Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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Arrival of Bingcra and Musicians from the
I a City on the Late ,
A New nn I Important I'ncklng House
KntoriiHsc-Thc Coming Com
mencements Court and
Police Notes.
Music nnd Musicians ,
The Chicngo orchestra , to take a part
in the Juno festival , arrived In Council
III nil's yesterday at 7:15 : o'clock. They
Immediately took the transfer train and
in ft few minutes were whirled over the
river ihto tlio Union Pacific depot , where
they were met by S. ( J. 1'ratl , conductor
of the festival , and.Julius Mejer. Twenty
of them took omnibuses and were driven
to the City hotel on the corner of Tenth
nnd llarucy streets. Twenty more
shouldered their instruments and walked
to the same hoitolrv. The names of these
musicians , together with tlio instruments
they play , are ns follows :
First Violins Theo. Ka/.soh ( , Gustav
Lndrer , Theodore Martin , Th. Olvadovoy.
Second Violins Robert Kleist , Ru
dolph Meyer. K. Jonas , C. S. liurton and
iM. IJchrof Kansas City.
Violas Ilemay Allen , Henry H.
Koonig , Ad. Maurer , Otto Urettornitx
and Joseph Mrtzdorf.
Violinoollo Edwaid Clnssmann , Paul
Scliocsshing , F. IloH'.iian , Krlist and
Dass P. Glass , George A. Harbour , A.
Kramer , Gutthold I'isohor and Joseph
Flute James Flower.
Obo Jacob Haroithor and Louis Fried-
rieli.Fagotts A. Ulrioh and L. Horgor.
Horns Richard Forkart , John Mocker
and 11. Nell' .
Trombone H. Urown and Ileinrich
Uass Tuba A. Sohliobusoh.
Kettle Drum K. T. Wagner.
The train bearing the orchestra had
hardly disappeared when that of the O. ,
M. iV St. P. road appeared , bearing the
male and female solo and chorus artists
On alighting at the transfer they
wore met by Air. 1. W. Miner , secretary
of the Exposition lliilldlng association ;
F : A. Nast and Andruw llordi'ii , repre-
pouting the C ; , M.St. . P. railway ; E
E. Wldtmoro , treasurer of tlio opera
house , C. G. lloss , and representatives of
the evening papers.
The artists were warmly welcomed and
greeted by many of their acquaintances ,
the leading artists being introduced to
thono acting in a representative capacity
by the courteous Dr. Quinlin of Chicago ,
who seemed to have a fatherly care over
the party. All the ladies and gen
tlemen were escorted to the dummy ,
and in ten minutes. had alighted
at tlio Union Pacific depot.
Hero n lively seono ensued. S. G. Pratt
had been walking up and down the plat
form commenting in rather warm terms
of the mismanagement on the part of ( J.
G. Hess who had been intrusted , amonir
other things , with the work of securing
accommodations for the chorus. Only a
short time before the arrival of the tram ,
ho had learned , bo claimed , that
lie quarters had been provided
tit all lor them , the nearest approach
being an oiler from ono of the hotels to
eivo the entire vocal and stringed foreo
inside rooms , " two to a lied , at reduced
yates. When Mr. Pratt fomiu out that
"insiilo roonis" meant apartments with
out windows'nml sunlight ho became in
dignant , and assorted his people should
never use them , and told the ladies and
gentlemen of the lack of management
on Mr. Hess' part' which had
left them up to that time unprovided for.
Mr. UCSH arrived on the scene at tins
juncture mid endeavored to induce Mr.
Fruit to'permit ' him to getin n word e'dge-
wise. But Mr. Pratt could not bo in
duced to listen to an explanation , and
turned to tlio singers and asked it they
would follow him. There was a general
response , "Yes , sir. "
Iir the meantime , the leading vocalists
< voro escorted to carriages and driven to
i ( ho Milliard. Among those wore the
following : Madame Furscli Mrdio , Miss
Agnes lluntington , Miss Huntington ,
t Miss Ilortonso Piorso , Mrs. Pierso ,
ladatno Joseph Chatterton , Mrs. O. L.
FoMr. . J. Hil-sehbaeh , Mr. James Gill ,
William Hrodorick , Dr. L. Quinlan , Miss
P. G. Phillips.
The remaining sinsrerg soi/.cd their
Strips and walked up to the Windsor ,
I where they registered. These ladles and
gentleman are as follows :
t Soprano , Mrs. Clara Furst , Mrs. O. L.
Fox , Miss I ) . J. Johnson , Miss K. Lyons ,
Miss S. G. Phillips , Airs. M. D. Tomnlo ,
' Mrs. Jpimio Turkmgton and Miss C.Wol-
cott.Altos : Miss Ktito Erieson , Miss. J.
Ilaunigan. Miss M. A. Hannigan , Miss ,
x Susie MoWado , Airs. Mann , Mrs. K.
Owen , Miss S. N. Quick and Miss Anna
Tenors Tlioa , A. llolan , F. II. Hush ,
E. R. Cornell , Gco. S. Henry , Dr. J S.
> . Marsh , Maurice Sincere , A. H. Toboy ,
t Will Waller and C. E , Gordon.
Uass A. (5. ( lionnott , E. Everett , C. E.
Gordon , J. L. llamlin , Tlios , J. Hen-
drioks , A. K. Lowry , C. 13. Patterson and
. E. R. Sharp.
s Ycstordayaftornoon | there was a joint ro
, hcarsal of both the Chicago and Omaha
orchestras. Last ; evening the whole fes
tival , including botli choruses and orehcs-
' trns , hold a private rehearsal at cthe
exposition building.
The lirst performance will bo that of
\ the Oratorio "Messiah" to night.
> The tickets arc going rapidly at Max
v Aloyer's.
, To business" generally : 1 dcsiro to impress -
* " press upon all bur business linns the
> fitness of having their stores decorated
j. for tin ) grand musical festival which opens
i hero this ovoning. The city ought
to present a gala appearnilco for the vis
; itors from all parta of Iowa and Ne
ll braska will bo many. If each business
IF man will go to a little trouble and o < c-
ponso to bmloclc hlsuitablishmont. the re-
nil will bo gratifvlng alike to the pro
tectors of the festival , our citi/eiis ami
bur guests. MAxMivEi : : ,
President Exposition Association.
/Toininonooinont Kxerclscg of Onuiba'b
Kiluonttonnt liibtltutlona.
* F.arly summer Is hero , and with it the
time for school and college commence
ments. Thu voice of the to-be graduate ,
vehoarMiis ; Ills oration or her recitation
Is heard on all sides , Omaha has a num
ber of line educational institutions , of
which she ought to Uo proud , and this
season of the year Is always roplotc
with n number of interesting comiuunco-
tnent exercises.
Uollovuo college , whlhi not strictly an
Omaha institution , is yet near enough to
the metropolis to bo so accounted , The
commencement oxorciscs will take place
at tlio college on Thursday , Juno 10. The
OxorcUcj will eommonco at 10.TO , and
will consist of orations , recitations and
declamations by the otudcnts. Thu college
lias been in operation but tliroo yours ,
nnd of course has no graduating class thin
year. A basket picnic will be served iu
the grove at 'J p. m ,
The High school commencement exor
cises wil ) take place at the opera house
* u tlio JaslTLuriJay evcuiiiJJ ui June.Tho
class this year is an unusually bright ono.
It is composed of eighteen members ,
fourteen of which arc young ladies.
The graduates will range in ago all the
way from sixteen to twenty years. Kach
pupil will bo required to take part in the
cxcreUes in some capacity , either as orator
tor , reciter , dcclalmor or musician.
Iho commencement exercises of
Creighton college will take place on the
28d of Juno. Tlioy will consist of
speeches , music , elocution drill and dis
tribution of prizes. The last feature will
include books and medals , aggregating
in yaluo 200. All the medals are to beef
of gold , even those intended for excel
lence in the respective classes. One of
them particularly , the ono presented by
the Rt. Rev. James O'Connor , is a beau
tiful piece of the goldsmiths' work and
will probably be put upon exhibition
with the other medals some lime during
the work.
The following students will take part
in the exorcises : W. Doran , H. \ . Malone -
lone , Titos. Rus ell , John Whalon1 Harry
Town , II. Walsh , Frank Gallagher , Thos.
Swift , Kmmet MuCrc.iry , P. iMcMillan.
Harry Cotter. R. Purcell , S. Grace , Ed
Maginnis and H. Hollo.
The college glco club , composed of J.
McCarville , J. Colter , Aug. Hoi-glum and
Win. Doran , under the direction of Pro
fessor Heman , will furnish excellent
vocal music. The St. Cecilia society will
add its share.
Instrumental music of the highest order
will be provided. Those who will bo in
vited may look forward to an enjoyable
evening on the 23d.
The annual commencement exercises
ofthoSacied Heart Academy will take
place on I riday , Both inst. This academy
is situated on the lirst hill west of the city
limits , contiguous to the reservoir. It is
a magnificent brick structure live stories
in height nnd .supplied with all the latest
modern improvements , It is under tlio
direction of the madames of the Sacred
Heart , one of the best known and most
oapabio of tlio teaching religious
societies of the Catholic church.
It alms to give the highest , most practi
cal and at the same time , the most accom
plished education to young ladies. It
lias now about seventy .students , and this
number will be greatly increased next
The commencement exercises of the
academies ot these sisters , tlio world over ,
are held in private , being attended only
by tlm local clergy , oven to the exclusion
of the parents of the scholars.
The programme for the 25th is as fol
lows :
Kntiec Capiice . Maker.
.Missss .Mct'teaiy. Ilellumn , Slalloul and
Tlio Flow cr ( Jlil . Uevlguani.
.Miss P. Lowe.
A MCII.I.VX ii'isoii : ) :
Joanna of Naples . 31 Ks f'lcinhlon.
Maiclilonoss uf Tlva . ili-s ( iim ; .
Lady Allies . Miss .Mullu.u'h.
Countess uf l'iu\encc . .Miss Habcm-lc.
Constance . Miss Hamilton.
ManiKaict of I ) uri770 . Miss 1 tollman.
L > ina//o's Chililit'ii .
. Misses P. Lowe and M. N'ash.
Reminiscences llallennes . Ohcrthcur.
Miss Xasli. llaip , Miss Dcllone.
Beatilci1 IJI Tuniu . Itiochsm.
Miss hk'llonc , Harp. Miss Xasli.
The Queen and Her Minister. . lloisselot
Missus liahcnck and Cioitfliton.
The Painter of Seville , Recitation .
Alta o lanotto osem.i . Gnidlglanl
Miss C. and 1C. Creighton and Miss Hnbeuclc.
Cir.nd Duo . ICiilbicnnur
MlssDellone and Crciijlitou.
Difuibution ot I'leinitniis.
Four maidens fair will grailn.ato this
year train Hrownell Inll. Their names
are Miss Florence Yates , Miss Emma
Fried , Miss Ida Wiggenhorn , of Ashland ,
and Miss Ada McHride , of Blair. The
commencement exercises will take place
next Monday evening at the opera houeo.
The preliminary exercises arc of an in
teresting nature. Next Saturday oven-
ing'thu corner stoim laying of the ne.w
hall on South Tenth street will take
place \yith appropriate address by Bishop
Worthington. On Sunday morninp tlio
holy cueharist will be celebrated for
alumni , and at 11 o'clock the anniversary
sermon will bo preached , by Rev. Cjinton
Locke , rector ot Grace church , Chicago.
Another Packing House at the Stock
Yesterday at a llato hour a contract
was drawn up between a prominent Chicago
cage packer and tlio South Omaha land
syndicate , by which the latter is holdcn
to erect another large paekiuir house at
the South Omaha yards. This house is to
slaughter 2,000 hogs per day. Its owner
is also the proprietor of another largo
packing house in Chicago , the outfit of
which lie "proposes to remove at an early
day to this ulaco. He has twenty-four
places in Europe , the direct expert -
port to which from this country
of packed meats ho has long
controlled nnd s ill controls. This
will give linn a market independent of
Chicago. The Fowler Bros , now pack
about 7,000 per day , and this niimbci
with that of the other houses located at
the yards , will make the capacity of the
institutions down there reach about
12,000 hogs per day.
Tins is an enterprise which is none tlio
less to bo recommended because U is un
expected. It is nil evidence of the inter
est tlio South Omaha syndicate are t.ik-
in tlio development of Omaha , as also an
earnest of the advantages which foreign
capital find in locating iu Omaha.
The location of this house will cause a
gratifyingjncrcaso in tlio population of
the city , which , when able to lind em
ployment , as will undoubtedly bo fur
nished in this instance nearly the whole
year round , contributes to tlio business
and wealth of the whole community.
DTlio contracts will bo duly signed about
Thursday , when Mr. J. A. McShano and
the other gentlemen of the syndicate
will Uo read v to divulge further paiticu-
Inrs concerning tlio enterprise.
The syndicate have not yet concluded
their work. They have olhor enterprises
under consideration , ami are thinking
favorably of several propositions which
have boon made to them by men of
wealth and established * reputation in the
oast. But it is yet tou early to outline
these later moves.
What the Pofct master Has to Say
About It.
Postmaster Coutnnt was asked yes
terday as to whether the article in 'Mon- '
day'HBEl' relative to ! the irregularity of
the mail in the soutliorn part , of Omaha
voiced his sentiments , Ho haul he was
not prepared to answer the question just
yet. Ho thought the name of South
"Uiiiiihu , with reference to the postoflico
at the hidckjsrdtf was an unfortunate
ono , and that so long aS it existed prob
ably mistakes wouhibo made , When the
matter of opening an ofllca there
was canvassed several years ago , ho sug
gested the name of Paxton. That would
obviate all dilllculty. Ho t lion took the
reporter to the letter rack of the post of-
tico and out of about fifty loiters ( hero
were twenty addicsscd "South Omaha. "
Ot these , there were perhaps half u do/en
whk-\ { were intended for residents inside
the city limits , which , however , would
have to bo fonviirdcd to the stock yards.
there to remain until it should bo found
that nobody eJaimed thorn , in which event
they would advuritgc down tUcre.
Senator Hill left yesterday for St
Uncle Sam's Court ,
Judge Dundy hold court in chambers
yesterday. Ho was looking wcll ( and
apparently felt recovered from his re
cent Illness. Ho rendered judgment
ngainst Sloman Brothers , and in favor of
the First National bank of Chicago for
$1.501.50. Bartlctt & Cornish appeared
for the bank.
C. S. Montgomery , of the firm of
Grofi" . Montgomery fc Gregory , appeared
in behalf of Tcchcimer vs. the Sloman
Brothers , and for Samuel Sloman. who
has been appointed receiver in tlio mat
ter of the Sloman brothers' bankruptcy.
Ho reported the number of employes
now employed in the conduct of the busi
ness to be twenty-three , who were receiv
ing wages ranging from § 7 to $25 per
week. The judge approved of the re-
The case of Little vs. the City of Lin
coln came upilh applications to lilo
bills of exceptions by both parties , Attor
ney Burr appearing for Lincoln , and
Lamb , of that place , for Littlo. This cusp
involves the title of a part of Sixteenth
street in the capital , 220 feet wulo by ! 100
feet in length , and valued at about
$ . ! 0,000. Lamb claims tlio property by
virtue of tax deeds and tlio statute of
limitation , while Lincoln claims it by
virtue of tlio old Irwiu plat made about
eighteen years ago.
A Holicmhm Case.
* JudgeStcnberg was occupied yesterday
with tlio trial of the case of John Pos-
joka and John and Jim Potatsch who
weroaecused of an assault upon Joseph
Jonas at Bohemian hall early yesterday
morning. The prosecution failed utterly
to make out a case against the three de
fendants and they were discharged.
Much to Jonas' distrust , the costs were
cluuged up agaiust him. lie promised
to pay them within two days , and was
allowed to go free.
An amusing feature of the case was
tno unwillingness of ono of tlio witnesses
for tlio to bo sworn. When the
oath was proposed to him ho refused to
hoiil up ills right hand , according to the
proper form. Whether ho was about to
commit perjury , when bis conscience
smote him , or whether ho did not fully
understand the nature of the oath , was
not apparent , llo compromised tlio
matter by holding up two lingers of his
right hand.
15.ill Notes.
J. S. Tebbetts , of the Kansas City
freight department of the Union Pacific ,
is in the city.
General Freight Agent Monroe , of tlio
Union Pacilic , has returned from Chi
Superintendent Smith and General
Manager Callaway returned last night
fiom their western trip.
The Union Pacific now has three en
gines with chime whistles , all of which
are exceedingly pleasant to the ear. It is
claimed , too , that they can be heard a
much longer distance than the ordinary
J. C. Stubbs , general traffic manager of
the Central P.icilie , passed through the
city m his special car , "Sacramento , cu-
route east.
AVant the Street Cars.1 *
The property owners in tlio vicinity of
Prospect Hill are making an effort to
have the street car line extended from
Cuming street up Thirty-third , to tlio
west side of the cemetery. The property
owners have waived all damages for
grading , and Mr. John A. Cre.ighton has
given the right of way through his pro- )
ertj. It now remains for the city council
to go ahead and order the grading , which
the people in the northwest part of "tho
city hope will boiloncjit , onco.
Uniformed 1'ythlnns.
Tlio newly elected ollicers of Myrtle
Uniformed division , Knights of Pythias ,
were duly installed last night in Armory
hall by Col. J. J. Monell. They were as
follows :
Sir Knight Commander , J. J. Monell ,
First Lieutenant. Jas Douelly , Jr. ; Sec.-
oud Lieutenant , II. J. Fuller ; Sir Knight
Recorder , Goo. W. Sabino.
The Knights arc drilling assiduously
for tlio grand prize contest , which takes
place iu Toronto , next month.
Police. Points.
Fred Nile was lined -i-5 and costs in po
lice court yesterday for intoxication.
More fortnuato weio Barton Hiles. Peter
Homer and Peter Olson , charged with
tin ! same offonso. Thpv were discharged.
Frank Lange was lined $5 and costs for
peddling without a license. Mr. and
Mrs.Girard , a brace of suspicious char
acters , agreed to return to their old
homo , Chicago. Harry Seaman , another
suspicious character , was oidorcd out of
the city.
Anton Mattes , son of Bombard Mattes ,
residing on WilliamsStrcet.nctwoon lUtb
and llth , south , got lost in Hascall's park
Sunday evening , Juno 0. Description :
0 vears old , strongly Dnilt , was wearing
white shirt , black pantaloons , white
socks , button shoes , small black felt hat ,
facO lleshy. blue eyes , dark brown hair.
Anybody'timtcun give information about
tlio child please report to Br.r office.
Tlio Murder Mjstory. -
The case of William Fielder who is
held on a charge of complicity in the
murder of Chris Rulilo is in the county
jail awaiting his preliminary examina
tion which comes oil' to-morrow.
The prosecution is now .scouring Kansas
for ono William Barry , who is thought to
bo Fielder's accomplice. Tlio detectives
who have the matter in charge are moro
than ever positive that they are on the
right trail.
The Caltlo Ilnad.
It is understood that the route of the
oablo road has boon definitely decided
upon at lust , All the gentlemen con
cerned are very reticent , however. Ono
of I hem yesterday stopped fur enough be
yond the bounds of rotieenco to say that
the chances wore largely in favor of Far-
it am street as the location of the line , in
proforonoo to either Dodge , Hartley or
fiOOacres land in Thayer county , Nob. ,
to sell ortrado for merchandise.1 Address
John Lindorholm , 014 S. 10th St. , Omaha ,
Wants Her Trunk.
Alien V. Ward swore out a warrant in
Justice Anderson's court ycstonlny to ro-
ploin her trunk and dresses which she
complains are wrongfully held by
Ik-Hie Miuui.
Opolt's Hotel , Lincoln , Neb , , opened
March 10th , lirst cla s in every respect.
Warden C , J. Nobes of the Lincoln
penitentiary passed through the city
ydStertliiy on Ids way to Joliet. 111.
A warraut has been sworn out iu police
court for the arrest of Tom Murray for
obstructing the street at Fifteenth and
Haruoy.with his building material.
Lain this afternoon Judge Brewer , of
tlio U.S. circuit court , handed down a de
cision for defendant in the ca o of Ames
vs. Anglo-American bank , of California.
Air. and Mrs. S. T , Henry , Who have
but recently moved , into their new house
at 420 North Eighteenth , were surprised
Monday by a partyol 'friends , wlio
swoojied down unexpectedly. A pleasant
evening " was enjoyed by oll. - , . . . . _
' ' cu A cweyt Of Mr.'Nnhuu Fruuko
to Miss Edith Edwards , both of the Men
delssohn trio , is announced , The wed
ding takes place in New-York week after
next and it is probable that the couple
Trill make Oinalia their homo.
"Mr. A. jTTcters and Miss Alary Kos-
ters , both of this citv , wore married yes
terday by Rev. Father Glauber of the
St. Alary Magdalene * church. The cere
mony was performed til the presence of
only a few invited friend * and relatives.
Lieut. Hara , of Chicago , who is di
vision inspector of rillo practice arrived in
the city yesterday from the department
of the Missouri where ho IKIS boon in
specting ranges. Boforc his departure
he will inspect the rillo range at Hello-
vuo. _
County Clerk Beck ofJSalino county was
in the city yesterday taking a democratic
look at metropolis affairs Uo must bo a
very popular citizen when ho scored a
majority of Oil over his opponent in the
last election in a county that lias a repub
lican majority by right of dower.
Superintendent Dickey said yes
terday with > . reference to the
newly incorporated electric light
companythut t it would be some
time before active operations would bo
commenced , and that it was too early to
say what the company intended to do.
"Richard , " a small monkey which is
ono of the especial pots of Mrs. George
Canflold of the Canlleld house , took sick
and died yesterday very suddenly. A
doctor was called in but lie could do
nothing , The remains are now lying in
state and thu whole house is in deep
G. G. Wallace nnd J. L. McCague , both
graduates of Monmouth college , Monmouth -
mouth , III , will attend tlio graduating
exercises of that institution which takes
place next weok. Mr. McCague 4wlll bo
present as ono of the trustees , while Air.
Wallace will deliver tlio animal address
to the alumni association
Mrs. L.W. Williamson , of Hiawatha ,
Kan. , sister of Judge McCulloch , accom
panied by her husband , arrived yesterday
and v > 'lll remain here , until after the
marriage of the judge to Miss Josie Ale-
Cague , Tlio ceremony will lake place on
Thursday , 10th inst. , and will probably
bo performed by Rev. Thomas AlcCagiib" .
father of the bride.
Dr. Simon Quinlan , district deputy
executive grand ruler of the Benevolent
Protective Order of Elks , arrived this
mornim ; from Chicago , in company with
the urtfelS'Who are to take part in the
June festival. He was looking in excel
lent health and was as urbane as ever in
his greetings of his friends. Ho will bo
at the AHllard during the festival.
Rev. E. B. Graham , pastor of tlio
United Presbyterian church , returned
yesterday from Hastings , where on Sun
day night , ho preached the annual ad
dress to tlio students at the Hastings col
lege. He left last night for St. Paul ,
Minn. , whence he will return on Satur
day next accompanied by his wito who
has been spending vacation there.
Amelia F. Combs , a resident of We.s
Omaha precinct , came into Justice Ilcl-
sley's court yesterday and swore
out a complaint for t tlio arrest
of Paul S. llorton on a
chanre of assault and battery. Horotn
was at once arrested and put under
bonds to keep the pence. Horton turned
around and hied complaint against Airs.
Hattic E. Bailey , daughter of Council
man Bailey of this eity has gone to Chicago
cage to spend the summer. Liist night
she attended the QconimonecnlSst' exer
cises of tlio Morgan Parr' Female
academy of which , until compelled to
return home by reason of sickness , she
wasastudont. She will bo the guest of
Aliss Boyd , one of the graduates of this
year at the same institution.
. A. L. Mercer , superintendent of
"Brookmpunt farm , " Sac county , Iowa ,
is in tlio city. This is the largest Here
ford stock raising farm in the world , and
js owned by C. W. Cook & Co. of Chi
cago. Over seven hundred Hercfords of
the purest pedigree are now quartered
tliere.and one can imagine the systematic
arrangements necessary for their accom
modation. Air. Mercer's description of
the wonderful "cattlegarden" sounds
, like a romance. He is nn his way to'visit
his brother , the well-known lawyer of
Franklin , Neb.
Where Ho Was Hnptizcrt.
Now York Times : "Aly friend"he
said in solemn tones to tlio passe.ngor in
the scat ahead , "aro you a Christian ? "
"Well , I hope so , " replied the passen
ger , somewhat startled.
"Ah ! then you have boon baptized in
the churchy"
"No , sir ; I was baptized in the river.
I'm a baptist. "
The warmer weather often has a depressing
pressing and debilitating effect. Hood's
barfinparilla overcomes all languor and
A Piokford , Alich. , bride braided and
made enough straw hats recently to pay
the minister lor his services on her wed
ding day.
Absolutely Pure , ,
This poxvdcrnovor vnrtos Amnrvclof purl
ty , elroiitfllimil / wlioletomBiicxs. More uoon
omlcitl tluiu tbo orilliiury kinds , nnd rnnnot lie
Bold In competition withitlie iniiltltiulo of low
test , ehnrt wt'lulit , nlum or phospluite powders ,
fold only In runs. Hoyju , UAKINU 1'owntn Co. ,
lC8WnllSt..Now Vork.
Best Goods in .the Market
ockford , III.
Aslc for our prool'j anil eee tltatth *
beavpur traUomarK.
HATCHER , GADD 00 pi \
T j A Tfc 1
Estate Brokers
Millard Hotel Block , Onialia , Nel ) , I
liP * tF * *
LJn fen C& Van * ' TPI a ( B SSIO51 Business-
Have Improved and Unimproved property in all parts of Omaha-liave
the most desirable Farms and Lands in Nebraska and Iowa.
Splendid Brick Store and Hotel , 111 rooms , in South Onmlm S i.r oo
Splendid residence lot iu Milliml Place , convenient to business ; cheap at U,0)0 ( )
Knsllinlfof lotas , Uurr OaklOO.\lfiO feet ; bavpiiii at 2,1100
Business block oil 1-Mh street , between Douglas ami Doilpe , cheap 18,000
Will oxchiuiffo for Omaha property or Nebraska laud , splendid brick store , with stock of goods , iu live
town iu Nebraska , on railroad 8,000
Half block iu West Omaha 0,000
Lot JiiHaiiscoiu Place ior > o
Two lots in Lowe's addition 1.-IS5
Splendid residence lot in Keyes' addition , near 20th and llarucy streets t.noo
House ami lot in Idlcwiid , near cars 1,000
Elegant property , SMiluutl Uouelas , paying1 good rental ; a bargain 12,500
New and payiujr steam Holler , at Scotia , Grccley county , Nebraska ; at a bargain
. I
Lots" in Kilby Place , Kirkwood's , Redick's
2d Add. , Himebaugh and Saunders Add. ,
Howe's Add. S. E. ' Add. Claren
. , . . Rogers' . ,
don and other choice locations at bar
gains and easy terms.
100 feet square s.w. cor. Virginia and Pop
pleton Ave. , very desirable for a home ,
House and lot in West Omaha , $ l,8oo.
House and lot in Hanscom Place , $5ooo.
13th StCor.Capitol Avenue ,
ron rnn TBEATMEST or AM.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. McMENANfY. Proprietor.
Ri H ceil j earn' Hospital nnl 1'rivalu 1'riu.tlce
WcUiuu the facilities , npir.rntm [ < anil rcincdlr *
for tlio Biicccusfill treatment of e * cry form of die-
cose requiring cltlier mcillcnl or f ur lcnl trcntmcut ,
and Invite nil tocnmcnail investigate for tlicnii'cUci
or correspond with us. Long experience in treat
ing cases by letter enables us to treat many ctuei
ecirntlflcnlly vlthnnt peeing tlicm.
WIUTK FOU CIROULAK on Deformities nnd
llnicei' , Cltil ) Feet , Curvatures of tue Spine ,
DISEASES OP WOMEN. Piles , Tumors , Cauccre ,
Catnrrh , Bronclnuc , Inhalation , Electricity , Paral
ysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Kye , Ear , bklu , Blood and
nil eurjl'lcal operations.
lliitt rlc , luilscm ! , Braces , Trii s 'B , nml
til l.intle of .Medical and SurgUal App.lnnccs , Lieu
ufactiircd ami for eale
The only reliable Medical Institute making
Private , Special i Nervous Diseases
1 rA bPtt'IAI..TY. :
from \vhato cr cause pi ndnceil.Biicccpiifiillytre.ilPc" ,
\Vo can remove Syphilitic poitoa from ihcbjttcic
without mercury.
New rcstor.itlve treatment for loss ofltil power.
Call and consult us or tend name nnd pot-olllcu
address plainly written enclose otauip , and we
will tend jon. In plain v rnm > tr , our
cr , Sii' , UoxoRiimiiA , GI.EBT , YAiiicncnu : ,
UiiiNAiivOiiQAMs , or tend history of jour use for
an opinion ,
Persons unable ta sit nsmny lie treated ntltielr
homes , by coue > M > ondencu , Medicine * and Instru
inents mil by mall or express HKCURCLY 1'ACk
HI ) FROM mr.rk * to in.licatu
contents or pointer. One personal Intenlew pre
ferred If convenient , Fifty room s for the accom
modation of patients Hoard mid attendance nt
reasonable prices. AddrtM all Lctteia to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Co13" , t nrt Oinlloi flic. . OMAHA. N'-'B
The OriKltutl nnd Only Genuine.
. _ _ , _ . Ilewtrtofwo _
lD.lliDial | > lo u LADIESAU jour llrureUt I
4CUIolintlr' EniiTi < u' ' nd Ukt ae oltirr , or fucleoo.
( umi > i ) to us for | Arllculirfl in tttttr bj rrturn EUMU.
NAME PAPER. UlilehMler Chrnilritl Co. .
J1118 Aludl.ui , Nguarc. I'lillxln. , ! * .
8 M blru l t rrrrr hrrr. Aik for 'Tlihber
Uir'j KiialUU" l' nn ru ol I'lll * . T ke uu uili .
And other * nutTerlne ficnl
niTTOUh debility , cihau tliiK
clmmlu dleai > cf fiumaturo
decline ut ountf or old are
i.ohlthcly tuird l > r IT.
„ „ , , . _ - Ilorne'D fnnioui Klrftro.
yff MuKnrtle HrlU TUouwlldl
JjKtMe In tliBTJidon li > bicn cured.
& 5y liimuilljr frit rnluiluUncl fold IU
yv IM. Whole famllr c n wear game bdt. l.lcclrle nmrlr.trfe HltlllnllelirlU Avulil worllilenllll-
Itailuni and Itofui rompanlca Elcrirlc Truxri fur
ItgDluro. 700 currd Ili'MS. Heml ntnnip for | > Miplik'l.
On. W. J. Horn. iMVfMTQii. 191 WABASH AY. . CH mco.
OVER 400,000 aa. IN USE.
Potter & Megeath ,
Law Beportors and Copyists.
Etntc Agents for Nebraska.
Typo-wrltor supplies nnU paper kept in stock.
forc tulonuo.
GKO. BUKKK , MnnitRor ,
REFERENCES : Merchants' anil Fnnm-i- , ' li.mlc , D.nld City , Neb. ; Kcaincy Natlo'ial '
Bank , Kearney. Neb. ; Columbus St.ilo U.inlc. Columbus Neb. ; McDonald's , Noilli
1'Jattc. Nrb. ; Omaha National Hank. Omaha. N'eb. , , , customer' dratt with bill of ladum attached for t\\o-tliiuts value of stock.
Property of every description for snlo m all parts of the city. , auils ! tor sale In
county iu Nebraska. A complete .set of Abstracts of Titles of Douglas County ( kept.
Maps of the City , State or county , or any other information desire furnished
of charge upon application.
Display at their warerooms , 1305 and ISO ? Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be founci at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
* .
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the l
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials or workmanship.
1306 d. 1307 FARNAM STREET
Crane Bro's ' , Manufacturing Co , ,
OIE3iO.A.GO : ,
in addition to our large stock of Steam and Gas
Fitter's and Plumber's supplies , we have a
full stock of
Rubber Hose , Hose Reels ,
Lawn Sprinklers , Etc.
1206 Dcrr.Y.Ef.t.Cireta.Neb ,