Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1886, Image 5

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T > \ TTPnT'fTTtT < imMTI nV t Il f
Ten State University Students Acquit
Themselves Nobly at Graduation.
; Now Industrie * nt Ijlncoln
Tlin FltzKornidHtoolc. Sale Mr.
Clay's Cnnilldncy For Sec-
rctnry of Stntn Notes.
frnoM THE nitE's t.isfor. ! ntmeiul.
Yesterday , the closing day of llic school
year at the State University , dawned
cool nud pleasant. Although the strocls
under foot were muddy and the crossings
wretched , the procession as arranged
upon from their campus grounds to the
opera house , whore the commencement
exercises were held , was carried out
nearly as advertised , the cadet band
marching at thu head and furnishing in
spiring music to the senior.- ) , who , by
these final exercises , Mulshed lliclrcourse.
The university the past year seems to
have enjoyed much prosperity , both In
attendance and in the work done by pro
fessors and students. Peace and har
mony seems to prevail between tlio re
gents , llic faculty and the students , and
It is very evident thai Iho people c f Lin
coln appreciate the university , anil cuter
i "o Us work and associations with com
mendable spirit. The enormous expense
that the university Incurs upon llio state
Is well known , and It might safely bo
doubted It returns were commensurate
witli the outlay. But if tlio institution
grows , the few years that clapao before
its register shows Iho number of students
that ought to bo found within Us walls
may bo passed by as preparatory years ,
and Iho real prolit of the school negins ,
In comparison with past years the pros
pects ot ( ho Rlatu university seem to a
great majority of llio people lo bo bright
and full of promise.
AT Till : Ol'KllA IIOHSi :
tlio scone was a brilliant onot tlio house
being'crowded to repletion with friends ,
students and intoro5 > ( ctd " ' .
ccllnr M ; ; J preside , and seated on
the slugo were the professors of the uni
veroity , the board of regents and the
graduating class of ton. Throughout till
tlio programme the closest attention was
irivcii to the orators , and their produc
tions won ) pronounced by those compet
ent to critici/.o as being of a high order
nnd of superior merit. Tlio musical
numbers on Iho programme were of n
very high order and admirably rendered ,
making llie exorcises as enjoyable and
pleasant as any could desire.
A gentlemen will arrive from St. Louis
to-day , who comes for llio express pur
pose of pulling m a manufactory of
drain pipes , water pipes and tiling , and
who comes with capital sufliciciit to back
up however larfje an establishment the
market here ana the patronage 'of Lin
coln people may require. Heretofore
this party has made complete and satis
factory tests of the clay to bo used in-tho
manufactory , and it is pronounced num
ber one in every respect. This new
branch of business \yill bo an important
one to tlio capital city , and no
doubt will develop into a sub-
Hlanlhil institution that will supply
much of the demand for pipes and tiling
that exists in this section of the country.
On Tuesday of tbis week a prominent
capitalist of Chicago was in the city , look
ing with the especial view of opening a
pork packing establishment , and while
no definite stops were taken in that re
gard , ho expressed himself us highly
pleased with Lincoln enterprise aim ha
location for such work.
opened yesterday and was largely at
tended by stockmen , boib locally and
from points In the state. About two hun
dred head are up for sale , and llio pros-
poets scorn to bo promising that the sale
will bo a success. The rapid growth lhat
Nebraska is making as a slock slalot and
especially in the line stock line , is illus
trated in just such sales ns this , wherein
200 head of thorough-bred stock is offered
for sale at one time , and most of it Ne
braska born and bred stock at that , which
equals in growth and quality the stock of
nny eastern breeders.
about that John McClay of this city will ,
when the time comes , bo urged by his
friends as a proper and competent
mini for soorolary of stale , nnd it
.is well known that iu numerous sections
outside of Lancaster county Mr. McClay
lias support that is al present wailing to
sue how Iho people of his homo locality
entertain llio prospect of entering him in
tue race. However , time , will develop
what this county will encourage nt the
time of conventions.
Deputy SliorilV Ycomans of Cass county
was in Iho city yesterday looking for a
party named Worman. who has de
camped from Weeping Water after ills-
posing of some eight hundred dollars'
worth of mortgaged property , a part of
which was not oven his when ho mort
gaged It. Air. Yeonmns has gone to
York to continue the search iu that sec
tion of the stato.
I ) . V. Stephcnsqn.of Richardson
county , the United States surveyor con-
oral for Nebraska prior to the great exchange -
change , was In Lincoln yesterday , on
route to Raymond , whore no has an ex
tensive farm , The late surveyor general
is devoting his entire attention to tilling
tlio soil , and declares himself entirely out
of politics
Dr. Davis , of McCook , a university
student of past years , is in the city , an
nltondaiit at commencement anil alumni
exercises nt thu school this week. The
doctor roporta crop prospects brilliant
in the valley , ami the city of his choice
John Tomiilcton , formerly of this
place , whore his friends are many , is in
tlio city attending the Fitzgerald stock
Palo. Air. Tomploton is now with Cus-
liingMaIlory & Co , , railroad contractors ,
with headquarters nt Omaha , and reports
that these contractors are working 1,000
teams on their B , & Al , contracts , includ
ing the Ashland cut-oil' , the Blue Hill
Iloldrt'go connecting line and the Klwood
extension westward ,
W. T. Davis , one of the knights of the
road fora Loavonworth , Knn. , linn , has
boon In the city the past few days. Mr.
Davis is the accredited correspondent of
tlio Sa'.urday Evening Lance , published
nt Topeka , mid which is the western
organ of the Traveler's protective asso
The regents of the state university hold
n business session yesterday widen , on
account of the largo amoiit of work that
comes before the board , has been con
tinued until to-day , and presumably
another day will bu required to close up
' Uncolii people are highly gratified over
the results of the enumeration of the
city's inhabitants and stop high at thu
thoughts of being one of the UU.OOO pee
plu of Lincoln.
The St. Joe base ball club Is in the cltv
for n few days , and they predict to show
Lincoln people hmv base ball is played.
' This is a good scheme , for of all. places
in the west it is very doubtful If more
talk Is indulged in over any ono thing
than over base ball , the attending scores ,
nnd jiovv the westerii league contest , -will
The. police judco yesterday saw a radi
cal falling ott' in business , only two
drunks being up lor. hearing , both of
whom were committed to jail. The po
lie < judge also had a case on trial wherein
: tn Individual had jumped a boatd bill .at of the city hotels.
Among the attendants at the Fitzgerald
sa e yesterday was the Hon. K. D.iniols ,
of Sarpy county , one of the most .success
ful stockmen in the west , nnd ono of the
substantial standby in the state alovcrv
fair over held by the State Agricultural
The number of prisoners now incarcer
ated iu tlio city bastilo make tlio gang ,
when taken ou.1 to work upon the sircet ,
look like a small army of men going out
to work on a contract instead of working
out a line for law breaking.
The delegates from Lincoln and Omaha
from the iTotcclivo Travelers' associa
tion go eastward this week to attend tlio
convention of commercial travelers which
meets at Baltimore.
Nebrasknns registered at the different
Lincoln hotels yesterday wore , among
olhors , the following : E. 0. Sheldon ,
Nebraska City ; J. K. McKay , Palmyra ;
( t. M. Houtoii , Scward ; Charles Moycr.a ,
Waco ; John Hurgman , Firth ; C. E. Smith ,
Hastings ; C. E. Whito. Omaha ; S. I ) . Leland -
land , Omaha ; J. M. Hlatt , Alma ; Lcavitt
Biiruham , Omaha ; Charles Buschow , lied
Cloud ; John A. Tompletoii , Omaha ; J.
Copley Lloyd , Nebraska Oily ; F. H.
Myers , Beatrice ; H. Daniels , Gilmore ;
Frank Alison. Columbus ; H. B. Davis ,
McCook , E. C. Parkinson , Soward.
What Grain Ncctls.
CitAio , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Correspond
ence of the BKK.We ] are enjoying Iho
present cool Atmosphere with a very
quiet run of business in our very pros
perous little village , which is most cen
trally situated of any town in Burl
county. The country around cannot bo
beaten aiiywhoro iu llio stale. Wo hnvo
sanguine hopes of some day In the near
fuluro of having llio county seat located
at Craig. A good hotel would do a good
business hero , and a. lloiirlng mill is just
what we need , and the facilities are
good. Largo quantities of corn and a
largo number of hogs are bniug brought
iu now as the farmers are pretty well
along witli their crops. G. W. Dull'
shipped ton cars of cuttle from this
station on Monday last. Joseph Bayers
goes to Wayne llus week with a view of
buying stock cattle. Kerr & Halo
have opened their new stock of dry
goods uud uroesrlfl' . lOo cream sup-
nors are enjoyed by our winsome ladies.
l. LAKE Suoiic.
' A Now Toiilo for Women. " *
Ono ot the largest concerns ot this coun
try , which has made Its prosporlty aud
tame upon h coinmon-sanse view of the
sanitary needs of tlio people , Is the Duffy
Mult Whiskey Co. , : Baltimore , Mil. , the
discoverers of the Duffy pure malt whis
key , the | only absolutely pure whiskey
manufactured , tbo medicinal virtues of
Which have proved It to be In n very brief
period , not only the most popular , but an
unfailing specific for the worst dls-
ensei which aflllct mankind. So great has
been their access In this line , they have
consented , npon a general demand from ,
persons acquainted with and using the
whiskey , to make further application
of the medicinal virtues And purity ot
their great discovery in the treatment of
diseases of a peculiar und delicate nature
common to women , nnd npon the pre
scription of a learned physician have prc- -
pared an article for this purpose. This
new remedy , known as Duffy's Tower
Mint Ouro , Is an Invaluable tonic , the
principal Ingredients of which nro Duffy's
pure malt whlskoy and mint , combining
the best recognized curative agencies for
the relief of pain and distress In the per
formance of the menstrual functions , and
ns an aid to nursing mothers In the dls-
cbargoof maternal duties without fatigue.
In Ilka manner It ensures safety In the
ohanga ot life and alleviates and cures
fulntnosa , melancholy , morning sickness
and the troubles of pregnancy , while It
asslmllatoi with the blooilnnd strengthens
every organ. The purity of the Ingre
dients and their health-giving qualities ,
compounded In accordance with the bent
medical law , renders this preparation
strictly reliable , and U Is only upon aacb
n basis of confidence that it is Issued by
the nbove firm. It has already been ex
tensively Introduced through the medium
of the company's publications , und there
is quite a demand for It.
All Inquiries concerning tbo use of this
new remedy , in Its application to the re
lief of the complaints retorted to , will be
answered by the Medical Department con-
neuted with tufa concoru , upon receipt of
n ntntement of each cuso , uccompuuled by
ft two-cent postage stump.
Why She Didn't Suit.
Philadelphia Call : Restaurant mana
ger You have had experience as a
waiter ?
Girl applicant Oh , yes ; three years'
experience , sir.
"You can bo especially attentive to the
young men ? "
"Indeed , lean , sir ! "
"You would any time pass a quiet ,
patient o'd ' pontlemen who has been
walling half an hour in order to wait
upon a dude who has just seated him
self ? "
"Yes yes ! I always , sir. "
' Well , you don't suit mo. Good day. "
The Flagmen Speak.
Tlio flagmen on the Union Pacific cross
ing at Tenth street , n very intelligent
and walehful class of men , claim that
J udgo Brandos was not thrown down by
the cars at that crossing a few days ago ,
ns claimed , When the cars began to back
tlio flagmen shouted to him nnd rang
their gongs as loudly as possible , to at
tract his attention.
If you suffer from looseness of Iho bowels
AiiKOHturn lllttors will surely euro you.
lluwaio of counterfeits nnd ask your giocor
ordnitfidst for tlie genuine mtlclo prepared
by Lr. ) J. O. B. Slesort & Sons.
Tlio Philadelphia brewers have con
sented to let their men drink all the beer
they want freo. Each man drinks thirty
glasses a day. -
The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age )
I.oii ofuvpcilICi Ilowcli coitlTr , i'alu la
Ibe bead , wllli a dull neuiatlou Iu the
back part , I'aln under Ibo ehouldrr-
tlade , Vullovif nflcreatlnff , wliUadli-
Incllnatlan la xerllon of bodr or mlud.
IrrUmbllllyoflemper , I.o\r plrll , wltU
n feeling of bavinK neglected nomcdutr ,
Wearlucii , UlzzlucM , 1'luttorlnr ot Iba
Heart. Dot * before llio ye , Ileadacba
over Iho right ere , Kc tlo ine , wllh
dtful drenuii , Illnblr colored Urine , aud
Timrs 1'IL.I.S are eepccially adapted
to tucli cases , ono iloao cifecld eucli a
change offcolliiBna to ustonUliUioBuiTcror.
They Inrrenio the AppcUtr. nil c u e tbo
body to Tnkc ou Flcclitthui b ttfltsnla
uourlihed , ana by Ibilr Vonla AcUou oa
eaova the body , jnalua bealtby tlfcsh. <
6treajtliea4 tlio wnat , repairs tha wostca ot
tliu y Unn with pure blooU and bard muscle ;
toucd Ui nerrous eystcm , Inrteoratei tba
brain , and Import * Uia vlffor ol manhood.
91. Boldbydnu i Ui. .
Ol'FICU 44 Murr fSt. , Now York.
The Recent Work of Senator Van
Approved and Commended.
The Unfettered Press Halt Him ns the
True and Vigilant Gnarillnii uT
the Interests of tlio Masses
Interesting Comments.
Hnllrontl hand Grants.
Washington ( June 3) ) special to tlio
Now York Tribune ; In pursuance of its
determination to gti.ird the Interests of
settlers on the public domains as opposed
to corporations , the senate to-duy passed
Mi. Van Wyck's bill to provide for the
taxation of railroad grant lands. Tlio
methods by which corporations have
escaped thuir share of taxation In son < c
of the western status and territories were
fully disclosed In the debate on this bill.
Mr. Hoar withdrew his amendment to
limit the ownership of lands sold for
taxes under this act to 040 acres. Ho
withdrew it , ho said , because It might 1m-
pmlo the passage of thu measure. In
doing so , however , ho replied to some of
the nrgiimoiiU advanced bv Air. Kvnrts
nirainst tlio amendment. In closing , Mr.
lloar , looking at Mr. Kvarts , said :
"The people will not longer bo content
with thu wind of any rhetoric , no matter
from what vl'olian harp it may come , in
stead of solemn facts. "
Mr. Van Wyck skilfully nidcd the
prompt passage of the bill -in the house
by getting it substituted , all except tlio
ti'tlii , for tlio house bill recently passed
on the same subject. Ho then itsKed for
a conference committee. Tlio following
are the provisions of the bill , as passed :
"No land- , granted to nuy railroad company
hv act of congress shall be exempt liom taxa
tion by states , tenltories or niunlclnat corpor
ations on uccount of the loin ot the United
States on such lands for cost of surveying ,
.selecting and convoying , or because no patent
had been Issued on the lauds ; this provision
not to lands uiiMirvcyrd. All
such lauds" sold for taxes shall be boujjjit sub
ject tn the H0ifv ! ) liv vite i nd to all lions ,
uioi tgatfcs and rights of the United States.
The act Is made to apply only to lauds .shun
ted opposite to and coternilnus with , com
pleted portions ot the road , and In organi/ed
counties. At any sale o lauds under the
act the United States may become a preferred
piirclia.ser , and in sueh case the lauds shall
ho restored to the public domain , li any
railroad company reipiiied by law to pay tlio
costs of smvoyiog , etc. , neglects lor thirty
days to pay such costs atter demand by the
secietary of the Interior , the attorney general
shall proceed at law to make the collection ,
and In cases where a purchaser has alicady
paid such costs , they .sball bo refunded to
him. It Is further provided that the act .shall
not affect the right of the government to de
cline or eufoice a foifeltnro of any lauds
granted by congiess , and all tlio rights of the
United States to such lands are to lemaln as
If this act had not been passed.
AlMntoh Tor Ilnilroad Imivycra.
Now York Times. May 20 : The bill for
feiting the. unearned lands of the North
ern Pacific railroad was the subject of a
lively debate in tlio senate yesterday , in
which Mr. Van \Vyek siiowcd himself
more than a match for the railroad law
yers who make up such a large part of
that body. The house bill provides for a
forfeiture of all the lauds that had not
been earned by the company ou July 4 ,
1879 , and the strict justice of it can hardly
bo disputed. * * * * Considering
that thu time for completing the road in
order to bo entitled to the grant oxmred
years ago , this caunot bo regarded as se
Scimtor Van Wyclc's Strategy.
New York Herald special , Juno 8 : The
senate , on the motion of Senator Van
Wyck , did n very good thing to-day.
Having passed iv bill for tno taxation of
railroad grant lands , Mr. Van Wyck
moved that this bill bo substituted for a
bill passed by the house , and also before
the senate , different in terms , but intended
to have the same general affect. The
sonata voted , therefore , tirst to substitute
thu wording of the senate bill for the
house bill ; then it voted to substitute the
title of the senate bill for that of the house
bill.By this device the senate bill goes back
to the house as an amendment of the
house bill nnd goes to n conference com
mittee. instead of being laid away at the
tail of the calendar ; and as the house
public lands committed is ready to accept
the senate bill , this is now certain to be-
coma a law. Without this good man
agement on the part of Mr. Van Wyck it
might have gone over to the next session.
The object of the bill is to put n stop to
the evasion by land grant roads of state
and local taxation on their lands. In
three sessions of congress futile efforts
have been made to accomplish this en
tirely proper and just result , but tlio ' 'cor
poration" senators ami representatives
liavo always prevented it. Public opin
ion is now niakin * itself felt Tory strongly
here on land matters uud with tlio best
cllect in congress.
Defeating Ilallroatl Senators.
Washington special to Now York
Times : This has been a Hold dry for Mr.
Van Wyck in the senate. Ho astonished
tlioso who know the mako-up of the
sonata by defeating Mr. Edmund's at
tempt to table his amendment to the
Northern Pacifio. forfeiture bill , and than
for the rest of the session ho debated suc
cessfully , with senator after senator , and
.sometimes with two or thruo together.
Messrs. Edmunds , Dolnh , and Mitchell
tried hard to have the forfeiture bill loft
in the shapa the railroad wanted it , for
feiting only the lauds on the route be
tween Wnlluln , Washington Territory ,
and Portland , Oregon. Mr. Van Wyck'u
amendment provided for the forfeiture
of nil lands not earned by the road at the
of the passage of the bill. *
Mr. Kdimmd showed how much ho felt
the defeat of his tabling motion by de
claring that the forfeiture bill had been
"bo-deviled" until the
- people might bo
excused for thinking that the railroad
company had bought , misled , and hood
winked the senate. Ho sneered at Air ,
Van Wyck's ' zonl for tlio interest ot the
public , and accused him of trying to sub-
sldl/.o the Union Pacific road by propos
ing wallow the money deposited by that
company in the treasury to be used in
building blanch lines. Mr. \ an Wyck
answered Mr. Edmunds In a way that did
not at all ploasa that sonator. Mr. Dolnh
undertook to discompose tlio Nebraska
senator , and made a dismal failure. Air.
Mitchell tried the sumo thing and met
the same fate , Then thu two Oregon
senators and Mr Edmunds together plied
Mr. Van Wvck with questions , and found
him ready to answer each with a retort
that was right to the point. Mr. Harri
son was equally unsuccessful in his at
tempt to overthrow the Nebraska sena
tor. After all thcso had been silenced
tha last attack on Mr. Van Wyck was
made by Mr. Plumb , who would have
felt better satisfied with liimsolf after it
was over if ho had loft the Nebraska eon-
ator alono. Mr. Van Wyck is always
more oflcutlvo when engaged in a sharp
running debate than when making a set
s pouch , and the manner in which ho
handled each senator who opposed him
to-ttay was watched with the greatest
glue by n majority of his colleagues , who
enjoyed the debate moro than similar
discussion this session.
Tho' Work of Three Sessions.
Ntw York Times : The Van Wyou bill
is the result of hard work in tiireo con-
gressod , und the- failure to pass some
measure of the kind iu the last two con-
trresses is now regarded as a good thing.
The advocate : ! of tha proposition began
by trying to muku the granted lamJs. sub
to taxation hy having the govern
ment give quit-claim deeds for the lands.
This was to overcome the objection that ,
as the railroads might some time give up
lands to thcgaycrjimcnt , they should not
bo taxed. Tlioji it was proposed , as in
the house bill ol tilts year , to make the
taxation bill apply only to certain roads ,
The bill finally pas eu last week make ?
nil the granted lauds of the railroads sub
ject to taxation. It was the purpose of
the friends of the railroads to play the
house bill ugajnst thu senate bill until
until both were killed by the close of the
session. Mr. Van WyckYs strategy has in
sured a bill broader and stronger than
the friends of luxation believed they
could gel throughboth houses.
The Bonus lliUtcr 1)111.
New York Times ; It looked very
much as if Mr. Miller had too strong odds
against him. when Mr. Van Wyck came
to his aid with a speech which stirred up
the .senators in a way that greatly enter
tained thn galleries. He contented that
thu hill was one to protect the people
from fraud nnd Imposition and that It was
in no sense a revenue bill , the lav clause
being a mere incident. Ho had not
spoken many minutes before senators be
gan to interrupt. Mr. Ihitlcr began ask
ing questions , nnd Mr. Van Wyck drew
from him the admission that ho would
kick the bill out of congress if ho could.
Mr. Mnxoy ran a short tilt with him , and
Mr. Kdmumls menaced Mr. Van Wyek
with the terrors of the supreme court ,
which might bo felt if the bill was passed
without going to the linunco committee.
AVhon his opponent had retired Mr Van
Wyck charged tiiem with proposing to
send the biy to the finance committee ,
which had already complained of being
over-worked , for the solo purpose of hav
ing it ciowded over the session , and thus
prevent any legislation on the subject.
Mr. Kvarts made a speech iu which ho
apparently argued that the bill might
properly go to either the agricultural ,
linaucc , commerce , 01 judiciary commit
tee , but announced his purpose to vote
for tlio first. It was considerably moro
than an hour after Air. Miller's motion
had Deon made when it was put to a yea-
and-uay voto. Tlio roll call sliowod that
tlio npnouunts of the bill were within one
vote ot the needed strength to send it to
the linanco committee. They mastered
twenty-one senators , but the OHl wnsscut
to the 2'in ! ! t'rAl comluitlo by the votes
of twouty.two senators.
An Imported Monopoly OrR.inlst.
In the lirst place the Itopuhlican will be Its name indicates , a republican paper ,
no Imlf way or mush and milk republican ,
hut Malwait , aud an unlliuchiug exponent of
the principles of the republican party.
Fiom what wo have boon able to learn
about Van Wyck durinsr our six months icsl-
dpnco In Nebraska , wo have come to the con-
elusion that ho Is a political adventurer and a
demagogue of the lirst water , a man who has
been able to pull the wool over the eyes of a
largo poit Ion of the people of the state , and
hns Imil the cunning to use his advantages to
lurtbur hlsiscllisb ends ; that bo has been a
bolter and dl&orgtmizur In Nebraska politics
for years ; we believe , if all icportsnio trite ,
the sooner sueh iuoinu-o regaled into obscur
ity the better. IStroiusburg Itepubllcan.
Brother Litulbtroin has evidently been
imposed upon , i Ho docs not wrlto like a
liar or wilful slanderer , and wo are led
to the conclusion that ho knows less of
Nebraska politics than ho did six months
ago , when he cuuia to the state. Let us
"rogalo" you witlu n few facts , Brother
L. , and then ifo yon continue your false
statements , wo , can better judge as to
what manner of man you aro. Senator
Van Wyck was ouco an adventurer , it
is true. He ventured out at the head of
n regiment , tp battlc , for his country , was
promoted to the Tank of general and
fought bravely , tijl'.tho war was ended.
Was you thorn , Brother ? Did you hear
the shell screoqh , the rillo balls whiz and
tlio cannon balls _ roar tour years ? If so
you can judge perfiaps whether the gal
lant general , so often promoted
and onthusia.stically praised , is a
very bad kind of an adventurer. If
you were not there , sir , allow us to remind
mind you that any sling at the old war
liorso comes with very bad grace from
you. Eight years Mr. Van Wyck rep
resented a district in Now Yorjc in the
congress of the United States ; four years
ho fought his country's battles ; six or
eight successive years ho represented
Otoe county in the state senate , and near
ly six years now he has represented Ne
braska in the senate of the United States.
Ho lias novcr hold office except at the
hands of republicans , and after receiving
the republican nomination. He has never
in all his lifo ran for olllco unless called
upon to do so by n convention of the re
publican parly. Say , do you think ho is
a bolter , demagogue and disorganized
You have been lied to , Brother hind-
stroni , by his enemies , mid your faith in
what they have said has Jed you into
saying tilings that every intelligent man ,
who Knows tlio honors that have been
heaped upon Mr. Van Wyck. knows to bo
baseless , unprovoked slanders. Dema
gogues and political adventurers nro not
sent to congress .year after j-oar from
Now York , by the republican party ;
thov are not honored equally in
military and civil lifo ; they uro not kept
perpetually in the state senate by their
neighbors , and it is very rarely indeed
that the republican party sends a dema
gogue nnd political adventurer to the
United States senate. You should think
on these things , brotlior , und not sling
mud , unlit to throw at a thief , at a man
who has stood steadily in the front rank
of the republican party for two score
years. If you want to oppose him , no
body will object , but bo honorable and
fair. Another tiling wo will say right
here , seeing you nrn not long In the state :
John M. Thurston , Thomas Kcuimrd , P.
O. Hiiwes , Boss Stout , ot cetera , have al
ways boon on the most intimate terms
with democrats of their own stripe , and
have worked shoulder to shoulder with
the very worst and most corrupt demo
crats in the state to retard all railroad
legislation and to advance every corrupt
lob that has over been lobbied through.
What do you think of thuir republican
ism , my virtuous brother ) ' Are they not ,
after all , the demagogues , political ad
venturers , etc. , eta. ? Think those things
over , verify tlio statements hero made ,
and then shoot your wad , [ York Times.
Van AVyck 'find ' tlio Fairs.
Kvldoncuislu'glnnlng to accumulate that
Sonatgr Van Wyck U pioparing to make his
annual campaign among thu agricultural
tuirs. Ills advance ) ogunts are already In
tha Held. [ llastlnirs ( la/.ette Journal.
Oar Hastings'oontOmporary Is correct
Mr. Van Wyck is preparing to make a
tour among Nebraska fairs. He does it
iu obedience to numerous urgent requests -
quests from all even the stato. Ho is very
popular among the people and they all
want to see and hoar the famous and
fearless ohampipn of the rights of tlio
people who has'so a'bly represented Ne
braska in the fluuato for the past live
years and who has 'established for himself -
self a national reputation.
The managers of fairs all know that if
they can procure Van Wyck to deliver
an address that the success of their enter
prises is determined in advance. Dodge
C9itut.y has had a little experience In that
direction. A year ago ho spoke at our
fair. Ono or two men who opposed the
senator on political grounds were very
much offended that ha should appear and
withheld their patronage from the fair ,
but it was not missed. But the day Van
Wyck spoke thousands of people attended
and the fair was thereby made the most
successful wo have had for years. [ Fro-
moiit Tribune.
The Union Pnclilo Relief BUI.
York Times : Those editors who censure -
sure Senator Van Wyck for the Intro-
ductlon of his Union Pacifio extension
bill certainly have not read the bill or
clso they desire to mislead and -deceive
their readers. An honcat tuaa will give
h s oiiem > credit for the goo 1 ho
docs mankind , but a few of Smmtor Van
Wyck's enemies curse him for doing ex
actly what they themselves would liavo
done. Every reasonable man in Nebraska
desires to see moro railroads , nnd the
people of York nro especially interested
in tno extension of tno Union Pacific
from Stromsbnrg. There Is no oilier wav
of securing the ovtenslon except through
the passiigo of Van Wyck's bill. It does
not look very sensible for York county
men lo denounce him for introducing it ,
thus helping us to accomplish what wo
most desire. Hut they say the senator has
gone over to the railroads. If allowing
them to do just what everybody wants
them to do , on condition that the com
pany will forego certain privileges which
they now going over lo them , he
has gone over , but not half so far as a
great majority of York county people
have gouo. Van W.vck's bill allows them
to build the lines which wo want , but it
imposes restrictions upon them which
alVcct the rate not only on proposed lines ,
but on the lines already built , van
Wyck's bill makes the railroads eoufor a
great favor upon us , and it makes them
pay us for accepting it. Verily ho has
goiio over to the railroads.
AVIiy Ho is Abused.
Hoono County Argus : The republi
can paper * of the state have beou
industriously abusing Senator Van
Wyck during the past four years.
Why should they not ? Senator Van
Wyck is opposed to letting rich mo-
noplies illegally withhold government
lauds from settlers. They are not. Ho
is opposed lo cattle companies fencing in
the public domain and driving oil' home
steaders. Thov side with the catllo com
pany , lie is opposed to Issuing patents
to railroad companies for lands granted
them but not earned. They favor giving
the lands to the coiporalions tliu land
without question. Ho is opposed to the
greater part of the unjust war tariff
which has kept the western farmer bound
down body and soul till they are well
nigh financially ruined. To perpetuate
this tax on tlio farmers is their cry night
nnd day. Hois in favor of supporting
President Cleveland in ids efforts to give
us a safe , economical and honest admin
istration. They are not. Ho would pen
sion thy old golilicr who slooil by tlio
OOll'nlvy ih the hour of need , regardless
of politics. They , only on condition
that the veterans would bo republicans.
Why ho docs not cut loose from such n
crowd of harpies with whom ho has no
sympathy , wo arc unable lo determine.
They certainly will not help return him
to the United Slates senate.
"Von Shall aud You Shnitt. "
Fairmont Signal : If Van Wyck intro
duces n bill and through his efforts the
bill is passed to compel railroads to re
store public lands which have been for
feited and compel thorn to pay taxes on
lands which have been generously given
thorn by the people , ho is called a crank
and railroad wrecker.
If ho introduces a bill to aid a road in
which the government is largely inter
ested und which has boon wrecked by bad
management but is now under good
management and struggling to avoid
being swallowed by haughty competitors ,
the howl is raised by the monopoly out
fit , "Holms gene over to the railroads. "
The charges amount to this :
"You shall and you shant ,
You will and you won't ,
You'll be damned If you do ,
And you'll be damned It" you don't. "
The Best Representative.
Nance County Journal. If the republi
can press which is howling so vigorously
against Van Wyck for no cause that wo
are able to discover except that ho is not
so straight-laced in his politics as to light
for party regardless of principle , will
show ono instance where ho has over ad
vocated a measure in congress detri
mental to the best interests of the stale
and country , they will bo doing some
thing that never has boon attempted yet
to our knowledge. It is not such men as
Van Wyck who" , as the Tccumsch Chief
tain would have us believe , have brought
defeat and disaster to tlio republican
party. It is the great leaders who have
been ready tp sacrifice every principle of
justice and right in order to { perpetuate
the party for plunder only. It is the men
who have played into the hands of corpor
ations and plundered the people to further
enrich the moneyed kings , who have
brought about whatever disaster has
fallen upon the party. And if there is
any hope for republicanism , it lies witli
men who will represent the interests of
the masses. Wo have had too much leg
islation for the protection of capital. It
is time something was done to protect
labor. Wo see no hope of relief from
the democratic party , nor the republican
cither , if such men as Van Wyck are to
bo sat down upon. While there are
doubtless other men in the slnlo equally
worthy the confidence of the people , wo
sco no good reason why Van Wyck should
bo thrown overboard in fact , no reason
nt all. Again wo say , ho Is tlio best man
who has over represented Nebraska in
the United States scnato , and is so
recognized throughout the laud.
The Issue This Fall.
Verdon Vidotto : The question with the
people this fall is not so much whom
can wo elect to build up the party , but
rather whom can wo elect to work for
the people. Partyism is not so strongly
developed ns it has been , nnd the people
arc just learning that it is not safe to put
their trust in either politicians or parties.
Politicians work for themselves aud par-
tics are their tools. What wo most need
Is some moro "cranks" of the Van Wyck
Burt County fur Van Wyolc.
Tokamah Burtonian : The Issue In the
autumn election will bo the selection of n
representative wlm will support Senator
Van Wyck ns his own successor. Wo
believe the representatives ot our own
county are divided in opinion ou this
question , and Hon. E. W. Peterson holds
Mr. Van Wyok should not bo returned.
Now wo do not know that our representative -
ativo desires to bo returned , but usually
this Is udvisublo bolh by the incumbent
nnd people , especially if they have faith
fully discharged their duty , as did Mr.
Peterson , but of course the will of the
majority must bo heeded. TJio solu
tion of thu question is easily settled , ns
wo see it. Tlioro is a law which gives the
voter Iho right to express his proferencu
for senator ; let tliis bo dona at thu polls
and no candidate will after thu will of
the people is so expressed desire to Inter
ject his individual opinion , and prefer
ence. If the people of Burl county on
their ballots say wo desire the ruturn of
Senator Van Wyck , it must bo the guldo
for the representation to shape hi.s action
and cast his vote , and if ho cannot con
sistently do HO tlio path ofdulliuiicu will
load him to decline the honor of express
ing the peoples will.
Imlrd OB an Ami-Monopolist.
Wood itiyor Gazette : Some of the
anti-Van Wyck papers are trying to hold
up Jim I/.Urd as an anti-monopolist. With
hundreds of annual passes in his pocket
for thu bcnelit of his friends , and all the
gravel trains of the B. & M. at his con
trol to asMBt at thu primaries , Jim pro-
souls a picture of anti-monopolism ihal
would bring a smile lo Iho face of Iho
inoal despondent granger after a visita
tion of grasshoppers or n destructive hull
A Sincere Friend or the People ,
Plum Creek Herald : Wo defy anybody
to show in the political annals of the
United States a more faithful or able ad
vocate of industrial reform , a more sin
cere friend of the people or n more fear
less enemy of robber corporations than
Senator Van Wyck. . .And yet wo. lind
newspapers supported by fanners which
are doing their best to Bccure his defeat
lor re-cleetiou and thu putting m his
stead of some man with but a mho ot ins
ability nnd i\ small per cant of prestige
anilvorso than all , u man who Is most
likely to become tlio tool of the railroads.
When will the farmers of Nebraska cease
to bo led by their 11003 by tholr false
friends under the plea of loyally to a po
litical organisation which has been con
trolled for years by Iho greedy cormor
ants of Hie railroad rluc ? If the farmers
of Nebraska down Van Wyck H will bo
construed by the world at largo that they
prefer the rule of corporations to that of
thu people.
Who in tlio Mnr ?
Plainvipw Gn/ctto : The Omaha Re
publican thinks Senator Van Wyck a liar
because Van Wyck said railroad rates
were four times greater west of the
Missouri river than they were cast. Ono
year ago last winter n great deal of grain
was shipped west from hero , but the
railroad company rai.sed the rates fcohigh
west as to compel shippers to ship to
CldcMiro altliough the distance is moro
than twice as far. It costs nearly one-
third as much to gel a car load of Hock
Springs coal from Norfolk hero ns to ship
a carload of grain to Chicago. Wo have
never known the Uoimblio.ui to advocate
any measures of reform for the relief of
the producers , but it has always opposed
every measure for the reduction of froiirht
rates , and against discrimination , re
bates , etc.
Wo suppose Van Wyck's enemies
would assert the moon to bo made of
cheese , or the earth to bo the devil's
head , if Van WycU wore to assort himsi > ll
to the contrary. The fact of tlio corpora
tions , land sharks and rings being op
posed to his rc-olecllou Is the best proof
of bit faithfulness lo the interests of the
I'oaclicB for Van.
The Columbus Journal leads out with
a proposition that Van Wyck and who
ever is to bo hi.s opponent in the .senator
ial light make n slumping tour through
the state. The Omaha Republican takes
note of the proposition uv'suggesting E.
K. Valentino to bo pitted against him as
a ropresotativo of thirty or lorly contest ,
nuts iu the field against the "old man , "
whereupon the Blair Pilol offers tlio fol
lowing :
An uri-au e'.v 'jt of this kind would bo
"poaches" tor Van Wyok Whatever tlio
opposition may think of Van , or say
about him in their organs , none of thorn ,
who are possessed with a lltllo grain of
common sense , would want to take the
chances of tackling him on tlio stump.
Theru aru not mules enough in Cuming
county to draw Valentino onto a stand to
engage in a discussion with Van Wyck.
Vul. has sense enough himself to know
that in such a contest ho wouldn't last
as long as n snow-ball in thu infernal
The Shameful Use of Ijlino and Alum
in Cheap Baking Powders.
Many food frauds , sueh as chicory
coffee or watered milk , although they are
u swindle in a commercial sense , uro
otton tolerated bccuuso they do not par
ticularly effect the health of thu consum
er ; but when an arlielo like puking pow
der , that onlers largely Into llio food of
every family , and is rolled upon for the
healthful preparation of almost oycry
meal , is so made as to curry highly in
jurious , if not rankly poisonous ,
elements into the bread to the imminent
danger of llio entire community , It is the
duty of tlio press to denounce the prac
tice in the most emphatic terms.
Among recent linportantdiscovcricsby
the food unulysl is that by Prof. Molt , the
U. S. Government Chemist , of largo
amounts of lime and alum iu the cheap
baking powders. Thcso are , one of the
most dangerous , and the other the most
uselesSj adujterants ycl found iu the low-
prado , inferior baking powders. It is a
startling fact that over ono hundred dif
ferent brands of baking powder so far
analyzed , comprising all those sold iu
this vicinity , not oiio of them , with the
single cxcoption of the Uoyal Baking
Powder , was found frco from both lime
and alum. The chief service of lime isle
lo add weight. It is true thai lime , when
subjected lo heal , gives off u cerlaia
amount of carbonic acid gas , but n quick
lime is left a caustic so powerful that it
is used by tanners tp cat the hair
from hides of animals , and in
dissecting rooms to moro quickly
rol the ilesh from the bones of dead sub
jects. A small quantity of dry limu upon
the tongue , or in the cyo , produces pain
ful effects ; how much more serious must
thcso effects bo upon thn delicate mem
branes of the stomach , intestines and
kidneys , moro particularly of infanta and
children , nnd especially when then the
lime is taken into the system day after
day , uud with almost every meal. This
is said by physicians to bo ono of the
chief causes of indigestion , dyspepsia ,
nnd those painful diseases of the kidneys
now so provident. Instances of thu most
serious affections ot the latter organs
from drinking limu walers found in some
sections of the west are noted in ovury
medical journal.
Adulteration with liruo is qiiitoasmuch
to be dreaded ns witli alum , which has
heretofore received tlio most emphatic
condemnation from every food analyst ,
physician and chemist , lor the reason
that , while alum Is probably partially
dissolved and passed off in gas bv the
heat of baking , it is impossible to d in troy
or change the nature of Iho lima in any
degree , so that the en tire amount in Iho
baking powder passes , with all ita injuri
ous properties , into the stomach. When
wo slule that the chemists have found
twelve nor cent. , or one-eighth of the on.
tire weight of some samples of baking
powder analyzed , to bo lime , the wi0ked-
ness of the adulteration will bo full
Pure baking powders are ono of the
chief aids to the cook in preparing per
fect nnd wholesome food , While tlioso
are to bo obtained of woll-ostublishad
reputation , like the Royal , of whoso
purity there has never ticon and cannot
bo a question , it is proper io avoid all
The theory that Iho Indians are decreasing -
creasing in number is nol sustained by
information from Sitting Bull's people.
During the month of February among
those enrolled at Standing Rock , I ) . T. ,
there wore seventeen deaths und twenty-
one births.
* * * * Rupture radically cured , also
pile tumors and il.stulai. Pamphlet of
particulars 10 coins in .slumps. World's
Dispensary Medical Association , Buffalo.
A feverish thirst Ihal cannot tm
quenched by water may bo allayed thus :
Throw a slice of bread upon burning
coals , and when it is allunio , throw it into
a tumbler of water , This remedy has
been tested and proved excellent.
Livery men will find St. Jacobs Oil in
dispensable in the stable. It cures lame
ness. _
Mammoth pipe and foundry works nro
to bo erected at Chattanooga , Tenn , ,
which will give employment to COO men.
r" - -
vrhon lUbr w rick ,
Wlen tba iru Child , elie cried for CutorU ,
When ib became MUi , > Ue clung to Cutoria ,
Wb o be bid Children , she i ; re them UMtoriit
There are 2J3 suits pending for divorce
before the SulVoll ; ( Most. , ) county court.
Thu list is the longest over made in that
state , and includes several sensational
cas'jo in .high life.
Justice lii the South Onrollun
Charleston News ntid Couriers The
story was brought to the city yesterday
by a traveler from Iho lower part of the
state of n rcmnrkablo "decision" of n
tido-wator coroner's jury in a recent
case. The local justice was summoned
in hot hnsto to organize a jury of Inquest <
in the case of Jupiter Horlbeck , a colored
man , who had attempted lo ride across n
marsh who foil from his mule and wns
drowned , In Iho pockcls of the decedent
wns found an extremely nntiquo typo ot
revolver , rusty , hammerless and alto
gether harmless , The jury of inquest
was composed of old rlce-fiuld hands ,
who sat upon the body , figur.itlvoly
speaking , for six hours. As is usual , the
jury couldn't agree , and finally com
promised on the following verdict :
"We fin'do prir.zon gilty oh carrytu'
conceal wcoulu' , and recominen' to sell
do erector ( the mule ) for pay cess obco't.
Ef do drouiuled man sln't got no 'lation ,
'coptln' to hcsclf , do plstle is b'long to do
stato. Ef ho Is a oumarry man and ho
got farra and inurra do gun is for soli and
Rio ono-tird to all two. Kf ho marry and
ab no chillcn do whole ting go to ho
oman. Ef dis jury make mistake all can
'peal for hire co't , 'coplin' Jtipo Ilnull-
back ( wet fiun CPU do mash ) , an' ho car-
rioter is spotlubblo toll do eontrady scsso
bysponsiblojurlmums. Docrcotorought
to wut 70 live $ , do same wet do fociiiun
on do jury gio ho fractor for him oun ,
All slue dls warruul accordln' to wet do
focman sol down. "
o-tO. < WORLD
lineup * nnil 1'rlrM on nipllriitlan | , Hold by
ttllllir bosK'nnlaci" llullilcrn niul DCHlom.
'nliln Adi'rrM.
Ono box will euro
tlio most obtlmito case In 'our il yg or loss.
No nauseous do os of cubeb * . oopallw or oil ot
Rumlnlwoodtlmt nro cortnlii to produce ilyspoii-
ftla liy ili ! trovliiB : tlio cniittnir * of tlio ntniiincli.
I'rlcoSl.GO. fiolil by nil druirgl8t9 or mnllotl on
receipt of prirn. For further particulars . gent
forclrculnr. P. O. Box ISO. - - -
3" . C. jfik.XjIj-ifik.2Sr CO . CORE.
K ) . .
John M. , Now VorK.
Coal and Coke.
CJ KAf.KnpropoMiH will be received by tlio
kJ l'nlou 1'nolllu llnllwnjCompiiny , up to aurt
ncluiJIiitf July 15 , ISbH , lor funilahlnir tlio following -
lowing < | immuioi , or loss , of Imnlcoul ,
sinltlilnR-conl nndcoko , rcqulri-d for ono yonr'a
Antnrnuito Coal 500 not tons , Omiilm delivery.
L DHOnct tons , Oinnlmor nunvor dollvory. 1X5
not tons , Kniiiiis City dollvory.
Coke 000 not tons , Uiunlin ilollvory. O1) ) not tons
Oinnlmor Oonvcrdollvory. 1PJ net tone , Kim-
tni C'liy ilollvnry
Ulossuurf ? orothorStmtliniK Coul-.135 : ! not tonp ,
Uinnliu dollvory. 14'ir , not Ions , Uiniilm or
Uonvordi'llvory. 150 nut tons , Kansas City
Itlds from Colorado lltras should bo biisod
upon Dunvor dellvory. bids ) of eastern shippers
bused upon Uioquuntltluj tuqulrcd lor Unuilui ,
Denver mid Kansas City , MipiinUuly.
Thooonlmid cnkn tobodollvorcd ns required
by tlili company , urn ! dull very to commence lit
Its option , ut any tlmo piovloub to September
1st. 181.
ThU company reserves the right to reject any
or nil bids
Address correspondence , nnd proposals seal
ed und oiidoreed"l'iopojalsto liirtmh coat nnd
coke , " to .1. J. Uurna , General 8loroki'oii ] > r.
Omaha , Neb. 8. 11. OALLAWAY ,
JlOJOt , General Manager.
OMl OH MOIiU \VHOI.iSAI.n : I'ltlCK.
I 1'AV all eiirn i clmrgrs to all points within a00
mm * * . I . ( MO carrlnffi's to eoloct from Rrml tuo ceuc
itauip for illustrated catalogue. Mention tlUa paper.
Ad tfMlltBt krrrllilnf tovU ef Mquliil * fltm.nwuiflowf lk
f al vorU. cnr. Pjin.p.1 * . IU rW * , ftud AKUI. tni til
luri'rl f lb Mftitlr * OrjbM. A few dropi lapiM a ' .licbul fltnr
c ilMi er ctuini.fuf. kkj t ll luuwir dilnhi Try II. n < t
rwtr * ef rw urr m. Alk veur fr rrr r 4rurlil 131 lfc4tBRuf
kitivij , u Buj tuttd kr UR.J u B bigaini tsufi.
; . v ? . wcrrE&uAiw , COLS AOSUT ,
Instnnt roller. Final euro In
Od uys , nnd never rot urna. No
inirifo , no mlvo no suppository. Huffois will
loam of u Elniplo remedy freu by nddreisingf C.
J. MASON.7H Nussuu at. N. V aprUoodtlm
"London" Trouser Stretcher ,
1'ntcmod In Europe und U 8 ,
for oololmitoU Jiilin Hamilton &
Co , Htrotcluir. Tukos ba erlng out
of knees , rnstonts puiitufaulig to
oiliflnal Etiupij. Only put'il stitooh-
orctiiiitilnlnir Borow rod In cotioo-
Him with clninp . All others In-
rrin ( im iiiu. Oiltfiiml and only
Htrolcliur for ( lontlamnn's UBO.
lly ovproBS Bi'cuioly naokixl , prloe
_ . J8.r > 0. Wilto forolreiilnrn .AKOIIH
wanted In every city. O , W. HIMMOK8 & CO. ,
IIoslon , Muss.
( Successors to J. 0. Jaoobs.t
At the old Bland , 1407 Karnum St. Onlur/j / by
" und prumptly uttunduj to.
Itccontljr llullt. Novrly Kllrnllliod
The Tremoiit ,
J. C. Km < JUHAU > & PON , I'Mipilolors.
Cor. till mill I'HtH. , Lincoln , Not.
ltulOiSl.W ! purduy. Hlreot cars from house to nor
IKIH ol ilia ell/ .
J. H , W. HAW KINS ,
Architect ,
nnir : Uiui c , liluck , Lincoln.
Nub. iiuviilor < iii lltli Mroct.
llruodur of llinwlorof
GAMO\V.\ \ - iniii-lluus CATTI.J
Live Stock Auctioneer
Stilus niiiilo In till pints of the II. B. iitfulr
nil tin. Itouin 3 , SI at u Illock , Lincoln , Nub. ]
Gollowuy uud Short Horn bulU for flulo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
CniTusiiomlciico In rrifiiril to limn * nell
Itoom 4 , IllulmriU lilock , Lincoln , Neb ,
Public Sale ,
Denver , Col. , June KUli , IHBti.
40 liond of Slunv-Hliort Hums Ilutua & t'rii ck
glinnk. K-yuur-olild , wuiKhlnir 10.00 ; liulU m U
hcllttrx. Address Hiolil uml Kurui , fur catuluu-
lies , Denver , Col , 0. M. llruiibQU , Lincoln , Nob.
Col..P. M. Woodc , Aiiutlontur ,
Whim In Lincoln etojiut
National Hotel , .
Anil get u good Ulnnor fnr'- .