Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisement * under this held , 10 cents pot
Uno for the Brat Insertion , t cent * for onch nab-
fCQiicnt lu'ert-'on , and JL50 n line per month.
No Ailtortlscmant taken for less thnn 23 cents
for tlio llrst ln crtlon. Seven words will bo
countnl to tlio line ; they mint run consocu-
t holy and mutt bo pnlil In advance. Alt ndvcr
tlvuncnti mu t bo handed in bnforo 2 o'clock
p , m. . nml tmdi r no clrcum'tnncos will they bo
Inkon or cll conllnunl hy telephone.
Pnrtlt-n ndrortl'ltiB In thosu columns nnd HIT-
IMP the nnswors iuJdro spd In cnro of Tnu UEK ,
will plenso ink for n cheek tocnnlilo them to rct
their letters M none will hn delivered except
on pro'ontrttlon of check. All answers to nd *
crtl < lclllonts should bo enclosed In onvolopco.
1O LOAN On rrnlnstnto. rtlhson ,
MONTY & Co. , lloora .1 , With neil lllock. 143
MONP.V TO LOAN At lower rnto thnniiny *
whore el o In tlioclty.onfurniture , plario ,
organs , lior oi , matrons , or stock of nny kind ,
llrinomlicr , nt lower rntcs than nny other loan
oiuiimny in the city. City I/onn i Mortrnio (
t'o. room 15,1(01 rnrnfitn st , opposite Pnxtnn
liotcl. _ _ W7
rpHKOnmhn flnnnclnl nrctlnniro Is prcpnrort to
.1. mnko lonns In nny nmoitnt , on nny kind of
approved foctirlty. I/nnro collateral loans a
ipcclnltv. Al o on clmttoli nnd rrnl cstalo In
nmoiintft nnd time to suit. Ixiwor rntos , hotter
tuimB , nnd piomptcr sorilto tlmn nny loan
fiifpnry In the city. I'or furthnr particulars cnll
olllco on tbo sncond lloor of the Ilnrkcr Illock ,
southwest corner of 1'arnara nnd IGth Mrpols.
TlfONI.Ylo lonn on residence nnd business
-Ul property. Lowest rate1) . C. J. Cnswoll A
Co. , Room I'J.Iron Uunkllulldlng , llth and Kar-
nnin , ; 829
MONl'.V to loan by the undersigned , who has
the only properly orKiuil/od lonn nircnoy
In Omnhn. Loan * of f 10 to f 1,000 miulo nn fur
niture , planes , oriain * , liorncs , wnuoii' . nmcliln-
rry , Ao , without remain ) . No dolnys. All
liuslnrss strictly confldmillnl. Ixinns FO mndo
Hint nny i > nrt can do pnld nt nny tlmo , rnch pay
ment reiniclnir thu rest pie rnln. Ailvnnros
innilcon line watches nnd diamonds. Persons
Khouldcnrofully consider who they nro ilcnllnir
with , ns ninny new roncoms nro dnlly coming
Into existence. Should you need mon v , cnll
nnd POO mo. W. It. Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthuell
JulJn ! ! ! , lf > th nnd Hnrnny. 158
6 mil CENT money to lonn. Cut rfttos on
In PRO lotins. Mahoney & Harris , lloom 11 ,
l.W ) rnrnnm st. 874JJO
ONKY TO LOAN nt rnnsonnhlo rntes on
horses , lurnit uro , wntchcs nnd other tier-
ponnl proporty. C. J. Cnswnll , lloom IB , Iron.
llnnk IjullJliiK , 1-th und Fnrtmtn. Take clovator.
' 701
$ tnooooto lonn on city residence property
Oco. W.Dar.14r'l Fnrnntn. ZS1
G PKIt CF.NT Money to lonn. Stewart & Co. ,
lloom 3 , Iron brinlc , 12th nnd Fnrnnm. C23
$ 30,000 to loan. Sums fSOO nnd upwards.
Lon cst i utos. Bcmls , 15th and Douglas sta.
TO LOAN O. F. Unvls & Co. Heal
M RataU and Loan ftffonts , 1D05 FarnnmSt
MONK ? TO 1 ) AN On good securities. A
McQavock , room 7 liedlck Block , li09Farnain
Bt _ _ [ _ 2K (
MONKY TO IOAN-On real estate nndohnt
tots. XThOTOas. SOJ
T\/fONHY / Tb T > ANl-"Tn sums of fax ) and up-
JTJ. wardH on flrst-clnss real estate security.
Potter A Oobb , IBIS Fftrnam Bt. 204
ON15Y I.OANKU nt C. F. Hcod& Oo'S.
odlco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngons
porronal property of all kinds nnd nil other ar
ticles of valuot without removal. 319 S. IHtli ,
over Illntrhnm's rommlsslon store , " 8"
ness strlotlr oonfldontaL 205
\ \ 7ANTKII'nrtnor for } fj Itlmuto mid genteel -
tool buslnoes ; very well paying ; cnpltnl
J.V10. Gotmnii preferred. Addrcts Q 41 Hoe
I ofHco. 789-10 *
: SA Li : Chonp Stock of millinery Roods
' nnd fixtures conelBtlnK of show cnRosnml
Biicliinir. I'or particulars apply at 1207 Doug
lass ! . 088-14
" \\TANTHD-A inro Inducement will lie Riven
i to n ( rood hotel mnn In n trrowlnir nnd pros-
ppinimc torn town , Sco or correspond with
llii/lolt.V Hates , llontrlco , Null. CTC
HAM-A half Interest in u nrst-class
well pnylmr saloon In Omaha. For further
'pnitlcularsuddrpjia Ixiok lloigM. &VMn
Foil , SAMC'-llotol Flrst-chiBi' , In n Rood
town , lurgo commuted ! ! timlo ; must Ijo Hold
liiilOdnis on nccoiint oCfilolmeas. Address. ! . K.
K. ; Albion , Noli. 01'Mil'
roll i\UUAN iK-Stocks of ffoodsof every
kind , for farms nnd land ; nlfo Innds to ox-
chiinpo foi-R-oods. If you want to trndo , no
mnttor whnt itlsyouhnvo , wrlto , with full clo-
criptlon , to C. K. Mnyno. Heal Estate and
Trust Co. . Omaha Ncn. 260
POK SALK A flrst-clnss bakery , rpstituinnt
nml confectionery Ftiind In u townot 7,000
Inluiljltants. Inquire of P. P. Pay k Co. , Omnha.
Tmojl SALK r-ovornl stooks'of goods , dolncn
J. ' healthy hiislnoss , ounorslilp clear , satls-
ftietlon Kiintnntood ; terms eafiy. porno Omnhn
iiiopcrty tnkon In o.Tcliungo. Murshnll & I.o-
l ocii.llill I'urimm at. 413
Foil SACK In flrst-clnss locntlon , Brocorr
etoclc nnd fixtures : smnltonpltnLroViuirod :
rent low. Inqulro at drug store , lOfh nnd
Ponging. 787
LOST Hny horse , about 1,000 Ibs ; white stnr
In foiuhoid. Finder return to Louvoniiorth ,
tiot l.Hli anil llth , Anfcon's house. 78515 *
STKAYi.n Dark hrown tnnro mule , N. W. .
ror.lit nnd Clink. Finder will ho rownrdod
liv returulnpr same. 7KM5 *
STIIAYKD A Uffltt bav mare , about 4 > curs
old , with throe hlto foot nnd white no o ;
nnd hud nn Jialtor on. * Hho h is been KOIIU nhont
three weeks. Any Information inny ho loft at
14-'t North 18th St. Jos. M. Hiukoll. C77
rpAKEN nr Sorrel hoi-so. weight 1,000 ; Inmo
L In front feet. Thomas llntrnn. n miles west
.ofOmuha. ; u.Ml-8-15-a..U9
) KItHONAI.-JIOO monthly cnrnod. Child
c an Icnrn beautiful phototrrnph ) : tnujrht
trim In ono hour ; Hhoit tlinu. I'll st premium
Bt. Louis Exposition. Miss Chrlbtlo , 1D1I Dong
Itii. 811-1U
T , To pnrsnns wtio wloiTto liulld n
J home liiOichurd Hill , I will poll lots upon
IHIJ mont of the nominal sum of ton dollars ami
Imlniiio nt tbo end ol live yonrs. interest nt 8
per cent , pnyablo soml-annually. Tills Is the
lust olM- over made to myr homo-seeker In this
city. Cnll and sue me. C. B. Mn > nc , llonl IN-
tatu und Trust Co. , 3. W. cor. 35th ana rnrtiam.
. _ , _
PUItsoNAl Xcat nnd tasty nil-wool busl.
ness suits for only J7.W1. All alros. Mall
orders Illlod. L. O. Jones & Co. , 1309 Fnrnnm.
BOAUDINO Will toke a fowsnlcot boarders
who nppiorlnloilno cooklntr and Rood ntton-
ilnnco. iaancok. Mrs Win. Voung101 s Fur-
mnn st. 84V1C *
BO.VItu und loilglnjf , f i u week. 1W Jones at ,
_ CMJ)8
Foil KKNT Uooui and botird for two. 1613
Capitol uvo 143
$100 inonttily earned. See personal column.
x . bltHI' *
rilOHXOIIANUK-Karra of K acred to ox.
J-clmnco for merchandise or livery stock. Ad-
dru i Hex UUJ Blioiumdoah , Uiwii. _ XK-83 *
ArriCNTION TO CAPITA I.I 8T8 The town Of
Unvld City , Ilutlor county , Noli. , otter * to
icllHble nnrilos. ttubatuntlul uld lo put up mid
oporutuln siUd lownglucoso factory works.nnd
fruit nnd voidable cauulnir factory. Call on
or uddres ! ) James Bell , Pronldeut , or K. H. llln-
trur , Sucrutiiry of David City liuslnuss Men's
Association. TOI-S3"
1 > Ki vY vttTfiti and cess i < oolj cloomxl by F. 07
Abel , P. O. box U7ttre3ldi'Uco 11)10 ) Cniiiin ? .
7SI-J ulr ID *
TI' YOU ha\o a stock of mcrohandloof any
JL Kind you want Fold or traded fur rout oMnte ,
city or county , list Itwltli Illgghis & Park , li l
f you wnnt to buy or trade tor n stock of
1-ooiU of nny klud , call on lllfc-glns ic Park ,
aiuUKl036t. ) OtO-lB
iKIVVniul ccdspoolj duunud by U. Ewlnir , P
u iiox JT.
STOHAOK-Western Transfer &PtorJgoCo. ,
coiner 14th and Nichols Bt. , are pioimrou to
roceheund store all kinks of household goods
tie. . LVJ
* | 7 Oll HENT A ttoro on a BOOJ retail street.
X' Apply the Omaha Itoal Katato and Loan
Co. 167
TIIVHl UBIifT-Squaro Piano PJ monthly. A
-1 ? Hoalio. 1513Doiitflas. _ iM
nifituT jitiNT ftiuuro Piano , Jt monthly. A
THluit KINT : brjjons , $ J per mouth , iloopo ,
J ? 1513 Doutrtos. . Xll
Tfioil bAIJK One 10-bono uprleht bnllur und"
J-1 onuluo with iUtlng-ir ( ximplotu. A L.irtraln.
' Laundry , 11W & Uth au , 7JJ
SAI.K Hnvin to leave on npcount of
my wife's hcmlth , I will poll the lease and Im
provements ot ttio lit cry barn , 1621 O street ,
with hordes , buptrios nnd hnrnoM or separate.
Addrcst ItobcitBtarllnff ,1&J4 O street. Lincoln ,
Nob' B98-17 *
Foil SAI.K rino second-hand phaeton cheap
at Simpson's. 714
Foil SAMI U. K. contracts on 2,400 ncres
One tlllnblo lnnd , , cbrap for cn h , or will ox-
chanfru for fresh stock clotlilnir nnd good busi
ness property. H , M. Woolman , U. P. To n ,
Sub Agt. , Denver Junction , Colorado. 751-Jyll
171OII SAI.K ( lood horse , wcgon and bixrncsj ,
.1 ? only ( Jua Z010 Wobstor. _ 700-17 *
" \\7K offer lor snlo BOO choice two-j ear-old
stcctt. Strange Uros. ' Sioux City , In.
T7IOH .SAM' A Sorry , Simpson's make ; treed
JL' ns now , at. V. J.Simpson's. _ iXiO
Foil SAI.K Cheap. Iron columns and win
dow caps suitable for front on brick build-
Ing. For particulars apply at this offloo. 813
"CIO It SAM : Ortrndo for city lots , n ( pan of
-L black drlvlntr lioi o , snltnblo for famllr
cnrrlngo team. Apply room 5 , Iron Dntikbnlld'if.
TT1OU SAM { 35 year lease on section pood"
JL1 land , 7 miles southcitst of Atkinson and 4
miles southwest of Emmet , Holt county. Nob.
HantBl onlr fH per renr. lintcher , Ondd & Co ,
liilfl Douglas street , Mlllard hotel block , Omaha ,
Nab. 8H (
FOIlSAMJ Squnro plnno , 1 50 , monthly pny-
_ men ts. _ 1 lospo , 151 1 Douglas. _ i71
Fen HAI.K Mntoh teams and horses of al
klnda to suit customers nt Stnr Snlo Btnblcs ,
20th and Cnralnir. it. Cannon , Prop. 270
WANTKD A irocxl kitchen or dlnlnir room
girl. 117 N 14th St. 83317 *
-l\7ANTni-13 iflrls to-dny. Apply t Icht
> < lluil , 2 HN , 18th St. 8JMB
WANTKIi-A Rlrl at Miss Cory's , IKBOnvon-
port St. 818-15'
WANTUn-lmmcdlntoly. throe flr t-cla
'wnlst-tlttors ; none but oxporlencoil need
npply. K. F. McCnrtnoy & Co. , l 'O Douglas. SCO
WANTKD fllrl for general housework In
smnUfnmlly. Apply 23U7IodRost. ) ftM6 !
AMTii Vint clnss tnblo waiters. Bit Is
preferred. Daubaum's restaurant 1611
Farnam St. 833-15
) A ffirl for gunornl housework ;
Apply 448 Convent. 000
WANTKD A uirl ; for Ronoral housework ;
Kood wages paid. Inqulio at liJholm &
Krlckson's. 61H9
W ANTKI > Twoclrls at the Parlor Itostau-
rant , 107 N. 16th st. _ 801-10 *
WANTKIJ A starchor nnd shirt tronnr nt
the Eureka Steam Laundry , cor. 10th and
Irnrd. _ BOO
WANTKI ) A ( rood cook nnd laundress : host
ofuiiffoo. 18J1 Dm en port. 706-15
\\TANTKD-Olrl to do hou owork at 1813
II Webster st. Gorman preferred. 78.M5
\\7ANTliD-S girls at Kastcru Housp , 1010 So.
> V IQlh. ; 781.15
WANTKD A girl for house work
In family of two. Inqulro at ' 1711 Doug
las 8t. ) 787
T\TANTKD Qlrl for general housework
ii In Bmnll family nt2ar ? Capitol a veuve. Hof *
croncos roqulrcd. 761-15
WANTKD 2.1 young Indies and gents to
lonrn telegraphy. Prospects for positions
when competent , KOOd. Address W. J. D. room
1 , Crounso block , 10th st , Omuha. 733
WANTED A good girl for genet nl house
work. Inquire MrR. O. 8. lictiawacorner
Division st. nnd Indiana avo. 6GB-1B
ANTKD-A girl at the Emmett House , i
WANTED Olrl for general house work.
2315 Hamilton street. Mrs. I. Vim Kran.
731-15 *
\7ANTED A girl for gonornl housework In
Ti family of two ; tiouso has all modern con
veniences. Inqulro of Kdholm & Erlcksonopp
PP. 73M5
WANTKD A girl for general housework ;
1C04 Howard st. 733 15
WANTKD flood glil for kitchen work : also
uuureoglil. .MlSCnsast. 610-15 *
rANTEU A girl to oo genornl housowork.
Apply 100 8 14th St. . . 720 _
WANTKD At once , a middle asrod ) IOUR < -
keeper In a small famllv on n tnrm. No
objection to one child. A stqidy homo. For
p.irticiilurs address luiuiojlatoly 031 , IIoo olllco.
67M7 *
WANTKD A good girl for general houso-
woik. 190-JFninam. 077
WANTKD A girl to do general Housework.
ana Hurt si. KM
TED A girl Tor general liousowork.
B Howard st. 2B !
ANTED-Glrlforkltchonwork. 41N. ! ) 15th.
fln-17 *
IJD A girl for general housework nt
. fJ2J Sownrd st. 1105
ANTKD-Wholesnlo Salosraon , by John
Wamimnkcr , Plilludclphln. for dry goods ,
cm pots , hosiery , undcrwcnr and neil ona Only
experienced men with tialo. Apply by letter :
antidcutlal , of course , 811-18 *
TTirANTED Men nnd women desiring profit-
i able mployment ; snlary or commission
on RtuploKoods ; uddteas , with 23 cents stumps ,
to pay postngo , for contract aud samples. I. B
Jlfg. Co. , Chlcugo. BlhjyH *
WANTED A flrst-class salesman to carry a
line of ladles' and gents' kid ami fabric
gloves along with his other lines on commission.
None but those havlng'prompt : W-diiy ti&do
wanted. Send references. P. O. llox 4W ) , Pliila-
di-lplila , Pa. 843-15 *
TTT-ANTED-Agontsto soir Watkins' fan at-
II tucliment for bewinr machines. Those wbo
will Invest f 2. ' ) to $100 can make 5100 to { 500 this
summer. Sample $1. Circulars free. A. H.
Wutkins , .17 Hiirrlfon avonuu , lloston , Mass.
WANTED llojiortor A iniddlo-ugod man
of business expoiionco nnd good ohnrao-
tcr. The Hrndbtieot Co. ' 814-10
ANTKD-A live boy at Iloo mall room. In-
qtilio between Unnd 11 a. m. 8J4
WANTKD-Trnoklnyors nnd tcamtorsbrldgo
mid section mull lor H. It. work Wages
the highest going. Cull for particulars ana
liansporlatlnn at Moore's omplomoit | olllro ,
t.,8. H.IIalloy.manugor. 8.'J-3t *
rp\V < > onorgotlo men of good character and ud-
-L dress , between nnd : v > years of ago. J ,
M. French U Co. , Itoom 10 , llUbhmati lllock.
_ 81i-l'J )
\VANTJI-O' ' ' -'olioy. 1514 Douglas , llonm 0
JJ _ _ KJ9 W _
WANTKI ) Immediately , u llrst-clasj cook nt
1813 ) od to st.
\\TANTKD-A peed pants nialtor nt Hypln-
slit's,219 8.12th t. ii-lft :
\\7ANTKD One rehnblo. energetic mnn to
il sell goods. _ Call 421 H. IQtlitat. glH-lO *
\\'ANTio ; A niiichlnlsts foot lathe , second *
ii hnnd ; state price und 81 0. Addiesei (1 : w.
lleo oIlli-D.
yANTKii-A flrst-clnss barber nt once ;
T > stiiiuly work nnd coed pay. Address Wm.
Shock , fcolui ) lor , Nob. _ Bi)7-15 )
WAMTKD Laborers for railroad work ;
teamsters , Miuvclurs and tracklayers ,
Mon shipped oioryday. K. S. Albright , It. U.
Labor Agent , 1333 1'urnam t > t ttJl
WANTUU Agents to sell territory for best
Bcllimr patent right In the market Caller
or address II. H. Boeley , Central City , Nob.
HT' " ! >
WANTKU-Sltuatlon In HH oltlco as assist-
ant bookkeeper , by a 5 oung man. Ilest
of refoi uncos. Hood habits. Address O , 60 ,
Uoo ojflco. _ b30-l7
WANTlI > Hy a joung nttorney , position
In law or real estate oltlco ; oxperionruln
both lines ; can apeak Ooriuau. Q 44 itco oltico.
7i > 4-15
iTT'A.NTKt ) A druff clerk , wants a position In
IT Oinubn or tiburtlioro. Can speak Uennnn or
EiiKll'h. Hood recommendation of ohaructor
and ublllty furnlflicd. Addrosa Wm. K. Kandall ,
Saint Potor.-MInn. _ 79Mil
WASTKIl llyujountr man , Scandinavian ,
n | > oiltlonln ni > toionas ; hiul uxporlonro in
dry Konds.naittnlntcd In the city , ana under
stands tukhitf care of norseu ; iuf ronres irlven.
.Vddrcs ill 47 Hoe otlico. *
PuaTtioTiby jouiiir man ns dry
goods sale * man. Address ti 48 Uco otlico.
"IITANTKI ) Situation us eouchmnii In private
I > family by colored uiuu. Addruca O 45 lloo
CUli CO.
" \\7ANTED Situation lu dry goods or cloth-
II Ing store ; ago 26. Huvu lour years oiperl-
onco. t'uairire bcntof leforcnce. Addroai J.
S. StryKor. Potter , Nob. 741-15 *
" "
TK VOU"want"aue hand erabrodiury or tixsu
-L class Urt'ssniuklnif ut > our hemus , call at 110
N. lillli st. . fi40Jyli
\\r.VNTED-Ono or two good horses * In oa-
II chniiRo for house and kit. UaUou llros ,
WAJJTKD A peed work hots *
for pRlntlng- . Address O 41. Bee omro.
rss-io *
gentleman tloslrt * room
nc : quiet pnrt of city ;
comfort nn object Address O 4.1 Uco. 795-11'
WANTED A second hand Bolt of reports of
Nebraska Supreme Court. Cnll on or nd-
dress L. D. llolmos , lloom 8 , Frcnzcr block. 740
TrANTKtTo exchange n Bmnll perfectly
ii gently pony for n marc. Inquire at Dill-
ranee s barn , corner 17th nnd St. Mary's ni e.
\trANTBD-Tcnms. T.Murray.
JV 473
WANTKD Short-hand work of all kinds by
J. D. Hayncs & Co. , 1511 Dodge it. SOi
ron BEirr-HotJHEs AUD I.OTB.
T71OB UKNT One now brick IIOIIPO , 0 rooms ,
JL1 peed cellar , well nml cistern , No. flX'OFOth
nnd Hamilton sts. August Wllko. KV17 *
Foil UKNT fi room cottnlra on .27th and
Webster. Inqulro room lil Omnhri National
llnnk. 2.1'1' *
* | 7U > B UKNT During July and Aurust , n fUr-
JL ntMicil cottngo of fl rooms In do'lrnblo lo
cality to fnmllr without children , fn per mo.
Addro'f 0 4J , lice oITlco. 78M i *
Foil IlENT Furnished rooms. 1621 Cap. aye.
20I-ID *
"I7IOB IlENT Houio of 5 rooms' tuClDth and
-L1 Qrnce. Apply 151' ) IDth nnd Ontco. 7TO-10 *
Tmoil HEST Ilcsldonco of 10 rooms , bnrn for
J14 horses , bountiful grounds , Lenvonworth
nnd 3Hd R ! . , fW per month. C. K. Mnyno llonl
Ejtate & Trust Co. , 15th nnd Farnnin. 720 '
Foil KENT One 8 nnd ono W .room houiq
with all modern Improvements , In n desir
able locution. Inqulro of a , F. Davis & Co.j
1K Fnrnam. 374
II7lOK 'ltiNT : House ll-roouis. bnth rooms !
J2 closet , i-tc. . No. lit North 13th st , $75.
Store room on St. Mary's nvo. with living room
nbovo , f 00. i
Slor * room on llth st , near Farnnm : mnko
flno office , ? 23.
Ilrlck sioro , N I ? cor. 14th nnd Howard , f > 5. .
House 7 rooms near comer Colorado and
Pierce sts. J15 per month. . , I
C. K. Mnyno , Heal Kstnto nnd Trust Co. MM
Tmon nKNT 2 pleasant furnished rooms at'
JE 2414 Chicago St. 825-21 *
Oil KKNT-Furnlshed rooms ; 1510 Harnoy.i
BJ3 l
Foil IlENT Furnished rooinl707Cassst. ' > '
\ 830-21 *
WANTKD Furnished room soutn of U. P.
depot. Address O 40 Uuo offlco. 828-15 *
F ANTED Nicely furnished room with nlcdvo.i
523 Fnirvlow or 25th st , U block N St. Mnry's !
are. 837-18 *
77 OK UKNT With board , neatly -furnished
JL1 rooms , 1710 Cuss st. BtQ-iy *
Foil IlENT Two Floors and ofllco with use
of clevntor , suitable for light wholosnloltnr
or storage. W. L. Wright , 817 8.13tli st , 761-23 *
OK UKNT Furnished rooms at 1718 Jnck-
eon street 807-15 *
FOB.IlENT July 1st , 3 rooms lo smnll fum-
lly. Call at 1718 Jackson st. 600-15 *
WANTED Ily small family , pleasant fur
nished residence for the summer ; refer
ences given. Address F. , 1421 Douglas St.
. 814-15 *
For ; IlENT NIooly furnished rooms. 1013
Dodgo. 7D3-1C *
UKNT-Furnishod front room. 1113
Douglas. 015-19 *
[ ? Oil HKNT NIooly furnished trent room ,
Jj 1823 Dodge St. 703-19 *
fjOR IlENT Nicely furnished rooms with
JJ board. Southwest cor. 20th and Webster.
763-18 *
Foil llENT--Ono front room very nicely fur
nished ; 2117 Webster st. 737
THOU IlENT An elegant suite of two rooms.
J- Apply with references , 1007 .Douglas. 745
JjTOll KENT A suite of rooms with board.
1 1813 Dodge St. C23
T7IOB BENT To gnntlomnn nnd wife or two
- ! ' gentlemen , nicely furnished rooms nlth
board. 11C1 Farnurn. KM
intbflt 635-15 *
FOB IlENT Furnished rooms. Prices from
t H to $ J5 per month , w Hh or without board.
023 South 15th st. 571) ) 21 *
FOB BENT Furnished rooms. Inqulro
drug store , 10th und Douglas. GU2
Foil IlENT Six unfurnished rooms , single
orlwo In suit : gentlemen prefoned. In
quire ot Dr. L , A. Simons , EstabrOok lllock , 404
N. 10th st. 371
FOB KENT Ono nice room nt 22J5 Dodgg
street. ; i7'J
FOB BENT Two store rooms on Ifltlt street ,
Water , gas nnd sewer connections. The
CK.Mayao and Trust Co. , cor. Llth and Farnam.
FOB BENT A furnished room In a private
family. Apply 2510 Douglas Street. 2M
FOB BENT An excellent bnsomont. 509 nnd
511 S 13th st ; 3 stores on Oth and Douglas ,
nnd J stores on 3d nnd Cumlng. Pauhcn & . Co. ,
1513 Farnam. 857
FOB BUNT Furnished rooms. 1810 Dodge ,
FOB BENT Desk room. Hash & Sclby,218
8.15th St. 141
AMCS' PLACR for the prices asked and money
Invested Is as good an Investment as you
can Und. See the lots and convlnoo yourself.
742 AMES , Vffi I-'AHMAM ST.
FOB HAI.K A bargain 44 foot on Hnrnoy ,
near 12th : SJ.UOO cash , biilunco lonir tlmo ;
only S10,000. Hlggins & Pill k , 15'J Doiiglns. 812
T > UIflHTON AND NKWPOUT two most popuv
JJlarucro additions ; nearer than tiny others ;
selling faster and on easier terms. Sco Itrlgh-
ton nnd Newport for ncro lots locntort us thoio
me will bo Impossible to find In loss than a year
from now. Itomumbor broad acres niaKc many
lots. See BrightOB and Newport.
TT1OB SALE A beautiful home , chPOp. House
-I ? fi looms. Hlmolmugh Plrtco JJ.5UO. O. 15.
Mnvno Heal Kstate and IVust Co , 15th nnd
I'm num. e04 10
FOB HALK-Hoiiso nnd lot In North Omnhn ,
one block from streetcar , cheap ar5,500. . '
0. F. Dnvis At Co. S71-Jy T '
Tmoil SALE Flno corner lot on rnrnnm s
JL with 2 good hoiieos renting tor $1.5UU ti yonr ;
price $ 0,000 , . 'i.UOO casli , bnlnncoto boitrraugc'd.
Ought to toll readily. Marshall A Lobock , 1611
rnrnnm st ,1)18 ) ,
OBOIIAJtD IHI.r. lots eell on tholr merits.
Ixiw piicos anil easy terms trtvoiu Cnll at
The 0. B. Mnyno und Trust Co.'s oOloo and got n
plat. 203
400 Knsl front on Dolnwnro street , Hnnsoom *
plnce , beautiful lot. 9,103. Lovgron U
Wilde , 1501 Fnrnnm street 72.1
ABIES' PLACn Is the propoity on whloh to
Xmako money by a smnll investment , U gulls
lust nnd houses nru being built on this ground.
Come nnd see thu Iota.
743 Axes , 1507 FASMAM ST.
" ' " " "
Have for snle ;
Some 90 of the most choice lots In Hawthorne
These lots are many of them heavily wooded ,
and of exceptional Deauty as n spot for real-
denoe ; the dunnage is rood , grades are already
made , and you can see jubt wbat you are buy-
Cull and get prices and a sight of this prop
erty. 653-15
OB .SALE Half ncro lot In Qlsn's addition ,
2Sth and Campbell st , , 4 blocks from street
cars. liiKfcru on premises. &M-1U'
KDICK'S QHOVI ! . only Insldo lots at JTOOto
$1.400 to bo hud In town. They ask J.l.VX ) for
lots joining llediak'B Oroio. Sou ItodJPk'ti
Oroie and see for yourolt that those lots at (100
to tl.MO uro uuoquulloJ for prlco uud locution.
714 Aurs , 1507 FAliMM Sr.
OK HAI.l'-Jf taken ut ouuo , COxSj'foot on
the corner of ICth and Jrtckoon sts , fld.OX ) ,
Corner of St. Mary's live and 18th nt. , three
street fronts , (15UOO.
10 acres near Fort Omaha , largo homo , barn ,
11 no orchard , containing every kind of fruits ,
, .
Any of those pieces are very cheap nnd will
stand close Investigation. ( ' . K. Muyno Ituul
Ustato'X Trust Co. , 15th and Fariium. 705-17
Have for sale :
A llnu list ot lou In Crcston.
ThU addition U uneicollcd by any In beauty
of situation , gronduer of views to bo obtained ,
ordi'Slrublllty In the mat tor of approach , slope
of ground , and prices are and un\o boon bulow
anrthtusrolferodwlthin half a mile of It.
Look tit H Just south of the Academy of the
Sacred Heart
J. Jl. Kvana & Co. , sole agents. 657li
FOB hAL > : - Two olojunt east front corner
loU In llurr Oak : natural shnde trues.
Hatcher , Gadd & Co. , 1J16 Douglas strout , MUlard
bold block Omaha , Neb. Wi
"TpOTl SAXR-l > ir ( ( Jon Cumlnff nd Uurt
JO streets , nonr90th , fl X ) to * .1,000 onch.
Lots In Low ' ad/lltlon , liJO to WOU each ;
very easy tormsY
85 acres , well Itrjpr6rm1 , JhoujfiJ , barn , oto. ,
npsr Fort Omuh ( . * ! V > J.
Lot on Sewnrd ) . tirnr 31M , fflM.
3 lots , < IO ) feet s/outh / front ) , on Hamilton st ,
near Poor Clalrovonvont , $1,700.
180 feet wo t friltt , tin 21th st , near Fnrnftm ,
I 5 per foot , t I
Comer lot on , near Lowe ave , 6S foot
a front. $700. Ertsy .terms.
Lot on Virginia ave. , near Lonvonworth St. ,
jwo. fi .
2 ncrcs In WestOmahn , $8,030.
Lot on Hownrd st. . ( CflilSi foot )
Corner. 44 133 , in Hnrnoy et ,
Ijot In Nolson'h hdd > r $1,709.
2 lots In Plain View , HWO cnch.
Corner lots on Sewnrd at , 8 blocks from Poor
Clnlro Convent , $750rtasv terms.
44 feet east frotrt On S. 13th St. , $ l.f > M.
135 foot cist fronton 8. 13th st , tll.WJ.
Four-story nnd bn < cmont Driok store , 30 loot
fronton Harnoy st , (30,003.
S houses nnd lou on Farnam , near "Cth St. ,
south front $4,500 cnch.
liouso of 7 rooms , lot 60x127 feet , on Snnnders ,
netir C'limlng , (5,200.
HniiBoof a rooms , cistern , oto , lot 45V4XJM on
8. 17th st , f l. OO ; monthly payments.
SO acres , 4 mlloi west of city , SlOO per ncre.
I/its In 8 < iuth Oraixhn , $400 to 1751
Lot 2310. on Dodge , nonr 12th st.JI.WI.
Lot In Corllnnnt Place , $5.000 , ouo.blockrrora
Bt. Mnry's nvo ,
Mousonnil full lot onllnmllton et , near 0th ,
' HoiiBoof Brooms , lotSoxltO feet , on I6th , near
I'Nfoholnsst . > ' ) l
' , $2,50U.
JIouso of a room , lot 25U40 feet , en ISth ,
noa > * loholns St , S-.OOO.
Mont / to lonn at lowest rnto of Interest Geo.
TPi llornr 3. W cur. 15th and Douglits. KH.
Tjld n _ A i7lC FTvo dcarnbToJAuiwbr''pi ! oo
JO 'l lots at n bargain It sold within' 'a few Uays.
Inqntroof Ittsdon & Comstook , Mrirchtnts Na-
billldlnn : , Itoom 1. upiftnlrs. 494
"IT pn SAI.K Or Trivdo Improvel'n'h'd1 unlra-
JU Tirorod Innds In Furnns nnfl bt Ot1 western
counties. Address Wm. Hlmoral , Arapnhoo ,
Furnas Co. Mob , _ 875.
JU . , if
. I
, . , _ 1 _
WKBY Which Is the best property to "bur "
to obtain big profits ? Answer Acre 'prop-
y. _ ,1 . . ii .
Whnt part of the city will ddvolop
QUERY A. The Bouthwo't . ' iM
PECrAl nARaAIN-l."ine > nero lots , .nil '
together , In Hlmobnugh's nddlllon.-i' ' 'Mlin '
1)0 sold right awny. Price per aero , 8500. Bt a
Pattonii , 13th nnd Douglas. _ t BH3
'YjlOIl SAI.i : U nuros In IlarknlowBSUO-dtvl-
JO slOn , east front ; 4 shares In Omaha Dairy
association : 1 two-seated buggy ; 4 Uno barber
chairs. S14 3. 12tll fct C91
laracio additions ; nearer thnn nny others ;
selling fnstor nnd on onslor terras. ioo' Itrlgh-
ton nnd Notvport , for ncro lots locntod us thoco
aru will bo impossible to tint' In loss than n ) oar
from now. Itomombcr broad acres make many
lots. See Brighton nnd Newport.
743 AMIS , 1507 PARKAM ST.
CIOKHALE On monthly payments , 3 cot tauo3
JO of 5 rooms onch , ono mile frotu postollico ,
Enqtilruof Win. Gygcr , nt luwey& Stone's. 674
OK SALE-Soven choicest Kllby Place lots ,
$353 each. A. P. Ttlkoy. WM Furnotn Bt 143
FOK SALE Or trade tor unimproved prop
erty within two miles of city , n flno modern
house of 0 rooms , well , cistern nnd tarn , beau
tifully finished inside ; lot 50x150 , located ono
block from terminus of rod andgroon car linos.
C. M. Baton 61 j S. I3th st 375jy2
TU8T think of it. Two lots oust fronts and
tl near street curs for only $ l , M. 512
H10HTON ANDNlSWPOHTttto most popu-
Inr ncro additions ; nearer thnn any others ;
selling faster and iiQAsler terms. See Hrigh-
ton and Newport tor acre lots located as those
are wilt bo Imposs'iblo4b tlnd In loss than a year
from now. Homqmjiqr.broiid acres make many
lots. Sco Brighton and Newport.
743 _ AMhs , 1507 FARNAM ST.
OK SALE Bj'ytofckdnlo ' & Buuohor.
Caithago ,
. .Cartilage
Wo have the cho'cbst lots on Cumlng and
I/arilsttoctsm this yAtrmlng now addition. See
them before you buy. Stockdalo & llunchor ,
Ii 11 Dodge t ,1 , f.f ) , 711-17
"plOB 8ALK-BJ Bto.idulo { it Bunchcr.
Lotsln Carthngo 7.'JTT. { $ 470
tots In Ilcdtord P.lncp. 650
Lots In Lincoln Plncp , 450
i.ots In Loavonnortli Torrnco 750
Lots InThornburz.r. ; 450
Lot s In Plnlm tow/in. ; . . , i. . . , „ . , . ' . 600
Lots In Kirkwoodjj- ! ! . ' . . . .i ii. , , . . . W )
Lots In Parrae.ntcr JNftco ? . . , . . , . . 700
Lots In Hnnscom Place , 1,400
Lots In SlniU'8 Addition 1,000
Lots In McCandllsli pmco 2,001
Houses and lots. In all parts of the city and
Always see us before j ou buy or selL
Stookdi.lo A nunchcr. 1511 Dodge street 710-17
R KDICK'S OTIOVE ; only Inside lots atS700 to
11,400 to be hnd in town. They nsk $1,500 for
lota joining Hodlok's Grovo. Boo Hodlok's Grove
and eoo lor yourself that thesa lots at f TOO to
f 1,500 are unequalled for price ami location.
744 AMKS , 1507 FAII.VAH ST.
FOR SALE $12,000 will buy nn ejogmit resi
dence , newly furnished ; very best location
In tlio city , near loth and Chicago sts. Boggs &
Hill , 1403 Farnum. 321
AMF.S' PLACE-Lots selling very fast ; houses
building all over this popular addition.
Easiest terms. See Amos Pliioo.
743 AMES , 1607 FAnxAM ST.
OUERY In what addition is the cheapest
ncrca ? A. Patterson Pnrk. 8 75 per aero
UERY How far from court house Is Patter-
A. 3'i
QUKBV Can acres bo bought In Patterson
Park on long time , easy payments nnd low
rutojif Interest/ . Yes.
To whom will I go to buy ncrog In
Patterson Park ? A. To D. C. Patterson ,
co 1st tloor , Iron Bunk Iluildmg , who also
has lots In
Lincoln Place ,
Maytlold ,
Himobaugh's add. .
West OnmUn ,
i Sntinders & Hlmebaugh'a ,
' Hontlcld.
Bblnn's First ,
South Omaha.
Call on D. C. Patterson. ' 123
IIIHOmuliu Heal Rstntu and Trust Co. , 1504
L run in in St , oifer for sain the following :
4 choice lot j in Highland Place , edit fronts ,
st , lot B , hlocklir. , for $21l'OD.
Lot 4 , block H.SIilnn'andd . { l.tijO. *
3 honser and burn , 151 feet on Loin cnworth
nntl 107 loot on Jaco'j tl. , for S18,000 ; terms
Splendid aero property in HiBlllnnd Pnrk nt
irom ? IOO to f 70J ; one-tenth down , 'balance 1 to
& ) onr < .
100 let ) In Baiindi > ra & IllmebuiiKh's addition
to Walnut Hill. Boinoof ihu-o only two blocks
( from the Holt Mnu ilopot nt $3 U to JMX ) ; ono-
( leitli ) down , Imlnnco In bumll monthly pay *
munta ' -
' W IOH In Mt. Pleasant addition , 80 lods from
Wtilnut Hill , nt from ? 13' lo f.TO ) .
A low morolots In Sauiidors i HlmobauBli's
old nd 'Itlon ' which will bo clojucl out ut75 to
t3'H' Tlieso nro biirs-iilns.
' .M ucrcsti" mllod irom city llm't * , $3.000.
Ktilly Impio\cd fiumti in adjoining counties.
fiood bimlnpt * . lot on 10th st , , botwuon Douglas -
las und Doi'gofts.
Dmutlfnl r < itlloncolot , lOthnnd Chloauo ts. ,
iwith bnildlnif , J10.030. -
I House umllot for $700 ; onsy terms.
i Si foot front on Farnnm st , nsar court bouse ,
$41.000. . .
, K. V , Smith ado. , 6 room house , rontB for $30
per mo , , $ J.UUtl. . . . _ .
' Two peed lots oil fojjrond switch , $ 'JOX ) ,
aoodloUiiiPatrlck'undd. , > i block from st.
car llne.fnoo cach.D 7
Lots In Hnnsoom Place froiulTM to (1 .09 ,
i Ixit with now house , cast front , Virginia nvo. ,
Good lot in J. t. Median's add. , double front
Call and Ktt purtlenlar. * .
Pntrlck'a add , , good ( his , (903.
Lot In Kulrniounr , nuur cur line , $55) .
Half lot , ClarendonC550. .
8 lota , Mrora , Tilden * Ulobard's add ; . , inside
Bolt line , fJ-a ) oaall. ' 3
44 feet on Dodgre.jit.litt llth ana I''th , and W
feet on Twelfth st : aTirror tie.OOO.
I.artro lot and 2 nou&j , Pork avoiuio , Jl'J.OOO ,
A laruo list not included In above. Purchas
ers are mvllfd lo cuJLJjnd sellers I in Ited to list
. , ) lily insldo lots nt * 7UO to
fl,4UOtohQhadUv4wn. { They Hilt W.fiOJ for
low Joining HcdlclMKio\e. Sue Ilixllek'sdrovo
and .see for ) ouiViArthut those lots at S7UU to
f 100 are unoquullea for price and location.
_ 741 _ A > iBaJr > U7 FAUMAM " ST.
TMJIl KAI.K lmproTt > dnl.irunlmpro"vo l turra
1 Inndii. ( ilbson , Larson i ; Co , lloom 3 ,
Wllhnell lllock 151
OU HXCHA.NCiK JiUOOstockdry Roods for
Omuha property , Archer & Fitch , 318 S
ISthst iM
_ _
"filOlt hAl.K llesldenca property und vacant
-L ? lots In every addition In Omaha. Terms to
suit purchaser. Also dcsirnblo buslnoM pro | > -
orty. Gibson , Larson i Co. , Itoom 3 , Wittmoi !
tllock.t 15J
_ _
"iroit 8AI.K--Cornfr on Jackson at , bnslnoia ,
-L' JIO.VX ) . A rare barKain , Cull soon. Mar
shall A. Lobock , lill Farnum. C49
nONALI8Tao3 Tenth btreet. between Farnam
and Harnor , will , with the aid of ru rdlan
ipJrlta , obtain for any on a vlaooa In the
pastand present , and of certain oondltlouf la
fhefuture. Uoot * and shoe ! mad * to or < lor.
fsrfoctsutlsfactlou ifunrautoal
iM.usrii.irtvs s.vtct.u FUKI : TOt ,
ttti i < lVliMHr.J prToni nfl PtiT l < i l Dtnilitr
Pr m inr9l ) > fllnen ( M n. Krrors of Vouth , nod ttt
nnkild minrlps i-emltine from ln < 1l < rr tlon and nr-
c m . A book for oor man , roune , ml-Idlmed
nd old. "l t contains IMprf scr < i > l.ons for nil xea\t ana
ehronlcil | 8 < tp , octioi.a ot which Is Inrnititbl * . Ho
fOTinAtirth * author whois eioerlc-nce for K TMfilj
rech probfiWj ntrer tiofnrcfell toth" lot of nnr
VDTmriiini uOpiie < , bonml In bpnutlful Kfoneli rau -
M. nmbo OcoT jr , fu' ' rant < > 0il w btitniier
* otkln norr en e raochnnlcnl , lltontf unit profat-
elonil th nanT other work in lhl coBntrjforlWl
rrtha monerill bo refun < ! In ererr Initiinc * . Prlo
cnlT It 67 mil'po ' tp l IlliMt
Htnannw. Ooia meitM iwnrrted thRndthorbrDia Nv
tlonnlModlonl the lion A. r. 11I < 1L
Rnil n sop | t offlpors ot the bo M th rondorUrJ-
" f S sclonTolvn. ! f J I' worth raoro to Hi rounn nn 1
nnddl Bel tncn of lhl yononiilon thsn 11 thoeolj
minp < oroiiromlnnd tlio iMrer mines of NOT < !
comlilno 1/-S. , T. Chronicle.
The .mionre of t.tfo point * pat the rocks m1 aiitclc.
ndi on which the constitution nnd hutta * nt manr
* Toiing m n bar * bcu f ntallr wrockea.-Manohosur
Ihonolineaot UtoHof arenter T la thin nil tt
nmlic l worts published In thli counlrr tar the put
, „ „ -Atlanta ( > ntltullon.
"thoaolencoof tlfetd an , J > ortiland luijtsrlr trj
lo on nervous and debility , Detroit t
lha Paiboilr MnJIcM IniUtut * . or Dr W. It.
rutker.No.4llalinnch itroot , lloiton. MiiL.who m > r
t > * eanii > ltedon all dlieasos rooultinj ikll laad axp ri >
oaoo. Clironlonnd obstnhlo Ohcu as that iitra bit.
red the skill of all othenihrilcliaj a spocuitr. Hiicl
treated sueoeMfollr without aa > DSUaoeof fallitt *
UeoUon Omaha IJ .
Red Star Line
Carryuiff the nolglura Royal nnd Unltod Stntoa
Mallsailing u > i ry SatutMny
Bitween Intwerp & New York
Salon from JOO to $100. Excursion trip from
(110 to flSO. Second Cabin , outnnrd , $4 > ;
| iropnldf ti ; oxourslon , $ IX ) . Stooiuffo pas ngo
nt low rates. 1'otcr Wright & Sons , General
Accnts , 63 llroadwny , Now York ,
llanry I'uudt , 1218 Knrnninst. : Paulson & Co. ,
13 Fnrnnm st. : U. O. Freeman , ISil Fiuniunst.
Artificial Limb Manufacturing Co. ,
( Incorporated by tlio Stut of I'CMJIranla. )
Every Member of
Which has
Artificial Loff.
Adjustable Lacing Socket
The most comfoitnulp nnd
durable limb , unit the ncnr-
ostuppronch to the natuinl
nionibor of any Invention
of tlio IIKO.
Wo tire ntithorlrod to
ranko limbs for soldiotsoti
govcinmetit orders.
Wilto for cutaloguo ,
which Rives n full descrip
tion of Ilioso lees , with iin-
moious ccrtltlitttcs Iroin
persons using them.
When pntrons cnnt visit
our eatiiblisliiiicnt wo lor-
wurd bluuks to tnko meas
Artificial Limb Manufacturing Co , ,
NoOOOPenuSt. Plttsbur ? , PA.
3. 'W. THOMPSON , Bco'y nnd lluslnoss Manager
and JaH Work.
' ' " 1020 li\rnam Street. Oniaha , ITob.
Potter & Megeafh ,
Iiaw Koportors and Copyists ,
State Agents for Nebraska.
Typo-writer supplies and paper kept In stock. 1
Send for catalogue.
Legal Notice.
| l EOHGESlNCLAIll and Olive P. Sinclair , his
\JT wlfo , non-rusldcnt defendants , will take
notice tuiu on the 1st day of Juno , 1836 , Milton
Hondrlx , plulutllT , herein , liluJ lib petition In
the District Court of Douglas county , Nebras
ka , agnlnst said defendants , the object and
prayer of which are to compel the spccllla per-
lormanco ot a written contract to convey to
said plalntllf by quit-claim dcod the following
lots In the town of Ploioncu in said county , to-
wit : Lot 2 , block ( ! ; lot 8 , block S3 ; lot 3 , block'
20 ; lot 8 , block 67. the consideration for wbluh
has boon fully paid by suid plaintiff to said de
you nro required to answer snla petition on
or before the 12th day of July , 16b < ) .
Dated Omaha. Juno 1st. IBM.
MILTON HUNDfUX , Plaintiff.
Hy COhQDOtl , Cf. VIIKSON & HlJXT , HIS AttOl-
noys. mo-
Bail way Tim 3 Table
Too following Is the time of nr rival and depart -
part moot' trains by Central Standard time tit
the local depots. Trains of the C. . St. P. , M. &
O. arrive and depart from their depot , corner
ol 14th nnd Webster streets ; trains on the II. 4
M. , 0D. . 4 Q. nnd K. C. . St. J. & C. B. from the
B , & M. depot ; all others from the Union Paclflo
. Drldgo train ? will louvo U. P. depot nt 8:35 :
n7:3J-S.t -8:10-8:50-I110:00-llou : : : n. m. , II
1 0-l:3U-l:50-:00-3:00 : : ! ? : : U 45:00 : ( : 5J : )
010 ; 7iOO-ll:10p. m.
Leave transfer for Omaha nt 7:12 : n 8:15-0:30 : :
0:43-U : 10:45-10:17-11:17 : : A. m. ; ' 1:37-3:13- :
-2:37-3 : :30-3J7-1:37 : : : 5:50-0U : : ! 7:30-7:50- : :
8:50 : llttn. m.
Arrival nnd dounrtiire of trains from the
transfer depot at Council UlulTsi
DKPAHT. . Aimirc ,
B7:15A. M I D9:15A.M :
IIPMJA.M I H5'll : ) > . M
CitUr. ) : M I II 7uO : i' . > i
cine AGO * NOHTmrr.srKnx.
E -15A.M I 1)9:1' ) , A.M
Cll4U ; . it I 11 7:03 : p. u
A B.85A. M I AU:14A. : M
'rO40l- ' ; 110:201 : % M
I A 7:00 P. U
B 0:15 : A. M I D U:1S : A. U
06:401 : * . M I I17:00p : , M
A10.IWA. M I D 11:31 : A. M
C 8:55 P. M I A 5.35 r. U
WAOAsn , ST. LOUIS it pAcina
A 8:00 : P. a I A 3:30 : r. u
A 7:01 A. U I A 0:31 : A. tl
AOaMr.M _ j _ A BS ; ) r. u
Depart. > Vli3TWAHU Arn v
Depart NOHT11WA1ID. Arrive.
A. M. I JM. . I C. , ST. P. , M , > 0. I i' . M.
B:15al : . .Sioux City I'.xprcsa 5:15. : )
. _ . .1.648oOukjaiid [ ; Aoooinmod'n '
Dcpurt. KA8TWAUD' A i rive
A.M. I I * . M. I . U U. & Q. I A. W. I I' . M.
ya ) I 6:00 : | . . . .ViaPlatismou h. . . . | 9 0 | 7 U
NOTK-A.tralns dally ; IIdally except Sunday ]
C , dnllj uiccja Satuidty ; D , Daily except Men-
will leave U. P. depot. Omaha , at 6 : < 0 8:25
10:00a. m : ! iOO-3Kfi-l03-S ; : > d:00 : p. ra.
l'ucinoI-inre 3,8'Jp. m. ; Denver Ex. , 10:50
a.m. ; LoccICz,0Oi : p.m.
Loa\Ofetock jardsfor Omaha at 7:05 : 0:50 :
ll : i u. m. : a- ! - Ua4:3i : : - J:30 ! p. m.
Atlnntlo I.X. . leS. a 7:13a. in. ; Chicago Ex. ,
Ic. & . 0.6:07 : p m. : Local Ex. , lo. ti. 0.10,51 a m. ;
Mo. 1'ac.Er.le.B.a 6:17p. : u. ; xa II. P. Hi. ,
O.oaa.m '
Except TBunday. ' '
\VoarlMl of Her Itolo as "Mrs.
llowelU' * A Bontd of Trade
Mnn'a Story.
Says Chicnco Trnths "Fny Tcmploton
writes to n friend in this city stating that
she lias tlotcrminc'l to return to the stnsro ,
from which is ilrnwn the inference tlint
the volntilo Fay hns wonrlctl of n llfo of
luxurious Ullcncss untlor the i cuclonym
'Mrs. llowolls.1 As for the young pen-
tluntnn who eonfuircd upon the oucrn-
bouflb slron the former half of his illus
trious cognomen , ho is saltl to have east
a rovinp ejolntho direction of another
singer , who was the object of ono of his
early infatuations , mul who is ns blomlo.
buxom , aa Fay is petite , biunet , ami
divorced. It is to bo ragraltcil that Miss
Tomploton is so extremely erratic. With
her talents ami good looks she could
have hntl a great run as n New York fa
vorite , but she seems cntholy Inckinc
both in moral stamina nml mental
energy , and unless she brings herself up
with a short rein there is only ono class
for her to trot with.
"By the way , the young cub , who e
blnnaishmnnts allurctl thu diva of Mis
souri circuit from Kd Uico's ? ti < jo to his
cozlly appointed npattmonts , is an inter-
cstiiic specimen olottng America. Loft
on his own resource ? , ho would nrobalily
occupy a junior clerkship at Maoy's or
some similar establishment. With a
conifortnblo fortune , ho is n , spoiled child ,
lie orius nml whines for nn actress as n
baby docs for a rubber ring to bite , and
ho goucrally achieves the young person
lie favors , although it ts obviously a olcar
citso of iiniter. Well , oaoh of us must
have his specialty.
"I uo mind me of a story that a
young board of trade man tells nt his
own expense n no tit this same little bhick-
eyed actress , Miss Tomplclou. Ho met
her before the 'Billy West' csonpado and
was smitten. She reciprocated , or pretended -
tended to , and showered silk Handker
chiefs , lint-baiuli , nntl other inexpensive
articles upon him. Christmas was approaching
preaching , and she cast her bread upon
the waters. For a Christmas present ho
bestowed upon his inamorata a diamond
brooch and n pair of diamond earrings ,
pretty enough , but not so costly as those
the prosperous minstrel conferred upon
his bride. A few weeks afterward the
youth took1. , trip down to Detroit , where
the Tcmpleton troupe were placing. Fay
did not play that nailicular evening , and
she entertained her friends in her room ,
where her little sister , a child of live.
acted as ohaporon. It so happened
that the young man worn a scarf-pin of
design identical with that of the earrings
referred to , and this article of jewelry
caught tlm little gill's attention. ' 0. what
a pretty pinl1 she exclaimed. 'My
mamma lias some earrings just like that ! '
The fair singer had presented her admir
er's gift to her mother , while she her
self wore tlio more expensive gems of
fered by the sons-nnd-danco man. "
"I have no appetite , " complains many
n sullcror. Hood's an
appetite , and enables the htomuoh to
perform its duty. _
C. C. West of Butier , CJa. , went fishing
two weeks ago and were an old vest.
After getting homo ho hung it up. On
Wednesday Mrs. West was feeling in the
pockets for a match when a rattlesnake
two feet long dropped from the torn lin
ing. It must have got there the day Mr.
West went fishing.
Bonton'a Hair ( Grower
All who nro BALD , till who are becoiiiltis
BALD , nil who do not want to Iw b.ilit , all
who are troubled with DAXDKUKF , or
1 rCill NO of the scalp ; should use Bonton's
HnlrGinwer. Euiniv PICK Cn.vr of those
uslnc itlmvo giown hair. It. nuvnr lalls to
atop the lialr lioin lulling. Thiotii'h sicknu&s
and fevers the hair somctmies < tau.H oil In a
short tlmo , nnd nHhniili ! the person may
have lomainiwl bald for years , if you use Hen-
ton's Jlali Grower accoiding to tl licet Ions
you are sure of a growth of Imir. In hun
dreds of cases wu liavo produced a peed
growth of I I.xlr on those who have been bald
nnd glared for years wo have fully tnibstan-
tlatetrtrie lollowing f.icts :
We grow Hair in WO coses out of 100 , no
matter how long bald.
Unlike other preparations , It contains no
sugar of lead , \cccUble or iniacial
Itlsaspcclllo for fnlliiiR hair , dandruff ,
and Itching of the scalp.
The Hair Grower is a hair food , and Its
omposltlon is almost exactly like the oil
whleli supplies the hair \\Ith Its vitality.
When the skin Is Very touch nnd Hard , nnd
tlio folllco Is apparently clTcctiinlly closed ,
the single strength will sometimes tall to
reach tao papilla ; in such cases the double or
triple strength should bo used in connection
with the single , nsiiiR them alternately.
Price , slnulo strong ! . , & 1.00 ; double
strength , 82.00 ; triple strength , S3.00. If
your druggists hava not got it wo will send It
niaimedon incolpt ofpiice.
Cleveland , O.
Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kidin & Uo.
15th and Douglas , IBtli and Citmtnga
. .
* " >
A man in Smithvillo , Clay county , Mo , ,
had a wife who was hix feet thrco inches
long. She died. lie bought an ordinary
collin un'd tried , to get the body in it.
After experimenting for a while he took
a saw ami amputated tlio limbs above the
tinkles. They tell Uiis story just before
camp-meeting time.
linll'orct Sntico invaluable for soupss
hashes , etc.
' 1 lie lost ring story comes to hand , as
usual. This tune the scone is laid in
Kentucky , where five years ago William
Howe , ol Moorcliold , lost his sister's ring
while fibbing in n pond. Not long ago
ho went shooting bull frogs in the samu
pond , and , while cutting oil' the hind legs
of a big one that ho had shot , what
should ho see protruding from the bullet
wound in tlio side of thu victim but his
Histc 'a long ring , with the identify
ing inscription btill quite legible.
Lumbago and kindred diseases , nil
yield to the prompt oilicacy of St. Jacobs
A Washington correspondent says that
Senator Kdimnxls has n small dog to
which ho is much attached , ami hits hud
built for the solo convenience of his pet a
tiny stairway loading from the lawn to
the second story of his house , terminat
ing in a Jittln spring door , jus > t big enough
for the dog , und through which it goes
and comes at its own sweet will.
Mr. A. F. McMillan , Washington , D.
C , , s.iys Hod Star Cough Cure cured hi
cough. _
A mammoth gum tree in the woods
near Curnbiidgo , Md. , 1ms for years been
used by an englo tor the rearing of her
young. Thu tree has been cut down ,
after irruat labor. The nest at the top
was found as large as a cart body , and
contained two young eagles nearly full-
Hedged. The birds hurvivcd the bhock
and have been unrcd for ns pels , Thu
old bird was out on a foraging expedi
tion at the time.
Vncts nntl
The 10M ( iniiul Monthly Distilbntlon ot
thu wiiild-lami'd IjmWaiKi Mate l.otti'iy took
place at noon on Tutsd.jy , .May llth , Ib1 , In
the city ot New Oilcans , under the sole man-
ageiiiontot Ufii'lsU , T. lieatiifKitrd of La. ,
and Jubal A. Hurly of Ya. , when SsW.po3
was scattered all o\er the world. Ticket Xo.
TO.iill diuw the Flint Citiilial 1'il/p. which was
sold In fractions of onu-iitth at SI each : one-
litth Was held byV. . Hunt , Viiietou , Ala. ,
collected tlnonu'li City .Vatlonul Jt.inlc of
Sclmu , Ala , , another tilth collected tlnoimli
Wells , Fargo A ; Uo.'s Jiank of Kan FiaueKco.
Cal. ; another to Ilauy Johiibon , cuIcciMi ! (
throuL'h Chauncoy J. atcdwcll , ISn. , Tjalu
Master O , 0. O , ife 1. Hallway , t'lou-Ji.i.d ,
O , ; another to J no. Olson , Js'o. 7U Kist : -llh
sticct , New York City , collnctod tluouih
Adams Kxpr&ss Co. ; and nuothoi to C. H.
Itcasuy , West Knoblmig , Vt. , collected Uirough
the National Turk lauk of New York c'ity ' ,
This will Ixi repeated t/n TiifiMliiy , July -3th ,
aud any Intoruialioti thuieot can IMI had on
ttppllcutlou to M. A , Dauphin , New Pi-
leans , La.
A. Snil Cnso of folsomnc
i < that ot any mad or woman afflicted
with disease or dorRUcemcnt of the liver ,
resulting in poisonous accumulations In *
the blood , scrofulous aflVctions , slok
headaches , and disoasas of the kidneys ,
lungs or heart. These troubles can Iw
cured only by going tothe primary cause ,
and putting the liver in a hrallliy condi
tion. To accomplish this result speedily
and effectually notldng has pioved itself
so cfllcaelous as Ur. Pierco's "Uoldon
Medical Discovery , " which has never
failed to do the work claimed for it , nml
never will.
will.GOER'S '
The Great Southern Remedy Tor all
Thrr nro very few who do not know of thli
little bnnh cronlng iilonitsliln of our mountalix
mul lillli : but \ery fuw rcnllro Die furl , tliul
the llttto purple berry , vhkli ro many of us
linru ontcn In most every Kliape. tliero Is niirlii-
clplo In It UaxliiK \\ciiulrrfnl pITeut on tllil
llKiwpls. Dr. HiHRor'i lliKklcberry Cordlnl 1 $
UioonfAT BOUTIIKUK iivuf Dv tluil ipnlorpt
tlio llttlo ono tecllilnr , and cutta Ulnrrboia
Dj rntoi-y nnd Cramp Colic
\Vhnlt lsmn ld rpil that at tldsit nioiioC
tliojv.\r Hiulilon nnd dunccroui attacks of tlm
lw o.late so fren.iiunt , and\\olirnrofsomnnf
ileatlis occurrlnc liofuro n pliynlclnn can bfl
railed In , It la Important thalctcrv liutlic-
lioM should provlilo tlieni el\pn vltli snmo
pccily lellof , ntloieof wlilchlll rolli < v Ilia
imlii amt i > ave miicli nnxloty. Dr. HlairrV
Iliirklrlierrv Cordial Isnslmploremedyflildi
onv rhlhl la pleased to tnkc.
1'rlco , 60 ctMitn n bottle. Manufactured by
WAI.TEU A.TAYI.On , Atlanta , ( la.
'lnlor'B UluTokepHenu'dv l t > wrrl tijim
and Mullein IH rure C'ouKlm , Cnmp nnd Con
minn'lloii. I'rlrogcH nnd II uliulllo.
For inlobython.T. ClnrkoDrUff Co. , nnd n'l
druggists. ! _ _
Best Goods in the Market
, : ni.
Ask for our "goods autl BOO tljatti 1
boar our tratlo mark.
iAeonofUo ntr .l ponlUna fuid rlnnn r ; UlVmto
an line f.ut nnrfWestTat Initial * nd UP
mlnal point * , constitutes Ihi inoit lin orUnt mJw
ntinental link Iti that hyat m or tlirougli kranj > pori
tatlon which ln ltiu anrt rarllltttmi IhntJI eoit traDla
liotwccnelilK of Hi * Atlantlu nd Paelflo Ceu | U
If Aim the fRTftrltn nnn bent roilto to and from point *
Kuit. Nortlieant and Hoiitlirnut , nd corretpooaWtt
polnu Went. Worthwfst and Honthwuf. ' , r < *
The Great Rock Island Rbuto
Quaranuni lt patrons Ui t trn > < of punonal
rltr atfurdart l > jr a oHil , thoriiillitr lmll n l
bf > o. imootli tracks of rniillnnotii iltfl roll , sub
luilf tittllt culrnrts anil hrldpM , rolllnijr ntork as
pnrfAclloii as human iiklll can muku It , tlm snfttv
uppllancpf of natonl bun > ni , platforms and air trixc * .
nnd that oxactlnir tllm-lpllno nhlch iroverns tltouriuv
UiI operation of all It * trHla Otn > r rpoclaltlC
hu rontd sru Transfers at all conn < > itlnr j'ulti
Union Uopots. anil toe unmirpasauil coniforts
luiurixof lursi nirir Equipment. > .
The Fast Riprfts Trslnn h twren Chlcaro an4
Penrla , Council Ululfs , Konwai City , lnrpnwotlli autj
AtobUon uru cnnipoKed of well \entllntlit. llualr up *
linlnervd Dny Conrlie , Mnirrilllr.'iH I'nlinisn I'alscn
glMlwrsnf th ltMt d iliru , and ninpuioB IMnlnu
Can , In which iilaborately i-onktul mral * am Icliurul ?
Men lielwruMChlcnenand Kun'mfllT and Atrhiloa'I
ro alsa run Iho Colobratud liuilluln Chair Cars.
The Famous Albert Lon Route ' ,
: the illreot and f/ivorlUi llnu h t otn CLiloito nnd '
tlniihnpotla andSt. ran ) , wbnm iontio < * tlonsuru niuilv
In MnluD Dcpoti foi1 all points In tliu Irtrltoilvs autl
IlrltUh J'rorlncos. Orttr this route Ksst FxprfB *
Trains am run to the watering plar s , nininf > r re
sort * . plctureariuM localftlvs. and Iinutlni/ and llshlna
irrnun'liof Iowa and JllniaKita. It l > nl > o the muiii
ilralrablu route to the rkU wheat lltldi and imitorsj. .
Inndi of Interior Dukntt
htlll nnnilirr DIUFoT LINK , Tli Bomra iul Kin.
lral.ue , hii be , n openml bntw en Cln < Illnatl. Indian * t
yiolla nnd Ijifaytiit * . . and CumiUI Hlutrc , K n s C'llr ,
Innrapollsandtlt I'aul and Inti rmidUto points I
1-or detailed Infoimatlnn > K Maps nnd holilrr * ,
ohtalnahl < ) . an veil n IlLkcU , at rll prlnitpa ! Tkkvl
Olll'oi In I the United BUUJ aud Oana4u | ur by aU-x
Proi't ( V Ucu'l M'tr'r , Unfl T'kt A 1'ass.
* > n * i * ' * v
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only ronrt to take Dcj Alamos. Mar-
hulltown , Cedar UapliU , Clinton. Dixie. ChlciiKO.
Mllwiiukuo mul nil pDlnUitait. To the tinopleof
Nebraska , ColoiudoVjoinlnir , Utah , Idaho
Nevndu.OrfKon , Winhlnifton nnd California It
otlerdBUpurlor udvuntiwoi not nosnibi , . by nnr
other llnu .
AinoiiK t vr of too nuiiieioiia noiiitt , ot BIIIIO-
rlorlty enjoyed by tin ) patrons of tlili loudho-
twconOmuha nnd Cliicutfo , are Its two tnilnss
Uuy of DAV COACliiwlnuli : ) nro the llnust time
Immiin nrt and InKoiiiilty tun urvutv. Its PAU
ACK Hl.rJHPINO OAIW , which uro models of
Romfoit and elutfancu. Itg I'AltlXJlt DUAWINQ
UOOM CAHd niidnriint ) > J ur unv. und Its wide
ly cciiiliiutuU PAI.ATIAI. DININU CAIU , rtiu
equal of which cannot ho found eUowliure.
AlCounrll HlulfH the trains of the Union I'ao
no Ky , conniiut In Union Depot nlth those of tlm | Nortlnvo torii fly. In Chicago the
trains of thli line mnko close connection with
thoeoof nlleiiMornllniH.
Fur Ddtioit , Columbian. Indli\niipo | | | , tinialn
tmtl , Nlaijnrii I'ulU , llutfnlo , Pltubuis. Toronto
Mont real , IloAton , New York. Phlluuuti > 'ilu , Htl-
tlinorfWnMimtt ( > ii and all potnU In tlio east , KIIC
rH . ' '
If you wish the best uocominodatlous. Alltlukot
a unta call ticket * via this lino. . „ , , . , , .
i. iiuaiiriT. ' - , 8HAln - .
Uonor * Qon. Pus * . AKBUU