Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAtU OrnCB. NO. Hit AND 816 KAtlNAM 8T
NEW YOIIK Omce , nee i es.TmncsE IIUIMHNO
Ornci : , No. 613 FOUUTF.F.NTII ST.
PuMI'hwl ever j-tnornlntt.nxcept Sunday. The
only Monday rnornlnif pupcr published in tbo
TunMS nv MAttt
One Year. , , . . . . . . SKUOiTliroo Months . J2.M
Six Months . 6.0UOno ; Month . 1.0)
THE WEEKLY nr.r ttiblisiio < l r.Tnry Wcanusdnj.
Ono Venr , with premium. . . . . . 12.00
One Ycnr , without ptcmlum . . . 1-2A
Blx Moulds , without premium. . . 75
Ono Mouth , on trial . 13
connr.8PONnr.NCB !
All rommunlcntloni rotating to news rind < xll-
torlnlmnttcni flhoultl bo addressed to tlio Uot <
Ton or riiv : IIKR.
All hiiilncM IrttoM nml rcmlllnncos BhnuM hn
nadrwsod to lire llr.K I'unusiiind COMPANY ,
OMAHA. Drnftn , check * . nnd postoflleo onlors
to bo nmdo puj-nblo to tbo order of tbo company.
Sworn Statement orOlrcttlatton.
State ot Nebraska , ) .
Cotintv ot Doimlas. f " a *
N. I * . Fell , cashier ot the llco Publishing
wini > iui.v , does solemnly swear that tlio nc-
tunl circulation ot the Dally Jloo tor the
Truck ending Juno 13th , IfSC. was as follows :
Hntunlny , nth . 12,410
Monday , 7th . 13,0s :
Tuesday , Stl . l'J.2-40
Wednesday. " ' ! ! . 12'WO
Thursday. 10th . 12,240
Friday , lltli . 12,22,5
Average . I2r/J0
N. P. Kcll , Imlnc first duly sworn , cicposo ?
find says that ho Is cashier ot the Uco Pub
lishing company , that the actual average
dally circulation ot thn Dally Hcc for the
month of January , 18H6. was 10,878 copies ;
f ur February , IbB ) , 10.5U5 copies ; for March ,
18SO , 11.KJ7 copies ; for April , IbW , 12,181
copies ; lor May , IbbO , 13,431) ) copies.
JS. i' . FKII- .
Sworn to nnd subscribed before mo , this
12th day ot Juno , A. D. 1880.
SIMON J. FisiiEn.
Notary Public.
Lonu li > urKSLEiau denies indignantly
that the English torius nro in favor of
coercion. Ho submits that they will only
Insist upon suppressing the land league.
How this differs materially from coercion
the noble lord falls to explain.
HENRY JAMES protests that ho cannot
live in Boston bcutuiso the clinmto is so
exhilarating. Mr. James should write
some of his norols at homo. This might
cut down their length nnd soporific qual
ities , but it would add some interest to
the productions.
GAHUNEII is about to go once more , ac
cording to the Herald. Meanwhile that
Blow-to-start otlicial is serenely drawing
his salary quite undisturbed by the clash
and din of the contending factions with
the "Blotter" and "packing house"
No building can now bo erected in
Omaha without a permit from Building
Inspector Whitlock , and all repairs over
$200 in value must also bo sanctioned
from liis ollicc. A heavy fine is the pen
alty which will be enforced for infrac
tions of the law.
IT has long been n conviction of all
fair-minded people that General Black ,
commissioner of pensions , is a dema
gogue pure and simple , and his most re
cent appearances before the senate in
vestigating committee have served to
confirm this conviction and add to the
number of those entertaining it. From
the day of his induction into ollicc Black
has lost no opportunity to manifest his
strong partisan fooling , and ho has been
more conspicuously oflonsivo in this rc-
pcct than perhaps any other man in the
government service , although the bureau
of which he is the head ought to be the
least subject to the influences of parti
sanship. It will bo very much like solf-
stultltication on the part of the president
if he permits Black to remain in oflice
after the exposure of his conduct and
character that has beou made by the
senate investigation.
It necessary to to the public not lo
mnko demands upon his time , merely of
a aooial or personal nature , on other days
than those which ho has designated for
the reception of visitors who desire to
pay their respects , Some time ago ho
sot apart Monday for the transaction ox ?
' clusivoly of public business requiring
, freedom from interruption , but this Is
one of the arrangements which the per
sistent public would not permit him to
carry out , and ho will Hereafter receive
aocial callers on the afternoons of Mon
day , Wednesday and Friday. This is
ooarcoly so liberal ixn arrangement for
the public as that first made by the presi
dent , yet it ought to afford ample time to
the curious to gratify their desire to call
upou Mr. and Mr ? Cleveland and indulge
in the conversational commonplaces and.
insipidities common to such occasions. '
The presidential ollico would bo n far
naoro comfortable situation if it could bo
relieved of about tour-fifths of its social
" duties , which arc likely to become more
exacting nnd onerous as the country
Brows. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ONK of the extravagances ot the gov
ernment is the mileage system , to which
, BOUIO attention has boon given by congress -
gross iu the appropriation bills of the
, present /session / , It is noteworthy , how
ever , that care has been taken thtit economy -
, omy in this matter shall not bo allowed to
touch members of congress , who arc
' most largely the gainers by the system.
, Until within a few years army and nuyy
' pticora traveling on orders were allowed
' "lO rents a mile. This was nulucod to 8
cents , und it is now proposed to make a
, further reduction to 4 cents , with the
cost of transportation actually paid in
Addition , but In no case shall the amount
exceuil 8 cents a mllo. Congnwsmon ,
however , nro paid 20 cents a mile , and
although this amount was h'xcU in the
days olstago coaches and canal boats , no
itompt hns been made , so far as we are
liVaro , to clianjc It. It is a little
roikirkabln that such sticklers
lor V'conomy as Mr , llolman
and KB colleague of the appro *
2 jHintion coniniUtoB , when determining
what Is jjleiont for the traveling ex-
jwuaca of iwiy and navy olllcora when
Vuiwlorordorsjfeould Jiavu failed todfa-
' ovcr that il coltsTio more to transport
i fONffrcsamon , and the fact that they did
, it t Jo to is not reassuring of their fairness
Mul consisdinoy. It id proposed to uu-
1 iwQiirliuo for tlio necessary traveling ox-
> wtfC3 of the cntiro army the t > um of
. flW.'XW. wlille the annual mileage charge
" f Minatord and roprnscntativv-s amounts
Ceuj > word * off 113,000.
Secret KxociitlTO Bosnians.
It is said Hint another effort is to bo
made in the United States senate to have
secret executive sessions done away with ,
and the business to which these sessions
are devoted chiclly the consideration of
presidential appointments transacted in
open session. This matter was quite fully
discussed by the senate some months ago ,
and the weight of argument was most
decidedly with the advocates of open
sessions. The question ought not bo re
garded as In any sense a partv one , and
yet it is found that the strength of the
opposition to secret sessions comes from
the republicans , the majority of the dem
ocrats supporting the system in vogue.
Under existing circumstances the reasons
for this are obvious.
The objections to the system are that it
is essentially undemocratic and that It
Invites and gives opportunity for grave
wrongs and injustice to individuals for
which they have no redress. It Is a
system of the star chamber kind totally
at variance with the American principle
that all matters which can be debated
and acted upon by the representatives of
the people openly , without detriment to
the public interests , should bo discussed
and disposed of iu full view , so that the
whole people may have knowledge of
every detail of them , and stttely there is
nothing , or ought to bo nothing , in the
matter of acting upou the appointment *
of the president , which can justify ( ho
33'stem of proceeding in secret. When
the president sends appointments to the
senate they are referred save in excep
tional cases to committees whose duty it
is to make careful and thorough inquiry
into the Character and quiilillcatious ol
the appointees. The report of a commit
tee usually determines the fate of a can
didate , but it not infrequently happens
that an appointee who has received the
endorsement of the committee to whom
his name was referred will bo
defeated for continuation because some
senator personally dislikes him or takes
this means of punishing him for some
sin of omission or commission with respect
to such senator. The character of the
candidate may bo traduced and his
reputation damaged by false or exagger
ated charges , which must remain unre-
fitted , perhaps to his permanent injury ,
because the lips of every senator is closed
by a pledge of sccrcsy that does not per
mit the injured man to know to what
charges his defeat was due or who is
responsible for them. Behind the burred
doors of the senate prejudice or malice
may have full way , and every .senator bo
made a party to n gross injustice mcrclv
to gratify the vindictivcnoss of one of
their number who has a grievance against
a candidate for a public oillco , but who
would not dare to seek satisfaction in this
way were it not for the protection
and immunity which this system of
secresy affords him. A practice that in
vites and makes possible such wrong and
injustice and there is on record the
authoritative statement of senators that
such is its effect is wholly repugnant to
republican policy and principles , and to
that sense of fair play which Americans
possess as largely as any other pcoplf.
The United States senate has not grown
in popular regard during the past few
years. Since the great statesmen whoso
presence there made it the foremost
legislative body in the world have de
parted , and their places are occupied
by the attorneys of soulless corporations
and by self-seeking demagogues , the
senate has with the decline of character
lost largely in popular respect. It will
certainly not better its claim to the re
gard and confidence of the people by ad
hering to a system , which , whatever
justification there may have been for it
in the past , is no longer useful or
Postponing the Isauo.
The refusal of congress by a vote of 157
to 140 to consider the question of tariff
reduction is a lilting ending of the work
of a session "which for incapacity for
business , disregard of party pledges and
general imbecility on the side of the
directing majority , has never been sur
passed , if equalled , in the history of the
lower house. The question of tax
reduction was one of the vital
issues in the campaign which
resulted in Mr. Cleveland's election.
Both parties recognized the popular
demands for reform of the tariff and
pledged themselves , through their repre
sentatives , to meet it when the new con
gress convened. Upon this point , the
necessity of lifting a largo portion of the
burdensome and needless duties , there
was no difference of opinion. The pres
ence of an cnprmous surplus in the na
tional treasury , and the too rapid reduc-
tionof the interest-bearing debt , worn ar
guments for tax reduction which could
not bi gainsaid by the most rabid advo
cates of high taritt'as a protection to
American industry. Quite apart
from this was the question
whether the undue stimulus of the
existing tariff was not seriously demoral
ising many lines of industrial effort by
fostering great monopolies m some
branches and overstocking the home mar
kets in others. All parties agreed that
tiie issue of tux reduction was not the is
sue of free trade , but purely the question
whether the country should continue to
lax its people needlessly and exorbitantly
when every necessity for thu impoaitiou
of such monstrous bunions had parsed
away. As usual , individiu ! interests and
the influence of wealth has worked
upon congrcssloaal cowardice to again
postpone the Issue. With a surplus of
more than eighty-live millions above thn
revenue rccjuireinanUof thu present your
congress will once more adjourn leaving
the burdensome tariff taxo * as they found
them at the opening of thu session , The
pledges made hy the parties to the people
have proycd small obstacles In the path
of thn pledges made by congressmen to
individual protected inton-its.
The Jeans of tax reduction may be de
layed for the time but it cannot
be indefinitely postponed. TJie producers
of the country , who are tolling through
out the west on unprotected fvm < to up
hold the great mouopolicn built up by a
ticions system of extortionate tariff taxa
tion , will not patiently diulura much lon
ger the refusal of both parting as nt pres
ent constituted to deal wltu their coin *
phhittt. Th men who have made their
wishes powerful in revolutionizing the
sentiment of congress un the qawtion of
railroad mononolira will be nn less suc
cessful in L-n'octiug their object
in securing relict from the bur
dens of ( lie wt-.r Uiscd which
their representatives refuse to lift from
the overloaded shoulders of the people.
Private iutcrcsU may succeed for the mo
ment , but their success only adds fuel to
the flame which in the end threatens to
sweep away a much larger portion of the
tariff system than the opnoncnts of the
needless tariff taxes now demand shall
bo removed from the national statute
They Must Como to Tlino.
The Pullman Palace Car company ,
through iU superintendent , has given
notice to the county commissioners that
it will pay no taxes in Nebraska on the
rolling stock and property employed iu
the transaction of business in this state.
This is a defiance of authority which the
people of Nebraska will not only resent ,
but will take prompt steps to remedy ,
It is a barefaced attempt of one of the
most extortionate monopolies to evade
its duo share of the burdens of
carrying on government. The plea
that the company is engaged in
Interstate commerce , and therefore not
subject to taxation , is more evasion. The
company 'has its headquarters here , its
cars run into the yards on the Nebraska
side , are repaired in our machine shops
and are actually located hero. Employes
are hired and discharged at Omaha ,
and all its trans-Missouri business this
side of Ogden is transacted at this point.
For the Nebraska lines comprising the
Union Pact lie , Missouri Pacific and the
Burlington , a system within the state
limits of over a thousand miles , this
company has heretofore returned prop
erty assessed at $60,000. It is safe to say
that the cars operated in Nebraska are
worth half a million. In Denver they
have this spring boon assessed ut $340,000 ,
although the Colorado lines arc b.y no
means as extensive as those operated
from Omaha.
The commissioners of Douglas county
should do their duty and compel this
company to pay its taxes. It enjoys all
the protection afforded to other local
companies , In case of fire or riot
it promptly calls for the advantnges of
government paid for by other taxpayers.
Our water , lire and police service are at
their disposal , our courts at their service
and they are freely used when occasion
requires. They must bo made to share
in the cxpons.0 of protecting property and
carrying on the government , in whose
advantages they are equal sharers with
all other property owners. With due res
pect for Judge Blatohford. upou whoso
decision that the Pullman company is
operating an interstate commerce
line of transportation , this corpor
ation basis its resistance to tax
ation , wo regard the position taken
as entirely untenable. Judge Blatchford
is not the first judge whoso bias in favor
ot corporate monopolies has warped his
judgment. The idea is preposterous. If
the Pullman company is exempt from
taxation m Nebraska on its cars , so is
the Union Pacilic and Burlington. The
latter company ! s operated largely from
Chicago , and the Union Pacilic runs
trains from Council Bluffs. If the Pull
man company docs not intend to pay taxes
in Nebraska where docs it propose to pay
taxes ? The Nebraska division makes no
returns in Iowa as far as we can learn ,
and the cars rnn in the trans-Missouri
country are not taxed in Illinois. It is a
bold attempt to evade all taxation which
will not bo permitted to succeed.
We serve divine notice on the Pullman
company that Nebraska is able to cope
with it in a contest of this kind. The leg
islature will meet next winter , and we
shall see whether they will exempt palace
cars from taxation or bring the managers
under their control by proper regulation ,
which may include not only taxes but
THKKR is an impressive lesson in the
fact that during the past two months
there was a very remarkable increase In
the number of chattel mortgages re
corded in Chicago , instruments of tins
class having doubled in number in the
six weeks following the inception of the
labor troubles. An investigation of these
mortgages showed them to be hinroly
given on furniture , with an occasional
piano included , few of them represent
ing an amount in excess of f 100. It is
not diflicult to tin ( I thn instructive fea
tures of this fact. It means that the ac
cumulation of years of labor by him-
drcdsof workingmen in Chicago are pay
ing ruinous tribute to the usurious money
lenders ; itmeans that in the homes of hun
dreds of the toilers of Chicago the sense
of peace and independence which prevailed -
vailed a few weeks ago has been sup
planted by an ever-haunting feeling of
fear and harrassiug responsibility ; it
means bitter humiliation in the sense of
servitude to greedy and relentless usu
rers ; it moans depriving wives and
children of little pleasures and priv
ilcges hitherto enjoyed , and the surren
der ol comforts which to plain people
are luxuries , in order that the money
lenders shall not fail of their harvest ;
it means to many years more of toil ,
with the practice of a rigid economy , in
order that they may bo again able to say
that what they possess is their own , and
to many it moans the loss of all nt last ,
however hard and patient and self-sacri
ficing the struggle lo save it. Unhap
pily the experience of the workingmen of
Chicago , who have been forced by the
labor troubles to place their small pos
sessions ut the mercy of heartless usurers ,
is not singular ; it can bo supplemented
by the records of all the larger cities , and
the consequences in privation , sorrow ,
injustico'and hardship would appal the
strongest , could they bo presented in
THAT historic tax-shirker , the Pullman
car company , protests against paying
taxes in Nebraska because their cars are
engaged in interstate ( radio. They object
to assessment in Iowa because their
conches start from Illinois , In Illinois
the plea is raised that their property is
about all in other states.
ELEVEN per cent was the assessment
increase reported this year from the
Third ward. If the Third wishes to show
up its actual magnificent advance in
value , it must get an assessor who knows
more about appraising property than ho
about working a handsaw for ono of the
heaviest tax shirkers In the precinct.
TJTH shortest speech of the congres
sional scfiion was made last week by
Senator Edmunds. He said ; That is a
good bill , " A few more efforts of this
kind to the exclusion of the cut and dried
orations which nobody listens to and few
read \vould be a blessing to the interests
of Jogklatira busiucsa.
THE Knlghu of Labor to the knights
of JoiiOrei "Pay your taxea. "
Monumcntlnc } ho City.
The action taken by trnj city council at
its last session looking towards an official
survey of the city and a'proper ' determi
nation of lot lines , jStrict corners and
intersections was wise and timely. The
subject Is one that lias been often dis
cussed and strongly urged. Its impor
tance , in view of tltd growth of Omaiia
had became so manfftat , that at the last
session of the lcgislauro ( the charter wag
amended to permit a roisurvcy and Una !
location of corners anil lines in all cities
of the first-class.
All cities have passed llirough a similar
experience , but , as nested by the city en
gineer , Omaha seems lo stand alone in
having no ofhclal record of the original
town site plat , from which to work as a
basis , Several maps have been pub
lished by private individuals , but they
nil contain glaring errors and no one
agrees with another. As a consequence
there is a variance in the length of our
city blocks of from two to six feet , while
the streets themselves show a difference
In width in about the same proportions.
Section corners used as the basis of sur
veys have disappeared , stakes and monuments
ments placed years ago as hxcd points ,
from which surveys wore made , have
gone , and as a result there is a steadily in
creasing dllliculty In discribiug property
and n corresponding increase in dis
putes over lot lines between property
The charter provision for monument-
inc the city contemplates a commission
of civil engineers of which the city engi
neer shall bo a member whoso duty it
hhall bo not to change existing and ac
cepted lines , but to note and fix their
location , make and complete surveys of
every block in the city and forever deter
mine them by locating stone monuments
at every intersecting street from which
the distances can bo over afterwards
measured. This survey when made will bo
the official plat of the city recorded in the
county clerk's ollico and the basis for all
subsequent maps. It will afford property
owners and the city a perpetual safe
guard against srror or fraud and if done
promptly will save an fmmonso amount
of trouble and expense , anneals to the
courts and damage to property interests.
THE attention of Chairman House is
respectfully invited to the job of street
repairing in front of 1010 Farnam street.
It is a beautiful commentary on the man
ner m which our pavements are being
destroyed by wretched workmanship and
worse supervision.
Tool-makers , as a rule , continue busy.
Makers of niachine-hop equipments and
railway equipments arq alaO | busy.
A great many new designs in dress goods
are out , hut not on thn market ,
The German iron anjl stJcl masters have
termed a number of prtvinclal ) unions.
A Unffalo firm carries oil an § 500,000 Iron
and steel contract for tljo IluUem bridge.
Good ropoitb also conic from wood-working
machinery establtslimfcnts ' hero and else
The smaller mechanical Industries are pick
ing up again , among tljcm the hardware In-
dustiics. )
A sewing machine iirhlth is held in the
hands and operated like a pair of scissois has
been patented. J
Greater activity is reported in many of the
western reaper and binder and Implement
and wagon works.
The trades union organizers expect to in
crease their membership rapidly during the
coming full and winter.
More or less eastern skilled labor is drift'
Ing webtwaid auuin , especially from localities
where strikes are in existence.
Retailers are reported by agents to bo clearIng -
Ing out old stocks throughout the south and
west , and jobbers are doing the same.
The Standaid Silk company , at Allentown ,
lias several largo "awkward squads" ot learn
ers at work , and will employ In all 300.
The south is becoming a bettor market , and
with the change of railroad gauge a greater
exchange of products is being inaugurated.
A scheme Is on foot to utilize for papermaking -
making a new libre of supposed gieat value
tound in gieat abundance in Noithern Mex
Manufacturers of all kinds ot textile goods
speak with much comidcnco as to the char
acter of the tall and winter trade , which ail
think will bo largo.
The acieago in cotton of the cotton-crow
ing stales last year was 17,823W8 ! acres. The
crop for the season was 5.77iofl5 hales , enual
to 2,713 ! XXJOU pounds of lint , or about
8,2iSbysOJt : pounds of seed cotton.
Technical education in Europe Is to be
stimulated through the efforts of a conven
tion o Its friemls , to bo held in Bordeaux.
Fiance , September y > . The convention will
consider all plans and schemes and lay down
the foundations for a thorough international
Chicago consumes COO.OOO loaves of bread
dally , lircad has declined from ? to 0 cents
per loaf , but the short-hour strike has led to a
movement to advance the price. The bakers.
as well as their employers , aie compactly
The stovomakers now call their association
the Stove Founder ; , ' National Defense asso
ciation. It has advanced prices 7K per cent
and has declared war agahibt the Knights ot
Germany Is forging to the front as a manu
facturing nation , and Franco feels that she
must ulungo Into the stream of progress or bo
The crcat Industries cannot be In a decrepit
condition , eonsldei Ing the amount ot ticsli
capital enteiing them anil the great additions
to machinery. A general increase iu capacity
is going on.
In Georgia cotton mills small children are
pain 81.83 per week ; halt-grown children ,
Sl.50 to S4.50 ; women from 60 cents to S1.75
nor day and skilled male labor from 31 to
$2.50 per clay.
A 1'iitersou linn has { ( rraneMJ to expend
between S-.OOO.OOO and 58,000,000 , in factoiies.
equipments and houses for operatives at
Allentown , Pa. A situ has been puichascd.
The enterprise will for the present ho eon-
lined to inanutacturlng lauiiing Implements ,
Omaiia Is having a boomjjuat now hy va
rious enterprises which indicates that its
population will ho doubledKvithlu the next
decade. ' > il
, : ,
A Good Word tpv Congress ,
The CurreiU , |
Take It all In all , congresj has acted with
great consideration iu not laiding the
8iS8,000,000 , of surplus M'lthm hieh Seci clary
Manning tempted them.
Chicago's Ambition.
Chicago Kewt ,
Chicago seems anxious to cet up a surface
railway boodle sensation which will pale the
notoriety of Jake Sharp and Chicago Is
likely to succeed.
A. Dangerous Disease.
The Current ,
It would be wise for legislators to look to
the law concerning judge * , and restrain the
tendency nf such officers to deliver sttunp
speeches at the expense of convicts before
the bar of justice. We seem to have caught
the disease from England.
Music Mad.
Denvtr Trlbuae-liCl > ul > Uean.
Wagner's music drove King Juawlic crazy ,
Tbo cause was ttunlclent. Let the fa to of
Uavarla's monarch stand as an awful exam
ple to Americans. The only man who over
lived who could hear this music without
danger ot losln ? his wits was Wagner. He
Rot used to It while making It ,
Many People Wonder.
Cleveland Vrett.
A great many people nro still lost In won
derment as to howthoNow Yoik Sun man
aged to get the biggest strawbcirles and all
the cream Iu the matter of the latest returns
iroui the \\hlto house. The fact that
Dan hatnont was a reporter on the Sun only
six years ago inny suggest a thought In con
nection with the matter.
She Wasn't Unlit That War.
S. If. f o i ( n Ttls. ( ( .
She was stern as a Itonian Cato. and she had
studied Kaut and I'lato , and for \ \ hdom's
cold potato dug In every sell ami sliino ;
Yea , she dug the glittering tuber from Kam-
schatka down to Cub.i , trom the Ganccs
to U\t > Yuba , and Iu every land and clinic.
She could lecture on Plotlnus , Athanaslns
niul Aquinas , and Somlramls and Ninus
Wfio iamillaron her lips.
She'd no lime for beads or bangles , and for
silks and worsted tangles , while by log-
arithmetic angles she foretold the next
She could lecture by ( ho hour , ami with much
foisonic power , upon Locke ami Schop
enhauer and the medhuval monks ;
And she thought It was her mission and the
height of her ambition Just to scatter
cuulltlon , and to leave it round In chunks.
She like a kuowldcgo bottle from which
puttied OvS Horn a throttle , views of Uacon ,
Aristotle , Held , llieaitlo and Henau.
But no cra/o swain tried to get her , for she
couldn't fry a flitter , ilie > s or cook a leg
of mutton , boll a llsh , or sow a button ;
for she never was constiuctetl on that
good old lashioned plan.
Resolutions of the IMnttsmoutli lie-
publican Club.
The following resolutions wore unani
mously adopted by the Young Men's Re
publican club of Plaltstuoutu on Wednes
day evening :
Whereas , Charles II. Gere , editor of the
State Journal , a republican newspaper
published at Lincoln , Nebraska , and an
individual named 1'red Nyo. supposed to
bo the editor of the Omaha Republican , a
republican newspaper published nt
Omaha , Nebraska , have seen lit , through
the editorial columns of said newspapers
to publicly assail this young men's repub
lican organisation in manner and form
as follows :
The Lincoln Journal also intimates that the
Platlsmouth republican club exhibited its pe
culiarities. The Jomnal says :
The Young Men's Republican club , of
Plattsmnuth , celebrated its anniveisary with
a banquet on 'Ihursday evening. Itliaii in
vited all sorts of republicans to address it , in
cluding the principal stumper against the re
publican ticket at the last state campaign ,
Senator Van Wyck. The result was a pan-
city of guehts from abroad. Straight republi
cans ate not fond of being mixed up In polit
ical banquets with kickers and constitutional
bolters. Messrs. Thurston and Kosewatcr. o
Omaha , were theie. howe\er , ana divided the
lionois of the evening.
The Jomnal neglects to state , except by
implication , the tact that since the occurrence
ol late events In lailroad politics Mr. Thurs
ton and Mr. Kosowater are as thick as Hies iu
an Omaha restaurant. All the principals at
the Piattsmouth banquet were railroad cap
pers. Now , railroad capping may be repub
licanism , but we don't believe It. The editor
of the Journal and the editor of thu
Republican were Invited to the ban-
qucl. We violate no confidence In say
ing that they preferred not to accept
the Invitation because of a hesitation to trust
their republicanism in an atmosphere redo
lent of lallroad corruption. Mr. Gere and
his friend of this paper are with the people
and republican party ; they ate down on the
rallioads , passes or no passes ; they are not
candidates for oflico ana therefore do not
seek railroad support. They do not believe
that politicians such as Van Wyck and Koso
water , who desert the ncople at a critical
juncture and combine with the railroads , are
worthy to be called republicans. Omaha
And whereas , This organization did ,
according to its annual custom , extend
to certain prominent and honorable gen
tlemen whom it highly esteemed both as
gentlemen and representative republi
cans the hospitality of our club as a
political organization as well as of its
largo membership individually and of
our niosperous city ; and
Whereas , All of our invited guests , ex
cept the editor of the State Journal ,
courteously responded to such invita
tions , either personally" or by letter of regret -
grot and sympathy ; and
Whereas , This club is composed of
representative republicans of Cass
county , who are not afraid to trust their
republicanism in the society of gentle
men , and who claim to understand the
common courtcios due from one citizen
to another , as well at ) the amenities due
the public from those who aspire to the
high and honorable calling of journalism ;
and ,
Whereas , the foregoing extracts from
the two prominent journals are f also in
point of fact and unworthy either of the
organs from which they emanate , nnd
cim only bo construed , as a direct and
undeserved insult to this club and its mem
bers. Therefore be it
Resolved , 1. That we sincerely regret
the mistake made by this club in classing
either of the persons named as gentle
men deserving of the recognition and
hospitality of- tills club.
2. That we sincerely regret the mistake
made iu associating the name of Charles
II , Gore and Fred Nye with those ot the
honorable gentlemen who made up the
list of .the invited guests to our eucond
annual reunion.
! ) . Further , that in the opinion of the
members o | this club the intemperate ,
unprovoked und vulgar attack made
upon the members of this club and their
invited guests in the article from the
Omaha Republican are unworthy a great
nawspapor of its pretensions , and could
only emanate from a trilling and irre
sponsible source , especially in view of
the fact that the author thereof had for
warded this club a ilorjd letter of con
gratulations , regretting his inability to Do
present with us upon the occasion of our
annual banquet.
Resolved , turthor , That a copy of these
resolutions be forwarded the State Jour
nal , Omaha Republican and Omaha UEII.
Nebraska Jottings ,
Grand Island is lilting out an expedi
tion to go iu search of the Hastings town
clock ,
The first town on the Lincoln branch of
the Elkhorn valley road beyond Fremont
is named Cedar Bluffs.
Grand Master Workman Powdorly has
boon invited to orate at the Knights ol
Labor celebration in Fremont July 4.
William Smithson , a workman on the
Platte river bridge of the Elkhoni Vnllov
road , shockingly mangled his hand with
a broad-axe ,
Jacob Koover , an oM man of seventy
years , residing about seven miles south
west of Tccumseh , had his left leg broken
last week while aiding in putting a ring
In a bull's nose ,
Ou Monday night something in the
nature of a cioud-biirai visited the town
of Usceohi , Polk county , on thp Omaha
& Republican Vnlloy railway branch of
the Union Pacilio , and did great damage
to the depot mid Irani : ; ) .
"Why Should a Ulack Cow Give White
Milk. " is the question rankling in thu
minds of the youthful debaters in Milton
product , Kuox couuty. If the rustics
will examine the product of the ( own
dairyman they can bank on a vision o
sky blue tints below the chalk lino.
The sheriff of Hall county is searching
for two Kearney boys who ran away
from homo recently and bridled two
ponies to expedite their flight , The
names of the boys nre Joe Frank nnd Joe
Mikoiajnck , aged seventeen and sixteen
Hnohelor Smalls , of the Fremont Her
aid , mournfully announces the departure
of a political iwnl from the ranks. Hear
his doleful voice : "Wo have rccolvct
ollicial noli Mention from Charles 11
Brown , of Omaha , confirming the an
nouncement of Ills marriage , which took
philosophy with the fishing rod though
ho ought to know there is very little
"comfort" when yon never eaten any
fhingl "Charlie" has our heartiest con
cratulatlons and well wishes and those
of his thousands of triends all over the
stale. "
IOWA Items.
The total enrollment nt the Dos Moincg
schools for the year just ended was 3,081
There are about 5,000 Sunday schools
In the state , with the number rapidly in
Grant Palmer , of Carson , hns bccomo
violently insane. Overwork and anxlotv
on account of poor prospects is suppose ! )
to have caused the trouble.
Mrs. Win. Dodds , for over thirty years
u resident of Pleasant Grove township ,
DCS Moincs county , died suddenly of apoplexy
plexy last week. She was the mother of
sixteen children , all but two of whom are
The wholesale crocers association held
their annual feast at Otluinwn Tuesday.
Among the toasts drained in chain-
pajjno and loud cheers was : "Thu Press
Ever Rcntly for an Add. ; It Advises
Mankind of His Wants , Wo Supply
Them. " The number of insertions is nol
stated , but many a bottle escaped.
N.S. Noble , of Anamosa , while clean
ing some fish , about five weeks ago ,
scratched his thumb , just starting Uio
blood. The wound was regarded too
trivial to need attention , but mood pois
oning ensued and on Saturday it was
found necessary to amputate the arm
above the elbow in order to save Mr , No
ble's life.
Dakota ,
Omaha capitalists have purchased a
large number of lots at Sioux Fulls anil
will hold them for speculation.
Hangman's Hill is the favorite lookout
of llapulitcs. It is a lofty and accessible
peak , and contains remnants ojt early
chokes and masker raids.
The Black Hills Democrat is the name
of the Bourbon oracle which has just ap
peared in Rapid City. It proposes to dish
simoupuro simplicity in weekly doses.
Peter Whcolock , who came from Ver
mont to Lincoln county sixteen years
ago , recently died at the' age of eighty-
four , and it is conceded that old ago was
tl.o cause of his death.
Some of the farmers in the southern
part of the territory nro experimenting
with hemp this year. It is claimed that
hemp docs not exhaust the soil as tlax
docs , nnd will be a very profitable crop
if it eau bo uueccssfully grown.
Larnmle is exporting frog legs at fif-
cents a dozen.
Specimens of gold from the Wind river
and Green rivcsr mines have been received
iu Cheyenne.
It is suggested that the first rail of the
Cheyenne & Northern bo laid on the 10th
of July , the nineteenth anniversary of the
founding of the "Magic City , "
Hoki Poki is the latest cra/.o among the
belles cf Cheyenne. It is an imperial
"tea" with oriental trimmings and
"heroic" costumes the latter an antique
modification of the Mother Httbbard.
Territorial miningcompnniosara crow
ing rapidly , especially in the amount of
capital stock. The Do Sola Gold and
Silver mining company , justorgani/.cd in
Crook cbuuty , starts in with $3,000,000 , iu
The postofnco authorities have changed
the names of Fettermau and Fort Fetter-
man to Douglas. The railroad company
puichased the name in honor of the "Lit
tle Giant. " Twenty-four blocKs have
been laid oft" for the town site. All streets
coincide precisely with the cardinal
points of the compass. All arc eighty
feet wide except the main business
thoroughfare running north and south
and the boulevard running back to the
hills , which are each 100 feet. The plat
will go to Chicago whore the streets will
bo named. Then it will go to Larnmio
City lo be recorded , and then , some two or
three weeks hence , actual builders can
get lots at fixed prices. The public sale
will not take place until the road arrives
in August.
Dead Set for Kcrbrin.
Rev. Thomas K. Beechor , in Elniira
Gazette : Citizen voters of Elniira and vi
cinity , hear mo I When il costs from $100
to $800 to got elected alderman ; from
f 1,000 to $4,000 to get elected mayor ;
from $1,000 to $2,000 to buy an assembly
seat , from $5,000 to $10,000to buy a nom
ination to a judge's seat ; from $10,000 to
$20,000 to sret into the sf.ito son-ate ; from
f 100,000 to f UOO.OOO to buy thu governor
ship : and I know not how many millions
for the presidency all these public ser
vants must get their money back some
way. You , Sir Voter , when you sell your
vote are doing what you can to compel
your agents and rulers to sell their votes.
They buy you one by one , like berries ,
and sell you by the quart or peck one
Jaehnc vote is if 10,000 of your vote. His
vote cost him $35.000 cash. Ho couldn't
buy it for a cent less. Do you blame him
for selling it for $ ? 0,000 ? Last fall you
sold your vote for $10 , knowingly violat
ing the law. Juelmo is in Sing Sing.
VYTioro ought you to bo ?
Most complexion powders bnvo a vul
gar glare , but Pozzoni's is n true beauti-
her.whose efi'eets nro lasting ,
A Huru Wuy to Halso the Ante ,
"Anxious Inquirer" asks "Will you
please decide tins question ? A passes in
u jack-pot , and the next player opens it.
Can A raise the ante before he draws
card's ? " Wo don't know much about
those now-fandled progressive "old maid"
games with cards , but wo should say that
A could raise his ' 'ante" despite hU deal
ings with the jack-pot whatever that
may bo by simply placing a cnrpot-tnoK
on its head on her chair when she is in
act of sitting down. But wo mlviao "Anx
ious Inquirer" to correct his spelling of
auntli ) .
with pecl l
No Ammonia , IJme of Alum.
riiyslolnnfi , Ministers , Ml 8lonnrla. t , Mnnajrorj.
of 1'nctorks , Work-shop * , rinntnttom ,
Nurses In Ho ] > ltnl In suort , every
body ovotylicro wliohaa
OTor given It * trial
r.uusci CURB ron
T11UOAT , &a.
Arrt.jnn RxtisnKAM.v ,
ON GAiiTit ron cuiiiso
BURNS , FllOST-UlTES , &c.
Prices , 26c , , OOc. and $1,00 per Bottlo.
at Imitations.
Nebraska national Bank
Pnid up Capital $350,000
BuplusMay 1 , 1885 80,000
H.W.YATES. President.
A. E. TOU/.AUN. V'ico President
W. H. S. HyaitKs , Cashier.
A. E. ToutfAUtf ,
Oor. 12th and Farnam Stroots.
General llouktnuc Jlualnusi Tratmotal.
RThono VITALITY U talllnr. Drain IHIAINKB * n4
RM1 AUMTKIt or Tower I'JIItM AM UlthLY UAH'l\
| CI > my tliul * iwrfrcl anil rrll > bl our * In ttm |
Original lij Prof. l KAfi ulvAl.T : , gtrVrltTtr no
Adoptnit by all French 1'hjiloUnj and tolnff rapUlr an
incctfuarullr tntruduood htro. All woAkrmng lotaoa an4
dralnn iiromptlT clioclcod. < TI < iATliR : Hiring n r
' . , FKIiK , Consult *
> n ( olUcoorbyinalllwlth K | cmlnVnt doctor * FltKlb
civiiUE AUENCY. NO.IU Fulton SUeot. New Ytrh
so ? .
Practice limited to Diseases of th
Glasses fitted for all forms of defective
Visiou. Artificial Eyes Inserted.
017 St.Cbnrlo Ht.,8t.Xoni9 > Ho.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Menial 10 <
Physical Weakneji ; Mercurial and other Aftta *
tlons ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , treatid - ' - '
art with IDptrallelt4
uectu , on uuit iclintiao principal , Sard ; , .
Diseases Arising from Indiscreilon , Exoeif ,
iwuuvaJf * un * nuucr Aiupruyar * * r HUUmvVJt *
permanently eured. lainpa.leTS6pisf ) > i ] tbeattOTe , iMl
Inicaled eofflope , free to any addresi. ConiulUtleaatott
floe or by mail free. Invited nod ilrlctly cenQdcatlal.
A Positive Written Guarantee ii n in * rr ,
rt > U * * , Ue4iolne Qtererjrwbere bj m4t oreipre
S60 PAQE3. PIKE PLATES , eluait ettth * oi _ _
binding , eraled fur COo > In poiiareereurreac/ . Ore ? fln ;
wonderful | > B pkturei , true to life t arttcle * t a tbe FolltwlBL
objecln who inij mrrr , vhotioU wlif , mMboi , w tuu *
bo d. pbrilcal dtear , etfeete ofo llta j aod eioa i. ib pbjf *
iolocr friprduotfoQ. and aaar more. Tboie CQtrrl 4 ot
ooDtempUtfng marrtnf * iboi.14 read It Ppv\ir efittlOn
tm , paper oorcr,20g. Ad lrtuDi b t P .WklKUr. '
CaBnifaiTHBl ClS
Initunllr ri'llcnettli . I
ASTHMA mod Tlolcnt nllnoka , !
' . 3 v 'fis
Inhalation , thus ranching tha diae&M direct , relax- !
fM th spitm , facilitates ( mo SMID
aipeotoration.uidKPPKUTB lsUrC
whrre all othrr rcmedlM rail. / trUl ro > vla M tatuoi
, ! lliBa
. avdVI.OOt fit druccliti or li ; nall.i TrUll
Dr. U.NlUlVFJIAN.Nt. l'
And utliera iralforlnff fron )
nervoui debility t fizliaustliitf
Irhronlu dUonj a , prrniftluri
" of young or old r
ntw uifd by Ur
famous Klcotrw *
* * iffnctS licit. ThoUMJidf
n In the Union lift TO been curoO. - > 7m w .iifUnll/ felt ratvniiNland cold 10
jeaj-H , Wjiolo famllr can wear eama belt , KlrctrU
HuRpentorlui fr e wilt ) male helU Are ! J worth IM 1/A *
Hat Ion and bogus companion Clertrlo Tru e
Ilupture. 70O curfdln'85. Rend stamp for pamphlet.
MUSIC , Boston , Mass.
Woltl.D. 1UO Instruotors. 'MXi tnddiitt Init rnar.
I'liornuKti Instructluna In vocal Mini liiHtrmncntiil niu.
sic. INnnouiid Oraitn tunlim , Flan Arts. Ornlurr. I.ltnr-
ituro. Kreiich , ( ii-rnnui und Itnllnn | III > IIIUIII < H , Knu-
tlflh brunches. ( Jjrninuatlca. otc.'riiltlnn $ .itoJU : lutiird
unrtrooni with atcuni heat und uliidrlR Hultt J41to $75
ix-rbirm. KAIiliTKIIMIiPBliiaHaplrinliarli. 1IM1. for
IlluntnitndCulenilur , with full Infoniihlloii.tiildrosa.K.
roiJIUKU ! . llr.KiHiil < llriHq .lluUnn. Mim.
Tb OriRitinl nail Only Qriinlne.
0af and alwart Kcllfthlt. ntwaii ef uortlilr'i ImluttncA
InJlttiriiatla la LADIKS. Aak ; our IlriiKglat fat
'ChloheaUr'a Kncll > likand u . au otheror lucloo u.
( Ump ) ta QB far lurUeutirs in lilltr hj ratum niall.
. Chleliotfr Clirmlrnl t'o. .
I A m t gf j , Mndl..u bgunr * . I'hlloda. , -
ftald br Dmeclita CTcrrnrlirre. lib for "C'lilrhev
t ' < Ka lUk Htniurojlil JMIIfc Ttituxdhrr
RESTORER. Hmiirflf
1'rce. A vialmof yoiitk.
fid Impnulonco caunluir
! I'reniaturo Docjjr. Ner.
voiit JloMlity. l.iwi N ii.
hood , fccJiarlnxlrlndlntalaoTerykuowurrnindr
hn rtlacovoroil a simple f..l iircivli ! < h lie will iioua
VKF.Ktn lila fnllow inrTorern. lrl.lms
1. UVi:3.tClj.itliantrcel.ew JforkCllr.
* ' .
Do you want a pure , bloom
ing ( y'omjiloxion ? If so , M
i'ovf nnnhcutioiis of Hngnn'g
MAGNOLIA HALM will grat-
il'y you lo your Jioarl's cou-
toiit. It does uwuy with tS l-
lowncss , Itcdnoss , Pimping.
Ulotchc.s'nnd all disease * ; m < l
imperfections ol' the skin. J i
ovorcomesl bo flushed appear-
once of hcut , fatigue and ox-
citemout. Itmakosaladyof
iinu iiuriuuu uni 11.1 uiiW'ia.
that it in impossible to dotcct
its application.