Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE CM A ft A DAILY JO&E 14. 186ft.
AdrcrtUcmonts under this. he idlO cents per
line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each ub-
sequent in crt'on. nnd Jl.M n line per month.
No a4rerti otnont taken for less tlmn 2T centi
lor tlio first ln ortlon. Seven -words will bo
counted to ttio line : they must run consecu
tively nnd mint lo pnld In nilvanoa. All advcr
tljomcnts mu , t bo hnnded In bnforo 2 o'clock
p. m. , nnd undf r no circumstances will they betaken
taken or disc-on Inutd by tolcpliono.
Pnrtlfcs nhcrtlMng In these ( olumn * , nnd hnv-
Ingthonnsworsnadresscd In care of TUB llr.E ,
will plon o ask for n check toennblo thorn to get
Ihelr letters , us nonn will bn delivered except
on presentation or check , All unworn to nd-
bo enclosed In envelopes.
' . I.UAX On icnlestnto Gibson ,
MONI'.YTO Co. , lloom \Vlthnoll Illock. | ta
TO LOAN At lower rntcsthnn nny-
MONKV nl o In tbo clty.on f urnltiiro , plnnn ,
01 ( mm , horse * , wngom , or stock of nny kind ,
llninombcr , nt lower rules than nny other lonn
company in the city. City Lonn k Mnrtgngo
i'o. . room 15,1401 Fnrnatn st , opposlts Pitxton
hotel. OT7 _
rpllKOmnhn nnnnclnl oxchnngolspropnrod to
J. mnko loans In nny amount , on any kind of
approved security. Lnnro collateral loins a
Hpeclalty. Also on chnttols and renl ritato In
nmnunta and time to suit. Lower rules , bettor
term' , nnd prompter porvleo tlmn nny loan
nirency In the city. For further pnrtlcnlnrs cnll
oinco on the second lloor of the Darker Block ,
outhwost corner of Fnrnnm and 15th streets.
TtlONKVto lonn on re Wonco nnd btiMncss
i'J Jiroperty. I/owct rules. C. .1. Caswell &
Co. , Hoom lUIron HankHulldlnir , 12th nnd Far-
inm. 1CT _ _
MONKV to lonn by the undersigned , who lias
the only proporlv orgnul/od lonn agency
In Omiiha. Lonn * ot $10 to $1,000 mnde on fur
niture , | ili\no , organ" , her es , wagon * , tnnchln-
rry , Ac. , without removal. No dolnys. All
liu-dno .s strictly confidential. Lonns so made
thnt nny pnrt cnn bo pnld at any tlmo. cnch pay
ment reducing the co t pro rain. Advances
made on fine watches nnd diamonds. Persons
Bhould carefully consider who they nro dealing tunny new concerns nro dnlly coming
Into existence. Hhould yon need monnv , cnll
nil pee me. W. H. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wllhnoll
Ilnlldlng , 1.1th and Harney. 2.18
OI'KK CKNT mnnojr to lonn. Cut rntos on
Inrgo loans. Mnhonoy & Harris , Hoom II ,
llrtP Furnam fit. 874J20
TO LOAN nt ren onnhlo rates on
MONKV , Inrmturo , wittchM nnd other per-
ponnl propprty. C. .1. Cwwcll , Hoom ID , Iron
Hnnk building , 12th nnd Fnrnum. Take clovntor.
tiMfiO.OOOto lonn on city resldenco property
P ( Ico. W.Dny , 14 ( Farnnm. _ 25'J _
C l'iil : CI5NT Money to lonn. Stownrt A Co. ,
Hoom 3 , Iron bnnlt. ISth niuirnrnnm. B23
; noooo : to lonn. Sums $ .VW ntnl npwnrds.
$ Ixiwcst rntos. llemls , IJth nnd Uoujilns sts.
ONKT TO T.OAN O. K. Hnrls A Co. Iloal
Bttato and Loan necnts , 1505 FarunmSt.
TO LOAN-On good pprurltios. A
McOavock , room T Hodlok Illock , 1509 Fnrnarn
. . . _ i-'CJ
M IONKT TO T.OAN-On ronl catnto nndeluu
tels. I ) . L. Thomns. "li'J
fONHV T-o LOAN In aums of J200 nnd tip-
t words on.flrst lnBS renl estate security.
rotlor & Cobb , 1B15 Farunm Bt. 204
MONKY ( TANKI ) nt C. F. Itcod * Co's. Ixinn
onico , on furniture , plnnos , horses , wagons
perronnl property of all kinds and nil other ar
ticles of rnluo , Tvlthout removal. 31'J S. l th ,
nver Hlnehnm's Tommfsslon store. All hua-
H088 strictly oonHdontaL w
nn Invrslmont nut > our money with
Omulm Vlow lots , S300 to $700. Hoggs it
"IJ OIl SALK Invoice nnd. stock ot the onlv
J1 llrM-cln s hotel In the blooming town of
Hliie Spring ; , Nob. Inquire of J. ICieheck.
noUSF.S built on monthly payments In Omn-
bn View. Ilogps & IIIIU 018-12
JTiOK SALK-Chenp-Stockof millinery pood3
1 aild UMiiicB conxlstlng of show eases nnd
fholvlng. For particulars apply at 12H7 Doug-
Ins St. 08-14
ACHANCK for poormon to fpceulnte. Par !
Foret-t lots$2.10 to $300 , S' < down and f.1 per
month. Hogg3-.lllli , 013-12
\lf ANTK1 > A rnro liiihifoinnnt will bo given
trt ngood hotel mnn In u growing nnd pros-
peious we-tern town , See or correspond with
Jin loltA ; Hiitoa. lleiilrlco , Neb. 072
IF you wnnt a bargain , let us sell you one
om-cheap lota In Omulm Vlow , Itoggs&'iilll.
TT1OK KAl.K A half Interest Inn ,
Jtwel ) I'U ) Ing saloon In Omnlin. For further
jinitk'iiliirsuildro's I < i ok Ho.x25'i. ' _ 053-lfi
IF you want n bnrgnln. let us sell you ono of
our elieup lots In Omuhn Vlow. Hoggs A : Hill.
_ U1B-12
TTtOK SALI-Hotel-Flr8t-clns4 , In n good
JL' town , largo commercial trade ; must bo sold
in lOdftra on account of sickness. Address .7. K.
JC. , Albion , Neb. ' * _ ' uit-ti : >
HOUSES biilFttoordonn OmnhuViTTw , $ . ' 00
to 8.UOO on payments for house nnd lot.
1S-1J _ ' Hoggs A lllll.
roit4XtiIANJK ; ( ptoeks of goods of every
kind , for farms nnd land ; nlso lands to ox-
chniigo for goods. , ! you want to
nmtlor whnt It isyoiihnvo , write , with full do-
Bcrlptlon , to C. II Mayno , Heal Kstato nnd
Trimt Co. , Omnhn Xob. _ eq
LOTS in Omulm View nro Increasing In vnluo
nt.tho rnto ot SHH ) every lour months. 1'rlco
j : 0 to $700. Hoggs&llill , realestnlc. 1401 Far-
nuni st. _ C18-12
Olt SAIjH A flrst-clnsi bnUery , restaurant
nnd confectionery etnml Inn town of 7 , '
nhabltnuts. Inquire of K. 1' . 1'ayi Co. , Omahn.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
n lot In 1'nik Forest. J2.V ) to $ IUX ) . Hoggs
A lllll , icnl estate. 1403 Pnrnain. C1S-12
"ITIOIt SAI.K .lovcrnl slocks of goods , dolncra
Jhenlthy business , onnorshlp clear , entls-
faction gnnj-nnlood ; terms eimy. some Omnhn
inonerty tnken In xchango. .Marshall & Lo-
1 eck. 1.111 Fnumm st _ 412 _
"OtlRr.Sliulll to order In Omnhii Vlow , $ ROi )
J 1 to $ . ' , OiJ ) on puymunts for house and lot.
17 < ( > K HAI.K In flrst-clnss locution , grocerr
Mock nnd fixtures ; gninll capital renuirod :
lent low. Inquire ut drug store , 10th nnd
Douglas. 787
17V UNIA black i > lk pnrnfiol In the north-
4-1 Hcst ccmotery Mn/irath. Cull'llSN. 12th
7:11-12 : *
47H UNO Ono hundioil nml nny best lots In
4 1 Omnliu Vlow , to bo closed out ibis month.
Now Is your tlmn to Iniv ohunp only JJkiO to
fm Hofcv.V lllll , 14CK Fariinm ft HI5-I2
lioriTil mnro , blind in left
eve , 8 yours old , W. 11. Gould , South OinnhH
Water Woika. 407
"ITUH'ND Ono hnni'nid und llfty best lots In
JMImahn Vlow , to lit * closed out this month.
Now Is > our tlmo to buy ohenp , only $ Ji to $700
Hogtisi lllll. 1408 I'nrnainst illH-13
FOUND-Onu liundvot nnd flfly bo5tlolsln
Omnliu Mow , to bu elosodu it this month.
TCowIsjoMr time to buy client only $ JU ( to $700
Hoggs A lllll , 140H I'm imniHt 018-12
FOlTNl-Onthitidroil ( nnd llfty best lots In
Omuha View , to be closed out thH month ,
Js'mv is your tlmn to tniv cheap , only RUH ) to
T7UJ. IVigga & lllll. 1408 Fnrnniii st fllH-13
STIIAVKI ) Dark brown mare innlo , N , W. ,
cor. 21 t nnd Chirk. Finder will bo rewarded
bv n turning uuuie. 7t < U-15 >
] ( ) ST-150 olegHiit lots In Omaha View woTtli
' twlco the price lukrd , $ 'M to (700. tills
month paly , llogga A lllll. U08 Furnam , 018-12
"I OST A Immmeicd gold hreabtpin on lllh
.1 J and Furnuiu , The Under will leave at Mo-
Vlttli's grocery , cor. llth and rurniim , and ru-
celvo toward. _ U75-I2 *
LOST ItM elegant lots In Omnha Vlow wort It
twlco the price usKod , fWO : to $700 , tills
month only , I'OKKS \ lllll , 1HW Funiiun , 0112
T O3T-IVI elcgnnt loti TnOmnhn Vu < t wirTii
-IJ iwlco the price n ked , $3t > 0 to J700 , this
monlli only , Hogga .V Hill , HiW Farnnm. U1H-12
K' TK.\Ylil > A light bay mnro , about 4 j eni-j
cildllh tkreo white feet and whlto note ;
nnd hud uu halter on , She has been gene nbout
tli ivo weeks. Any Informutton may bo left ut
11JI .North Ibih st. Jos. M. HusUoll. 577
T OST ISO eli'ennt lots In Oninha Vlow woilh
-1-J tnlou the price asked , f-'lji to $700 , thU
liuintli only , llogj-8 \ lllll , Itqj Farnnm. Clb-12
JO9T- llutwoon Hnti'com l' rki5Ui nnd Duv-
J cnport sts , a bur pin het with 3 pent Is A
eultuble reward will bo paid for ltd recovery.
AddtQM 1' . ( Ute 3JJ. 713-1
T ) ST-8tt yed or Stolen-ln Ambler I'lnco ,
J 4 Wwt Omntia , ublacKinaro with wlilto jstftr
in forehead , and on * white foot ; had sore buck.
lUitrarU. for return to 1510 Douglas at. , or D. IJ
Huydini , Ambler 1'luco. "OO-lSf
* | OST 150 elegant lot * In Ownha View worth
J J twice the prloo asked. WW to * 70 > , this
month only llog t k Hill. | ( M Varnam. 014-li
a 10lf an luYf-tttnent put your monoM with
h * V' ' ° W ' ° U | J3ilJ ' ° * 70a ISllsf'i > '
WANTRU 3 or i rooms for light hovso-
keeping ; mnn nnd wife , no children. Address -
dress ( I Ji. llco office. _ 780-12 *
\\7ANTnii-Juljr 1st , ho e ot 8 or 9 rooms
T > sultnMn for two fnmlllos. In nloMant local
ity. Cnll on or nddrcss'MI. " 1301 Uouglns st.
77S-ia *
WANTi : A sceomMinnd sett of reports of
Nobrnskn Stiprotno Court. Cnll on or ad-
drcsi U I ) . Holmes , Room 8 , Fionzcr block. 740
" \ \ ANTF.n To o.Tchnngo a smnll perfectly
'i gently pony for n mure. Imiulro nt Hill-
ranco's barn , corner 17th nnd St. Mary's are.
_ _
WANTKI ) Wo hnvoR customer for a tract
of from ton to eighty acres silltnbla for
subdivision Into city lots. T. W , lllnckburn &
Co. , Head ofSt. Mnry's avo. 717-11
WANTiu : All persons wanting houses built
for them In Omaha Vlow , to cnll nnd make
arrangements within the next ton dnys. Hoggs
ftjllli ; _ 618-12
\ \ "ANTin$1.2.secures : an outfit that will
' mnko you tICO per month , lady or gentle
man. No experience necessary. Lnto thing ,
lix ) stamp photos for f'J.OO. Write with PI ( imp
for agency. 1' . F. Hnrtlng , secretary 1'hoto
Copying Co. , Ccilar lloplds , town. _ 6G2-12 *
WANTKI ) 100 bll .lnei < s men to locnto 111
Omnhn View ; will build suitable houses on
payments. Hoggs & Hill. 018-12
w- ANTii > Hy tnnrrlod conplolntely arrived
In Omnha , room nnd bonrd with comforts
of nliomoi prlvatu family preferred ! roforoncoa
orclinnged. Address U 2'J. Hoc Olllco. 0.1V11 *
WANTHl > All persons wanting houses
built fur thnin inOmnba Vlow , to cnll nnd
make their arrangements wtthln the noTt ton
days. Iloggs i Hill. . 018-12
W ANTIID-Toams. fc Murrny.
' 4TJ
\\rASTKl > Now Is the tlmo to Invest In lots
T ornhon o nnd lot In Omnhn Vlow Lots
only WW to * 700during month of Juno Hoggs
& lllll , Heal Ustnto , 1403 Fnrnura 018-12
\\7'A ; "TKI-S' ' > ortmnd work of all kinds by
YV J. II. Hnynos & Co. , ISllDodgo st. 805
\\TA-S > Now U the tlmo to Invest In lots
Tl or a hou'o nnd lot in Omnh Vlow. Lots
only f300 to tTifl during month ot Juno. Hoggs
A- Hill , tlonl Kstnto , lW Farnnm 01S-12
AJfTKIJ Now Is the tlmo to invest In lots
W or ; a house nnJ lot in Omahn View. Lots
only ( i ) : ooto STUOiiurlnir monihot.luuo. Hoggs
& Hill , Heal Kstnto , 1403 Fnrnum sU 019-11 !
TT1OII HUNT 0 roomed horse , Inrgo bnrn ,
J- buggy shod , lawn , shmlo tree * , city water ,
11th und Aibor st , W. W. T. Slirtvcr , op | > .
1' . O. 74tt-ia
OK KKNT Two Hoers and olHco with u o
of elevator , sultnlilo lor light wholesaling
or storage. 701-aa *
T Hcsldencoot 10 looms , barn for
- . )4 ) horses , hoantltul grounds. Lenvenworth
nnd : Od st. , $ V ( pur month. C. K. Muyue Itoul
Trust Co. , ITith mid Furnnm. f'M
Foil itnNT rloaw , n tlrst-cliiss lurnlshod
restaurnnt , doing ugood pnyng business ,
by lllgglns& 1'nrk. r > Douglas at. 081. U
Oil ItKNT Until September 1 , IRlM. lur-
nIMiod house 4 rooms. Ituiulro nt 1521 N' loth
Bt Itoforonccs required. 71&-11'
Foil ItKNT 2 modern Improved houses ;
llnost location In the city. O. K. Darls & Co. ,
1505 Furnnm st. B51-11 *
FOH an Investment put your money with
Omulm Vlow lots , 5JOO to t70l ) . Hoggs &
FOK ItKNT House of 7 rooms , kitchen ,
eellnrund hn cmunt , with nil modern im
provements und largo stnblo , ut cor , llth nnd
Arbor streets , Inquire ut V12S. 10th st , opposite
U. 1' . depot. K17-11 *
FOlt nn Investment put your money Avi
Omaha View lots , $300 to $700. Hoggs
TTtOK ItKNT House , 3 looms nnd Itltchon , nt
-L1 Hickory , nottrlltlibt , Imiulro 1J. * .M. Lund
Olllco , 020 S. 1 1th st. C2.1-ll >
OMAHA VIEW lots-cheapest In the city ,
$30J to $700. Hoggs A Hill. _ 018-12
TTUm ItKNT A 10-room hon o ; f urnltiiro for
JL1 gale. Cor. llttiundUodge. 570-14 *
MAHA VIEW lots-chcnnest In the city ,
giitX ) to S700. Hoggs & lllll. BltJ-12
| JH > K ItKNT Iloufo H-rooms. bnth looms ,
J-1 closets etc. , No. Ill Kortli Itltb ft , 575.
Stoi o room on St. .Mary's nvo. with living room
nliovo. ? 0i ) .
Storeroom on llth st , near Fnrnnm ; tnako
line olllce , 23.
Hrlck store , N K cor. 14th nnd Howard , S.Vj.
llou o 7 rooms near eoincr Colorado and
Pierce fts. $1. > per month.
( ' . i : . .Mayno. Itenl Hatato and Trust Co. 483
WOK KKNT-Nlcely furnished rooms with
JTJ board. ' Southwest cor. 20th nnd Webster.
7H3-13 *
T71OK KKNT Furnished i ooma , modern con-
JU vonlcncos , with or without board. No.
t03 N 17th St. 700-14 *
FOK KKNT Lnruo room on ground lloor for
dressmaking. 21U N. ICtli , lull ! Hum. 7.17-12
* C1OK KKNT Furnished bed room with use of
* parlor , $10 per month. 1511 Culifornla st.
73J-I4 *
FOK KKNT Lnrpo front room.ncntly fur
nished , suitable * for two persons , B12 N 17tb
Btrcot. COO-12 *
F OKKKNT-Furnlsliod rooms nt 1610 027-12 Furimiu *
IJ.OK KKNT Lnrgo , southern exposure ,
JL1 loom , furnished. NWcor. 25th nnd Dodge.
Foil KKNT One iront room very nicely fur-
nlslicd ; gll'Wehalurbt. 737
FOK KKNT An elogunt snltoof two rooms.
Apply with rolerenccs , IIJQ7 Douglas. 741
TTIOIl KKNT FurnlAlied room w Ith gooil tnb'lo
X1 bonrd $3.,10 , day bourd $ ,1 , ; 110S N. I7lh at.
1 < .ion KKNT A Sulto of rooms with boanl.
18l2Iodgost ) , . 02i
| 7VK ItKNT n unfurnlshe'd rooms , modern
K conveniences , to parties without children.
010 N. 17th bt. 622
FOK KKNT To gnntlcmnn and wife or two
gentlemen , nicely turnlshod rooms with
bonrd. lltil Furnam. I'M
FOK ItKNT Unfurnished front parlor and
bedroom , first Hal , ever UU7 Howard st.
Inqnliu at drug ttoro , 1W ( Howard st. or at
rcoms. OIJ4-12 *
T71OK KKNT Nicely furnlshod rooms tour
* - ' blocks Irotn llojtl sOperu house. AUo liuvo
room sulinblo tor lour gentlemen. D07 So-th
HUh st. fiVil.1 *
nv > K ItKNT Furnished rooms. 1'rlccs from
-1 $ Sto $25pormontli , with orwithcut board.
C23. outh 15th at. fi7'J-21 *
] * O'lB In Omnhn Vluw nro Increasing In vuluo
J HI thnrntnof f 100 nvorr four inontli" . Prieo
5IWJ to $700. Uoggs & Hill , Itoul Iptuto , 1408 Fat-
nam st. Olti-12
OK KKNT-Furnishod front room. 11U
Douglas. 015-12 *
F OK KKNT Fimil-Oii'U rooms. Inqulro
drug store , lOtli and Douglus. IXJ2
FOK KKNT 2 nicely f mulshed rooms , suita
ble for man and wife ; nl-o 2 rooms for gen-
tlimon , with bounl If desired , lletercnces nx-
clmngod. No. 019North luth at. GtU.M *
T OTS In Omnha Vlow nro Increasing In vuluo
- J ut tbo rate of $100 every lour months. Prleo
j'JOO to S70J. Hoggsic HillItoal KHato , 140S Far-
iiainBt. _ (118-12 (
1710U ItKNT With board , neatly funilshod
JJ rooms at 1710 Ciiaa it. S5M2 *
T710K KKNT Furnlshod rooina. W.'l Cnpltol
K avenue. 201-1S *
17 * OH KKNT Two nicely furnished rooms on
1 street cur line. 22-7 Dodge. & 1U.12 >
IF YOlr want a bargain , let us sell you ono of
our cuc.ip lots In Omaha Viow. Iloggs .v Hill.
FOK KKNT Sir unfurnUheil roomi , single
ortwo In tmit ; gentlemen pri fur roil. In
quire of Dr. L , A. Simons , Kstitbrook Hlook. tJ4
N. lath st. 371
POK KKNT One nice room nt 22U Dodg *
btroft. _ _ L _ , TO )
"IjpOK KKNT Two store rooms on 18th street ,
J . Water , gas und sewer connections. Thu
C.K.Miiyao und Trust Co. , cor. IJth und Faniatn.
JT\OK KKNT-For light hou ekc plnir , room *
i' furnished or unfurnished , in lloemer'a
Hlock. cor. Klghth and Howard. 330
TF VOU want n bargainlot us sell jou ono ot
J. our cUuap. lota la Omaha Vlow. UogesX lllll.
Jroit KKNT Nicely furnliheJ roams , with
' buurd 714 N > IDth st. 285
" 171OK KKNT-A furnlsbod room la a private
fainllr. Addregj FM. Hue olUco. 253
TTtOK K'KNT Furnt Jlod roqra , 3rd rtdor. 103
-U Bstorbrook lllocV. 713-14
FOK KENT Nicely furnished front room.
2511 Capitol ayo. B79-14 *
Tpoil HEXT-Furnlshoa rooms. ISHDodgo.
FOK KKNT Desk room. Ilush A Solby,213
S. IJth at ; m
AMKS' PLACE for the prices asked nnd money
Invested l < as ( rood an Investment nl you
can lind. See the lota and convince yourself.
743 AMES. 1:07 FAUMAM Sr.
_ _
PAHTHAOE VOU will make money If you
\J buy a lot In Cnrtlmito this week. 753-12
H OL'SBS built on monthly payments In Omnha
View. Hoggs & Hill. 019-12
T > IIII1TOX AND NEWPOIIT two mostpopu-
J lnracro nddltlons ; nearer tlmn nny others ;
felling fnstcr nnd on culer term * . See Ilrlgh-
ton nnd Newport for ncro lots locntcd as thojo
Riowlllbo lM\po tlU to lind In lc-s tlmn ajear
from now. Ilomcmber broad Rorca make many
lots. See Ilrighton and Newport.
743 _ AMF. , 1W7 VARNAM ST.
0 4OO for a corner lot In Cnrtlmgo. Very
P nsy terms. _ 7.'j9-12
Foil SALK A beautiful homo , cheap. Homo
0 rooms , lllmcbnugh Plnco-$3r oO. .C. IJ.
Mnyno Heal Ksuto nnd Tniit Co. , loth nnd
Fnrnnm. 6Q | IB
Curt hngc. 7.-J-13
PAY no moro rent , but secure ono of our new
houses nnd lots In Omnlia Vlow. Hoggs &
mil B1D-13
OAUTIIAOr.-Pmu of HiH addition * nro now
ready , Cnll ntour office nnd get ono. Cun
ningham & Hrcnnnn , 1311 Dodyo. 750-12
' | 7lorrijAl7KIIo"u o nnd lot 111 North Oiimlin ,
-L1 ono block from street car , chcnp at $ . --,00.
0. V. Davis & Co. _ 6" 7
Tj OH nn Investment , pat your money wllli
JD omnh Vlow lots , KWO to f 700. llogirs & Iflll.
\J Host lots.
Cheapest lots.
fo ! out Cumin ; St. nnd sco
Cunnlnghnm & llrentiati
m u solo agents for
\ Tints of
Ji'ow ready. 759-13
"ITIOK SALK Fine coiner lot on Fnrnams
- - ' wlth2goodboiibOi lontlug for $1J5W a year ;
price $20,001 , ? : , OUO cash , bnlnnco to ba arranged.
Ought to sell rcnJlly. MiirilialUVt.obock.IJll
Fnrnnm St. 018
O MAHA VIKW lots ehcnpost in city.
$700. Hoggs & Hill. 018-12
EKDICK'S OHOV15. only InMilo lots ntS700tO
$1,400to bo had In town. Tlioynslc $ V > < 'oror '
lots Joining Hediok'9 Orovo. See Hcdlflk's
Oiovo nnd ace tor yourself that thcso lots ut $700
to ( Lnoouro iinc < iunllod lor price und location.
711 AMKS , 1M7 FVHSAM Sr.
ItCIIAUl * IIII.L lots m-ll on their merits.
Ixiw prices nnd easy terms given. Cnll ut
TlioC. E. Mayno und Trust Co.'a olUco nnxl ge ( n
pint. 20S
BU V n lot In 1'urk 1'oreit , S2TO to $300. Jlog s
_ & _ IIIIlrcal _ ostutc , jlOs Kiirmiin. 18-I2 "
20 lots left In 1'arkT'orest. Oolng fust"
Don't fall to got one. $ i. to $ TOO , f.7 down
nnd f5 per month. Hoggs > v Hill. fili-12
400 Knsl front on DcTuw.iro street , | lnn com
place , benutlfnl lot $ -,10J. Lovgrun i ;
Wilde , 1531 Fainnm Ptieet. 731
ONLV 20 lots loft m I'urk Forest. Oolng lust.
Don't full to got ono. $250 to $3'JO ' , ? . " > down
nnd fj per month. llogs A : Hill. Ols-12
AJIF.S' FLACK Is the prnpotty on which to
make money by n smnil investment. It t > ells
last nnd houses nro being built on this ground.
Come nnd foe the lots.
742 AMES , r > 07 K.vnjfAM ST.
DT'SF-.S built t < i ordoirlnOmuhu VlowTlfiil
to S-.OJO on pnymonts lor liouso und lot ,
GI8-12 HoggsX-lllll.
. KVANS & CO. r IMM'- .
IIuvo for sale :
Pomo20 of the most choice lots In Hawthorne
These lots are many of them heavily wooded ,
nnd of exceptional tienuty us n spot lor resi
dence ; the drainage Is goo I , M ratios uro already
mude , undjoucun tee JUbt wliut you aio buy
ing.Cull and get .prices and a'sljriitof'thH'prtip-
prty. _ , _ U53-15
T71OK SAIK-Lot3 on Cumlng nnd Hurt
J ? streets , near Wth , $1,200 to Stoi each.
Lots in Lowe's addition , ? " > JO to $000 each ;
very eujy terms.
' > ucros , well improved , 2 houses , born , oto.
near Fort Om hn-8l)00.
Lot on Sownrd St. . near 31st , $000. "
2 lots. (10) ( ) feet south frontl , on Hamilton , st ,
near Poor Claire convent , $ l,70J. ' , i
IdOfeot west front , on 21th st , near Farnatn ,
$125 per foot.
Corner lot on Hurt st.-near Lawo ave , 05 feet
S. front , $700. F.nsy terms.
I.ot on Virginia nvo. , nonr Loiv > " ! nTOtU ) St. ,
5 < ( ,000-
2 acres In Wet Oinnhu , $8,030.
Lot on Howtml St. , Hiixl32 ; feet ) , SH.flQ
Corner. 4I.\I3 ! . nn Hui noy bt , $ A'JOO. )
LotlnNelson'bndd. , $1,700.
2 lots In I'luln View , S'100 ' each.
Corner lots on Sowurd st. If blocks from Toor
Clulro Convent , $7.,0 ; easy terms.
44 feet cast trout on S. lUth St. , SI.5U
li > foot oust front on S. tilth St. , $11,9)3. )
, Four-story and basement bncKstoio.S' ) foot
fronton Hurnoy st.10,0)0. ) .
2 bouses and lots on Farnnm , nonr 20t' st. , '
south front. Jl.lCOciich.
House of 7 rooms , lot 00x127 foot , on S.umJorv
nonr Cumlng , f.'i ifJ.
House of 2 rooms , cistern , etc. lot 4iVjxl32 on
S. 17th st , Jl.siK ) ; monthly payments.
fiO acres. 4 mlles west of city , ? UW per aero.
Lots In South Omnhu , $ IX ) to $75) .
i Lot 22x120 , on Dodiro , near 12th gt , $ IW ) .
I/t in Cortlnndt Pluco , $ : > ,000 , one block Irotn
St. Mary's nvn
, House and full lot on Hamilton st , 11055 ,20th , r
$3)00t C
House of Brooms , lot 25x110 feet , on 18th , near
Nicholas st. $2,5uU.
House of n room' , lot 25x140 foot , cu IStli ,
nen , Icholns st , $ JOOJ.
Mont/ loan at lowest rate of Interest Qoo.
I * . Ilumls S. W cor. ISth iind'Dougliis.J .131
CO , , IMl rurnam bt. ,
Telephone S-'l.
Flrbt-classrosldonco , business nnd fnrm prop
erty. List your leal e tnto with us. We will
"show" It nnd " .sell" It ,
Wo Imvo n choice lot on Hnrnoy , fronting
two streets , line giove , lot 41x170 tor n tow < Iuy.s
only , $2NJ.
A compli-to house on Chnrles gtreot now
house ot i'-iooras ' , b.irn nnd outbuildings , wnter ,
gag , line shndo liois. nnd commanding elevu-
lion. Look ut this. Will take yleusuro in show
ing you this
Lots In Kllby Place , llcdforil I'laco , Hiuifcom
Full lot on .South lUh ! with two houses rcntlntr
for $70 per month , Milton Itogers line resi
dence , This Is u mo excellent location.
Houses nnd lots | n all additions tor sulo on easy
terms , with smnll e.ish payments. AN" nero
pioperty that Is snro to Incrcnso rnnlilly In
value. Bee our lists bolero buying elsewhere.
_ _ 7BI-U _
LOW I'ltlCiS-Only : $3M to $70,1 for lots In
Omulm View dining this month. Hoggs &
Hill (118-12 (
T7MMI SALK If taken ut nnco , ux8i ) loet on
-V the corner ot liifh nnd Jnekaon sts , $ liiOJO.
Corner of St. Mary's ave und 16th st , , three
street lionts , $ ir > , ( XW.
10 ucros near Fort Omnbn , lurgii house , barn ,
flnooichard , contalntng every kind ot fruits ,
Any of these pieces nro very cheap nnd will
stand cldsu Investigation. C. K. Muyno Heal
Hstsio A : Trust Co. , 15th ami Furimiii. 715-17
IIuvo fortmlc :
A Dtiu IM Ql lots In Crouton.
This addition Is nnoxcellca by nny in I eauly
of situation , grunducr ot views to bo attained ,
ordiuilrablllty In the inutterof upprouch , glopo
of ground , nnd prices are nnd hat a been below
un > thing offered within half a inllonf It.
Look at It Just bouth of the Academy of the
Bucrul Heart.
_ J.Jl.Kvuns , VCo.Klo _ _ agniits. _ O.VMS
allots loft In Park Forest , lining fnat
Don't full to get one. $ ? & > to $300 , * 5 dow n.
and $5 per inontli. Hoggs c Hill. Ulo-12
Is the lienutlfiilly sltnatod
ground nt present for nlo. gee it lind you
nl J ay'Eo. _ Ciiniilnglium A llrennnn. '
AI'HANCi : for poor men tospcculitto. I'urk
Forest lots $2.'iA to $3JO , t3 donn und $5 per
month. Hoggs A : Hill. 01H-I2
OAHTIIAOK Is the most boautilully fltuiitcd
addition , t'co the corner lot there on
Cumlng , Nicholas , and Hamilton btr
lor i4U ) . Cunnlnglmin & llronnan.
OMAfiT VIEW-Ixitlcncnpeit iu city. MCWto
_ 7UO. lloggs&Ulll. 018-13 '
i ; lots uro tbo best , the cboapost ,
\J the onalest bold. 7.'i12
FOB S.VI.K Two elegant cast front corner
lots in Hurr Ouk ; nuturul glmdo treoi.
Ilntcher.Oadd & Co. . UlODougUs street , MlllurJ
hotel block Oinahit. Neb. _ _ _ BOt
iloautlful lots ,
low price ,
nasy. terras ,
Cunningham & Urenuan ,
15U Dodtfu tit. 7M-1S
_ _
TKyoii.wnnt aburgnlii.lot us sell ' you ono of
X our cheap lot J In Omaha View. 'Uogga&HiU.
, ' . CIS-IS
FOK SAT.E riffl desirable Amolor pl co
lots at a bargktn If sold within n few days
Ino.nlro of Ulsdon 4t Comstock , Merclifiits Na
tional bank building. Ijooin 1 , iip-ftnlrs. 494
' "
lloggsA Hill
OAirrilAOn riwilng street will be paved
this year within A few blocks of Carthage.
FOK SALE Or Trade Improve ! anil unim
proved lands In Furnns and ot lor western
counties. Address Win , Sliuoral , Arapuhop ,
KurnasCo. Nob. ) r 27S
oxtcndi from Hamlltor to Uum-
Ing st , , Is twol blocks from tlio licit Line
depot nnd you cnn got la lot for tlOO on easy
terms. 7.VH2
t |
O MAHA VIEW lota $300 tc $70J.
Uojfgs & Hill. C1S-13
) .vrrnnsox PAIUE.
UUY Wlilch Is the best property to buy
to obtain big protttj ? Aniwor Aero | irop-
i ty.
_ _
UKUV What jmrt of the city will develop
fJrat ? A.-Tho gqutlnrcsU
_ _
AirrHAOlJ Tnkiitlrlvo } to tills plnco nnd
you mo ailro to buy n lot. 7. > M2
H LKA8K-100 lots In Omnhn Vlow-for 11
r'.M yt'Bis , or will soil very olicap If sold
soon . UoKga A Hill. 618-12
' _
5-acro ton. all
In HIinobmiKh's addition. Must
lx ) Sold rljrht nway. I'rloo ] ior ocro , J5W. It. C.
IMtlHrxon , lath nnd Douglm. _ > tt !
OM.Y20 lots loft In 1'n.rk Voroat. OoliiK fnsl.
Dent full to | ? ot Olid , txa to $300 , f down
nnd : per month. rogggAsl im. _ illc.ia
SAll3 nuros In Hiirkulow B sun-dlvl-
slon. cast front ; 4 shares tu Umahn Dairy
association : 1 two-scntud bujftjy ! * tine bnfbor
chttlrg. S14 3.12111 St. C91
LOW PHICKS OMy $ WW to JTOO for lots In
Omaha Vluw during this uiontb. HOKSS &
lllll. OI8-1S
lota sold In this ml.lltton
\J In two duys. 7IJB-I3
HIGI1TON AND NHWl'OUT two most ponu-
InrHcrondilltlona ; nonrur tlmn nur others ;
eollluir faster nnd on oiislor terms. Sco llrlfih-
ton nnd Newport , for ucro lots located us tlifro
ro will bo Impossible to tlm1 In Icaa than n ) car
lioin now. Hoincmbcr liroiul acres mnko tiuxtiy
Iot5 , Soollrightou and Xowport.
FOKSAl.i : On monthly piymcntii/ilcottaaroi
of 5 rooms unuli.onainllo from postotllou.
Knqulroof Win. Ujitpr , nt luwoy\8tono' . OH
I o\v i mFis-eiiiy : $ a io $ rtx ) ror'Tots in
j Omnhn Vlow during this month , llo us v\ :
Mill.F OR SALR Sdvrn cholco t Kllhy I'lnuu lots ,
f AW ciluh. A. I' . Tnkoy , 13)1 ) Fiirniim St. 141
O\V lMUPiS-nly : ) $ :1JI : ( to J700 tor lot * in
Otnahn View during this month. Horirs "c
Ijlll OI 1'J
_ _ _
"filOU HAI.i : Ortriido lor unimproved prop-
J- arty within two inllosafiity.u Una niodurii
housu of 0 roams , well , cistern nnd ' aril , boun
tifully HnUho'l insldu ; lot nixlS ) , located ono
block from terminus of red nndin'con car lines.
C. M. Eaton Oia S. 13th st. 375JJ-J
NIj V M lots loft In I'mk 1'ori'st. ( ioing tint.
Don't tall to sot one. S2.V ) to S'JOO , 5" > down
nnd fi nor month. llOKus.V Hill.
TUST think of it. Two lots cast tronts nnd
t > nrnr sln-ut c r = . _ foi'Vnly il.VX ) . 61J
: to $ .700 for lots in
Omaha View during this month. Kama &
CHill -
_ -
BU1GIITON ANI > .Nt5\VrOHTtHO mc3t | popu
lar ucio aildltlojis ; ln-urcr than nny others ;
tolling iiutor mid oil ri'Klor terms. Si'O' Ilrlgh-
ton and Nuwpott for h'-Ve lota located ns tlio'o
nro will bo ImpOfSlblotollml Inlu a tlmn n year
ftom now. Itotnciubcijibrond ncrus make muny
lots. Pee HrightoiiamL ( > , owport.
7W ' AJIKS , 1S07 l- ' .
uses In hits of blocks.
Lot of tlmo to sho\ji
Lotto lots of ciistAmcrs wanting
Lots lint rovoil or
Lots unimproved ,
T. W.tllnckburn i Co. , Hondof St.
IAV noronio rent , but soimroono of our now
liousos nua kits 111 Omaha View. Io , &
Mill. CIS-IJ
FOK ; liy stockdulo 4r liunohcr.
Lnrthagu ,
Caithnge , . ,
- Cnrtliago. , , i 3
\V\o \ Jbftvo tlio choicest lots oh ; ntiuiTnir nnU
Izait ! streets in tlils'clinrinlni ; noir aildttliio. fee
thorn birfdrn j'oli buy. Btockdalo & Hunchcr" ,
IE 1 Dod o st. _ TIljjT
IJAV ! no moro rrnt , tint sccnro ono of our new
houses and lots in Omaha Viow. Ingis ) &
Hill. ( llh-U
pioit Btockdalo i lUmchcr.
Lotsln rarthago . $ 4:6
Lotsin ItrdlorJ 1'laco . . * . , * . . " 660
Lots In Lincoln I'lnco . , . 4MJ
i.ois in Lcdvi'invoitli Tcrrncu . , > . . . . " o"11
Lot * in'Tliornblirir. . , . . . . -4'iJ
Lofhtn I'lnliniow . ' . . 'ffW
Lota In ICIrlcuoml . ' . . wn
LotH In I'lirnicntor 1'lncu . 700
Lotsin Ilnr.icom 1'laco . . , . 1,401
Lots In Slinll'H Addition . . . . - . . . . 1,1) ) W
Lots In ML-CmidllMi I'lat-o . . . ; . 2,00) )
llon-cs and lots In all pnrlsot the city und
Always see us before yon liny or sell. -
SUiukilolp * llniiplicr. 1511 Dodge stroi-t. 710-17
> AY no mnro rent , but scruro ono l'o
r . Houses und loU In Omalia Vio.r. . It
inn. -
A : I'urk , J.'i
- la-i street.
A tlr t class grocpry Block.
A llr.-t clu .s liunhxiirn stock.
A llr-t class mi'iit murkut.
A llrst claas boot und shoo storo.
A llr t cl.is3 It-od slori' .
A llHtr'a s rejtnnrnnt.
All doing n good paying business nnd cctv
tnill > - locfttud. , Ub3 14
Hdl'SKS built on monthly payments In Oinn-
1m View , liofgs n Hill. OIS-W
Jl NWcor. block K7 , South Omulm. ' TUi-li
HOUtT.S built on monthly payments In Own-
hiiVlew. Hoggj\-UIII. UIB-12
T71OH LKASi : 10J lots in Omaha Vlow for 10
Jor 20 years , or will soli very cheap if sold
BOOH. Hogg-uV lllll. (118-12 (
pI'JDM'K'S CillOVH , only lliMcln lots nt S'.lM to
JVjl.1 * ] to In ) hud In town. They usk $ ' ! , rjl for
Ion joining Hodlclt'H ( Jrove. Heo Itoillck'sfirove
nnd sco tor yoursolt tlmt the-o lots nt ? 7W to
ili0nro ; unoijuullcd iur price und loc.ition.
741 AMKS , IViT I'AiiNAM Sr.
TT OIt LIJASI'VIOJ "lots' In Omahn View far JO
A' or 20 years , or will sell very cheap If bold
soon , lloiigj i' lllll. Olt'.12
T > HOICK'S OUOVU , only In'-ldo lots nt $7i10 | 7)
JI ? l,400 to be had In town , Tliey ask $ lr > iKl lor
loth joining llodlek's C.rnve. Sco Hodlck's Ciovo
HIM ! ice tor youiself Hint those lots ut # 700 to
$ lr,0) ) nro unequalled for price nnd locution.
711 ASIKS r > 07 FAIINIM ST.
1 u Svr.i-tOUaAvlll , buy nn elegant iu
tinner , newly furnished ; very liobt location
in the c.tvnear IDih und Chicago sts. liogga &
lllll , Uttthirnmn. I9MJ
i : U tlio lutest uddltlou. lluy now
nnd you will muke money , 7"/i-l
* I'LACU JxitO'HI11 fust
AMKS ? very ;
building ull ov < r tlus popular ndditlon. '
L'lulrst terms. Boo S\mos 1'lneu.
742 AMKS I.ri07 F.UV\M ST.
T71OH LEASU-UO | 5 [ | n Omnhn Vlow for 111
J.1 or ) years , or wflrsall very cheap If hold
teen , llogsd & lllll. oih-12
In what"nddltion Is the cheapest
QlTltV ? A. P tiJrson I'urk , Ji75 per aero
UKUV How liDifroni couithousuls l'i\t tor
Q so n Turk ? A. 3ji lulled.
Can iicica bo boiiirht In
OUKKV on long tlmo , easy imymonts und low
rnto of intcrustAxt'ra. . _ _
f\l'KKV To wbonvwUI 1 go to buy acres i in
\.J Putterson Park ? A-To I ) . C. I'litterson ,
olllce 1st lloor , Iron Hank llulldmg , wl
jius lots in
Lincoln 1'luco ,
llnj Held ,
lllniobaugh'saild. ,
West Omaha ,
Faiiiiilers Si tllmobaugh's ,
llonlluld. .
Bhlnn's I'l t ,
Hotnli Omuha.
Call on II. C. 1'uttpraoo.
MAHA VIKWloU $ aOOtb700.
HoggaAc Hill.
I 7 < OK S.VI.K Improvixlnnd uinmprovea tiirm
' binds. Ulbsou , Luroon A ; Co , Koom U ,
Wltbnell Illock- 151
VIKW lots 13U ) to 1703Hill
Hill 518-12
F ,
Oumlm property. Archer Jc Fitch , 2I
15th at. 403
B UY a lot in I'urk Forest. CM to t T. Hoggi
i Hill , real csUto , I4U ) Furnam. , Cli-U
Fen SAI..K ne < ld nco property and vncnnt
lots In orcry ndilltlon In Omaha. Terms to
iultpurchn < cr < Also desirable buslno * < proj > -
rrty. Qlbson , Larson & Co. , Koom 3 , Wlthnoil
Illock. | 153
_ _
ACH.VNCK for poor men to ppeculnto. P rK
Forest lots tz'fl to ( TO ) , K down nnd f 1 per
month. Hoggs & lllll. _
TTUllt s.VI.KCorner on Jackson st , business ,
-I ? Jlflso0. A rnro bargnln. Call soon. Mnr-
shall & Lobeck , 1511 Fnrnnm. _ CU
AC1IANCK forpoor mento specnlftto. Pnrk
Foreit lots * 2V ) to $ JJO , ? 5 down nnd $ .i ner
month. Hoggs S 11I1L _ 61M- !
G KAljTxM * HKNliWA-llnlf lot , cottajo ,
Snunders 't , $ J .
Hnlf lot , uottngo , nonrCumtng st. fljO. ! ) '
Ilnlf lot , 8-room house , close to Cumlng ft ,
2rix ) .
ai feet. good cottage , Saundor st , f 3,100.
Full lot , line hou e , nil ImprorenientJ , east
front , Shlnn's add , $ . ( ,100.
Half lot , G-room cottage , E. V. Smtth'l add. ,
"Full' lot , liouso 7 room * , city wntcr ; room for
3 mot-chouses , Mnrh ndd. , $4KVI.
Half acre , good bouse , well Improved , llurtst ,
? 3J 10
Ixatslu Kllby Place , $753 .
l.otsticnr Dodge street , fToO. '
I/ot < < In Lincoln I'lut-o. $ 4W.
South front Jtitrt st , f I5,0i .
n6x4.It ! , Hurt ft , , ncnr24tli St. , f l.OW.
. lot Virginia Avo. , JI.100.
liwt fmnt lot llurr Ouk , f 900.
tlood lot "with front , Shlnn's ndd. , f 1,300.
Store house nnd tints , rents for $50 per month ,
Good lot , llnrtlott's ndd , * 1,100.
Iiotsln Kilby.on Dodge , > 7W.
Lots In LowM'sHdd ,$7l X
O nilium & llenawn , Crolgbton block. 610
IIYnlot in Park Fore t. ? J.VUo3 > X Hoggs
A Hill , rortl ostnto , 1403 Fnrnnm. 018-13
KihuuitPdVllMlty.Norroni nnd Phnlctl TMbilUr
Pr ra tnre Decline In Mnn , Krrnrs of Tooth , and ttii
untold mUfcrloi remltlnu f roni Indiscretion and or.
CFMat. JL. booK for o i r num. youne , inlddloKOit
nndold. ItrontilnsUiprrscrUH'.oni for nil neat * nnd
chronlod.en | ei.oictioi. or which Is Inrnluiibla. > l < i
found hy the author whn < o ornorlflnceror Z1 yatMli
men .prolmhly never ueifor ? foil totha lot of ixnr
pnyricliin ! or ) p.igo * . lioiinit In bi-nntlfui French mut-
* . omiHwed rover * , lu'S'Mt.enirnntonil to tiontlnar
wotkln cvi-rr "on * " mcrhnnlcnl. Iliornry nml prifoi-
Elonnl thHiinny other work In this country for IMX
orthotnoney wilt i > o refund in every In tnnce. Prl-o
imlr II by mull , ponivili ! . Illmtnito'l samolo , it ) ? .
Penflnoir. ( loMmcdnlnmirded tlia.inthDrtirttia.'iv
tlon I.Modlcul Association , to ttui Hon. A. r. lllMell.
niidiiMocliito om-on ot the boird tlia rcndarlsrj-
epnrtfiilly referred.
'IhoSi'lO'icoot MfJls worth moro tottn yntinunnl
nildillc-nL'eit men nt tnl < Kennrntlnn thin nil tliggoll
inlnp < orCiilltnrnH'ind tlio silver mines of Neradi
combined. ! } . K. ihronlclo.
The S"leiipo of IJfO points o'lt the rocks im > quick.
iHnilsonwhlph the con'tltntlon nnd hnutu nt miny
n young mim Imvo been filially wrecked. itanchoitor
Tliepclcnco ot t.lfolsot proitor vnluo th.inulttln
mcdli'nl works publlihud In thli country lorthapjlt
ti ( vi < nr * . Atl inta Constitution.
Thosclcnc of I.lfoli a finiorh ivnd rai tsrly trait-
l e on nervous nnd physical debility. Dotrolt Frai
Addronatho Pa ibody Modlcnt Initltuta. or Dr W. 1L
Parkor.Xo. I UullttncU itrcet , Uotton. .Miii.irbo mny
beoonsultedon nil dtscasui roqutrlnniktl luad arpari-
ctnoii. Chrnnlonnd oinln itu dl o.isus Umt luvu b.if-
tied the skill of till othnroliyglcl ins u specially. Sunn
trpntod rncrixsfnlly wltuoul uu u3Hngo of fal
Hsi'sSaifeSVauiisTimeLocks !
and Jail Work.
1020 rurnum Street , Omaha , Neb.
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED proposals for the bulldhiirof n court
liouso und jail In Biiniln'ico , Crook county ,
WyomingTuintury , and lor lurnlshlng the ma
terial lor the construction of the same will bu
rocolTod by the pomml < loners of Bnld county
up to 12 o clock noon on Tuesday , July tith , A.
I ) . ISSil , at which tlmu the proposals will bo
opened In public.
I'lans und spccillcutlons for salil building may
ho POUII nt the olllce of the county cleikouiind
lifter-May-JOth , 1SH.
" -llliWitin'st bo nojompanled 1 ccvtltled check
for fu 0,01an utmiovml bond for like amount ,
us n guarantee of good Inltli.
Tim county commissioners reserve the right
to reject any or all bid ! .
Hlds must bo directed to John S. Harper ,
County Clerk , Sundance , Wyoming , nnd en-
tloi-eil "I'ronosala for Unlldmg Court House
rind.lull. "
Hy order of the Hoard of CountyCommisolners.
JOHNS. HAltl'ini , County Clerlt.
Suildniico Wyo. Muy 1'Jth ' , 18 0 , inj-25d'Jt
Legal Notice ,
GETOGKSINCL.UItnndOlivo P. Sinclair , his
wife , non-resident dcfondnntx , will tnko
nutico that on the 1st day of June , 18611 , Milton
Heinliix ; , jilulntiir , heroin , HloJ Ills petition in
the District Court of Douglas county , Nebrns-
l.n-tig'.ilnst said defendants , thu object mid
piuyorof. which are to compel the spcclna por-
lormtinco ot u written coutr.ict to oonvcy to
said plaintiff by quit-claim dcod the following
lots In the town of Florence 111 said county , to-
wit- ; Lot a , block t ) ; lot 2 , block 22 ; lot 2 , block
2il ; loti , block57. the consideration lor which
has been fully paid by siud plulntllf to buld do-
londunt ? .
You nro ro'iulrcd to answer ssiln petition on
or I oforo the 12th day ot July , IbbO.
Dulod Omahn. Juno 1st. ISMS.
JIILTON HINDIHX , rinintirr.
liy COXQDON , CI.AIIKSO.V It HUNT , Ills Attor-
nojs. ino-j2-y-i6-2n
Oialia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only roiui to tnko for DCS .Monir' , Mnr-
liullto nCednrItaplds , Clinton. Dixie. Chicago ,
Milwaukee and all points cast. To Iho peoplnof
Ncbruiku , Coloiado , Wjomlng , I'tnli , Idaho
Novada.OreKon , Washington ami California It
otliiiBMipcriur udvunlugea not possibUby any
Among n few of the numurnus nolntt , ot supo-
liorityenjovud by the putiom of this nma be
tween Omnhn and Chicago , nro it two trains a
day of DA V COACIIIW which uro the tlnost that
humnn nit nnd ingenuity cun cicuio. ItHl'AI/-
ACU SLIIKPINO UAH3 , whlcti are models of
comfort und elogiinco. Ha I'.UiUMl DHAWIN'O
KOOM CAK.S unsurpassed by nnv. nnd In wide
ly coiotirnliiil PALATIAL DININO OAlta , tlio
iKjuiU of which cannot bo iound elsowhoro.
At Council HluIN the trains of the Union Paci
fic Hy. connect in Union Depot with those of llin
Chicago M NortbwoMturn Hy. In Clilcugo the
trains of this line iiiuku close eonnixjtlon with
tluiaoof ull ciutern Hues.
l'ir Detroit , Columbus , Indlnnnpolls , Cincln
null , Niagara Fulli. llutrulo , Pitthbiirg. Toronto
Montreal. HoMon , Now Yoik.'hilailuln ] > iln , Hal-
tlmoieWashington nnd till points iu tiiocajt , U4 <
the ticket ngont for tickets via the
If you wish the beiit ncoommodutions. Alltlukot
it s. IIAIH ,
Oeiiura Muniigor. UOIL Pass. A out ,
E aclsot :
Ensland , France & Germany.
Tlio tteiiipsblps of this well known Him are
built of lion , iu wilier-tight coinp.irtmentii , nnd
are furnished with every roiUlblte | to inukt ] the
imrsagubolli bufu und ntrreeahle. They carry
ttio United Stati ( ! nnd Kurnpciin iniills.und lc no
New VorkThursdav * und Saturdays for Vlv.
mouth ,'AHld u < I HAM-
Hoturiiln ? , the steamers luuvo Humburg on
Wednesday * und 8undu > 8 , rtiu lluvro , mulnj
piuseugei n ut riouthumpton and Londou.
1'irst cabin f , , $ d ) und $75 ; Stoornge tiL
Itnllroad tickets from 1'lymoutu to llrUtol , ( Jur-
< llir. I/iiidon. or to any pluco In the tioutlt of
Knghind , I'ltKli. htooruk-o froin Hqrupo only
' 123. Bond for "Tourist ( Jazottf. ' '
. UeneitU 1'uiii.fiigcr Agouti
81 Broaawny , Now Vorkj WtuhUifiou
Chicago , IU. . .
The Streot-Oar Tio-np and Its Effect on the
Work People of Now York Oity ,
A Sermon on 15 c Tor in ami Whore It
Units tYom Tlio Conulnnnu Mar *
rlnjje Mnnln Agitated Abor
tions In Piulndoin.
NEW YOISK , Juno 9. [ Special Corros-
domlciico of iho HEK. ! Now York has wit
nessed two grand tramjisln ono \vcckj one
was on decoration itny , which is too far off
to bo tnlkcil about , nnd the othnr was last
Snturilny , when the drivers of all but
ono of tlio many liorso car lines in Now
York and Brooklyn refused to go to
work in the morning , so moro than half
of the people who arc in business "had
to walk to the places where tlioy
earn their broad anil butter. " I can
imngino some full-blooded citizen of
Omaha saying : "Glad of it a little oxu-
cfso couldn't do thorn any harm. " 1
should bo inclined to say so myself , if 1
didn't know a great many of thcso people
ple , and know also the geography of tlio
sland which ( his city covers. New
York is a dozen miles long , a little more
than u milu wide at the broadest part ;
most of the business is done at ono cml
and most of tlio living at the other ,
and a full half of the people who work
dowu town have to ritlo not lesss than
live miles each way , morning and night ,
und although the surface roads nnd ele
vated roads run cars so frequently that
.you can almost stop from one to another ,
they are crowded during the early morn
ing and Into afternoon.Vlieu there is a
liurao car strike the elevated roads can
not carry half of the ovorllow , the clerks
and factory hands and shop girls dare not
stay tit homo for fear of losing their
places , so teli s of thousands ot them
walk , und a sorry spectacle it is. I have
seen thousands of soldiers at tlio end of
a long march , which was the beginning
of a deadly battle , but they did not look
as sad and "played out" and cross as the
army of working Dcoplo 1 saw on several
avenues as 1 walked across town last
Saturday. I heard ouo dra ged-out girl
suy to another :
"It's hard , Lizzie , but it must bo all
right , or the knights wouldn't have or
dered it. "
" like else. "
"Knights change , everything
said tlio other. Knights used to help
forlorn maidens out ot trouble ; now they
help them into it. WVvo got to walk six
miles instead of one , and then losu a
quarter of a day's jjay for being late. I
think I like old-fashioned knighthood
best "
gave us another sensation ,
though it idn't Intilas long as the
In the middle of the morning , before the
reporters of the morning papers were out
of boil , the following bulletin appeared in
big letters on "NowHpapor Uow : "
A crowd gathered around that bulletin
board right away and grew larger each
moment , tor no matter how busy a New
Yorker may bo , he seems always to have
lit e to stare by the hour at the shortest
dispatch which may bo put out by a news
paper. in the meantime such editors as
had reached their olllees began to over
haul their biographical sketches of
Uucclierthey all have them and to
send out messengers for type-setters and
telegraph for printers , so iis to get out
"extras. " Meanwhile tlwy Sent anybody
they could lind to Itrookljn , where
Uecehcr lives , for ( lie facts. They got
what they went for , but it spoiled the sen
sation , tor they got them troni lieeeher
himself , who was not only not dead , but
as lively as a middle-aged man with a
dec ] ) chest and good digestion always is
in the morning. Had those extras been
printed they would have unset any man's
head who read them all , for the ono uuli-
lic man about whom each New York
journalist has fully made up liU mind ,
und upon which no two journalists agree ,
is Henry Ward Heccher. They all know
him personally ; he has never been a hard
nian to got acquainted with , for his henrt
is so big that it is hard for him to keep it
oft" of his sleeve and Hie rest of his coat ,
but when lie thinks he is being dulihcr-
ately weighed , as amutterof business , by
a man who has set apart an hour or ; i
day for the operation , ho can talk
a great deal , nnd yet keep his greater
self shut up as tight as a box turtle that
sees a small boy with a sharp stick and
an investigating turn of mind. As to his
dying , his own idea is that this end wilt
come suddenly ; his periods of extreme
ONaljjilio ; ) are inevitably followed by
great depression , when ho feels as if
there was not steam enough in his boiler
to keep the old machine running any
lunger * Nevertheless , there are hosts of
youngctr men who confidently expect to
have him preach their funeral sermons ,
and hone thnir disembodied spirits may
bit on tin ) collin and hear what no says.
who lins' nilide guile a t > tir during the
week is { lev ? Dr. Motilynn , who. although
a Homaii Catholic , ' is by nature enough
like J\lr. lipeehor ( o bo Ids brother. At a
mussmootingorganized a few nights ago
1 > 3" "distinguished citizens" to ,
against tint nuwewt attempt to fasten ring
rnio on Now York , Dr. MeOlynn in
formed the said "distinguished cili/i-ns"
that their trouble , was in thinking
they an a chlss were tot rung enough
to reform politics. He told them the
best , truest , people in the city were the
tenement houtjo-elasa the poor people
who do moil of the hard work and live
nearest to lii'avon , because they have
leant on cailli to live I'or. The Mlk-
stoukencd , full-pocketed neb on the plat
form wete amazed , they will be moro so
if they look into thu matter closely , for
they will learn that Dr. MeUlynn was
rignt , .Some of tlumiworo inclined to re
gard his opinion us something peculiar
to IUH chiiR'h , InitU isn't ; it was identical
in spirit , with what a prominent Metho
dist manufacturer and millionaire of
this city once said to me when on hU
dying bud , "My boy , " said the old man ,
"you may thank my working people for
a good doul of what you've found in mo
that's worth liking. I always meant
well , but the work of making money and
keeping rascals from getting it away
from me would have made me us cold
and hard an a brickbat if 1 hadn't made
it my business to know all my employes
ami have long chats with them in their
own houses. Men wlto work with their
liandn have plenty of timu to cultivate
their heads and licar'.s ' , my hey they're
the class for society and government to
fall back upon in time of trouble. " This
levelheaded old man was Wciloy Unrpor ,
one of thu founders of the famous pub
lishing house of the Mimu name ,
Of romw thewfcok has not passed with
out a rich , well-born anil highly educated
girl marrying a coachman. Equally , of
course , there have been numerous ex
pressions of horror and disgust , lint 1
U > > puct ( hero liai been not u little talk on
the other fcidc. 1 told the story of the
' most rrueut of those mesalliances to a
ijimrtetto of young women who prefer
asking for news to searching the news
papers , all ? hrnggcd their .shoulders nnd
turned up their nosus , then they begun
to think aloud.
"Slio old enough to know her own
mind. " oiviil tmit , "so 1 suppose that wus
the sort of husband she wanted.
"I'urlmps she had to fh.oMi bftiwrrn
coaolnnun und duties. " said another , "If.
so , t > hu iiiatii ) thO tetter clio'rc.c. for .si
co.ichmon doesn't pretend to bo Anything
but whrtt'ne is. "
"If she loses , her properly , ns seems to
bo the fashion nowadays , ' said n pru
dent looking miss , "her father won't
have to support lior husband as well as
herself , for tlio fellow can earn his own
living , which is more than most men
who arc running after rich girls can do "
"liorsev young men nrc nil thorago , "
said the last , "so why not marry u man
who really knows something about
horst's ? "
Of course , each of these girls was en
deavoring to bo dreadfully sarcastic , but
all the . < amo they told a great deal of
truth. Marrying is qulto a llourishlng
industry in the cast , no mutter what the
papers sometimes say to the contmrybut
the maids who remain single longest are
these who are rich , and most of tunso .iro
so annoyed nnd disgusted by stylish ,
worthless young follows who are in love
with the girls' fortunes , and would as
leave take ono girl as another if thollntm-
clal inducements wore equal , that it U
not strange that some girls' sentiment *
stray from conventional bonds nnd become -
come the property of some fellow who ,
though not rich , wlso or oven handsome ,
is everything ho pretends to bo. Women
do adore manliness , even if it is rough ,
and a good many of them know the pen-
niuo article and thocountorfcit ; r.nd uton ,
unfashionublo though it may bo to admit
it , some rich girls' who marry coachmen
in this part of the world are not the su
periors of their husbands in anything but
money and clothes. Me in bora of Iho
poorer classes are continually coming to
the top , many of thorn displaying the
character und rotlncment appropriate to
their position , but whai taste nnd dis
cretion can birexpected of the offspring
of a pair ot stupid , vulgar boors 4 ho
"strike oil" or become suddenly rich because -
cause their farm happens to come into
demand as villa sites for city people ? I
know such families , where Ine daughters
would have to grope pretty low to lind
husbands who wouldn't be superior to
( ho brides' fathers.
sent a few days ago to the Comto do
Paris , heir to the throne of Franco or
whatever may bo left of it by a few of
the comto's old associates in our Army of
the Potomac , agitated dndodom to. the
very center. Not thaf his possible maj
esty is a dude , for ho is unlike that social
abortion as a man is unlike a monkey ; ho
is ono of the clearest beaded , loust non
sensical men in all Europe , and hates
sham of all kinds as intensely as a Jeff
erson democrat pretends to. Hut the
dude , in snito of all the fun that has been
made of him , is still an abject toady ; he
would give his head for a cast-off hat of
the prince ofVales. . and would trade his
family Bible , oven if it came over in the
Mayllower , for a cracked teapot that be
longed to ono of a rowdy king's brevet
wives. To such follows the possibility of
a live prince becoming domiciled in the
United States would bo overwhelmingly
delightful ; they might never bo presented
to linn , but it would be bliss enough to
muddy their patent leathers in the ruts
through which his carriage wheels
passed. lint i'aris thinks America's too
tar from homo for his permanent resi
dence , so the dudes refuse to be com
forted Thank ( { oil for the dudes ; if it
weren't for them who would thu rest of
us have to laugh at ?
The Great Southern Remedy for all
There nro very few who do not know of thli )
llttlu tmsti L'nmlng ulongHldo of our mountain !
ml bills : Ijnt very few rcullrc tlin flicl , Unit
thu llttlu pnrplo berry , vtlduh Bopiunyoftii
liavo paten In most every Miapo , tbern la uprln-
clplo In It having a wundurful effect on Hid
bowels. Dr. HlgKPr'.i Jlurklcbcrry ConllHl It
thoanuAT HOUIIIKKK HtnriY tliut rpntorpi
thu llttlo OIHI tcdlilnc , nnU cures Ularrliua
Uy pnlo"y and C'ramp italic. ,
\Vhnll IscoiuldiTPd Hint nt tills Mason ot
tlinjvM ? sudden und UUIIKLTOUH attai'ks of tlio
liuw.V.,1 nrp no frpqu < ; nt , \M'lirurof Honnnj
( IpnthH nci'iirrlne l > cfor n rbU Inn can Ix )
railed In , It Is nnixirlnnt tliulr > rrv liuuir- '
liolil should provide thPinRelvci with Mjino
rpcedy relief , ttiloso of width will rvllc\i > Iho
iinln und suvn much nnxloty. Dr. Illmrrn'
IliiflilcliprrvCordial linplmploiemi'ily ) > hlcli
any child H ppu | t'd to luUa.
l'r\i' \ < \ M cents n bottle. Manufactured by
WALTIIll A.TAVLOlt. .Mlanlu. ( III.
'lutlor'ii lilii-rohcnltrinrilf "I h c 'l liiim
nnd .Mullein will cine U , > IIKIH | , Croup and CVni-
Biiinpltnn I'rli'p Me In. mm $1 u holtlp. v
For BalohythoII.T. ClurkoDrujr Co. , nnd al
Polfer & Msgeaih ,
Law Bonortora and Copyists ,
Btntn .ARonls for
Typo-wi Her supplies nnd pnpor liopt In stoolr.
Beml for cntulojf uu.
Ilocontlf Ilullt. .S'lmljr FurnUhoil
The Tremont ,
J. C. FIT/lKltALD.t r'ON , Proprlutors.
Cor. Hb and PtU * , Lincoln , Net.
jr , Hlreut van from IIOIKO to nny
part or lliu city.
Architect ,
. ; ) i nnd 42 , Hk-lmidtt Hlock , Lincoln ,
Nub. iiovatoronlltli : tit i cot.
Ilrouder of llrtiudorof
( JAI.I.OWAVCATn.i : . HlKllirllUHNL'ATlI.n
Live Stock Auctioneer
Saloi muile Iu all paits of the II B. at fair
ruins , Hoom il.Miitn Illock , Lincoln , Nob.i
Oollowuy und Short Mom bulls for sale.
" " "
15 II. ( iOULDIN ,
Farm Loans and Insurance.
CorresDondenco in rojrarl loloatu sollclloJ ,
Hoom 4 , llltliurds llloclt , Lincoln , N.eb.
Public Sale ,
Denver , Col..Iiuiv lOlh , ISSI ) .
40 head of Show Shot t llorni. Hates & f'riileK
fhniik , 2-ycur-oldi , welHhlnir 1U.V ) ; build uuj
helteis. AU' Fluid und I'uriu , lor cutul g <
ue-i , Denver , Col. C. M. llnimoii , J.lncolii , Nou ,
Col. F. H.Voo'ds , Aiiutloneer. _
When Iu Lincoln .tttpp Ut
National Hotel ,
And got Ki'Ocn' uluuer/ori'c.
J. A. FK , I'f | l