Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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DclHciecl by enrncr In nnj-pnrtof tliocllynt
incut ) cents t > cr week.
II. W. TII.TO.V , Malinger.'IIONU9l
JlfPiNfROrriCE , No. W.
Niniir lititToit No. 3 ; ) . o
Itcpiilillciin County Convention.
Tlio icinibltcans of I'ottawnttnmlo county ,
In. , will int'ot In delegate convention at ttio
court hou ci In Council UlulT-i at 11 o'clock
n. in. , on tho''Otli iliy of .Iniic. tSSl. for tlm
imriMMQ of selecting eighteen delcRntP- at
tend the | Jiullcnl convpiitlon to bo
liohl : it Council HlnlK Jnuc " 0 , ISteO , and to
rlcrt eighteen dclcgatCM to ntlenil llm irmib-
llcon stale conu'iitlon to bo hold at liua
JIolMB August 2.1 , Jb. < A and also tn select
< 'lf'liti'cn delegates to nttuiid tlio ri'iiiiltlifan
roiiLMCBsloiiul convention of tills district to
bu hold at hiich time and i > lacu as It may
lificaftcr be cwllwl ; and to tiaiisuct Mich
oilirr business as may piopcrly come bcfoto
the coiiMMiticm. . .
Tlie basis of icjucsuntatlon will bo one
ilfleRiuu for uncli uminliiji or voting pii >
clnct , and an additional delegate for mcry
lifty votes or Itactlon jt o\crtwcnty-ll\o cast
foi Hon. William I.nirabennt tlm last L'cnoial
election. This will entitle the i-e\eial town-
elilps toic ) > u > Miititlonsa.s ! ! follows :
Unless otherwise ordered the pilimuloM for
the Fiileetlou of deledates will be held on hat-
unlay vim 1 11 jf , , ) iiue 'JO , at 8 o'clock.
Uy older ol the Kciwbllcan Coiintv central
committee. .lAron Si. MS Cli.innmn.
COU.STII. Ht.i'KKs , June 10 ,
Now York numbing company.
Now summer goods at Keller's.
A new front is beln < : put into Weather-
bee's stable.
A false alarm of lire was sent in Satur
day afternoon.
The city council la to meet next
Wednesday night.
The approach to Rescue lie o house is
to be paved by order of this council.
Children's day was quite gonunilly
obnTved ainoiig'tlio churches yesterday.
Woman's Christian association enter
tainment Monday evening , for benefit of
indiibtrial ncliool.
Somci after buiiFot sneak thief carried
oil' the hammock from the * of
E. R. Cadwell near Oakland avenue.
Permit to wed was given Satin clay to
Charles E.stes and Josie Hroughan , both
of Omaha , and Justice llcndricks soon
happily joined them.
Industrial school entertainment Mon
day evening at Temple hall will bo well
worth your time and money. Only twen
ty-live cents admission.
The county board on Saturday visited
the poor farm. The members expressed
themselves as satisfied with the way
things were being kept up thcro.
Encourage a good cause by your pres
ence at the concert Monday evening.
Your money will go toward building up a
good moral enterprise in the city.
Alike * Connors , E. F. Hi own , S. Graham
and John Brockon are booked to appear
this morning beforn Judge Aylcsworth
and cxplaiji what made them stagger.
A free lecture was given in Buyliss park
yesterday afternoon concerning tlio
abuses of alcohol. The speaker was a
gentleman named Coll'man , from Illinois.
C.V. . Coughoy was so unfortunate as
to lose his pocfcetbook somewhere bu-
twcen Mr. Welch's store anil the City
mills. It contained $00 , besides some little -
tlo articles by which its identity can easily
bo established.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
have posters out uimoiincttir ! ; rates oa t as
follows : Chicago $ > 4S3. uock Island ,
11.00 , Davenport $1.00 , Sigonrnoy $1.0J ,
ICH MoincB ? 1.00.
Yesterday morning's passenger train
over the Cliirnfjo , Milwaukee it St. i'anl
road was the longest past-bound passen
ger train that ever left this uity. It was
composed of fourteen cars , including
three Pullman sleepers.
Thu beer garden is said to have kept up
n noisy time until 5 o'clock Sunday
morning. A row is reported at ) having
.taken place , and borne of the police went
Hp to investigate , but found everything
comparatively quiet , and the saloon Dart
In tlie district court the Cofl'man case
will probably bo called up to-day. Sat
urday was occupied in hearing thu
of the elder Keteham , charged with selling -
ing mortgaged property , the case of the
younger Keteham having resulted in a
The death of A. B. Ellis , which oc
curred in Omaha , awakens borrow and
nyiupathy among many friends on this
Bide of the river as well. Mr. Ellis was
for years arcMdunt of this city , and was
B member of the Congregational church ,
Ho leaves a wife and two daughters , the
eldest being tlio wlfu of Frank Sears.
Mr. Aloslor , who ho unexpectedly sold
his dock of ( roods and his real estate , was
brought before Judge Aylesworth Satur
day to bo interrogated concerning what
ho had done with tlm inonoy ho Had iu-
ccived trom sales , homo of his
creditors being anxious to learn why they
had not received some of the proceeds.
Thu questioning did not result in much
light being thrown on thn subject. Mr.
Moslor explained that ho tnuibforrod
come real estate to his wifn to pav her for
money borrowed from her some time ago.
Other money had been used in paying oil'
For Monday , , lunc J-l , Only ,
To te&i the merits of advertising wo
shall sell men V and boy1 low bhocs
Monday , June 11 , at just half price , Hvo
dollar Mines for ? ' . ' , ftij , otc , Yon must
mention that you saw tins item in the ltu ! :
to got the full benefit.
_ X. T. LIN-PSKV & Co.
Go to Heard for wall paper.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J.V , & K , L , Squiie. 10
Pearl street , Council llliills.
Children ,
Children's Shoes very cheap.
The Mueller music company have just
received thu Jirst invuieu of 100 pianos
ordered manufactured for their exclusive
use. They am beauties.
In confidence , wo will say to yon that
If you want to buy Shoes or Slippers of
us you must bo livolv. Don't mention
this. y T. LiKiteEY & Co.
lie Gemlntticn , Don't Jtcail Thl .
I A good s'lbst'intial lunch will bo served
for " 3 cents , at tha M. E. Smith building ,
Wednesday , Thursday and Friday by thn
Episcopal ladies. _
1'ln Jlci-c ,
Wo are qlosing out our retail ' stock of
Boois , SOGCS and Sliniws' rejjardleha of
cost. - , , .Z. T. . LIXUSKV. & Co ,
Ohiltlrens' ' Day Daly Observed in the
Uhurcles of the Oity.
.Makepeace .Makes Good Ills Escnpc
1'Voni Jail Tim niurr oitj-iioso
Tcftin Ketiirn Vlctorlnii * The
Coining Council.
Homo IInp | > cnttiR < i >
Letters linvo been received from some
of tlio trustues of tlio homo endorsing tlio
su jre tionn made , tlmt riti/ens be invited
to iissoetato themselves with the boml : in
carryhiR forward tin investigation , nncl
tlmt such Investigation bo held at some
more suitable and convenient plaec than
the Homo. Thuto is some talk af using
the building recently occupied by Cooku
it Morgiin , Air. Hloomer hiiving ollercd
It , iiiidgeiurously oll'urccl , also , to pro
vide seats for thu convenience of those
The Bit' : is in receipt of a largo number
of spic.y uonimniiicatioiiR on the Mibjept ,
but they ate coining in so tliiuk and fast
that moM of them will bo lus-urvccl for
somufiirther tf. . The liii : : hasbeeneon-
lining itself to tlie publication , mainly , of
statements of thoic who claim to have
personal knowledge ol the facts they
recite. If it had been desired to create
merely % public sentiment ugiiinst the
home management , it could have done so
by simply using the spicy correspondence
Mr. Lumen wont to Dow City Satur
day , it is .said , for ( lit ! pnrno'-e of holding
u conference with the secretary of the
board , and with sonic others intnrested
in tlie institution.
One of the girls at the Homo , Hello
Wiiltois. : ispci about eleven years , whose
mother lives at Mondamin. skipped out
of the Home Saturday night , ami souirht
protection mid shelter in the home of Mr.
Nichols , on Avenue 1) , near Seventh
street. The girl was crying , find told
some bitter experiences growing out of
her life in tlie Home. Her story was in
accord with that related by others. Klio
claimed to have boon beaten and other
wise abused. After she had loft the
Home , some boys from the Home , one
large boy and one the son of the man
ager , appeared at police headquarters
and to asked have a policeman go and get
thegirl. ayingthat ainan had run her oft' .
The police relumed to interfere. The girl
is said to be willing to tell her story to
the investigating committee , provided
that she can be assured of protection ,
and the claim is made that others of the
children stiller from a like fear of trouble
if tlioy tell what they really know.
Do You AVnnt the l-Jnrtli ?
Wo can sell or trade yon sonic of it ,
divided into Uuilding Lots , Residence
Property , etc. Some nice places to sell
on Monthly Payments , small amount
down. Eiglit well unproved farms to
trade for Council liliills City Property.
Farms in Nebraska , etc.
Our.i.i. MHOS. & Co. ,
L No. 103i'earl St. . Co. HI u fife ,
Telephone No. 100.
Tlie New Salary.
Under the new law in regard to comity
attorneys , the county boards have de
cided at their June meeting as to the
amount of salary to bo paid that ollicer.
The county board hero accordingly on
Saturday brought up the matter , and
after some discussion fixed the salary at
$1,000. This is thought by most to bo
low , lower than it should bo to secure the
right kind of an attorney for the in-
creasd responsibility nnd labor. The
county attorney is now made an elective
office , and the people will bo culled on to
select a $1,000 man next fall.
r *
Highest prices paid for county , town ,
city and school bonds Odell lire's &
Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council lilufft ,
Beard has an immciiM ; stock of wall
paper and room Mouldings which must
bo turned into cash , so clown go the prices
at Ucml's.
Makepeace AInkoH Out.
The prisoners in the J-ounty jail at
Dcnison broke out on Saturday morning
before daybreak , the notorious Colonel
Makepeace , of Dunlap , being among
those who escaped. Makepeace has boon
trying to get out of jail on a wrii of
habeas corpus , but in this case it seems
a eold chisel is the more powerful in
strument. This is the second jailbrcuk
in Ucnisou in a short time.
Go to the Now York Plumbing com
pany for garden hose. They warrant nil
they sell. Opera IIOUHO block.
Why buy a poor gasoline stovn when
you can put a ' 'Quick Meal" at tlio sainu
price ? Cooper * : McUco hitvo them.
The Carnival of Author * .
Great preparations are being made for
the carnival of authors to be given under
the auspices of the Episcopal ladies of
this city. This interesting and attractive
entertainment will bo given in the build
ing recently occupied uy M. E. Smith &
Co. , June 10 to 10 inclusive. There will
bo an entire change of programmo each
evening. Refreshments will be served in
thu various booths.
Room Mouldings Largest assortment
and lowest prices at Board's Wall Paper
Suoro , _ _
Our refrigerators uro going very fust.
Good goods nnd low prices tell. Cooper
& McGeo.
_ _
Glory Fur the llliifffe.
The IJlulV City hose team and their
friends returned last evening from the
btato toiiinamont at Dubuquo. Had it
not been Sunday night they would have
been the recipients of H grand reception
upon their arrival. They won the ? .r(00
prixo anil Hindu within uno and H quarter
seconds the best time on record , theirs
being 11 } seconds.
PerMmnl 1'nrnxrnplis ,
Dr. Lacey has rcturued from Spirit
Royal Amy of Onuhu WHS in tli city
yc&tmiluy ,
E. L. S piirc has returned from his St.
Louis trii | ,
Mrs. B , O. Cole and children nro visit
ing in Mount Pleasant , In.
MM. W. H. Smith of West Point , Nc ! > . ,
is visiting nihuivus in this city.
J. P. Kail ami J. T. Christy , of Silver
Cityt In. , wurn in the city Saturday.
Mr ? . J. .1. Hr.Misliaw has gene to Ncolu
to visit her sitter , Mra. Walter Iteming-
Hon. A. L. , of Malvern , who is
talked of for judicial honor * , wns hero
Miss Anna Mcrkel unit Miss Kiltie. Bui-
lard have gene to Pierre , Dakota , on a
visit to
Miss Hcf&.a Am'.oison Im.s returned to
Glenwond , after oujovini ; a bsv.ipy visit
with Mi a Clr.ra Bebb'ineton.
Mits Hut lid McGiiyreu , of Missouri
Vallcty , is in tlm city , the guest of her
cousin , Claude G , TorwUliger ,
Dr. Stvy-beri and U. W , Wilbtr have
btartod on a western'trip , intending to
visit Salt Lttko , Denver , and other points ,
they to be absent a month. .
Mr , SUi'riimu. cashier of . thcKxchiii > " 6
bank of Uuntau , asd nohistzuaU of I. M , j
Trcynor , of the Codicil JHufTs Carpet
company , was hero bnturday.
Mrs L. II. , Ios iyn , who has been
visiting her daughters , Mrs. H. W. Tillon
nnd Mrs. P. M. Pr.vor , has been called to
return to her home in Joncsville , Wis. ( by
the unexpected death of her. mother.
Mis. Lowoer. Mrs. 1'rvor accompanied
Mrs. Josslyn on the sad trip eastward.
doling Out.
Hny shoos and Slippers balow bottom
prices now.
/ . T. LINDSIY : & Co.
At the cnrnavnl no\t week there will
be for sale an elaborate display of fancy
work , also plain nnd fancy aprons ami
sun-bonnets for ladies and children ,
Stop and Think.
You can buy Shoes and Slippers nt our
closing out sale regardless of cost.
The li. 11. Mosilcr Stock
Of clothing nnd geiit.s'furnishinggoods
has been purchased by us and removed
to our old store. No. 418 Broadway , next
door to the First National bank , where
wo will commence a forced sale tomorrow
row morning. The stock has been
marked down in plain figures to just one-
half price and the public are invited to
give us a call and inspect the same
Now is a good time to lay in n supply
of troods for men's , youths' ami boy's
wear for a long time to conic. Wo
bought these goods cheap , and the pub
lic shall have thn benefit of our cheap
purchase. 11. EISIMAK : iV Co. ,
I 18 Broad way.
Hurry Up.
We will not wait always for yon to get
the benefit of our closing out sale of Shoes
and Slippers.
Z. T. LiNUsr.Y & Co.
The Quick Meal gasoline steve Is be
coming moro popular everyday. Get one
of Cooper & McGeu.
Iowa. lleniH.
Unrllngton saloons are plugged tighten
on Sundays.
Sioux City is advertising for bids for
similes of paving.
Tlio saloons in Davenport , 151 in num
ber $ ' . ' 5 month nnd
, nay a run unmo
lested. *
Fort Madi'on has put in gas and water
works and is now looking around for a
street railway.
One thousand delegates attended the
state Sunday school convention at Oska-
loosa la > t week.
The construction of sewers advertised
for by Sioux City will cost from lifty to
sixty thousand dollars.
There is quite a rivalry among pro
perty owners in Siou.\ City to secure the
postollico building near their lots.
One thousand men and teams will
tackle tlie gr.ule at the Milwaukee line to
Sioux City within the nu\t two weeks.
The Hoinan Catholic Mutual Protective
association of the state has a membership
of 1,700. The society was started in Iowa
City seven years ago.
The bank of Hull , formerly Patterson-
ville , has been incorporated under the
statu laws. The capital stock is $25,000 ,
which will soon be increased to $50,000.
Sioux City business men have been
down in their jeans and pulled out $ . ' 50,000 ,
to be used in building an opera- house ! .
The bujlding will be completed before
snow llies.
Thcro arc giants in our day , but very
lone.somo in numbers. Dan Murphy , a
farmer near Allison , stands 0 feet Oj in
his stocking feet He stands high in the
W. J. . Crow blow out the gas in his
room in a Sioux City hotel and swallowed
enough of it to give the doctors n three
hour job. He was from tlie emerald in
terior ami did not know how it worked.
Charles E. Evans , of Davenport , read
too many dime novels and has become
insann. He imagines that ho is n wilel
rover on the plains , an athlete of surpris
ing strength and the like. Ho has been
sent to the asylum at Mt. Pleasant.
In the state of Iowa there are -54 Con
gregational churches. They have 217
ministers , 18,223 members , 20,070 in the
Sunday schools. They have church prop
erty valued at $855,480 , and parsonages at
? 08,700. Thov pay their pastors $ iuiOO : ( ,
and for benevolent purposes gave last vear
over $155,000.
Best cream soda in the city , 5c per glass ,
at Palmer's , IS Main street.
Go to Beard for room mouldings.
John Tcmpleton has moved his cigar
factory to 050 Broadway , opera house
If 3-011 % yant to invest a few dollars
whore it will save many times the amount
in labor and doctors' bills , buy an Ameri
can washer of Cooper & McGee.
She Thought It lime to Take a Tum
ble and Get a Sure Grip on Some
"Oh , darling Ethel , " said the young
man. as ho moved nearer the blushing
maiden , "you really do not love me as 1
do you , or yon would not bo so cold. "
"I am not cold , Hubert , " murmured
"Yes , you nro. Hero 1 have loved you
madly for months , and to-night 1 have
tild you so , nnd yet you refuse to let mo
kiss your sweet lips , only . .once to seal
our compact. "
"It would not bo right , Hubert , " she
"Yes , it would bo my darling one. It
would not harm you ; it would never bo
told to the cold ear of tlie world ; it would
bft n token I should never forget. Do
give me one , just one , my allianccd bride. "
"Well , Hiirbert , " said sho.nn her liquid
eyes brained love to his. "if I give yon
this token , will you give mo one to keep
near my hearty"
"Anything , durlmg , any token you
may wish. "
"Then I am yours , " she said , nnd sank
upon his breast while * ho mined burning
kisses upon her willing lips ,
"And now , darling , what token do you
"Only your name , dearest , your name
on a piece of paper. It is only an odd.Jn
romanlio. nyn perhaps a foolish , girlish
idea of mine * , but I want your dear nanni
that I may carry it in my bosom , and
ga/o on it and kiss it when you are away.
put your nume hero. "
And Ifnrburt did BO only too gladly ,
nnd she placed the pancr in her bosom ,
nnd when she reached her room she took
it out nnd gaicd on it. And above his
luiuii ) where ho didn't happen to sue , ap
peared this legend , which had been writ
ten jiiil before he called :
KVANSVII.UJ , May ' - ' , isso. This nicht I
piniuised to inairy Kthel , and I heieby bind
iiivFcIf to elo so nt the tiino we mutually
"Yes , " she muttered to herself as she
saute to rest on her pillow , " 1 think I've
cot him foul. There have been too many
ducks kissing andslobbcringover mo for
the JHSI live 3 ears , and I think it's time
to take a tumble and get n sure grip on
one. " _ _
A. Sad Case * of Poisoning
is tlmt of nny man or woman nUlicted
with eiibeaso or derangement of the liver ,
resulting in poisonous accumulations in
the blood , scrofulous nlfections. sick-
beiidachcK , nnd dUt'asus ot the kidneys ,
lungs or hearts , Tliesu troubles ran bo
cured only by going to the primary
cause , and puttimr the liver in n healthy
condition. To accomplish this result
speedily nnd ' cll.'cliially nothing has
proved Itself no etiicacioim us Dr. 1'ienVa
' 'Golden Medical Discovery , " which has
never faile'.d to do -work-clnimfid for
j. it , uiu ! never wilJ. . „ ' ' , ' , '
Ills Ilcply to the Itcmnrks of ixn
ImHannpdm'HlTlnc ' ,
An Indianapolis dispatch of Juno T to
The Cincinnati Enquirer says : The re
vival meetings of bam Small nt tlio city
hall this afternoon-mid'oveniiic ' wore nt-
tended by immense crovds. The sermons
were elevotcd to exhorting church mem
bers on tlie errors of their ways. Some
thing of a sensation .was caused to-night
by the reading of ! a .letter
Jones , who will arrive to-morrow , an
swering the attack made upon him by
Dr. Reuben Jefl'cry , pastor of First
Baptist church of this city , in which ho
called the evangelist/ , among other
things , n moral scavenger.
In his answer Mr. Jones says : "In
April last , during tlie progress of a won
derfully sweeping work of gracein
Columbus , Miss. , while hundreds of men ,
women , youths , ami college students
were being converted to Christ , it was
brought to my attention most plainly that
some of our brethren of the Baptist faith
were prosecuting an open ami aggressive
system of pro olytism , especially among
the younger people. They went so far
as to confuse the minds nnd consciences
ot many converts and to Imperil the new
born faith. In some instances the
children of parents of other than the
Baptist faith were urged , while thus nb-
sent from their homes and friends , to
join the Baptist churchupon the positive
statement that its mode of baptism alone
could be to them the seal and" sure wit-
ne'-g of the soul's ' salvation. Others were
led to understand that tliey would bo
damned if they were not immersed.
They wore thus led to doubt the reality
of tlie religion of their fathers , mothers ,
and famlies from time immemorial , nnd
in this dilemma to draw back from their
professions to Christ. In this emergency
ot danger to so many souls , produced
by n spirit RO Jesuitlcally at variance
with the union work of evangelism in
which wo were cngageel , and which God
was favoring so mightily , I indignantly
protcstcel against this species of pros-
clytism. "
In doing this Mr. Jones admits that bo
did say to tlie converts that if anyone tip-
proacned them in an attempt to proselyte
them by telling them that immersion is
the. only and exclusive form of Christian
baptism , to tell them that Sam Jones
says they are liars. In conclusion , bo
says :
' ' 1 make tiiese statements for truth's
sake , not for defense of my speech ; for
that , I conceive , needs no defen e in face
ol the facts. My catholicity of Christian
courtesy and confrateinity needs no
fictitious bolstering before tlio Christian
people of this country. My language at
all times I am willing to freely and fully
submit in parallelism with that which
gives its only pungency to the address of
Rev. Mr. Joil'roy. "
The wading of tlio letter was loudly
applauded by the audience.
Ke.op guictl
And take Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
ami Diarrhiea Remedy. It cures pain in
the stomach almost instantly. ( Jet a 25
cent bottle , take nothing else. You xvifl
need nothing else to cure the worst case
of Diarnun , Cholera Mbrbus or bowel
complaint. This medicine is made for
bowel complaint only a\nl has been in
constant use in the , west lor nearly fif
teen years. Its success , has been un
bounded and its name 'become ' a house
hold woid in thousands of homes. . Try it.
JVe are malting a Spec
ialty noiv of
Summer Goods ,
And are Offering
You ivill find new
special bargains on
our counters
Every Morning.
We are selling Lawns
at 4c.f vorth 6c.
Satteens at 12 l-2c.f
worth 18c.
Embroidery patterns
at one-lialf their
Dress Goods
At loss than they wore over known
before. '
You can save monojr by coming1 to
Council Bluffs for
&c. Wo keep the Choicest patterns
turned out of the * Looms , and our
prices are the lowest in this western
country. You will say so when you
BOO them. \
Watch our advertisement every
morning for new bargains.
Look in local column for special sale
Harkness Bros. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Established 1U7. ,
Agricultural Implements ,
Cnn Inge' . Ktd , Ete- Council tlluiTs , lotvn.
> ta\o the Original and Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
Nos. irot , 15JI. liVti anil liitt i-outli Main Street ,
Council lllulTJ , low a. ,
Mnnuf'isiin 1 Jobbers ot
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Carriage" , and nil kin Is of 1'arm Miolilnorr.
1100 to llll ) Soutli Main Street , Council llluira ,
P.O. Guaso.v , T. H.Dnmu.v * , a BO. P. WmairrT
Pios.ATreas.VI'rc Minn. SOC.A. Counsel.
Council BluTs Haidlo Factory ,
( Ineorpnraled.l
Mnnufncturorsor Axle , 1'lck , Slodpo and Small
Handles , of every descrlplton.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Ctntnln Fixtures , Upholstery Goods ,
Ktc. Na 405 Ilromlway Council lllulTs ,
Wliolctnlo Jobbers In tlio
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
NOB. 28 Mala and 27 Poiirl Sts. , Council liluds ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No. lU'oitrl St , Council Uluffs.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Drug-gists' Sundries , Ktc. No. 22 Main St. , and
No. 211'onrl St. , Council tllulTfl.
M. E. SMl'lII & CO. ,
Lipirters aai J)3r3 ! ) ! ) of Dr/
Notions , nto. No . 112 mul 114 Main Pt. , Nos. 113
and ll.'i Pearl St. , Council Illutrs. Iowa.
O.V. . BU'lTS ,
Wholesale Califoraia Frails a Specialty
General Commission. No. 5LJ Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
WlllT & UUJUE1TE ,
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries
Nos. 10 and 18 Pearl St. , Council Illnfft.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 llroad-
wiiy , Council lllulTu.
Manii'nctiirci-s of and Wholesale Doilora In
Leather Harness Etc.
, , Saddlery , .
No. KJ5 Main St. . Council Illulfs , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nos. 842 and 314 Broadway , Council ItlulTs.
Iron Steel Nails Hardware
, , , Heavy ,
And Wood Stock , Council muffs , Iowa.
JUDES AXD irooji.
D. H. McDANELL ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tullew.Wool , Pelts , Orcnaonnd i'ura Cguncll
Wholesale Dcnlcra In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils G is Ml a 3
6.Theodore , Anunt , Council IllnlTs. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Mid llridiro Mntcilal Siieclalttcs.Wholusalo Luui-
bur or uU Kinds , oniuo No. 1JO Malu St. ,
Council Illuirs. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & liquors.
Agent for St. ( lOttlmin'B Hurb Illltors. No. L )
Council Illullu.
Foreign and Domestic V/ines / and Liquors ,
JVu UK ) Main St. . Cuu/iU ! Itluffe.
.Special lulvortUoimmle , euuh aa Ixist , Vouml ,
To Ixinn , for Silo , To Hunt , WnnlB , llonicllni ? ,
etc , nill liolnecrtt'il In this foluinn lit thn lo\v
rntoof TiNCi.NTS : I'lllt MNMJ loriho llrtt Insor
tlonancl uCvntBl'urUauloruucli tubsuioiu |
Intoitlon. I.t'ti\o ' iidxcirliboiuoiita lit ciur olllco ,
No. li 1'eul etreut , iiuur JlrouclHiiy , Council
JllnttH ,
FOH SAMI A line nnciiliig for a matt with
small capflul IsliiiiK to ont-'iiifo In rtiiiir
liilbliHiM InAfMoui lowu. Only ilruif Flora in
tlio tovui. Aclclicbii llurvu ) A : lluurd , Kcoltt ,
ANTIJD A good younfc' pony. I J.iunon ,
61(1 ( Sixth btreot.
O K UKWAHD i'i . a told Bl net nnu lot
tpi > April 2ll mi tntnslur pUttonu by W. H.
llurne , Council lllutls.
WANTIU ) A KOOII boytolcnrn tl < o nrlntlntr
tradu. Cull at Hue ollito , Council Illuirj.
FOIl BALK Tno lots 25 leet from X , W. ll'y
track , suitable for warehouse * or factory
purjio-ctf. I' . I , tiheafo , MU llroadivuy
BAMJ Union uvoniio luitol property.
J Speciulbtirtruln. 13.1..t-lit'iiff , UJ ) Ilioaduuy.
T7XH SAI.K Old papers , In qnuntltlus to suit ,
X1 at llou olllea No , U 1'ciiri stiert.
Ubcr.U rowtirrt. Idifgo llsht bay
STOLEN . pjicr , black jiolnts , iiliio jenrj old ,
wilghb HuO pound ) ? , lilfli heaclcd , trookid un : I
lo.'i , slum ull around. MuunUuut . ' 1'ior 4 > t < iiiii
old , dark complexion , dark inoustncliu , heavy
Jeaiurcd. . '
) niioforiioiUi |
.Council lilullj , lon-.i , C > 7-tG.
I ?
fiisi cuss ii BHI mm
icil in t 77.
Semi for , I'rlecs , I'rclb
2OOOO Vehicles Aiuitmlly * Catalogue | ;
Kates and Testimonials.
Briefc h.ilMlns nnv Idml rnlspil or moved nml satisfaction guaranteed. Finino liouet-3 ir.ovoO
LlttleCUaat trJoks tlm boat In tlmrorlL
803 Eighth A.v < mua mil Eighth Stroob , Council Bluflj.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Creston House ,
Tiio only hotel la Council ( miffs liaUnj ?
Fir © Esoa/pe
il nil modern Improvements.
215,217 and 21l ! Mulu tt.
MAX 1IOHN , Prop.
Practices In State uncl Federal Courts.
Kooins 7 uiul 8 , Sliuirait IMoek. _
Closing Out.
I have the largest and most com-
plele line of :
In the city. 1 am closing out
You will find all the latest novelties in
hats , bonnets , llownrs , plumes , tips , rib-
boas , gau/.cs , crapes and other styles of
Goods Must Be Sold ,
Best of Bargains ever ollcrcd. Call
and s-'i : them.
No. 328 Broadway , Council Blufls.
R , RICE , M. D.
oth'tr tumors ro-novnil without
o knife or drawi.-u < ) f blooJ.
CHRONIC DISEASES of U KI cU ipeelaltr.
Over thIrly yo.iri" cx
o.ll 1'o.irl Mruot , Council Illui
China , Glassware and humps ,
AS , Homer & Co , .
No. 23 , Main St.Council Blulft , la.
Juste of the Peace.
OfflcoOver American Rxprosj Coimmnjr.
"FRANK cooiC
Room 7 , Shugari
I litno R quantity of sound , well cleaned atcj
w til'jii J olfcr at i 'a oii.iblu flnrUKS food ol llio
ruipoflSSS. Corrv | M > ttilciuMi eollcilc * ! . , ( * .
UU.i'LKU & . ( X > . . . .
Ucnlors in Milch Cow * .
A 5HAt ° ur M
No 502 and COO E. Broailway.Ccmneil BlTs
I. . W. TuM.nvs , I'roi. T. .7. RVAVR , Vico-1'rcs.
JAMI.B N. Hitow.sCashier.
Council Blui Katiooal M
Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 250,000
Stockholders Represent 1,000,000
Do n pcnerttl hanking bu lnn < is.
Accounts ot banks , bankois , merchants imn-
ulncturersand indirldiiiils iccelvcl on fnvola
tile tcinis.
Domestic and forolcfn ctiMinn' a
Tlio very best of attention given to all b isl
ness committed to our > ' > ire.
Horses and Mulo9 kept constnntly on Imnd
for Palo nt retail or In cur lomK
Onlers pronullly lllled by ucviti.iot on short
notlcu. Stock Mild on commission.
SMt.UTEll * HOI.ICV , I'lrjirletom ,
Stable Cornur Tilth Avouuu and Fourth St
Council Uluifg lawn.
Choice IJUpIay "T Cutest l > uU
tcniB , All Grades.
Council Bluffs
WinhilPANYl I
3O5 Broadway. / B
* i
A Select Stock ol' Cliolco (
\ovolllf * In.
Grown nnd selected from M'liut
HctMl by
J. R. McPherson ,
Grower mul Jetlc ) : : ' in
A.\I > r
Council Hltill's. Iowa.
Horses and Mules
For nil pin poM. > . bought mi'l ' f-olO , nt total ! aifl
u loin. Uiiiru ciiiuititlc8 | ta ft ltd fron.
. ' ! / : ! , ( ' ( j. ;