122-23
P htOlUCE and commission business for Stlo. (
Graham ft hlcmutwa. 947
, , AIIONISY'S Audition , near Walnut 11111 ,
.111 Iota $300 for the next 20 days. Terms to
suit purchaser. Also micrcs in Wmuthiington 11111
and bargmiiiis in all louts of the city. J. 5. Mn-
lmonoyI31PJ Farimiun. lOllyOz )
G- 0ibon , 217 S. 14th st. Full lot and
house north Part of town , $1,200.
Lotundhouse onSaumlerst , good p3mm for
btislmioss ; a bnrgmiln.
Lots on 1)odgo t..bctwoon5tht and 33thon.y ;
Lot with 2 bouSe , north of Nicholas at , 12,000
1(3 ( mtcres mmordt of cIty.
/u.'ros , inside and outside , from $100 to $2,200
per acre. 33-S
I , SA1.17-liurr Oalc-Threc olmicu east
front hots 60x140 , with mmlley fenced , on
PhIl Shorithini Street , hear 380. Crelglmtomi ceo. ,
6 blocks from present cur terminOs , 8 blocks
from now l'urk liuhidlmig Association nod Shtuloy
Station on I' . P. nut ! it. ft 31. A big bargain fur
ton tlays. lials cash ; balance to suIt. Adilres
C. , llox4SO , Omnuba. 170.28'
31Olt SALE-flue coroor lot on t'arnaiu it
.1. withO good itouses remiting for $13700 it your ;
price $20,000 $5,000 cmtsh , bulatico to ho arranged.
Ought to soil readily. Marshall ft Lobuvk , 1511
Fnrnain st. 618
SOit'AL.1C8mprored mind Ultimproved farm
. _ L "hand. ' lbson. Larson ft Co. , Room 3 ,
VYlthnhlI Block 151
'I ) RDICKS GROVF. , only imitldo tote at $700 to
11,11,490 to be had iii town. They nak $3,511) ) for
lotsjolning Rethick's Grove. See hiodlck's Grove
mind sea for yourself that those tots at $700 to
$ i.5O3 arc unequalled for price and locution.
744 Anna , 1507 FMtNAU Br ,
MALE-lot O'mx'78 ft on ltJtli 28 , corner ,
A houses rent for $27 per month ; $3,000 , or will
soil In 3 harts.
14 lotand 2liousccrout for $32 per month ;
Pierce , imeur 7th street , 15,0.10.
Now 1mouo , everything firSt clnsit , full lot on
hamIlton street , near 26th , $3,500.
2 lots undO houses on Furumun noar8thm struot ,
$9 000.
i story boarding house , 12 cooing , sahoonbarn ,
full lot etc. $8,500.
Full lot ttnd 3 room house in Lowe's addl,400
It ) acrosi mIle ( camS. Omaha stock 'ardsS2Oo
per acre , or will sell in 3 parts of 45 acres each.
25 ford well Improved , near Pt. Omaha$8,000.
Lot onSoward st , nenr3let , $600 easy terms.
Slotsln iVeslBide noarcannlug factory , $300
each ,
Acre In Wont Omaha ncarfloht Line , $2,900.
2 acres in Weitt Omaha , * 8.200.
12.S fttront on Goorgta Avo.noarLeavenivorth
street , 8.5,800.
57t north front on 000go near 29th st. , $3,780
easy terms.
2 lots In Plain View , $1,200.
Large lot on howard at- , near BOntb Avoono
block from SI ; . Mary's AvO $6,000.
880 bet vO8t fyont on2-tti St $12.5 imr foot.
Lot on V'irglniaAve , near Leavenworth at. ,
$5 im
Lot In Suunysldo , * 1 ,150.
house of 8 roomson 18th noarNlcholas street ,
itousoord rooms on 18th at , near Nicholas ,
* 2.030.
825 ft oust front on 513th Bt , $11,000.
4 story brick building iu fluruoy St $30,000
Comnor4txh22 ft on Ilarney at , IOOO O.
Lot 50x182 It , 8 story house on howard Street
IMt 22xl20 It on Dodge n oar near 11th at$4,500
LotiaNelson's meld , 81.700.
Corner lot Seward st , $750.
Monoyta loan ntlowost rutesof interest
-GaO. _ P. IlemlI SW Cur 15th und Douglas st. 870
ILLVB'tiL.kTtVR tLUt1LIl aflijiC TO At
' ' IfltO ! THYSELFS
ItIbanstad VIb'tllty , ltarvouI , , nd PhysIcal flaliltily
Piemsturl3e'ineto ; Man tCrr0i-e at Touthnnd Sims
antld ifliseitel rsatmltlns irom ln'Ilsereuomm ' anti or.
ceases. A bOot for IiVOr Oman. roller , miitSIe-sgot
Stidoid. Ttrontslnsbbpmsser'pt2ona ' fossIl entoiin1
chm-oniodlsemiesoIchil. ; . or whirl , I , iflVftiUbte. SC
lound by tOtUtor ) whoSe OhietletiCO for 23 yoraIs
mlth as Cmobimimby never Cofort. fell to time lot of any
VnhIiclilIml o.a pages. bo9nd In beautiful Yroncti maca.
' . - . ombosaizil covers , Ze. ! ' 11 , guliraimlool to be a flntzr
workin everyaon-aioeharilcat.literary Intl prorsa.
3niim-SI.Inhmny other work In this coUntry fur$131
oribemonoywilj berofuni Inesory Instance. ? : ia
cdv $1 by mttl , postpstt0. ltiustrataa sarnpl , iji ,
Binminow. (3014 medizlawardo4 t.h author by $ li f .
ilonmil Medical AS5OCIittl. U ) the lion , A. I . lilsash ,
gumS , tasoeiato OSICON O the boerd lime roaderis rs'
; , is worth mnoro totbe yoqiig aci
mmddlo-ass.i maim 01 ( Iii. 000mntiom Luau all ' -ha gold
mine , or ( jstliornhiz aiiil trio . 'Ivar ' mines of Ztevad *
crnnhiiflftd-M F. flhrnnIci.
Time Hnimineof I tfO polimti out die rocks aed qulek.
, iimzthsonwI&ivhIlin v.nttIutOfl and hones At uiu7
ayoungmftn lrnyohOOnthm7 Wrcoko1.-31snctmug
M7r1clence of I lfo Is ot 5FOtOt value than * 11) ) )
medical works publIstiotI Iii IbIs ejuntry forums ps1
W'venrs.-AttAizUi CouztltUUOn.
'tue 8clOnCQ of 1.ife Is a superb anti mtsteriy trait.
io on nervous mind pflyalcitm dbilmty.-ltroit Frei
reasthS 1'ebO3y Melloal institute. or Dr SY. EL
) ' &rk.r.hlO.SltUlhilliOb 'treat. UosIOa , Mass.wlui ma
bS96fliuItUd on aim 'Oloales requiring alit mad Irper.
ants. Chronic nazi , itiiimutu thlss.tsas tutu iiavu bat.
6.0 the ikihl of imil uttisrpflyeidIuItt I spclmlly. Suok
treated pcoesatizlIy wltimuuI an UlUmmiCI of fauhiws
MSntlOn Umnutmzt 13.11.
'ac1at CO7.paD.y' .
A piitsirr L11I ioic
EnIand , Franc" & Germany5
'fmu StmuLtnRkzlls of this Mcll kmioitn line arc
izullt tiC lion , In wmtor.tight COiIIhItrtiiltlmltd , niid
uro fUrmll4liotl with tivury requIsIte to iiitika Situ
vassue boOm Silfu anti agreeable. Tlmvy carry
thto lJiimtt'd States mmml ltiim-c'pf'an tnmllgn4 , leave
, Nuwk'orkTtturadays AuiI Saturdays for l'lv.
I rnnuthLONDON)1Ct.0rboil'Al1tS ) ( mind fAf.
: htutimiming , the steamers leave llammtburg on
S5'rdmte&daYs and 14tinUu5 , . via. hlnero , taidmig
patencrSUi Boutbninptou neil London.
P11-81 cabIn $ .33 , * 60 amid $78 ; Steerage 3.3.
Itailroad tickets from Plymouth to Iirlstol , ( gr.
uhf. 1.ondou , or to atiy jilaco iii the South of
lng1nd , FlIER. Stuor.iiO ( rozia hiuropo ony !
$25. Bend for "Toutilttftlatte. " -
13. Ii. ltltlhlA ltD ft
Gommoral l'asstimmgpr tgunts
Cl llroadwsmy , New York ; Vash1ngion aniiLa ,
Sitflu Sts. Cl4ogo , IlL
flenton'P'lttttr ( INIWCC
All who arc Ilk 1,1) , till who ale beconllnR
1tAI4) . all who do not want to be haiti , ali
who are troubled with IAS1)I1UFF or
I l't. ' I I IN (1 ( of tlio scalp ; ) mott14 use
hair Grower , EIOllT' ( PRIS ( 't.Nr . of thtQse
tising It have rOW0 hair , It never falls , to
81011 (110 haIr ( rota tailIng , Thll-ough sickliess
and fevers the haIr sowetimnea falls oil In a
short time. and although thin i' ° n may
hayo relilSIntill bald for years , ityouu-zo hlett.
toll's unit Grower accordli to ( birectionl
yoil ate sure of a growth of halt , luhumi'
lrel8 or we have protluecti a good
growth of Ilair on those vhmo linen beeli bslil
niitb glared for years we hvo fully substan.
tIateb _ , the Ioliowlitg facts :
\1o grow halt in SO e5585 Out of 300 , no
imiatter how loughahl.
litillko oIlier preporatiolls. ii ContAihhit 110
sugar of lead , or vegetable or mineral
It lit a specltbo for falling hair , dahldruf ! ,
and Itching of time 808111.
'I'lio ILair Gross-or Is a hutir food , and Its
( ) lllliSitlofl ( ) is msiinost exactly like tizo all
vhmteh sulipIloit the hair with Its'vitabity.
DUIlL.E ANI ) ' 1'1lll'l1 srllFsl'rlI. :
' , Vheii the skin Is very tough tonI bunt , anti
the follice It ; nppareutl3' eiicctiially cbosd ,
time single strength wIll sonzetiiiw Inil to
rench toe pnhmtlia ; In asciI cnscs the double or
triple strength should be tisetl In connection
s-iili Uio sihigh' , smslng theft altorimateby.
PrIce , sitielo strength , $1Otl' double
strt'iigtlt , S2.00 trIple strnnthm , 3.OO. If
your ( Irliggists has'o not gut It sve will sOlId it
1i16P81i ( on reenlpt of price.
Ciovelatitt , 0.
Bold by C. F. ( loodinan 411311 Kuhn ft Co.
15th sudIougisa , 18th antI Cumingi
Wllntl titc English steamer heartburn ,
Ironi l'huindolphht , was aSsIltg Absocotu
the oilier isioriting , a large hock of caua
ties , bllllflnolIes 1511(1 ( other birds flow on
board and took rufiio In the riggimtg rind
titti lttIISI3S Oil tiock , As SOOfl as thu vc3
sol ranched Atlniutie tiocks , Brooklyn , tint
birtis began to fly itsizoro , ttiiti a SWI11hli
of boys cnught nttlty of theni. Thu births
aresllpposed to litts'o escaped trans 803110
aviary on the Jersey shore.
Rev , D. M. Carpon or , of ClymerCltnu.
tauqila Co. . N , 1' . , wrItes Mntcit .i , 1t3&3 :
My boy , two ycnrs old , took a severe cold
which settimul in his tizront and itings.
Nothing aflorded relief , ititil I tiuougitt Ito
tntist ( .110. F111a113' I put an Alicoek's
Poi'otis l'lnator tirounti thu throat unni one
Ott tim eliest , In loss thati itti hour his
breathing bocautu better , cml Ito fell
asleop. Iii twonty.four hours the child
Was voii.
North Borgnn , N.Jnuthioritlcs two nn
donvoring to inivo a 1(3001 cOhihetor5' tIii
dared ti publIc IhuisatIco , Several Pih3'SI.
ciatis tcst'iiictL that thu provaleuce of
diphtheria and oIlier diseases in the
township was tracetiblo to the cemetery ,
One testIfleti titat the sprenti of dipiltiherTit
in tlt ; , PtlbliC riclioois was due to the
children clrinkhig wzttor from a we ] ! near
the cometary ,
. - -
Ilnhlbrd SMtco tumikes coki meats a luxuty.
The pullhi free schools of 1)ougiiorty
county , Ga. , begin on Jtttie 1. 'l'iio cal-
ored poPulation of tito cohtbity got about
tlmroa-qttartors of tiits iublio free school
futid of Iougherty county , Wllk'it svill
be about 3200 for th'tg year. The nlnotlnt
is regulated by thu iroportion of white
1111(1 colored ciilitlrcn whiotake attvttntage
of tim opportunities ohibrod by thu sys.
"runt tired feeling' ' from which you
siiflir so lflltuII , particularly in the nlorn
itig , 18 entirely thrown oir by hood' Stir-
8tiutr'tlIa. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tizirty.sevon.Jnpancse 1)tlbliCntiOflB arc
devoted to nimitters conticeted with cdii'
cation , and these izavo a total circulation
of 42,041) ) P ° mnohitit. There are sevoil
medical paors , With a monthly circuha
tioti of 13,514 ; 311110 relating to .sttnittry :
matters , with a circulation of 8,1t35' two
on forestryand one otiplmarrnacy. ± imcro
are &i.'cn kivoted to various branches of
science , wills a circulation of 2,428 : butte
to these must be added twentytwo on.
gaged in popularizing science , witil a
total circulatton of ? OtJtlti.
Swellings , sprztiiis 101(1 hrttiscs are no
longer feared , as St. Jacobs Oil cures
theni promptly.
Asvcstern nowapaper writer says : "A
more remarkable sIght than the mouth of
a great wiialo rocetitly stranded on the
coast cnn hardly be imagined. Time
tothgUo would have been a large load for
a dray of tue largcat size , and several
men could hmav stowed thwrnsclvos away
111 time enoitu0tt month. The tip of the
UPPer jttW formed a curious and hapcjy
'bonmict. ' 'Complete drawitigs of this
wltaio , and the only perfect ones that
have over boon made , can be found in
tue library of any of the aoiontlilo soda.
tics of San Francisco. "
' " . "
Tennystoti's "May Queen.
Who knowri hut if the beautiful girl
who dicU so Y0tllI bad boon blessed with
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription' ' she
migimt hive reigned on 1fltlly : atiother
brilst The "Favorite Pro-
scrlltlon" Is a certain citro for isl thioo
dlsorders.tq which females are Ilablo ,
The followIng Is a , ornloiis creole
remedy for sore throat : In swelling of
thu glands of the throat the swolen gland
8hoUId be well itibbctt with tallow , mind
the tallow smeared on thoroughly incited
by holding close to the skin , without
acttmully-touohiug It , the blade of a knife
heated in the llmno of a lamp or catidle ,
Some ay the point of the boated blade
Olhiy Shiotlid approach the skin , and that
the pointoniy should be moved so as to
describe a cross intmodintely over the
hitnd , The hitter is a purely suporsti.
tioous htica ,
PILES ! P11,1551 PililOS
A. sure cure for Blind Iiicoiling , Itcizimi
and Ulcttraletl Plies lots been discovered by
1)r. lVUllntn' . , ( itti Indian remmietly ) , called 1)r
lYlllinins' Indian Pile Ohiutmimemit. S _ s1lglo
box Irns cutetl titu worst chronic cases ori or
30 years shittdlnr. No one heed stiffer lIve
minutes after t11)lii3'lfll ) this wonderful sootlt
ing niedicltie. 1,0110128 and Instmumnents do
1001-a hmarlit than gopti.9hllnmmis' Indian
Pile Olntiiiiiiit abiorbs tIme ttummors , nilays tim
Inteimso Itching , ( lutrticniurly at iilglit after
g'tthlnf warm In bed ) , acts as it Poultice , gives
institlit roller , istiti Is prttptreit : only for l'ilos ,
itching of private Palte , and for Ilotilimig else.
Dr. Frazinr's Magjc Olutmiment cures as by
! na ) lc , l'limmpiits , hilnchc heads or Grubs ,
Jlloichitsi miamI Eruptions on the taco , le.1ving
tlmoamtln clearnntl beautIful , Also ctireslhslm
bait Ithouni , Sere Nipples , h3oro Lips , tintt
Old ObstInate Ulcorim.
sold by druggists , or walled on receipt of
Retailed by Kitlihl t Co. . and Seltroeter &
Conrad , At wholesale by C. 1. Goodman.
At roavansvortlt , Ilan. , a clilldof about
thrco yosra olti , whila pImtyiii ithotit tile
ytird , stunibled numd full down , strikIng
its chum 011 it rock , cutting a iOrtion of it's
ton3flho nearly oil time p1000 hIttflgillg out
of its lUOilth , A doctor was ctliod : to at.
temitl tim ease , After IflilkilIg * 111 oxninl.
IliStlOti Ima itdnsinlstereti cilloroforIll to the
Cihhld and seseoti the piece baclc to its
nitttmrni P03it1011.
/k Izargo Dividend to Itnils'ozttl Etmi.
Mr. Clinuncy J , htcshvchl , Train Masteu of
the Cle'eIllflhi , ( 'olumuhus , (1 n lm an d Indiami-
ninhis 113' , sI-its itlt-t to have hinlit Olho'iIui Ii of
ticket No , 711.9-i-I him tim I.otiisiann Stafti Lottery -
tery , wiik'hi 1111 tEmt' I Uli .ileSv the capila
prizit of 875,4410. 1iray 20111 he tout ii Plato
Detiler Iu1rtt'r lit hut it'tldoumei' ' , 159 l4alco
street , Clevailild : , 0 , , that "II Is trilL' timat time
315,000 th-asyn , by time 111th of this tIcket was
1t.tiil to mu , 1)111 only uct 'ti as collector ror
othters , l'hu i'ortuiiate lioltltrs secue flea Clii-
ploycs 01' thue C. C. C , & I. il' , , ha mny tk'pni-t
hilet , its follows ; ii. . ) Ohnson , brakunnin 101
iitehiimg ; : te. 1 J. LohiitT , cotithtictor , 5
muour nYC , ; 'i'iios. Alillhthy , cohmlut'tor 14
llahIdy-st I F. Vihhhaui , conductor , 73 Ichi
ware at. ; - ft. Voilslalit , bI-akelumsul , 1187 La-
Tftln St. , 'w119 StAIflO nitti itiguti ole to attend in
the coilcetton of the hlittlIny aiiii tilvidit it. 1
forvibm1m thip.tlckct to esv Orielills and It.
wasronup1y , laaid , , and I paid each of thiotit
Yhftt it Dritmisinor Dlii.
sit ft cortaill hotel in - , whom thO
meals svero not always what thor ' ltould
be. 1t.thllhltbtflCV sat down nt the tn'bi , un
Put it dollar tinder a tumbloi' , flllt culling
a walter sihtt : : -
' 'lo you sco that dollar , , lilhl ? "
"Y'it ; , shi , " replicti J1n1 , with a broach
' ' 'eiI , 110W , JIiti , I want yeti to got ma
a real uhrst.ohuss8 (111111Cr YOLl ulidor'
stand , ' '
'iYcls , snh. " ahhti .lhm set obout fiiriilsli-
lug a feast lit for a ) tiiig. lie unit 110 111)10
to see to anybody else. Ito imttnletl up
110W tilshit's , ptt extra touches on every
timing and kept his eye on time dohitir.
PilhfluIy limo tIrtIhillIbor lhhllShCtI , and , svl
log lila ItlOtIth , lie winkeit at Jim1
'Yc. snii , " grinned tito duirkey In an
' ' .ihiu , do you see that tloliitr ? ° plIttIlig
his hit ott it Ill (1 generous way.
'i'eS , situ. ' '
" \S'eli , you svhli naver see It again , "
1111(1 it want into his iiocket ( slId out of
the diIhIli while .Jini indignantly
"Who tutu dust hog loose in ho ht"
Artificial Limb Manufacturrng Co. ,
( incorrorated by the State ol Ponayliania. ) ,
Every Mebubor of
? 'lltCli Ilas -
i Al'tlfloia-l Leg ,
ltianutnctu go
Adjusfcbo Lacing Socket
Limbs , z
'f'hiomost oomfortnbi salt
dumablo 1111mb , and ttio iiO8r
Slit lllilIi'OiltCh to the nittui'1
mnOimmtor ot thy luvefltlon , j
or time ago.
Wo are isutborlielt tO
mnl.obimlisfor aebliorson
govt'rlmniellt ' orders.
SVrtte for cttilO'UO ,
which gIrt's a tell doacrip'
tion Of titeso legs , with nu
mci-otis ourtIfk'atos fr-urn
orsoni using theme.
When patrons catit visit
our t'eltbiIlninont , % n tom.
ward blanks to take meaa '
Artificial Limb Manufacturing Co , , I
No 1409 l'onnSt. , Pttlaburg , l's.
.1. IV , TIIOMI'30N , $ eo'y mind flimsiness Mmutitgor
Legal Notice.
EltO ( R SINCI..t1 11 mlod llvo ) ( P. Slnobatr , his
G wife , iionreldeiit tiofutidftflt8 will take
miotlct , that tin tin , 1st dz& ' or Juno , 1I6 Milton ! h
I lentirla , 3iiaiiitIlT , herein , tlio.I lila potltiott in II
the Ilstriet Court of Douglas county , NobrasIi
ha , migalnst gidil dofonilimuts , the objoot aqd ' I
prnyor of ivimloim are to 0.iitlpol time speCillo Pot' I I
fttrmttm'ziCo at it wrItten comltraot to convey to " 41
saId i'lnIntllT ltmIt.ehlilrn , tired the following
lots In tile town of Fioronen in maul county to.
wit : Let 2 , hiock 8 : lot 2 , block 22 ; lot 2 , block J
191 ; leif , hilocli 57. the consltloratioti for which
has twoii fully pattI by said phalntIml to said do.
I eiidtititzt. - -
S'iii are required to answer alt1 petition t1 %
or before the bOth day of .iuly , 1856.
Iatod Omunhiti , .Timno 1st , 18-58. - ' '
311 I.TON 11 IIN I ) ItIX , Plalntifft
By CoN000ms , CiAllKSoF ft hear , Ills Att9r.
ticys tiio-12 + 10-23
llaIl'sSaf sVaultsTlmeLocks , . I
and JaH Work.
1020 Farnain Street , Omaha , Nob. c
ThE CHgCI'IGO ' ° ;
, , aIA'y
, ( I'm
Collhlcil Bluffs " ' .
Aild Chicago
The only road to take fr Dos SlomucsStuu' . .
hmailtown , Cedar Itupicis , Clinton , Dixie. Chica
llifltytUkeu alid nil poInts east. To tin , people
Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah. idaho
NoraitmtOregon. SVashlngtomi and Cahifornitsit
o1281-8 SUperior advantakoe not possible by any
other line
Among a few of the nuumoroua noints of supo-
rlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this road between -
twoen Omahit and Chicago , are its two truing a
day of DAY COACIIIIS vlmich amis the flnost that
burnett art anti lugonuity cite create. Its PAL
' '
comfort amid elegance. 'Zg ( ' . arap1elol {
1IOOM CAllS unsurnassod by arty , and itao.
iy cotobrated PALATIAL DINING CAU $ , 1.ho
equal of whmioh cannot ho found elsewhere.
At Council liluffs the tBiins of the Union Paa
So Ity. connect In Union Depot with those of tb
ChLca3O ft Northwestern fly. In Chiosgo 880 I
train. of this line make 01050 conneotlomi STilts
those of all oastorii hues.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cinolmi ,
naIl. Niagara Falls , buffalo , I'lttsburg. Tomnca
Montreal , Boston , Now York Philadelphia. flat.
timnoreWaahingtoti and all points in the cast , * 1 *
tile ticket agent for tloketa via the
Uy'oa wish the boat nocommnodaUona. AlitloLM
agents Soil tiol cg vis this line. J 1
23. IIUGIIIPT , B. 8. HAIR , 'i
Genera 6fgagOr. Gee. i'aas. Agout . '
Chicago , MiIaukoo & S1 Paul , '
- _ _ _ _ _
The Short Line
and Best Route
Froili Omaha to the East. '
Chicago , Mimiioapohis. 5Lltwnuke
lIt. l'aul , Cutimmr Ituplds. 1)ai'Jmtpqtr
ClInton. Duhuque , ItookforG ,
Itock lalattil. Frootiort , JtUiOity '
Elgln , MmuIistii , , 1.5 Croi' ,
ilelolt , Wlmomma ,
4t.ud all at Ii 1-i. .lillttltl H ii t itliit5 lntt , Norflmoast
flhitl Boutlmtatt ,
Ticket ofilee at 1401 Vmiriizuii street fin Paxton '
Ilondi amid at ITniomm I'mteiflo ltipot ,
l'uilinan SlcoIons , mmliii I ho llmmi'8t Dimming Cai-s
lit thmo roz-ld aiu run aim thu timain lltmo , of the
Cml1tMno , MitVAUKEit ft Sr. I1AITL 1t.tii WAT
mmii every nttoimtlttim is patti to pmissolmg& ra by
otitimiOOllS eLmmiilOyL-S or lImo colmipany.
It. lilt m.i.mtit , (1timermtl 3lnmnmgur ,
,1 , V. 'i'uccaim , Asslataitt Guiitrmzi Manager ,
A. V. II. CAiit'mtnTEmI , ( Jomiemal L'tiasemjdr
' ] 'iekot Agent.
Gao. Ii. ilnArrolmn , Assistunt Oomtoral I'uissofl.
NotIce to Contratitors.
S EAL51 Proposals for thu building ( If ii court
L house antI jail in Bmitmdanetj , Crook cOunty5
Wyomtiing Territory , and for furmiisbIng time mq '
teri'tl ( or thu oonstrumciion or Ito ssirio will bu
rocelyzid by time ooimimnisslonorm , of auhil county
liptu 12 Orplook noon on Tmiost.zyJuiyolh.a ! , ,
I ) . 1836. at which time time proposals ivill L
OliolUid in publk' .
I'izmua and speomitemitiona for saul buIlding may
be mteaii at ( ho otihoc of tins coulity clerk no una'
after May 2111hz , 1888 , -
thids must be mmooontpntlioil by . ortlilud olmook
for $160 , oran ttpmwovntl bend for lila , munoutit
as a gumiruotco 01' itrnd , Stub , C
'l'hio cnunlyOomnliilldmOnvrs reiscrs'o 11mg rIi1 ,
to reject any emaIl hula.
Zihis iiltmst be directed (0 ( John 8. harper ,
Coinity Clerk , Bummdmumc4' . % % 'yoa.lnir , aumd cmi.
dorsaci "b'roposmiis ( or lluildiLy ! Court 1tvue
11101 Jail. "
Byorcherof thoUoitrd or CotmuutyCumntmiiss1nes ,
JOUI'l B. hIAiiI'18t County Clerk.
Bundamico SVyo , Mmiy 141hz , JtI , lny2Stt.iii
Red Star Lin ;
Carrying file Ilrlglumn Itsymml nhmil United 11141168
Mutl,8uilllig 0V017 hiiiUi-tiiiy
etweon Antwerp & ew York
TO TIlE R1lluI1 GERY , 1l1iYr ! 1191'
BI'tlNI , AN ! ) hlhJMiil7ii U.'i'E ;
Salomi Stoma $43) ) ) So $1045. RurIgmi 1Ii' troi
1110 th $ lsO , Boomld ) Cabiu autiytsrd ,
itrottmiid , $45 ; etcmjrttti , $110. iteerso or.ssayq.
mit low rates. l'oter Wrl4fhmt ft Hnns t1tI9riiL
Agitnia , 6 $ Ilroaiiway. 118w York
henry J'imnlt , 12115 Fzii-tlu3.fl II ' l'aumlsuu ft Co
13 1"armmamn It , ; 130. . Wrauiniin'1234 FAl'msmmis.