Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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Everybody Privileged Under the Law to
Hammer the Oops.
TIio Fowler Packing lIottRGi Clill-
ilrnn'fl Day A 1'nrk Proposi
tion Amusements llnll
The Police Courts.
Saturday nt noon the jury
in the cnso of Coogan charged
with dislocating Ollicer Ormsby's
arm. reported a vci.lict of not
guilty. Judge Neville , addressing the
net-used , said that the jury evidently en
tertained reasonable doubt as to whether
or not the olliccr's nrin had been
wrenched Intentionally. Such being the
case ho had no alternative but to dis
charge him. llo counselled the latter tenet
not misuse his strength , and to avoid in
toxication , because strong people who
allowed liquor to make them cra/.y gen
erally ended their career in the peni
tentiary. I'Vom the earnestness of the
judge it was apparent hu felt that
Coogan should have been pun
ished. Yi'stcrdny another jury in
still another case in which an
otllccr was assaultcd.tjroughlin a verdict
of not guilty , in the face of overwhelm
ing evidence to the contrary , llo could
not understand how It could be done. Ho
had never seen such a en o boforo. Hut ,
If ho could not get juries , he could nt
least lecture the parlies who might bo
guilty. Policemen should not be inter-
fcrou with. They should never be resisted.
Uho right way was logo peacefully to the
station with them aim settle any irregu
larities there. If hu should liml n iury
which would convict a man of resisting
an ollicur lie would punish him to the
full extent of the law. Coogan left , prom
ising to never got into trouble in the future.
The ireiioralsentitiient is that the shift
less course pursued by Ustelle in the pros
ecution of tlio case was largely responsi
ble for the acquittal of Coogan. The dis
trict attorney acted ns though he were
perfectly indiirerent concerning the re
sult of the trial , while the defendant had
the bcnellt of sharp , able counsel. Es-
tello made no address to the jury , but al
lowed the members of that body to retire -
tire to their room with the words of the
defendant's lawyer ringing in their ears.
Tlio ease of liallard comes up next
The hearing of the ease against Thos
Leonard , Hugh IMcGarvoy nnd John
Carroll , charged with assault upon Of
ficer Bloom , was concluded in thedistrict
court at noon Friday and given to the
jury. At 1 ! o'clock thu jury returned a
verdict of "not guilty" and the tlirco
men wore released. The crime with
which this trio was charged was an as
sault upon Ollicor Bloom , who was try
ing to arrest them for participation in a
Tenth street row in March last. Bloom
was horribly beaten by the three men at
the time. The verdict was a surprise to
every one who was acquainted with the
facts in the case. Judge Neville ex
pressed himself as being highly indig
nant at the verdict of the jury , as all of
the testimony , ho said , pointed
clearly to the guilt of the accused.
The members of the jjoliee force were
free and forcible in their denunciation of
the jury. Some of the ollicers asserted
that the verdict would servo to strengthen
the belief that is already held by some of
the city's toughs , that if they can get the
advantage of a policeman it is their priv
ilege to Iny-liiiii out. "One thing is cer
tain. " said one of the oldest members of
the force ycstcrd.iy , "if any of that gansr
or any other over attempt to do mo up
like they did Bloom , the ca e will bo de
cided by the coroner's jury and not by
the district court. " ' 'Hero too , " ehimeil
in three or four members of the force
who were seated near by.
O. A. of II.
Coming IJItcriiry nml Musical Enter
tainment in Jloitur of tlio
A. O. II. IlolejiatcH.
The committee in charge of above are
laboring strenuously to make it an agree
able success. The programme so far be
speaks a rare and unique treat to the lov
ers of music and song. Some of our very
best local artists have givvn their names
and kindly vouchsafed their consent to
take part , while the cause of charity ,
good fooling nnd brotherly love , nnd the
noble sentiments and aspirations of na
tional feeling , will bo taken care of by
gentlemen ot well-known oratorical pow
ers nnd deep love of country.
The friends of the Ancient order of
Hibernians whoso advancein years is
limited ami whose love of music and song
is interspersed with a fondness for the
agreeable nnd healthful exercise of trip
ping it to tlio strains of Hoi.'man's grand
orchestra and manipulating thu intricate
figures of the quadrilleami lancers will
not bo forgotten. Although the
hot season will , however , prevent a
very extended programme ) , but enough
will boa.lbrdod to satisfy all.
The A. O. II. society those last two
years has made rapid strides of develop
ment In Nebraska. The impetus it
will receive on the occasion
by interchanges of snntimcnt ami views
with the delegates throughout the state
Will develop it still further , and the ex
pectations are well founded that in two
| S yours honeu the Ancient Order of Hiber
nians will bo the strongest nml most in *
IL lluentiiil Catholic Irish benevolent organ
ic ixntion in the United Status. Its objects
bi > Ing pntr'rolie as well as benevolent , it
holds out strong inducements to the Irish
nice ami its ardunt di-siro for the butter-
K ) ng of the moral and social status
tv of its members commends it to
everyone. Admission will bo
| j . by invitation. Those who have not al.
Ik ready received them are requested to
| 1 apply to any of the momburu whim they
will bo accommodated. The committee
are anxious every one entitled to an in
vitation Hhonld receive it , but , as is al
ways the ease , some are sure to bo over
looked. The committee wishes to say
this is not in any way Intentional , and it
cordially Invites all to apply utoncufor
A Few WortlB About ltd Origin and
Yesterday being the second Sunday of
. Juno , was observed in Iho various
Protestant churched of the city as chil
dren's day. This custom of giving one
Sunday in the year to the special recog
nition of children has been observed in
various Congregational churches
1 throughout the country , ( It is not known
j with whom it originated , but publlo men
tion was llrtit made of special annual
services In connection with Dr. Storrs'
Church of the Pilgrims in Mrooklyn.
The services earned out by that gentle *
111:111 : consisted of decorating the church
With flowers , and in-canting to each
baptised child who has reached the age
of seven years , a bouquet of the same ,
kiss and H wull-bouud Oxford bible- ,
containing all the usual helps , in which
are inscribed the dntcrof the ohlld' birt.ri
and baptism with the date ulso of the
presentation and Iho pastor's signature.
The first ollicinl action of making the
second Sunday In June a festival day
was taken in 1873 by Iho general confer
ence of the Mctliodiht Episcopal church ,
which in view of the success attained in
a children's subscription for Sunday
school purposes , iccommendcd that the
day In question bo evermore observed in
a special manner for the little ones.
Uho general assembly of the Presbyte
rian church has appointed the same to bo
observed as Children's day and the tak
ing up of a collection for Sunday school
mission work.
The day was pretty generally ob
served In our local churches. To each
baptized child of the church who has
reached the ago of seven years , n Bible
was presented , Inscribed , "To a Child
of the Covenant , " with the name , ( Into
of birth and baptism , name of tliechurch ,
and the pastor's signature. The children
gather aed bout tlio pulpit , and brief
remarks was addressed to them , ox-
laining the nature and object of the ser
vice , anil the regard ot the church for
them , The sermon is usually to the chil
dren. ThO second service was a con
cert exercise , In which the children and
youth take part , with addresses.
Hall Notes.
The local agents of the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul voad wore instructed
Saturday to announce rate of $1.50 ufroni
Omaha to Chicago. The rate from this
place to Hock Island , Davenport , DCS
Moincs and Sigournoy , Iowa , is fixed at
if 1. All of which goes to show that the
Milwaukee road is going in for blood.
The Kock Island has mot the cut , and the
other roads will follow.
Some of the results of the Western
Union's reduction of tolls are as follows :
The rates to Colorado are reduced from
7fic to GOc ; to Now Jersey , Dolowaro ,
District of Columbia , Now lork , Penn-
svlvania and Virginia , from $1 to 75c.
The Atlantic cable rates from Nebraska
which were oOc per word to England ,
have been reduced to 22c per wont , and
25c to the continent.
Mr. Knapp. tlio young agent of the
B. & M. at this point , left Saturday after
noon on a trip of several days to places
In Michigan and Ohio. His place will bo
temporarily assumed by a gentleman
wearing familiar features , ami known to
many people in this city as K. B. Conk-
_ _ _
Fowlers' Packing House.
Saturday Contractors Dclanny and
Hillcy sot forty men to work erecting
the new packing-house being built by the
Stockyards' company for Fowlers broth
ers at the stockyards. These buildings
will bo of brick , onq 27KOi ! ) , the other
127x49 feet. They will bo live stories in
height , and $75,003 , the brick work
costing § 33,371).70. ) i'liese houses will bo
ready for use on the tirst of September.
They will bo pnshed with all the energy
of the contractors and will doubtless bo
completed before that time , because
among other tilings Dclanoy & Ililcy are
to receive $100 for every day the work is
complete before the first of August. The
buildings are to bo west of the stockyards
ami will lie finished in the same cxcellnl ,
manner these men built the Exchangee
which secured for thorn the contrat ino
question ,
A Park Proposition.
The recent agitation on the subject of
parks has already borne practical fruit.
Messrs. Kountzo and S. E. Rogers have
decided to donate to the city a tract of
land , including twenty-live acres , be
tween Sixth and Tenth streets , and south
of Park Wilde avenue , for park pur
poses. They have made a proposition to
the committee on public property who
will report in favor of accepting tlio
oiler. The land is sliglitly rolling , well
covered with oak , elm and hickory troes.
and commands a magnificent view of
tlio river. In the event of they city's ac
cepting the oll'or , Ihoy will make various
improvements , tlio first of which will
probably bo to build drives , walks and
Ilncl No Tobacco.
James Saunders , a young man who had
just arrived in town , was stopped by two
rutlians near the corner of Capital avenue
and Eleventh street about noon Saturday
who requested him to yield up his chunk
of tobacco. Ho replied that ho didn't
have a supply of the weed , whereupon
one of the men commenced to curse and
abuse him , and tinally struck him over
the head with a beer glass , inflicting an
ugly gash several inches in length. Satin-
dors drew a knife and proceeded to curve
his assailants in an artistic manner. They
Hod instantcr and Saunders wont to the
city physician's oflico to get his wound
Fourth or July at Madison , Neb.
Madison County Democrat : Wo note
with pleasure the fact that the commit
tee on orator for tlio approaching Fourth
of July celebration has boon so fortunate
as to secure the services of Hon. J. S.
Cooley , a prominent lawyer of Omaha ,
for that occasion. Mr. Cooley is a mem
ber of that family of great lawyers and
eminent men , at whoso head stands Chief
Justice Cooley , of the supreme court of
Michigan , llo is an orator of rare
power and brilliancy , and our people
will receive and listen to him with much
novu's oratA. IIOUSK.
Next Friday and Saturday at the Doyd
is promised a treat of the legotimato
drama. Celia Alsborg r.nd Lewis Morri
son come to us wit'i ' high testimonials of
dramatic excellence. The company
thioiighout is said to bo exceptionally
strong. Mr. Morrison is said to bo a re
nowned actor , having supported all the
jeading stars of the stage. Miss Alsberg
is a gifted California ) ! . "Measure for
Measure will bo the attraction on Friday
night and Saturday matinee , followed by
"Cymbollno" Saturday evening.
The Clearing House.
Tlio business ut the cleaving hoaso to
day amounted to $725,059.43. The total
clearings for the week was $3,891,701.14.
Last spring Mr. Hughes , manager of the
clearing house , prophesied that before
the summer closed the clearings would
roach $1.000,000. The showing made
above is but a fraction loss than the
amount prophesied , The increase in
last week's business over that one year
ago was 78 per cent.
Wants Prohibition.
Fitzgerald Algernon McDufl'y , a
Scoteh-Irish bag-piper , was shipped over
to Iowa SnturJay by the police. Ho
had been arrested staggering on the
streets Friday afternoon in a
Hopelessly drunk condition. Ho ex
pressed a conlidonco that if he wore only
allowed to go to a prohibition state ho
would keep bober. Accordingly Judgo.
Stcuberg agreed to give him a chaneo , '
( Ho Viaduct.
Several car loads of piles and stones ,
intended for the now viaduct at Six
teenth street , have already arrived and
boon delivered at the place in question.
This will enable the work to bo com
menced this morning. The stone
work will bed done by JC. . llcgan
and. KiBninnnn , and will bo done in
excellent style uad with tlw greatest
rapidity , vos iblo. . . . -
The waterworks company Is putting .In
Its engine House a new set of steel boilers
ttlili ) i inspector Jenkins pronouuces the.
best iu .tms.sU'-lu ,
Il lL/E / ,
Something About the Now Town in Wayne
Ootmty ,
The Logan Valley Excursions From
Cairo The County.
Men who want tocomblno pleasure and
profit should not neglect to join the ex
cursion to the first sale of lotsat Winsido ,
the new town In Wayne county , Neb. , on
the 17th inst. The train that leaves
Omaha thai day will bo an excursion
train , connecting at Emerson with the
Siou.v City train carrying the excursion
ists that como In from points on
the Illinois Central. The Central
makes excursion rates from Cairo
and all points north in Illi
nois , and in Iowa as far west as Iowa
Falls lo this sale. The Chicago , St. Pa.ll ,
Minneapolis it Omaha railroad makes
reduced rates from Omaha and Siou.x
City and all immediate points to the
sale. Tno round trip rates for Winsido
on that dale are :
Kroia Omaha 3 5
From Sioux City - . :
From Hlalr. . . . . . a. < 0
From Oakland ' ! . " * >
From LuMars IUO
The country through which the excur
sion goes is worth the visiting. The Lo
gan valley , the garden of Nebraska , was
never looking bettor than now , with the
wheat just tall enough lo wave in Iho
wind , the very early llax holds a carpet
of blue blossoms , and iho dark green of
the corn half hiding the bjack of the
soil. It is not entirely a frontier country ,
some setllors having como in thirty years
ago. The substantially built farm houses ,
thrifty groves of planted limber and well
tilled Holds , attest the push and progress
of Iho people of this favored part of the
It is to Iho firsl sale of lots in the new
town of Winsido that Iho excursion goes.
Winsido is located in tie ] beautiful Logan
valley , sixty miles duo west from Sioux
City , in Wayne county. Nebraska , on the
Norfolk line of tlio Chio.iiro , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha railway. This now
town being well toward the center of
Wayne county , must necessarily become
a splendid trading point. ' 1'ho land sur
rounding the town is rich in soil and set
tled by a well-to-do and thrifty pee
ple. No county in tlio state of Nebraska
can lay claim to greater agricultural
productions. Having received settle
ment as early as 185(1. ( the county is now
populated by a wealthy farming commu
nity , and no section of tlio county or
state Is given up more strictly to agricul
tural and stock raising purposes than
that which surrounds the lown of Win-
A new town starling under such favor
able auspices cannot fail to grow. To
insure ti fair send-oft' no lots will be sold
under any condition whatever previous
to the hour of beginning the
public ! salc , 1 p. in. An
opportunity presents itself hero for
all classes of merchants , professional
men and mechanics , stoking a homo ,
change of location or safe investment ,
to attend this sale and enter at once into
a profitable business , or make a safe and
paving investment.
Those desiring further information
about the new town will address Peavey
15ros. , Sioux City , la.
Indians In Florida.
General Crook Saturday receivcd'a'letto
from Lieutenant Kobinson , who es
corted the fifteen Apache Indians cap
tured by the general some montlis ago , lo
Florida. He says lliat the small colony
is located about three miles Jrom St.
Augustine , and is' happy , healthy- and
contented. The experiment of trans
planting the rebellious Apaches to south
ern soil is so far a success.
fiCOacrcs land in Thayer county. Neb. ,
to soil or trade for merchandise. Address
John Linderholm , 014 S. 10th St. , Omaha ,
Hal Una From AVahoo.
Saturday a special car on the
Grand Island train from Wahoo. brought
jn about sixty excursionists. They vis
ited the battle of Gettysburg before din
ner and in the afternoon enjoyed the
music at the festival. They left on the
live o'clock for home.
Opolt's Hotel , Lincoln , Neb. , opened
March 15th , lirst class in every respect.
Hold to the DlHtrlot Court.
Tlio lawyers in the Crosby perjury
case finished their arguments before
Justice Hclsley Saturday. The judge con
sidcreil Iho evidence against Iho alleged
perjurer conclusive , and bound him over
lo the district court in the sum of $500.
The members of the fcslival chorus
have raised a handsome purse , and will
present Professor Pralt with u beautiful
jewel-mounted baton.
Mason , In Custcr County , Nebraska.
MASON , Neb. , Juno 8. [ Correspondence
of the Ii.i ) : . ] Mason , one of the now
towns on tlio Grand Island & Wyoming
Central railroad line , is just beginning
lo experience a splendid boom by reason
of Iho incoming of the iron horse which
will bo there in less than thirty days.
This prospective metropolis of one of the
finest agricultural counties in Nebraska ,
is silualed lifly-iivo miles from Grand
Island , Ihirty miles west of Lonp City ,
forty-live miles north of Kearney , and
twenty-six miles southeast of Hroken ,
Bow. Though but four weeks old seven
teen business houses have been con
tracted for , and are in process of erec
tion , Tno town ofl'ors by far the finest
locations and inducements to any one
desiring to go into business of any place
in northwestern Nebraska , and before
fall will be by reason of its central loca
tion in the best and oldest settled portion
of Custor county , a town of at least
eight hundred inhabitants. There is
already represented several lines of
business , prominent among which is
the Peonlo's bank , owned by Job Hatha
way & Co. , who have just completed and
fitted up one of the neatest bank build
ings west of Grand Island , and is a
credit to any town. Job Hathaway is
president , and II , B. Hustin cashier. They
are also agents for the townsite. and are
rustlers in every way , and are fully alive
to the best interests of the town. The
National Lumber company , Goodman ,
Hoquo , Sherwood & Co , , represent the
lumber business hero at present ,
andnrounablo to supply the demands
for building material which somewhat
returns the progress of construction to a
certain degreebut will soon bo overcome
by the advent of the railroad. Building
for a hardware store , general merchan
dise and hotel have just been completed ,
and a newspaper called the Mason Tran
script will bo issued next week , setting
forth the superior agricultural resources
of the country. Good farms can bo pur
chased cheap within a short distance of
town , and to people Kecking cither a
homo in the west or a business location ,
wo would invite Ihom to. como and see.
tilings just as they are for themselves.
The Muddy creek runs close to the'town
and allbrds a splendid water power ,
which can bo utilised at very little ex
TltotpwirofAlgernop . a' few mile's
from hero , failing to get axlcpqt located
there , will In a short time movo-their
buildings to Maeou ,
The City Council .Orders . the Grad
ing of Twenty-three Streets.
Nothing daunted by' tlio sultry Saturday -
day evening the city fathers mot in
adjourned session , President Bcchel in
the chair. Several ordinances were ap
proved by the acting mayor , and Daniel
P. Angcll , J. L. McCaguo and J. T.
Paulson were appointed appraisers to
assess damages which may occur from
the proposed extension of Thirty
second street , Mr. Schroder intro
duced a resolution relative to
the removal of a tight board
fence which surrounds a house of ques
tionable repute on tlio corner of Four
teenth and Jackson streets , whloh brought
out a somewhat general discusion on disreputable -
reputable institutions In the city and the
great need of n moral sweeping : In certain
P. Curach's nomination for a position
on the police force was favorably reported
by the committee.
By resolution the following levy for
city taxes for 1880 was made :
Mills. fund 1"
Sinking limit S
Writer lent fund 8
Judgment fund -
Library fund OJf
Kiro department fund faJu
Policeilepaitinciit fund tyi
timhliiK , cleaning and { 'iittering 1
Kfuvunth and Sixteenth vhuluet " ! . (
Sellout general land : . . . . -
School sinking iiind 1
The curbing and guttering of Tenth
street was then taken up and caused alivoly
discussion in which Messrs. Schrailer ,
Daily and Goodman took part. 'J lie com
mittee on grades and grading- made their
report which after a general debate was
approved. The following are the streets
ordered paved by the ordinance :
Tlilitecnlh stieet , fioin Center to Vlnton
1'leice street , fiom Sixth to Tenth street.
Seventh stieet , irom Jones to Pierce street.
Sixth street , troui Hickory to P.iclliestieet.
The south two blocks to bu graded to a width
of sixty feet.
Leavenwoi th street , from Sixteenth to
Twenty-sixth street , ( formerly Nevada
street. )
Vr'illhun streetfrom Thirteenth to Sixteentli
Sixteenth street , from Lcavenwoith to
Howard stieet.
Davenport street , fiom Ninth to Thirteenth
Tenth street , from Capitol avenue to Chicago
cage street.
Twcnty-tourth street ( formerly Saunders
stieet ) , from Seward stieet to theeitv limits.
Twenty-fourth street ( forincily JctTei on
stieet ) , horn DouIas ; ; stieet to St. Mary's
Hamilton street , from Twenty-fourth to
Tlility-sixth stieet.
Twenty-third stieet. from Capitol avenue
to Camilla stieet.
Iodio street , from Twenty-lour th to
Twenty-sixth street.
Sixteenth stieet , from Elm street to the
north limits ot the city.
Twenty-tilth avenue , from Farnam to
Dmlgo street.
Capital avenue , from Twenty-second to
Twenty-sixth stioet to a width ot litty-six
Twenty-ninth avenue , from Farnam to
DodRO street , and Thlitletli street , lorincily
Twenty-eighth street , Irom Uod o to Cass
Hurt street , from Sixteenth to Nineteenth.
Webster street , irom Sixteenth to Nine
California street , from Sixteenth to Nine
Chicago street , from Sixteenth to Nine
Seventeenth , Eighteenth and Nineteenth ,
fiom Davenport h > Cumin ? .
The ordinance requiring house movers
to take out a licenseandprohibitingthem
from moving any building without hav
ing first obtained permission from the
inspector of buildings , was referred to
the committee on viaducts and railways.
A special ordinance making appropria
tions for liabilities incurred'hiring the
month of May was read and passed
finally. Following is a recapitulation of
tlio ordinance :
From the judgment fund S 8S2 70
I'roiutlic general turn ) 3,012 ViS
From the cuil > anil guttering fund. . 8,033 SO
From the cm 1) ami guttering fund ,
ete 3n.Ti , 71
Fiom the dlst. nav. ( No. 30) ) fund. . 1B1 78
Total S1H.1002S
After the consideration of some routine
business the council adjourned to meet
Tuesday next at 8 o'clock p. in.
St. Jacobs Oil removes all pain and *
inllammation following severe cuts or
Mrs. J. Stevenson of Hrownyillo. dipt.
J. S. McGee and daughter , Miss Minnie ,
are attending the Musical Union.
Now HyKlono linw Iowa.
Fifty of the largest cities of Iowa , in
cluding DCS Moinefi , Diibnqno , liurling-
ton , Cedar Hapids , Council ISlulVs , Mar-
shalltown , Waterloo , etc. , have adopted
Smith'c Physiologi"S , under the now law
within-tho past eight weeks.
Lieutenant Hare , division inspector of
rillo practice , is so pleased with the range
atUcllovno that ho has decided to hold
the next division competition at this
place. This will bring all the best marks
men of the division hero , as well as the
expert army shots of the east.
Absolutely Pus-e.
This powder never viirlos , A mnrvol of purl
ty , stroniftli * u J wholesomencss. Jloro ecun
otntcitl tluin tlio onllitiiry Kinds , iiml eiinnot lie
eoMin competition with lliu niiiltltuilo of low
test , short wvlirht. tiltim or tiliosilinto | iiowilnvs ,
sold only In cnns. Hor.U. UAKIKQ I'owuuit Co. ,
iOSWulIt S'Now York.
Hardware , Tinware ,
Special nttuntlon irlvon to Srioutln ? nnJ Job
Itittiii't relli't' , Flnnl euro in
f -f Oil uy > , uii'l novrrruiunis. No
liUi-KO , no talvu no ail | > | i lt. > ry , StilfoM will
lournof n bltuplo lumoJy rrcu by aa - C.
J. MASON U7B K'ubsnu' 6t. N. V . aii
Millard Hotel Block , Omaha , Neb.
Do trictly Commission Business.
Residence and business property in , all parts of Omaha. Vacant lots in
all the most desirable suburban additions , on the most favorabl
Head a partial list of some of our bargains.
Full lot on Howard st. , $15,000.
2 business lots on Dodge st , at n bar
2 business lots on Douglas st. , a rare
Lot 03x133 on Hartley , $18,000. '
Several stocks of goods to exchange
for Omaha property or Nebraska lands.
Lots and Houses and Lots.
2 lots S. 8th St. , near Market , § 1,000.
8 lots Patrick's 2d add. , 13,000.
3 lots Foster's add. , $3K)0. ! )
Lot 3 , block , Heed's 4th add. , on car
line ; splendid lor business , f 1,500.
House and lot in Walnut Hill , very desirable -
sirablo , $2,000.
Residence and lot , corner Hamilton
ami Irene sts. , ; t,5JO.
10 lots in Kilby Place , $1,000 each.
8 lots in Wileox's 1st add. , ? 500 each.
2 lots , 1 a corner , Kilby Place , $1,250.
2 lots in Kirkwood , ? 050 each.
3 lots llimebangh & Saundurs' add. ,
-350 each.
E ! lot 0 Howe's add. , $700.
Lot with small house , S. K. llogo'r add ,
ron THE TnrATur.NT OP AM.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. rflcWIENAKlY. Proprietor.
Msleonyrara1 Hnenlul mn 1'rlvalu I'ruttico
Wcliuvu tlio facilities , npiiarutu * anil remedies
for Iho siHcc.-jful trcntmcnt of ctcry form of die.
r.vo requiring ; cither medical or B rilcnl treatment ,
nnil Imilunlliocomonntl ItivtetlKutufnrtliemsclvei
urcorrcupon'l with us. Jxins experience In treat-
ln ci C3 liy luttvr cnnblea ns to treat muuy cn cs
cicntilcjfvUtliout ! | peein ; tliem.
WUITJ : JOU ? CIKCUI.AU on Deformities and
lirncoi. , Club Feet , CiirVntnrea of ttic Spine ,
! > ! : ! HEI or VOJIEN. i > | | cs , Tumor * , Cancers ,
Catarrh , Ilroncliiuc , Inhalation , Klectriclty , Paral
ysis , Eplli-uoy , Kidney , Eye , liar , bklii , lllood nud
n'.l cnrclcnl operations.
HiitTcrlof , JiuialerH. llraopn , Trus < i' < ! , nnd
* \ll Kinds uf Medical nml Surgical Ai'ii.iuuccs ' , maa
tiructnred nnd tot ralo
Tha only reliable Moilcal Institute making
Private , Special i Nervous Disease ; ;
from tvlritoi rrranFC produced , pnrciniifully trciitec" .
tVo can remove Syphilitic poison from thopystcn :
without miTtiiry.
Nuvreslor.itio treatment for loss \ltalpowrr. .
Call nnd consult us or ecnd iiamo and pont-ofllco
address plainly written enclose etump , and wo
wlllcciid 3011 , In plain mapper , our
WON I'nu.vTn , FrKCUB AND NEmoiid Dissisr *
cr , STrinui , GoKonnuau , GLUT , VAinrocitu : ,
UnixAnr OHGANS , or tend litstory of your cam for
an opinion.
J-creoiiH unalilu toIs.C us may uo treated at their
homes , by col recijomlcnce. Mcdlcluemuul Instru
ments tent by mall or cxprri KIXJUHKI.Y 1'ACll
ED 1'IIOM OHShllVATIO.V , no mr.rics to Imllcal *
content * or Bonder. One personal Interview preferred -
ferred If comcnicnt. 1'ifty rooms for the accom
modation of patient ? Hoard nnd attendance at
reasonable pilcc/i. / Adilrrps nil I.ettcie to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
( or13th St. and CaoltolAia. . OMAHA. N.-B. '
| iv reatioii of lln central porlllnn and rlonn relation to
nil principal lr. ! Kitht im < t W < M , el Inltm ami ter-
cutnu ) pulntn. furutltutt' * tbi > murt In purtuiit mliT
rontliientitl link In tliut urMrin of through Irnnrpor.
tatlou which Invltnj unit facllltato * Haiti urn ! traffic
cltiea of the Atlantic 1'arillr Conkt * It
i ul , u iho rarorll * nml hot luutn to anil from imlnti
iu : t. Narihtimt mill noutlirnit , anil roritrpon < lln
| iolnli Wu.t , NonhHuit nml boiilh r > t.
The Croat Rock Island Route
Onaranlcri In patron * that ttntx ot prrrvnal rcu-
lltr uiftmUil hr u whit , Ilinioiiflilv Imll.m-il rood-
uH. tmoolh trat'Ln uf coiiifmioiiH tteil lell. tubutan-
tUlly hullt rul verts uitil hiiil t * , rolling utotk an ni ar
p < irf rtluii IIM human > kll ! can tnako ft. tliv karri ;
uppllaiii'vi of pnii'iit hn ni-rii.platfdrnia ana air bikti ,
and thnt exx-unif illcnpllnt * nhh'h povtmi the prac-
tUialcp < r tliinnf all Hi tralni > p tlailri | ut
> bli route mo liantfi-iw At all ccnneclliiir l > oliil In
union PetioU. mm ( ha untiupaittd comutit olid
| uiurle > of ita l' < cnivr
The I'ant Kjnrf.i Tialin between Chlrurn and
Peorli .Council llluiri , Kanact Clly.l4-anin.nrlli and
AlrhUon iua co-nnntvit uf veil Tvntllat d , finely ur >
liolMircil Hay tuaclir > . Uuirnllli'cnt riillintn l'/il in
Elfepiiaot the Intc't di. ' lKn , fcii'l ' tunii > tuuus liniiif
Car * . In whtcn rlaliorntrly iooLe.1 nuiili urw lelmnly
aten. Pctw enClilcMiru unil KnntucitynndAtcljUua
arc uUo run lue Cilvuratetl llfrllnlngCLali Car > .
The Famous Albert Lea Route '
I * the direct and favorite line between Chicago and
Mlnneapollaandsu I'aul , unfit * lonnertloniiaru muda
In I'nlun llepott for all potnU In the Iftrltollei auit
lirlti U rrurlncof. Orer thin rcnite Katt lUrrtM
Trains are run to the waterlm ; | lace . cuinuiir rt > -
> ori , pUturriiiiv loialltlcB , ml luiiillnir anil nthlnu
Cl limnilsof IIIWK nd Illnni-F'ta. It In alio lite mutt
du rill-able roul lo Hie rlih uh at HvM and V'ctural
u ilsof Interior IiaboM
htlll another MULCT LINK , Til Ben30 and Kan.
KaV' e. 1ms heen uiwut-d tttwrvn cnclnoatl. | Indian *
UJH.IU and LufutHU- . and ( ; < lnril lUuftn Kanva City ,
Ml ucu | > olU unil bt. 1'iiil and liitt rmeilla.i ; | .unn. !
rur'detalkd Information .us Maps and Kolder < ,
obtainable , ta vrll as llrkcts , 'it f II principal Tk-ki-l
Drtlei In tli Uulttal blitta und CuaidJi ut by ad'
drofelnj ;
V 't t , Ucu'.l M'a'r. Oen'l T' .l 4 l'a a. Aft ,
' '
Oaj. 'uor. I'rmanen\
C'ur li'rl. 't M > uboo < l , Debility , > rr.
vuuxi tft , \ \ . ikue * * . Noquut-Lfiy. In *
dhuutibfe rrcKif * , Itutik OfUt aual 'l '
nml lot , Chircmlon add. $3,000. Co. , 1m provomonts , 3 miles from rnl
0 lots , Clarendon sultl , $1,000 each. road , easy terms , $8,000 ,
Corner , Virginia and Poppleton ave , ICO acres , improved , Hurt Co. , wcl
vcrydcsirnblc , $3,000. watered and limbered , $27 per acre.
Silendid rosldnnco corner 18th nnd
| 105 neros hi Nickels Co. , $13 jier acroi
lodfo , favorable terms , $25,000.
easy torms.
Two lots in Lowe's add .
, $ l-2o. !
1020 acres In Ilownrd Co. , $5 to $10
First class residence lot on llarncy ,
near 20th , 1,1500. per
Splendid residence with two lots , 1 a 100 acres , 120 under cultivation , in
corner , on Park avo. nml Woohvorlh , Greley Co. . $2,700.
$5,000. 180 acres in Grceloy Co , $7 per acre ;
N. E. corner 23d and Douglas , Inrgo will exchange.
ground , nnd liout.esi > aying good income , 8 sections in Howard Co. , good for
a , bargain , sJlS.oOO. stock ranch nnd cheap.
New house ami lot in Ilansaom Place , 900 acres in Webster Co. , flOO acres un
$5,000. der cultivation , will bell or c.Ncluingo for
7 room residence and good lot.Uudtck's
Omaha property ; worth $20 per aero.
2d add , § 1,500.
Splendid bteam roller mill at St. Paul ,
Hotel ISnxtcr , in Ilnrlnn , lown , good
Howard Co. , Ni-b. , very complete , on
condition and doing a paying business ; easy terms , $25.000.
liotol and furniture , . ' .0,500.
Steam roller mill ut Scotio , Grceloy
House and lot in Red Cloud
, Nebl,000
Co. , Neb. , $10,000 ; all modern improvement
ment * , $10,000.
Section in Gasper Co. $6.00
, per aero
No 1 water mill , Schnylor , Neb ; all lain
easy improvement , with 100 acres improved
Section in Gasper Co. , $7.00 per acre ; land ; a great bargain. $10,000.
terms. List your property with Hatcher , Oadd
ICO acres (120 ( under cultivation , Furnas & Co. , and secure quick sales.
Mnn.vjor ,
KF.KEREN'CES : Merchants' and Farmers' Hank , D.wl'l City , Neb. ; Ke.irnpv National
Hank , Kearney , Neb. : , Columbus State JJ.iuk. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's Hank , North
riatle. Neb. ; Oimilux National Hank. Omaha. Neb.
Will pay customers' Uiatt with bill of lading attached for two-thirds v.iluo o [ stock.
Property of every description for sale m all parts of the city. Lands tor sale lu
county 111 Nubra.sksi. A complete sot of Abstracts of Titles of Douglas County kept.
Maps of the City , State or county , or any other information desired furnished
of charge upon application.
Display at their wai-erooms , 1 SOB and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found al
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects Jn materials or workmanship.
Best Goods in the Market
'ffockford , III.
Asfc for OUT'goods and sou ( hattlia
boar our trade uurK.
J. U. IIATA'KS * fc CO. ,
' 1B11 Dodso St. , Omaha.
State Agents
I'Oit 'MB
Omaha , 'Neb.
rtnfcir t HiiiiiiK y ° ycJVuililft.5
ilturluu nt ix-idmjl to th Mt-ijjtlt ilur/c.rt/ . '
Wi-ll mluinril l riHiictrioniitrr ruKilvuiul . . r' #
. . lilri'ii uu.lj.uUtJ
tine rti-li i of ctti-o. .Uiciiiilm
* 11 | tutlliiiCurriu eUuU < li.r u aUvulcj : if1
i J