Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1886, Image 1

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Senator Van Wyck's ' Bill to Keimlmrso Set
tlers in Kansas and Nebraska.
Congress Not Iiinhlc to Adjourn Be
fore July in Humors Altout
Itiuulnll nnd the Tni-lfT The
Orccly Promotion.
A niriiRnro of Ucllof ,
WABinscnox , Juno 21. [ Special Tcle- to the HII : : . ) To-day Sonakr Van
Wyck icported to the senate from the com-
mlttcu on pill lie lands , thu bill for the re
lief of hcilluiH nnd puivhnsers of lands on the
public domain In thu states of Nebraska mid
Kansas which pissed the house on April 0
Inst. The bill wns amended by the senate
committee by bltlklnglout nil utter the enact
ing clntibP nnil substituting n bill by Mr. Van
Wyek , w hlch Is of the snmo character with
thocxce)4lon ) of the omission of two clnuecs
which provided for the extension of the pro
visions of thn net to other classes of bottlers.
Senator Van Wyck's bill , which wns repotted
nnd which will undoubtedly bccomo n Inw ,
provides thntfortho pm pose of reimbursing
persons who , under the homestead , pre-omp-
lion , or oilier laws , settled upon or
piuchnscd IniulH within tlio grant madu by
the net entitled , "An act for a
grant of hinds to the state of Knnsns to aid
In llioconsliiietlon of the Noithein Kansas
ruilioad nnd teleirrnph , approved July 2H ,
IbTrt , " and to whom patents have been Issued
therefor , but ajralnst which persons decices
have been len'doicd oy the United States Cir
cuit com ton account of the pilorltvof said
Brant mndo' In the net nbove entitled , the sum
of SiM.OOO Is appioprlnted ; piovided , how
ever , that no pait shall bo paid until lie shall
have filed with the scerelnrv of the Interior
a copy of said decree , duly cei tilled , and
nlso a certificate of tlio judge of the court ren
dering thu same , to the cflect that such a do-
crco was iciideied in a bona lido controversy
between n plnlntllf showing title under the
grant mndu In said net , and a defendant hold-
Ingn patent or holding by dcedundcr patentee ,
nnd that the decision was In favor of the
plnintlil on the mound of pilorlty of thu
Brant made by said net to thu lilini ; of set
tlement or purchase by tlio defendant or his
grantor , nnd said claimant shallnlso fdu with
thu decieo n certlficnto of thu bill of costs In
Biieh case , dutv cei titled by thucleik mid
judge of the court. Thcieupoii it .shall bu thu
duty ot the secretary of thu Interior to adjust
thu nmount due to eaelulefcndant on a basis
ofS.Mper : ! ncre for Iho tract his tltlu to
which shall ha\e failed ns aforesaid and costs
appearing by the bill theicof. He. shall then
make n lemilsitlon upon the treasuier for thu
Bum found to bo due to claimant , anil .shall
pay tliobnmu to him , taking such icleabi- ,
acquittance or dlschaigo as shall foiover bar
liny liuthei claim ngniiist thu United States
on account of fniluiu of tltlu ns afoicsnld.
TALK oi' Anjofiix.Mi\r. ;
Tlio promptness with which tlio nnvnl np-
propunllon bill wns rushed thiough the
liouso to-day has set a good many neoplu to
thinking that peihaps the resolutions or
mljouinment July 8 may te.illv pass. The
leaders of thu house do not think so. how
ever. Morrison says lie thinks theie Is little
prospect of adjoin mncnt befoio the middle of
next month. " 1 do not seu how wo aio to
pet away befoio the middle of the month. ' '
ho snid. "There urea good many nppiomla-
tlon bills yet awaiting thu notion of the son-
nte , nnd theie Is llltlo probabllty Hint they
Will get them back to us In such time null
Bhnpo that adjournment can bo had beloru
the 10th or loth of the mouth. "
NO TAltll'K HIM. rilO.M HANDAI.I. .
"I don't believe there Is anythlni : in the 10-
port that Mr. Kandall intends Introducing n
tariff bill , " said Mnjor McKlnley , of Ohio ,
one ot the most prominent members of the
committee on ways nnd means and a conii-
dentinl counsellor with Mr. Kandall , In con
versation with the Jtir.i : coiiesnondent to-
nlirht. "In the first place , " continued Major
MeKlnloy , "it would be Inconsistent after he
has just led a portion of his party to defeat
Morrison's bill , a'nd then he knows that It
would bo referred to the committee onwa.\s
and means , a majority of which aio ahcady
pledged ( o the Morrison bill , and would ie-
hiso to penult a measure from Kandall to bo
reported. I think congress will odjouin by
the middle of next month. "
THI : jiiUTAiiY cincr.ns.
Fiom rccfiit intormntlnn coming from per
sons \ery near the president , there seems to
bo no doubt that Lieut. Oreely , nftor hlspro-
motion to cnptaln of cnlavary is confirmed ,
will bo appointed mnjor nnd assistant adjif
taut general. In ca'-o the bill providing for
nn additional assistant adjutant general be
comes a law , Cajita'n ' Daniel M. Taylor , ordi
nance corps , will bo surely nppolnted. Cap
tain Taylor Is now on special confidential
duty in the olllco of the seciotary of war.jea
A favorable lepoit was to-day made by the
Donate committee on public lands on Senator
Van Wyck's bill to authoilzo nnd empower
the Union 1'acltieiallioad toconstuict branch
C lowans Intioduccd bills In the house to-day
as follows :
By Mr. Hall To pension Jno. W. Osborn
nnd Kmelinu Topping : to loan tour pieces of
ordnance to the soldiers' reunion nt Fort
Madison , la. , in July next.
By Mr. Stepbntn ( irantlnt ; condemned
cannon to posts of the O. A. K. at Leon and
at Mount Ayr.AFTKll
A petition was protontcd In the sonata to
day by Senator Wilson , signed by John
Wert/ , auditor of Henry county , io\vn. piny-
Ing for the passage of nn net granting in
demnity to that county on account of swamp
Innils sold or otherwise disposed of by ( ho
United States. The petition was propaied
bv the boaiu of commissioners of Henry
Mr. Van Wyck icported favorably
with amendment trom the senate com
mitted on public lands to-dny , n bill to pay
Mnry 1C. Casey , of JUchardson county , Neb. ,
Slltt.1 , thu amount shu paid to thu iccelverot
public money at Bcntilcu land olllco on an
entry she madu June 21 , 1678 , which was mih-
scquently contested and cancelled January
7 , lhi n. The 01 Iglnal bill allowed her or her
heirs a patent for 120 acres of laud In Nu-
binska to bo located at any point on the pub
lic domain In that state.
A Number or Pensioners and Sioux
Ulty Pud UN KfTeot.
WASHINGTON , Juno 21. The president has
scut congiess fifteen veto messages' , Thii-
teen ot the vetoed measures nro pihatoi > cn-
filon bills. The others provide t < r publlo
buildings nt Sioux City , lown , nnd Xancs-
vllle , Ohio , The messages have not yet been
laid befoio the houses of congiess ,
In vetoing the pension b'lls the president
says : "I am so thoroughly tlied of dtsap-
piovlng gifts of publlo money to Individuals
Who , In my vipw , hnvo no right or claim to
the same , notwithstanding nnvuucnt con
" V gressional sanction , that 1 inteiposo with a
> feeling ot relief In cases where I
Vn find It unnecessary to determine
n the met its of the application ,
In f locking of the promiscuous and 111-
advised grants of pensions which have lately
been picscnted to mo for approval , I hn\e
tpokcn of their apparent concessional sanc
tion in lecognltlou ot the tact Unit n largo
proportion of these bills hnvo never been
submitted tonmajoilty of either branch of
congiess , but mu the result ot nominal ses-
tlons held tor thu ex pi ess purpose of their
consideration nnd attended by a small ma
jority of the meinbeisof thotespoctlve houses
of the lrjUlatlvo branch of gourunii'iit , ) consldeiing these bills , Ihavu not felt
that I wasnldrd by tlia deliberate judgment
of cousins , and when 1 liavo deemed H my
duty to disprove many of thu bills picscnted
I hava baldly regiuded my action as distant
fiom the concluilona of the people's inpnv
.H. 1 have not been insensible to the
o.'i , which bhould IntUiencu any citi
zen , cither In private station or ofllclal plnco ,
to exhibit not only n jmt but n generous ap
preciation of the services of our country's
defenders. Hccdlcssnrss nnd disregard of
the principle which mulciHc * the granting
of pensions ts unfair to the wounded ,
crippled soldier who Is honored In
just recognition of his government.
Such a man should never find hlmolf side
by side on the pension mil with those who
have been tempted to ntlributc the natural
Ills to which humanity Is heir to service In
the army. " The president suirgests the signi
ficance of the shutting inwiso In pension
legislation nnil , io consequences involved In
Its continuance.
In his veto for the public buUdlng nt Sioux
City , the president says : "Tho icportoftho
committee of the house of leprcsentntlvps to
whom this bill was referred , states that by
thu census of isso the population of Sioux
Cil > wns nenily eight thousand , nnd that by
another enumeration since made its popula
tion would seem to exceed tweiily-threo
thousand. It Is further Mated In the report
that for tlio accommodation of
tills population the city contnlns 8JTJ
brick and vlbfl frnmo buildings. It seems to
me that In consideration of the merlin of this
bill the necessities of the government should
contiol thu question , nnd that It should bo
decided as a business proposition dependent
Upon thn needs of tlio government building
nt the point proposed In older to do the gov
ernment work. This creatly reduces the
value of the statistics showing the
population , extent of business , pios-
pcctlvc growth and matters of
that kind which , though exceedingly
Inti'iestlng , donot nlwavs demonstinto the
necessity of. thu uxpcndltuiool n Inwo sum
ot money for n publlo hulldinir. I find upon
examination that the United States comts
are some limes field at Sioux City , but that
they ha\u been thus far held In tlio county
coiutlumsu without seilous Inconvenience
nnd without nny expense to the gov
ernment. Tliuic nro actually no
other federal offices there for whom
the government should provide accommoda
tions except the postmaster. The postolllco
l.s now located In a building rented by the
government until the lint of January , 'lSb' .
at the rate of S V0 per annum. By the last
report of the supers isiug aichltect it appeals
that October 1 , IbS. ) , there wcro
eighty new public buildings In
coiiise of construction , and that thu nmount
expended thereon dining the preceding year
wns nearly Sil.GOO.OOO , while largu appropria
tions weio asked to be expended on these
buildings dining the curieiit year. In my
judgment the number of public bulldincs
should not nt this time bo Incio.ised unless a
greater public necessity exists thciofor than
Is appaicnt in this case.
The Pacific Uoiuls.
WASHINGTON , Juno 21. Some time ago
the secrctnry of the Interior mndo n state
ment to tlio becretnry of the treasury In re
gard to the Indebtedness of the Central and
Union Pacific railroad companies to the
United States under the provisions of the
Thurman act on account of moneys which
had been diverted from the earnings of those
companies to tlio Pacific Mail Steamship
company In the form of subsidy paid to that
company. The secretary ot the interior ex-
pros ed the opinion that the ralhnad com-
pauius wuiu indebted to the United States
lu the amount equal to 'JOO per cent of their
earnings. Thus thu diverted amount thus
duo liom the Central Pacific railioad com
pany is stated at 5374,321.
Tlio second comptroller nt the tiensuiy-
to whom ( no matter was icfeiied , has icpoit-
ed to acting Sccictary Fairehlld thai the Cun-
tr. l Pacific company , so far as examined.
shows that there is ( limit tor the > ous 18s4
and 1SS5 , lor services over the uns'iibildlzcd
p'Htions of Iho load , under the recent decis
ion of the supiemt ! comt. several bundled
thousand dollars. He calls attention to the
act ofMai en y , 137. " > , which , ho fays , seems to
icqulio the secretary of the treasury , when
called upjn to p.iy claims duo subsidized lail-
road companies to wit ihold an amount equal
to the amount of thn Indcbto lues's ot the com
panies to tlio United States , and also thu
pioDahlo cost of establishing that indebted
ness in a suit at law , and in case the company
docs not assent to a set-off , to cause a suit to
Lo brought and to withhold payments until
the suit is decided. The comptroller recom
mends that this course bo pursued.
AVork In Gomnifttcc ,
WASHINGTON , June 21. The senate committee
mitteo on public lands this moiiiing dis
cussed and amended Senator Mitchell's pio-
poscd amendment to the bill to amend the
pre-emption and timbe culture laws. It now
provides tlint nothing herein shall be con
strued ns dcpilvlng thu holders of military
bounty land warrants , or other land wnirnnts
or laud sciip , nt nny time heietoforo issued
under or in piiisunnco of the piovislons of
nny law of the United States , of their iteht
to locate such wnnnnts or scrip on thu public
lands of the United States , lu thu snmo man
ner as it this act had not been passed. In
this form thu committee will accept Iho
The sonata committee on rules has this
morning ordered a favorable report upon
Senator Edmunds' motion to so amend the
rules as to allow debate upon a motion to ro-
couslder a previous vote. Thn report will bo
called up for action Innnediatelv to allow de
bate on Senator Havvley's motion to recon
sider the vote by which the rallioad attorney
bill passed.
The house committee on Invalid pensions
to-dny nuiccd to amalgamate the substitute
for the Blair bill pensioning disabled soldiers
with the bill to fncrcaso the rate of pension
of soldlcis who lost a leg or arm , and to at
tach to thu combined bills the clause impos-
Inenn lncom.o tnx to meet the expendltuio
involved. Thorlnuseis patto'iied nftor thu
Income tnx bill Introduced In tho. toity-
sevnnth congiess by General Kvving. Sta
tistics collected nt thu time thu bill was in
troduced Indicate ) that u revenue of SOii.OOO-
OJO per annum could bu raised in this way.
A Call for ftnndH.
WASHINGTON , JunoSl. A call for 51,000,000
of 3 per cent bonds wns Issued this afteinoon
of the following description : Three per cent
bonds Issued under the act of congiess , ap
proved July 12 , lbS3 , and numbered ns fol
lows : SSO , original number 180 to original
number 1-17 , both Inclusive ; SlOO , original
number 1,812 to original number
lbS3. both Inclusive , and original
number O.WJ to original number 0.020 , both
inclusive ; 5'OU , 01 iKinal number 625 to 01 Ig
lnal number 84S , both in elusive , and original
number V-WO to original number -J.'JiS , both
Inclusive ; $1,10) , oilclnal number ! > , Wtt to
original number O.l'.M , both Inclusive , and
01 Iglnnl number 2i , ; o to oilglual number
SS.wr , both Inclusive ; S10.0M , nilglnnl num
ber rJl CO to original number iail4 : , both In
clusive , nnd 01 Iglnnl number liViOj. Totals
S-I.COO.OJO. The call matuics August 1.
Confirmations ,
WASHINGTON , Juno St. Itecolvcr of pub
lic money , K. W. Miller nt Huron , Dak. ; J ,
V. Summers , Indian auent nt Qiuwp > ivvs , In
dian teuitoiy ; postmaster * . C. J. Love ,
Huron. Dak. , L , 1) . Palmer , Yanfcton , Dak. ;
M. \Vcstbrooks \ , Lv uus. Iowa.
WASHINGTON , Juno 21. The senate has
rail tied an extradition treaty with Japan and
one for the lo-survoyof the boundary line
between the United States and Mexico.
Important Court Decisions.
Jirnitso.v : : CITY , Mo. , Juno 21. A de
cision was rendered by the supicmo court at
Jt-n'trson Cltjr today in thu easa of Sadl *
Hnyc , a n\rc.v ; , recently sentenced to be
hanged for the murder of Policeman Jonks
two years ago. The decision of the lovvot
court Is reversed nnd a new trial ordered on
the ground that thu judge's liistinctions to
the juty weru Insufficient. The comt also
reversed tha senfei cj of Sclmefer and dis
missed his cnso on the giound that the crimi
nal court which tiled the case had not Juris
diction In thu cast. ' , Sfshau-i' ! : od yeon sen-
te.iced to e'glit yeais In the psnitentlary for
defrauding John 1. IHilr. tno New Jersey
rallioad millionaire. In tlu case of Mayor
Frances , of SI. Louis , ipiellant , the comt
decides ha shall have cump'ete ' control of the
municipal police foic" . Him been the cus
tom ever slncu the municipal government
was established for the vice-president of the
Iward of i ollco to contiol the foice , the inayo'r
belu : ; president evotllclo. The latter ie >
tenth contested thu right of the vlce-mcsl-
dt-nt to M.cli contiol with the above iciult ,
Chicago Blot Incites Before a Criminal
Tribunal For Murder.
Pnrsoni Puts In n.n Appear-
nncc nnd Is Arraigned Ills Kc-
txirn Voluntary nnd a Sur
prise to the 1'ollcc.
The Grent Trial
CnicAdo , June 31. [ Special Telegram to
the ! ) EK. ] An hour before the trial cf the
anarchists wan begun this morning the outer
door ot thu comt house was bcslecd by
crowds impelled tblllicr by various motives ,
from the unwilling juror , who came perforce ,
to the mote curiosity seeker , whoso object
was pastime. A sturdy policeman stood
guard with Jailor Call , and the crowd Was
subjected to n second piocussof filtration at
the court house door. Hy 10 o'clock , how
ever , n goodly company had assembled. A
little bcforu this hour nn unusual etlr wns
created by the entrance of nbotit n dozen
fashionably nttlred Indies , who came in amid
quite a buzz of animated speculation. They
were accommodated with seats upon the
bench. Judge Gary soon aftci waul appealed
in their midst , nnd havint , ' thst looked to
their comfort , took up bis position with a
solemn nlr In the midst of his tnlr but novel
The minder indictment , which will flist
bo put before the iury , is No. 1,183 on the
calendar nnd c"mprUo * nine names. They
me August Spies , Michael Schwab , Samuel
Fleldcn , Albeit 11 , Parsons , Adolph Fisher ,
George Engel , Louis Ijingg , William Sollcor ,
Udolph Sclinnubelt and Oscar W. Nccbe.
This Indictment Is for tlio muidcr of Odlccr
Mntthlus Uegan at the Iluymaiket ilot , on
the now hlstoilc night of May 4. Whether ,
when this case Is disposed of , the prisoners
can bo separately arraigned nnd tried tor the
minder ot each of the other six oMlccrs and
the two citizens who received their death
wounds on that ntht , Is n question on which
there Is considerable difference ot opinion
among lawyers. They aio all , however , in
dicted on eight distinct charges of murder.
At 12HO the court bailiff marched In at the
head of thu six anarchists , who trooped in n
long line into court nnd took up
positions dhcctly under the bench.
Seligur was absent , nnd it was then
ascertained for the fhst" time with
certainty that ho is about to have his neck by
squealing on his pals and giving evidence tor
the state. Spies , looking as neat and spiuco
as ever , came first , lie was nltiicd as usual ,
in a suit of blue serge. His hair wns care
lessly blushed back from his loiehead , and as
ho took his seat ho commenced to lead the
newspaper , with an nlr of the utmost indlt-
leieneo. Schwab , looking mean nnd despica
ble , ns usual , came next. Ills sallow visage
was blaiHied to an ashy hue , and his weak
knees knocked together as he looked over
the rims of his spectacles for his first view of
the tribunal bofoio which he Is to be tried for
his life. Sum Flelden , square-Jawed , beetle-
brewed and savage looking , stumped on stur
dily next in lotation.
The sensation of the day came at 2:30 :
o'clock this afternoon. At that hour n han
som cab drove up to the Michigan btiect ddor
ol the criminal court building. The driver
pulled up nls horse with n jerk , and an in
stant later two men leaped out and w Ith hur
ried steps entered the building. One of the
men was Captain Black , counsel for the an-
arclilsts. The other was unknown to
those who .stood about the corri
dors. Up stalw the two men wont
arm in urm anu nt tlio top of their speed.
They pushed their way through the orowd
which hung about thu dourot Judge Gary's
room and elbowtd their way thiough the
Huong inside. When they stood In f runt ot
the Judge Captain Blacks companion was
"Uio it heavens , its Parsons ! " exclaimed a
police olllcar.
And so It was. The long-looked for and ,
eagerly sought alter anaiclilbt hud returned ,
ami of his own accord. Tlie man who for
years had u reached annihilation to the listen
ing crowds on the lake front and advised
mob violence just before the lalal bomb was
thrown at the llaymarkot , stood bcfoie thu
eomt. Every neck was btrethed toiwaul
and every eye strained to catch a sight of
him. Captain Black asked that ho bo tried
with the others , and the cxcltmeut began to
calm down.
Last Satuiday Captain Black -had a consul
tation with Mr.I'm sons. He uigcd her. if
she know vliero her husband was , to com
munlcato with him at once nnd get him to
come to Chicago lor trial , Thu woman ic-
lused at first , but finally became convinced
it was the b2st thing to do. Captain
Blac'c ' introduced him to the court
ns ono of the defendants In the
cnso at the bar , nnd nskcd that ho bo nr-
mlgued. Not a word of explanation wns
vouchsafed , nor was thoio any attempt by the
police olUeem piesont to interfere. Wheio
lie came liom , or whuro ho had spent the
time lie has been so sadly missed was not
known. No onu vuntured to inquire while
the mlsoncr was being airaigned. 1'aiuons
looked as ho alwa.\s lias since Chlcagoans
have known him thin and weakened , lie
was dressed in a quiet suit of blua. The only
evidence ot nervousness in his manner was
that he kept his aim In that of his lawyer un
til the latter withdicw It. He was led to
where the other prisoners weru sitting nnd
where the detendnnts' counsel had lotauied a
seat for him. It wns a carelu'ly arranged
surprise , dramntU ally can led out.
' I'arsons , " said Lawyer Black , "has not at
any tlmo been q\or a hundred miles fiom the
city , yet all the two hundred ollicers looking
lor him would never haveuneaithcd him. lln
was not biought forward bufoiu simply be
cause thu methods of the Chicago police aio
brutal and uttuily above and icgaidloss of
law. I propose to hnvo my client treated le
gally , nnil not bullyragged and tortured an
pilsoneis uro not even in Russia. "
The first formal muvu in connection with the
trial of thu anarchists was reading the list ot
Jurymen announced to attend in comt which
occurred Immediately alter the court opened.
The state's attorney announced that ho was
ready to proceed with thu cnsea ot the cnnrnh-
Ists charged with the mm dor of OAleerDcgnn.
Tim defendants , Michael Schwab. Samuel
Fielden , Adolph Fischer , Geo. Kngle , Louis
Llngg and Oscar Necbo , were then brought in.
When the court concluded hoailng tlio
pleas of the Jurors to bo e.xcused liom serving
on thu panel , Captain Black , as counsel for
the accused , nsUod leave to withdraw the pica
of "not guilty , " mid at once entered n
motion to quash the Indictments which
was argued at some length. Thu court at
once o\ei ruled the motion. Defense then
made a motion for a separate tiial for each
of the accused for reasons cited in the peti
tion heietoforo telegraphed. Tha comt ex-
piesscd the view that the inteicsts
of none of the detendants would bo
Jeopardised. Ho overruled the motion and
dlieeted thn tiial to proceed. The defense
tuejj rqnowcd the plea of "not guilty , " and
the woik of obtaining n Jury was at once pro
ceeded with.
When the court adjourned at noon the
state had accepted four Jiuors , but In thu
aftcinoou they were excused by the defense ,
and later they took up the task of Jlndlng
four men acceptable to them. When court
adjourned at 5 o'clock two men were on the
Canel , who had not been formally accepted
y the dofonsa , however , so that the first
day closed without any actual progress hav
ing been madu toward obtaining u panel.
Elgin T t ! ry. Murker.
CHICAGO , Juno 2L Tiio" IntMOaian's
L'liln special says ; The batter market to-day
was baiely steady at Ific , at which figiuo reg
ular sales of ar,5W pounds were made. Noth
ing was doing in chfcse. Pilynte sales of
2J.HO pounds of butter and 150 boxes of cheese
were leporled.
Total sales ,
A nosrox
Eight Men Knrncd to Dentil llcnrt-
rundliiK Scenes.
BOSTON , June 21. Tlio Now England In
stitute fair buildings orl lluntlncton avenue ,
recently pin chased by the Metropolitan
Horse railway company , valued nt Si" > 0.00) ,
burned , nnd four workmen were kilted. The
building Is supposed to bo fully Insured.
The flames refused to surrender until they
had conquered cvcrvthlnswmbu'itlblo within
the building , nnd the work of rescue wns nt-
tended with Rreal danger. The charred to *
mains of two men wcro brought out. and are
thought to bo those of William Taylor nnd a
man named Frost , both carpenters. It Is be
lieved that other bodies are burled In the
debris , n-s several workmen nro missing. All
Is confusion , and no conect statement of the
lost ot life can j ut be made.
After the flames had been sunlclcntly ex
tinguished search wns begun nmong the
charred remains for posMblolctlms , nnd tin
to 9 p. m. eight bodies hnd been removed ,
most of them burned beyond recognition. It
Is believed that there nre nt least four more
bodies in the ruins. The total loss Is about
forty thousand dollars.
There weio several hcart-iending Incidents.
A man whoscnamo Is as yet unknown wns
driven out of n window of the second story
by tlio llnincs. Ho wns about to leap and hnd
put one lee over the window pill , when the
loof fell In nnd pinned him fnst to the spot
w here ho wns. No ladder company had nr-
rived , nnd the crowd outside were powerless
to icndei aid. The Hames followed almost
Instantly and the Imprisoned man underwent
nitoiil7ing torture before the lion Illcd eyes 01
his friends below. Two of his fellow work
men John McNulty nnd J. F. Fnllcn were
terribly burned whllo trying to s-calc
the wall to roach tlmlr dying
comrade. His sufferings weio merci
fully short. The awful tnrnaco of llntuc
snon wrapped him nbout with lire nnd smoke ,
hiding him during his last moments from
the gnre of the spcctntors. Not long after-
wauls the wall gave way and nothliiK more
was seen. E. 1. Fallen says he wns the last
man to leave the wooden workshop alive.
A Brewery Burns.
Ai.nAXVM.YJuno 21. This evening , tnc
old Taylor brewery , was burned. Loss
nbout SIM 030. insurance S105.003 on build
ing nnd 620,000 on stock nnd fixtures.
Wnrelioiisc Ilnrncd.
If AMiit'ito , Juno 21. The sugar nnd cotton
wmohoii'-o of Paul Jacobs this city , wns
dcstroj ed by fire. Loss 8250,000.
Iowa Puohlufl nnd Saloon Men Fight
With Oun8.
CLINTON , In. , Jnno 21. In an encounter
to-day between saloonlstsand orolilbitlonlhts ,
four ot thu former , named Forbec , Flddeison ,
Haitnnd Itoads , werostiot. None weio fa >
tally wounded. Maishnl Judge ami
Frank Htllcrman were Jailed , charged with
the firing. The snloon clement to-nluhl
threaten to lynch Judge nnd Hllleiniau , and
declaie the jail wiirbo blown up if necessary
to gut them , _
A Ony Lothario's Flight.
Sioux CITV , In. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele-
cram to the Bii.J : : The sudden disappearance
anco to-day of J. M. Forbes , a well known
society man , nnd head clerk In Moore's drun
store , Is being generally commented en. It
seems that the youne man for some time pasl
has been on intimate terms with the wife ol
a prominent traveling man , and nfew dnys
ago the husband found n stiay letter" and
learned all. It's the old story over again.
The infiniated husband' pave Forbes , as It
seems , until to-daV'taldavc town ? "or else he
threatened to kiU.hiiu , and ho loft. Foibes
was one of the best druggists Sioux City has
over hnd , a quiet and unassuming .man , and
generally well liked in business circles.
Mora Business l''or SloniClty.
Sioux CITY , la , , J fine 21. ( Bpeclal Tele
gram to the BKK. ] John M. Pratt , jr. , gen
eral agent for Iowa of the largo manufactur
ing establishment of W. Harrison , Grand
Knpids , Mich. , Is in the city making nr-
rangcments to establish a large supply depot
hero to handle tiielr northwestern tiado. It
is also ii-llably repotted to-day that
a wholesale drug house of Dos Moines ,
known as the Hess Drug comiiany , will Id
eate In this city August 1.
Sioux OUy Disappointed.
Sioux CITY , la. Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIK.J General disappointment
wns felt all around when a telegiam was re
ceived that the president had vetoed the bill
appropriating S 100,000 lor a publlo building
for this city. Strong elfoits will likely be put
forth to induce the president to icconsldei
the matter.
Iowa's State University.
IOWA CITY , In. , June 21. Class day exer
cises this afternoon and the university oration
tion by President Angoll , of Michigan uni
versity , this evening wcro to-day's leading
events of tlio commencement. The regents
mo in session but little business has been
Cardinal Tnechoronu's Reception.
Quinine , Juno 31. Klght thousand persons
assembled In and around the grand somlnniy
court yestciday aftcinoou , the occasion being
the picscntatlon by the citizens of Quebec to
Caidinal Taschoreau of an address and n containing 85,574. On the southeast
side of the court a largo throne had been
elected , over which was thomotto , "Caromi
auream super mitanm egus. " The windows
of the seminary were almost hidden with
flags , among which were flags bearing the
name of I'lesldcnt Cleveland and the name ?
of different cities of the United States. All
Catholic nnd religious societies weio repre
sented. The pontlilclnl guards formed n
guaid of honor. At 4:10 : his eminence mrlved
in a caniago. Upon his ascending the
throne , Mayor Langllor apuroached and on
behalf of thu citizens , road an address con
gratulating him upon his elevation to the
e.tldinalate. Ho Mild the news was leeelved
with gladdened hcaits bvthe Roman Cath
olic cltl/ctis of Quebec , who felt an
Irrcslstablo deslro to give Immediate
expression of tholr Joy. At ( ho conclusion ol
thu uildicss. hn presented his eminence wltli
the purse. The caullnal replied thanking the
cltl/ens. He said they hud good reason tc
rejoice at the honor conferred upon them In
appointing a cltl/en of Quebec to this high of
lice. He referred to thu past and present his
tory of Quebec , from civil , military , and ro
llglous points of view. |
A Wolf in B hoop's Attlro.
Pim-AnEM-HtA , Jujio 21. Itov. Walclc
Messaros , a well known preacher , pastor ol
ihoNoithwestcrn Independent Presbytcriar
church of this cltjvwoB nncsted to-day foi
alleged attempt to commit crfminal assaul
upon the wlto of Cliarlfcs W. Collision , boll
of whom arn members of the congicgntlm
over which Messaros tlias charge. At the
hearing the testimony for the prose
cutlon wont to show that tin
pastor called at tno' Collision dwelling
this morning. After ho was ushered into tin
parlor ho seueJ the Udy roughly nnd at
tempted an ( atrocious assault upon her
After an alarm had been given , the husham
of Mrs. Collision and lr , Butcher , thpfamll ;
physician , on one side , nnd Hov. Messnros 01
the other , engaged In n ( leica hand to ham
struggle , during which one of the pnstor'i
thumbs wns bitten so hard as to ncnrlv bcvc ;
it. The ml ulster declared the whole a tra ]
In which toensnnio him.
i *
Weather Indications.
isconsln Local inlns , followed by fal
weather , blightly cooler , variable winds.
Nebraska Slightly warmer , generally fal
weather , noitherly winds , becoming variable
Illinois and Iowa Local rains , followed b ;
fair weather , nearly stationary tcmpcratuiv
-vr.rl ble winds , becoming noitneily ,
- ir < - :
Davis niust-nic ,
, in. , June21. At a consul
tatlon of Chicago and Bloomington physl
clans held hero to-day Judge David Davi
was pronounced beyond lecovery ,
The Chicago Team Downed by a Score of
Four to One.
Detroit's Phenomenal I'ltclicr Docn
the Work Gninns at Otlior
i'lnccs Yesterday Uvouts
on the Turf.
The Dctrolts Victorious.
DETJIOIT , Mich. , June 31. The 5.C31 spec
tators who appeared nt Uccrcntlon park to
day saw a hard foucht baseball battle In
which line play abounded. Gam.ell , ube
caught for Detroit , showed up In great form ,
both at and behind the bat , and Hi others
covcied himself with glory by two extremely
dlfllcnlt catches. Unt the center of Intciest
In the homo club was In the box , Dally It
becomes more eUdcnt that Getzeln dcscivcs
to rank high among pitchers. To-day nine
men struck out nnd not a slnulo lilt was
made off his delivery until the ninth , \\bcn
the vlsltois secured their only two.
For the visitors Clarkson did
good work , but Tint's bauds
\\cro sere and several passed balls
Detiolt began scoring In the first , when
Itlelmrdson lilt safe , went to i-ocond on
Flint's wild tluow , nnd scored onu Thompson
ingle. In the fourth Cl.irkson presented
White with a base , a passed ball scut him to
thlid , and ( Jam.eirssinglebiought him home.
In the sixth Hanlon leached llrston called
balls reached second on an outatlirst , went
to third on Cl.irkson's wild throw to second ,
and scoied on a base hit by Oanzlel. llanlon
feaied the ( 'ainons not yet .safe nnd sent n
ball to right tor a homo inn in thu eighth In-
Chicago had but three men reach first base ,
whrioonoof them was left , ono btolo second
end , and the thlid died In the attempt
to do * o. Fllnt.opencd the ninth with n sin-
gleand came linmo on Dalrymplu's three bag
ger. Gore fouled and Uiouthers captuieiHUe
ball after a haul inn. Kelly and Ryan then
ttiuek out leaving Ualiymplu on third. Ko
Chicago brooms weru in sittlit to-day.
The following Is the bcoro :
Detroit 1 U 0 1 0 1 0 1 I
Chicago 0 0000000 1 1
Pitchers ( ictzeln nnd Clarkson. Unbuhlts
Detroit 8 , Chicago - ' ' . Krrors Detroit 8 ,
Chicago 0. Umphoalfnoy. ( .
PlttsbflrgJ .Of 0 04 0003 8
houisviiro o a
Pitcheis. Handlboe nnd Ramsey. First
base hItsPlttsbing , 13 : Loulsvllle,4. Kriors
PitUburg , 7 ; LonibVllio , 4. Umpite ,
Athletics U 00200003-8
Brookljns 3 0111000 y 7
First base hits Athletlc.s , 0 ; Urooklyns , 5 ;
Ktrors Athletics , 7 ; Diooklyns , 0. Umplie
AT Nr.w Tonic
Washington 102000000 S
Now Yolk 0 00000811 7
Pitchers Ban and Kecfo. Flist base lilts
Washington , 0 ; New .York , 1-4. Kuois
Washington , 7 ; Now Yoik , 4. Umpire Con
Metropolitans 0 003100 0-4
Baltlmotes 0 1000000 0-1
First base hltri Mets 0 , UaltlmmesG. Er
rors Ualtimores 4. Umpire Valentine.
Cincinnati 0 02003000000 0-5
St. houlb 0 01100130000 1-0
Thirteen Inniims.
Pitchers Mullano and'Cairuthers. Flist
basu hits Cinclnnatls 11 , St Louis 17. Kr
rors Clnclnnatls 'J , St. Louis 2. Umpire
M orton.
Kansas City. . . . 000100001-2
St. Louis. . . . . . . . 30001120 * 0
Pitchers. Wcldman and Henley. First
base hits Kansas City 5 , St. Louis 12. E/rois
Kansas City 7 , St. Louis 2. Umulro
Racing at Brighton Ilencti.
BRIQIITOX UuAcir , Juno 21. For maidens ,
threo-ycar olds and upwaids , soven-eighths
of a mile : Sandoval won , Bill Bilcn second ,
Voucher thlid. Time 1.33 } .
All ages , thiee-fouiths of a mile : Lute
String won , Cathcnit second , Wnr Whoop
thlid. Time-l:17. :
Thicc-tourths of a inllo : Chlcadco won ,
Barney second , Joe Ilowoll thlid. Time
riono and a quarter miles : Einest won ,
Kcokuk becond , Dcllllnlitlihil. Time-2SOM. :
All ages , one and one-eighth miles : Oli
vette. won.Tieasurer second , Weaver thlid.
Tlmo 1:58 : > 4- .
All ages , mile : Pink Cottage won , Pilot
second , Besso B third. Time 1:44. :
Friends of the Morrison Bill Hold a
WASHINGTON , Juno 21. About ono hun
dred dcmociatic representatives who voted
for the consideration of the Moriison tnrllf
bill , assembled in the hall of the house to
night. Speaker Carlisle opened the pro
ceedings with n stirring speech , urging the
members to stand by their purpose of tariff
reform , and pointing out the necessity of
united , harmonious action. Mr. Cox , of
Noith Carolina , offered a resolution Instruct
ing Morrison to renew his motion to consider
the tariff bill to-morrow. Consldciablo oppo
sition was manilchtcd , however , and as Mor
risen himself expressed a deshu to be left
free in the matter as seemed to him , thu
resolution was finally withdrawn. Monlson
then moved that the tarlll reform demo
crats select ono member from each state to
constitute a committee , which shall consider
the advisability of Issuing nn address to thu
country explaining thu position of that
element , thu committee to report to
another conference to bo held later
in the present month. The resolution
was adopted. Then the discussion tinned
upon thu piosent state ot business in tlio
hoiifo and .several chnlimun took advantage
of the occasion to Impiess upon thu mooting
the necessity of action upon fcomu of then-
bills , It was finally decided to call u lull
dcmocintlc caucus lor Wednesday night , to
agree on future procecduie.
British Grnln U'raclo Review.
LONDON , Juno 21. 1 ho Mnrk Lane Express
In its weekly review of the BiltUh grain
trade nays : The weather has been variable ,
Wheat crops are fully thiee weeks Into. Bar
ley and oats aio also backward. Trade fa
vored buy cis. Snlosof Kngllsh wheat during
the week were 4:1,170 : rjuartcis at Sib 4d per
quaiter , against UV.184 quartets at S3.s 2d dm-
Ingthocoiiospondlng v eck last year. Flour
was dlfllcnlt to Fell nnd woaker. Foreign
wheat was Improved. Buyers were Fcaico.
Flour and birley were neglected , Oats weio.
in large supply and three pencj cheaper. Six
cargoes ot wheat ai rived otf the const , two
we to bold , live vinrti wlthdraua , and thico re
mained , of which two wflr'o CaHiorni.i. New
crop of cjallfoinln was altered nt it.Ss GdWilH. ;
Today the mailcet was slow , Moat grades of
wliei ! shovudn decline 0 pence on the tort
night.Other aiticles weio somewhat steadier.
Directors Elected.
ST. PAUL , Juno si. The annual meeting
of the stockholders of the St. Paul & Duluth
bctran at uoon to-day , Up to 4 p. m. the only
business transacted was the election of direc
tors , which lesulted In the selection of lion.
Charles S. Drake , of Washington ; O. D.
Baldwin , otNow York ; James M , Karle and
William Uhawii , of Philadelphia : Charles
Fuhchlld.of Boston ; J. J. Hill , II. P , Up-
ham , W. U. Fisher and James Smith. Jr. , "f
St. Paul. Messrs. Baldwin and Fatrcliild
took the places ot Itoswell Miller and K. W.
Winter , of Milwaukee and Omaha respec
tively In the dliectory. This goeb to show
that the MllwauKc' ) and the. Omaha have
given tip their interest In the road. The old
otlicers will prob&bly bo elected.
Tcrrlblo Death of Two AVorkmcn
Nenr Crete.
CUKTK , Neb. , Jnnoai. ( Special Telegram
to the BII : . ] DutliiK a thunderstorm to
day between two and thrco o'clock , two men
Martin Collins nnd Frank Polansky wcro
struck by lightning nnd Instantly killed
while dlgglnga well by n derrick near .los.
Kopctzy's , northeast of Crete. Collins was
badly disfigured nnd burnt to n crisp. Ills
clothes , c\en to his shoc.s wcro torn In
shreds. The back of bis head was torn oft .
Ho leaves n wlfo and three children.
Men Milliners Fall.
Br.ATmcK , Neb. , Jnno 21. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bin : . ] Limbeck Hio < = .millinery ,
and ladles' furnishing goods closed to-day
under two chattel mortgnccson the
to the 1'list National bank of Beatrice for
83,000 , the second to J. L. Tall of the Kv
change bank for SCOO. They luno nslmllar
establishment nt Hastings which Is reported
closed. Too much business on too small cap
ital Is the cause of failure. They lm\o the
sympathy of our cltUfns , as they nrecotisld-
ered honest men. They will probably not
"U'orklnir fop Van Wyok.
BHATUICK , Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special Tcle-
giam to The BII : : , | lion. Paul Sclimluke , of
Ncbinska City is heio In the tntcic.stof Sen
ator Van Wyck , He llnds a decided senti
ment In tavor of thnisenator among our best
politlcinns. Mr. Schmliiko Is n stiong canal-
date for the legislature from Otoo county.
Gladstone' * ) Appeal to the People of
, June 21. Gladstone addressed
another huge nnd enthusiastic meeting here
to-day. In the course of his speech ho said
It wns liksomo to nl ways bo compelled to re
fer to liel.ind , but that this was duo to the
lories , w ho blocked the way so that the gov
ernment could not get rid of the question
nnd piocced to other business of the empire.
Ho rolled , ho added , upon the people's energy
to clear the line now nnd allow the tiain of
progress to goon to Its destination.
Aiesolutlon was unanimously adopted do-
claiing that the electois of Midlothian have
confidence In Gladstone , cordially approve
the lilsh policy ot the government , nnd wel
come with enthusiasm Gladstone's rctuinto
Scotland nt the piesent crisis.
An Alleged irinh Circular.
LONDON , Juno 21. The Times published
what it says is n copy of a pilvato special cir
cular recently t.ont by the ptesldcnt of the
supreme council to different "cciiten" of the
Irish Republican Brotherhood llnoughout the
kingdom of Great Britain and li eland. The
document tills n column of the Times in line
print. The gist of It lies In the c'alm that to
the efforts ot the I'onluns Is liel.ind Indebted
for the pie.sent advantageous position occu
pied by the Iiish cause , and in the statement
that while Gladstone's scheme is inadequate ,
bec.uisu liuland must have nothing shoit ot
independence , it Is tlio duty of nlshmento
support the piemicr in older to onab'e him to
complete tun .sti-p he wishes to take. The
' 1 lines .says the document is maikcd : "To be
debtioycd when lead. "
RcvehUlonH Expected.
LONDON , Juno 21. Glidstono has written
another letter to Caluo , which concludes as
follows : "As to the Intentions of the gov
ernment , I lefer you to the speeches which I
am about to make. Perhaps you will ascer
tain whether It is Chamberlain's Intention
to prybccute or abandon his plan ot last Frb-
lUnry for the piuclinsc of lush land. " The
Intter bus caused much comment , and it is
expected that impoitant revelations will
bo made.
soon _ _ _ _ _
Sunk at Sea.
LONDON , June 2t. The American ship
Frank Pcndleton , Captain Nichols , from San
Francisco , February is , has ai rived at Queens-
town. She has on board the mate of the
Biitish bark Arklow , Captain Itye , fiom
Manilla for Montieal. The Arklow wns In
collision Mays with an unknown vessel nnd
was cut to the water's edge The captain ,
his wife and child and ten seamen took to
the life boats. The mate put oil In one small
open boat. It Is feared the occupants of
the life boat were lust.
The American Son mini in OuMln.
DuitLiN , Juno 21. Mrs. Aichlbald Mac
kenzie , who was iccontly shot by her hus
band , the American vice consul here , Is rapid
ly recovering fiom thn effects of her wounds.
When her husband commenced his attack on
her she covuied her face With her hands , thus
preventing fatal Injuries.
CelcbratiiiBllcr Majestj's Accession.
LONDON , Juno 21. The anniversary of
Queen Victoila's accession to the English
throne was celebrated Satmday night by thn
benclieis of the temple by a series of amateur
diamatlc pciformanccs.
Should Ilnvu Boon in Canada.
SANTA CiuC.ila. : . , Juno 31. August
Schllfer , wanted'in Chicago to answer to the
chaigeof embex/lemcnt ol § 12,003 , was ar-
lested hcio to-day.
Personal Mention.
Tajctto I. Foss , of Crete , is in the city.
Mr. J. U. Rowley wont to Chicago last
Miss > Stephens , of St. Paul , Is visiting
Omaha friends ,
Mrs. Clnta Henry and son , of Fremont ,
were in the city.
Fred J. Keller , of tlio Chicago stock
yards , is in the city.
Thomas Dunnlbon , of Loadvillo , Col , ,
is in the city visiting frlands.
Jiulgo IJniuly went to Fulls City yester
day , to bo absent until Tlmrsdnv.
Air. and Mrs. Mort Craig , of Knnsns
City , nro in Omaha. Mr. Craig is man
ager of Craig's ononv house ,
Alntt Clair. tno veteran passenger
ugont of tiio Hook Island , returned yes
terday from u trip to Sail Luke.
Mr. S. S. Stephens , general agent of the
Hock Island , accompanied by Ills family ,
returned yesterday from : i month's visit
In California.
Frank Ransom , n brilliant legal light
from Nebraska City , was in Oinalin yes
terday nn business connected with tlio
United Stutob court.
The "Mikado. "
The Gran opera company opened tholr
two weeks' engagement to a large com
pany nt tlio Bovet Just night , presenting
the "Mikado" in a vorysatWaetory man
ner. The music was good , the singing
excellent , the costuming beautiful , and.
in fact , the performance was nn ngrccu-
bio one in every detail. Tlio snmo play
will bo repeated this evening. There is
every indication that the ( Iran company
will receive liberal patronage during
their entire engagement hero.
The County Valuation ,
The county olcrk last night completed
the compilation of figures on the real
cstato and personal property in this
county. The real estate is assessed at
ll , t'J,454.72 ) ' , nnd the personal propeity
ut f 11,858.005 , the total beingiirj1lC8.HUW.
The total increase over tlio valuation of
1880 Is SU.U31.478.73.
The Cut Unto.
-The. Q nnd the Hook Island routes
yesterday met tlio cut made by the Mil
waukee about ten days ago of $8.25 to
Chicago. At present there is no pros
pect oT n settlement of thu dilHcultic * ,
but a feeling rather prevails that a t > til )
fin ( her reduction of rates uiuy by ev
peeled ,
The Senate Calls For More Information in
Regard to Land Entries.
Senator Vest Appeals Vor the t'rc *
Ecrvntlon of Vclloxvntnno I'nrk
From ttio Greed of Selfish
Men The House *
The Mount o 1'rouoodlngp.
WASHINGTON' , Juno 21. The chair to-day
laid befoio the senate the credentials of re
election ot Nelson W. Aldrlch us United
States senator from Ithodo Island. Itcnd ntid
Tiled. Also an Invitation from the World's
Pastime exposition company of Chicago to
attend the opening July S. Laid on the
Mr. Hoar , from thecommltteoon judiciary ,
reported favorably the bill to grant Dearborn
Park , Chicago , to that citv for the use nnd
boiicnflt of public nnd bcnuvolcut Institu
On motion of Mr. Lognn the bill was nt
once taken up nnd passed. ,
Mr. George , fiom the committee on iudl-
clnry , repm ted favorably the bill to remo\o ]
thu political disabilities of JFlournoyof ! '
Mississippi , and on motion of Mr. Ueorgc the '
bill was passed unanimously. t
Mr. Fno , fiom thu committee on rules , re
ported favorably the Kdmnnds resolution ( >
piovldlng for such miicndmcnt to the rules as
to admit of debate on a motion to reconsider. !
The resolution was agreed to and the rules '
nccoidlngly amended.
Mr. Plumbotfercd n resolution , which was J
agiecd to , calling on the secretaiy of the In
terior for Infoimatlon as to how many en
tries of public land have been cancelled for.
fraud on investigation by special agents and-
niter due hemlngs conducted in nccoidnuco
with the lilies of practice , from and during ,
the jear IbSlnnd unto this lime , and whether
nny such entries which had boon cancelled/
lor frauds have been iclnstnted on tlio taking-
of testimony , etc.
Aiesolutlon olfeied by Mr. Wilson wns
aureed to , Iiiqiililng of thu secretary ot the ,
Interior as to the cause for delay In replying'
to tno recent senate lesolutlon regarding the I
renuvvnl of Indian traders' licensed.
On motion of Mr. Butler the senate took -
up the bill to grant right of way to the Clu & Clark's Fork Rallioad company'I
tluough the corner of the Yellowstone park > 4
Mr. Vest vehemently opposed the bill. Ho
did not believe tlint thu lo.ul was Intended in :
peed faith to reach mining jroperty. Why"
had not at lease n puliuinaiy survey boin
made. ' Ho would not appeal to men who1'
thought that the Mammoth cave and .Niagara '
Fulls should bu tianstciied to commercial in
terests , and that the great Gojbcrs should be
devoted to laundiy puiposen to wash dirty
linen , but ho Would appeal to the senators
to preserve nt least onu si > otf beauty from
thu rack nnd iiiin of commerce and the
gieed and avaiicoot selfish men.
Mr. Butlei aid uotaireo with Mr. Vest in
his icsthcllc views. Ho was about to pro
ceed with his answer to Mr. Vest , but
yielded to Iho siignestion to let U co over till
Thu iiiiuy nnpiopiintlon bill wns reported
from the house ol icpioscutntives with a nics-
sagu of non-concmiuiieoln ti.u senate amend
meiils and asking a continence. On motion
the senate Insisted on its amendments , and
the chair npuointed Messisf. Lognn. Plumb
nnd Gorman us n conference committee ,
Thu consular ana diplomatic apiuuprliitlon
bill was leceived trom thu house ot rupiosen-
t.itivcs with a messaiio of non-concurrence.
On motion of Mr. Allison the senate insisted
on its amendments and oidcrcd nconier-
The bill to icpsal the pie-omptlon and tim
ber cultuie nets was'then taken up and Its
consideration pioceedcd with.
Mr. Biillor submitted an amendment pro
viding that as to the desert lands not moro
than OU acics should be held in single own-
Alter executive- session the sdnato ad-
WASHINGTON , June 21. The speaker laid ,
before the house n communication from the ,
acting secretary of the ticasury submitting j
nn estimate ot the appiopiiatlou , amounting J
to S 2\714 , for trnnsioitntion ] of mails on
non-subsldi/ed inlhoads controlled by the '
Central Pacific railroad company. ltoferrcd. ,
On motion of Mr. Towiishentt of Illinois '
the senate nmeudmentsto the pension appro
priation bill were lum-concuticd In.
The house hnvlng lesnmed consideration ot
the naval nppiopilutlon bill , It was rejected f
yeas , (0 ( ; najp , 131. 1
The motion mndo Satuiday by Mr. Uoffot j
West Viiglnla to recommit the bill with In-
striictions to the committee on naval affairs
toicpoitlt b.iok with an amendment making1
provision for the comnlethm of double tur-
icled monllois. was then ii.issed.
Under call ot the stales the ( allowing was
inluuluced : By Henley of California A
lesolutlon dhcctlng thu pioseentlon of the
ollleei.s of the Union Paeliic rallioad com
Tno house then wont Into committee of the
whole , Mr. Koagan In the chair , oh the sun- ' '
diy civil bill. Tim paragraph relating to- the
bureau of engraving and minting having
been leached , Mr. Dlngley olleied an amend
munt leduclng engravers notes of the denom
ination ot SI , S3 , and other denominations
authorised by law.
Mr. Handa ! ! raised a point of order against
thu amendment , and lu the course of his nf-
gument In suppoitof the point , he took occa
sion to deny tlio chmgu flint Iho present n'd-
minlstintloii had waged war on the silver
Mr. Weaver said that while there was a dlf-
feiencoof opinion ns to the attitude of the'
administration towaul the silver dollar , it
wns clear tlint the seciotary of the tieasury it < i
had Hindu , waron SI nnd S3 notes In violation jBa *
ol the law of May ai , lb7B. Ho did not chsrgo fl
that thusecictary had done bo wittingly , but ,
wllt'iigly 01 unwittingly huhad violated the ,
statute when ho retlicd SI and $2 notes and *
If-sued notes of a laiger di nomination , The ,
point ol older was mistalneil. nnd upon art
appeal being taken thu committee BUS-
tnlnu 1 87 to b5 thu decision of the chair ,
Atlrr fiiilhor debate the aniendmont wnij " ;
lost 75 to h" . *
Mr. Weaver then olleied nn aUiendmcnt ot purport. Pending notion the committee
mitteo rose.
The VUlhlu .Supply Btnteiuont.
CmcAdo , Juno 21. Tlio number otbualiejj
of grain In stoio In tlui United Status and
Canada June 19 , nnd the Ineicaso or decrease
as compared with the pievious vveulc , will be
posted on change to-mono w , ns follows :
Wheat COre < ,7H ( Decrease lClt,020 )
Corn'B.riTi Innenso 1/JlS
Oats. . . , 2,70-44 ! ! incKwse. 13l.f45
Bye asiv-'n Deciease .M.1M3
Bailey 2VJ.1U1 incru.iHc 7,715
The nmount In Chicago elevators wan :
Wheat „ 8,101,813
Coin n.vJ,4ur.f" ! '
Oats , . , . , , , , . . jjyod
ljo | 155C. _
Barley . . . . . , . . . , , . . . , . . 23,00
The Ijiitlicraii Synod ,
Mi.NMKAi'OLis , Junu SI. The mlnlstnrs ot
the Augustine synod occupied the Lutheran' "
churches of Minneapolis and St. Paul yostor- > <
day. Thu Monday inoinln session was do. ,
voted to thu all'iilis of Augnstlno college and
theological seminary. Thu dliectoi-g now require -
quire studMi-'o | pay boaid nnd tuition In ml- r \
van co. Knelt communicant Is required to pay J
2'i cents to thu uipport ot thls heel , lov { ,
Llndahl nnd Peter OoNctli of Muhnowerore-
elected diicctoig. The colhuo Income for
ISWi 0 was MT.hKt. Tluj coiiunltteo toercotM
new collejc luilldliig at Hock Island repoittML
tint foundations uppiovcd. and that a stouu ,
building vvlllliu ficitcd and will bo re.idy fur
dedication fall , r
( I .Mud Mail Man Murdri-H. Ji
II.I.K , ill. , June -KllswoitH
was klllfd by Allle Welh nj |
Muuawlllu this iilleinoon. Wclli was II
cleiK in the postolhce. and the troullu
out < if ,1 dilute logniilini ; Icttt-is.
V ]