Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1886, Image 1

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Pr. Mumford , Editor of the Kansas Oily
Times , Assaulted by a
Fcnsntlonnl Kovolvcr I'rnollcc In n
Cro vdcil Street Cnr Miuderoiis
AVorkofn bliystcr Attorney
CntiBC of the Trouble
An ABtnsiin's UovctiRC.
KANSAS OITV , Mo. , Juno 14. [ Special
Telegram to the llii : : . ] "Doctor , j oil's c
killed my wife. "
With these uonls W. 1) . Carlisle , a law > cr
of this city , at Ti o'clock this evening stcpited
aboard a Tslnth street cable car and com *
nieiircd llilng at Dr. Morrison Mumford , edi
tor of the Times. The -cone then ami thcr&
enacted was a bloody one , and came very
IK ar lestiltlng In one of the most sensational
traKulles ever know In Kansas City. Dr.
Mtimfmd was .seriously Injined , and two
poisons , a lady and gentleman , who vvcro
Bitting in front of him , vvcro struck by
the II ) ing bullets of Shooter Car
lisle. The cause of the trouble
\\as an m licit1. \\hlcli appeared
In the Times jestirday moinlng reflecting on
the character of L i vvjcr Carlisle and hull-
icctly another artlclu of Hie same tenor pub-
blshed about a monts azo. Carlisle has been
brooding over the matter some time , and
when thu second artlelu appeared jestcrday
ho became half fiantlc and openly avowed ho would kill Dr. Mumfonl on sluht.
Koi several da > s ho has been following the
object of his hate , even Into and thiough the
'rimes olllcc , but for some reabon did not Iho
on him until last ntuht. The stoiy of the
alTalr can best bu told In Dr. Mumfoul's own
" 1 was about to step on tholaMo
car returning home , " ho said , "when
turning aiomid I saw Carlisle hurrj Ing acioss
thu street. I took my scat neai the side plat
form , when C.u lisle jumped on , and , making
an exclamation of oomu bert , drew his revolver
ver and commenced tiring. The t'nst shot
tired hit me just below the left breast and
passed thiough to the middle making a blm-
pie llcsh wound , llclhed one or two nioiu
shots and then jumped off and ran atound to
the other side , where ho commenced to lire
throuuli the windows. 1 pulled my revolver
and started attei Carlisle as hu was iiiiining
acioss to Walnut Mieet. Filends piovented
mo lioni tiling. As soon as 1 saw that Car
lisle had been cautmcd I ceased to pursue
him. "
The nolso of the llrlng soon caused largo
crowds to conuiegato on the scenu of the
shooting , which was at the coiner ot Maine
and Delawrue stieels , almost In flout of the
Times building Itselt. Hie excitement was
intense as soon as it became known that an
attempt had been nmdu to assassin ite Dr.
Mimifoid. All soils ot Illinois vvcro pic-
valcnt , atcoiding to one of which all of Car
lisle's victims weio dead. 'Ihe would bo as-
bassin , as .soon as ho was captured , alter a
block's clube , was taken to the central sta
tion by Detective llartlej and Oltlcer Sher
"Do ought to bo lump to a lamp post , " be
came the general ttxpiession when U
was reall/.ecl that Carlisle had bought
revenge by shooting at his enemy in a car
load of unoffending .strangers. If the lact
Had been well established at once that Car-
Islu bad hied the shots he would undoubtedly
have been Ijnehedou the suot. Ho Is now
In the ccntial station in consultation with
his l.ivvvci , A complaint on the charge ot
attempt to murder was at once tiled against
Carlisle in the police eon it iiy City Kilitor
1'henisof the Times. Dr. Mumforil was at
oiK.'o taken Into the Times building , where
hu wasphieud In chaigoof Dr. Jackson , chief
surgeon ot the Wabash railway. During the
cutting and plotting that followed tlm injured
editor presetvcd the coolness which is bis
chief charaetcilstlc. Ho did not vvlnco once
and leftised to uo placed under the Influence
of an anesthetic.
"I h.ivo been through worse things than
this. " he vald , as the burgeon at last located
the bullet.
Dr. Mumford was taken to his home , where
ho Is now , resting with every chancu of te-
covery. The voting lady who was Injured
by two of Caillslo's reckless shots is Miss
Jennie Stieator , the sixteen-jear-old datigh
tcr of James bticator. a Horn merchant of
this city , resident at loai 1'cnn street. She
was sitting two seats In front of Dr. Mum-
lord at the time that Caillslo jumped on the
cat. When thu shooting opened she Jumped
with the other passengeis to her
feet. lief oio she coultt get elf
thu car , however. she had been
struck by two ot the bullets. Quo of them
hither on the right side and being aclietted
by thu corset , passed out just above her heart.
Tint other bullet passed through her rigiit
\\rlbt. She was taken to her homo by a
11 lend and placed under medical caic. Slio
will recover , though hei escape was a mlrac
ulonsly narrow one. bho Is a very pretty
biunettoand a gieat favorltu in social circles
hero. Shu manifested great gilt all thu way
through and expressed great anxiety lest hei
lathci , who has been Iving at thu point ot
death tor two dajs , should tw unduly alarmed
atiotit her.
John A. Hale , a gentleman who was sitting
Intiontot Di. Mnmford , was the other vic
tim. A uiiidom bullet strnek him on the
ill-lit cheek , within half an inch of the no-
tills , making a ghastly wound , Thu chance
foi his reeoveiy aio about even. Hu IN a
bookUeepei Joi J , K. Stoller tV : Co. , a cattle
turn of this city. The prisoner. W. D. Car
lisle , Is a little , dark-coniplexloiu'd man ,
rathei handsomu in appeaiance. lie was
Miy ! inuili agitated when apiiroached by join
coiiespondent , moaning , ' ' .My poor wile ,
blm is dying , this thing will kill hei. " Ho
let used to talk to the tcportcrs , anbvveilng
them with tliu unlfomi uxpiesslon , "Iteallv ,
Kentlemen , jon must excuse mu trom talk'
ing. "
Iho tragedy was the ontcrowlh of certain
mticUh published In the Tlnu'b , In vvhIUi It
wab4tatul that Caillslo had been unduly in
timattt w Ith aoung lady named balllo Crute ,
M horn lut had induced to leave hei homo ami
live with his family. It was charged that
Carlisle , professing to be a Christian , and a
moral , npiight man had Micceeded In so tai
getting Mlbs Ciute in lus power that she con
sented to take a tiip to California with him.
and that whllu abroad he had lepresentcd
blmtelf asa banker and tne lady ns
nlsnlrce. It WHS chained that Carlisle had
taken not one but two tiips to Callfoinia
witnMlbh Crute , nml that their relations
had not been pmely of a platonlc
natuie. It was fiuther .stated that Carlisle
had by his Intlnenee over the ) oung lady suc
ceed id in inducing her to place a huge
amount ol hei money In his hinds , and that
he had disposed of It for his own personal
benelit. At the time thu nrst aitielo was
mdillshed Carlisle was out of the city , but on
his lutnrn ho wrote a card doming oveiy-
thing that had been alleged against him.
Miss Ciute , too , publUhed a small card in
which t-he held that Mi. Carlisle had been o
f i lend In whom she ti listed and who had
never hetiavcd that Inist , Carliblo has thu
reputation liein of being a bhv bter law j er ,
and It Is < < aid that ho has afiad leeoid in
t'hliago. Hu bus a wlfo and tvvoLhlldien.
the loimt'r of wlom ) is t > iitferlnu from a
nervous attack biought on by the publication
of thu fuuidals In Ihe Times.
The Walking tvuti Good ,
Junu H. TJio prc-btdent's
rcct-idloil , this nltcrnoon was attended by
nbout a bundled | > er.sons. lucludlnj ; an old
( ouple , a man ami his wife , who bald thev
had walked fiom Mlssouil to blialo haiuU
> vith thu jiicsldcnt ,
Wind ts. liidlnns.
WASIIINOTON , Juno u. ' Five members of
the signal roips , stationed at t't. Mtj er. lYn. ,
lett tlieie Satin day for 1't. Itovvlt1 , Arizona ,
for dut > under General Miles in lib
JOJIB Hjjaltibt the hostile liuliaiw , - ,
Tin :
Tcrilblo Destruction nml Death Ity
V\ro \ Ycsterdny.
Toiro\TO , Out. , Jnno U. The following
telegram lias Just been received :
Nr.vv Wisi ; VIINSTKII , H. C. To the Major
ot Toronto : Vaticouvci Is In ashes. 'J hreo
thousand people homolcs * . Scnu us aid at
once. M. A. McLean ,
UUItlF.I ) IN TUB Ilt'IXa.
CitirAno , Juno 14. 1'avne , 1'errln &
Meii7le's mattress factory burned this after
noon , rind it was reported at the lire alarm
olllcc that three of the female emplojos had
lost their lives. The building was a three-
story frame structure of flimsy build.
It was tilled with the most Inllammablu ma-
tuilal and the llnmes spieid with fearful
lapidity. The bla/e originated In the ma
chinery. When the engines got tothc'-cenu
the emnloves , of whom there vvasalariro
number , had to lice for their lives. A num
ber of girls were In a room in one corner of
tno bnlldlnif. Fliu1lnir escape shut elf they
had to jump to MVO themselves , 'two vvcro
seriously hurt. Tlieli names are : Mrs. Vina
Chllson , ill" West Itandolph ptrcct ; Jennie
O'Hara , fourteen jears old , -tOS Twenty-
second street. It Is gleatlvfeaicd that a laige
number of cmploves arc in the ruins. As
boon as tlm the was under conttol the lire-
men commenced the search.
The glils who were shut off fiom the stair
way by the llames numbered nineteen. They
iiislicd , panic stricken , to the windows , and
liofoie lad lers could be obtained live ol thu
gills jumped or weio pushed to the pave
ment below. In addition to Mrs. Chilson
and Jennie O'Hara , the name of only one
other of thu five Is- known ; but each was
dangeronsij' , and ono protnbly fatally In
jured. The latter Is Kittle llllderbinnd , who
had both arms and one lo , ' broken , and Is be
lieved to bu hurt Intel nally. Up to a late.
hour no evidence had been "dlscoveied that
any of the umplojes were In the inlns. Thu
loss on building and stock Is not to exceed
S1 , PCO , and is fitsuicd for about halt that
amount ,
sviAi.r , iiT\7.i : AT rm/vivM\
Cur.vnjisr , Wjo. , June H. iSpceial Telegram
to the . Thomas Ciittendun's
gram Uih.J : res
idence four miles south of Cheyenne , was do-
stioved by Ihe to-dav. Loss about ono thou
sand dollais. .Incendiary.
Tlie Jinitonuliiiiciit Trial Still Drngt *
On AVItli Slim Attendance.
Dis : MOINKS , la. , Jt j a 14. Tlie Impcich-
nient court met at 3 p. m. with barely a quo-
urn present. The witnesses examined were
J. L. Poor , a lawyer , who testllied that Stew-
nrt threatened the suspension of the Hurling *
; on Instil , nice company unless Yall's bill
, \ as paid. John I'eiin and John D. Tinner ,
nsniiinee men of DCS lollies , were retused
.he records ot the auditors tiom vv hlch to do
some copv Ing. Miss Lama liuirj , a former
clerk In the auditor's ofllce , w.u summoned
by the uroseciition to testify to a eonveisa-
* fen between Hi own and Stewart in her pies-
ince regarding tno dlsttibution ot fees
iimoiig the clerks , but an objection was
raised ny the deleuso and sustained by the
court , and she was not allowed to testifj' .
I""nlso Alarm of Murilcr.
DnsMoiNi.s , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram
.o the JJn : ] The people of Mtlford , Dickin
son county , la.eio greatly excited this
nornlng over the rcpoit of the imndcrof
Iis. Kills , a faimcfs wife , by two negroes.
A imi = nlng Daily ot about a hundred men ,
led by the sherlll , hunted thu fugitives and
Inally inn them to a cellar where they
were hiding. Threats of Ijnching
v\eis fiecly made and when the hiipposen
desperadoes weie biought to the suitaco they
turned out be to two small bojsfrighteucd al
most to death. Tlicj1 were neighbors' chll-
[ Irciiwholn a treak of boyishness blacked
up their faces and went over to
frighten Mrs. Kills , telling her In
loud tones that they had como to kill her
chickens. A servant girl healing the word
"kill" and seclint the black laces ran from
the house shouting that two nccroes had
murdered her mistress , lint for the timely
discovery the bojs might have been shot un
awares as the wliolo town wab jrieatly ex
Guilty of Murilcr.
DFS MoiNiib , la. , Juno 14. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKII.I The case ot the state
vs. Henry I'tiny , charged with the murder of
Ills hrothei-ln-lavv , lO. . West , of Kunnels ,
was given to the jury Satmdav at
p. in. , and this motuing tliey leturned
a veidlct of murder in the second
degree. T he deed vv as comnilttVid at Runnels
on the 17th ot last 1'ebiuarjand was a most
atioclons and cold-blooded murder. Furry is
a spiritualist and claimed he was a delegate
from the highei povvcis to cari.V out their
plans and get ild of Mr. West , and early ono
nioining took an a\o and iroiiiE ( inletly to
the bedside of his victim i cached ovei
his sister , M rs. West , and with a
lew blow sot the axe killed Mr. West. The
defense bet up the pica of Insanity and a
number ot piomlncnt scientists testified on
thu tiial as to Kurrj's mental condition. Dlf-
feiencu of opinion on tills point led the jury
to comptomibo on the veidiet rendered.
Morn Time For Maxvicll.
Sr. Louis , June 14 In the criminal court
the attorney for Maxwell asked that hobo
granted more tlmo In which to lile allidavits ,
etc , preparatory to an aigiimcnt for a now
trial In his client's case. Mr. Kaiintleroy
taj.s ho h.n important fiesh evidence. 'Ihu
court extended the time till Thursday.
Storm at Slouy City.
Sioux CITY , la. , Juno 14 . [ Special Tele
gram to the Hii : . ] This has been the hot
test day of tlm season , the incicury icachcit
07 ° In the shade. Tlneatening clouds came
up about 4 o'clock and for an houi 01 moio a
heavj lain and hall btoun swept the city.
a Corner Stono.
Di.s MOI.NKS , la. , Juno 14 , [ Special Tele
gram to the IJr.u.J Two thousand people
gatheml nt Indlanola today to witness the
laj ingot the comet stone of the now Metho
dist chinch , ( iov. Lairaboe bpoku and as
sisted in the exciclscs.
Hates Still
CHICAGO , Juno 14. The passenger rates on
western lines continue to gradually ciavv !
down. To day the Itock Island opened will
a . ! llrst class llmitcit tate to St. I'aul and
Mlnneapolib. This was followed by the St ,
Taiil oilidals putting into ulfect thu same
into , not only between Chicago am
St. I'aul but also to and Iroin Councl
Hinds and all of thu junction uoliits In Iowa
Minnesota and Dakota. Tlie rutting is
bo In if done by thu rebate svslum , under
vvldin mcthoil the non-competitive joca
tialllc of combatants Is , to a laigu extent
piotected , A rumoi from Xuvv York to day
tint the piesidents and general inanau'eis
hadiomo togethei heio to agree upon a bet
tleimtnt of the light , has not been veiitied.
Unlinportnnt Canons.
WASHI.VOION , Juno II Tlm repiiblicai
senators held iiuotliei oidei of huslntss eaii
ens this morning. The prr.p-llon ! of the
democrats to put thu Mexican pension bil
and Hot Spi ings bill upon the list oi'msasuies
to be considered this session found no advo
cateb , but many opponents , ( n thu caucus
determination was reaelied on the river
and haiboi bill , the time of its consideiatlon
thu limit within vvhiih It was to keep its
a giegate. and Its piobablu fate when i
leached the president , although it was Incl
dentally dUcuafCd at homo Icnglh.
Sluoidr , DroCviiln , Murder.
CIIK\IXM' : , Wjo. , Juno 14. [ SpocfalTele
gram to she Hi.K.J A cattleman named Jo
bhlrk , killed himself with a cun at Cling
Water to-day. It is ascertained that Jullu
J.IUSCU , the Dane found dead In Hluo ( irus
creek , wai drowned.whllo bathing. Corouc
Thi s thiiss di | MMi of the susplrlon o
murder Ipr robbery , Janseni's clotncs vvcr
found on the b.irrk of thestreani unUistiirbed
The Mclntosh miidur | iusu conies up fur trla
tu-uioiryvv , .
of Bavaria Oommits Suioido by
Jumping Into a Lake ,
General Sorrow AtnoiiR tlio 1'ooplc
Ills Successor Assumes tlio
1'tirplc Oaths Tnkon'liy Of-
llecrs nnd Troops ,
Tlm aionnrcli's Hulclile.
Mt'Ntcit.Iunc 11. King Ludwk , who was
cccntly deposed fiom the Bavarian throne ,
ommlttcd sulcldeatOo'clock yesterday even-
ng. He had gone for a piomenado In the
> ark of Hctg castle , accomnanlod by Dr.
Sudden , his physician. Tliu king suddenly
lirovv himself Into Steinberg lake and was
rowncd. The physician Jumped Into the
vaterto rescue him and was also diowncd.
I'ho watch worn by King Ludvvlg , and
vhich was on his pel sou when his corpse
vas rccovetcd from the lake , had stopped at
:4"i : o'clock last evening. Dr. Mueller and
Inliert , the king's steward , had the bodies
f King Ludvvlg and Di. ( iiidden conveu'd
o Berg castle and placed on beds. Although
hero wasnelthci any puicoptlhlu rpsphatlon
101 pulse movement In eithci body , Dr.
Mueller ana his assistants of the ambulance
ttemptcd to icstoro animation In both and
uily ceased their ctlorlsof lesuscltatlon at
nldnlgtit , when lifovvas ptonounccd extinct
n both cases.
King Ltid v IK'S sulcldohas cast a deep gloom
over Munich. Now it Is phlnly seen that
he people were dccp'u attached to tlio king ,
ind evidences are everywhere manifest of
xipular soi i ovv caused by his triglc death ,
flic police issued the following bulletin :
orrictAt. Arror.x r.
Tliu king quietly snbinitted to the advice of
lie medical commission and lelt for Ueig
castlu jesterday uvunlng. Uis majesty went
out fora walk in the pule accompanied by
) i. ( hidden. Their pioloncod ansenco
wused anxiety at the castle. Tno. park and
shoie of Lake Stuinbcig were searched and
md the bodies of tlie king and Dr. ( hidden
bund in thu water. Hoth showed slight
i ns ot animation. Kllorts to restore lite
vcie , however , unavailing. , v
At lOoelock this moinlng the generals of the
iav ,11 Ian at my met and look the oath of al-
egiancu to King iiiidvv IK'S biother , Otto , \vlio
it once assumes the title of king , under the
Kline of Otto the First. He Is thieo joais
lounger than Lnd\\ltr , having been bom
\prilU7 , IMS. Hevvlirbe simplj nimiinally
> ing nsncls mentally incapable of govcin-
iienl. and Piince Lullfleld , his Uncle , will
emain icgeiit. Thegeneials of tlio aimv
ook the oath of allegiance to Prlnqe Lultlield
is regent of tlio Havaiian Koveiinncnt.
I'ho Hoops' oaths aie bimilar to
hose swoiii to by the gcncials.
DKi'osi.i ) iiKront : IIH
The medical commission , which examined
.ho late King Liuhviir , rc'poit ' that lie had
irdered the members of the ministerial denu-
' : ation , headed by Count Holbteiti , who called
ipon him to proeme his consent to tlie
recency , to bo Hogged until they bled and
henliave tticii eves extiacted. Bulorc his
leposition tlie belief was spieading among
: hu common people of Bavaria that the king's
lopositloii was illegal. The people did not
tefievo ho was Insane. Precautions had
teen taken to prevent tfie populace from rib-
Ing to icstoie tlio king.
There are evidences that a violent struggle
occuned in the lake between the king and
Dr. ( hidden in the endeavor of the latter to
rescue his patient. Many footprints can bo
seen In the soil at the bottom of the lake ,
near where they woio toiind , and there aie
several bruises on Di. Oudden's face , which
vvcro probably made by the king's linger
nails. The kiim. bcfoic plunging into the
ake , dlvosted hlmselt of his two coats , which
iv.ereon the bank and led to tl.o discovery of
the bodies.
According to the constitution Prince Otto ,
although deranged , becomes king. Punco
Liutpold remains recent and will administer
the alfairs of the government. The church
ticllb have been sending foith inniUcd peals
throughout the day. J'xcited and .soirovv ing
crowds of people tliionucd the streets , despite
tlie licavv lain that has been falling. Thou
sands of citi/ens surrounded the palace ,
awaiting the pioclamations In regard to the
succession of the throne. Heircn , Crait-
shelm. Kai'iistio and Von Ilcldel , ministers of
state , have gone to Berir castle to propaio the
olllcial minutes regarding the circumstances
In connection with the king's
death and tbu discovery of his body.
Thu corpse of tliu monaich will shortly bo
brought to Munich and laid in State In the
old castle chapel. "
In the sworn deposition , dated Juno 8 , the
four phjslclans who examined Ludwls un
animously declared that Ludvvlg was
irravely deranged , his affection tak
ing the form known to lunacy
expejts as p.uanoia which Is incmable ;
that further decay was certain ; that the
malady absolutely deprived the king of fieo
volitionand that It would prevent his gov
erning for thu remainder of his lite. This
deposition was signed by Doctois ( hidden ,
Hagcn , ( irashuy and llubrlclt.
A proclamation Issued "In the name of the
king , royal house and Its people , who ,
through good and evil foi tune , have icmalncd
falthtiil. " Tlio proclamation says : "This
lioiiso has biistilned a severe stroke of
destiny. By God's Inscrutlblu decree King
Ludvvfg has departed this life. By His de
cree , which plunged Havaila Into
grievous sorrow , tlio kingdom has
passed , in pursuance of this constitution
to 0111 well beloved nophovv Otto. As ho , bv
long standing malady , Is pioventcd from
govcining himself , we , the neaiest legnate.
will admlnl-tei tlie ( 'oveminent In belialt of
Otto. Wo summon Bavarians willingly
and dutifully to acknowledge tlio tight-
till sovereign , and to us. as reeonts ,
Invlolablolojaltyand unswciving obedience ,
Wu command all ollicials to diseliaigu theh
functions as heielofoiu until they lecelvo
iporo pieoisu onlois. " Thu proclamation Is
signed 'Lultiiold" and Is countersigned by
Baton Von Lut/ , president of the council ,
and by thu ruat ot tliu cabinet mlnlsteis.
AllOVAI , MI'i : SIOIIA1 ,
[ Ludvvlg II , king of Bavatla. was born
Augusts , 1815 , and succeeded his father ,
Maximilian II , March 10 , lb04. Hu was a
man of genius , of lomantiu natuie , an aitist ,
with very fantastic ideas of his ncisonal dlg-
nity as a king and rather capiicions opinions
concerning political questions. In the affairs
of ( Jermany , however , ho plajcd an Import
ant part. At the outbreak of the Franco-
German war In IbTO he sided Immediately
with I'inssia , and inning the negotiations
concerning the now mganlzatlon of Gci-
many hu spoke with enthusiasm lor the es
tablishment of tlm Geinun impeilal thione.
Also in Internal Bavarian polities liu showed
himself master of thu situation. He showed
himself very seldom to his people
and public frivolities were disagreeable to
him. Ho lived mostly in solitude in Ids mag-
nllicont palaces , ot which hu Kecmed to pre
fer Hoheiibchwangcn situated amidst beautl-
lid mountain scenery , and there ho busied
himself with art , especially with music. On
account ot this passion for music , the corn-
noser lilclmrd Wagner gained considerable
Inlluence over him during thu lust jears
of Ids relirn , but the losidt was
that there hioku out among tlio people tre-
( | iient riots against Wagner , and In IKV } the
king was compelled to send thu composer
from the court. Another peculiarity was his
enthusiasm tor Louis XIV. Alter the war
with Franco hu visited Paris and Versailles
in oidc-r to btudy the works of art , and es
pecially the remembrances they contained
of Louis XIV. Ho also arranged expensive performances at which Im liimsell
vv as the solo spectator. The late king was
uu married. „
Tlio Fury ol' tlio Tories.
LONDO.V , Juno 14. The Times pronounces
Gladstone's inanlfesto argument historically
vv oak. "It does not offer , " bays the Times ,
"a single aigninent to prove that coercion Is
the only allornatvio ixilley to home rule for
Iieland. Chamberlain gave one alternative
otiier than coercion and Morcly .suggested a
fourth by admitting that it was possible
to ( covrrn Ireland as a crovyn colony.
When the worst crimes to ( tie worstIt is al-
wajsopon tq Englishmen tob'ay they picfer
separation pure and simple to ) ietdiug to the
Intolerable demands of the home rule fac
tion. It must be made ole-u that there Is an
other altemallv e , imroeljtoclve Ireland full
control of her own RffalM on the same fccalo
as given to Knehnd nnd Scotland and on
principles as applicable to these countries as
to Ireland.1
Ktn.Nnuno. Juno 14. The Scotsman sajs
( llailbtone In his ni.uiifcsto misrepresents tno
Issue. Parliament , the Scotsman contends ,
nevor'voted on thcrtuestloii of coercion ver
sus homerule. If It had It would never have
dcfcateiUhegovernment on this Issue.
A Religious HlROt Speaks.
BKI.FAST , Juno 14. lev. ! Hush llanna ,
D. 1) . . Preshj tcrmn minister of SU Knoch's
church , this cltj1 , preached a sermon last
ovcnliiKon the iwetitilots. Ho sild : "Wo
are resolved to maintain out lolatlous with
Kngland. If the government thinks that
Ulster will bo eislly subjtuated by a sedi
tious parliament It has signally failed In the
estlnntu of us. The people of the north have
olfectl\o me.uis ot resistance , but the tlmo
has not como vet to employ them. Thu
humblest of the seven victims who suc
cumbed list Wednesdiy under tbo uinrder-
ousliteofMorlcj'smllltla. pie.sentcd ablpber
and uohlci type of character than does Mr.
Morluy. "
The Kxpollocl lloyallsts.
Lovitov , June 14 : Qnoen Vlctoila offered
Comptu duParisduilnghlscicllefiomFiaiico
.uidci . the expulsion bill the nso of Clcimont
-astlc , vvhero Louis Philippe found a homo
md whole he died. Compte do Paris declined
he ( pieen's otfer on thegiouml that he does
not Intend to reside In Kngland pcimanentlj' .
Uiniiha Shons 1Ti | IVIth Anotlicr IMic-
iioinciuil Incroasc ,
BOSTON , Juno 14. The follow lug table
compiled fiom specnl dispatches to the Post ,
from the managers of the leading clearing
liottses In the United States , shows the gross
toink exchanges at each point for tlio wcuk
ending Junu 12 , In comparison with thu cor-
icsponding week In 1SS5 :
ClTli:3. CI.CAlllNGS.
New Vork , 405
[ iostoll 7:1,4 : S ! , ! ! . ! 17.1
Chicago 27. ' .
Philadelphia. . . 6.'i.XX,000 ( )
St. Louis 14,072,010 17.4
San Francisco. 11,0111,2.11 11.9
lialtimoie 11,751,07 : } 15.8
Cincinnati. . . . 11.8
Pittslnug , : ts
Kansas City. . . , 27.0
New Oilcans. . , 5,0)7,001) ) ) ' "J. I
Liftilsvillo 12.7
I'lovideiico. . . . 27.9
Jmalri nb'Jl,7U4i 7b.O
* Ionver , . i.iiaon
Milwaukee. . . . 3,414,000
Detioit : tObJlH , ! '
Minneapolis. . , S.OO-l. iS 37.U
Cleveland Ii,4J,710 13.
Hartfoid 1,575,404 .W.9
Now Haven. . . 18.
Indianapolis. . .
Memphis 1OU4WS , ) 8.d
Poitland 9VOCO , 10.0
St. Joseph DVs.i.03 1.8
Spiinghuld. . . . 2-1.9 , . . . .
Peoria bCKI.SV 14.1. . . .
* ( ! alvoston. . . . 74,15. ! )
Lowell 5sOil , 21.9. . . .
Syiacuso 577lb'J 80.2J. . . .
Total 3
Outside Nmv i'oi k. . .1 2S0.954.91S 19 I' ' . . . .
* Denver and Oalye lon are not Included In.
the totals.
The Vlsilrto Supply Htatomont. *
CHICAGO , June 14. The number of bushels
of gialn in store in the United States and
Canada June 12 , and the lucieaso or decrease
ascompaicd with the previous week , will bo
posted on change to-moriovv , as follows :
"Wheat S-MAosi. Decrease 1,000,833
Corn 1).3ST,8 ) < X ) Inciease 675,704
Oats 2,195,29S increase. 420.307
Kje : KMt2a lucieaso 21.r > ' 55
Bailey 3)4,470 Deeieise 519 ,
The amount In Chicago elevators was :
Wheat 8/500,929
Coin 2,3JI,2 ! > 5
Oats 3ifS,904
UjO 17.7.S1
B ai le y 30..50.5
Dairy Market ,
CHICAGO , Juno 14. The Inlet Ocean's El
gin , III. , special says : On the board of trade
to-day butter was linn at ICc , with icgular
sales of 22,000 pounds at that llguru. Skim
cheese has almost dlsippoarcd from this
maiket. The long-continued diouth is af-
lectlng thu milk supplj- . Private sales of 7J-
410 pounds ot buttei , and'150 bnxes of chccso
weie lepoilod. Total sales , 310,551 SO. lint-
tcrwlll piobably be liiiuci and hlghct nuxt
Changes ttio Gossips Say Will Take
1'lnce in Chicago's Police.
Ciuo.vdo , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram to
the Bii.J : In spite of the splendid manage
ment and work ot thy police force dm Ing tlio
iccent anarchist troubles , the gossips are
starting many stories about a piobablu
change In the chiefs olllce. The gossip Is all
about Iho chief and hLs probable successor.
Nobodyglves any icason why Chief Kbcrsole
should retire , but tht e gossips have It that
ho will soon do It. Some say ho Is to quit
the business entlrelj' , and others that he 111
icturn to the command of thcllairlson sticct
station. Tiieio Is no Indication that ho
will do so voluntarily. The only pos
sible reason apparent why ho should
bo compelled to do It is that some of his
superiors ant jealous of tlio praise bestowed
on him lor work aheitly done , 01 that some
ot his siibnidlnatcs aie stlrrimc up Iho
double with a vlovv of hastening tlio day
when they may tet ; momotion ,
"i sec , " said a well known politician who
stands on the inside of tlio ling , "I sro that
Inspector Bonlicld has gonu to N'ttvv Vork
tor thu ostensible purpose of looking at
cloth for uniforms for our police torce. I hum
is a good deal on the iiisidu ot that tiip. Tlie
rumoi hasi been current that Bonlield will
soon bu Hiipeiintendent of police , and the
fact Is that ho lias iroue to ( lotliam to maku a
comprehensive study of tliu police sjstem
theie. [
CONOR iss.
WASIIINOTO.V , Jjme 14 , After routine
business tlm NorUier.n Paclho forfeiture bill
WASiu.vfiTov , Jupo U. Mr. Cobb , of Indl
ana , called up the report of thu committee 01
public lands , recommending concurrence in
the senate amendments to thu Atlantic &
Pacllic land forfeitme bilk
Mr. MeUae , of Arkansas , vigorously opjws-
ed thu senate amendments , contendfnir ( hi
notvrithst.indiiig the title of thu bill , the
adoption of the amendments would convuj
the hill Into a confirmatory act.
Thu report of thu etmunltteo was thci
agreed to aniline amendments concurred in
Under callof thu states , seu'ral bills were
Introduced and refened , alter whlili I'ho
tloor was acceded to District of Columbia
Tlie bill was passed prohibiting bookmak
lug of ull kinds and pool selling in thu dis
trict. The , bill to incoiiMnatu the Washing
ton cable railway comiMiiv of the dlstiict o
Columbia give rise to consldcrablo discussion
but no action vv as taken.
- Thu house tliuii adjoin nud.
onator Van Wyck Makes tlio Greatest
H Speech of the Season ,
. 'arty Promises That nro NovelPrac
ticed. Senatorial Siitlrinliis A
Family of Soldier * General
National News.
Oratorical Hoinli AmongSfonopollBtB. .
\'ASlll ( lTo r , Juno 14. [ 3 peclal Tele
gram to the Hi.i : . ] Senator Van Wjck lifted
ho cuticle ot the lallroid senators to-day in
advocating the fotfultnro of unearned land
giants to the Xorthein Pacific ralhoad. Mr.
Van Wjek could not understand , ho said ,
low and why the saino body of sonntots
\ro > e in their scats and protested every tlmo
congress ptoposed taking funn monopolists
; rants from public domain which had not
iccii earned. The same men have como to
ho rescue of the monopolistic coiporatlon
or the past ten years and have done
t so cirncstlj' , so regularlj' , so falttr-
'ully ami so unitedly that ho was
inablo to understand It. It looked suspi
cious. Ho could comprehend the attitude of
: he senators from Oregon. To them It was a
ocal question , jot even they inUht protest
looeatnestlj' . There wcro senators now op-
losing the fiufelture ot portions of the
Northern Paellle giant who ten jcars ago
advocated the lorfeltuio ol the en the giant.
Why tills change of mind when there was no
change In thy bltuatlon affecting the load , or
ho law under which It claimed and held the
ands ?
Another suspicious feature was the fact
hat the monopoly was willing to re
lease a poitlon of Its giant lands
which vvcrooithlcss , but unwilling tome
mo fotfelted other portions which aio
valuable , but which vvuio giantcd under thu
latnu condition and have In no sense been
) cttoreained. In the course of his lemarks
Senator Van Wjckbiouaht up many rumln-
bcnccs In connection with the Noithcin
. 'aeilic , which weio vcrj embarrassing to
those advocating the Intetcsts of that mon
opoly. No speech dining the entile debate
on thu subject has had such a piofoiind 1m-
ncaston or attracted so much attention dm-
ng the piosent session. A numboi of
times senatois attempted to direct the torce
ol Van Wjck's arguments , but In ev civ in
stance wciolhctr statements annihilated bj
lie inevltablo blows of the Nebiaska bcna-
toi , who ovlnced an amailng fund of lacts in
connection with the Xorthum I'acltic's hls-
oiy and a wonderful tamillarity with land
grant laws. Ho held up with scoin the
iractlces of the two greit political pat tics In
elatioli to land grant foifcitures for a long
time. He said resolutions have been Incur-
loiated evciy four jeais in the platfoims ot
national parties declaiing that thebo un-
eanicd lands should be fotfelted and prom-
scs made to i ( stoic to the public domain the
lands which belong to the people. To the
countiy the p-uties went with these pledges
jut regularly itid they come to confess and
fall to fulfill them. This proccdmo had been
sooltcn repeated that the pledi s tolorfclt
iincj'uned ralhoad land giantb had become
playthings riiuj a sneci. Noone icgaitlcd
tlicm wltU any ilo0'iee of sincerity now.
Sonatoi Van Wjck proposed there should bo
jo an open test ot tliese piolessioiib. He
wanted to see just where each man stood
and to know why he stood theie.
MUSI 1 A1 IJllM'll'l.ll.
I feel conlldent that thu Northern Paclllc
railroad will bo compelled to pay thijf cost of
the sin vejs ol its land giants , and , n consequence
quence municipal taxes , " bald DeLgato liil-
loid of Dakota to the BJK coiresjjoiident
this afteino-jii.
"What is tlie Dasis of your confidenco' " '
"J ast week the senate passed lnall's bill ,
having this object in view , 'ibis bill wab
mtbstanti illy the same as the measure which
1 intuidueid carl } in thu .session , which was
noted in j out palter at the time. Thu house
committcu substituted a billet its own. 11
pissed , went to tlie senate and thciutheln-
galis' bill took its place. Now it Is with the
conference committee and tlm house con-
lieieshave decided to lecommend its substi
tution. It will undoubtedly be agreed to In
the house. "
A rniEXi ) or r.Avn niiA.NTs.
'How about the Noithcrn Pacilic land
grant lei U'ltmi ! bill1'
" 1 don't think the public lauds committee
bill will ) iass. 1 believe that the lail-
reid Is entitled to the lands which
it has eained. It Is much bettei lor settleis
that the liuidb should bo In the hands ol the
ralhoad company , who will sell * them at a
leasonablo ligmu than they should pass. Into
the possession of speculatois , who will hold
lor a Use. "Do settlers leel tliCbamu vvaj' . V"
1 believe that tliej' all do , "will jou ask jour
constituents lor a lenomlnatlon ' { " "Dakota
ib not in the habit ot redlining a man to con
gress lor a second term , but I
shall try It just to see If the
leprelieiislble custom Is not obsolete. ' ,
The falluio of the house to consider on
Saturday bills Iroin the Indian committee
was due to tlm lact that the legislative Dill
Had the lloorand was not concluded In tlmo
to permit consideration of order.
The Indian committee is entitled to thu Horn
again on Wednesday , but it is Imidlv llki'ly
that the special oidci will hu leco nizcd as
the naval appropiiatlnn and hills tiom thu
labor commltti'u will antigoni/o It. Thu
chances tor tbu pasagu ol eitlier tliu Sioux
icscrvatlon bill or tlieDavves severaltv bill
aio grow Ing moro dubious oven day. Up to
the picscnt time Dakota men hero who aiu
uiglng the opening of the gieat bioux lusciv-
ntfon to settlement have been confident
ot ultimate snu ess. They aiu beginning to
lose hope and aie no longer disposed to el u I in
anjthini , ' . Junu 'JO is set apait as tliu day
tor thu Indian committee In Hun nt last
Saturday and another day will piohably bu
set Instead of Wedncsdaj next , when there Is
a taint piobabillty that something may bo
done with ono or both of these important
bills , but tlie piospccts aru by no means hi ight ,
and settlers who have an ujo upon lands
within tliu Sioux reseiation might as well
turn theli optics In other duectlons for thu
biimmci at least.
Senatm Siwver will icpoit favorably to
tlm senate a bill giantlng a pension to lilch-
ard H. Hluiib. whosu casu Is rather a lemaik-
ablu one. At the ago of sixteen Im enteied
and fought thiough the vvai of ISIii. At the
at'o of sixty-three hu enlisted In the Union
army dining the war ot the icbvllion and
seived as a private In Comiiany D , Thlit > -
seventh Iowa volunteers , fiom September ,
IN } . ' , to Match 1. IbTi. In addition
to his own service in two wais , his
lathei , William Iti.uis , sei veil througii tlio
revolutionary vvai and he had two biotheis
and a Inothei-ln-law who served with him In
tliu war ot Ibl'J. Hcshittt giving his own ser
vices to his country dining thu rebellion , Im
had four sons , two sons-ln-iaw and thlitcen
btupsotib in thu union aimy. lie la now
nearly eight j'-eicht juarb of age , ami
almost blind and helpless anil
needing thu constant attention and caiu
of an attendant , bouiu veais ago hu was
granted a pension ot SIa month , but his
application for an Increase was dlsollowct !
by thu pension bureau. The facts of bib In-
nrmitlcbtind helplessness aie substantiated
by allidavits of people at Iowa City , and thu
committee leports that hu bo given iT-ia
TOH nonrs nt'i rhii.
There are all kinds of sehemes on
foot to defeat the pasvigo ot thu olcomaigar
ino bill in the senate. 'I lie opponents of
the measure are Irj ing to ronti ol Uut ordei-ot
Business caucus commute * ) by piomnl.jatliii ,
nTiruclaimitlon that only tinobjected nicas
IIR-S will be considered during this session
that ( s. only bills tovtileh not ono objectloi
Is made shall l t considered. Of com so tills
would kill thu oleomaigariuu bill , for then
aru not less than twenty senatoib who Wouli
object to its consideration.
Chairman Miller ( New York ) of tint senate
ajjiiuultwc , luvl B' tbu bill li
harpe , ii a strong friend of the bill ,
ind sajs It will ins ? , A very olfectlvc move-
ncnt for the bill has been carried on hero all
luring this session of concress by Joseph H ,
{ call , president of the ilalrj men's nssocla-
Ion , and If the measure becomes a success
nticliciedlt should accrue to him. Ho has
tcpt up the light on theolcomargailnn matin-
actuie , holding meetings , Issuing ehculnrs ,
othe country and agitating the subject ,
hereby calling the attention of congtcss to
t. lie Is just out In another circular urging
ho people Interested In the pissnge of the
illl to petition their senators by telegiaph
nml mall mid nice the ptssace of the bill
( intended so a to Impose a tax of ten cents a
Points of order nro to bo undo against the
till , and such men as Seuatot Heck hope to do-
eit It by amending It. U is oven proposed to
ackon the tarltf tosomo extent , or oiler o
uany proiKislllons that It will have lotto 10-
oinuiltlod to the committee again , which
neans death.
mi : i IOIIT noun LAW AM > umr.ticAit-
ninit' ) .
A number of dpmooiatlc member * of the
louse among them Mi. Mcirlman , of Now
York have i-xmossod the belief that the
ifiht hour law will be extended to letter cal
lers during the pti'siMit tcim ot eonmcs * , and
hat the cost of it will not be so laigu bj half
is Indicated b\ the postmastet goiieiat 1'lie
nddltlonal cost Is estimated bv the postuias-
et goiiorol tobuovei l.W OWhi vc.n.
"It the ease Is so heavy as that , " said a
ncmber of the house committee on poMofllrps
and ixistroads , "ilicn I am In tnoi ol "it , If
we have to use simply the same ntimbei of
iieu and just cut down theh hours ol vvmk.
That will entail no extra cost. "
' 1 he bill has pissi-il ( be senate , and ,
Mthouuh the ilopirtuitMit opitosos , It will tin-
loubledlj beumioa law.
lilt : COVIIMI CAMI'AlllV.
"It will not bcelglit months till thoio will
lie waging a lletco liglit between the Hlainu
nml Local ) fmces , " said a lat-scelug lepubll-
can senator today. "Ahoady I discovi'i a
UTV vigoioiis movement between the lilemls
; ifthesomen. 'Ihu Locau people mcelieu-
atlng lepoils that combliiatioiis are being
lei incd by thu Hlaiiie men for the second
ikiee on tno ticket , leavinc Hlack Jack out of
he nice altogelhei , the object being to stir
up antagonisms to Hlalne ami lo mganlro
opposition to him. 'the Loiran men are
fccomitig iiulte as active ns the Blalne crowd ,
mil it is believed the earnestness maj grow
into a feeling. OnothiiiL' lias Ihuseailvhe-
lomoaiipaieiil , will not take Ifiu sec-
cond pl.ieo on Ihe ticket with am ono.
: vsr.n vvnit .
It Is slid that the piesldiiiit Is displeased
with tlio vvmk ot this congress and will be
clad when It gets away , lie believes It has
ailed to accomplish what it should have
lone , and has done many things which it
should have left undone.
In his mess.igis the mesldont Invoked con-
rresb toieloim thu taiflf. 'that it cannot do ,
jeciuise Ihoie is a niajoiitv against It In both
louses , lie asucd that tlie coinage of silvIT
be stopped. Alaigo majoiity In the house
nipped that pioposltion in the hud. He
mired the ieemisti notion of the navy and the
buildiiigot adeiiuatecoast defenses. Neither
of those measuiesian bu taken up , it Is sild ,
Because a majoiitj aio against the exiiondl-
tites of money contemplated in the Mils.
Altogether tlie w islios of tlie piosldont have
.teen disiegatdod lij the niajoiitv paily , and
t causes no suipiisu that lie should implore an
, 'aily iidlmiiiimont. All hut about torlj
ilomociatii1 members of the house aio so uii-
dteiably opiMised to any exiiendituio of
money till the It Is a
rotogone laet tint none of the piesident's
lecommcndatlims will bo lanled out at ( his
congress not oven taiifl ivloim , hic.iuse thu
forty democials are opposed to any agitation
of the subject.
It Is not nn unusual thing for the tecoiii-
iicndatloiisot thopiosidcnt to be disiogaided
by ids ovv n pai ty in congiess. although those
iif Piesidents ( Slant and Authur weru piutty
closely can led out. Many tilings suggested
iv iif. HIIJ cs met with the same reception as
hose of Mr. Cleveland.
"Theie will bu nothing donu with any of
he bills proposing largo appiopiiitions foi
lie oiuotiraiement of public si heels , such as
the Hlah hill , " sdd a mendiei : ot the house
ommitteo on education tinlav , "and 1 will
.ell jou why. 'Iheieis toowiilo a diffoience
rtf opinions between the two blanches ol con-
icss to ever peimit an ameement upon a
iieasure. They dilfcrvidely as to the
imoiint of the appioniiation and tlio mauiiei
lit Its distribution. T he countiy saw a dlllei-
encu ot opinions in the senate between tint
north and south that was btiiking. Well ,
now , In the house llicie Is a veij
much greater vailctj of ideas It has come to
MSS that seventy-live 01 a bundled men can
lefeatany moasme in the house ami jimwill
md that many alwajs opiiosed to anj
educational bill
Tin : MOIIMON AorAts
leio arc feeling ptettj'well now over the
lirosuects ot the hill to lintlioi suppiirts
[ toljgamj djlng on tlie calendai. Thu ipies-
, ion Is a complicated one , involving many
line points ot law , and mmliod a gnat
amount ol leseaich and consideiatlon attei it
reached the house lioni the senate. It only
went to tliu calendar tlnee 01 tout d.ivsago ,
and the attoinovs cmploj'cd to Hunt the
measinosay it has no show ol consldoiatlon
iho house dinliii ; tills ( onuicss ; that II the
lioiiso should pass-the bill now it has so inaiiv
impoitant aniendmouts that they oould not
! H > nmiud In the senate Itetoio Match 4 , lfe.s7.
SoMormonlsm in Utah Is to li.vve anotlioi
lease ol llfo foi two jo.ns or three , it scums ,
snow in : L' | ' i nn pitA.rn.
Mr. Pavson made a strong speech In the
house to ( lay In suppoit ot the bill to loitelt
tliu laud grants of 'J 1,000,000 acres of the
Atlantic it Pacllie coinpiny. Alter
attacking generally the action ol railroads In
securing , land giants and then falling to
emy out the contracts on which tluty were
haseil , hu dliected attention lo the Atlantic < k
I'acllu and showed that that lompiny had
not eained an acie ot tlm'J4OUO,000 , giantcd it
by the government.
The Hon. A. d , .Scott and wile ot Kearney
are here. .Mis. I'Vnton , umtlier ot .Mis.
Doisitj. wlfo of Kopresontativu Doiscj' , lolt
heiu lei Nebiaska today.Mis. . Doisey will
go to the seaside lor a lew dajs ami then go
to her homo at Ficmont , Neb , lor the sum-
WIMIMIV rosrviAsiiius vrroi.vui : > .
The following postmaslfis weri ) niipointed
this atteinoon : John Clagmt at Ccntial
Cilj. Neli : II. II. Dolenat Hiownvlllu , Neb. ;
David \V. Klomeisat Newton , la.
VVII.T. OAI.II 11' i in : rAiiiFT.
AVAHin.sorox , Junu H. Mmilson , In an
intoivievv with a lepoiterot the As
sociated Pi ess to-day , said ho would
Miiely Mioui to eonsldei the tail ! ) bill on
Thuisday. It the motion Is delealed. hit
Slid , It will bu bv the votes of the deinoci.itic
membeisfiom Now York whole he might
leisonably oxpcet them to be with the ad-
Give I ho Hey a Clianco.
WAsniNfiio.v , June 14. The following Is
furnished to the Associated 1'iuss with ru-
miest for publication :
K lcullVl.MA : : sl ( > Nl WASHINGrox , June
14 Notwithstanding thu unnouneemen
hoietofoio mailu by the president leseivlng
Monday in eaeh wick for the transaction ot
sucli public business as absolutely reindres
freedom fiom interiuptlon , hu finds that
through Ignoiancu ot the uiles adopted , or
from otlioi causes , the tlmo Im thus seeks t (
ie eivi ) Is , to a u'leat extent , eniriossei
by those \\IIOM ) calls am of a personal am
social natuie , or bj tlio pieseiitutlon ot busi-
nesb which niiglit easily | ju postpom-d u
anotliei day. At l0eveiy Monday , nnd a
the siimn tumi on Wednesdays and i'lidayn
of each week , tint itiesidcnt will meet all who
desiiolopay tlieii lespeds. Hu e.unestlj
roonests that , with tlio exception abovi
speelhed , tlieremalndei of Monday and thi
alleinoons ot tint other da > s In thu week
may bo allowed him by tliu public , not foi Ids
plcaMiic , but lot the pcrloimanio ot olllcia
duty and the transaction ot public business
Oalvesloii In a Htoim.
ST. Lot'H , Juno 14. A sRvern wind stotm
pie vailed in Texas last night and eaily this
inoinlnt , ' , and it Is 1'iaied that icat dim.igo
has been done. No paitlculais aio obtalnabht
ovvlngto the fact that telegiapliic coiiinuini-
cation has been seu'icd since .
7./0 ( his mom-
ing. At that houi Cialvc-t in lep'Ji ' led tlio'
wind oli.vlugat thu i.ittt t Mxtj miles an
hour. ' 1 he louei put of Ihe Maml on whleli
the city of lialveston Is situated is under
watei. Communication with ( inhesion ha.i
not jet bet'ii ie.stoied. It M-CIIIS that the
btorm this umnilng washed avvaj poiKon * ot
bridges spanuiiig Calveston biv and swept
awayo-viij telcL'iaph line iiiuiilng Into tliu
citj % ' 1 hit city Is completely en ! oil U im rail-
waj-and lelegujililc toniimnieatloii. |
indignant Rnshvillo Citizens Tar
Feather a Crooked Lawyer.
Hidden on n Hntl to Martial Mnslo
and Ordered to Iiouvo Town Pro *
paring For the fourth
State News.
FonttictltiK a Human niCl ) >
Hl'sitviM.K , NoK , iltitiu 14. [ Special to
liu Bi.i.j : The gieatost sensation of the !
icason took plaeo nbout I o'clock Hntutday
Mtcriiixui. Onu U. C. Akin , -would-be )
and allot noj' , arilvcd hero In the summci dC
SSM mill fouiiil fioo lodalnn foi himself anil
'niiilly nt the residence of J. W. liinbb , n
ilgldy respected cltl/eu and Christian KunJ
Ionian. .Mr. Crubb , llnough ignoiuuco ot
ho law , took bis homestead bcfote making
nakiiig ptoof on his pie-omptlon. After Ills
hud proof liu dlseovcied his nilstnko inul
trocined the sotv lies of Akin for the pnr
tosoof havIng lilt right lestoicd. Thovvlsc-
acie look advantage or tlm facts obtained ,
'loin his bonofaoloi , nml llitoiigh chicanery
obhisl nliu of thu l.inil. I'libllo Indignation high , iinit tlueats \lulcncu vvcrj lioml
HI u\cry band. 1'ioni tluit tlmr
0 thu present liu has contl
led loswinillo lively oniithho ) n ho > .
in > dealing. Ills lavoilto mode of pin _ 1
nuiis to begin n contest upon a claim mi
hen demand n cert.iln iniionnt of tiiouiiy {
vvlthdi.ivv. Men \\bo hail compiled with the
nw , r.ithci tlmii undergo the expenses of a
one and expensive suit , \\ould submit to Ink
nilioly demands , batmd.iy n ni > w casu of
his \.nnpliu c.xiui ) to lluht. Patleiico hail
ceased to bo a vlituc. Aggravated to the
ilgliest pitch , about seventj-livo nion Ionic
iliu from hisoHlec , taticdand fcitheicilhlni ,
ode him on o scanUlin. , mid give him twen-
v-toui horns to li'iiMi the. conntty , which lia
Ililiittho c.ii Host onpoiliililty. Alcllf hurt
alwavs pildcd himsclt i/n his pugilistic , pro *
Mlvitles , but , sul to say , in the hour of need
hose for-.oolc . him , mid when commanded ,
applied the tar and fe.ithers to Ids own e.xr- with vigoi and appaietit lelish. lie also ,
liter reeel\Ing his coat of tar and feathers ,
ii.uched thioinrh thu slieet buariin ; iiliiumer
uid damped to the iiiusle of beating drums.
.t Is gonerallj uiidoistoitd be formeily
lad a like expciicncu at Klmball , Dakota ,
'tout which place huiia uiicciemonlously
11 led.
A.NOTIIim ACriH'.NT. '
CIIAIIKOS , line 14 ( .Special to the
'li i .J An e\cltlmr time was had ; at
tusltvillo batmdaj iiftetnoon. A lawvoc
mil hud aitont at ( bit plaio named Akin
wast iken bj a numb.'i of IndluiiatitcltbonH ,
stihiped to a nude londition and tarred and
'enthetod and led tlnoiuli thu streets ot the
low n. Akin , II Is said , bad contostitda iniiu-
.101 ol claims and thu pailles who were lutei-
'stcd became tiled and suiiirbt lellel thiough
liu above method. Akin was oiduied to
cave thu conntiy.
Clindroii to Cflclirato.
CIIADKO.V , Neb. , .Iniio II. ( Special to the
I5ir. : ] Prepaiationsaic belli } ; nmdu tor a
'land cclebiation hem ot tlm Tomtit ol July.
Vbout S500 has been donated by tbo clti/uns
'or that DIII pose. A number of Indians have
icon secured fiom I'lno Hldgo ngoncy nnu
w 111 give thu Omaha dancu and : i gland least
it this plaeu on that day.A company oC
: anlry from thu post at Fort lloblnson will
also be soctnvd to take part in thu exercise.1 * ,
and no money 01 labor will buspaicdto
mkothcpclebutlon a success. : An arbor ,
. ' )0 hi 100 leetlll bo ertcted. and will con-
ain ample room for all the \ isitoi.slio may
itteud. Thu cltl/cns Intend to make this tbu
Kiandcittelebiatlon hold In thu mutlmcst
Mid extend imitations to the peoplis of tlm
iiiiioiiiidlnc touns to join them liuiu on that
niilltlin * ; Itooin at IliiHhvlllo.
RITSIIVII.M : , Nob. Junu H. [ Special to thp
Uii : : . ] This to\sn Is buildlnt' lapldly. Two
inns banks aru In com so of const ! net Ion , res
ile i ices aie going til ) and the town is having
1 hte.idy boom. Karmeis ha\c , In ngicat
.iiany cases , abuidoned tbeli bed houses anil
now li\e In nioiucomiiiodlons fiameedltiees.
1'rco planting has been ( | intu extotishely eai-
ilid onldch has been to the
countiy. Tbo Indian supply depot has bee if
established hmuhlcli \\ill bo a limuiciixl
lilt to tlie to\Mi.
The Ited Alan Will
isiivii.i.p , Xub. , ilimu H. [ Special to
Iti.iv.J Oui national da > will bo rounded oil
In hue shape. The unwashed Slonx wll
dancuto piimlthu music and lend the air
\\lthtlieliiinmelodioiiswhoop. I'lio woikrt
and liiiv\\ater ulll enliven thu occasion , "ho
t > .iui ! will dlspsiibo Its s\\ cutest music with
out money and without pi Ice.
1 t
Dan'os ' AHSCR
Connty'N sinciit ,
CKAIIKO.N' , Neb. , .Inne 14. [ Special to the
HII : : . | The umnty LommissioneiH of la\\cs )
county aie setting as a bo ml ol wmall/allon *
Theasnessois of tliudllTi'iont jHOclncts have
made theh letmiiK , and thu assessed \iilmi-
tlonot taxablupiopeity Is nearly 85,000000 ,
\\liich siieakse yell foi a county only a
jeai old.
A Forjjor Oiinsjlit.
KK.viiVin , Xeh. , June H ( .Special Tele
gram to ihu Jiu : . ] William Younir , wanted
hero badly lei a month tot loiglnc SiOO uoitU
ot paper and Felling mm Iga id proiieity , la
nndci auest In Chk aio. hheiill Sihura
.stalled attui him this morning.
Anotlior Siindny Itallicr Drowned.
PI.A i n : CI.NIUI : , Neb. , .liuxi II. [ Special
Tcleginui to the Jiii : : . | An adopted ton ot
Mrs. Comci , whllo bathing Sunday , was
drowned. M. J. llotran , while hulldliiK a
witulnm.1' , was bmiously cut In thu hand ,
almost bleeding lo dealli.
AVontlier l-'or N'obrnnkn ,
Local Kilns , followed by fair wenllipr ,
nliglitlv uaimei ; conditions favoi bu\uia
local btoimb to nlglit and to-moiiow.
A. Vankco I' lNlilnir l loot.
Niw : YOIIK , Juno H. [ HiK-clal
to tholi.i.J ! : 'I'brtulihhliiK'MhoonciH , ( Joorgo
Temple , Kate ( 'liniih and Kiotla , sailed fiom
hem jebleiday , bound lei Caiuullaiiateai. .
They ant lepmled to bo well armed , one liavi
Inga ten-poundci gnu on board , whllu ull
luiMia liujji ! snjipl ) of lilies iinduniiniinitlon.
In eaih ol Hut Khoonerciu nlno men moio .
than the oidlnarj eicwand each man kiiQ\\r |
IHilrdlycll that hit not onlv went out to
nsli. Imt to IlKht It Odablon leipitied It. Must
ol tin in HID lioni Maine and .MahsJielnisells ,
allhoiiuh a lali peiienlatro went Mild to bu
N'eu voik llbheimi'ii. Thurssels will pio-
ceed htraiglit to Xe\\ London , Conn. , bysiy \
olthet-omul. 'J heat llu1) will icinaiii until n
lew menu men.piov isloiib\\atei and additional
giinsian bit luociiiid , vlieji Hut } vlllpiocceil
to Cloiidslei , .M.ibb. , and in uimpanyltli
llui I lei i it I , , | iroceed to lish foi hallllmt. All
bait thej leijnlie nill bu pnuhaM'd at ( iloit-
i.estei , anil noattempl will Im made lo entef
anj poitloi am aillele , no miuter
hou iiuessii.ust . | pilot lothu xalllngof
tinIhet , Caiitaln la\\i-hoi Hut Temple xaliU
"Wu aiu goimrto nsli and not llKhl , but It wo
mono ! allowed , to do tlijothci in Him Yaukqci
Ktjle. Wu aio not nml ; duMiieasfeiu b ) u
jiiglull , and win n Canadians uttcmjit to HIO ]
aiouiul tin1 } will nml It put. " A similar Mate-
nient was m nil * bj Cnptnllis Weeks and Koi-
KStol thu othei Mhooneis. Yt'ij few J ) IF
OIIH kneu thdj had balled for thd W'one qC
tlm tionhle , uiimd lo the teeth , until thp/
cic cleat ot
Dttatli-Dciillnt ; Hull ,
Cmu'vWr , Wjo. , Juno u. [ Succlal Tclo
gram -to thu Ui.ic.j-A hall btorm tiiindny ,
lourlien miles \\est ot this city , Injured
buildings , debtrojed gaiduns and kllltdcut
IK hloues said to weU'b a pound fell to tUf
of flb'ht or leu luclii.v.