Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1886, Page 6, Image 7

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    iWEUaom *
by cnrnor In nnr part of tlio city nt
tw c nty cents per wcfck.
H. W. TII.TOX , - - - Manager.
UrsiNF.ssOrncK , No. 41.
NICIIIT I'.nnou No. 23.
KcputiUonii County Convr.ntlon.
If- The republicans of I'lattstnoiith county ,
In. , will meet In ilelpjrato convention attno
court house In Council UlulTs nt 11 o'clock
a. in. , on thn''Otli day of June , V \ for the
purpose of ( ( electing eighteen delcRiites to nt-
tcnil Iho ropubllcftii jiullcal convention to bn
licliintroiiuclMiliilTs , Juno 'M , liiSO , nml to
elect clulileen ilfleuates to attend ( lie rrpub-
llcon state convention ( o l > o held at DCS
Mnlnra Auzust a1 W. . and also to select
eighteen ilclcL'ali'S to ntlend tlio leptibllcnn
coiiRresslonal fonvenllon of this district to
bu held nt Hitch tlinu and place as It may
licreiUUT bo called ; anil to transact such
otliiir business us may properly come befoio
the convention.
Tlic basis of rciirc.scnt.itlon will be one
deicRiite for each township orollnc pie-
clnct , mid an ndilltioiml dclrRnlo for every
lifty votes or fraction , if overtwunty-llvu rat
for lion. William I.aiiahei ! attluilastueimial
election. Tbis will entitle the several town-
to representations as follows :
iTotal 100
Unless otherwise otdt'ii'd tlio primaries lor
Ihe pclcctlon of delegates will In * held on Sat
urday evening. Juno'at ( ; M o'clock.
Uy older of the Kcpuhllcnn Uountv cential
coninilllce. JACOII SIMS , Chalnnaii.
COU.NOII , lii.UKFM , June 10 , ibSO.
New York Plumbing company.
New summer goods at Roller's.
The citj' council meets to-night.
The work of repainting and relitting
the Pacific house lias commenced.
A change was made in the police force
yesterday by which Officers Beswick ,
O'Brien and Lewis go onto day duly , the
others going on nights.
In the district court yesterday the trial
of Kctclmm for soiling mortgaged prop
erty was on trial , occupying most of the
day. It is expected that the Coffmuu
case will bo called on to-day.
Mrs. Randall , the famous fortune
teller , will remain at No. 015 Eighth
street , between Sixth and Seventh ave
nues , two weeks longer before removing
to Omaha. Tells past , present and fu
ture. Ladies 25 cents , gouts 50 cents.
The city jail register was filled up yes
terday , and a new book opened. The'old
one contains the names of those arrested
by the police since St Patrick's day , 188."i ,
and shows atotal of 1,701 , or an average
of about 125 a month.
The county board of supervisors yes
terday spent most of the day in auditing
the accounts of the superintendent of the
poor , and in attending to routine busi
ness , granting permits to sell intoxi
cants , etc.
There has been found on the prairie
near where Sixth street and Eighteenth
avenue ought to be , a lady's hat , parasol
and silver thimble. The owner can have
them by applying to the Milwaukee &
St. Paul round house , and paying for this
A return game of base ball will be
played to-morrow afternoon at the driving
park between the Red Oaks and Mueller
music company nines. In the game be
tween these two clubs on May Ulst , at
Red Oak , the Mueller nine was beaten ,
but they think they can now "down Red
Oak. "
Last evening the ordinance of baptism
was administered in the baptistry of the
Scandinavian Baptist church by'Dr. Mc-
Crary , pastor of the M. E. church of tnis
city , on a young lady , who insisted on
being immersed before becoming a mem
ber of Ins church. A largo congregation
witnessed tlio impressive ordinance.
The reportorial table of the BKEollico
was made bright and attractive yesterday
by a beautiful bouquet placed there with
the compliments of Mr. and Mrs. L.
Kirsoht. The roses were a sample of the
wonderful showiiigattheirresidonce , ono
rose bush alone having about two thou-
eand , and thu bush btandingubout fifteen
feet tall.
The school board held a special meet
ing yesterday afternoon , at which it was
decided to insure all of the school build
ings in the city ; also rented a room over
George A. Beard's wall paper store , No.
502 Broadway , for the use of the board.
They also agreed to allow Mr. Thomas
Ofllcer to put up four electric lights on
the top of the Bloomer school building ,
as per petition which was presented to
H the board.
H It Is easy onoungh for a cheap editor to
sneer at the HIK : forgiving the public the
benetit of sueh information as it can
glean m regard to the Homo of the Friend
less , but it is singular that not ono of
these sneering scribblers has thus far
dared to stake even a cheap reputation
by declaring Hint the homo management
is all right. Why , If there is nothing to
the charges published , do not some of
those eager snonrers have the manhood
to declare their oolicf to that effect. The
UKI : readers will have the facts , and they
can judge for themselves , while the tinu'd
follows who do not know what to say
only , "Don't read the BIK ; , " stand in the
Hhndo of doubt , and trembling
Room Mouldings Lamest assortment
nnd lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper
Snore ,
Our refrigerators are going very fust.
Good goods and low prices tell. Cooper
& McGt'O ,
Go to Hoard for wall paper.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. JV. . & E. L. Squire , 10
I'carl street , Council Bluffs.
The Quick Meal gasoline stove is be
coming more popular everyday. Get one
of Cooper & McGcu.
Host cream soda in the city , Do per glass ,
at Palmer's , 12 Main street.
Go to Heard for room mouldings.
John Templeton has moved his cigar
factory to 550 Broadway , opera house
If you want to invest a few dollars
where it will save many times the amount
In labor and doctors' bills , buy an Ameri
can washer of Cooper & McGec.
Noonday Hlaeo.
About 1:15 : o'clock yesterday afternoon
an alarm of fire was sent in over the
American District telegraph company's
wire and itlto over the telephone , calling
the department to the moat market of
Eugene MoUaz'No. 108 upper Broadway.
The lire originated in the rear of the
building in the smoke house , the loss be
ing about f'JOO , which was fully covered
- by insurance in the llawkoyo .and the
, Council 13lull's Insurance companies.
Statement of n Doctor Who Attended the
Homeless Orphans.
A Hmnll Illnxc-Comicll IllufTn dra-
tory The Coming Hcneilt For
the Industrial School-
Other KlttlTa NUW4.
More Homo Talk.
Tlio stntcmunt published In Hie Hin : ,
exposing the nllitlr.3 ut thu Homo of the
I'riendlcss , or thu Chrlstinn Homo , sis it
s callcil , luivo c\nsctl : no Ultlo stir.
Many are expressing thcii willingness
to corroborate these statements if some
iropor committee is selected to examine
lie witnesses. The effect of the publica
tion of the statements of these persons
who know of the home affairs will
loiibtloss bo n speedy cleaning up of the
liomc , si wishing of the children , and a
Dotting in rcadlnes ? for some committee
: < > visit the homo and liml everything in
ipplo pie order. Such' a visitation and
such a tintling will not , however , satisfy
( In ; public , in view of the claims of M >
many that for much of tlin time since Iho
liomb was started has been tilth ,
poor and insullielent fooil , and harsh
treatment of children. The children of
the lioiiiu have been taken out to ritlo
since the sirticlu appeared in the Hr.i : ,
and tinre : will doubtless bo no cause for
complaint now , oven if such caus ' have
oxistfd up to now. How long tnc bettor
condition of all'airs will contlnui ; is a
harder question to answer. The public
will nut bo satisfied until the truth or
falsity ot the charges made as to the past
history of thn institution is established.
Many new details sire coming to the
Itr.i : in support of the statements already
made. If Mr. Lemon had declared to the
public that thu children were not having
enough to eat , that tlioy were not being
properly cared for , that they had to sloop
many in a bed , that they were troubled
with vermin , and suffering from oilier
trouble- * , and all because the children
ki-pt crowding into the home faster than
they could liml homes for them , sind that
sill this was due to a lack of means lhc
public might respond with more contri
butions , and In ; nfTght be relieved from
responsibility Hut he declares
that the children arc being well cared
for and educated. Here are his utter
ances in his own paper : "It docs seem
thsitin days of great need the store of
provisions does not properly give out.
\ \ hen we have been unable to buy wo
have all had plenty and to spare olV of a
store of provisions that refused to dimin
ish in accordance with natural law. Our
children sire hearty and happy and have
received spiritual and mental training
far in advance of all public institutions
as freely admitted by sill who have
visited here. "
It seems , therefore , that Mr. Lemon
deems the provisions plenty and to spare ,
and tins education bettor than that of any
public institution.
Knowing that Dr. A. _ .7. _ Cook , a well
known physician of this city , had served
as physician of the homo for some time ,
the HII : man made inquiries of him yes
terday as to what ho know of the condi
tion of affairs there.
"How long were yon the attending
physician of the home , doctor ? "
"From soon after its organization
until I tendered my resignation last Octo
ber. 1 think about two years. "
"Was it a salaried office ? "
"No , sir ; simply a donation to the
liomo. The lirst year I furnished med
icines free , as well as trcatmeat , and after
that I simply furnished my professional
services free. "
"What led you to sever your connec
tion with the institution ? "
"I considered the management bad ,
and the amount of fault found with the
Homo by the general public led rue to
believe that I had bettor sever my con
nection with the institution. "
"Was this separation a friendly ono ? "
"Yes ; and the manager in accepting it
gave mo a very nice letter of thanks for
my services. "
"How frequently did you visit the
Homo during these two years ? "
"Sometimes every day for a week or
ton days in succession , and probably
on an average once or twice a
week during my whole term of
service there , I frequently had bad cases
requiring my attention twice a day. "
"During those visitations did you notice
any causes for these complaints which
you say you hail hoard from the general
public aiid. if so , what were they ? "
" 1 thought 1 did. In the lirst place ,
the location itself is not lit for such a
Home. The ground is too low , and in
clined to be marshy. When I took charge
of it there was water standing on the lot
itself sind mud and water in the base
ment. I ordered dry oarlh thrown into
the collar and the timbers ot the lloor
whitewashed , etc. 1 found the stagnant
water from the collar seeping through
into the well , which stood about six feet
distant. The drinking water was con
taminated. 1 also found slop and dish
water thrown indiscriminately about the
well , without any regard to the welfare
of those compelled to drink this
well-water. This causa of com
plaint was occasionally remedied
for a short time , but every now
and them 1 found that slops wore being
thrown out sis before. The homo being
recently established , it was inadequate to
tlio accommodations. The air was neces
sarily impure , on account of tlio crowded
condition of tlio quarters. Under the
lirst matron , Airs Roekufellow , it was
conducted as well as it was possible to do ,
as she was overtaxed and her facilities
cramped. She always aimed to keep the
children clean and care for them , but she
was often interfered with by the fault
finding and tyrannical overbearing , of
the manager. "
"At the time of your resignation , last
fall , wore tint sanitary conditions and
surroundings much impiovcd from what
you originallv found thorn ? "
"No , sir. 1 consider thorn worse in
fact , owing to thu violation of my orders
and constant neglect to carry out sugges
tions for improvements. This was really
why 1 did not care to bo longur hold re
sponsible for thu health of the inmates , 1
do not blame the matrons for this condi
tion of affairs , as they had been over
worked and overburdened , but the man
ager should certainly have teen that
these changes were Hindu , "
"What do you know about the food ? "
"Thu lirst year 1 tliiui ; thuro was an
abundance , and moderately well pre
pared Subsequently it became bad in
quality and insuHicicnt in quantity , Cof-
li.-o and lea were .shut oil' , and no milk
except for a few of the little ones. Tlio
diet was mainly coinmcal mush , sorghum
molasses and an inferior quality of po
tatoes , Thu broad was about the
only thing that was good , and
thcro was not enough of that.
When bakers' broaii run snort , corn meal
mush and corn bread ot an inferior
quality was used. The potatoes were
generally poor , and cooked and served
with the peelings on frequently. No
meat was allowed except occasionally ,
and in small quantities. The manager
insisted on a vegetable diet almost exclu
sively , potatoes being thu chief vegetable ,
occasionally a few cabbage and turnip ,
but only occasionally/ '
"From what you observed during the
last year of your stay , do you , as a physi
cian , consider that the children luul a
proper amount of suitable food ? "
"No , 1 do not. "
"How about the cleanliness of the home
and children ? "
" 1 usually found thorn in a filthy conj
dition. Thcro were no facilities for
bathing , except perhaps in a tub or pail.
f the matron found time to give
; licm an occasional ablution , and then
here wa no soft water , well water being
used. Portions of the bedding seemed
clean at times , but the bedding for the
little ones was very lilthy at times , and
the quarter * not suitable * 1 did not con
sider the bedding nor the quarters healthy
for tlio inmates. Several would bo hud
dled in one bed , which was far from
healthy in those clo c , badly ventilated
rooms. 1 was told by the older Inniatei
of the homo that there were bed bugs and
body lice there , but I did not investigate
thls'branch of the subject. "
"How about the heating In winter ? "
"In the winter they had a stove in the
parlor and a cook stove in the kitchen.
They had about thirty or thirty-live In
mates , and ( hey were terribly crowded ,
but I think the heat was ample , but the
ventilation was very bad. "
"Doyou think that sickness was caused
by this lack of proper food , proper venti
lation and proper careV"
"I certainly do. I of Inn wondered
that there was not more. 1 usually had
the advantage of being called In right
in the inception of any sickness and by
frequently visiting the homo , and watch
ing closely , was able to ward oll'any special
cial epidemic. The scarlet fever broke
out once I hero , but 1 managed to stop it.
Constant vigilance was required to com
bat disease in the face of these unfavora
ble sanitary conditions. "
"Where were the bit-k ones taken
care of ? "
"Generally in the parlor , which is
about 12\14 , and an adjoining bud room ,
which was very small. 1 have seen sis
many as live or six lying in those two
rooms at ono time , all sick. Tlio o quar
ters were not suitable , but were the best
that were provided. "
"Wore there any deaths at the home ? "
"There were none during my term as
physician , except Airs. Ivlnsoy's child
which was put to sleep as usual , appar
ently well , and an hour later was found
dead. "
"Doctor , you have visited poor houses ,
haven't you ? "
"Why , certainly. "
"Well , now. do you consider these
children sis being cared for as well in Ibis
Christian homo as they would bo in the
average poor house ? "
"I have visited a good many pool-
houses which are better , and the inmates
better cared for , Mills county , for in
stance. Another trouble that I found ,
was that the manager would never advise
with mo concerning the arrangements at
the home , and everything that was done
for thu bettering * of the condition of
affairs hail to bo almost forced , and in the
face of frequent opposition on his part. "
Highest prices paid for county , town ,
city and school bonds Odull Bro's &
Co. , No. 103 1'csirl street , Council Bluffs ,
Cherries arc Hlpo
At Dodge's orchard. Orders loft with
Kintz & Klceb , 348 Broadway , or with
George Blank , 610 Bluff street , will be
promptly tilled.
Beard has an immense stock of wall
paper and room Mouldings which must
bo turned into cash , so down go the prices
at Hoard's.
Million Acquitted.
The trial of D J. Million on the
charge of embezzling from the money
loancr Crofts , his employer , bsis resulted
in his acquittal. The evidence looked
rather dark for Mullen when stated for
the prosecution , and showed that he had
been from time to time imiKing fictitious
loans and pocketing the money. The de
fense claimed that these loans were not
fictitious , but that Mullen had been mis
led , lending money to parties who were
worthless perhaps , but that he had not *
deliberately caused these losses , and that
they were such as might naturally occur
in any such business. The sentiments of
many who hoard the evidence was rather
in favor of Mullen , they feeling that
Crofts was pursuing methods as a money
loancr which did not entitle him to much
sympathy , and that if Mullen did not
show all the business rectitude and care
fulness which ho should , yet the way in
which the business was conducted by
Crofts was such that it was not so bail
after all for Mullen. Ho has been sent
forth witli his record made clean by a
formal acquittal , and again enters the
employ of C. F. Uecd & Co. , of Omaha ,
who , like others of his friends , evidently
have faith in him.
The Mueller music company is crowded
for room. They are thinking of putting
up a warehouse to accommodate their
increasing business.
Go to the New York Plumbing com
pany for garden hose. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
Why buy a poor gasoline stove when
you can got a "Quick Meal" at the same
price ? Cooper & . Molioo have them.
An Honor to Council RlufTW.
At the recent dedication of the supreme
court chambers at DCS Moincs , Mr. J. N.
Baldwin of this city was sis.signed the
duty of representing the bar of the entire
state. The honor was a high ono to con
fer upon so young a member of the bar ,
but it was more than si personal tribute ,
it being a recognition of Council Hind's ,
of which the citizens as well as the mem
bers of tlio bar well feel proud. The
manner in which Mr. Baldwin tilled the
position assigned him on this important
occasion , and the many words of praise
hoard on all sides add to the honors won
by him and giyo occasion for Council
Bluffs to take to itself no little laurels for
being able to produce so worthy a repre
sentative on such a state occasion. The
speech of Mr. Baldwin is pronounced by
all to have been a truly eloquent and fin
ished one , and even the Register , which
is rather slow about sounding the praises
of any , and especially those from western
Iowa , publishes his address in full , and
in an editorial thus speaks of its
The speech of Mr , Ilaldwln , of Council
BlulTs , at the dedication of the supreme court
chambers on Tuesday , was notable for Its
oratory and finish , and Is talked of by those
who fioaid It as belli } , ' an ell'oit that will
belong rel'eired to In discussions of Iowa
orators. Mr. Baldwin is in tact an orator
possessing. In addition to a line presence ami
wry strong numtal sifts , tint fascinating
graces of speech that give to oratory Its
power and charm. Ho Is a young man ,
whose popularity In the state has the
btiouKth of large merit In himself , as well as
the Iinther fact of having a nnme traditional
In Iowa tor merit and gientncss.
A. Pleasing Programme.
The following is tlio programme for
the entertainment for the benefit of the
Industrial school to bo hold Monday
evening in Tempjc hall :
Invocation Huv , Mr. Crofts
r.viiT i.
1. Greeting Song Children
2. Tile Nocturne , Flute , Violin and
Musters Uatloletle , Tulloys and
Miss \VestCoU
9. Kindt-marten Stun ; Chlldicn
t. Duet Thn I401 tuna Teller Oabousso
Mrs. Holt and Miss KUInger.
5. Kindergarten tiong Children
C. Itccitatlun The Last Hymn.Mis. Lynn
7. Song Primioso Flowers Plnsutl
MUs liaibara Mcikel.
8. Kindergarten CBone Children
0. Duet Holy Mother. ( JuldolllsFoot-
stepa From "Marliaiia" , ,
Misses Tostovln andOernor
10. Heeltation , , , , ,
11. Violin Solo..f..Professor Zerkowsky
12. Song Drc-amih ? , Wellings
Miss Blanche Oliver ,
IS. Good-Night Song , Children
Tickets are for sale at Buslmell'a store.
Admission , 25 cents. . *
An InrcstlRMlon Ordered.
Some complaints , having been lodged
willitliQ board of trdstjbcs of the Home of
the Friendless concerning the manage
ment of that instiUftiarit an Investigation
has been ordered by that bodv. The sub
stance of the complaints made to the
board by private parties have already
been given to the BIK r-'adcrs. The fol
lowing letters froin the president and
secretary of the board explain their pur
Dow Cmla. . , June ! < / To the Kill tor of
"Hr.u" and other
the UKI : : Tnnnuli the
sources of Inhumation , the ehaipos pic-
ferretl against the inaiiagen.ent of the
"Christian Home" have wine under our ob
servation. Dcstilm ; that a full anil Impartial
luvcstleatlon may be bad , 1 am Instiuctrd \ > y
Itev. doorgoV. . Hobev , president of the as
sociation , to call a nu'ptin * of the trustees to
convene at the home Wednesday , June 10 ,
1 80 , at 10 n. in.
It Is Imped that responsible citizens of your
city will be present that tlio public may be
made conversant with the details of the
woik. Kxoiy clloit will bomaito to have a
thorough Investigation. To secure this etui ,
any evidence In the i > ( Tssp < sIon of responsible
pintles Is solicited and \\lll be hcnid at that
Ill the Interests of truth and right we
solicit co-operation that the work mav be
condemned or sanctioned as Itshall merit.
Truly yours ,
Sec'y. II. of the F. Assn.
MAi.vr.itK , la. . Juno 10. To the Kdltnr of
the Bic : : My attention nas Just l > cen called
to editorials In your uatxr of to-day and yes-
leidayirgardlin ; thu management of thu Or
phans' Hume of your cltj. For the Informa
tion ol your leaders who may feel an inter
est In the matter , 1 he lca\o to say that com
plaints of a similar character came to me , as
president of the board of trustees , lasl Tues
day by pilvate letters , and I proceeded at
once to call a meeting of the board for
Wednesday , the 10th lust. , ut which time a
falraud Impartial Investigation will Ira had.
Tho-c having grievances ate Invited to be
present and state them. Itespvctliillv ,
( iKonoiV. : . KOIIIIV.
Last evening Mr. T. L. Canlield , one of
the supervisors of Hcrrison county , sir-
rived hero and presented Iho following
order at the home , and was given the
custody of the two boys named in the
instrument :
LonATT. June 10 , 188.5.
To the Manager of the Orphans' Home ,
Council Blulls , Iowa : rienso deliver to the
bearer , T. h. Canlield , member of the board
of supervisors of Harrison county , Iowa , the
two boys m HID en phans' home by the name
of Peter and Willie loy. A. J. liii.MoitK.
Chairman Board of Supervisors , Harrison
county , Iowa.
Attest : J. K. McGAvtir.N , Auditor.
'Itnli lor the
The following telegram was the occa
sion of much rejoicing last evening :
June 10. J. L. Templetpn ,
chief of lire department : Wo win lirst
money on time. Win belt in i state race.
Time , 43. T. II. UANIU.A. :
Personal I'arajtrnphs.
E. L. Shugart and wife , and llonry
Metcalf and wife- , returned yesterday
from California.
Rev. T. J. Mackcy goes to Woodbine
to-night to preach' and olliciato at the
confirmation of a class ihere. ,
II. C. Cheney , southwestern passenger
agent of the Sioitx : City route , has re
turned troni his southern trip.
Thos.M. Hart , of ( Now Bedford , Mass. ,
is in the city visiting his son. E. W.
Hart , manager of the Now York plumb
ing company. >
Fever n'ml Ague.
C. Vrecland , Hackeiisack , N. J. , Feb.
22 , 1885 , writes that 'lie has been troubled
with fever and ague forever two years.
Quinine would not cure him , though taken
in very large doses. By taking live
Brandrcth's Pills a night for two weeks
ho was restored to perfect health.
IVe are mal&itig a Spec
ialty noiv of
Summer Goods ,
And are Offering
Yon will find new
special bargains on
otir counters
Every Morning.
IFc are selling Lawns
at 4c. , vorth 6c.
Satteens at 12 J.-2c.f
w ortn .1.8c.
Embroidery patterns
at one-half their
Dress ; ; roods
> i
At "less than theyiwore over known
before. '
You can save money by coming to
Council Bluffs for f-
&c. We keep the choicest patterns
turned out of the Looms , and our
prices are the lowest in this western
country. You will Bay so when you
see them.
Watch our advertisement every
morning for new bargains.
Look in local column for special sale
Harloiess Bros , ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Agricultural Implements , Bnggias ,
_ _ Cm-rlnKc * , V.te , lto. : Council JJIuHs , Town.
Ma ! < o the Original nnd Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
Nos. IfOI , HJi , IKtt uud 1517 South Mnln Streol ,
_ Council Illuifti , Icmn.
MunnfYs tin I Jobbers of
Agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Buggies ,
, : nml " " kln' ' * ° f l'rm Muchlnorr.
1100 to 1110 bouth Mnln Street , Council
I own.
r.O. OI.KVSOX , T. U.nouoiAsr ( Ino.K. Wnioiir.
l'rcs..VTrein. V.-l'i-cs &Mun. See ftCotinsol.
Council BlnTs Haidlfl Factory ,
( Incorporiitoil. )
Mnmirncturcrsor Axle , Tick , Sloiluo nod Smill
llnnilli-s , of every doscilptlon.
( M/f/'KTS.
Curtains Window Shades
Carpets , , ,
Oil Cloth ? , Ciu-tnln KlxtitroR , UplioMory QooJa ,
Ktc. No. 405 llroitiltvny Council llhuTs ,
WhnloMilo Jobber * In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes ,
Nos. 28Mnlii nnd l'T 1'cnrl Sis. , Council
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants ,
Xo. 14 Pearl St. , Council Mlnffd.
Wholesale Oils Paints Glass
Druggists , , , ,
Druggists' Suinlrio.1 , Ktc. No. 22 Main St. , nnd
No. ' . ' 11'cnrl St. , Council muffs.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Inters ail JJD'WS of Dry Gi ? ,
Notions. Ktc , Noa. 112 nnd 114 Mnln St. , Nos. 11,1
mid 115 1'carl St. . Council Illuira. Iowa.
0. W. 1UITTS ,
Wholesale California Fraits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 5U Irml\rty ! : ,
Council ninlTS.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. US und IS Penrl St. , Council UlulTti.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Ilrond-
wny , Council Hluffs.
Manu'ncturors of and Wholesale Boilers In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. 625 Mttln St. . Council niulTd , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
No. . "I- and 314 Ilroadway , Council Bluffs.
Iron Steel Nails Hardware
, , , Heavy ,
And Wood Stock , Council Dluffi , Iowa.
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tulle w , Wool , 1'clts , ( irrnso and Furs Council
UlufTg Iowa.
\Vholcsnlo Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Gaslla3
S.Theodore , A'unt ( , Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Andllridgo Matcrlnl Spoclaltlns.Wliolosalo Lum
ber ot all Kinds. Otnco No. 130 Main St. ,
Council HlulTs. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Agent for St. GotlhanVa Hcrh Hilton ) . No. 13
Main SU Council ItluUs.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
No em Mtttn St. . Cuunett Muffi.
31TOTICE ! .
Special advertisements , such as Ixst , Found ,
To Loan , Tor Snlo , To Ilcnt , WantB , Iloardliiif ,
etc. , will LidliifortiMl In thin column at the loir
ratoofTKNCKNTS 1'Klt LINK torlho llrtt Inccr
tlonand Klvc Cunts Tor J.lnoforench "ubhoqnuni
insurtlon. l-cavo aOvorllsoincmls at our offlro ,
No. 1I'cnl glruit , near llroadvvuy , Council
Flt HA 1 , 1C A Duo iipenlnir for a man with
small capital wlshum to unjniKii In drug
liuslnc H In wcMnin Inwa. Only drug Horn In
the town. Address Ilurvoy A ; Heard , Nepla ,
WANTIIO A ( rood young pony , L. I.nwcon ,
BIO HUth blrcct. _
" \\7ANTnu A clrl to do Boncrnl housework.
> > Call at 109 l-'ourlli eiicm.
mpr IIKWAHD l-'nr n gold ( -iBiict rln lost
P J Aprll-"J on transfer plutform by W. II.
llurns , Council llluirs. _ _ _ _
ANTKD-A ( food uoytoUmrn tlie iirlntlng
trade. Call at lloo olllco. Council llliiUH.
SALE-TWO intas. > icot nomx , w.iry
Fou . Biiluitilo for waruhonen or factory
puri oges. K. li Hlicafo , MU llioadway _
8.M.U Union avunuo liotol propcit/ .
rOH bargain K. 1. . Micule , : ut Hroadwny.
T7IO11 8AI.E Old nupers. In < | iiantltlcs to suit ,
JD at lloo ollleo No , ri 1'uarl btruot.
EetaLliehod iSJI.
IMiiUlMicil In 1877.
2OOOO Vehicles Annually * Scnrt for Cntuloitic , Prices , Frclgli
Itntcs nntl Tv < * tlnioiiltiN.
Hrlck b.ilUltnq nnr klnil rnl oi1 nr . mnvcil nnd ontlsfnctlon Kimrnntct-d. Frnmo homes raoveJ
onLlltleUlaat trJoUi tlia bolt In tlin w.irlL
808 Eighth A.vemi3 aul Eighth Street , Council Bluffs.
lo-w-'n ,
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Creston House ,
Tlio only hotel In Council DliuTs linvliif
Fire Esoa/pe
And all modem Itnpro\iMncnlti.
215,21T aud 21 ! ) Main St.
Practices in State and Federal Coiuts.
Hooms 7 and s , Sluinart Block.
Closing Out.
I have the largest nnd most com
plete line oE
In the city. I am closing out
You will liml nil the latest novelties in
lints , bonnets , llowors , plumes , tips , ribbons
bens , KUU/.03 , cnipus nntl ether slj'lus of
Goods Must Be Sold ,
Best of Bin-gains over oll'urod. Cull
ami sco tliiiU ) .
No. 828 Broadway , Council Blull'8.
B. BICE , M. D.
or ether tumora roinovod without
tne kniro or drawing of bio )1
Over thirty yo.iri1 ovparluuj * .
0.11 1'u.irl rilriint , Coiliidl Illuir * .
China , ( Jlnsswure anil Ln
\V. S. Hoinor & Co. .
No. 23 , Main St.Council Hlull's , la ,
Justice of the Peace.
OfflcoOvor Ainorioan Kxprods Coinnnny.
Room 7 , Sh&sgar ! Block ,
1 have a quantity.of sound , welt cleaned ecod
which ] olTcr at rcasonablo HKIIVCS. eod of the
ciOp of 1SSA. Ci.rroiponilcncd sulltitcd. i' . G.
Dealers in Milch Cows.
At Our Stock lards
No r,02 and GOO E. Broadway.Council UfTs
I * W. , Pro * . T. J. I'VANS , Vlco-1'ros.
JAMLS K. Iliunv.N.Ca'lilur.
Council Bluffs National Bank
Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 250,000
Stockholders Represent 1,000,000
Do n ( rcncrnl banking
Accounts of banks , bankers , merchants man.
ulHctiircrsand Individuals received on fnvori-
bio terms.
Domestic und foreign e.tchano.
The very linst of attention given to all bnsl
HOBS foiiiinltloil to our " > iro.
Horses and Mnlos kept constantly on hand
for sale nt retail or In car lotnla.
Orders promdtly tilled by contract on short
notlco. Block sold on commission.
SHUJTKIl HOI.EV , Proprietors.
Stable Cornm- filth Avenue and Fourth St
Council niuira lawn.
Choice Dtaplny of ItttcNt Put *
tcriiH , All Grades.
Council Bluffs
4 OS Broadway.
A Select Slock of Choice
Xo veil leu In.
Grown aud scl ccteil from ilumtl
Seed by
J. R. McPherson ,
firowor and Dealer in
A\l > r
Council Illuiru. Iowa.
Horses and Mules 6
For all pnrpoj-03. toutrht nnd rol.1 , nt lelall un <
h loin. IMIKO ipiaildttus ( o Eolcct fionr.
Elrcett , Hear Pacific HoueC , ounci',3