PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY ilOKJSTING , JTTNE 23 , 1880. NtJJVlJBEK THE MEMBERS RIP AND ROAR Pension Matters Lead to a Big Party light in the House. RANDALL ON THE RAMPAGE. The I2x-Spoakcr Scores the Proo Trnrto Hypocrites of Ills Own Party A Kcgulnr Family Kow Kcpulil I onus Jubilant. Democrat ? ) Denounce Democrats. WAKIII.NIITOJ. , Juno 22. [ Special Tele- grain to tliu Hti : . ] Tlicro wa ? more excite ment In tlio liouso of representatives during one hour this afternoon than lias been wit nessed In that Ixxly for many years. Gen eral 1 tragic uf Wisconsin , Ahrain S. Hewitt of > 'uw Vork , nnd other distinguished fice traders , tried to read Samuel J. Kaiulall and other prominent tariff protection democrats outofthu party. ( llrngt ; referred to the democrats who voted against Morrison ln t Thursday ns proselytes and repudlators oi' the platform on which they were elected , mid .said that they wore despised by the re publicans. Tim reply of Randall was full of vigor nnd honesty , mid the drubbing which the distinguished e.x-spenl < cr gave to free trader.In ) general , nnd Hewitt mid .Morrison In particular , was thmougl1 and severe. The colloijuy between the various democratic members was in the shape of a faintly row , nnd enough bad blood was engendered to prevent whatever chancu there might Imvo been for party legislation. In tense excitement prevailed throughout the quarrel , and the- republicans enjoyed It to their hearts' content. Xearly everyone stood on his feet , and the uproar could have been heard u hundred yards. While llandall was speaking , however , and during his excoria tion of the hypocrites In his party , he was plvcn rapt attention. Ills pummelling of Hewitt , during which ho showed that that demagogue was representing his own views instead of hi : * constituents , made the little son-lii-Jaw of the departed Peter Cooper wince , turn pule and speechless. A few times he attempted to reply to some of Kan- diill'Rdenunelaclons , but his words stuck in his mouth. H uidall declared that he was the peer of limgtr , and had the courage to ex- piess those opinions which many of his dem ocratic col leagues feaied to utter , lip acquit ted himself of every charge , so far as Ills ac tions on tun IT questions are concerned , that have ever been brought against hl'ii , and lifted the lilm behind which hypocritical free traders have been working for years. There is but one topic of conversation In political circles to-night , and that is the. bold movement made by the free trailers to pre vent legislation upon pension matters and so prejudice the country against pensions that llnally they will all be wiped out of existence. The object of the free traitors In amending the rules of the house so as to provide that all general pension bills shall ter carry with them tax provisions for meeting the proposed expenditures , Is to prejmlcu ! the people against pensions by reminding them , whenever they have to pay tills special tax , for what they pay it. They also know that no pension legislation can bo cnacteil with src'i a provision with It as Is proposed. The soldiers of the country were wained during the ' campaign two years ago that If they turned the government over into the hands of the democriits that they were likely to lose their pensions. The work of to-day fully demonstrates the truth of the assertion. If pensions are not all stopped within a few years It will not be the fault of the demo crats. covinin : imisiir : WITH oi.onY. KisprcMsiitatlvdHendersun.uf lowu , covered hliilsclf with encoiiiums in thu honsu tills afternoon by lifting the demagogical Him behind - hind which the democrats were hiding In their pretended proposition to provide for the Ihiulifatlon of the expense Incurred In the execution of all the general pension laws hereafter enacted , but in the real desire to pjqjiullce the people against pensions and defeat fu'ithcr pension legislation. Ills speech was one of the most eloquent over de livered in congress. Ho showed how the democratic pally has been and is now trilling with union soldiers , their widows and or phans , and how under the guise of friend ship It was now trying to rob these people of their subsistence. HOW IT HAPPENED. Tlie Proeoeillnjis in the HOUHC Tlmt JjCil to tlio Iloxv. WAPIHXUTOX , Juno 23. .Mr. Morrison stated to tlio house that he will not to-day make n motion to uro into coiumllHce of the whole on the tariff bill. Thoto was laid before the house nine mos- snijcs from the president , announcing his dis approval of a like n mill JIT of private pension bills and they weie , referred to thu committed on Invalid pensions. Several of the presi dent's torso sentences and Ironical surges- tlonsweio greeted with applause and laughter. On motion of Mr. Scott , of Pennsylvania , the senate bill was passed granting right of way to the railroad companies through the .Indian reservations in northern Montana. Mr. Watson , of Indiana , from thu commit tee on Invalid pensions , reported back a reso lution calling on the secretary of the Interior lor Information as to the number of parsons now drawing original pensions from the gov ernment by leas on of special pension acts , nml as to the amount of money required nn- nua'llyto meet thu obligations Inquired by the government to this class of pensions. Adopted. Mr. Morrison called up the proposed change of rule-making , In order to amend a general . pension bill by adding u provision for the Im position of u tax : to meet thu expenditures re quired by thu bill. In advocating the piop- eltlon Mr. Monl'im argued that Its adoption was absolutely necessary unless congress-was prepared to grant pensions and lea vo the gov ernment without means to pay them. Ho re ferred to Ihu Immensu sums paid out for pen sions blneo thi ) wnr , nml the largo amounts iim'fcsnry for present nnd future rennlrcments nnd said thai the gentleman from Now Voric ( Hlhcock ) , and other gentlemen on both eldes of the house , Imd predicted that tor thu next fiscal year there would be a dellclt of Sll.OOU.t'OO. ' For himself , I HI thought that them would bu a surplus , but certainly no mil-plus to compare with thu hxrso number of pensions nslioii , Mr. Illsrockrogarileil ( he proposed mips as more than an attempt to maliu uii Invidious distinction against pension bills. It was an nttcmpt on tliupart of the gentleman from Illinois to nvold the responsibility of thn de feat of pension legislation by a direct vote Yihcn the pension bills worn repoited hero , and the gentleman desired that ho and ids friends should esoapo thu responsibility of n ttlicct vole iigulnst tlio bills. He would move nn nnumdmcnt levying a tax , mid thu would be that the whole system either of In ternal luxation or customs taxation would bo forced Into thu house , and nn endless debate would ensue. The result would bo that nil pension legislation would bo de feated , and the gentlemen who opposed such legislation nvold the responsibility of voting directly against II. Mr. MeKinloy U.oughtthnt the proposition , If It meant mi ) thing , meant Unit ihu govern ment had not revenues enough now to pay the ixnisloin of deserving soldiers. If It meant anything , It was a emifcsMon before the house nnd the country that the revenues Were liinilcquatn to meet the just demands of the soldiers of the republic. If the govern- jne.nt iiadiiolieveiiueciiouch to meet these demands , In ( ioJ's name why dhi the gentle- iu n want to rcilucn tlio ivvnnuos Sfti,0o0,00flv ! Air. Juckcou regarded Ilio pro mon ns u confection that tlio gentleman lioin Illinois Ir.iJ Uarucct to his borrow for thu last UPJI L'j bul wade a i-Kccfiful CAUVIISS Iwiuro the people on the Issue of nn attack on the tariff. Mr. Henderson characterized the prooost- lion as a deadly , cowardly blow nt the hearts and homes of ifiu best blood of the country. Mr. Hiscock Mid that the democratic parlv had not redeemed a single pledge It had made , hut had stood hero before the country admitting that It was powerless to lilt the burden from the people ; that It had spent nil the money , and that the emptv treasury ynults were the fruit of democratic victory. [ Applnn o on the republican side ] . Ho wished to emphasize the fact that the demo cratic congress had Itecn In session for six months , that It had accomplished nothing about the receipts of the government , and was Incompetent to eairy out any of Its promises and pledges. ( Applause on tlio republican side ] , Mr. Laird opposed the proposition. Mr. IJraiig expressed his delight at the ref erence made by Mr. Need to the failure of the house to consent to the consideration of revenue bills. " 1 nm delichled , " lie said , "because It shows what tort of eontempt the republicans of this house feel fur thusu who have been recreant to their fnltli mid their pledges. Whllo they are received with open arms and approbation for the act they have done , they are tlioioughly despised for their political defection. " After fmtherdeluto Mr. Morrison moved the previous question on thu adoption of the lesoliitlon. Mr. Heed moved as a substitute to lay Iho icsolutlon on thu table. The yeas and nays weie ordered and resulted In the deleat of Iteed s substitute yeas , 120 ; nays , ISS ) . Hcforo a vote could be taken on tlio orig inal motion. Mr. Iteed moved an adjourn ment , nnd the republicans by dilatory tac tics , managed to consume thu time up to 5 o'clock , when under the standing order , the house adjourned amid outbursts of applause and derisive laughter Irom the republicans. In the Senate. WAsitiJfoTo.v , Jnnu ! W. Mr. Mnxcy , from the committee on Nicaragua claims , reported a resolution requesting the president to bring to the attention ot the Xlearaguan govern ment the claims of citizens of the United States azalnst that government. The resolu tion was mireed to. The senate took up the bill repealing the pre-emption and timber cultmo laws. Mr. lllalr had moved an amendment prohibiting the acquisition In ownei > hip of more than 010 neres of desert lands. To this Mr. Ingalls olfercd an amendment , applying the limita tion to nil public lands. The latter proposi tion , which was the iiendiiu question to-day , was voted down. Mr. Ulnlr's amendment \\a * then voted down yeas , 3. ) : nays , -12. After somu amendments of detail , and wmiont final action on thu bill , the senate adjourned. _ ACICXOWIjHDOEll DEFKiVT. Morrison's Hill Not Called Up and llnmlnll Has One. U'Asm.Nirrox.Juno 22. [ Special Telegram to tlio Uii:1 : : A feeling of great uncertainty was shown In the liouso this morning among free traders , as to what .Morrison would do in regard to lils motion to take up ills taillf bill. Thceaiicnsof hist night had not arrived at any conclusion and had not left a very satis factory taste In their mouths. Thay had been dragged to thu capital and made to sit there for a couple of hours to hear a few uninter esting tariff speeches wliicli were not per mitted to be made on the lloor in open ses sion. Morrison was far from satislied with his last night's work. Ho thought that the canons , or the very call for one , would so scare the thirty-five protectionists that they would rush pell mell to the capltol and ask forgiveness nnd come In. lint not one thought of sucli a thing , and hence Mr. Morrison arose to-day and confessed ocfore the world that he was beaten In the tariff light and would not make the motion. The talk , tlierofoie , to-day was what Ran dall proposed doing. The rumorthat he had a tariff bill ready was con firmed byhis saying that it- was being copied. It proposes a ic- peal of the internal luvcnuo tax on tobacco , the revision of revenue schedules on spirits , the substitution of specific for advHlorem du ties on bilks , lacns , embroideries and kid gloves , the principal provisions of tile Hewitt administiation bill , placing rcugh lumber upon the free list , and a revision of the metal fchedules. It was thought that llandall would offer this bill to-day , but he does not propose to subject himself to a defeat. It Is said by a prominent protectionist that Mr. Kaiuhill will reserve his bill until Morrison attempts to olfer his , and if ho does It will be taken up and substituted. Itandnll may wait till the lost six days of this session and then try to get it considered and passed without debate. ADJOtlllN.MKNT TALK. Morrison's failure to come to time has again revived speculation as to adjournment. It Is said now that sis the tariff is out of the way that an adjournment can bo reached by the 10th of July , certainly by the 15th. The sundry civil appropriation will go throueh thu honsn by Saturday. The senate will nass thu naval sunnry civil , and legislative bills In that time. As thu house will not consume much timu over the I wo ether appropriation bills fortification and urgent deficiency with these out nt' thu way nothing remains but adjournment , and this ought to bo made at once. I'ATKNTS TO wnSTKIHf INVKNTOIIS. Patents were to-day Issued for the follow ing Caliler. Mln- den , Neb. . Itngasso furnace ; Joseph J. Une- naugh , Liberlyvllle , Iowa , hay stacking ma- chlnu ; ( ieorgu T. Crnndall , Omaha , stove door ; Harry I. J offers , Manchester , lown , street Indicator for hired railway ears ; Silas O. I'uidy , Atkinson , NOD. , straw burning al- tnchmcnl lor stoves ; George It. Sharp , jr. , DCS Molnes , Iowa , road grader , I'lIIlSONAl. AND OKNKJtAT , . Kepresentativo Horsey is indisposed , and was not In his seat in the house to-day. A postollieo has been established at Cody , Cherry comity. Neb. , mid Charles K. Murphy appointed postmaster. SOME IOWA PnSTMASTKJIS. Tim following fourth class lown post asters wem appointed to-day : Miss .Nellie Powers , Bairyvflle , Delaware Co. , vlco John S. Harry , removed ; I' . 1) . I'lneh , Klnchford , lilackhawk Co. , vice Lovl Mills , resigned ; Harriet A. Knowllon. Oldlie.ld , I'olk Co. , vlcu A , I ) . Knowlton , deceased. ustifies Himself. WASHINGTON' , Juno ) . T IIP. secretary of thu Interior to-day bent the senate n reply to recent resolutions of that body directing him to Inform , the senate whether thu commis sioner ot thu general land oflico had , with the nppioval of the secretary of the Interior , Is sued circulars fmspoi'.dini ; applications for entries under the pre-emption , tlmburcultiiro and desert land laws. Thn secretary recites the f\e.t of tliu promulgation of the order and Its subsequent revocation , und encloses n long communication from Commissioner Sparks. Sparks says the authority to Issue such circulars was founded upon precedents tle-Miii.1 ! ! to bo sufficient , of more than forty years standing , sanctioned by judicial deci sions nnd by congressional recognition , Nominations. WASHINGTON. Juno 2. . Thn following nominations of postmaslnrs were made to day : Thomas H. I'errin , Alton , Ills. ; Jums Abel. Auburn , 111. : T. Curtis aymoiKl , Hud- fen , \Vlf. ; Krcderlct A. Kdwards , Webster City , lo\va \ , Stone Cm torn" Htrlko. DKTKOIT , June 22.r-.Thn striking stonr. cutter * met this morning nnd decided to con- llnun to stiilce Indeiinltely. The support of HID building trades has been assured and If necessary the lillu will bo Inaugurated in every branch of the building trade. While the men believe the bosses will finally yield , they are 'preparing for a hard struggle * A mrellug of master builders Is now i n session , the object beip , to consider tlnvHdvlRablllty'oTa 'ittiferat'shutdown , A irencrul locli-out would lay elf over nWX ) men. Tim double was caused by the linn of Knupji & A very , who ret used to puy I lie tinkers' liiuiof iflW and . -dusliito tlueo li-L-U. INFURIATED WHISKEY MEN , They Attempt to Mob tlio Jail at Clinton , Iowa. REPULSED BY THE SHERIFF. Several Men Shot by the OfTlpcrs Work of Highwaymen nt Sioux City A Prohibition Vic tory lown News. The Mob Foiled. CMnrov , In. . June -i [ Special Tclccrnm to tbe UKI : ) There Is considerable had feelIng - Ing between the saloon men nnd the anti- saloon men hero foUowlngyesturdny's shoot ing and mob like demonstrations. The saloon kccixirs ni'it In secret session , and were heard to appo'nt another meeting. It was expected that nn attempt would bo made to break Into the Jail and take out thu pris oners who did the shootlm- , but the sheriff and posse were well armed and prepared. About 12 o'clock an attack was madu on the jail , and the bricks around one win dow were torn out so that the grat ing was removed. Many shots were fired at the mob most of whom were drunk. The noise attracted lfiOO people , and matters looked serious for n while ns several windows of the jail were smashed. Hut Sheriff Hud son opened direct lire on the mob , nnd with the nld of his posse .dispersed them. Four men were shot A. S. Mclvlnley , In tlio oar , n bartender , name not known , In tliu leg , a stranger In the leg , and another in the arm. Xonowere dangerously wounded. The mob hung about the jail till 'J0 : o'clock this morn- Ing. To-day the sheriff took the two prison ers , Judge and Hllleman , who had excited the wrath of the saloon men , to the state prison nt Anamosa for safe keeping. I'roml- neiit business men who have been active In opposing tlio saloons are receiving Incendi ary and threatening letters. Thu Impeachment Trlnl. Dis : MOIJJF.S , la. , Juno 22. The Impeach ment court convened at'Jp. in. to-day , when the defense opened their side of the question , calling as their first witness W. D. Hammond , Insurance clerk under Drown , who testified to the record of the miscellaneous fees re ceived In tlio oflleo ; that from 1870 to lS7.Ulio entries averaging 88 per year are recorded , but from 1875 to 18SJ no entries whatever were made. Letters were read and put in evidence which showed that fees had been sent by insurance companies to the several auditors of which no account had been made. K. H. llchkoff. also an insurance clerk under Drown , testified that ho had correspondence nnd received fees from different insurance companies for making out lists of Insurance agents In the state , and also that the list comnlled for the nso of the olllco was used In sending out cir culars in defense of Drown to the charges of certain inusrnnce companies. Itohbcd nil the Jllghwny. Siorx CITV , la. , Juno 22. [ Special Tele gram to the DEE. I J. II. Dngnn , nn attorney of St. Lawrence , Dak. , was held up by two highwaymen last night , near the corner of Second and Pierce streets , soon after alight ing from the Sioux City & Pacific train. i lr. Dngan , upon leaving the depot , started to walk to the Merchants' hotel , and was mut by the robbers at the point named. Ono of them drew n revolver , and pointing it full in his face , commanded him to hold up his hands. Upon making n protest , the other one dealt him a heavy blow on the head , knocking him down. Calls for help soon brought the police , who gave cliaso to the men , but were unablu to overtake them In tliu darkness. They managed logetMr. Dngan's sachel before lleulng , but It was toiind In some weeds near by to-day. Fortunately Mr. Dngan is not seriously hurt , and escaped with tliu loss of only about sixty dollars. No clue has been found as to who thu highwaymen were. _ _ _ _ _ The Gniig Captured. Sioux CITV , la. , Juno 22. [ Special Tele gram to the Urn- : . ] Some weeks ago quito a large number of barrels were stolen from the Consolidated Tank Line company and sold to the linseed oil mill. One of the men con nected with the stealing was soon after ar rested. Last night the second of thnganir was caught n short distance westof town nnd has volunteered to make a full confession. Charles I'orter , ono of the men mixed tip in the a Hair , is in jail awaiting the action oi the grand jury. Another Is in the Lincoln , Aeb. , jail lor forgery , and another is in the Council Bluffs jail. Kicking Agnlust Itullronds. KKOICUK. la. , June 22. [ Special Telegram to the BEK.J The people of this city are at swords points with the managers of the dif ferent railways entering tills city. The city tried to compel the railroads to build a union depot. Tlio roads were not ns accommodat ing as they desired , and so they took away Bomo of their local privileges. The railroad recovered by legal process and the city has now appealed to the statu board of nillroad commissioners to compel the roads to furnish better depot accommodations. Their formal complaint was filed with tliu commission to day. _ A Prohibition Victory. DBS MOI.VKS , la. , Juno U2. [ Special Tele gram to the Duic. ] In tlio circuit court to-day Jiu1jo ; Given made an Important ruling asalnst the big distillery. The pnlnllfrwho ) { was acting for the temperance nil lance , set up In his petition that the proprietors of tlio distillery had failed to make proper returns of the cost ot manufacture , amount and kinds of sale , etc. Tliu defensu move to strike out nil the points on thu ground of im materiality. JndguClven refused to direct tills nnd ordered the defense to answer. After ft Union Do pot. DKS MoiNttfl , la. , June ' 2. [ Special Tele- cram to tlio Hnn.J Active stops uro being taken to build a union depot here. Thirteen railroads center In the city , nnd no union de pot has yet bi'un built , A meeting of the board of trade and dti/.cnK1 association was held this evening , at ' which a committee of prominent business 'mnn was selected to go to Chicago nnd confer with thn railroad olll- cluls to secure thulr help lo build a union de pot nt once. _ " " . > t x Another Hnllrond ConnoclQii { , DKsMoi.M'.s , la. , Juno 22 , [ Special' Tele gram to the UKIT.J The new Mason City it Pert Dodge railroad made conneclon to-day with the North western at Kaglo ( iiovo , giving a direct line between Fort Dodge and Kaglo ( Jrove , and anew line of communle-atlon between Des Molnes nnd northwestern Iowa. LlalitH Lighted. IOWA. CITV , In. , Juno S-J. Tlils has been onn of the threat days of the university' com mencement. The law school graduated forty lawyers with itppiopriate exercises , Gqvernor Larrabee conferring the degrees. Hon. A. II Cummings delivered the oration , The alumni association elected I'rofessor Amos Jliatt , of Des.MoInei prcndent , and Hon. John Camp bell of Coloiiido orator for next year. It Urought a Ul Trice. Des MoiNT.i < , In. , Jtmo23. ISoeclal Tclo- gram to the UK.E.J Tie DCS Molnes street railway was sold to-day to n syndicate , of young me.n who will" control rand operate > ho load. The purchase price was 5233,000 , "Weather 1'or Ncbraskn. r"or Xe.bras.ka : Generally fair weather ; nearly stationary tcuiporutuio. IIFR. \n IOWA Girl's Cnrccr nn Virtuous nml Dltulpatcd. SAxnf'KY , Ohio , Jane 'iX [ Special Tele- " cram to the ltii--ln ) : ] n matson do jolo on Market street In this ! city Is n beautiful young girl who 1ms for IhO * p.wt three years led a double life. Here she Is nn outcast , shunned by the virtuous , n pariah whoso very touch Is pollution. In the charming lown town In which her parents reside she moves In the hichcst society ami Is n brilliant ornament of n wide circle of friend ; ' , greatly courted for her lovely face and form nnd captivating manners. Your correspondent obtained her singular story last night. A gentleman , resi dent of Cincinnati , who knows her well , met her In the street l\st night tinder sncli circum stances that she. could not conceal her busi ness. Ho was thunderstruck , ashohasknown her for years nnd she Is a regular corrospon J- cut of his wife. He Knew her In Ashland as n popular nnd virtirms society glil. She Is1 known among tlio demi-monde ns Dell Dupiint. She was born In Ashland. Her father was a merchant , well-to-do , nnd proud of Ids daughter , to whom hognvo every possible advantage. She grew up a favorite nnd her prospects were brilliant. She formed the acquaintance of n handsome stranger , who soon won her love. About tills time her father decided to inovo west , leaving her ( o pursue her musical studies In Cleveland. Heie she met her lover more frequently , and It was not until after her betrayal that she learned that he Is married and lives In Cin cinnati. She was completely prostrated fern n lime , and deferred her departure for homo on various pretexts until visible evidences of her misfortune had dlfappealed. In Vlnton , la. , she was Introduced into the best society and made many mnlu neatts ache. Uutshu was not to be won. She returned to Ohio and entered upon n life of shame. In tliu meantime she' visited Cincinnati nnd re newed the friendships formed when she lived In Ashland. She entertained some ill- defined notions of vengeance on her seducer but never carried them out. Shu visited her home several times , nml up to this time has succeeded In hiding from them her downfall. The Cincinnati lady with whom she is corresponding spending has not the faintest Idea ot tlio girl's real character. An effort will bo made to reclaim her nnd Induce her to lend a vir tuous lite for which she Is in nil respects well lilted. Artists on the Spot. ST. Loi'is , Mo. , June 23 Ono thousand photographers from all parts of the United States and Canada arrived In this city to at tend tliu seventh annual convention which held Us first session to-day. Many foreign artists , not being able to attend personally , sent specimens of their work to represent them. An Interesting feature of tlio conven tion is the exhibition , by various photogi-a- nliersof views from thO United States.Canada , England and Cermatly and nn Infinite va riety of subjects whlcJi cover all of the avail able space upon the walls of tlio meeting room as well ns those of the fourteen smaller adjacent halls and live thousand square feet ot partitions which , have been especially erected for the puroose. There Is also a dis play of the most conipleto exhibition of nil apparatus known to the art. A MlBHouri Sensation. SriiixfFiii.i ) ) , Mo.Jnnc , 22. Tlio case of ' thn State vs. Mrs. Eni'ma Malloy , the noted evangelist and temperance lectuier , termin ated In the circuit court here to-day , at least for the present term. Judge ( Jciger sustained the motions prevkmsly illed nnd argued to quash both indictments , one ns accessory' niter tlio fact to tllb murder of Sarah Graham , ' nnd the other ex-cssorj' ntter the fnct to the , hieamoiis marriage" " of Georco Grnhnm and Corn F. Lee. After the decision I'rosecullne : Attorney Patterson filed information witli thu couit that there was reasonable grounds for believing that a conviction will bo .had if new indictments bo found , and the courtheld the defendant in bonds of § 800 and SiiOO to answer such. Indict ments ns may be found aeainst her. Cora Lee , Indicted for murder in the lirst degree , Is still In jail at Bolivar , having not as yet como to trial. A Arery Important Failure. Nr.w Yonre , June i3. ! The suspension , ns announced In the dispatches , of the linn of II. II. Swift & Co. , Importers of sugars nt C'J ' Pine street , this city , and at 1'ernambuco , is one of the most Important business failures that has taken place in n long time. Tlio lia bilities are about ono million dollars , which is more than equalled by the assets of the firm. Thus far no assignments have been made nnd efforts nro In progress to effect n settle ment with the crcdltorH and resume business at an early day. In thnmenntlmu tlio suspen sion is causing excitement In the sugar trade of the city , and the fear Is expressed that other embarrassments may follow hero or elsewhere. Much sympathy Is expressed on ' the street to-day for'tho members of the sus pended linn. Tnlco Your Seats. MiNJJi-\Poriy ; , Juno 2. Late last night President Lowry of the street railway com pany Issued the following order : "To Drivers Resume work to-morrow morning ( Tuesday ) and your seats will bo returned. " lie further asked that the drivers choose n committee to confer with him relative to the final settlement as to when and where seats should bo used. Every ear started tills morning in charge of Iho old drivers , and cars have continued to run regularly during thu day. All the drivers expressed them selves as satisfied. NewYork Dry GoodH Market. Niw : Yoinc , Juno 23. Exports of domestic goods continue to maintain the increase es tablished early in Ilio year , and for the past week it has been O.WXl packages against -J.Stfl packages for the bnino week Inst year. For a rainy Tuesday there has been a more geneinl demand than usual , with good business In bleached , brown and coloied cottons , cotton flannels , somu dark prints , also wool llannels , blankets , dress fabrics , uiuierwear , hosiery , and fancy knit woolens , with more Inquiry for Kentucky jeans , nnd current values nre steady to strong. Prepared for J'rlCMt hood , KANKAKUK , HI. , .Juno 22. Thn Catholic college of St. Vlatcucr. nt Hourbonnals , nenr ICnnkakee , to-day gm3itnted Glen Park , of Troy , Ala. ; Thos.'UynliSt. Augustine , Ala. : John C. Cowloy , , lutriisburg , .Mich. ; John Kennedy , Ottawa : ' William Mohurs , Shoals , and Samuel bnlndom/JIoopston ; Fred Urns- senu , Fargo , Daki. and Albert Leech , Will Qulnlati. Albert iieillilrcn and James Mur phy , of Chicago. : . TliolirrUo ( : .Tnm. STU.uvATiin,1 Mlnif. , Juno 23. The log jam of " 00,000,009 for ) Svhlch occurred In tlio St. Crolx river , nt ayfor falls , June 13 , still continues , and Is .worse than ever , Since the jam occurred lucre,300 men , forty horses and three steaniboatHJmvo extracted inXK- ) CO ) feet less than entered from nbovo. The logs In the jnti < am valued nt 63.000,000 , and the cost of extricating 0,000. , Thu jam may last till springi , _ i A Driiiikon Juilgo Jailed. CINCINNATI , , Juno 23 , Wm. J. Sander son , a lustlco of the pence , plead guilty In tliu police court to-day to a charge of assault and battery , preferred by n Mrs. Gibbons , nnd was sentenced to two months In thu work house and. to pay n line of 5100. His appeal for mercy on the ground that 1m was drunk when he committed the otfenso was not successful. I'ullmiin Must I'ny. C Jim" 3 ! . The Jury In thn suit of the Central Transportation company acalnst the Pullman Pnlaco Car coiiinnny rendered n veidlct to-day in favor of the plaintiff for SIH',72. ) . Greonljackcrs Nominate. MKAOVU.ijSj Pa. , Juno.23 , Thu greenback convention In'sosaion here to- < lay nominated John Hall of this city for congress. BANGED UP WITH BULLETS , Six Slugs Plugged into a Goon's Body Tot Ho Still Lives , A GAMBLER'S CHARMED LIFE Ills SUIn Perforated Twenty-five Times Without Fntnl Itcsults Konrnoy Votes For AVnter Works Stntc News. More Iilvcn Ttum n Cat. CitAWKuiw , Neb. , June ! 2-i [ 3l > eclat to the fiir. : , ] 0. L. Hrndley , a colored gambler , was shot and fatally wounded by one Thos. Shot- well at Octavla Ueeve's notorious hog rancho flvo miles from this point. Hradloy was lying aslecpon his cot when Mhotwcll opened the door from behind and shot htm In the head. The bullet tore off a part of the outer plato of the skull , glanced around the shoulder and went through his left arm. As Hradloy rose , half dozed , Shotwcll pumped In another ounce of lend , this time In Ids back , and fol lowed It tip by driving a bullet through his eye , one in the center of his forehead , and still another In his right arm. These ex hausting his six shooter , ShoUvcll jumped on a horse and lied to the hills. Itradley , although us full of holes as a pepper pot. never lost consciousness and is still allvo. Ho probably carries about him more wounds than any man In this section of the country. He was n sergeant In Troop C , Ninth cavalry , until a few months since , when ho became a professional gambler and Joined Keovu's ranch to run n stud iioker table. Uradlfiy has been In eight shooting scrapes and has always been un lucky enough to bo hit. Last January ho was waylaid by a colored trooper , Caiter , who perforated him four times. Itradloy carried a bullet in the root of his tnmino for a week before he discovered what It was that "felt so ctirus. " He has now twenty-live bullet scars on his pcisoii , and If ho pulls through his present dltllcnlty will probably soon bo proudly on the road to Ids lirst half hundred. Kearney Votes For WntcrworlcH. KIAUNIY , Neb. , Juno 122. [ Special Tele gram to the Itici : . ] To-day was city election on tlio watei works proposition. All passed elf very ipiiet with a good vote polled , carryIng - Ing the nieasuio by almost a unanimous vote. The sentiment In the city is unanimously in favor of the waterworks and showed It by the vote. It Is hoped that before snow falls the works will be complete. About ten days aso water was let into tlio canal and the two upper reservoirs are nearly full. In ten days more the lower and largo one will bo tilled. This one containssixty acres and will have an avcnigo of about thirty feet of water in depth. It is the intention to cct the city water supply from these reservoirs , they be ing some boventy feet above the city. TlioOmahn Oarsmen ConftdoiU. MOI.IXK , III. , Juno 2i [ Special Telegram to the 15i-i : : . ] The Omahas have gained second end position In the senior double , tliu first being won by the Oalvestons. There arc live entries in tills race Delaware , St. John , and the winners of the junior double , besides those mentioned and a brilliant race may bo looked for. It tlio Omaha boys win , and they nm as confident as before they loft home , they will gain a victory of which they rna.v bo nroud. " - " An Import ant Arrest , .Run CLOUD , Neb. , June 23 [ Special Tel egram to the ItKK.J Sheriff Scott Hrrestedn party named Cleaver hero to-day on n tele gram from the sheriff of Logan county , Illi nois. From outside pointers It is supposed that Cleaver Is wanted in Illinois for murder , although the ollicers are verv reticent and re- tuseanyand all communications with tlio prisoner. The Illinois officers have been no tified of the arrest and are expected day after to-morrow , when important disclosures may bo expected. A Howard County Celebration. DANNKIIIIOO , Neb. , Jnne22. [ Special totho HEK.J Dannebrog will celebrate the Fourth , being the only town In tlio county which will do so. County Judge Hannibal. District At torney Darnall and Mr. Kbbonson , of the St. Paul Stjcrncn , will deliver addresses. Music will bo furnished by the band and a quartette. Excursion rates are furnished by the roads , and a grand time is expected. Struck by PI.ATTK CIINTKII , Neb. , June 2' ' . [ Special Telegram to the HIIK.J Lightning struck Dr. Kdwards' honso yesterday , and also killed two cows and one thoroughbred bull belong ing to Mr. P. Fahey , three miles north of this place. _ _ College Affairs. MI.VNKAPOI.IS , Minn. , June 22. The af fairs of Angustlna collese , at Itock Island , 111. , were considered in tlio Augustina synod to-day , a lively debate taking place on the methods of raising funds therefor. The building committee reported tlio receipts had been SSG.OXi for the nustycnr , Including a gift of § 35,000 Irnm Hon. 1' . L. Cable. The conferences contributed as follows : Illin ois , S'-.bO" ; Minnesota , Sl.-l" < 9 ; Iowa , S3UO ; Kansas. S47. The expenditures were Sii,71B ! , SHI.'JSG having bawl expended on the new ) building. There is n balance on of Sl.HlO. llov. H. M. Holland , of Illinois , favored the continuation of thu sub scription plan , and opposed the levying of any assessment , and this plan was finally aurccd to. Pnnlu In a Gnlo. VAI.l'AIIIAlHO Via ( JAI.VIJSTON , JllIlO 22. The steamer Cachapolo , on her voyage to Coqnlmbo , encountered heavy weather on Saturday last. A panic occurred among tlio deck passengers , who lowered thu boats , nil of which foundcicd , six passengers being lost. A greater part of the deck cargo was thrown overboard by the passengers , Includ ing several bullocks and mules. Thu steamer airlvedsafely at Coipiimbo Sunday night. An Attempt at Hriliory. AUJANV , N. Y , , June23. Judge Nott an nounced In the Albany county court to-day tnat ho had been approached by Superinten dent McKwin , of thu Albany penitentiary , with an offer of 450 a piece for each long term prisoner sent to that institution. This attempt at bribery lias created a profound sensation. ODavis Sliclitly Hotter , Ii.oo.Mi.v ! < rro.v , 111. . JunoSM. Judge Davis was feeling n little better to-day. This mornIng - Ing ho ate two eggs , thu first nutriment of which ho has partaken for several days. However , no hope of permanent improve ment Is entertained. Delaware I'rolnbti Nominate. WII.MI.VOTON , Del , , Juno 3. The state temperance convention met nt Dover to-day , James It. Itallecker of MIddlctown was nom inated for governor , and Itldiard M. Cooper of Morton for congress. Canadian Anarchists Discovered. OTTAWA , Out. , Juno 21. . The police have discovered the existence hero of a band of anarchists. So far no action has been taken against them. They have a meeting room hung with Incendiary placards. Help Tor Ireland , UofroN , June IS. The parliamentary fund committee to-day transmitted $10,000 to Treasurer O'ltellly of Detroit , to bo sent to I'urnelt In thn name of sympathizers with Gladstone and I'urnell In their great struggle. The I'rr.Hldont Dines Our , WA HiNGTOjr , Juno 2J. The postmaster general gave a dinner to-nlsht to and Mis. Cleveland. 1U.K AXAUCIUST3. Another Day Spent In Attempting to Scuuro Jtirorg. CntrAOO , Juno 2i [ Special Telegram to UieUr.B.J The hearing of the anarchist cases was resumed shortly after 10 o'clock this morning by counsel for Ihc defense com mencing the work of jury picking. Late last evening the defense rejected the four Jurors who had been accepted and presented by the state , and Mr. ( trlnncll then moved that the prisoners' counsel lirst examine tlio jurors , leaving theic llnnl Acceptance or rejection to the state. Judge flary ruled In favor of (5rln- nelt and It Is thought this will considerably expedite matters , The crowd this morning was oven bigger , more cxnlons nnd more 1m- IKHtnnato on yesterday. The dramatic Incldontof Parsons' entrance Into courtafter escaping all the vlcllanco of the dcteotlvo forces , ami surrunderlmr himself for trial , nas , If possible , heightened the Interest felt by the public In these rises. Judge Gary showed his mobile and judicial countenance over his bench promptly at 10 o'clock this morning and thu bailiff , In his usual for mula , Informed the public that "tlio court was In session. " Soou afterwards Parsons , Spies , FlehhmSchwabNeebe , Llngir.Fischcr and Knglu wcio brought In nnd mranged In a row. Mrs. Parsons entered by another door. She was accompanied by two pretty children , one a tmy of ten , another n clrl of live. Captain Itlack lmimdlatulv ; conducted them to their father , who kisscil them In an affectionate hut ostentatious manner. As thu day wore on , and thu tedious process of the examination of thu i uro is was cairlcd on , the prisoners yawned , stretched and twisted themselves into various attitudes. Sam Flel- den glared back and forth from his counsel to the jury , and euirerly listened to eaclnpies- lion and answer that passed between them. Schwab , with his undescribablaexpression of countenance , which 1ms gained for him thu reputation ot thu meanest looking man In thu gang , plucked his whiskers with Ids forclin- cer and thumb , and held up the stray hairs that camu out between Ills face and the liuht. Knglu Incessantly stroked thu lower part of Ills faeo and seemed to bo verv well satisfied with the way In willed his counsel was eon- ducting matters. Parsons leaned his bend pensively on his hand and gazed vacantly Into space. Louis Llngg was the only one of the gang who seemed perfectly unconcerned and attentively and persistently devoted his attention to tliu perusal ot his newspaper. DETROIT WINS AGAIN. Tlio Chicago * Iteatcn by n Score of I 'lvo to Pour. DHTUOIT , Juno 23. Another largo crowd saw the Chlcagos downed to-day Inn close and exciting contest. Flynn worked hard and well , but Gctzciu worked better , and thu support of the latter was much superior to that of his opponent Tlio attendance was seven thousand. Detroit . 2 0002001 0-5 Chicago . 0 1 4 Pitchers ( ii'twiin and Flynn. Base hits- Detroit 10 , Chicago ( i , Utrors DeUoit 5 , Chicago cage 0. Umpire Gaflney. on i Kit OAMIS. AT Pnn.ADKU'iiiA The Atliletic-lJruoklyn game was post poned nn account of rain. AT NKW Voniv The Metropolitan-Baltimore game was postponed on account of rain. AT LonsviM.i : Tim Cincinnati-Louisville game was post poned on account ot rain. AT PiTTfliiunn The Pittsburg-St. Louis gnmo was stopped by rain at the fourth Innings. The only run scored wnsoue by St. Louis In thu second In nings. AT KANSAS CITV St. Louis . 0000 S 003 0 0 Kansas City. . . . 00. 1 10000 0 2 Pitchers Henley and Comvay. First base hits Kansas City 10 , St. Louis 8. Errors- Kansas City 5 , St. Louis 3. Uinuire Cnrry. AT SHEKPSHKAl ) BAY. Pool Sellers ArrciUcd and a Jockey Injured The Knees. Jf iw : i'oitic , June 22. The day at Sheeps- lieatl Hay was wet and gloomy and the track heavy , yet thu attendance was very fair and ( lie races all that could bo desired. In the fonith rnco Astcrln ran against n wlro fence on the back stretch , threw her rider Meaton heavily on his head , and then rolled over him. Meaton was carried away Insensible. Just buforn the lirst race Anthony Comstock und the sheriff of Kings county madu their appearance on tliu hutting ground nnd Im mediately nil butting boards were pulled down. Sheriff Farley said lie had several warrants for John Doc and Itichard line , and under them David Johnson , Joseph Cotton , Herman'Trnnt , Ar thur Hacked , Henry Slodreeker and J. K .McDonald gnvo themselves up and went to Brooklyn , where they gave bail i i Sx'.OJO each for their appearance when wanted to answer the charge of selling pools. Alter Farley and his posse left , up went the signs and bcttlm ; went on as usual. One and thiee-sixteenths miles : Mark- land won , Uut'ereu second , Lenox third. Two-year-olds , three-fourths of a mllu : Tremont won , Lizzie. Krepps bccotnl , llril- llantlnu third. Tlmo-1 : IGf. ; Three-year-olds , one and tlircc-nlghths miles : Inspector It won , The Hard second , Han Fox third. Time U'J3Jf. : For two-year-olds , tlirec-iinarters mlle on turf : Jcnniu Junu won , McLnughliii second , Hannibal third. Tlnm-lH34' : | . Handicap , one nnd three-eighths miles , fur nil ages : Favor won. Tccumseh second , Windsnllllilril. Tlmo-'J : ' . Mllu on turf : War Knglu won , Duke of Westmorland .second , Itannna third. Time Tax I n- the JllKlif. of Way. Helena , ( Montana ) Ilonild : Thuro was ono amendment connected with the Northern Pacific forfeiture bill , nnd only ono , that will in nnv way bcnolit the pco- plo of Monlitmi , nml that Is Van Wyek's ' amendment repealing the exemption from taxation of tlio right of wny through the territories. If there hnil boon no land grnnt it would have been right to grant exemption from taxation for u term of years , but thorn is no reason why this oxcmption should Imvo been con fined to the territories , except that con gress had tiiu power to do it und the pco- plo of the territories Inul no power to re sist. The pnlilii : burdens to ho berne by taxation uro nlwnys heavier in now coun tries than in ohlor onus and relatively morn In territories thnn in states. They hnvu no rovonuii in nny form , nn thu status do , from school landsto ulil In tliu support of public r.chuois. It IH riant Unit if rnilroml ri ht of way und Iinprovcinons thereon nru ttixed the railroad companies will get It buck by increased charges. This proves lee much. It applies to i > tatea us well ns territories , nml if oxporioncu proved it true tlierb would lie goncntl oxiiinption , At nil events the exemption , if of any possible Indirect nilvnntngu to thu territories , should bo voted by the territories and the consideration bo nititnul , As it is , thu exemption comes from congress , The people of the territories nre iloprlvcd of thi ! tnxns unit got no Ixminit whatever in tlio wny of reduced rule * . lint there wits u still gnmlor objection to this exemption. It made it for the in terest of tlio railroad companies to keep us in u territorial condition us long as possible. There is no reiibon to Imlieve thiit thu Northern I'ac-ilic company over raised any obstacle tit our admission UH u stati ) , lii t it is not ri"ht to im that such u motivn should bo hmil out as a nuntimifd temptation to lo so. A Itu.-il Kstnlo Unrunln , -JlxCO ft on Jiclson : , near Kith St. , * 0'JOO. W. G , Shrlver , oj.poahu . I' , O. GIVEN A GRAND OVATION Gladstone Speaks Before alar/jopdEnthw / siastio Aiulionca at Glasgow , STRONG ARGUMENTS ADVANCE * The Premier Impresses Conflilonce In thoVartllot urscotlnmltm the Homo Kulo Measure A Triumphal Procession. OlnilRtnnn nt ( Jt.Asaow , June Hi The arrival ot and Mrs. Gladstone hero to-tlay wn3 signal fern great demonstration.Thousands. . ! of people had wnlteil nt the station to Rreet ' them , and when they alighted from tlio Unit * and entered their carrlagu they were cheered and cheered ngaln by tlio enthusiastic mul titude. Hengler's elicits , In which stone wns announced to spenk , wns from floor to celling. Gladstone , upon ris ing , snld ho wns confident that Glasgow would do true and solid liberal \\rk at the coming elections. Ho would to-Uny denl with Unit portion of the great Irish qtiea * tlon which had hitherto been untouched * namely , that portion which particularly af fected Scotland. Ho would take his text from the famous Dr. Chaliiiors , who , In 1818 , rcferujd to the 'impossibility ot crushing the Irish people , " and added that the almighty nrm of kindness would bo Irrcslstn- ble . [ CheersJ , Those words , the speaker said , were words of high Christian wisdom. Ho ashed Ills auditors to approach tliu question Inspired with such sentiments. He wauled to denl with thtto pints thn security of protustntiU in Ulster , ilm arguments deduced from the union of Scotland , and thu question of homo rule for Scotland. T heersf. Ho dcnleit that unrter the liomu rule bill Ireland would bo mi In de pendent conn Ir.v. There wcioclnuses that for- undo Ireland to legislate for the establish ment or endowment of nny religion. Tim I'nrnellites Imd now fully accepted the clauses , and they hint always proved that they were in favor of religious freedom , lie- ' sides , the royal veto would remain , therefore nil alarms were groundless nml frlVoIoiif * Thu union of Knglnnd and Scot land was essentially different from that o Knglanil and Ireland. The fundamental difference was tnat Scotland was always nblo to hold her own. Scotland met England on n looting of equality , and thu union with the - lapse of time commended Itself to the minds' and hearts of Scotchmen , whilst the entire Irish nation wns against the nnitm of that country with Knglanil. Now ho had said that Scotland had become gradually satisfied with union , but ? if the great majority of tliu people , of .Scotland wished to manage her local affairs within her own borders , did they think , If they arrived at a clear conclusion to that effect , that it of thu seventy-two Scoto ' * " members of the house of commons sixty' ' united In n demand for tliu chance ; that Knglnnd Uaro or would wish to refuse them ? ICrlcs of noj. He ridiculed the proposal of the national union to leave nndeali witli thu question ot Irish local self goveinment a subject Which was ripe for discussion whlln the cnhntry dealt with looU : government'for Kngland nnu Scotland a question which Wns not ripe for discussion , Gladstone thought that thla proposed cast-iron uniformity ot institution for Kngland , .Scotland , Ireland and Wales was n.bad , false , \nd vulgar prln-i clplo. In conclusion. Gladstone appealed to his auditors to civo tliclr voice in favor of jienconnd justice. His closing .words' were hulled witli loud und prolonged cheers. LONDOX , Jnnu 22. Gladstone's journey 4 from the meeting hall at Glasgow to the.rail ; way station was n grand triumphal proces sion. His carriage was escorted by a body- df police. Kvery point of vnntniro around- . thu station had to be fought for. The street- were tilled with n solid mass of humanity- shouting itself "hoarse. Gladstone showed no signs of fatigue. Coercion or Homo Ittilo. LONDON , .Juno22. Henry Labouchefo nnd Charles Dradlaugh havu issued n joint elec tion address to thu electors of Northampton , their parliamentary constituency. They de clare that there Is no middle course In the 1 resent campaign : that the choice is between coercion and conciliation. "Tlio torles are boasting , " the manifesto says , 'that'tlioy will obtain a majority in tliu next parliament. We think the people do not hollovo In arlsto * s cratic or plutocratic government. The people plo must decide whether Glndstono or Lord- Sallsbmy shall govern them. Thu Princes' Kxptilaion , PAIIIS , Juno IB. In tlio debate on the ox- , pnlslon bill In the senate to-day Premier Do Kreyclnet said that hlsgoverninent would not. tolerate another government in France , and would take tliu full responsibility for the ox- nulslon of thu princes. Finally n secret .bat- , lot wns taken , and thu bill as It came from the chamber of iieimties was adopted by a ' vote 141 to 107 , Thu announcement of tho" result was received with great applause by the members ot tlio left. John HrlKht's Koply. * LONDON , Juno 22. John Bright formally replied to the tender of n resolution of the Itoekdnlo Conservative association , thanking them for having assisted to defeat the homo rule bill. Ho says In his reply : "I rim sorry there should bo nny party In the country ready to accept these mils. " No Home Hnlo for Cuba , MATiii.lniiu22. ) ) Thecortcg , by a majority , of 200 votes , declined that no government of" . Spain will over give autonomy to Cuba. Thn Prlnoo Kxpiilfllou mil. to 1'Aiim , Junu 3i. TliuHimato , It Is bolicvefl , * P will pass thu expulsion bill by a majority of , * " * ; ten. , : i . -l ; il KmntoyoH for Oaniilnt ; WorlcM..t3 In Wrwt Side will bo minted about J- ' " July 15 , nml : i Inr u force will bu needed. $ Mcnmvhllo Hull & jMcCaiulish 1011 ' Oodgo ( it. nru fiellinp ; West Side loU'ttt ; f J10 on oa y terms , Tools sold to-morrow nt thn- Omaha Turf J'AcliiinLje , lijou DoughiKfltrooton tt tliu iiiitionul loaguu base ball gained at aS50 ; p. in. Alniliutt : < ! ti , Ensy paynunits , Whitobrenst nut coal , if 3.75 per ton -Owr uhuaiiUAt anil best fiml , Nun. FUKL Co. . 21-t South 18th54 , . Jlanlmlten. KiiNypuyihontfi , Von can buy luniiinro cheaper of A. L. Fitch & Co. , i-ith St. . bet Fnrnuin nnd Douglns , thnn anv other plnco In the city. JJny MiiAlostur > Ylieh ! Hill conls. best IImo ccnient , to.of llnvuns&Co. 15dWobstor. Full llnd offltrielly frcsiifruitaand yog- ntables every ilny ut llaiumoad & Co. , Crouiibo bloc' : . ' A Cnr l. Mrs , J Ii , Kennedy would beg to in form her niuny patrons Hint niic hwi loused the lar o nnd ooniinodious rosl- denco hist west of Leslie & MorreU's drag store , known : u 1(111 ( Jed ) ; o street , wliora Kim will jjjvn iinviiio boniU lirat-cluss Ii every respect. Nuvoltios In Hulu. Kor Indlc-i , nncse-s nnd c.'illdroi ) at Ji , V , McCAiiTNBy & Co , _ _ _ _ - 1020 Dongluj , . If jou biy : | ir.ibcr : any where ytll\ \ lir ' l ' cttin iloti liind : ' prices you 'use nionuy.