Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1886, Image 1

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The Ontlook for Gladstone's ' Success Grows
More and More Brilliant ,
A flood of Campaign literature lie-
Prepared and PtimlB licinir
l llecolier to Take
tlio Ktuiiip.
Tlio Situation In Knglnml ,
I.ONIIOV , Juno so. [ Special Cablegram to
the Bi'.r. ] Gladstone's stiiporters | , xxho xxerc
In a somewhat despondent mood at the be
ginning of thexxeek , haxo suddenly rallied In
hope and expectation .since their champion's journey northward. The man
ner In which the premier has been received ,
sis well as tlie sustained strength nnd effect
iveness revealed by Ids oratorical effort , has
fully restated confidence In his ability to
sway the people and conduct the campaign
with all the power which chxraotoil/ed his
proxious caieer. .Moio hopeful icports aio
also coming in from Gladstone agents in the
middle counties as to the prospects
for biiccesslully combining Chamber
lain's influence among the liberals in
those section. 'Iho I'arnullites llKowlso
piofess increased confidence. They
taythoyaro ecitaln of electing two of tlio
members for London and also controlling
rinmcious boroughs in ( lie noith of England.
It is given out that It is not the piesent In
tention ot t'aiuell to issue a manifesto , nor is
It likely O'Connor will isscio fiirtluiInstruc
tions to the Irish voters In Knglaud than
those aheady put foith. In lion of such
methods the iirinagcts of the Gladstoni in
cinvassaic causing to be ( ninted thoitsinds
of copies ol Par noil's speech on the mo
tion foi the second reading ol the homo rule
bill and will widely distribute them , together
vxlthh the homo rule orations of
Karl Spencer and others. The o
arc rcll d upon to take the place of the
I'arncll manifesto. The real object of this
cottiso Is to ax-old the putting out of any now
document which Hie opposition might utili/o
by placaidiiu itsldoby side xxlth copies of
O'Connor's manifesto issued befoiO tlie last
election , xxliich exhorted the fiiends of Ire-
laud tosnppott thoeonsei vatlxe candidates
It is evident that the m lingers of the cam
paign do not trust implicitly in the elfectixe-
uessof I'.u noil's explinittion of this inunl-
Icsto by retcienco to his intcixiow with the
call of Cat nit von. A committee ot the
national liberal club Is belli. ; formed for the
pur peso of receiving spontaneous contribu
tions of the people toxvaid mcctlne the elec
tion expense of the Gladstonian campaign.
Tlm 1'all Mall Gi/etto lias also opened a
fund , xxhlch it calls the "people's pence , "
and xxhlch will bo placed at the disposal of
any oiganl/atlon which Gladstone may ties-
Ignite. U Is hoped by this novice to not
only relieve the financial distiess of the
piemiei'spaitx , but incidentally to test , un-
olllciallx , the leellng in the country.
A conference ot consei xatlxo leaders was
held just prev Ions to Lord Salisbuix's jour nev
toLeciKw here he delivered his ioiclblespecch ,
and Lord Uuidolph Chinehill was conspicu
ous by his absence Iiom Hie meeting. A
coolness Is said to 1 n\o sprung up between
LoiJ Handolph and hlschJet in consequence
ot the hitter's modified utterances regaiding
cociclon , and this is supposed to explain Iho
young lord's failuio tojoln in the councils ot
Ills parly on Ibis occasion. The Incident
adds to the aheady eager Intcict w Ith xlilch
the expected Chnrchull manliest is uwaitcd.
T'io political situation at Ulirninclmn is
prextlv contused. The homo rule llbetals
are intensely bitter in their opposition to Mr.
CliambeiIain's elfoits to cany thatdlhtilct
foi the unioni-its. At a meeting ot the anli-
Chambcilalnltosit has been decided to con
test exeiy elcctoial division except John
Uiights , but the nntter will not bn finally set
tled until the leadeiship ot the union
exieutlxe committee lias been determined
betxxeen Mi. Sliclmn hoibt and Mi. Jesse Col
lins. The goxeinmentsuppoiteis lose no oo-
poitunlty to point out the significance of Iho
tact that'there lias been and Is still going on a
giadual conxcibion ol the leaders of all par
ries toxvaid the idea of local self goxeinnient.
They especially remark this in tlio case ot
Lout llaitlimtoii ; mid the they dinxx
Iiom It Is certainly not uncompllmentaiy to
tiladstono's sasaclly and influence. At the
f/um : time the fact Is icmarked that thcio is
not bo complete a haimoii ) of ideas betx\ecn
thoeoiibeixatlxes and unionistb asxxonld indicate -
dicato an umpiestloned accentaneo ol the
propositions aiUanced by Lord Salisbury in
his speech In repaid to the icsjiectlxo legisla-
tlxc fiinetionsot Iho two countries.
Lord Salisbury Intends to mo\c in tlio
hoii'o ot loids Jlondaj tlio rejection of the
bill iccentl } p.isbed bj the commons prox Id-
Ing that tliu expenses ot the election of ic-
tuinlng olllcois bo charged to the gen-
eial rates. 'lids bill xxould 10-
llexo pullamentaiy candidates of a
portion ot their expenses in the eomimr elec
tions. It woiild-theiefoioboof special bene-
lil to the ( iladstonlan candidates xvho are , on
the aveiage. less ullluent than their oppo
nents , and the consei x at ix os accuse Lnbou-
chero of tfetting the bill pissed by the house
of commons early in tlio morning when there
XXHH a xciy slim attendance , and xvheh nr
Bitch measuio xxas expected to bo considered.
Various xxt-altliv Omngenien in the uortli
of Ireland are opening their private grounds
foi ( hilling purposes. By thlb means it is
hoped to axold pollco Inteifeicncositli anj
rnilltaiy pi paiatlons the lo.xalbts may sea
lit to Indulge In.
Ifonry Wnrrt Hooohcr Will Ornto foi
Ii eland and Iho Irish.
Nr.w VOUK , Juno 20 [ Special Telegram ti
thoHi'.i : J HrTiijuid Bcechei. whoballci
lot Kngliuul jestuidaj' , intends to take tlu
stump lor ( lladbtone. Tliat Is xx fry ho con
Fents toltavo his pulpit In Jnno Instead n
xvaitlng until July as usual. His physician
nnd fi lends urged him to rest , for his healti
had failed alarmingly , but ho refused until 1
became certain that ( ilad.-itimo xxould go t <
tlio L'nglLli people on the Irish issue , am
then hohiiddonlj decided to ciosa the ocean
liclng asked bofoto his dcpattuw if lie xxouh
electioneer for ( Hailstone , lie icptied : "lex
pcet to. At all inents 1 hall proller m ;
bei x lets , nnd Unix o hud an Intimation tha
they xx ill bo acceptable. Such oratory us . '
am capnblo of shall bj at the command ot tin
causa of Irlsliinen'b rights in tlioli own land
Piobibly th's ' Is my last clmncn to help tin
uood moxemcnt , "
"Vort may find antagonistic audiences , '
w as saicgestcd.
"Unlthsldo ItJiallnot speak at all. " Mi
Jieecher replied. "What would noilioiiractl
cat x'aluo ot mx talk If It were only henul l > :
peiMins xxho idieadx ugieed xvlth mo V No ;
hhull ask to bo sent Into cltlus xxliero the feel
Ing against tlio lilshls btrongest. In orde
that 1 may haxo nn oppoitunlty to rondo
iKlunl Uhals'.utu'e. ' 1 have beeu mobbed by ai
lUrgllsli populace for spcnklnu lei thouegio
1 can stand the satim i-ort of tre.itmcut again
If 1 Know 1 do not deseixe it. My icmtolbii'
] a d out. 1 .shall do moio or lobs lectuilni
undci tlio managnment of my iiHial agent , to
1'xtigot to imiko my expenses somehoxv , yoi Itnt my labor of loxo shall bo done Ii
( Hadstono'hcanxnss. AVInit sliull I sajV II
lor ono thing I shall undertake to touch m ;
hcaicrs todlbcrimiimto between the
diclly tlyiiamltei and and tliu liinoccut pheut
nut , betxxeen the professional agitator am
the tictually down-trodden. My heart is ir
this issue. Ireland Is oppicsbod as nu othc
piYllUut land Is to-day on the tacooftlu
earth. I loio\e ! ( Uadstono's policy is sub
Mnntlalb r Iglit. I tun w lllltifr to expetul mj
lubt bicath In pleadlnt ; Ireland's bcloie tin
people w ho Imto htr , "
Gl.nistoiic In Scotland.
HniNuuitoir , Juno I'J. Tlio scene Irr nuts !
Imll on the occasion of Uhidbtono't > spoecl
i& impiesblv and memorable
The hall was pacued lo the extreme limits of
its capiclty 'I lie audience when xxord xxas
llxen of tlie picmlor'sadxent sang in chorus ,
' bee the Completing Heio Comes.lndstonc ( !
eamo upon tliostaireaecomp-nitedhj hlsxxlfe.
x\ hen tliej saw Uladstono the audience to a
soul roe to their fett and let
their lungs fully put In repeated ringing
cheers , acc.omp.tnx Ing the applause xxlth xvild
\\axing of liaiulKi ichicfs , canes and hats.
( iladstone xxore a lull cxcnlng dress xxlth
( lowers on his lapel. His etovllum was most
earnest and elTectlxe. Otastone has spent the
ctcnter part of the dax drixingaboiit lliocltx.
Hols cxeryxxhere lollowed by crowds uf
Scotchmen eheeilnu and hollldaj making In
his honor. He Is simply recclx ing an ovation
xvherexcrho appears.
Cliui-olilll ChnrucM Glndntoiio With
IIchiK Worse Thau an linhcctlc.
LONDON , Jnnc20. Lord Randolph Church
ill's manifesto to tlio electors ot Paddlngton
says ;
"The people's dissolution has come upon
us. Such Is the title glxcn to the must wan
ton political convulsion that In out times has
alllletcd this conntt \ . By the erprloe of an
in lixidual , clexated to ( fignltj by an act of
the people ; , bj the boundless o otisin ol the
premiei , ( lie kingdom is lobe disunited for
the pin pose of seeming olllce , If
only for a llltio while , by the aid
of ttiotlHloxal faction , subsisting tinoii lor-
elgn gold , the gox ern ment has been
by all who could confer upon tt character or
rcimtation. ( Jladstone has leseued tor Ids
closing daxs n conspiracy against the honor
ot ( iieat Britain and tlm wcllaioot lieland
moio staitllnglv base and nefarious thin
any of these iiitnieious designs and
lilots that for a qiiailer ot a con-
tiny haxo occupied Ids Inauguration.
No piaclleil > esionslblllt ] > xxill fall upon his
shoulders. Ho regards \\ith inconceivable
trixolitv the fact fiat upon his successors
x111 dexolxo tholmpohslblo laboi ot rebuild
ing thobh.itteiedeinpiie. Let the eiedtilous
elictoiato glxe him u majorltj. to aid which
another lush lexolullon . coiibiim-
imlcd , and this mosl modetalo of mlnlsteis
will be satisfied to complaccntlj letlte to re
pose. Nature erics aloud nature , to xxlioso
cries ho so long tinned a deal ear. "
Chinchill sthnnitl/cs the home rule bill as
"insanity tialllcing In treason , eondorrlng
eiime , exalting dlsloxaltj , abasing lojalty ,
and a monstrous mixture , ot imbecllltj , ex-
ti.ixagauco and political hxsteiics. ' " He ridi
cules the anticipated bene'tlcl il results trom
the bill , and afliims that the "united and coti-
centiatcd genius ot Bedlam and Coliiej hatch
xxould stilxe hi vain to pioducc a moio
stiiking tissue of absurdities than those
travcly recommended by senile vanity to
pcopto renownc'd tor common sense. "
Chtiichill strongly dononncob one man pow-
ei s and holds Gladstone responsible tor
commercial depression , delayed relomib ,
suffering from injustlco anil law
lessness in lieland , discredit and
and bloodshed abroad , and colonial aliena
tion. Ho also speaks of Gladstone athe
"Betray or of Khartoum , guilty ot Gordon's
do rth ; patnnteoof Penjeh shame ; rejected
by the democratic house of commons ;
no longei able to conceal his pertii -
aiiiltj undei the shelter ot the llbeial
party , axoldedby tlio leading li lit of noti-
conloimity , now demanding a xoto of confi
dence in himself , a political experience bor-
roxvcd Iiom xxoistto second empire , "
Aiiiorlcan Aid for Ireland.
] ! ocnisii.i : ! , > i. Y , , Juno 20. Bishop Me-
Qu.ulo has opened subscriptions lo the Irish
parliamentary Iniul in tills city x\lth a check
lor 51,000. His contribution is accompanied
by a letter , in which ho siys :
"Kociiiis-rni ! , N. Y. , Juno 19. To Mr. Pat-
lick Cox , treasurer Irish parliamentary titnd :
The most piomising hour Ireland hxs
Known since her paillamont xxas
fraudulently taken tiom her , is
near .it hand. Tlio long years of
patient sutleiinp , but persistent refusal to ac
cept degradation are about to end. The people
plo ot Ireland , omitting a small rnlnoilty ,
demand the right to ennct lei themselves
such legislation as the interest of the court
lequiies. The thoughtful and serious people
ot Ireland make this demand. The Kngltsh
people confess that agieatxxrong liabueen
lierpetr-ated and that reparation quick and
ample .should bo made.
iKh Per Justice ,
LONDON , Juno 20. Mr. Biadlaugh his
Issued a now ei fid manifesto to his constitu
ents of Northampton borough. In ithesaxs :
British Injustice hasoftcu been the mother of
agrarian cilines in Ireland. Our paltry self-
haishness lias otlen been the nurse nnd in-
cttcr of rasli speech and conduct of tiio Irish.
A union maintained by heavy garrison and
police department , which is an assistant to
the armj.isan umcnl union. Theiois no real
union between tlio prisoner and his handcnlld.
A union should imply co-opeiatlon , not domi
nance ; equality not bitbjoction. Tlie pres
ent panel union is an iiidcntino of foiced
bcrvmure mid not a freely executed partner
ship dcid. Ask the volets lo test , bend or
bieak this counterfeit selt-stxled unionist
coin , oxen though yon know ft to bo manu
factured toi the 1'rltmoso league by a Birm
ingham firm. _
"A. Tory AIcotInrltiUIcl ; ( by a Mol ) .
Lovnox , June 10. The meetijig held in
rellngton , a suburb of London , last night , to
biipuoit the conservative candidate lor a scat
for the commons , ended in a riot. The
furniture room in which the meeting xxas
held was smashed by a tuibtilent mob. Sev
eral xxomcn weie so badly flightened by tlio
uptoar tlut-they fainted. Ono lady had air
armbiokenand xvas conveyed to the hos
pital. The speakers' plnttorm was htoned by
a crowd. Tlio Duke of Norfolk , xv'ioisa
whig , xxas an occupint of tlio platloun. He
xxasroughly bci/ed by tlio neck , Mamiued up
against the xvall and hustled oil the stage.
A numbci of atlstociatlc companions who
xx eio xx Ith the duke were bully handled.
The police xx eio btimmoned and succedcd In
stopping the Hot ,
Sir Michael for "Unity. "
LONDON , Juiio'JO. Sir Michael IllcksBoadi
addressed the electoio of Biibtol jebterduy.
Ho said the uovoinment's schemes would be
dlblionoiablo to 0 e-u Billaitt and disastrous
to Ireland and must loul to bepiiatlon 01
civil wat. The lightb of lieland In lo.'aul to
goxeinment weio nelthei mete nor less
than these of Gieat Britiln. .
A political organl/atlon cannot be
permitted to seek their cuds through intlmi
dation backed by outiago nnd cinne. Pie
xentlon of this Is nut coercion , but xiudlca
tlon of constitutional freedom. In sttcl
crisis old dlxcling paitv lines ouaiit to bo for
gotten and ono gieat clloit inado to jiicsem
unit ) upon which dcpeiuls the t-tienytti ol
the empire. _ _ _ _ _
I'ropnrliiK l or the Pr.ry.
DLoXDOx , Juno 'J0. The Painelllte's av )
pointed to take chaigoof the Irish xoto in
Great Britain xvill leaxo Tuesday for tin
vailous districts to xxhlch they aio assigned
Thotmih O'Connor xxill remain in London
nnd xx ill bo assisted by Dr. O'Dolieity and B
Kellv. A gieat donionstiation xxlll ha hole
on Wednesday at St. James' hill In favoi oi
Gladstonian candidates In tlio metropolitan
_ _
Orniicomcm for Homo Kiitc.
LONDON , Juno 'JO. A deputation of UWci
piotcstants , constating ot clergymen , magis
trates and niciclwnts , xxho aio in laver ol
homo rule , Is coming to London to addies :
saxoral urootrnus under tlio auspices of tlu
Biltlsh homo riuo association.
Danth oT Ilohart Pnslin.
LONDON , June 20 , Hobart Pasha ( lion
Augustus Clnules llobail ) marshal of tin
Tutklbh emplio , id deral.
Hint ; Ijiulxxl ; ; Hurled.
MUNICH , Jnno 20. 'llto excitement nrngii )
the Bavarian people over the death of Klnt
Ludxvlg remnins unabated. The lower classes
up to tlie hour ol tlio Uureral yeitorday ,
thronged the gates of tlie royal ptluco , axvalt
iiv'admission to tha chapel , and exhibiting
nil sign * of Mnetiiw grief. The concourse o :
iieojile at tlio lunenu was luimeiiso. A iium
Lei of ncrbons xxero crushed In tlutvioxx'd an (
injuied. Many of the pconlo wept urn' '
bobbed aloud as the King's collin \\u3bonit
-.long to is ( I ist resting place.
The Latest Eago of Murder and Suicide
Strikes AvocaIowa.
William 1'nrrcll Kills Nlirht Wntch-
rnnu Ilcllcr nnd Then Ktioota Himself -
self Sciicl | to u Wll'c Ilent-
t loxxn Nexxg.
Avocn'ft Trascdy.
Avocx , la. , June SO. [ Special Tcleerarn
to the lii.K.J About 2 o'clock this morning
the startling announcement xvas mule that
William I'arrell had shot mid killed "D. "
Heller , the night xxMtchm in , and then killed
himself. lAirrell ami ids wile lixed In the
south piit of t'io ' city , neir the outskirts He
Ind come home last night in an intoxicated
condition , In fact eia/ed witli drink , and be
gan iitiaiiellng with his xvile. 'Iho uoibO
aiuusi'd the neighbors , and shortly atter-
xxaids Mrs. Farrcll rair out of the house , RO-
In to Win. t-'ianz's house. She was bleed
ing from sonio xxouuds , apparently undo
fiom belli1/ hit by some of tlio dishes which
Tarrell had been throxvlng at her , and fiom
blows rerelxcd from him , Lelfuloiio in the
house K.uloll began smishltu the fmnlture
and throwing it out ot doors , Mrs. Par roll
bent woid to her son-ln-liw , Charles Tliles ,
and the latter called the night watchman ,
xxho had htaid the dlsturbiiicc and slatted
o\cr on the south bide. 0. U. Hill , an
other citizen , accompanied them and the
tlnco went to Fai roll's house to anest him.
When they roiched tlio fiont gate , xvhieli
xxas about ll'teen feet fiom the ftoiitdoor of
the Iroribc , Far roll shouted to them :
"Don't jou come inside. "
A sound xvas heard like the cocking of a
gun , nnd Holler suit to Tides :
"Lo ik out , Chailey , he's got a Run. "
Heller then called to I'anellVhat \ Is the
mattoi with jou. Undo UilljV"
Ashe thusapoke the gun xvas dlsc'iaigcd
and Ho ler loll to the sidewalk.
Thus exclaimed : ' 'My God , 'pip' xxhat did
x.ou kill him tor/ "
ratrell replied : "I told him to keep out ,
and. bj ( Soil , lie didn't dolt. "
Tides then stepped toward the house , xxheii
hts fatliei-In 1 iw pointed the curr at him and
thioitened to kill him. Thleat once retired
out of inn ire. In tlie meantime Mi. Hill had
run oxer to thcbiMncisiurtoi the town aim
aroused the citUens and summoned other
olliceis. Dining his absence Thtes kept out
of ranB'o ot the gun and kent talking to Far-
icll , tijing to get him to listen to reisoti.
Tides tiled top.ibiiaile . him to let .dm 201110
nj ) to xxhcto Heller laj by the gate and at
tend to him , itnolb'ing knoixn then
lie ler had been killed outright. I'arrell ini-
all > said he xxould glx'o hiniselt up , and dls-
eliaiired the othci banel ot the gun into the
ah. Tides then went up to wl'eie ' llellei lay ,
and 1'arrell going into the \ wua ictiuned
xxlth a pillow and , laislng Heller's head , put
the pillow tiuler | It.
Fano'l ' exclaimed : ' ! Inxe killed him , and
noxv I xvill taKe my o\x n lite. "
He then went back into tlio house. Tides
then xxcnttobco how Indlj Mrs. 1'anell had
been unit , as she wa-t bleeding badly xvlien
bhoxventatterliel ] ) . boon alter that he heard
another revolt ot the gun at raucll's house ,
and returning theie found tlut a laigc ciowd
of citi/ens and the ollicjrb had gathered near
tlieie. Al-xyor Diedrlch xvatncd the cioxxd
not to pioceed too noir to tlie house , least
far roll should open in eon them , he having a
double-ban oiled breech-loader. Aftei an ex
citing conference as to xvhat it xxas best to do
Constable J. M. Long ciaw led up to the gate
and made the dbcoxei v th it F.uiell was beyond -
yond thepoxxer ol luithei mnrdci , he havini ;
Killed himself. Hlb lifeless body hj on the
walk , rebtinsf across the feet ot his victim.
Fanell had executed bib tin eat to talto his own
lite. Ho had idently , on returning to the
house , reloaded hisuiiuand coming out liad
seated himself on the ground neat tlie body
of his xicitm , placed the mu/ilo of his gun at
ids forehead and fired. Tlio xvhole side of
l'uiell's bead was blown oft and dcatli must
tiaxo been Instantaneous Heller's wound
xxas found to Imxe been receixed In the top of
the lolt shoulder and neck , and his death
must also haxo been almost Instantaneous.
D. Heller , the night watchman , le.ues a
xvlfe and h\o small children , lie \\.ib about
thlrtj-clght joiisof ago and a man highly
thomiht ot. Ho xxas a membei of the ( I. A.
It. Ho will bo bulled Monday bj the post of
this place.
Farrell xxas a man aged about sixtjHe
xvas peaceable xx hen not under the influence
ot drink , but other xviso ijiirrrelt > oiiie. He
xxas anested time and again for getting
drunk and abusing ills famllx' . Ho and his
xvifo haxo been dlxorcetl once , but romarrlud.
Ho lias hcvcral sons and daughters , all
Tlio Grcnt Iliibli for North and South
DBS M'OIKKS , la , Jnno 20. [ Special to the
Ilur. ] Tire objective point of railroad am
bition jiibt now seems to bo in the direction
otnoithrnd wtuth lines. The rixaliy of
scxeral roads Is seen in the eager attempts
to bo In putting a through line from St.
Paul to Kansas City by xvay of Des Moincs.
No less than half a dozen dilloieiit companies
are just noxv inteiebtcd in that direction.
The route south of Des Molncb ins boon oc
cupied in n partial xvaj for some time. The
Wabasli , by way of Mobeily , Mo. , has made
connections with 'its through line ,
and sends its tiains into Kansas
City. The Chicago , Huillngton & Qtiincy
opetaling xxltli the HaiinlbaKx : St. Joe , has
made a tluoutih line. Tlio Itoek Island ,
xvhich Is iinitbiuillj consei vatlx'o , has had a
southwostcin connection , but nolle ol these
loads liaxi ) hail uh'it could bo called a dliect
or ah line. So the new move xxas opened by
the organisation of n hyndlcato a tew weeks
ago to buy the Jes ) Mollies , Osceola it South-
em road , running southwest fiom hem to
C'alnesxllle. Mo. , Ill miles , itisaiiauoxv
gauge road , but the s > iulic.ito piuoohesto
widen It and extend It on to Kniimis Oity. On
the heels of this project came the toima-
lion of anothci sj mllcate headed In Stlcknoy
of Minnesota , and It , T. Wilson ot Now
Voik , the latter the owneiot the Diagonal
load miming nortlicast from heio about one
hnndied miles to Cedai Falls , lliis now
company pioposed a moio ambitious iinder-
aking , which was to constiuct and opctnto n
sxstem of roads Iiom Chicago to Kansas
City bv way ot St. Paul and Deb Molnes. A
noxv inal would be built fiom Chicago to
Dubiuiue , thence to the intersection of the
Minnesota & Noithwcbtern load tobt. Paul.
Tlio Interxcnliubpaca between this road and
tlm Diagonal would bo bridged and then the
eh cult to De.sMoines xx ould bo complete. Tlieie
would then remain to bo built simply tlm road
from this city to Kansas City , which it was
proposed bhould bo an air line leiraulless ol
tow lib or eltles on tlio way. This bjstcni
xxas backed so heaxilvaml seemed to bo sc
likely to go tliiou-'h , that the other nnds do
lug business in this toirttoryberamo alarmed
and began to seek what could lie. done tc
sivo tholr bmlnws ! ; . Itepresontatixesof tin
Chicago it Northwestern , the Chicago , liur
llngton it Qiilney , the St. Paul tx ; Omaha
and the Hannibal & fat. Joe haxc
been In consultation heio the past xvteli
and the result Is the announcement tlmt.i
threui''h line will bo obtablibhcd at once be
twecn St. Paul and Kansas City and trains
will begin iniining In a xxeek. No noxv road
xvill ba built , but the companies Interebtetl
hope that tliey can establish a line of patronage
ago xvill btay by them when the nowsj.s
tern grU. started. 1'hoy liopo in this way tt
piecmpt iriJ ! f rUoiy and baxothurr tratlic ,
Thebo moxemcius tltenv-IUnt the drill ot rail
road buslnebs at present IsTnJlnes of
tudo and not longitude. It Is a good
xvlien business works nortir and botith
rolUixej tlie rush of the past four jears on
fait midwest lines ,
i lit ; sou > irits' JIOJIK.
Tlio members of the Soldiers'Home commls
slouv burr la seb Um in this city the pas
week , adopting plans for the building and
making arrangements for the commencement
of the xxork. Tlio plaiis , finally adopted , xx'll
glxe n building quite unique In structuies of
the kind , ami yet tasteful , appioiulato and
hanilsoine In appenrahce. Tlie building xxill
bo ' . ' 00 feet long , with wings 119 feet exten
sion. l.ach of the xviics | w ill bo surmounted
with a ttu ret 70 feet high , and the tower oxer
the central building will bol'JS feet to the
pedestal , on which xvill Maud a soldier in
uniform bear Ing aloft a Hair. The outward
appearance of the building will bo stiggestixo
of niilit try life , the turrets being constructed
after tlio plan of a fort with battlements.
On tlio tower there xx III also bo small oxer-
hanging turrets as though made lor entij
boxes The elTect of the build-
Ine xxlll thus be quite mar
tial , and the old soldiers of Iowa will find
a pleasant and inteicstlng place in xxhleli to
rest mid light their billies oxer.
The members of the Impeachment corn t are
resting and takluc their second breath. The
prosecution has completed the examination ot
its xvitnesses , and the defense asked lor n little -
tlo time in xxhlch to prepare for procntlng
their case , so the court xvill not reeotixene till
Tuesdaj afternoon. His rumoied that xxhen
the court does meet some senator xxlll raise
for the defense a question of demurrer and
ask fora decision , If theio are one-third of
the senators and one more , xxho do not think
XNltltthecxIdencenow in tlutltioxxn should be
conxlcted. then It Is useless tolgo mix' far-
Iher into ( ho trial nnd put the state to anx-
moil1 expense , homo think that the defense
xxould bo willing to submit tl.elr case lo a de-
miurei now , admitting the exldenco of the
prosecution , bntdenxlng its conclusions. It
\xouldbeailskytlilngto do , and probably
xx ill not be done. The general opinion seems
to be that Brown's conxlctlon is doubtful.
The democrats xxill probably \ole bolidly lor
acquittal , expecting to inako nioio polftital
capital In this waj by eh.uglng upon the re
publican party the expense of a longtilM ,
xxhieli xvill thus eom to base been needless.
A majority of the icpublieans xxill probably
xoto lor conxictlon , though some tlneo or
four , led by Donimu and Claik , xvill xoto ns
they haxe steadilj xoted so tin xxlth the dem
ocrats , In order to annoy some otliei icpubli
eans xx horn they think sue anxious for
conxletlnn. Their course is goxernulcn-
tirelj by some old peisonal grudge \xhiclr
thej am trying to satisfy. One moio sona-
toi , MeDoiiomrh , fiom Clarke county , jestcr-
dav diew his hack pay of sJlfi , He is nn old
man , and does not expect to bo lenomlnated
or hold public otlice again , and so thinks ho
can take the C--10 ! and bo that much ahead.
'Iho lieutenant goxeinor his obtained an
opinion tiom the attorney geneial , under
the constitution ho Is entitled to txxicoas
much my as tlje senators , so ho isdraxxing
Pl'J a day for piesidlug oxei the coint , and if
lie takes back pay at the s HUB late , as it is 10-
per ted ho xx 111 do , he xx 111 make a x cry h and-
some little piolit out of his olllco 11. is j car.
A I'isosprc mi : sxt E.
Negotiations uro In prosnect foi the sale of
tlie street railway of this eltj' , including Its
fiancliisc and all its plant , for SQS'j.OOO. Nexv
York capitalists will bo the urincipal ox\neis.
v. A. j.
After n Toujjli.
O \ui.AM ) , la. , Juno 20. Charles Falcs ,
a ( k'bpeiato character ; Just out ot the peni- toi hoisn stcalilig , met J. M. DcOtalf
on the btrcetarrd xvltlroutany xxoidb or pro-
xocatlon struck him in the eje , destiojing
the ball. F.iles Immediately lied , secieting
himself In a groxoof timber. About tlilrly
citrons aimed xxitli shotguns started in pur
suit and caiitured him aftei a Ifbt chase.
Theio is loud talk of Ix nclilnir , and giaxe
feais aio enieitalndd foi the satetx'ol the
prisoner. Mr. DeUialf xxent lo Omaha last
nisht to haxe his eye treated.
Despondency Killed Jliin.
DAvnvroiiT , la. , June 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the UIE. ] Hans Hoiick , sexentj'-two
years ot age , committed suicide at La Clalr ,
twelxe miles north ofTJaxcnport , jcbtcrday.
Hotted aiopo around niafter , less linn four
feet from the ground , and jumping loiward
died Irom strangulation. Despondency is
supposed to have caused the act.
They Ordered Him Up.
WiJcrniisnT , Ii , Juno 20. [ Spcchl Tcle-
giam tolhe I3in.J Madison coiinly icpub-
lic'ins hcldtlioirconxculion hero yestcidaj'
and iiibttncted their delegates to the Inditcal
convention to xoto for District Attorney
Wllkenson for district judgo.
or the Good.
IXvvnxr'OKT , la. , Juno 20. fSiCcial Tele
gram to the Uii ; . ] Iddio } Stanley , thiiteen
xeaisold , xxasdiowned heio jesteidny aftei-
noon xxhile attending a Sundiy school picnic.
us a Jmlje. {
IDA. Gnove , la. , June 20. [ Special Tele
gram lo Iho Btr. ] Ida county republicans
held their convention hoio v ester nay and in
structed lor tlie lion. J. II. Macomber lor
district judge.
A Texas County [ < \mml to Belong to
tlie General Gox eminent.
FOIST Won HI , Tex. , June3)-Special [ Tel-
cirram totheBiij : : ThcGieci county bound-
aiy commissioners , which coinpilscs four of
ficers of the United Stales army and four cit-
Ieii8 of Texas , convened in secret session at
Austin on tlio 15th lust. Tlio question under
consideration xvas a xeij Important ono to
tlio people ot Texis , since It iiivol\-cd the
ownership of a snug little bickyard , some
1,029.000 acres In area. Laclr of the
membcis seems bound to dixnlgo
nothing , but join coirespondcnt loams , on
good authoiity , that the commission has
overwhelmingly decided that Gicei county
does not belong to the state ot Texas , but is a
part and parcel of the lands belonging to the
leilcinl government Greer county for years
has been considered part and parcel
of tlio Lone Stai state , but well
informed members of the commission
aio authoiity for tlio statement that Ihero
never was the smallest mounds fortlicine-
biimntlon on the put of Texas , Oxer half a
million acres of line glaring land In Giecn
county are now located upon by veteran land
certificates Issued bv the state of Texas. The
iindlng of t'io ' boundary commission nullities
these presumptions and patties on ceitlli-
eates will bo compelled ralw them , if they
have not done so aheady , and Ilo it them on
thogoiieialmaiket. 'Iho prospects mo that
the xeterin certificates can bo bought pretty
cheap In a few xveelis ,
They Capture Deux or Junction nnd
Picnic In Haloons.
] > INV.H : Ju.Nciiori , Col , , Juno 10. fSpo
cial tstlio BiiJ : : i'estcrdaj afternoon tlio
town xvas throw n Jn la commotion over the
appearance of a gangxif cowboys , who aio on
a ililvo tiom thobotitlj. 'I'huy flist , as usual ,
filled up at the haloonp , ihen mounting their
horses they began ritllrig through tlie town ,
up and down tlio MdevvalKs ami Into the saloon -
loon . Aftei they hail rounded up tlio town ,
as they biippposfd , aritj were neailv ready to
dopaif , they made mi attempt to ride their
horses into tlio Citizens' burk. They met
xxitli an obstacle at the uoorxxhich they could
not surmount. Both hoiso and rider was
quickly foiced ffom the sidewalk. They nt
oncu dismounted and came to the door.
Some fears were cnteitalned foi a Miort time
of bcrlotts trouble , Guns xveio xerv handy
and In Mglrt , but none xxero used. Tlio cow
boys little expected to meet with bitch an element
ment at the bank.
Tlio Panama Canal feasible.
PAWS , Juno " 0-rTho preamble to the gov
ernment bill toauthoilA ) the Panama Canal
company to Issue ( to proposed loin states
that althoii''h tlio possibility of the success ol
tlio undertaking is dependent upon contln
gencica of a setioUs nature.lho teclinleal commission -
mission has expressed the coin lotion that tlu
obstacles to construction can bo oxeicome.
A Priest's OllftrtfO Changed ,
CAi.yiNMj : , Wyo. , Juno 20. Father Xu-
gent , the OotUoJIc priest here , has been relieved -
lioved of the Choyemro charge bv the blslioj
ot Omaha and diiectcu to take the church ai
Sow Nebraska's Senior Senator's ' Astuteness
Again Accomplished His Purpose.
The Deep Scope of the Amendment to
the Northern Pnclllo TotTelturo
1JI1I-A Unmlnll Tariff UIU
Capital Notes.
How He Worked the Senate.
WAsiuiToxJuno < 20. iSpect il Telegram
to Tim Hi i ; , ] "That was a smart thing that
Senator VanWyck did with the Northern
Pacific foi fcituro bill just before It llnilly
pissed the senate the other day , " obsen ed an
old membei of the house to-day. The sena
tor olfeied an amendment repealing the stat
ute which exemptsfiom taxation two Inin-
dicd feet of the laud along the road and the
imptoxcmunts theieon. No one scented to
notice the Impoitaiico of the amendment at
tlio time and it xxas accepted without ques
tion or debate. Now It dexelops that that ac
tion was iiioio tmpoitant than the forfeiture
ot the thiec million acres of land
belonging to the eomprny. The law
xxhlch Senator Van Wyelt's amendment
repeals exempts fiom taxation all of the ele
vators , depots , shops warehouses , sidetracks
anil other liiipioxcmeuts tlie compiny has.
They aggregate man > millions , and the taxes
will amount to hundicds of thousands of dol-
iais a yeai. "
"Dojoii think the house will accept the
amendment1 asked.
"Yes ; tlicicis no reasonable doubt about
It. The house Is ripe foi some op-
poitunlty of demonstrating its sincer
ity and forfeiting some land giants.
Birt the action of Senator Van Wjck tienion-
stiates more cleaily than anything lhaxo
seen the astuteness of the man , ills cunning ,
his foresight , nnd his power for handling n
shrewd body like the senate. 1 don't bello\o
any other man could hive accomplished it.
He appealed to bo caieless about it when ho
olfeied the amendment , and nc\ci moused
the slightest suspicion. It xxas a master
stroke. "
n v\nAi.T. AX n.r. TKY ins I.UCK.
Another taiill bill is e\iecte ) < l to make Its
appearance In the house this week 01 next. It
Is to be a llandall bill and is expected tooxci-
come most it not all ot the objections urged
aL'.iiiibt the Morilson bill. It is reported that
Moiilson has agreed to help Itindall with his
ine-xsnre. Nothing definite legarding the
ehaiaetei of the pioposed bill eanboa cei-
tlined , Hand ill , upon being asked about it
tonight , frays teem couespondcnt : "Jam
not at libcitv to speak now of this , tiling. " It
it is intiodiiced the anti tirlfl leloimeis ex
pect its pibsago at session , 'lle ! say
Kandall w ill not iutiodiico it unlobb he Ii is a
majoiity pledged to its snppoit.
(1A1LA.M'S ! ) OltPAl HI.lNI > in. :
The rumoi that Attomey Cenenxl ( larland
will ic-bign lias nothing in It. He is not \eiy
comfoit imein his position , but lie cannotgct
out of It withoutinjuiyto his leinitation. Ills
retiring would be lejanlcd as a lesiilt of the
I'an-Eleetric biibinc-iS , and it he expects any
political fntiiie ot any Kind , ho will have tea
a\ old the placing of such a constinotion on
liis action. Mi. Gailand made a seiious mis
take \\hen he left the senate logo into tlio
cabinet. In tlie bonato a man can commit
an > kind of a ixilltical indecency and the
"comtesj" of that extinoidiiury body \\l\l \
piotcct him.ionuiso's
> ionuiso\'s XHrussirv.
"It is a necessity that moves Mr. Moinson
foi liibtaiiff bill , " said ah Illinois lepiescn-
tatiso tills morning. "It looks m > though ho
would ba defeated for le-election and lie haste
to do something to aiouso enthiibiasm for
him in Ids tlistiict. Morrison's majorities
Imo ranged a little less than two tlious.xnil
fora nunibei of years , and of late ho has
made a numbci of bilk.sJiich liavc Injured
Ids standing before his constituency. Ho
lias insulted the ( Jrand Army of the Ifcpiiblie
and the Knights of haboi , and his taiitl
woik lias hint him-\\lth \ all but the faiincis ,
where lie has steadily gained , but much
slower than lie Ins lost el'owlieio.
In the lust place lie will have
tumble to get on the ticket , and a gieat deal
of tioubloto beie-eloctrd. Morri&on is soured ,
too. lie is voiyiigcd. "
"What about"l asked.
"Ho feels that thepioss. iepicsentatl\es in
Washington ha\o not tieated him laiily , and
that the editors ha\e maltie-ited him in coin-
mon.ting uixin his oik. The fact is ho has
been tieatcdeleiranilv when his tieatmeiit ot
tlio pxvss ] ) eoIo ) ) is consWeied. I know as
well as jou do that ho is MTV dluin and that
public cateieib ol e\co kind do not like to
go to him "
"Do you think Mr. MoriisoiM\ long re
main in public life ? "
" 1 do not , and I cm tell yon why in eight
\uuds. Ho 1" miming at a too hl h speed.
Ho has Ion , : been doliu this. Ilo Is contimi-
alh cnttlng some new and unusual lieak ,
and \\liat is unloitunatc foi him lie is al-
wnjs in the minoiitj and singnlaiJy unsuc
cessful. No man can last who keeps up Ids
pace. Ho will soon ictiic. "
iMiMsovivi rui : Missorui.
Scnatoi Van W\ck has intiodnecil amend
ments to tlie liver and liaiboi bill , and thev
have been icfeired to the hciiatoeommittcoon
commeico as lollowb : For inipio\in the
Missouri il\er at Omaha , § 50,000 : at 1'latts-
mouth , SfrW.OOO ; at Eabtpoit , 50,000 , ; at
Urownvllle , gr.oooo.
Corporations MiiHt GIve Up Uiicnrncil
Ijiiiul ( Jrnnts.
AVAsiiisoroN , Juno UO , A bicak lias nt
last been made in the unnamed land
giants to lailioads , and it now looks as
though neaily all of tlio lands held by the
Pacific ralhoad companies would bo 10-
deemed to the gos eminent and tin own open
to the people foi settlement. As Senator
Van W > ek , the sagacious &eiutoi fiom No-
hiabkn , said the other day , tlio two meat po
litical p.utles ha\o boon iiromisiiig this inery
touijeaistoi neaily two dec.ules , and it is
liigh time that something was done to puno
that the lands ghen In aid In the constiuc-
tlon of the gicat lailioads of tlio west , and
which lm\i ) IIONCI been eaincd , wuio taken
back torlho setlleis.
It Is asceitalncd that thcio is much 111010
land heldb\ the lalhoulH wllhout luithoilty
than theio in in the public domain to day ,
that is hinds woitlij of settlement. Theioaie
less than r ,0(0UOO acies ot land OJMJII tu.settle
ment now whieli can be iultl\ale < l without
Iriigatlon , The lalho.ul companleb hold
much more good lands than this.
'Iho bill whleh passed the M'nate tlio other
dayielie\lng thoNoithern I'ncllle of about
tlneo million acies , will bo passed by the
house In a lewdajh. Most of this land is lo
cated in Washington teultoiy and Uiegon.
Jt is estimated that the peicentnge nt meas-
uies Intiodiiced Into thiscongiess which will
bo llnallv acted upon will beery little over
one. cxcluslui of pension bills , and that in-
clii'llngtliem there will bo less than lue per
cent ot the inciisinea intiodiicud acted upon ,
The i ) rcont generally a\eiages between hlx
and eight.
According to the nominations .so fai made
enl ) about lialfot the membeidot tills house
olrepiesentatheg will bore-elected tills tall.
tnv jioi cent of the emplojes ot Hie pen >
slon oiltce Imuitakon their placesslncoMaicli
4 , l bS. In the other blanches ol the govern
ment hcio the changes havu not been moic
than halt So many.
Tlio mlleago ot Mai mail louto service ha ;
been cut In two dining tlio naht nix jeais bv
abandonment ot sen ice and construction ot
railwajx ,
The leconstrnction of Ilio navv will not b <
comnieneeil under two jeau at least , anil
iirobably not during the terni ot this .ulmin
Istratinii ,
l'eoilo ) In Washington bellevo tlui pics.1
dent has another biiipilse in Moio In the selection
lection 01 a sccivt.iiy of the tie.u.iuy to Mie
( d'd Mi , Manning. The man will coi.u
from New yoik. _
Weather ImllcullonH.
For Mlbsoml. Nebraska , Illinois : Oenei
ally fall weatner , Matlonaiy tempfiaturo
vailublu winds , guuuall ) uortuuily.
The Prospects for Ilnrtcit in the
Grnlu-Groninc States.
CiitcAoo , .Tune 20. The followlnic crop
summarv will appear in this week's Issue of
tlio Tanner's Ueview : Harvesting is In pro-
giess In portions of Ulilo ami Indiana , and
In largo sections of Kentucky , Missouri , Kan
sas and Tennessee grain has already been
gathered. ' 1 ho j ield In all tlie e states , w Ith
the exception of Kntms promises to bo near
ly up to the asejTx e , and In Missouri w 111 bo
ntjoMj thoavei.xgo. In Washington county ,
Missouri , icport Is made that grain is thresh
ing out nn a\erngo of tw en tjone bushels to
thoacie In many tlelds. In Uaxls and Hills
counties , Kansas , wheat Is axciaslng cluht to
ten bushels to the acre , but though
short In quantity , promises to grade well.
In sou them Illinois the reports of daimie by
chinch bugs In the wheat Held still continue
and In St. Clalr county thoi.iv.ures have been
soseilons astoiediieothepiobablexlcld from
li\o to scnen bushels an acre , in eenttal Illi
nois the outlook tot winter wheat continues
good , A serious dionth , thiealeniiu almost
the entlio spipig wheat bell , has been iinlto
geneialty broken b > copious lalns , and the
danger which seemed to ilittMten the lite of
almost the entire crop has been tussed. Tlie
aU-i.ige ot the general jlehl In lakotn , Min
nesota and Wisconsin has been lessened
piobabh 10 per eent bj the prolongation ol
the diouth , and in portions of
Minnesota caused an almost total blight ,
in which lalns eomo too late to ro\l\othu
pain. In Heattlo county , Oak. , tlio report
states the a\eiago ol wheat was reduced
10 pei cent b > the diouth ; In Coddtngton
county , I'itov.'O ' per cent ; in Splnk county , 10
pel cent ; in Ashton county , us nei cent. In
llakota county , Minn. , it Is icported that the
ihywe.xthci In connection with chinch bugs
reduced tlienxoi.xgo 0 pei tent , in Olm-
stead count ) some Holds me reported do id. In
bteel count x * theio x\as no rain foi tour
weeks , and the outlook lor xxlieat xvas les
sened ! M per cent. In Yellow Medicine
count j a tixo xxeek.s drouth x\ns broken Juno
12 by i.iin , but tlio piesent outlook U netter
tor to exceed one-half n ciop. In llluo
Knitlicountj wlieat is shorter and thinner
than bcloie lei years. In a lew poitlonsof
Wisconsin no rains hixo jet fallen tore-
Ikwe the fields. In Iowa and Nebraska no
xisiblo injuiyto wheat is lepoitcd from the
drouth , but oat prospects haxo been gieatlv
lessened , and in se\on Iowa counties reports
Indicate that the axeiagc has ucen
reduced fullx " & per cent. Jefferson and
Muscatino counties In Iowa aic tliu only ones
that repoit this week raxages troin giassho- )
pais , and thus far no serious Injury lias re
sulted from this form of Inseit lite. The
com crop outlook In the states ol Mlnnesotta ,
Wisconsin , Iowa , Kansas , Ncbiaska , Illinois
and Indiana is almost unitoiinlv good. Some
Injurj bi cutxxorns Is reported front ditlerent
beetions , but it Is not such as to effect the
genet il crop outlook. The hcldss in Minnesota
seta , KaiisMsand loxx a are reported especially
clear and ] iiomislng a laigo ciop.
The CornliiK Wcck't , niisincss iu Scu-
atn and House.
WAbiriMMON , June 20. Final action on
the naval appiopnatlon bill will coiibumo
thelirbt horn of to-mouow's session in the
liousc. Alter tlio call ot blnlos for bills a
motion will be made to pass , under suspen
sion of the rules , Itepicsentatixe Mnllcr's
bill increasing tin * slimline appropriations
for the militia. The inxalid pon&lons com
mittee \xill also make an ellort to pass a sub
stitute foi the Ulair jonston ) bill. Tuesday
Moiiisop xxlll renew his motion to consider
the tariff bill. Nothing has ilex eloped binco
Thursday's x'ote to justify Iho assumption
that the house will reconsider Its action on
the biibioct. Tuesday nlternoon the sundry
civil bill \ \ ill be called up audit is piobablo
that the rcnnindei ot the x\ cole will be con-
biimed In its consideration.
In the benate. . Mi. Deck intomlb to-moiiow
to Insist upon action on the bill to mohibit
members olcongiess Iiom acting as attorneys
foi bubsidi/cd lailioads. pissed bj a
lame majoiity , and without debate , but is
held upolr the table by Senator Haxxley'b mo
tion to icconsidei the foimoi xoto. This
motion is not debatable undci the rules , but
tliey may not bo invoked , since Senator Beck
has expressed a w illingness to hear xvlrnt tlio
opponents of the measure to snv. It is
likely that most of the week will bo spent In
the considciation ol the following measures :
15111 to repeal tlio preemption law , thcpost-
oflice and legislative appioprlation bill , and
the bill ioi the lellet of Fit/ John 1'oilei.
If anj time remaiiib after these me.ibtnesaio
disiiosed ol a day or moio nm > bo devoted to
the ini cclleiieous c.ilendai uiidei the fixe
minute rule , 01 the senate mav jiuxecd to
discuss and act upon Iho DCS Molnes ilxor
xeto , nnd the open executive session resolu
tion btands noxtaftei tlio preemption
repeal bill. Upon the caucus oidei of busi
ness the ihcr and haiboi bill xull piobiblybo
ready to be repented to-moiro\\ Tuesday ,
but the commeice committee has not indi
cated any purpose to cill it up thlb xxeek ,
- . - ,
Uioters in Court.
MiMVAuui.i : , Jnno 20. A sensation was
cieated in couit ehcles j esteiday by the sud
den and unexpected turn In a number ot con
spiracy case- > grow ing out of the iccent l.bor
riots. At tlie opening ot the municipal court
S. Muiphy , counsel for tlie defendants , with-
diew his motion tor contlniianen in a
mimbci of cases and then lett the
court room. In hlb absence the district
attorney , suspecting a tilek , called the cases ,
and the defendants nor the counsel appear
ing , the judge dcclaicd bail in tlio thiiteen
cases , amounting to 510,001) ) , toi felted. Mur
phy returned soon ufteiwaul and cndeaxoied
to haxo the ju < luroie\cisothe decision , but the
latter refused. Iu the after noon the uttoi-
nej s for the defendants tiled ullld.ivlts ot
piejndico and Judge Mnllou dhected that
tlio ordei bo entcicd eilllng upon Judge
bloan to trx the cases. The aitomujs for the
dulerisHobfccted to tills. The cusps xxlll betaken
taken up Monday moinlntr.
N , III. , Jnno 'JO."Tho point
has been reaehcil in tlio Illness of ex-Vice
I'icsldeiit I.ixls , " bald his jihyslclan to-ilay ,
"when it is thouglu ; best bj his family to gixo
the public n btatement of the gient gravity of
ills conilllion. Mi. DisIsK xeiy 111 Indeed ,
and It will he but little less than a mliaclo If
ho should tally. '
Judge JaIs is bellexed tiy his trionds to
bosloxxlj hut hinelj hlnklng to death , lie
was taken ill with a cubiinilo on tele1 blionl-
der at Chicago , Maj " Up to two xveoks.igo
his condition , though at times alarming ,
fieemed to ho one ot gradual lmpio > eimmt.
Two x\eektago beveio eijhlielns | bet in and
is glowing worse. Foi t-omo xreeks his sulfei-
Ing lias been iiilensified and complicated by
Dilghts dlbo.vso of this kidneys , bexoial
Chicaeo doctors haxn been summoned and a
consultation will bo hold to-mono w.
Itciiiemlioi In ; ; Uiihtnr'H Fall.
Si PAUL , Juno 'JO , A Bismarck special to
thol'ioneer-l'ichssajb : Capt. ( lodticy , J.lent.
Slociim , Suigcon I'oitei and olhei mirvivors
of the Ill-tated ( Jusler expedition will go to
the battlefield this week to properly observe
the tenth iinnlxeisaiy of the massacre. The
Sioux cldof , noxv at Standing Uoek agency ,
xvho was In command of the Indians ( lining
the muss icie , but has hitherto refused to talk
ol the detail * ot tlm Unlit , lias i onmntcd to go
with tlie puty and toll just how the massaciu
occmrul , the point of uttiek , etc.
r'jiAr csco , Jidio 'iOA lire today
desiiojeil n building on Main Mnet between
Mai let and Misscuii I sliccts with the entire
contents. The loss to the building , v.hldi
was oxvnc-d by It. It. Tliompbon , was S4'J,000 ;
Insurante , iXooO. ) Tntuin .V Jo\\in ! : , dealois
In lubileatlng oils and machinery , ocetipints
otlhclowil iioilon ) nt the building , lost ;
Sl''O.OlO ; liihiuanee , TS.IKU. 'J'ho Schmidt
hibel ami Mtho iaphlng ( omimi ) , occn-
junts ol theuppei pail ( if ilio buildlni ; , loan
iuo.OOO . ; liiiiiiance , jliiii. io.
Cut Kroni Iv'aito H ir.
Ni xxGJI : IIAVK , fJuno JO , Charles I'd- llattic KcfujJc's tliKut flout eai lo
cat lat nlilit. ; Tiiu
and c"iifcv .ti the uiu'
Call Tor tlio Third Eogular Oonvorition of
the Irish National League.
The IjcnRiio 1'uts n Stop to Sniulixy
Uronil-Sworil Contest Hail Sul-
elite at Cortlftiul Htato
Ttio Convontlon Called.
I.rvroi.N , Xin. : . Juno SO. Tlio folloxx-lng Is
the substance of thochciilar sent out by the
executlxo olllcers of the Irish National league
of America to tlie otllcets and members ot
, I
Inanches : Wo arc glad to bo atilo to congrat
ulate > ou upon the splendid pi ogress our
cause has made since wo last addicted you.
Alter the geueial election now about to take
place wo bcllino that Uladstono will bo In
a position to undo. b > an o\ei whelming
nnijoilt > , the so-called union which thnt
gieat stntesiiiaii hlnisi'lf. In his recent ad
dicts to Midlothian , so truly described as u
palter union obtained by loico nnd fraud.
and never sanctioned 01 accepted b\ the Irish
nation. In puiNuuico ol the powers
coiiler red on us by the na- "
tlonal oxcctitlxe irommttteo of tho1'
league , xxo hereby summon the third
le uiai conxcntlon of the Irish national
league of America to be held In Central
Music Hall , Chleago , on Wednesday ana
Thursday , August iBaiul 10 , and xxo earnestly
trust that over ) biniuhof the leactio xvlll ba
lullj represented thereat. All imiuolics
and societies afllllated with tlio
leago that haxo subscribed the regular
dues lor the cm tent teim , or Imxo contrib
uted to the millauiontatj fund a sum equal
tothe amount ol dues , shall bo entitled to
representation as folloxvs : One delegate for
ox ei > titty members in good .standing ; pro
vided , however , that In country districts ;
xxheie the number of fifty members can on
not bo eislly readied , tlio number Jet
from tw cut jfixe to lltty shall bo ! fl
entitled to one delegate We look for the at
tendance of an inmoitiut delegation trom
the home league and p.ullanientaiy p.utx * . All
ariaiigements foi the conxcntlon shall bo
undei the sole ehaige of the committee
of inntngemciiN ol Chicago , iiheady orirun-
l/cd , ol xxhlch ex-Viesident Alexamler SulH-
xan and Uie ofllceis ol the loiietio for the city
ot Cliltago and state ot Illinois tuo inemberd.
Kxery bi.inch ol the league bhould set to
xxork promptly to piepuin for the couiing
cilsls , and bhould remit all fund ?
on hand immediately to the -
national tre.isiuoi at Detroit ,
Mich. , as that monej mav bo foixx aided by
him to Ireland and bo rrudo nvnllablu. If nee-
ossiiy , tor the appro rclitnr ; cimniUn. AH
tine ir lends of 1 1 eland should ,
by aeti\o and earnest oigini/itlon ,
cndcixor to iml < o our iippioachtng
eonxoution woithx the sacied cause In whlcii
x\o aio engaged the cause ot Irish Liberty. "
Woiemaln , Yours xciy falthtully. ' .1"
1'vimricKu xPresident. . , . O'ltiti.rx : , rreasiirer.
JOHN P. Sin io.bccietaiy. .
The Brond-Sxvord Contest Slopped.
LINCOLN , , June 20. [ Special tele
gram to tlie HKI ; . ] Two thousand people as
sembled at Durlcc's puk to day in response
to the much ndxerilsedbrord sxxord contest
thatxxas to take place ut that time bctweon *
jtlio noted all-round athlete , Uuncan C. Itoss , 4
of Cle\ eland , and MeUuiro of the United , / !
States aimy. At about tlie hour named for
the combat Sheriff Mullck and iCposso of dep
uties auixed on the scene , and xv lien it xvas
found that they weio armed xvith xvarrants
to stop tlio play , the contest was declared off ,
money was refunded and tlio announcement
made that the exhibition xxoiild be gixen on
Tuesday. This estopplo xx as the result ol the
ellortsof the Law and Order league , and was
the Jiibt step liy that organisation towaicl
stoiing ] ) | thoxiolatlon ol Sunday laxvs that
haxo been of xeiy common occuuenco.
K nt Arapnhoo. I
AMAPAIIOI : , Neb , Jnno t0. ! fSueclal to
Tin : I5ii : . ] 'the Aiapahoe Diiviug Park
association has arranged for a txvo da > s' >
meeting July Sand : i , and agoodino.jiaiiiuio
of laces h is been prepared. Purses to the I
amount of SCOOh.u-o been offered and already
many entiles baxo bean made of xx'ell known
lioises. Oneaclidaytlieio will bo live races
botli tiottlng and running' and excellent ;
spoit is anticipated. All Uniting races will
be goxorned bi Ilia rules of Iho national tiot
tlng association , and running races by the
American i mining rules , except as otherwise
provided. Entiles may be made up to noon
ol tlm day ol the races bv application to i" .
C. Condon , sccictaiy ol ilio association.
An Insnno "Wonmii's Sulcido.
UK x i isrc r , Neb , Juno ! > o. [ SpccInI Tele
gram to the Irn.j ) Mis. JinryUoeke , of '
Coitland , committed btileido at that place
caily jebteid ly morning. She got up about 5 11
o'clock , took a bntehei knife , went to ailelil
about one-half inlto fiom hei house , and
theio stalibed herself with the Unite. Her
mind had been unsound for BIJIIIO time. She
was sixty-loin years old and mother of the
treasurer of Lancaster county. The cor Tt
onet's jury brought in a xeulictol aulcldo
while Insane.
Tlio Fourth at Pliittsinoutli.
I'l.A-nsMouin , Neb. , June 2 ( ? [ Special
tothoBr.n. ] The cill7ons of I'JatUinoutli
end vicinity aio makinc extensive rrouige-
ments for holding a gnind old-lashloncd
cclcbiatlon of the national unirlvuiaury on
July y next.
To Ijearii Clrrll/nllon's Wuyn.
( 'iir.Mi.s'.xi : , Wyo. , Juno 20-Dr. William
A. Olmstead , xxho xvas a bilg idler general in
tlio union aiiny and noxv govuninont physl-
clan at W.ishkl , for the Sliodiono and Ainpa-
hoe Indians , passed thioiigh Clioyonno y < & >
teulav , going to Santco agency , Nob. , xvlth
fein Aiapihoo boys , who aio to bo placed In
tha tuiili ) school theio. Tlio bojs aio about
lifleen old , and aio iiiixions to leain
tiades. Theli names aio Giover Cleveland ,
Dax id Livingstone'loin Baldhcad and Ned
Wanstall. 1'iieio aio to bo Respectively aear-
dcntei. hlioemaker. blackhinlth and saddler.
Dr. said ilio Arapahoes me anxious
to leain trades and work xvhen theio Is HPV-
tlilngln It , and mo natuially a moiioy.m&i.
leg and saving people. They never iilh.w an
oiipoitnnltv lo pass toinako q dollar.
That Tired Feeling
lhowf.rm v.eathci hasadclillltatlnc effect ,
cspccl illy rijion those who are within doors
most uf the time. 110 | peculiar , jet cointnon ,
toinplilut known ai "Hint tired feeling , "
In Iho icsult. Ihli fuelhiK ran bo entirely
oxcrcomo by taking llood'a BarsapArllla ,
x\hlih gives ncxv llfo and etre'iiiith to all
tlio functions of the body.
"I rould not sleep i had no appetite. I
toolc Hood's Sarsaparlll.i and soojj began to
sleep hounillyi could get up without that
tired and languid reeling ; ami my ar.netlto
Improved. " U. A. BAMOICO , Kent , Ohio.
Strenytlien the System
Iloodn B imparlll i Is characterized by
tluto pcciilhrltlcs ; 1st , the combination ot
remedial iiKtnta j 2d , the proportion/ , Dip
proccm ol hecitrhig tlio attlvo mullUnal
aualltlcs , Tlio result is.i inedleliio of unusual
Btrenglh , efIee.tliR ) cures hitherto unknown ,
Bend for lee contilnlni ; additional exidpucc ,
"Hood's binIMIim tones up my fYbtcin ,
puillifs my lilnou , cliaiponsnix iiriiietltc.and
i-cenn to in iHo iii4 < i\i r. " .1,1' . /liiorj' ojf.
Ueglblci ot Uct Us , Lowell , J\ \
i SiiRainrllli bi-als .ill oth r5 , ami
l = OUaikbtlo\Oi\lV0kcity ; \ , \ , ;
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold Vy all rtritrrlsli. 1j RX | for $ S. Ma
onljrbyO. I. IIOOD fc CO. , Io\\cllMajj.
Doses Ono Dollar.
- * * - * y