THE OlMLfiHA DAILY BJBJB : tfBIDAY , JTJJSOB 18. 1880. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING 33OTJSB3 OZ - COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' DEEUE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Baggies , Cnrrliures , IIlo , Kin. Council Bluffs , Iowa. KKYSTONK M7\NUFACTUlUN CO. Jinko the Original and Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , COIIN sini.r.Kits AND FBKD cUTTr.Hs. Nos. lf.01 , IWI , 1JO.nml 15J7 South Jtnln Street , Council Bluff * , lonn. imU > LKY & CO. , Mnniirrs nn 1 Jobber * of Igricnjtnral Implements.Wagons . , Boggles , CarrlayM , nnd nil kinds of Farm Mixohlnerr. 1100 to 1110 South Main Street , Council muffs , Iowa. AXE F.o. at.KJUo.v , T. H.linunrAfl , Oio.F. i'rcs.&TreM. V.-I'ron A.Mini. Soo.&Counsol. Conncil Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Inrorpornted. ) M nufictiireriof ( Axle , Pick , Blodfro nndSmill _ Unndli-ii , of every description. . _ ' _ CAJIPKT9. _ _ COUNCIL BLUFFS CAUl'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , Upholstery Hoods , JJto. Na 405 llromlwny Council llluffs , lown. _ , TOItACGO , ETC. _ PEHEGOY & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes , Nos. 23 Main and 27 Pearl Sts. Council Bluffs , Town. COMMISSION. 8NYDER & LEAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. 14 Pearl St. , Council UlulTa. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , /J/niglBtB' / Sundries. Ktc. No. 22 Mnln St. , and No. 311'onrl St. . Council Hlutlfl. DllY GOODS. , M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goals , Notions , Kto. Nos. 113 and 1U Mnln St. , Nos. 113 and 1151'oarl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. vnmrs. o. vf. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Ooncrnl Commission. No. 513 Broadway , Council IllufK. WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholosnlo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnd 18 Pearl Sfc , Council Bluffs. anOOEIUKS. L. KIKSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 116 Broadway - way , Council Bluffs. IJAllNESS , BTO. BECKMAN. & .CO. . Mmuifnotiurors of nnd WhoWsiile-Donlcrs In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc , No. 625 Mnln St. Council Bluffa , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , ' Jobbers In Hat's , Caps and Gloves. Noa. : H2 and 311 Drondwuy , Council Bluffs. HEAVY KEELINK &FELT , , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , .Heavy . Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council I Hull * . Town. HIDES AKD TI'OOL. D. II. McDANELD & CO. , ' Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallowWool , Polls , Grume and 1'ura Council Bluffs Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers 'In Ulumlnatlng & Lubricating Oils 3HTO. , p. TUeodoro , Afront , Council UlulTa. Iowa LUMBER , PILIKO , KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern 'lumber , Piling , Ajid Bridge Matcrful Spcclaltlos.Wholosala Lum ber ot all Kinds. UlHco No. 130 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Iowa. 1T1KES LlQVQltS. JOHN L1NDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Lipors. Atfout for St. GottliarrTs Jlorh Hitters. No. 13 Main at. Council 111 nils. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Lipors , KoonaMatn St. , Council liluffi. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , such as I/ost , Found , ToI/iunFor Salu , To Kent , Wants , Hoarding , oto. , will bolneerted In this column nt the low rntoofTKNCKNTS I'KH LINE for the first Inaor tlonntid VivoContiPcrMnoforoaob eubsoquont Insertion. Leave advertlioments at our olflofl , No , 12 Peul street , near Uroadway , Council lilutTs. WANTS. WANTKD A good youug pony. L. 810 SUtU utroot. W A good boy to learn thorn-luting trade. Cull nt lieu olllco , Council Dlutfs , .11 SAW ? Old papers. In quantities to suit , at lice olllio No. 13 1'ourl strout. R. BICE , M. D. CHRONIC DISEASES ° r specialty. Over thirty years' pra o. U Po. rl Strout , Uoiim U lllutfi x Fuee. nr. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace. Office Oror Aruorictnuipresi Companr. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. AdTcrtl craonU under thh he d , 10 cents per line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for cnch ub- Bcquont insertion , nnd fl.fiO n line per month. No advertisement taken for less thnn 25 cents for the flrst Insertion. Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively and must bo paid tn advance. All adrer tlscmcnta must bo handed In before 2 o'clock P. m. , and under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'nrtles advertising In tlie u columns nnd hav ing the answers nJdrcssed In cnro of Tun BKE , will please nit for n check to nimble them to got their letters , n8 none will be delivered except on prosentfttlon of check. All unworn to nil- vortisotnonM should bo onclo'cd In envelope * . TO X.OAN-UONET. MONKY TO I.OAN-Ou lenlcatato. Ulbson , lAnoti & Co. , Itoom 3 , Wltlmcll Illock. _ 143 MONKY TO I.OAN-At lower rntcstlmn nny- whore else In thoclty.onfurnlturo , piano * . OTRnni , horfos , wairons , or dock of nny kind , lloinombcr , nt lower rates than nnr other loan cninpany in thn rlly. City Ixmn , v Mortpatto Co. . room 15,11011'arimtn st , opposite I'liztou liotrl. _ _ 097 _ fTMIK Omnhn financial ojcehnniro Is prepared to J mnkoJoans In any amount , on nny kind of approved security. I.aruf collntcral lo.ius n spnclalty. .Also on chattels and real estate In . amount * nnd ttmn to suit , l/iwer rates , bntter I terms , ahd prompter service than nny lonn airnnoy In thoclty. For furthnr particulars cull oflico on the second lloor ot the Barker Block , ' southwest corner ot Farnnm and l&tli Ft roots. 875 MONKY to loan on residence nnd property. Lowest rntet C. .T. Cnswcll .t Co. , Itooni'lU , Iron niinKIIulliltn ? , 1-tli und Fur- iji. R3) ) MONKY to loan by the underslpned , who has thn only proporlv nrfmnlto'l loan agency In Oranhn. Ixmns of $10 to f 1,000 made on fur niture , pianos , ortrnns , hews , wagons mnchln- cry , Aa , without removal. No doldjs. AH business strictly cnntldentlnl Ixinns BO mndo Umt nny pnrt cnn bo paid at any time , ench pay ment reducing thoj-oFt pro rnto. Advances made on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they nro dcalinjr with , as ninny new concerns nro dnlly cotnlnir Into existence. Should you need monnv , cnll nnd fco mo. W. 11. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wltlmcll llulldlnK , inth and llnrncy. 253 6PKK CKNT money to lonn. Cut rates on largo loans. Mahoney & Harris , Itoom 11 , IMMFnrnnin St. 874J20 MONKY TO rOAN at roasonntilo rntoi on horses , turnituro , watches nnd other per- ponnl property. C. .1. Cnswcll , Itoom 19 , Iron Hank building , J2thand Farnam. Take elevator. 701 to lonn on city resldcnco property Oeo. W.Diiy , H03 Fnrnnm. i-2 _ _ iPEIl CRNT Money to lonn , Stewart & Co. , lloom.'l , Iron bunk. Igth nnd 1'ninnm. B23 , to loan. Sum * WJO nnd upward * , $30ooo lowest rates , licinls , 15th and Douslni sts. , 200 M IONKY TO T.OAN-O. > * . Davis * Co. Heal Bstata end Lonn agents , 1505 FarnnmSt 261 MONEY flp 1XAN On good securities. A McGaroGi , room7iledlckBlock , 1509Farnam J5J. MJ M ONKY TO LOAN On real estate and chat tola. D. U Thomas. eaj MMONKY MONKY TO LOAN' In auma ot JCOO nnd up wards on first-class real cstato security. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam St. 204 MONET ? LOANED nt C. F. Heed & Go's. Loan office , on furniture , plnnos-borf < es , wagons personal property of all kinds and nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 8. 13th , over Blnghnm's Commission store. All bus- nosa gtrlctlr oonfldontaL . ail BVBUTESS CHANCES. FOR SALK Montmnrkot : good locnilon.cnsy tormi. Jloselcy" * Stcphonson , Itonm 8 Itlclmrds Illock , Lincoln , Mob. PO.V2J WANTKD To learn of estnhllsliod bnnkthnt dcslros tn sell , or of good locution Jar new bnnk in central or western Nebraska/ Address Bunker , Lock Box 183 , Sioux City. o07-2lJ * T71OR SALK Chonp , n snloon , If sold nt oneo. J Address P. O. Boy 654 , City. 897-19 * FOU SALi : Drug stock In good llvo town in northwestern Nobrnskn. Population 1.000. Address Q , 35 , cnro Omnhu Beo. _ 878-18. POIlKXOirANGK A good Btoclc nnd grain fnrm , 100 acres , 4 miles fiom Luiironp , Iowa. Wnnt a stork of general merchandise or tinrd- wore. O. L. Horton , 14290 street , Lincoln , Nob. WANTEU A rnro indncomBiit , will bo given , to ncoojjiolol mnn-ln n growing nml pros - perous western town , Sco or correspond -with ilnlott & Hates , Huntrlcc. Neb , i. - C7a T7I011 SALE-Tlotcl-First-clns4 , , , in "n good JD'town.Inrgo commorclal trndo ; must bo solo In 10days on nccount of sickness. Address. ! . K. N. . Albion. Nob. 013-Xli * "I7IOII KXCHANGE stocks of ( roods of every JL1 kind , for farms nnd land ; nlso lands to ox- chnmro f or Roods. If' you want'to trndo , no matter what It is youhnve , wrlto , with full do- ecrlptlon , to C. E. Mnyno , Ueal Kstato nnd Trust Co. . Omaha Neb. 266 FOR SALK A flrst-clnss bakery , restaurant nnd eonfixitloncry stand Inn town of 7.000 Inhabitants. Inquire of F. P. Fay & Co. , Omnlia. 461 TjlOIl SALK Sovornl stocks of goods , doinca -I- ' healthy business , ownership clear , satis faction gunrnntord ; terms cnsy , tomti Omnhn property tnlton In oxclmngo. Marshall & Lo- beck,1511 Farnnm st 412 FOR HA 1.10 Tn flrel-clnss locution , grocery Rtock and flxturos : smnll cnpitnl ronuiroil : rent low. Inqulrn at drug store , 10th und Doll gin ? 787 LOST , STRAVKD Juno 10th , mcdium-sjzed brown cow with n white stripe on bnck. Finder please return to L. Nuhlcou , 7008. 24tb sL TOUND. TIAKKN III1 ny the subscriber , on his on closed lands In Saratoga Precinct. Douglas county , Nebraska , on the flth.dny of May , 18SC , a dark rod cow about 7 yours old. J.D. Itustln. m27310-17-24 ! WANTKD By n lady 25 years of ago , acor- rospondftnt of a mlddlo-ngod gent with means ; object , matrimony. Address "F..V. , " P. . L _ 880-18 * I l < ; KhONAL-$100 monthly , earned , Child cnn learn beautiful photography : taught free In ono hour : short tlmo. First premium Si. I.ouU Kxposltlon. Miss ClirUtlo , 1511 Doug- Ins. 811-JU" PKRSONAL To persons wlio wish to build a homo In Orchard Hill , I will sell lots upon payment of the nominal sum of ton dollars and bnlnuro nt the end of flvo years. Interest nt 8 per cent , payable Bcml-nnnunlly. This Is the best otter over made to any homo-seeker In this city. Call nnd sou ma ( i R. Mnync , Real K * . Into nnd Trust Co. , S.VC. cor. 15th nna Farnnm. 287 Il'it ' ONAL Neat nnd tiibty nil-wool busi ness suits for only H.on. All sizes. Mall orders filled. L. O. Jones & Co. , 1300 Farnnm. UVI OARD and lodging , $ t a wook. 1320 Jones tt. _ _ C20Jy8 * FOll HUNT 1 Itooui and boaid for twa 1013 Capitol nvo 142 Ujloo uiontbly earned. Bee uoraonul column P * _ 810-10 mOKXCHANGF.-rnnn of 625 acres to ex- J clmngn formerchnndlso orllvoryetock. Ad- drOAS llax OOU , Iowa. _ BO-i-23 * . " TO"lUl'l'lAUSTSTho ! town 4)f City , Uutlcr oouuty , Nob. , olfuii to reliable parties. Bubsttintlul Bid to put upuo'I opuruto in eukl town gluooso fuctory worUg.nnd a fruit and vegetable canning factory. Call on or ddresi Jumes JUnll , Prcildont.or K. S. lUn- Kc > r , Hccroturyof DuviJ City liu Inoii iUuii'a Ag < oclntlon. _ 7'JI-ia * PHI W rnulte and coat pools rlanuml by F. U , Abel , 1 > . O. box 378 , residence 1 1 Cumlnjr. IU1VY and cesspools cleaned by K. Kwlnjj , I * _ _ OBoi127. _ tHUJulylt ) ' STOUAOK Western Transfer Jk Siora o Co. , corner 1UU uud N'lclioUst. , are prepared to receive and ttoioull klnka of Uouseholj goodi Fen ninfT A store on n seed retail street. Apply tlio Omaha Itcal llstutu mid Imnn Co. 167 'iTlOIt KKN'T S < iimru 1'iuno tJ monthly. A JL : Ilojpo. ifiu Uougiiig. ai2 ItKST Squtiru Piuuo , ( t monthly. A JlOll JtKNT Ortfans , U pur uiontb 3 1513 Douglas. THOU SALK A first-class piano , only X1 moiitlit. will taku part imymi'itt In boardIng - Ing , liiqulroKIN. 10th tt. Ocflju POlt SAI.K One 10-norse unriebt boiler and onKlao with fittlnifd compldto. A burraln. Nebraska Steam laundry , 10J 8. Hth st. VJ3 T/1OU SAI.K I pixno , furoituro nnd kitcljci " ranro. TIT S. 19th gt. Inoil ti.ll > K llnvm to Icavo on account of my wife's beallb , I will gall the luuto and Ira- proiemuuti of the livery bnrnl l O street , with her o > i. bugKlos and burticM or separate. Aildrc a ItoberlSUrUafitUI 0 Ucet. Unrein , Neb- roRSAI.K Fine second-hand phaeton chonp at Slmpsoa'g. 714 TTtOll SALK n. IL contracts on 2,400 acres JU flno tillable land , cheap for cash , or will ox- ehnnpo for rrosh stock clothing nnd Rood busi ness propurty. n. M. Woolmnn. U. I' . Town , Sub Apt. , Denver Junction , Color ' * i * 7M Jyll Foil SAI.i : flood horse , wngra nnd harness , onlyfJOO. E010 Webster. 717 ( * * 1-otTer tor sale BOO choice , twoearold steer * . Stianjo Bros. , Slou.t City , TT1OII SAM : A Surry , Simpson's make ; coot ! 4- " new.jitA..I _ Simpson' * . . . AiO _ _ FOH SAI.K chcnp. Iron columns nnd win dow caps Miltnhlo for front on brick build- Ing. For particulars npply at this oHlco. , M3 T7\OnsAIK-OrtrndD \ f6r altjf lots , a Ptmnof -L black drlvlnjr hoifo . Riillntilo for family carriage team. Apply room 5 , Iron Dank build' ? . . . 'W _ _ TTVms.Vl.i : a.- , year lonse on section jrond J- ' land , 7 miles southeast of Atkln on and 4 miles southucUot Kmnibt. Unit county , Nob. llontnl only48per yenr. Hatcher , ( InddS Co. , 1210 Douglas street , Mlllnrd hotel block , Omnnn , Nab. w , * | jioitSAlK Square plntio , JoO , monthly pay- jm o n ts llospp , J513 Douglas. yi \ . FOIISAI.K Mnlchtfinms and lior o * of nl kinds tn suit cuKtoineif ntiltnr Sale Stnhlos , 20th nnd Cumins. M. Chfmon. Prop. 2,0 WANTED-rEKAI.E KELP. Qioo monthly earned. Sco pcl-soniil column. * P , HID-IO' AXTii8 : peed Rlrls nt Mr& Win , Pros- ton's , -1st mid Howard Kts. tHM-in * \\rANTUn-sd Rood tflrls or poo'if lirlvnto TT families : Rood wnfrei ; cull n ) N'i't > "rn3ki\ Kmplojmunt Agbiicy , llu ictb ' st , nud Cunitoluv. " "l\7"ANTio : airl for rjjornl bouFOWik In M smnll fnmlly at2 'll navCnporfBt. ' 8 ,17 * AlsTTi > tiirl to do tfoner'nl hoiifowork : nur&o K > rl. Iniililrn MM , Binllh.S. n. cor. Dodge and 2Jth. 908-18 * t , > \\fAHTKn A girl for trcneinl housework ; IT good wages. Apply nt,25U St. , Mary's nvo , WA NT15D Two good dlnlng-rpoiri girls' lit Norrls' Itcstntirnnt , 16lh st" , 'bet. iTod o WO-18 WANTii : ) A KM nnd boy to worlrln ren tnurantiUoimuniirorurioil. 21 > a , O tlirit. A Rooil jflrl for KOiicral lioitse- 1 1 work nt nortnwcst corner Hamilton and 1'lorco street. 885-18 * WANTKI > 20 Rood girls for proo-1 prlvnto fnmlllo * ; Rood wmrci. Cull at NcliraskH Employment Agency , H ICth St. 8S2-13 \\7"ANTKt > A lady to not us cashier nttho i I Now York Chop House , lli'OJi Dnnglns Bt , WANTKD A jfli-1 for KohQrnl lieu owork ; peed laundiess. No\t doarnorth 1'Jensant St. School. Mrs. A. A. F.Kbort.8S1-1U * W'ANTIMi A < ( Blrl at I'lantcrs House , cor. Dodge ntulistli SIR. 875-17 * WANTKI ) Hood girl for gonornl housework at 2101) ) Fnrnam. . 655 WANTKI ) A competent laundrofs for each Monday nnd Tucsbny. Apply to , Mrs. Win. Cobuui'shouse , In front of Crclijhton Collcjro. ar > l-lt ) WANTKU A creed kitchen or dlnlnir room plrl. IKNlJthst. 8JJ-17 * "ItfANTKD Immediately , throe first-class waist-titters ; mine but experienced need npply. K.F. McCartney & Co. , I'a ) Douglas. 800 WANTKD Giil for general housework m BmnI I family. Apply 2307 Dodgost. 8,11-10 * WANTKD First class table wnlters. gills proferrnd. Danbaum's lOitmimnt 1511 Farnnm St. 822 WANTKD A girl for gonornl housework ; good wugus paid. Inquire at IMholm & I'llckfon's. 815-19 WANTiD A sturdier and shirt ironer at the EuroKn Stcnm Lnundry , cor. 10th nnd Iznrd. 800 WANTKD 2T > young ladies nnd gents to lonrn tologrnphy. Prospects for positions when compotent.good. Addr'oss W : J. D. rooui liCrounse block , Itltli st , Omnhn. 7418 W AMEO A girl at the Kmmott House. WANTKD At once..a .middle aired 'ho"us < - kcoixi-tn n Biiiall fumllv on n fnrm. No objection to one child. A rflortdy .fi4ma ; > Utpr particulars addiess ImmoJlatoly G 31 , Boo oflico. , t . , . 78-17 * WANTii > A peed pirl for general lioitsD- work. 100'J ' Furnam. v , 077 TX ANTKO A girl for { ronornl nousowprlt. 1415 Hownrd St. , 203 WANTKD-GIrl forkitchcnwork. 4WN. ODl-ltt HhTI I i | 7ANTiD A rlrl for general housoworJc nt 3420 Seward nt. . 005 . WAJJT D-MAr.E HELP. TX/ANTED A'good driver and worker nUmy * ' dwellinghousv. Must bo a good milker. Must bring willtcn recommendation. A. J. Poppleton. 903-19 * Ojioo monthly earned. See personal column. 4 ? 810-10 * WANTED A good solicitor on salary. Call ut 3514 Douglas , up-stnhs. ' 1U2-10 ( TED A good horsrshoer. Address C. Murray , Grand IslamNeb. ) 8&G-18 * VITANTED Shipping clerk 111 manufacturiiig ' ' biidlncss. Address with rofcrcnco nnd ox- poilonCuto 110X28 , Omaha. 877-17 * WANTED Men und women needing profit , able employment ; $7. " > sulaiy nnd uxptmses- Goods f-tnplo. livorybody btijTf. Atlrlress , with stump , Couvnrse Mfg Co.,1 5 Qulnoy M..Chicngo. ' " \irANTKD Machinu bunds : good wnges and T steady work to experienced hands. .Oiun- ha Shirt Fuclory.noSN. Ibth ft , FEl-gi WANTED At once , man nni wife , or gooil Strong womnn , lor farm nud general housework on much in Kansas. .A , D. Morse , 14th und Fnrnam sts. ' ' KR4-19 ANTED Young rnnn In ofTicn > vhj hashiul some experlonco In ofllco worif.'ls correct und willing to bo utelul , und cau furnish rolcr- onccs. Address ti 52 , Boo ofllco. ' 1857-18 WANTKD Wholosnlo Salosjhi'n , by John Wnmimnker. I'hlhuU'lphln. for dry goods , cnrpols , hosiery , undcriTcuraud'notloiis Only nxporicncuil moil wlilittajq. .Applj1 : by letter : confidential , of course. , i 81MB * , . VyANTKD Mun and women doslring-'prrint- ' T able Qmploymcnt ; fnlurjor commission ' on fituploroods ; iuidrcfiVwith23 orntrtHtnron's , to pay posuigo , for contiaat and SAiui'l'H.r.'S ' . Jlfg. Co. , CHiciigo. „ , r tJt-ijyq4i ? \\7-ANTiD-Agonts : to \Vnlkins-fanaU 11 tuchmuiil for sowln. machlnos , Tungo who willInvest $25 to flic. ) can miiUo4100 tp * oW. ( , thu siimmor. Sniuplo $1 , Circulars 'frCo. , A. JC Watklns , 37 Hnirlson nvouue , llostoii , Muss. WANTKD-Trucklayors and tcunijtoi-e.brl.fgo . nnd section man for K. It. work. Wagus the highest going. Cnll for pnrllcujnrs und transportation at Mooio's craplo > inutit offlcn , tou SoutlilUtliSL.a 11. Dulloy. manugcr. * flliyo cnorKollomonofgood character and ud- JL dress , between 3) nud : i > years of HKO. J , J.L French * Co. , Uoom HI , Bushman illoolr. HO-IU * WANTKD Iniinodlatclyn nrst-clasa cook at ISUDodBOSU - EOj WANTKD Laborers lor railroad -work ; tRAiustcrn , tihovelcrs and truRklnyors. Men shipped every day. K. 8. Albright , U. U. l.ubor Agent. ] % )8 ) I'arnain st. 021 ITUATIOH WAMTED. WANTED A posltloiv In a lumber yard or hardwarestoro ; canglvognod roferrncos. AddroM Homer Piatt , Prescott , Iowa. e.--7.S ) WANTiD : Situation by a German drugget Si yanrt at ago , 0 years' oporluncu In I ho onft ; not afraid of work. AdJioss < 57 , Dee olllco. 8 4-lb * WAM'ii : > Slliuitloii by aSwedo to wnrk.ln prlvo fnmlly to doctmornl wprk. Addrosa G 55 , llco Ollico. BTJ-1U * " \\7ANTKD-A Kituiitlon as housekeeper In Yl prlvatu family , A < iUiuis Q I'.i , Jk-o olllco. 8V-I8 * \VANTID i.ady wnuts pos tion as cook i t > hotel or re&tuurunt. AUJicss O M , Hco offlce. E5M8 * WANTKD situation In ON ollioo as fls.lst- nnt bookkeeper , by n jouiig mnu. IJo > t nf refartincoi. Good Uabils. Address O. U ) , lloooUico , - KM-17 * 'O A druir clerk , wants H portion lu Omaha or ulsen hero. Can gpeak Orrinun or . . . . ll.h. ( Jood revominoiidattnu of character and ability furnlshuU.Address > . 13. Kundall , Sa.nt IVtor , > ! lnn. { 7B7-at * "VlfT.VNTl.'l * lly ajounsr mun , 6caudlnavianr T a i o ! llou la a stoic ; has hud experience In dry gooiliiaixiuaiutcJ In the city , nnd iinder- tlaniU tukimrcaro of aonan ; rcurcnrcs given. Ad.lrrs iCi 47 UoooltlOtf. ' b2d-lb * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. -A plncofora eoo < l Klrlln small family to rte co cr < Ulioii60n-orlt. AJdrcW C. AHmauu5ior cr , MiuUtu , loura. tfil-lS * WANTKD-IOoiWllo to rand O fft > oil's New History of NflbiWkn. Mo t IntcroMlnir of nnr rot pnbllahodtv ( Kd settler * nml all others . hould see It , 1'rl " KfO. Jiis. O gooa& Co. , S. 10th St. . , 800-19 F YOU wnnt fltifl Mud omurodlcry or flrat' JL clnss Orusimaklog f wCyour liomoscnll nt 410 N. \T7A fTEO Hy , . , < young mnrrlod couple , TT ronms and board lu unm-nto fnmllrtn Rood location. AddreS Q SI , Hco ofllco. 859-17' \\7ANTKIl One or two peed horses In ext - t chantro for house aud lot. Ballon Bros , " fr9-1 ISlBUouglaKBt. , - , . VI/'ANTKI ) A epoii work horse Inoxhanpo t for pnlntliur. . Address O 41 , Bee office I P83-10 * T\7ANt KI > A second hand sett of reports of Tt NobrnsknSupffimbCourt. Cnll on or nd dress L. 1) . Holmo'i'ltdbinS , Fronzer block. 743 'ANTKU Teams. T. Murray. 472 ANTKlShortnatul Morkof all kinds by J. B. Haynea & Co. , 1S11 Dodfro st. SB BERT-HOUSES AJTP EOTB , "THOU ItKNT Store with 4 rooms In rearon K paved street ; sultnhlo for any buslnotft. Ap- iilyonprcmUes. 2715 Cumlnir st. SJsJylO Foil KIJNTThobulldliiflr now bclntf'bullt by Ilarl-crllros , , on the cnnqrof : 'Jnu'nud Jones , 00x80 feet , and four or flvo stories high , wlllbort'ntod for hotel or wnrchoiiso purpose' , ] nnd bonnlslicdtosult tlinptirpoeoaf tonnnt C. ; K. Maytto Itcnl Estate and Trust Co. , 15th nnd ! Fa rn am. 831 _ _ TTiOtl ItKNT-Ond now brlcfc house , n room * . J ? . and cistern , No. 2X'OXUtli and Hamilton sis. August Wllko. 8.1.V17 * Foil HINT : 5 room cottnifo on 27th nad Wolistor. Inquire loom 15 Onmlin Nnllonnl Hunk. KIM ; * _ , Foil HUNT Furnished rooms. IB.'l Cntt. ayo. > ' a -w T71OH ItBNT Hcsldcnconf 10 rooms , burn fin-1 J 14 horibonutlful frrounds , I.eavcnworth I nnd 3,1d . ! . , $ .V ) per month. C. K. Mnyno Itcrtl i Estnto& Trust Co. , 15th nnd Fnrnnm. , TJg" | FOU ItENT Ono 8 nnd ono lu room hdbso' ' with nil modern Improvements , In n dcslr- Able loontion. luqulro of O. F. Dnvls'icCO.i IfiOS Fnrnnm. 374 , , roa XEBI-ROOMS. 'ANTKU A nicely turntahcdroom liiiquict location. Address (1 5 $ lleo olllco. 000-17 * rjAOH ItKNT Stors room on llth stt near P Farnnm ; mnko line ofllco , J . " > . "Brick store , N K cor. 14th nud Hownrd , $ "i5. C. K. Mnjno , Itcnl ICstiitoniul Trust Co. 890 F OH HUNT A suit of lurulshcd rooms. 1811 Cnllfornln. 803 Foil HUNT A well furnished room at IfiOO 1'anmui St. , opposite Met chants Hotel , only tlO 89J-1H * TTIOIl IlKNT-Nlccly furnished rooms. 1013 JJ Dodgo. TUB-ID * TjlOU UKNT Five,1-00m house , furnished , -L ior5 or 0 months ; will bo rontoil clump to good party. ICilwuril Larkln , Exposition Hulld- lug. 80) T71OII UiXT 3 plcnsant furnished loomsut JI2411 Chlcngo St. 6Sl * T71OII HUNT Furnished rooms , 1310 JInrnoy. J3 SKI FOll RKNT Furnished room , 1707 Cuss st. 8Jfi-'l * FANTii > Nlrely furnlshodroom with alcove , 625 Fair view or 2Gth si , 14 block N St. Miu-j's nvo. ill I-.9 * 8-7-19 * Foil KENT W AW , 'board , nently furnished rooms , 1718 Cafvdt. 840-19' EOK HUNT Two JJoora nnd oOlco with use of rlovntor , sulrabw for light wholosnloing orstorago. W. WWrffeht,317a IGtlist. 7tl-a5 ) * Fen JIKNT Furnished front room. 1113 Douglas. " ' 015-19 * ' : rrioH llKNT-Njcely'jurnl3lied front room , J lfl-3 Dodge at. 70t-19 * JlKNt NIcelji furnished rooms with board. Sontlwestcor. SOth nnd Webster. . 7CH8 * Foil linNTOnoirout room very iilcoly fur- nlshed ; 2.117 W stor st. , „ 7J7 F I OH 11KNT Aifctiirnne suite of two rooms. Apply with references , 1007 Douglas. < 745 . , _ . iooiusWlHj , , biuVa. „ „ iJOJ8WT5odgost. ' < r "V" tf " ? "Pt . .B23. - ' trrf 171OII HKNJC Furnished rooms. Prices from i-U ' fS to 6ir per month , with or without board. ,03 , South 15th st. ' 57U-21 * OK KKNT Furnished rooms. Jnqtilro ! , d.i'Utr Btoro. lOth and Douslns. Kti IF OK KENT One nice room nt 22.M Dodge Street 370 FOU RENT Two store rooms on 10th street , Water , gas and sewer connections. The 'C.K-Mayno nnd Trust Co. , cor. 15th and Farnam. 821 TTlon RENT A furnished room In n prlvnto -C. fnmlly. Apply 2518 DoughiS Street. 250 qmoil RENT An excellent basement , 509 nnd J ? 511 Slyth at. ; 3 stores onth ! ) and Douglas , nnd 2 stores on 23d and Cum Ing , Paulson & Co. , 1513F.irnnm. * 837 FOR KENT Furnished rooms. 1810 Dodgo. 132 _ _ , T7) ) OJl RENT Desk room. .Rush & Selby.SlB 'JL1 S. 15th st. . ill FOB BAiB-KOOSB3-Z.OTS. SALK Half ncro lot in Glso's addition , FOR und Cammcron st , , 4 blocks from street care. InijUliaon . 838-17 * F A sforo bulidiner southwest part of town , very cheap. J. H. vuns & Co. Odl-18 rrpoil BALE 3 houses to bo moved oIT lotsi JJ trill sell cheap. The C. E. MnynoItoul E tuto nnd Trust Co. bfll 1O11 SAtK A biirpaln rornfow days only , ( ill ncro stock ranch In Cherry county , Neb , for sale , with Improvements. Cnllonornddrcss JLit-o. B- Smith , Houm 1 , , Puzton Building. 871M8 * . EVANS & CO. J linvo for sale : 132 feet sq. truck In alloy , n' ' ti $5 00 100x141 on U. P. south „ 7.000 Corner for business , Saundersst i 3'iO'J ' ' Another. , 4f/W AriOthqr , 3,5JO 'Another 5,100 Another 8,0)0 ) Corner lor buslnoBs.Lenvenworlh st , 140 1 ret front ,8,000 , 48 feet iront on Cnmiiigst , n bargain. . ' . . 1,000 72 foot on N. Ifcth , line location lor retail ' I business i 5,000 l I lusmoss Property , ( . j Irnpwei Hesldoiicu Property. Unimproved Propurty. Wo cnn picsout a bettor list of property than nny dealer In thu city. Call and voilfy this Btato- inont. 8WS-1I ) Fen HALK Cottajfo one tilook fixim Saun- dors street oars , fi looms , city wntur , now fnncu , Tills housa Is nou- and u bargain nt f I,8W:3250 ( cash , bal f O per month , B nix room cottaKca ou Iliunilwn atroot ; jilco yurcl.Bluulu tioos , bmail fruit , funcotl , a very pleasant and ' desirable home ; email cash pay ment : Iml'fiTJ per month , 2 cottatfos ou King gtraot , 2 blocks from street ears ; perfectly now : city wutcr , olstorn , 0 room. Krntoln parlor ; yard boddud und fenced. $250 cash , bid . ' " > per month. A few lots In l.lnppn Place , f 130. Small onuh payinonttbalflU pbr inontli. HlgfinB Ic I'urU , IXi.'UoutflaB Bt. " J > 800-11) ) FOU t'ALi : T roflr the flucat lots in Now- port , with goofl hblifo , very oboap , Ktlwun ) Lurkln , lijpo<lottHUilding. 868 AMKS' PI ACU flJfttiupricesMkedaud money Invested Is asfgoxid an Invescmunt as you can llml. $00 the lots mid convince yoursolf. 7ia ) , , 1507 FAititAM ST. . _ . - - . . . . _ . JJfVl > OHT two most popu JJlurncrouddltlons ; iipnrur than any others ; selling faster and on caller terms. Hoe llrjgh- ton und Newport forfioro lots locatnd m tlioiu nro will bo iinpO3 = Uilwto Und In loss than a year from now. Itomomber , broad ncrcs innKo many lots. Bee Brighton lifi'l ' Nuwpor : . _ 743 _ nAacs , 15 < J7FAI1XAM BT. Pol' SALK Hou Q'nd lot in North Omnhu , ono block from streetcar , clicup ut PS KO. O. F. Da vis & Co. _ S71-Jy T. , FOR SALK Vine Corner lot on Farnam s with 2 good hoiiM ) * routing for Sl.0'10 ayoar ; price J20.00J , 95,000 cash , buUincoto bo arranged. Ought to sell readily , Marshall ti Lobock , 151 } Farnam at. _ _ _ T _ 6 18 _ OiTailAlcH MII.I. lots syil on their merits ? Low prices and easy turmsirl von. Cullut The 0. E. Mayno undTrust Co.'s olllco nnd got a plat. 400 East front nu Dolawnro street , Ilarisoom placo.beuutlful lot. (2,100. Lovgrt > n & \Yildo , 1504 Farnam fctrcot. m AMKS'PLACE Is the property on which to mnko money by a Email investment. It * clls fast and houses are being built ou tbU ground , Come and see tbo lots. 743 AMIS , 1507 FAIWAM BT. BKDICK'S OHOVK , omy in.ldu lots ut 7WtQ $1.400 to bo hud In town. Tuoy aikO OOfar lots joining ItuJiok's Drove. See Hedlolc's Orovo and see for yourself that these lots at f'OO to f 1.000 uro unequalled for price uud. locution , 7(1 AULS , 1W7 FiUKAii Sr. TflOR SALK Tf taken at once , 68xM feet on JU the corhnr of 16th and Jnckson * ti , $1 . < 0. Corner of St. Mnry'i ave and IStb St. , throe street fronw , f IR.nJO. 10 aeres near Fort Omnhn , largo house , barn , flno orchard , containing every kind of fruits , 8UOO. Any of these pieces arc Tory cheap and will stand cjoso Investigation. C. K. Mnyno Heal ' Trust Co.l5th nnd Fnrnam. 7C 5-17 FOB 8A.LI' Two elegant east front corner , lots In Ilurr Onk ; natural flmilo ti6os. Hatcher , Ondd A Co. . 1210 Douglas Street , Millanl hotel block Omnhn. Nob. 804 _ POR KXCUANUi : f 6,000 stoo * dry goods for Oumha property. Arohor A I itch , 219 8 15th St. 405 _ _ "IJlOIl SALK-iHosldcnco property nnd vncnnt X ! lots In every addition In Omaha. Terms to sultpui-chnscr. Also doslrnble business prop erty , Gibson , Lmson A Co. , Itoom 3 , VTIthnoil UlocX. 15J _ Tfou on .Tnck on st , business , -L1 tlflPVK ) . A rare Imrgnln , Cnll soon. Marshall - shall A Lobeek , lill Fnrnnm. C19 TTUUl S.VLK Flvo ileslrnblo Amoior place L < lots ntn bnrgaln Ir fold within n few dnr * . .Inquire nf Itlsdon A Oimstock , MorehanU Na tional bank building , Itoom 1 , up-stnlrs. 491 TTUHl SALIC Or Tnvlo Improved nnj unlm- JJ proved land ) In Furnns nnd otior western countlos. Addrogs Wm. Slmornl , Arapnhoo , Fu rn nsCo. Neb. Z75 _ lrKCIAL JIARdAIN-Fino 6 ncro lots , nil together , tn Hlmobnugh's nddillou. JIust bo sold right nway , Price per ncro , ? WJ. 11 , 0. Patterson , 13th juid DoiJglns. " _ tK)2 ) acres In "llnrknlow 8 Tuo-dlvl- xloni cast front : 4 shares In Omahn Dairy association : I two-seated buggy ; 4 flno bnrbor chairs. 214 S. 12th st C91 13 iiin HTON AND'NRWPOHT two most popu- JLJlnriicrondilltlons ; nenier than nny others ; gelling foster nnd on easier terms. Heo Hrlgh- ton nnd Newport , for acre lots located as these -artMvtll bu Imirasslblo to tint' in lejs thnn n year ftum now. Homcmber broad acres make mnuy lots. Sco'Orlghtou and Noupoit. 743 AMES , 1W7 FAUNAM ST. 1 ) U a\LE-Sovcn choicest Kllby Pluco lots , jPjfSM , each. A. P. Tnkoy , U > t Farnam SU 14.1 T71OU SALK Ortrndo lor unimproved prop- < -L ? orly within two mllosof oily , n Una modern hoilsb of 0 rooms , well , cistern iiiultnrn , bonu- tifully tinlihod insMe : lot 50x15 , ) , locnted one .block from terminus of rod nndgiuun car Hues. ,0. II. Baton 013 8.13th st 376Jy2 JUST think of It. Two lots oust fionts nud ncnr struct curs for only $1,503. Mi ANDNKWPOHTtwo most popu- J. > liriicro : iiildltlonsi nearer thiiu nny others ; rolling faster nnd on easier terms. Sou llrlgh- ton nnd Newport for IV.TO lots located as these nro will bo Impossible to find In loss than a year from now. Ito'iiombor bro d acres mnko tunny lots. Sco Drlghtou nnd Newport. 713 AMKS , 1507 FAUNAM ST. TjlOlt SALK-lJy Stockdulo A IJunohor. J- Cait lingo , Cmthngc , CnrtlniKO. Wo have the oho ccst lots on Cumins nnd Iznrd streets m thin charming now addition. See them before you buy. Stockilalo & lluncbrr , 1511 Dodge St. 711-17 F Oil SALK-Uy Stockdalu & liutichor. Tot3ln Cmthago t 475 Lotsln Ucdlord Plnco 6 0 Lots In Lincoln I'laco 4.r > 0 jfltsliiTjOftvcnworth Terrace 7iW ) lKts in Tliprnburi ; 4.V ) Lotsln 1'lalnnew BOO Lots in Klrkwood 510 Lots In I'nrmcnter Plnco 700 Lotaln llnnscom I'lnco. . . . 1.40J Ixts in ShliU'B Addition l.tiiX ) Lots In McCnndllsh Place 2.00J Houses nnd lota in nil parts of thoclty nnd suburbs. Always see us before you buy nr sell Stockdnlo & Iluncher. 1S11 Dodge stroot. 710-17 RF.D1CK'SOHOVK , only Insldo lots at $700 to 51,400 to bo hnd In town. They nsk $3,000 for lots joining Itodlck's Grovo. See Itcdick's ( irovo and see for yourself that these lots ut $700 to $1,50) ) are unequalled for price nnd location. 744 AMES , 1507 FAUN All ST. FOlt SALE 512,000 will buy an elognnt resi dence , newly furnished ; very best location In the city , near 19th and Chlcairo sts. Hoggs & Hill. 1403 Fnrnam. C9.-iJ AMES' PLACE Lots soiling very fnst ; houses building all over this popular addition. Knslost terms. See Ames I'lnco. 7J2 AMES , 1W7 FAHNAM ST. O UKllY In what addition Is the cheapest acres ? A. Patterson Park , $275 per ncro vUKIVY Ho\v far from courthousaU 1'nttor- jsoti Park ? A. W miles. i\XJIJHy ( Pnn .acres bo bought In Pnttorson Pnrlfoiilbng'tlmo , easy payments and low rnto of Interest ? A. Yes. REDICK'S GHOVB , only Insldo lots nt 8700 to $1,400 to bo bad in town. They nsk $ .1,503 for lots Joining llcdlck's Grovo. Sue Hcdick'sOroyo nnd see for yourself thnt thofo lots nt ? 700 to 51,000 uro unoquallud for price and location. , ,744 AMES , 1507 FAIINA.M Sr. FORSAKE Improved and unimproved larm lands. Gibson , Larson & Co. , lloora 3. Withnetl Hlook 151 . EVANS & CO. Jit. Have for sale Lots in Hawtliornc , Adjoining west end. at $000 to ? 1,200. Compare prirus with surrounding prices , and scu the margin , then see us. Lots in CrcSton Tlio most bountiful location for residence In thoclty. Gnmd views la all Ulicctionsdrain- ngo , grades , etc. , perfect. See them , and then see us. A choice line of corner lots on Saunders st for buMnosg lots. LUochp. LUochp.Half Half Blocks , Aero Tracts , In all pnrts of the cltr at bnr nln prices. 805-19 T7IOK SALK Lot BUx78 ft on 30th St. corner , X1 houses rent for $27 pur month ; $5,000 , or will soil in 3 parts. li lotund 2housccront for $ -12 per month ; Pierce , near 7th street , $5,000. Now house , everything Un-t class , full lot on Hamilton streetnear 2Hh * , $ ! , > 00. - lots undi houses on Farnnux near 20th street , $9,000. ' 2 story boarding house , 12 rooms , saloon.bnrn , l\illlototo8.500. Vutl lot and U room house In Lowe's add.fl ,400 ] U acres Imilo IroniH. Oinuhi stock yurds.6200 per ncro , or will bell In ! 1 pai ts of 5 acres each. io acres well Improved , uonr l''t. OmnhiiB,000. LotonSownrd Bt , pear 31st , $000 easy terms. 0 lots lu West Sldonenr canning factory , $300 ' t'BCh. Aero in West Omnha ncnr Bolt Line , $2.900. ' . ! ncres In West Omnhn. t8,200. 12o ft front on G oorgm Avt'near Leaven worth Etroot , fi.8GO. 87 ft north fiont on Dodge near 29th Bt. , $3,750 cniy terms. . 2 IoU in Plum VIe w , $1,200. Largo lot on Howard si , near South Avo.ono .block from St. Muiy's Ave , ffl.OOi ) , JHOfcotwo'.t fiont on-ltii Bt$125 per foot. Lotoh VltgminAvo , near Lcavomvorth St. , $5.000. Lot InSumiyBldo , $1,150. House of U rooms on Itith near Nicholas street , * f 3.500. . llmieoofO rooms on 18th st , near Nicholas , "l2S it east front on d IDth st , $11,000. * Btorybrick biilldlmron Ilnrnoy st , V ,000 Cornor4xlU21t ( on Hnrmiy hi , $20,000. Ixjt CUxUUft , 2 story housu on Huirurd street , $2IOoa 1/jt 2-'xlM ft on Dodgonoar near llth fltI,600 Lot In NuUon's add , $1.700. rorner lot Sewnnl st , $750. Money tn loan nt lonun rntosof Interest Uco. I * . Itcmis WCorl&th and Douglas st. 870 EDWARD KUEHL , HAQIBTBB Ot PALMT3TBHY AND CONDI- riONAL1BT. 303 Tenth Street , between Farnara and Harney , will , with tbe aid of guardian apJrlts , obtain tot any one a glance In the putand present ; and of eorUlu condltloni la thefuturo. Hoots 'and shoua maj to order. Torfoctsatlifactlon iruaraateoJ. ' Acre Property near 61(7. ( CEls'pcst BRILLIANTE Lots for Sals in all parts of Gily , EASY TJ3RMS JJ S. _ VAN BEUREN. 220 8. 14th. LOTS $700 to $760 , $200 cash , bal , 1-2-3 Yrs V an Beuren Place , 3 blocke horn King St. Can 8.8. Van Beurcn , 220 S. ! 4ih Lot IWKilW Cotcm on Burtnt. . I block from ptTf mcut imd hurflcx r ; bonM of & rocmt , well , cljttrn nd lot * of frulu. fJ.&OU worth Jl.OOd , Ilouie ndW _ lot , Hawthorne , f B7B worth { 1100. T kj f t on DoDClu at , t4V . Cproer il ) on Campbdl it , nt t C idw ll , 10 rpoin home , ihd U i , frulti , Ae. | WOO , wbo , wuiU buytln. VAN BEUREN , Ooujlti m Uth $ U. A Now nlino Miiflottm Attraction , i St. Paul CJlobo : "Vou say you never s.-xw Frnnklo * jlsoiu when she was n school Rirl ? " "Never. " "Never hnd a was her classmate - mate at sonio high school or ncatloniyj" "Never hail a cousin. " ' 'Vou tlo not live In a family \rhoro Ino lady of the IIOH.-.O wns tlio third cousin of onn of Frankio's classmates t" "I boartl myself. " "Did I understand yon ( o say thai Miss Folsom never passed n portion of ono summer in your native town ? " "Sho was never there , to my knowl edge. " "Anil you never had n friend who occu pied the mtito of rooms she and her mother did at tlio Gilsoy housot" "My friends never stop there. " "But wasn't your father once an Inti mate friend of Frankio's grandpa ? " "My father never saw the old gentle man. " "How many summers have you spent nt Deer Park1' "Never was there. " "Von uro positive that j'ou ditl not frequently go there with Senator Davis ? " "Never sow tlio senator. " "You are dead sure that yon never saw llttlo Kranklo whim slip used to play with the school children of BulltUoT" "Sure. " "And your wife's niece never recited to a cousin of Frankio's early teacher ? " "Never. " "Where wore yon born ? " "In Kentucky. " ' "I'll give .you n thousand dollars a week to make the season at my dime museum. Yott'rn the first American citizen I've- scon In thrcu weeks tltat hadn't either scon the president's wife when she wus a little girl or wasn't an all-tired liar. " Notes on Suicide. Ono woman committed suicide because her mother did. There tire more suicides in Indiana than anywhere else in the United States. The man who impaled himself on liii own wooden leg is like the bird which nuzzled Dundreary ho must "Hock by himself. " It is rather more than two to ono that a suicide will happen in the daytime , anil moro happen on the llth of the month than any other day. Ono New.Yor'k . man shot himself be cause he hatHio cash to put in the platter at church , and another died to do good to the rest of mankind. " One man walked to a shady swot on a summer day with n lump of ice nnd sundry bottles. Then ho mixed himself a delicious deadly punch anil died. It is in the happy spring that people go most freely to tlio altar and the grave ; 035 committed btiicido in budding Juno , whereas only -114 are credited to snowy January. Shooting is by far the most popular way of shullling out of lfo | , perhaps , because - cause so many moro mon commit felo do so. 1'oiEonipg is a good second , und is characteristic of women , What shall bo sairt of the persons who jumped into furnaces , who soaked them selves with kerosene and lighted it , who drove spikes in their brains , who tested guillotines built by themselves , who crawled through bnrbcd-wirq fences until death followed upon exhaustion ? Of 0,333 cases of smcido 471 were maids nnd 1.315 bachelors. Any disposition toward an easy icst at the snd fate of these unmarried fellows is rudely checked by contemplation of tlio alarming facts about these who preferred death to con tinuance in married life 2,053 husbands committed suicide anil 508 wives. Two hundred and thirty-eight widowers failed to lind life worth living without their sponces , but grief for their husbands drove only J.S28 widows Into voluntary graves. _ _ How to Make Yonrself Unhappy. Hall's Journal ot Health : In the lirst place , if you want to make yourself mis erable , be scllish. Thing all the time of .yourself nnd your things. Don't care about anythingelse. . Have no feelings for any but yourself. JNcver think of en joying the satisfaction of seeing others happy , but rather if you see a smiling face , bo jealous , lest another should enjoy - joy what you have not. Envy every ono who is better oft" than youretflf ; think un kindly toward them , nnd speak lightly of them. Be constantly afraid lest someone ono should oncronch on your rights ; bo watchful against it , nnd if any should come near your things snap at thorn like n mad dog. Contend earnestly for every thing that js your own that may not be worth a 'pin. Never yield a point. Bo very sensitive , nnd take everything that is said to you in playfulness in the most serious manner. Be jealous of your friends Icst they should not think enough of yo\\\ \ and if at any time they should seem to neglect you , put the worst con struction upon their conduct. Bonton'flHair Uraivnr All who are BALL ) , ull who IUD becoming BALD , all vvho do npt want to bn bald , nil who nro troubled with UANDUirKF. or ll'CHlNO of the scalp ; Rlinttld use Beaton's Hair Grower. KiorrrvrEU CKNT of those usInK It Imvo prown hair. It never fails to stop tlio liixir troin tailing. Through sickness and fevers tlia hair sometimes falls oil In a stunt time , and although the person may hnvo rcmaluf d hnld lor years , If you use Ben- ton's Hnlr Grower according to dhectlons you mo sure of ii growth of h.ilr. In hun dreds of cases wo Imvo produced a pootl gtowth of Hair on thoM ) who hnvo liccn bald nnd Klnzed lor ycnis wo have fully subbtnu- tintcd tlio followlnj : facts : Wo grow Hnlr In BO cases out of 100 , no matter how Ions bald. Unlike other preparations , it contains no sugar of lead , or vegetable or mineral poisons. It is a bwcllic | for falling hair , dandrtiir , nml Itdilng of tlio scalp. The Hnlr Grower is n linir food , nnd Its ompositlon IH almost exactly like thu oil which supplies the hnir with its vUnllty. DOUBLE AND Tltll'LE STIHSNOTH. When thn slcin Is vuiy tough and imid , nud the folllco Is apparently eurctnaUy closed , the single strength will Btmiet lines tall to reach tno papilla ; In suoli cases the douhlo or triple strength should bn used In connection with thu single , using them alternately. J'ricu , slnalo stiencth , 31,00 : double strength , 83.00 ; triple strength , S3.00. If your ilrugglbts have not got It wo will send it prapaifil nn receipt of prico. B1CNTON HAIlt GKOWEIl CO. , Cleveland , O. Sold by C. K , Goodman and Kuhn & Co. 15ili uud Doutflflj , IHlli mid Cumins * Chirk North , n blind mnu , carries the mail from Chiryvlllc , Sullivan county , to Big Indian , UUter county , N. Yt. u dis- tancc of twcnty-ono miles , three times a week. The road is so rough aa to bo impnssablo for vehicles , tuul the route is accomplished on foot. He has been the mall carrier on this route for thirty yoaM and Jm.s never missed ; i trip cither iu or winter. llnlford Snuco makes your food moro nutritious. population readies its maximum in Ben gal , where there worn 4J3.K inhabitants to the gquarumilo ; the minimum is found in Central India , witii M. : ) , and in British Bunnuh with 12.8 to ontih .squrmi mile. For every 1W ! mnlus then * nro 1 1 fe males. The Hindoos and BuddliistH in- cltido 190,000,000 ; the Mohammedans , 09,000,000) ) Christians , l.SJO.OOOPursues ; , 80,030 ; Jtnvs , 12,000 ; and various other sects with smaller numbers. Thocntito debt of India amounts to 171,577,015. In March t WW. the entire length of rail roads , m miles , wiw 12,000 ; of tint lulu- graph systems , JJ3.1H1 ; thu total length of wires , Ready Mixed Palms at J , A , Fuller & Co. , cor. llth and Douglas sts. Throat troubles promptly removed'by uMng lied Star Cough Cure. No bnd ot- fools. CORDIAL The Great Southern Remedy for all BOWEL TROUBLES AND CHILDREN TEETHING. Thorn nro very few who do not know of thl > llltla husli croIIIR nlongitila of our mountains nud hlllm but very few rrnllto tlio fart , that the little jnirplo berry , wtilili no ninny of ill Imvo pitton In tnoU every itlinroitlirr * Is a prin ciple hi It hiuliift n wnnilrrfiil cfli'd on tbo bowels. Dr. llluRpr's llucklotxrry UonlUl Is tllOUUFAT KOUTIIKIttf BKMKIIY tllllt IPXOrPS tli * llttlo onn t pthlne , nnd cures Diarrhoea JJvKontPt-T nnd Crump i'olle. wbult Is considered Hint nt this ' sonoj thojv.xr Miildcn anil dangerous mtnckn or tbo buwj.J nro no frequent , nnd \ \ < > liotir of no ninny donths occurring before n lilijsldim can ba ulli-it tn , It Is ImiHirlnnt thnirtcrv liouir- ? uilrt should provfila thpmscHos with soin * npfoily n-llpf , n dose of nhldiulll rcllovo tti pum nml itnvn nuirti nnilotjllr. . lllturrr lluchlrlicrry Clonllnl lintlmnlarcinoily nhlck nny chlM 1 $ ] > li > meJ to t kp , rrlcc. M cents n bntttp. Jtftnufnctnrcd by WAI/TBIl A. Tavlor'i Cliprokre Urinnly of Hwrrt tSVii'.i nd .ilulleln " 111 euro C'ouchs , Croup anil Con jiinipllDti. ITIrnSlrls. nni > II al'olllp. For sale by thoIl.T. ClnrkoDrUff Co. , nnd nil Closing Out , I have tbc largest and most coni- pleto line of NEW MILLINERY AND NOTIONS In the city. I am closing out LESS THAN JOBBERS' PRICES. You will find all the latest novelties In hats , bonnets , llowors , plumes , tips , ribbons bens , guu/.cs , crapes and other styles of trimmings. Goods -Must Be Sold , Best of Bargains over offered. Call nnd sue them. ' * " J. J. BLISS , No. 328 Broadway , Council Bluffs. CooNcrr. BLUFFSTown , Juno 14th , A. I ) . 1R6. To whom It may concern : Notice Is baroby Kivun thnt the copnrtminOilp heretofore ox- feting liotwcon William Hitter und Kd Adams doing business under the firm nnmo nnd style of Hitter & Adams , is hciuby dissolved. All persons having accounts to settle with said flrra , uro hereby notlllod to settle the BIIIIIO with Wl- lliini Hitternnd nil pnyiuonts of money orother dues duo snld firm trom nny person tire from und nftor tills hate poynbln to William Hitter. W1LMAM HITl'KH. P. BOYEB & CO. DEALEHBIM * Hall'sSafesVaulisTimelocks and Jail Work. 1020 I'arnain Street , Omaha , Nob.1 A STANDARD MEDICAL ; WOBR , FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONLT HI BV MAIL , I'OSTl'AIU. TO All KHOW THYSELF. , TlxhtniteOVItnlltr , Morraiii ( nil PhTnloul Dnbllltf Prtmttare Decline In Mnn , Krrnra of Youtti , and til * Bntold mls rles reiultlnitfrom In'lljorttlon ' and ot- ceieei. A l oolt tor fl or mnn. younif , mUtdle-azed nd old. Itconfilni 12Sprr BcrMit'.onsior nil neutenna rliroMloalnen o .nnrnor. < > ot wlili li la Inraluable. H lounil IIT lhoniUhorwlio o oiporlnnco for 'Jl rot jli ruch KB probnblr never iiir n.toll totlia lot of ijnfBlclniit AjtlpiiitoM , brninil ta bonutlfut French inui * \i. nniti03nodcuT r8lt'llti.'uarHntooilto ! liaatlnsr worklo very BeiiBH mechnnlcn ! , Iliomrjr und profo * . Elonnl ttiimnnr ether work In tills country furll-M. ortlie money will ho rnfunit la over ? Initnnce. I'M SB only II t > r mull , postpaid. Illiittrntud jwmple. 0)3. . Bcndnaw. ( lold medal nwardoil ttianutliorbrtn * Nv tlonnl MedlCHl A nucliitlnn , to thu linn. A. 1 * . Illusll. anduiinuntu umrarj af the boira tlia roitdor l r - nocnfMllr rufniro'l. ' Thosclonoont UfJ | worth raora to tb n younissnl mlitdlo-.uod inon n ( Mils twnorntlrm tli n nil tliucll4 orunllinrnlaaiiil tlio tUvormlnuj ot uomlilnuil , H K. Ohmnlrlo. ThuHiloncool'Idfopolnlnom the rucki snd gulok > ttindt on w'llch ' tlio ciinitllnilon and IUIDUI nf m uf Touna man hnvo boon fatally wrocou. M uoliojtor Mirror. . . . . The clonoa of I.lroliot uronter rnliio thpn all tt > pifillrnl vrnrki puUIUIiod In thli country for thg put { O yuars AtUnu Onutltutlun. Tliescloncoot I.lfels i uoorb snl maiterir trait- Ito on norioui nn < ] phrdoal dobllHy. UolroU Kr Jkddrtntho fenbodr Ho llcnl Initltuta. or Or VT. O. rrker.No.f Uulldnch Btraot , lloiton , Mi M.wtio ia btooninltojon all ulnauiei raiiulrln ikll land orpari- ecocv Chronlonnd obilnnte aluaAiut that have but- Dot the iklll or ull clliiirpUyililuiu u ipocinUHucti treated ucte sfully wllUuut uui aiunc * uf fallar * Mention Ounba U . Red Star Line Cauj'Inff the Rcljflura Royal nnd Unltod Btalol Mull.Eulllnif every BHtuiduy Between Antwerp & Mew York TO TUB RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOI- LAND AND FRANCE. BI'KIKQ AND BUMilKIl 1IATI53 ; Salon from ( Ml to tlOO. Kiourslon trip from till ) to ( ISO. Scuond Cabin , outtvmd , Jtr > ; piepald , tr > ; o.xciir = liiii. I'.O. Stnoiago nt low rates. I'oler Wrlitht & amis , ARt'lits , 65 Broadnay , Nuw VorU. Hunry I'uult , 1 18 l''uinumsl. : 1'auliun i 13 1'nrn.iin tt. : I ) , 0. Fioumati , l 'l Furnuuiiit. Legal Notice , GKOHCiRSINChAlltnridOllvrt J . riliiclnlr. hla wife , iion-roaldcut defoiidinili , will tuku lUJtlcitthiitnn thu in duy of Juno , Wn. Mlllou Hcpdrix , jilulntlir , heroin , tllo.l Ills petition lu thu DisirM Court of Doiului coiiuiy , Nabra- , kit , uifiilust viild dur < iti'lnnt4 , thn objuut mid pnonrof whluh urn to aompttl the spuclna pur Jnrinuiico ot n nrltlcn contract to iionvuy to nald plutntitl liy < | iiltl\lm clv < > d thu following lull lu thu town of I loroiH'n in tuld county , to- M-II : Jxit 2 , bliuk 0 : lot - , block ' ; lot V , blork EC ; lot , blork57. th con-Jdorullori for whlnh bus bvon fully nuld by laid plalntllT to uldd - liinilHnti. Vuu lire roqulrud lu antwrr eula petition ou er before the 12tU day of July , Ibtie. Dated Oiuah * . June lit. 1BW. . . . . MII.TON HKSDIUX , PUlQtltT. Hy CoNonov , CMUKJON & HUNT. Hl Attor- ne/a. t