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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1886)
MMWMWa JMHgBIMMHHMHBIBMMMiBi Aju l WB w " ' " ' THE OMAHA r DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING , JUNE 12 , 1SS6.-TWELVE PAGES. NTJJVIBEK 308 FIRED BY FANATICAL FURY. Pen Picture of tlio Diabolical Work of tlo Orange Fiends in Belfast. DRILLED RUFFIANS ON A LOOT- Tim Huiirn of the Town Turn Out to Jlnl ) , Hum , anil Mimlcr Tlie Sa loon * of Cntliollcn Itoliucd niitl Dcsti-ojeil. The nclfnst Illot . i , Juno 11. 'i ho Associated press roiKirtir detailed to iiM.inln on the scene of the riots , : it live o'clock this mottling irx > rtcd as follows : "I remained mining the rioters nil night. 'I lie * greatest damage In ( lie \\ny or wrecking mill looting was ( lone along Shank IIHIniHl Corn nuils righting in both thoi- oiil.'hfaicH was dcspciatc and continuous. Tlio mob was composid of the lowest riifllans' . The bajonets of the police Imil no terrois for them , nnil in many cases I saw the- mob In overwhelming niiinlieis pi ess tipng.ilust the hajonelH of the pollcu anil dilvo them Iricjc. 'I he only Instances In which the pollcu di o\D the inol ) nt nil , so ns I iib-eivcd , veto these In which theolllieis wue In compact Hue * , ami tiled nt dose lunge mpd : volle.vs of buckshot. Thee the i Inters ( utild not stand against , ntul the ) \\c ic dihcii b.u I ; . Hut even understich galling Ine the iloti'is would drop to thepnve- mints' mid uish upon the police when they weie leloadlng. It Is Impossible to describe thestiitu ofli'iioiln which the respectable Catholic people1 of liellnst me now living , In ionsUUeine | of tlm picvnlllng nunichj of hlgnliy. 'I'lie hiavcst of them hmdly dare MMitllioouldoois In da ) light even. 1 know POOH s of ix'iipliu'iu ; . hot down dining last night's iloK 1 saw ten taken to the hospital this mottling It Is fe.ned evetj' fillieinl of a victim of the I lots 111,1V plllMiKu fH'sll OMtllUMks. ' 1 ho law-abiding ell I/ens ilcni.iud of the govein- llienl the nioliitiiicnt | | ) ol u "pieial coinuils- nlon to Iiujiiiio Into the causes ot thu whole Fighting nt Mich ilnseiange as to hepiae- tleallj li.iiidtohaiul loiilinned until' ! o'clock tills morning , when dajllght began to da\vn and so mniij ol Hie iloteis dlsappcaicd as to leave the mob ot Insiilllclent stienntli to Ion- per i opo w lib the ai med police , vv lie sliced dcd In dispersing It. Mj ob-.ei . vation shows the inobol liht night to lie composed of thoverj' MMIIII ot Helfasl. Is.nv meiiibeisuf itthiowing paving hlones weighing liftcen to Uveiitj pounds. I even MIVV fiends hulling locks at iircuion who weio imp-jillllng their llv cs in attempts to save dwellings lioin dt'stinclion by iuceiidlaij Hits , and tlm helpless inmates fioin Itoiilbluikath ! If nnj thin. ? else weio wanting to pio\o tliedi.u.iciei ol tlm mob It could bi * liniilsiiid bj dozens of mill ins I saw din ing tliu night siicaklnir away tioin thu wieekcd 01 binning building : * ladun with loot. " The doling last ulnht was less dlsastions than on Weduesdny. After thuir daj's hiboi had ended thousands o woiking men gnthcicd In llio viclnlly ol the Mower Hill police stalion. They cxecinted the police and ei led out "We will have ten lives lei eveiyoncof the murdeieu. ' ' 'llio county jiolko vvoio then withdraw n and some well known local constables weio sent to reason with the mob. Tie latter demanded the wlthdiawnl of all ol the police. Archbishop Jj'inio and sineral I'resbjturlan clciL'jiucn niter this imploied the mob to dispcise. Theli addiesses proved altogether useless , and eM'ii 'while tlm cleigjiuen were hpcaklng tlie. ilotei.s Kept iiudesultoiy stone tliiowlng at the police. Une .stone htiuck u dlMiiesquaiely In the fnco and hint him Captain Let , [ Janice , a who was prnsunt to counsel order , was sti lick bj a brickbat in the head. When the pii'iichei-s cea'-ed the mob hiujred up to the gate of tliu b macks and delied this iiollco tOcniuu and tnUc a scinaic Unlit. Tliluus went on in tills way until about 10 o'clock , \\luMit\\otioojisol diairoolis Kallopcd ill ) . Thuyerisloliowod by auo Intantiy. 'Ibc'-e men had been under aims elm en houis. The mob was for . i moment uoweilcss with sni- jirKo and dlspemeU. The ruinwajs hoou , houuwii , became asliameil of thi'iiibelvfs and luturncd to the scene , jeeilnf , ' thesoldleis. Thelattci had taken ( ompletii posscsblon ol tint .sticets around llu > baiuuks and eaidoned them ellccthely. 'Jlie mob , ic.ill/liiK thoimpic nnblllty of tlmiollco position , now departed In scc- lliuis , tiirsliu I lie pope , dciHiiiiicliifr liumu itile , and slimlni ; "Tho Uiange hily" land Wlilln all this was poll ) ? on at the Itoweis lllll barraiks the mob liad taken possession of } oiks .stuet. ThoHist concentrated In liont nt a wluo stoic kept by a Catholic naiiiid McKcniin. Tlio Uulldlnj ; was seized mid wieekcd , anil all ol .McKemm's stock of wluo was imiiitled In thoslieet. The mob then proceeded to MeUloskev's tavern. Mho millet1 had taken wainluc and tot thoiu lust. A pet liKht took pine. It vvas wa ed with despeiatlon mi both hides. 'Ihu police iiicd twenty-six louudsol buckshot at the iloters , but the inch llnally diovo them away mul smashed MtCloskev's tavein to pieces , dlstiltiiitlni ; the inn's Ilipioi to all who would think or cany llqnoi away. .Scveial of the rioters WCHIoiiiidcd In this Ji'lit ( and weie Iclt helpless In thu Miects by theli comiades , vvlio , inadened with llquoi and o\eito- incut , iiished to thu work of wteck and jilllnpc. A nunibci of taverns veto ( lestioved ami nil theli slock of wine , \\hlsky anil I t'ei thrown out totho eioud In thostrcets , whoilmnk It lavcnoiisly 01 cai- ilLii it away In Jii saud buckets. In the lal- tei work scoies of women and children weio unuaccd nil the timn tlm rioting lusted. Tow mils midnight the mob' offer having vviccked and looted all the taverns In the vicinity , leiuined to JkCloiki'i'.s and sat It on lire. TlniKlaiont traelcd the police , who lofouiieil and matched down thuu to put out the llio and save the town fioineonilnKiation. 'J'hey had to flL-lit lei eveiy loot ot waythoy nmde. Finally tin iniluu L-ot together and cm r lee I on tluli battle with bnclohot. This indiitu- nll ) sratlcicd thu mob , and tlio liio nt Mc- l'Ioske\'s with nut out bcloio It lould oslcml. JilcClosKoy ami bis Inmlly and number ot his Call ole ! ttlends weio le-tued Irom the liny tit II u mob by an Oiangeinan. who tool ; them to his hoiiM ) and tccie. avu them Nile luliigt * . U.MIH ; MA1I1IA1. LAW. 1 < > Mox , .linio It. 'Ihc irovernmonthns V'laicd thudistiicts tetioiized by mobs In tint piovlncu of l.'Mei uialei martial law. AVIiat liu I'ropoacs to do Alton ! Kc- iiRscnihliiiu I'arlianieiit. I.OMIOX , Juno 11. ( iladstonowas asked In tlm house of eommoiih. this cv inline by Wil liam Johnston , ( .onset vative , it it was true , ns tepoitod , that the Kail of Abridecn , Irish Mieioy , diiiliiu'lilbiccent visit to Coik , bad knelt down at the nltai of the Catholic cathe dral In that city. ( il.uKtone icplied that If the Kill of Aberdeen had done . tlm Kneeling of which ho was accused ho ( Uladstone ) was not awme of It. lie added : " \Vi ! uuist ilrcliuo to Institute an Iiiiiiliy ) Into ( .neb a ( juestlou. It llfhts thu llu-s of leli lens discoid. J ran MV , how- evci , that 1 bavo noverknown a bcttei Cluib- tlPii 1101 moio perfect I'lotcotaiit thun the K il of Aberdeen. " The hoiiko njriccd to civ a the govern ment piicctleiun diuliii , ' thu reiiiauuler of the .session , dlndstoiie. in ansuer to n jo inoit foi iiioio I'Milleit ' slatomciits con- tcr ilntf the icasscmblin of pnrllHincut , Fall : ' ' 1 wish to uMatoeleaily 1 gatil \obtcnlny respeetine thu ttMssuiablin ; , ' ot pai- lliiiic.nt. If , when thooleitlon.saie o\er , it bu Iniiud that the country does not nppuno ol the polliy of the ' jrov ern incut ) ipccl1iii , ' the futnie covcinmont of Jmlaiul , m If tlicio lemaliia room tor ilouht on tlio qiuisllou , then H new parliament will bo assembled fnilhwlth. " ChainboilnlnV ejivtoilnl inanifcftovas inado public thhcvonlng. It deol.ncs tuat the u'OM'inmciit'.s liMi piono .ih jiavohrun couutuiiirU lu .idxonceby uery liberal Etati-biuan ot tbocunntiy. 'llio Miillutldan unlonlsls sent a deputation to wait ou the Muujids of ilaitlnjton todav to ask him toaisltt Hum In piittlnmrwanl tuo uuloulits ty Oppose Ub'htyiic In the com- Ing election. Lord Hartlncton replied that he would ratlifr see the | liberal union bpllt than harrass tlic premier , The 1'rlnccs Must Go. PAius June 11. Tlio chamber of deputies resolved , by a vote of 310 to 2-T3 , to consider the committee's clauses enacting the Imme diate expulsion of all the princes. Fifty members of the left \oted with the minority. The chamber subsequently rejected the first clause of the committee's bill , enacting genT tral expulsion. The vote was814 to 220. After further debite the chamber , by a vote of : ) l.r ) lo'iti , adopted an amendment making the expulsion of the chief metcndeis com- pulsorv , the expulsion of other mcmbcis of the former reigning families to bo optional with the irov eminent. After n vigorous piotest from M. Oin.ino , bonnpnrtisl , clauses two nnd tliteji were ndoptctl. They provide penalties of two to liveycais Imprisonment If they return to I ranee , and fie disfranchise of he princes rcmninint : In Franco. Finally the whole bill was passed without division. The chamber then ndjoimicu until Tiiesdaj- . Kin : ; Iitidvv IK and Ills Castle. . MuMfit , Juno 11. A liquidation of mem bers of the Ilavailan cabinet to day proceeded to IliuVnschwangen casllc-to piescnl a lettei to the deposed king , Ludvvig , fioin Pilnce LultMild. ] They found.the < astle locked , and vveie not permitted to enter by the king's pickets. Iho minlstiy subsequently sent a foice ol gens d'ai mes to the castle to foico an cptiance for the pmpose of ie- leasing Count Holsteln , who , while Usltlng the king last evening on ministerial business conceinlng thoie- gency. was auested by I.mlwlg's older and 01 ked up In the castle. Other gens d'aimcs have been detailed to nie.servo older among thu mountain population siirioundlng the eastle.tlio mountaliieei-s being lojal adheients of the king , and In dangeious tvnnier because of tint state's conduct towaid him. King Ludvvig leiiialns in the most absolute seelu- In hs | cjistle. TO DISCUSS Tim T MOITIHOII Will Call Up IllH Mill Next Wcclc. WASIUKOTO.V , July 11. [ Special Telegram to the llii.l : : In the house to day Mr. Mor risen announced Hint ho would call up his tariff bill for consideration on Thursday next. Anticipating this , Mr. Unnd'xil hnd n talk with most of his antl-tntln mfoiin fol low crs on the democinlic side , and was con- stialncdlo remaik that Morrison might call , but would besurpilscd to see the hand which would bo presented. Mi. Itindall Is conll- dent thai the house will refuse totako up thu bill by ot least fifteen inajoiltjHo Slid to join coriespondent to-night that If Morrison reallv wauled a dcbalo on the taiilT bill ho had made a mistake In waiting so long , us It would take until Iho end of August to discuss the subject and do the othoi vvoik which must be done , whereas manj ot the tai111 re formers have lixed theii minds on gettlntr away fiom hcio by tlio midillo of next month nnd vvcic opposed to taiilf talk Into the next session. A rihii > D VY roii roitrEnuitns. Theio is a piospcct that to-mouow will bo n Held day In the senate on the mallei of for- feltuio of 1-iiid giants. That body lookup Iho bill forfeiting certain lands of llio North ern Pacllic road afloi passing thoagilcultural appropilatioii bill. Mr. Van Wjck modified his pending amendment foifeitlng all the lands attached to thu Cascade blanch to make it include only such lands as weio to bo se emed by the iincoiibtiuctcd portion ot that blanch. Mi. JiecJv olleied an amendment to Van Wjck's amendment pioviding for tlie fotloltitrc of nil lands granted to the North ern Pacific road , but before it was consldeied the Fonate lecoided a eulogy upon the late Kojirescnlativo Haiiklu of Wisconsin and adjoinned till to moirovv. FKAitriir. OF DEFKAT. Friends of the river and hnrhor bill are be ginning to get uneasy about the fnto ot that measuie. Jt is nearly a month since Ihc bill went to thu senate nnd was nlaced in the hands of the commerce committee , vet thcie semus lltilo prospect ot any ncllon upon It by thai committee lor weeks jet. It has been ( Defending to hold daily sessions on the bill , hut thciemc many d.ijs when it does noth ing with the hill , and up to this time it lias not even finished Its first examination of the bill. At this rate the chances seem lo bn that the bill will not get to thusenatebetoic about the close of the present month. IOWA MATIIHS. : Senator Wilson ot Iowa laid before the senate to day a usolutlo'i adopted by the boaidot supeivisois ot Otlumwa , la. , callIng - Ing upon Itepiosentatlvo Weavei and Sen- tors Allison and Wilson to vvoik foi the pas- saeoof the swamp lands Indemnity bill now before congi ess. The bill authorl/ing a public building at Sioux City has gone to the piesldciit lor ap proval , haviir-'b > en signed by the piesldont of llio senalo ycsteidny. WI.STEItV I'OSTAT , ArKAIKS. Commissions liavo been Issued 101 the fol lowing postmasteis : Julius Vogel at Odessa , Neb. ; Klbihlgo I ) . Fenn , at Nevada , Iowa ; Ilany C. Uvans , at Uloomlicld , Iowa. Changes have been onleicd ns follows In the time schedule of the star mall loiite fiom Wnukon lo.Mcnicgpr , Iowa ; Leave Waukon Moiulnj's , Wediicsdajs nnd Frldajs nt 7 n. m. ; nnlvo nt McUiu.'or bv 7 , m. Leave Mc(5iegor ( Tnesdnjs , Thuibdajs and Sattir- dajsat7a. m. ; anlveat Waukon by 7 p. ui. Tlio Sultan' * picacnt Decline. WASIIIXOTOV , June 11. The secretary of state iceently received a cable message fioin Minlstci Cox nt Coiibtantinoplo , biijingthe biiltnn of Tuikey deshed to send a wedding piesenl lo Mrs. Cleveland. The piesldent , while appieclnllng themoliveslot the sultan , Iclt that itsncccptiiiuc would be In violation of the spit It , If not the letter , of the constitu tion , and nccoidingly telegiaphed his decli nation of the proposed lompllmeiit. He Gels A way With Cliiircti Funds iutriistod lo Him. Ni.w I > itj.N ! > wici , N. J. . June II. A sen- Mitten vvMh developed In the session of the li'ofoiiiied ehuicli f-j nod jcsteidaj' . A special committee to Investigate the .itlalisof the boaid of domestic iulssous | reported that its fonnertieasnrci , John H.Smith , was short In his accounts to the amount of S'Jo.OOO. The report said the board was occasionally forced to boiiow money to meet Its engagements ; . that It Ijad autlioiiml Tiensuiei Smith to 1:1 v * money lor mu-li PUIIMJSC.S , binding the hoatd ; mid , taking ; ailvnnt- ngo of this authority , ho had iMiiioucd ami lonvciled to his own use the bum mimed , It was Mated no pioperty in his own name could bo found , though he had been tieasinei ol an Insurance company which tailed , and la now tieasuiei of another. A lesoliitlon Hiithoil/lng the iiio ecutlon of hmllh was dfcmed exiH-dient , and passed : also one to regulate thn atfalm of tlm board of u domestli ! missions , vvlih a view to preventing rcummice of such an nilnir. h The Bay View AnarclilHta. Mn.vvAUKin : , Juno 11. The Impeachment litl trial of AliU'intan Iduhiiibkl , charged with tl Inciting the recent liots at Bay View , was 10- tln sumed this mornlnsr. The defense was tln ojieni'd by Itiid/lnskl'i , counsel , 11 H. Kbits who f i t .1 accused _ _ 1 1.1 Governor . . _ . ! . 1. Husk of . . pie ! " lin criticised his action In lovoljng his client's liIt commission ns public. Ho ulso It ihaigwl that Captain Ifercliudt , of the 51 Jvoscuisko guauls , h.ul altcmptitd to bribe 51t t vvllne.sscb to testily nifalnst Uudi' Only t' ono \vltne-H was examined when the trial t'T i'djouincd till to-mortow aftetiioou ' ' ' at 'J ' " " " " ' * " " " " " " o'clock' . . v - b A ratal Co ) I IN Ion at Sen , FAIIIII : ; POINT , Qiic-bcc , Juno 11. The ileamer Alledt's , fio-n ( Jlnsgovv bound In- ward , l-as on board the captain and thirteen monuf thp French baiU , Mhhel Kuijlo , who vvrro Iranhfetreu Irom the Ifevv Castle bark , C.iiior.i. The Michel Emllo was inn down ami MID ) : by the Cauoro. Sovcn of iier cicw aic supposed lo have been - ECAN ON THE IRISH CRISIS , The President of the National League Not nt nil Discouraged. GLADSTONE WILL WIN AT LAST , The r.lcctlons Will Surely Hostile In His ravor-How the Utots Will Affect tlio Ucsiilt Xc- lirnska Nous. Homo Knlo Will Silenced. Lixcot.v , Neb. , July ll. [ bncclal Tele- Riamtothc lli.K.j The IJnil lepiescntatHo walled on Mr. Patrick l'an : , prashloutbf the Irish Xadonnl Lcau'iiu of America , and elic ited from that irenitennn thu following views . on the present crisis In Kni'laiid and Ireland. Air. Ktfan said : "Nollher I nor any of mi friends of the league feel tlio least dlscouinged or oven disappointed al the de feat of Gladstone's homo tide bill. A de feat , under the circumstance1 * , Is much moro favorable than a snnll majority. Had Iheio been a small nnjoi ty , tiie cabinet would have hail an fxcuta. to hand 1m 1 the bill until tlio autumn , or pcihaps until nc\tjoir , while now the question luiift ROte to thu country within the next month or i\ weeks. > "Our catiso alwai1 ? progresses be-st when the hcht Is the lleipcst , and the moro despeiatc the light the butter the bill we will cet. At the tall election tholtlsh vote in England tinncd at least thhty boats bvetto fhd toiles , and the policy was perfectly sound , while at the comiui : election all ot these eoiisjtluencles will go for ( .Hailstone , linking a dlffoionco ol sixty votes on a llvision. Thu Knilish ; masses , too , moget- Ing to uudeistand that home rule for lic- iind does not mean sciniatlon , alid i am conlldcut they will heartily Mippoit OI.ul btono's polley. "lam reliably Informed that the p'ollcy o lieinnriutsof | Uartlngton and Loul Sails- ) iny , should they scoioa majoilty at the com ? ing election , will be to foi inn coalition inlnis- J tiy ! , with llartliijiton aspiemier , tolnciea&o the auny In pass now uoeiclon utts , to send over Lord Wolsoley to enlorco them , ni : to iiiako ono desponitc elfoil to cnisli tlio national spirit out of licland. Any such { policy would be simply insanity. It would JJ be met with the most despuate icsistanco anddecpi'iatuiritallatloii liom the Irish taco all ovci the woild. In lact , as mv Irleud Jlichael Davltt nut It a fewdijs nso , its re sult could only bo n duel to the death between thIn two peoples. "Tho Hcltast trouble Is Mmnlv a local out break ot fanaticism , instigated by the land- loul clique , and the lioteis aic most 1\ the loIj | ) cauicntcis and factory hands. Those Ij people aio demoiistiatlnu in a very foiclblc manner that their piofessed lovaltyis all pure M3llisline s , and tlio result of an Kiitf- lish opinion miibt bo largely fnvoinblo to C.ladstono and damaging to Loid Hiudolph Chtnchlll and Ids toiy liiends who dliectly Incited these iu'iioiant pcojde to i lot and niuidci. i am vuiy glad to say that no powei 01 e.nth could now laiso upanyKcneml or wldcspiead rellirlous lancoui amoiiKst the iiooplo ; of licland. 'Ihcy hi\o outflow n that long nt'o. In lieland , I look feat the nationalist' ) to incrtaso theli iiiiinber at the coming election from cighthvc to eightjeiKhtvliich will give them the entire repiesentation of Lelnster , Minister and reCi Coiinaimlit , and twenty out ot the thiity- th Ulstei senls ; ana on the gtnei.d lesult in KniIind ; , liel.uid , bcotlaud and Wales I look foi a majonty of titty to seventy In favor of Gladstoiiu " Toknninh Hluh ( School Graduates. Tr.KAMAir , Neb. , June 11 , ( .Special to the ' Bir. : ] Tlio thlid annual commencement ox- eiclses of tlio Tckamah Irish school were held nt the opera hall last evening and \\oio hugely attended. There wore thirteen grad uates who took pait in tlio exercises , nnd the theinrs presented vvcro discussed In a manner which was highly satlsfactoiy to the teachcis of the school. Ksv. T. L. Ci.uidall delivered the Invocation , and tlio tollowlnji subjects \\eiopiesentetlbytlii ) giaduatcs , being in terspersed with excellent music : Salutatory ; , , A. Smith : "Above the Tiico ot CJold5 Alma Hoot : l4Kain Would 1 Climb but that I Koar to Fall , " Coia Spellman : oration , "Man's True Greatness , " Ituso ( Jell ; "To- moilow , " Xoi.i Splelin in ; "Finlshol Labors aru Pleasant. " Mav Thomas ; "Kiom the hlfect to tlio Cause , " Ella llaycr ; "Necessity Knows no Law,1 Orie Hnimlull ; "Life Is a Shuttle , " Goldlo Hrookings ; oiatlon , "Our Ideals , " Allco K. Cameron ; "Is success a Test ol Ktrort'i" ' Allco L. Evuihnrt ; "Account no Man Happy till Ills Death , " Jennlo 15a > ei ; valedictory , ( ! eo. S. Mcl.aimlilin. The class addicss vvasdellvcicd by State Suiieiintcnd- ent Jones , and the diplomas vvcro piesented by M. it. Hopcwcll. A ptron/T Coinpnny OrRanlzetl. HASTIXOS , Neb. , Juno 11. fSpecIal tolho HUE. ] The \Vcstein Loan and Investment company has been organized by a number of capitalists of Hastings for the puiposo of doIng - Ing a gcncial loan business on real cstato security. The olllceisaro as follovvb : 1'jesl- dent , H. Uostwlck ; vlco-picsldent , A. II. Ciaiuci ; ; tieasurer , J. K. I'enlield ; attorney. C J. Dllvvnith ; boaul of dliectors , II. Uost wlck , A. II. Cramer , J. It. Pemleld , 0. J. Dllwaith , ( . o. Evans , J. M. Fiirgeson , W. C' . Clink , W. A. 1)1 waith , A. V. b hockey and \V. C. I'enlield. The above named gen tlemen are among Hastings' most successful capitalists. The Institution will havonpald- u | ) capital of SlOO.OOO , and will bo ready lor business almost Immediately. Attempted Kollcry. NniiiAhKA CITY , Neb. , Juno ll. [ Special Telegiam to the JH.i : . ] Claik Wilson , a resi dent of I3entrlco and at pie.scut In tills city with a heid of hoi.scsas attacked latolast night while ciossing Otoo btrect In this city , by two men , Wilson's ctles lor help brought n gentleman by the name of Cierber to his aid , but not bofoio they had punished hjiu severely , In fact Wilson \vas 1)ing insensible when Geibci arrived , Mr. WINou had over tlnco hundred dollars on Ids pei-son , but foitunately bad placed It in his .bootdurlng the early part of the evening. It Is evident that this was known to the parties nnd their Intention wasiobbory In which they vvero liapplly frustiated. The police nro In FL'.ueh ot them , Wilson bnjn he can Identify them It caught. A Die Bulletins Uonin. HASTINOS , Neb , , Jnno 11. [ Special to the Hr.i : . ] llabtlngs Is fully sustaining her roj > - utatlon as the third city of the state. Hy ac tual count over three bundled new residences have been or are belnsr built this Eiimmer. FIve new fort > -acio additions have been hid off Into town lots and added to the public plat. Lots are commanding stiff prices , and tlicio Is a strong demand. Work on the now business blocks is progressing rapidly , notwithstanding tl.o fact that there ( h some delay In piocm Ing brick and stone ns last needed. The as iollovviiig blocks ate nnder piocfssof erection : The fisher block , 4CKW1 ; the Masonic temple , ( VK100 and three MoiKs in heicht ; theU.A. It. building , 23xN > , two ) stoiles ; the Un/utto-Journal block , -MvTS , two ' stories ; O. Oliver , 44x75 , two stories. These blocks ate tented and will bo oocunled I as soon as completed. A number of others will bo commenced in a few weeks and will bo ( iiilbhud this season. Change ofUnbo. UKATHICE , Neb. , Juno 11. [ Special to the Ui'E.J John Henderson , for many ) ears as sistant cashier of tlio First Rational bank of tills place , leaves hero Julyl for Weeping Water. He , with his brotucr-liMavv , Captain Halrd of Lincoln , and some others , tinvo 'or- L-nnUotl the First National bank ot Weeping Water , with Mr , Henderson as cashier , Ho Is a thoroughly business young man. nnd lias been a valuable addition to the First Na tional here. Weeping Water will gain n valuable citizen ami a first class banker. A Proipcrous Colleco. HASTINGS' ' , Neb. , Juno 11. [ Special to tbo Bti : . ] The past ) \vcck lias been an Important ono In the history of .Hastings college , It be ing the close of'the fourth > car's history of that Institution. 'llio exercises attending commencementImro extended over , nveck. . The lecture was delivered by Itov. Dr. Ma- gotin , formerly pnslilcnt of Orlnnell college On Sunday President Ulneland delivered the biccalaurcalo sermon to n largo audience nt the I'rcsb.vtcti.ln church. On Tuesday evening the i annual coifcert ot the musical department , under direction of 1'iofessoi ijolin Itecs , took place and on Wednistlav evening the graduat ing exercises w < ro held at the colleso chapel. Fourteen students graduated from the academic department. Tin ) e\eiclses vvero lnr ely attended tind were quite Intcicsting. Hastings' college , now In thu Mifth jonr ot Its existence , is the leidliig educational In stitution of Western .Nebiask.i. Ills on n stionglinanclal basis , owning pioperty In this city valued ! at tlio lowest estimate at , 6100,000. The attendance dining the pvst veai In the various departments- numbered 131 pupils. HIATIIIOI : , Neb , , Juno 11. [ Special to the Hii.J : The boird of county supjrvlsois nro In session ciiuntl/tng the assessment for IhbO. They aio notifying a coud many parties to apueai and showcaiiso why theli asses-- meiit should not bo raised. The valuation of the city of Ueatrico will foot up above 1.000,000. < , Nell , , Juno 11. [ Special lo lite JJr.i : . ] The cltyjconncil has completed the contiacl with oA. 'L. Sliang , of Omaha , tor coiisttuctliic the now sjstem of watciworks. Mi. Stiang is miller contiact to have the woiks completed rind in opciatlon by Decent- bth l of ihopiescrit veai. lie was awauled tlmTOiitiact tin SiD.toOO. The s > stem will bo laiizei and moro complete limn any In the btato outside ol Omaha 01 Lincoln. President ini Wcdillng Cake lu Nc- brnskn. BKAIIUCINeb : , Juno It1 [ Special to the JJir.j : The Hojt oiothcis , ot tills place , nephews of President Cleveland , are ihow- ing theli irlends two very handsome hoses ol wedding cake just received by them liom tholi Uncle ( Jiovjjr. O'Neill Defeats Atkinson. ATKIXSOV. iVeb , Juno 11. [ Special Telegram - gram to the Hii.l : : The match game between the n'Nelll and AtkiiiRon nines won by the tonnei. bcoie : O'Neill , 10 ; Atkinson , 8. NEWS IWO.H IOWA. A Know Ing Man TcHtillos on the Im- pcnuliiiioiit Trial CIIICAOO , Juno 11. ' The Inter-Ocean's DOS Monies , la. , special saj-s : In the Im peachment trial to-day a bank cashier fiom Corjdon Was called to prove that Auditor Uiown examined his bank and charged S10 expenses , llodld.not . demand payment , but said that would about pay the cost The counsel lot Blown asked if tlio same bank WI not examined by Audltoi Cattell , th appointee of Slieiman , and if so how much AV.IS charged. A haul battle was fought/over the admission of Iho answer to this question , but the" senate ruled that it should bo received and the answer was that Catlell's man cliaigctl § i0. ! J. F. Stewart , doDiily auditor undei ; Dnnvn , yras'hextcalled btli the piosecutiati/ The burden of the Inipiliy "was In relation to the extent of his bank examinations and 'tho amount received therefor , \\itiiesstold Ills fctory wllh the airoCauiat ) who knou.s about Uie mallei and has nothing to conceal. He was duly appointed ! bank , .examiner , by.Uiown. This was not because of his olllco as deputy , but because of .brown's confidence In . his ability. Within tvUI o years aim tw o mouths ot Ids s > ei vice wit ness examined about seventy banks. The amount paid him was from $10 to s.W each day , generally1 the taller amount. He made nibr chaige , but tlmt being the customary piico banks had paid in foimcieais. . 'I hero was bre law to compel the payment of expenses by any but savings banks , but thn other stale banks bad always done so. In ono Instance the cashier had paid and then remarked that ho had pio- tested against thu payment. Ho never nad any wonls about the matter. The price was aim unliorm under the former auditors be cause it was thought equitable towaids the moro distant banks. On cioss examination , b3 Mr. Bless a question in regard toot the custom ot the oillco was objected to by the mnnageis. After nil houi's objection the senate oven tiled thu objection by ; it to 1 , ! on roll call. The witness an swered , giving all the facts in the matter. The deputy auditoi under Auditor Lucas was appointed bank examiner and received pay ment of expenses. The banks had paid the examlneis appointed by all audltois in olllco since the banking law was ended. Forged Draft Discovered. Sioux CITY , Ia.t June 11. [ Special Tele gram to the BII : . ] Wcaro & Allison , bank- em , leeched a telegram to day from the First National bank of , Chicago notifying them tint It had refused payment of a. spurious di aft dated June 1 , to the order of George L. Stevens , for 8850. The draft \vas presented or payment by the Flint National bank of Illinoisendorsed by the Farmers and Uioveis bank of Carthage , Mo. , to the Tiadors' bank Kansas City , then to tlio Illinois bank. 'I ho forgery of Mr , Wearo's signature Is said to bupoor. Wuare it AIliwiii vvero completely sin pi Ised upon the lecelpt of trio abov'o In- formation. There Is no clue as j otto the forger , Fire at Grliinoll. . , la. , June H. At 1 o'clock this morning the barn of D , Woodnid was dis covered on lit e. It contained six line horses , vallied at 815,000. His new lesldcnco , just completed , with all Its contents , vtilued nt SH.OOO , was also burned. Thcentlio loss will j not bo far from Si.k-,000 , The origin of the lira and the amountof , the Insurance Is un known , but It is thought the piopcrty was well Insured. l New Out Ipifesjnnuuiirnted. CHICAGO , Jnncjis- The open rate to St. Paul , by all loads to-day has been $4.23. The Itock Island also adopts the same rate to Nora Junction , Euiiuotsburg , Spirit Lake , Kbteiville , Albeit Leu , , Pi pestone , Red Wing , Cannon Falls , , , Cliijska and Carver , The Milwaukee A.SCJ'a Promt has adopted the same to Council 13Itufs , namely 84.25. These aru the competitive points In Iowa. The St. Paul also Inaugurated Us cut rate of fc to Hock Island. ' * A parioJJbrowiictl. Wyo ( jJitne 11 , [ Special Tele t gram to the DuKj f/ullus Hanson , a well known Dane , was. drowned justciday In Mine iiass creek , se > colj'-livo miles north of here. The coioncr bus gene to invcstlzato thollansen ca&e. It is supposed 1c to liavo been foul play. The body was found 1 c In four inches of water , face down , Hanson f was tweutvfour > earu old. lie lived in Cbejeiine three i ems , but left lately. r 'J Duastrgua I iro. , Conn. , Juno 11. A fire this c morning dctelrojeu the Mansion House block , Lord's bloik , Coolej's hotel , and binned out o sixteen business ( Inns. LeaS , S-00,000 ! | In- I binante , Slooooo. Illinois Doinocrutio Convention. Si'iii.soi'iKi.ii , 1 | | . , Juno 11. The call for the demociatlc gtato eonventlon will bo Issued Tue-siUy next. The convention will f meet in Spnniiield i > u August M , and will i consist ol 7)sO ) dclwatus , a MAD MEN FROM MARYLAND , Oivil Service Raises the Ire of Two Donu grcssmen From That Stato. COMPTON BACKCAPS FINDLAY. Hard XnincsCnlleil Hut Nolllood Sticil Purfcituro Dills Olsuitsscd nnil Amcndcit Oilier Con- Matters. The House 1'rorpnillngs. tti.MJTOM , Juno 11. In the house , on motion ol Mr. U'Neill , of Missouri , the sen ate bill ( similar to the ono Intiodiicrd In the by O'Xeill ) passed to legnlhe the In corporation of national trades unions. Prl\ate business having been dispensed with , it session was ordcied lei to-ulghl for the consideration of the legislative appio- pimtlou bill , and r. session foi to-moiunv nlL'htforthe consideration of pension Dills Mi. Cobb , of Indiana , fiom the committee on public lands , lepoitcd back the Atlantic. Paclllc foi felt me. bill with thu senate nmi'iidincnts. nnil moved a coiicuirencc In ( he amendment : * . No action was taken and the motion was laldovei till .Monday. ' 'The House then wont Into committee of tlio whole on the legislative , executive and jmll. cial appropriation bill. In the discussion of the paragraphs relating to committee clerks , Mr. " Morrison , of Illinois , Ironically referring to "tuo reduction of salaries claimed by Mr. Holman to bu made in the bill , called atten tion lo thu fact that St , COO w.ts appropriated for an assistant clerk to the committee on appiopriatlons when there was no law which prevented a icdiiction being made. niopilaled In lormcryeais , but espiessed u willingness to vote for n lediictiou if Mi. Mouison made tlio motion. The two gentlemen then engaged In a col- loiiuy whlcli amused tlio members , and upon Mr. Randall's attomptlng to answer a ques- lluii propounded by Mr. Mouison , that gen Human exclaimed : " 1 was not asking jou ; jou arc not an economist up to llio staudaid of the gentleman Irom Indiana. " Mi. Unbb of Indiana oir ied an amendment making an appropriation for the first assist- nut ' doorkeepci ol the house. The bill falls to . make any piovlslon foi lids ollico , which Is now Idled bj Luthoi Waidei. Mr. Howaut , ot Indiana , in support ot tlio amendment , pi o tested against the legislat ing of Waulei out ot othce and Imped the committee would not attempt to do iudiiectly what the house had icluscd to do dliectly a J lew dajs ago. Mho amendment was re jected. Mr. Allen offered an amendment pioviding that none ol thu money appiopiiatcd tot the contingent tuiid should bo used in pijing the expenses ot the tuneial of anj * member ol congress. The amendment was lejccled 1'J 10 7.1. Tne clause appiopilaling foi the salary of the piesldent having been luae'ied ' , Mi. llajuo o tiered an amcndiueiitioviding ] / that none ot this money sli ill bo p iid until the civil service rules sh ill have been changed as lecoiiimenikd by tlu uuumlttco on appiopihitlon In the lattei poilion ot tlio bill. A point of older having hccn lalsid againht tlio amendment , Mi. BIVPC , while not contending that it was in.oide.1 , stated that it it was gctniano to the bill at all , It was geiimuin at this point Mi. Flndlay said that the piovlslon. whether In tho'form Drcacnted by Ihc gen tleman from Pennsylvania or In the original form , ' was a proposition conceived in a spiiit of the'purest buncombe , foi the baldest pur- noses ot this most transp-uent deiiiugoitiieij' . There was no man hciu who doubted that it was subject to the point ot oidei. and , there r'o rclevant and Impeitliient jntiadcr. Theio was no man who doubted that If by any mlscairlngc such should not be its late , when it got to the senate that body would ti ample 11 undei foot with tliu scoin and contumely It deserved. That the clleetot an amend ment requiring the ceitilicnles of the full list ol eliglbles to tlio appoint ing' po\ver \ would be to give a . . . paitisaii and not a non partisan set vice was not . a mere mattci ot conjcctutal speculation , { but it was a mnttei ot expel ietice , tlemoii- stiated , boasted ol , gloated ovei , by the Bnl- tiiuoto postmaster. This ingenious joung man hau got the whole list ot elUililes Into his hands , and what use did he makii ot lif Accoidlng to his own statement examiner of the civil beivlco commission who wns In Hallimoic , he made such good use of It Ihat In less than n jeai he hnd tinned out every republican in that oflltennd had put a democrat in his place without miss- ini ; me once. Mi. Compton said the assault his colleague had made on the late postmastci at Baltimore wnsas undeceived as anj one man had ever made on another. Who wns that postmaster ? He was the peer of the gentleman trout Ma- rjiand ( Flndlay ) , 01 any other gentleman on this lloor. 01 an } where , as a man ol character and Intelligeiicoand Ailemociat. The civil service commission had sought , by evoiy cl- fort and bj'evcij" means It could employ , to show that ho had violated thu law ot that seivlco because he had , twinned liom olllco a lot of political scalawags and a lot of scoundrels the associates of his collentrue in last fall's campaign , when ho ( Flndlay ) , had sought to defeat the demociatlu ticket. [ Ap plause on tliu democratic .sitlo.J Immediately the house was In an uproar , but above the nolso Findlny was heauf to in- qiilie angrily whether hit. colleague meant to say that he associated with scalawags and scoundrels. Speaker Cailisle , who was In the chambei , approached tlm speakers desk and was ap- patently leady to sle/o tlm travel and exert his authority In case The demoiistiation be came moio tliieateiilng. But Chalimun lilount was equal to the emer'enc.v , and suc ceeded In Fromlng comparative quiet. After lurther debate , largelj of a personal nature between thu Muijlnnd lepiesesonta- tives , liajno's ainundracnt wns ruled out ol order , and some lltths discussion aioso as to thu jiiopei mode of appioptlatlng tin thu salaiy rf the vlcu piesldent and lo aporoprl- ntofcs,000 to pay Hiich.BI . nator ns mlnhtbo I elected to mcsldo over the hcnate. IIVIA'INO hCSSIO.V. When the house met this evening It Imme diately went Into committee ol the whole on the legislative appioprialioii bill , bill owlnir to the small attcndaix e of members tlm civil ficiUco clause was passed over until to morrow. On motion of Mr. Holman of Indiana the salary of the public printer was mimed liomSV > GOtoM ; , < XW. Adjourned. * Work of tliu Senate. WASHINGTON , June IL In the senate Mr. Whlteliornegavo notice tlmt on the next legislative day ho would call up , foi the pun pose of making some bcmatks on it , the bill to < promote the political progress and com merclal prosperity ot the American nation , On motion of Mr. Dolph thu betialo then took < up the Kortliuin Pacllic laihoad for- fciturc bill. Mr , ( ioorgo addressed the senate on'the bill commenting generally on thu enoimoits quantity of land 170,000,000 acres given by congress to various railroad corporations from loCO to . . . 187.7. Mr. Ceorgo said It was a larger area of hnd Ihan that constituting thu republic 01 Franco or the empire of Germany. The ineseiit value of railroad land grants , at the average price already realized by tno companies , was S773,79Ghy ) . Mr. Teller said ho would vote for the forfcil of all lands co terminous vvijh uncompleted portions of the road. / Mr. Sherman admitted that tl.o . companv hau forfeited the grant of their lands so far as they had not completed theli' road. lie would not , In any case , vote to foi felt the grant where tint road nad been completed even after the time fixed for its completion Such a pro | > osltlon would be grossly lue able , because llio iljjhtsof tha * patties intervened. Con cress not onlv did not forfeit the lands In Ifett , when Ufc had an undoubted right to forfeit them , but allowed the company to goon 01 : and build Its road , nnd the government had accepted thn road , piece bv piece , as It had been built. The grant thus became com plete nnd absolute , audit would bo a great vvioug now to foi tell the lands that had been earned , If this bill passed , ns Mr. Sherman supposed It would , bo placed on record the prophecy that It would relieve the North"i n Paclllc company of the expendi ture of live or six1 million dollars while get ting back the laud that was. not worth 510,000. Thus tno people of the northwest would l > o denied connection with the Paclllc across the Cascade innge. Mr. Lustls said llio great question to-day was whethei the government was superior to corporations or corporations supcilnt to the government. Coiporatlous had exhibited shameless and u'imnlnnnblo | oppression itul extortion as well as cilronteip In their deal ings , with the people and Iho government of the United States. The bill then wentover till to-morrow. Mr. bpooner took tlio tloui and , In otrorlm , ' n lesoliitloii of condolence on tlie death ol Hon. Joseph Kankln , late icpirscntnllvb In congress from Wisconsin , delivered nn eloquent and touching tilbulo to the memorj of tno deceased. The senate then adjourned till to-mouow. The lrintii"t ; nnil Iho CIIICAOO , Juno 11. At the atternoon ses sion of the International Tjpogiapldcal union the special committee on the question ot the union joining llio Knlghls of Lnboi presented n Icncthy repot t which was adopted. The icport , after complimenting the Knights of Labor In the highest tcims , and pledging them support , demands : 1. That thu Knlnhls of Labor will not at tempt to dietato the oouiso pi action ol dis tinctive trades. 'J. That they will not covei with the shield ot the older any man who has been found unworthy to mlnulu with the membcis of the union as fellow craftsmen lit good standing. The report of the special committee on the use ot plain mat ter was approved. Iho icpoit recommends that the executive , council endeavor to union- ini all linns mnntifacttiring pities , ami that all non-union linns bo iittblishod ; that local unions bo icqnlied to mtcidict the use ol plates vvhcru reduction of the winking foico will ensue. Nevvpnpcis must bo prohibited liom using news plates maim- lacUncd in non-union ollices or else bo du el ueil uul'ali. No suboidiiiato union can take any action leganllng llio use ot plates without tlu > consent ot the cxecutivucouiicil. 'Iho even Ing session was taken up mostly \\lllnuilmpoiliiitiepoilsamt loittfno busi ness It .id join nod at 11:10 : to meet in Uul- aio next jear. Its Dea < t CliloT. Nivv : VOJIK , Juno 11. Tnmnmnj paid Its tribute to night to its dead ehlettain , John Kelly. Outside and within the old wigwam was draped wltti black , Lvorj sent was tilled , and in the galleiy many ladles sat. On the plattorm weio neailv htty piomlnont meinbeis of the Tammanj oigaiiization and ninny citi zens Among the prominent persons piesent vvoio Hecoidei Siujth , ex-MiiNin Edson , ( icncinl Fit/ John Poitei , W. U , Cochran , < William F. ( Ualdj ) Smith. Hon. ChailesA. Dana aiiiHJoveiuoi Leon M. Ab- butt ot New Joisej. IX-Jndgc A. li. Tappan - pan piesideil. Letters weie icad from Hon. Samuel .1. Tllden , ( loveinoi Hill , Judge No.Ui Davis , \Vliitelavv \ Held andothais. This is Kiilouilld. We heard lins remark fiom a l.nly just Iho Ncv li'o Cicnm Pai lor corner IDtli and St. Mary's avenue. Oneo inside you are not stu prised at the leiiiaikThcioom is Inrgu nnd has the bust vonliltilion of any loom in tbo city. Tfiojvvalls aio beautifully dccoiatedand tastefully adorned with pictuies. The windows and p.iitilions and .utislieally diapedvvilh delicate eiiil.uns. Thu lloors covered with tlic softest of eai pets. The tables and furnituio aic in strict keening witli the room Show cn-v > nitulc to order adoin the front or ollico loom , and aio filled with tlie choicest cigars and select candies. Mr. Wcstlake is a judge of the weed and assiued us that the most laslidiotis would bo pleased. Tlio ladies should not foigct that thi rum cany the best stock of candies west of Chicago. And last but not least is tlie ice cieam , par excellence of Omali.i. Oneo tasted you will have no other. All kinds of ices and cooling diinks made lo older. Do not fail to tiy this , thn pier of all ice cicnm parlois. Coiner I'JIh and St. Maiy'h avenue. Latest st lo of NeeUaucs at Old .Jinvehy melted over and nmde into ilio lightest and most nppiovcd fabliion , on slioi t noticu nt ntEDIIOMI cv J. II. llvnn.s < & Co , Have for halo : A line list of lots in Lrcslon. This addition is uiuixci'llutl by any in ticuuty of situation , Kianiluur of view lo 1)0 obtained , or deMnibilitv in the matter of apio.tjh ) ) , slojio of ground , ami pi ices aio and have been below anything of fered within half a mile of it Look at it Jiiit south of tlio Academy of thn Sacred Ilc.iit. J. JJ. L'VANS A : Co. , Solo Agents. Homegrown stravvbcnies lOc per quart al Ik'iimod's. Hardwood chamber suits $ PO 00 , nnd other goods in proportion , nt Chamberlain - lain , Anderson & O'Conuoll's , ' ' 10 N. lUtli street. Wedding and presentation gifts n spec ialtyul Jtnyinond's. The Leading Jeweler elor , Douglas and 15th st. If you buy lumber anywhere without fiist getting lloaglands priuoH you will lose monoy. Don't nay big prices or lumber but buj ohc'ip at Hr.ulfonl'B. AVoatlicr Vnr For Nc'biaska Local lalns ; lower tcin- peialuie. That Tired Feeling That extreme llrcd fir ling which ft * n ills- ticsslng anil dltcn sa mincrouatslilu la tlm spring months , Is c ntiioly ov prconiu liy 1 loud 'a Hjrs'ip.irllla , tones the whole body , purifies tlio blood , cures bcrofnla nnil all liumois , cures djgpcpsla , creates nn appetite , l ouscs the torpid liver , braces up tliu mn rs , and clears the inliiil. V/o solicit acumparliou ol Hood's Bars irmllla with any other blood purifier In tlio mirkctfor pmity , tcoiiomy , i , and i.iciit. Tired all the Time "Ind / no appetite or tlrcnelh , anil felt tlrcil all tiio time. I attrlbiitrd my condition lo pcioluloiis humor , I hid tried scvfral Kmils ol nicillclno vslthcut t'cncfit. Jlut as soon as I li.ul taken linlf a bottln of HiKiil'j. S irsaparllla , uiy .ipp tltv w.iti resloird , and my Etoniach ft It better. I have now taken Jicirly three bottlM , : nul I nev cr w as o vvcil , " Ji:3. : JESSIE P. Joi UKAIEK , I'.iscoag , Jt. I. Mrs. 0. V , ' . Marriott , Lowell , Wa , was completely < nrcil of kk licaOaclic , vvl.tcii tlic had It j rare , by ilvod's Pir 1 HIS WEATHER OPTIC OPEN , > | fi Old Ben Butler Gives His Views On the Political Situation , THE NORTH A D SOUTH ARRAYED * Another Conflict Hctvvcnn tlie Two Sections Certain No Imliorlnc Mnti's Caniltdntu in tlm Coming Presidential Contest. A Politician on Politic * . PIIU..UII.IMIIA : , Juno 11. [ Special Tola- giam to Hie Hi.i..J The Timessn.vs : ( Ion- cial H. F. llutlor jeslenlay expressed him self nt some length to n tepoitcr on the gen- political outlook. Hebiniided civil ser vice tcform as a slnm , nnd thought the dem ocrats In congress showed a lamentable want of cohesion. Ho believes that the pieslden- tlnl campaign will bo ( ought , as the last was , on the chaiacter of tlio candidates and a scrainblo for the spoils. Theio will , ho think' ) , bo no thltd orgaul/ntlon of consequence quence , as both sides will bid fur Iho labor vote. Taking what ho called a long-raigo view of things ho cxpiessrd the Idea that the gient preponderance of the south In the na tional councils would eventually produce dla- cord again , but just when no man could siy. Ho re-fi-ried especially to the fact that while the south pivs but onc-ltfth of the taxen. nho dominates llio presidency , llio lower house , and soon will secino the .senate all on tlin sjslem of repiesenlatlon based on thu suppressed - pressed negio vote. I'loublo will some dayy come , ho belh'ves , when thu sotitn tries to use J this jiovvei lo cocicu thu north Into the payf mcntol southetn losses dm Ing the wai. 'Iho conillct may not beef swoul , but Itvvlllcei- tnlnlj be a business one , hied of taxation. "Thoio is , " continued llutlci , "a demand forastiong foielgn policy. The fooling IB giovvlng evciy day. Our friend llajaul will never bo likely to harm niivbody , and his dil atory diplomacy Is not aiding Ids party any motethan Cleveland's lack of comprehension of Its needs. " In spc.iklnir of the chances for a third or lahoi partj' , llutlci said : " 1 know now what 1 did not once uppicclate. Hint Is , that the , laboilng element of this countj : cannot bo cemented Into a stucossltil party oigaiil/- ntlon. Theio nto too man ) coiilllctlng Inter ests amom : them. I do not , thcicloic. thlntt that tl.cio will be the next time niiy disturb ance ot tlio contest between the two parties by n thlid candidate. The two orgniil/atlon will bid lei tlm l.ibotlng vole , and get It lu ptoportlon as thev aio able to commeiut themselves to the laboilug men. The Intiol- Intr men have not financial power or local leadeishlp ol stiengtli enough to make and keep up a sepatato partj oiganl/ation. " Sl'KOIAL NOTICK O'Donalioc Jt Are nialn ! a. spet'iul Mile of SIMS : * vvr.Aif din ing tin1 next JIN : DAVS. Theh 'jtook < OLr. vits , cut rs , SCAUPS. Ill s , ( ! VH/.i : t'.NUUIVVI.Ut , BAUIItiaGAK t MII.UVVLAlf , I.AUMKII.l ) AND UN1 i\LNiiiii : : ) siinnt ! , ni.ui : , ri.NNRI , AM ) JI'.KM.V HIC\Cl.i ; fclllltl'S , ItUJATTA AND IM.KOAI.I : niitis , corroN AND 1.IS1.1. 1II11LA1) i HUM. 8Ubl'ENlii8 : | , ITC. : , irc : , , is very complete , and the I'KtiT.s Duiu.NfJ THJS SAM : will be thu low est ever ollorat in Unmlm. ! Our si-tciM , sALK or WHITE AND Clil'.AVI SLMMLK 1)1U > S ( JUOI > S AND will uonliniui u few ilavs longer. O'DONAHOi : & SliiilFY : , 1 jth slic.ol , nuxt to ilia I'ostoHluc. Tor Sale C'licap Onu Saxophone , N'LVV , al JlDIIOMI i\I JJKICKfcOK'S. livct-yboily Slioiild have a pair of the following cx- liomo low piieecl bhoes , Mun's Shoos 7Bo , Ladies too Hlippeis OOo ; ,100 pair of Shoes at about half llio piicu what it cost tlio nianufactiuur to niako them ; 4UO paiv Slippers at 7fio on the Dollar ; iiO Cases of dilh'icnt St\los of Shoes SliKbtly Dam- affcd almost atj our own piieu ; ! iOilo/ea lljjht Shoes for hot weather wear. tbiH lot iniisl be closed out nt any prleo. Sninmur Shoes nti educed iincus. SDeuialbaiKiu in our .Jones' Shoes. Speeial Salu fci.itnr- duyJunoia , 1880. II. UOHLi : & CO. 111 ! ) I'm mini Si. near 10th. S \lr.itrii\Nr TA Aen.Ncv MAKI.STHI : &tms xri'iiu-A. I'liiA i > itici . .Iflll DDUULAS ; ur STAias- The celiibrated SOIIMKIC P/ASOX , the ac KtiovvluMlgcd leading piano of tlmvoild , s for a ilo only by Cr.i p Uios , 21 ! ) S. 13tli t. , Opor.i lioiiso block. At 1001 S. Tilth St. is the place o buy htiildinzpaper , eaipet felt , mouldings , doors , windows , blinds , etc. , at very low prices. (5. ( F. LYMAN. Practical wiitob repaiiing i > y Bui bunk at Fioodman's , 230 N. 10th. Kclloy , SllRi'r & Co , Special sale of boys and cliildrcns clothing , 10 per cent discount uou ) ) their nlicady ; cxtiaordimiry low piicr-w , nt KKLLlCV , STKJKRAiCO.'S.cor. Dodjfo and Fifli-cnth st. BOSTON , Juno 11 , C'liailes. G. I/iindcll , denier In SweitKh Iron , ot this city , hnfi rundoan : ibsltiiment , Ills liabilities aiupalil toboaboiitSlW.OO ) , ol which all but $ .20,000 IsMcmed. The piob.iblllty Is that the divi dend lei tinscuncd credltois will bo hinall. MII.VVAUKKK , Juno 11 Thehtock of J. A K , It. Kilend , l.iee. ImpoitoiH , wtibuttnchul to- nlKhton twent > wiitM , Ibsiied by Mow Vork and Mllwaiikco ip.irtle.s , Ira bums laimlliK liom 81,000 to 51200. Tiieir liabilities ar Assets unknown , | ' Tverbody needs and should take n good ti'tlng ' iiK'tllclne , { in two i catena i I 1st , llio body If uo\r \ more fmsccplllilo to | lieaentfioniiaiillilnotluiintniiycitherfi'aron , li'.l , The Impurities wliltli liavo aicuiiiulntcd In the blood sliuulil bo rxpclleil , nnil the bjs- trru cltcii toao anil ftieiilh | ; , liofmo tlio pros- trntlni ; cdcrs | u ( warm wcnthi r are ( tit. Jlooil'g KarsTjiarlllala tlialitrtsirlli | | ; nif'H- rlnc , A slnglo trl d will coavlnco > cni tit Us superiority. T.ikt It btfuic It la ten l.ttc. The Jlcbt Sprluu Medicine "I Like Hood's 8-rsaparlla ! for a fprlng mcdlclno , and I find It just the thine. 11 tones iij' my f jslcnt nnil makes ; no feel lIKe a dfir ! ! ( iitinan , My v.lfo taKcnIt/oi Ujspcptlaaril I the ik'rhfs iicat ; Lent lit from It , ho na > $ H i IK tlio tcbt incJIcliio sio rvcr tool ! . " 1' . ( } , Ti/r.M-u / , Hook & . I/ulilci No. 1 , lloslon , M.isa , "Ju-t ) 6nlnj ] ; I uai troiibkj with Icllr , c.iiui'd ty my blood being out of crili r. -l'\vj lollies of Ilooil's Bnrsr.paillli iuii | mo. I can > commend It to nil trouMcil with allto I tlv s ol tlib blouil. " J. Scuocii , J'corln , 111. Hood's Sarsapanlla fiuM tiy all drurglin. fli Kit for l\ . Sold liy all drui'rUti. it ; ill f r bjr 0.1. HOOD A CO , A/tf ! c..rlM,1.owf II , Mall. t > j C. I. IIOOI > i CO , Aj-utliCWtlcJ , -I IOO DOSO& Ono Dollar IOO Poses' Ono Dollar