Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1886, Image 1

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Orangemen , Infuriated By Drink , Burnt
Kill nnd Destroy at Belfast.
Men , Women nnd Children Shot
Down In Cold niood Whisky
UIIIIH Idko Water A Fc-
( nlan OntbrcnU Fcaictl
Celebrated lit Itlood.
Bn.rAKT , Juno 0. Last nlulita mob of
Orangcnien made an attack upon a tavern
kept by a Catholic named Duffy. The police
were piomptly on the scene , and after n
stubborn unites ! , during svhlcli they used
their carbines , they drove the mob away In
disorder. The rloteis reassembled with In-
cieascd .strenglb and again attacked Dulfy's ,
this time oveijiossetlng tlio police and driv
ing them fiom the place. In the first assault
Chief of Police Carr ssas wounded. Hussas
cm lied away , nnd nosv lles In a ctltlcal con
dition. When the Orangemen returned
to the light they sseru accom
panied by a largo number of
factory girls , svho goaded or shamed the men
on to battle and formed the most dangerous
element. When the olllccrs abandoned
DufTv'fl , the mob nt once took complete
possession of the tavern. Itwasatouco
thoioughlj sicked. All taps nnd splggot.s
sseie set limning nnd everybody svas In
vited lo help himself according to his taste.
All thcbaiiolsof liquor found In stock sscro
carried Into tlie sticct , lilted up hUh and let
fall until they bioke and Itbeiated their con
tents. All the fm iiltuio was catrled out ,
piled In the center of the roadss-ay and
binned In a bonllio to lurnlsli
tlie iloteis with light dm Ing
their debauch. Men , youths and girls
diunk until they tell helpless In the gutters ,
the gills acting with urcalcr fury during the
miller stages of the oigles than tlie men.
The noise , ptotanlty anil disoider weio teni-
blc. The mob ended tlioii svork here by fil
ing tlm tascin itself and it burned to the
Then the slionger men , ssho had become
Infiulatcd and not ovcrpnssrcd by their
potations , through the streets wiecklng
and plllaglngwheiescr they went and In-
cicnslng then foIlossiiiL ; tlio fuither they pro-
ccctjed. The rlolois nftei a while con
gregated aionnd the police station and
stoned the place until they weiu tired.
They then matched down to another tas-ein.
Thopolieo hastened tlilthei lu ndsanee and
attempted to piolecl the pionerty , but ssero
oveipovscied and drisen asv.iy. The mob ,
left lu possession , heated tlie tascin as they
had Dulfj's , tinned all tlm taps , bioko full
barrels in tlio stie , t.mado a bonliio of tlm
tm nltiiu * and flnall > set flic to tlm bnlldini ; .
Thopolieo letiuned and this time got tlie
bettei toia time of the mob , sshosc ranks
sscio depleted bv semes svho had fallen assay
ludiiniM'uncss. and extinguished the flames
hetoie tlies could gain contiol ol' thu stine-
tuie. Bui tlio ofliceib sseie miablo to drlse
the iloteis liom the locallts- , and they re
mained ami dominated until inoining.
Dinliiir the rosvdylms of the night Glad
stone and Piunell wcie both bin ued in clligv
and a dummy coipso labeled "Home liulo"
was ci emitted.
Two men named Hart and Mason weie ar
rested to-daj lor tin * 'murder ot Thomas Gal-
laghei dining the rlotlm : at Lur.-an. Gal-
higheiwasa svcll Kiiosvn local simpleton.
lie sva\ed an Oiange saMi In tlio face ol tlie
home rule mob during an incessant
Jim uctvveen that mob nnd Its Orange
eiiemii-s. During thu riot the situation
nt ono time became so desnciato that Mr.
Mathcis , a local Oi.ingo leader , publicly de-
< lined that unless the authoiitles did tlicir
duty he and 1,000 armed Uinngcmon ssould
take ehargo ot the town. Mathers ssas on
the point of c.uiylng out ills threat when the
mil'laiy ' nppeanxl.
To-day tlicio svns a little stone Knowing In tlio town 1ms been
< | tiiet. A n umber ol policemen sseicso badly
Injured last night that they aio jet In the
hospital. Twenty rloteis mo now under
must. The colonel's juiy found that Gal
lagher died tioin the ctlccls of gun-shot
wounds , mid censuied the authoiitles for not
having sufficient police to mcacrso order.
Itlotlug ssas icnuwed beic this cs'cnlng ,
nnd thu riot act ssas again lead. The mob
incieased in .sl/e and began tluosvlng stones
nt the police. The latter Hied , killing four
prisons one of sshom svas a bat maid , ssho
was looking out ol a tavern window at tlie
lighting. The mob leturned the luo , and a
brisk fusiladu was kept up for twenty min
utes. Soldiers aio now parading tlie btieets
to asslsi i ) ' police in ease of necessity.
The mob diovo a force of 150 policemen
into the bai lacks and tken attacked tliu
buildings , tiling revolvers and thiosslng
clones at the doors and windows. The po
lice Hied , killing five peisons. Several Plot-
estant cleigvmeii tried to dispeise the mob.
tint their eltoils sveio unavailing. Ono of
the peisons killed svas a widow svlth tsvo
AID ronTiir. roi.ici : .
Dt iii.iv , Juno 0. Ono hundred nnd fifty
polieeinen have left this city lor .Belfast to
iclnloice the police there.
AitMAi.ii , June ' . ' . An Infernal machine ,
consisting ot a Jar tilled svlth a black sub-
Malice and soinu clocksvoik , svas thiown last
night against the door of a Protestant house
lu Luigan , County Aimagh. When the ma
chine ssas hulled It had a lighted fuse at
tached lo It and It exploded in the doorway.
The Queen InvltcH Hart Ingtoii to Form
a NesvMlnlKtiy. .
Loxno.v , Juno 0. Gladstone svill tomorrow
row Intoim the house of commons of the
t'ovcinment'H Intention to appeal to thu
countir after obtaining the necessaiy votes
( it supply to tide ovei tlio election. Parlia
ment ss 111 piobably be dissolved Juno 20. Tlio
goscinmcnt whips aio less sanguine re-
g.iiding Ihe piosjiects. of the llbeiuls In
thu coming elections , ossing to a de.uth
of tnnds and sultabln candidates.
MLbSis. Ainold , Motley and Schnndhiiistaie
untiling In their clloils to useiconui the dilli-
cully. Heibeit Gladstone , in a speech at the
opening of the llbeial club id Manchcstei to-
daj , piedieted that the home lido bill , now
dead , svoiild levlsu Into vigoious life.
Kxtenslsu police pieeaiitlous havn been
taken at the east end of London , vvheie dls-
iiideis.ui ) le.ued. Thu Irish ot Kotlieibltlie ,
Beimondsoy and Wapplug base become
Rieally exelled. A lull supply ol detectise.s
as been stationed lo moled tlio inllsvay
depots , ilver Mihua.v.s , the tosser , ami other
places r.ud all stiangeis aio naiiosvlv seui-
ilnl/ed. It is openly stated thntu Voniaii
oiitlneak or plot Is hatching as au outcome of
lecent iiolltlcal events.
Hailiuginn vshlgs liavo held a conference
nnd decided to oigani/o with the paitlal us-
histunco of the conservatives , the paity to act
in opposition lo lioiiu ; iuu ! candidates dining
il.cinitlng rlecilons.
A telegraphle message svas tuvlvcd this
niieinooii tiom Ihe ( | iieen by ( ibulstoiie
i.i.d announet's her mulesl > 's consent to dls-
tidiitlon , Tlm ( | iieen had pievlouslv asked
Loid Haitington wh'thei he was svllllnglto
loimamlnUtiy. Lord llarllngto.i In icply
rdiibod tbr.l parliament bo dissolved.
for n ( icnrral ICIeotlon'
LONDON , Juno O.-1'oiiMwby , the mu'vn'A
jnivalo fecietaiy , had .n inteivlew with
Gladstone to-day , Immediately ntteiaids
thopiemler ounlt : \ \ the cabinet council ,
wlileh lem.ilned In -n.i-u two hours.
All pailies uni piepnmg foi a general elec-
t'on ' wi'i haste and anxiety. Tlm
I'ber.'l svhips t'Hi.iy < hvlcr - that Gladstonlan
( andldide.ssvlll bo at'-.ini < , in ovei > constit-
ueues In ( iieat I'liU'innd ; within
schiri-lhor > t , thief oIho national liberal
federation hni t.cen cnleuinj ; ssitli Glad-
btonc to-day.
SUncV'6 Killed.
Mu.wAuur.i : , Juii' ' . . John Anderson ; > nd
Jaui"s llariett , miiietseiel.ilfed bv r. fall
ing } -e-i ! of timber svldle descending- *
.Abii' ' Huilev lis.fs | . ; t-
KfTorts to lie Slnile to Jlcvlvc the Old
Coin bl tint I on.
CIIICAOO , Juno ! . [ Siicclnl Telegram lo
Hie Hi.i : . ] It is undeistood that efforts arc
being made to ics Is e the old trlpaitltc com
bination ot the wcslcin tiunk line associa
tion. The Inability to cairy out the agree
ment of the western freight association re
sulted In demoralballon of western business ,
nnd some of the trlpaitltc roads are anxious
to piolcct their Intcicsls against the competi
tion of the Burlington and Norlbvv estcrn loads
vshleb are not membcis of the trlpattitc com
bination. Tlic Hock I ° laml Is said to be the
principal mover to sccuio tlm tripartite com
bination. That road It Is sald.lias notified the
Milwaukee & St. Paul and Wabasb loads of
Its dc.sbe to place the combination again into
goodsvoi king condition audit Is undeistood
n meeting s111 i < Hin Ite held between their
roads and Ihe Union Paclilc.
With tlicNorlhssestliern rapidly paiallellng
the Union P.iellio tlnongliout the entire
length on the noith and the Burlington In-
sailing the Union Pnciiic tenitoiv nt all Im
portant jKiluts fiom the south , thn Union
i'acllin Is now Inclined to deal mine nieici-
fully svlth Its old tilpai tile connections than
foimally , that Us only means bv which It can
checkmate Its competitors on the north and
wmth. The liclit between tlin Union Paehio
nnd its comiK'titors on the noith and south is
sun ) to ensue befoie long and unless the
Union Pacific seemes Ihe aid of Its tiipaitite
connections east of the Missonil liser it
would Maud a poor show in such a eonlllet , as
tlm Noithssesferii and lliiillngton liavo inde
pendent outlets to Chicago.
The AVajje Scale of Ironworkers.
riTTsnuno , Jnnea The svage committee
of the Amalgamated association and tlio com
mittee representing thu manufactiireis are
In session to-day at thu loom of the Iron asso
ciation. The scale as submitted Is the same
which has been in operation during the pa t
year , with some modifications icndered
necessary by changes in thu pio-
cess of manufacture. The nalleis'
scale is Included. It Is the
opinion , although the conference Is still in
progress , that the nuuufactnicis will agree to
the scale ns submitted , and it will be .signed
The confcience betw een the tss-o committees
came to a sudden lei initiation this afternoon ,
.scscial important etiors having been discov-
eicd In thu pi luted scale submitted. Ad-
jouinment ssas ouleicd until 10 to-moirovv
Western Union Km-niiits.
Nnsv Yoniv , June U. The quarterly report
of the Western Union telegiaph company , Is
sued to-day , says the net levenues for the
quarter ending Juno 00 hist. , based 11)1011 )
nearly complete ictuiiis forApill and pai-
tl.d letnins forMaj , and esliinatlng tlie busi
ness for June to be about SXX,000 ! ( ) adding
the sin plus of A pi II makes the total
5Mrio,000. Deducting W0,000 for
sinking fund and Intcicst on
bonded debt leases a balance of S-flCO,000.
The falling olT Irom the estimate in the net
lesults of Iho last qn.uter Is attributed to
judgments against the Western Union and
Gold and Stock companies lor SliM.OOO , nnd
taxes levied by tlio state ot New Yoi Icon the
entire capital stock ot the company , which
the company claims is done in the case of no
other company.
To Itoycott Canadian Fish.
Gi.ouoiisiini , Mass. , Jnno 9. It is learned
to-day that a hu go sscict organization , com
posed of southern mackerel catchers owning
17.1 vessels , has been secretly formed for the
purpose of foicing tlie United States to take
action against Canada , They pioposoto
give Hie govtiiunient one month longer nnd
then will take caio of them els-es.
Theorsnuliatlon has rjeea adopted Into dis-
ttlcts of tlm Knights of Labor , wfio svill older
Hie fish boycotted on land that come by mil.
The members plcdiro themselves to diivo
away esery Canadian s-essol bilnglng fish to
the states. The vessels aie bald to be able to
cariy six poundeis.
Preparinir For
ST. Louis , Juno 0. The residents of Kast
St. Louis liavo become thoroughly aroused
over the conspiracy recently nncaithed to
pillage the banks and residences ol wealthy
citi/ens. A meeting of representative citi
zens was held to day and a committee was
appointed to wait on the major and request
that a foico of tellable men be appointed to
fill the sncancies caused by the dischaigc of
the supposed conspiiators. In es cut of the
mayors refusal to do this \lgllance com
mittee will be iormcd and a patrol of eight
men in each svaul Instituted tor the pio-
tection ot life and ptopeity.
Drunken OrangeRioters. .
Biu.FAsr , Juno . The Orangemen are
again ilotingheie tolay. . They have sviecked
one Imildied houses in the city , two of svhlcli
they bin ned. The rioters have btokcn Into
seveial svhlsky btoies and possessed
themselves of the contents. Num
bers of men lying about In the gutteis
drunlc. Otlieis made dcspciato or maudlin
by dilnk aie pi ow ling about the stieetscij ing
out , "To Hell ssltb the pope. " In the vailous
assaults made by the police upon
ilolei.s tssentj-livo ol the lattei have alic.idy
been seveiely wounded by buckshot. The
pollen base been oideied to the ball to
night in event of a gcnei.d icnewal of i lot-
Tlio Prlntcrn and the
Pinsnuno , Juno ' . . The morning session
of the International Typographical union svas
occupied In leeching icsolutlons and memor
ials. A laige number of memorials sveio re-
celsed opposing consolidation svlth the
Knights of Labor. This subject has been
made a special older for 'J o'clock this after
noon , svhen an oxccntise. session svill be held.
Theiu appeals to be no doubt of the defeat ot
the movement looking to wauls consolidation.
Important Htulrnad Work.
CIIICAOO , .Juno 9. The Chlc.igo , Bulling-
ton it Qnlncy road to-day let the contract for
the const ! notion of an Important extension
of its Hues In Illinois. The extension Is
from Galesbuig to-HIo , tsvelso miles , and
svill slim ten tlio company's line from Pcorla
to Hock island by twcnly-lwo miles , and tlio
line fiom Uock Island lo St. Louis ten miles.
Tlm ( ontract Is foi S''OO.OOO , and piovldes
that tlie line shall be completed by Septem
ber ,
_ _
The SOUK Bird * United.
SSVANSIIA WALKS , Junul ) . The civil mm-
rlago of M'mo Adellna Pattl and Slgnor
Nicollul took place hero to-day. The cere
mony svas pci formed at the olllco of the
French consulate. The ollieo was surrounded
by a crowd of people , who enthuslasticilly
enceicd the brldo and groom when they eu-
teied and when they departed.
The Oregon Election.
POIITI.ANI > , Ore. , Juno 0. UnolHcial re-
ttuns tiom oveiy county lu the state , except
two , show that the republicans have elected
bojond doubt a congressman , supeilntendcnt
of public instruction and state piinter. The
demociatu have elected beyond doubt t'ov-
cinoraiid tieasuier. Thn democrats held a
jollification to-night over I'cnnojm'g elec
_ _
A Hntter Failure.
CtitPAno , Juno 'A The Jimrnal's Wood-
ntock (111. ( ) bi > eclal says : "Late last night it
was learned that W , A. Boiw , ow ner of tsven-
ty butter factoiles , had failed. Moio than
SlOO.tOO In claims haso ala-ady IKH.-II liled.
HU failuio also caused the banking house of
B. S. Pai ker to cloe. .
> Starvation in Coren.
UA.V 1'itVNcisco , Juuo ft Tlio steamer
"Oivanic" ss hlcb left Hong Kong May 15 ,
-aiming here this inoining says a famine pro-
s.ilUjn CoieKive. \ Imuilred persons were
st.uvcd hi .seou ) . 1'oiv.i bus not Irad u good
b uveit lu-seu'U
Cleveland's ' Enlo Declared to bo the Most
Non-Partisan Since Washington's.
Representative Price Declares Petit
Larceny In Kvcry Provision of tlio
liegUlatiTCi Executive and Ju-
dlclnl Appropriation IJlll.
Grand Ijarccny.
WASIIINOTON , Jnno 0. The house went
tntocommlttco of the whole on the leglsla-
the executive and judicial appropriation bill.
Mr. Compton of Maryland proposed to address -
dress himself to the civil service icform pro
vision ot the bill , and ho expressed his admi
ration for the courage of thecommlttcuon ap-
priatlons In placing the pio"islon on the
pending bill. In announcing his opposition
to the lilies adopted by the cl11 sen Ice com
mission ho gaoolcn to the "entlments of
the pcoplo ho icptesented , The law was ,
ho contended , unconstitutional , nnd
ho piotcslcd against it as an
antt-dcmociatlc and
usurpation ot the people's light , lie was
against the law us It stood , ladically and
Mi. Hitt ot Illinois commented on what he
termed tliu extiaordlnaty provision which
had been forced upon an aiipiopiiatlon bill
to nullify tlie chll sculco nus.s. if It were
not ruled out on npoin tot older bo hoped
the house , icpicsentliig tliu countiy and tbc
advanced thought of the day , would defeat It
willi nsQimio vote. The law had been tried
and It was no longer speculation. It had ,
upon the most thoiough tilal , been found to
be conducive to the elllcienev , honesty and
purity of the civil scivlce. The committee
on appropiiatlons did not rctnso to appio-
priate for the ci11 ser\ Ice commission , but
It coupled the appiopriatlon with apioviso
which broke down the banier which present
ed spoilsmen fiom appointing tlielr workers
to oillce. He beliesed the lesponse of the
country to the provision svould prose a
quietus to the attacks upon the
cisll serslco system. Ho revlesved what
he asserted to bo an Indirect violation of
tlmlasv by the postmaster gcncial anil com
missioner of pensions and commended tlie
moiodlicctcontso pmsued by the secretary
ot the tie.ismy In the appointment ol llin-
glns. lie also ciitlcised the action of tlie
president In appointing Oherly as civil ser
vice commissioner , declaring that that gentle
man svas the sery tj no ol a paity boss.
Mr. B.vyno of .Pennsylvania protested
against the piovlslon and called attention to
tin ; tact that the change pioposed to bo made
could be made by the mcsiucnt. To put this
pioposltlon in the bill svas tooto a want ot
conlidcnco In the piesldent and his cabinet.
lie believed the piesldent svas iloing ills best
to cairy out civil service lelorm , and that tlio
most , If not all. ot his cabinet sveie endeav
oring in good laith to execute the hisv. The
only gentlemen svho weio complaining ot
the civil seivico uiles weio the members ot
the "Kitchen cabinet. , ' Who they sscro bo
did not know.
Mr. Price ot Wisconsin said many of the
appropiiatlons sveie extravagant. Theie
ssas lottenncss eserysshcie , pttit laiceny In
csciy provision , and giaud laiceny in the
Air. Spiinerr of Illinois defended the
commissioner of pensions and called atten
tion to tlio fact that lie had ictained eight ic-
piihlic.ins as heads of divisions who sveio not
inotccted by the civil beivlco lasv. Mr.
Spiingei said history svould shosv and facts
dcmonsti.ite that Cleveland b admtnlstiation
svas the most non-partisau since that ot
( ieorgu Washington.
Mr. Tosvnsliond ot Illinois contended that
figiues would show the demociatlc p.irty
always has been and st ill was the party of econ
omy. Jlo quoted various tables in support ot
his asseitlon , and passing on to the defense
of the pension ofllce , he nttiibnted the as
saults made upon Commissioner Black to the
agifileved feelings on the part of the it-publi
cans that Cleveland had no : appointed some
man that served In the confcdeiato army in
order thattlieii stump orators might go be
fore the country and declare that the con
federates had captured the capital. Mr.
Tosvnshcnd declared svhen Commissioner
Hlackcame Into olllco them \vas not a demo
crat on the list of special examiners. The
Hist special examiners appointed by Com
missioner Ulack had been lepnblicans. yet
the republicans sneered at him as a violator
of the civil service lasv.
Mr. McAdooof Nosv Jcisey supported the
Mr. Cox of Xorth Carolina , chairman of
the committee on civil sei vice , said this re
form was the sery essence otdomociacy. The
country had an executive ssho svas attempt-
Inn to cairy out the lasv In Its Integiity , and
the question ssas ssliether congress would
stand by him. If not , ' the pcoplo of the
United States would.
Mr. Itandall sala the elfect of this lasv waste
to prevent moro than half ot the people ssho
sofed for membcis of congress from scenting
anv position m the classified seivlcc. Ho
wo'uld directly and Indirectly agitate the ro- of such a nionstious , unjust , Indefensi
ble pioposltlon. The lasv svas made by con-
giess. The power of legislation rests here.
This one man has legislated and deprived
congiess ot the posver which should bo lodged
here. It is not an assault on the president ,
but I say hcio to-day that the leptesentatis'es
ot the people , by tboenactment of i eg il
lations , hasobeen deceived and cheated , and
depiived of tlio right which they omrht to
have defended In behalf of the pcoplo svho
sent them lieie. Mr. Itandall wanted to
remind tlie house that the law to bo perma
nent must bo fair , must bo Just , nnd that
those who adscitcd this amendment ssero
trying to .strip oil Its injustice to the one
parts1 dominant In this country.
This closed the general debate and the
leading of the bill was commenced.
Mr. Moirison of Illinois raised a point of
older against the words "In lull compensa
tion" where they occur in tlio general appro
priation section of the 1)111. ) Pondinc thu de
cision of the point of aider the committee
rose and the house adjoin ued.
Tlio Senate's Proceedings.
WASHINGTON , Juno 9. Mr. Butler read a
telegram tiom the mayor and a Inrge number
of clti/ens of Spartanburg , S. C. , urging thn
senators fiom that state In congies to use
their Inlluonce In defeating the pleoimugai-
Ino bill , which the lgnersdcclaio the worst
kind of piotcction. "Let the pcoplo buy
oleomargarine , " they say , "as th y would
any other aitides of lood. ' '
After routine business tlio senate proceeded
to the consideration of bills on thu calendar
under the live minute rule ,
Among the measures passed were the foi-
losviug :
A bill providing for thn purchase of the
portrait of Gcucial ( leoige II. Thomas.
BUI to IcgalUo tlie Incorporation of
national trades unions.
Bill amending section S.00 ! of the icvlsed
statutes tehitlnir to the Impoit.itinn of ob-
bceno publications through the mall , ( The
bill extends tlio scope of the old section. )
Bill autboii/.liig tlio payment of S'J.MW to
Mis. Louise A. Jackson nml SJ.MW to the
legal icprccntative" ot Mrs. Muitha Yuiighan
lor patriotic services lomleieil and ha/auls
and lossesIncuiied In conveying intoimatlon
ot great value to the union ollkers In Ken-
tuckv In tbiil ,
Bill to cicato two additional land districts
In Dakota. ( This bill iiuthoii/cs the presi
dent to appoint a register and receiver lor
each dlslilet. '
Bill i cf en I tig to the court nt claims for ex
amination ami icport to congress ecituln
claims for propertv seUed bv ( ieneral
Johnston in the Utah expedition of 1 T.
Air. Teller declared It to boa burning
shame for a great goseinmcnt like that of
the United States to keep piishlnc honest
claims olTfor a quarter of a century.
Mr. Hoai "And then rejecting them as
stale. "
Mr. Kdnninds had not so poor an opinion
of the government. It a w rang was done had his rights under the lasv.
When thu debate ssas closed the bill svas
A considerable number of bills for private
lellef weio passed and the senate ail-
Don't pay mu pncos or lumber but
buy clie-ip at .Uradford'd. .
Crest nnclnfron Abbot Hcatli Ycstcr-
ilny Other KvcnU ) .
LONIION , Juno 0. Jlaclng on Ascot hcatli
svas continued to-day. The race for the
royal hunt cup over the nesv mile , was -vson
by W. Gilbert's aged chestnut horse , De
spair ; T. Jcnnlngi" , Jr. , three-year-old
black colt , Lo CalSslcr second. The last
lcttlnt ( was tvscnty-flvo to one against
Despair , twelve to one one against Lo
Crassler. General Osvon Williams' live-year-
old Day liotse , Hamblctonlnn.wasthofovorlto
by odds of four to one against. There were
fourteen starters. Despair won by a neck.
sslth four Icusths betw eon the second and
The race for the Ascot derby stakes for
three-year-olds over Ssvlnley course , was
sven bv Mr. Manton's brown colt , St. Mlrnn.
Mr. Chlldwlek's chestnut colt , Saraband
second , Lord Bradford's bay colt , TUtcrstono
third. Hcttlng before the start was live to
tss'o against St. MIran , three to ono against
Snrab.iml and ten to one against Tlttctstono.
Theie w closes en starters. SU Milan ssoti
by a length and a half , There sscro thice
lengths bet \\eeu second nnd tliiid.
The race forthcCoionadon stakes for three-
yeai-old lilllcs , over the old mile , svas won by
Prince Solt > koti's bay llllvArgo Navls , A.
Bcuholin's chestnut lillv Biasv Lass second ,
I.oid Kllesmeie's bay lilly Cataract third.
The last betting was sesen to four on Aigo
A as Is , four to ono against Bra sv Lass.and eight
to one against Calm act , Argo Navls won by
a length and a half , thtco-quai tcis length bo-
tsscen second and third. There were six
ST. Loins , June 0. The weather to-day
svas sliosseiy , tiack bomewhat heavy , attcii'l-
ance uood.
Three ipiat tors mlle : Pearl Jennings sven ,
llaietoot second , Pilmti Donna thud. Time
Mile : Buchanan won , Ficcman second ,
i-'inalty third. Tlmo 1:40. :
Meichnnts * stakes , ono and ono-nuartcr
miles : Kxncrt won , Clay 1'at second , Plilllps
thiid. Tliuo-2ll. :
Tlnec-piaitcis ( mile : Jennie T. won ,
Catelgsciond , Jim ( ! oic thlid. Time 1:18. :
One and one-sixteenth miles : Hilarity
won , Maty Kills second , Lcman third. Time
AT lUtllllllOK ItlUCU.
For three-yeai-olds , lis-o clghtlis mile War
Whoop sven , Klla becond , Jongleuso third.
Fise-eighths mile John Mullens won ,
Iticlifield second , Big llcad thiid. Time
Mile AHck Ament sson , Delilah second ,
Vanltcr third. Time 1:44. :
liiooklyn Eagle stakes , tor foui-year-olds
one and"onequarter miles Kxile won ,
( Jif'cnlield second , Krnest tliiid. Tlmo
'J'J1K. :
One and one-third miles1 Wlndsall won ,
Tunis second , Gonfalon tliiid. Time lo7J : .
The HIIRO Ball Itccord.
AT WASHINGTON The Nationals-St.
Louis base ball gaimMs-'as postponed by lain
attei tsvo innings had been placed , in which
neither lindscoiccl.
AT Xr.w Yo UK-
New York . 0 0202 0 4
Chicago . 0 0100 0 1
Tlio game ssas stopped at the end of the
sixtli inninir on account of rain. First basj
hits Nesv Yoik , 0 ; Chicago , 3. Hriois New
Yoik , t ; Chicago , 5. Umplie Connelly.
AT BnooKi.YK
Metlopolitans..a 01001000 5
Biooklyn . 0 10000000 1
1'itcliers Cushnian and Porter. Fiist base
hits Metropolitans SJ Brooklyn ° . Errors
Brooklyn , ! ? . Umplie ( Juiiin.
AT ST. Lotns-
Louisville . ' .0 0 4 ' 4 8 5 0 0 x 3
St. Louis . 00 020080 2 7
I'iteheis McUlnncfcS and llecker. Firft
base liitH St. Louis ! > , Louisville .21. Kiror ?
St. Lonis4 , Louisville 5. Umpire Tttnnl-
son. _ . _ _ , ,
A. Iilliel On Parnell.
ST. Louts June 0. The Post-Dispatch
published u sensational cable dispatch to-day ,
claiming that I'ninell , the great Irish leader.
had been Involved In a social .scandal , and
that it Is owing to this fact that O'Shca , ono
of the nationalists , failed to vote for the
home rule measuie in tlie commons Tuesday
Governor Lnrmlieo Ooctorotl.
FAYJTTK : , In. , Juno U. fSpccial Tclegiam
to the Bin : . J The Upper Iowa nuivci.iity ,
located here , at its commencement Friday ,
con fei red the degree of doctor of laws upon
Governor William L.irrabco.
Speculating Against Speculators
CnirAOo , Juno ! ) . T. W. Pitcher , an ex
pelled meinbei of the board ot tiade , svho ap
plied tor and svas giantod an injunction jes-
teiday , commenced anotlici suit in the eiicuit
couit to-day tor S500.000.
Niwi'onT , Jnim 0. In the joint assembly
ot the Icglslatnio to day , the election ol lion.
Nelson Aldrleh os United States senator tor
Itliodo Island fora tcim of six years , liom
January i , IBS ? , svas confirmed.
Glass Works Jcstroyc l.C3 sra
MONTIIAT. : , June 0. The w-oiks of the
North Amciican glass company at Hochclaga
sseie binned to-day , including \voikslions ,
sheds , building , pl.iiit and appliances. 'I tie
damage is estimated nt 8150,000 , paitially in-
_ _
French Spoliation Claims.
WASHINGTON , Junet ) . In a communica
tion laid befoio the house to-day , the secre
tary ot state icqiiests that an amnojirlation
of $10.000 be Inserted in tlie sundiy civil sci-
vice appiopiintlon bill for tlio purpose of pio-
ciiiinx ovldenco relating to the French spoli
ation claims.
Acknowledge the Petit.
Yonlh'g Companion : A vo no ruble
clergyman of Virginia sajil lately , " len
of my professon : sec mticli of thu tragic
side of life. Bosidp a death-bed the se
cret passions , the hidden evil as well us
the good in human luituro , urn very often
drugged to the light. I have been men
die in battle , children , and young svivos
in their husbands' urniH , but no death
over scorned so pathetlu to mo us that of
an old woman , a member of my church.
"I knosv her first us u yoime girl ,
beautiful , gay , full of spirit nnd vigor.
t-'ho nmmcd , mid liud four children.
Her husband died ami left her penniless ,
She taught school , slid painted , she
sewed ; she gave icrself hardly time to
cat or sleep. Kvorv thought was for lior
children , to educate them , to give thorn
the. . sumo chancu svliich their father
would have done.
"Sho succeeded ; ' sent tlio boyh to col
lege and the girls ( o scboo ] . When tliuy
cuiiiu home , protjy , relined gifls , nnd
httong young HKH ) ; ubreasl with all the
now ideas and twtiysof tlio time , him ss-as
a svoniout , coinniiiinjiliieud old svomnu ,
They ) md then' ova mirsttils and com-
panions. She lingered nmong tliom for
tsvo or tlirco years ind then died of some
sudden fuiluro of .hu br.iin , TJio shock
ss'oku thorn to tits consciousness of tlio
truth. Tlmy hung , over her , nshu lay
unconscious , in air agony ofirriof. The
oldest son , us ho held her in his arms ,
cried ,
" ' 1 on have bconn good mother to ns. '
"Her face coloret n ain , her eyes kin-
died into u smile uiif sfio wliispcred , 'You
never Raid so lx < fen , John. ' 'I hen the
light died out and bin svas gone. "
How ninny men nrd women snrrilico
their own hopes mil ambitions , their
strength , their llfo itfllf , to their children.
who receive it as a nutter of course , anil
begrmlgo : v , n vord of gratitude ,
in iiayment for all 'hut lias IMJOII given
them. Hoys , when yai conio back from
college , don't con idei that your only re
lation to your futlier 11 to "get lib much
money as the. govurnosvill stand , " Look
at his gray luur , Ills inuertain .stop , his
dim eyes , and reineinlerin svhoso servjeo
ho liui ; grown old. Yqti can neAt-r pay
him the iliibt you o > y ( . but nt least no-
kuosylcdgc it ucfofc i is too Intu.
Oongrcgntional Church Matters Presented at
tie State Assembly at Ashland ,
Indlnn Scholars nt Genoa Cclcbrnto
tlic Pi-cfildcnt's AVcddliiK 15y In-
tlulglnc In a Civilized Dance
Other Nebraska News.
in Scuslon.
Asin.AN-n , Neb. , Juno 0. [ Special Tcle-
Biain to the Bui : . I The assembly of Congre
gational chinches svas called to order this
niornliicntO o'clock by the moderator , lies * .
W. Denny. Tno assembly then pioceeded to
the election of otllcers for the ensuing year.
The ballot east for moderator resulted as fol
lows : Hov. U. A. French , Oicenssood , It ;
liev. L. Urcgory , Lincoln , 0 ; Hev. W. S.
Hills , 3. The point ssas raised by Mr.
French ns to his eligibility to the ofllce , not
being n member of tlie association. A
motion to declaie lov. ! Mr. ( Jicgoiy
duly elected ssas catrled. A motion ss-as
carried to Instinct tlio model ator to
cast the vote lor sectetary , which lesultcd
In thn election of lies' . 1C. 11. Ashmiin. A
paper ssas then read by lies' . W. Hills on the
temperance outlook in Ncbiaska , which he
considered lavoi able and cncouiaclng. The
question ss-as discussed by membcis II. M.
Mead of Veidon , II. II. Ashiuun of Syra
cuse , W. Denny of Nebraska City , and
others , folloss'cd by devotional services , led
by Ucv. S. C. Dean.
A recess ssas taken to 11 o'clock , after
which Hev. U. 11. Ashmtin read a paper on.
rmal work and city ovungclt/atlon , In
svhieh ho bet forth his ideas of the manner
by widen country and city church people
may bo biouglit to a social level and unite
as one. A discussion of tlie question fol-
lovscd by Mombeis Stuart , SjKi * , ( ieiatdet ,
Bennett of Ciote , Beacli ot weeping Water ,
Mead and DJIIIIS' , the last of whom thought
there no dllleience but in imagination.
Thotieasurci'sicpott svas then lead and 10-
fencd to a committee. Pel mission svas
irianted Itev. .Mr. Aiuiey to sslthdiasv liom
this assembly and unitesslth the Blue Valley
association , nlso to Ucs. W. C. Hill to unite
with tlie .Missouri association. 1 1m nmi niug
session was dismissed by Itcs1. William
Lcavitt at noon.
At tlio attcinoon session the liist thing In
older was the election of tieiisiner toi tlie
ensuing year. A motion lo lnst > net the mod
erator to appoint lcv. ! K. 11. Ashmiin was
cauled. Thoicjioil of the commute In f.isor
of jilacing Stella and dar Cieok on tlie list
ot defunct chinches ssas adopted. Itev. Mi.
Stum t spoke bi ictj.v on the subject ot oigan-
i/.ing Sunday school" thiougliout the state.
Kev. L. ( iiegoiv , of Lincoln. spoKe on the
question , "What is a huccesslul Sunday
bcliool , and on What Does its Success De
pend ? " blinking out many good points.
Uev. CJcoigo Hludley , \Vceiiing Water , do-
llvcicd an addiess on the " 1'
ot the Young People's Society of Chiistian
Kndcavor , " and advocated the following us
the mostlmpoit.intpnints : 1. Oigani/alion.
'J. Indlsldnality. 3. Dev elopement. A num
ber of questions sseie asked Mi.
llindley In ic aid to this society
nnd satisfactoilly ansssx-ied b > him. Sub-
scflptlons were then taken foi the pin pose ot
nusiiiLmonev io enlaise Hie State Congieca-
tlonal New > to an eight page paper , to svhieh
the AsFilaiid people contributed frcels1 , and
$ ltXsvrts'raised. ) . The topic , "Use of Black-
bbiids.With Illustrations , " by I'.J. ( Jeraidet.
svas pobtponed on account 01 tlio Midden ill
ness ot Mr. ueraidct.
Thechlldien's meeting ss-as held at t p.m.
The association i cumins in session this even-
in ; ; and all day to-monosv. A sphit ol great
earnestness is manifested among tlie inem-
beis iii the svoik at hand , amj Aslil.iud Is to
be congiatulatcd.In sccijOng tlio meeting ol
the association at tills puce. .
Jl ASTiXOS AV l \ \ HIS.
Waterworks Bondh Sold Evidences
of luui-cnslnu P > pulntlon.
HASII.VUS , Neb. , Juno I' ' . [ Special to tlio
llm : . ] The city council has just completed
the sale of the srater bonds iccently soteu in
this city foi the jnnpose ol coiisliuctiiig and
maintaining a system of. srater ssorks. Thcic
weieelghty-liso bonds ot 51,000 eacli , bear
ing Interest at 5 per cent , and to run twenty
yeais , but redeemable alter fis'o jeai.snt tlio
option of the city council. Llndleyit Leigh-
ton. of Lincoln , ssctc the successful uldders.
They got the entire Isbiio foj ? St,000. This
svas consldeicd a good price considering the
fact that the bonds diaw but 5 per cent and
aio redeemable at tlm end of live ycais.
Tlie annual icpoit of thoIlastliiEs board ol
education contains some sery inteicsting
facts. 'Ilio cniollnient In the city schools
has Increased over thiec hundred within the
jear , sshilo the eensus ol school chlldicn
shosvsan incicasoof oser ftse hundred os-cr
thotensiis taken n jeai ago. This would in
dicate an increase In population ol nearly
two thousand. Tlicio aio other evidences
w lilcli pi eve eonclush ely that the population
of llastin ( js has Incicased laigcly slnio the
Juno census. The asse-ssois1 letuins , just
completed , hhosv an incie.iso ot a ft act ion
over 27 per ( cut. Tlio city assessois' re-
tuins sscro completed yestoiday. They
shosv that the assessed valuation of. city
pioperly i caches , which amount does
not include the rallioad property , which will
inobably roach as high as Sim.lOO. This is n
hugely Incicabcds'iiliiatlon over last v ear and
zivcs-tuithoi evidence ot theiapld giovvtli ol
tbo Queen city ,
The regnlai spilng tcim of the dlslilct
couit for Adanisconnly is in session , Judge
W. II. Monls Dicldln ? . 'J'hu docket is n
leuirlity one , tncio belngabont ono hiindicd
and Unity cases. Tlieicaio number ol intci-
esting and Importaht cases , but as to-ilav Ib
Diactlc.dly ( ho first day ol the .session they
base not jet been developed.
Clvlll/.ed I nil la us Jniu ; < ! .
( iii.xoA , Neb. , Juno ! ' . | Special to the
BII : : . ] In honorof the inaulago ot Presi
dent CIcvc'and ' , tha students at the Indian school at ( bis place sscio allowed
to cnjov themselves In dancing. The spa-
cloiis dining loom of the building was clcaicd
ol the tables and 01 iiiimentcd In a miltable
niannci lor tlie occasion , a laigo plcttno of
.Mi. and Mis. Cleveland occupying u conspic
uous place In the loom. At un eaily liom
the music htiuel ; up and Ihe ball opened with
a giaiul mnich , alter which the dancing con
tinued till near midnight , itfinibments being
served diulnrf thu evening. Quite a number
of vlsltorn sveie jueseiit , and all weio much
pleased at the gentlemanly and lad ) like mnii-
ner and demeanor of these ss-.iidh ot the gos-
einmeut , and especially htruek by tlm dlflei-
encoand ehange that had been made In their
ajipcninnco In the tssokhoit jcais they had
bean at school lieie.
Filday , Juno 2i , Is commencement day ,
and uveiy onteitalning piogramme is being
pifipaicd for the occasion.
Hold For A i sou ,
Count J1U9 , Neb. , Juno 0. [ Special Tele-
gtam to tlio Bii.j : : Kd Giant , ehaigtil ssitli
the burning of Thomas O'Connoi'i , barn and
boises borne time last month , svas , after ti
tedious and sc.iichlng examination beloic
Police judge Covvdcry , bound ovei lo appear
at the next teim ot thudistiiet court iindei
bonds of ; 1OUO. Tlm bond was 1 mulshed.
Probperons A. O. U , U.
( iiiAM ) Ibt AM ) , \ > b. . June U. [ Special
Telegram to the lii.i.J-'l'ho : ( irand l.odjfi' ,
Ancient Oidei of United Wotkinen , met in
tegular session this niornln . 'Ilio report
of Oiatid Jtccelver W. II. McCallls-
ter bhosss tlie balancehi the. tieas-
ury after all bills aio paid to be iV'A ) ,
placing the gland lodge ot Vcbiaska on
the best financial fool In ; ; of any grand juils-
diction that hisOu'i beuu oi ain i'd. It U
conceded by visitors and members to DO ( ho
most harmonious meetlm : that oser was held
anywhere. J , F. Hallow ell , of Oranil Island ,
was appointed crnnd lecturer of the Nebraska
jurisdiction. .McDonald , of Lincoln , as
deputy prnnd lecturer. The next grand
lodca meets In Lincoln on the second Tues
day In May , 16S7.
WeddlnJ : nt Norfolk.
NOIIFOMC , Neb. , Juno P. [ Special Telegram -
gram totho Br.i : . ] bcnator A. J. Dnrland
and Miss Wlnnlo Itlchards were united In
nianlago In this city nt 10 o'clock n. m. to
day at the residence of the bride's parents ,
Bcv. J. J. Parker ofllclatlng. Senator Dtir-
land Is a popular young attorney of Norfolk ,
\showosclected to the legislature by the
democrats of the Tenth senatorial district ,
and served In the last senate. Ills tirlde Is
an accomplished soiinc lady , and until
recently ssns a teacher In tlio public schools.
Thn bridal couple left on tlm noon tinln
to-day for St , Paul , Diilulh , and thcnco by
the lakes cast to Nusv York state , svhcro they
will visit lorn month.
Killed liy tlin Cars.
CIIUTI : , Neb. , Juno P. [ Special Telegram
to the lHi.j : : A laboicr named Munson ,
working on the constiucllon tialn In ( ho
Cteto yards , was run os-or and killed to-day.
He had eaten his dinner and fallen
asleep slttini ; on the end of a platform car.
The ssvitch endue taking out a car of flour
ran into tlie construction train , moving It
seveial feet. The shock of the trams com
ing together tluesv the man otf nnd under the
wheels , ssfilch lau osci him.
Impeachment Trial Testimony ll.til
For Ilrosvn.
Dis : MniNts la. , June . In tlio Impeach
ment trial to-day thetowcio no ness- develop
ments and the evidence was of n character
tending to show the exoihtt.uit charges of
Vail and Brown's connection ssilli them.
John A. Elliott , picsideut of the State
Insui.ineo [ company , has testllled for
the state In this line and Judge
( icorge A. Wilght , also , as counselor for
the company , gaso some esldence. He testi
fied that ss lion he protested to Biossn that
Tail's charges sveiu exoibitant , Biovsn 10-
jilled that he didn't want to hear an > thing
about the mallei and svould not allow aujouo
to say anj tning against his examiner.
The Firemen's Tourimment.
DrnrcjuK , Junn W. The losva state fire *
men's toutnanient had the opening p.uade
tills moinlngof dlffeicut companies. The
attendance is seiy Luge. 1'ho contests to-day
vvcie a hose company iaco , 40 seconds
class , I00 ! jnids. Tlie contestants sscre
Union , Andnhon , Maiiuokctaand Dasenpoit.
companies. The i ace sv us sven by Union in
J5H seconds. In the steamer con
test tlm entiles sveie : Chariton , dis
tance ais feet. Stuait , iifii ; Independence ,
244. Sioux City was selected tor the next
.seal's toiunament and tlm old olliccis wcio
llor pH l-'or tlic Ilacos.
Slot's Cnla. . , Juno 0. [ Special Tcle- to the BIE.J : A caiload ot blooded
hoises aimed heie thlsmoining fet the Juno
i.iccsbleb begin on tlio 10th. Tlio animals
sscic taken to tlio fjiirgiouinl to be got In
tiim , a'ld Include some ot tlm best hoises
osvncd in the east and south. The races foi
this jcarpiomlsa to be thu most important
csorhad m the noithvvcst , and large crowds
aic e.\pccted.
Union Depot For Slnitx City.
Sioux Cirs % la. , Juno n. [ Special Telegram
gram to the BKK.J A telegram leceived this
afternoon iiom the managcis ot the rallio.ids
ciileiingbioiix City is to the effect tliata new
union depot is to be elected at once and that
Chicago aichitccts aio ahead } preparing tlie
plans. Ks'eiythlng indicates tliat the nesv
stinctuio will be one ot tlie finest of tlio kind
in the noitlnsctt.
noomrrs In Convontlon.
Cii\ii : RATIDS , la..Iune it. The losv.i ical
estate dealers' association will hold a conven
tion in this eiry June 'i' .
The First StoiK ! of tlic Corner.
The corner stone of the nesv board of
trade building svill be laid at 3 o'clock on
Thursday evening , .rune 17. The cere
mony svjll be under the nuspiecb of the
grand lodge of the Nebraska , masons ,
svhieh willljc in session in this city at
tlnit time. Tljp programme of the exer
cises has not , been announced us yet.
They Wanted n Matinee.
Quite u delegation fiom Berlin , in ( his
state , came into tosvn yesterday to at
tend the festival , ami were gi catl.y ills-
appointed to find thiit there was to bo no
atternoon performance , ns they said
somebody had told them tbero would be.
Intliun Snulce Stories.
In ono government district in India
about tvvent.tlireu . thousand pcisons arc
rcnoited us d. > ing ycnily from the bite of
poisonous reptiles or the alt.icK ol savage
A gentlemnn svulLing acio s his room
in the dink slomied suddenly with ono
toot raised anil called for a liglil. A
lump svas brouglit and revealed a green ,
triangular headed viper just ready to
stiiko him with its ivory svliitoiangs.
Thn dliaman , which tretiently ( | grosvs
lo be over seven fuel in length , has no
fangs , but "kills with its tail. " Jtis
known to bo destructiyo to cattle , in tlio
nostrils of vylilch it insinuates its tail and
then draws it forth svith violent abrasion.
Ouo livening a Fcrvant found in a cor
ner of his mauler' * , house a lively ratra.
'J'hln is a pretty hiiakc , being of ft seal
brown color on tlm back , crossed by
crescent bands of svliite , svlnlo Ilio belly
is a beautiful red. It has poisonous
fangs. Tin * ne\t day , the baby of the
jiousu wt'.s found amusing itself by roll
ing a plaything back ami forth oviir a
ratra which svas clo-o to its feet.
A gentleman having a lamp in bib
draw ingroom one ev ( tning stopned into
an adjoining room in the ( lark. Noticing
tlio peculiar odor , like that ol raw pota
toes , wnich often indicates tliu piesunco
ot a snake , ho called lo bis sv ifo to bring
him a cane ami a lump , When tlm light
appeared he .sasv Ming on tint slnp over
which ho bad jiint entered Ilio room , an
immense cobra. Ii he bad stepped on
the monster bo would not have lived to
tell the tab ) .
Poisonous untiles aiv so iiiinieions and
PO quick to improve ovorv opportunity to
cntui onu'b house lit India that noonit can
relax Ills watchfulness lor a moment
without being placed in danger of bis
life For instance ! , no ono would think
ot getting into bed without liril looking
for svliat may be and frequently Is ensconced -
sconced between the cool fil.oets. No ono
svould .spring out of bed in tbo night
without lii-st striking a match. Kvcn tlio
bath i > not a luxury cnliudy dosoid of
danger. To-day a nnako is lotind in omi's
shoo ; to morrow in the bath .sponge thcru
is a scorpion. The ne\t day a centipede
is found near tlio Dosser-stand , and nest
llioio ia i scorpion in tlm novel ono has
been reading , or a MiiiNo on nMiellor
hidden usvay in ono'n napkin at dinner.
The Hide Ihu Broad U Hultnred On.
Chicago Nevva "Who is poor.old ,
ragged-looking man , pap'/ "
' 'That's an ins-ontor , child. Hu invents
cntliuly now sv.iya of sasimrtime , monuy.
and labor in tlic production ol useful
artielos. "
"Wbojiro lboo gentlemoii svilb big
gold chains and diamond studs ? Tliev
aien't inventors arc they * "
"No , , they 'iiiijnov.o' tb Hie nu
chines tliu other ii'.in in\cntcd-
Tbo Pension Commissioner Sues An Accus
ing Newspaper Bj Proxy.
Scheming For ntul Against Bogus
Butter llnmlnlt Denounced By
InrllT Ucformcrs Oilier Mat
ters At the Capital.
A I\\K \ Iilbnl Suit.
WASHINGTON , .innoO. [ Sitoclnl Telegram
to the HnK.J The pension olllco has com
menced to strike back at the nos\spAV > ers
sshlch lm\o been exposing General Illnck's
slolatlon of the civil service lass ; and general
bail management. A clciK , svho SKIS Inol-
dentally munt loned In the Cincinnati Com-
mcrclal-Gaa'ttu foi having used Insulting
language to some ladle * under his eharee , lias
been nut forssaid to iln the lighting. Ho has
Msorn outn warrant against Colonel 1' . D.
Musscr , nno of the Coiniii rolal-(1iwotto'9 (
coriespondents. lor cilmlnul libel , and ho has
also biotiRht .suit against ttiat paper for
8100,000 damages. Tlin pension ollico will'
now toeclvo moio p.utlcular attention than'
ever , notvslthstnudlit. ; this move , sshloh cnn-
not ic.snlt In nnj th Ing sei Ions for the paper
Or ItSCOllCspnudcnt.
nt OK i MI rou nonus ni'rrr.i : .
The tight ovei the olconmigailno bill In the
senate \\lll bo nioie stiibbntn and pinlongcd
than Itus In the house , nnd with a ureatcr
chance of success of the opposition. Them
\\lll he no delay on the pa it ot the tilemis ot
the nU'.iMiic In getting action upon It , and' '
the nuriculttuaT connultlco will hasten Its '
consldciatlon us much as possible , Hut the
indications aie vciy cluarthat the opponents'
of the bill will outleas or to Kill Itvllu tailn >
amendments. Several ha\e aheady been ln >
tiudnccd foi that purpose. Air. Duck huspio-
posed the Moil ison bill cntlic.
Sonic mcmbcis fiom rnial dlsiilcts ale dlfl-
cusslngthe feasibility of another olcomar-
gailno bill , Thej see plain Iv thatthuie Is no
likelihood of the 0110 which has leeontljLf
passed the house over becoming a law for the
seasons the sonatols not in laser of ;
disci Inilnatliig against an liulustiy by taxing I
it , and the piesldont opposes It. So they
think ot u bill sshlch will simply iciiulro ( ho
poods to bo .sold as Imitation butter. Thid
they sav will necessitate its coiideinnatton as
lood adulteration and icipilio a gcnt'ial law
on tliu subject with olllcors , as inlcinat
leveiino oilicei.s , to see that all artlclosof ioott they are. This wilt
stilke the f.umeis who adnlteiate maple
sugar , syiups ete.
KKKl'l.NO t'l'llin INTnitnST.
it is now piutty well settled in Ihu minds
of coiiKiessmcu that the session ss 111 curt by
the middle ot next month. This announce
ment is unlmpoitant to tliu people ol tho.
country , how ecr , foi tsv o reasons. Confess
will do nothing moio than loutino svorU be-
foie adjournment , : ind as Boon as the ses
sion ends the Interest in the national capital
will shift in another dlicction and neither
dcciease or expand , at le.ibt forspme time.
The soiy day eongioss disperses the oncia-
t ions at the political hc.idtiuaitoiH will begin -
gin , and work of making anil unmaking :
men in politics will begin. It will be ft
much more Intcicstlug place hcic In tseptem-
bcrand October than now.
TAiiirK MI.V : un.sot'xrE IIAXDAI.I. .
KIToits to get a mci'ting ol the chairmen of
the house committees , to determine ) upon c.
business schedule for the rest ot thu hctslon ,
weio last night unsuccessful , and theie are
loud mntlciings among thefteo tiaderx and
secict railing against Samuel .1 , Kumlall.
The call fOr the meeting of chairman of the
house committees biought together but about
font or lise chairmen , and after svnltlm ; lor
some time Speaker Call isle dcclaicd tlie niwt-
ing dissolved , and loit for homo willi
quite a gloomy and despondent air. Thd
lien traue men claim Itandall is icsnon-
slblc for the failuio to get a meeting , and aia
denouncing him for ft. It la claimed that
Kniuliill pievcnted the members from attenct-
ing because ho considered the scheme of
ssantim : the chaiuncn of the house commit
tees to decide upon legislation to be acted
upon by the house as only a scheme to tnr- ' '
thei the interests ot the Moirison tnillf bill ,
and he did not Intend his Inllueiicc to bo
used In that way.
Colonel j ; . S. Pi alt , of Alabama , is npol < r > n
of as the mobablo nuccessoi ot United States'
Minister Winston to 1'ersia.
Air. llolman is quoted to-davas saylnit that '
eoiigiess will now be lieie till August 15 , i
K.ivoiable icpoits wcio inailo to day by the I
senate committee on public buildings unit '
gioundson the bill locently pasVd by the J
bousoappiopiintlng S' to make thn pub- !
lie building at ICeokuk , la. , Ihenroot , and to Impiovo and enlarge tlio publio
building at DCS Moines.
Keptesenlative Conger Intiodiiced a ino-
morlal In the house to day fiom the board of
dliectorsot tlie Iowa Stale Traveling .Mon'B
association ht.itlng that its WO momberdo- ,
slied the iiassago of the bill on tlio lionso
calendar to piohlblt states levying a tax noon
Inter-.stato commercial tiavelerH. This rncas-
ii 10hlch Is ol special interest to Omaha.
wholesiilei.s , was lavoiably lepoitcd somn
timoaf.o. but It Is believed it will not bo
called up foi passage at thin session.
IMilcn 6(111
WAbiiiNinov , June 0. The defirl- ] )
menl has iccci\ed the following telegum
tiom ( icncial Allies , d.itcdat Calabasaii.liiiifl
7 : "Kor tlility-slx d.iya the hostile A paehrs
have been puisned by tioops , In MMtlerecl
hands ami together , 830 miles o\ era most
mountainous icglon ot countiy. Alter ml
ongagenient with oni.s and two with Ilio
Mexican tioops , a p.ut cndeavoied to icvhi :
the agency , lieutenant \\'iiilti and Captain *
J'ieieo liehl tlio Indians on the ic.M-ivation
under close control. ol getting as
sistance , hoiM's they had wcio cap-
tin ed and the band escaped on tool , in
the moiiiitalns they stole a remount and
joined thn icmalndei In the moun
tains. They wcio diivcn out by tioopi
under Captain l.olm and tollo\\cd by Men-
tenant Itlgeiow Ihionijli Ihu Willie Stone.
Sant.i Ilita and I'.ifazonla mountains. J-ibt ;
nlglit I.leiilenantVnlsh , Foiiitn cavalry ,
willi thlitj-nino soldiers and M'onti
inlcicmitcd a band In the I'adigonla niuiin-
tains , captured thieo hoitcs , saddles and
.siipniles , Ilo was Joined last night by Cait-
tain la\\tnn anil lenewed the pniiull , Since
thov IIIIMI onteied United St.itos teirltory
they ba\o killed thlitcen jiei > ons whom tlu-y ;
louiid n ii. i lined In lemote nlaces. They liavo
been given no icet , and It not eniitnicd to-
duv , they will bn dilven Into hunora' '
Mexico. "
H * Agreed On.
Juno I' ' . The democratic
hcmitois held an older ot business c.uicmj
to-day. An older of business compiling
H\el\o or fifteen measuungiecd upon by
the lejnililliaiis , was laid betoiii tlio mucus by
heiiatoi Deck. It was decided to get lip a
counter list ot uie.isiires for hiibmlsi-lon to
the uMnibllc.uiH , but thi ) worlc nut Iliit
Ished InU moinliir. ( The lolloping oiderl )
au'iced upon l > > both sides : Kallioad loli
leiliiii' bills , repeal ol pin-einiillon , timber
eiillmo mid desert land a.t- ( > , Jcs .Molncp
\etoand ojien HCislon icsoliitloii , '
State Jtocoptioii lit tlinVlillo House.
\V.\8iii.NnoN ( , JIIIHI ! ) . - A state iccepllon
will bojl\en ( byl'iesIdcntiind.MrCleveluocJ
on Tm-Mlay e\enlng next , to which Hut cubr (
net , dIilomatlLoip- | > , judici.ii > , < ongie > s , of-
llcer&oftho aim ) .nid n.ivj , be.itK < d ( eiiidii
bin e.ius and the ladles of their families w'U '
be Invited. The houtrf of the lecepllon will
be I'm m 'i to 11 o'clock.
' 1 be iceeptlmi to ubleb the publlu
Is | o ho Invited without ( Mid * wll | bi > ivui >
the follow l < ig 1'ild.iy u\i > nng ! , June ! > , tiom 9
to II u'eloek. MIN Clc\el.illd will nut liif
homo todilleis until allei theioc'ptlon.
'I ho I'rpsiilriif IlTOl1 * .
\ VAJII.SOIOV , J line fl. Tim preMdenl hitfH
Ills usual leeuptlonat the shite house thU
allei noun and sliuok baiuU with < ib ( nt two
hnndicd | > eoile ] , including a delegation fiom
IhoSi \ lucent do r.ud boei.-ly. Kev , Mr ,
( buel mil nnd MI Cleu'i.ind left ViVt Hi'i-
ton ibis moririui ; tor Scv > Voile.