Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Dedicating the New Chambers of the State
Supreme Court ,
ItnprcssiTO Ceremonies nt the Opon-
of the Klcgntit Qunrtcrs Jus-
tlco Jllller JInkcs ft Touching
Atlilrcss lowft News.
In Its New Quarter * * . .
DKS MOINKS , la. , Juno 8. ( Special Tele
gram to the Ur.n.J The new chambers of the
supreme court at the new capital wcro fjr-
nmlly dedicated to-day with apnroprlano and
Imposing ceremonies. The occasion marked
not only the occupancy for the first time of
the elegant and commodious quarters , but
signalized tlio first session of the court In Its
permanent quarters since the law locating all
terms ot the court at the capital was passed.
The main court chamber Is not sin passed
In beauty , elegance and convenience by
any In the United States. The allegorical
frescoes on the eel line wcro bronchi from
Germany. The bench befoio tlio court Is of
inuisslvo carved mahogany. The upholster-
.Ing and furnishings are rich and luxurious ,
nnd In keeping with the elegance that per
vades the whole building. Opening from the
main chamber are separate rooms , richly fur
nished , for each ofllccr and member of the
court , and a general consultation room for
the entire bench. When the crier announced
the appearance of the supreme court this
morning , 'an audience composed of the
leading members of the Iowa bar , the
goacrnor and other state ofliccrs rose to greet
them. The entire bench of five Judges , Chief
Justice Adams presiding , occupied the dais ,
and In fiont of them sat Justice Samuel F.
'Jtlllcr. of the United States supreme court ,
Justice Wilson , the only surviving member
of the territorial supreme bench ; ox-Justices
Cole , Day , Miller nnd Wilght , of the supreme
premo bench ; Congressman B. J. Hall , of
Eurllnglpn ; the entire senate In a body , and
other distinguished citizens. Kx-Senator
George G. Wright , of Ihli city , was the first
sneaker , and gave the add less of welcome ,
and spoke with a frcllng recollection
of the early days of the court , .fudge
Thomas S. Wilsonof Oblniqnc , the only sur
viving member of the teirltorlal bench of
'Iowa , represented thnpiolesslnnot' that day ,
nnd recalled some of the Interesting features
ot court life and the transactions with the In
dians before Iowa became astato. Ex-Justice
C. C. Cole , of this' city , spoke for former
numbers of the state bench. 1'rolessor F. S.
Tarvln , of Cedar Uaplds. read an historical
flftetch of the olden bar. Major
Hairy O'Connor , formeily attorney
general of Iowa , and later solicitor in the
state depart m nit at Washington , spoke for
the former ofliccrs of the court. John N.
Daldwln , of Council IJIntr.s , made a polished
nddress for the younger members of the
Iowa bar , and Justice Miller of the United
-States supreme court , delivered the closing
address. Ho spoke with deep atl'cctlon and
feeling of the changes time had wrought in
.thelporsonac of the Iowa bar , and in clos
ing recalled the fact that ho had now passed
Ills seventieth birthday and might never
meet again so many members of the profos-
.fslonin , this state. He said that If ho had
ever been able to render any service to his
"country and state ho owed It all to the con
stant kindness and unfailing support of his
brethren In Iowa. His remarks weie
BO full of tenderness and pathos
that It was with tllillculty ho
.could control his emotion sufficiently to utter
tJiom. Interesting letters weio read from
lion. 1'rani'Is ' Springer of Louisa county ,
who was president ot the first constitutional
convention held in Iowa , and Juage John F.
jDillon of Now York city , formerly the pride
-and ornament of the state and federal bench
The Impeachment Trial.
DES MOINKS , la. , Jiiiitj 8. This has been
B'dry day fn tlio Impeachment court. The
only points scored weio clearly In favor of
the accused auditor. A book keeper and an
assistant secretary of the llawkoyo Insur-
'Wico company were on the witness stand ,
but nothing was elicited In relation to that
company. Their statements of the methods
of doing business illustrated the need of the
examination and the tedlousness of the work.
D. F. Allen , the well known president of the
CoOjK CoUnty bank , now president of the
, Monarch .Insurance company , ot DCS Molncs ,
was called. The company was organized In
1881 , and known as the Oskuloosa insurance -
„ anco company. It removed to DCS
Molnes in 1684 , and the name
' fehanced to the Monarch , with the same
ijnanagemont except tlio president. It was
examined by Air. Vail In 1884 at a cost of
-31,017. No protest was made as to excessive
charges. Mr. Shannon , bookkeeper of the
8amo company , was then sworn. Ills cross-
examination branched out a little Into the
nature of the report 'which rcsulteil from
.Avail's examination of the company. The
'rrianagcrs struggled desperately to close the
door of Inquiry Into matters of that sort , but
the court overruled them. The witness ad
mitted the fact set forth In the report that in
December , ItsSS , the directors passed a icsolu-
tlon assessing'tho stockholders 15 per cent to
maKe good an Impairment of capital , nnd after
the annual statement was made In January ,
jMft | auolhor resolution was passed authoriz
ing the felunding of this money to the block-
holders. The outcropping of this little fact
created nn Impression. The Uromer County
bank was again heard from this afternoon ,
'fir. Lusch , who served as cashier alter the
.dlscov.cry of the crookedness of the former
jeoalilcr , was1 called by the prosecution. Ills
. .afreet examination did not In the least affect
ho actual solvency of the bank. On cross-
examination ho swore positively that In
, April , 1634 , after Brown's examination , the
/bank had available assets exceeding all Its
. ( liabilities to outside parties. It had enough
' /besides / to pay 875,000 of stock and liabilities
Jand Inavo S'J.GOO of surplus , That sworn
Statement ho made as cashier and ho again
"jvorltied It by oath to-day. That Hetties the
Question of the solvency of the bank when
J4io\vn gave his statement for publication.
1 Newspaper Men In Session.
J llKu'OAk , la , , Juno 8. | Specal ! Telegram
; to the UIK. : ] The newspaper men of south-
I western Iowa met hero to-day and organized
sa press association for the region comprised
'in the Eighth and Ninth congressional dis
infects" . In this territory there are 118 papers ,
ot which wcro represented at this
jinoetlnir. The following officers were elected :
'resident , C. W. Snyder , Hod Oak Kxprcss ;
< vlco president , Kdward Itusscll , Corning
.Free Press ; secretary , A. U. Lucas , Heford
JJopubllcan ; treasurer , C. A. Lisle , Clarlnda
'Jlerald. A banquet and drive about the city
rofliploted the programme. The next meet-
iuij will bo held at Council Ulutfs.
A liOKnl Bensatlon.
MOINUS , Juno 8. [ Social Telegram to
in wr.K. ] Addressing the lawyers' reunion
i'tlip ' opening of tlio now supreme court
v jrKfai this morning , Justice Miller of the
iuileml supreme co\\it \ , created a bensatlon by
dcclai Ing that the Iowa supreme court honored
itself on the prohibitory amendment case.
' Mooting nrSoctrlsli Ulto Masons.
GUNTON , la. , JnnoS , [ Special Telegram
* to the IJKE.J The annual meeting of the
ScottUlilUto | Masons opened here to-day , A
V ) -liircju attendance Is present from different
* paUsof thocountiy. Kleven candidates for
jj .tho decrees aio on hand and the ex-
f 'eroJsus will continue until Friday night.
Saved From Suicide.
KUOKUK , Juno 8. [ Special Telegram to
j c.n.jjDjiuviiu iium Clumping , .Mis-
llrj , says tliat Miss Ida Courtney attempted
CUlUdo : | by drowning. She was rescued by
eomo boys. Her lather's opposition toahivo
flair wns the cause.
1 A IMir Hotel I'rnjrct.
' " ' ( JiTV la. Juno .
Sioyx , , S. ( Special Tele- to the UEI : . ] To-day a very Important
I * ivAl'estate tiausfor was consummated , Jame *
, J ! . Uooge , the well known poik packer , pur-
' 'chasing the interest of his partners , Mr. I ) .
' yu Hodges and Wiuire A Allison , In the
, Miilmard hotel block. It Is the Intention of
, V.T. lloogo to entnely remodel the building ,
' - - a thrue-story addition to the uoitn
end. The structure when completed will bo
live stories In Ihclght and be one ot the most
commodious mid attractive hotel structures
in the northwest. The work of reconstruc
tion will brtgln at once and it Is expected the
remodeling and refurnishing will bo com
pleted this season. About 00,000 will be ex
pended In making the improvements ,
Sons of Veterans Iti Gninp.
ln < 3 MOINE.I , la. , JnnoS. [ Special Tel
egram to the HIK.I : The annual encamp
ment of the state organization ot Sons of
Veterans opened In this city to-night with n
large attendance present A camp fire was
held this evening , at which addresses wcro
mndo by Johnson lirlgliam , of Cedar Uaplds ,
Colonel . ) . II , Keatloy , Council HI niTs. < lover-
nor I.irrabce. ticneral Given , of Des Molncs ,
and Colonel J. II , Sweeney , of Osage.
Yesterday's Kvontn on tlio Turf null
JHROMR I'AnK.tuno8. For two-year-olds ,
non-winning nnd maiden allowances , five-
eighths of a mlle : llrynwood won , the Uncas-
Dawdle colt second ; Maggie Mitchell thlid ,
llandca | ] > for tlirco-yoar-oMs , ono and one-
sixteenth miles : Itandala won , hong Stop
second , Hock and llyo third. Time 1:51 : .
Empire City handicap , one and onc-quaitcr
miles : Wicklmm won. lioynl Arch second ,
War Kaglo third. Tlino-ll. ! ! :
llnndic.U ) , mile : Dry Mononoln won ,
floreiicu L , . second , Gonin thlid. Time 1 :4-J. :
For three-year-olds nnd upwards , selling
allowances , ono nnd one-eighth miles : Ment-
more won , McUowlIng second , Lctltla third.
Tlmo-aUO. :
llanJIc.ip steeple chase , full course ; Hose
won. DiBturbanco second , Abraliam third.
Tinta ! : $ ) > < ; .
ST. Louts. Juno 8. The weather to-day
was sultry , the tiack good and attendance
Ono and one-eighth miles : hycnrgns won ,
Bootblack second , Billy Bowling third.
Time 1:53.
St. Louis Fair Oaks stakes , ono and one-
half miles : Knloolah woh , 1'rociosa second ,
May Lady thlid. Tinio-Ua : ! > .
Three-ouartois mlle : Jeromowon , Truant
second. Councillor third.Time4:18. : .
Miio : Free Knlgnt won , Knduter second ,
Editor third. Time 1:4 : : : .
Steeple chase , full course : Kushbrook won ,
Taicblankct second. All the others failed to
finish. Time ! : : * > .
LONDON , June a The meeting at Ascot
heath opened to-day. The r.ico for the Ascot
stakes , nbont twp miles , was won by Lord
Kllsmoro's live-year-old bay mare Belinda ,
Loid llarthtgton's four-year-old bay colt Sir
Kenneth second , Doucjas Hand's tluce-year-
old bay colt St. Michael third. There weio
eleven starters. Belinda won by half a
length. There was only a neck between
second nnd third. Betting wns twelve to ono
against Belinda , nine to two against Sir
Kenneth , and fourteen to one against St.
Michael. Mr. Arthur James' three-year-old
brown colt Astrachan was the tnvorito at
seven against one.
The lacefor the Pilnco of Wales stakes ,
for three-year-olds , about ono and five-
eighths miles , was won by the Duke of Beau
fort's brown colt Button Park. Ho first ran
a dead heat with J. 11. Holdsworth's bay colt
by Sprlngllcld out of Morclana , aim la the
deciding heat beat him by a neck.
The Daso Bull Kccord.
St. Louis . 0 2003010 2 7
Nationals . 1 0003100 1 0
Base lUls St. Louis , 13 ; Nationals , 7.
Errors St. Louis , U ; Nationals , 0. Umpire
AT PiTTsnuita
rittslmrg . 0 30212100 9
Cincinnati . 3 0320300 0 10
Pitchers Han dlbol and I'echlney. First-
base hits Pittsbunr , 13 ; Cincinnati , 7.
Errors Pittsburg , 5 ; Cincinnati , 8. Um
pire Bradley.
AT Loinsvn.i.r.
Louisville . 0 100101 0 3
St. Louis . 1 'J 3 0 1 I 2 0 9
The game was called at the end of the
eighth Inning on account ot rain.
Pitchers Hudson and Sullivan. First-
base hits Louisville , l ; St. l-ouis , 13.
Euors LoulsylllpO ; St Louis , 3. Umpire
Boston . 3 1103340 0 14
Kansas City . 3 00002013 9
First base hits Boston , 19 ; Kansas City ,
13. Ei rors Boston , 0 ; Kansas City , 17. Um
pire tiatfnoy.
Dotioit.- . 0 1110300 2 8
Philadelphia . 0 1010002 0 4
First base hits Detroit , 7 ; Philadelphia , C.
Errors Detroit , 2 ; Philadelphia , 11. Umpire
Metropolitan . 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 1 0 1
Baltlmoie' . . 0 0000013 0 3
Pitchers Mavs and Kllrov. Base hits
Metropolis , 4 ; Baltimore , 5. Errors Metrop-
lls , 4 ; Baltimore , 2.
Umpire ( Jninn.
Brooklyn . 3 2103003 0 11
Athletic . 0 14100008 9
Pitchers Terry nnd Atkinson. First base
this Brooklyn , 13 ; Athletic ; ' 11. Errors
Brooklyn , 9 ; Athletic , 8. Umpire Kelly.
New York . 3 0000000 0 3
Chicago . 0 0000013 0 3
First basj hits Now York , ! 3 ; Chicago , 5.
Errors Now York , 3 ; Chicago , 3. Umpire
The Printers' Annual Convention ,
PiTTsnuita , Juno 8. The second session
of the International Typographical union
opened at 9 this morning. Ex-President Far-
rjuhar was intioduccd , made a short nddress ,
in which ho took strong grounds ngalnst
luiltlng with the Knights of Labor , althpugh
ho said ha was .not . hostile to the organization.
President AVIttor , in reply said there wsus
only a small traction of pilntcrs in favor of
such a move. The election of officers was
now In order and Chas. B. Stivers.of Chicago ,
ana William Amlson , of Nashville , Tcnn. ,
were nominated for tlio piesldcncy. A bal
lot was taken with thouimeistanding that it
would voice tiio opinion of the convention enjoining
joining tlio Knluhts of Labor , Stlveis being
announced as ndctei mined opponent. The
ballot resulted In tlio election ot Ami ou by a
vote of O'.i to 45. Amlson thanked the con
vention for the compliment paid the south
nnd his city. The new president has been a
member ot the Tennessee legislature for three
terms. The convention took a recess.
The convention resumed the election of
officers upon assembling in tlio afternoon'
nnd the following ticket was chosen ; Second
vice president , Charles Garncaill , of Phila
delphia ; secretary nnd trcasmer , David M ,
Paseoe , of Philadelphia ; chief organizer ,
David P. Boyer. of Columbus , Ohio ;
delegates to the national federation of trades
nnd labor unions , J. B. Wlnderes , of San
Francisco ; Jullen L. Wright , of Washington -
ton ; John Scott , of Baltimore. James Har.
ley , of Chicago , foreman of the Public
Ledger , read a letter to the convention from
George W. Childs. proprietor of that
paper , expressing hl.s Interest In the
worklnemen and enclosing a check
for 810,000 , of which § 5,000 was
from the writer and 85,000 from A. J. Drcxel.
No conditions accompanied the gift except
that It be used tor the good of the profession
in whatever manner the convention may see
fit A committee was appointed todrntt ap
propriate resolutions of thanks to the donors.
President Witter's repoit opposes amalgama
tion with the Knights of Labor. The next
convention will be held In Bulfalo.
Illotcrs Arraigned.
MILWAUKEE , Juno 8 ; This morning forty-
nine of the recently arrested men Indicted by
the grand jury for rioting and conspiracy ,
were nrnilgned In the municipal com t. All
pleaded not guilty and were held for trial at
ball ranging from ono to two thousand eaeh.
1 he Impeachment tii.d of Alderman Ituditn-
ski has ucon adjourned ( ill Fiiday , when tlio
delenso will begin.
An Onialia Stan's Ills : Suit.
CHEYENNE , \Vyo. , Juno 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the UUK. ] The case In the United
States court of this territory vs Matt Patrick
of Omaha , begins to-morrow. Patrick's
loute vtas fiom Kock Springs , Wyo. , to
Etclietah. iloit. , and the suit of the govern
ment Is for over ono hundred juiu thlity
thousand dollars.
1'uwdorly jrukcs a Denial.
SCRANTOK , Pa. , Juno 8.-Geuerol Master
Woikmn Powderly denies that ha has been
captured by the communistic element , and
fU'ther that thbre is no truth in the rumor
that his views iu regard to strikes , etc.ero
overruled at the Cleveland convention.
The Oity Fathers Have an Entertaining
Meeting ,
State Convention of the A. O. ofll.
Tlio Chornn Ilclienrsnl Mortuary
Matrimonial Minor
The Council Meeting.
The regular weekly meeting of the
council was held last evening , a full
board of aldermen being present. The
following business wns transacted :
From Mayor Approving certain onli-
nances. .
Same Nominating P. Cusok police
man vice Curry , resigned. Police.
Same Appointing W. A. L. Gibbon , J.
V. Uuhm iind W. J. Kennedy to appraise
darmigo for extending California street.
Same Appointing II. G. Clark , J. L.
MeCaguc and Chris Hnrtnwivto upprnlso
damage for change of grade on Fifteenth
strnot. Confirmed.
Same Appointing W. J. Koilnedy , A.
D. Hnlcombo and Joseph Hodman to
assess daniago for extending Convent
street. Continued ,
From W. P. Heclicl Refusing to sign
tbo contract with tlio Sun Vapor corn-
pouy , Ohio Street Lighting company for
street lighting. City olerk instructed to
advertise for new bids.
Hoard of Public Work Reporting esti
mate of James Fox for grading Ilnrnoy
street. Approved.
Same Lstimatii of Ed Calalmn for
grading Ilnrnoy street. Approved.
Same Reporting sewer contract with
J. O. Croby. Approved.
Same Reporting bids of Fu.nnil.ig &
Co. nnd Redman i\s Co. for cleaning- the
paved streets. Streets and alleys and
city attorney.
Same Rejecting bids for fence around
Joll'orson park. Tabled.
Same Reporting bond and contract ot
C. D. Wool worth for construction of side
walks on St Mary's avenue. Approved.
City Treasurer Reporting cngineer'ts
estimate far cost of paving certain dis
tricts. Paving , curbing ana guttering.
From Secretary of School Board Reporting -
porting estimate of tlio board of educa
tion of the funds necessary for running
the schools during the coming fiscal your.
Finanuo and claims.
Of Property Owners Asking for
change of grade of Fifteenth street , be
tween Jackson and Lcavomvortli , to
correspond with present grade. ' . .Dele
gation Second ward.
The olllcial bond of George C. Whit-
lock as superintendent of public building
was approved.
Of property owners asking for grading
of Virginia avenue. Grades and grading.
Ot J. E. Edwards , asking privilege of
allowing the thrco houses at 1102 , 1101
and 1100 , Capitol avenue , to remain upon
the street until the lease expires , at-an
early date , when the houses will bo removed -
moved entirely. Tabled.
Of David Van Elton , protesting against
the proposed grade of Ilarnoy strijot.
Grades and grading.
From Ed 0. Sullivan , asking that Dor
cas street from Tenth to Eleventh street ,
bo brought to grade. Delegation from
first ward.
From Michael Roddington , objecting
to the award of damages to his property
by change of grade'on Thirteenth , street ,
finance and claims.
By Ford-Instructing city marshal to
remove houses standing on Davenport
street , between Ninth and Eleventh
streets. Adopted.
By Bailey Instructing engineer to
establish grade on Twenty-seventh street
from Burt to California street. Adopted.
By Goodman Instructing engineer to
establish grade ot Dorcas street from
Tenth street to Eighteenth street , and of
Ninth street from Oak street to Dorcas
street. Adopted.
By Goodman Authorizing the city
engineer to employ additional help and
to purchase additional instruments.
Adopted. '
Bv Daiicy That stone flag cross walks
bo placed on Izard street at Sixteenth
A free-for-all discussion took place
upon the advisability of tearing up any
jjavomont for the purpose of laying Hag
crossing. Pavins curbing and guttering.
Grales and Grading Recommending
the adoption of ordinances changing
grade of Twelfth and Twenty-Sixth
streets. Adopted. i
Public Property and Improvements
Recommending tlio acceptance of the
proposition of Wclshans & McEwans for
the erection of public drinking fountains.
Adopted. . . t , g
Same Recommending the adoptionof
the method of numbering the streets now
used on the lamp at the corner of Six
teenth and Farnam streets , and nnthorizr
ing the gas inspector to have tliowork' ,
done at onco. Adopted.
Viaducts- and Railwaps Instructing
board of public works to accept the modi
fications of tlio Sixteenth street viaduct
as proposed by Raymond & Campbell *
Adox > tcd.
Granting right of way to Union Pacific
on Sixth street from Jackson fitreof'to
point where the depots of 1)19 ) company
intersect said street. Viaducts nnd rail
ways. - . .
Air. Dniloy explained that the com
pany desired the right of way and
occupancy of the street for the purpose
of afl'ording easy access from their shops
to the bridge. Ex-alderman Tlirano ap
peared bol'oro the council ami protested
against the adoption of tiio ordinance ,
which ho Mud would greatly damage his
property on Sixth street.
Declaring the necessity of opening
Iwenty-second street from south line uf
said street in E. D. Smith's addition to
south line of Porter's addition. Passed.
Opening Twentieth street from north
line of E. b. Smith's ' addition north to
Spruce street. Passed.
Declaring it unlawful for tlio driver of
any street car to knowingly obstruct the
street crossings witli the cars and mak
ing other rules regulating the driving of
cars around the street corners and in the
vicinity of railways. Viaducts and rail
Declaring the necessity of grading cer
tain btreets ,
This is the proposed ordinance which
has been refill-rod to in the BKE , which
provides for tlio expenditure of $70,000
by the city and a like amount by tlio
property owners in the grading of about
thirty btrcots during tlio cominir summer.
The matter was agreed to
ut a mooting of the council as
: i committee of tlio whole on Saturday
A motion that the rules bo suspended ,
the ordinance read a first , second ami
third time and placed upon its passage ,
opened a discussion that became heated
and lasted lor over an hour , Mr. Daily
opposed tlio motion because , ho thought
the city would not have funds enough to
carry on tlio work as proposed.
Mr , Gopdnifin- opposed the mo
tion ana the ordinance , bo-
eaiiSe , lie suici , it was a scheme
to rush it through and have it signed by
the president of the council during the
mayor's absence. Ho thought there was
something wrong and asked that the err
dinanco be referred for a week. ,
President Bechcl made a heated , reply
to Mr. ' Goodman and explained his posi
tion , it'being that ho had ! intended to sl < ju
the ordinance if it passed solely for the
purpose of cxpedil'iug Blatters ,
Mr. Leo ! ndulge < Aiuaomo , personal re
flections cast at Mr. " .Goodman without
elTect. ?
After a spirited dhcusjion the mat
ter was referred to the committee on
grades and grading , vMth instructions to
report ua soon as pd iblo.
Tlio following ordinances wcro then
disposed of.1
Otdoringtho paving of certain parts of
Leavonworth and Twenty-sixth streets.
Passed. ' '
Ordering the curliinty nnd guttering of
Californlu street'fr6m Seventeenth
street to Twonty-sworid street , Passed.
Creating sewer distiicts 1W and 31 , and
ordering the construction of sewers iu
the same. Passed.
Creating paving districts 71 , 73 and 73.
Paving , curbing and guttering.
Establishing gradts of a certain part of
Colorado street. Passed.
Establishing grndo of Thirty-six , from
south curb of Leavonworth to city lim
its. Passed.
Establishing grade of Twelfth street ,
from Piarco to William street. Passed.
Narrowing Fourteenth street , from
Mason street to Kount/.o's third addition.
Tlio council then adjourned to meet at
8 o'clock this evening.
The Twelfth Annual 'Meeting ' of tlio
Nebraska Stnto Kportsincns'
Tlio twelfth annual tournament of the
Nebraska State Sportsmen's association
was In progress at the Athletic
park in this' city yesterday.
Delegates are present represent
ing the clubs of Tokaniah , Brownvilloi
Norfolk , Hastings , Poiicn , Plattsmouth
and Omaha. Other delegates ar
rived during the day and evening who
will swclj the attendance to more than
one hundred members' the associa
The shooting tournament , which is
under the auspices of the Omaha Gun
cluby was commenced yesterday a
largo number of sportsmen being en
tered in the difleront contests. At the
mooting' ycsterduy about i ono hundred
spectators wore present in addition to
tlfoso tukinjj part in the tournament : The
weather was pleasant , tlio air clear , the
birds lively nnd the gunners in good trim.
' > 1 . ' ft THE VIKST CONTEST. . . > I
Tliosftrst shoot was at fifteen Peoriii
blackbirds , 18 yards , single rises.uEni !
trance , $5.-- The entries lor this itintch
werqiaboiitr twenty in number , mid inc
eluded same of the best marksmen in the
western cduntry. The score was as foU
lowsV1 ' ' "i i. < i
Kay ' . . . . .10100101 It 1111.1 11
Barnes' * 0 01001110001 aOO 5
Parmaleo 1 OOlOliiolDll 10. 10
Batvhclor.,1 1110 11 ill 11 1.11.1 14
Clark I11101111011110-rl2
F. Orablli. . ' , . , 001110011001010 7
Xellar. 101101000110010 7
Lane 11'llt 100 11 0 1 0"0 VO-
Petty'- 100.101101111110 11
Ocken 10010100010110.0 0
Kennedy. . . . . . . . . . .0 l.ld . 01110101101 0
Jtlckmau 01.01,01100101101 8
Hooker 0U)0,1.01111100 ( I'O7
Den. . , , . . . , itfiiax ) 1.0oioi IOO-T 7
Leedcr. . ; Itnh'OlOO 11 0 1 0 11 8
AldWdjre 0 111'i'o ' 110 111111 12
.1. Cr.ibill 110111111011101 12
Dult'red 1 ( XX ) 1TU1110111111 12
Batchollor Svas & 5vch'first money. Tlio
tie for second mqii yHwas shot on" , J.
Crabill winning ill fourof five birds and
gutting.60 per cent of the monoj and J.
lark 40 per cent. & '
Kay and Petty tied for third money
and shot off the tifePUtly taking CO per
c nl and Kay -10 p4v cbnbtof the money.
The second , contest , was at"ten'livo
pisreotis , twenly-n'Vb'ynrd8 single rise.
There were thirty entries for this con-
The result by totals was as followss
Brinkcs ' . . . . ' . 5
0. E. Clark \ : 3
Ulckinan v 4
Balrd.-- . ' . . - : . . 8
White : o
UolEonl. . . . 4
Williams lo
Barnes . - o
Xollor ' . 5
Henry ; . . ; „ o
Lood er. i . . . . . ; . * . ' . 4
F. Crabill' o
Scott--i - . , ' . ; 6
liardln - , . . . 8
Petty. . . , , . ! §
Batcnelbr r. 5
Deeu , , , 7
Parinelt'o' . . . . ' ' . 7
Kennedy , ' . . . . . ' . ; „ . ; . 8
Lyou./ . . . . ' . : . ; . . e
Barawell : . - . - . . . - . 8
J. Crablll. , ? . ! i n. . a
Aldridgfl j , . . 7
Gardner. IV. . a
Kay..if I , ; . , , 7
Atwator. . . , , , . , . . 7
, ' Xhla'.gay" < i Williams first mono , > iand ,
Petty se'coml monay. For third mopey
thqre.were evcra ! competitors. In "tlio ;
'shoo't oH'Clarkc got (51) ( ) per cent and'pan
din 40. per cent. Of the fourth money
CO per cent wont to Kay and -10 per cent
, to Dcn.,1 , . "
The third contest wa-j . nt ton .live !
pigeons. English rules , use of both bar- '
'rol J-'uoro wore twenty-nine entries.
Thc'rcsiilt by totals was as follows :
F.JJ. Clarko. . . - . . , , ri
Petty , . . . . " . ' . . . , . a
Bruekpr.r. , . . . : ; . . . . . ' o
Uatchelor ' . ti
Bar ji es f . " . . . * , . . . . ' . Q
Don , . : : . - o
.1 : O.Ciablll . - (
Jlayhe w „ o
F , Crabill r
J. C. Ulaike. . . . . ' -t
Atwatcr J )
fieorgo Crabill ' . : o
Lvon ; . . . . " . . . . . ; B
Krug : t
Jones n
Smith 6
White H
Xellor 10
Ducoto I . . . . , 4
Williams , , 8
Hardln ! 0
Ulekmaii , , R
Dclfortl 8
Sandatdl 0
Kay L. , . . , 7
rarmalce i. 7
Taylor 4
ISardwcll . , .rf. 5
Tim fallowing are the names of the
visitingsuort.smuiiAvljpilmvf ) BO far re
ported : HickmaivitmHInrdin , of Coun
cil Blufl's ; Baird , Uardwoll and Atwater ,
of Tokanmh ; . K."pfivk and Dillbrd , of
Atlantic , la. ; Willilmt4 ? and Henry , of
Missouri Valley ; BqYiujs. of Ponca ; Den ,
of Brownsville ; Lj'on , of Sioux City , la.j
Gardner , of HustJnsMWJ , Crabill , ICra
bill and Aldridgo , Si t/hirinda , In. ; May-
how , of Waterloo ; 'J/C' . ' Clnrko , of Nor
folk ; Jones , of Plnl&fnbuth ; Decoto and
Sandatdi , \Vnho.o. . .
The following is the nrogrammo of
events for Wcuuosduy , uliursday , and
wxoxr uAr , JUKIJ 9 , ' 80. oi'r.jf TO TIIU
Fifteen clay pigeons , 18 yards , single
rises ; ties on live , same cnstunco. ? n-
trance , .00 ; birds iaoinrtcu Four
monies 10 , ) ! 0. ? 2 uniflO per cent.
Five MI' ' ? jjvo pigeons. 21 yards , double
l'Scsft' ! s on two pair , same distuuco.
Kntrnnco , $7.50 , birds included. Four
monies 10 , W ) , 20 and 10 per cent.
Fifteen Peoria black-birds , 18 yards ,
single rises ; ties on five , same distance.
Entrance , $3.00. birds included. Four
nionU > s rlO , 80 , 20 and 10 per cent ,
TIlUJtSDAY , JU.NK 10 , ' 80 Ol'EK TO THE
* . . > VOILU. (
Ten live pigeons , 2q yards , single rises ;
tics on thrco , same distance. Entrance ,
$7.50 , birds included. Four monies' 10 ,
yo , 520 and 10 nor cent. .
Fifteen clay pigeons 18 yards , single
rises ; lies on live , same distance. En
trance , $3.00. birds included. Four
monies 40 , I > 0 , 20 and 10 per cent.
Ten live pigeons CO yards , single rises ;
tisnofboth barrels ; ties on three , same
distance. Entrance$7.r > 0 , birds included.
Four monies -10 , ! JO , 20 and 10 per cent.
KIIIDAY , .tl'JJK 11 , ' 86. Ol'I'.X TO MK.M-
Champion Team gold medal of the
Nebraska State Sportsmcns' association ,
presented by Pfoiv.hcimcr , Keller & Co. ,
through E. Hallott , of Lincoln. Neb. ,
open only to members of the state nsso-
elation. Teams of two , ten Peoria black
birds to cadi man,18yards , single riso.tios
on three to each man , same distance. Kit-
trance , $0.00 per team , birds included.
The medal to remain the property of the
Nebraska State Sportsmens' association ,
but the team winning it may retain in by
giving satisfactory guaranty that it will
bo forthcoming at the next tournament ,
to bo shot for as herein provided , the
team so holding it to bo entitled to en-
trnncn foes nc\t year. Any club may
designate as many teams as they desire
for this contest.
11KC0111) .
Won by Lincoln train at Lincoln , Juno
W , issn \ is
Won by Tekanmh team at Plattsmouth ,
.lunol'J , 1S83 17
Twelve live pigeons , 30 yards , single
rises ; use of both barrels. 1'iiiS on three ,
same distance. Entrance $10. Thrco
monies 50 , 80 and 20 percent. No sub-
The Uiunha gun club will present the
Winner of the lirst prize with tlio individ
ual championship modal of the state of
Nebraska. '
Plaltsmouth silver cup , presented by
the Plattsmoutli Sportsmoirs club , for
club teams ; four members of n club to
compose a team. Ton clay pigeons , 18
yards , , single rises , to each man. En
trance $10 per tonm. First pri/.c the
PlaUsinbuth championship cup and 50 per
Jcont of thopnrso. Second pri/.c 80 per
09111. ' Third prize 20 per cent. No sub
division. ) .
MaylS77. won by the Lincoln at Plaits-
month 31
May , 1S78 , woirby the Fremont team at
v Fremont 35
May , 187D , won by the Fremont team itt
Omaha 35
May , ISbO , won by the Lincoln team at
Nebraska City SO
May , 1881. won by the Omaha team nt
Lincoln 37
May , IbS'-i , won by the Neniaha team at
Olnalia 33
. .Jnrie , IjSSBvoii by the Nemaha team nt
, .Lincoln 33
Juno , IbSj.wonbvtho Plattsmouth team
at Phittfcinouih 83
June , 1885 , not contested for.
Tho'bitsiucss meeting of the association
will bo held at the G. A. II. hall tonight.
' ' The members of the Nebraska state
sportsmen's association mot last evening
iti the G. A. B1. hall on Douglas street.
Prqsident Hughes occupied the chair and
rco. E. Kay acted as secretary. After
roll call the delegates presented their
credentials , which being duly approved ,
the convention settled down to business.
Owing to the limited number of dele
gates prcsen't the convention confined
.itself principally to preliminary business
and to matters relating to the association
Auplications for membership from the
Wafioo shooting club , Hastings game
nnd gun club , South Omaha gun club
and Omaha gun club were read , and on
motion these clubs wcro admitted to
membership with the following dele
gates : Omaha , T. H. Cotter , Geo. S.
Smith , JolT. W. Bedford , Edward Leede.r.
_ W. II. S. Hughes ; South Omaha , Warren
Bright , F. W. Snyder , John Keller , F.
Hacrrfmn and George IvlctTnor ; Hastings ,
C ; A. Gardner and C. F. Taylor ; Wahoo ,
A committee consisting , of Messrs.
Bardwoll , Kay and Smith was appointed
to report upon the question of ro-organ-
iiutng under the laws of the National
Sportsmen's association.
'Tho matter of abolishing the spring
shotting as a moans of protecting the
gnmo was strongly advocated by differ-
opt Ddelcgates. ' The meeting ad-
lourned until 8:30 : o'clock this evening.
The District Court.
The case ot Jacob Schamol against A.
G. 'Stophonson for $3,000 damages was
.before Judge Neville yesterday. The
plaintiff claims to have rented a house
'belonging to Stephenson from J. L. Me-
Caguo. Ho moved his goods into the
domicile , and during his absence , Stephenson -
onson , it is alleged , accompanied by a
party to vyhom he also had rented the
| iiptjsei'camo along and lifted llio domestic
"ntcnsilg out into the street. This , Sclmmel
claims , injured him in his property and
'by delay to'tho extent mentioned. Stc-
nlicnspn clalnis he gave no authority to
lucpnguc t'rent ( ) for Him , and McCagtio
ctairud tha.tho , did ,
; 'Jhi5.jury went out at noon ami at 3
o.'cloclcroturned a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff inllm sum of $19.20.
* A very quiet but pleasant affair took
placa at Uia Lutheran parsonage yester
day ; Rev. J. S. 'Dctwilcr ' olliciuting , it be
ing the mnrringo of Mr. James McVittio ,
the well-known grocer of this city , to
aVlrs. S. C. Beichard , also well known
hero. Only a few persons witnessed the
coramony , am'ong them being Mrs. A.\V. \
Dickcrson , of Atlantic , la , , a daughter of
the brldd. Several handsome and costly
presents worn received by the coupln.
Immudiatolv at the conclusion of the
ceremony they were driven to the depot
and left ovsr the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul road for Chicago , from whence
they go to Niagara Falls , Buffalo , Lock-
wort anil other eastern cities , and upon
their return will so to housekeeping.
A. O. H. Convention.
Stiito Dplegato O'Koofo ' , of the Ancient
Order of Hibornians , has issued a call
for the eighth annual state convention of
this order , to be held In this city com
mencing Juno 21. Tlio convention will
bo in session two days. There are
branches of the A. O. of H. in eight
counties of Nebraska , with a total mem
bership of over tliroo hundred. Tim
coming convention promises to bo a
largely attended one. The local orders
of this organi/.ation are making exten
sive preparations for the proposed enter
tainment of the delegates and visitors
who will attend the convention.
Court CullliiKH.
The following is the call of the trial
cases in Judge Neville's court to-day :
Hobble vs Douglas county , Kaufman vs
Bollin et al , Bryant vs Douglas county ,
Council vs Chambers. Billiard vs City of
Omaha. Bowman vs Edwards , Quick vs
the C. H. I. & P. Ky. , Bryant vs Aniscow
" *
iS cried first. A jury has already been
called in the case.
Hiilibra Sauce kept by A 1 grocers. Ask
for It
Doatli or Colonel Ululiarcl Hon.
NKW Youu , June a Colonel Uichard
Hoe , whoso name Is Inseparably connected
with the development of the printing press
Iu this cpuntry. died last oveulug at Flor
ence , Italy , ot heart disease.
Ifulfoi d Sauce kcnt by A1 grocers. Ask
for it.
Ilobhcry nt tlioltlnlTn.
An unsophisticated German was found
by liio pollen in the Wabnsh yards last
night , bearing evidence of having boon
assaulted and beaten. Ho was taken to
the station , where ho gave his nnmo as
Sturgeon. Ho said ho was on his way to
Gh-nwood , nnd had about $00 in his
pooket. Yesterday ovquing ho fell In
with three tramps , who intmcrd him to
get into n box oar in tlio Wabash yards
for the pnrposo of stealing a ride. When
inside the car , ho alleges that ho was as
saulted by his companions and robbed of
his money. The police are Investigating
the case.
Deputy Marshal Mullen received a tel
egram last night announcing the danger
ous illness of his mother at nor homo in
Illinois. Ho will leave for her bedside
Ulrtlis i\ml Deaths In Mny.
The city physician reports that there
wcro forty-nine deaths in the city during
the month of May from the following
causes :
Violence , t , . . . i
Sulcdp. . , . i
Scarlet fever , . . , . 3
Erysipelas. . . . , . i
Ccrebro spinal fever i diseases i ( . 'J
1 nanatlnn. . . . < * j
Khouinatlsm 1
Pnlmotuills : i
Pneumonia. 8
Bronchitis 2
Heart disease > , it
Marasmus 1
Meningitis 4
Convulsions. . , 4
Hepatitis 1
Ententes i i
Pentonltns. . . , 1
Prcmatmo birth i
CoiiRestlvo fever 1
Unknown 1
Sepllccmnla Q
llcmmoihago I
Old BBC " . 1
Obstruction of tlio bowels 1
Paralysis 1
Of these 23 were males and 27 lemalus ;
8 were colorcd,10 ; married , 21 single and
1 During the month thuro
were 82 births , of which 45 are males and
U7 females.
In Jiulgo Stonborg's court yesterday
Mike Liddiu was fined $25 for an assault
committed upon Pat Ward Friday night.
The wholesale dry goods linn of M. E.
Smith & Co. , of Council Bluffs , tire re
moving their stock , of goods into the
Stubcudorf & Nes.t r building nt the cor
ner of Douglas and Eleventh streets.
The county commissioners yesterday
extended the time of receiving the bids
for the construction of tlio retaining
walls to Junu 23.
The county commissioners aVe mooting
as a board of cquali/.ation.
The work ot laying the asnhalt paving
on Jackson street east from Thircecnth
was commenced yesterday.
Girard and his wife , tlio confidence
sharpers who wcro arrested on Monday
night , wore ordered out of the oily by
Judge Stenbcrg yesterday.
Mattia Davis , ono of the fallen women
of the city , sent a diamond ring to Judge
Stan berg yesterday to secure her line for
the month of June.
The commissioners of insanity sent
Mrs. Victoria Hondricks , a colored
woman , to the county jail yesterday.
Returning to the "White House.
Dr.uu P.vmc , Md. Juno 8. Early this
moiiiini , ' the railroad company was notified
that the president desired to make a trip to
AVashiiiKtQn and would like to have his Mte-
cial follow closely after the midday train.
The engine was nt once ordeieu fiom
Ciafton and the palace cais of the Baltimore
and Delaware put in readin'chs for the leeep-
tion of the party. What caused so .sudden an
alteration of plans is not known , as it was
thought lost night the bride and groom
would remain in the mountains a day or two
For Pacific Slope Sokliors.
WASHINGTON , Juno 8. Senator Lozan
to-day Introduced a bill In the sonata to pro
vide for the location and erection of .a branch
home for disabled volunteer soldiers west of
the llocky mountains , it appropriates 5150-
OOUfor the puiposo.
Woolen Mills Burned.
STAsn-onu , Conn. , Juno 8. W. 0. Hard-
Ing & Co.'s woolen mills hero took lire this
evening. The building together with all Its
contents was destroyed. Loss , $223,000 ;
partly insured.
His Weakness and How His Daughter
Guards Him from Temptation.
Syracuse Standard : I am told that
Edwin Booth's weakness for drink has
been the Imuntjng fcnr of his life. The
moroseness which has generally been as
cribed to the blight put on tbo family
name by the brother is said to be duo to
Ins constant battle \vith his appetite ,
\yliich , like the genius of the Booths ,
tinges every drop of his blood a con
sanguine curse which drove a father to
madness and a son to murder. Edwin
Booth's daughter has been his guardian
angel. Unfortunate in hjs marriage , hers
was the controlling voice in his * heart
the subtla spell wrought by a watchful ,
dutiful child , her constantuiisullisli com
panionship , and loving regulation of
habits throwing about him an inlliienco
anil a barrier which resisted the worker
man within him. Whatever in the way
of stimulant that was allowed him ho
invariably took from the hands of the
daughter , whoso gentleness was strength
In weakness. Thus ho was able" to tri
umph over his temptation. Last winter
his daughter was married. Loft alone
with temptation , it seams to have out
doiui him. This 1 l ; > arn in a reliable
manner M the family skeleton in the
liooth household.
The Life-saving Properties of Whlnlcy
Now York Sun : "Yes , " said a man des
perately , who hml lust purchased a loaded
revolver , "ono dollar is all I have loft m
the world , and tlmt I shall spend tor
whisky. When tlio last cent is gone I
( shall blow my miserable brains out. "
Two hours later ho had spent his dollar
and was pawning his revolver for money
to buy more whisky with.
A Mttlo Biiiffiilar.
Texas Sittings : Judge Noonan to a
young lawyer who is arguing a motion
for a now trial "So tlutt is your view of
the law , young man ; Is itJ"
' 'Yes. your honor , and T maintain that
the position is nncontrovertiblo. "
"I aspect you uro right , only it is n
little singular that tiio Mipnimo court has
taken precisely the opposite viinv of the
The California State Hoard of Forestry
will prepare a line forest map of the
A sure cure for Hlind. JJleodln ? , Itchln
and Ulcerated Piles has boon discovered by
minutes after applying this womleifnl sooth
in1. ; medicine. Lotions ami instruments demote
mote harm than trood. William ' Indian
Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the
Intense Itching , ( particularly at nlidit after
petting warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves
Instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles ,
itching of private parts , and for nothlni ; olso.
HICI.V ni8K\&KH OUJiliD.
Dr. Knuier's .Made Ointment cum * as by
maiilc , Pimnles , IlUck Heads or Grubs ,
lilotches and Kntptlons on the face , Ic.ivlng
the sidn clear iinil beautiful. . A No curt * Itch ,
Salt Ithoum , Here Nlpnles , Sere Llpj , und
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , oT mailed on receipt of
W cents.
Ketalled by Kuhn i Co. , and Hchroeter &
Courud. At wholesale by U. K. ( iuodnuu
t *
Everything Conspires to Lower tlio Price of
tlio Ooroal Yesterday.
A Healthy General Inquiry Developed ,
Nevertheless Small Holders
Frightened out on tlio
Itrcnlc Unttto Still Slow.
CHICAGO , .lufio 8. [ Special Telegram to
thoBr.iVinr : ] \ : There wns every Indi
cation nbont tlio when ! pit this morning Hint
the was sclllntf some of Its holding.
Tlio biokcrs who did the buying a fortnight
ago Stauirer , iicliwailz. Dnpco A Co. , mid
others of the same following were the most
active Rcllcis. July , which closed last night
at 7S fc and which yesterday sold nt TOSc ,
was down this morning under 77c. Dlsau-
lioliitmont at the decrease In tlio visible of I , .
123,000 bushels Instead of the l.SOO.OOO bushels
which was counted on , was ono other reason
for the weakness. Then the signal sorvlco
bnieau letter shows that thuio had been , or
inrdlctcd that theio would be , tain at nearly
every place In the northwest { to-day. Tnls
stopped the exhibition , ot panicky drought
dispatches .Inly started nt 78Yc and
left elf at Tt c , with sales during
the session nt and between 70,4
( fiXtyfc. August sold at 77)tfcnlid 70c and
closed at78 } < c. September closed at 78Yc and
October at 78Jc
Coux Corn wns weaker and lost all the
advance of jestorday. The line weather ,
Rood receipts , Increase of m,0'M bushels In
the vlslhlo supply and Gdt.000 bushels In
stocks here , coupled with the Jact that the
largest shoits eoveied yesterday and a de
cline in wheat , were the chlet pauses of the
break , and prices dropped & < Tuly opened
at : > c , fell to : ! < ( and closed nt : Ma An-
cnst broke from : t76 < o to ; ! 7c , and eloped tame
nt 1 o'clock at : J77 ; ! * e , a J/c decline from
OATS Oats were tolerably active and
stionneatly under a demand fiom shorts ,
tint afterward became less active ami a part
of the advance was lost. But the closing
prices show nn apmcclatloii of Xu on the
closing of yesterday.
Pnovisioxs. Provisions wcro tolerably
active In a speculative way , and pricoj
oiu'iied linn and hleher , but afterwards .sym
pathized with \\heat and coin. All of the
advance on porlc and laid was lost , and rlbj
closed Oc lower than yostoiday. Mess porK
for .Inly opened at SO.&ifaiid sales Vtuie at
SS.b1Ji ( S9.05 , closing at SS.1X ) . August closed
atSD.OO. Laid for July opened at .
unil s.ile.s were nt SO.iri@iVJo , closing ai
SO.17' ' . August closed at tO.'J- .
Ai.Tiixoox : If OA ni ) . Wheat was lower on
thenfteinoon board , but not especially weafc
withal. Good buying on outside oidcrs , tlmt
was one or the U-atuies ot the foienoon , con
tinued on the late boaid. A good many llcht
welgnt investors have shnlllod out of their
holdings on the bienk , but tlio decline has
certainly dovoloucd a healtliy Koner.U In
quiry. Them wns no noteworthy chance in
other speculative specialties.
2M : p. in. July wheat , 75J c ; calls , 7Xc.
OincAao , Juno 8. [ Special Telegram to
the UIK.J : CATTI.K The general fat oattlo
market was better to-itay , though dealers did
not M-em to regard the Improvement as being
a voiy safe or lasting one. It was not a good
day to bring out competition from eastern
buyers , and while the receipts woio consid
ered quite llghtto-day , larger receipts were
expected dining the remainder of the weok.
The market was mainly supplied with com
mon to medium stocks. Offerings of good
fat cattle were very small and such cattle
sold readily at about 10c advance. . Poorer
quantities sold slowly but at about 'former
rates. Dress beef men paid 83.50 for slop
led cows averaging l 2 Ibs ; Slt.OO for W60 Ib
slop fed bulls , and So.'rxgS.M for 1278 to 1447
Ib slon fed .steers. The latter sold 20 < ! hjghor
than last Friday. They also paid 84.20@3,35
for 050 to 14IW Ib native steers. Shippers
and exporteis paid ? 4.7. > ( ; o5.00 for 1KB to
WJ4 ! b stceis , S.r .10 < ? < ! . > > . .lj.j for 110-j to
1450 Ib steers , including 1105 Ib .steers at $5,2.1.
There were about sovnnty-soven cars of I
Texas cattle hero to-day. A lot of Indian
cattle , partly corn led , .sold at $ M.l2tf , witlt
some 1000 Ib cows at S'J5. ; ( Texas grass cows
sold at S2. : > .j@ ' .80 ; Texas glass steers , 749 to
012 Ib.s. S2.no5J4.75 , with corn fed cattle at
33.75@-l.25. with ono car at 81.00.
Ilous 'Ihero was an old fashioned boom
in tills market at tliu opening this morning.
During the excitement values adyanced
17 } cents. The general advance was nearly
15 cent * , and as compared with the lowest
last week , the advance was 40iir ( c , the prices
to-day being the highest sincu March last
The bulk of mixed sold nround about S4.35.
The range on heavy was S4.40@4.45 , and of
light S4.7iO ra4.40 , Vorkers costing S4.35@1.35j
light , $4.UO < a ! . ' . .
Now York. June 8. MONEY On call
easy nt M- > j tier cent.
I'ltlMU tCANTILK PAPKB 4@3 pot
STKnuN'o KxciiANor. Shade firmer at
unchanged quotations ; actual rates. S4.b7tf
[ or sixty day bills ; S4.80 for demand.
GOVKIHJ.MKNTH Bonds weio dull and } { Q
lower for 4Ms to-ilay.
SrorKb Stocks woio quiet and Irregular
at the opening , but prices weie generally
within } { to \ ( per cent of last evening's
liirnros , Prices shaded oil slowly until after
1 o'clock , when theio was good buying In the
general list , and prices showed some im
provement. Towaids the close , however ,
weakness was again noticeable , but a largo
buy I m ; order in the latter paitof the day
made the market steady at the close.
8 cent bonds. . . 100 . % ,0. , &JS. W . 11 ?
llliW preferred. . .
Now 1's.- . l-r.jfj N. V. C
Pacific fl's of'9 > . 125 I Oregon Trail. . .
Clilonco , June 7. Flour Quiet and
unchanged ; In car , $4.'J5 4.7A ; south *
orn,84.004.40 ; Wisconsin , ; [ .
in Heft spring wheat , SIUJWUO ; Mln-
6 iota bakers. $ : ( . 40 4.00 ; patontw , 84.50@S.bOj
low urailes , S' . ( X ) ( < q.l.OO : ripn flour , quiet at .
8U.iO : ( ) . .00 in bbls. 8H.OO < ui.X ; : ; ) In sacks.
Wheat Active but. weak ; opened K@9fo
under yesterday's quotations , finally closing
IK" under yesterday's close ; cash , 75@75J < c5
July,77'i'c ; Alliilist. 78 78' c.
( Jorn Weaker ; declined ( ( SKe. closing
" " u under ye-steulay ; cash , ' 3 ; July ,
e : August. 7 ® 3T > fo.
Oats Unsettled ; opened with B0 d { <
nnnd , about Ic ubovo ye.itcrduy's clogo : cash ,
B7Kc ; July , 28c ; August , SMjfo.
Hyc Dull
llai ley Dull n
Timothy Pi line. St. ii3@l , < M.
Flax Seed-Firm at 51.0 %
llilk Meats Shoulders , SJ.M@J.55 ) ; short
clear , g.Vr.Wi.l.W ) ; shoit i IDs , 35.WJ.
Untter Fluu ; cieamci.v , KXfjlOoj dairy ,
> l' '
Cheese Choice full 01 earn chcddars , slow
at TJfwStfo ; flats , sjffeyo ; young Auierl-
as. b aMUo ; hk I m H , ! ! ( ( ; < .
Ktfits Firmer ut JOo.
HldfiHiMvyreen ( salted , 7c ; light ,
Kc ; daimiKud , OMCJ null hides , 5c ; dry
alted , UCfpl-o ; dry Hint , la No : call skins ,
5u ; all skins under t ) Ibs , classed as deacons ,
50o each.
T.illuw No , l country , 3Jc : No , 2 , Sol
ako , s > * lc.
Atteinoon Hoaid- Wheat Weak ; Ju