Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1886, Image 1

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ThcMnrch of Irish freedom Only Tern-
poinrily Stayed.
The Question of Home Ilnlo to lie De
cided by Kii llsli Voters A
Xnillorln Cninn Orange *
men Itcjolcc.
IJIMer CclohrnteH the Dcfont.
LONDON' , Juno 8. [ Special Cablegram lethe
the Bir : . I Tliero Is K'cat ' excitement
throughout the United Kingdom to-day over
( iladstone's defeat last night. The defeat
la'-t night Is being celebrated with fjrcat en
thusiasm throughout the noith of Ireland
to-day. In Rome towns the excitement Is in
tense. A regular jubilee Is being held In Bel-
last. .jondomlciry , Armagh and other towns.
Bells have been ilnglngall day and Innumer
able. bonfires aru burning. Cannons are also
being Ihcd at short Intervals , and crowds are
parading the sliucts singing the national
anthem , " ( ! od Save the ( juecn. " In several
places the Catholics have evinced their disap
proval by throwing stones. Thus far , how
ever , no outbreaks of a serious natuie are ie-
Tliu scene last night when Gladstone was
defeated was one of the iwfst exciting over
witnessed In the commons. Although thu
triumph of the coalitionists was not unex
pected , the majority thirty votes was more
decisive than had boon anticipated. Nothing
like last night's excitement has been wit
nessed In the commons for years. Glad
stone's speech .sensibly Impressed the waver-
ci.s until I'iirncll , In his most .solemn manner ,
confirmed what many have long suspected
that the conservatives had promised to intro
duce the homo rule bill in older to secure thu
mipDort of the 1'arnellltes at the last election.
Lord Randolph Chuichlll turned In his seat
and glared at I'ainell as the. latter made
plain the bargain by which the conservatives
had , in many constituencies , secured the co-
opciatlon cf the nationalists , and a number
of the dissidents sat mule and visibly shiv
ered as the disclosure was made. The minis
terialists were Irantlc with delight , and the
conservative' stupefied fdr a moment. But a
few of tlio latter recovered sufficiently to yell
laconic denials of the Irish leader's state
ments after he had ceased speaking.
The Irish leader's effort was simple , frank ,
resolute. When ho scourged the torles for
their double dealing , wild volleys of choern
rose from the ( 'ladstonlan and Irish ranks.
It Is supposed that Sir Wilfred Blunt was
the Intermediary between 1'arnell ami the
torics during thu last election , and that he
undoubteillyldld lead the Purnellltes to bc-
llevo that the conservatives would introduce
the home rule bijl. Lord Kandolph Churchill
Is generally believed to be the member of tlio
conservative party who made the promise
for his party.
T. M. Healoy ( nationalist ) , member for
South Londonderry , just before Gladstone
moved adjournment , arose In his place and
attempted to make a speech. Ho addressed
himself to thu premier and exclaimed : " 1
ask yon to icmember Frederick Douglass'
words that " lleio the uproar drowned
Hcaley'H voice and the reporters could not
catch tht ) remainder of his sentence.
Thomas Powell O'Connor at about ihc
same tlmo shouted : "Bejolro that the dic
tatorship of intrlguu is ended. "
John Bright voted with the opposition.
11 Is example was followed by twenty Scotch
liberals. '
Another Irish Traitor.
LONMION , Juno 8. The majority ogT _ > insl the
home rule bill surprised even thu 'unionists.
Several members supposed to favor the 1)111 )
went info the opposition lobby. The crowd
outside attempted to mob Hurtlngton when
he emerged from the house after the division.
Eighty-live Parnellites voted with the govern
ment , the eighty-sixth , Captain O'Sliea , whom
1'arnell insisted on having the league elect
to represent one division ot ( Jalway , walked
' out ot the and abstained from voting.
Twelve liberals refused to vote on tlio di
Nlnty-four liberals and radicals voted
against thu homo rule Dill. There Is Intense
excitement throughout the whole country
over HID outcome of the long parliamentary
contc.sU Coiibeivatlves and whigs every
where are malclng the day one of jubilee ,
linglng bells , lighting bonlires , firing can
non and .singing. " ( ! od Save tlio Queen. "
Dispatches from Ireland state that at Belfast ,
Londonderry , Lurgan , Armagh and other
towns loyalists have been stoned during their
parades and demonstrations , but up to a latu
- liour this atleruodii no case of lighting or ex-
, . trcuio violence lias been reported.
* The cabinet at Its meeting , by a unanimous
- v vote , resolved to appeal to the country. They
hehl that hy resigning they would
only prolong and complicate the prcs-
" cut dispute which will bo terminated uy a
speedy dissolution of paillament. Gladstone
* " will scud a special messenger to the queen
; to-night with a letter recommending that her
majcstv dissolve parliament as the only
means to secure a stable government. If thu
queen doe- , not exercise her prerogative and
summon llaitlpgton to foini a new ministry ,
Gladstone , on Thursday , will ask the com
mons to proceed wltli the supply bill and will
indicate the queen's Intention to dissolve
parliament at an caily date.
Chamberlain has arranged to hold a meet
ing ot his followers to decide whether they
shall net with the llartlngton committee or
us an Independent political party. At pres
ent Clnunbeilaln favors the latter course. He
expresses himself us confident of being able
to letaln his seat for Birmingham. It
In thought Gladstone will not make a final
hiatemeni heloiu dissolution until Monday
Thn national liberal federation has pre
pared a manifesto to thn electors of ( ! real
Britain. It adopts homo rule as the. liberal
party platform In the coining election ,
The radical dissidents will organize a radi
cal union , with hcudquaiters In Itlriiilnglium.
Tlio union's programme will include a large
extension of local solf-governmont In Kuir-
laiul , Scotland , Wales and Ireland , coupled
wltli thu Mipiemocontiol of all by tlie im
perial parliament. Chamberlain will be
made president , soColiigs | | secretary , and
boveral membeis of the present house ol com
mons vlet ) pri'Mdents.
Gladstone , uller announcing tha dissolu
tion of iiaillament , will Issue a manifesto to
Ids Mtd-Lothlui ! constituents which will
'lvn : u a general appeal to thu country. He
ill visit Mid-Lothian to inaugurate thu
electoral campaign , l.oul Haitlngton's ad-
diess to his electors will bo used as tin
unionist couutci blast to Gladstone's im > , nl-
lesto. The manifesto from Sir .Michael
lllcUs-lteaeli or Lord Salisbury is expected to
refer to Puiucll's dlsdosuies.
now i''oir. : ;
An eye witness describes 1'arnell upon the
floor ol the house of commons last night as
follows : Ho was unusually pale. He com
menced his speech nervously , lie afterwards
followed the lines of Ids manuscript which
lind previously been submitted to and ajv
luoved by Mr , Sexton , The speech forthwith -
with assumed a higher level , and the orator
liecamu inipH'sslve. K.cry sentence wut
foimcd with tlio gieate t accuracy to express
cci tain shades ot meaning , Parnell's face
Was Unshed with affection and pildu when hi
exclaimed : "Wo cannot surrender a slngli
Irishman. " The concluding appeal for the
pence and pros ] > crity of suffering Ireland wa :
delivered in uchoiu of tender and genulm
jilndnes.s , different from the great Irisn lead
ci s usual cold and illsiia lonato tone ,
in Ulster.
Ih'i'.i.ix , Juno S. Them Is thu uihlest'cn-
ihu-siasm among the loyalists in thn north ol
Iiciund over thu defeat of the home rule tilU
JJoclets : were scut up at Colcralnc , county ol
Londonderry , last nluht , unuminclnx the te
ViU of thu vole to the udjcceut towns , am
coon the news was known throughout Ulster.
I'en thousand loyalists paraded at Lurgan
his morning In honor of their victory.
Troops Called Out.
Drnt.i.v , Juno a. Midnight , Itlollng con-
in lies In the orange districts of Moiiaghau.
At Lurgan several militiamen have been
wounded. Some houses were waecked and
.nveral . persons shotf some being dangerously
wounded. One , Thomas Gallagher , was shot
lead. Troops have been ordered from
A nnnqli lo clear the streets. Almost all the
constables were Injured by stones or bricks.
nioTi.Vd AT nKt.FAsr.
Rioting was renewed hero this evening. A
neb of Orangemen wrecked n number of
muses of ( J.ithollcs , seveiely Injuring some
of.thcm. The riot act was read and the
xilicu tired on the mob , which replied with
evolvcrs. were injured on botli sides.
The police finally triumphed.
Alexander'M Opinion on the
Temporary Defeat of Home Itule.
CIIICAOO , June S. [ Special Telegram to
: ho Br.i : . ] Alexander Sullivan , ex-pi esldeiit
of the li Nh National league , referring to the
Icfeat of the home rule mensiiio , said this
morning : "Frlendsof home rule will not bo
llscouragcd by the defeat. I have never had
much faith in the success of the bill In thu
present pai llament. I regard the defeat of the
ccond reading and an carly.submkslon of the
question to the people ns a greater advantage
than a successful vole on the second reading ,
wllli thu long period of Inactivity following
that vote would have been. The present situ
ation compels an active campaign and thor
ough discussion throughout England , Ireland
and Scotland. The more it is discussed the
stronger It will become. It Is one of
Ilia great progressive questions which will
bear discussion. Some things are settled by
the progress already made First , wo have the
confession of nn English prime minister that
Ireland was brutally misgoverned ; that mls-
? overnment of that character has utterly
failed ; that Kuglaiid stands before the world
confessedly disgraced until her method of
misgoverning Ireland has been changed ; second
end , the offer embodied In Gladstone's bill
fixed the minimum of self government for
Ireland ; she can never bo offered less than
Gladstone lias offered her. Whenever En
gland finds herself embarrassed by foreign
complications she must conciliate Ireland.
That conciliation can never bo at
tempted with an offer of any
thing less than Gladstone has asked
England to concede. The Irish in America
will stand by Hie Irish in Ireland in the con
tinuance of tlio struggle. Tliev want It set
tled peacefully. If England will not consent
to a peaceful settlement , then upon her must
be thu lespoiislbility for such other methods
as may ho resorted to , peacefully or otherwise.
The Irish race the world over will prosecute
this war until it is won. 1 have hope 1 had
almost said faith however , that an appeal
to the people will result in a victory for
Gladstone. He is greater in defeat in so
lust a cause than lie could have been
in victory on any ordinary ouestlon which
usually decides tlio fate of English govern-
iL'enls. He may not llvo to see this great
measure of justice enacted by an English par
liament , but his name will bo more honored
for his connection with tills temporarily de
feated cause than for all the victories of his
long ami wonderful life. The march of the
Irish liberty Is delayed not ended. "
Tory Organs Ucjolclns Over the De
feat or Homo Itule.
LOXDON , Junes. The Standard says : "The
commons , liy defeating the homo rule bill ,
saved itself from degradation and the empire
from disruption. It also read a lesson to Ire-
laud whlchj'after the first Irritation lias passed
away , will , wo trust , bo duly appreciated by
the quick-witted inhabitants of that island.
Gladstone , Parucll and Morley may rest satis-
lied that what the present house refused to done
no houso. returned on an appeal to constituen
cies to decide bet ween unity and separation
can ever bo Induced to sanction. "
The Times says : "The vote will encourage
the loyalists of Ireland to hope that their kins
men hero will never abandon them to
the uncovenantcd mercies of the Irish
National league and their paymasters in
America. Gladstone exerted all ills
marvellous powers of intimidation , mystifica
tion and persuasion in favor of his bill , but
wo rojolce that this majority against it was
decisive and crushing. This speaks well for
the Independence and courage of the com
mons. ft is strong testimony in favor of en
couraging the belief that Englishmen and
Scotchmen are not ready to submit them
selves to the leveling inllucnccof the machine
politics of America. The jMihit is , had tlio
government been granted the second read
ing they would have relntrodticed the same
bill. On this point the division was taken.
and the bill condemned in both the present
and future tense. "
The News , mini sterial.'Bays : "Dissolution
has been rendered inevitable by last night's
vote. Parnell's emphatic declaration that Ire-
laud would accept Gladstone's bill as a final
.settlement , will have wider Influence with the
nation to-day than all the astute and minute
criticisms ot Goschcn. Considering the dem
ocratic spirit of the nationalists , Parnell's ex
pressed opinion that the provision creating
the first oi der In the proposed Irish parlia
ment was a salutary provision , was slgnlii-
cant. I licks-Beech doubtless spoke thellteral
truth so far us he know It , but \vo need not
suppose Churchill nlwuys takes his advice.
Gladstone's speech was worthy of
himself and the occasion. The whole ease is
now before the country for decision. "
Tlio Telegraph , conservative , says : "Wo
are persuaded that the voice of the commons
faithfully reflects the opinion of the country ,
The debate sustained thu historic reputation
of the British parliament for lofty oratory ,
which readied ( lie climax on thu closing night.
The unify of the kingdom has been preserved
by thu first great declaration of the British
parliament. "
Tim Chronicle says : "Wo are loft with a
clear issue. This must bo taken between the
policy of Ilartlnglon and the jiollcy of Glad
stone. The country must , now decide the
question , "
Thu Freeman's Journal ( Parnell's organ )
says : 'Tim principle of homo rule Is tor a
moment defeated , but it is not killed. Thu
bill has been lost , but thu principle * of homo
rule triumphs. Thu altlruiatlvu votes cast
last night for Gladstone's measure virtually
commit the government to homo rule. Who
should say thu matter rests thoroV
Tlio Cork Constitution ( Tory ) says : "The
calamity to Ireland and the crowning dis
grace to Kugliiud'lms been aveifed In the do-
ieat of Gladstone's seditious plot against tlio
queen , and Gladstone has beeu disgraced
and dishonored. "
Certain of Ultimate Hiieccsa.
LINCOLN , Neb. , June 8. President Ejjan ,
ot the Irish National League of America ,
received to-day from Michael Davltttho fol
lowing cable on the subject of the vote on
the Gladstone homo rule bill last night :
LONUON , Juno 8. To Patrick Epan.
Lincoln , Neb. : The democracy- will
reverse the decision of parliament.
Counsel friends to liavo patience and
confidence In certain vlctorv. The na
tional causa cannot bo defeated if the Irish
people the world over keep down passion
and calmly and determinedly persevere on
our present tines. MICIIAKL DAVITT.
New York Dry ( Soodn.
NK-.V YOKU , Juno & Thoroisa 1'cttt-r feel
ing throughout thu market , with moic doing
in woolen goods for spot contracts. Cottons
have been more quiet , witn business for Job
bing purposes moderate , but more actlvo for
manufacturing purposes.
A Had Heal lOstnie .Man.
Cf.KVKi.AXi ) , Juno 8. Kttw.ird McManus
nf PonthuvMleh. , was arrested to-d iv on tu !
charge of lorgery , and will he taken bach to
Michigan. He is a real estutit ag > ; , < iid it is
claimed ho made unauthorized laud < ! ! . t j
Tlio Do xv La\v in Ohio.
CINTKJXATI , June 8. Tlio saloon keorvn
have dwided not to pay lax under tholm\
law until the matter has been settled la the
Representative Eolloy Edifies the House
With a Letter From Stanton ,
- >
His Relations Wltli President Uncolii
Shown to bo Most Pleasant Ait
Alabama Slander Squelched
Secretary Stnnton Defended.
WASIII.MITO.V , Juno 8. In tlio house Mr.
Henderson of Iowa , rising to a question of
trivllcgc , stated the remark made by lilr.i In
.he colloquy with Mr. Wheeler of Alabama ,
when that Kcutlcman was delivering the
speech attacking Kitwtii M. Stautmi , had
joen "by seine mysterious inlslako'1 nils-
placed In the record.
-Mr. Wheeler stated that the inlsiilaeo was
entirely accidental and l < ei had no objection
to the correction being made.
Mr. Kelly of 1'ontisylvanla , called up as a
lirivllegcd question thn motion suhniltted oy
dm yesterday to oxpitiiRO from the Record
the speech of Mr. Wheeler upon Kdwln M.
Stanton. lie based Ids question of privilege.
on the conscious , deliberate , persistent abuse
of tlio order of the house by tlio representa
tive from the Eighth district of Alabama. In
[ | RU of the motion made yesterday he sub
mitted a resolution reciting that Mr.
Wheeler had been guilty of abuse of the order
of the house , Inasmuch ns his speech had not
been made upon any pension bill , and de
claring that as the delivery of the speech was
without the sanction of thchouso and In con
travention of the special order , the said
speech should be expunged from the. record
and prohibiting the public printer from pub
lishing It in pamphlet or other form.
Mr. lleagan of Texas raised a point of or
der against the resolution. Tim speech had
been made by nnaiiimhus consent of the
house and thercloru could not be an offense
against the house.
The speaker replied that It was not in the
province of Ilia chair to decide whether it
was abuse or not It was alleged to uc atniso
by the gentleman Irom Pennsylvania , and
tlio finest Ion was to be decided by the house.
Mr. Ivelley then proceeded to speak and his
remarks were listened to with creat attention
by the hoiibC. Ho was unwilling , lie said ,
that future readers of the record of the pro
ceedings of congress should , by anv possi
bility , no able to Rusnect him of having sat
through what must have involved three hours
listening to slanders which had been refuted
for twenty-live years on one of the most un-
sellish patriots the country ever produced
and one of the most beloved friends lie had
over known , In si moment of heat Its author
had denounced Abraham Lincoln and l-MwIn
M. Stanton as conspirators , and Stautou as
an inch conspirator.
Mr. Kellev then read a letter written by
Kdwin M. Stanton to Kev. Hammond Dyer ,
dated Washington , May 18 , ISitt. In the let
ter Stanton , referring to the current charges
circulated against him regarding his rela
tions to General McClullan , says the accusa
tions are calumnies perpetrated by plunder
ers who had been driven from the depart
ment when they were gorging millions , and
by scheming politicians whose designs en
dangered the resolute prosecution of the war
against the rebels and traitors. Stanton then
declares ho always had friendship for Mc-
Clellan , and recites at considerable length
thu history of that pait ot the rebellion which
appeared to threaten the safety of the seat
ot the government. After referring to the
natural wrath of McOlellan and Ills friends
on account of the measures adopted
for tlio protection of. the capital , Stanton
says"If : the force had gone forward
us he had designed , 1 believe Washington
this day would be in the hands of'tho rebels. "
Down to this point , Stanton says , there never
had been . the slightest detVerenee
between the presdunt and himself ,
but the president had acted against
ills judgment afterward m modify
ing Ins orders at the entreaty of McClcllan.
" 1 yielded mv opinion , " says the letter , "to
the president's orders ; but between him and
me there never has been the slightest shadow
since 1 entered the cabinet , and except the
retention of the forcn under General Mc
Dowell by the president's orders for the sea
son mentioned , McUlcIlau never made a re
quest or expressed a wisli that has not been
nromptly complied with , if In the power of
the government. " At the opening of the
letter Stanton said the public conversations
compelled him to withhold the prools which
would refute the falsehoods of Ills accusers ,
and In closing he asks tlio recipient to recant
the same in strict confidence. The letter was
received with loud applause on the 'republi
can side.
Mr. Kelley read a short extract of a letter
Irom General Grant , showing the high opin
ion In which that olliccr had held Stanton's
Mr. Morrison then cut short further discus
sion by moving to refer Kelly's resolution
to thu committee on rules. Agreed to TOte
to B'i
The house then went into committee of the
whole , Mr. Hlouiit in the chair , on the leg
islative , executive and judicial appropriation
bill.Mr. . llolman wished to call attention to the
startllnt : rapidity with which tlio expendi
tures of the government were being Increased.
Passing on to the consideration of tlio clause
making an appropriation for the civil serv
ice commission , he stated that the amount
auproprlated was the same as that given for
tlio present liscal year ( SJ1.-IOO ) , but there
was a proviso added requiring the certifica
tion ot thn entire list of applicants from eacli
state who had passed the examination. This
requirement , he argued , was not a change in
thu existing law , but was simply a limitation
of oxuendlturo of money.
Mr. Cannon argued that the proposed
change In the rules of the civil seivico com
mission was out ot order on an appropria
tion bill , being a plain chani.'o of law. He
referred to mo declarations 61'1'reslrtent
Cleveland before and alter his inauguration
In favor of civil-service reform , and criti
cized him for taking no action to tlio circular
sent out by ( lie postmaster-general , which ,
ho declared , had started at every cross road
in the country a smut machine to bring
charges airaliibt republicans. General liluck
had so manipulated thu clvll-servlco law as
to violate every provision of it. What did
thu president do ? Ho got married.
[ Laughter. ] Had the gentleman from Illi
nois ( Morrison ) , or the gentleman from
Pennsylvania' ( Kandall ) been president , and
fifteen mouths after their declaration In
favor of the civil-service law that law
was violated by a subordinate they would
tell that Hiibordinato to step down and out.
If the democrats wanted to repeal the law ,
let them do Itln a manly way , and not un-
dei tali < > to nullify It by putting a rider on tlio
appropriation bill.
After turther debate the committee rose.
Mr. Oatcd , from the committee on judiciary ,
asked leave to report back the Kdniuiids-antl-
lolyjtamv Dill , but Mr. Caiie. of Utah , on-
ectcd. The point was made that a delegate
lad no right to object , and the speaker took
the point under advisement.
Thu house then adjourned.
The Senate's Pioceedlnga.
WASIII.XOTO.V , Juno 8. Mr. Merrill , from
the commtlee on finance , reported tlio bill
creating an assistant secretary of the treas-
my. He asked the Immediate consideration
of the bill , In view , he said , of the emergency
known to all senators. Un objection by Mr.
Hoar , the bill went on the calendar , Mr.
floor saying It was a bill of too much consequence
quence to c'oiiMuuTcs- ! ? Instant-
Tlio resolution offered by Mr. I7aVC5 W'aa
agreed to directing the secretary of the
treasury to furnish the senate thn authority
under which ttie orders of January 0 , issd ,
and March 27 , 1S30 , relating to bonded
whisky , \\ero issued , together with all Information
mation and documents concerning. the
Tlio bill for the relief of Annapolis cadets
waylaid on the table after a long-debate.
The bill was passed providing for a com-
mib.ilon of three persons , to bo appointed by
the president with the consent or the senate.
to iiuTitizato the truth of the alleged dis
coveries of the mxidlic cause of yellow fever.
Morrison Will Xot'Urjrc the T rItTUlll
lo n Vote.
WASHINGTONJhnoS. . [ Special Telegram
lo the Iter.J It seem * to bo pretty well set
tled now that the houso' will not bo urged tea
a final vote on the tariff bill this session. Just
whtjt Morrison's Idea about It is nobody pro-
Icnds to say , though , of coursc.the opponents
of the bill believe that ho Is alrald of defeat
if ho presses for linal action. It Is understood
that the bill will bo called up as soon as pos
sible after the disposition of the appropriation
bills now nridcr consideration. The oppo
nents of the bill will attempt to strike out
the enacting clause. Whether they will be
successful or not Is uncertain. The chances
seem to bo that they will not. There are
many republicans who bojlove that the ills-
cussion of the bill will do their patty good In
the coming campaign , especially if the demo
crats decline to press It to a vote.
The statement that Manning is likely to
retire October 1 sets uossljn hard at wet It
filling Ids place. Theie are. some very good
reasons for believing that Assistant Secre
tary Falrclilld will be chosen for the place.
It is claimed , however , that fall-child will bo
retained In his nret > cnt place , and the prcsl-
dcntwlll go to I'ennsvlvanla lor a successor
to Secretary Manning. Whether his name
will bo Scott or Randall It Is illlllcult to say.
The chances seem tube much In favor of
Kandall. It lie can bo persuaded to accept
such a place. It Is pretty well understood
that I'andall might have had this place when
the cabinet was organized if he had been will
ing to take it.
A WOMAN IN Tin : cAsn.
The alacrity with -which Uayard cabled the
acceptancoof Winston's resignation indicates
Ihe utmost confidence of the administration
in its ability to manage the affairs of ' .lie gov
ernment at homo and abroad without the aid
of Mr. Winston. In his communication to
the state department Winston docs not give
his reasons for his resignation. Ho merely
says they are "personal. " Jt Is well known
In Washington what they arc. He sought the
appointment with guat : diligence , telling Ids
friends that ho wanted to go to Persia , as
that would please tup lady whom he expected
to marry. I'eforo leaving for the orient elab
orate preparations were made for the wed
ding , but much to the surprise of Ids
friends it dUU not take place.
The lady In question is Miss
Calhoiiu , who has been prominent In society
Here of late as a guest of Mrs. Hearst. It Is
said that Winston felt that he had got enough
when hn readied Constantinople , and would
have turned hack from that point but for fear
of being laughed at. A strange coincidence
is noted In tlio resignation ot Winston and
the appearance in 'n , New York paper of a
long letter written by Mr. Winston's secre
tary , which was published on the day the res
ignation reached this country. Tills letter
paints Persia , Teheran , the shall and every
thing connected with that country In n most
unfavorable light , and concludes with a half
column devoted to proving the ncedlessness
of. maintaining an American embassy at
Patents were issued to-day to tlio follow
ing ; Joint L. Brink-'assignor of one-half ,
to A. C. Dennis. Diihuque , la..heatingap
paratus ; Frances K. Eller , Fairmont , Mob. ,
combined blade hoard and perforated desk
top ; William N. Phlpps , Glenwood , Ja. ,
cutter tor stirring plows and listers : Thomas
11. Queen , Tru'ro , la. , rack for feeding
cattle ; George E. Slaughter , Atlantic , l.a ,
gas lamp ; Lawrence W. Swem , Lib
erty , la. , adding' 'machine ; Merrill P.
Wheeler , Wlnncbago , Agoncy. Nebraska ,
nutlock ; lines 13 , Wlljis , Do\vs , la. , carpet
A report as. , to the effect eight
hours will have upon lic ) free-delivery Service ,
if it is extended to letter carriers , has ju.4
been made to the srVsakCrof the house by the
postmaster general. CJtT shows that the fol
lowing Increases "would have to he made In
the list of letter carriers in Nebraska and
Iowa : Omaha , from 'Jl to37 ; ° Lincoln , from
Among army leaves granted to-dav were
the following : Major George 13. Dandy ,
quartermaster , Omaha , ten days : First Lieu
tenant Butler 1) . Price , adjutant , F.ourth In
fantry , Fort Omaha , ten days ; Lieutenant
Lorenzo P. Davlson , EJeveuth Infantry ,
Fort Snelllng , Minn , , .one month.
Judge itowell and daughter , ot Iowa , after
spending a month at the Ehbitt , have lett
S. M. Cohen , of Mauson , la. , is here.
Work In Committees.
AVARiu.NOTox , Juno S. The committee on
ways and means to-day directed a favorable
report on Mr. Harris" bill amending the 1'e-
visecl Statutes so as. tp. make a distinction in
the , mode of packing and sellingtobacco. .
Tlio chairman was also authorized to report
adversely the resolutions offered by Messrs.
Grosvcnor and Wilklns of Ohio , declaring
it the sense of the house that no reduction
should bo made In the duties on unmanufac
tured wools and favoring the restoration ot
tlio wool tariff of 1SG7.
The house committee on Invalid pensions
to-day agreed to report as a substitute for
Senator Ufalr's pension bill a bill Introduced
by Mr. Ellsberry ot Ohio , with amendments.
The IJIalr bill crantcd disable ucnsions ac
cording to disability , ranging from $21 per
mouth down to S-f , to invalid soldiers and
sailors ot the United States In the late war
who are dependent upon their dally labor for
support. The bill agreed upon l > y 'the house
committee provides fora uniform pension of
SI- per month for all-soldiers and sailors ab
solutely disabled and 'finable to maintain
themselves , and does not recognize distinc
tions in rank.
For I lie Hlgnnl Service.
WASHINGTON , Juno 8. Tlio reports of the
joint commission of congress to consider the
present organization of the signal service ,
geological survey , coast and ueodetieal sur
vey , and hydrographruoflluc , were submitted
to congress to-day. The report Is signed
by Messrs. Allison. IJaJe , Lowry and .VaUe ,
but the last named dues not concur in that
portion rclntini ; to the mgnal service. Tills
report recommends the continuance of the
hvdro raphical ofTico .exactly as at present
organized. It. recommends that the coast
survey be maintained as a separate institu
tion , as at present , uuil | It shall complete Its
The minority report Js signed by Messrs.
Morgan , HeibcrtaninVulle. Jt icnmimeiids
tlio passage of thoM | < ) r.ran bill to abolish the
signal service bureau pn July 1 , ISbfi , and
( tie establishment in H t ; stead ot a wcatuer
Diircau as a civil estat > Islimeiit.
Buctl or'CLjiiSilruy. |
Pirr nuw ) , The Oakland street
car company entered ults azalnst Itlchnrd
Campbell and tHree' ' other Knights of Labor
In the United States ] courts to-day for con
spiracy to prevent tlio' running of cars and
Interfering wltii'-iMn who wanted to work.
The suits are brought I under section 5fiOT of
United States 8tatiiteslwhleh | provides that
two or more porbp'nswlio conspire or Uneaten
a citizen In the discharge of his duties or pur
suit of business 'shall , be subjected , on con
viction , to a lirioot-sl.oOJorten years' Im
Cntoli Ale K You Cnn.
CHICAGO , JuneS , The police believe they
have a clew to the Incendiary who feet lire to
the house at T23 South Canal street yesterday
by which eight lives were lost and a little
child probably fatally burned. A letter was
r ? ? lvfd _ by John Jtaleigh , owner of the
house , To-uaT ; Jujstmaiked Chicago , dated
Juno7. It Is allegeinuC M'er ' contained in
vectives agalnt.1 Mrs , DuikiH .and Mrs.
Murphy , ami dwlaied tltat the lire was iarLed.
by tlio writer for the purpose of destroying
them. It ended with the words , "Catch me If
yon can. " Signed , John Durkiii ,
This Is-the-name of the husband of one of
the women who perished , and brother-in-
law of Mrs. Murphy , Ho was arrested to-
niL'ht. It Is known that Durkln and his
wife had u serious quarrel just pro\ious to
the I'IHV > letter was the clew which led
to the
NEBRASKA'S ' STATE A , 0,1) ) , W ,
The Grand Lodge Organized at Grand Island
and Officers Elected ,
A Dying Chilli's Horrible Itcvcl.itlons
An OlHcer Arrestotl For At
tempted Unpo Itlghxvnf. *
moil Sent to the Pen.
Ancient Order United Workmen.
SiiAxn ISLAND , Neb. . June 8. [ Special
Telegram to the HKK. ] A meeting to organ-
zo a state lodge of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen was held In the Scarrf hall
Mire to-day. Tlio meeting was called to order
it 10 o'clock by J. A. Ilrooks , supreme mas-
cr workman , of Kansas Cltv. Mayor J. L.
Means was then called upon for an address ,
and In an earnest and pointed speech he plc-
,111 cd Grand Island and "Nebraska In glowing
.onus , and setting forth the many cntcrprlj-
ng features of the city. Ho heartily wel
comed the order to the place , and
extended to them all the privileges of
the city. Mr. Brooks answered for the
order , thanking' the mayor for so generous
and unreserved privileges. Short speeches
.lien followed from 11. L. llosers , grand
uastcr workman for Missouri ; Dr. W. C.
Klchardson , grand recorder ; llov. J. G. Tale ,
of Shclton ; J. W. Carr , ot Omaha , and
The order of business for the afternoon
session was the election of officers of the
'nuul lodge of the state of Nebraska , with
, ho folio wing result : Grand master work
man , J. G. 1'ate , of Shclton : past grand
naster workman , S , H. ration , of Fremont ;
irand foreman , " T. E. White. of
1'lattsmouth ; grand overseer , H. W.
Jole. of McCook ; grand recorder ,
II. M. Warring , of Lincoln ; grand receiver ,
W. 1J , .MeAllestur , of Grand Island ; grand
guaid , S. II. Uiilwer , of Valentine ; grand
watch , S. S. Knutmann , of Stromsburg ; tens-
tees , J. S. Miller , of Kcd Cloud ; J.W. Carrie ,
of Omaha ; J. S. Johnson , of Superior ; repre
sentatives to the supreme g.-and lodge. S. U.
1'atton. of Fremont ; Kev. J. G. Tate , of
Shclton ; J.V. \ . Carr , of Omaha. The meet-
"nir was then adjourned till 10 o'clock to-mor
tV Yoniifj Girl Dying From Devilish ,
LINCOLN , Neb. , .Mine 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKK.J District-Attorney Strode
ivas called upon to-day by the county com
missioners of the county to take the dying
ilcclnratlons of Bertie MeEntce , a fourteen-
rear-old girl , who some time since was taken
from her father , living eight miles from the
citv , and who had treated her shamefully.
The ill-treatment of the child was a tople of
general conversation at the time , and the
uotlicr of the. child , who had left McEutee ,
resorted to the courts to obtain the custody
of the child , who has been a helpless
jivalid since. To-day the attending
) byMielan notified the commissioners that the
child could not live , and the child's state
ment was tukeli this evening by the district
uttorney , the sheriff and a notary. These
statements reveal the brutal treatment the
child received at the bands of her brutal
father at diver * times , tho. direct results of
! icr suffering from which she Is now dvlng ,
coming from a kicking given her by her lather
.several months ago , which has made a
cripple of her since. The declarations tell
of numerous threats and attempts to kill the
child , and wjiile no ariosthas yet been made ,
the oflicers are in readiness to take MclCntee
at any moment when the child Is dead. The
child's story as told cannot but excite the
sympathy of all and ma Ice the demand for
punishment unanimous. *
A Valuable Farm House Destroyed by
NOIITH UENH , June 8. ( Special to the
Bii.J : The new farmhouse belonging to H.
Lemons , .situated about two miles cast of
this place and valued at S fiOO , burned yester
day morning about two o'clock. The family
retired about nine o'clock Sunday evening
and there had been no fire in the house since
noon on that day. On being awakened the
family found that all the doors and windows
had been fastened from the outside and then
the house set on lire. They were obliged to
break through the windows and escaped witli
nothing but their night clothing. Two sous
of Mr. Lemons and the hired man , who were
asleep in the second story , were obliged to
lump to the giouiid. No one .seriously hurt.
The house was Insured for S,7uO ! In the Pluc-
Assurance company of London.
Other Deficiencies Discovered.
NumiABKA CITV , Neb. , Juno 8. [ Special
Telegram to the BKK.J County Clerk Mc
Cartney , In examining the bond icdcmptlon
fund register , discovered a shortage of
5,0' > 1.'J3. It U when Simpson received a
certificate of deposit from the county com
missioners , who had that money left from
the sale of the Kansas City railroad bonds ,
and he failed to charge hlm-self with the
same , but gave the commissioners a teceipt.
Expert White Is still at work on the books ,
and It is thought the end is not yet. Com
missioners Kline and Itogers are here look-
is no matters , as things begin to look as it
the snoitago was going to bo far greater
than yet tlioucrht for. There is considerable
talk of suing tlio commissioners' bondsmen
for the shortage when it is thought that it
can be proven that It was their neglect or
carelessness that the same oecnncd. Simp
son Is still in jail , having been unable to pro
cure ball.
A Drunken Alan Drowned ,
COLUMIIIW , Neb. , Juno 8. ( Special Tele
gram to the Uii.J : : About o'clock this
morning the dead body of a man was discov
ered in a slough containing about four foct of
water. Upon Investigation It was found
that the man had been drowned. He was a
stranger , about thirty years old , n feet 9 Inches
high , with brown hair , light gray eyes ,
brown moustache , high receding loie-
head and a prominent nose. He wore n
checked coat , blue ve > t , light leans pants ,
black stripe up the side , blue flannel whirl.
There was no name or papers to identify
him. but it Is claimed he was n butcher , and
worked for Armour A : Co. , of Kansas City ,
and arrived here Saturday morning Horn
Grand Island. In his pockets were a silver
watch , washed chain , badly worn , and S10t'5
In cash. Ho applied for work at the meat
shops , There are a great many con ject tires
about the cause of bib death. A verdict was
rendered of death by drowning while under
the influence ot liquor.
Hold KOI- Criminal Liliol.
KKAHSKV , Neb. , Juno 8. ) Special Tele
gram to the BEK. ] In the preliminary trial
to-day on a warrant sworn out by It. A ,
Moore against W. C. llolden for criminal
libel , Mr , llolden waived examination ami
was bound over to lh ( < dlstrlctcouit.iuomptly
tnrnlhhing thu required bone. Tlio bame
proceedings were had in thu case whoioV. .
L. Green swore out a warrant tor a slmllai
oflenso , Every one hud expected a big tlglil
on the preliminary hearing , but wcru disap
pointed. The cate promises a rich treat fui
the district couit ,
l.'acls From Fremont.
FKKMoNr , Neb. , Juno fc > . [ Special
to the ncnj- The Knights of Labor
have determined upon eiuduccrlii ! ; a F.ourth
of July celebration. They haVeexlendcd an
invlUtlou to Hon. C. H. Van Wyck to l&
present on the glorious occasion and deliver
thu oration of the day. The committee of
amusements has not yet heard fioin him ,
but tticy- have strong hopes of securing thu
distinguished. setiator.
WorK on tjio new Fremont , Klkhorn
& MUbOiirl. Valley railroad bridge
across the Platte for the Lincoln ex-
tendon Isabout finished. The work Is bcliiR
pushed vigorously night and day , and wo
IIOPO to have direct communication with the
capital city by August 1. . 4 .
Jlev. Father Uoylo , the popular and able
pastor of St. Patrick's church of thN city.has
lust received a call from Bishop O Connor
lo go to Omaha and preside over tlio now
parish thero.wlilch Is to erect a new cathedral
on St. Mary's avenuo.
Politics arc beginning to como to the sur-
' ee. Dodge county Is stroncly In favor of
Senator Van Wyck's ro-clcctlon , and his
friends aio determined that thu legislators.
whoever they ate , from this county , shall be
for him.
BtromnlnirK C'llmliinp.
8Tito.Msni'ito , Neb. , Junii S. ( Special to
the UP.K. ) To-morrow the local papers will
publish n call for our citizens to meet en-
; imsso , to discuss the question of voting bonds
to build a system of water works. A good
leal of Interest Is manifested and It Is be-
lernl that such u proposition will inert the
icarty approval of our enterprising citizens.
Stromsbiirc need1' water works and bolter
street lighting facilities. She has the enter
prise to get them.
8trnmslmr Will "Fourtli. "
STHOMBimmi , Neb. . Juno S. [ Special to
the Hur.J Friday the Itepubllcan pubUshcd
a call for a meeting of citizens to determine
low wo should celebrate. A largo number df
our business men were on hand and it was
unanimously agreed that the cnclo should
screech over tlio metropolis nf Polk. The
isual committee wore appointed and In
structed to make arrangements for n
recherche attain Strouifburg always leads ,
and the people of Polk county can Hook for n
gala day. _ '
ASHLAND , Neb. , Juno 8. [ Special Tele-
; ram to the Br.K. ] The state assembly of
ho Congregational church met thH evening
at tlio Congregational church and opened the
first session by a prayer and song service ,
after which llev. J. S. Kelsey , state evangel-
st , delivered a very earnest and effective
sermon. Representatives from nearly nil
parts of the statfl are here and' more are ex-
iccted to arrive. The assembly will organize
o-morrow morning for work and a pleasant
session Is anticipated.
Arrested For Attempted Hapo.
WAIIOO , Neb. , Juno 8. [ Special to the
BEK. ] This morning Constable Win.
Thomas was arrested for attempted rape. It
s alleged that he went out to Mr. Peterson's ,
a faimer living about eight miles In the
country , to levy on some property , and find-
ng no one at homo but Miss Peterson , a
young lady about eighteen years of age , ho
rled to compel her lo submit , to his desires.
lie was unable to accomplish his
Ills preliminary examination is sot for June
Hlillnvnymcn Sentenced.
FitKMONT , Nob. , June 8. [ Special to the
UUK. ] Judge Post field ; x special session of
the district court here yesterday to hear the
; rial of Shea and Laimhan , two prisoners
anguishing In the county jail. They nro
: he two men who recently attacked a man
named Hayes with a razor , mutilating him
n a fiightful manner and then robbing him.
They pleaded guilty , and weui each glve.u
eighteen months in tlio penitentiary.
Fremont's New Water Works.
FUK.MONT , Neb. , June 8. [ Special to the
BUB. ] The now water works system will
soon bo turned oyer to the city. The fipal
: cst ot their quality and capacity has not yet
: > een imido.but wjien.done there is reason to
jciieVe they will prove perfectly satisfactory.
The City Council Thoroughly Worked
l > y a Street Hallway Company.
rmcAoo , Juno 8. Tlio regular Monday
night meeting of the city council was a very
stormy one , the session lasting until nearly
'JUO : this morning. The pending measure was
an ordinance granting the Norlli Chicago
City railway company the right to change its
horse car lines into a cable system. The light
lasted five hours and tlio debate on both sides
was very heated. The ordinance was finally
adopted by a vole of twenty-lour to eleven.
Various amendments contemplating lower
fares and to compel tlm company to keep its
trades clear and to l.-wtm transfer tickets to
other portions ot the city wore all voted down.
Alderman Coivln appeared to lead the forces
for the ( aiv.'nmpuny anil whenever un umeiid-
mpiit was oll'eicd would exclaim , "Hoys ,
better vote that down.l giiess"iind lm"uoys" !
Invariably did > o. Tile-ordinance given the
same company tlu > right of way through Lu-
Salic street tunnel was referred to a com
mittee. During the early part of the sesnion
an ordinance piovlding lor the employment
of fifty additional policemen passed over the
mayor's veto without discussion. The vote
htoodJU to ; ; o against.
CiurAoo , Juno S. [ Special Telegram to
the BIIK.J Tliero Is gieal Indignation nt the
manner In which the petition ol the North
side ear company to change Its motor Irom to cable was railmadod through the
council last night. It only needs the mayor's
approval now to consummate the deal by
which the Philadelphia stieitt car syndicate
takes complete control of the main streets of
the north side by means of the death-dealing
cable. Transfer tickets to other lines ,
twenty-live full rides for 81.00 , three cent
fares lor short rides , the removal of Know
from the tracks , the exemption of State
street , and some minor nmeiidmentH offered
wore promptly voted down. Most of the
newspapers to-day insinuate that the legisla
tion was accomplished by the free u o of
Hun Jailed at Chicago.
riiirAuo. Juno 8. [ Special Telegram to
the Bii' ; . . | It is learned that Balthazar Kan ,
the anarchist ariustcd at Omaha , Is locked
up In the Chicago avenue Matlou and will be
kept there lor the present. This morning
Ills attorney , Mr. Solomon , had nil Interview
with him.
An Army on IHo.volos.
Hnm.i.v , Juno 8. The infantry mgimcnts
at r'rnnlifort-uji-tliu-Malii are being drilled in
the u e of bie.ycles and Irle > cles for military
purpoM'S. The men iidu the machines in
marching older.
Tired But Hnppy , the Freshlontml Party
Returns Home ,
She Trip * Lightly Into the AVhlia
HOIINC Tor the First Time nn U'
JllHtres.8 The President
Home , Sweet Home.
WASHINGTON. June S. [ Special Telegram
to the lllii : . ] About two dozen correspond'
cuts lingered about the culiuucK to the wliltp
house tlila evening walling to give tlio presi
dent n hearty reception home. They amused
themselves by making bets whether ho would
como in by the back way or dilvu up to thd
front door , and as the shades of evening foil
anil no carriage appealed , they began to won4
der If after all the president had given them
the slip. Hut utmut 7 : ' > 0 o'clock a biuly DO *
llcemnii appeared on the portico , club In liniuf ,
and began to march up and down
In kind
ft monarch-of-all-1-survoy
of way and they began to think alter all they
weio on the right track. There were several
false alarms by carilages containing fat
women and children entering the wlilto
house grounds and driving out again , but/ /
finally tun executive olllco carriage was sccrf
through the vistas of trees In the white house
lawn bowling up the avenue. By this time
there wore about fifty people present bcsliloa
the newspaper men , and a rush was made
for the portico. But the policeman was on
the alert and put Ids club
across between the pillars and
manfully held the crowd at bar *
The first carriage drove up , and Instead off
Colonel Lament alighting , only Lena , the
nutld , and William Sinclair , the valet , hopped ,
out with the lunch baskets and shawl strap ? . '
But the president's private carriage , willi
Albert driving tlio seal-brown , was not far
behind , Mho cairlage was closed up and It
looked very warm Inside. And certainly the
president ami his bride missed tlio mountain
urcezc. Besides , Colonel and Mrs. Lainout
were ulhO in the earriau'O. The party ilrovq
up to thu white house door at 7 : : ° 0 o'clock , ami
as the crowd pressed to get of the
bride , one ot the doorkeepers rushed down
and opened the carriage door. Mru * .
Cluu'lutid was the first to alight. She
sprang out of the carriage wltli
a jaunty air and turned and looked at the
crowd , then peeicd into the open cuniago
door and laughed. Shu wore a grey travel
ing dress , with a stylish black straw hat.
She carried In her hand an immense buncli
of dogwood blossoms and wild flowers. She
looked very pretty , unit although her face
was sunburnt it was full of health and happi
ness. She walled until thu president got out
before she moved towards the house , wnerfl
several doorkeepers held the door open. Tlio
president had soiui * diflictilly In getting out
of the carriage because he Is so stout , but seei
Ing him safely out Mrs. Cleveland tripped
lightly over the portico and entered the
white house tor the first time as its
mistress. She went In gayly , heedless
of the cares about to devolve , on' '
her and fearing nothing. Those who saw
her as him liuhtly stepped across the thresh ,
old could not help but wish her joy. health
and happiness. Ceital'.ily , her pretty face ,
her charming manner and horlovahlu dispo
sition will gain' ' her many friends. The prusj
ident followed his beautiful bride. IIo looked
tired but happy. His silk hat was ruffled anil
dusty and Ins usual iiiima'ciilato Piince Al
bert Bhowed Iluj day's Journey. He did not
walk as fast as his wile. Mrs. Laniont fol
lowed , and then came Col. Laniont , who
biought up the rear. Inside. Miss Cleveland ,
Mrs. lloyt and the Iteveroud Brother Wll-
liam wafted to receive them. After the salu-
tiitions tm ! party went up stairs and the i.rea
Ident'ri bridal trip was over.
The special train healing the president and
Mrs. Cleveland , and Colonel and Mrs. Lament -
mont , arrived at tlio Baltimore it Ohio sta
tion at 7HO : o'clock this evening , ' 1 hisro
no particular demonstration on the part oC
tliu lew people pienont , except that they
crowded as close as the police would permit ,
in order to get a good look 'at the president's
bride , boveral gentlemen look oil their hats
to the president , and ho acknowledged the
compliment by raising his own Imt. Som
one started a cheer , but tlio president had
entered thu carriage and was driven away
before it was generally taken up bv the
crowd. The carriage was driven directly to
the white house , where , after divesting them
selves of their wraps and aremovih-
stains ol travel , the partyssatjdown to supper.
Temperance in North Carolina.
KAI.IIOII ; , N. C. , June 8. Local option
elections were held yesterday at many points'
In the stale. The prohibitionists carried the
day at Itulclgh by 00 majority , and also at
the following places : Concord , Oxford ,
Kingston , Henderson , WarreutowJi , Loul i
burg , Winston , Salem , Apex , Beaufort and' '
Seaboard , Tim uiitl-prohlbltlonlsts curried
the election at Charlotte , Durham , Franklin *
ton , Iteadsvllle , Holly Springs. Moreheud , ,
Ashvllle , ( Joidslmto , Littleton and StatcsvlllB *
Thu election was upon the question of lieonso
or no license for the sale of spirituous lliioii | ) ,
and goes into effect at once where prohibitloD
was carried.
A Watering Plauo Deutrnybd.
IlAimisiii'ittt , Va. , Juno 8. The village ot
llawley Springs , Va. , was almost completely
destroyed bv lire this morning. All the
places of resort , with the exception of the
Baltimore house , were burned. Thu loss Is
esllimited at Sli'O.OOO , with an Insurance of
Sloco. ! ! The hotels were to have boon opened
MI-H. Gnrflolu Vindicated.
CLKVIILAXD , Juno 8. The case of Thank
ful Tanner against Mrs. James A. Garlioid
to recover S'is'iW ' lor slight Injuries sustained.
In u collision with Mrs. ( iiiriichl'H carriage ,
was submitted to the jury to-day. The jurors ,
after three hours' deliberation , returned a
veruict in favor of Mrs , ( iarlicld.
Weather Fi > iN < ! l > mnIcn.
For Nbbmsku : Conurally fair weather ,
llrfhtly warmer ,
Hood's Sarsaparilia I
Is prepared from Rnrfaparllla , Dandelion ,
Mandrake , Dork , I'lpslsKown , Juniper Itcr-
llcs , and other well-known ami valuable vcic- ;
trdilo remedies. The combination , pi ojmrllmi
nail prepniatlou are peculiar to Hood's Hatf.a-
parilla , giving It curative power not possesod
liy other medicines. U effects reinnrkalilo
cures uheie others fall ,
" I consider Hood's Karnaparllla the
mcdlcluo I ivpriised. Jt cUesiiiuaii.ipictlto |
and refreshing sleep , and keeps the cold out , "
J. B. I'ooo , 100 Sjiruco Blrcrt , 1'ortlatid , Me.
Purifies the Blood
" When I bought Hood's Saraajiarllla I made
a coed Investment of 0110 dollar la medicine
for tlio Ilrbt time. It hus driven nil rbtuni.v
llvm and Improved my appetite so much tlial
my honidliiu mistress says I must keep it
lucked up or ( ho will bo obliged to raise my
hoard with every other "boarder that takes
Hood's Sarsuparillu. " THOMAS lluiutKU. ,
S3 Tlllary Street , lijooklyti , tV. .
" 1 flnd-JU.'oil'a Hars.iparill. % tlio best remedy
forImpuieblood f syerused. " M.II.DAS-J un ,
ticket audit , P. & . ft. lid. , Hound llrook , X J.
I Hood's SarsapatiHa
Bold \ij all diuggliu. f\f.Uturfl \ ; , 1'rcp.veJ
ty 0.1,11001) it CO. , Avolkecatlcn ell , J.u ! .
1OO Poses Ono Dollar
Is tlio best Mood purifier before the public.
It eradicates every Impnilty , and cures Kcrof.
nla , Halt lllirmn , Holla , I'lmples , all Ilumora ,
Dyspepsia , IlllioimicAH , Hick Headache , Indi
gestion , ( icncral Dchlllly , Catnrth , Jtlienma-
tlsm , Kidney and Liver Complaints. K over
comes flint extreme tired fecllne ; , and builds
up the ( system.
"Hood's Harsapnrllla\vasa < iod-sond to mo ,
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plaint with which I had Millcrtd ' . ' 0 years. "
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