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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JTTNE 14. 1886. J-'l.NANOIAU N > w York. Juno 13. MOSEY On cnll easy at Wil tier cent. HUMB MKIICAXTIM : r.\.nti : 43 > per cent. STIIIII.WI lixniAXor.-1 inn ; iiuciiiincnl ; SJ.'GK for lvty ilnv bill : S4.t-tf for demand. CovniMiKNTS Dull but Moady. STOCK * There ns unusual dearth ot news to day airectlnctlKMallies of stocknniltho mailiet was It'll ontliely alone by largt oner- nlors. Western 1'nlon was rciiuirkalilv urong In cnily < ! ofijlnu's , but nftenvatds fell lint w Ith the rest of tlio ll i. y.nWkrj > itl a'l ' ( | iili't.rlho nmikctscte Irie iil.ii nl tin ; openlnp , closlnu' .t ndv. The Hmil figures \\crc Ciiallv | divided between gains nnd losses. St. Paul nnd Diilnth common wont > IK percent. Oilier dunces wcro small iction.s only , BTOCKS OM WAM. STUKKT. ftp cent bonds. . . * IOI U. & .N. W U.S. 4' < 's 111" $ , preferred. . . New4's 12(1 ( N' . V. 0 I-acllioG'i of 9l. 18r Oiceon Trail. . . Central I'aellic . 41V I'acllio .Mull K "f " C.AA HO P. , D. &K tircfpited. . . . l.V ) P. P. 0 C. , RiVQ Jl ! ! lliock I lnlin. . . . IL. AW 1.7) ) V St L. & S. P. . . . D. fc. li. o isjfl profened. Erie , 8l f (3. ( , M. ASU1' . . . prefprrcil. . . . KJif picforrcd. . 1M ! Illinois IBS ( St V. A 0 47 < 1. , U. AW 233 pipfencd. . . 110) ) Kansas A'l'cxas. Toxtis 1'aclllc. . . Lkkc.Slirjro KAN \V. \ , St. L. A P. . Mich. Central. . . . prcfeired. . . Mo. I'ncllic \Vesturn Union Northern 1'ac. . . O.II.A N ptuf until. . . * Uld I CHICAGO 1'ltOUUOE. Clilcnco , Juno 12. Kloiir-CJulet , dull nnd nnclmnircd. Wheat Klnn nnd unsettled ; opened steady , M < it\u \ hlu'lii-r and elided -Vc ubino ycstordity : r.tsli , 7-Krj7yc ! ; July , 74/liis7fJ ( : c ; AtiKtist , TBJfQTfi c. , Corn Kilmer and nvcrnsed n shade lilnlierj ciisli.JKc. July , & ( gr ; ! > c ; Aimnst , 'iyiii.i7p. Oats Stendy nnd somrwliat un otMcd ; Itarlev Dull . . Timoiliy 1'rline. Sl.GS. \ Flax Seed-Sl.O' Widskv S ! . n. Vork Moderately actl\o and flm ; about 7 ! < © tOe liiirhcr ; i > asli , SS..t" . ; July , SH.W @H.ti7K ; Aticust , S.0. ! ' > . l.nrd SU-atlv ; 2 } < c lil lior ; casli , .Ttilv. Sri.l'Jif ( ! August , 5 . 'AVSr.a7 > tf. SliniildL'ix , S4.KVrt4.VO ; hhoitclear , S' > .80@ 5.M ; short ilbsSi.-'i.'i. ' ' t. Dnltei Finn ; creamery , 13@lfic ; dairy , ewer anil quiet ; full cieam clied- < lnrs , ( i'u 7 > 'e ; Hats , 7M7J < c ; Vouni ; Anicri- cas. 7jitN ( > ; hkltni , 4i ( ic. . O Hides Tallow , UnciiaiiKed. R53 Kecelnt-s blupments. Kinur.iibls . 11,000 . r , ooo Wlicat. on . -t',001 ' 42.000 Corn , bu . 270X Onts.bu . 141.000 121,000 lttvbti . i.oao i.ojo . 11,000 (500 ( Now York , .lime 12. Wheat HecelpK 34n , ( ( K ) ; e\ polls , X'.OJO ; spot , Jtfc higher and inodeiately aelho for expoit ; options opened steady lint < -oon stieimthend and nil- Minced < @J e , closing at tins best t\g- \ ini's ; niiKi.uIed , "iXiiiUfc ; Xo. 'J red , bo ! In stole. Me : No. t rod , Die ; Xo. Jtul nnd .Mil ) closed ; itN ! ; c. Coin-Spot Kl ( and options QXc lilnher , closlni ; I'IHII ; receipts. JMO.OOO ; ox- jiorls , 10,000 ; nnKimled. JUXJUSc ; No. ' . ' , in ele\ntor , 14e delUered ; July Cosii'at4l'tfe. ( ' Uat > > Modi'inti'ly ncthe ; receipts , 7S.OOO ; expnits , 240 ; mixed western , 3-l@te : c ; white western. . ' 17il4.1)c. ( Petroleum Steady ; United closed at CSJ c. S Dull and weak ; western , UK I'm k Finn but more active : old nie-is , 80.8o@0.'iO. ' Litd Slindi'lilulicr nml very quiet ; \\Cbt- crn steam , spot , ir.'i"i. Hutter Quiet but llrinostern ; , 10@l c. Cheese Dull ; western , 5 < < i7J c. Minneapolis , Juno 13. Wheat lllchpr ; No. 1 hard , casli , 74c : July. 74j > fc ; AiiKiist , 70/e : Sejiteniber- jfc : No. 1 noithrin , casli , 71c ; July,71 c ; AiiKiibt .J a ; Septem ber , 745/r. Flout Very dull ; patents , 84. 0@l.45 ; bak ers. st.20a/i.4. : ; ' > . Itei'clpts Wheat. 88,000 bit. Shipments Wheat , 18,000 bu ; flour. 28,000 bbls. bbls.Milwaukee Milwaukee , June 12. Wheat Strong ; ct.sli , 74o : Jtilv , 719/c ; Aiifjust , 7Cc. Coin Su'tulv : No. 2. ! l"C , Oats Dull : No. 2 , 2S > < c. llyo Katlei ; No. I , K > } { c. Hurley No. 2. 4ric. I'rovlslons Ste.idy ; mess pork , caih nnd June , 58.bO ; July , S8.b5. Cinclnnntl. Jimp 12. Wheat Firmer ; No. 'i , t < XiiW ) ' c. Corn Dull ; > 'o. 2 mixed , : ir c. O.ith Kasler : No. a mixed , ' . ! l\c Dull ; No. 2,04e. I'ork-Klimer at $ ! ) . ( > < . l.iinl ( looil demnnd at S."i.t-0. Whlikv QuIet'.Mles of 270barrels finished good * on a basis of S1.70. St. LioiiU , Juno 12. Wheat Steady No. 2 ml. cash , 7.r.c ; July , 74/c. } Corn Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , S0 % @ a2 < - ; July , 32c , liulter Steady and unchanged ; cicamery , 14ftl5c ( ; dairy , IK-iKto. Oats Steady ; No. Z mixed , cash , 2C@ SfiVo ; July , iMj c bid. Kye Weakftt .MJic. Whisky 51.10. Pork Steady at SU.OO. Lard Nominal at $5.bO. Kanaaa City , Jnncl2. Wheat Stiongcr : No. 2 red , cash , Sljfr ! bid , MJ c asked ; July , cVrn-qitietNoC'2 : ! cash , SlJi'c bid , 2.V3 Hiked ; July , 2fic bid0 'c asked ; August , U7e bid , SHe asked. O.its Nominal. New OrlcuiiH , Juno 12. Corn Dull , weak and loner : mixed , - l'i@ICcvhlto ; , 4' Outs UnclmtiKcd ; cliolco western , 80 ! t < arc. Cornmeal Unchnnired ; at SZ.25. lloK Products UncbaiiKi'd. Pork UncliaiiK'ed at Sl > .40. I.ard Unrli.iiiL't'd ; Hellned tierce , SS.75. Dulk Slealh Unelmnp'd ; Hhoiildera , 64.GO ; IOIIK clear nnd clear rlo , S' > .6 , lilvci-iuMil , .nine 12. Wheat Supply In oxcpssot di'inand ; Now No. 2 winter nnd sp.-lnt , ' . ' -s mi , IMSV. Flout OlU'red freely ; 7s fid , dull. Coin Supply ot spot poor ; spot. 4s B'fd ; June , 4s liu ' htc.uly ; July and Auuust , 4i 2d , dull. Toledo , Juno 12. Wheat Closed firm ; cash , Hljc. Coin ote.idy ; cash , uCc. O th-lJuHBJcbld. ; jaVKHTOCK. ClilcnRO , Juno 12. The Drover's Journa rcnoits us follows : C.iltlo Iteeelpts. 1,000 ; steady ; shipping 6teer- > , S4.2.V > ( A.bO ; btockeis and feed- ' | N , ? 'J.7.Va4.N ) ; co s. bulls and mixed , $2.XK ( : i.W ) ; hulk , S'J.bOay.20j ( tlllOJt'l Texas cattle , ti.tMKiT4.00. : Hots lUwlpts , 'i.OOO : openeit 5c lilKhfr closed loweitriiiiKii and mixed. S.li5 : ! 4. lil paeklne _ and hhlpplni : , 34.'JO@4,40 ; light , Shel iv Heoefptb , IKXI ; slow nnd steady ; na tlve.s , Sf..i'ifuM.tjO ; lambs , per head , S4.&OQ 6.00. KaiiNAH City , Juno 12. Cattle Kecelpts fiOU ; shlnments , none. Firm. Cliolco to fnn cy , S'i.oOyW.lO ; common to uood , JM.OOrjj 403Rtockers ; and feeders , S3.25&4.20 ; cent t JjLTJi'l Wl llojs Kecolpts , ll.OOO ! ; shlpmcnis , 0.000 ojiened steady. cloM'il weak , So. lower. (5ooc to choice , iisX'jiiUjj common to medium , Bt. LoulH , Juno 12. Cattle Iteeelpts 21COO ; shipments , 100. Firm. Good to choice shipping and expoit. S.Mfty.'j.OO ; com inon to fair , S4.S. 4.1K ) ; butchera' steers 83.25 ( 1.75 ; cows and heifers , 52.25Q3.25 ! gra b Texaus. 53.25 4.00. Hogs Iltx-elpt-s. 3.000 ; shipments , COO : active , shade- higher ; butcheia * anil besi henvyS4.20 < S4.iO ; mixed packing , $4.00 ® 1.20 light , b4.00ji4.15. OMAHA MVi : STOCK. Saturday Evening , Juno 12 ! Cattle The market was quiet by reason o the light receipts. Values remained abou the sam us vesterday. There is a falrilo- uiand for all choice crades of cuttle. llou'b Tliu market \ MSvry ucUvo for the clo e of the \\cok nnd stronger than on yes t rainy : The demand was Kood and the buy era took inenthiDK offered. Tim pens \\cio clvoivd caily lu the day , Choice heavy hogs nrcselliug fully as well as light and medium Hiccn There Is no demand atid nothing doing In the market. 1'riccs , Showlnir. . . stock on this Choice steers , Choice steer- . Medium steels ISM to IWOIbs 4,70 4. Fat little steers KKO to ll.V ) Ibs . . . 4.K5t.M ) ( ! oed feeders , W > to 10 Ibs .V/XfM.OO Oood to choice cows and hejt ? rs , . . 3' 1'alrto medium cow sand heifers. . a.oocn'UO io6d to choice bulls p.oo Wo ledluiii bulls , jKiji food to choice staijs 7-9 ? l"j5 ktcdltiin stags , , Ape jJ.jM 'liolec Unlit and medium hogs iMK'1 : ! ! , ? iood to choice heavy hogs. . . food to choice inlvd hogs. . , Jommon rotmh grades nKtii.w ; Choice to extra shorn sheep 4.0tX j4.M ) iS--v : : : : : : : ; : : : : : : : : - : : : Itctircscntntlvo Sale * . " Vo. Av. Pr. . Av. Pr. 3 830 8J.OO 21 ll.TJ 54.05 2 107fl 4.3T > 2 Ul."i 4.7o nO 1(1)7 ( 4.JB JW 12S < J 4.85 IS 1147 4.05 70 11110 6.00' tlUt.I.o. S'o. Av. Pi. 1 14iO 8100 8100COW COW s. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3 1010 sn no o lees 53.05 STOCKRItS. No. Av. Pr. 8 UMi 4.00 4.00noos. . Vo. A\ " . Pr. No. Av. Pr. M 24U S3.70 71 105 J3.7S 12 : va 3.70 oo 210 : ufi tf , 2T8 3.70 CO 247 3.75 70 yiA\4 \ H.72 02 253 3.75 72 UUJf a.72 0.1 2 < W 3.75 f,0 28a > | 3.72 M ) 224 3.75 01 28 ! < J 3.J 71 204 3.75 M ' .Ob 3.75 133 240 3.75 78 210 3.75 112 ' .53 3,75 01 211 3.75 Weekly Statement , Containing the number of liotjs purchased ) y the leading btijers duilni ; the pastrweek : No. cals Anclo-Ameilcnn Packing Co 41 ! . H. Hammond it Co - ' ( } . .M. Ciiilldii > i Wray.fcll.ill \ I. K. lioxd 4. Jheelcj * iv Co Y Hun is it Fisher 1 Weekly llcucipts , Shou Ini ; the number of cattle , hogs , sheep mil lioiii's leeetsed at the stock yards during he past \\eek : Jattle 1. 00 Jlous 11,000 , Sheep N Horses 150 of Price ? . Showing the hlalu'st and lowest prices palil foi live stock on this market during the past BUNCH days , with comparative values : May June. Saturdav , rlh..S3.00 ( SH.75 83.55 fa3.05 Monday , 7th. . . . 3.Jjr } < ii.w : : i.r.7 : .05 Tuesil.iy.btll. . . . 3.70 ( i U)0 ) 3.70 01.75 Wednesday , tlth 3.75 30-JJJa3.75 ( IhUlsdav.'lOth. . 3.70 frl.7.-i ; ! 3.05 3.70 1'lld.iy , llth . . . 3.fiO ( r7.C.1 : ! : y > 5 { a3.75 Satuu'lay , 12th. . 3.f,0 , Qt3.70 S3.70 3.75 Iivc Slock Snl3R. Showing the number of cattte and -hogs putclmsed by the liMditn : bujers to-day : CAT i I.E. O. II. Hammond it Co 3 cars noos. O. M.Catlcton 20 cars ( } . II. Hammond & Co 7 " Clark Uros 8 " Miir\ii\iB. No. cars Rock Island 20 Northwebtein 8 All sains of stock in tins market are made per cwt. live weight unless otherwise htated. Dead hogs sell at ) c per Ib lor all weights. "Skins" oV hogs weighing less than 100 IDS no value. Pregnant sows aio docked 40 Iba and e'ags bO Ibs. Notes. Everything sold. Hog market litiner. Cattle inaiket quiet. No sheep market. Matket acthe for Saturday. ( ! . 11. Hammond was at the yards yester day.i. . ( i. II. Hammond & Co. killed 1HX : ) head of cattle the week. Mr. Dunning , Shelby , was at theyaidsand marketed a load of hogs. Clark Uros. have bought 40 cars ot stock on the market tlu.s week. K\erjbody pi edicts a inn of 10,000 hogs daily to the Omaha market Inside of a j ear's time. time.Mr. Mr. Graham , of the firm of Wilkinson & ( irahain , A\oca , was in tu-ilaj and .sold a load of cattle. J. H. Combs came In to-day with 2 loads of hogs fiom Palmyra , belonging to J. 11. Ale Intjto. Clmiles H. Klcli , of Madison. WIs. , a brother-Iu-Uw ot Colonel Savage , is a visitor at the yard" . Kd Kd ards , of New York , and the owner ot a line ranch west , was in to-day negotiat ing for 1,000 Miockers. The Cleveland Povlslon company Is lookIng - Ing over the giound with a view of putting a hog tin } er on this market. The Swan I'.nnil and Cattle company has put twelve ears of cattle on the matket that were fed at tier's distillery. Mr. Fiedeilcks , of Stuart & Fredericks , and Mr. Parkiiurst , of Parkhurst * Wells , were at the yatds to-day with 72 head of hit cattle , which they sold on the maiket. John P. Squires , the heavy Boston hog pacKoi , Is couriering the question ot putting a hog bu ) cr on tint Omaha market. He buys In Chicago all the way from ten toloity double deek cars dally. The united protest of the stock yards com pany and other interested parties has h.ul the olfcet of obtaining a promise from the Union Pacli : to put on itnminv trains In the alter noon at more convenient intervals. J. n. Krion , who for Mime time past ha * , boon tunning Urn South Omaha ( ilobo , has blanched out and to-day Isaued the lint mini- borof the South Omaha Dally Stockman. The new paper starts out with'good prospects anil a llbeial patronage. A bunch of cattle that weio bought on this market last lull at 53.00 nud shipped out Into tlio country for icoding. weio shipped luck t < the yauls je.sterday nnd Mild lor S4.h5 , with n gain ot about 300 Ibs per head. This sliowa what eooil ( ceding will do , ns the eattlo when shipped out were tail ends thrown out ol' other loads and very poor. A. W. Tubbs , who has been Hammond's hog bnjei on this nun ket ever MUCH tlio loca tion ot their packing house ut this point , left to-day tor hH old tiouio In Michigan. Mr. 'luhbs h.isbeen connected with ( i. H. Hammond mend it Co. for a halt seoio or more of yeats as a buver on the Detroit and Chicago mar kets. Founerly hubought eattlo and hoge on hits own hook for the bulfalo market. Dur ing his stay In Omaha he has made many friends , who tegiet to see him leave. Charles liogart , who aho.uly been with Hammond mend ten years , will taUo his place as hog bu > erou this market. 'aul ' ; It. I. , Po.ine , bcotla ; 'i rueNou A : H. joup City ; Paikliurst & W. , Scotia ; C. S. l.ueas , Central City ; Gutlula A Co. , Chirks ; J , J. lirlitKes , Coitland ; Jackson it W. . Cort- land : Melnto'.h iV Sutton , Marquette ; W. W. llarnliouso , Adams : Morrissey IJios. & Co. , llamjitou ; Fisher A Wagner , i ork. OMAHA. WJ10Ijj8Al7n MAU1CETS General Markets , Friday E\enlnir. June 11. KGOS The maiket Is dull and weak. While the bulk of sale * ate beinc made at be , a few am t-'oini : at TKe. Shlppeis will do well to candle carefully before shipping and avoli pavinir freight on rottoneggs. 1 HurrEit Iteeelpts \eryheavy and only a eomparathcly small'portion can be picked out for top prices.1 The ouUido price obtain nble is lOe , but must of the choice ( iiiajity Is going at bu : fair to good ut C@7e , and all In ferior ( jualitie- . are coiiiK to packets at4@ta. A coed deal uf butter now arrives "soured , " not being worked piopcrly , and particular carols advisable. CKKK > K tanuy full cfcam Cheddars now uake , 1UJ. iUu , 11 Kc ; . jouus America , 12c ; first quality Swiss diecso " " second oualltj , I2'4dl4c , l.lmblirgcr , -V : klm tints , ( i ft Pins : Tnipn , Krr Pigs' teet. , . . , bbl , Sl.OO : do , i * bbl. SiOO ; do. perUtW > c. Lambs' tongues , ) xr ' < bbl , Si.2. : > ; do. per Kit , S'-.r-U ; do , quart jars perdor , SVJ5do. ; jiint Ints pei case. 2 doz , SO.7.1. Trlpc , per l I'bl ' SI.CO ; do per Jfbbl , SJ.OO ; do , par kit MO.VEV California , 15c ; sttaincd , 10c ; Vcbraska , lt < & MArj.KSi'oAit Hrlcks , pcrlb , 12'fc : pen- iV cakes , per ID. , l cl * * * * COCOAXUTR Per 100 , SVOO ; less than 100 , S5.V ) . I'ltovisioKS Ham. 10' ' < c ; ort-akfast ba- "on bKc : clear side bacon , 7 ( < ! c ; dry salt Ides , dic ; shoit rib sides. Clic ; shoulders iel < : mess pork. 512.50 per bbl : diled beef- lam pieces , lie : lard , tleires njtOiOc : no Ib cans , O'jc ; 10 Ib cans ( Fulihatiks ) Okc : 5 beans , ilo , Cc : 3 Ib cans. do. . 7'c ( ; bone ess.ha in.llS'e. NKW Ftos , DXTKS. KTC. Layer fisrs , 8 nnd 0-lt ) boxes , per 1I , Ifxj. Dates , fancy Fard , .3-lb boxes , per Ib , 14o ; Persian , 50-lb boxes , ier Ib , 10c Prunollcj. 33-lb boxes , per Ib , 18(3. ( 18(3.LIIMO.V The market has advanced and s strong and active. Choice sold In New Vink City as hlfii as S7.00 and 87.50 this week. Fancy .Messina Is quoted hero at S8.00g ( .r > 0 ; choice , S7.OJ(47..V ( ) . OIIANOKS Thetoate none In the market 'wpting l.os Atiicclcs and not many of hem. l.os Angeles ate oiioled at S4.uO. OiiKitiiti.t Large black tartarlan , 51.75 ; iiuall vatletlen , SI.53 ; southern , 10 qt boxes , S1.50. ltiiiuus : : The maiket has been rather tin- > on straw bet rics for the past few days , jut It Is apparently settling down to steady trices. The maiket Is well supplied with Iowa homo grown. It Is not anticipated that irlees will go much lower , as the hoine-gtown will not last much longer , ana after thev ate gone the market will have to look to Mlcht- : an for Its supply. A few black la pbenles mve bocn iccelvcd and have sold laltly well ! o the local trade. Prices are most too high for shipment to outside matkcts. Tlio beriies received are southern and St Louis home- gtown. Ked raspberries have put In an ap pearance In the market. , but the receipts ate very light. The following quotations are for choice , shlnping stock , quotations for common block in the iocal trade being less : Stiavv- iiei rles , Iowa home glow n. 10 qt cases , Sl.OO ® 1.75 ; ted taspberrles. southern , 24-pt cases , S3.00 ; black rasnbeirics , southern , 24-qt eases , 55.00 ? < 25.50 ; black rasoborrles. bt. Louis homegrown grown , diawcis , i ) qts , $1.50 1.75 , HANANAS The demand tor bananas Is very good , and thuamonntof stock consumed Is quite laigo. Another car of choice stock is expected to arrive In a day or two. 13uuuiis : , jellow , per bunch. S2.MKtf3.50. PtN'iAi'i'i.i : : There aie none on the mar ket Ciir.nitiRs Thisre Is no rogulailty In the receipts , there being an ovei-sunply at one time and a scarcity at another. Tlio bulk of tliu receiutsaio from Calltoiula. only a lew southern being in the maiket. Southern , quart boxes , 61.50 ; California black tailan , laige , $1.05 ; California small varie ties , $1.50. POTATOES The market for old jiotatoes Is cnionill/eil , and the demand Is lighter than It has ocen at any time this season. The majority of the tetatl dealets have about all they will requite , as new potatoes and other new vepetables arc larcely taking the place of old potatoes. Peddlers aio about the only ones to whom commission men will sell , and they will not p.iy enough to hardly make good the height and commissions. Two cars ol poor stock woio sold on tiack this week at 14 c pel bushel. The choicest stock is slow > -ale , in small lots , at 2.'ic. : : ' Hie following quotatlon- loprosentpuccBat which outalile oideis. res ( lulling choice fiesh selected stock , aio Illled. Soutlieinc.iullllowei , per doz , Sl.25 ; homc- giown eaullllower , 7. > c@S1.00 ; home RIOWU nspriiiBiis , pel do3o@40c ; green onions , " . , wax beans , per bit box , Sl.OO : cucuuiDeis , per do/,00 75c iNr.vv \ KOETAiii.ns-Cabb.iiro , per crate , S5.00 southern cauliflower , per do . , 8..003S2.40 ; homegrown asparagus , per do/en' bunches , : WIOc ; spinach , per bu , HOftT40c ; green onions , per doISWJOo : radishes , per do15Vi20c ( : lettuce , per doz , 20c ; pieplant , per Ib , le ; pens , per bush box. Sl.50 ; string beans , per bush box , S1.75 @ 82.00 ; vva < beans per bush box , 63.50 ; cucumbers , pur do00 ( )75 ) ; squashes , per doz , S1.25 ; onioiis.southein.perbbl , & 5.00 ; onions , southein , pei bush box. ' 2.00. HIANS : The market > .s very quiet and theieis ver > little stock moving. Inferior stocks , 75e@1.00 ; good clean country. S1.2.V3) ) 1.50 : medium hand-picked , 81.30(31.40 ( ; handpicked - picked navy , 81.40Cjel.CO. Pi.oim AND MII.LSTUFKB winter wheat flour , best quality patent , S3.00 : second quality , f3.50Q" 2.75 : best quality spring wucat Hour , oatcnt 82.50a2.CO : bian , Mo per cwt ; chopped feeil , C5c per cwt : white corn , l0e * ; yellow corn meal , Nc per cwt ; screening , ( > 0c per cwt ; hominy , Sl.50 pei cwt : shorts , 55c per cwt ; graham , 81.7& ; hav , in bales. 38.00 per ton. ( iitAix Corn , 22c ; rje , 55c ; oats , 25c ; wheat. No. 2 , ( Be. Wool , Medium , 12i5i.Vjperlb ; fine heavy , 10 < ffl4c : Unlit , l'Ji5c ; coarse , 10@lJc ; burry wool , ' . ' ( ( i.e oil. Prime slaughter solo leather. S&rittic : iinme oaK sole leather. 3G < a3ite bpper leather , per loot , 20fci2Sc ; hem. kip , 75CS8.X5 : oak kio , b5@'J5 ' ( ! : French kip , Sl.OOfSV'i.'i ; hem. calf , S1.0J@1.10 ; oak calf , S1.00@l. ! ; Ficnchcalf , S1.2. > ( Sl.a < ; Morocco boot leg , isora-j-Jc : Moiocco oil pebble , : J2c ; toppings and linings , SO.OKulO.OO ( ! per doz. COAI. Iowa , 88.25 ; Walnut block , 83.25 ; Jlliuols , 81.75 ; Missouri. 84 00. HEAVY HAIIDVVAHK iron , rates , 82.2. > ; plow steol.spe' ial cast , 4e ; crucible btecl,03c ; ciist tooln ao. 12@i8c ; wagon spokes , per set , Sl.7-Veti3.00 : hubs , per set , $1.85 : relloes , sawed dry , 81.40 ; tongues , each. 75c ; axlas. each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; coil chain , per ID , 012c : malleable. 0@8c : Iron wedges. Oc : crowbars Cc ; barrow teeth , 4c ; spiing steel , 7@fc ; Uurden's horsestioes. 84.40 : liurden's mule shoes , 85.40. Barbed Wire , in car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. iron Nails , rates. 10 to CO. 83,00. Shot 81.50 : buckshot , 81.85 : oriental powder , kegs , 83.50 (0)4.00 ( ) ; do. halt kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs , 81,50 ; blasting , kegs , 83.35 ; fuse , per 100 feet , Uar. SU * . PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omalia , P. P. 7 > < c ; white lead , St Louis , pure. 87.80 : Mar solllcs green , I to5 11) cans , 20o ; Fionch zinc seal , 12o ; French rinc , red seal , He ; freen zinc , in vainlsh asst , aoc : i'lench zlnc,75c : verinillion. American. Ibc : Indian red. lOc : rosotiink. 14o : Venetian , red. Cook- son's , UJfe ; Venetian , red , American , ifc ; rod led. fi/e ; cliroino yellow , genuine , aoc : chrome icllow. K. 12c ; ochre , rochelle o. ; ochre , French , 2Jfe ; ocliio , American , I2e ; Winter's mineral , aK 5 Lehlgh brown , SJ o ; Snanlsh brown. 2Wc : Prince s mineral , He. Dity PAINTS White lend , be : frencnme , 12c ; Paris waiting , 2J < e ; whltinc gilders , l4e ; whiting , com'l. 1 'c : liunpbTnck. Ucr- mantown. 12c : lainublack. ordinary , be : Prussian blue , 55p ; ultramarine Ibc : van- dyke. urown. be : umber , burnt. 4c : umber , raiv. 4c : sienna , burnt , 4esleniia ; , Kiw4o ; Paris gieen , genuine , 25e ; Paris green , com mon , -Oc ; chromo gioen , N. V. , 20c : chromo giecn , K , iao ; voriniliion , Kngllsh , In oil , 70c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 1'Jc ; rawand burnt sienna , 12e ; vundyke. brown , iBc ; relincd lampblack. 12u ; co.iuh bhicKiuid ivory black , lOu ; drop black , lOc : Prussian blue , 40c ; ultiamarlno blue , iso : chromo grenn. L. , M. ( t ! > . , lOc : blind and shutter green , L. . M. & D , , lOc ; P.ulu green , Ibc ; Indian red. lie : Venetian red , Iks ; Tuscan B2 < > ; Ameiican veimilllon. L. A I ) . . 20 yellow ocino , Oc ; L. M. it O. 1) . , Itfc ; good ochre , 10o ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining color llirlit oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. 12c. DKUOH ANr UHKMIOAI.S Acid , carbolic , 34c ; acid , tiirt.irlo , ic ; Dalsamco palba , per U > ,45c ; bark , sassaf 1.1 s , per tt > lOc : calomel , per ft , 72o ; chlnchnnidla , per ot , Uc ; chloro. form , per Ib , 50c ; Dovers powders , per H > , 81.2.1 ; epsom salts , per & , 3 > < c : gijcenno ; pure , par Ib. Ibc : lead , acetate , per Ib tassluin lot'.ldc , per Ib 83.00 ; sallcln , tier oz' 40 ; sulphatM morphine , per oS3.CO ; snI' phur. per D > . 4o ; strychnine , per oz , 81.40. VAKNISIIKS Uarrels , per gallon : /urn'- ' turo. extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No. 1. S1.2'J ; Daiuar. extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltnm extra , &So ; shellac , 53.ioj hard oil linlsh , briitiTS Cologne spirits. 168 proof , 81.13 ; do 101 proof , fcl.13 ; spirits , second quality. 101 proof , 81.12 ; do , IbS proof , 81.11. Alco hol , IbS proof , 8-J.lO per wtno gallon. Itedls- tllled whiskies , 81.00@1.50. ( Jin blended , 81.50@3.0i ) ; Kentucky bouibons. 82.00Ca .00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania rjes , 83. ° 0te l.50 ( iolilcu Sheaf bouroon and no whiskies 81.50(33.00. ( Urandlos , liniwrted , 85.00g8.50 ( domestic , 5l.80WT.00 , Gins , imported , 54.50 QiO.00 ; domestic , Sl.2Sffl.lOO. Hums , im porteil. S4.50@8.oo ; New Kligland. V1.75G53.XX ) domestic , * l.'i1(23.00. Champagnes , Import ed , per case , S2S 00@3i.ftj ; American , pe casiJ , $10.KVi 10.00 10.00Dry Dry GixiU. . l'itiirs _ American , 5 > i ; Aru Id's , Oc ; .Co- choco , Oc ; Mnnoic ] < er , Oc ; Lvmati , Sc ; Olou center , ? > usc : Dtinncil .lacquard. Oc : Dunnoil 6Jsc ; WfniUor , Wj Paclllc Oc : Harmon "lje ! Anchor Shlftings , 4V/c ; Morrlmac , ihlrtlngs 4'sciBctUick. : 4c. Dt'CK ( I'u ' Ieached ) 8 OT. Mncnollru Oo ; 10 or. Mij-'iiolia , V-'c : 807 West Point , iqiac:10oy. : t Point , 12' ' e. HiiowN CorTrtx-Liwtcnce LL , Set Shaw- nut , LL. .V : Ueavei Dam LL , r > e ; Atlivntlo 2) ) < c ; Peail liner. HUc ; Hainlltoii , V.'o ; S\vlft Klver. O A1 ; Sliutuckot S. s'cSlietnck- : t SS , ! " < c : Moijhittlc A.V , 12c ; Montauk UU , lc : Oineica A"A. ( We. DUCK ( cooicd-l-Hoston ! } v07. brown and Irab. ISVc ; Hostori O II blown and nrab , c : Iloston XX brown and drab , lOc ; Boston KXX browti and drali. ll c ; Uoston 0 P jlue , HXc : Wntren Tricot. I fie. Ut.nAriiKi ) COTIoxs Farmers' choice , c ; Peoperell , 7Kc ; Indian Orc.iard , 63 ; Nanmkeag , 7e. CIIKVIOTS Amoskeae , chocks,0 ; < c ; Amos- keae , stripes. S'-sc ' ; Slater , stripes , N ; ; Kdln- iiirg. O'fc ' : Whlttendon , stripes , be ; ( Hen- ese , Co : Otis , checks H " c ; Otis , stripes , Pc ; ( ojai , We : Amoskeair napped , 10) < rc : l.u- rny , book fold , 12ct Oberoti , book fold , H3fe : Endurance , book fold , l-o UKMHS Hea\er Creek AA , lie ; Heaver 'reek HH. lOo ; Uca\er Creek CC , He ; JnlTrry \X. He ; .lalfiey XXX , 12o ; JalTrey D AT , 2 } < c : Columbian , I2j fc : Yoric. lite : . York. aticy , 13'fc : Kserctt , 13c ; Haymakers blue and brown. 7) c. Grooora' Lit at. i luiw.i Medium , lu bbls , S5.00 ; do In half bbls , S3.00 : small. In bbls. S3.00 ; do in lalf bbls SU.M ) ; gherkins , in bbls.S7.fO ; do. n half bbls. S4.00. L'ANNIUI ( ioons-Oystera. standard , per case , S3.45 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per ca'-e , Siul : raspberries 2-lb , per case , 82.w. : f'allfoinu ieais per case , 51,00 ; apricots , per case , ! 4. : > 0 : ueftches , percale. S4.5J ; white cheriics , ier case , 85.1H ) ; plums , per case , : UO ; blue- jerries , per case. Si2V egg plumr. , S-b ! ier ease , S2.W : green ganes , 2-1 b , per case 52.M : pineapples , 2-lb , per case , $ ' 1.20(25.50. ( MATCHKS Per caddie , 2 ! < c : round , per nsr. 51.00 ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule square , Si'OAits Powdered , 7 ; < c : cut loaf , 7J c ; granulated , O'ae ; confectioners A , OJ c ; stnnd- ttilpxtiuc , Oj c ; extra C , OJtfgGjfc ; medium yellow , , Ws. DniKD KituiTs No. 1 quarter apples. In cvaponited bo\esSg9 ( ; blackberrIei' lioxcs.Si Cs e : peaches , eavtein , 4JtfO5k'c ; peacnes evaporau'd , ! 5Xal7e ( ) ; Salt Lake , new , 7o > 7Kc ; raspberries , new. HKiWOe : currants. "JX& 7 < e : piunes.tiew , 4 % c < l4Jic.n CitACKints ( larneau.s .soda , butter and picnic , nj c ; cie.ims , SKc ; ginger snaps b fe : elly soda. 7Ke. SOIIA in Ib papers. 53.25 a case ; salsoda , keg , per Ib. 2iUe. ! Svitur No. 70 , 4-callon kegs , Sl.OO : New Orleans 38@4ic ! per gallon ; Maple byrup , ! < barrel , strictly pure , 70cper uallon ; 1 gal lon cans , S9.25 per doz : K gallon cans , 85.25 per doz ; quart cans S.i.K ( ) . fold's bulk.4c- COKKKISS Ordinary urades , I0'-fcfalr ' ; , 11 ® 14140 ; McLaughlin's XXXX roasted , Dilworth's. 14clKodCross : | , 14',4c. ' 3Aps Kirk s oavon Imperial , 82. iO : Kirk's satinet. 83.00. ' Kirk's standard , 83.05 ; Klik's white Russian. S4. < : Kirk's White Cap , S0.50 ; Dome. St.K ( ) : Washboaru. 83.10 CANDLES Boxes , 40 ID , tis , love : s , lo-c ; boxes , 401b , IC.oz , Cs , lO c ; half box , 201b , ll'ic. ' CANDY Mixed , 9 > f@l2c ; stick , 9 { 3llc SALT Diay loads , per bbl. 81.55 ; Ashtnn , In sacks. 83.35 ; to sacks , Ashton , 85c ; bbls , dairv. S2.60@'J.7i 25c. 25c.TEAS Gunpowder , fair , 20@37c ; gooil , 4" @ 55o ; choice , CO 1 7.10 ; good Imperial , 40(243 ( ; choice , C0@70 ; Younir Hyson , good , SOf < J45o ; choice , 50 ( ( 70c : Oolong , good. : ( * 40c ; Oo long. choice. 40riflOo ( : Knglishbreaktast , good , 3Wrt40e : choice. .Ki'M5o : Souchong , good , 30 @ 45c ; choice , : i5rti545c ; Japans , fair. i5@35e ; good. .173450 ; choice , Kf&iZc ; Tea Dust , 15c ; Tea Sifting. Ibo CIDKK New loik , per bbl. $7.00 : do , half bbl , S4.00 ; Crab , perdue qts. ? 2.7. ' ) ; Mlchlcan refined , per bbl. , 80.50 ; do , half bbl. 84.00. VINEOAH W.'iito wine , 13 ( < ii7c ; cider , 13 ( 17e ; single strength , 12c ; tripple strength , . Fr\KCuT-Hara to Boat , 70c : Charm of the West , OOc ; Fountain , 70o : OoIJeii Thread- C7c ; Favorite , Wc ) ; BudR , 50c Kocky Moun tain , 50c : Fancy , 45c ; Daisv' , 40c ; Noith Star f > 0c ; Uood Luck. 05c ; Our Best , 02 > c ; Uood News. 55c , _ Dry Linmber. liOAKD.M. No. 1 Com. e. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 817.00 No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 15.00 No. 3 " 12 , 14 and 1C ft . 13.00 No. 4 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 11.00 FENCIN'O. No.l , 440lnch , 12 and 14feet , rough. .510.50 No. 1 , 4 & 6 inch , 10 feet , rounh . 17.0J No. 2 , 4&0 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . 14.00 No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch. 10 feet , rough . 15.00 PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHCHESTER'S ( ENGLISH. " The OrlRliinl and Only Genuine. tttt tft .l.ij. R.ll.bk. Brwtn f wvrthlrM ImluttuC Uil.r . .ble to LADIES. A > k Jt-r ItrupfiU W * En n.l > mJ t > * c o .Uitt.or IBCUM M. ular * in Mttr * r retMm MMb X'.r.crJL'j ffi ! > fc Cola bDruccl ta rrrrrwlicn. > k tor "Cklche * ter'j EuBll.1" Pcunrrorol W1U. T > k < m > olbcr. Red Star Line Carrying the neltflnm Ilopd and United States .salllnrj : c\ury tut unlay Between Antwerp & Mew York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE. BI'IUNQ AND SUMMKH HATES ; Salon from fliO to MOO. KxcurMon trip from fllO to flHO. Second Calnn , outtvanl , f < i ; piciiii ) < l , tJ'i ; I'Ycur-ion. J'W. ' Slccraifo passiiRo at low rales. I'elor Wilglit & . Sons , Uonund Afc'L'iHs. 55 llroailway , Now Vork. llonry I'uiiJt , Uib I'm unmet. : Paulson X Co , 131'imuuii st. ; 1) . O. I' IXil Finnamst. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE Anil olhert Mitrerlitf ? frum , Iierroun ileliltlly , ixlmunllliif ailoclliiu of juunir ur old ire fiwlilvcly iiirul liy Ur. ' lluinc'n fmimutt 1.Intro. . . . 'Mn nille Hilt. TliuimiluU In eve'ytf i-HUt ImlUo Unluii liaio l in turril. Klcclrhl cMSlyllii'tiintlylilt I'aliiimUiiri rsolil 10 vmi Wliula fuinlly can vriir mma lull l-liilrlc Nuepmiorlrtfrri ) xjill limlo lnllH Aicilil w orthlin Ilil llaiUiim und botrai ramranlea ElirlrliTrH t * far Itupture. 70O tuntUn Aft. hind luuipfor | > 'iuipniel OR. W. J. HORNE. iKVf SIO . 181 WA3A5H AV. . CKISACO. Job Printing. HEKS PJirXTING CO. , Job Printers , Book Binders , And Blank Hook Manufacturors. 100-103 South FouitcciUIi Stieo Flour and Feed , W. J. WELSHANS & CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers ofV. . J , Wclulmns A CO.'B Quick lUieinif Ituckwlicut Hour and pronrietorB Oiaah * City MUla , cor. bth and I'arnam btreetb , Omaua. Leather , Hides , ttc , " ELO.MAN HH03. , Wboloealo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eaddlcry and Shoo Hnillii , ' . * . Illdts , Wool , l"ura , I'clfs , artawj'i'ullow , Ktc. , Urauhu Nol. Beer. M , KEATING. gent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n tipeolul I tironUi , t'auat , UuJwvi&ur , Urluuic Book Binding , Et : . " > * Itr.KSPIUNTINn W , Printers , Book Binders , And Illnnk Hook Minufnctinvi * . J o . 108 and _ _ K5 < South llth Sir -1. Omaha , Neb. Bridges Steam Pile Driving. 11AYMOXU .t I'ntr'nrrrs nml Contiactor-s. Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving rou Combination and Hone Tru s IliliUri , Illntr and dak Timber. 15th st. , near rarnain , Telephone NoTl. ! , Cigai-s and Tobacco. " " JUYIU ; ; \ co , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Guns and Ammunlti'in. 21' , to ! m South llth gtrict , KKUtolit't ratnatufcticct , Omaha , Neb. INTKII-OCFAX riiun r icronr. WKST A. I'UtTSCHKR. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , Anil Wholesale Dealers In l.i'iif Tnbncood. Nos. JOS unit llll N. 14th Sticct , Otnnlm , Neb. i/rocKery , Vf. L. WUIG11T , for the Manufacturers nnj Importers , Crockeiy , Glassware , junps , Chhnnejs , ICtc. Olllro , ; H7 South nth btrcct. Umuba.Nub. . C. S. GOODRICH & CO Agents tor V. A. Whitney Carriage Co. t Children's Carriages , And Jewott'a Cclebiatcd llefriKcrntnrs. Sen pr price Il9tg. _ lll'i r. in m St. , Omaha. o. s. pi-rn'is it co. , Wholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages , 'hai-toim , IIUKKlcs mid lloail Wnuons. SO ) > rr cent BTCII In buying of > . 1 w-nUMlH. l rd Htrccl , Oiimlin , Nrbnuka. Umiich Bt Cinincll II hi Hi. town. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works. John Kpcnutur , Proprietor. Manufar.turcr of Cialvanl/cd lion and Cornli u. V l l > oiio ) ; and 131 nnd 105 North 10th Sticet , Omaha , Neb. KUr.MIMNU & HOIVPE , ManufncturorBof Ot-namental Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , 1'lnalf , ntc.illOS. ISIh Rt. "Workdono In any part of thoeountry. Western Cornice Works , C. SPKCHT , Proprietor. Oalvanl/eil Iron Cornices. Ittc Specnt'slm- roMil Patent Metall'u SkyllshU tX > and 61U3. U'tli bt. . Omaha. Neb. Doors , Sash. Etc. The Gate CKy Plming filll. Doors , Saph and Hllnils. Also all kinds of tinnlnj : . Scroll and Stair vioik ol o\ery do- 8iiiption. A. KOSENHKHY , Manufacturer and Dealer In Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc , Btnlr Halls n specialty Telcjihom No , 03 litb and Marcv St . Omaha , Neb. Electrical Supplies. L. VT. WOI.KB & CO. , ElcctrlcianT Electrical Supplies , Maponlc Block , Oiniilm. ! HirKlir : AhirmF. IlclN , Kirc Alanni , k'octrio Miittimf , Spoiiklms Tuboi , Iron Works. PAXTON * VIKltMXW 111OV WOH'CS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ion Stairs , Halllnir , Hailed Heains and Ulnlnrt Bteam Knirlnci. llrai-s Work , Ooncriil Foundry Mnchlno and Illacksmllli work. Ofllco and Works , U. P. Hy. and 8 17th bt. Iron ar d Nails. OMAHA NAIL JU N'UKACTUMINU CO. , Cnt Nails and Spikes , Tire Kails n Spf ; lalty. Omaha. Neb. Safes. Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDHEEN. Manufacturer of Fii o and Ilnrplar Proof Safe' , Vault Doors , .lall Work. Shutters and Wlro Work. Cor. llth and Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Wagons and Carriage * . Established 1858. A. * . SIJIPSI N. The Leading Carriage Factory , lift ) and UU Ikxlfc-o Street , Omaha , Nob. Commlnlon , Etc. M. HUHKB & bONS , Live Stock Commission tire , llurkc. Manager. Dnlon Stock Yaids , S. Omahu. Telephone S8S > Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. llojd , Superintendent. BAVAUE A : ( iilKKN' , Life Stock Commission Merchants. Shipments of any and all Kinds of clock solicit > td. Union bt.ek Yards , Omaha , Neb. Lumber , Etc. LOUIS UltADFOUD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , 8Mb , Doom , Ktc. Yaids Cor. 7th and Doucl.13 , Cor. BOHN MANUFAOTaillNG COH 1 Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldlnpe , Stair Woik and Inteilor Hard Wood Finish. Jiibt opitned. N. K. cor. fetb und I.uiivui- worth Ktretta , Omuha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMHEIl COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , 811 8. llth blruit , Omaha , Neb. F. Coljicucr , Manager , C. N. DIETZ. Lumber , 18th and California Struct ? , Omaha , Nob. W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. 6th nnd Douglas btici'ti ) , Otnuha , Nub. GKO. A. HOAGI.AND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nibrabka. CHAS. K. I.KK , Hardwood Lumber , Wnrcn Stock , Fancy Woods , liilJ o Timbers , tic. , & W , Cor. I'tli ' und JJuufc-his.Uiimhu , Nuu. G. P. LYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uulldliur Paper , Ktc. South 13th .Street Q2ffi3t Ncbiu&ka. nth , Etc. N FISU'COT Eucct BKiru to Ickcn Ficmsfcm & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , bnportora cf I'orelKii Klah.Nos. 911-011 Jouoi U = -r tstrr-t iwd k' . P. Track , Omaha , MuU. , , _ , Confectionery- F. I' . KAi' & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jolibors cf FruUsXtiU ' and Ciaats. 121 Faniam St. , OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements , ' _ _ . _ . _ _ _ .j _ " 1.IN1NQI.U A-MlTXAl. ! ' CO. . Wholesale Dealers In Agricultural Implements. ODIcoCorner6th nn.l 1'atlfloSt * , Omnlin No'v I'AUi.ix , oiiiiNDouiT & MAIIFIX , \Vholcs..o Dcalcrj In figricnltnral Implements , Wagons nnd lUlnRlcr1 , Omiilia Neb. CllVHCltll.h VAUKr.K , Wliolt s.ilo 13ialor in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carrmses and Unfair" . ,1 ( npM St. , bot. Pth and 10thOm < tlia , Neb. Boots and Shoes. V. V. MOl'SK A. CO. , * Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Hit Fanuni Street. Oinnhn , Noli. Mannfnctory , Summer Stiect , Huston. Carpets , 4 VA. OllCHAUD. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Clolbs , Matting , Curtnln Oooi'sf. Kte. . 1123 I'arnmn Street , Oinnha. Neb. Coal , Lime , Etr. JKKF W. II Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , SUB. 14th11. , Omaha , Ni-K Yards , ° U | mid Or.'onport Streets. COUTANT & SQWUKS Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal. B t varieties , onii-o. 21H 8. 1,1th St. Telephone No. H' ' rirr.ii co. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , SHS. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. OKI. C , TOWI.K , 1'resldont. Oio. rATrntsoN , Sec. and Trcas. 3. II. Hui.nKnr , f. A. , l'roirletor. | Mai Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. NKIIUASKA. OflceZ17S. ) Uthtticut. Tolcphono49. _ Gto. T. I.Aiuon , I'res. C. T. OdonMAN.V. Prcs. J , A. SUNIILIU M > See. andTteas. Omaha Coai , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard and ( oft loiu , iU8S. luth bt. , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA COAI. AND 1'UODUCB Ca Hard and Soft Coal. EicluenodcalorHln llonlilcr Colorado Coal.ZlT ! -o\Uh Hill strict. Coffee and Spices , _ IATKS. COLK iV : M1LKP. Home Coffee and Spice Mil 5 MTgCo. Coflro KnaMcts ii'ml Spleo ( lilndeii. mail i rncHircrBofllaklnif 1'owder , IlttvnuiiR r.xtraqts lllulne , oto. Try one e so < if our Mb paeXaao llomu IlliMid Koastod Colloo. 1CU9 lion aril bt , Cniaha , Neb. CI.AIIKU nuos. Omaha Coffco and Spice Mills. Tea" . Coirees , Spicop. ItiUtlnH i\i\vder Flii Rxtrnctp , Lanmlry llluo. Ink , etc. lill-W ney Street , Oinalia , Neb. _ . - Commission , Etc. _ miANCH 4 : CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , J121 rnrnam St. , Omaha. Apples Our own iacfc. liif ( 1'latt \ . Co u Tlirer Ilrand O > fct is , lluttur , , Cinino , 1'oultrj , Potatoes. _ _ JOHN F. General Commission Merchant , Produce , I'io\it.niit. | . rrnits , Flour iind IVuil. KO B. llth bt. , Omaha , Nub. Con&lunmcnts boUcittu. Hcturns nuido uioinutlv. n. MCDONALD. BIG l"tb Street. Omu'in , Nub. Spfclaltlos : But. tur. Kt'Uf. anilChlLKcns * wir.unMAN Si co. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultiy , Hutter , Oaiao , I'itilts , ! OS. llth St. , Omaha , Nibrasl.n. wnsTKurun.n nitos. , General Commission Merchants , HOCDodffo Street , Omnha Neb. Consignments Solicited. w. K. Storage and Commission Merchant. 8l'EClAL.Tlis : ChocH ) . Hutter Kfrf' ' ' , Poultiy nnd diuiH' . 11. a llth. , Omaha , Nob. Telephone - phone No. UJ'i. UJ'i.WKKK.S WKKK.S & MIJ.LAJU ) , Storage and Commission Merchants. roK'iKii and Ioiii-tlo ) : ! 1'inlth a pccliilty. r.l- eKant Mor.iKo tacllltle Warchon o and ollk.o , 10 Noitli litlit. . Telephone 775. _ _ _ D. A. : IUHUY : , Commission and Jobbing , Hutter , KFKH and Produce. A full line of Stone ware. ConslernmentB tolJcitoil. 1114 Uod o bt. , Omahu. E. General Commission Merchant , Buttoi , EHK , Cliecso and Country Produce ecn- uruliy , 'MJ S. 1-tli SU , Omaha , Neb. JIcSIIA.'lt A SCHHOKDEK , Bnyers of Butter and Eggs. Refrigerator and I'acKlnir HOIIFO , lltb & Ix nvnn- Morlli St. , on U. P. It. i : . TincK , Omaha , Nub. Eslabllbhtd 1870. IIOUKHT PUPV18 , General Commission , . , Omaha , Noli. Specliiltlea Huttor , Poultiy and Uamu. PEYCFCK Commission Merchants , Fnilfi , Prcduco JinJ Piovlsiona , Omaha , Not ) GHIKK1TJ1 .t'HIO.MAb. Biri'i'fsorn to IBMIU ( lilllitli. Commission Merchant , nnd irhole'Alodoalur Incountiy piodueo , fruit ? , butter , i'fc'to. . ( ioodH on coiiHlgumuiit a Bjiotiilty. ffiON. 16th ft. , Omaha , Nub. KIKSCJIHKAUN & SONS , ( Snees = ois to A. P. Schaclc.l Produce Commission Merchants. No. 513 South l"ith Stieot. Omalin , Neb , _ Dry Gcous. " ' J. J , UHOWN & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , U'J BttLct , Omaha , Noli. L. OINSliKUO , V CO , Wholesale Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linene , I icps , Kmhiolikry and Wlillu foods. KciO lo\iirliia fatrn-t , Omuliii , Neb. White Load , CAKTKIt WII1TK l.KAD CO. , Strictly Pure White Lead. SOth Bt- , and U. P. Hy , Omaha , Harness , Etc , \\TJ.TY 4 I.ANDHOCK , Maiiufatt in ois and Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Uoodd , lllaukctH and Hobos. Itil Karuuio Etieet Omalia. Nub. Mattresses , P. . M. IIUUR. Mattress Company , Hanufneturlnj ; JlattrcbsoH , HutdlnK , Tcathcr Pillow s , Cote , Ktc. KW and l'0 < > DoiiflHt btn tt , Omahu. Neb. Overalls. .fNtirAC Manufacturers of Overalls , ? * & PuntsMilrU.nie , 1VU nnd I'M Do fjUott , Ottalm , NuU. JOBBERS' DiRECTOlW OMAHA ! , MUKIl CO , Do dor * In j\l ! Kind * of Building Material at Wholesale. Ifth Stu-ct mill t u on We 11 Truck. Oinnlit. ttiniMAN- > . WVA1T , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , roth ami Iziml Streets Oinntin , Nebraska. .1 , \V.\K15riKI.I ) , ' Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingto , , riiilMlnir Pnpi-is , $ a h. Door * , llllnds , Moult f. In it * . Picket ! , ro t , I.lmi' , I'liMcr. llaf f Commit. Nlmn IIIHI Jono ? , Oivmlm Nob. ( Millinery. ! ircitr.uwii ' ' Iinpoi ( era nnil Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , i'II llnrney Street , Onmlin , N'ct * Mtisicil Instruments. iiII01.M : .V KKtCKSOtf Wuolcsalers of Musical Instraments. Flcluway t'lniux. Weber , lleekor , llalno auil IlrlRRH I'liinn * . I'at'Kiml Drpnu.i , Cha&o Urn ins. 101 ami 103 irtl Furniture , Etc. CHAK1.KS SIUVKItlUIC , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors Ute. , I2J(1 ( , law nnd 12IJ I'mnum Stieet , Oiniihu. Wholesale Dealers in Furnltura , Kiiimun Stioct , Otimliu , Nub. Groceries. " _ _ _ _ At.l.KN ItltOS. , Wholesale Grocers , HlGnnil 111DoiiKlua Street , Omaha , N'fh , U. II. CUAl'MAN \ . CO , " * Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , robacvu and Smokers' Artli'h'9 , 1-17 Howard St. MKYIHl & UAAl'ICn Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Eplcts , Ciguni niul Toliacw. 1.117 and Ultl Doug * Ins Street , Omaha , Nub. licCOUl ) , 1IUADY & COMPANVf Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th mid I'tmmm Ptii'ots , Omaha , Neb , " * PAXTON , GAU.AOlinit X CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , NOB. 706 , 7U7 , 709 and 711 S. lOtb St. , Unmhit , Nob. _ Hardware. * % V. J. lIHOATCIt , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel. Bprlnp-B , Wninin flock , Hardwood I.n inner , eta. lam and 121I ilai ney ttiei-v. Ouiulni , Nub. " EDNKYiVTllllllON , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Carriage Wood Stock. lleu\y Hardware , r.tu. hUTuml l.M'J I.cuvuu > 'OitliMieulOmalia , Nob. ' HlMKIlAUClt \ TAYI.OH , Builders' ' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools niul HulTuIn Suuk"u HQ3 Tlongr ' lusSln.c'1 , Onuilui , Hub. 1-1:1 : : , ritiKi ) iV co. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , EliLot Iron , Klc. Ajrcnts for How u Scaled and Miami 1'owdur Co..Oniuhii Nob. MILTON KOGKHS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , G niton , llniss trooiK 1XJ1 and iUJ : niilii t-tnot. HKCTOH & W1I.IICI.MY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emcrton Sttol Malls. Cor. 10th and Harncy Streete , Oii'ilia. Nob. Harvesters. _ , WiI.'niKHIN ( ! & CO. , CHICAGO , Jlannfr-cturcr of the Deerintf Harvester Goods , ( Vrtte to Win. M. J.oilmei. ( laiiorid A ent , Omaha. Tc'cphonu 01U. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. STHANQ COMPANY , / Pumps , Pipe and Engines. : Et inra. Watnr , lliillw ny anil Milling Supplies , Uty VM , ( K2 iind Kl l'ai iniui M. Omulia , Nob. ( " * ciiuuaiii.ii I'UMi' co. , , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , ; ! Steam and Water Supplies , lleuiliinnrtcrs fet Mutit Fount CO.'B Uooila. 1111 Fainum Struct , Omaha , Nob. Jewelry. KDHOLM & IIUTCKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers la Sllicrnaio , Diamond * , Watolu * Clock s. JeweleiH' Tools and Material' , I'.tu. , 1U ] and IK ) , ISth SI root , Cor. Dciltru , Omaha , Nob. u Notions -EtT. VINVAltl ) it SCHNKIDKK. . obtiniH ni Hotlons , Hosiery & Gents'FnrnlsMnj Gaail 1UOO and 11X18 1'uiiiiuii tit. , Uiiuiliu.Nuu ! J. T. Robinson Notion Company , 7' 4m ami 4f ( , S. 10th St.Onmlm , Neb. } WholCbiilu IJuulerH In Notions uml ( Jent-j1 li'ur * nlshlnif ( iooilH , I Oils , Etc. CONSOUnATKI ) TANK Wholesale Dealers in Oils , i Unsollne , Mini Avlo ( iirii'i' , I'MA. . II. Jilahop , MumiKei , Omiilui , Neb , i Pork Packing. _ J " * " * % " ' JAMKS K. 1IOVI ) , i Pork Packer and Shipper , t Oniuhii , Nohiaslitu j iiAituiR & . , I Packers aud Provision Dealers , ' Dfnio , Union Maikutlil7Uoile.Strum. ! | 1'iio'tl'if lioiiku , U. ] ' . It. It. Tiuck , Oiniiha , Nub. Tulo. phone No. 157. Safes and Locks. " " * "v , iiovnit & co. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 ' Firtiiiiul llnwliirl'iiior .SiilL-b.'rinio Ixuk , Vaiiltl mitl Jiill wink. 1UU : : riiuiam htioutJiimhu ( , Nol * Seeds. J. KVANB , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seadi1 ! dt'iii ultiunl.r ( > ntalilo < , > , lUo. < i Mil I'olloirK' Hull , N , W. Cor , llth mid Iiilfo ; St. , Oitmlu , Neb. Drugs , Etc , TI1K nOODMAN IIIU(3 ( CO Y/holesale / Druggist1 , . And Dealer in 1'alntx , Oil ? ana Window ( , Oiu.ilui.ilcb. , ( Wines , Liquors , Ct : . Il.IJH .V CO , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Liquor * . Solo iniiinil'iifliucir , of Kdinoljr'l Ki-t : JndluJIIUvii ) . UIJ llaiiuty Hucit , ( Jiuiili t. ur.o. w. i. , to MI-NAM MIA Al r.M. w , Iwponor * unit Wlmk'Milu DcuIoM In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , ill ami 'J1U tf , llth pt. , Omiihu , NgU Notions , tcT ! " * ' * " " Tl"lJHANIIig : k EON , ' Wholesale Job Lots , Dry floodD , Notions , Ocnts' KurnlrtthiK ( ( JooiU from Now Voik , TinUu tulvs Jiuly , IJtU Kt : , < } luiiUii.