Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1886, Image 1

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The Housa Sits Down Emphatically on Con
sidering Morrison's ' Bill ,
Only Tour HcpuUllcans Cast Their
Jlallots lu rnvorol'thc Mcnrmro
A Day ol lOtcltciucut
Capital Notes ,
Morrison llndly Mnii lcd.
( VAMHXOTO.V , Juno 17 , ISpeclal Tele
gram to the Ilni : . ] Morrison wasdcfoatcd In
his attempt to get up the tariff bill to-day by
Die decisive vole of IV ) to HO. Of this vote
twcnly'llvedi'iiiociats weio with'tho repub
licans nnd four republicans \otedwlththo
( IcmocraK It was an exciting day In the
house. When the blind preacher finished his
prayer at 11 o'clock llieie was a larger attend-
r.nco of members piesciit linn at any time
since December. MonNon and Itandall
vvciu both busy during the moining houis ar
ranging for the coming light. Last night
Moiilson. had telegraped Holmnn that tlio
\ote would be put elf until ho arrived , nml
ns Iho 11.tin came In nt the Haltlmoro it Ohio
depot at 1:11 : p. m , , It would only tnke n few
minutes for him to get to tlio capltol , nnd sent
nt 1 : 'JO the motion would be made. The re-
piiblknns wcio anxious to know exactly
when the bill would bo called up , and
fie they asked and were told. Then It
becamoonly the duty of the hoiiso to kill
time. All starts of filibustering motions were
made nud Monison walked about the floor
dining ( he last hour , repeatedly looklnirat
the clock , while In Caillslo's loom the waver
ing dcmociats weie having courage put Into
thorn by the frco tradeis. Ono or two of the
doubtful democrats , who had wished to vote
for the bill , weio by this means kept firm ,
lint the icpublicans had nothing to fear. Ail
was well with them. LXaclly at tlio hour ap
pointed Morrison moved to lalo up the bill.
MoKlnley of Ohio was about to call tin an ajo
and no vote when Moirison asked for It
himself. The galleries were crowded , and
although theio was consldciable noise about
the house nt Hist , a rap from the speaker's
desk brouuht silence. The vote proceeded in
silence until Holiuan's iinmo was called.
.No one lesponded. Then , just as the eleik
wasnboutto pass on , a vote came "Aje. "
Kveiy ono looked towards Holman's scat ,
and theiesattho gioat objector , frpsli from
tlio lalhond ears , wllh the stain of tiavel
upon him. His vote brought loith around
of applause , and the democratic membeis
crowded mound and congratulated him.
There vvcic'J' ) " votes out of : ) ij cast , and all
buloneof the absentees weio piln-d , so that
it left but one UDiiibai absunl ( Fredericks , of
Iowa ) .
Morilson , ofeouiso , is dlsippointc.I , for ho
had hoped against fate that his motion would
bocaiilod. Ho gave notice that ho would
call the bill up again on Tuesday next , be.
cause , ho tajs , ho wants to emphasise the
names of the dcmociats who voted against
him and let them go before their constituents
as opposed lo tlio Chicago platfoim. It is
said his ical object is to give tlio president
nn oppoituulty to whip the domocints into
line , but no ono believes future voles on the
subject will bu any 111010 favorable to tariff
iclorm than the ono to-day.
Tlio tlneo Nebraska members voted against
consideiation. * A11 tlio demociats In the
lovv.xdelegation piescnt ( Hall and Fiederlcka
were present ) voted for tlio bill , and all the
republicans against it.
Ot Iho foui lupublicans who voted for con
sideration , three are lioui the state of Min
nesota ( Messis. Nelson , Stunt and AVnkc-
licld ) , and thu fourth ( James ) is ono of tlio
New York icpiesentatlvcs. Of tlio 10 ! ! demo
crats vollng , 13J were cast by icprcscntatlvea
fiom Iho south nnd west , and 14 by icpro-
scntalives from tiio custom and middle
states. The Ohio democrats voting for the
cotisiduation were Messis. Anderson , Hill
nnd Outhvvnite , tlio Now York demo
ciats , Adams , beach , Belmont , Foil *
Campbell , Hewitt and Mahoney ; Pennsyl-
vanla demociats , Scott , Stoim and Swopo.
Of the 1" 7 negative votes l"i weio cast by re
publicans and lliiity-tivo demociats. Of the
thhtj-lhe democrats voting in tiio negative
tdx eaiuu fiom southern states , nslollows :
Matland , Findlay ; Louisiana , Giy , Iron ,
F.Maitinnnd Wallace ; AlnhniimMirtln. The
western states contiihutct ! eleven negative
voles , ns follows : Call foi nlar Henley ; Illinois ,
LiwlorandWood ; Ohio , Campbell , Ellsbcry ,
Foian , Geddes , LeFovie , Senoy , AVarion and
AVilllams. The lemalning domocralic nega
tive votes vvcro cast by members fiom New
Yoik , Pennsylvania and Now Jersey , as fol
lows : New Yoik , Arnot , Uliss.T. J. Camp
bell , Dowdney , Menlman , Muller , Pindar ,
Spilirgs , Stahlneckci and Vielo ; Now Jersey ,
Gieen , MuAdooand Pidcock ; Peiiiisjlvanla ,
lo > le , Ciutiii , Kiiucntrout , Uandall and Sow-
AVldlo waiting for the vote Itandall kept
his scat with aims folded and a look of un-
risnal Impoitinco on his countenance. Mc-
Kinlny looked the leist concerned of all ,
Billing back on a sofa smoking bcienely.
Judge Kelley pissed the morning hour In
conveination with his Pennsylvania frlendB.
The bill extending two years each payment
foi purchasei ! on the Otoo reservation nnd
puichasci.sand settlers on the Omaha tesei-
vatinn passe < l tlio senate to day.
c.ossip IN AIIVInnr' .
llugadlei ( U' liooeit Muiiay , suigoon
fM'iicnd of the m my , will lie placed on the ro-
tiud list August I ) , next , on leaching thuaifo
ol histHoui Jems , and the usual contest tor
Iho vacancy lias already begun. The candi
dates inunhoutilio sumo ns usual , and in-
I'ludo Chief Medical PuivojorJ , 11. Uaxter ,
biiucon Chailes Sutlieiland , buigeon Kll/ha
,1. Dally , Assistant hingcou ( icncial ( Slover
IVrin , nltoSuryeon Thos. A. McParlln , all
ot whom me colonels , ranking in thu older
named. Surgion Joseph It. lirown , also n
colonel , vvou'd ' probably bo a candidate ,
but ho goes on the letircd list himself.
July ! :0. : boloio the vacancy occur * Many ,
especially outhhlixif the in my , aio of tlio
opinion Colonel ijixterwill secure the
pil/o , but low In tlio boivko believe it. As-
hlbtuut bini'con ( icneral Puiin will retiio
next jcar ( Nov. I'-J ) , and if the plan udojUed
In the piomotlon ot Geneial Joseph II. Pelter
prevails , ho will be inipolnted. Colonel
NcPinlln , thlsevenlng'sCiitlobajs , lias.been
in bail healtli for a longtime , although ho is
now on duty at Omaha , and it the inlt
ndupled in the case ot Mnjoi Moirlll and
otlieis Is udheicd to , lie will bo passed ovei.
A MI.1111 CIIAIEOi : .
Commissionci of Agilcuituiu Colman , In
Als monthly cum report issued to-day , gives
Inleicsllng Infoimation tor Nebraskuns. lie
states tluit there aio tumultot bales ami
tiiinspoilatlonof hogs which have died ol
Olseaso wiiieli aiu supported by u statement
of fact. "It Is deslrabltt that our coriespond-
cut , " sajs Iho commissioner , ' 'should com-
nuinieato well authenticated facts bo.nlUK
upon this point. It has been stated vei >
positively that such putiid and diseased meal
( s rendered for use in the Mvlno nml
bntteriue compounds of the time. It is
almost incuiabie , nnd eniinot bo accepted ns
Una until biibstantintcd tully. Some ot 0111
ktateugentshavu expresnal thu opinion that
Mich use Is rarely. If over , madi > ut a subject
of liOjj cholera. It is scarcely less obitx-liona-
bio to usu bitch material in soap in iking , ami
It is hoped that ilcoii burial or cii'iiinlion m-ij
bo Invariably lesorted to in kueli ease . Vet
wo sometimes have distinct s.t * ieuts of
the bale of dead hogs. Out correspondent u >
Taiu.1 county , lovvu , statw that
ono firm bought cholera subjects to the
amount of 830,000 last wmmcr. "
Of thcgrowlng spring wheatctop In Da-
cota the commissioner savs : "The acreage
n spring wheat shows nn Increase over last
jear. This incieasu Is fromvailous causes ,
namely , the breaking of new lands by new
settlers and extending the cultivation of
wheat lields bj others. In several conn tits in
south Dakota , wheie the flax jieldwns poor
last ) car , wheat has been substituted tills
> earln place of It. AVhilo the low mien of
wheat Is discouraging , It has not detcried
fanners from enlarging , their wheat held" .
Wheat Is chosen ns the shortest road to
irct money. If thcro nail been n failure ot
the crops Instcid of a fniluu1 In prices farm
ers would bo more likely to drop It. For sU
voats the jielil of wheat In the teirltory has
been good , witli pike almost continually on
the down grade. The fanner call conveit
his wheat Into cash any day In the year , nnd
tnis fact exuits nn Inlluenco favoiablo to Its
production. Thatpoitloii of the crop sowed
nnd germinated lor the 'J7th of Apiil was cut
down in many locations by a sharp fiost un
on that date. It Ins never fully iccovored
nnd the stand Is thin upon the gionti 1.
I'liero are spots all over the territory where
tlio dry weather has affected the growth
somewhat and It will he nnterlaily injured
unies-t soon relieved by rain.
f ii.vudiis AOAIXST M'iiu.irtm > v.
Judge Godfiev , of Siou.Neb. . , vviltcs
tin1 Indian olllco that ox-Agent Mc-
Gilllcnddyot Pine Kldge , has had a brother
in olllco us Issue elei k tor sonic ycnis under
nn assumed name. This It Is claimed , Is u
violation of law ami vitiates the nccounts ot
McGllllciiddy , amounting lo ovei n million
of dolhus.
ri.tvit.ANi : : > 's rosTMASTnn.
Jacob A. Jmpies has been appointed post
master nt Cleveland , Holt county , v lie John
H. Langster , leslmied.
George W. Allen and vvlte , of Clinton , la. ,
and George A. Gaidinei and wife , of LV.OIIS ,
la. , are in the city.
AVAsniNOTOV , Juno 17. Mr. Sawyer of
fered niosoliitlnn requesting the postmaster
general to furnish tlio senate Infoimation as
to the additional compensation allowed post
masters under the act ot Maich : ! 0 , IbM , for
which no piovislon had been made.
Mr. Iiigall- . said it was not custom-try for
Iho senate to "request" subordinate olllcors
ot the government to fuuiish intormallou ,
and lie hoiiwl the usual woid would ho in
serted , fi'lio usual foi m "dhects" oiliceis to
fuinlsh the infoimntion called tor. ]
Mr. Ingallsolfeied a resolution requesting
tlio piesident. If in his opinion , it was not in
compatible vvttlithopiibUcintoiest. to fuinish
to thu senate intouiiitlon as to the appoint
ments and removals of cleiks embraced
within the provisions of the civil service act
ot Jannai ) 10 , lss.1 ; nlso of chief cleiks and
cliiclsof divisions.
On suggestion of M r. Cockreil , who wanted
toamunilnnd onlirgo the scope of theieso-
lution , it went ovei ono day.
The senate then proceeded lo the consid
eration ot bills on the calendar under tlio
hve-mlnuto limitation of dchite. Among the
meisuios passed weie the following :
Hill to secure to the ChcioKco ticedmen
their piopoition of ecitain pioccodsof lands
underact ot Matchi : , ISM.
Hill anthoii/lug thosecietaryof war to rc-
paii tinbairacks at Forts Homnson and Nio-
luaia , Neli , and those at Foil Ktissell , Wyom
ing ton itoiy.
Uill to pay icpieiontathcs of the govern
ment of Great lintain Sll.noo to enable that
goveininent to indemnify the owneisof tlie
lliitish baik Chalice lor aliandoning their
whaling voyage in theAictle ocean in lbl
nnd leseuing iiinet.v-tlneo Amencan seamen
fiom n shipw reck on the ice.
House bill anpiopi iatlng S150,000 for addi
tional baii.icks at the soldiers' home at
Hamilton , Milwaukee and Leavonwoith.
, liill to luovhlu foronc additional assistant
adjutant gcneial , with tlio rank ot major of
Hill anthori/lmr the postmaster general to
pay lent for buildings leased as poslollices.
BUI providing foi the appointment of an
additional assistant ot tlio treasmy ,
o hold ollico lor one jear from the passage
the bill.
W'l'o complete buildings already begun , tlio
following additional amounts were aiipropii-
nted : For building nt Peona , 111. , S10.UOO ;
Keokuk , la. . S ,000.
Uill providing for an inspection of meats
for expoitatlon. nnd prohibiting tlio Im-
poitation ofaduileiated aiticles of load or
Hill authori/lngthosecretaryot tlio Interior
to extend the time foi the payment of tlio
purchase money on the sale or the mserva-
tlon of the Otoo and Mosealeros tribes of In
dians in Kansas.
Hill classtfyim : registers and receivers of
land otllces and hxlng thn salaries tor them
accoidlng to such classification in lieu ot
Uill to promote the political process and
commercial prosperity of Amciican nations.
Tills is Fryos bill , authoilzing the president
to Invltu.onhcliallot Ihojieoploof the United
States , delegates fiom Mexico and Cenliil
and South Ameilca to meet in Washington
October I , 1S87. to meet delecales on the part
of tlio United States to consider such ques
tions nnd recommend such muasuios as shall
be to th mutual interest and common wel
fare ot the Ameiican states.
Tlio legislative , executive and judicial ap-
propilation hill was lecoived from tlio house
of repipscntatives and it was icloired to the
committee on appropiiatlons
A lesolution otfeied by Mr. Cockreil was
agieed to diiecting tlio secretary of the trcas-
inyto certify to the senate clalmsof volunlecr
sdlilioiH adjusted by tlio accounting olllccis ol
the tieasmy binco tlio last repoit 01 thu
AVASHINOTON , June 17. In nnticlpitlon of
the tai lit bill coming to the surface this morn
ing an unusually largo number of members
weio present when the house was called to
onler. Gentlemen having tlio cliaigoot pahs
on the lespcctlvo sides of Iho house
were kept busily at work and chief ,
Indeed the only , topic of conversa
tion upon the floor was the piobablo
fate of the coining motion to consider the
Mon ison bill. Aftui the hoiiso tiansicted
loutinu business , Hiscock stated thoio was
an understanding that a motion would bo
undo to-day to go Into committed of the
whole on the t-iriir bill. Ho Inqulicd of
Moirison what hoar he Intended to make tha
motion , Morrison lepllcd that it was his in-
t option to make thu motion at 1:30 : o'clock.
The nouso then proceeded to the considera
tion of the land lorfoilnrj bills , taking up
the bill tor thu forfeiture of certain Imuis
giantod the state of lovvn to aid in tlio eon-
htiuetion ot railiotds. lint as thu bills on the
cnleudai pieecding tills one had to bu laid
aside , and as Mr , Strait of Minnesota , Mr ,
Lafolh'ltQ and Mr. Thomas of Wisconsin de
manded n scpirato vote on each measiiro ,
much time was consumed by voting by the
Piomptlyat l"JO.m. ; \ > . Mr. Morrison moved
that the house go into committee of tlio whole
to consldui tlio revcnuo bills. In answer to
Mi , McKinlcy , ho stated that his purpose waste
to consider tlio general tnrilf bill. Theieupon
Mr. McKiniey sild that ho concurred with
MrMoirison In his domain ! for the yeas and
navs. and tlio speaker ordeied the cleik to
call the loll. Tlio motion to go into commit
tco of thu whole on the t.nitf was defeated
JIMS , HO ; najs , 157 ,
Mr , Moirison gave notice that ho would
rmunv his motion on Tuesday next , and Mr.
Me Kinlcy uutod that the opponents of the
bill would bo on hand.
At - o'clock' , on motion of Mr. Herbeit , tlio
house went into committee of the vvholoon
the naval appropriation bill.
Mr , Hepbuin made a speech In reply to
that made by Mr. Wheeler lelatlvo to Kdvvln
M , Houston , ami then the committee rose
and the hotiso adjourned.
Something Aliout Malls.
AVASiii.x-GTON , Juno 17. TJio' postmaslcr
general , In icsponso to the senate resolution ,
presented to the senate n tabulated statement
showing tire Inland water routes over which
the United States mills are transported ,
their lengt'i , number of tiips par week , and
corporation. In his letter of transmlttal Mr.
Vilass > abtho routes of the inland water ser
vice aio each governed by peculiar circum-
Etanc/L / ; aiid it Is iuipo iblo that there-can bo
uniformity of compensation. Carriers , In
mny Instances , would not bo found upon
ha routes nt all but for thu government con-
ract , and In few other Instances would they
> o making the regular trips whicli the gov
ernment requires. The statement enumer
ates 101) ) Inland routes , for which the total
compcnsition lsS3n ) , Tl per jcar , and eleven
eoa twise routes , which cost 500,753. Tlio
total number of miles traveled per annum Is
1,371,523 , and the average cost per mlle § 3J3.
ArjjulojTon Oleomnrjiarlnc * .
AA'Asinxnro.v , Juno 17. ( Sarillner U.
Ch.inln and S. P. Hubbanl , of Uoston , ap
peared before the scnata contmlttco on ngrl-
cultiiio to day In behalf of pure butter. They
said Iho Massachusetts Slito law was not
well enforced ns staled by Prof. Habcock.
Colonel It. M. Littler , secretary of the Chl-
cairo Pioducc exchange , said the statements
of two or tlneo s ( > li > ntlilcs. who weio paid to
ttaduco nnd villlfy agriculture , weie un
true. The average value of each dairy
cow In the United Slates had decreased 810
since the oleo business hns commenced , and
he put his statement in ev Idencu against the
assertion that each animal was worth SJ
mote because ot the valuu of the fat used In
the oleo manuf.ictuio. Ho believed ( " > per
cent of all the oleo sold was sold fiatidu-
Icnllv. Klmer AVashlinrn and Iris Coy. of
( he ( . lilcago live stocK exchange , Peter Col
lier , of Chlcigo , nnd a lepicscntatlve of
Hammond iCe . of Chicago , nave evidence
in suppoilof the views of ilie oleomargarine
Nurscrj inon I loct Olllcrrs.
AATAsniNnoN , Juno 17. The American
Association of NuiscrymiMi nave elected olll-
ceis lor the ensuing jcar , as fol
lows : President , C. L. Watious of
Iowa ; Hist vice iiresldont , M. A.
Hunt of Illinois ; sucictnir , I ) . Wllmot Scott
of Illinois ; tteasuiei , A. It. AVhltnev ot Illi
nois ; executive committee , S. D. Willird of
Now Yoik , U. It. Pearsall of Kansas and
Leo Voltof Ohio. A lesolution was adopted
uiglng the passage of the oleoiunigaiinu bill
pending bcluio congiess.
No Iay For Idleness.
AVASIIINOTON , Juno 17. Mr. Itandall to
day leported the sundry civil bill. Under
the head of const and geological survey It Is
piovidcd lliat no pait of the money appiopri-
ated shall be available for allowance to civili
ans 01 oilier officers for suhslslanco while on
duly In the otllco at Washington , or to
oiliceis of the navyattiched to the survey.
the Forfeiture Bill.
AATAsiiiNOION , June 17. The house com
mittee on public lands to day took up the
senate bill toifeitlnsr the Noithorn Pacific
land giant , and struck out all attei the enact
ing clause with the exception ot the clause
subjecting the load to teiritoilal taxation ,
nnd inserted the house bill on the same sub
ject now on the caicndai.
Townshend Ilcuomlnatcd.
AA'ASIIINOION , June 17 Kopicseiitative
Tovvnslieiid , of Illinois , this evening re
ceived a dispatch announcing that the demo-
eiatlc congressional convention ot the Nine
teenth distiict to day lenominated him by
Approved by the President.
AVASIIINOTON. Juno 17. The piesident
to-day appioved the aet authori/ing the con
struction of n biidge across Stnten Island
sound , known ns the Aittntr bill , nnd to es
tablish thu same as a post toad.
An Ollluial Married.
WASHING-ION , June 17. Hon. 11. J. Dur
ham , of Kentucky , first comptiollcr of the
ticasiny , wasmnilcd tills afteinoou to Mrs. Letchci Caitcr , of Kentucky.
How a Council Bluffs Lady Fell Heir
to a Fortune lu Holland.
CIIICAOO , June 17. [ Special Telegram to
the liee.J The announcement is made this
moiniugthat the daughter of Mrs. Judge
James , ot Council Bluffs , lias recently fallen
heir to a laigo estate in tlio old country. Tlio
story as told hero is n peculiar ono. Itan-
peais that Mrs. James here the name of Van
Arnhem before .she was married. Her
daughter , cvincinir musical talents , was sent
to Kuropo to pursue her studies. There the
daughter met Count Joseph Van Anilicm , of
Arnhem , Holland. In the course of their
acquaintances , it como out that her mother
was a Van Arnhem. The genealogical tree
w as shaken and they * traced Kinship. Hav
ing no heirs ho oflercd to bequeath all his
vast estates and money to his relative
provided she would take his name.
This she consented to do. Shortly aflei , it is
stated , , she was man led and relumed to this
oountiy. Since coming to Chicago blie has
lived ul 40 Hush street , wlicio she is known
as Mrs. Stiong. She sang an engagement
w ith tlio Stiakosh opera compiny and ap
pealed in ono of the city theaters no later
than a week ago. Keccntly the count died ,
nnd true to his promise , left all his propcitv
to his Ameiican cousin , She has been noti
fied ot her jrood luck and will sail foi Hol
land in a few weeks to enter into possession
of the bequest. Mis. Stiong , or Van Arnhem ,
saj.s thepiopoity includes money and huge
landed estates. FinIhcr than that sliu would
not go , saj ing it was a matter of no interest
to anyone save hoi self and could not concern
Iho public.
Unveiling tlio Statue of Welistor.
Covconi ) , N. II. , Juno 17. The statue of
Daniel AVebstcr nicscnted to the state by
Benjamin Picice Cheney , of Boston , was
dedicated to-day w Itii imposing civic nnd mill- ceremonies. The statue has been erected
in the state house park about ono hundicd
yards cast ot thocapitol. The pedestal Is of
the finest Concoid granite and was designed
by Thomas Hall , who also executed the modeler
or the statue at Floicncc , Italy , tlio casting
helm : made at Munich. It Is eight feet high
and weighs two thousand pounds.
Tlio tallowing loiter fiom President Cleve
land was read :
"Kxr.cui m : MANSIOV , AVAsniNmoN ,
Juno I'J. lion. Moody Cunlei , ( iovcinor of
Now Humpshito Dear Sir : I logret that
pressing olllcial duties will not permit to bo
present at the exercises attending the un
veiling of tlio slatuo of Daniel AVebster ,
at Concoul , on Thursday next , K\ cry occa
sion which does honor to this Uhistiloiis
st.itesin in Is of cxtraoidln.ily inteiost to all
American clti/ens , since our prldo in his
career and achievements Is not in the least
limited by paitis.ui influence or by any senti
ment less than national. It would bu well if
in thu capital ot cveiy state theio stood n
statue such as Concord boasts , which should
not only piompt the memory of a man , hut
which bhoiild also keep alive tlnough com
ing centuries tha love and venciation of the people for true American great
ness , Youis very ti uly ,
( illOVhlt Cl.KV'KINI > .
Samuel Colcord Uartlett , D. ] ) „ IL. D. ,
then delivered tlio oration pf the day , saying :
"DanielVfhstercomes home to-dny to the
heart of his nntivn utate , for hero wo btand In
the very center ot tils caillcr snhero of life
nnd lanoi tlio homo of his birth , his mouth
nnd maturity. On every side aio places
whicli will bo foruvei associated with his
name and history. A generation has elapsed
since his death. Political and personal ani
mosities have passed to the tomb. Tlio smoke
nnd dust of the conflict have cleared away ,
nud ns wo look back upon thu
scene of half a century ago , brilliant
w 1th the great names at the bar , on the bench ,
In Hie cabinet and the foium ; as vvtigaroon
those struggles , and often battles of giants ,
theie htands'uuton that arena no figure moio
colossal than Daniel AVebstor. And when
the distant historian shall pass in review the
illustrious mini of the nation , between Wash
ington and Lincoln , what lignro among them
all will loom up so clear and grand upon the
v islon of posterlt v f Ho was ono whom tlio
iiiesidency of these United States could
baldly luvo honored , ono who could have
honored the pieslduncy , It Is well that lo {
tltd not No title Is so great as the name of
Daniel Webster , "
POHTLANP , Me. , Juno 17 < The prohibition
state convention was held hereto-day. Aaron
Clark , of Huxton , a farmer , was' nominated
.for governor and accepted tuu nomination iu
a Dne
Gladstone Starts Out to Stump Scotland
for Iristi Homo Rule.
Thousands Assemble Along the Ijlno
ntul Eagerly Listen to Words
of Wisdom from tlio
Grand Old Mnn.
Gladstone. Opcnn ttic Campaign.
LONDON , Juno 17. Gladstone started this
morning at 11 o'clock on Ills Scotch cam
paign , necompinlcd by Mrs. Gladstone ,
Thousands of people congregated nt the sta
tion and seriously blocked and delajed the
approach of the premier's caiilagc. AA'hen
Gladstone tlnally succeeded In reaching t.ho
station platform lie found it packed with people
ple , who welcomed him wllh enthusiastic
cheering. The people nnpeared dcslious of
having the premier address them with some
patting woids before going nWay
on his arduous eiratid , llenroso and spoke
fiom the coach window. Ho thanked the
people for the honor of their extraordinary
dcmonstiatlon , Headlined them to allow
nothing to hide from them , "tho bare ques
tion of tlio hour. ' . ' "Attempts have been
made , " \enei.\ble orator exclaimed , "and
will be made , to dlvmtour attention fiom
tlio real question nt issue. This question is
solely whether lieland slnll bo trusted to
manage hei own affairs. Those who deny
Ireland tills right admit that Canada
and oilier lirltlsli colonies enjoy such
rights. Are we tti dust our fellow subjects
in Ireland and govein by love , 01 aie we to
adopt tha nollcv "f the government's enemies
and Intioducc Into lieland a gov eminent by
Gladstone then .bade his heaiors good-by.
and the ti.iln moved away. Kntlmslastlcnnd
piolouged cheeiing accompanied its
A circular signed by Thomas Tower O'Con
nor was issued lo400 branches of the Irish
National league In Gieat liiitnln. Itoidcis
the ioimation of election committees and
other pieparations for the coming struggle ,
and sajs explicit injunctions to cordially
and eneriretioally snpimit Gladstonlan. lib
erals will be forwarded later.
At Felton and Dedtoid crowds at the sta
tions cheeied Gladstone as tlio train sped by.
No stop was niadc until Leicester was reach
ed. licit' there was nn enormous gathering ,
which gave the picinlei an enthusiastic greet
ing. A few'Kioans tiomtlio otitsldo crowd
weie soon discontinued. A committee pre
sented Gladstone with an address , expressing
confidence in him nnd ills jiish scheme.
The pienifci made n brief reply. Aftcrthank-
Ine the people for the reception , lie said :
"Time Is not allowed moon the gieat ques
tion befoio thocotuitiy , nninely : AVIIljou
give to Ireland what jou civo to
the colonies , with the'sieatost advantage of
powci to manage , ' not Impeiial but Iiish
atlalrs ? During my fitty-foui j ears of public
life I never saw enthusiasm ev ei > where equal
to that which has Men shown in this gieat
cause. Thoejesot tlio world me now upon
us in a destroo nevei equalled before. Not
oniv th whole HiiUsii race , but the w hole of
civili/ed mankind , testified tlio livliest inter
est in the question. ' If. as i have oveiy ica-
son to believe , the verdict is favoiablo to the
people of Ireland , there will bo noth
ing else than a thrill of jov through
out the civilized world. I place betoro
von tills noble object. Human sympathy com
bined with justice commend it to youi deep ,
deliberate consideration , for jou never had
an issue to determine more char/red / with
good or evil to the advancement of tins great
empire " The spepth was rcceived-Ayjtli wild
Tlio tiain nrrived at Ticnt ten minutes
after one. Another halt'was madohcie. As
at other places , huge crowds weio assembled ,
composed mostly of inhabitants of Trent , but
also of people fiom Nottingham , Ilkcstono
and every other place near by. A crow d ot
Immense pioportfons awaited the train at
Galashlels. There is great excltenunt at Ga-
lashlels over the approaching election. The
opinions of the people are about equally di
vided. j
Gladstone speaks at Glasgow on Tuesday.
Tno meeting will bo held in Ilongler'b ciicus ,
which will hold 5,000 persons.
At Leicester depot the train was drawn
past the point wlieie it was expected to stop.
causing great confusion. Messis. Page and
Kills , members of parliament , mesented a
deputation from the libeial socictv. Fully
ton thousand people were assembled nt the
d enot.
Enormous crow'ds greeted Gladstone at all
towns on the routq fiom Carlisle to Sklpton ,
At Kdinbuigh 40,000 pel sons lined the louto
from the railway stition to the hotel , and the
police hail gieat dilllculty In making passage
way for the premier's cairiagc. Gladstone
sajs ho feels no ill effects lioni his journey ,
and that hois cxtromolv giatiiied at tlio 10-
ception he has met with at every place ho has
spoken. _ _
Franco Amipxcs Now Territory.
LONDON , Juno 17. Special advices from
Nouinon , capital of New Caledonia , received
late this afternoon , state that the French
man of war Dives' has returned from an ex-
ped ition to New JHebiides. Its oflicers say
that tlio expedition landed troops and hoisted
the French flag overlslandsot Sandwich and
Malacoln. After 'establishing the mllltaiy
posts deemed necessary for the protection of
French Interests , the residents , iricspectivo
of nationality , were notified that Fiance had
taken possession , Now South Wales has dis
patched a strong prolest to London against
Fieneh annexation. In thu house of lords
this evening Loid Salisbury gave notice that
ho would ask , to-mouow. concerning the un
expected action ot the Ficiieh In the New
Hebrides islands.
GoHClicu'B IMany Denials.
LONDON , June 17. Go chen Issued a mani
festo to the electors of Kdinburg , Ho siys :
" 1 lia\o sild nothing in my speeches which I
wish to retract. I deny that there Is no alter
native botwcon Gladstone's schema and co-
ciclon. I deny that the Parnellltes must bo
the solo arbiteis , or that a sepaiato Iilsli pai-
llament parliament and executive Is the only
feasible solution of thu Irish question. I
favor lirje measures decentiali/atlon , re-
lle1 , ins ? tlio Impeiial paillamnnt of a poitlon
of Its wotk but these should always bo sub
ject to thu control of the impeiial juillmiumt ,
I especially object to giving the Dublin pai-
llammit control of tlja nolico magistracy , because -
cause long standing diucu , > neu of race , cieed
and class mints partisan government for ex
clusive , unrcstilctcd power. "
Church and /ftuto in Franco.
PAIIIS , June 18 , leblet , minister of pub-
lie Instruction , has prohibited the meeting of
thocliuichcongiesa , arranged to bo held at
Toulouse. Thq arcliblshop of Toulouse pro
tests that the copgrrsd Is to ho devotional
and not deliberative , and denies that tlio
oflico of public instruction has thu powci to
prohibit Its iiiej'tiiig ; 'Ihe niclihlsliop nn-
noiinces that the jfangicss will theiclorouo
held dcsplto Goblet's onleis.
"Will Not Er'i&l the I'rlnccfi.
, Julian. 'i'he senate committee has
rejected , by a vote of iB to 3 , ail proposals for
the expulsion of tliaprinccs.
The Temps reasserts that thn government
has given no orders likely to caiiso Iho belief
that Franco haft annexed the New Hebrides.
It says that merely U-mpoiarv ineasiues have
been taken to piotect French subjects.
Dr. Holmes Honored.
LONDON' , Juno 17. The honorary degree
of Cnmbildgo university was conferred upon
Hon. Oliver Wendell Holmes In tlio presence
of a Jargn assemblage to-day. The presidcn t
delivered a lamlutoiy address to Dr. Holmes.
InsaneFreaks. .
June 17 , Among ( ho documents
submitted to the diet to prove the Insanity
of tholatoKing Ludwl is a decieo of the
dead monarch sentencing till the ministers to
death , copies of which were sent to all mem
hers of the government , and a , decree seii'
.teuclug a number of minister * to panibhmcut
to America. Allidavlts of thirty persons
have also been submitted In which It Is stated
that the king Injured them by tlnowing at
them knives , china and glass. There Is also
a document rclatinst to the proposal ot tlio
king to forni a cabinet , with his valet as pres-
French Ambassadors Will
PA ins , June 17. If the senate pisses the
expulsion bill M. Waddlngton will resign
the French nmlnssidoishlvt nt London , nud
the oilier nmbassadors will do likewise.
Kx-GovcriJor Sherman Given n Ulfld
Dr.s MOINT.S , Juno 17 , In the impeach
ment trial ex-Governor Sherman was put on
the stand. The managers inquired as to his
attempt to gain access to the state auditor's
olllco sovcrnl times and found It locked
ngnlnst htm with Hiown nnd tlio clciks In-
fide , llowaa thcro on public business. The
dlicct examination was very sharp. The
cross-examination shows tint the govcinor'n
solo purpose to get Into tins olllco was lo put
Urownout and Cade ) In ; lliat the pretense of
public business was shallow. He was there to
do what ho nfteiwaids accomplished by
force of arms , in violation of law.
The counsel for the defense spent
several hours to show that Htovvi did not
dnoy access to his olllce for Inspection of the
books by Iho governoi , but to protect his
olllce from invasion and fiom being unlaw
fully deposed by the goveinor. Nearly the
whole time was occupied by objections fiom
the managers to the Intenocatoiies nnd the
arguments. The governoi testified that din
ing ills term ns ntidllor he accounted for
every dollar of fees ho leeched fiom ceitliii'd
copies of the olllcial rccoids , and believed the
other auditois , with the exception of liiown.
had done the same ; that the icason for re
moving lliovvn was because the law icqulred
him ( Shciman ) to approve Hrovvn's
bond ns a ro-eiected ollicoi , nnd
in addition to certify all the fecsie-
celved by Hiown had been leported to him.
This he could not do because Hiown had
failed to report ns requiicd by law , nnd not
being able to approve the bond , thoio was no
other course lett but to icmovo the auditor
fiom ofllcc. The testimony showed that of
50,000 expended fiom the auditor's cleik
fund only two voucheis weio on ( lie , ono
for 810 and another foi ? 40 , and Hi it Deputy
Auditor Stovvait had received 3090 extra
Accidental Ulllin ? .
GttANn JUNCTION , la. , Juno 17. [ Special
Telegram to the Uni : . ] News was received
hero today that Will 1'aiks , son of the
banker at this place , was killed by flic acci
dental discharge ot ills revolver in Wvomlng
tenltory while taking it Irom his Iriinlc.
A Small IJlnirc.
OTTUMVVA , I u , June 17. A fire hero last
niglit'.lmined out L. M. Ficldman , dry goods
mcichant. Loss , 318,000 ; Insurance , SlU/iOO.
It also damaced the adjoining building to the
extent of S,000 : ) ; fully fnsuicd.
Ttio Atlniitlcs Downed.
KID : OAK , la. , Juno 17 I Special Telegi am
tothoDKi : . ] The game of ball hero to-day
resulted as follows ; Red Oak ! ) , Atlantic 5.
Went Down to Dentil.
PiTTsmutci , Pa. , Juno 17. A special from
Foilnng , Pa. , says I'.iinr Creek nestle , on the
Pittsburg Western lailroad near heie , w ns
tlio scene of a teiiiblo accident last nlirht , bv
which tlneo poisons lost their lives , and an
other was so badly injured that recovery is
doubtful. An axle on the middle car of a
long freight tiain broke just ns the train
was in the ccntic of the trestle , nnd
tlio entire train of twenty cars was tliiown
Inlo the creek loity feet below. A large poi-
tion ot tlio ticstle woik was can led with thu
falling train. Four ot the crew weio buried
in tlio debris , Conductor Kimo escaping
serious injury by jumping. AVIien tlio wreck
was cle.ued it was found that Knginecr
George Selegnn and liiakemen Stclfy and
Kaso had been killed. Fireman Goughler
was still living but his injuries are believed
to bo tatal.
Held ( or HlH Crime.
CHICAGO , Juno 17. The coioner's jury
which has been investigating the Canal street
tenement house lire of , I une 7 , In which eight
persons were suffocated and a littlu child so
badly injured that It has since died , finished
Its labors tills afteinoon and held Chailcs
Heilly to tlio grand jury. It will bo remem
bered that nn elfoit was made to fasten the
criiuconThomnsDuikln , husband ot ono and
fathci of another of the victims. A letter ad-
diesscd to Mr. llalcluh , an occupant ot the
first floor , signed "Thomas Dm kin. " piovcd
a complctoalibl and an o\puit testified that
Chailes Heilly wioto the letter. Thoveidlct
was that the victims came to their death by
suffocation ; that the hie was the result ot a
consphacy ; that while the jury found it im
possible to tell how iiiiny weio In the con-
spiiacy , they recommend that Cliailes Ilellly
beheld to await the action of the grand jiuy.
Not n Trump Oalrd.
CHICAGO , Juno 17. Alexander Caird , of
Calid Bros. , boot and shoo mannfacturcis ,
No. 103 Franklin street , was ancstcd to-day
on three capiases. Hn was subsequently re
leased on bonds of § 11,500. 'Iho capiases
weio Issued to tlneo leather firms In tills , city ,
who chaigo that Calid Uros. obtained coodsof
them to tlio value of 311,150 by false pro-
tenses. Their names and the amount of
their claims are : Kosenfeld Grclncr , Pl.7.)0 ;
ScliuIU , InnesitCo. , 81,100 ; Wilder & Halo ,
§ 5,000. Mr. Calrd , aftci being released from
custody said the total liabilities of Ins linn
weio about S-JI.OOO. nnd its stock nnd ma
chinery were vvoith between § 15,000 and
§ 17,000. There mo outstanding nccounts
amounting to 51,003. Ho the
chaigo niailo by Ins creditors who caused his
airest , was false.
Povvdcrly AVarnw the Kulghta.
Pmr.ADKM'iiiA , Juno 17. General Secie-
taiy Tinner , of the Knights of Labor , on
being shown n seciet circular of Povvderly
published to day , acknowledged that copies
ot the same had bi'en sent to the gcncinl as
sembly , and that considerable expense had
been inclined to maintain sccicu > . Ho would
heicafter uigo that all such matters
bo clven to tlio piess at once.
In the eirculai thu Knights of Labor aio
warned airainst what Povvderly consldeied a
plot to paek-tho convention to bo hold lu the
month of October w ith politicians , and which
ho claims to havodiscoveied in a movement
which Is on loot to dlsiupt tlio outer by
undeihand means.
Tlio President CilveH Tliankn.
CiiAni.KhTON , S. C. , Juno 17. President
Cluveland , in a IctUu wlilch Is to bo published
heio to-niiirow morning , expresses ( ho sin-
cem thanks of himself nnd Mrs. Cleveland
for the magnificent wedding gift ieceived
fiom cltUens of Chaileston , The present
consists ot a massive silver vase , accompanied
by a letter to Mis. Cleveland having that it
was intended as a token ot the hUh esteem in
which President Cleveland was held in
Chailcston. by reason of his ability , Ids true
m inliness , and his constant fidelity to his
obligations under the constitution and laws
ol these re-Unlled States.
MuBii't Fool \Vltti Jolin ,
OI.YJII-IA , AV , T , , Juno 17. The tiial of
HeUcl Goodlng , Jiales and Jones , under in
dictment for conspiracy In connection with
the anti-Chinese agitation last February , began -
gan hero Monday. At S o'clock this attei-
noon the juiy returned a verdict of guilty as
chaiged In thu indictment \vilh i ( 'commenda
tion to mercy.
Danclnt ; fur Ireland ,
HOSTON , June 17 , The great ball In aid of
ilia Irish parliamentary fund , which has been
in preparation for mauy weeks , came off this
evening. The profits will leach 510,000.
Addresses were madobv Uovernoi Uohbibon ,
of Massachusetts , and GovemOr Hill , of
New York , and otheis.
AVeuther for Nebraska.
_ Fair weatlHsr , illijhtly ftarm\r. ; ' .
A Masked Party of Alexandrians Stop tlio
Breath of a Brute.
Brilliant Graduating Exercises nt
Crete Social Scandal nt Pnplllloii
HnsUujis Streets and tlio It. &
M. Many State Matters ,
Strung Ut > for Itnie.
Hr.mioN , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to llm Hnn.J Kit Owens , the laplst ,
was lynched nt 3 o'clock tills morning. A
crowd ot fifteen masked men fiom Alexan
dria biokoopcn tlio cell ilocuith a sledge
hammer nml threw n tope innunil tlio pitson-
er's neck. They then draped him to n
wagon. Ills cilL'sforhuliiNMiiPliuard through
out the town , but were unheeded
for some re.isun. Judge 0. L. Uich.uds
and AV" . 1) . Galbiaith attempted to rescue tlio
prisoner , but ro\ol\crs weio placed to tholr
heads and they weio told If they called tor
aid thov would die. Thorn Nnnui was then
dincged out. Ho resisted stoutly nmt fought
like u tiger \\ltli a knlfo of some kind. Ho
cut ono ot his assailants on tlio hand or
wrist. The two other pilsoneis confined in
tlio jail on petit chnigcs , Chatlcs 1'rlncu and
Huniy Latteiidge , report that the scene of
his capture was ono iio\cr to bo forgotten.
The Ihst intimation they had was the np-
peaianco of a masked man nt
the outside window ot' the crll
occupied by the nlm\o named prisoner. A
gun was thrust through the bars. Its owner
In n giiilfolco said : "I w.uit ono Eli
Owens. " Ho was answeied that "Ovvons Is
not In this cell , ho is in the no\t cell. " They
ald Owens seemed to reall/o fiom the lirst
that hevvns wanted. Ho wasconvoved to a
place about lour miles east of Hebron.
The RlierlfT followed the crowd post
haste , but tlnough some mlstako took the
vviongiond and itvvnssomo time betoro the
track of the lynches could be discoveied. A
trail was struck , however , and in about ono
horn's timolioni the stui tint , ' tlio body was
dlsco\ered hwajlng to anil fie In the cool
morning biee/o on atioe. The lyncheis' \\oik
was done and Owens paid the peiultv with
his life. The body was still warm when tlio
shciill cut it down. bt'vci.d biulses were on
the body , showing the piisonei had been
nialtieated by the crowd bcfoiohowas lump.
The cilme tor whleli ho lost his life was
rane and the eircunistances mo In lolly told ,
as follows : Last Kiitlay evening iii ; Owens
went to the residence ot F. Church , . near
Alcxnndiia. wheio Ida ( Iiini , his slxteon-
\ o.nold sisloi-in-lawisomplojod nsdomcstlc.
lie invited the gill togoiiding. She accepted
the Invitation and as her storv goes tlio
couple lode to a place about two miles west ot
Alcxandiia where the assault took place.
The following Tuesday bheilll Hi ecu
anested Owens In llebion on a
chaigo of rape , tlio complainant
being Owens' sister-in-law. Constnblo
Ploughman took the prisoner to Alexandra.
A picliniinaiy hearing was waived and the
pifsoner was hi ought to llebion Tuesday
night at 11 o'clock p. m. for safe keeping ,
thieats of Ijnehing having been ficely made.
The safe keeping was a iiiisnomei/but no
blaiuo can attach to any olllcial.
Tlio body was the county jail ,
and an inquest was held , which returned a ,
veidictof death at the hands ol parties un
known. The authoutles are in possession of
seveial impoilant clues and several
ot the men wno wcio in the mob of Ijnchei.s
will shoitly'be aircsted. " " 1'hls Is but ono of
many crimes which Alcxandiia has displaced
Thajer county with and Is a blur on the late
ot any ehili/.ed and respectable community.
This Is the lirst hanging which has ever
taken place in Tliajer county.
Commencement nt Doaiir.
Cur.TE , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special Telegram
to tlio I3in. ] Tlio commencement o.xeicisos
at the Congregational church were largelj at
tended bv Intoiested filcnds of the largest
class ovei graduating from Doane college
eager to witness the culmination of the pa
tient endeavor of so many jeais. This class
of nine two ladles and seven contlemon
most of whom began In the prcparatoiy do-
paitment , gaveamplo testimony this mom-
Ing in tlieli splendid productions of the kind
of scholarship mannfactmed at Doane. The
e\eiclses weroopoiicdby prayer by Hov. A.
F. Shenill.ol Omaha. after which Miss Gales ,
with Mrs. 0. AV. Doano as accompanist ,
sang the Morning Song veiy beaiitifnlly.
Tlio oiatlons weie all so well written , so well
dcllveicd , that to speak of them separately
would bo only to multlnly woids. Wo might
give a shoit synopsis ot each one , but could
In no measure convoy the concise thought
and real meiltof these piodnctlons. So we
will appeal to the gallantry ol the gentlemen
of the class and speak only of the tw o essajs
of the l.ullus. Miss Thompson , with the sub
ject , "Loyalty to Self , " clothed eaincat
thought in beautilul woids and convoyed to
her audleiico nil idea of her own selt-loy-
ally and stiongth of character In hci linn ,
cleai ( iellveiy , and her handling
of the subject , Miss Loavltt , with
" .Manual ami Jndiistilal Tialnlng Educa
tion" as her tlieino , showed that
other than incichook lovohad been hei study
dining those ycais ot college JHe. Miss
L MVilt has a smooth , pure volco which , with
her line accent , is very pleasing. The vale
dictory addi ess , which was assigned to her ,
she gave the beautllully chosen works , with
thanks and woidsot l.uowell to tlio tiustees ,
Inanity , classmates , students and citizens ,
and wit ) , a tender allusion to the classmate ,
deaioi than the icst , whoso giaduatlon Into
the school above saddened so many hearts
she closed her uddiess. This was Im
mediately followed by the duet "lirlirht
bo the Place , " In memoiy ot the
classmate. Miss Ciaco AudioWH , who has
been alluded to so many times during the ex
ercises , The hiss solo by Mr Alleiwasveiy
waiiuly applauded , as usual when he sings.
The parting winds ot Picsldcnt J'eny weio
veiy touching , and will bo Ions : trcasuied by
tlio class. Tlio piesuntation ol diplomas by
Colonel Doane , In a lew choice woids , and
the benediction by Ituv. Lewis Giegory
closed the day's onteitalnmcnt.
Deceived l y u Villlnn.
PAi'ii.i.iox , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Sjeplal to the
Uin.J J. M. Shane , an oily-tongued lascal ,
vvasnirestcd heieas a suspicious chaiactcr
Tuesila > night , Ho came hero two or Unco
months ago fiom Callfomla , repies-onting
himself to be the scion of a noble family , and
a relative ot a piomlnent tallroad magnate.
Illsehlef occupation was In making himself
agreeable to thu ladles. Ho laid uggiossivo
selgo upon the hearts of bnvcial gills about
town , hut with littlu buceess. Ho llnaily
found n victim In the poison of Lucy Fields ,
a slxteeii-j cat-old gill , wlio woiKed foi a
fanillj just ncioss the hticct Irom Shane's
bo.ndlng house. Two weeks ago , under
piomlse of maniago , he took her
to Omaha and icglstcred as man and wife at
the Occidental hotel. Ho came back next
da > and told the gill's slstei tli U ho had mar
ried Lucy. but later 8 dd ho was joking ; that
Judge Mc ( ullough ictiised to mairy them on
account of the ghl'b joutli , A fewda\s ago
bhano took the tonliding child to Omaha
again and lemalned two days and nights at
the Kmmct house , wheio the couple were
icglsteied as man and wlto. Shane was iu-
leased lioni custody last night , and is now In
hiding , fi'.irini : iilonds ot the injuied
girl's family will take thu law Into theli own
hands and give him his Just dues.
Wants Its Streets.
Nub. , Juno 17. [ Special T < lc-
gram fo the HKK.J 'Die city council and thu
] ! . itM , lalltoad company are engaged In u
lively controu'isy over the matter ofsticet
crosbl n L'S across the tincks of the above com
pany in this tity. Superintendent 1) , n ,
Thompson , of Lincoln , lias-been InthcfUy
tocoufur witu thu .members of the count d.
He claimed , in his remarks before that bodr
that inasmuch as Ids load had been built before -
fore Hastings was nrpanlrcd nnd laid out , thu
city could not open the streets In question
without going th rough the icgulnr process !
prescribed by law , namely , to lm\o the
iMound condumned nnd then purchased by
the city. Tills , he stated , would cost the city
soiucttng like 5100,0 0. Mops lm\o booii
taken bv the cltj council towanl looklnc un
the legal phase of the question. The U. fc Afi
thieatens to move its depot , switches , yards.
etc. , one mlle west of tow n , in cnni the city
insists tiiion opening the streets , it will cost
the II. A. .M. & 1U.OJO pur annum to keep th9
ntrects open. _
Addltlonnl Crop Hoporla
[ Sl > ccluh to the JJto.J
DAT.I : , Ni-U , Juno 17. , corn nnd
othei small gnilns ate looking good. Corn 13
n little hackw aid on account or the Into spring1 ,
although tain is plenty nnd weatherls nllllmt
could bensUed foi the fast urowtti and iloxol-
opment of nil crops. Farmers around Unlo
mo jubilant as to piosptels , cspcrlnllv ot
small gialn , and Iho outlook is Inlllbiit.
Two-thlitls of land undei cultivation IK iihiuU
ed to coin nnd balance. In smill gialn.
OA I : corxiv.
UiiAinirK , Neb. , .luno 17. Slmngo to sn.v ,
the crops heioaru looking ilrst-iate , the liiio
weatlicrof tlmiust two weeks In iuplug nil
kinds of gudn out of the kinks In line shape.
In some places hail cut the coin up , but Itwn3
so small at the time that no nppiehoiihloii is
felt about It. Small innln is good ,
Ci.KTitAt. Cnv , Neb. , .luno 17. Fiom ro'
poitsot fiumeis living in Hamilton county
and tiibutaiy to this place , wheat is being
almost entiiely mined bv chinch buss , nnd a
good many Holds w 111 not be w orth hai v toting ;
HAMS : rorxi v.
Kiisnvit.i.i : , Neb. , .luno 17. Wheat and
othei smiill giaiiis me doing well , though
much In need ot lulu. Coin on old giound
Is all that could be desired. Sod coin is con
siderably Injuied by gonhcis , nnd needs rnln
badly. Some sections ol the county have had
nbundant rnlns. Tlio westein section has
been less faxoied. raimeis aio hopeful ot
thu outlook. 1'otatoes and root ciops , gac <
den duck , etc. , aie doing splendidly.
Temnprnnco 1'ooplo
IlAsiiNdS , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special to the
IlKn.J Another lodge of tlio Independent
Order of Good 1ms been oiganlzed
in this city , making thieo lodges of this ordos
now in a nourishing condition in this state.
The following aio tlio olllcois elected : Will
Yetter , AV. 0. T. ; Stella Jirohst , W. V.T. ;
AVilllam Fianklln , sectetaiy ; Charles Hur-
graf , financial seeietuiy ; Faiinlo Shcdd ,
treasuter ; O. C. AVIsler , maishal ; i : llih Yet-
tcr , deputy ; LJ. . Harriott , past )
chief templar.
The piohibltlouists of Adams county nro
making u\tensi\o iiieparations for a grand
tally and mass meeting , to bo held In this
cltvon Satuiday , Inly : ! . It is pioposcd to
make it the gieatest political dcmonstiatlon
ever hold In the slate. Kmlmmt bjioakcii ]
Irom abioad will add to the inteiest of the
Mho district lodge of Iho Independent OidPti
of ( ! oed Templais foi Adams nnd Clay
counties assembled In this city last eveniinr.
A huge number of delegates aio in attend
Gladstone Thanks Gor. Dnwca.
Jiixcoi.N , Neb. , June 17. The following It
n copy of a letter rccoived by Governor
Daw es form Hon.V. \ . J2. Gladstone In nn-
swci to a cablegiam sent by the governor ox-
piesslng to him the icsolution ol RJ mpathy
for the cause of licland ] > assed by the city of
Lincoln at n mooting held at the city hall
May 28 :
DOWNING Sritrnr , AVniriNo , Juno 1 , 1880.
Sii : 1 have the honoi to receive jour ax-
bio mcssngo of vcsteidaj's dale , and beg to
ictuin vou my betit thanks lot your couttesy
in conveying to mo so piomptly the lesolu-
tlons passed at tlio meeting of clt *
i/ens ot Lincoln. 1 receive It
with high satisfaction , nnd I do not fall
to appicciato the tcims in whicli llm meeting
expiessed itself in it'gaid to the measuio
which hei majestv'H govcinmeiit has sub
milled to parliament , for the imi pose ol grniib *
Ingiiutonomy to Jieland. I have tha honor
to be , sii ,
Youi most faitiiful servant ,
W. K. ( il.AtSlONE.
To the Hon. Goveinoi of Ncbiaska.
.Tall Ilrcalccrs Captured.
Ilii : > CI.OVD , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special
Telegram to the liii : : . | Tlio two loughs who
weio confined in tlio jail in this place ,
charged with highway lobbcry at IJluo IIlllj
succeeded in making their escape by the nld
of outside parties- They managed to got as
far ab Him Oak , Kan. , where they were ar-
icstedand biought back to day by Olllccrs
AVinficyand Huteliliison. Sheilff Scott has
wiltten to Jtulgo Gaslin requesllnir a special
term of court lor theli dial. They are now
heavily honed and will bo guaided. If thu
judge lefuses a special toini ot the court , they
will be taken to Lincoln to await their trial
nt the legular session In December. The
olllcers are of the opinion that the. men are
wanted at other points for Blill greater crimes
than they aie chaiged with heie.
Hunting ! ) Athlotiu ANsoolatlon.
HASI OH , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special
to the Jim : . ] At tlio annnil meeting ot
the Hastings Athletic nssociition tha follow
ing olllccn were elected : President , 0. II.
Deltilcli ; vice president. O. .1. Kvans : secre-
taiv , W. b. McKinney : treasurer , J. IJ. DaN ,
his ; manager , 0. C. Price. The association l
in a stionc financial footing , owning prop
erty valued at 8 > ,000.
Returned to \iue Their Crimes.
KIAIINIY : , Nrel ) . , Juno 17. fSpcrinl Telo-
giam to the HIK. : | A. 1) . Fones nnd William
young , both needed hero for forgury , weio
biought from Chicago by Sheillf Sohnis yes-
tcrdav. Young waived examination this
moining and was committed to jail , Fobcs
escaped fiom jail hero May 18.
A Kearney Mini fiulolilos ,
KnAiiNT.v , Neb , , Juno 17 , [ Special Tele-
giam to the Hi.rj.J AVoid was lecolved last
night that Joseph Shirk , who left Kearney
n short time ago with asuivnylng piity , com
mitted Hiilcido in vV'.vomtiig a few davs nlnco.
The leunlns will h i bioiulit homo , illji wife
icbldcs heiu.
Many ConvorhloiiB Mnilo.
Kri > Cr.oui ) , Neb. , .Juno 17. [ Special to
tlio l KE.J A successful tovival meeting Is in
pie iess heto condiiLted by It , C. liuirow , ot
Tecuiiibnh. Many have been converted , In
cluding n few of the leading cltUeuH , nnd
Clnlstian chinch of over lilty memUuis was
or/anl/.uuon Thuisday last.
. i vi
f'lnttn County Hank ,
J'l.Aiii : CINICII , Neb , , Juno n.fSpedal
to tlio HIK.J : The I'lalto County bank IB the
namoofniiow linanclal Institution whicb
has Just htai ted line. The propiletors aie
Doir it Stophcnson , of Lincoln , and the
amount ol capital is § 30,000.
linportnut > fuoiiii of
Sr LOIMS , Mo. , .luno 17. This iiiornlng
meeting ol the blbhops of ttio Catholic prov-
IiueofSt. Louis , with Aichblshop Kendilck
bciran at the aahhl&hopica ! icsldciice. The
jiiocecdlnr's aio piivatoas the doings of the
Catholic auihoiitics usually aie. Itlsgen-
cially nndcrstood , however , that thioa or
foui new dioceses divided between Kan aa
nnd Nehniska will bo established. The
icmovnl ot tlio Davonjmit Sco to fea Molnesj
the titinsloi iimtion of ( ho Leavcnwoitu ,
Kan. , See Into a Metiopolilan See wltU
sevetal t > ulfiagansund the K\\ \ Ingot ablshot
In St. Johctih , Mo , , will idro bo consldeicd.
'Ihu liitjhopon a-ad In this meeting art )
Kei diick , of bt. Loins ; Jicnncssy , of 1 > U-
bii'iui' , la. ; IIOK.ui il City and ht ,
' .Josiph ; Cosgixivw , of Davciipoit , la. \ O'Oou
noi , ot Omaha , anil i'ink , ol. Lcavunvrortl )
Kan. ' .