* THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUKE 8 , AdvcrU'ementg under I hi * ) lie .d , 10 cent * per ilnof6rthoflr tinsertionTconti for enoh sub- swiuont in ort'on ' , nnd 8l.no n line per month. No ndtertlsoment taken fcr less than " 5 cents for tlto first ln crtlon. Povon words will l > o counted to the line ) they must run ooncctt- ) Uvotr nntl must bo pnlil In ndvanoc. All adver tisement * mint bo hunded In tinforo 2 o'clock t > , in. , nnd miilcr no clrcutiiMnnces will they betaken taken or dUronllnuod by telephone 1'nrllfi rxhcrtl'InK In thcsu columns nnd Inr- Int ? the answers nJdrcs ed In care of Tim UKK , will plcn o n k for n check tommhlo thorn to ( ret their letters , as none will bn delivered except on presentation of Check. All answer * to nil * tortlgcinent * ) RheuM bo enclosed In envelopes. TO LOAH-MOHET. TO LOAN $ IOn 0nt 4 perrrnt to MONKV who bujf his clothing of I * O. Jones & Co. , ccomomy tlotlilcrs , I3U3 Knrnain at. Mi-7 TO I.OAN-M5n renl o 7nto7 0Ibson , MONKY It Co. , lloom \Vtlncll | , ItlocU. 143 M ( NiV : TO lOAN-At Inwor ratcolhnnnny wlinro cl o In the olty , on furniture , plnno , oiRnns , her o , wagons , or stock of nny kind , licmombi-r , nt lower rates than any other lonn rotiipany in Iho city. City Ix > iin .V Mortjrnito Co. . room IT. , 11011'urnnni at , opposlt ) I'axtnn hotel. Vf ! _ _ rnil ! Omiiha llnnnclal oxohnnirol , propnrod to -I. iimko lonn * ) In any mnoiiht , oh any kllnrof npproTod f-ceuilty. Lnrirn cotlnteral Ionn . n upeclalty. Ale on ohnttol * ) and rnal estate In amounts nnd time to suit. J < mver rates , bolter terms , nnd prompter pcrvloe than any loan neoncy In tlio city. For furthnr partloulnrn cnll onico nn the snrond Moor of the Darker lllock , southwest corner of 1'nrnum nuil IMh streets. 875 MONIJV to loan on ro ldonco and bilBlnesi property. I/jwpst rates. C. .1. Cuswrll tc Co , , Ilooin ISIron ) Hank Ilulldlng , 12th and Far- n am. MONEY to loan liy the nndorshrnod , who has thnonly property organised loan nircncy In Omaha , Ixmn or HO to ? 1,000 mndo on fur niture * , pianos , organ * , horeg , vraRonn , machin ery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All lni lnc'i strictly ronflduntlal. Lonni N > made that any part can bo paid nt nny time , each pay- input ri > dticliiK Iho cot pro rata. Ailvnnco * ) mndnnn ( Inn watches and dlnmnndq. Persons phnnld curofillly consider who they are donllnir with , ns many now concerns nro dally comlnir Into existence. Should you neoil monov , call and s o mo. W. IL Croft , Uoom 4 , Wlthncll llullding , llilli and llarnoy. g. " 8 Gl'KIl CKNT money to lonn. Cut rates on IHI-KO loans. Muhonoy k Hart-Is , Hoom 11 , l.vn Knrnmn st. 874JJM ONIJY TO LOAN at rensonahlo rates on M horiei , Itirmturo , vrntcliM nnd othnr per- poiml proporty. C. .1. Cnawell , Itoom It ) , Iron lliml : building , 12th nnd Fnrnnm. Tnko clovntor. 701 $ inoooo to lonn nn city rcsldonco property Oeo. W.Dny , 14(3 ( I'lirnnm. 2."iJ OPr.lt cr.NT Money to lonn. Slownrt & Co. , Itooin ! ! , Iron hnnk , l-'lli nndI'nrnnm. ftf ) ; 30,000 to lonn. Sums f.VJO nnd upward" $ Lowest rntos. llcmlg , 15th nnd Dousing sts. ONET TO T.OAN O. K. Davis * Co. Iloal Kstat * and Loan ajronts , 1005 Farnnm St gfll MONKV TO UAN-On ( food scrnrltloi A McGavock , room 11todlck Block , 1509 Fftrnam Bt. ' 'OJ M TO I.OAN-On ronl estate nnd chat tola , D. L. Thomns. 2rtJ MMONKY MONKY TO LOAN In sums of JMX ) and up. wards on flrst-clnra real estate security. Potter it. Cobb , 1515 Farnam St 204 ONKY I.OANKD nt C. F. Roed& Co's. lx n onico , on furniture , planoa , horses , wagons personal property of all kinds and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th , over mnghain's Commission storo. AU hug. ness gtrlctlr oonfldontaL s.v > PUBUTE3B OHANOEB. FOR SAI.H Saloon In ono of the best loca tions In the city ; llistcluss tradoand doing n largo business : reason for eolllm ; want to go to old country. Address A , Index ofllce. 44U-D BUHINKSS CIIANOKSVuntod - Voting man for cashier of national bunk. Must linvo unexceptional references and bo atttrod In U 0. Jones A Co.'s fiinltloas clothing. 50J-7 TjVm KXCHANOE-Stocks of goods of ovcry JL : kindfor furmsand > land ; also lands to ex change fortfoods. If you wnnt to trade , no matter what It Is you hnvo , write , with full do- ecrlptlon , to C. R. Mnyno , Heal Estate nnd fj.'rii8t Co. , Omaha Noh. goa "IJIOIt SAF.K Cl nr , news nnd confoctlonory Jtand. . In flrst-cluss location for stationery nndclgiirs. Will bo sold cheap. Address 1212 Douglas st , Onmlm , Neb. 473-8 * OlT SAI.K Itfstaurant , well located , with Nplondldtrndo. Hlgglns& I'urk , 1533 Doug- Tas st. 401-8 FOR SAI.K A flipt-chiss bukory , restaurant nnd confectionery stand In n town of 7 , < XX ) fnhabltnnts. Iiiqulro of r. 1' . Fny & Co. , Omaha. 101 ron HAI.K Several stocks of "goods , dolnir a healthy business , nuriurshlp clear , satisfaction - faction Kunrantocd ; terms onpy. gomo Omaha property taken In exchange. JlarshuH'-Ix > - brck , 1A11 Fitrimm st. 412 BU8TNkSS ClTAliCK A fine hall supplied with the finest spiritsotphomontl vorlnvito nnd all the accompanying drinks and titmiso- rnoiitsbclonglngtniUlrst-clasaplacaoftbo kind , locutod on ono of .the best husluesi street * In Omaha. The owner must sell another business calls him away. Tim place must bo closed out t onco. For particulars call nt room No. 6 over Commercial Natloniil-llanlc. D. H.Moore. ; 028 BUSINESS OIIANCK A man n any llvo town can do n profitable business In our iroods alone , or In connection with furniture or nny class ot lioiiso-fiirnlslilng goods or groo- eilcsj Btnull capital and largo pinllts. Tor par ticulars address "Mnmili.cturor , " Ul Summer street. Unston. Muss. Mlg-JO * | 7 > OR HAI.K In tlrst-class locution , grocery 'J. ' stock and tlxtuics : small capital rrmnrod : Vrnt low. liuiulto nt driig'ttoro , 10th nnd Doimlnfl. 787 LOST. I ( ) ST Sunday morning' nu Irish led sailor 'ilogabout 1H nuintlis old , Moll feathered , loiutiorco'hiron.On liU return n liberal ronaid M III bo given nt the ollloo. U I S 10th st. 5(1-8 ( * 1 o"4Tdtfn Monday , May ; llst , bctnoo11 -i I'loroiico and Omulm , u puckngu contulnlnir n com , nshaul nnd other nrllclos , Kinder gutt- nhly ronnnlcil bv lunvlnir BIIIIIO nt Wllllum Ucn- tlemun'n store , ICth nnd Cnss. 415 5 * i O.ST Aiollosliy.tcdHnr \ ; answers to the J-Jnaino "Tiamp. " J.i-ionniJ ollorcd. Ad- . < I'HS | ( ! . 8 lou ! Olllcc. . 463-7 * FIUJNIi An opportunity to buy stylish , wolf- mudo suits at bfdrocK prices at L. O. Jones & CO.'B , lan Karnam tit , r < B-7 CJI'R.VVKD-Onn buy mnrc , bluclc mime nnd > - . tall , fspnvln on both hind leys , nml u chost- Jiiit-i-olorod.1 year old colt. . rindnrwill return o M. T. Murphy , Contrnctor nnd llulldoivlSN Noith20th and Gruca at. , 431 > I'EKSONAS. _ ] OKUSONAI.-AII Indies who wish a ll ht run- nlng , nolsuloss and onsllv miiiuigod fcrwlnc nincliliii * , tr ) * the Union , SIM N Iflthst fS'J-8 1l' . lTsoNAT.-WU Jnsr-ph Allan Soudorpleaso pond his address to Mr. Henry eiuilnn , lioud conk Mttrojuilltun hotel , or onll In person If ho Is In to n. 62".8 * P r.RSONAl-lfo-monlhly earned learning beautiful photograph painting tnu ht free , In 0)10 ) Innir , to' Introduce innterlnl. leuoltcd nt St I.ouls nnd KKIHIIS City fnlrs. MUs Christie , 1514 Doiifflns. Wj.ll PKUSONArMiitrlmonlnlA bcnutlfiil and rulturod ludy of mains would llko tn cor- loippnd wlthu well rdiieutPtl , honnrublu younir limn that alivujs buys hlaolothlnjf of L.O. .lone * It Co.tallorclotbler4,1oU'.iFiiinam t > t. T > KK.SONAI < To persons \vlio wish to build n J homo In Orchnrd Hill , I will Hell lota upon run men ! of the nominal sum of ton dollars und unliuico m the end of the yours. Interest nt 8 per rent , p.iyiihlo ecinl-nnmmlly. This Is thn brat offer over mndo to niiy homo-feokor lit this city. Cull nnd eeu ma ft E. Mnynp , Honl K - tutu and Trust Co. , S.VT. cor. 15th ana I'nrnam. S 7 and tnsty nil-wool busl- " suits for ony 7.tt ) . All Rlros. Mull orderi"nlled."irij. JoiiJ ! & Co. , IJW IMrnnni. U.V1 * BOAHDUTQ. BOAltDI.so-V.U'jrnut fuintshod front parlor nnd board only M per week to n JOUIIK man v ho buys nil his clothing of L. O. Jones \ l o. , laoVTurmimSt , \\Tl\KTKn--BW quiet irontleninn boardois "by TT | hoveuk , JJ.M ; day board t'-i. 1108 N , J7th st. 421-fi" _ _ F UR RKNTHoom uud board' for two. ifllj Capitol nvo _ 143 SKAI.KI ) bIJg will bo received at the olllco of tbo South Onmhu Ijind tijndluute until Juna Slb.1Jlb'Sl ' 8 ° vlo'k Pin - , lor thn Krudlnicof K-.WXJ j iird * of earth , more or lesj.on streets In houiU Omaha. Prortlcietui bo tfun at thu fcyn- dlcutoolllcu , illllanl Hotel ItlocJi. Tuo mbt ID reject uny uid all bids U i-cacrv.Ml. ii < W Jl. A. UlTOJf , Maiingct. > IIoiiKen to build In city or coun- . try. Cnlloraddroat N. E. corner Hurt and Brown. 618-11 * T > ArtTIKS having rooms cither furnished or J "unfurnlfthcd , or house * they wish to rent , will nnd It to their Interest to cnll n ! Hoom limiting Agency , Itoom 11 , HOI Fnrnam t. , op- rosltornxton Hot'jl. 417-9 STOHAOF. Western Transfer & Storngo Co , corner 14th nnd Nichols gt , are preimrea to recohoiind store nil kinks of household ( roods etc. 2i \TOTH'i : i8 hereby clvcn that L 0. Vorbl t Jwlllnot borcsi > onslble fornny debts what- ovcr.contractod by mjr wlfo , Hulbcrtlo Vcrhlst , Mtn having loft my ! > ! and bonrd without cnu o. C. Vcrblit. O'Oa * n O TRADE I'or sheep ot other stock , Coun- -L ell Bluffs icMucnco property. II. , DrnworCj , 510-U' Omnhn. - FOK RKNT A liloroon n good rotnll street. Apply the Omaha Ilonl Eslnto nnd I/inn Co. _ 4 187 FplioTTINu sinlllon.Tnok Shcppnrd , Jr. , win Jmnko the sense ) nof 183' ) nt Omaha Kill- Grounds , bland ) 10V hnnds high , weighs 123- bs.jislhc largest nnd handsomest llnmhloton inn In the woKt. Ilrooil the mime ns Director 2:17 : : l'hallas,2iriU : , nnd Jny-Ejo-See , 2:10. : Cnlr nnd see him nnd hi * stoo k. Trms , $ .23 the soa5 son. Adnm Thompson * 615-J9 FOR UKNT Squnro iTluno f3 monthly. T" Ho .pc. 151.1 Douglns. 272 Trnoit RKNT Pqtinro Piano , $1 monthly. A J-1 Hospo , 1R13 Dougla * . 273 Foil itKNT Orgnns , $2 per month. ilospo , 1513 Ponging. 274 _ _ TOM BAiE-MIBOELtAKEOUS , Foil SAM : rorf"6 n Hno qnnrtor sent rend wntfon : coot j22r ) , J. L. Hlce , lloom n , ever Commorvml Nnttonul llntik. BI4-8 K offer lor tsnlA BOO choice two-ycnr-old stceit. Strantfo Bros. , Sioux City. In. J91JyS HAI.K-Horso with carrmKu nnd hnr- FOR A. Any ono In want of a rcllahlo family horse , call nt Homim'a Stublus , 13th st. 820-U * T71OU SAI.K A Sttrry , Simpson's mnho : Rood JU us now , nt A. J. Simpson's. SM Tpoil SAIjK Chenp , Iron columns nnd win- JP doxronpisultnhlo for front on brick build- Ing. For pnrHoiilnra npply nt this olnco. 613 OR SAI.K Ortrndo for city lots , nspnnof blnck drlvlnt' hor. es , aiiltabln for fnmlly cnrringotenm. Apply room5 , Iron liaukbulld'ir , P07 FOR SAI.K 2.1 ycnr loose on section g-ood land , 7 mites southeast of Atkinson nnd miles southwostot Kmmet.Holt county , Nob. Itcntal only $48 per jeur. Hnlchor. ( Indd & Co. , 121(1 ( Douxlus stieet , Mlllnrd hotel block , Omahn , Nrb. 801 FOR SALft Hod-room sot , oo < l ns now , nt n bnrKiiln. Apply 810 Wheaten Ht. Ml lTi' One sorrel in nro , blind In loft L eve , 8 yours old.V. . II. ( iould , South Omalin Water \Voiks. 407 _ FOIlSAI.i : Cheap , fine top buirffy. A. Hospo , lui : ) Uouglns. _ 500-J10 H Al.U One car 3 nnd 4 jour old holfcis FOK cnlvps ; ono carcholco fresh milch cows. J. O. Hull , f.lbboil , Nob. _ 425-1) ) ' FOHHAI.i : Squuro piano , $ . " > ! , monthly pay ments. IIospo , 1513 DouKlas. " 71 FOR SAI.K Mutch tonms and hor-tos of nl kinds to stilt customers nt Star Sulo Stahlos , 0th nnd Cumlnir. M. fnnnnn. i > mn. arn HELP. ANTKIl-Immodlatly , food girl at 1102 Davenport St. _ S.V.8 WANTKU A wood Ironer and a good starch- cr , Apply ut Frontier Laundry , 1512 How ard st. n. > v < * \\/ANTKU A girl for housework In n smnll ft fnmlly : none but oompotoiit help nocd np ply. Mis. N. J. Kdholm , 2414 Chlcniro 8t. H'A-'J WANTKD A competent cook. Mrs. F. C. Clnrk , 4 l N. 15lh st. 504-7 * WANTKD A good girl for Renernl house- woik ; first clnas rofercncea required , 'JTill Douglas street. 6M-D * First-clusa hcnd Inundross nnd WANTKD Ironor. Apply ut the Gor/cns. ANTUD = 09 Indies to try tbo Union Pow- Ing mnchlno , 209 N. llith tit. 600 8 WANTKD Girl to do light housework , IS or or 10 yenrs of ngo. Call ut house , N. W. cor. Suundurs n.nd _ lllomlo sts. J. Ij. Itlco. U 8 ANTKD-Oood woninn cbolt , 314 F. llth Btrcoi. f 3b ) * VT7ANTKD Girl for ponoral lioufowork ; T l must tie KOod cook nnd willing lolivo In ( ho suburbs. Inmilro ut C. K. Hnyuo's olllce , SW cor. 15th nnd Fnrnnm , KJ-11 WANT ! . : ! ) Good cook , 71U S 14th St. Good nges. KJO-O * WANTKD A ( rlrl for gunornl housework , BWcor. lltn and Dodge. 5.1U-12 * WANTED Wet nurse ; npply nt once Ht 410 Convent Bt. KJ3 WANTKD Competent Bill for Boneral housework. IDO'J Farnnm. 543 " \\7ANTIlD-Lndlos nnd gentlemen of good ' ' address to tnko orders In thu city , nnd Ne- brnsku nnd surrounding Ktntcs : big pay nnd omiiloymunt the your round. Cull on or nil- dress H. H. Bmith , Itoom 3 , Wlthnoll block , Omubn , Nob. 52U-0 WANTKD uo good glils for first nnd second work in prlvuto Inmllics. Cull nt Neb. em ployment ngency , 119 IGth und Cupltol nrenuo. 513 / ANrKD-Flrht-class Inuiulioss. 710 South 14th Bt ; good \uiges. US88 * WANTKD A ell I tonsslst doing housework. Mia. L. DiigKim , 11U ! Smith 13thsi. < 55 "ITITANTKU Afcmulo cook nt ono , nt the City Hotel. 45tl-7 * AirANTllD 2 phnmbormaidj at ' .US Uoiik'las > > St. 441 WANTKD Flist-elnsRrook nnd housolii'eper fnr Inrm work In the epiintry. Uldoriy womiui , n mnn cook , or mnn und wifu , with tlr-t-chisi iL'commcmlutlons. Steady \cnr i\ui k. AdJiess F71.BuuunifO. 4UJ r-Girl. 1543 North llith Bt. JIis. .1. Jl. Counsmnn. il7U WANTKD nxpnrlonucdsliht huiids. Apply Omnhii Shirt Fnclory. 1103 N. Itltli Rt : iJl'-7 \ \ A.N'J'it : ) A irl for Konuiiil liousu\\ork. V > 1415 Uownrd st. S'.ii " \\7ANTJD-fA : girl for gcnoinl housowoik nt 2123 Sownrd t. lira ANTUU 1'iisiry cook nt Windsor Ilolul. WANTKD-Tivo good Klrls , ono to cook , wish nnd Iron , the other' to do bucotid Vfoik. IDllWebsloi % li 17 ANTKD A good dressmaker at ouco. Cor. 10th nnd DoJgu his. VOl \VANTKD-In afnmllyof three , thurougnly M competent Otirnmn irlil fur uoiiorni i ; must furnish icfuronccs. Aiiply ut Coehran llrua.'iCQl cstatu olllco , 1M3 Inrnum Mrcct. 1W WAMIED MALE JIELI' . \\7"AXTII { > loSwi'doi fnr Rliillon work ; > Juh. K. 8. Albiluht , IL H. Labor Ax nur , WANT1U ) Vuuiimnn ) Inuriilnu tolcp-rnphy ut nlghtii ; uitH In work lor hoard dtiiliiK thu dny AddrfbiO : ' ! thU olllco. T/iU-IO' \\7AMTliU M\opnrtnerlo tnuu half Interest - > est In nn oMnbllshrd and p.iylntolllco bus- luess. Cnpllul riKiulrixl ( I.UuU eusli ; bii8lno s fr.VXI lo (1.IVKI per month. Addiut-s 'nrliKT , box 579 , Omahn. f > 14-a _ WANTIIP Tnobofi to loam bookKoopm1.- , IGth nnd Duutlai , Itushtunu lllocu. J. li , Smith. SIB-7 * _ \T7ANTr.U-23ffoodmrn for trnok uork in II Wjoralnif ; htemly ivorn , good Job I ! . S A\- \ bfljjht , It. 11. 1.iibor Atfcnt , UH I'mimm M. OU WANTKU At once , n jnollrloiit ehorlhnnd writer , witli typu writer uleu. AddreM ( j. SO llco olllce , wilh iufcionur. & 1& t > * \\7ANTin An A. No. 1 salesman to sell 1 1 nu iiutiUlmoiit houso. L'All lil S. 10th at. CI5-U * _ \\rANTI-i : ) ABPIIU to foil territory' best i > bclltiw.patuut right in the miirkpt. Call ornddross II. II , Seclcy , ( 'cntr.il Clly , Neb M7-IO' nipclmnlcs ; must bo Mrlctlysolierunl wear UUJoiios Bllksutted elotliliiK. W.\.NTHD-A ff.o. | llvo man to solicit for firoeery. In-iuliu - i'AKCumlujrit. sa-7 \\7"ANTin-Oood : giris at ilM. riannorya' > > IQIBH lOthit. 1W-7 * \\7ANTKI1-8U jounff moil of ( roodnddrcss lj oud Imslnn.-s ability , Cullen J. JI. rioooh iG _ > . Jltopni 10 , lluilmmu lllock. 475-10 * A-lTA.NTKi > T."i."abororr"for railroad workT i cradera nnd traok-lnypra. 11 a. Albriirht laiborAgiinar.lxa Knrnam. jixj BIYUAa-IOM WAMJEO. TIT"ANI'Ktl Dy woman , a sltuPtlOn a T auuoWeop r , Call ut No. SU N. Vth st. WANTno-Situation as cook , Address 710 North 15th at. MM * TIT ANTEI > situation by a man of Rood ean- T cation and business ability , coming well recommended ) speaks Ocrmnn. Addri' * G 22 , Hot * offlco. I549-10 * AJ TII Kmploymcnt In wholesale orro- tall Rrocery by jountr Knullsnman of ten years experience In the business , of steady hab its ; ( TOOa London reference. Address O In , Dee office. 515-8 * WANTnn Jly n joun * married man posi tion In a whole nlo or retail house In the city , jrrocory preferred ! 5 years experience ! writes n fair business hand , has ? omo knowl edge of bookkeeping ; also understands typewriting - writing and can furnish mnchlna. ( lood refer- enooKlvon If roiulrod. Address with particu lars , U 14 , llco onico- 48S-S * WANTKD-Sltuatlon In architect's omeo as trneer.by yonnir man of thrco jears ox- crlcnco. Address O 10 , llco onico. 471-10 * WANTKI ) Situation by n steady yountr man on n farm ; a ( rood worker. Address O If , llio olHco. M3-7 MISCEI.I.ANEODS WAKTS. WANTiiOno : or two fitrntMicil rooms with board , near business center. Apply under oartcoomce. BS7-9 V\7ANTii > -A party with $1',0 In cash to buy TI thoontlro lotoriioiisohoM poods of a lo- Dom bouso nt 1010 Farnnin ; f 5 to (49 per month can bo cleared. Call and coo. Kor easli only , , 6fit- * W ANTii : > Teams. T. Murray. 472 WANTKU-Two doslrablo unfurnished rooms In private family , central location , Refer ences exchanged. AUdros * J. W. D. 424 8. 12th BU 4i.V7 ) Air ANTKU f2,000 8 per cent money for two ' ' years on cllt uduo real caliito RCCIII Ity. No brokers or loan n onts ncodapnly. J.L , llluo , lloom K , over Cominorlnl National Dank. f4l-8 W ANTKO To buy for eiish , real ostilte without Improvement : price not to exceed fj.OOO. itnal estate agents "noed not npply. Address - dress p. E. I lodmnn. aiO N. ICIli st. 4l OU * WANTKD To rent two rooms In good local- lly llrst-doM In every ruspect , with bourd , 1 > 7 ngontlcrann nnd wife with ono child. Address - dross O 12 , Omnhn Boo. 484-7 * ANTKD-3hort-hand work of all kinds by J. B. Haynes & Co. . 1511 Dodge at. 80) WANTED Houses for good tenauU. J. B. Kvnns & Co. . 151.1 Dodgu. CU rOB RENT UOUBB3 AND X.OTS. FOR HUNT A house where you can mw.1 < o liom $25 to$40 pur month clear. Cnllnt I 010 1'ninnm. 5G.V7 * TT1OR RKNT 5-room hoiisu. $12. imiulro of i JB , li ItOKcrs.S. li. cor. Cuuilnirnnd Smind- era. 458 FOR RKNT Smnll house , : l rooms , Cap. nvo , brt. Oth nnd 10th. T. 3. Clniksou,2l9 8. Itth SU 52J-7 FOR RiNT : House tl-rooins , linth looms , closet * , etc. . No 111 North 13th HI , 878. Store room on St. Mury's nvo. with living room nbovo , f ft ) . Stni * room on llth st , near Farnnm ; mnko line ollloo , j2j. Hi Ick store , N K cor. 14th nnd Howard , $55. HoiifO 0-rooni8cood l-nin , Ililstol street near corner Siumdors , ? 22 nftor Juno 15th. C. E. Mnyno , Ucnl Estnlonnd Trust CO. 4K1 TTIOR RKNT I hnvo povornl line pieces ot JL' business property to vent on iomr time for Itnpiovomont. T. S. Clnrkon,210 S 14th. 517-S FOR RKNT Houses. A 10 room house , electric light. Inlaid tloors , grates nnd lur- nneo veij cheap to family who buy their clothIng - Ing of I , , O. Jonus & .Co. , economy clothiers , 11)09 ) Famnm street. 5UJ.7 FOR RKNT 4 room bouse 3 blocks south of Hnn-com 1'uik. cor. ( jould nnd Allen st.45'1- ' " * FOR SAI.K Now 9-ioom house. Amos , 1507 Farnam st. 4.CT-9 * FOR RENT Ono 8 nnd ono 10 loom house with nil modern Improvements , in a desir able locution. Inquire of O. F. Davis tt Co. . 1505 Farnam. 374 TOOK IlKNT-Storp bnlMIng with 4 living -L1 roomsubovo , Kituuted on I'ell .Shcrldati st , bet. St. Marygnvo. nnd hcuvonworth. The locu tion ulfords ndoslrnhlo opening for n bnkeiy , snddlory nnd harness or laundry business. Ap ply to Wm. Fleming , 14th nnd Douglas. 31 FOR RKNT Anolegnnt.now 8 room house , modern Improvements nnd ovciy convonl- onco,2Sth nnd Chl jjro sts. $ , r > per month with Imin ur t'o without barn. C. R Mnyne , 15th und Fiirnniri. " 319 FOR RKNT Now 5-room cottngo on 27th nnd Webster sts. Imiulro Hoom 15 , Omnhn Nntlonnl Bank. 1' . J. Creedoiu _ 341-7 FOH RKNT A ment murkot nil complete nnd doing n good business. Apply Itobu Purvis , 211 3. 14lh. 218 TfORRKNT One 8-room cottngo one block JT north of Head of St. Mnrj's nvo. , S'Z'i per month. Ono two-story house cor. I'hll Shorldnn nnd Hull st8 nice rooms , * 00 pgr monili. r , T 1'olorson & Co. , S. E. cor. 15th nnd Douglns Bticet. 079 T71OR ItKNT With board , neatly furnished JL rooms at 1710 Cnss st. 551-12 * OR RENT Furnished rooms. 1G21 Cnpltol avenue. 291-12 * TT'OR RKNT Small store room on 11 th ftroet JC between Vurnam und Hnrney. ' C. K. Mnyno , Ucnl Estate & Trust Co. , IBth nnd " OR RKNT Two nicely liirtilshod rooms on IOR car line. 2227 podge.fflu.iq * F OR RKNT Itooms with bourd nt < llt4 Fur * nara st , KQ-tf FOR ItENT Furnished front rooms wltn ntco\o. 5.15 Faicvlow street , > A block from St. Mnry'aiivo. 403-6 * OR RKNT-Largo cnst front"ndm'll2 S. 2Jd. 510 TjlOR RKNT-Furnlshcd rooms for light X1 housekeeping , SI5 n month on California near -.I'd. T. H. Ulnrkson , 219 ix'.Hth st ffH A T7OR RENT Furnlshod rooiuS , 1707 Ca s si7 1 433-11 * FOR RKNT Inrjo uliy room for two gen- tlomoa nt TUO S. IGth st. Itoloronocs re- quired. JIS5-8 , ITIOII J.KNT Furnished roomg , 180''Cnss-Bt. . * 4VO.1I > - TTloit RKNT-Nleo fiiinlstjod front room ; Jicnt ruiisoniilile014 ; N. litli st. 487.7 * 171OR ItKNT Nicely fuiiilstiod pl < 'its\iit ! room . lor gentlemen : pleasant locnllly : private houso. 1015 Capitol nte. . 45J-1U' T71OR ItKNT I'mnlshcd rooms , JH nnd lO Jpet month. 6 North IJtli st. 4I.M * „ T71OR RKM' Nleely ftirnlslicd looiri wllli al- -L. cove , No. 5J5 Tali \ low St. , \ \ block north Bt , Miirjsn\o. 4u * I71OR RKNT uilfuriilshad rooms , sltlglo X1 or two In suit : gentlemen profcnod. In- quite of Dr. L. A. Siniona , EstnbroOk llloak , 404 FOR RIINT Ono nice room ut SSJ3 DoJito street. 7u ir > oit IIINT : Small furnished loom ihoup. TmoR RUST Two furnlsliod rooma CerT X1 Louvcnivorlli and 25th , No. 24'1' J13I-H * [ TlOli RUNT Two stnto looms on Ifltti strootT -L' Wutor , sai ami hnwer connoclions. The C.lJ.Miiyae and Ti ust Co. , cor. inth and Furnam. _ 8JI FOR RENT -For light hoiibokcoplng , rooms fiunlshcd or unliirnbluid , In Iloomer'o U'f ! L S.riJ'iMJJiJ ! "JlllJ'01 > "E0 : _ ; r u ? 0ll UKNT Lnruo furnished front loom .1 : with Mlcovo bedrooro. 25IJ Doduo st. In- Uiilreor J , L , Plorson ACo. . ; : oi If on RKNV Nlccly furnished rooms , with - board , 714 N. 11)1 ) hat. 233 TT OR ItKNT-A furnUhod room In n prlvuto - ifamily. . AdUrcsa K5J. Hep olllco. 251 Tj OR RENT I'lirnlshcd looiua ; term * low. ' -1 } ? 02J Hurnoy 3Ji " T71OR 1U5NT Fiinilshc'd loom with or with. : _ gutbgnij.Aji'l { ) toillLX. I7tli at. I'l.l RKNr Otlieo room on tir l Iloor. In- J- ' quire U. C , I'uttor.-on , Iron Bunk Building. " t.71 THOR RKNT An excellent biiM'uiont.WJunit Jl fills 13thSt. ; 3 stores on9th nnd Douulna , nnd2stnro9on )4uiidCumluir ) , 1'nulscn i , Co. 151J F.irnnm. wj "J7 pR RKNT FurnUhod rooms. 181(1 ( Dnd eT * ' [ 32 FOR RKNr flood furnished room ; , location central. Inquire at Atkinson's Millinery , No , aii N. 16th. jai-JS F tm RIN r-Deik room. 'Hush "i'ScTliyTsis S.15thst _ _ { jJl TH10R RKNT-A nlcoly furiiUhed room , 102 } X ? Douglas st. hl ) UAZiE-KOTJSBS-LOTS. FOR bAl.r. Or HRdB. a cottueca InAmblor Place , Will tiHdoorgoUoulong tlrao. Ills gins & 1'iu-x , ISfj Douglas. IQl-B Foil SAI.K 5 Cottage ; nnd lots on 20th nnd Grace , f-MO uu b , bal $ - per month. Those cottucos mo n bHrgnln nt the price a k d. Hlg- tflns A I'urk , X5TJ Do ugbis. , fiio-O TT0.11K8A * LJ'-r u1 'U > Lincoln plaix % f 125 to 1 1475 , emy tcnai. Hl jfius & 1'uik , 1522 BKDICITS fJnOTn.wiu moVoyou money M * .n Invcstinetiit Tin account of locution , nenrnoss to biis > noW and prices and terms glvon. I/ots sellhvrnti$700 to tl OO. Amos Heal Estnto Agency , I"fljt wnam st. 86 tTOirsAI ! , < : tolVriflots in Lincoln I'lacofor -C tnlo cheap on od tlmo. Illgfflns St Park. RCIIARl ) llt/.L/'lAts / ' roll on their merits. Low prices frtrtlfmsy terms trlvon Callnt The a R. Mayno and Trust Co.8 offlco and got a plat. 203 t | * lVRDTcK'8 OlioVB iYou should see nnd con- JLV slder for yourselves Its advantages for In- vostmont. Ixitsnimmr buslnoss ns thcso , nre n snlo Investment at J700 to $ IMX ) a lot. Ames Hcnl Kstnto Agontfy,1507 Fnrnam M. 3MI " PECIAMlAl | AiVf-105fort fr nt on Fnr nnm st. $20,000 ; Albright & Aylcjnorth.218 8. Ijlh st. ' 7 sa-10 AVED STUnKta' to within ono block of lledlck's Qrovo only strenglhcn that most doslrublo s | ot tor rcsiilonco. Como nnd sec for yourself. AMks , 1507 Farnnra. 710 iTblCK'3 QHOVP Islnsldo nnyTesldenoo lo" cation nowfornnlo nt $70Jto Sl.WO perlot Come nnd sou It , Amoa Heal Kstato Agonoy , ISO" Farnamjst. as J EDICK'S OHOVK will mnko you money ns B an Investment on nccount ot locution , nnnrnevs to buslnoM nml prices nnd terms given. Lots sailing at $700 to $1 00. Ames Huat Kalato Agency , 1507Farnam , st. B80 FOR 8AI.R 3 collages ntnbnigain,3 blocks from CumminstBrooms , city water , fine Km to In etich. $2y > cash , bal ? 2i per month. 111- irlns * Paik , 122 Douglas. 461-3 TTIOR AIn-Finn corner lot on 22d st , with J- good barn. Will sell chcnp or will build bouso to suit purchaser. $ .250 cash , bal small monthly payments. Hlgglns& Parlc,15J2 Dons- asstr 464-8 _ * ' K ErinTKrS TfUOV'fe-Aiiios Heal Estnto Ago'v ry , solo uconta. 15W Fnrnam at , OsS A no I > jsl front on Delaware street , Rnnscom " ± place , bountiful lot. $2,100 Ixjvirrcn & Wilde , 1501 rarnnm stiect a 721 FOR SAI.K Jl/)00 for two lots on the corner , east nnd north fronts , near Lake St. , Hush A , Sclby , 21S S. 15th St. 612 TTIORSAl.K Dwolllncs atnll prices ami In nil JL1 parts o f the city , llush * fcolby , 218 8.15th street. 512 TTIOR SAI.K Small cash pajments nnd bal- .L unco monthly pnymonts tor dnolllairs centrum trumloeiitod , $1,700 to 51,800. Hush & Belby , 218 S. 15lh st/ 512 REDIOK'3 OltOVE-Nonrost.best nnd cheap est lots In Omnhn , nt $700 to $1,500 per lot. Anma' Uunl K < t ito Agency , 1507 tnrnain St. 388 1'KOIAI. llARfSAIN-Fino 6-ncro iota , nil together , in Hlmobnugh's addition. Must bnsold right nwny. 1'ilco per ucro , $500. H. C. I'uttorson.iath nnd Douglas. 002 FOR HAI.K Jonos' nddltion. electric light , giunlto atrcotj und over ) thing first , class , 1300 Fnrimm st. Moiis' stj llsli scorsuokor coat and vests $2.00. Mens' finer quality summer OOBU und vests , Jlcns' llnost silk Poiuooconts und vests , 68.00. > Muns' iiBut und tii9ly nil suits , $7.00. Moils' stylish plaid cnssimnro suits , $10CO MODS' English worslod suits , $ u.O ) Mont' suits to order , nice pnttorns , $2jOJ. Mcns' dress suits to oitlcr , $35 00. Kcmcrabur the number , S1IWI Farnam street. 5UJ.7 FOR SAI.K 3 auros In Ilurknlow'a sub-divi sion , cnst front ; 4 shares In Omaha Dairy nssoclatlon : 1 two-soatcd buggy ; 4 One bnrbor chairs. 214 S. 12th st. 691 ' UHOVi : You should soonnd consider BKDICK'S sider for yourselves Itsnd\nntnges for in vestment. Lois ns ue'ir business ns those , nre n RnTo Investment nt $700 to $1,500 n lot. Amos Itonl K tate Auonfiy , IftJ7 Fniivun st. i)80 ) rf FIVo'horci In Tuttle sub-dlvl- X slon , lot 22 , ImirOm. For Infprmatlon ad dress C T. SinIthoBoaofflcc. Lincoln. J16H-7 * B DICK'd GKUVE > wIU make you money ns an Investment on nccount of locotion , ncnrncss to buplnes , vnnJ prices mid terms given. Lots selling ntS700to , $1,509. Ames Hcnl Estate Agency , 1607 Farnnm st , 3S < > Pen SALE Two clogiint oust front coriicF lots In Hurr.-Oiili : naturnl Rlmdo trees. Iliitchcr , flndd & 60. . 1U1D Douglasstroot , Millnrd hotel I > ! ock0innh.tt _ , Nob. 804 REDICIC'S GUQVIi-Amcs Heal Estnto Agen cy , solo nicenta. I5y7 I'nrnttin st. 335 REDICK'S GUO'VE iFnrlmmstreet cnrscable cars , mi elognnt tdsklenro pnrt of Omnhn , nil eomhlno to mako'thls propoity iloslrnblo : $7CO to $ lfiOOn lofc A'mos Uoal Kstato Agi'iicy , 1507Fynainsi. , . . - . 380 j- a. . . . } P OR iSArEFivolocplrnblb > Ainoler plaeo lots nt n bnrgntiijlr t > 6Jd trithln n few days' . Inquire of Ulsdon it Comstock , MoichiMits Nn- tlonnl bnnk building , Hoom 1 , up-stiilis. 4'i ' FOR SAT.K A peed Impiovod farm , 100 acres , 10 mllua from Ouinha. U. M. Gcntui , I4n&Douglnsstivot. i 444 RKDIfirS GItOVE otfors best Inducements In terms , prices and location of any pi ap- orty la this mnrket. See thcso lots selling nt (700 to $ lr > 00 nnd be convinced. Ames' Hcnl Estate Agency , 1507 Fnrnuin st. 12U-5 FOR SAI.K Or Trndo Improve ! nnd unim- ' proved lauds In Fcirntw and ot lor western counties. Address Win. Slmoral , Arnpahoo , FurnaaCo. Nob. 275 R EDICK'S GHOVF.-Amos Itcsl Estnto Agency - cy , solo ngonts. 1507 Fnrnnm at. US5 Tj > OR8ALK Improved and unimproved larin P Innds. Gibson. Larson le Co , ' iltoom r 3 , Wlthnell Block 1 < S1 EDICK'S GROVij Ncaiost , host and cheap- cst lots in Omohn , nt S700 to $ I.1 > OJ per lot. Arnes Heal Eitnto Agency , 1507 Fiirnnni ht. HM FOR KXCHANai-floOOstockdrrgOOdsfor Omaha property. Archer & Fitch ? 218 8 15th 8t. 405 RRDU'K'S GItOVE Is Insldo nny residence , lo cut Ion now for sale nt f'CO to SI.VW'poi' lot. Come and sue It. Amos Ueal Estate , 1S07 rariinin st. * , TTIOR SAlK-2 fine lots Jii Jerome P JEtieet bet rarnnni and Dodge : cheap , bit , ' bargain T , S. Claikson , 210 S 14th St. 6J7-8 RKDICIC'3 OUOVK Vou phould BCO und con sider for yourselvus Its ndviintnucs lor In vestment. Lots as near business us the-o , urn a piifo luve lniiMit nt $70) ) to $ lr > 00 nlot.mes Itpal Kslit o . > gcncyf 1507 Fai nuiu sU , t | ' ! M POR SAI.i : Hosldonco propcity and vacant lots In ovciy addition In Omatm.'lruis to 1 stilt pin ehtisor. .Vlio du liilblo biiBlnnss prop erty Gibson , Lnnou & Co , , Hoom II , Wlthnoil lllock. | X ] 5' ' _ _ _ _ RIIDICK'd GHOVK-110 foot Irom puved street , ' 5 block Irom 28th st. school house , f:03 lo $1,530 pur lot. Amoa' Itoul .Itfituto Agvncy , 1537 1'ilrnp mat. ' / 8,1 EDICK'S OltOVr.-llO feet fiom pnvod atrnct. ! i block from 2 th Ht. pchool hogso , $703 to ? 1SJ ! ) per lot Amos' Houl Estate Agency , 15D7 1'urnnm tt. _ 3V1 RIIDICK'S OHOVE-ruriinm btri'0t/ ' > 'iiaoullu cure , nn elegant residence pnrt of Omiiha , nil vomlilno to mnko this property duslr.iblq ; 7lW to $1V u lot , Ainea Uoal Estnto Agency , 1507 rarmuii M. ; bO R EDICK'S GHOVE Fiirpnin Mioctcnrs.cuhlo curs , an elegant loildciico pnrt of Onmhn , nil comblno to miiku tills ptopeily do > liublo ; ? 7l > JtolV.tOnlot. Amca Heal Katuto Agency , ixi7Fuinumet. ; l U FOR HAI.K Trackngo lots 'for snlo on easy terniB ; be&t there IH ; onsy teims , T. S. Clink- eon , 219 South 14th stiuot. 637-3 P cm HALK On monthly ptyinonta.'JcottHgoa of5 rooms onCnTTde mlle trom poatollico. Enrjiiiruof Win , ( jiKcaval DowoyJkBtoiio'H. 071 RF.DlciS c7foVj-OnTv lots 113 neur bui < r- ness , us nciirMdW , ncliools and chiirchca L'onio und HOO tlui-o lots. Amos' Iteul Estate AKoncy , 1617 Furnaui ft. ssa T3EIICK18ljIOi'R-Only { lots as near husl- J.V no'w ' , as nuarBtOfes , schools and churchus , ( 'oino uud sue tlv.lots. . Amos' Heal Kstnlo Agency. 1507 I'unmfn st. 3s BKDICKBOHOVE-Only lots ns nonr busi ness , as nonr VontA , tclioois und uhurohos. Como und eoo thoao Ion. Amca' Hcul Estate y , 16)7 I'aniiim St. 3bfl FOR HAI.i-n : IMfllnm st near court housn ; a line lot ut u bart'Hln , if sold within the nwcl luwla-a. HlK'tfliis i : I'ark , ifti ! Douglas si. inl-8 EIHCK'S ( iltOVI pinsldouiiyiOJldenou lo- outlon now for kGuiii t-TOJ to ? lr > OJ iior lot. Ciiuin niuUeo It. Ames Heal Ustuto Agoiia\ . 1507 Farnum bt. _ a _ , _ _ HM " TTIOR HAr.K-SoutrtfeholoestlCllby I'Jaco lots" , J ? S85J uucb. A , r. Tukoy , I3J1 Furnum st. 143 KDTCK'B RItOVR-140 feet from paTo7 | Direct , \ , bbok from -8tli bt. tcliool house , 700 to $ ICJU per lot. Amis' Itonl Kjttile A cnoy , 15 _ T7IOH HAM- : Cottages on Ohio bt. Brnull cash J. payirent , billj per month. , 4(11-8 ( REIICK'S"GHOVI > NraTo8t , ben and choup. est lots In Omaha , nt $100 tn $1,50) | > or lot. Ami' * ' Heal Estuto Agonuyi 15H7 Farnum st. 3 jfl Br.UICK'8 OHOVlT Oiily losldencolots to bo hud nt DfUios uikud , telling fust ut $7W lo S1,5A > per lot , AUKS Ki : u. l.'sr.tTi AOCNUV , 20-5 1507 Fmuaniat. _ FOR hAI.i : Or trade for unimproved prop. crty witlilu IHO inlloiofilty , a Quo modern IUIURU of U rooms , well , cistern and I am , boifti. tifully tlnlslioj iiisdle ; lot 60x15' , lociitod ono block fromtcrmlnua of rod nnil green cur llnea , C. it Baton. OI B. 13th Bt _ a7SJ-2 EKDICK'S OHOYAiues Itottt Estftto Agon- oy , Bolu ufBtitd. 1W7 t'urudiu at. > TUST think Of It. Two lots east fronts and * J near street curs for only gl/OX 5ia FOR SAI.K Lot-s : n nil the additions to Omahaforealo by Hush fcSclby133. 15th . . jlj RKUirK'S OHOVK-Ames Meal Ritato AKOU cy , solo iiff jnts , 1M7 Farnam st. 3S3 FOR SAT.E-nar nlns by Stockdalo A IJunchcr. Ix > t In Urnko add. on Darenport St. , $3,000. Three beautiful lota tn SumiyjUo on Cali fornia st , cnehI X ) . Klegnnt south front lot In Cnpltol hill ndd. , Hnrnoy st. , JS.OOO. rino lots In llniiscom plnoo from (1,030 to ' " "lot In Hillside No l , on Davenpart ft , $1,109. . I < ot IMxMOon Snuudora St. , east front , near Lnhe , fo.U.U Four benutlful Acres In Tnylor'sndd ncarthc Fort , t3M ) . Chonplots In nil the outlj Ing additions. Houses and Uts nt nil prices everywhere. Alwn)8co us before you buy or sell. B ochdnlo A llunoher , 1511 Doilgost. B03.U FOR S.VI.i-Io9 : ! on Cumlng nnd Hurt streets , near 30th , $1,200 tn JJ.OOO . each. I ots In Lowe's addition , $530 to $000 each : very easy terms. 2"i acres , well Improved , Shousos , barn , ate. , ne r Fort Omulm , * fWW. Lot on Sowuiil St. . near 31 t , 5000. 2 lots , (101 ( feet south front ) , on Hamilton Bt , near Poor Claim convent. $ t,709. ISO foot west Iront , on 24th st , no.ir Farnam , $125 per foot. Corner lot on Hurt ft. , near Lowe ave , 63 foot S. front , $700. Knjy terms. Lot on Virginia avo. , near Lonvonworth St. , $2 000. 2 nc'ros In West Omnhn , $3.0X1. Lot on How aid St. , ( OtxlU2 ! foctl , $ it .000. Corner. 44xlU. ! on Hnrnoy st , $20,000. Lot In Nelson' * add. , $1,700. 2 lots In 1'lalu View , fsoo each. Corner lota on Seward t , 3 block ) from Poor Claho Convent , J7.0i easy terras. 4t foot east front on S. 13th St. , $1.5) ) . 12) foot east front on S. lUth St. . tll.WO. Four-story nnd bftsenicnt urioic store , 30 feet fronton Hnrney st , 830,000. 2 houses nnd lots on Fnrnam , near SCth sU , south front , $ lr PO eacli. House nf 7 rooms , lot 60x127 foot , on Satinders , nonr Cumltlir , $ u.20a HOIIBD of 3 rooms , cistern , etc , lot 4J < 4xl33 on S. 17th st. , $1 , ' < 00 : monthly payments. PO acres , 4 miles west of elty , $100 per aero. Iota In South Omnlia , $400 to SI5X 1-ot 22x120. on Doilirc , near 12th at. (4,100. 1-ot In Cortlnndt Place , fo.UUO , ono block from Bt. Mnry's nvo. House nnd full lot on Hamilton st , near 20th , $3,500. House of Brooms , lot 35x140 feet , on ISth.'ncnr Nicholas 3t.r-,500. House of 6 looms , lot 25x140 f cot , en 18th , non ( Icliol.iset , $2,000. Moiu f to lonn nt lowest rnto of InteiUSU Qoo. IMlemls S.V cor. 15th nnd Uouglns. , . 504 T I" 1'IKRSON &CO. , lleul Estaito IJrokers , J . 1H03 Furiiniii , 2nd Iloor. j \\'o olfcr on monthly tmj insnts , Chnloo Acre Lots In lionlleld nt $ 40000 Ixjts In lledford Place $300 to 40003 40 ncios tuiidv to subdivide sco this. Nonr licit Line 4,5 OJ rinoLot on llniucy 2,8M 00 Wo ImVo n larpo list of Special "Haigalns" which wo would bo glad to show you at nuy time. When you wish To Duy , To Sell , ToKtclmngo , Do not full to see us. Wo promise you liberal tientmunt In every cuse , Our telephone No Is 621. J. TJ. Plorson & Co 538-8 FOR SAI.K A bargain : 2' * acres ndjolnlng Uonf Institute : 2 houses , good cemented cellarL'COcrmio vines , nil kinds of small fruit : JS/iOO. C. E .Mnyno Itcnl Estate & Tin at Co. , 15th and Fnrnnm. 535-11 OR SAM : Vacant lots. Wo offer : Vacant 100100 cerncrnonr Lake st , Vacant 100x128 on J.ako. Vacant 67xii" ; ) , cornur on Howard. Vacant C0\140. Domso's ndd. Vncanl lOaxl.V ) , Paik nvo. Vacant 100x150 , Georgia AVO. Vacant U2xl40,15lh St. Vacant 132xl < 0 , Ibth at. Vurnnt 120x127 , corner Lowo's ndd. Hush ASclby.glS 8.15th at. 813 " II. KVANS & CO. Hnvo roranlo : Vine cornnrn In IKinKc'n add tl,100 Mne corners , 2 lots , Thomburj ; I'lncc I'M ' HouTiml I'lnce. 21) choice lots JiM nnrt I > W llnwthornu , 4 best corners at l.ltt ) Crcston JStW unil l ) WwtShlo lots MM IliuiHcom I'luco KSU > to2 < > iU IllKliliiml I'lMco fSjO to l.'iiD Joroino Turk UOJ And choice properly throughout the city. 611-3 T > \TTKRSON PARK , CRES. ' A' Which Is the best property to buy QUKRY big profits/ Answer Aero prop erty. / vUKRY What pnrt of the city will develop Vl first ? A. The southwest. TJKRY in what addlllnu is the cheuposl S acres ? A. Pnttorson 1'nrJc , $ J75 per acre SQ1 Q1 UKRY How fnr from court housdls Patter- eon Park ? A.-3H miles. UKRY Cnn ncioa bo boujrht In Pnttor on Park on longtime , easy ] > nymonts and low rate of Interest/ . Yes. To whom will I go to buy acres In Patterson Pnrk ? A. To D. C. Patterson , olllco 1st Iloor , Iron Bank Iluiliim , who also has lots fn Lincoln Place , MnyMold , Hlmobuugh's add. , West Omaha , paundcrs i lllmobaugh'e , IIonHold. Hlilnn's First , South Omaha. Cnll on D. C. Pnttorson. 123 STItAYKD. Lnrgo soirel horse , whltotlp In fnoo , branded J M. on loft aide of nock. Plrnjed from Fairground pasture. Notify A. TliotnpSon , Fnlr grounds. Wi7-I0 * Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago Th o only road to tnko for Dos .Momns , Jlar- hullt own , Ccdnrltuplds , Clinton , Dlxlo. Chlcniro. Milwaukee and nil polnla oust. To Iho people of Nebruiku. Colorn.lo . , Wyoinlinr , Utuh. Idaho Novadn.OrcHon , Wnshliu'ton and California it oil era Bii parlor ndvnnlnir oa not possible by any Among a few of thoniiinoious poliitaot supe- ilorlty enjoyed by the puliona of this rondbo- tw fun Omaha and I Chicago , uro its two trains a day of-DAY COACHKS which uro the llnest Hint humun nrt mid liiimnulty can cieiito. lUPAI/- ACK SI.iail'lN'O CAIld , whlcti uro modola of roinfot t iin.l cloguuco. Ha I'AHIXJU DIO.WINU HOOM CAHS uusurnnssod bvnnv. und ita wlio- ly ceioDrutod 1'AI.ATIAI. DININO 'JAUS , tuo equal of which cuiuiot bo found olsowhoro. At Council llluirx the trains of th Union I'uci- Co Hy. comioct in Union Depot with those of tha Ch.cugo& Northwestern Ily. In Chlcngo the trains of this line miiko close connucltou with thosoof nil oustorn linos. For Detroit , Columbus , Indlnnnpolla , Cmoln nntl.Nlaguru FulU , Ilulfnlo , 1'ltlshiirt' . Toronto Montreal , Iloston , New York. IMilladvlniiln , Hal- llmore.Wuahluglon und nil points hi thu oust , iuic the ticket naent for tickets viu the "NOHTH-M'iSTKUN. : " If you wish the boftnooommodations. Alltluket . . Mnnfttfor. Qou. iHsa. CHJCALtU , HAMBURG -AMERICAN Company. A DIUKCT LINK FOIt England , France & Germany , The steiuushipsof thl wUl Icnoun linu are built of lion , in vuitor-tlght cumpjrtiuunts , und uro furnUhod with every re luUlto to mnko the imrKdiro both Mlfo und ujf reenlilo. Thov curry the I'nitoil Milieu mid r.urnpcan malls , and livuo New York ThuisJuys und Saturdays for Plr. inoullIXJNL ( > UNCLerljoutfl'AltIa ) ( nnd H.VM , thosteumerJlouvo Humburir on and Suiulu > a , via. Huviu , uikliu MMigtiitiat Southampton nnd Ixindon. Firet cabin ? 'i , fUJ und (75 ; StuoragoSJl Uullroad ticketa from 1'lymouth to Hrbtol , Cur- clitf , London , or to any place In thu South of Knglund , r'ltl'.H. BtoerwfO from Uurouo only la. Send tor "Tourist flazotte. " O.H. HIUHAim&CO. . Qonoml I'uut'nKCr Aguutt , , C1 Uroadwuy , how Vork.Vu5hlu.Uju ; and \ * 8ullu Sti. Chiciyo. Ill ONE OF A Good tlnsbnncl In Oftroful of Ills AVifb's llcpntntlon , Snn Frnnclsco News Letter : A5nn \ Francisco ninit lina n pnssloh ( or nnswpr- injt Interesting nilvortiscinents , find la < st week ho chanced on ouo that promised lots of joy : "A Indy , young nnd refined , vrho Is very xmhnppy In her home , would llko to moot nn honorable contloninmvho would nsslst her In establishing herself In some sort of profitable business , Address 'L. ' this oillfo. " Ho ndurcsscd n letter to the young , refined fined nnd unhappy "L. " nnd supjcstod a mooting in the L'alnco reception room , carefully nssiuniny nu nssuinrnl nnnio which soundi'U likotlmtof nu'Miouotalilo Rontlomau , " At the stated hour he was on hand , fitul , ns fortune sometimes fa * vors the bravo , the room wns empty. Five mlnntc.s later the glass door swung bnck to admit iv slender , girlish llguro closely shawled nnd veiled , Instinct whis pered thnt this was "I > . " Ilonppronohod nnd gently lifted the yell , A shriek cnmo out from under it , nnd ho experienced a sudden depressing chill Immediately nftor. He was the lirat to recover. Ho said : "I'll cnll a ooupo for you nnd you got into it nnd go straight home , nnd when you'ro there , get down on your knees nnd tlmnk hoavrsn that you hnvo got n good husband thnt can look out for you when you are trying to make n d d fool of yourself. " Then ho tore out to the bar nnd took two or throe atr.iight.s. and thanked hen- von himself for the presoneo of mind which did not de.icrt him under the most trying circumstances. Donnelly a Good flIut > SIIncor. Tlio Hon. Ignatius Donnelly , who is now trying to prove that Haeon ana not Shnkespearo wrote the plays bearing the hitter's nutnc , was n member of congress from Minnesota awUy back in 1800-8. On ono occasion ho delivered n terrillo nhil- llppic against his colleague , Mr. Wash- burn , in which Mr. Donnelly declared Unit "nil the male Wnshburns bom in the fnmily had uu M. C. branded on their broadest part. " This hit at the oflice- seeking propensities of tlio Wishburns was greeted with shrieks of laughter by Donnelly's congressional associates. Anthony Trollope , the English novelist , was seated in the gallery during tlio delivery - livery of Donuell'y speech. Ho was gieally shocked at the coarseness of tha lionorablo gentleman's remarks , and soon nfter quitted the house in disgust. The next morning Edward Fnloy , the secretary of the English legation , was riding down Fourteenth street , hspying Trollope , ho guided his horse in that direction. As he nearcd the .sidewalk the horse stopped into a pool of dirty water nnd spattered the novelist quito freely. 1'nley began to apologue. "It's nil right , my dear boy , " ' exclaimed Trollope. cutting him short ; "tho boast couldn't help it , you know , but" as if a sudden thought had struck him " 1 say , 1 can give you a good name for your horse. " " what would call him " "And von , pray ? "Call him Donnelly , " was the witty rejoinder ; "he's a good mud-slingor. " Kirk's Gorimui IMIo Ointment. Sure euro for blind , blecdlnc , and Itching Piles. One box has cured the worst cases ot ton years standing. No one need f > uU"er teii minutes nftor using tills wonderful Kirk's German 1'ilo Ointment It absorbs tumors , allays the I tolling nt once , nets as a poultice , gives Instuml relief. Kirk's German I'llo Ointment Is prepared only for Piles and itching ot the private parts , and nothing else. Evi'i v box Is warranted by our agents. Sold by druggists ; sent by mall ou rcceiptof price , & 0j per box. DIt. C. O. BLNTON , PROP , Cleveland , O. Sold by C. F. Gooodmati and Kuhn te Oo. lotb and l > ou hu , 18th and Cumlngs. . - , In Pennsylvania , this year , there is not a single recognized democratic candidate for the state oflices , or for congressman at largo. _ _ An old inhabitant of Kingston has in his possession n Baptist catechism , printed in 1753 , which he has owned since 17U3. 17U3.Dr. Dr. Plorco'a "Pleasant Purgative Pol- lets'1 ' clcanbe and purify the blood and relieve tlie digestive organs. Millions of small jolly fish are being cast upon the California const. Why so many appear at this time is a mystery. Hood's Sarsnpnnlla is prepared by C. 1. llood & Co , , apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. , who have n thorough knowledge of pharmacy , and many years' practicad experience in the business. It is prepare with the greatest skill nnd care , under the direction of the men who originated it. Hence Hood's Sarsaparilla may bo depended upon us a thoroughly pure , and reliable medicine. The Carroll , lown , hotels , hnvo been compelled to post , conspicuously , placards reading : "Tlio little game called poker is strictly forbidden in this house , " AiiRoutura Flitters nro the best remedy foi ii'movlng Indigestion and all dim'ii-os oiigiiiullng from the digestive organs. Ue- waie of counleifeits. Ask your gtocoror diugglst for the Kcniiinu arflelo , manufnc- tured by Dr. J. 0. H. Sli'sert it Sons. The oily of Detroit is putting on airs btVaitso it was represented at the wed- dingut thu while hoiihO , A boquot is to bcgiven-tho lady on nor return. in making the assertion Unit Pozzoni's medicated roinploxion powder is entire ly free from injurious or deadly poihons , wo do it upon the authority of n thorough chemical analysis , It is ono of thooldoM fuco powders in American market , and is ii.siid in the famalies oi t-oiuu of our moM. prominent medical men who have per-jonnlly acknowledged to the proprie tor ( hat they not only considered it harm less , hut esteemed il highlv bpnollcinl in every resjiecl. Sold by all druggists. A Cedar Hapitls polloonuin who firnd nt an I'srnpmg prisoner and hit a specta tor , has been sued jointly with tlio city by the latter for ? 50JOO ( dnmagos , Uo comforted , oh yesiillerers , thy jinins shall vanish by the iiingio power oft > t. Jacobs Oil , One of the smallest iior.soa ever born in Nov. ' York , wns born at Attica last week. It weighs only thirty-nine pounds , IMO objectionable features about lied Star Cough Cure , I'loutaiit , safe , fatiro. 23 conta. _ A swarm of bees nttackril n freight train in Nebraska , nnd it wns fully nn hour before thu engineer would pro ceed , _ _ Thop have boon found ! i71 varieties of birds in Washington Territory. " " rihcs ; "T'liTrsst i > iiin % A hum cure for lilliul. Hlemllnc , ' , Itchln and Ulceiatml Piles has lieen dlscovi'ir-il by Dr. Williams , ( nn Indian loinoily ) . c-illod Dr Williams' Indian 1'dn Olntiiient. A blnglo Ixix lia-i cut I'd tin ) wor.st chroiilo IMSUS 01 .i ur : jours MuiiiliiiL' . Xo one nucil sulfor livu inlnutus utttr apply in : ; this wpmletful boutli ing mvdiclnc. Lotions anil Instruments demote mete harm than good. Willlaiii ! > ' Indian PiluOlntmont abnoibs the tuuiuiH , allayh tlm in ten so itching , ( particularly nt night nftur getting warm in food ) , ncH as a pnultlcu , glvt-s instant x > llef , and is prepared only for Pile < i , ltdihizof private parts , und lor nothlug olio. SKIN JHKKASIH : < ; uniD. ; Dr. Krazfer's Single Olntmi'iit cures as by maj.'lo , 1'hnnlcs , IJl.ick Heads or Onibi , lilolclies nndKrupt tlons on tliu face , the sKin clearand beautiful. Also run Itch. Salt lU'Otim , Snro Nlplilos , Sore l\\n \ \ , and Old Obstinate Ulcer * . Hold by drugelsU , or mailed on rccoipt of CO cents. Jtutalli'd t y Kuhn .A Qa. , nnd SclnoetPi & CouruJ. At wholesale bv C. -Gopuuiuu. . HEADACHE rroec-ods from n Torpid Liver and impurities of the stomach , nml invariably cured If 3 on will outLet / Let nil who sutler remember thil \A \ and Can bo provcntod as soon ns tholr fjrmp * toms Indlcato thoconilny of an atnvk. "I luo Simmons Liver Itrpnlator when troubled fioiioutly with hondarhes caused by constlintUin | , It produce * a favortxblo result vlthouthlndurlu ? tuy regular pursuits In busi ness.V. . W , WITMKII , DOS Molnes , Iowa. WHO II UNACQJAIMTIO WITH THt QtOflnAHir OP TM1 COUNTRY Will ttl DT tXUMININO THI * MAP 1HAT THK OHIOAGO.ROGKISUNDa PSCIFICIUILWM Pf rcMon of in riDlral petition And clou relation la f ) principal linn Fi > l and \Tett , at Initial and ter minal polnli. ronitltutf * tue molt Important mldl nnllntntiO link In that intern < iC throuiti tra p r tttloa which InvlOi ami rarllltatri ImTvland traffici t > < tt cltln of Hit Atlantln nod raclflr Coin * It It aliothafarorlte and ho ti onto to Mid from point * Kiwt. MnrlhMit end Sonlliritit. and correi tiiltng polnti Wet , Koilhwctt end Huulliwnt. The Cront Rook lolnnd Route Ou mnt M Its p lron that Bcnio ot rurronul f cn. rltv alTontnd lijr a olid , thorotiittilr ball ( ( trd road- ItfO. imoolh truck ! of contlnuoiu f el rail , tnliRtan- I tally built culvrrts nnd brldarn , inlllng ttock ai nea The Fmt Fxrtrciif Trnlns lictwrcn ChlfAiro anil IVorlti. Council uVilTi. KIUIMI atr.l TrnKnrUi ud Atchlwn * t * coinirainl uf well fnlfl | pu , flnoiy op- lioitrn | < d Dnr Oo rhp . M ciilHi-cnt hillmnn PnUcn Bloopenor the JnleU ciwlgn , nd dimiitiioui Dlnlnir Cim. In which e Inhornt ly rookwt nixali nri > lelitirvly tutfn HptvrrenChlctEonnd KnniasitljMid Alohltuii nr lia run the OlcVnUd Kocllnlng Obilr Cnr . The Famous Albert Lea Route Ji the direct nd fnTorlto Una betwren CMeoironmt Ulnniapolli and St. Tnnl , whim ronntlon ar mnd In Union Depot , for Ml pninti In tlie Tcrrllorl.n and llrltltu 1'roTlnro. ( Hntlila route Fait Kiprona TralBa nro run to the wntorlnir places , nuranier r - ortn. ptctin quo loi-nlltlm. Biiil hnntlnK nnd Hihlna rronndiof lown nnd Mlnnci > la. It li nl ii the inoA jj lra ! > l route tn ttio rich wheat tltldt and paitaral land ) of Interior llakctt * hllll another DIIIF.CT LINK , rU Rcntca and Knn- kAkcr , hat brnn opened bet ben Clnclnantl , Inillnn- aiKilla and I. f ypiU. and c'ounrll liiurTii , KnnfanC'lty , llluneaiwlli and MU Paul and lnt rni 1ljlc | > lnt . For dstalled Information ere llnp > nnd Kulden. obtainable , nil well ai tlckeU , t Ml principal Ticket Oltlcrs In tUe United Bt tca and UauaOai ur br ad- drenlnu R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , Prei't & Qon'l M'R'r. Oen'l I'kt * 10(1. Aft , Notice to Contractors. SKALEI ) pioposnls fortho bulldlnffof a court houbu nnd jail In Sundance , Crook county , Wyoming Toirltory , and for furnUhlnir the ma terial for the construction of the sumo will bo received by the coiniulst-lotiors of said county i up to 1 o clock nnon on Tuesday , . Inly Dili , A. I ) . 188(1 ( , at which time the pioposaU will bo ojioncdln public. PI nn 9 and apt'Cillcatlons for said building may be soon attho olllcoot the county cloikou and . attorMaySOtb. od. , . , . Tilds must bo aceompanlud bv certified ohcoV for fSOO , or an ntmrornd bond for llko nmount , as AffUHinnteoot peed Inltli. The county commissioners reserve tborlgbc to reject tiny or nil bids. Ilids must be directed to John S. Harper , County ClerK , Sundance. \ \ yonIUKand on- derail "Proposals for UiilMmjf Court Uouna and .lull. " Dy order of tholJoard of County Commlsslncrs. JOHNS. IIAKPKIt , County Clork. Sundunco > o. May UlU , 1B80 , Legal Notice , . SINCLAIll and Ollvo P. Sinclair , his GEOHOr. non-rusldont ilofeiulntilH , will talto notice thitt on the 1st day of June , 1H80 , Milton Hctidrlx , pluliitltf , heroin , Illod his putltlon In the District Court of Douvlas county , Nebras ka , aKHlnst auld dofondanta , the object nnd prnjor of whluh are to aumpul the spuultla por- fornmnco ot n rlttrn coiitrnut to convey to said plalntllT oy qult-vlalin Uood tbo following : lots In the town of 1'Ioruticu in tialil county , to- wit : Lot 2 , block 0 ; lot 2 , block ! ; lot 2 , block 20 ; lot 8 , block57 , the conM.lenitlon lor which bus boon fully paid by said plalntlll to giild do- londant" . ' You nroiofjnlrcd to answer sain petition on or lioforo tlni 1-tli day of July , IBRi , Dated Omaha. Juno 1st , IBso. MILTON 1IKNDIUX , Plaintiff. ' By CO.VODON , ULAIIKSO.V & HUNT , His Attoi- noj a. mo-J2-u-lG- l A STANDARD JIEDICAIi WOIIR FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEH ONf.Y 91 ItY MAIIJ , POSTPAID. SA.M.1-LU KRKB TO A& KNOW THYSELF. , KitianBtertVltilltr.Vorroui : nnd 1'hv lc. . . , . , . . . , PrematureDeclinoIn Mnn. llrrors of youth , nnil t'ti untold rolBorloi roiulilni ; from InJHcrcClon nnd at- rp ei. A book for < > -i > r mnn , yoiinir , nihlilln njo.1 nnd old. . ItCTnt'Uns ' li'iprf 6cri | > t'.onn for all aciitoand clironlruina.iiuj.eactior.r of wlilcli Is InvnlnuLilo. tfa found by tha juitiiarwhoa aiiinrlomo for X ) reirilt tucluiB ) > nitialily novcr Dfforri&ll In tlio lot of uny pnyBlrlim ; , , 1 pucci. bound In beautiful Kroncti inut- * n iMiilxxindcofori , iu"'lt.Biiiiraiitoud ' to linnlluar work In every * oniw nm iinnluil , lltorary und prDfat * ilonnl tlinnunrntlirr work In thu country forllA * . orthomoner will bo refund In evnry liiitnnce , lrl9 onlr II by mull , iioMpnld llhmnUiil kumnlo , nu. pendnnrr. Dnldmadnhitranlod tliaiiutliorlirttu ' " tlonul ModlcU AKSOCI itlon. to th linn A , I' . HIM undiiMnriatu ollrnr * f ilia boinl the reuderli ( iii-rtfullrrpfcrrnd . . . 'JlinHUuiKoiif MfJli north morolotni younif til nilddlii-nvfid moil of thN uuiiuratlou tli ni all tlia old inlnn * . ct Cilllnrnlnund tlio 'lor ' inlnoi of Nar.idi ioinlilnwl-H K Chrniildo. 'llios lnnro of Ufa point * nut tha rorlt ind quick- .nnils on w'llihthK. constitution und liouei nf nm'if iivouuzmnnlmvobdon litully wr ckocl-iUiiflo ( < li > r ' /In/SttcnCB of I.lfolHOt Breatar vnlua than nil tin mi'illi'al wirki piilillrlio I In tlilt couutrforlb IXIIOHM. AtliiimCniHtltutlon ' /liiSilincoi ( ) ( Mfali imipurli ami iniUarlr l u on ncrvoui Hod piiyjlc.il dottllty , Uolralt Addrciotbo I'oibo.lTMoJlcil tnitltitte , or Dr W. U. 1'nrktir.No. 4 llulltlncil itreot. lloitonU i. , i lie m.ir beoonmltolua nil dl u i e requlrinu tkll land oxparf- f'lion. curotiloniid otjilnatu dUuiatM tlutUivuUjf * lied tlm Hklll of nil otliuruuyilclun * n m > uaUltB ij'l Iraatixl nucceiifuU ) ' wlllioul nn , nauncjot ( illurj Mention UuiaUH Ut < t. Red Star Line CarryliiK thellclglum Itoynl nml United Stutej c\cry butuuluy Between Antwerp & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND HUNCH , 61'HINO AND Sl'MMI'K HATKSi Snlou from juo tu SI 01. Excursion trip from { 11U to ilU ) . tiueond Cabin , outuiml. fclii prrimld , Jl" > i OAC'UMKiii. S'JJ. Steei.iKu iiiis < n ) u at low rulua. I'otor Wii ht & Sons , Ueuerul .AKentfl , M liruaiiii'iiy , .New Vtirk , lluiuy i'uii'tt , 1-ia KuiiiuiiiHl , ; I'niilson f : Co. , 13Fira.im 6t. ; I ) . U. 1'iuuinun , ldl ! Kiiinniust. _ _ _ _ * P. BOYEB & OO. DliAI.EIlS JW Hai'sSaf3sVautsJiineLocks ! , ! and Jai ! Work. 10QO Farnam Strcpt , Omaha , Nob. vluif trifHlluv lon rr > nowjir oi1r