Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advcrtl cmonts under ihli hoid , 10 cents per
line for the drat Insertion , T cents for each sub
sequent Intort'on , and ? I-K > a line per month.
No advertisement taken for loss tlmn 35 cents
for the flret ln orton. ! Seven words will bo
counted to the line ! they must run consecu
tively nnd must bo pnlil In advance. All advcr
llsomonts must bo handed In before 2 o'clock
p.m. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken
taken ordlsconllnucd'by ' telephone ,
Parties advortlMng In tliciu columns nnd bay
ing the answers addressed In cnro ot THE HKE ,
will plcaso nk for a check toonnblo them to get '
Iliclr letter * , as none will bn delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
ONKT TO LOAN On rcalostnto. Gibson ,
M Larson It Co. , Itonm 3 , Wlthnell block. 143
ONKV TO LOAN At lower ratosthan any
where el o In the city , on furniture , piano * ,
organs , horses , wagons , or stock of nny kind.
Itn'nembor , at lower rntfs tlmn any ether loan
company in the city. City Loan k Mortgage
Co. . room 15 , HOJ Fnrnnm at , opposltj Pnxton
Iiotcl. _ _ W _
HI II K Omaha financial exchange Is prepared to
JL tnnVo loans In nny amount , on nny kind of
approved security. Lariro collateral loans a
specialty. Also on chattels and real estate In
amounts and tlmo to suit. Lower rntps. boUor
terms , nnd prompter service than nny lonn
agency In the city. For further particulars cnll
ofllce on the second lloor of th Ilorker Illoch ,
southwest corner of Karrinm and 15th streets.
' ' "
" \OM'.Y to loan on rocldonce and business
-"I property. Ix > west rnles. C. J.'Caswoll ' &
Co. , Itoom 19 , Iron Bank Uulldlng1,12th and Far-
MONKV to lonn by the undersigned , who bos
the only properly nrgnntred loan agency
In Omuhn , Ix > nn of (10 to $1,000 mnde on fur
niture , pianos , organs homes , wagons , machin
ery , 4a , without removal. No delays. AU
'tiuslness ' strictly ronlliluntlal. I > eons no made
that any part can bo paid at any tlmo. each pay
ment reducing the co t pro rntn. Artvnnces
madonn flne watches and diamonds. Personj )
fhould carefully consider who they tire dealing
with , as many now concerns nro dally coming
Into existence. Should you need raonoy , call
nd see me. W. It. Croft , Room 1 , Wltlmoll
Ilulldlng , 1Mb and Harnoy. 258
6 TUB CENT ! money to loan. Cut rates enlarge
largo lonn * . Mnhonoy & Harris , Itoom 11 ,
Vtu Farnam st. 874J20
TO I < OAN at reasonable rates 'on
horses , lurnituro , watchM and other per-
( onal property. C J. Cnswc'll. Itoom 19. Iron
.Bank building , 12th and Fnrnam. Take elevator.
$ inooonto loan on city rosldonoo property
Oeo. W.Dar. 14U1 Fiirnam. 259
c I'RH CF.NT Money to loan , Stewart & Co. ,
ltnom.1 , Iron bank , ISth andFarnam. 0-1
$ no.nno to loan. Bums MOO and upwards.
I/\vcst rates. Bcmla , 15th and Douglaq sts.
ONKT TO IOAN O. K. Davis & Co. Real
M Kstato and Loan agents , 1505 Furnpm 3t
MONEY TO LOAN-On good socnrltios. A
McGavock , room 7 Bodlck lllock , 1509 Farnam
M > NKY TO T.OAN-On real estate and chnt
tcls. D. L. .
TO LOAN In sums of $300 and up-
J-'A. wards on flrst-clnps ronl estate security.
rotter A Cobb , 3515 Farnam Bt. 3C4
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Recd& Co'S. Loan
onico , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons
personal property of all kinds and all other ar
ticles of yaluo , without removal. 310 S. lilth ,
over Ulnirhiun's Commission storo. All bua-
ness strictly oonfldontal. gi5
T71OU an Investment rut your money with
JL ? Omaha Vlow lots , 8300 to $700. DORKS if
Hill. 018-13
HOUSES built on monthly payments In Onui-
haVlow. HoggBAHllC 018-13
FOB SAI.K Cheap Stock of millinery goods
and fixtures consisting of show cases nnd
Hhelvlng. For particulars apply nt 1207 Doug-
ACIIANCK for poor men to speculate. Pnrk
Forest lots $250 to $300 , $ i down and $5 per
month. Hoggs & Hill. 018-12
"IT7ANTKD A rare Inducement will bo given
T to a good hotel man In n growing and prosperous -
porous wofitorn town , See or correspond with
Ila7lott& Hates , .Beatrice , .Nob. 073
T.F you want n bamnln. let u sell you onn of
JL our cheap lots In Omaha Vlow. Hoggs & Hill.
FOB 8AC.K A half Interest In a flrst-classi
well paying saloon In Omaha. For further
ini ttlculars address Ixiok Hoa2M. _ 653-10
IF you want n bargain , lot us sell you ono of
our cheap lots In Omaha Vlow. Hoggs & Hill.
_ _ 018-13
TG10B SAI.K-Hotol-Flrst-clnss , In a good
J- town , largo commercial trudo ; must bo soM
In 10 days on account of sickness. Address. ! . E.
N. , Albion , Nob. _ Oia-lil *
HOUSES built to order in Omaha View , $ POO
to 12,000 on payments for house and lot.
Q18-13 . Uoygg & mn.
_ _
T710K KXCHANHK-Stocka of goods of every
J- kind , for farm's nnd land ; also lands to exchange -
change for goods. If yon want to trndo , no
tuattorwhot it is youlmvo , wrlto , with full do-
crlptlon , to C. R. MoynOt Uoal Eatato 'and
Trust Co. . Omaha Noh. _ 268
LOTS In Omaha View are Inqroaslng In value
at the rate of $100 oWry four months. Price
$ -00 to $7CO. Hngg8&Hillrenlestutc.l403 Far
nnm at. _ | _ 618-12
FOIt A flrst-class bakery , restaurant
nnd confectionery stand In a town of 7,000
inhabitants. Inquire of F. P. Fay & Co. , Omaha.
_ _ _ 401
B UY n lot In Pnrk Forost. $2M to $ JCO. Doirgs
& Hill , real estate , 1408 Fnrnam. 013-12
POK HAIK Several stocki of goods , doing a
healthy business , onnortihlp clear , satis
faction guaranteed ; terras ouny. some Omaha
ikroiiort taken In exchange. Murtluxll 4 Lo-
, J'iUFurnamst. _ _ 113
n oTf8K"fTbuTlt to onlor In Omalm Vlow. 1800
to $2,000 on' payments for liouso and lot.
61JM3 Hoggs A lllll. CJ
Poll HAI.K In first-lass location , grocery
stock and fixtures : small capital ronuired :
rent lovr.
„ Inqulro at druif store , 10th and
Douglas. 787
ITMlUND-Ouo hundroil nnd llfty liost lots In
J1 Omaha Vlow , to bo closed out this month.
Now Is your tlmo to buy cheap only $30 to
$700 llogifB & lllll , 1408 Fnrnam st 01S-13
TpOU.ND-OiHiluindrtvl and Hfty best lots In
J. Oinulia View , to bo closed out this month.
Jsow Unur time to buy cheap , only fvXXHo $700
Hoggs & lllll , 1408 Karniim st 61ft-rJ
a AKKNlir Ono sorrel miiro , blind In loft
eve , 8 years old. W. IK Gould , South Oman *
Waterworks. 4U7
" | TMUND ) One hundred nnd fifty best lots In
J- Omaha Vlow , to bo closed'out thl * month.
Now is your tlmo to buy cheap , only $300 to $700
Hoggs .llllll. 1403Farniinist 618-13
FOUND Ono hundred and fifty bet lots In
Omaha View , to bo closmki it this month.
Now Is your tlmo to buy choaj only $300 to fTOQ
Hoggs A HIII.UlM.Furilum Bt 618-13
FOUND-Ono hundred and fifty Iwst lojs in
Omaha View , to bo closed out this month.-
Now If your tlmo to buy cheap , only $ . * to
$70J. Uoggg'A lllll , HOH Farimm st 61H-13
T OST-IM elegant lots In Omaha Ylow worth
JLf twco | the prloo iwkiHl , $300 to $700 , this
rootilh only. Hoggg & Hill. 1401) ) Farnam. 618-13
f OST A hammered cold breastpin on llta
JLj nnd'Farniuu. The Jlinlor will leave at Mo-
> Utlon grocery , cor. llth and Furnara.nndre-
colve ruward. U75.ia
IT OST 160 elegant lot a In Omaha Vlow worth
JLJ twice the prloo asked , $300 to $700 , thla
month only , l.'oggs & Hill , 140B Farnnm. 61IM3
IOST-Or Stolcn-A hook from a 16th street
I store , Sultaclorowanlpald for Its return.
HO quodtlonaiuked. taa-n
"f OST-lMeleKant lots In Omaha Vlow worth
JLJ twice the price iiskod. Mtt l to $70C > , this
ruontli only. Hogga tc Hill , 1408 Faniam. BI8-18
TItAYED-A light buy mare , about 4 years
old , with three whlto feet and white nose ;
nnd hud an batter on , titia h'is been gone about
llirco weeks. Any Iiiformutlon may be loft at
3K1 North 18th st. Jos. M. Habktfll. 677
T OST ISO clogHnt lota in Omaha Vlow worth
JJ twlae the price imkoO , $3uo to JTUO , this
month only , tloggg & Hill , HU8 Farnaiu. tilft-13
STHAYElTTllay pony , weighs W Ibs. 12
years old ; left hind foot white. IJboial re-
w rd for its return to Hamilton llros.,2Ml I"op-
f OST A black dog wltU ft white brcnst , Krnf
J-Jfoo ( and Jioca by ( ho nnuie Lulla ; huaa
Icatbor oollur , A liberal reward will be potl for
returning the samb to ItXtt a lath and Center
ets , Fred. Uolschner.
LO8T Dctween Hun oem 1'ark jth and lla .
ont > ort Bt , u barpla ot with 3 pearls. A
sultablo reward will be paid for Its roem cry.
Addrusa V. O. Uox 3U3.
LOST Strayed or Btolou-In Ambler IHaco ,
m t Omaha , a black mare with whltu M r
in forebetul.and on * whlto root ; bad' core back.
lUwarvt for rptunt to 1511 Duuglai t. . or D. 1 ,
Ua/den , Ambler Place. TUB-IS *
LOST 160 ologunt lots In Omnlm View worth
twice the price n V-ed , * JiXj. tit 700. this
month only Ilogya A Hill , 1406 Farnftm. 018-18
STK.YYKD One bay marc. Mnck mnno and
.tall , spavin on both hind legs , nnd a chest-
nuf-colorod I year old colt. Kinder will return
to M. T. Murphy , Contractor and lluUder , 1514
North ? 0th nd Oraco st. . . \ . _ 411
Foil an Investment put your money with
Omaha Vlow loH , J30J to $700. HOURS &
HllL C1S-1
"PERSONAL The man who fain to secure n
JL lot In OtnuhaVlow ml cs the opportunity
ofn llfo time : fxo to t7 < M ; $10 to $20 down.
llogps & Hill , lloal llslatc , IIOJ Karnam. flls-13
I > IUtSONAT < If you would mnko money , In
vest In lots or n house and lot IU Omaha
Vlow. Itargnlns for 20 days , $ -100 to 5700 Hoggs
& Hill , lloal Estalo , 1103 Farnam. 018-13
iiusONAL : JICO monthly earned learning
beautiful photograph painting taught free ,
In one hour , to Introduce material. Premiums
"received at KL Ixiuls and Kansas City fftlrs.
Miss Christie. 1514 Douglas. _ fOj.ll
TJRKSOJfAr , If you would make money , In-
JL rest In lots or a houe nnd lot In Omaha
Vlow. llanralns for 20 days , $300 to $700 Hoggs
It. Hill , lloal liitato , 1403 1'nnmro. 618-13
The man who falls to secure a
lot In Omahn Vlow mls < estho opiiortunlty
ofnllfotlmp. $ .nn to $700 : S10 to $20 down.
Itoal Estate , U03 Farnam sU 013-18
PKUSONAL The man who falls to secure a
lot In Omana Vtow ml c4 the opportunity of
n llfo time : I TO to $70) ; SIO to $20 down. Ilogge
& HHl.llciilSstatoltoa Farimm' 018-13
pKRSONAt AH who wish to buy nice , clean ,
JL now KroCerict , fresh fruits or vegetable * , at
reasonable prices. Call on IX 1 . Carpenter.
.dealer in groceries , hay , feed and grain. 1902
Burning st. _ 646-13
PKHKONAt/ mnn who fnlli to secure a
In Omaha Vlow misses the chance of n Ittc
tlmo : $ nee to $700 ; $10 to $30 down. Hoggs & Hill
llonl Ilstalo , 1408 Farnam. _ 618-13
PElfaONAti Tbo man who falls to secure a
lot In Omaha Vlow mi ps the opportunity
of nllfistlnio. $300 to t',00 ; $10 to f-'o down.
Hoggs A Hill. Real Estate , 1403 Farnam st (118-13 (
TJKllSOIfAI * To persons wlio wish to build a
JL homo In Orchard HIM , I will sell lots upon
payment of the nominal sum of ton dollars and
balance nt the end of five years. Interest at 8
per cent , payahlo scml-annually. This Is the
beat oltor ovf r made to any homo-seeker In thla
city. Call nnd see ma C. B. Mayno , Heal Bs-
tnto and Trust Co. , a W. cor , IBth ana Farnam.
T > EHSONAI/ you would make money In-
JL rest In kits or a house and lot In Omaha Vlow
Hnritnlrm for 20 days , $ 'JOO ' to $700 Uoggs A : Hill ,
Heal Estate , HOB Farnam 018-12
KltSONAI Neat and tasty all-wool busl-
ness suits for only $7.00. All sbo * . Mull
orders filled , L. O. Jones & Co. , 1309 Farnam.
_ _ _ OM
P1SUSONAL If you would mnko money , In
vest in lotn'or n liouso nnd lot In Omaha
Vlow. Hunnilua tor 20 days , $300 to $700. Hoggs
A.-1II1I , UoulKitiHe , 1103 l-'armun. 018-13
"J JKHSONAL If you would make monoy. In-
1 vest In lots or n house and lot In Omaha
Vlow. nartr.iln8for20d'iy8$300to$700 Hoggs
& Hill , lloal Kstato , 140d Farauni. 018-13
_ _
BOAltU and lodging , $4 a wook. 1320 Jones st.
I Oil UKNT-Ilnom nnd board for two. 1613
Capitol ave _ 143
PRIVY vaults nnd cess pools'clonnod by P. O.
Abol. 1 > . O. box 373 , residence inlUCumlng.
72U-July 10'
IF YOU have n stock of merchandise ot any
kind you want sold or traded for roul ostuto ,
city or county , list It with Illggius it Park , 1523
Douglas st. GSl-10
F you want to buy or trade lor a stock of
goods of any kind , cnll on Hlgglns & Park ,
PAY no moro runt , but secure ono of our new
houses and lots lu Omaha View. Hoggs &
Hill. 018-12
and fashionable dress-making by
EllSo Becker , No. i013 S. 13th St. , between
Vinton and llanuroft Bt. 703-14 *
"IT ANTKD AH parsons wanting houses built
' ' for thorn In Omaha Vlow to call and make
their arrangements within the neit 10 days.
Hoggg & Hill. _ 018-12
WANTKH Hoifses to bnllftlii citrvor coun
try. Cull or uddrosi N. U. corner Hurt aud
Brown. _ . _ 51H-U *
WANTKD 100 business men to locate In
Omaha Vinw. Will bulla euitablo houses
on pnvmonts. Hoggs it llill , 018-12
WANTKIJ Now H the tlmo to Invest in lots
or a housu and lot In Omaha Vlow Lots
only &JOO to $700 during month of June Hoggs
& lllll , Heul Bstntp , 1408 Fiirrmm st 818-13
WANTKD 100 business men to locate In
Omaha View. Will bulla suitable houses
on payments. lloggs&Hlll. w 818-12
STORAGE Western Transfer & Storage Co. ,
corner Hth and Nichols St. , are prepared to
receive aud Etore all kinks of household goods
ota _ BOU
100 business men to locate In
Omaha Vlow. Will build suitable bouses
on payments. Boggs & Hill. 018-13
mOTUAOK For sheep or other stock , Coun-
JL ell Bluffs residence property. H. , Drawer B4 ,
Omahn. _ 510-13 *
WANTKD Now Is the time to Invest in lots
or a house and lot in Omnh * Vlow Lots
only &OJ to $700 during month of Juno Hogga
At lllll , llQAl Eatato , 1408 Farnam gt 013-13
T71OB BENT A store on a good retail street
- * - Apply the Omaha Real Eatato and Loan.
Co. _ 107
WANTKD 100 business men to locate In
Omaha View. Will build sultablo bouses
on pnymunH. Hoggs & Hill. 018-13
T7TOBBENT Square Piano $3 monthly. A
JD Hoapo. 1513 Douglas. _ 573
WANTED All persons wanting liousos built
for them In Omaha Vlow to cnll and nmko
their arrangements witblu the next ton'days.
HOKSS & Hill. 018-U
F ° | BKNT-S < ] Uuro PJanol monthly.
Hospo , 15U Douglas. 273
WANTKD All poraons wanting houses built
for them In Omaha Vlow to call and make
tliolr arranuumouts witnln the uoxt todays.
Hoggs & Hill. , OIK-12
oil KKNT Organs , & -per month. Hospa ,
FOK SAI.K Olio 10-horso uprlKbt bollor and
ontrlno with llttlnifs completo. A bargain.
Nobrai.ka atcnin Laundry , llkl S. 14th fit. TfJ
FOK BALK Elot en second-hand wnuons on
Cnmjiboll st , nour llmnlltoii,3 blocks west
of SiuiiKlura st. cr.'M2 *
OUi KS bullion ninnthly payments in Ouia-
II haVlow. llng si : lllll.
FOK SALK Having to loiivo on account of
my wife's health , I will Bull the lease and lin-
pro\omcnts of the llvory barn , 1U2I O strcot ,
with horffl * , lU.trios and harness oreeimrato.
Address UoLiert 8 turlliiB , 10 , ' 1 O street , Lincoln ,
Neb- UD8-17 *
A 1'IIANUI ! forpoor moil to gpoculato. Park ;
Ji\ . Forest lots fjV ) iu iaua , $5 down and > per
month. Uo gaii lllll. aila
TT1OJI SALE Finosocond-hand puautou cheap
J-1 at Simpson's. _ 711
Tj OK SAUJ Good hoi-io , wugon uud harness ,
J ? only tax ) , suio Web tur. 700-i
Foil HACK Clump Household goods oon-
ilftlnjr of can > et3 , stoves nnd utensils , bat-
room sets , bedding , furniture , etc. Fur unrtio-
ulars call at 13)7 ) Douglas U 68'J-U
OB SALEiscorts bard wood. Amei . IMS
Farnam. C55-13
BU V a lot In I > urk Forest , 8240 to fJOO. Hoggs
& lllll , tunl C8taU.140Sl'anmm. 618-U
FOKSALK Abandsomosuito of bod-roam
furniture cheap. Address U 20 , Uoo olllco ,
C07-11 *
_ _ _
mo LKASE-IOOlotc In Omaha Vlow , for lOor
J-ao years , or will sell very aheap 1C sold soon.
Hogl-aA Hill fllB-ia
\ \ 7K olfor tor sulo 500 uhoico two-yeur-old
Tt steer * . Stran o llros. , Hloux City , In.
< aijy5
H OUSES built to ordpp InOraatm View , fsnj
to iL'.WX ) on payments for house and lot.
818.13 llOTOB & Hill.
Foil SAI.K A Surry , Simpson's moke ; good
ua nowut A , J. Simpson's. SSO
'OAllK J-QHEST-IJosl ehauog o\er offcrod a
X poor man to soouro a cheap ' home , I/jUfiM
to JAW. Uajrya Jc Hill. B18-12
TTion H.VI.E Cueap. Iron columns ind win-
X' dow cups guituble for front ou brick bulld-
Iny. for luirtloulara apply ut this olHco. 813
IJATIIC FOltEaTBcstT chance over ottered a
.poor man to swuro cheap home. Lots f2M
totJiiU. Itogga it Kill. . 613-li
TTIOUSALK Or trade for city lots , atpanof
iblaok drivlutf hoi-tod , lultnble 'for family
carriage team. Apply room S , Iron llunkbulU'tf.
, ' M * . 007
HOirSKH built to order io Omaha View , * 00
to tL',000 on puyuicuU fur bmuoa aud loU. '
819-13 - . . Bompi 4 : iJju.
FOn SALK 25 ypnr lease on Socfifin ( rood
land , 7 miles sotithoast of Atkinson and 4
miles southwest of Kmmct , Holt county. Neb.
Mental only $49 per year. Hatcher. Gadd 4 Co. ,
lain Douglas street , Jllllard hotel block , Omrma ,
T > AIK ! KOHRST IJest etmnco ever olTered n
X poor man to soouro a chetp homo. Lots $243
totJOQ. Hoggs & 1U1U 018-12
_ _
FORHAtK Sqnare piano , MO , monthly pay-
monts. Hospo , 1518 Douglns. S7l
T > ARK FOIirST Iost ) chBjico ever odcrod n
X poor mm to secure n cheap homo. ts250
to MOO , lloggg & ma 018-13
T7OIl SAM ! Match teams and horses of at
J. ' kinds to suit cu tomors nt Star Halo atablos ,
tOth and Cumlng. JI. Cannon , Prop. 270
T > AKK FOHKST Host ohanoo ever oHorod
r.poor man to aoctiio acheaphorao. lxts | 2SO
to $300. lloygs & Illil. C18-13
WANTKD-Good slrl for ifoneral housework
_ In smnll family , apt S. t th St. 715-U
\\7"ANTKI A KM to eoconorttl housework.
TT Applj 106 8 Uth 8U , 730
tXTANTKU At onco. n mtddlo ngfed lious -
TT keeper In a small fnmilv on n farm. No
ohjcclion to onu child. A steady homo. For
particulars nddrcsslmmddlatciyuai , Bee ortioo.
676-17 *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
WANTED A peed flrl for ( fClieral Iioil o-
worfc 190-J farnam. ' ' 1 [ flt "Vi B77
\ yANTKairi for rencrnl housework.
Mrs. Hammond , I6 Vlrslnlu ave.a > I Jn-ll *
WANTKD A strohif Voman'for qook and
conrral housework on a fur in In K mists ,
fair wages and a steady place ; none need apply
but a competent worker , Otninn and wife , If
the woman Is n Rood farm honsokcoprr ; no
children , fitate wages oxptctadiand inusi h'ivo
rofcrenoos. M. H. &T. , care A. 1) ) . Mor.'iX " *
W ANTKD A respectable middlo-Bgtd lady ,
Protestant , as housnhcopor , and the caio
of two little boy ; best references required. Address -
dross O 33 , flee olllco. nM OKt-lt * '
WANTKD A good girl.for general bouse-
work. Inquire Mr& G.8. llcnawncorner
Division st. nnd 3d nve. i' ' 66H8
ANTED-Cook , colored 'or white fam'aid.
433 N 15th. .
j - , 683-12.V
ANTKD-At 332 < rDodgo at , a BOOilcOOk ,
washer and ironor. ftlQ-11
\VANTKD-A girl to 'do general Housework.
> > 3010 Hurt st. B2U
WANTEO-Compotont gir ! ' 'for general
housework at 3407 Hnrncy 8t. 635-14 *
WANTED-Glrl fo'r - ono'cal" li&GSowcJrJi :
Apply nt 307 Dodgq st. , , , 18.V11 !
WANTED-A neat girl between 13 nnd ' 17
years old , to help tnl < o. cnro of a baby ; a
coed homo ton good jrlrl. Apply at oUlo not B.
T. Peterson & Co. , S. K.cor n 15th , upd Douglas
streets. - ' CU3-1I
. coiv Jtlih
and Davonpoit st . , liobma J and 1. Mrs.
if. Wallace. _ < . . > 010-Utii'f
\\rANTKl A Blrl for goriorol nousoworfc.
T > Mrs. W. W. UlnBliam , 813 South 16th st.
_ I ; _ 603-11'
WANTED Good prlrl for 'liltchoh ! work ; also
_ a nurgo g-lrl. al5 ) Case s . , > a,1. ° 'lllr * ?
MTANTKIl-GIrl for pono'fal housework :
T T must bo good oook and willing tollVB'In'tlib
suburbs. Inquire at C. U. Mayne's ofnoo , S\V
cor. 15th and Farn am , 531-11
WANTKD A gill for general housework ,
8W cor , lltn inn ! Dodgo. 5312 *
WANTED \Vot nurse ; apply at once , at .410
Convent sU - TO3'
WANTKD A girl for general housework.
1415 Howard st ; 393
W ANTED A woman to io to Wyoming for
general housowork. Inquire ( U4 Georgia
WANTED-Glrl forUItchenwork. 419 N. 15th.
631-17 *
WANTKD A girl for general housework ;
Gormauproforrcd. Apply 44fl Convent.
WANTED A competent girl as cook and
laundress. Apply33J7 Jiodgo. 087-U'
ANTED-A young lady of frouk 18 to 33
years of ago for n position roiu'ring ' aomo
nssnrnnco and tnct. Good arrnnjromont made
with right party who can furnlsli bond for $150.
Address , stating business experience , Perry &
Ualdoy , Denver , Col. 705-13
ANTKD-Glrlto takocaro o cliiljren-and
assist in housework. " 1812 WoUslei'st "
\\7ANTKD-A plrl for general housework at
V > ? J2) Seward st. ' jXH
WAJfTED 20 tracklayers. Good wajrog and
steady job. Albright's Labor nAlr noy ,
1308 Furnam St. " 737-12
ANTED Active. Intollleont fcoy"mustbo :
well acquainted In the city. C. B. Mayno ,
15th and Farnam. . . 7 . "i-12
WANTED 10 caroohtcrs at southwest cor-
uor Kennedy and Hurt stroots. 718
WANTED Clerk : export penman ; ypunor
mab. Ames' Real Estate .Agnnoy , 1507
fXTANTED A flret-class barber at Oncof
TV steady work and wood pay. Address Wm.
Shock , Soliuylor , Nob. _ OJ7.15
WANTKD llotail druK ole'rki slnglu man
preferred ; city. Clarke DruK Go. - C9i-l {
WANTED A city aalosmaii ; must como well
recommended. 212 North 18tU. ' 03-H '
WANTKD City Circulator An oxporloncutl
man to take eliareti of circulation department -
mont of the Capital City Courier. Will oiror
Hood kiducoment to ntrlit , mini. Nanu.iHit o\ >
parlencad and well-recotumendcd ' 'no' * ! apply.
Address Editor Coutlur , llox SOI J4ncoln , Nob.
_ _ . .u. , . . ; . - * „ > & ? $ * „ ' *
W- 1- for
tcamstcm , sliovelcrjaiid. Irnukluyer.s.
Ston shipped everyday. B. S. Albright
Labor Agent , 1308 Formunst. ' ' " '
WANTED 80 men .for 'railroad work In
Wyoming. K. 8. AlbrlgM , S. H. Labor.
Agent , faoa Fa mum. trfj - 687-15
WANTKD 30 men for ; work aoarjUrokon/
Bow.Kebratka. lAlbrlglit WborAHottbyV
1308 garnsm tt.
TXTANTUD 20 carpontars at OntahaTadklnpr
i T House next Monday. J. A Murphy. 811-11
\ \TANTKD-AKunts. Ocoatttlra ents , $50 to
TT $100 per month salary and commlsiion , to
pell standard line of goods tO'tumillo ) on install
ment plan. Llvo men wuntod or general agen
cies In o\ err city and county'in ' the IT. 3. Must
lie active and responsible * SfaX ) ro f SJKi reqnlrodr
ns fcoourlty. We refer td iitiybank or roputftlilu ;
business liouso iu this , ety. | . In busluey toi\ .
yours. 1'nrtlonUirs froThp Hunter mfte'r
ilanuriiutiirlnffCo. , Coiirt.Ilroadwuy utidK'Kle ( ,
Btonovo , Cincinnati , O. j u _ 071-U
WANTUD-3 ctoady , qnerKettoragn.tA8cll ,
Kclipso goods , ( lood .wages to.'tlujTlkht1
men. A. J. Wood , 1403 Dodge stv f , „ Biff-It
WANTKD-Agonta to sell territory for hot
gullintr patent right In the market. Caller
or addruss 1L IL Booley. Central City , Ni'b. '
WANTED A steady , position by German
confectioner and pastrycook. ' Address U
38 , Ileo odlco. " . 701-H * '
ANTKD-Stoudy posit'lon by , Gorman.
married , upoaking nna writlntt Engilsh ,
acquatntod in thu city , not afraid of wrK , and
iiilorstandB takingcaro of hoic u ruferencoa
will be given. Addroa * G ; W , Uoo ollleo. , 702-14 *
"Tl ANTKO By a young German , a steady
' ' plac a ) gurdunnri uiidontandit cure of
horses. Address Q34irBpaoinc4. U3U-11 *
tr-ANTKO Sitiiatirm by good Cincinnati
vt brcn-1 and o ko baker. Address iJ S. JUIU
street. ' KJl-ll *
Employment In wliolojulo or retell -
toll grocery by yoQtig Knglishman of ten
years oxperlcnue In tlio Uusine , of etoudlml >
its ; good London reference. Address ( i 10. Ileo
olllco , Ms-Is *
WANTED-Ily a young married man posi
tion in a wuole&aje or retail lion o Uthu
city , grocery preferred ; 5 ye.uu ox | > urit nco ;
wrltt-aufuir buBlnoas band has
, MMIIO knowl
edge of bookKeepIng ; also umlerstiiuds typo-
wriilnvana can furnish machine , ( iood ruler-
pncojrivon If renulrod. Address with pnitlcu-
lure. O U. llceollW.
\AJiTK To lutvhaiiKO u small purfC'Otly
gently i > ony fur a marc. In < iulro ut IJill-
ranco'8 barn , corner 17th and St. Mary's ave.
"t\rANTJD : Wo huvo a customer for a tract
t oflromtcn to eighty ucroa aultublo for
BUbdlvlsiun fJito city lots. T. W. liluckburn &
Co. , lluad of tit. tury' ave , 717-11
T\7"ANTKI > All persons wanting hoUhBi built
T for them In Ouinba View , to call uud make
arrangements within the next ion days , HOKKD
& -HU1- 618-18
tl7wVNTKD-l 5 ocurc an outflt that will
it make you flU ) pur month , lady orxoutlu-
miin. ho experience nee < u > sary. Late tiling ,
liu ftaiup photot forJtSM. Wrlto with uamu
for ogfupy. V. V. Hurting , secretary Photo
. , C rl r IlaplJj , low * . ti'-ll ' *
TTrTVVNTKD lXJ ( b\islnes < men to locate In
TV Orrmha View ; will build suitable liouses on
payments. Doggsjbllni , 618-lt
WANTKD-ny.rn rrlod cotiplo Intoly arrived
In Omnha , rooni and board with comforts
of a homo ; private family profowed } reference *
eiohangftd. AddttlMO fy , llPcOfnco. 6IB-11 *
WANTED A1K pMfloni wanting bouses
built for them IrrOmahn Vlow. to cnll nnd
make their nrnmnntn'ents within the uoxtton
d ays. Puggs * ItiU. . r 618-13
"tyANTKD-ToHtn < T.Murray.
* 73
TV'ANTHO-Nowts'tho tlmo to Invest In lots
TT or R house nnd lot In Omaha Vlow Lota
only $3-Xto ) $700 diirifffe month of Juno llogga
& lllll. Uoal Ustalftl 1 33 Fnrnam 018-13
\rANTEO-Short-hand work of all kinds by
TT J.n. HayncaCo.,15H Dodge st. 805
WANTED Now Is the tlmo to Invoit In lots
ornhotHonnd lot In Oman View. Lots
nlv $300 to $700 during month of Juno. Hoggs
& Hill , Uoal Kstato , 1408 Fnrnam 018-13
" "
W "ANTED Now Is the tlmo to Invest In lou
ornhnuxonad lot In Omaha Vlow. Lots
only $ . ' ) to $700 nurlnif month of Juno. Hoggs
& lllll , Heal Kstato , 1403 Fnrnnm st. 618-13
Foil KENT Kcsldcncoof 10 rooms , bnrnfnr
14 horaos , bountiful grounds. Loavontvorth
nnd ; Od st. , $ .V ) per.inontli. C. K. Mayno lloal
Kstato & Trui-t Co. , 16th and Farnarn. 730
OR llKNT-Or lease , a first-class furnished
restaurant , doing a rood paying business ,
by Hlggins & Pnrk , 1S32 Douglas st 031-14
raon KENT Until Soptoraber 1 , 1RM. furL -
JL ? nlshod house 4 rooms. Inquire nt 1521 N 10th
St. lloforoncci required. 710-11 *
" 7 Ott KENT 2 modern Improved houscsi
J.1 Hnoit location la the city. ( X F. Uavls & Cti.j
150& Farnam at. 654-lin
FOR an Investment put your money 'with
Omaha Vlow lots , & 00 to $700. Hoggs ft
Hill. BlB-l *
FOH KKNT House of 7 rooms , kitchen ,
collar and hosclnont , with nil modern lm
provomonts and largo stable , nt cor , llth and
Arbor streets , Inquire at 0128.10th st , opposite ,
U..P. depot. 037-11 * . '
FOR nn Investment put your money"with ,
Omalm View lots , $300 to 700. Uowra ft
F . IIKNT House , 3 looms nnd hltcliou.-nt
JL ? Hickory , near iltlist Inquire 1L * M. Laud
Ollico , 530 S'l3th $ St. „ 623U
OMAHA VIEW lots- cheapen In the city,1
$300 to 8700. Hoggs & Hill _ 01B-1S
Foil 'RENT A 10-room house ; furnltti-oJtor ? >
sale. Cor , llth and Djdgo.
OMAHA VIEW lots-cheapest In tliol cliy ,
t'JOO to S700. Hoggs & Hill. G1843-f'-
Ij\OK \ KENT House 11-rooms , bath rooms *
-I ? closets nte. , No. Ill North 13th st , $75.
Store room on St , Mary's avo. with living room
nbovo , $60. > x !
Slor * room on llth st , near Fnrnam ; make ,
flno cHlco , * 2o. > ,
Ilrick store , N K cor. llth and Ilownrd , $ .Vi.
HOUEO 6-rooma , good liarn , Bristol street near
corner S.uuiders , &KJ uftor Juno 15th.
C. K. Mayno , Heal Kstutu and Trust Co. 483
OMAHA VIKW'j lots -cheapest In tho.ottj- , ,
< 30Qto$700. Hoggs & Hill. 61B-le7
OR KENT Ono 8 nmlono 1U rootnMioiuo ,
with nil modern linprovomoiits. In if' desir
able location. Inquire of O. F. Davis it Co. ,
1MB Fnrnain. 874
LOTS In Omaha VJow are Incronslnir In value
at the ratoofSWJ every four months. I'rlco
$100 to $700. Hoggs & Hill , Uoal Estate , U08 Far-
nam st 018-13
FOK RENT Ajr lerant , now 8 room house ,
modern linprolejnojns nnd every convonl-
enco,28th nnd Clidxtq | sts. f.l5pur month with
barn or $23 without uarn. C. . Mnyuc , IJtli nod
Farnam. r * 333
T OT8 in Omaha View nro increasing in value
Jnt the rate of ( HOO every four months. Price
$300 to $7CO. BogH 6c Hill , Heal Kstatc , 14U3 Fai
niimst. * 9 018-12
FOB KENT Furnished bed room with use of
parlor , $10 poynquth. ,1511 California at.
FOB KENT Lnr4V'f front room , neatly fur-
nlshod , suitable lor two persons , 312 N 17th
streot. C00-12
TGIOHlJENT-Jj'niBHBiftl roonis.atlflffFarnaiu
J/\OK KENT A sullo of rooms with board.
: 1813 Dodge st. . U38
T71OB IIBNT 3 ihifttrnlsnod rooms , modern
J convonloneos , to parties without children.
610 N. 17th st. 633
T71OB BKNT To gontlomun and wife or two
J -Kontlcmon , nicely furulshod rooms with
board. HWI Fiirnum. 63(1 (
Foil KENT Unfurnished front parlor1 and
bedroom , first lint , over 1017 Howard Bt.
Inquire at drug store , 1601 Howard st. or at
rcoms. 681-131'
Poll KENT Nicely furnished rooms four
blocks from Royd's Opera house. Also largo
room suitable for four gentlemen. 507 South
IBth st. CffrlS *
C1OU 11ENT Furnished rooms. Ibices from
JL' $8 to $25 per month , with or without board.
C33 South 15th st. , 57 > il ! *
LOTS Iri Omaha View are increasing In'valuo
nt the rate of $100 ivory four monthsn'rico
$ ! 0 to 3700. Boggs & Hill , Heal Estate , 1408 Far-
nainat. 018-13
OK KKNT-Furnishod front roonu .Ut3
Douglas. 6JW ) ! * 1
FOH 11KNT Furnished rooms , -Inquire
drugsloro , 10th and Douglas. G03
Foil KENT A nicely .furnished . frontroDtn
suitable for two gentlemen , with board.
. , , .
- - '
1903 Fnrnnm , St.
OK ItKNT 2 nicely furnishedroom4'Biiltn-
bio for man nnd wlfo ; also 3 rooms for tfon/
tlctnen , with board If desired. Iloloroncb'S ox-
ohangod. No. 01 ! ) North 10th 8U 5 .14
T OTdIn Oman * Vlow are IncroaslngJn alub
i-l ut thorato ot $ K10 every four months. Prlco
$ m to 870J. Iloirgs & Hill , Real Kstato , lias Far
nam rt. ' Olft-12
TTIOU ItKNT With Imard , neatly furnished
JL : rooms at 1716 Cuss sU 451-12 * . . ,
Foil KENT Furnished rooms. 1621 Capitol
avonuo. ; f-li'- ' " *
Foil JIENT Small store room on llth"
between Fnrnam-nnd Hiirney. C , B. Mnywit ,
llciil Bitato A Trust Co. , Ifith and Fiirnnin.fill
Foil KENT Two nleoly furnished roomion
atroot oar line. ' 2337 Dodgo.
oIlKENT--FurnIslied rooiuiT
IF YOU want n bargain , let us fell yoiirqno of
our cheap lou In Omaha Vlow. llogga & Hill.
TTIOU ItKKT-Furuishud rooms , 1B3) ) CaslstT
J 'J8-I !
Foil HUNT Sir uiiruriiUboJ rooms , slnVlo
ortwo In suit ; jrontlonion jireforied. In-
qulro of Dr. I * A. Simons , Uitabrouk lllook , 401
S. l th st. j : nl \
FOK IIKXT-Ono nlco room at JJ5 Doilr (
stroct. 379
Foil KKNT Forlltfht honseUcopInff , rooms
furolsbed or unfurnished , la Ilaumor's
lllock. cor. Kltfhth and. Howard. XU
TK YOU want n bargain , let us Bell you ono of
JL ouruhoup lotsiu OiAiiUii Vlow.
_ _
If OH IlKNT-NlccJK furnished rooms , with
J' board 7M N.gijflf t. _ a)5
FOR ItKNT A - tenJshod room in a private
family. Addrnss FSj. Hoe olUcu. 258
OK ItKNT AiTi Bllont basement , B03 and
511 S 13th st ; J. stores on Vth and Douglas ,
undi stores on iHiff CuiiiInp. Paulson & Co. ,
151J Fariiam. _ _ 2 _ 857
FOH llKNT-Furnlshod rooms , ard lloor. 108
F.btorbrMik in ijfffj 713-lt
Foil HKNT Nfc-ebvcfurnlshod front loom.
ajll Capitol uvug , _ mS U70-H1
TJ OKtKKNT Furnfshod rooms. 1818
OK KENT-Dcsk room ! 'Rusk & Se . .
S , 15th at.- lit
prOUSKS built on monthly puymcntsiii Oranbu
JO. View. Hogg * Si Hill. 61B-1J
FO.KSAI.K A beautiful homo , cheap. House
Oiooiuri. Hluiubuugh Plucu-W/iUU. C. 15.
Mayno Hail Kstate and OVust Co. , 15th and
Farnam , . CM 16
PAY no morn rent , but secure onoof our new
houtes aud lots la Omaha Vlow. Uogxg &
Hlli 618-U
_ _
F > K HALK-Hnuse and lot In North Omaha ,
ouo block from street car ; cheap at KflM.
a F. Davis & Co , 67Wy7
B'OU eu. bivxxtment. put your inouey with
. Ouiuli'lertt lou , JUh ) > $700. Uogg * & HllL
TTIon SALK rino oornor lot on famam S
J. with 3 peed houses renting for ft.600 a yonrt
price f 20,000 , $5,000 cash , balance to bo arranged.
Ought to sail readily. Marshall & tiobock. ( Ml
Famom st 6 8
O" MAIIA VIBW lots cheapest In city. $000 to
$7X ( > . Hoggs & lllll. 6IM3
OltCtlARn lfllli lots sell on tholr merits.
I/iw prices and easy terms given. Call at
Tlio C. E. Mayno nnd Trust Ca's ofllco nnd get n
BUY n lot In Park Fore t , fJ50 to $300. Hoggs
A Hill , real estate. H03 Farnam. BI8-1J
SlMJCrALItAnaATN-KVifcct fr nt on Far
n am st. 820,000. Albright & Ajlosworth , 218
B. ISIh at. 6C3-10
ONLY SO lots left in Park Torost. Going fast ,
llon't fall to get ono. f JSOto | DOO , $ o down
nnd K > per month. Hoggs v HllL 013 IS
400 Bosi fronton Delaware street , llanscom
place , beautiful lot $3,100. Lovgrcn &
Wlldo. 1501 Farnam street. 7M
O NLV 80 lota left m Park Forost. Oolnir fnst.
Ihin't fnll to got one. > 3T > 0 to f300 , $ A down
and ta per mouth. Uoggs A lllll. _
HOUSFTsTJulit to order In Omaha Vlow , * 90i5
to J..OOO on payments for house nnd lot ,
019-13 Hoggs * Hill.
TT . 1h'AN3 * CO.
U llnyo forsnlc :
SoricSJof the most choice lots In Hawluorno
Those lots are many of them heavily wooded ,
nnd 'of ' exceptional ocnuty us u spot for rcsl-
.duncojthodrmntgo IssooJ , uradosnro already
i mnd , and you can ecojtut what you are buy-
' , , QaH'ond get prices nnd n sight of tblsprop-
,6rty. ' : _ _ _ _ C59-16
'T.OW.pniCE8-Onlr ' fSOOto C0n ! for lots In
i JLJOmnJia'Viow during tnls mot ; Hogcs *
Hill 618-18
_ _
" f D ; KVANS Si CO.
U IIuvo forKrtlo :
' ' \ flno INt of ) nt In Crnston.
> ' < rhls ftdilltlon Is unexcelled by any In bontity
Of.sUuatlou.Krandut-r of views to bo obtained ,
or desirability In the matter of approach , Klopo
of KTOimrt , nnd prices are and have boon below
iHnytlilugoITered within half n mileof It ,
I/Dok ut It Juat south of tlio Academy of the
3acrcd Heart. .
J. H. Kvnns & .Co. , solo agents. _ C57-15
, 'r NIiY sVlots loft In Park Forest. Uolntr fust
j \J Dontf ; , All to got one.M to $300 , $5 down.
aqd $5 par month. Hoggs & Hill. _ 018-13
TTlbll SAtiK Lota on Cumlng and Hurt
U-C , ! trtots , ' oar30th , $1,300 to Sl.ooOonch.
. .i.Iits'lnLowo's addition , SiOO to tOOO each ;
-very c sy .
i 26 nor os , well Improved , 2 houses , barn , etc. ,
ner Fort Omaha , $ S,000.
, .Lot on Sownvil St. , near 31st , $000.
' Slots , (10) ( feet south front ) , on Hamilton st ,
near 'Poor ' * Claire convent , 91,700.
180 feet west trent , on 4th st , near Farnam ,
$125 pcr'foot.
. Corner lot on Hurt et. , near I/wo ave , 55 foot
6. front , STOTV Knsy terms.
. . .Lot on Virginia ave. , near Loavonworth St. ,
'SuoroBln WottOmahn , $8,000.
Ixit on Howard St. , ( W5il33foct ) , $24,000.
'Corner , ' 44xl3J. nn Harnoy st , $20,000.
> lot in Nelsua'h ndd. , $1,700.
- Z lots In Plain View , jfGOO each.
j i Corner 1 Jts on Bownrd st , 8 blocks from Poor
Clalru Convent , J7CO ; easy terms.
41 root , mut front on 3. 13th St. , $1,100.
12o foot east front on S. lilth st , $11.000.
Four-story and basement UnoK store , 30 foot
fronton Harnoy st , 830.000.
' 3 houses mid lots on Farnam , near 0th st ,
Bouth front , f < , ri0 ( ! each.
Housoof 7 rooms , lot 60x137 foot , on Saunders ,
nonr Cumlng , $ .1,200.
( Hoiiscrof 3 rooms , cistern , etc , lot4oi-jxl3J on
S. 17th at. , $1,600 ; monthly payments. .
CO aurcs. 4 miles west of olty , $100 per aero.
Lots In Bouth Omaha , $41)0 ) to 7B ) .
Lot 23x130 , on Dodtro. near 12th st , J4.S09.
1 Lot In Cortlandt Place , $5,000 , ouo block Trom
St. Mary's ave ,
House and full lot on Hamilton st , uoar 30th ,
Lloufo of Brooms , lot 35x1 tO foot , on. 18th , near
Nicholas at , $3,500.
House of 6 rooms , lot 25x110 feet , on ISth ,
noa , * Icholus st , r-,000.
Mont/ loan at lowest rnto of Interest. Geo.
P. llomla 8. W cor. 16th and Douglas. COi
A CHANCE for poor men to speculate. Park
Forest lots $350 to $300 , $ Q down and $5 par
month. Boggs i Hill. 018-13
TTIOB SALE A bargain ; 2 } { acres adjoining
JL ? Deaf Institute ; houses , good cemented
collar , 200 grape vines , all kinds of small fruit ;
$3,51)0. ) C. B , May no lieal Eatato & Trust Co. ,
15h and Farnora. 535-11
OM VIEW Lots cneapest in city , $300 to
S7i 00. Itoggs A Hill. 618-12
"TTUjrt SALE Two elegant east front corner
JL ? lots In Hurr Oak ; natural mmde trees.
Hatcher , fiudd & Co. , 1210 Douglas street , Mlllard
holol block Omahu. Neb. 804
T'F'you'want a bargain , lot us sell you ono of
Jour cheap lots in Omaha Vlow. llogga & Hill.
' 618-13
TTIOIl SALE Flvo desirable Amolor place
JC lots at a bargain if sold within a few days.
Inquire of Itlsdon & Comstock , Morchenta Na
tional bank building , Itoom 1 , up-stalra. 494
/"iMAHA VIEW lots $300 to $700.
\J Hoggs & Hill. 618-13
/ iMAHA VIEW lots $300 to $700.
\J Uoggs & Hill. 618-12
FOIl SALE Or Trade Improve ! and unim
proved lands In Furnas and ot lor western
counties. Address Win. Hlmoral , Arapalioe ,
Furnas Co. Nob. 375
OMAHA V7EW lota $300 tc $700.
Bogg-sicHlll. 018-12
N 1'AKIt
JVhich is the best property to buy
to obtain big proflts ? Answer Aero prop-
/r\UEIir What part of the city will develop
* . first ? A. Tbo south west
" "
LKA B-lOO lots In Omaha Vlow for 13
, 0120 years , or will soil very cheap If sold
ebtJn. Bogga'fc lllll. fllB-lg
CsOlAt , HAKUAIN-Flno 5-ucre lots , all
Ou > KPtliPrv In lllmobuugh's addition. Must
lie.eoM right uway. I'rlco per uoro , $500. It C.
yattflrflOji,131h , and Douglas. _ U03
/TkMLY'20 ' lotfi Idft In Pnrk Forest. Going fust.
\J Don't fall to get ono. S-M to $300 , t ! > down
aud VffKse.mouth. . . lloggg St Hill. _ 01P.I3
TIHJH MALK ; i aurcs in liurkulow s suo-dlvl-
J--j/llOii , east front ; 1 sharoa lu Omaha Dairy
association ; I two-seated buggy ; 4 flno barber
chairs. , SUB. 12th fit. 691
TT-OW FIUCKS-Only $ ! JOO to § 700 for lots In
JL OrauhB"1 Vfow during thls > niontb. Roirua k
11IU. . . . . , B18-13
' [ TlOK SA LI5 On monthly payments , 3 cottuiros
4- < jrroom1) / ) each , ono mile from postodlcu.
Kr/qtilroof / Win , Gygor , ut Dowoy&Btouo's. 074
OW' I'llinESnly fUOO to $700 for lota In
Oraalm Vlow during this month. Ilog s A :
Hill. 013-U
> Il SALK-SKvcn choloust Kllby I'lueo lota ,
$850oacliAV. I'.Tiilioy , 13U1 Farnnm St. 14'l
T OW PlUCKS-Only $ ; to $700 for lots in
JLJOinuhu View during this mouth. HOURS &
Hill * aiS-lii
FOH SAI.K Or trade lor unimproved prop
erty within twn mllusof dty , u line modern
house of U rooms , well , cistern and I nrn , beau *
tifully UnHlioJ inslilo ; lot 50x150 , local e < l ono
block f roni torinliuiB of red and green car linos.
C. M. Katon 61U 8. ] 3tti tt U75Jyi
V"\NLV"a ) lots loft in Pork Forest , doing fast.
V JkuV > , fiillK > 8S5Dto$300 , down
and > 5 uer nionlU. Hoggs & HllL 6IH-13
TUBT.thlnk of It. Two lots oust fronts and
O near street curs for only $1,500. fil {
OW PitlCKS Oiily Vm to $700 for lots in
JOmubu Vlow during this month , llogga &
Hill OIB-13
FOIt SALE Ixila uud and houses and lots.
LoU of houses and lots of lot * .
Lots ) without houses.
Houses without lots and
--ixits of houses In lota of blouki.
Lot of tlmo to show ,
Lots to lots of customers wanting
Lots lin i rpved or
Lots unlmp'roved. '
T , W. Ulnckbuni & Co. , Head of fit. Mary's
nve. 716-H
I MY no moro runt , but securonno of our now
l.oiiMJb and lots in Omaha Viuw , Ilogun &
Hill , 6IX-T-J
Foil HAI.Ii-lly Stockd.ilo XIluncher. .
rarlliHgo ,
Wo have the clmicfftt hits on Cumlng and
IzurdstrotU in IliM uliarmlugnovy addition. Kfn
them b fore you buy. Stockdalo A llunrhcr ,
1611 Doduu t-t. 1
1JAY no more runt , but secure ono of our nrtw
J- houses and lot * in Oinuliu Vinw , llogi'd & :
lllll. C18-13
AM'-llj-Storkdale & lliinchor.
Lots iu Carthago. . . , . . . $ n
Lois In lltdford Place . , . , , tto
Lots In Lincoln I'lueo. . . . . < . . . . ; ( . . . . 4M
loiain Lea ven wort li Terrace. , . 7fiO
lots In Tbornburir , . , . . . . . . 450
Lola in Plulnview . . . . &x )
Lots in Klrkwood . S50
Lois In Purnit'titer Place . , , . . . . 7TO
Lotalullauscoml'luou . . . 1.4UJ
LoU luShulf * Addition , . l.CW
I/its la-MpCandlUh Place . , . , OCM
HOUAPI and lou lu all parts of the' city nod
suburbs. '
Always see us before you buy or elL
BtovKdolo * Uuncbcr. ISU Dodge street71917
PA3T no moro r nt. but secure onoof onr new
houses aud lota In Omaba View. Hosrira tt
Hill. Olg-U iiiBninj A Park , Kta Doug-
las street.
A first class grocery stock.
A flrstclnss hardware stork.
A first class moat market.
A first olats iKjot and shoo sloro.
A nm class Iced store.
A llr t oln s rostaurant.
All doing n good pitying business nnd centrally -
trally located. 083-lt
HOUSES built on monthly payments In Omn-
ha Vlow. Hoggs * Hill. C1M3
OUSALK-IlyJ.ll. Uvnns A Co. , n bargain ,
NW cor , block 87 , South Omaha. 723-13
HOUSK3 built on monthly payments In Oma-
ha Vlow. lloygs&Hlll. 618-13
FOR SALE Itargnlns by Stockdalo &
lot In Drnko ndd. on Davenport st , , $3,000.
Tinco bountiful lots In SunnysUa ou Cali
fornia st. , en oil f 1.3X ) .
Klogant south front lot in Capitol hill add. ,
Harnoy St. , $3,000. ,
Iino lots In Hanscom place from $1,050 to
" '
"ilot'ln Htllslilo No 1 , on Dnvenpart Bt , $1,100.
Lot 120x100 on ttaumlorsst , , east front , near
Lake , t-I.OvXl. .
Four beautiful nores In Tnylar'a add ncnrtbo
Fort , $3..VO.
Cheap lots In nil the outlying additions.
Houses and lots at all prices every R hero.
Alwajs see us before you buy or sell.
Btockdalo & llunbticr , 1811 Dodge st , S06.Il
T7IOU LKASn 100 lots In Omaha Vlow for 10
JL1 or 30 years , or icill soil very cheap if sold
soon. UoKgsA Hill. 018-12
Plats of
Now ready.
Corner lot H on
Cumlng strcot ,
Inard Htrcot ,
Nicholas street ,
Hamilton struct.
Only $400.
Cunningham A Uronimn ,
1511 Dodgo. 709-11
LEA3K-100 lotfl In Omaha Vlow for 10
or 30 years , or will sell very cheap If Bold
soon. Iloirgs & HI1U B18-13
TTU'B SALK $12,000 will buy nn elegant rcsl-
-C. donee , newly furnished ; very best looatlon
In tbo olty , near 19th and Chicago sts. Hoggs &
11111,1403 Farnam. Oll.-a
TjlOll LKA8B-1M ) lots In Omaha View'for 10
JL1 or20 years , or will eell very cheap If sold
soon. Hoggs & Hill. 018-M
In wlmt addition Is the cheapest
QUERY ? A. Patterson Pork , $370 per aero
UKIIV How far from courthouse is 1'uttor-
Q son Park ? A. 314 miles.
Can ncroe bo bought In Patterson
QTJEBY on long tlmo , easy payments mid low
rate of Interest ? A. Yes.
/-\UKHV To whom will I go to buy ncros In
W Pntlorfion Park ? A. To I ) . C. Patterson ,
olllco 1st lloor. Iron Bank Building , who ulso
has lots In
Lincoln Place ,
Hlmobuugh'B add. ,
West Omulm ,
launders & Hlmobaugh's ,
Honuold ,
Shlnn's First ,
South Oinnhft.
Call on I ) . C. Patterson. 129
MA1IA V1B\V lots $30010 ? 700.
Hoggs & Hill. 018-13
T ? OB SALE Improved and uulmprovod farm
I' lands. Glbion. Larson it Co. , Hooni : i ,
Wltlmoll Hlock 151
VIUW lots $ TOO to S700.
_ Hoggs & Hill. B18-13
OB KXCHANGK-o,000 stock dry goods for
Omuhn property. Archer & Fitch , " 18 S
15th st. J05
UY a lot In Pnrt Forest. $2M to $300. Uoggs
& Hill , real estate , 1408 Farnnm. eiB-fa
FOB SAtK Residence property nnd vacant
lots In every addition In Omaha. Terms to
suit purchaser. Also desirable business prop.
orty. Otbson , Larson it Co. , Room 3 , Wltlmoll
Block. 153
A CHANCE for poor men to speculate. Park
Forest lots tVO to $30. ) , $3 down and $ " > per
month. Hoggs & Hill. 018-12
E'OB MAI. -Corner on Jnckson lit , business ,
$10,500. A rare bargain. Cell soon. Mar
shall to Lobcck , 1511 Farnam. CVI'J
CHANCE for poor men to speculate. Pnrk
ForcstJoU $250 to $300. $5 down aud $5 nor
month. llogggsHlll. _ 01S-13
BAHAM * IIENHWA Half lot , cottage/
Saunders st , $2)0. ) .
Half lot , cottage , noarCumlng.Bt , $1UM- '
Half lot , 8-room house , close to Cutnlng tt. ,
a > foot , good cottngo , Saunders st , ? 3,100.
Full lot , flno housu , nil improvomenU , east
front , Shlnn's add , $ ; ,100.
Half lot , 0-room cottage , E. V. Bmlth'g add. ,
Full lot , house 7 rooms , city water ; room for
3 more houses , Marsh udd. , $4,000. *
Half ucro , good liouso , well improved , Burtst ,
J3.5 CO
Lots In ICllby Place. $750.
ijots near Dodge street , $730.
IxjtH in Lincoln Place , $450.
South front Hurt St. , $15,000.
GUxUr ft , Hurt Et. , near 24th st , $1,033.
Lot Virginia Avo. , $1,100.
East front lot Hurr Oak. $800.
Good lot south front , Shlnn's add. , $1,200.
y tore house and Oats , rents for $50 per month ,
Good lot. Dartlott'B add , SI. 300.
J fit a In Hllby , on Dodge , $750.
Lots In Lowo'8 add , $ OIO to $700.
Graluun & Uenawa , Crolghton block. 040
UY a lot In Pnrk Forest , $250 to $300. Hoggs
& Hill , roul cstnto , 1403 Karnum. 018-12
nONALIBT , 303 Tenth Street , between Farnam
and Barney , will , with tbo aid of guardian
spirits , obtain for any ona a glanoo In the
pastand present , and of certain conditions In
( hefuture. Hoots and shoos raad u > order.
Perfects tlsf action gunritntoad.
'McHAIR'OPlft ? ;
Flour , Feed , Hay , Lime , Cement ,
Prices Honsouttblo , Qunlity Gunrautccd.
Orders Filled Promptly.
Telephone No. 801.
1505 Hurt. Strout. Hohvcon IBthi nml 10th
Aero Property near City.
Lots for Sale In all parts of Gity.
S. S. VAN BEUREN. 220 8. 14th.
$700 to $750 , $200 cas'o , bal. 1-2-3 Yrs
Van Beuren Place ,
3 Mock * from King St. Cars
8 8. Van Beuren. 220 8.14th
New House , Corner Lot ,
South Front.
Near licit Line Depot ; only $1000 , | 30Q down , UL
anca monthly ; &UoS loin adjoining , from $500 to
8. S. VAN BEUREN , 220 South 14th St
All cliisscw of property
uml yondi bought , Bold
Hiid oieliunKed. City ( iron
erly lor rurius irid wild
lunilA. Wild luiuUfor IfOoiU
of nny kind. Will ox-
rlmiiKii property lUt * with
-//T- . jjuriy lullublu linn ilo'liK '
'lv " ( lUfrliiosi un/whuru In the
United States. A lartre litt of olty pionerly
always on timid for silo or oxehaiiuu. All
brlKbt A > lc8woiili , tcU'i > lioue 786. ais B. l > tli
bt. , Unialm Neb ,
O. U 8HANli. Stipetntendont .
, ,
Real Estate
Rooms 20 nutl 20 , Omnlia National Hank
Dutldins1 , Oinnlm , Nebraska.
Do Strictly a Commission Business
180 For Sale Lots In Ambtor Place , ono
of the llnost additions to Onmlm , only
a miles from court house tuul n little
ever i milo west of Hnnscom Park.
Lois f lee to $7oo each. Knsy terms.
109 ForSalo House 0-rooms , bathroom ,
pantry , 4-clonote , gas , city wntor , lot
02xl4o. east front , on Blst St. , la K. V.
Smith's ndd.
189 For Sale 2-story house , 7-roomn ,
collar , oily water , stable , full lot. In
llanscom place on Park nvo. , $0,000 ; cash , balance to suit.
183 Splondlil cast front lot ou Georgia
two. , $3ooo
187 Fine east front lot on Virginia nvo. ,
$ l,75o ; $ looo cash , balnnco in 3 years.
185 3 fine lota in Potter's add. , for both
181 3 splendid lots in Omuha View $800
each , one-third cash.
183 For snlo nt n bargain , 5 ncrcs for
$ looo ; half cash.
181 Fine lot in Plaiuviow ? Goo ; I cash.
178 Lot nnd a half on Colfax st. , north
of Loavonworth fit. , only $ .2,750.
177 Lot and a third on jnirviow St. , in
Clark's mid. , $0,5oo.
170 liouso nnd lot on Pierce st. , liouso
of 8-rooms , well , cisturn , barn , $8fioo.
174 Lot Cox22o foot in Herd < & Campbell's
add , , east front on 3oth St. , $ lloo ;
$35o cash , a bargain.
178 Lot 183Jxl55 foot , in Improvement
Association add. , east front on IGtlt
st. , a great bargain , $5ooo. *
103 Lot 3oxl3o on Phil Shoridcn st. with
2-story store building , gooo. Darn ,
$4.5ooo ; $ l,5oo cash.
103 Lot 44x133 on Hiirney st. , business
property , cheap nt $18ooo. <
101 For sale nt n bargain Corner lot
133 foot on South 18th st. 09 feet tloop ,
with large liouso $ , half cash. >
158 3-story store building with lot 3ox
13o on Phil Shoritlan at. , $ l,5oo.
11-1 4 tine lots on Park aro. , $3ooo each.
Cheap. *
105 Lot 03x143 fronting on Saunders st ,
with 3-story house for 9-ooms , well ,
cisturn , barn , n bargain at $0ooo ;
$3ooo cash , bal to suit.
100 Lot Oox 14o feet in Uupont phico | C5o ;
$3oocii ! > h. Choap. ,
159 Fine lot on Georgia avo. only $9oo ;
$3oo cash.
70 Lot in Arbor place $15o ; $15o cash ,
bal. to.suit.
153 Lot in Lowe's add. $55o ; $3oo onsh.
143 0 full sections of land in Cheyenne
Co. , Nob. , at $4. per aero , ' worth $0.
Must bo sold soon. ' '
148For Sale Lot 11 in blk 1 , Lako.'s . ad
ditioulot01ixl40housoof 7-room.vpan-
try , well , cistern , fenced , elegnnt'loca-
tion. A eront bargain foe a idw days ,
157 For Sale House nnd lot in Smith's
add. , house of 8-rooms , barn , near
street car lino. This is a bargain , nt
$3.000. One-third casn.
120 For sale or exchange for Omaha
property , 100 acres m Colfax Co. , Nob.
Fine farming land , $4,000.
181 For sale or exchange for Omaha
property , 100 acres 3 rnilcsironi Pllzor
Nob. . $3,000.
13 < ! For Sale Good Business property on
Cuming St. , $150 per foot.
134 For sale or exchange tor Omahn
property. 340 acres in Cass Co. , Neb , , 9
miles from Weeping Water. 153 acres
in cultivation , liouso of 5-rooms , good
barn and otit-nuildings , $9,000.
135 For Sale 5 east front lots in Doj'd's
ndd. $150 each.
187 For Sale Elegant east front lot on
Virginia nvo. , $1.500 for a short time.
To exchange for farm , house and lot $8,000
09 For Sale A splendid rosldonco } n
Himobaugh Place' , 2 full lots , east
front , a now 13 room liouso with all
modern improvements , $10,000.
98-For Sale In Hanscom Plnco , 3lots'B
room housu , oastfrontabnrgtiinJ,000. ;
102 For Sale or exchange , for vacant lot
one acre with hotiso , barn , etc. $800
103 For Sale or exchange , for hotiso nnd
lot orvacant lot , 160 acres $1,600.
93 For Sale A great bargain for a few
days , 3 good lots with liouso and barn
in Hanscom Place , $3,800. ,
87 For Sale 10 acres in urigliton. house
earn , vine yard , small fruit of ill ! kinds
horse , Wngon , implements , etc. , all for
$ ; bo sold soon.
58 For Snlo Good liouso and 2 lots in
Ham-coin Plaoo , Sf > ; 000
72 For Sale House nnd Jot on Vir
ginia Avonuo. near LoaVcnworth , only
73 For Sale Corner lot and house on Vir
ginia Avenue ; a Bargain ; only $3,501) ) . '
For Sale On Georgia Avenue , nonV
Jiulgu Dnndy's , east front , 10 room
hound , barn ; all modern improvements
40 For Sale or Kxolinnsje , for western
lands or improved farms in Nebraska ,
general stookof merchandise withstoru
buildings ; line location , on a corner
55 Foil SALK House and lot on Piorca
street ; 2-story liouso , 8-rooms , good
well and cistern , $ ! J,000. r
57 FOB SALK 3-Htory house onN IStlist.
Cistern , well , good fence , a bargain ,
0 Foit SALE 100 nores in Stinton Co , ,
Neb , . 4 miles from irood 11. U. gtation.
All tillable land , $3,000.
2 Foit SALK Splendid corner lu Hans ,
com Place , 180x100. will make 4 good
lots. A great bargain , $1,000 ,
48 Fait SALE House 3-rooms , Hickory
Place , lot 48x110 , ohoap. only $1,000 ,
must bo sold soon.
(13 ( Fou SALK Splendid lot in Hauicoia
Place , 50x180 , $1.500. '
5-For Salo-Nico hotiso and lot on Georgia
avenue , near Lcavonworth. wist front ;
house of livu rooms , collar , cistern ,
good barn. $4,000 , for n short tune ,
0 For Sale House and lot on b. 10th st ,
house of 8 rooms nnd basement , el3i
torn , dtv wator. with stahlo : ronti fp'r
$25 pur monta : $3000 , terms to HUH.
7 For Sale Houso5 rooma S 18th st. cis
tern , collar ; monthly paymonts,50J.
U For Siilo Housu and lot on Goorgui
avo. , near Wolwnrlh , IIOUSA of 7-rooms ,
overylhing iu first class condition ,
bargain , 1,800. ,
41-ForSalo House and lot onN. 18th
Bt. liouao U rooms , good barn , lot ( to *
185 , f.'J.tXX ' ) .
l-'or Sale Husineis property on South
10th , line location for wholesale house ,
lot 100x00. $13.000.
For S.Uo--Houi'u ) ud lot in f/iko's addl <
tibn , 7-room house , good well ami i
tern , cast front , f