Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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The Unsatisfactory Management at the In
sane Hospital Yet in Existence.
I'lntMinontti Yomist Men's Hcpuli-
llcnn ClnlVorrloH the Stntc
Journal Now Town Iuld
Out Capital News.
Iritow TIIK nKK's t.iNcot.x ntriiEto.1
'Ihu board of public lands and build
ings has been in cession the past week
transacting ; the monthly routine of busi
ness , nnd M usual the Insane hospital
mutters look much of their time and attention -
tontion , and continues lo bo a source of
annoyance and trouble above all oilier
state institutions. Mailers since the ap
pointment of Mrs. Mntlhowson ai matron
nro moro unsatisfactory llian over to the
board , who see no hope ot a change for
tlio bolter until a long suffering public
onjoy.s a chiuige from the Dawcs admin
istration. The hospital for the Insane
has a king and ( | uecn , but no cabinet ,
und the asslslanl physician , lady physi
cian and steward are kept without in
fluence and from counsel as far as pos
sible. The statement is freely made that
the lady phywiolun'8 judgment and ex
perience Is confined to the task of feed-
ini ! two female patients who have taken
n determined htand to smcido by starva
tion , and the board finds that the ser
vices of the professional and valuable as
sistants at the hospital are kept crowded
down and out of useful channels under
the star chamber procedures- that in-
fclilulolhat two separate legislatures have
said ought lo bo reformed. It need not be n
mirprise if an oppn rupture occurs
holwoen iho superintendent and the
board , in spite of Ihu fael Ihat a one-man
power has succeeded in keeping the su-
porintcndont in power and forcing a mat
ron on the board against their unanimous
opposition. While Ibis state of uuairs ex
ists Iho Salaries go on , and curly in Iho
morning of the second day's session of
the board tlio .superintendent" making
Kolicitlou.s inquiries concerning Iho regu
lar allowance. There will bo a prodigious
high of relief on Iho part of the board
when they can PCO Iho dawn of satisfac
tory manauomont at the Nebraska hospi
tal for thu insane.
Some of the Lincoln papers , notably
the Stale Journal , are in n slate of per
turbation over tlio rceont Young Men's
Jtcpultliean club banquet at Plattsmouth
tno ilotirnal , because that club invited
ticintor Van Wyck for ono of ils guesls ,
who is a republican in every part of the
United State.1 } except the third story of
the Journal building. The young men's
republican club of Plattsmouth is built
of material Unit is honest enough and in
earnest enough to keep aliyo and pros
perous in Nebraska the only incorporated
club . of Chicago. u club that
ought to bo the pride of every republican -
publican in the stale , without an exhi
bition of editorial intolerance. It
must be , tn many , humiliating lo road the
HtricturcH that radiate from the editorial
triiiod situated on the apex of the mag
nificent structure known as the Journal
ollieo , that has been accumulated and
sustained by stale putro-migo gleaned as
prolils from Iho republican party. The
young men's republican olub of Plaits-
mouth has enjoyed no such inducements
to keep ils camp fires burning , and when
il is remembered that the editor of the
State Journal , who , with other promi
nent republicans , were invited to tno club
banquet , did not esteem the invitation
enough to * acknowledge its receipt , it
would seem as though thu club had oeen
treated with all thu contempt it deserves.
The Lincoln or 1) ) . & M. town site com
pany , which plats and locates the now
towns on the line.s of the I ) . & M. in the
stall * , has had a busy year thus far , owing
to ninny Burlington extensions this year
into now torritorj' . The company lias
already located and laid out thirty-two
new towns in the state , in addition to the
yearly work of platting now additions to
towns already established and in which
they have proprietary interests. These
thirty-two now towns are located along
the B. & M.'s Grand Island extension to
the northwest , along the El wood branch
west through Frontier county , and on
the Blue Hill lloldrcgo extension. The
company has also put in a few now towns
on the Denver main line , and every ono
of Iho lot is booming its individual self
into a city , with corner lota raising in
value. The town silo work on Iho now
B. & M , extensions this summer has kept
three surveying- parties actively at work
over since stakes could bo driven in llio
early spring , and is a fair index of the
way in which Nebraska is growing.
A citizen of Saline county has quietly
furnished the information to Capital City
parlies that the arrangements for Iho
legislative ticket in that county are com
plete and that mun had boon agreed
upon. This arrangement contemplates
thu election of F. U Foss as ono of the
legislators , and , in term , for the speaker-
ship of the house , all of which , no doubt ,
would bo yury pleasant to the governor ,
who would bo enabled in that way to see !
n litllo substance to take the place oftlio
vapory film before his eyes , which hesi
tates in formulating a senatorial boom.
lint the Foss tmonkcrdliip combination
has a terrific gauntlet yet to run , before
it H safe to count upon.
trniKit KVENTS.
Saturday oycningMr.nnd Mrs.I. Friend
celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of
their niarriago , their entertainment con
sisting of a reception , banquet und bull.
hold at the Masonic Temple hall , where
tiomo seventy-live couple woru in altond-
unco enjoying the anniversary. The col
lation served was a complete champagne
supper ; Brown's opera orchestra fur-
iiinlied Ihe inusio anil iho festivities con
tinued to n Into hour , Among the gnob-ts
present from abroad was Rabbi Benson ,
ot Omaha , who during the I-OIIMO of the
btinquol made u folluitious speech con
gratulatory to Mr. und Mrs. Friend.
Among the handsome gifts received
were evidences of the ctlbct of the
heated Qterni upon thn people ,
three complete aim elegant silver water
sets being among the array of gifts en-
numerated , ono of them coming from Iho
congregation of which the host and
hostess are members.
In Justice L'ochrun's court an interest
ing case has been totminutcu in which
Mrs. Madovnio sued one ( Joldwater for
board , Iho { defense being an onset for
work alone , and performed for plaintill 1.
ono item ofvhich was for ? J.fX > as ser
vices for writing a letter. Tlio case was
a contest of attorneys and until far into
the night thu eloquent pleas were contin
ued until all U street resounded with the
sounds of oratory. The case ended in
dismissal with thu costs taxed up to both
parties ,
The jail records yesterday showed that
twenty-four arrests hud been made and
that twenty-four pilgrims would
cat Sun
day dinner at tno expense of the city.
These arrests covered a variety of mis ,
demeanors , ranging trom plain drunks
upward , and the police court in consequence
quence will bn a busy place to-day. One
of the important arrests is of a Mrs.
Hawkins and three others for conspiracy >
together and secreting stolen property.
The oflicers who were armed wiln the
search warrant and made the arrest found
a trunk full of shoos und a largo , varied
nnd interesting assortment of underwear.
on the premises. Hawkins is ire
porlcd as a bad citizen from Omaha , , and
tbo case will bo heard rtt 3 p. m. to-day.
The citizens of Kast Lincoln , which , by
the way. Is one of the growing suburbs ,
would like a few improvements al Iho
hnmls of the city fathers , including nn
oloe.lric slrect light , some much needed
sidewalk and the extension of water ser
vice out to Twenty-seventh strecl.
A goodly number of Lincoln people of
musical tastes were excursionists to
Omaha and Unit city's great musical fes
tival on Saturday last , to ntlcnd Iho mat
inee concert on thai afternoon. Return
ing homo they have only words of appre
ciation for the festival.
A former newspaper man in the state
nnd cx-goveinnii'iit olllcial has gotten
into trouble by not sotlling a board bill at
the Windsor , and has been placed under
arrest. To him il will bo lhc wrong kind
of an advertisement.
An Interesting meeting was enjoyed by
the Capital City camp of the Modern
Woodmen Friday evening. Deputy Head
Consul Yolton presided Ri Iho absence of
Consul F. M. Woods. The membership
has reached 120 and will count IcO before
the chart is closed , so say the workers in
the organization. F. F Koso and L. Bald
win wore elected delegates to the head
camp which meets in October next at
Sterling , Illinois.
One of the old land marks In the city
has been removed from the corner of 0
nnd Twelfth streets lo make room for anew
now biick Ihat will be built on that
corner and which will bo a pleasing im
J. T. Mallalicn , superintendent of the
reform school at Kearney , is at the capi
tal , combining business and pleasure.
( Jcorgc W. Ihincaii of SI. Joe , formerly
with the Hick & Miller Tea company ,
now with Slcelc & Walker'of that city ,
passed Sunday in Lincoln at the Com
The society , at ils excellent
entertainment tit Iho opera liousosulVered
grievous annoyance from lain comers ,
who seriously interfered with the pro
gramme. The radical reform in this
matter of late coming oughl lo bo inaug
urated during the remaining entertain
ments of commencement week.
Lincoln base ball enthusiasts drew anew
now breath of courage when the Lincoln
club won Saturday's game at Leaven-
worth , on a score of ' 3 to 2 in an eleven
inning game.
Secretary of State Koggen bus been n
visitor at Omaha the last day past on a
business excursion lo thai place.
( iuorgc B. Lane , a well advertised can
didtttu tor state superintendent , came in
from Omaha ycftorduy. It is announced
that Professor W. W. Urummond , ol
Plattsmouth. is also in the Hold for this
Sam Waugh. late of Crcle , passed
llirough Lincoln yesterday ctirouto to
Plattsmouth , where he becomes a citizen
and cashier ot the First National bank at
that place.
Chancellor Manatt delivered the Bac
calaureate address at the opera house last
evening , his Ihcmo being "Tho Obliga
tion of Culture in Modern Life. "
The followingNobraskans discussed the
Sunday bills ot faro at Lincoln hotels yesterday
torday : J. Ililliger , umnha ; E. O. Jack
son , Omaha ; F. C. Thompson , Omaha
C. H. Hamilton , Milford ; George M.
Walsh , Milford ; T. E. Clark , Omaiia ; W.
P. Clark , Fremont ; W. A. Dilworlh
Hastings ; E. J. Parrot , Omaha ; John W.
Clark. Weeping Water ; U. W. Bates
Grand Island ; E. D. Lawton , Beatrice
W. D. Wen/ , Nebraska City ; B. B. Rice
Omaha ; Charles E. Do Soilen , Omaha ; 11
C. Gist , Plattsmouth ; Roger Strum
Chadron ; George Clark , Omaha.
Tliclr KlHclenry , Salaries mid Work
Fifteen ThoiiHuml In the De
partment * A. ftonmnce
of the Treasury.
The Washington correspondent of the
Utica Observer writes : The govornmcn
clerks employed in the departments n
Washington number 15,000 , making an
army half again as largo as Ihat o
Xcnophon in the retreat which he writes
of in his " "
"Anabasis. A curious army
it is old and young men and women , o
all types , strong and weak , crippled anc
active its variety is as broad as that o
human lifol Fifty-eight hundred of its
number receive salaries which range
from $000 to $1,800 n year , and all , fron
chiefs to privates , are allotted a vacation
of ono whole month al almost any time
of the year they choose to take it.
This army of clerks never strikes. I
is content with its wages , and it has no
reason to complain of its hours of work
These hours are practically only sij
dailv. The departments open at ! )
o'clock , und the clerks tire oxpecled lo
bo at their desks at that hour. They
work steadily unlll noon , and then take
usually an hour for luncheon. At '
o'clock they are back at their desks , am
at 4 their day's work is done.
The treasury contains between 3,500 am
4,000 clerks. It is tlio largest department
of Iho government. At 4 p. m. fotu
human streams pour fourth from its vari
ous exits , and the strcols become crowded
in a moment. Hero goes a dashing youn <
lady with a lunch basket in her haiicf
dressed in the latest fashion , and with :
now spring bonnet resting jauntily abovi
her banged curls. Beside her is a gi : ,
young man In a Derby , who chats wit.
her almost lovingly ns they pass out to
gothor. In front of her is n plainly
dressed old woman , who probably keeps
a family out of the $720 a year which she
makes oy copying papers all day long
and back of her is a long thin dude will
a collar us big as a sldrl end'u ml enormous
cars. Further back llioru is a widow ii
mourning , and as you look at her yoi
wonder whether her husband was a sol
There are 4,000 women in the govern
mnnl departments at Washington , and
among the best-looking and most intclli
gent ladies of the capital are so employed
i'hoy como , us n rule , from good families
Many of them nro Iho widows of notei
generals , the daughters of ox-governors
and ox-congressmen , and now and thoi
you will find Iho relative of a president
or a cabinet minister. Many of then
have travelled widely , and the
great majority are educated am
refined ladies. They do all kinds 01
work , and receive salaries ranging fron
$720 to $1,600 a year. As money counters
Ihoy are much moro export Ihan the men
nnd Iho rapidity with which they cm
count thousands upon thousands of del
lars without making a mistake make ;
your brain whirl us you watch thorn
These money counters get about $75 a
month , and they count millions of dollars
every month , Al ono side of each ono 01
Iho table Ho great piles of greenbacks §
done into packages us they come from
the press. I am speaking now of redemp
tion bureau of the treasury. Those bills
are old and dirty. The strip of paper
around each package of 100 bills slate :
where they came trom , and who counlec
them in the country. The voting lady
takes this off , and , moistening her lingers
with u wet sponge in front of her , she
counts the bills like lightning , and if the
package is not right , she reports so to the
chief , and the banks from which the bills
come must stand the loss. The girls sol
doui make a mistake , and if they do so 01
pass n counterfeit without noting it they
must make the mistake good , and the ,
amount is taken out of their salary. The ;
can toll , however ; a bad bill simply b1
feeling it , and a bank cashier will make a
hundred mistakes where they make ono
Not long ngo one of these young lady
counters was engaged upon a lot of f 11X
notes. She had been dropping the scrap
on the floor beside her in a pile , afto
verifying the count. While she \vJCa
counting a package she would lay tin
scrap , marked with the'name' the bank.
which sent it , on Iho table bcsldo hen
U last she came to a package that con-
alncd ninety-nine note. " , and on looking
or the scrap was torrilicd to find that it
md fallen among the other * . She was
tire she know the name of the bank , but
ho could not prove it. The bank was
lotilicd and refused to acknowledge the
ulslake , and the poor girl was forced to
wv Iho $100.
llotb sexes of clerks In Washington
work in Iho snmo department , and it is
often tlio case lhal young men and young
women have desks side by side. There
s no restriction ns to social intercourse ,
and It is a matter of surprise to outsiders
that so few marriages occur among the
clerks. It is not thai Iho girls are nol
; oed looking , nor Ihat they are not good ,
icat and Intelligent. And ll is not thai
[ ho men arc not noble and at
tractive. Washington living , how
ever , is expensive , and it is
conlrary to the rules of the department
that two members of the same family
should hold positions under the govern
ment. The ladles in Iho departments
oat n enough to keep them respectably ,
and they do not care to marry a nnui
who has no larger income than them
selves , nnd have in Iho end nol so much
pocket money than she had before.
Many of thn marriages which do take
place are with men outside of the depart
ments , and it is not an uncommon thing
here for a good-looking clerk to marry a
congressman , a senalor , or a newspaper
correspondent. Mrs. Theaker , who is to
bb Stanley Matthews' wife , was a gov
ernment clerk when she mot and married
Judge Theaker , a former commissioner
of ptucnU. Stephen A. Douglas married
a department clerk , and Atlorney Gen
eral Brcwster's wife , although she was
Robert J. Walker's daughter , was work
ing In the departments when ho fell in
love with her.
I don't think women are justly Ireated
in Iho departments. Men vllo do the
same class of work often receive higher
salaries than the women , and a if 1-100
clerk and a $1,000 clerk are employed on
the same work al limes , and the $1,000
woman perhaps docs tlio most. It
was in 181)2 that women entered the ser
vice as copyists and counters at a salary
of $720 per year. They wore not eligible
to clerkships. At this same time the
men appointed to clerKships received
$1,200 a year , and later , when the salary
of such women was laiscd lo $ UOO , men
doing the same work wore paid as high
us $1,200 and $1,000 per annum , fn ] 1870
women wore made eligible lo clerkships ,
and since then they have been promoted
until now two receive $1,800 a year. But
Iho high-priced women clerks tire very
few , and men who do as good work re
ceive as aj-ulo hotter pay , and are moro
certain of holding their positions
The young men in Iho departments as
a rule , have no ono but themselves to
care for , and if you ask them why they
are not married , they will tell yon thai
their salary is not largo enough for them
to support wives. Nearly till of the
single women in Iho departments have
others depending upon them. Many of
tliom send their sisters and bothers to
school , and many of them are widows ,
who in this way support nnd educate
heir families.
Some of Iho old lady clerks are very
fine looking , and BO mo of them had noted
careers in society before going into the
departments. One I know who had Jef
ferson for an ancestor , and another , per
haps the most beautiful of the white-
haired ladies of Iho treasury , was Iho
wife of an Ohio governor who was a
great friend of President Lincoln. An
other Ohio governor has a daughter in
the departments , and ono of the line old
ladies of the pension ollice , now a great
grandmother , is a Kansas woman , who
was tlio first woman cleric over elected
by a legislative body in this country.
These old lady clerks dress well , anil
among them are some of the most agree
able talkers in Washington- Their
hearts are young , thoiifAh their hair is
white , and they arc almo&as fascinating
now as when the bloom vivas on their
cheeks and they wore the belles of their
native states. .
The women do the bulk of the dead letter -
tor olliec business. In 1881 there were
twenty-seven male clerks in the dead letter -
tor oflico and sovcnty-oighl female clorks.
The annual pay roll of the nnilo clerks
was $37,400 , an average of $1.41 per day.
The annual pay roll of the seventy-eight
female clerks was $73,420 , or an trvcrago
of $3.ll ! per day. The men did practic
ally the same work as the women , bul
they received $1.10 more a day for it , and
hail the men's work been done by women
the government would have saved $0,811. ,
Had tlio men done all the work at the
above rate the pay roll would have hat !
to be increased $24,155. It would seem
that an equalization board ought to bo
appointed and thai Uncle Sam at least
should give his nieces tlio same pay as his
nephews when they do the same work.
Is the civil service of the government a
good plaeo for women V
It seems to mo that it is. The hours ol
labor tire short , Iho work is not such lhal
il overtaxes Iho .system , and Iho labor is
honorable. The "salaries are bolter than
women can make in almost any other oc
cupation , and the associations are what
the women choose to make thorn. There
used to bo an idea Unit women in the departments
partments wore as a rule o.uo"siionablo
characters ; that they wore indebted lo
politicians for their appointment , and
that Ihe appointments wore often given
in the way of a bargain for questionable
relations wiih such congressmen. There
may have been instances of this charac
ter , but they are by no moans common ,
and ninety-nine huiidredlhs of the women
in the departments to-day are as pure us
any in the country. No womau who
wishes to bo honest need fear that
she insulted while working for tha
The government clerks stand well in
Washington city. They are far above Iho
average of the intelligence of men doing
the same character of work which they
do throughout the country. Washington
is a pleasant place in which to live. It is
expensive or cheap , us ono wishes to
make it. and it is to bo in the future the
great educational , social and literary con
tor of Iho counlry.
"For economy anp comfort ovorj
spring , wo use Hood's Sars.tpurillu ,
writes a Bumilo , N. Y. ) lady. 100 doses
Ono Dollar.
That's Whnt Lot Him Out.
"Now , " said a gentleman to a negro
whom ho had just employed. "I wan
you to come early every morning. . '
propose to pay you well and I want yoi
to work. "
"Wants me tor work , yer say ? "
"Ofcouroldo. "
Pat lots me out , don. I don't 'jecl
tor do pay an' I'd Jos' as soon hire out
but I doau wantor work. Good day
ah , "
irbcn E bjr WM tick , we g rt her CutorU ,
When ih wu Child , the cried for CutorU ,
Wttn th * becam * UlM , he clone to CutorU ,
Wfea th * U4 CbiUno , i& * gtrt them Cajtori
Opposition to Street Cars.
PiTTSiiuiio , June 12. The slriklng slree
car employes started a number of wagons or
Wylfu avenue line to-day In opposition to tin
street cats , which have been boycotted by the
Knlubts of Labor. Another line of wagons
will bo put on the Oakland road this after
noon. I'he wuguiis are well patronized. "
Recognized medical , authorities ( erm
Rod Star Cough Cure a valuable dia a
covpry. a
Synopsis of the Speeches Delivered Before
the Young Mon's' ' epublican Olub.
The Administration Dciionnccit by
Friend * ntul Dorlilod by 15iicnilcfl
Certain Itcpuhllcnn Success.
The second annual banquet of the
Young Men's republican club , of Plaits-
nioiitli , List Thursday night , was of moro
than local importance. It was a state af
fair , anil bronchi together many of the
most prominent republican * In Nebraska.
U'ho opera tiotiso was appropriately dec
orated for the occasion , while the tables
woru supplied with everything calculated
to tempt the appullto. The speeches
wore eloquent , pointed and brief , and
covered a wide range of lopic.
delivered the address of welcome.
"Every living tiling , " said the speaker ,
"needs organization , therefore tlio re
publican party needs some such organi
zation as tliis to keep it bound together
and give it life , and 1 think that during
the lust few years smcn this has been in
existence the Young ; Men's republican
club has been the lifo of republicanism.
1 am sorry to say Hint some of these who
were expected huro to-nightaro unable to
be with us. L have in my hand letters of
regret from n'jargo nun.bur of gentlemen ,
some of which arc Senator Ingalls , Gov
ernor Uawes. Hon. John A. Logan , Mr.
I rod NVo , Congressu Weaver , Senator
Van Wyck , lion. James : Laird , General
Miindorson and others. Wliilo wo are
sorry that Ihcsu speakers cannot be with
us we are consoled with the fael that wo
have Tliurston , who so gloriously enter
tained us lastvearand biieddhas come to
his relief on the bank of Salt creek ,
ready lo catch some llsh , of what n tit tire
1 am unable to say , bat ho lias enter
tained mo with many lish stories. 1 hope
that this republican club will grow in
strength and numbers so Ihal itsinlluencc
will not only bo felt in Oass but in all the
surrounding country. "
congratulated the club on the success of
the banquet of last year , but regretted
that no speaker had ucon selected at this
banquet to talk about the ladies. Ho did
not know why he had been selected lo
respond lo Iho least , "Our Ancient Ene
mies. " Ho was only comparatively bald-
headed and insisted that he was still a
young man. Our ancient enemies are
ancient in name only , for there is not a
doctrine of the democratic party that any
of them have the cheek to own up lc > or
lo father to-day. Instead of following
out what they claim to bo the principles
of democracy they have been persistent
followers in iho footsteps of every on
ward mpvementsof , the republican party
since ils origin. [ Applause. ] Their
only claim to the suffrage of the Amor
can people of to-day is that they hav
abandoned every ipriuoiplo that the ;
have stood for in the past , and assert thai
they arc perfectly willing to take up am
enforce whatever republican doctrine
they can in the 'future. The democratic
party of to-day/and the ancient party as
administered byi its present executive , i.
in a slate of "innocuous desuetude , " > f
have got the name right. This ancient
party of purity , reform and good govern
mentis not scorns to me , in its
manner of going about the business lo
carry on Iho ' government. It seems
very willing to lot well enough albno
1 call your , attention to the
solemn fact that the claim of the demo
cratic party so far is that they have hai
a safe and peaceable administration , ant
that simply means tiiat they have let the
wheels of government go on in the same
old tracks that the republican party had
started them in. They are afraid in congress
gross to allcmpt to legislate upon any ol
the ancient doctrines. For all these j'aars
that the republican party was in power
they said and afHrmod all over the coun
try whenever the hogs died of cholera ,
the grasshoppers oat up the crops ami
general cusscdness prevailed , that it was
a direct result of tariff. [ Laughter. ]
They have boon in power a good share ol
the democratic administration ahd not
one more lias boon made toward remodeling -
oling this terrible republican tariff.
They said to the laboring man in every
time of depression or labor trouble that
it was tlie manner of running the gov
ernment , and the failures of the republi
can party to properly take care of the
intuorsts of the laboring man. The demo
cratic party has a president and full administration -
ministration , a house of congress of ! U
own , and notwithstanding this , the labor
trouble has been steadily increasing , and
so far not a single measure has been in
troduced to ameliorate the condition of
.skilled labor in thisgreatcoanlry of ours.
The country is safe , gentlemen , in the
hands of llie present democratic admin
istration , because this administration has
neither the brains nor the courage to put
into force any principle or doctrine of
the democratic party. It is sate , because
it is an administration of mediocrity , ot
seven mule power stubborncss. and Ihat
is all Ihero is to it. [ Laughter. ]
What shall wo do with ancient en
emies of ours ? They are in power. All
the patronage thai wo can got is what wo
get to eat at these little banquets. They
said when they got into power that that
was the end of tlio republican party ; that
the republican party was living , and
could only live , upon plunder ; that was
one of their particular and peculiar
charges on which they went before the
country in every campaign. Every re
publican oflico-holdor is now either out ,
or so very anxious to stay In ollico that
hois worse than a democrat. [ Applause , ]
Every square-toed ono of them , in my I
judgment , got htrnighl out , for in my
opinion it is an almighty mean republi
can that will hold an ollico under a
democrat. [ Applause j * *
Two years ago 1 was selected by the
republican party of thiaslalo to tmnd its
delegation and express ils choice at the
national convention in Chicago , and when
the shout of tin ) assembled delegation
wont up until it snomed to lift the vary to
roof of the building in which the convun-
lion was hold , 1 .belipvcd then and I be
liovo now that tljut , shout voiced the do >
liberate , earnest , conscientious judgment
of the republican party , its brains , its in
telligence , its ItoiieKty , its manhood und
its statesmanship when it was raised for
James ( * . lilaino [ Continued applause. ]
That convention , fcaid that James G.
lilaino was Iho grandest man to load the
republican putty that could bo found
within those Unlled States. The party
wont to defeat , not because of its load' '
prs and why J Because nil the disorgan
i/ed elements ot thn country were clamoring -
oring for a change , und mid como to
believe in the oft repealed cry that a
change would make things bettor , It
wont to defeat in the state of
Now York a fraudulent vote and a
fraudulent count were had , II went to
detcat through no fault of its leader or
its statesmanship. It wont to defeat
because the democratic parly in Iho
state of Now York and in other cilies ' '
had the machinery of parly politics and tic
used it to elect their own candidates.
Said : I am more than impressed with Iho
fact that the unexpected always happens.
Nothing was further from my mind to
when I slartod from homo to-night than ho
that I would be called upon to discuss
"Heform and Democracy. "
My friend , Sam Chapman hero , who
has.just got bac.k from Kansas , remarked of
few minutes ago that down there when
homesteader w'auts to get solidly lo-
catcd ho digs n well and gets a wind-mill
in operation ; and nftor ho gets down SCO
feet or so ho strikes water. I venture to
say Ihnt the largest wind-mill power in
America could not strike reform in the
democratic party. I have watched it
since it wont into power at Washington.
So far as I can remember since they have
gone into power there has been only n
systematic reform of what is called
bouncing offensive partisans. The offen
sive partisan has been a great eye-sore in
their minds , and 1 have noticed how
olVensive democratic editors have been all
over Nebraska. They have been offen
sive in Platlsmoulh and they could not
get an olVtcc. ( Applause. ) Coming from
. tlio ridiculous to the sublime 1 am still
perplexed at the idea thai I am to talk
about domooratio reform. There were
ten or twelve planks in llieir platform of
1870 , and everyone commenced "Reform
is necessary. " Wo have failed yet to as
certain just at what point reform has
begun outside of bouncintr offensives par
tisans. When 1 was in Washington last
winter I met n friend from Nebraska in
the bureau of engraving , and who since
the democratic part } ' came into power
has become a good democrat. Ho was n
republican at the lima that the change
took place. Ho gave mo some samples of
reform in the bureau of engraving. For
instance , a clerk who was an expert in
engraving of ovoiy description was
cmloycd at a salary of $3930 a year , and
when the democratic partv came Into
power they concluded they did not want
n § 2800 clerk in the. bureau , so they imti-
lied him that the place would bo vacant.
In due tune they appointed another man.
They found that it was necessary to reform
Iho bureau and appoint a democrat at Iho
same salary , bill that man having no ex
perience in the handling of bonds and
notes , they sent for the republican expert
and employed him at a salary of $1100 a
year. Koform was necessary. They em
ployed that same man for $1400 a year to
do the work that ho did before , and the
other man is still In the ollico drawing
$2800 a year. When I got to the while
house last February I expected to sco anew
now doorkeeper. I thought of course thai
reform had begun at the white house , bul
lo my great sm prise my republican friend
who nail sat there for many years was still
silling there and performing the duties
Iho same as before. 1 said how is this ?
and ho said ho was still there but expected
to bo ousted any day ; up to that time they
'bad not been able lo find a man to till his
place. Ho presumed the reason was he
happened to know mo t every public man
in the country. I expect some dav tlioy
will retire him on half pension because
reform is always necessary. 1 don't know
that this republican club will do any great
amount of work' towards bringing about
reform in the democratic party , but I im
agine the only way to reform that party
would bo to retire them in about two
years from now , with Iho experience Ihat
they have been unable tomunagc Iho gov
ernment any better than the republicans
have managed it and furthermore with a
good cortillcato and aflidavil.asmy friend
Air. Thnrslon would say , that they
hayo not found any deficiency in the
treasury department although they rep
resented in every campaign that deli-
cioneics existed , which tlioy would ex
pose , but which Ihoy have boon unable
up to Iho present lime to find. Treasurer
\ ymau is in Omaha attending to a moro
profitable business than in Vi ashington.
Ho has turned over every penny that be
longed in the treasury. I cannot go over
the ground as my friend Mr. Thurston
did and announce myself for any partic
ular candidate. My idea is to nominate
a man who can most successfully lead Iho
party in 1888. I am in favor of the man
whom the majority of republicans believe
capable of carrying the country. * * *
My republicanism began : v good while
ago. I have a litllo relio , it is a badge of
tao republican candidate in 1850 for
president , John C. Fremont , and for vice
president , William L. Dayton of New
Jersey. I was a moro boy then , and fol
lowed in the procession as boys do in the
days when there is a campaign. At that
time I was living in Ohio , what
was then called the western re
serve , and there I got my ideas
of the correct principles underly
ing tiio republican party. That party
was one of progress and not like the
bourbons of the democratic partynoithor
loarnin < r or forgetting anything. In the
very first platform of the republican
party of 183U wo find the most progress
ive ideas. It was founded in the first
place with a view of making Nebraska
und Kansas free states. "Free soil , free
speech , free men anil Fremont , " was the
battle cry of that campaign. The eighth
plank of the plalform was in favor oFlho
construction of Iho Pacific railroad from
tlio most central portion of the United
States , and the ninth favored internal
improvements. The republicans of ISM
had no place to point wilhpndo to as the
republicans of the present era. Tlioy
could not look behind them , but they had
to look into the future and grapple with
living issues. And when wo go back
again to these principles of progress and
reform as its fundamental idea , you will
find some of Iho old enthusiasm kindling ,
and the young republicans will go for
ward and do battle again as tlio old re
publicans did | n 1850. "
in response to the toasl , "Republican Ne
braska , " said : "I look over this assem
bled throng and see these who in 18UO ,
tender in years in all probability they
must Jtavo been , because they are not
very old yet. who took upon themselves
lo say lo their sisters , their mothers and
their fathers , "Good-by , I will go to light
the batllo of my country. " I have had
Ihe pleasure of attending a great many
slate conventions in this stale. have
seen those who came from the slate of
Illinois , and Iowa , and various other
stales of this union , to make Nebraska
their homo , and when you find thoio
who have started out young in lifo and
have taken the ling of the union in one
hand and Iho sabre in the other for the
purpose of protecting their country ,
when you aeo that class of citi/.ons liero ,
nay it is no wonder Ihat it is republican
Nebraska. There is nothing I would like
more to tulle about than this subject , but
my time is short and I simply nay this :
In 1870 the state of Nebraska was a hun
dred and seventy-eight thousand pee
ple. Fifteen years afterwards , with
the onward inarch of progress , she num
bers 500,000 people. In 1870 tlio republi
can majority of Nebraska was trom 5,000
1/1,000. / and in 1885 tno republican ma
jority for any candidate that the party
might put forth is from 15,000 to 25,000.
In its onward march of progress it has
been said thai "Westward the star of
empire takes its way. " The party to
which you belong is founded upon the
grand and eternal truth. That truth can
not bo washed away simply because de
feat has mot us by accident or otherwise. of
ni are the party that represents pro-
gres , human liberty , and the party that
represents to all llii's country advance
nient and the prosperity that tins country
now has since 1800. It makes no differ
ence whether you are for Hlamn or tlio
black eagle ot Illinois , Who ever the re
publican party sees tit to nominate at the
next convention will bo supported by
every republican in Nebraska.
was the next speaker , responding to the
toast : " 1881 Then and Now 1880. "
U'ho speaker referred to the import of the
words "then" and "now , " and said ;
'These are the words that open the mys
past and the golden futuro. Only two
short years ago your club was organized.
came into existence during a campaign "
the most brilliant in its nomination since "
Iho days of Henry Clay. " Then referring
the election resulting in tUfeat ,
expressed as perhaps a fortunate
thing for the republican party und tint ed
American people that they wore
obliged to undergo four yearn
democratic iqismanagoinunr andinU
rule. They are thus given all -upporlu
nlty to realize" how shallow wero'thu i > r- ;
tonsoa of the party that Is now in power ,
The national democratic misfit parlors
are sedulously engaged In sending away
disgusted customers from among their
best friends , so that it is no diflieult thing
to predict what the result will be two
years hence. Thoicpublican party which
has so long and /ealously cunrded the in
terests of the nation and directed her des
tiny will bo returned to power with not
only the confidence of its own friends in
creased , but the respect of iU alien * I en
emies gronlly enlarged. Ho paid elo
quent tribute lo the party's past history
and the brilliant prospects of Us future
The next toasl , "A free ballot the safe
guard of republican institutions "
, was responded -
spondod to by Hon. Sam Chapman , a-i
follows : "If I was in the habit of - Apologizing
gizing I would oiler one to-nlglil for attempting -
tempting to speak before this grand as
sembly of young republicans. U tilled
mo with enthusiasm when Mr. Hosowator
held up to the view of this Young Men's
Republican club the uadgo of the days
when the free soil party look the place of
Iho olit organizations under the banner
of Fremont , free territory , frco speech
and free ballot. 1 was but n boy at that
lime , and still when that old badge was
exhibited Intro , lesions that my mother
taught mo returned as vividly as if It
were but yesterday. The future of this
nation depends upon the exorcise of Iho
free ballot. I am proud lo say that 1 lived
in a day when the republican purly reared
tno banner of our country to Ihe helghl
that it attained and loft us an undivided
country und left us a frco ballot. To-day
wo are enjoying a democratic ; tidmlnistra-
lion. This great republic : : in ) party rejolc-
ing in its strength , in its enlightenment
and the elvili/.atlon that it attained and
brought to this country , bows ils head for
a brief period of four years only , and
then it will take up Iho old banner and
Iho old cry and march on lo victory.
[ Applause. ] Gentlemen , it strikes mo
thai everything that is great and grand
in this notion represents the republican
party. The picture of the hero of Appo-
matlox epitomizes Iho republican party.
Lincoln and all the blessed memories con
nected with him is but a voice and token
of the republican party. All of the men
of that day who with sword fought the
battles ill the front , with words eloquent
with wisdom in our national issues sus
tained the arms of lhc republican parly.
Everything is but the history of this or
ganization. It is for you and mo and
everyone who professes to bo a re
publican and believes with that
prat party to scto the republican organ
ization IK maintained intact ; that ils
doctrines are borne to the front , that its
tradtcions are knpl altvo and Unit its
memories may bo ever fresh in the
minds of the American people. Now ,
then , what more could bo said of the free
ballot. It is the great foundation of this
party. It is disregarded in certain sec
tions of this American union. The great
flag floats in every state of this union ;
on every foot of soil from the Atlantic to
the Pacific and yet there are men that
are citix.cns that are denied the free bal
lot that wo jirofoss lo rcspocl and honor.
Until Ihat right is given us , until it is ac
corded to every man , black and white ,
high and low , rich and poor in this land ,
this republican party must kcop up its
organization. ( Applause. )
of the 1'apillion Times responded
to 1 the toast , "Tho signs of
the times..1 Ho believed the signs of
the times were good. This club
is an indication of what signs of the times _
Now what docs this mean ? It moans
that there will bo n determination that
there will bo an honest standard and
recognized endeavor in two years from
now to redeem what they have lost ; and
the indications and signs seem to bo this
and point in tlio same direction every
where all over this broad land. I think
that it in lo bo redeemed by organization
of the republican party all over this
country before Iho next presidential
election. Organization is necessary and
it is well for Plattsmouth and Cass county
that this organization is preserved. They
will do beller work two years from now.
The democratic party has not given the
people what they expected and it has not
amounted lo as much as the democrats
thought it would ; they are dissatisfied
with the results themselves nnd the re
publicans look on with a great deal of
pleasure. The republican party will take
advantage of this misdeed in the next
canvass tno years hcneo just as surely as
there is a republican ticket nominated
and just so sure will it bo elected.
The speaker paid a glowing tribute to
the old ticket and expressed the belief
that there was no man so well qualified
to take charge of the chief magistracy of
the nation as the plumed knight of Maine.
responded to the toast , "Now Allies of at
Party. " Ho said the thousands of labor
ing men who listened to the siren is
song of English frco tr.ido , as
sung by the paid choir of the dem "
ocratic party that they after four
years of hesitancy and uncertainly in
manufacturing enterprises , hesitancy in
the investment of capital in this country.
Iho shrinkage of American industry and
commerce and Iho sudden rise and rapid
growth of the protecting idea of England ,
rrancound Germany , will have reason lo J
nsk forgiveness and como back. Wo will
have Ihoso who boliovc in a reform for
reform's sake , and not as n mere political
pass word , who love honesty from cdu- .
cation and purity of principal and who
are forced to admit that there
is little good that can como
out of the present political Nazareth.
We will have the political experience of
this nation for four years , an experience
that will settle Ihu preference of the
yftting voters who came upon the stage
of action and Iho earth since Iho domo-
cratio party wont out twenty-five years
ago and returned to power llirough a
political accident , aided by tlio ill-advised
and misinterpreted cry of "Ituni , Roman
ism and Rebellion. " Wo may have St.
John and John B , Finch , providing we
can moot their figures , but from the ox-
porionccs had with Ibis worthy pair in
Ohio lately , Iho democrats tire nol dis tim
posed lo bank so heavily upon them as
iiorolotoro , and the honest temperance
clement will BOO that from tim parly
of education , progress and patriotism
must como the reforms tlioy usk.
V o will have the history of Iho world
nnd pages therein written for Iho last
four yours. Wo will have the spectacle
and result ot the grand old man , thu
ablest btalesinan that England has pro
dueed , pleading iho cause of liv'u million
oppressed anil unhappy people , while
across Ihu Atlantic thu Buacunsliuld of
America is pleading thu sumo cause , and
wo shall have the spectacle of Ihu Queen
England Bonding congratulations to
President Cleveland on his assumption of
his sacred relation of husband , while Iho
house of commons by n majority vote
rejects the bill restoring ( irattaii's
parliament on College Green.
Wo shall have last but nol leant the
orator , thu scholar , the American in lovn
nnd .sympathy with mankind , tlio states
man from Mainu as mir lender , supported
by tlio soldier who noyor know defeat in
btitllo , loved by Ihu men he led jo victory ,
anil trusted and honored by this mighty
nation whose guardsman ho is.
Hon. John Rush responded to the
toast , "Young Republicans the Hope of
the Nation , " und was followed by
r. \ \ ' WIM-OX ,
the "Mendola Carpenter , " on the
"Turifl" Doctor * . " Ho said :
"Thu tarill' question Is one of tlio oldest
questions In American politics and the
most important question connected with
our political economy. Properly adjust
, il spreads the carpet upon Iho home
and lights u brilliant tire around the
homo ot industry. Properly adjusted , it
. in motion.tho wiiculd of our. industry
aiul.indkc-i us'n'hat wo oroto-day ; , Thu
question has boon dUcitsscd'tuorc tuu
any other question of legislation since the
organization of this government. The
first bill over signed by Washington.
passed by the constitutional congress of
this country , was a bill to impose upon
foreign imports a dtitj to provide a reve
nue for tlio government nece.Mitles.
Since that hill passed forty-one tariff bills
have passed the congress of the United
States. There has not been a single
session that hns met In Washington
since tlio organization of the government
to the present time thai some man has
not Introduced a taritV bill. The tarlCf
hns more doctors than tlio consumption.
[ Applause ! Sam Randall fell of the piv
tienl's pulse , and turned nroutid and
said , 1 think wo had bettor let It sleep.
After looking Into the palo foaturnsof tim
public , he said , I am not sum but wo haif
bettor give it u 20 per cent sweat. [ Ap
plause ] . Nebraska had a physician. Ho
was eminent a few years ago. Wo hear
of him occasionally through the Chicago
papers. Wo used to think that ho wa.i
opposed to the taritf , but since coming
out here I learned that he has turned and
is absolutely opposed to free trade. [ A
pluusol. Morrison , who was an eminent
physician n few years ago when wo
talked to him , savs Ihero Is no use ot
making such n fu s about it. If the SO
per cent don't work well we can
Ul in two or three years. This reminds
nu1 of a very eminent physician ia
Franco to-day , who has attracted thu
attention of the cntlro world. He has
discovered a system oy which hydropho
bin 111:13 * bo prevented anil cured. In the
discovery of his remedy ho took the virus
from a rabid dog and injected it Uito tha
brains of rabbits , and produces that
which ho uses for tlio purpose of curing
the disease. It is said that before ha
brought it to perfection that he absolutely
slow 0,000 rabbits. Ho would stand and
watch thorn in the agonies of death from
hydrophobia , and smile upon his face
and say it was a grand triumph for
science. Kor every man thai is cured
forty rabbits are killed. If il was not a
fin that Morrison wanted to use us for
the rabbits , ! would not cure particularly.
[ Applause ] . If ho has saved a few per
sons from hydrophobia , don't you think ;
it is ! rough on the rabbits ? [ Applause ] .
if Morrison ; wants to experiment , lol him
select something besides Iho honest labor
of the country for his specimens. [ Ap
plause ] . Mr. chairman and gentlemen :
1 thank you again for your in
dulgence and Kind hospitalities.
It is possible that 1 may como
to Nebraska to find a homo among you.
la nol so particular about my ago as
my ! good friend Uosowntur. 1 voted for
Fremont. Lincoln , Grunt , Garliold and
lilaino. : 1 have been a republican all my
lift and if I como lo Nebraska i want tn
find a republican homo amour you. If
I como , lot mo say this that I como not
asking for anything tit the hands of the
republican party. I never was a candi
date for an ofllco in my lifo and I presume -
sumo 1 never shall bo. I como not sock
inp honor or wealth. I ask not Unit when
I am dead Ihat a long reside shall follow
mo to my tomb , or tinit 1 .shall have a
marble monument erected there to toll
the passers by where my body sleeps , but
lot it rest in the silent tomb where the
lonely night bird may sing my reiiuiom
and entwine around my tomb the old flag
that the passers by may say that I was
loyal to the land of my birth , [ bond ap
plause and cries , go on Wiloox ? ( Jo on. ]
Mr. Wilcox If you will excuse mo
now , sometime during the campaign I
will como down hero and sand paper the
democratic party until you won't know
them when I got through. [ Applause. ]
- .
A sure euro for Blind. IHecdln ? , Itohlu
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She Guessed It the First Time. j
There was u famous character la. Gin- '
cinnati in ils earliest days whom wo will J
disguise under the name of Walter Fcr- i
guson. Ferguson was of a convivial na
ture and often indulged too deeply in the
flowing bowl. He staggered homo ono
time in the wee sma' hours unit was met
the door by his wife. Bracing himself
against the door-jamb , ho said :
"Mrs. Ferguson ( hio ) doyouknow what
the matter with mo ? "
"Yes , Mr. Ferguson , " his wife replied ,
"you are drunk , sir , very drunk. "
"Mrs. Ferguson ( hio ) , you ant correct , "
said ho. "You guessed it the first time. "
Dcnlon'H Hair Grower
All who am BALI ) , nil who are becoming
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