Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1886, Page 4, Image 5

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OMAHA Ofriru. No.mi AKD fli F-AIIXA.M St
Krw YonKOrncr. , HOOM CS.TntnuNK lltm.niNO
TnWl hMl ovcrymortiinir.pxcfptfliinrtny1. The
only tlomlnjr morning paper published in the
Yno Ycnr flO.WVThrr-e Months L.
fix Months 6.00.OHO Mouth 1.00
Tin : WEEKLY UKK , Published Kvnry Wcdncsdny.
One Ycnr , with premium , . , . , (2.00
Ono Ycnr , without premium 1.2
BlxMonthj , without premium. . . " ' >
Ono Month , on ttlnl. . . 10
connxsroNDRNcr. :
All communlmtlons rolixtlnc lo newa nnd t4\- \
torlnl mnttorK cUould bo nddrossod to Iho Rat
ion or THE llip. .
All hililnc q lotttirfl nnd rcmlttnncos should bo
fic1rt ! sc < 1 to TIIR llr.K I'uni.lKlitNn COMPANY ,
OMAHA , Drnfls , chocks nnd po tolTlro onion
lo bo nindu payable to the order of the company.
Sworn Stntoinont orOlronlatlon.
State of Ncbnxsljti , )
County of Uouirlas. f " s *
N. P. toll , cnslilcr of the IIoo Publlshlns
company , ilotH solemnly swear that the nc-
tnal circulation of the Dally Hco for the
vrcok cmlliiff Juno 4th , ISbO , was as follows :
.Saturday , Kith 12,420
Monday , Jllst 13,0 ?
Tuesday. 1st. 13.B50
Wed no8lny , 3d 12,490
Thursday , 3d 12,140
Friday , 4tli.t 12,175
Average 13,425
JN. 1' . KKIU
Sworn to nnd sulwrltrcd before me , this
6th day of June , A. I ) . IbSO.
SIMON.I. Fisnp.n ,
Notary Public.
N. P. Foil , brine llrst duly sworn , deposes
fend nays that ho is c.Tliler of the Heo Pub
lishing ooniiiiuiy , that the actual nvrraie
dally circulation of the Dally lieu for the
month of January , 18bO. was 10,378 copies ;
for February , Ib80,10B9j copies ; for March ,
IHSfl , 11.5B7 copies : for April , 1880 , 13,101
copies ; tor Mny , 18SO , 12,43 ! ) conies.
Sworn to nnd subscribed before me this
Srd day of June , A. D. issn.
HIMO.V 0. FisHKru
Notary Public.
Kcpubllcnn Stnto Central Oominlttco.
OMAHA , Neb. , Juno 8,1880 : A moot
ing of tlio Republican State Central com
mittee will bo hold at the Millanl hotel
in Omaha , on Tuesday , Juno 29 , at 7:30 :
p. m. O. E. YOST , Chairman.
G. WASHINGTON GUILDS cannot afford
to bo a presidential candidate , unless ho
can find some ono to fill his place as
obituary pout. That , of course , is an im
ANAKCHIST MOST puts iu most of his
time in feeding grease to a drilling ma
chine in Sing Sing. When out of prison
ho fed wind to the anarchist drilling
Goods Chronicle thinks that
unless all signs fail the volume of trade
for autumn , 1880 , will bo the largest of
any period since the great boom of 1870
and 1880. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
RATJ , the anarchist , told a Chicago
paper that ho was highly disgusted witn
the treatment lie received at the hands of
| Hho Omaha police. It disgusts any an-
mrchist to bo arrested.
' SOME of the cities of the south arc having -
-ing booms equal to those of the northern
cities. In Montgomery , Ala. , real estate
lias advanced 600 percent , and rents have
'floubled ' in n great many instances within
two years because of the great increase
Sc. capital and business.
OUR suggestions to the chairman of
I the board of public works have pro
duced the desired effect , at least for a few
1 days. There is moro activity exhibited
by the chairman this week than ho lias
howu since ho entered the oflico.
| f pie. It must , therefore , be a great
1 comfort to him to know that his wife is
Itvell versed in the intricacies of pie con-
I truction. Bho once took a cooking
( school prize for making the best pie.
Perhaps it was the knowledge of this fact
hat determined the president's choice.
OPINIONS are not in accord as to trade
I probabilities. Business is in bettor con-
IdlUou by far than any man of commer-
loial'stauding would have predicted sixty
I days ago. There is no upward move-
Imentiti prices. The enormous produc-
| tlon is steadily absorbed. Prices arc
5rm. Labor is generally fully employed.
PUBLICATION is made of the prophecy
crunk "Professor" Grim-
a , by name -
er , who predicts a universal war of
scs next year , because , forsooth ,
Star of Bethlehem , " which calls
Blind this way every 815 years , is due in
iopeia next year. Ho predicts a sort
labor.rolgn of terror. Ho ought to ba
anted with old Mother Shipton's
gbt cap. ,
"WE notice that an effort is to bo made
feet the saddle of Robert K. Leo for the
i of General Gordon in making his
ubernatorlal canvass In the counties
rhlcli cannot bo reached by railroads ,
emphatically enter our protest right
ere on the ground that no saddle can
i elected governor of two slates. If
B'S saddle wants to bo elected governor
f Georgia let it resign the governorship
r Virginia.
"OMAHA'S clearings last week were only 5
resent larger than tor the same week last
Memphis and New Orleans show 43
144 percent luoio.nnd It is a query how
do it at this season of Uia year.
Lincoln Jbtmiut.
Yei , but the week before the clearings
[ Omuha were 85 per cent greater than
taose of the corresponding week of 1885.
) maha has this year very frequently led
1 other cities in the increased percent-
pe of clearings , and she will continue to
. G. W. GUILDS , of the Philadelphia
er , continues to maintain his roputa-
as one of the most liberal men in
country , Ho is continually giving
y money for worthy objects. Thor
r day , in company with Mr. Drexel ,
presented the National Typographical
km , in session at PitUburg , with
600 , nnd now ho is contemplating the
tfttion of a free library to the city
.Philadelphia. Wo wish that there
inora such men as Mr. Childs in
country. Ho puts his money where
do the most pubho good , Hardly
pusses but what ho erects a menu-
to his memory in the hearts of his
trymen monuments that will re *
longer than any towering marble
Iiot tlio lanuo Ijo Made.
Shall the republican party through the
state convention declare its choice for
United States senators ? Congressman
Weaver , through his bravo organ , volun
teers the proposition that the nomination
of Van Wyck's successor bo made at Iho
coming state convention , and the name
of the candidate chosen shall bo printed
upon the state ticket in the same manner
ns that of o'licr ' candidates
'J ills suggestion , made with the object
of ruling Van Wyck from the senatorial
race track , well commends ilsolf to the
supporters of Senator Van Wyck
as well as to his opponents.
By all. means let the issue
be made and squarely met. Wo believe
that VnnVyck is the choice of nine-
tenths of the republican party of tlio
state , ana they may as well express their
will through their delegates in the state
convention and direct tlio party man
agers to print Van Wyck's name on
every republican ticket.
The opponents of Senator Van Wyok
are of course very confident that they
can down him in the convention a great
deal bettor than in a legislature. They
rely upon the corporation inolhod of
packed conventions and bulldozed
delegates. Nebraska , however , is no
longer a pocket borough for railroads.
The now generation ot republicans are
Intelligent enough to act without instruc
tions from railroad headquarters , und
they certainly will not allow the worn
out political hacks who have for years
misruled the party to dictate its choice
for United Slates senator. The rank
and file of the repuplicixu parly
very seldom are consulted as to their
preference In Iho choice of senator.
The candidates , heretofore , have never
dared lo appeal for a popular endorse
ment cillior by convention or at the polls.
General Van Wyck is the first senator
coming up for ro-cloction who has a
record which challenges Impartial dis
cussion. Ho has acquired a national rep
utation which will bear dissection oven
by his worst enemies. It is only right
and proper that every man who applies
for Van Wyck's position shall present the
credonlials on which his claim is based.
When these men are ranged side by side
with the senior senator in convention ho
will lose nothing by a comparison.
The republicans of Nebraska cannot
discuss senatorial candidates too soon
nor too much. The darn horse should
have no place in the senatorial race. If
Van Wyclc Is to bo retired , they demand
a successor who will bo able to represent
them If not with as much ability at least
with equal firmness nnd integrity. The
republicans of Nebraska do not propose
in this campaign to follow in the foot
steps of the Ohio bourbons when they
retired the old Roman Judge
Ihurraan to replace him by a coal
oil dummy. Corporate monopolies and
their henchmen will raise the battle cry
of "Anybody to boat Van Wyck , " but the
republicans will insist upon somebody
instead of a nobody.
For our part , wo most decidedly favor
Mr. Weaver's plan to nominate the sen
ator. If there is any man who commands
the respect and confidence of a majority
of the party bettor than Van Wyck let
him bo named. Wo havon't heard his
name whispered yet. Tlio names wo
have read about as candidates are prin
cipally suggestive of a still hunt and the
lightning rod.
By all moans lot the committee Include
in its call the choice of senator. The local
conventions then will declare their pre
ference and send delegates in full accord
with their choice.
Showing Their Hand.
The revelations of democratic hostility
to civil service reform now making arc
not in themselves surprising , nor will
those familiar with the character of that
party find cause of astonishment , in the
methods by which its loaders in congress
shall now or hereafter attempt to nullify
tlio civil service law. Yet wo find Mr.
Dorman B. Eaton addressing labored let
ters to Mr. Samuel J. Randall in defense
of reform and in deprecation of the ef
forts to destroy it , and Mr. Carl Schur/
consuming hours in talking on the same
subject before the Massachusetts Reform
club , as if these ardent advocates of
the reform policy had discovered
some unlookcd for nnd startling fact.
Certainly no intelligent reader of current
political history can have entertained a
doubt as to the position of the demo
cratic party on this subject. It is im
placably opposed to civil service reform ,
as it is to every other reform
which might put the slightest re
striction upon its command of the
spoils , and it will exhaust every moans
and resource , however unfair or unscru
pulous , to nullify and defeat suoh reform.
The few men prominent in the party not
in sympathy with the general sentiment
can bo counted on the fingers of two
hands , and not ono of them could secure
an elective office by democratic votes.
The democracy of Ohio thrust Mr.
Pondloton aside al the very first oppor
tunity aitor-tho passage of the civil ser
vice law , and it cnunot bo doubted that
Mr. Cleveland would have benn over
whelmingly defeated had the democracy
of tlio country supposed ho would stand
for the observance of the law as ho has
done. In tlio last campaign in Now
York tha democracy was arrayed in
unequivocal opposition to civil service
reform , and mainly upon this the full
party fatrength was rallied to Hill , who
is now among the recognixed leaders In
the anti-reform camp , with undoubted
aspirations to u higher station which ho
hopes to roach by pandering to the
spoils-seeking proclivities of the party.
The Iromondous pressure Prcsidenl Cleveland -
land has had lo contend against is
familiar to the country. In view of tills
and much more that lias become history ,
there is nothing surprising in Hie revela
tions of democratic hostility to reform
now making ,
It has been suspected for some time
Hint Mr. Randalll was in hearty aflillation
wilh Iho spoils-aeokers , nnd his attiludo
in Iho debate of Wednesday In the house
shows that tliu suspicion was well
founded. It is consistent with the
Machiavollau character of Mr. Randall
that ho should bo found now not only
antagonizing the president but renounc
ing a po.iition which , until recently , ho
was believed upon good grounds to hold.
The method proposed for nullifying the
law is not by direct and straightforward
atlack , on the broad and fair ground that
it U a principle or policy which
ought not to be maintained , but by
indirection. It is proposed to make
it a condition of the appro
priation for this service thai it shall bo
Available only when the rules of the civil
service commission are so framed as
that the names of all applicants for offi
cial appointment from any stale , found
duly qualified for examination and with
out regard to ngc , shall bo sent to the
head of n department or oilier officer
charged with making an appointment.
The object of this pimply is to assure the
appolnltnont , in the great majority of
cases , of democrats , which such a rule
would accomplish. The business of the
government would undoubtedly go
on just as smoothly nnd efllcicnlly
if there was no civil service
law , but the method of nulli
fying the law proposed by the democrats
is not the slraighlforward way of dealing
with the mailer , although It is entirely
consistent witu the character of that
party. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Now Englniul'a Hobby.
The roprcsontallvcs of Now England in
congress are not disposed to permit pub
lic interest in the fisheries controversy lo
die out , nnd they lose no opportunity to
press this issue upon popular attention ,
Apart from Iho importance of Iho matter
as an international question , and as af
fecting the welfare of a largo interest ,
tlio solicitude of the Now England con
gressmen may find further ground of
justification in tlio circumstance thai llio
Unllod Slalcs is represented in England
by a minister whoso predilections are be
lieved to bo quite as much English as
American , and whose sense of duty may
require to bo stimulated oy a strong ex
pression of popular sentiment at homo.
Furtlicrmorc Mr. Bayard did not at the
outset manifest n very hearty concern in
tliu issue , and while in fairness credit
must bo given him for a recent exhibition
of some zeal , certainly no harm cau como
from maintaining something of the pres
sure which produced it.
'Iho latest expression of Now England
Eonliment upon this subject is contained
in n bill introduced in tlio house a few
days since , the object of which is to pro-
led Iho freedom of commercial inlor-
courso. It provides that whenever the
president shall bo satisfied that Ameri
can vessels are denied the privilege of
purchasing supplies , bait , and oilier com
mercial articles , in any port or ports of
any foreign country , ho may by procla
mation prohibit the vessels of such coun
try , or any designated district , port , col
ony , or dependency thereof , or any class
of such vessels , from entering American
ports or exorcising commercial privileges
therein , a violation of such proclamation
to work the forfeiture of Iho vessel and
the fine and imprisonment of the offend
ing olliccr. It is very likely that a meas
ure of this kind would have the approval
of a largo majority of tlio American poo-
pie , for whether the interest bo great or
little in the controversy directly affect
ing a New England industry , among the
people of other sections of the country ,
a common feeling , equally strong every
where in the nation , will approve the
policy of protecting American vessels
against unjust and iniiirious discrimina
tion on the part of other nations or their
dependencies , and tlioro is , perhaps , no
moro effective way of accomplishing this
than by closing our ports to the vessels
of any country which shall deny to Amer
ican vessels the fullest commercial priv-
iliges in its ports.
The Festival.
The musical festival has opened. The
work of the first evening was a pleasant
surprise , even to those whose expecta
tions were raised Iho highest. Handel's
immortal oratorio'of "The Messiah" was
presented with a completeness and finish ,
which few of those who listened to its
music had overheard excelled. The per
formance was moro than creditable to
Omaha. It would have attracted atten
tion and generous praise in any
musical center. The leading artists
needed no introduction and call for
no extended comment. Fursch-Madi ,
Pierce , Huntinglou and Brodcrick have
been heard before iu Omaha and the
warmth of their reception evidenced the
pleasure which they always afford to
those who are fortunate enough to listen
to the exercise of their talents. But
hearty commendation is duo and will not
bo withheld from the other participants.
The chorus did good and honest work.
In several instances it rose to the level
of very high artistic excellence.
The large orchestra filled well their
part , while Mr. Pratt hold his forces well
in hand and conducted witli his usual
brilliancy nnd faithfulness to the score.
One of the most pleasant surprises was
the perfect accoustio properties of the
exposition building. Every note could
bo clearly heard In the most remote
corners of tlio structure. Tlio succeeding
concerts of the festival should bo patron
ised by oven larger audiences than lhat
which attended the first. They will well
do&orvo the best that the people of Omaha
can give them.
executive functions , and his accomplished
young wife lias taken her place in the
white house as the "first lady of the
land , " with every assurance that filio will
honor the exalted social station. Every
consideration of propriety demands that
the president und his wife bo relieved
from further espionage and permitted lo
enjoy all the domestic letirement they
can secure , without fear thai any Paul
Pry of Iho press will give lo Iho world ,
witli embellishments , every act of their
daily lifo not concealed by closed doors
and drawn curtains. There has boon
"something lee much" of salacious son-
salionallsm in the work ot the so-called
metropolitan press in connection wilh
Iho event of Mr. Cleveland's marriage ,
nnd whatever may bo thought of the
enterprise of those newspapers which
have put forth Iho greatest efforts in this
line some of them witli a disgustinc
disregard of the decencies and proprie
ties it is certain that American journal
ism has not gained In character or in the
respect of people who have regard for
the proprieties , by their course.
OMAHA wants nnd must have botlcr
facilities for travel to and from the slock
yards und packing houses of South
Omaha. The only way lo got there
cheaply at present is by the Union Pa-
cillc trains. This means going out at 11
and being penned up until 4 or 0 iu the
afternoon. Those who want to go later
than 11 a. m , must him a hack or car
riage or go on foot. If they desire lo
leave the yards before the trains come in
from the west they have the same exper
ience. When we had no bridge across
the Missouri people. traveled .by
stage to Council Blutla , at lelut
two or throe timosi n day. There
was not half as. much travel between Ihcso
points M there now is between Omaha
and the sloch fyards. , 'Tlip promise Hint
the Bolt Line will soon run hourly trains
to the stock yards is very consoling for
people who can wait ti ycnr or two. Hut
meantime it becomes a business problem
how to Rot to South Omih.1 without los
ing half n day.
RIOTING in Ulster is' ' excused In Lon
don on the ground that it Is Iho method
by which an anxious pdoplo nro protesting
again t threatened political wrongs.
Rioting in Cork was denounced ns an
outbrc\k ! of bloody assassins prolcsllng
against a beneficent British rule which
has depopulated the counlry , de
stroyed industries nnd driven a largo
portion of tlio inhabitants to ( loath by
siarvolion. It makes a great difference
In tlio eyes of the tory landlords whether
"outrages" occur in Ulster or Counaught.
IT Is not always safe to play poker
with llio mayor. This is the conclusion
of a number of prominent pokor-playcrs
of Vcrmilllon , Ohio. Ex-Mayor Cltllds ,
of thai town , has filed n petition in court
charging three well known and hlchly
respectable citizens wilh winning $2,500
from him by mean * of poker , He is pre
paring to bring other cases covering his
losses for the last year amounting lo
$3,000. This Is a cas.o of Iho mayor mak
ing llio money go.
Mus. CLEVELAND , nco Folsom , uses
stationery with her monogr.unln heraldic
fashion and the motto in Latin , "Where
llio bois ! arc llicro is honoy. " The presi
dent's bndo has evidently boon reading
the circulation affidavit of the Omaha
BEI : . Last week the avcr/igo circulation
of Iho DAILY BEE was 12,425.
WE are now beginning to appreciate
that Omuliiv has some ur.tisttc taste and
culture , and that circuses and minstrel
shows are not the only entertainments
which can bo relied upon to draw an
audience. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Now silk-mills aic spilnglng up In eastern
Two thousand Italians me on Iho way to
work on the lailro.uls In the service of C. P.
Work is fair tluonghout the dominion , es
pecially ill llaniilluii and Toronto nnd the
laiger cities.
The females In the West Virginia peniten
tiary aie paid twenty-live cents a day and the
males fifty cent's.
When run to its fullest1 capheity an Akron ,
Ohio , match factory tin us1 out 57,000,000
matches In one day. 't
As a gencinl nile a small advance has been
inado in Ihe prices of ) heoivy-wclght goods
tluonghout the east. i s
Eleven huudied westcirf uaileis have
formed the Aiualgaui.ucd association at
Pittsbuig. Their stitko'is a little over a year
The development of natural gas In the
Wheeling dlstnct is lucieasiug the demand
for common labor , which is now paid Sl.GO
per day. <
The summer trade prospects are fair , but
hundreds of people are | ioldfug back ciders
for matciial , machinery and woik oC a thou
sand kinds. '
Labor ti on hies among the noilhwcslern
liimbciincu have neaily died out. Weekly
payments wiTObCcmcd. Many demands for
moro pay failed.
The spirit oflabor organization Is flooding
the Ohio valley , and lecturers and oigaulzers
are walking through it. Flourishing assem
blies aio springing up.
Seven hundred men In Indianapolis pork-
packing establishments secured an advance
of twenty-live cents per day nnd a Satuulay
half holiday last week.
The New York pi inters decoiated Horace
Oreeley's grave. The chief speaker said In
his addiChs : "Oh , for ono blast fioiu his
clarion to-day to cheer the hearts of honest
labor. "
A traveling delegate In the New York buildIng -
Ing trades saj.s not half the rumors ot re-
slilclcd building operations In that city are
true. He estimates that S 10,000,000 will bo
invested this year.
The smaller industries arocalningstiength.
Tools , implements and small machines and
engines , which constitute the bulk of the 1ms-
ncb.s in bhop woik , aie iu quite good demand.
Knights arc having a haul time nf It In the
Southwcht between Indictments , blacklisting
and fidluie to hccuic employment whore theio
is no objection to them. Considerable biitrei-
Ing pievalls.
Silk manufactories In Switzerland aie hav
ing a Imul time.anil the woi Icmun tuocmlgiat-
ing. Slnco 18SI ) the number of factories has
decicnscd fiont IWi to Hi ) , and the number ot
operatives from 50,4'JO to : X,031. )
Labor authorities assert that nearly one
hundred thousand wmkeis in Now Yoik city
have becuied shoitcrhouis. Most of the trades
are active. The printers aio quite busy and
"subs" aie lepoited scarce at the Herald of
German manufacturers of various kinds of
goods , not content with Inundating England
with cheap goods , are formulating plans for
working the United States for ImlMied pro
ducts In haidwaie , textile goods , steel cutlery -
lory , etc.
The boot and shoo manufacturers repot t
some improvement , and traveling agents
write back encouraging letters. The condi
tions ait ! favorable for an expansion of trade ,
but Its coming hinges on Kovt'rul factors.
A good many lawyers went In the Knights
of Labor outer , but the good sense of the
membership Is agaliibt a body of men whoso
Htandaid ol justice is Council on Hitch a loun-
dallnii us Hhickbtono. Their entire education
nnd habits ot thought render them mentally
unlit to aid labor in its grand involution Horn
century-old systems of legalized injustice.
Talks Too Mucli ,
St. Louis llipulillcan.
Mr. James G. lilalno talks tdo much to meet
tlio requliomcnts of his neV iplo ns llio Lone
Fisherman ,
> . ; J
Ought to ho Ijcft Out 111 tlio Cold.
St. Jlitil rtonetr I'tem.
Congiessman Miller's educational subsidy
bill Is only a bocond edition of Vho liluir bill , n
little modllled , and shouldjbo ( eft out In the
cold to fieozo to death , , <
DiagulioU as a lopr-AInt.
l'us/i ! / ( nylon J t.cJift. \ < .
The beautiful account of jho presidential
wedding published In the ew1 Vork Star was
written by Mr. Dorsheimonlall by himself.
Ho was me cnton the occasion disguised as
a door-mat.
_ _
Not Consistent.
The defeat of oleomargarine In Ihe lower
house of congress Indicated that the body is
not consistent. What if its constituents
should be as careful In distinguishing be
tween Ihe teal and the bogus ?
A. Wall Street Fable.
A hungry lion once caught a Wall sticet
broker and carried him Into Iho woods , in-
lending lo eat him , but , before beginning his
repast , the royal beast laid his lunch on the
ground and took a nap. While the lion was
asleep the cunning broker took out his pocketknife -
knife , caiefully skinned the lion without
waking him , and then can led Iho skin off
and sold U as a butfalo robe. Moral : ' ThU
fnblo llliHlrnles. the unecilftlnly of the slock
market , besides showing how cnsy It Is for a
mnn to kick Ihe covcroff the bed vhllo * ho Is
A Murderer oT Game.
AVw lei fc Sim.
It Is with great surprise Hint we sec In Mr.
Thoocoro Itoosovclt's description of western
hunting published In Outlutr , his "happy
lanch" hung with the fresh carcasses ot llf-
Icon deer. That Indicates 'minder" rather
than true sport <
A Worse Knoiuy tlintt Olconiartcnrluc.
New VorK Sun ,
A far moro potent enemy to oleomargarine
than the bill In eongiess , Is n Chicago Inven
tion , thereby 100 pounds of milk , Instead of
yielding four pounds of butter , will give
twelve pounds. That would make Ihe price
ot butter Just one-third of what It Is now.
Tlio host Trump.
The following humorous \or c9 , from Iho
pen of Phtcbo Cnry , have never been pub
lished , They weio recently found by Hen-
oral S. V. Gary \\lillo looking tluough some
old papers ot tlio famous sisters : !
No matter how strictly according to Iloylo
1 our may slmfilo j our cards or your own
mortal coil-
How you play out your best cards or wlmt
you conceal
Theic is ono who can beat jou and give you
In thn Mintp game of life you may win the
lirsttiick ;
IJut , after you've cut your last caids and jour
Hick ,
Then , dcueo take It all , even though you dlo
gfliue ,
Whether kln s , queens , or knaves , ho will
take you tliu same .
You will Hud life nt last a pietty grave joke ,
For you can't let It pass and jou cannot re
voke ;
Gabiiel takes you at last , you may HUe It or
lump ,
For he'll order you up , and ho holds the last
Aurora is to have a $0,000 hotel.
The big distillery at Nebraska City
will begin operations next month.
The saloonkeepers of Columbus must
take down Ihelr screens or come into
The firsl stone building is now going
up in Schuyler , and will bo occupied by
a bank : .
The canning factory nt Falls City has
commenced operations with 150 hands
A good liolol man can find a first-class
business chance with rare iuducomunts
by calling on or writing to Messrs. Ilaz- ;
lett & Dates , Beatrice.
The body of the unknown man drowned
at Coin minis Sunday has been recovered.
A gold watch and ijilU wore found , but
no marks to load to his identification.
The skeleton of an infant was resur
rected under a house in Crowoll , Dodge
county , ami the pcoplq arc now engaged
in the profitless tusk of solving the mys
The Grays , of Fremont , are anxious to
"rastlo" with the Athletics or ( Union Pa
cifies , of Omaha , for $100 a sldo and
blood. The Grays are too anxious lo got
a "stake" for the Fourlu.
A brass band excursion from Fremont
threatens the peace and harmony of
Blair. Should it prove a tool-some af
fair , the Blairitcs will open hostilities
with cow bells and tin horns.
The Johnson County Agricultural and
Mechanical association is first in the field
with a premium libt for llio fair lo beheld
held at Tecunibch , September 21-21. The
grounds areamonc the finest in the state ,
Buildings and stalls have boon enlarged
and no effort will bo spared to make the
exhibit a success.
Iowa Items.
The soldiers' monument at Eldora will
b3 unveiled and dedicated August 20.
The public library at IJurlington has
upwards of ono thousand seven hundred
Contracts to the amount of $ t2,000 have
already been lot tor brick buildings in
Glcuwood , all to be finished this summer.
14 The court house at Glenwood , which
was built in 1857 , lias been torn down to
make room for a moro commodious
The Hubbard liouso of Sioux City has
passed to the control of James E. Boogo ,
who will enlarge and improve it at an
expense of $50,000.
The American railway operators' as
sociation was organized at Cedar Rapids
Tuesday. The society starts out with a
membership of 700.
frvTho annual camp mceling at Spirit
Lake will commence Jurio 'JJ and con
tinue eight days. Mrs Maggie Van Cott ,
the noted evangelist , will have charge of
the revival services.
John Oliver , of Ulackhawk county , who
is buvonty years old , has boon ub happy
as a young husband during the past
week over a thirteen-pound girl. His
wife is past fifty years of age.
"JohulheBaplisl"aliasllarryElmoro ,
suicided in the river at Duvenworl lust
Sunday. A half-filled bottle of Council
Bluffs whisky found on the body
convinced the coroner that sulcido under
the circumstances was justifiable.
Saturday morning a tramp broke down
the door of Iho agent's room in the Ox
ford railroad office und under cover of a
levolver compelled the operator to give
up his keys , taking $10 and a pistol. The
robber was tracked to Homestead and
then all trace was lost.
A company is being organized to work
the alleged gold mine on the farm of
Christian Shirk , near Shannon , Carroll
county. It is claimed that the ore assays
( Jll.OOO per ton. Dr. Valentino , 'of
Lanark , and Mr. Shirk , the owner of Iho
land , will hold three-fourths of the stock
in the company , _
Bullion shipments from Deadwood Fri
day aggregated $15 ! ,700 ,
Tlio uonlrolingiulerost in Ihe Key West
nnd Harlem claims , at Carbonate camp ,
has been sold to a syndicate for > f 15,001) ) ,
An artesian well at Grafton Is now
about 000 feet in depth , and a vein of
water has been btruck which lias a salty
Wages in the mines in the Black Hills
rangu from $3.60 to $5 u day , and are
regulated by the amount ana character
of work performed
The head nion of tha Sinux nation have
wriltun Judge Plowman , at IJcadwood ,
protesting against the sale of any portion
tion of their reservation.
Many of Iho men who look claims on
Ihe Crow Creek reservation uudor the
Arthur proclamation , have put m largo
crops thereon and intend to harvest them.
while the Indians declare they will har
vest those crops thomsolvos. Over a
million forest trees have been fact out this
spring by the settlers.
It costs about $50,000 a year to keep
Montana lunatics.
A body of ore assaying $300 to the ton
lias been struck in tlio U. S. Grant mine
m the I'iiirwqnthor district.
A company has boon organised to work
the tin minus located east of Dilton , As
says of the ore show 10 per cunt tin.
The Helena land office is almost overwhelmed -
whelmed wilh applications for entry of
public lands of Iho character which Com-
micsloner Sparks tried to boycott.
Dempsey , the champion middleweight ,
who is now in Butte , will , it is stated , bo
challenged by Sam Blttlu , of Detroit , tea
a small glove fight for $1,000 or f 3,000 , a
side ,
Bob Sutlierliu , editor of the Montana
Husbandman , after trying vainly fo
thirty yonrs to lind omo woman who i.s
blind enough lo his peculiar style of
beauty to marry him , nt last gives it up
and pours out his heart in this sngo edi
torial reflection : "Blessed is the man
who has no liouso lo clean , "
Summer ( tccrcntlon ,
VhttaiMitota tlttonl.
With the ndrcnl of Juno Iho month of
roses tlioro comes upon nearly all the
tired denizens of cities n longing to leave
behind them , for the time being , the
crowded streets , with their busy hum ,
nnd spend their days in shady spots
whore they can hoar "Iho moan of doves
in immemorial elms and murmcr of in
numerable bccsl" Many there are , un
fortunately , who on account of their
limited means or the arduous character
of their work cannot afford much moro
rest or rccrcalion Ihan lhat which Is
furnished by n family picnic in the parker
or by a day's run into llio country or to
the seashore , But tlioro are thousands ,
on Ihe other hand , who are able to taku a
vacation of n wnok or moro , thn chief
dllnculty that bescU Ihom being lo decide
where llipy shall go.
It is said of an English nobleman who
had for years spent tils summers on thu
continent of Europe that he was at last
surprised to lind within n few miles of
his own homo a little spot which lie had
never before scon , but which in natural
beauty was superior to any of the vaunted
nooks of Franco or Italy. And if many
tourists who cross the Allanlic could only
bo persuaded lo spend one of their sum
mer vacations al homo it is probable lhat
they would have u similar experience.
The advantages of foreign travel of
coming into contact wilh lhq civilization
of tlio old world , of wandering through
towns nnd cilius rich in historic lorn and
fraught with the memories of centuries
will , of course , bo readily acknowledged.
But It is too often the case that tranMal-
laulio Irips are made hurriedly and in an
endeavor to crowd lee much Into a very
limited period , tlio rosull being thai llio
traveler returns with a confused idea of
what ho or she has seen ,
The Tro achs , to which thousands of
pilgrims travel yearly from nil lands ,
were unknown until Sir Waller Scolt's
"Lady of tha Lake" told of the fair Ellen ,
of Fitz James and of Hhoderick Dim.
And it would often seem as If our authors
in their desire to picture us "centuries
vast and deserts idle , rough quarries ,
rocks and hills , whoso heads touch
heaven" forgot that in their own land
llicro Is to bo found everything that can
awe and charm ; vast inland tideless seas ,
glassy lakes , forests , primeval moun
tains scarrcu by the tempest , valleys
laughing in pcrnotual bloom , and in fact ,
thousands of places thai reflect every
mood of nature , loop holes of retreat
through which we can peep on the far
away world of men , while llio turmoil of
Iheir dally lifo and labor conies to us
softened by distance and blended with
thu song of birds and tliu murmur of
hidden brooks. There is , it is good to
find , each returning year an increasing
desire lo know more of our country , and
to make the hot day.s of summer times ot
rest and recreation in the best sense of
the term.
Our own state offers every opportunity
for this. Quaint old hamlets and vil
lages , the inhabitants of which still retain
many of tlio manners and customs which
their forefathers brought with them
across the sea two hundred years ago ;
mountain homos , where lungs choked
with the hot air and dust of the cit can
drink in the life-giving odor of the piucs ,
and fertile valleys rich in fruitful orch
ards and in waving corn-fields all these
invite us. Then , too. within easy dis
tance arc long strclchos of yejlow sand
washed by Iho restless sea in whoso
waters wo can bathe , and from whoso
shores wo can look out on nothing but
ocean and sky and dream our nays away ,
like the lotos caters , in pence and iu for-
gclfulness of all that so otten chafes the
spirit nnd makes lito burdensome. A
few weeks spent in this way will do much
toward helping us to withstand the pres
sure that in these days bears so heavily
upon all ; to give tlio tired frame and ox-
haustc'J brain rest , nnd to teach us that
after all , man's "first , best country ever
is at home. "
Tlio Sad Story of a Decayed Gentle-
Philadelphia News : Captain Loa-
bourne refused to admit him to the pres
ence of Mayor Smith. Ho was ono of the
shabby geulecls , very shabby , indeedbut
though his hat was battered and Unify ,
though his not too clean shirt peeped at
the world through his coat sleeves at the
elbows , and though his pantaloons did
not reach the tops of his buttoiilcss ,
cracked putont-loathor pumps , his mien
was none llio loss lofty ; mistortunowhat
ever effect it had on him externally , had
not affected him as a man. Tlio busy
little captain knew ho was a beggar , and
referred him to Detective Allmondingor ,
whom ho found down stairs. Ho made a
profound bow , brusliintr back his hair ,
cleared ills throat and said :
"I am very sorry , indeed , for this in
trusion. Accept my humble apology ;
but the menial by Ihe portal up-stuirs
positively declined to convoy my card to
the Mayor , and I was referred to you. "
Ho handed the detective llio four of
diamonds , on which was written with a
burnt match tha numa "J. Q. Duquosno. "
" 1 am very much pleased to meet you ,
Mr. Dewkano , " said the officer , "and
trust I may bo able to serve you. "
"Thanks. I think you can servo me.
To-day the first gentleman in the eternal
republic surrenders ills personal freedom
by entering the state of wedlock. The
nation felicitates him , but the heavens
weep , nnd so do I , for 1 have an
angel spouse who is bolter on before.
But I am one of Stove's earliest friends. "
"What Stover"
"Excuse the lapsus lingua ) . Ho is now
the president of the United States , nnd
though wo iibcd to play shinny together ,
such tamiliurity is unpardonable. "
"But what can 1 do for you ? "
"Let me explain , Bnforomy eyes I now
see a chubby boy , whoso rosy'chcok is
dimpled , whoso eyes sparkle brightly.
Oh , happy , innocent boyhood I I sou
another , a priggish lad , U was myself. I
have a dog , of which L am proud. Bui
the chubby lad is mischievous , and lies
a tin can to the canine's tail , und Iho in
telligent brute instead of running off as a
vulgar cur would do , quietly squats on
his haunches and unties thu knot with
ills teeth. But the priggish lad myself
Is angry. Ho strike * chubby boy nnd
they light. The niiggiiili lad is conquered
and yonder chubby uoy , who crowed over
a fallen adversary , is now president of
Ihe United States , and is to be married
to-day. 11 is meet that I , as ono of his
oldest acquaintances , hliould bo present
at the coromony. I want you to proouro
mo a pasa lo Washington , where 1 can
arrive in time to wish him1 loy. I am the
priggish lad , "
"Can't do it , " said the dotoclivu , and
Mr. Diuiueauo walked away , saving ho
would trstriko" some of the railroad of
ficials or steal a ride on a bulfcr.
OfficerHorrisan.yesterday piokcd up Ja
McNny , a drunken man who was occupy
ing a oomforlublo position across the
Union Pacific tracks , lie was looked up
in jail.
l > iu iry Voiir Hlood.
Amen < * spring preparations , do you
neglect that which is most important to
all your own body. During tlio winter
the blood absorbs many impurities , which ,
if not expelled , are liable to brotik out in
scrofula or other dlseitbe. The bust
spring mediulno is liood/s Sarsupunlla.
It uxpuls every impurity from the blood ,
and gives strength to uvery function of
the body. Soluuv all druggists ,
v. - fcmP" * *
OCCHN T ROTTLlTs.flrn " " ' in tor * * <
/ & " rommnilnlonof ( n'l ' whn to lro n t ° a
n low nrl"M _
Ciugli. ColdandCroupRcmidy
Tiirnr. tiFSitUNO A nrtir.nvroii
Should Fccuro tliolsruofl bottloi. Direction
ftccompnnylnir onoh liottlo.
Sold by all Modiciuo Doalora.
RItO. , WliolcuiIO
Supply Agents Omaha , Neb. rj
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $250,000
Suplus May 1 , 1885 . 85,000
H. W. YATES , President.
A. E. TOUZALIN , V co President
\V. H. S. HUGHES , Cashier.
A. E. TOU/.AUN ,
Cor. 12th and 7nrnnmBtrnntc.
General lluukluir Busiuoa ? Traajautal.
VITAI.ITY li fMllufr , riraln IIIIAINKD n
perfect and reliable cure In
Adopted br nil ( Voncli 1'hrilolici and boliiK rapidly a
ucctMfuiry Introduced here. All wo Vnlnit IOSMI a
drains promrtlr clieoked. THKATIBK Klvlng new *
r p r and midlcJj enionwmf nt , * a , VHEK. Coniult *
lion ( oRlco or by mail ) with > lz omliftnt doctor ! r KEE.
ClVIAt-E AUENCy. ho. 17 * Fulton SUOBl. Haw Yo
X5O3 ' * & .j t T M S'J \
Practice limited to Diseases of tha
Glasses fitted for all forms of defective
Vision. Artificial .Eyes Inserted.
817 St. eiiarIo Nl.St. Ionl , Mo.
ArrftlirtrifaiUof two VU4e ! > lColtc | < i , b i bttnUntW
ciilid In tht ipeoltl Ireitnwttt of Cnaume. Miaroni , H l
and ULoab DifioM ttianaoy otb r Pbrilelaa laSI. LaolAj
al ellr piwn ibow nJ I1 old ildinli know.
Nervous Prostration , Dobllltr , Menial and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Atlic-
tlons ol Throat , SklnorBones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , are troiti with oornr u ij
loeem , > n liwitirltntlUa ptlQOlplti. Baftlj , rrl ! > ! / ,
Diseases Arising Irom Indiscretion , Eicess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , which proluM ictai t the
fullewlDC ffoU I ucrtouiaeif , dtlllUr. dlmopii f ltht
anddtftctlttuitmor/ ionth f c > , pbriiiil4 y ,
aTirilontolb * iweUtf of ftbialti , 0onruil0a of 14 u , * t0.f
rendering Marrlaca Improper or unhappy , at *
MrauD ti > ur d. ral > phl < lUp ( > | U ) > iabare , awl
InKal 4tOTtlop , fra li > anra64r > ii. C oult ll nat I-
( n or by nail frM , Inrlltd and ililclly e < nO < l tUl.
A Positive Written Guarantee iirta latmye * .
table eaie. Itidlclae ot emj wh re bjr null er eiprwi.
aeo PAOB8. nvx PLA.TIB. eiitaot ioth an iiit
blndlif..cil.d forcOo. lor > oM i or iirrtney. Ortr OR *
wond.rrul i npicture ! , lru t > llf ! artleln onIhi following
tohoiHl , W9mio
isriiiu cue
IntUiillr rrllcvutlie
ASTHMA molt vlulviit ItBCU * ,
w ri'.vjiy ' ri } dorb' ;
Inhalation , tbui rwobinf th dJ "iwj direct , reln-
09 ttie apasm , ( aeilitAUm free 4 | | K9KC
aipsotornllonand hfrKCTI IsUrCCO
fe r alll > tkirr iB dlrt hll. A Irlil foaln f lbcaiw t
.krpllftl ef IU IrautdUtf l'cel d arff r-fllUof * fft.
I'rioAUo. a > dlOU | of iliuicillli ur tj uill.TiUI
pt'io fr fur iltoili. llf. R. MHIrmAK.M. l' ul , l.a
Do you want a pure , bloom
ing Conijdoxiou i If NO , a
few nniihcntiouB of Hngun'n
ify you to your heart's con
tent. It does nwuy witli Siil-
lowness , lloduoss , I'implos.
Blotches , and all dlsonsos ami
linporfections of thosliiu , It
overcomes the flushedappear [ *
unco of heat , fatigue and ex
citement. ItinuUosaladyof
TKI11TY appear hut TWJJN-
TY ; and so iiutural. gradual ,
and perfect are its effects ,
that ft is impossible to detect
its application.