Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    H *
Ct'llTCtcd by rnrrlcr In nnypartof tlio city at
twenty tents per week.
II. W. TII.TON , - - Mnnngcr.
Now York Plumbing coin tinny ,
Now summer goods at Roller's.
The oily council Is to meet again ( his
Permit to wed wits yesterday given lo
D. W. White and Flora V. Durham , both
of Carson.
Mieo : Wise yesterday sold to James
Jitisli of Denver a ear load of horses ,
most of tliem line driver. " .
Tim summer vacation at the Institution
for the deaf and dumb having arrived ,
mimy of the scholars will leave to-day
for their homes , while a few left last
It is reported that two of Council
UluflV young men who are attending the
races In St. Louis "went broke" on the
first rnre , and have been compelled to
fllccp in a stable until they could get a
"stake with which to return home.
In the district court , yesterdaythe case
of the state against Mullen was on trial.
In this case Mullen is charged with em-
be/ftling money juit in his hand * with
which to make loans , lie being manager
for Croft's loan oHlee in this city. The
charge involves a good ninny entries on
tlio books , and the introduction of evi
dence was therefore necessarily slow.
The funeral of the late il. C. Gallagher
was held yesterday morning from the
Catholic church nnil was very Iprgely at
tended. He was one ot the oldest and known citizens of this county , and
many friends Joined in paying mete trib
ute to him and giving due expression to
the sorrow felt by alK
The case of Harry Wr.lbridge , the ab-
Bconding salesman , is still pending. The
only question seems lo be one of jurisdic
tion of tlio court. Tliero js some doubt
as to whether ho was in this county when
he received the money which lie appro
priated. These line points ure to be de
termined before the case is fairly opened.
The first open air concert of the season
will be given this evening in Ha.yliss
park , by Iho German-American band.
Messrs. Odcll Hros. & Co. are the sub
scribers on this occasion , and other mer
chants should follow their lead. Abide
from being n big advertisement for the
party who subscribes , it is a source of
pleasure and enjoyment to the mass of
Fred Miller , arrested for forging an
order on Spctman it Bro. for f 45 , has
been found guilty , lie denied that lie
knew anything about the forged order
ami claimed that the clothes he had on ,
nrd which were saitl to have been pro
cured at Spetman's on the order , were
bought by him at Forman's. The sales
men in tholattor's employ positively tcs-
tilled that Forma n had not had any such
goods , and this knocked the prisoner's
Btory silly.
Beard has an immense stock of wals
paper and room mouldings which must
DO turned into cash , so down go the price
at Heard'.s.
Dr. Cook has moved his oflico to his
residence , No. 34 North Main street.
Personal 1'nrngrnpha.
W. J. Trotter , of Avocu , was a Hinds
visitor yesterday.
H. D. Williams , of Glcnwood , was in
the city yesterday.
Mrs. T. A. Clark has returned from a
Bcveral weeks' visit to Philadelphia.
DR. A. Bachmann left last evening for
Chicago , where ho will rciaam two
Sheriff Reel has gone to St. Paul ! o
bring back Mrs. Huebcr , who was ar
rested there as a fugitive from justice.
Mrs. Gray , who has been visiting her
parents , Captain and Mrs. Williams , re
turned yesterday to her homo in Califor
nia with her son.
A. G. Weandcr , of Fremont , Neb. , has
been paying a brief visit to Manager
Lane , or the telephone ofllcc. He is on
his return from a California trip.
Mrs. Bert M. Sargent left last evening
to spend the summer with her parents in
liiirlington , Vt Slic was accompanied
by Miss Jessie Fisher , of Sioux City.
Miss Laura Flickingcr , the stenographer -
, rapher , after reporting the Sidney term
of the circuit court last week , has gone
to Logan to act as reporter in the. con
test for the county seat of Harrison
Furniture on Time.
To the People of Council Binds I have
decided to soil all kinds of house furnish
ing goods on installments to the people
living In Council Binds. Come over to
Omaha , 310 S. IHth street , sol-jet your
furniture , carpets , stoves , and in fact
anything you want to furnish a house
complete. Wo will sell to you on time ,
weekly or monthly payments. Wo will
deliver your goods to your house in
Council blulls free of charge , and on all
bills over f 25 wo will pay your railroad
faro both ways. You can save 20 per
cent by coming over hero and select
your furniture. We are an old estab
lished house and will warrant all goods
as represented. Soil on weekly or
monthly payments just as cheap as for
oaah. Come over and see us. M. F.
Martin's Installment Store , The Blue
Front , 310 South Fifteenth street , between
Farnaui and Harney.
What others Bay about the Hardman :
CKAIG. Mo. , Juno 7 , 188(5. ( My wife re
turned homo Saturday and is delighted
with the piano in every particular. Very
respectfully , W M. SMITH ,
Room Mouldings Largest assortment
and lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper
Carnival of Authors.
Ladies preparing fancy work for the
Authors' carnival will please leave the
anie with Mrs. Conovor or Mrs. Tyler
before Monday.
Our refrigerators are going very fast.
Good goods and low prices tell. Cooper
& McGee ,
Go to Beard for wall paper.
Substantial abstracts of titles nnd real
estate loans. J , W , & E , L. Smiiro , 10
Pearl street , Council Hinds.
The Quick Meal gasoline steve is becoming -
coming moro wopular everyday. Hot one
ef Cooper & McGeu ,
If you want perfectly satisfactory
n * accommodations at $3 per day , go to the
& Faoilio House. Depend upon it , you will
never regret your choice.
Why buy a poor gasoline steve when
yon can got & "Quick Meal" at the same
price ? Cooper V. McGco have them.
n * Land Slide.
A portion of tholl luffs In the rc.-.r of
Hdttcnhnuor's carriage factory gave way
last night. scmUncr about throe hundred
loads of dirt onto lily blacksmith shop ,
knocking in one side of the building and
causing damage of at least tivo hundred
Order your fireworks of Mueller Musio
Co. , 18H Main St. Wholesale only. Mail
iders promptly attended to , ,
fl liH&dlibAUUll VIM
The Treatment of Orphoa Children at the
So-called Uhristita Home.
Tlio HlRh AVctlillnR Tolny Tnlk or
llcv. Dp. McCrenrr for a
t'riinlilnnt Unexpected
The Krlcncllrss Homo.
About two yours ago public atten
tion wits culled to the nintingcniriit of the
Homo of tliu Friundloss in this city , ntul
sonic vcr.v unpleasant facts were tlmn
stated. It was conceded by all that tbo
children were not being properly cured
for , that they were poorly fed , and that
they were ullllctud by vermin , and oilier
Indications of liltli and want. The con
dition of the home at that tune was explained -
plained on the ground that the funds
were very limited , and that the quarters
wore crowded. The manager , Rev. Mr.
Leinen , laid the blamu for many of the
causcf ) of complaint mien the assistant
manager and associate" , Rev. Mr. Bovell ,
and upon the matron , Mrs. Compton.
These two told an'entircly dllTcrciitstory ,
however , and the details were lalu before
the public by the BKK at the tlmo. Mr.
Lemon declared that he was going to as
sume personal supervision ot the home ,
move Ids family there , and son to it him
self , making all necessary changes so as
committee of worthy gentlemen of his
own selection were called hero quietly
by him on a pretended investigation
They examined no witnesses , and after
hearing his side of the aflair signed a sort.
of milky report , which cotild be construed
a.s favorable to the management. Since
then the institution has been going on ,
appealing to the public for aid , and with
hardly a word of public criticism.
The BKK , us well as other papers , and
many people have shrunk from giving
publicity to many reports which have
been Hying about , lest t-oino harm should
be done to an institution whoso avowed
purposes wore so noble. Sympathy for
the friendless ones who there found a
sort of home also prompted many to aid
the enterprise who were not friendly to
the manager , and who desired to see the
institution in better hands. The news
papers have given much free advertising
to the institution , and the pastors of sev
eral of the churches have indirectly , at
least , endorsed it as worthy of public con
fidence and support. Of late facts have
been coming to light which seem to cor
roborate many of the rumors and reports ,
at least to a sulllcient extent to demand r ,
careful and honest investigation of the
atlairs of the home. Such an investiga
tion is due thetniblic , and is certainly due
to T. Lemon , if his management has been
such as to give the lie to the many state
ments made against it. It is hoped that
whatever investigation is given will not
be made as before by an ex parto com
mittee in his interests , but will be a fair
and formal investigation , by somebody
who will go to the bottom for laets. and
make the truth clear before the public.
Such an investigation is being asked
by several interested in the Home. The
pn//.ling question is as to who shall in
vestigate. The Home is the private
property of Mr. Lemcn , as the orignal
deed shows , and not owned by the asso
ciation which lias been held out to the
public as electing him as manager. Those
who have examined the papers say that
he cannot be removed from it , and
another manager put in his place , and
that , in fa'ct , it is his private institution ,
no matter how it is represented before
the public. Letters have lately been
written to the board of trustees asking
them to investigate. The complaints
were brought betorc the ministers of the
city Monday at their weekly meeting ,
and a resolution presented to request
the trustees to investigate , but as one of
the pastors did not want to have any
thing to do with it , and the others did
not want to take such action unless it
was unanimous , the matter was post
poned. The ministers who have been so
ready to give apparent endorsement to
the institution should not be thus timid
in getting at the facts.
The BKK has been inquiring into mat
ters , not with any desire to injure any
worthy enterprise , but feeling that the
public was cntitlort to know , so far as it
could , what condition the homo is in.
The claim that it is represented as a pub
lic institution , while in fact it is Mr. Le
mon's personal enterprise , is passed over
as one of the slightest of the causes of
complaint. The claim that although
bearing the title of reverend ho docs not
belong to any church , and that he is not
responsible to any ecclesiastical or
churchly organization , is also passed
over as unimportant in comparison with
other charges made by those who claim
to be personally acquainted with the
The more important and vital ques
tion is whether the children are being
properly cared for and educated in ac
cordance with the avowed objects of the
It is claimed , not by one , but. by sev
eral , who ought to know just what they
are testifying to , that the food is instill- !
cicnt and poorly cooked. It in claimed
that the mnimgnr is high-tempered ,
tyrannical in his treatment , and severe
in his punishment of children.
The quarters are quite crowded and
from four to six children are tumbled
into each bod. With poor ventilation
and thus crowded together there Is spe
cial need for care in other respects to
have cleanliness and order , but it is
claimed that no such care is taken , Oc-
eassiomvlly a wash-tub is used in which
to bathe some of the younger ones , anil
the same water is said to bo used for sev
eral immersions. The result of neglect
is made apparent by the number of ver
min which are found upon the children.
Tha diet is said to bo anything but suf
ficient In quality or quantity , i'lio chil
dren arc taught to oat what is sot before
them without a word of complaint or
without a request of anything morn or
better. The food is bread , potatoes and
n bert of gravy. Baker's bread is gener
ally used and this is good. Each cliild is
allowed three slices of this for breakfast
and. for dinner , and the larger ones twofer
for supper , and the smaller ones one. It
is stated by observer that the appotitu of
the children is Mich in proportion to the
supply that thcro is never as much ns a
crumb of broad wasted by thorn , an nn.
usual thing for wcll-fml children , In ad
dition to the bread diet there are pota ,
lees for dinner , served in i sort of gravy
which is inudo of Hour and water mainly ,
with hardly any oil or anything resem
bling it. Aboutonco a wcok , or when vis
itors appear , n llttlo butter is allowed.
When thont is a lack of baker's bread
corn urend is baked for the children ,
This broad , according to the state
ment of some who have actually cooked
it , under directions of the matron , is
madtt simply of meal , water anil salt ,
without a bit of shortening , soda , or any
thing to lighten it. One lady who had
known this fact , remarked to the HEJ :
man that It was just such bread as had
boon made for the poorest slaves in the
south and that it was not fit for anything
but u tlojj , much less for children. Occa-
sioiiklly foino milk is given Rome of the
smaller children , the cream being care
fully taken ofY for n."n on the manager's
table. As for moat , it is said to be served
ovrry sixth meal , and then each child is
doled cut a bit not larger than could bo
taken in ono mouthful. It In furthorsaid
that , supplies ilonnlud for the childrnn
lirat liuu their way Into the manager's
homo and nre either consumed there erin
in Dome way disappear. An instance is
cited whrro'somo strawberries were sent
to the home ono morning lately for the
children's breakfast. Instead of being
divided tip among the little folks , the
manaccr's table was supplied with them
for breakfast and dinner. Some onions
sent In the same way came to tlio children
simply as tops , while the onions thorn-
pelves' worn kept by the manager and his
family The manager and other adults
about the homo occupy a different table
from the children , and have a dilVerent
bill of fare. Yet the children are taught
to call him "Papa Leinen , " although not
allowed to rat at their father's table.
The punishment meted out to the
children for little offences is said lobe
by far too severe. The manager himself
calls the oll'oiidinir child into his room
anil thens chastises It. Ono lady informs
the HUB that last week she had an oppor
tunity of making a personal examination
of live girls , and found black and blue
marks Upon them. One of these was
llttlo Edna , who has been brought before
the public at entertainments as a reciter
of scriptural poems. Ono cliild B
years old bore the marks of a whip , ac
cording to the statement of this lady ,
ami some of the girls told her they had
been HO whipped that they wore hardly
able to walk around. A common mode
of punishment is said to be to stand a
child In u cornc'r for hours at a time , and
recently on one of the hottest days , a boy
was made to stand in the hog pen be
neath the broiling sun for most of the
Another cause of complaint is thai the
children are not being properly educated
and trained. , Three hours of the fore
noon are snitl to l devoted ostensibly to
teaching the children. They are mainly
taught gosnel hymns and taught to re
peat the First and Twenty-third psalm.
It is claimed that- little time is spent on
teaehin" them anything beyond such ac
complishments as will serve to make
tlicm suitable for presenting ti pleasing
public exhibition. Cases arc cited of
children in the Home , 0 and 7 years old ,
who do not know their letters , oven.
The matron is said to be a very worthy
woman , but .she has the assistance
simply of ac lorcd woman who has two
children in the home. She gets a little
hell ) from one or two others , but very
little. The work of caring for forty-live
children falls mainly upon two woman ,
aud'no matter how hard they labor the
task is beyond their abilities to perform.
It is evident that they cannot properly
look after the cleanliness , food , clothing ,
etc. . of this large band of little folks.
Perhaps this may account in part for the
neglect claimed. Jt is apparent that
llttlo chance is given for training these
children in the many ways which are
deemed essential in the Into Christian
It seems that as in other institutions of
this kind , a policy would be adopted of
securing homes in private families when
ever possible. Here , however , the man
ager is said to pursue an opposite course.
Oiicn a member of the homo always a
member. Mostof the children arc bound
to Mr. Lemon , adopted by the home ,
there to remain until they are of age. A
short , time ago'-a worthy family , of
abundant means , livinir near this city
desired to adopt a child , but no , it was
deemed better to keep the little ono thus
crowded in the hcrrl , to get such care as
could hastily be bestowed unon U , to live
on bread anil Hour gravv , to bo taught to
recite pslams , and to light vermin , rather
than have a real home with true Christian
Another case is cited out of many. A
father , left by the death of his wife , with
three children , placed them in the home.
He has since become so situated that he
thinks he can care for them and is cer
tain he can do more for them than is
being done at the homo , but he has bound
them to the home , and says the manager
absolutely refuses' to let them return to
their father.
Such arc only the outlines of many
facts which arc being stated by those who
certainly ought to know , and who doubt
less do know how the Christian homo is
being conducted. When the propar time
comes the names of those informants will
be given , with further statements made
by them to the BEE , and to others. They
'arc persons in whom confidence is
placed , and in whom the manager him
self has had confidence , so that the
charges do not appear to emanate from
any suite or pe'rsonnl feeling. There
seems to be no one who wants to take the
responsibility of pushing an investiga
tion , and there seems no organized body
to conduct any such investigation , and
hcnco they have not yet taken formal
shape. 'I he public , is entitled to facts ,
however , and the manager is cither ter
ribly maligned by these informants or
else there should ue a radical change in
the institution. The little ones excite the
sympathy of all g oed hearted people , and
while the nubile is willing to give gener
ously for their care , it should bo seen to
that the children have a Christian home ,
in fact as well as in name. If the state
ments made to the BEE by different
parties are true , the name as well as the
management of tlio institution should bo
changed at once. A Christian home ,
where children nro poorly foil , whipped
until they bear the marks for days , al
lowed to grow up in filth and covered
with vermin , untaught except in the rep
etition of psalms ana-gospel hymns , bid
den to look upon the manager ns "papa. "
until of age , and yet not allowed to sit at
their father's table , nor allowed to even
ask for an extra bite or bread , such a
Christian homo is certainly no credit to
Council Bluffs. So many and strong are
the statements made by persons convers
ant with the history of the institution ,
that it is high time that some body of responsible -
sponsiblo citizens made themselves per
sonally acquainted witb all the facts , and
restored public confidence by an open en
dorsement of the enterprise and its man
agement , or else report adversely , so that
the public might no longer bo mislead.
The Kvcnt of To-tiny.
At high noon to-day , in the Presby
terian church , corner of Willow avenue ,
and Seventh street , will occur ono of the
most brilliant weddings solamnimi in
the city of Council Blulls for gome time
The conlracling parties are the Rev. II.
C. Gilllngliam , pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Logan and a graduate of
Princeton college , while the bride-elect is
Miss Lucy Moudq Buslipa , a daughter of
Mrs , Joseph MoWilliams , of this city.
Miss Bushna has been a resident of this
city for the past year , having come from
Cleveland. O. , with Mr , nnd
Mrs. McWilliums when they lo
cated hero , Shu Is a charming
brunette of petite form and has been u
great favorite in soeicty.
The olliciating clergyman will bo the
Rev , A. K. Bates , pastor of the church in
which the wedding will take place. Five
hundred invitations have been sent out
and many friends from abroad are ex
pected to bo in attendance. The happy
couple will bo attendctl by Miss Maggie
Harvey , the only daughter of A. L , fiar-
voy , a prominent banker at Logan , la. ,
and Miss Clara B. Beck , of this city ,
while Charles F. Lnco , the bride's cousin ,
of Woodblno , In. , and her brother , Harry
Bushea , of Cleveland , O. , will act us
The bridal trousseau is of imported white
ottoman silk , en train , with , trimmings
of pearl and tulln , and an elaborate veil
ot lullc festooned with a cluster of diamonds
mends , nn heirloom of the family. She
will carry a fan of Marguerite roses , a
gift of the first bridesmaid. Miss Harvey.
Miss Maggie Harvey will wear a hand
some dress of cream luce , embroidered ,
dcmi-lrain , while Miss Deck wears an
elaborate i > ca shell pink silk surah , Ucmi
The Ktgocusuien will'bo in iull dress
. . -
the groom will wear his clerical nt.-
tire. , ' . , , .
After the ceremony the newly wedded
couple will return to the homo of Mr ,
and Mrs. McAillianW No. Wl first
avenue , where from 'Jilo 4 o'clock this
afternoon a reception'will ' be given.
The newly wrdded couple will leave on
the evening train for Spirit Lake , where
they will remain at the Hotel Orleans
until one week from to-morrow , rclurn-
lug Ihcn lo Logan , their future homo.
Best cream soda in the city , 5o per glass ,
nt Palmer's , 12 Main strict.
Ladies altcndlngtho festival nt Omaha
this week aru cordially Invited to visit
Bliss , 1514 Douglas St. . and examine an
elegant line of line millinery , the largest
assortment ot opera bonnets nnd dress
hats in the city. Correct styles and low
Vigilant Police.
tt socms a grateful change to bo able
to speak good words for tha police of
Council Bluffs , for lu times past up lo the
present administration thcro have been
so many occasions for unfavorable com
ment. Circus day was a hard ono on all
the forep , The bluo-coated constellation
did double duly. The night force went
on day-liino duly as well , and the day
force continued llieir watching far into
the night. The city was full of
strangers , some of whom wore suspicious
fellows and needed watching. The police
took in all those known to bo crooked
nnd those who were too full of pop to bo
able to behave themselves prop
erly. The managers of Colo's show
were especially helpful to the nolico , and
all the circus men were ready to give
points a.s to those who had been following
the show from place to place. In this way
there was little trouble experienced. Al
night the police kept a thorough watch
throughout the resident part of the city ,
going over the sections in a systematic
way. The calaboose was filled with
minor olfendurswho were thus kept from
getlini * inlo worse trouble. Most of them
were discharged yesterday , or lini'd a
small amount. The police certainly han
dled thhmsolves and the city well on cir
cus day , nnd by the number of crooks in
town it appears that nothing but this
watchfulness prevented a good deal of
Go to Board for room mouldings.
John Templeton has moved his cigar
factory to 030 Broadway , opera house
The County Hoiml.
The county supervisors yesterday de
cided to accept the proposition of tlio
Pfi-iffer stone company , of St. Joe , to face
the rear of the court housa with stone , in-
strad of having it a plain brick wail , as
originall/Vlanncd. By this change the
building will bo made comnleto in its
external beauty instead of having a roar
which would bespeak-parsimony and re-
fleet discredit on the whole structure.
The change will not involve any great ex
pense , ana will be endorsed by most tax
The rest of the day was occupied in
routine business , establishing roads and
ordering bridges.
The now bridges at Sixteenth avenue
and nt Tenth avenue have boon com
pleted , and will bo inspected and doubt
less accepted to-day.
. Carnival eli Author * ) .
Look out for the programme of authors ,
books and characters for the carnival
next week.
At the Pacific House you will got all the
comforts of high priced'hotels and save
from SO cents to ? ! per day. Try it and
be convinced.
Looking Toward Dr. McCreary.
President Parks , of Simpson college ,
having resigned to accept a chair in a
theological institution , there is a looking
around among the Methodists for a man
worthy to fill the placolthus left vacant.
Some eyes arc directed to Bcv. Dr. Mc-
Crcarv , pastor of Broadway Methodist
church , and itis understood that a strong
effort is being made to secure him. If ho
would consent to take the prolfcred place
Simpson college would gam a man of
true worth and high scholarship. Dur
ing his pastorate iri'tliis city ho has made
his presence felt throughout the city and
has won many admirers , even outside of
his own church.
If yon want to invest u few dollars
where it will sayc manv times the amount
in labor and doctors' bills , buy an Ameri
can washer of Cooper & McGee.
Go to the New York Plumbing com
pany for garden hose. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
Sudden Business Change.
Some surprise will bo felt on learning
tlmt L. H. Moslor yesterday sold out his
stock of clothing and gents'furnishing
goods , at No. 508 Broadway , the buyers
being lionry Eiseman & Co. , of the pee
ples' store. The consideration was
$0,200 , and the work of removing the en
tire stock to the Peoples' store was begun
at once. Mr. Mo.slcr also deeded to his
wife yesterday his residence property ,
the consideration named in the deed be
ing f5)00. ( ) Mr. Master has been in busi
ness hero a long time , and there wore
low who hud any idea of the coining
A San Francisco bank is running a
corner on jute bugs , and has ' . ' 5,00(1,000 , ( , on
hand. The farmers will have to pay U
cents above present prices.
A duck with a orcsl both on to ] ) and
under his head is a Pckin , 111 , , curiosity.
The pendent from the lower crest is grow
ing a chicken's claw perfectly formed.
A minor from tlio Grand Rondo placer
diggings went to Lo Grande , Oio. , with
$ ! 500 worth of bright , clean gold dust the
result of twenty-live days' work of two
men. >
Exhibitors atlho Antwerp international
exhibition are disgusteUbcaUKO } the liol-
gian government awarded prizes in
broii7.ii medals Instead of medals of gold
and silver as promised.
The now building of the Hank of Mon
treal will cost ) ? 100,000 : and will bo fin
ished in August , Thu.bunking room
alone cost $8,000. , , . , ,
When Bbj iru elck , ire gare b r C.ittorls ,
When ( be was a Child , the cried for Cutorla ,
Wlitu el > became Ul , the clung to Cutoria ,
Wliaa ill * had Children , * be gae them Cutorijv
China , Glassware and Lamps ,
\V , S. Homer & Co. .
No. 23 , Main St.Council Blulls , la.
Justice of the Peace ,
Office Orer Arperlcau Exprosi Comtxuiy.
, - . , . _ , .
Agricultural Implements , Baggie ; ,
_ _ Cnrriaircs , Ktc , Ktc. Council IIIufTe.lona.
Make the Original mul Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press ,
Nos. K.01 , Kit , lj < r , mid 1.M7 South Main Street ,
_ Council " niiHT * . low n. _
Mnnnf'rs tttU .lobborg of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
CArrlBffCfl. nttil nil klnl of Kami Mnohlneir.
1100 to lilt ! South Mnin Street , Council HlulM ,
low * .
.4.VW H.t\llKF.
KO. UI.RASO.V. T. U.louni , * i , ( lito.P. Wntoitr.
rre-s.ATrenj. V.-I'res.&Mrxn. Soc.\Comi9ol.
Council BiuTs Handle Factory ,
( Incorporated. )
ManufnctuierftorAxlo , Pick , Slodjro and Small
linmllo * , of every description.
Curtains Window Shades
Carpets , , ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , Upholstery Goods ,
Etc. No. < 05 llromlvrny Council HIiltTg ,
I own.
, KTC.
Wholesale ) Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Kos. I'M Mnin nml 27 Vcarl Sts. , Council mutt * ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 141'o.trl St. . Council IllulTs.
Wholesale Oils Paints Glass
Druggists , , , ,
DrugftlstB' Sundrlrsi. I'.tc. No. SSJ Mali ) St , nnd
No. 21 I'carl St. , Council IllufTs.
M. K. SMITH & CO. ,
and JDta of Dr/ Goods ,
Notions , Ktc. Nos. 112 nnd 114 Mixln St. , Nos. 11:1 :
nnd 113 I'cnrl St. , Council Itluira. Iowa.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 5U nrandwuy ,
Council IIIiKTs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 1R nnd 18 Pearl St. , Council UluIT * .
L. KIUSC11T & CO. ,
Joboers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wliolosnlo Liquor Denier * . No. 41B Urond-
wny , Council Ululfs.
Manufacturers of and Wliolesnlo Dealers In
Leather Harness Etc.
, , Saddlery , .
No. 625 Mnin St. . Council IllulIX Town.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nos. 3l'i nnd 314 Irond\v y , Council
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware
And W6o < l Stock , Council Hluffs , Iowa.
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
TallowWool , I'clts.Grensoimd Kurd Council
HliitTs Iowa.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Gislln )
HTO. ,
B. Theodore , AKont , Council liluffa. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Xnd Ilrldiro Material Spoclalllns.Wliolcsuln Lum
ber or nl ) Kinds. OIHcn No. 13J Maiu St. ,
Council lllulla. lown.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Agent for SI. Oottliani's Herb IlittcrJ. No. 13
Main St. Council lllullg.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Kit ( KK > Main St. . Council lllnffs.
Spoelnl ndvei-tUeinoiitB , sui-H us Lost , Found ,
ToIxianFor Silo , To Itcnt , Wants. Hoarding ,
etc. , will lioltifortod In this column nt the low
rntoof TKN CUNTS I'KU LINK lorilio first Infer
t ion mid Five Cents 1'or Uno for each suli eiiieni |
Insertion. JAMIVO advertisements at our ollieo ,
Ko. IS 1'oal btrout , near llroudway , Council
WANTED A ( 'oocl yoiintr pony. L. I.awton ,
BIU Kl.xtli glrcet.
\\7ANTKH-A ( rlrl to do general bouf work.
> Call at 10U Fourth street.
iajK JIKWAKD I'or a gold slgnot rlnsr lobt
35'J April l on transfer platform by W. U.
llurna. . Council niullri.
"C1OII SAIiK For sale , the louse and furniture
J ? of n first class-0 room hotel located on line
of C , Jl. \ St. 1' . , also at torminusof survey for
liraneh from BlouxClty. Only ten rooms fur
nished. II. H. W. , llox 7 , lf anco , Iowa.
" 171UHSAI.K Drug store In northwestern Iowa.
-I ? Must l > u i-t'KKtered pharmacist. Whole
amount fi.OQO. Capital roijulrod JfOO lo tl.OfU
Address Dr. Tlios.Vrcde , Jteineen , I'lymoulU
county , Iowa. _ _ _ _ _
Fitly day boarders at the Hocu-
tele hotel. Cheap rules given.
A Rood boy to learn tl o printing
trade. Cull at llou otlico , Council IlluUb ,
FOH BALK Two lots 25 I'ect from N. W.Jl'y
truck , suitable for warehouse or factory
purposes. E. L. Bhoafo , SOO llroadwny. _
SAI.i ; Union nvcnuo hotel properly ,
Bpccialbaiiralii. E-.L.lJheafe , WJ IlioHdtrny ,
FOH SAI.K Old papers. In ( juuntlties to bull ,
ut line otno No. I' ' 1'earl bticut.
; * _ _ _
l > tnl lMic < I In 1S77.
3OOOO Vehicles Annually. Send for Catalogue , Prices , Frclglt
Hates and Testimonials.
Brlclc b.ilMInz nnv kind rnUod ur mnvcd . nml sntlsfnctlon gnnrnntecd. Krnmo houecs moved
MLUlUQUat truaki tlu best la Urn \torll.
808 Eighth. A-Toiiuo aul Eighth Street , Council Bhtfls.
Mva-ttvx *
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Creston House ,
TLe nulybotfl In Con neil lllnlTs having
Fire Esoa/pe
Ami nil modern Improve incuts.
J15 , L'17 nnJ 210 Minn St.
MAX M01IN , Prop.
Practices in Stat and Court &
lioums T ami H , Sluurart Block.
Closing Out.
J have the largest nnd most com
plete line of
In the city. I am closing out
You will find all the latest , nnvalhns in
hats , bonnets , llowcrs , pinnies , lips , ribbons
bens , gau/.cs , crapes and other styles of
Goods Must Be Sold ,
Best of IJnr < jaius ever allured. Cull
and sec them.
No , H28 Uroadway , Council' Hindis.
B. BICE , M. D.
i or otliur tumors removed without
1 the knife or drawing' oC blood.
CHRONIC DISEASES ° r 11 m * . Acuity.
Over thirty yo.trs' pruetjaiil otporloiijj.
0.11 1'imrl till-out , Council Ululfi
jys ; OiTK-'t : OP 'rni : I
Ndtleo Isliurcby nlvnn that tliurfiriiltirunnuiil
nicctlnir of tlio gtouldinlilora c/f the Council
lllnlls City Wiiturworks cninpnny will lie lieU nt
tliunlltuu of the coniiiiiiy. | No. Cfti liroiulwny ,
In thoclty of Connc'll llliilfs , lowu , on Wcdnus-
day. the fith dny ut Jiinu , 1NW , nt two o'clock p.
in.lor the election of directors lo nerve for lliu
eiisnliik'yt'ur , IIIK ! thu ln\nsncti < in of gnch other
buslucfB us limy Iftwlnlly coino lioloro it.
Tliotranslorliookaol the company will close
on Wedncfdiiy , the and dny of June , ItWl , lit .1
o'clock p. in. , nnd will ro open on Tliuixliiy , the
Oth ilny t .luno , 18N > , nt. ten o'clock n. in.
Jly order of tlio Hoard of Director ? .
S. W , IIOI-KINH , .lit.
Room 7 , SSiuprt Black.
ff rr - , , - _ | | _ . . .
I linvo a ( jimntMy of cnuncl. well olRiinoil seed
nlil ti loBarut rco onntde ( l uio . Kcfrlot'thc
oiop of ItlJ. Cwrcipaiidciicu solicited. F. 0.
i . H.Cijf. II'U'IXBUN. W. lljr.
Dealers in Milch Cows.
% At Out Stock Yaids
No 502 anil 506 E. Hroatlway.Councll Bus
I * W. THI.I.KYP , I'res. T. J. EVANS , Vlco-1'ros.
JA.MIS : N. 11 itow.v , Cashier.
Council Bluffs National Bank
Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 260,000
Stockholders Represent 1,000,000
Do n Rcnornl hnnldiig business.
Accounts or bunks , bunkers , mprclmnto , innn-
ulHcturursmul Individuals received on favora
ble terms.
Domestic and foreign cxchan o.
Tlio very best of attention given to nil busl
nces committed to our < "iru.
Horses anil Mules kept constantly on hnncl
lor sulu tit rctnll or In cur loads.
Ordern proiniltly tilled by contract on short
notice/ , clock pold nn commission.
SIlLUTRIt & I1OI.KV , Proprietors.
Stable Corner Vlltb Avenue und Kourlti St
Council Uliiirs lown.
Choice Display of Latest Pat
tern * , All tirudCM.
Council Bluffs
3:05 Broad-way.
A Select Slock of Choice
\ovelticn hi.
Grown and soloctnd from MUBC. uti
Hoed by
J. R. McPherson ,
Grower awl Dealer in
VI : < , ; ITAEM ; : PIAX
. AM > r
Council liluirt ; . Iowa.
Horses and Mules
Foi-nll purposes , bought nnd sold , ut letull ami
n lot * . I.urge ( | uantltto < > lo tclccl fiom.
Slfjilt , Ju- < ? . . 1 ; .IU.J , * 'jji > ji q