BRi E' < > THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JUNE 18. 1886 , THE -DAILY BEE. COUNCHTBLUFFS. FIUDAY MOUNING.'JUNE 18 , OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAR1 * STREET. Ecllvcrod by cnrrlor In nny part of the city tit twenty cents pt-r week. II. W. Tn.Tojf , - Mutineer. TluciNfROmcF. , No. 43. NUIIIT KuiTon No. J. . " * - - i MINOrt MKNTIO.V. Now York Plumbing company. Now summer needs at Keller's. Don't fnll to take advantage of llio cheap prices nt Bliss' . Waulod Chambermaid and laundry girl. Enquire immediately nt L'aciliu A number of citizens hunted the out'- fikirts of the city yesterday for the missing - ing lleiir.v Stultikupf. 'J ho Now York Plumbing company is to do the plumbing of IJr. A. 1' . Han- clictt'fi new residence. Nine carloads of rails anil spikes are being unloaded nt the dummy depot lor the Council JilulVt ) street railway , Friends who yesterday visited the home ofV. . S. IVttibone had slight hopes of his lasting throughout the night. The "Q. " ana H. I. roads still continue their fl.2 rate to Chicago , while the Milwaukee and Northwestern roads sell for ? ! J. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Gllllnghnm last evening held a reception at their new home in Logan , having returned from their wedding tour. Two drunks lined $7.00 each , two tramps remanded to jail and a fight be tween two prostitutes settled by lining one , was the amount of business before UM police court yesterday. o-morrow the children's matinee will bo given by the ladies of the church , beginning at I ! o'clock , in the building in which the carnival of au thors is being held. Admission tochildrcn and parents t-jn cents each. It is reported by n lady that she believes Henry Steinkopf , who so suddenly disap peared on Saturday last , can now bo found in Denver , whither .1 young lady acquaintance of his went just before his strange disappearance. This his parents deny. A regular "slugging" match took place on Wednesday night between two "females of the town. " Julia Ueecher. it is claimed , got oil'with Fannie Dump- soy's parasol , and the two had ti "regular set to. " Yesterday Judge Aylesworth lined D nipscy$2l.0. The annual examination of the pupils and boarders of St. Frances acadomv has been taking place the past throe days. The standing of the scholars has certainly been satisfactory to all concerned. Yes terday afternoon seven young ladies graduated. The board of examiners wore : Mr. Kusli , of the signal service , Omaha ; Kev. H. P. McMonomy , Kov. II. J. llealy and Kev. II. Lcnnahan , of Den- json. The I'.KK'S space to-day is too much crowded to give the examination the words of praise it merits. Beard lias an immense stock of wall and room Mouldings which must o turned into cash , so down go the prices at IJcsrd's. The Quick Meal Gasoline Steve is a success. Try one and return at our ex- pcnso if not satisfactory. COOPCR & McGEE. John Templeton has moved his cigar factory to 050 Broadway , opera house block. Wo Claim. The American Round Washer is the best made. Actual trial has proven be yond doubt that it will wash cleaner , quicker , with more ease and less injury to the clothes than any machine now in use. Try one. Cooi-Kit & McGEK , Western Agents. The Carnival. Last evening was the third entertain ment given by the ladies of the Episco pal church , in the building lately occu pied by M. E. Smith & Co. , on Main street. The following is the programme : 1 , ( inuid March. 2. Mother Goose March. 8. Tableau "Dream of 4. Jubilee Slimers. 6. Witch Scene. 0. Duett Mr. and Mrs. I. AI.Trovnor. 7. Tableau "Kvnngelme. " a Solo MlssB.Mcrkle , t > . "Martin Chuzzlcwlt" The following ladies are in charge of the booths : Moore's , Mrs. G. W. Thomp son ; Shakespeare's , Mrs. D. B. Daily ; Longfellow's , Mrs. Benson ; Whitticr's , Mrs. F. L. Clark ; Mrs. Stowo's , Miss N. Robinson ; Tcnnison.s. Miss L. Brown ; fancy goods tables , Mrs. F. A. Conover and Miss Bradbury : Mother Goose's , Mrs. F. M. Gault and Mica Molliu Uico. Besides the entertaiamont the ladies are serving daily an elegant lunch bo- tncon 11:80 : and 3:00 : o'clock. Wanted , 1,000 families to take Ameri can Hound Washers on two weeks trial , With the privilege of returning at our ex pense if willing to part wuu them alter a fair trial. COUPKU & MC-GKB , Western Agents. Go to Beard for room mouldings. Substantial abstracts of titles and real cstato loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire , 10 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Ijuttlcs. This is Reynolds Bros. ' fine shoo day at our store , which moans that wo will sell all of their make of shoes less than cost to-day. / . T. LINUSKV & Co. „ Tlio Third Day's Trial. Yesterday was the third day of the trinl of Arch Coll'man for shooting J. K. Wayne in a restaurant at Avoca. The hrst witness placed on the stand was Dr. McConnoighoy. Ho testified that bo reached the body of Mayno just as he was expiring. Witness then stated as to the weight of the ball taken from Mayne , it being a trille loss in weight than that of ncalbro ! Smtlh & Wesson ball. II , S. Harrington , Avoca , a constable , wont with Coflmau to ills homo and then to Fremont. Benjamin , nu attorney , hoard Cofl'man BUY , "Buy him a good collin , " Coll'man told mo ho hud had trouble with Muyno in the field , and told him ( Mayno ) ho would meet and settle with him ( Mayno ) In Tryson's restaurant. Frank Stowoll was placed on the stand to show what had transpired in the after noon in the field , before the night of the homicide. Mayno and Coll'man had words and botli cot oil' stack , I don't know if Cnil'iuan had a revolver. The elate tried to prove hero that Cofl'man was not armed during tins time , but that be took the revolver \ \ hen ho wont to meet Mayno in Tryson's. Coll'man came oftstack , but Mayno said on account of bis gray hairs he would not tight him. J , C. liazcn , justice of thopcaco.rclatcd in regard to the cnso being before him and as to Cofl'man's then saying ho would not allow any man to black his eyes. Go to Beard for wall papar , Wo have a few more Refrigerators and will uiako low prices on them till they are closed out. Cooi'Eii ' & MtGKK , Reynolds Drew. ' Day , Bead local elsewhere. Z. T. LlKDSEY & CO. THOSE ORPHANS' ' LEMEH-AID , * It is Now Being Squeezed Oat By a Very * Close Pressure. ORPHANS BEATEN AND STARVED. Suicide ofAn Old llio Cnr- nival or Authors Oilier Doings About the IlliitTH. Squeezing llio The following additional testimony lias beuti taken by the trustees of the Chris tian Homo : W. C. Uiithunk , a police ofllccr , testi fied as to going fo MM. Nichols' and see ing Belle Walters there. The Nichols family expressed a willingness to let Dellogo back to the Homo if she wanted to , but Belle did not want to go. The president of the board then an nounced that they had I'ceidcd ' to1 hear some of the evidence for the defense , a queer sort of a way to try a ease , a litt'.o on one side and then on the other. Air. Leinen lirst called his matron , Airs. Dakatt , to the stand. She hud been matron since February 0,1885. Alr.s. Lcmcn and herself had control of the food. Thu food has been good ntul wholesome. "There is not us much licit ) as we need. 1 am not financially involved In the Home. I have never invested any money ; have lentalltllo but expect tj tret that back. Thu amount is $ : M. I have a horse and cow and other things there , but I can take them whenever I go away. I am not thinking of leaving. I fuel it is ono of the grandest works. I think the work has been carried on as well as possible under the circumstances. Up to n week ago not ono of tiie children had over dis obeyed or spoken a saucy word. " On cross-examination she admitted there had boon dissatisfaction on the part of borne of thu children. Three children or four , had run away last winter. Under Air. Lemon's questioning siio claimed that she had arranged the diet for the children , and she had often found fault with Air. Lemon for over-feeding the children The children in the winter wore bathed once in two weeks , and .sometimes it would over-run that. She did not know of any cruelty. Sometimes the corume.ul broad was made of simply cornmcal , water and suit. That \yas preferable to the other modes of making breid. She thought that the statements made in the Christian Homo were cor rect , to the eft'ect that there had always been food enough and to spare , and that the children were better trained and edu cated than in the best institutions in the laud. Air. Lemon explained that ho had a house ( if his own and thcro was no use of questioning as to whether his children and family had better faro than the other children. Ho had had a separate table , but had striven to give the orphan child ren good , wholesome food. Airs. Dakan , after Air. Lcmcn had closed his statement with an argument , and a closing fling at the Baptist church , proceeded. There were cases of corpoi at punishment. She sometimes whipped , etc. , children. Sometimes with a ruler , sometimes with her hand , sometimes with a switch. She had not heard com plaints from the children about insuffi ciency of food , although sometimes chil dren asked her for an extra piece , which she refused. Some of the children were not in school. Probably one-half of them wcro not In school. There were some vermin among the children , but any tamily had to look out for that. She believed that the children who were not in school wore getting a better education than in the best public institutions in the land. The manager often inflicted punishment in various ways , by making the children sit down or using the rod. Thcro is a boy in the Home who has a sore back , spinal trouble. Ho sleeps in a bed with two or three others. President Roby called attention to the fact that thcro was a seeming pressure brought to bear upon the board a cry to treat the matter fairly. The board needed no such suggestions. It was tiio intention to bo fair. Rov. Dr. Coolqy , in self-justi fication and in defense of the Baptist church , stated that the Home had never boon mentioned in any ousinoss or church meeting , and the Baptist church had nothing to do with the present investigation. Airs. Walters , mother of the girl Belle , took the stand. She had been told by Belle that she was not enticed away from the Homo , but ran away because they used her mean. She had to work too hard at the Homo. She wanted her mother to como after her and take her and her brother homo. Mr. Lemen had whipped her three times , once so that she could not sit down for several days. She said Mr. Lemen made her go back , and pulled her back. Belle was ton years old. She wanted to accompany Hello to the investigation , but Air. Lemon rather in sisted on it. Mrs. Walters had bound the children to Air. Lcmcn , but he hud given thorn back to her , and she was going to take them homo to Mondamln. Her little tlo bay had told her that he had boon whipped a good many times , ana "when Papa Lemen is mad , ho is mad , and ho whips very hard. Ho whipped ono boy until the blood run from his legs. " Miss Mieckolscn. the teacher at the Homo , said she had taught there slnco last November at $4 a week , teaching two hours a day , from ttW : ! to lltfO o'clock. ' Afterwards she taught thrco hours oveiy morning. She did not live at the Homo , She went there prejudiced against the manager. She had twcntv-ono children in school out of the forty-live. Four of them were in the second reader. These were the oldest. She thought the school was all right. Had little trouble with the children. Belle Walters was especially good. Ono day Belle told her she didn't ' want to "stay in the old Homo any lon ger. " She was in a dreadful passion. After cooling down slid said she wanted to go to her mother. Belle told her that Miss Sucnnin had told her that if Papa Lcmcn whipped her again she should go over to Airs. John son's , and she , Aliss Sucnnin , would get the police and have Papa Lumen ar rested. She thought Miss Suonnin had been stirring up the trouble in the Homo , Dr , Cooley explained that Aliss Mickel- sen was an excellent teacher , and nil had confidence in horCliristian character. Airs , Brooks said she had visited the Homo frequently during the past few months , bho thought the children wcro cared for as well as the means permitted. She thought the children were happy and contented , She had seen no moro than four children in a herd at onco. Airs. Judge Dow. whoso husband is ono of the trustees , said she had visited the Homo several times , and always found the children as well cared for as crowded rooms and limited means would permit. Slio thought they were as well cared for as they could bo under the circumstances , Miss Gilbert was then called to the stand. She had been in the Homo until her health broke down. The children often asked for food after they had eaten their regular allowance. . Every time they got n clianco to steal bread from the bread closet they did so. The food was not such as Mr. Leinen had on his table , She ntu ut Mr , Lemon's house. The gravy for the children was mostly made of water. The children complained of not having food euou"h. They wcro very severely punished sometimes. They were Bonidtiines obliged to stand from one to thrco hours. The bathing was generally done in a tifb , ono after another being put in the same water , Sometimes more than thrco or four children wcro bathed in the same water , Those who had skin eruptions were washed last instead ot be ing given clean water. Mattrcsse ? wcro mouldv , and the children could not bo kept clean. Piles of dirty clothing and old shoos were placed in the food closet. Each child was allotted a certain amount of fooii and not allowed more. For sup per the large ones had two slices of bread and the little ones one. They never drank anything , not even water , until hilf an hour after the meal. Tlioy ate the bread dry , very seldom having but ter , or anything else. The corn bread was bilked on top of the broad often. The gravy was mailo by stirring . omc Hour in a kcttlo of water , The children lind moat once every two days. Kaeli of them had a little piece about an inch and a half square. Some times they had soup for dinner. Judge Jo\v , one of the trustees , re marked , "on hearing the description of the gravy made of llour and water , that to any one who had roughed it and "bached" it as much as he had , this was considered a pretty feood sort of a dish. dish.A A voice in the crowd sang out , "But children ain't expected to rough it that way. " MM. Gilbert , who lived near the Homo , tosliliod to numerous abuses and in- stiticcs of mismanagement which fell under her notice. Slio related how she hail undei taken to clean out the vermluu and lice on the children's heads. One boy with sores all over his head , had his head covered with lice. It could not bo combed , so she smeared it over with carbolic salve. This helped the dilliculty. The children had no combs with which to comb their o\vn heads. The children were discontented , and it was anything but a Christian Home. Mr. Lumen tried to parsuado her daughter to prove false to an engagement and to give her life to the Homo , lie toojc her one day into the study , saying ho wanted to pray with her on this subject. The door was locked. Mrs. Gilbert did not want to go further into this matter , but i stated that her daughter after that re used to go riding with him. Air. Gilbert interjaculated the remark that it was not necessary for a Christian minister to lock himself into a room with a young lady. Mrs. Gilbert thought it was simply an in- dcscrction. There was nothing improper occurred. Inquiries were miulo as to whether there was not something more to this incident than what was slated , but Miss Gilbert and all stated there was nothing really improper. An uttldavit was presented to the com mittee to the cllect that indecent famili arity among the children had been wit nessed by a married lady who made the aflidayit , but who did not want publicity. The committee took this matter in charge for private investigation. A long affidavit was presented by Airs. Lucy Hank , of this city , who was in too delicate a condition to be present. She had sowed for the Homo and taken in payment goods that had been donated which Lemon had told he could do with out ; had received flour , calico and mus lin for sewing ; children did not have enough to eat ; only a slice and a half of breail was given each a meal when light bread was served ; children > had come to her and begged the crumbs when she was cutting bread ; Lemon charged her ton cents a yard for muslin she could get at the stores for eight cents ; had received two sacks of llour and three pair of shoes for her children ; Lcmcn btill owed her 7. ) cents. On the day be fore Christmas she cleaned two bedsteads in the Homo and caught two double handsful of bedbugs : it was very cold weatlior , the bedclothes were wet as if they had been drenched with water ; ( dampness from the walls is asserted by the other witnesses as the cause of this , notwithstanding it was intensely cold weather ) ; the children's own dirt Jay on tha lloor ; she washed ten or twelve Chil dren one day this spring ; their "heads were covered with lice and sores ; would comb oil six or eight lice at a time , besides - sides what fell on the floor : saw Miss Gil bert comb lice from the children for an hour at a time. Mrs. Compton.tho former matron of the Homo , related some of her experience. Mr. Lemon would lly into passions. Generally he was very pleasant , but in one of Ins bursts of passion , because she had said something , no told her that she must bo a know-nothing , and say nothing to others. One time ho tried to get her to let him put in the public report that ho had paid her salary , when he had not , and ho really did publish it this way , when it was not so. Mr. Lomen had told her it would become the best moneymaking - making institution in the laud , and if she would stay by in twenty years ho would make her the richest woman in the land. When thcro wcro any children came whose folks could pay anything , they made room for them , wit if a poor child came , it was crowded. In winter the kitcl en was the only plav- room , and twenty-one wore crowded in there , and were there picking over beans by the bushel. The children were filthy and uncarcd for. She could not help it under the circumstances. Mr. Lemon got a contract for having the children pick over a good many bags of beans. Mr. Lcmcu at one time got so mad that ho shook his fist in her faao and ordered her out. She said she would go if ho her. Sometimes when she asked Eaid im for money ho insisted that ho did not owe her anything. One day after refus ing to pay her anything , she stopped into the printing ofllco , and thcro found Mr. Lemon anu Mr. lloboy. Mr , Lcmcn called out to her : "Mrs. Compton , como hero. I have a present for you. " This was for Mr. Hohcy's ears. Then ho handed her $5 , as though it was a present , but he said privately in a low voice , that this was to apply on what ho owed her. The chil dren were obliged to sleep in frosty rooms , and the damp bed clothing as found frozen stiff in llio morning. Air. Lcmcn had published the fact that she and Mr. Bovcll had quarrelled so much , and ho had got so tired of being u peacemaker - maker , that ho had discharged them both. This she declared to bo false. She had no confidence in Mr. Lemon. Ho said that she must not giyo the children all they wanted to cat. Ho refused to let them have any apples , say ing they wore not good for children. She found that Mr. Leinen was keeping a children's boarding house , instead 01 an orphans' homo. One woman brought three children there. Ho wanted her to pay in advance. She could not do .so , lie wanted money , and told her if she would pay $10 ho would credit her with $20. lie tried to got one woman to de posit $ -H)0 ) , and followed her to the depot and tried to persuade her , but failed. Mrs. Kinsoy , who succeeded Mrs , Compton as matron , gave about the same facts as those stated in her letter , already published , only going more into details. She gave a liornbln description of the condition in which she found the chil dren when she returned from a trip on the road in the interests of the Homo. Ono of her boys was nearly starved and was hardly able to walk. His body was covered with vermin. Four healthier children never entered the Homo , and lour children moro nearly ruined in health never went out of any house. Her statcmonts gave in detail the facts con cerning the btnrraUon rations which wcro doled out. Fourteen children wore crowded into four beds with the vermin , Mr. Lemon told her that if she told what condition the Homo was in bo would prosecute her , and other wise ho would be n friend. She know of other children being taken away in a half starved condition. When company came they wcro ushered into Mr. Lemon' house first , then after the children were cleaned up they wore ushered over there. She superintended an eating house at the state fair and Mrs. Hand hud the handling ot the money. Ho was mad because she did not bring back money from it. When t > he lirst went to iho Homo she was told by Mr. . Lcmcn that its horrujlo condition was duo to Mrs. Compton , aml Mrs. Uorcll. Ho never used alwsivo language until after the state fair when thcro wns no money mado. He tbon toM mo to take my children and eel Out. and go to DCS Moincs , and let the Kast Baptist church thcro take care of them , bhc saw Mr. Lcmcn once kick 0110 of the children from the Homo to tlm woodpile because the boy did not want to go and saw wood. Air. Haymoiid called .attention to n case where one lady who wanted to adopt a child was compelled t6 nay $ . ' . " > for it. Mr. Lumen admitted that he had de manded ' nd collected the f J,1 ! of the woman b fee letting hr have the child , but he published the o as a donation to the Homu , and not to himself. The secretary of the board stated that the published llnancial reports had been approved and deemed satisfactory. Mr. .lames Watts , a carpenter , testified that last summer while at work on a house near the Home , he saw a man leave two no.ys there , and as ho left one of the boys started to follow his father oft' . Mr. Lemon ran and caught the child by the arm , and treated him appa rently very harshly. All that ho could hoar the child say was that ho wanted to see his father. Mrs. Kinsey again took the stand. She wauled a chance to show up a refutation of ( he-insinuations of Mr. Lemon that she had collected and appropriated to her own use some money. The board thought it was suflicietit for liersimply to make this statement , without going into details. Mary Kinsey , daughter of the forego ing witness men testified. She was n cirl now thirteen years of ago. She hud been in the homo one year. She did not get good treatment there , and had not enough to eat. She was not allowed to ask for more food. She stayed with Mr. Lemon's family , and slept with the chil dren in the home. There were bedbugs running all around. The matron know about it , and tried to stop it , but she had too much work to do. There was noth ing to drink on the table. She helped do nllsortsof work. She had been whipped. A part of a buggy whip was used. She never counted the strokes , but it left marks , which she showed to another girl , and thc.i got a licking for that. She did not think she alwavs deserved these lickings. The work was too much to do , and sometimes she wes whipped because it was not done. At other times she was whlpued because of misbehavior. She could not , write her mother because Air. Lcmcn held them back. She know they wouldn'tgo through if she wrote anything not nice about the Home. She had to leave these letters un sealed , so Air. Leinen could see what she wrote. Her brother Willie was nearly starved and was very thin. Willie had a picture for a plate. For breakfast he had three slices of bread and boiled potatoes with skins on. He was too weak to run and laid on the lloor some of the time. Mr. Lemon got mad one day and swore , the only time she ever heard him swear. Frank Smith , one of the first of the in mates of the Home , and who lived thcro for sonic months , test ! lied to the poor diet and iusulHciency of , food. He had never been whipped. Several barrels of apples were sent in for the children , but , ' the children get nou of ' [ them. The ap ples were sold to a grocery store. There was clothing sent there , .but it went over to Mr. Lemon's house' ' first , and some of Mr. Lemon's children wore some of these clothes. He saw Mr. Lcruen whip one child , aged about two or three ycais. switching the child oyctt the face and hands so that the marks vrcrc there for a Jong time. When cross-examined iby Air. Lcmcn he admitted that he' had been taken in and cared for when pooi ; and when ho had no home. > > Key. T. S. lovoll $ of Indiana was called to the stand , lie had b'c'cn connected with the work of the Home. He claimed to have been drawn into the work by mis representations on the part of Mr. Lemon. Ho was to be assistant manager of the Homo and associate pastor of the church. Under this arrangement what could be got out of the church and out of the Homo , the school , etc. , wcro to bo divided , and Mr. Lcmcn repre sented that this would bo a good , fair salary. Air. Bovell was to be principal of the school or academy. Mr. Lemon falsely represented that the church was harmonious ; that the church was out of debt , and very little duo for current expenses , while in fact there was a grocery bill of $209 , and other bills all over town. Ho had misrepresented the prospects of a school academy. Mr. Bo- veil also found that Mr. Lemon had rep resented , before the coming of himself and wife , that they had been educated in Franco and Germany. Glowing accounts were given in advance of their superla tive qualities as teachers , all of which had no basis in truth , as they made no such pretensions. There were inuny such pretenses. There was no association or organization , practically , although onn was so represented in tha paper of the Homo. The conviction was forced on their minds thiit the Homo of the Friend less association was Mr , Lnmcn , and Air. Lomen was the Homo of the Friendless. Thcro had never been any financial set tlement with the witness , and he could never bring Air. Leinen to a settlement. The witness claimed a balance of $80 still duo him. Ono of the reasons why the school was not a success was duo to the fact that the Homo children were so dirty and covered with vermin that children from other families in the city would not attend , and licnco the paying pupils dropped out. The statement of Mr. Lomen that the witness and Airs. C'omp- ton had quarreled and caused ail the trouble was false. It was represented to the public that thcro was a treasurer , whereas thcro was actu ally no treasurer , except in name. Money paid for the boaril of the children was sometimes publicly credited as do nations. The public was led to believe it was an orphan's home , when it was moro of a children's boarding house. Air. Lcmcn then introduced some docu ments , attempting to hho\v that Mr. lioyell had at ono time endorsed the Homo and Air , Leinen. Ho also pro duced the contract by which Mr. Lemon and Air. Hovell wcra tq bo partners in the enterprise , Mr. Lumen put littlerArthtir Wilson on the htand. Ho was nine y6ars old. The little fellow stood upon a chair and told his story. Ills father lad | been killed by the cars when ho was iivoiycars old. He apparently had a speech pjcparcd pretty well. Ho was well satisfied with the Homo. Ho had learned I the printing business so ho could sot half a galioy of typo u day. The childroii > had had straw berries n treed many times' , Ho had his hair cut only a few days ago. On being cross-examined ha bfatcd that ho had been whipped only onto , 'and ' then for hitting a uoy , and with a very little btick , about a foot long , Jloiwtis in the second reader , and set up "l'aj > : x' * Lomon's copy for the paper. In thisRopy ; thcro was no words but what he could read. No words longer or harder than Jie found m the second reader. Air , Lemen ottered this boy in ovi- donee , as showing that the children learned trades. The boy , on being ques tioned , said that ho was the only orphan who had been taught to set typo. Mrs. Dakun explained about the straw berries sent to the children , but used at the manager's table , She said they wore brought in before breakfast and she had not time to pick them oyor for the chil dren. Some wcro used lor Mr. Lomen and sonio for Airs , Lcmcn , and then Mr , Lemon sent the rest to the children , In general , the supplies went to the chil dren. Mr. Lomen said ho admitted that some times there was butter for his table , when the children had none. At such times , however , the butter ho had for his table bo bought out of his owu money , and sometimes care the children n little of this. this.Air. . Dakan corroborated Mrs. Kinscy's statement about the vermin being so hiyk OQ MrP.Klnsoy'9 child thattho shirt , nail to bo burned. . Air. Lomen explained the onion story. Ho went out and bought some onions , as ho wanted some for breakfast. Some of the children wanted some of tuotops , and ho scut thorn over to them. Alts. J.I * . Filbert , wife of one of the trustees , stated that she had visited the homo frequently , and found that while everything was not what could bo desired - sired , still they did a-s well as they could under the circumstances. She never worked about the kitchen , and knew little of it. The board of trustees of tlip Homo of the Friendless concluded their investiga tion last evening. The manager , "Papa" Lemon , made an appeal for sympathy but did not attempt to deny that there was ground for the charges that have been made in regard to the condition of the Homo , The lindlng of the board will bo made known this morning. Disappointed. When wo bought the first lot of quick meal gasoline stoves last spring wo thought it the best stock made , but it lias proved even better than wo expected. In fact it is perfect. Try one. CoorKii < & McGii : : . Suicide of mi Old ItesUtcnt. Ernest Kuabc , an old resident of this city , was yesterday found dead in bed in his homo corner of Washington avenue and North First street. The coroner summoned K. A. Morse , Philip Warohan and George Smith as a jury. Kd Burke , colored , swore : Came to house to get some vegetables ; couldn't lind Knabe ; peaked through the window nt 11 o'clock in the forenoon and saw him lying in bed ; went away and came again about 3 o'clock and he was still in the same position ; went for an ollicer. O. E. llcswick , policeman , testilied us to finding the bedroom door locked and Knabo lying dead in bed without any clothes on ; his body was then cold. Ferdinand Grubnor saw Knabo pa s on Broadway at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. J.V. . Hosier , of the BIK. : swore as to the finding of an empty vial labelled "poison" on a stand in the room on his airival in company with Coroner Faul. C , Deotkin , M. U. , druggist , said Mr. Knabe came to him Wednesday evening to get two ounces of aconite ; ho wanted the tincture out of the root , the strongest , put it up and told him a dose was only u tow drops ; Knabe said the reason he did not rcmuin in the harness business was because all of his customers were dying oil'and getting old. Charles Borghauson testified that he shook hands in the moruiii" with Ituabc , and the latter said ho would never see him again. The jury brought in a verdict that the deceased committed suicide by taking an over-dose of aconite. lie has long boon thought not exactly in his right mind. Ho leaves one daughter , Airs. Hugh Oliver. Mr. Knabo was born in Gormanv , and came to Council Bin Us in 1854 , and was engaged in harness making for years. Latest styles , cheapest prices in mil linery , ut Bliss' . Attention , Everybody. This is Reynolds Bros , ' day with us All shoes of their manufacture will bo sold less than cost , to-day only. In order to close our shoo business out we are doing reckless things. 55. T. LiNDSEr & Co. Juno -18 , 1880. Personal Miss Kitty Adams , of DCS Monies , is the guest of her cousin , Miss Laura Miller. Miss Ida Wallace has returned from Colfax Springs boncflttod somewhat in health but not so much so as her many friends could wish. J. W. Green has returned from Iowa City with his brido. Air. and Airs. Green receive the hearty congratulations and good wishes of friends. May they meet with the success in life that they deserve. The Hardman piano is a piano par ex cellence. The company is over 300 in struments behind their orders. The Mueller Music Co. handle them most suc cessfully. Kvcry Shoe I/ess Than Cost. To-day , June 18 , wo will soil all goods made by Reynold's Bros , less than cost. 55. T. LINDSEY & Co. Prof. Hanmiml'ti ditocaisor. The board of trustees of the Iowa Deaf and Dumb institute met at Iowa City yesterday and elected Prof , G. L. Wye- kolF , one of the teachers of the institute , to succeed Superintendent Hammond. The present corps of teachers was re- elected. Purify Your Blood. Among spring preparations , do you neglect that which is most important to all your own body. During the winter the blood absorbs many impurities , which , if not expelled , are liable to break out in scrofula or other disease , The best spring medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It expels every impurity from the blood , and gives strength to every function of the body. Sold by all druggists. A pompeilan tourist fromCoopcrstown , N. Y. , writes to the Freeman's Journal of that village that ho accidentally left a cigar-holder of rubber among the small relics in the relic museum of the ancient citj , and now he understands that the scientists have proved that the ancient pompoiian smoked cigars in rubber holders. She has the complexion of a peach- Poz/.oni'ri Medicated Complexion 1'owdc , did it. Sold by all druggists. A queer story comes from East Hart ford , Conn , The owner of the one hearse moved away recently , and not finding any ono who would buy it , and being determined that no ono should use it without paying for it , stored it in a to bacco shed , where it now stands with the wheels chained together and the chain passed.around a beam and locked with H heavy padlock. What can bo moro disxgrcnablo , more disgusting , than to sit in a room witli a person who is troubled with catarrh , and has to keep coughing and clearing nis or her throat of the mucus which drops into in Such persons arc always to bo pitied if they try to euro themselves and fail , But if'tlioy get Dr. Sato's Catarrh Rem edy there need bo no failure. * A thief in Fort ralloy , Ga. , hired B little negro to go down the chimney ot a certain store and open the back door , promising him 50 cents ami half of what ho could carry away. The boy went down several foot and then stuck fast , and ho could go neither way. Ho yelled for a long time before ho was heard , and seemed very glad to go from the chimney to the look up , Rev. D. AI , Carpen or , of Clymor.Chan- tauqua Co. , N. Y. , writes March 2 , 1885 : My boy , two years'old , took a severe cold which settled in his throat and lungs , Nothing afforded relief , and I thought he must die. Finally I put an Allcook's Porous Plaster around the throat and ono on the ciiest. In loss than an hour his breathing became butter , and ho fell asleep. Tu twenty-four hours the child ' was well. WHERE DO YOU BUY BUGGIES ? FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT HIRAM W. DAVIS & GO. Established In 1877. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES , 20,000 Vehicle * Annually * Sen A for Catalogue , Privet , Kales and Testimonial * . HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Brick b.illdliu nnv klml rnl cil or tn.ivcd . nn < t satisfaction iruarnnteeil. riamohouies moral o'n iu best la tlin wot-li. 808 Eighth Avcntia mil Eighth Strict , Council Bluflfe. LM , 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS WIGS MADE TO ORDER. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa Iowaf f To close the summer stock to the 'ow- est iiossible point. Are ofTeriup bargains now every day. Good Corsets For 50c worth 75c Parasols for 75c and Upwards , Embroideries and Patterns , very Cheap. . a few of those Summer lib Left , Lace Flouncings in Spanish and Ctiintilly Laces , WHITE DRESS GOODS. Cheaper tlmn yon over saw them. Fine assortment for graduation dresses. Samples sent when requested. CARPETS. Choice patterns , good quality antl lowest prices. Special discounts to churches , socie ties and clergymen. Harkness Bros. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , China , Glassware and Lumps , \V. S. Homer & Co. . No. 23 , Main St.Council Bluffs , la. TIMOTHY SEED. I liavo a quantity of sound , well donned soert which 1 offcc t ruasoiniblo Hsu res. b'co < l of tbo cropoflbSi. Corrcspoudcnce fcollcllcd , . V-.Q . ULTKU < & CO. , t * . * " . ' ! ' * " * SWAKT BROS. , Dealers in Milch Cows. Slock Kafds No 503 and GOO E. Mroadway.Council Bffi * Creston House , The only hotel In Council llliiOTs Imvlny Fir © Esoa/pe Anil nil modern Impi cue incuts. 210 , 217 mid 21 ! ) Mnln St. MAX MOII.V , Prop. JACOB ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices in State and Federal Courts , Koonis 7 and 8 , Sluiuart Block. HEMOVED TO U. 1' . UAUN. Broadway. Council Bluffs , opposite Dummy Depot. HOI-BOS ninl Mules kept constantly oti liiuiT for sale nt ictnll or In cur loads. Ordure promptly lllicd by co.itruct on short notice. Stock sold on coiiinilBbion. SHMJTKll & 1IOUSY. Vroprlutors. Formuily ot Kllll , SAM : Bl'AHI.KS , corner Mil uvo. und 4th ftrcot. CARPETS Cliolco DiNplay of I alcst Pat > terns , All CJrjuIe . Council Bluffs MCOMPANH 4OS A Select Jsto ; lt of Choice IVovellicM in. CURTAI Extra flua SWEET POTATO PLANTS Grown and selected from Heed by J. R. McPherson , Grower and Dealer in VI : < ; ITAISM : : A.\'I > I'lCDI'IVi. Council Bluffs. Iowa. Horses and Mules For Mil purpotea. bought ami soM , ut iclull utul ri lots Lui o quaiitlttrg to select tioui. MASON WISE.