ETIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : j TUESDAY , JUNE 22. 1886. ' ' .JS DAILY BEE. lUNCFlTBLUFFS. ir MORNING , JUNK 22. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. r.e.i' crcd by cnrricr In nny pnrt of the city ot thinly touts per week , JI.Y. \ . TILTON , Manager. TKLr.PHONKSi jiri.\ESS OFFICE , No. . NIGHT UlllTOIl No. ) . atlNOIt MKNTIOZJ. Now York Plumbing company. Now summer goods lit Koitur's. jriuik Slilnn , the nltornoy , was the ncky winner of llio line picture at the authors' carnival. Tht ) Mueller Mnsto company base ball club will Jlay nnotlicr cumo with the Uctl Oaks on July 3 , titKwl Oak , The rnrtiuntcra and joiners will hold n mooting to-nicht , for the purpose of con sidering the advisability of organization. Tlio C. , M. & St. P. railway announce one full and one third fare for round trip excursions to tourthof July celebra tions Tlio Chicago , Kock Island & Pacific , nnd Chicago , Uurlington & Quinoy roads 3'csterday reduced the first class passenger rates to Chicago to $3 , to moot the cut that was made by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road over a week ago , and was at that time followed by the Chicago & Northwestern. There being various conjectures and MalcnicntsnstolhocatiEGof Mayor Chap- ninn's death , the Bii : learns from the at tending plijolciun , Dr. Pinney , that the trouble was not ofa cancerous nature , as was currently reported early in his Ill ness , but the trouble was stricture of the rectum , winch , from constipation of the bowels , terminated in perforation of the descending colon , causing fatal periton itis. _ _ The mode of choosing a successor to Mayor Chapman is not familiar to all. Under the law the city council is to select bomo penson , not one of their number , who will servo as mayor until the iioxt oity election , and then the people will elect a mayor to fill the unoxpircd term. Then , at tlio expiration of the two years for which Mayor Chapman was elected , the people will elect a mayor for two years agrin. The only way in which any of the present aldermen can bo elected is 101 ono to nrss resign as alderman , and then ho can bo chosen as mayor , nnd a special election called for the election of an alderman to ( ill the vacancy. Disappointed. When wo bought the first lot of quick meal gasolmo stoves last spring wo thought il the best stock made , but it has K proved even better than wo expected. in fact it is perfect. Trv ono. COOVEU & McGEK. \ V ] Wo have a few more Refrigerators and If- will make low prices on them till they arc closed out. Cooi'Kit &McGEE. At the Pacific house yon will cct all the comforts of high priced hotels , and save from 50 cents to $1 per day. Try it and be convinced. Personal s. George Hudio is confined to her homo by illness. Miss Really Stevens returned yester day from Chicago. Mrs. Walcott has moved to Omaha , to take up her residence there. John Miller , the Tenth avenue baker , lot ( last evening for a visit to France. D. Friedman , of Tabor , after spending several days in this oity , returned to his homo last cveninc. S. S. Stevens , the general agent of the Chicago & Rock Island , had returned , With his wife , from California. J. M. Lane , agent of the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul , left for Chicago on Wednesday last , and returned yesterday with bis wife , who has been east visiting for seven weeks. If you want perfectly satisfactory ao- .comtnodations . nt $2 per day , go to the Pacific house. Depend upon it , you will never regret your choice. Wo Claim. The American Round Washer Is the best made. Actual trial has proven be yond doubt that It will wash cleaner , quicker , with moro cnso and less injury to the clothes than any machine now in me. Try ono. COOI-EK & McG-EE , Western Agents In nicmorlnm of J. W. Chapman. Ills work complete and all his labor done , The victory and the crown is won. In deeds of worth , with kind and loving heart. Ho rounded up his life complete each part. Ills armor bright ho bravely put aside. Whllo yet Ufa's conflicts strangely did divide Ills thoughts the love of wlfoaud children , friends , And duties to his country closely blends With hopes of rest , and case Irom pain and i caie , The land unseen , and advent of the golden year. Whoie all are noble , best and brave and true , Hounded to ttiat fullness , "wrought the best ho knew. " Idly now his pen may lie and rust. ills mortal part ba given back to dust. Jtut living records hero shall still his name Preserve. To the world and friends pro claim Ills merit and unfailing worth thro * years , While loving hearts baptize his naino with tears. Itcyond tne borders of that land unseen , Jicyond the reach of mortal visions ken. lllii spirit- clothed in robes wrought of his deeds , Ills thoughts , his aspirations , not his creeds. With Mints in love uo hopu ho linds sweet rest. Let's trust with him and say. "God knoivutli best. " JIus. I ) . A. HKNKDICT , Council muffs , la. , Juno SO , IbSO. Go to Hoard for wall pupor. The Quick Meal Gasoline steve is a sue cess , Try ono and return at our expense - ponso if not satisfactory. COOIMIS : & McGiiB. John Tomplotou has mpvod his olgai factory to G50 Broadway , opera house block. Olmcrvo tlio Sauuutli , At the mooting at the opera house Sun * day night ft number of addresses wore given In behalf of a moro general and bettor observance of the Sabbath. lion , I ) . C. liloomor , N. P. Uodgo , Professor Wyckotf , Professor MoNitughtou , Judge Iteed and several of the ministers took part. The following resolutions were prepared as expressive of the sentiment of the meeting : Whereas , The Sabbath is a divine liistl tutlou , and "was nmdu for man ; " and , Whereas , ItaScilptural observance Isnro- motive of the best Interests of the Individual nnd the state , and conveisely its desecration Is bubvurelvo of those Inteiubts. Therefore wo locoicnlzo it our duty to en courage , both by picceiit and example , the righteous observance or ( ho babbath , and U discourage Its desecration ; and call upon all fellow cftlrcns of whatever occupation , t < unite with us In keeping our places of busi ness closed during ( ho .Sabbath , and In at iondanco upon dlvlno service. Board lias nn immense stock o wall paper and room Mouldings which must lo turned into cash , so down go the prices lit IJcsruVs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Go to Heard for room mouldings. Substantial abstracts of titles and rani estate loans. J. W , * E. L. Squire , U l street , Council UluQ'i. COUNCIL BLUFFS MOURNS , Mayor John W. Chapman Laid at Host "With Befitting Services , THE ESCAPE OF CHARLES FALES. Tlio New Election lm\v Citizens " \Vlio AVAnt Hnnclny Observed The ComltiK Knees The Jtoiuc's Ghost Will tfot Down. Mayor Cliapmnn nt Rest. The heai t of the city went in mourn ing yesterday nt tlio death and burial of its chief municipal magistrate , John W. Chapman. The nodylaid instate at the family residence , and hundreds of citi zens and friends gazed for the last time upon the features so familiar to all , The funeral services were held in tiio afternoon. Tlio whole city was In mourning. Tlio iniblio buildings wcro draped with sombre black , business was suspended , and stores nnd olllccs closed. The bells tolled , and a great gathering of citizens filled the house , the grouiuts , anil a largo portion of llayllss park , opposite the residence. Carriages filled all the ad jacent streets. Such a tribute as was paid him in this respect lias seldom , If ever , been given hero. The body , ns resting in the casket , was surrounded by many beautiful lloral tributes. Various elahorato designs wcro wrought In rare tnsto with the most beautiful llowcrs. At tiio head of the casket appeared a largo floral pillow , bearing the word "Father. " From the printers was given another beautiful pillow , with the figures " 00 , " while wreaths , slnrs , and numerous sig nificant designs , too numerous to de scribe in detail , bespoke the tenderness and sympathy felt by the many friends and fellow-citizens. The services were simple , sad and im pressive. Rev. T. J. Alackoy , of St. Paul's Episcopal church , conducted them. "Tho Sweet lly and Hy" was sung at the opening , * and at tlio closing the same singers rendered "Gently Lead Mo. " Rev. Mr. Mnckoy spoke words of com fort to these called on to mourn , and touched tenderly upon the sorrow which so bowed down their hearts. 'Ho also paid a befitting tribute to the character of the ono who had pone hence. This tribute Was couciieu m TVOrdS 86 nilj chosen and grouped so gracefully that tlio beauty and strength of the tribute would bo marred by any summary. The pall-bearers were W. H. M. Pusoy , J. B. Atkins , E.L.Shugart.J.T. Stewart , Samuel Haas , Spencer Smith , J. F. Evans. Tlio procession was ono of the largest ever seen in this city , and the streets along which it passed were crowd ed with mourning citizens. Tlio police force joined in the procession on foot , as dicf also the Typographical union. The city olllcials attended in a body in carriages , together witli the city council. Thus was laid at rest a man who has done doubtless as muah for Council Blulls. if not moro , than any ether citi zen. The family and friends must have been assured by the manifestations of yes terday that the entire city sympathizes with them in their sorrow , and that the city joins in that sorrow , the loss not being nlono to these of his own fircsido. Room Mouldings Largest assortment nnd lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper Storo. Go to Beard for room mouldings. Tlio Now Election Tjtxw. The now law passed by the last general - oral assembly will apply to the next elec tion held in this city , nnd as many , in fact most , of the voters have little idea what that law is , the BEE gives the fol lowing summary : The city council shall , before the sixth Monday preceding the general election in November of each year , appoint two registers from each precinct , ono from each party , these two to bo chosen from three names handed in by each of the chairmen of the two city central political committees. These two regipters hold their ollico for ono year. The mayor has the power to fill the vacancy by appoint ing out of names handed him , as in the case of the council. DTlio registers arc to bo at the usual polling places on the third Tuesday pre ceding every election and remain in ses sion hvo days. Any person entitled to vote shall ap pear before the registers of his precinct , and make a sworn statement in a suitable registration book , stating his name , na tivity , color , street and number , length of residence also in county and state , if naturalized , the date of his papers and the court , and his last preceding resi dence. Within three days after completing the register , lists shall bo prepared and posted up for public inspection. On the Wednesday of the week preceding the election the registers moot and correct the lists , and pronnro copies for the judges of election. No vote shall bo re ceived at any olcction unless the name is thus registered , and a person whoso name is thug registered may bo challenged as before , During the receiving and counting of the ballots it shall bo unlawful for per sons to congregate or loiter within ono hundred feet of-the voting place , 01 to hinder or delay any elector In any man ner. It shall bo unlawful for any person within said distance of ono hundred feet , to KIVO or odor to any person a ticket or ballot , or to unfold or display any ballot which ho intends to east , so as to reveal its contents , or solicit the vote of any elector , or attempt in any way to inllu- once his voto. Persons violating this will be subject to arrest but not prevented from first casting their voto. Tlio line is from fifty to one hundred dollars. Chal lenging parties of thrco from each politi cal party shall bo allowed to stand by the polls , but the voters will have to keep at a distance until their turn comes to cast a ballot. Go to the Now York Plumbing com pany for garden hose , They warrant all they sell. Opera honso block. The Bin office has just printed a very line irnda circular for thu Mueller Muslo company. This company is sparing in nothing lo muko this the most successful season on record. The Manager' ! * Card , For Tint HKE : i ECO in your issue of yesterday a statement from \Vm. K , Randall , seeictary of the board of trustees of the Home of the Friendless as sociation. The communication rcfericd to Is. In every word anil line , contiary to truth. Tlio secre tary was In such a position ID know the facts that It makes it hard by the greatest stretch ol ChrUtlan charity to beilevo Hint ho labored under a mistake when ho wioto. I will try. however , to bellove that ho did not willfully Intend by falsehood to Injure mo In propeity and reputation , which the brother wholly lacks the ability to do , oven if ho do- ulred to accomplish that end. Unt let hiipiMtoltlons bo what they may , I submit the following documentary evidence ; In your ISMIO of Saturday the liuh , you pub lish what purports to bo the finding ot the board at thu conclusion of the tecent Investi gation. That repoit wasmtulo out and signed and the board adjourned. It was placed In the hand of the bccrutary to furnish conies to the papers Ho only furnished the IKE ! H copy and 1 piopo&e to &how that ho published a giublcd repoit. The seventh uod last reso lution In your paper road as follows ; " \Vo recognize the fact that Mr. Lemen lias mnda an earnest effort for humanity , foi which hn thould have < lun support. " In r g.ud to this I submit the following from two of the Ho ml , all that 1 have Dean ablu to toj up 10 tbis time , Mr. J. IV I'll- lert , ot Ihlfi clly , and .ludio S. F Dow , of Dow Clly , lo-o Mntliu mat tlio orlg nal diaft of HIP 10 olutlons was in tl e Im < ) s of .IndKo Dow \\liun lie ga\c to mo th B co.tlft- cite , wlilc i Is ns follows , to wit : "Wo hereby testify thut t'o ' report of the findings of the board of truMce of tlio Homo of the rr.cndssn ! < < 8oc atlon Is cornc until the seventh article Is r < ; rc' cd. The M-u-nth arllcli l < < not at nil the luid iig of the taard , but loads ns folloug. ( o wit : " 'Tlmt we recoRimo In the conHnnoui efforts - forts of Mr. Lcmeii In this work n spirit of fl'-lt-Facrlllce and noble manhood , nnd our action In this matter must not ba consulted ns a H'lkctloil upon Mr. Lctnun. Fnithir , we anil in tliat anyiind all matters that ha\o transpired should not and cinnnt detrimentally - ally ( Mfect Mr. Lenten In any sphere of lluv ' 'Signed , S. U. Dow , i Trustee" " J. I rll.liKHT , * k" Now , I submit thut the losllmonv of a man thus convicted of furnishing for the press a cnrblcd report of fo Important a mutter Is of little coiiKcnueiice to r.nv ono who lias any refard for tnitli and justice. iMibmlt ftirtlirr , that having to contend with siicb faljlllcfs of solemn Instruments , all frleluU of the causu for which 1 stand should refine to heed anythlnir coming from such source * . .1. ( } . hr.sniN. Manager of the Christian Jlomc. Best cream soda in the city , 5c per glass , nt Palmer's , 12 Miin : street. Hlghnst prices paid for county , town , city nnd school bonds. Odoll Uro's ft Co. , No. 10a Pearl street. Council Blulls , Iowa. Palling to Fetch Fnlcs. The assault made upon Mr. DcGrafT of Oakland by Charles L'ahis , and thu ex citement attending Kales' capture was given in yesterday's ' BKB. Ofllccr Bcswlck , of this city , was tlio ono who arrested Fales several years ago for horse stealing , nnd Kales has just served his term for that oll'ense. Since his release ho has been at Big Grove and is said to have been committing various depreda tions in that vicinity. The cause of his assault upon DoGrnfT is said to have been on account of asistor of Fnles being sent to jail for stealing some jewelry. Titles was bound over to ivwait the action of the grand jury on a charge of mayhem and not being able to give bonds was being brought to this city yesterday to bo placed in jail , lid was in thn custody of Marshal Crofts of Oakland , and was securely hand- culled. When thc-y toft Oakland Falcs swore ho would never come to Council Blulls. About a milo from the station ho asked tlio officer to go to the water closet with him. On entering the door ho made u jump for the window , but n bruktiii n pforcnlcd Ibis. Fales tlicn started to rc turn to his seat , which was near tlio the other end of the car , the olUccr fol lowing him. When near the seat ho started on the run and dashed out of the door and off the train. As lie did so the olliccr struck him thrco times witli his cano , but Kales got away , jumping oil the train. Crofts shot thrco times at Kales but did not hit him. Tlio train was stopped and word sent back'to Oakland. A largo party was there formed to go out and capture him. The excitement was running high , with many threats of lynching , if captured. Kales has shown himself to be a hardened cnso , und there is no sympathy expressed for him. Oakland and vicinity has been kept in a state of excitement ever siuco his as sault upon Do Graft' . IVoll Entcrtalnatl. There was a largo gathering nt the Ma sonic hall last evening , and the audience seemed to be highly entertained. The np- plauso was enthusiastic , and there scorned a disposition to encore almost every number. The entertainment was under of the Woman's Christian the auspices as sociation , and especial ! j for the benefit of the industrial school , the children of which furnished a goodly portion of the entertainment. Their kindergarten songs and recitations , in which they had been drilled by Miss Page , of Chirfhcro , were very pleasing. The children had been very attractively dressed , and the ladies had evidently taken much time in prepar ing them for the entertainment in all re spects. Six young ladies served as ushers. Miss Adclio Ilorton served ns accompanist upon the piano. Masters Bdollct and Tullcys gave a pleasing iluto ana violin duct. Mrs. Raff and Miss Edinger sang "Tlio Kortuno Toiler. ' Mrs. Lyon recited - cited "The Last Hymn , " and in response to an encore gave "Absalom. " Mrs. Barbara Merkcl gave n solo , "Primrose Flowers. " MUsoc Tostcvin and Corner eang a duet. Prof. Zerkowski gave a violin solo. All did excellently and the entertainment was in all respects a suc cess. Stelnltopr Pound. Henry Stoinkopf , who disappeared from here so mysteriously a week ago last Saturday , has been heard from at Clicny , Neb. , near Lincoln. A farmer by the name of Cbappol , while m town , saw tlio description of the young man in the BEE and thought it corresponded with that of ono ho had hired n day or two before. On going homo ho called the young man by the name of Henry Stcinkopt and ho responded , and finally admitted that it was his mil name , but he said ho had done nothing wrong and refused to write homo nnd did not want Clmnpol to write either. But Chappel , thinking bis folks would want to hear from him , wrote them. The letter was received last evening , and this morn ing Mr. William Stoinkopf starts for Cheny to sco if ho can find his brother. Solid for Keith. The democrats held tliolr convention in Denison Juno 10 and elected tlio fol lowing gentlemen as delegates to the state convention by a unanimous vote : Hon. S. E. Dow , John Ouigloy , C. F. Hunson. John Carey , O. M. Criswell , A. B , Keith. Tlio delegation was unani mously Instructed to vote ns a unit for A. It. Keith for secretary of state , and to use all honorable .mean ? to secure his nomi nation. Every township in tlio county was fully rourusontod.and the convention was tlio largest and most harmonious over hold in Crawford county. Cominc Itaccs. A circuit has boon formed by which some excellent horses arc to bo drawn into this part of tlio west , and whioli will on- stiro some excellent races for Council Blulls. The Mnplo Valley trotting asso ciation holds its mooting at Maplcton , Iowa , August 21th , SOtli and ! > 0th. The purses amount to $3,750. Tlio meeting nt Council Blurt's driving nark is August 31 , Sept. 1 , 3 and 3. The following week the Omaha races take placo. LIKE A ROMANCE. The Strange T lc of a Wealthy West erner's Advonturos. Brooklyn Union ! Justice Walsh had a case to-day with incidents in it to make a 400-nngo novel. There is a wealthy westerner ns the chief figure , who was confined in an nsyhfm ; was released as cured ; eamo east ; hired a servant who had just conio from Ireland ; fell hi love with nnd married her , thereby commu ting bigamy , as ho had a wife out west ; hired another servant and fell in love with her ; then abused the wife ( ? ) and finally wound up in a public court on a charge of unbecoming conduct toward the servant. James Hanson Learned is the man. Ho is about -IS , with black hair and close- cropped , black beard. His complexion is sallow and his face emaciated. Detec tive Reynolds took him to Justice Walsh's court this morning , and ho sat on the pusoner's bench vacantly gazing around the room. He had no lawyer in court , but Gen. 1. S. Cutlin is said to be bis counsel and will tloffniT him. Learned pleaded not guilty wlitn nrraigncd The examination was sot \lowti for nest Mon day afternoon. Juried Walsh asked ? 2iX ) bail , which will probably be fur nished , so Learned Is qot likely to lan guish in until t'lC ' > ti'li < l day. * Learned has $125,000 worth of property in Denver , Col. , consisting of real estate. Ho lived in the west a good mniiv years and accumulated the property. Ho mar ried nnd lived In Cojorado and had no children. Several years ago he seemed to have become somewhat deranged , but was no' ' violent , and was not deprived of his liberty. Later his condition became worse , anil his wife liad him put in tin asylum , lie remained there until April last , when he was discharged as cured. While ho was in the asylum legal meas ures were taken to havebis property cnrod for. When Learned was released from the asylum he came cast , telling no one snvo his lawyer , that ho was coming to Brook lyn. Since ho lias been hero he lias re ceived remittance from his counsel , amounting , it is said , to nearly $200 per month. About the time Learned came to Brooklyn Sarah Ann Maylln arrived hero from Ireland. She is tlio sister of the wife of Frederick Kemp , the blind janitor of the Atlantic Avenue Dispen sary. Mrs , Kemp several months ago had a Greenwood grave digger iinmod Me- Garrnhan arrested for attempting to kiss her. When Sarah Ann Mnvlin uaino hero she wont to hvo with Mrs. Kemp , and ad vcrtiscd for a place as servant. Learned answered the advertisement , lie had pre viously hired the brick dwelling nt 05 Gnrfiolil plaeo. Ho hirrd the Mnylin woman and then bought the house , pay- inglr > CO in cash , and giving u mortgage for $3,600 , tlio purchase price being ? 5,000. Learned and his servant lived alone in the house , nnd ho fell in love with her. Ho proposed marriage , but as ho had spoken previously anout his wife in Denver , she hesitated. Ho told her ho had been legally separated from his wife , nnd was at liberty to marry. She consented , and two weeks ngo ho took Ivor to the residence of theiKov. George R. Van Do Water , pastor of St. Luke's P. E. church , whore they were married. Loarnod's present to the bride was the deed of the house , Directly after the marrrngo it was de cided that some else than Mrs. Learned should do the housework ) and another servant was advertised for. Bridget Cusick got the placo. She seemed to have charms that fascinated Learned , and , ho could find no better way of mak ing that fact plain than by ubusii'.T hia wife , it was only n couple f dnys"aftor the marriage that he beat her , and last Sunday night ho chased her through the house and struck her so many times that , bleeding and bruised , she ran out of the house and wont to Mrs. Kcmps. ! There was absolutely no cause for the assault , as not an angry word had passed between them previous to the time lie struck her. Mrs. Learned went to a physician for treatment and told him her story. Ho told her she ought to consult : i lawyer , and Counselor Thomas J. Malloy was called in. Mrs. Learned told him nil she knew about her husband , and Mr. Mal loy by communicating'with the first wife in Denverj learned that there had been no separation between her and her hus band , and also that hejiad , been in an in sane asylum. It was ! intended to have Learned arrested for assaulting his wife , but , while the niitter'wa ! $ being talked over , the servant , Bridget Cusick , told how Learned , Juno 1 , while his wife was absent , acted improyerly in her presence in the kitchen. Then it was decided to have him arrested for that oflcneo , and yester day a warrant was sworn out by the ser vant Walsh. It was given to Detectives Reynolds and Cumin , who-were told that Learned was violent , so they took their revolvers along. They found him on a on a lounge in the dining-room reading a newspaper. Ho was quiet and made 119 objection to the Bergen street polled station. The first wife haa been sent for , and is expected in Brooklyn next Monday So she can testify against her husband , as n charge of bigamy may bo made. There is a dillerenco of opinion , however , as to whether hit should bo made to answer a criminal charge or bo sent to an asylum , as ho is douotless siuToring from mental aberration , and is likely ut any time to become violent. The nioiulo Villain. Colonel T. Conway in St. Louis Globq- Dcmocrat : During a dozen years' resi dence in Arizona , Colorado , Wyoming territory and Old and New Mexico I have run across about all tlio noted "bad men" nnd professional killers of the west. One singular fact has struck mo concern ing them. They are all blondes. The traditional desperado has raven locks , piercing 'jlack eyes nnd a Jong , jetty mustache. That is tiio way at least the ono looks that you read about. The bad man you see about is totally difl'eront , and , as I remarked , n blonde. I don't know what phrenologists would say to it. It is inclined to knock their theories. The Prenldcnt'H Religion. AVashington CriticI don't naro if Mr. Cleveland is a Presbyterian , " said an old lady in Now Edgland , "I don't Jiko him. " "Why not ? " was asked. "Just because he is not a Christian. " "He isn't a very bad man , is ho ? " "Mebbo not ; but ho ain't a good Christian or ho wouldn't have so much to say about offensive puritans. What have done him I'd ' like know " they over to , to ? A load of wood has been sold nt St. Johns , Mich. , for twenty-three cents , and another for thirty cents. The West Grconbnsli , Mich. , postoflico has a new name , and will hereafter bo known as Mikado. a . I have the largest niid most com plete line oE NEW D . rf1 NOTIOS In the city. I arttulbslng out I j ' M LESS THAN JOBBER ? PRICES. I K 10 .1 1 t' Ton will find nil the latest novelties in lints , bonnets , ( lowers , plumes , tips , ribbons bens , gauzes , crapes and ether styles of trimmings. Goods Must Be Sold , Best of Bargains ever offered. Call and sco them. J. J. BLISS , No , 328 Broadway , Council Bluffs. OFFICER & PTJSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , BtaUlshea 1SH. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ECOX7SOSS O3 ? COUNCIL BLUFFS. ,1 VltA I. IMl'hKMlSX/ DEERE , WKLLS & CO. , Wliolesnlo Agricultural Implements , Bn&ta , _ _ _ Cmrlngpg , Kto , Elo. Council llliUTs , lorro. KEYSTONE MANtlFACfURINcT'cd Muko the Orlfflnnl and Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , COHN BHEU.RIIS AN't ) FKKI ) Ct'TTlMIS. N08.1.W1.1W ) , 1VW mid r > )7 South Mnln Street , lima. D A V 1 nu A 1 ) LKY A CO. , Mimufrs nn I Jobbers of Agricultural ImplemQnts.Wagons . , Buggies , Cnrrlaffos , nnd nil kinds ot Farm Mnohlnory. 1100 to 1110 South Mnln Street , Council 1 ! luffs , tona. F.O. Gi.r.8o.i. . T. II.1)ount.\s , ORO.F. Wmorit. Pres..Vrron9. V.-1'ros.icMnn. Soa&Counsol. Council Bluffs Hid Factory , flncorporntod. ) Manufacturers of Axlo. 1'lclc , Sledffo nnd Small _ Unndk'8 , of every description. _ CAllPRTS. _ COUNCIL BLUFFS CAIU'ET CO. , Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , Upholstery OooJs , Kto. No. 40o Urondwny Council Ulutrs , OHIAltS , TOIIACCO , KTC. PEUEGOr & MOOKE , Wholcsnlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes , Hoe. 8 Main nnd 27 Pearl Sis. Council Uluffn , lown. SNYDER & LEAMAN , Wholesale Frnit and Produce Commission Merchants. _ Ko. Ul'oarl St. Council illulTs. _ DRUGGISTS. I1AHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries , Kto. No. 23 Mill n Si , and No. 21 1'enrl St. , Council Blults. DltfaOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , laipDrters and Jobbars of Dry Goods , Notions , Kto. No a. 112 nnd 114 Mnln St. , Nog. 113 nnd 115 Pearl SU , Council lllutTa , lovrn. FRUITS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. 513 Brandway , Council niulls. WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnd 18 Tcnrl St. Council IllulTa. _ OROCEllIES. _ L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Broad- _ wny , Council HlulTs. _ BAltNKSS , KTO. _ _ BECKMAN & CO. , Mnnu'ncturors ot and Wholesale Donlcra In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. KaMnlnSt. . Council lluffalowa. HATS , CAPS. ETC. METCALF'BROTHERS , Jobbei < in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 313 nnd 3U Broadway , Council Blufls. HEAVl' JMKOirXRE. _ _ KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock. Council Ulutra. lown. HIDES A.YD WOOL. D. H. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , I'cltB , Qrcosoand Fura Council UlutTs rowo. OILS , COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Gasolim E1TO. , H3TO. B. Theodore , Agent , Council UlutTs. Town. , ETC , A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , < nd UrldRO Material SnecinltlPS.Wholosale Lum ber ot all Kinds. OIHco No. 130 Main St. , Council UlulTi. lowiu II'M'BS JIND LlQUUltS. JOHN LINDEIl. Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent for SU Gottlmrrt's Herb Hitters. No. 13 Mnln St. Council lllulla. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , .Yo COO JLfatu at. . Council Lilufft. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special lulvertlfeiiionts , puch ns Lost , Found , To Loan , Tor Bale , To Hunt , Wunts , noardlntf , etc. , will bolnfcortcd In tills column nt tlio low rntoofTENCE.NTB 1'IJH LINK for tlio first Insor tlonnnd 1'Jve Cents J'cr Line f or enoli subsequent Ineort'on. ' Lcnvo ndvcrtlsomunta nt our oulco , No. 1" l'oal street , near Uroadwny , Council lllulTa. WANTS. ANTHU-.Ucn and tnnniB to work on tbo 0. , M. & St. r. rallroud at M CO per day for ttmns nnd $1.M > for men , lrco transporta tion. Apply nt U , 1 * . Sale Stublos of Bctiloutor & Holey. Holey.WASTED A good boy to enrn tlienrlntlnff WASTED Cnll at Hop ollico , Council lllutTa. K SALB-OId impors. In quantities to eult , nt Ileo otllco No , 12 I'oarl strout. B. BICE , M. D. Jor other turaori roraovod without the knlfo or drawlnjr of UlooA CHROMIC DISEASES of all Uadi . ipoalaftr. Over thirty yeatf practical etnorloaj * . a. 11 I'oarl ritroot. Council llhltli KlIBg. N. SCHTTBZ , Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Eipross Oomcuur. FIRST CUSS IN EVERY BESPECJ In IST7. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERED STYLES. 20,000 Vehicles Annually- Send for Catalogue , Price * , rrelg It ales anil Tc < < tliiioiilal * . w. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Brick tulldlnq nnv Vtnd rnl'pd or moved nnd satisfaction euaraiiteod. I'mmo houses mov d cnLlttlsUlaattruaUs the bust la thn worU. 808 Eighth A.YOH.UO mil Eighth Stra-st , Council Bluflk. a-Mtfc cex K , W- Jf 7To-t . U & * * * & - -f 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS WIGS MflQE TO CRDER. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa To close tlic summer stock to the ! ow- est possible point. Are offering bargains now every day. Good Cofsels for 5flc worth 75c Parasols for 75c and Upwards , Embroideries and Patterns , very Cheap , Only a few of those Summer Silk Left , Lace Flouncings in Spanish and Ghintilly Laces , WHITE Cheaper than you ever saw them. FJno assortment for graduation drcHSCs. Sampled sent when requested. CARPETS. Choice patterns , ( jood quality and lowest prices. Special discounts to churches , socle- tics and clergymen. Harltness Bros. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , China , Glassware and Lumps , \V. S. Homer & Co. . No. 23 , Main Ht.Council Ultirtd , la. TIMOTHY SEED. I bare a quantity of sound , well cleaned deed which 1 offer at roasouatla njnires. Hcnd of thr cropoflBSi. Correspondence solicited. F.O UTLBU It CO. SWAM Dealers in Milch COAVH. At Our Stock Yards No 503 and COO E. Broiuhvay.Couucil 13Ta ( Creston House , The only hotel In Council Bluffs lmvln < r Fir © Esoa/p © And nil m odor n Improve merits. 215 , Z1T nnd 210 Mnln ft. MAX MOIIN , Prop. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW ootnsrorrj snitrs'ins. Practices In State nnd Federal Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 , Shucart Bloc ! ; . Star Sale Stables and Mule lards , BROADWAY , COUNCIL HLUFFS , Opposite Dummy Depot , . . llorsoa and Mules kept constantly on liund for snlo at retail or in car loads. Orders promdtly filled liy contract on short notlco. Block sold on commlsilon. SHLUTEIl HOLEY , Proprietors. Telephone No. IM. Formally of KIKL 8ALK STAULEB , corner fith live , and 4th ntreet. Choice Display or Ialedt Pat tern * , AH Grades. Council Bluffs -1OS Broadway. A Select Stock of Cliolco IVoveltlcb In. Grown and ad cc tail from Jl.uutl Bccd by J. R. McPherson , Grower and Dealer In VKWI2TA KM2 PLANTS , AM > ri Council muffs. Iowa. Horses and Mules For nil purposu. bought and told , nt ictiUl aiiJ n lots. Lurge ( jiiuntUlos lo t-cloct from. MASON WISE.