Tr-J R OMAHA TMTTV t"TTT7SRr > AV. JUKE 8 , 1880 , 3 e ; No. 2 , 4X : < * c In rlmator , iioat ; Jnly clostnpnt 4" > Kc. Oats JHglicr ; receipts H,000 ; exports , S5 ! mJ-cd wc tcitirrljj. ( ? < K < ? 5 IH'.owestern , i'M-.V. ( Fctrolcum Pt'atly ; IJnlled closcil ntO."c. KK Steady ami In fnlr ilcnmiiil ; west- rn fresli. HX < iOc. ' rork Otilft but steady ; moss SO.COQO.O. ' . I/ard Illulicrnnd inoilcratcly actltc ; ucst- arn steam , simt , SUM : July , SW ( < 'iO.S ! . Hntler ( Jtiltt but easy ; westurti , 10@ICc ; Elirln ercainery , KK10 c. Cliecse ( Juict ami voak ; western tint , 5@ 7/4 c. Mll\vniikco , Juno 7. Wlicat Weak ; cf.slt. T K ; July , TS c ; August "W > ( c. Corn Stp.iily : No. B. : W c. Ohts-Dull : No. 2 , 2Tc. Hyo-Hle.idy ; No. 1 , fi7c. Hailpv-Qulet : Xo. 2 , 45c. Provisions Higher ; mess porV , cn h and JunetKM ; July , Glnolnnntl , .limp ? , Wheat btroiiRcr ; No.'i , red. OHbla Corn Hinvy : No. 2mixed , tSXjJW'fc. Oats Dull and lower ; Nu. a inlxtd , 2o c. Kyc Dnllntajc. I'ot k StioiiKcr at SD..V ) . l.ard SlKinirniid lil her nt S5.EO. ) . Mlniicnpolin , .lutio 7. Wheat Strong ; i\'o. 1 bard , n shade blplier ; cash , 7-j'fc ' ; Jidy , "UMc ; AiiKtist , bOU : N < > . 1 northern , ash , 7'x , ; ; July. 7io ! ; Au ii8t , TTJic ; AO. iinoithern casb,7lc : .luly.T'Jc. JKIuur Klrnily held ; patuuts , S4.45@4.Go ; rakers. : ltecvlits | Wheat. 144.0CO bn. .Sldiim | < iits Wheat , ifi.ooobu : flour. 20,000 ob's ; wheat In store , : i,55SJ07 : bu. ; SI. 1'uul Liverpool , .nine 7. Wheat In poor Jemniid ; new No. 2 winter , steady nt Os lid. Flour In poor demand , nt 8s. Coin In lair demand ; spot , 4s fid , flrm ; Juiii1 , steady nt 43 3d ; , luly nnd Auirust , Kansas City , June \Vhent-\Veak ; No. 2 icd , July , i Xe ; AURiist44c ( ! ! bid. Coin fillet ; No. 2 , cash , 3'Kc asked ; Julv , 2D < jc bid , lie ; < c usked ; Atmust , 27 , 0 hid. 2.SJJC asked. Oals-July , Blolild , Sltfc asked. Toledo. June . Wheat Quiet but film ; ensii , Nyib.Jc. ) Coin Modi-late business ; cash , ROJfo. O.its Nominal. Ht. ! , < > u IK , Juno " . Wheat Strong ; No. 2led , cash nnd July , 77fe. Corn Firm ; No. u mixed , cnsh , S1J O.d.s Finn ; No. 2 mixed , cash , -i Uye Kasy at . ' ,2c. Pork Sttontf. Lard Finn nlS.VX ) . llulter Steady and unclinnRed. Ai'TKitNuo.v JloA lit ) . Wheat Kasy , lower. Cm n Finn. Vchiirher. Oats Unchnnged. IilVK STOCK. . . ' , JnncT. The Diover's lollows : Cattle I teceipts , roO , : ; ; shade lilnher ; shin- i , S4.40n-.Ii.iX ( ) ; htockers nud feeders , . . . . . -.10 : cows , bulls and mixed , S'-MK ) ® U."M : bulk , S2.0J.00 ( ! ; thiough Te.xus cuttle , suo@.7r. : : . llo s Itecelpts. 2fi.OOO : .stronc and 10c hlKlicr : ugh and mixed , M.b. " > ( 4..1U ; paek- inc and liipiduir. 8l.WHi 4.fiO ; light , tj.'JO.j ; ' ( . 4.27' ' 1 ; skins , yj.75ai.75. : Slieep Keeelnls , 14,000 ; lirm ; natives , * 2.004.0. ! ! A .speclnl rablcRram to the Drovers' Jour nal it-ports mi derate receijils of American and homo bied cattle , ( ioncral demand bilsk und inlces Him at la < < t week's advance , best American steurs b'illliiK at 14 > u per Ib 'or dressed weliiht.-i. KaiiKiiH City , Juno 7. Ciittle-Stroiifr , , U'ti\e and higher for duality ; cholec to fancy , S" > ( < ? " > . -0 ; common to Kiiod , S4.0 ; atoekers and feeders. sy.5Jl.-0 ; cows , § 'i.40 < < S1i45. Hogs llecelnts , 0,000 ; sliipmcnts , n.OOO ; aetl\e and f > c higher ; Bond to choice , 3.bO(7i ( > 3.115 ; coiiiiiion to medium , SM.Wt'rt.T. ' " ! . St. Ijou'is , Juno 7. Cattle , Receipts , 100 : shliiments , 500 ; active , shade higher ; bulcheis' cattle , stioiiKcr ; choice shipping and cxpoit. S-ViVS-110 ; common to gool$4.-IO@5.13 ; butcher.steeia , Sl..ri ! ( il.K.-i ; Krass-fed Texans , S2.50ilH.OO ; cows nud hellers , 2.2.V7'J. Hogs Receipts , r.LHK ) ; shipments , 1,200 ; market active and 5@10c higher ; butchers' ami best heavy , S4.lOoM.SO ; mixed lucking OBI AH A hi VK STOCK. Monday JJvenlug , June 7. CATTr.r. . The receipts rontinuo light and the market consequently ( inlet. I'llces ad vanced a little to-day and quite an active market would have been the icsult of the re ceipt of moio cattle , dicssed beef and ship ping cattle are In meat demand and will oiing a better proportionate price here than in any other minuet ; butchers' stock Jinds ready sale but shippers should not ( -eml erassy cattle as it finds almost no miukct , The maiket closed strong at an aUvanco over Satuidav's closing ( flotations. lions. Maiket opened stiongat a slight advance over Satuulav ; quite a good feeling seemed to prevail and tnopcns were all emp tied by a little after noon. The market closed strong at 5SplOc advance over Satur- Sunr.i' . Cholfio and coed butchers sell easily but poor thin stock can not be sold. Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on tills market. Choice steers , 1:150 : to 1500 1 bs . 54.0505.20 Choice ( .leers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs . 4..VW4.85 Wed him bteers , 1250 to laoo Ibs . 4.40@4.00 Fat little hteers. IttV ) to 1150 Ibs . . 4.50@4.00 < ! oid ( feeders , VOO to 1000 Ibs't.a-i Coed to choice cows and heifers. . 3.75U4.25 ( Fair to medium cows and heifers. : i.OO < & 3.DO ( lootl to choice bulls Medium bulls . 2.50d2.75 ( ( iood to choice stags . 4.00 ( < i4.rx ) Alodium Mags . : t.ooru.7r : ! Cholce Unlit and medium hogs . 3.r > 5 ( < ! .f > 5 Hood to choice heavy hogs . : i.50rf3.5 ( ! Coed to choice mixed hogo . ! I.55@ : > .C ( Common rough grades . 8.2.Vai,40 : Choice to extra shorn sheep . 4.00V ( 4.r > 0 Cattle . : Hogs . looo Sheep . , . . . . . 700 . . .CH. 1 * No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 34 lii'JS ' 5--i.00 lIUI.l.o. No. Av. Pr. Xo. Av. Pr. 1570 saoo i. .1700 noos. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 5Ui7J ? : .208 SI1.CO : 57 : i a.oo : i.iio Ot 2.V1 or ' . > ) 8.CO 70 2SI Pr. No. Av Pr. 1 ( WO S1.60 " Pr. in tlu.i market nro made per r.wt. live wtiiulit uulim otlmrwlso stated. IJcaillioirsbell atXu iior ll > tor nil weights. "Skins , " or IIORS wclt'lilnp loss tlinu 100 Ibs novnluo. PrcKimntsowsuro docUoJ 40 Ibs nnd Etugti bO Ibs. NotCH. Kcculpts llglit. 1'eus I'lrared out. Kvcrj thing lilKlior. Ik'avlcst reoeliits of hheen ( or mouths. L. Amlerbon vt Co. , .Mead , bent In n load of ) lOn'S. Harris it Flrlics received five load : ! of Messcncr & Taylor , Shelton , sent In n load of lion's. A loud of hogs \vus bold for Morse A Co. , Uunton. A load of hogs was sold for S. It. Ulack , Kim Creek. II. H. Fnlknor , Plum Creek , shipped In n lend of hogs. Nydlku & Titus , Jlarvrrd , shipped In a load of hog * . T Wilkinson , Uroken How , marketed two loads ot sheep. A. Hollmun , Tlui.vcr , bi ought In a load of cow b nud calves. OMAHA WilOIjBBAI < B MAIUIETS Markets , Tlitirsdny Kvenlne. Jnt o5. Koos The mavkfl Is slow t\nd wcnk nt Be. .n t.'l'.olco ficsH grass butter , 7 ® IOc ; inferior. iAOc ( ; creamery , 18 ( < 415c CIIKKSE ruiiiiy full cheddurx new u.nko , Uc ; Hats , llk'c ; young Ameilca , I'-V ; llrsl nuallty Swiss cbeeso 15c ; snrond mialitv , iSM c ; Llmburpcr r. lK < il2o : skim nnts , ( K lOc. I'oin.THV The receipts ol old fowls are liberal I nnd the majority of tlicsnletnrc madn nt S2y < ? aco. Sjirlns chickens arc comliiK In I In Rrcatcr numbers nnd do not meet with very ready salo. in they nro still high ; they nrc quoted nt saoOigM. . PlIESEKVKP , .IKM.IKH , F.TC. I'MJCTVCS , fill j kind * . 2Mb. pails per Ib. IOc ; do In pall of * , i > orlb. OJjcj ? lc ° r'5JtJPa" ' ] ; * Ijiails , S3.T5. oeilicA , all kifiu ? , fi lsl Rradc , CO-lb. palli , per Ib. Sc ; assorted , lirst grade , > -lb , palls Pf fate , 0 rail1 * , S3.-rX : do : -lb. palls , per case , 2doz.S3,23 : do. tnmb- er . pcroa'c , 2 doz. , . Jo'ly. nil kinds second erade. liO-lb. palls per 11 > . . ' > c. Pins' i'iir. : Tiui'i : , KTO Pigs' Icct. rcrjtf ) bl , S .OO : do , U bbl. J-2.00 ; do. nor kit , twc. Lambs' loiiKue. , per li bDl , 53.85 ; do , per kit , S2..VJJ do , qumtjara per dor > ,2. > ; do. ilnt Jars per cane , 2 doz , Sfi.7.V Trine , per Jj > bl S-I.OO ; do per Wbul , S3.00 ; do , per kit XK. XK.UOMU HONEY California , 15c ; strained , 10c : Nebraska. We. JlAi'i.nSuoAii Hrlckf , pcrlb , 12Jfcpen- : IV cnku4. per Jb. . 1. * . CocoAXUis Per 100 , S3.00 ; less than 100 , S5.BO. > c : mesi iwrk. Sl'itt ) IKT Dbl : dtied beef , ham pieces. l" c : laid. Hum * , ri 'irffic ; Wlb ) cans , /iJO c ; 70 Ib cans ( l-'alibauks ) , ( KSfij c : fi beans , do , r < ( ic.'tfc ' : 3 Ib cans , do. , OXuOJ c ; jonulcss ham. lOo. NKW Kiof , UATF.S , KTC. Laj-cr fi s. 8 nnd 10-lb boxes , per Ib , tOc. Dates , fancy Fnnl , 12-lb boxes , per Ib. 14c ; Purslan , 50-lb DOXIM , per Ib , 10a Prunelles. : KHb boxes , per Ib , I8c. LU.MOXS The maiket Is steadily ndvnno- uc. It Is KiMii'inlly uxpuctcd that lemons will brlni : Sio.oo within Iho next two weeks. Fancy Mcsilnl , per box , 5J7.rx ) ; fair to Kood ii-r box ? 7.tx ) . i i OiAXOis-\Vlth : : the pto cnt Unlit iccclpts stocks wdillil IIIOVH last , but thu lecelpts of summer ft ults has lessened the demand ti * < oiim oxlent. Los AiiKclesmi ! quolvd In Cal- iloinln nt Just twleo the pi Ice ( it two months ano. Pilces heie nro the same as lu t week. I.DI Auucles , S4.00 ; .Medlteiianenu swi-eti. S4.tK ) : Itivdsldnseedlint , " * . S .fiO&T ) .75 ; Hlvcr- sldo Mrdltoirnncan swculs1.7. . 5.01) ) ; paper rind .St. .Mlcli..S.VOO. HANANAS stock has nren received lniliiL'tlie. past low days. Yellow , per bunch , SM.lX-ir ) I.CO. UitKiiini'.s Southein cherries are eoinlnc In nnd aui In heller sluipe than thu CalUor- iiin stock. Houthern chert los. per stand , .tM'CS'.l.OO ' ; rliolcuCnlltornlii. percrati1. SUM. ( 'Ai.iroiiNiA Ai'tticoTN Per ciato S-V ! ' ) . SniAwnr.nmisH The iccelpts itru heavy , ISO toI7" > stands buliiR reculs-ed dally , besides case * . .Shlpnlni ? btnck , choice , pereaM1 , ' S2.1K ) ; soft stock , per case , 7."c5tSl.K ( ) ; SI. l.ouls homc-triowii , stuud . 4 draweis , uest , S5.00 ® . . I'INI : Ai'i'i.ns Shliiplng stock , per doz. , SI.MJriM.7fi. i'orATOis : Tlii're Is no Improvement in thu maiket notlcc.iblc since last week. Tlicie Is mi occasional salu ut a few sacks to some lelail dealer \vlio may have run shot I , or to peddlcis , hut thcui Is no salt ) woith nientlou- inic. It nmkes no ( IIITciencn bow low they am quoted , then ! Is no sale of nny account. Xi'W potatoes which nre brlti ! ' shipped in liom the south nnd west and Sail I.aUe po tatoes , help to lessen the demand lor old stock. Salt Lake potatoes are ouotcd at 50 ® Ninv N roirrAiii.nsCabbaae , per crate , S5.KJ ( sonthcin i ulillower. per do/ . , S..005iS'-.40 ) ; home-/iowu / asparagus , ncr do/en bunches , JWaMUc ; sinach. ] ) per bu. iiOriilOc ; Rrceti onions , ] ) er dolB' t20u : rndihhes , per doI.r > (7l20c ( : lettuce , per dor , iiOc ; pli'phint , per Hi , Ic ; peas , per bush box. 81. M' siring beans , per bu.sli liov , S1.75 ( gS-.Ol ) ; wux tipans ) ) cr bush box , S3..r > 0 ; cucumbcis , per doz , GO@T.r > ; bqnnshcs per do/ , 81. 2.1 ; onoussouthcrnper ! hbl , S3.00 ; onions , soulhcin , per bush box , S'J.OO. Br.ANS The market Is vcrv quint nnd thcio Is very little stock movlnc. inferior .stocks , 7."ic@I.OO ; coed clean couutiy. $1.23 ® l.WI ; medium hand-picked , 51.30(31.10 ( ; liand- picked navy , 81.40 1.00. Ki.ouu ANI > Mn.i.STUFFS Winter wheat Hour , best quality patent , 8UKX : < p.lO ; second quality , 5 ? 2.flO@3.00 : best quality biullif , ' wuent Hour , oatent , S2.WX28.75 ; bran , : > 5c per cwt ; chopped feed , 80c per cwt : white corn meal , ! Kc ) ; yellow corn meal. 70c per cwt ; screening , OOc per cwt : liomlny , $ i.W ) per cwt ; shorts , COc per cwt ; graham , Sl.'o ; liav. In bales. S0.00@7.00 per ton. Wool , Medlum.TOiSl&cperlb ; fine heavy , 10@i4c ; liuht , V@i5c ; coaise , 10@r.'c ; burry wool , 2iWK ( ! off. Prime slnURhtor sole leather. 28 iS3c : prime oaic sole leather. SOMSDc lipper leather , per foot , 20.a2ac ( : hem. kin. 7.i8.xj ; oak kip , BSQUSc : French kip , S1.0l1.23 ) ; hem. calf , S1.UO@1.10 ; oik : calf , S1.00@1.23 ; French c.ilf.Sl/JStai.S.'i ; Morocco boot lejr , K0gi32c ( ; Alorocco oiljicbblo , 2S@'Mc ; toppinu's nnd llnlnes , 80.00l0.oo per do/ . COAL Iowa , 83.25 ; Walnut block , S3.-i ; 111111018,81.75 ; Missouri , 8400 ilKAW llAiiiiwAUB iron , rates , 53.2o ; plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible stecl,0.ic ; cast tools do. 12@18c ; wagon spokes , per set , S1.75rai.OO : : _ liubs. . per set , 81.25 : _ lelioes , \l(2S > coil . _ _ _ _ _ iron ' " ( ' wcd'ics"oc'cro\vljar8' ! : ; harrowTcetli , 4c ; spline steel , 7@Hc ; Uuiden's horseshoes. S4.40 : llurden's mule shoes , 85.40. Harbed Wire , in car lots , S4.ou per 100 Ibs. Iron Nails. intRs. 10 to 00. $3,00. Shot-Sl.M ) : buck.shot , S1.83 : oriental powder , kegs , S3..W (84.00 ; do. half kegs , 82.00 ; do , qunrter kegs , 81.50 ; blasting , IIP S , 53.35 ; fuse , pcrlOo feer , 50o.Lcad Unr. 81.0ft. . . , , . , i'AiNT.s IN On. White lead , Omaha , P. P. 7We ; white lead. St. Louis , pure. S7.80 : Mar hc'llesgieen. I to 5 a cans,20c ; French 7.iuc green seal , I'-'e ; Frencb zinc , red scftl. lie ; Prnneli.Inc. . in varnish nsst , 20c : Jrencb zlnc,75c : vermilllon. Amerlcun. 18c : Indian red. IOc : rose pink. 14c : Venetian , red. Cook- son's , 2 > fc ; Venetian , led , American , lic ; red led. "Ko ; chrome yellow , genuine , 'Mo : WHY PAINTS Whlt lcart , be : Krcncn zinc , 12c : Paris whitinK , 2' ' < c ; whltinc gliders , lj e ; whltinc , com'l. 1'fcr ' lampblack , ( ier- mantown. I2c : lamnblack. ordinary. &c Prussian blue. 55c ; ultramarine IKc : van dyke , urown. Sc : umber , buint. 4c : umber , ra r , 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw4c ; Pnris green , ceuulnc , 2.r > c ; Paris green , com mon , 20c ; chrome green , N. V. , 20c : chrome green , K , 12c ; vcrmlinon , Kuclish , In oil 70c ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib. cans , 12c ; raw and burnt slenua. X'A : : vaudi'lje. Urown. luc ; ieiiiieu inmpblnck. l'-c ; coach black and Ivory black , IOc ; drop black , ICc : Prussian blue , 40o ; ulttamarlne blue , IKo : chrome green. L. , M. & U. , IOc : blind and sluittor green , L. , M. Ac U , ICc ; Paris green , I8c ; Indian red.ISc ; Venetian redHeTuscan ; , 2Jc : American vermillion. 1 < . & U. . 20c yellow ochre , Uc ; L. M. &O. 1) . , ihc ; godea ochre , H'c ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colo.s Ik'lit oulc , dark oak , walnut , chestnut und ash. We. Duufis AND CHKMICAI.H Acid , carbolic , 3lc : acid , tartaric , Kc ! ; balsamco palba , per Ib , . | 5c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib IOc : calomel , per 11) , 7"-c ; cblnchonldla , per oz , - u ; cliloro- form , per tb , 50c ; Dovcis powdnis , per Ib. 81.25 ; epsom salts , per Ib , 3 } < c : glycerine ; imre , per Bi , 18c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c , oil , ca-itou Xo. 1 , per gal. , 81.55 ; oil , caste No. 2 , per gnl. , 81,10 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 31.40 ; oil. origanum. 50c : opium. ! . < < " > : qui nine , P. As W. , ami It. & S. . IM.T tu , S. " > c ; jx > - tassium iodide , per tb , 83.00 ; sallcln , per oz. 40c ; sulphate morplilnn. per oS2.CO ; sul phur , per Ib , 4o : strvchnine , per oz , 81.40. VAIINISIIK < Harrels , per gaiion : furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; lurniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ; conch , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No. 1. 81.20 ; Damar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70o ; asphaltum extra , 5Sej bbcllac , 83.ioj hard oil llnish. bi'iniT.s CoIouMiu spirits. 188 proof , 51.12 ; do 101 proof , 81.13 ; bpltit.s , second qunllty , 101 proof , 81.12 ; do , IbS proof , 81.11. Alco hol , 1 8 proof , 82.10 per wine gallon. 1 ted Is- tilled whiskies , 81.oo@l.50. ( iin blended , 81.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bombons , 82.00@ < J.OO ; Kentucky nnd Puuusylvania ryes , 82.00a < i.50 ; Colden Hlie.vf bum bun nnd rye whiskies , 8I.50@U.OO. Urandles , Imported. $5.00 < WS.r 0 ; domestic. Sl.WX 't.OO. dins , Imported , S4.W ( ar..oy : domi'srtc , Sl.iVi loo. KUIIIH , Im- PHI ted. ; New Kuglnnd , 81.75@-3.00 ; domestic , Sl.'iV a.oo. Champagnes , import ed , per case S2SOOQ34.0U ; American , per case , 810.0M10.0 ( ) Dry Uooils. PIIINTS American , 5 > tf ; Arnold's. He ; Co- checo , Cc ; Manchester , ( > c ; Lyman , 5c ; Glou cester , 5Kc ; Dunnell Jncquard , Oc : Dunuell f > Hc ; Windsor , Cc : Pacilic. Cc : Harmon 4Hc ; Anchor Shirtings , 4Xc ; Merrlmac , Shirtings , 4Kc : Herwick , 4c. Ducic ( Unbleiiched ) 8 oz. Macnolia , IOc ; 10 oz. Magnolia , 12c : 8 oz. West Point , lei < c:10oz.Vcst : Point , l2Hc. Uuow.v COTTON l iwteuco LL , 5c : Shaw- unit , LU 5c : Denver Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic dyke OOO , 7fc ; 'Ihorndyko fancy. OKc ; York , lO c- York fancy , 12 > c ; Mllbury , l2Uc ; Ptnrl Hlver , HKc ; Hamilton , )2 ; Swift Hlvcr. Cj < cShetuckct ; S. 8 } < cShetuck- ; etSS. U ) < c ; Monlauk AA , 12c ; Moutauk Uli , lie ; Omea ; AOA , ISc. K ( colored ! Hoston U oz. brow n nud drub , l.'iKc ; Hoston O II brown nnd ornb , PC ; Hoston XX brown and drab , IOc : Hoston XXX brown nnd drab. lll cj Boston O P blue , lljcs Wntren Tricot , l-'id. Hi.KAciiFn COTTONS Farmers' choice , ( Hjc ; Cnbot.O-Vc ; Hone , 7c ! lllli 4 t , 7Je , Itiii , Jp , r 1 * c ; Iou < dnlu , 6c ; Fruit , frc ; Wnm- sutta , fo'str Con KT .liANs-Kcirsaw : ( , 7c ; . Armory , 7c ; Pcppciell. 7 'c ; Indian Orchard. 02 ; Nnumkeair , 7c. CHEVIOTS Amoskeae , checks mc ; Amps- keair , stripe. " . 8'j'c ; Slater , strines , ! < c ; Kdln- ' ' Whittendon . . Sc (51en- burg , O''c stripes UllIK * , V ; 1IIIIHIIU1 II , v-tl t | > V. f - -1 m- * ro c , PC : Otis , checks , t"jc ; Otis stripes He ; Huynl , IKo ; Amoskeai ; , impped , 10c : Lu ray. book fold , 12c : Uberon , book fold , lljtfc : Endurance , book fold. 12c. DKNIMS lte.i\er Creek AA , lie ; Heaver and brow n , 7 } ( c , U'dlKTirU QT ItbUll'N Kts KXW nan. SOU ICO W 60 40 12 10 - - Munn'B S't No.l L'b 00 3 SO 3 20 I 80 1 M ) M , SO r/cotllb'cil Kiuic y S & 0,3 , 2A 3 UT I ( M 4U 'I ' 53 47 I/BO H'U Sh'ro l'"c | rtStl.'I i | ! 63 | : 47 Ml'OHTEl ) rtStl. . Pulls or kits r , < m . 90 W 0 15 12 10 KKK llur'lngs 12 0)0 5o'5003MJ ' , 70 Norwegian KK llurrlngs. It 31)6 ) P05 3 US2 | SO 8 UUJ4 604 W\2 \ 'J0l , W UACKGIIKU Ilbls. Halt HEW FlStt. EU ) 101) ) W ) 60 40 Illontor Menu . 35 00 18 00 18 2.10 OT , 7 30 t M Kt. No. ISh'r . :4 . . . not , . , : . . roil ; ic : wr , toji 40 No. IHIioru . IS 00 , 60 j , M'i ' ( fl.1 (10 1 10 Med. No. 1 Shoro. . , 13 00 7 00 G aril ; 65J3 IK ) H. ) " llnv . . . . 11 oo n oo 64riu : > ' . ' &o Fmiillj . UO ) 6 OJ 6ft 1 10 Fat 700 4 00 3 CTijii 05 1 70 I.AKI : nsn. irr Q'rllbls P'ls Kts . nsn. 101) ) W 50 40 12 1U No.l Whlto Fish B oo 5 to .1 no.1 TO , re Koinlly 800,2 , 70l | 70 I Ml M No. 1 ' Front. 3 7ri ' : : i ,2 , 171 MI cr > No. f WckoreT 2 00,1 HJI ! : w i lul 44 , b. " > c ; smoked halbut Yaimoutli bloaters , We ; new bcaled ySc. Drr nnAiins. No. 1 Com. a. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 115 ft . Sl'.OO No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 15.00 No.3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 13.00 No.4 " " 13 , M and 10 ft . 11.00 VENOINO. No.l , 4AOlnch , iSand llfcot. rough. . 810.50 No. i , 4&0 Inch , 10 feet , rouah . 1T.OJ No.1' 4 , feO inch , 13 and II I cot , rousli. . 14.00 No. 'J , 4 & 0 inch. 10 fuel , rough . 15.00 DIMKNSIONS AND TIMItKltS. 12 ft'll ' ft'ld ' ftjlS ft 20 ft22 | ft24ft | I.-I.B ) 15.60 lfl.5 ! ) IT. . ' ! L-.OJ i.i.oo 10.00 i7.W ( auw'iii.oo 15.r > < ) | lii.50 1R.60 lll.5017.MIll.f | | ) > 9 'JJ..riO ixlO. lB. ) lS.50.1B.Wlfl.M.i.iw.i-.iM1 ) , , . < iu 212 1S.M16.EO 16.60 18.M 17.60.20,60,21.60 , txl-SjH 15.60 15 M I5..VJia.60,17.50l8.50l9..lil ] ] FLOOHINO. A flinch , white pine S3' . 0 Ho inch , " " 33.00 C 0 inch , " " 29.MJ DOIneh , " " 20.30 EG Inch. " " 17.50 STOCK noAitns. A12inch , slsi2. Hand 10 feet 5-tO 00 JS " " ' ' .1200 ( ! " " " ' " 3000 No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12,14 nnd 10 ft. . 18 00 No.l " " " 10 , 18 nnd 20 ft , . 1800 No.'J " " " 12.14 and 10 ft. 1000 SHIP T.A.P. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch $17..riO No. 2 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch 15.50 No. 1,0. a 18.00 .SHINGLES , LATH. * A * Standard $2.05 5iuch , clear , SI.5.5 ; Cinch , clear 1.05 No.l. . 1.35 Lath 2.25 Grooera * JLIat. PICKLE'S Medium. In tibls , S5.50 ; do in half bbls , 83.23 : small. In bbls. 80.50 ; do in hnlf bbls , SH.75 ; pherklns , In bbls , S7..W ; do. In half bbl.s. 4.s5. CANNKD GOODS Oysters , standard , per case , SS.45 ; strawberries,2 Ib. per case , $2.115 ; raspberries 2-lb , per case , 82.30 ; riillfornia pears , per case , 51,00 ; apricots , per case , S4..riO : peaches , per case , S4.50 ; white cherries , per case , 85.00 ; plums , per case , : i.70 ; blue berries , per case , 82.2.1 ; egg Plume , 2-b ! per case , S2.50 ; gieen gaaes , 2-lb , per case 82.50 : pineapples. 2-lb , per case,83.20"i.50. MATCHES Per caddie. 2Sc : round , per case. 81.00 ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule square , 51.25. SuoAns Powdeied , 7Jfc ; cut loat , 7c\ \ granulated , ej/r ; confectioners A , 6c ; stand ard extra C , 6 c ; extra 0 , G go e ; medium ypnow , 5J/s. LmiKD FBOITS No. 1 quarter apples. In cvaoontted boxes,8@9cblackberrlcshox ; < l.s.8li' © We : peaches , ciustein. 4Jtf@5' < e ; peacnes evaporated , 15J ( ffil7c ; Snlt Lake , now , 7@ 7 } < c ; nispbcrries. new. llKo)20c ) : currants. 7 % @ 7Jfc : , 4 @ 45ic.o CIIACKKIIH Unrneau's soda , butter nnd picnic , 5Xc ; creams , 8 > ic ; ginger snaps a < c ; city soda. 7 ] < c. SODA In Ib papers. 53.23 a case ; salsoda , keg , per Ib , 22My. STKUI No. 70. 4-pallon kdes , 51.00 : New Orleans 3S@40o per gallon ; Maple byrup , \4 \ barrel , strictly pure , 70c per gallon ; i KHI- lon cans , S'J.25 per doi : K gallon cans , 85.25 per doz ; Quart cans ftt.OO. STAIICII Mirror Kloss , 1 Ib , Cc ; Mirror ford's bulkHc. COFIT.ES Ordinary erodes , 10cfalr ; , : I'lLworth'sj. ; Bed Crass , ue. _ . boApS KlrRH aavon imperim , v-- . Kirk's sail net , .83.00. Kirk's standard , 83.05 ; Kirk's white Hussinn. S4.CO ; Kirk's White Cup , 80.50 ; Dome. : i.W ) ; Washboaro. 83.10 UANDI.RS Hexes , 40 ID. 6s , loc : Ss , 103/c ; boxes , 401b , 10 oz , 6s , lOJfe ; half box , 201b , llji'c. CANDY Mixed , 0X@12c ; stick , OJ llc , SALT Diay loads , per bbl. 81.55 ; Ashton , in sacks. S3.t5 : ; { sacks , Ashton , &c ; bbls , dairy. 8a.CO@ . .7S. SPICKS ( I'ound Hlack pepper , boxes , 20 ® 22e ; allspice , 12@lCc ; cinnamon , 182.- ; cloves , 1525e ; t'inmr , 15@25c ; mustard , 15 ® * " THAS Gunpowder , fair , 20@37c : good. 45 © 55c : choice. ta7(75c ; coed Imucrial , 40(443 ; choice , C0@70 ; Vouni ? llybou , tcood. .SOf&ttc ; ' jice , r > o@7ioj ) Ooloiif ; . coed , 35@IOc ; Oi > - \rn\K \ \ , choice. 40@fiOe ; Kngllsh breakfast , good. : Wi 40c : choice , ni&nse ; Souchong , peed , 30 ( i4.rKi ; choice , : ! 5@45c ; Japans , fair. 2."Xji35c ; Rood , : i.VS45c ; clioicc , 55(875c ( ; Tea Oust , 15o ; TeatiUtlnns. ISc. CIPEII Now ork , pnrbbl , $7.00 ; do , half bbl , 84.00 ; Crab , par doz ( its , S2.75 ; Michigan rellucd , per bbl. . 0.50 ; do , half bbl , 84.00. VINKOAII W.'ilto wine , ISCilTc ; cider , 13 sink'lo btronuth , I2c ; trlpplu strcnctli , , FISK CUT Hara to Boat , 70c ; Charm of the West , fiOc ; Kountain , 70c : ( ioIJun Thread- r,7u , ; Kavorite , GOc ; lluds , 600 Hocky Moun tain , SOc ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy.iOc : Xoith Star . ' Oc ; ( iood Luck , 55c ; Our Best , C'J c ; Good News , 55c , _ TURNOUTS AT THE CAPITALT" Horses ( tint Ilavo Drawn rrcnlileiita niul Cabinet JMInlsterw Now Dolnu Cub Service. Washington Letter : Tlip horse that forms part of a stylish private livery in Washington is not , as a rule , far removed from "hack. " To bo attached ton 25-ccnt cab or to tug nt the traces of n dingy "night liner" is the fate that sooner or later overtakes him. This fate is almost invariable for the olllcial horse , Quo pair of President Arthur's horses is now cngnged in hauling a hack over the concrete streets of the capital for their looit nud what attention they can get nt n public livery stable. They were bought nt auction by the stable man , and are the servants of the public. Several of the liortes that wcro driven to the carriages of his cabinet ministers , and formed a part of tliuir brilliant establishments liero , lire working HI the street cabs ami look no better than their fellows that have never occupied Mich distinguished positions. As stylish private livery may be seen in Washington as 1n liHy other cit.V , l > rob ably , but there nVe few teams that could * t nd to have tli'c uld or silver taken from their ! iariirjjs < & . Mo t of them arc scrubs , or have hail years piled upon llirm until they vro sway-bacKcd. Seim- lor Mtihony is credited with driving a very hne-blooucd Irani lo his drug , i wax told the other day by a man who knows the horscf tlrtll thry arc old clods without any bloiid which he brought from [ ho country , where they Inivo done serv \ ice for more years than their teeth would I like to confess. The president's horses nro much nd mired , and e.v6rbody knows all about them bv this time , Ij'ut the only horses in his cabinet thafwould be too good to do service on a milk wagon are these driven by Mr. Whitney. Uayard inuUes no essay to a stylish livery , anil his horses Inivo scon their he-it days. Thoso. driven with much display of livery by Secretary Kn- dicott served n full senatorial term with Hr. I'omlleton , and were sold to the sec retary of war when he took the 1'cndje- ton hoiisn on SiMeenth street. It is quite a common thing for horses to pass the rounds from one ollicial to nnother until they are finally fold nt auction and meet their fate in the shape of a two-wheeled cab , which is hitched to them for the rest of their days. The horses driven bv Mr. Kv.irts in ' 63 drew Secretary Chandler's carriage dur ing his term in the cabinet , and are now doing duty on the street to public con veyances. The horses driven by the postmaster i general have done duty at the depart ment for many years. Attorney ( icneral ( Jarlatid has no horses. Lamar lias no uj-c for a horse except when he's astride it and then lie. is not particular as to the kind. I heard some one on the street corner the other day say. "That's country. " My attention was attracted by an equestrian coming down the street past the Arlington. The horse was hadiy groomed , and hobbled along With his uovu to the ground. The rider had on loose trousers , an overcoat and a white hat , and under his arm he curried an old umbrella. It was Lnmar. Many of the line-looking equipages at the capital that pass for private are hired by the month from livery stables. The 1-renuh minister gets this credit of having one of the linesl private turnouts. Ho hires it from a large stable here , paying $175 per month. Admiral Temple , who lives in considerable style at the Port land , hires his equipage. There are some line teams driven here , but they are a small minority among those that make pretensions. The lines ! horses , except Senator Stan ford's celebrated team , are tlo : e driven by HeptesontativeScott , of Kric. Tiny have not been here long. They are light bays , with black points all around , and are but live years old , thev are valued at fi'ViOl ) . ' hey are driven to a very Mylish turnout by a coachman to whom he pays $100 per month and living. General Singleton drives a fine team , nml so does the Hntisli minister. Mr. I'alloch has two line horses. Those driven by the Japanese minister used to be beauties , but I hey have grown old in service , and areonly keeping up appear ances , like society b611es. Kepre < entative FWior , of Mieigari , has a good team. William Walter Phelps has very fine horses , as imsj Robert 11. Ilitt , also. Senator Kvarts1 has two now horses of § oed Kentucky"stock. . They nro very ark brown. ' Senator C.imoron has two clipucd hays , which he values at' $2,500. lie drives them to a coupe'and'brougham. He has a white driver hi green liverv. Senator Payne drives two' bif * bays. Warner Mil ler's coachman 'chums ' Unit his llamble- tonian bays can trot to the pole in H:00. : In full livery th6 turnout is very stylish. Senator Allison Vhorses make no preten sions to style. Senator Stanford doesn't drive Itis fast horses to his carriage. His carriage hordes are a pair of 17-haud-high blacks , makin'g an'immense team in : i heavy silver harness. The livery is Mack , with black rosettes on the hats. The drivers are white. Of the old citi/.ons hero General Deal probably has the best livery. Ho is great horseman , and the horses lie drives have good blood in them , but they are a little old. His carriage horses do not match in color. One is a dun and the other a dark oay. His turnout is quite attractive. Ex-Senator Ynles has a black equipage black driver , black livery , black- coach and black horses. Ex-Sena tor Hobcson's rotund person lies lazily back in a handsome coupe drawn by tvyo line horses one sorrel and the other gray which are held in by a coachman with a broad patent-leather band on his hat. W. W. Corcoran's horses are hand some , but old. Senator Sabin's stable consists of a pair of black Hamblctonians valued at $2r)00 , and another valued at $1,500. The finest teams seen on the streets of the capital are those that are here only temporarily. men Baby wu rick , wa K re bei CattorU , When the WM a Child , ahe cried for CutorU , When iho became Ulas , the clang to Cutoria , Whi > tbe bad Children , abe aye them Cutoriit Rftst Goods in the Markeji _ _ , ffochfyrd , III. Ask for oui ; ' rofJ3 and see tfmttlie bear our trade niar/u. cpwrijlr. A QuirkIrrmanrnt (3uTa ( or . lx. t llnnhooil , Debility , Nrit voij i.c. . 4i. Noquackcrr. In- ' ' Job Printing. HUES } PUNTIN < CO. , Job Printers , Book Binders , ' And Itlii'nl ! Hook Manufacturers. 100-108 South Fourteenth Stroo Flour and Feed , W.J.WKLSHAN8 & COT , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of W. J. Welslmns A Co.'s Quick Italblnu Duukwlicnt lloiirtuiil prnnrictorHOmulia City Mllle , tor. btU luiU Furiuun Strt'eu , Oinulia. Leather , Hides , ttc. BLOMAN Wbok'EUlu Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eaddlery nml Shoo Flndlnim. Illilts , Wool , Funs , 1'clts , Gicubc , 'fallow , Etc. , Omuha Ncl. Beer , W , KEATING. gent for Anbeaser-Busb Brewing Ass'n Special brunili FuuM , Uuilwtibtr , Krlaugur OMAHA KftMUFMTURERS. Book Binding , Et ? . " ItEES miNTlNO CV ) . , Printers , Book Binders , Anil Illnnk Hook MninifnoUiiors. No * . 106 nnd _ 108 South lllli Street. Umnlm , Ntb. _ Bridges Steam Pile Driving. _ RAYMOXD * CAMl'UKM/ , I'liBinccrs nml Contractors. Urges , Roof Trusses , Slcam Pile Driving Iron Combination nnil Hiwo Trius llrldKoj , 1'lllmr ami Onk Timber. IMIi St. , near I'm num. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MKVKIt & C\ ) . , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Runs mid Ammunition. SI ! ) to i.'tt oiith 11th Sliccl , llCUtoUKi I'limnm Ptrrct , Oiniiba , Nob. INTKII-OCTAN Cnun \VKST & KIUTSCI1RR. Manufacturers of Pine Cigars , Anil Wholesale Dcnlors In Leaf Totmccos. Nos. ! CS nml HO N. Hlli .Slri-ct , Onmlm , Nob. i/rocKery. Ajrent tor the Maaufacturora ami Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Clihmicy.i , Klo. Ortlco , ill' South ntti Struct. Oimihft. NvU C. S. COODUICII A CO Agents tor F. A. Whitney dtrilugo Co. a _ Children's Carriages , Ami Jewell's Cclubriitcil ItoliiKcnuors. Son for price Hits. 1U3 Kurnam t , Oiniltn , _ O. S. 1'KTTIS & CO. , flholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages , Oniuhn , Ni'linitil llrnnch nt Council llluirn , town. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works. John Kponcter , I'loprjctor. Mniuifni'.turcr of ( ] iilviinl7Cil Iron nml Oornlcc.- < Doil o unit 101 unil 105 North 10th Strcot , Uinnliii , Nob. KUKMFINQ k IIOl.TK , Mnnufcoturursof Omnmcntiil Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , rinnls , Klc.,8in S. lith St. Workdono In any iiiu t or the country. Western Cornice Works , C. SPKCHT. Proprietor. ( Inlvnnlzeil Iron Cornlecp , Etc. Specnt'slm- lirnvcil Patent Mrtall'c ' Skylight. Uxt nnd GIUS. K\\i \ St. . Oniiilui. Neb. Doors , Sash. Etc. The G ate City Planing Hill. Doorf , Snsh and Illlmls. Also nil kinds of tin nine. Scroll imdStiiir work of uvery Uo- ecriptlon , A. HOSENIIEUV" , MnnuluctuicrnndDcnlcrln Sash Blinds Etc. Doors , , , Mouldings , . Stulr Hulls a Bpcolnlty Telephone No. 93 15th nnil Murcvbti. . Oiimhii , Neb. Electrical Supplies. jTw. WOI.FE It CO. , Electricians ! Electrical Supplies , Masonic Illock , OmiiUn. Huriflnr Alarms. Hull ; " , Fire Alarms , y'cetrlu Mnttliijf. SpenUlnif Tubes , Iron Works. PAXTON & VIKKMN'tS IltOX WORXS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ron Stairs , Hallliur. Kolluil lleunis nml OlnleM Steam Knulnrs , HrO'-s Work.Gcneriil Foundry ilachlnonnd Itlncl.smlth Work. Olllco and Works , U. P. Hy. und S 17lh St. Iron ar.d Nails. "O'MAHA'NAIL > /DFAcrfuitiNa'ca ! Cut Nails and Spikes , Fire Nulls r. Spr jl.iltr. Omaha. Nob. Safes. Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDHEKN. Mnnnfncturcr of Fii-o mid Ilurxlnr Proof Safen , vnult Uoors , Jull Work. ShiittcrH nnd Wlro Work. Cor. ] 4th nnd JnckBOn gts. , Oinnhn , Neb. Wtpront and Carriages. EstubllEbcd 1853. A. J. SIMPSON. The Leading Carriage Factory , 34Wnnd UU JJodgo Street , Omubn , Nob. Commlnlon , Etc. U. 11U11KK ti SONS , Live Stock Commission Gco. Hurko , Manager , Dnlon Stock Yards , S. Omaha. Telephone S8" ) Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. John F. lloyd , IjupcrlntcndonU SAVAGE & OKKE.V , f Live Stock Commission Merchants. Shipments of any and nil kinds of Rtock solicit eU. Upion bU.ek Vurds , Omaha , Nub. Lumber , ElcT ' LOUIS DUAUFOUD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Baeh , Doors , Kto. Ynrds Cor. 7th nnd Dougls : Cor. Utb and Dougl'iJ- BOHN MANUFACrmilNQ CO , . < Manufacturers of SasI ) , Doors , Blinds , MouldlngP , 6t lr Work mid Inteilor Hiird Wood Finish. Juut opened. N. K. eor. fctb und l.uiivcu- worlb Strcetu , Omuha , Neb. CIIICAOO LUMHEIl COMPANY. Wholesale Lumber , til S. 14th Street , Oinnhn , 'Not * . F. Colpeuor , Munu er. a N , IETZ Lumber , 13th and California Street1 ; , Oimihn , NoU FHED W. GHAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc. Cor. Cth und Douglas Streets , Omalm , NuU QEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , Umilhu , Nubi-atUo. " " " . 1L LKB , Hardwood Lumber , Wnrcn Stock , Funoy Woodn , lliicl-o Timbers & .V. , ti. W. Cor , Dili nnd Uoiib'lubUinului , t\u\ \ > . G. P. LVMAN , Dealer in Sasb , Doors , Blinds , Uuildiiu ; 1'apur , Etc. Houth 13Ui Stl * , OOOMt Ncbrubka. Fliti , Etc , co. " 6ucoi > M > rs to Ickcn HlemSEcn & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of r < irclBn Fisb.Nos. Ull-913 Jono * tes6trf - > t nnd k1.1 * . Track. OmuluwMub. . _ < Confectionery. F. P. KAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Krnlta , Nuts nud Cigars. 1211 Farnam St , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. " " ' "UNISOCH .VMKTCALP'CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Agricultural Implements. Onico , Corner Cth nn.l 1'iulno Pt , Omidin. N'oU. * " i'AUUN. OUF.NDOUKF & MARTIN , WtioloK.0 Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons mul lluprflcs Umiilin Neb. " CUl'UCltlLL PAllKKU , \Vholcsido Dcirior In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carries anil lIucRlr * . ,1 ( ncs St. , bet. t'th mid loth , Oinnhn , Neb. Uools and Shoes. . . . - -.x- * ' Vi'Vi M0n < 5i ; CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Nil Fnrtinm Btroot. Onmtin , N 'b. Mimufnctorr , * Summer Street , Itouton. Carpets. , w > .w " , . B. A. OHCHAnn , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , - irtnln Oooi ! . lite. . 1" " Street , Onmlm , Not' . Coal , Lime , Etr. . .kKKW.HEDKOUtV Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , Has. llth'It. , Oiunhn , Neb. Yurils , Ptb uuO Dr , 'enpoi t Streets. " CUTANT ( ) ii SQt'lHKS Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal Best nrittlos. ortlee.21HP. Kltb St. No. UK , Onmlm , Xel > . Shippers ol Coal and Coke , ZH S. 13th Pt. , Oninhu , Ncli. ( iMi. C.'rowi.r. , rrislJnnt. Cio. I'ArrrusoN. Heo und 'IVeas. J.I ! . HUI.IIEIIT. F.A. Proprietor. MuimKcr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , N1-.I1IIASKA. Office , 217 S . Wlh Sticot. Telephone < 9. _ CEO. F. I.AiiAdii , 1'res. r F. GOODMAN. V. 1'iea. .1. A. StIMtlMII.AMI iOC. ? Illlll TlOH * . Omaha Cos ; , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of Imnl nml mil ( on1 , iVJS. IJth St. , Onmlm , NeU OMAHA COAL AND I'HODfCi : CO. Hard and Soft Coal. EjcluelTO ilcalcrBln lloiililcr Colorado Coul.SI ? t-oilth MtliMieut. Coffee and Splcei , (5ATKS. ( COLK vV MILKS , Home Coffes and Spice M.ll , HTg Co. Cotfoo KoiiMeis nnil Spli-o ( ! ilnlei'iniinu : fiictnnnBof linkingI'ouiK'r , Fluvovinif Kxtrnct1 * llliiliifr. utc. Try ono eno of our 1-m pncknKO llonui illenil Hoiibloil Coffee. 1CU9 lluwurd bt. , Ciniilin , Neb. " CLAllKK llltOP. .tro. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Tea" . Coireua , Spices , linking iViwdcr FliivorlnR Kxlrncts , I.nunilry lllim. luk , utc. 14H-1U llnr- ncy Street , Onmlm , Neb. Commission , Etc , ' 1IHANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , J121 Knrmim St. , Oinnhn. Apl > lcn Our own i.ack- IIIB I'lntt&C.t.'B Tlut-r llrmiil Oybtcis , lluttor , KKK * . Onnio , 1'oultry , 1'otntooi. JOHNF. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , l > rovlsluti8 , > Vrult8 , Flour mul r ' l , IKS 6.14tli St. , Omaha , Noli. Coiiblirnmunts sollcitta. Itctuins iiuiJo DrouiDtlr. 11. MCDONALD. COMMISSION MERCHANT. 315 12th Street. Omu'-ia , Neb. Specialties : Hut ti > r. Kif n , mid ( 'lilckuiis- U'lEDHMAN & , CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. roullry , lluttor , Ouiiio , Fruits , Ktc. JK08. 14th t. , Oiuulia , f\'i.'liniKkn. WKSTKUFIKI , ! ) IltKjS. , General Commission Merchants , t , Omaha Nob. Consignments Solicited. w. K. Storage and Commission Merchant. SPECIALTIES Clicow ) , Iluttcr Kw. 1'oultry nml ( liiini ! , 1U S. llth. , Oiimbu , Neb. Tule- plume Nu. IWj. U'KKKS & MIKLAUD , Storage and Commission Merchants. Fore.'Kii : ami Ioincstlo Fruits ufcpociulty. Kl- OKBII ! Ftni-iivo lucllltlt'4. Wnrrliousc und olllco , JU Noilh I3th Ft. Tfleplione 775. _ _ D. A. HUIILKV , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , KgH | and I'rodueo. A full line nt Stone- wore. Conalirunicnts solicitoti. 1411 UoUjfO bt. , Omuha. . E. General Commission Merchant , nutter , KITK" , Cbocso nml Country I'roiliiwi con- eruily , ao-J S. 12tli St. , Onmlm , Neb. MCSHANR Boyers of Butter and Eggs. ItelrlRerntor nnil I'ncklnir Ilouiso , 14th k Leaven- woitb St. , on U. 1' . 1L K. Tnick , Oiiialia , Nub. KKlillillshcd lb"0. itoiimiT ruitviB , General Commission , 211 B. Htb St , Oiunhn , Neb. Kpecliiltlcs Ilutlur Kggs , I'oultry und Oiuno. I'KVCKK Commission Merchants , Vruti ! , Prcduco nnil 1'iovlfions , OimiUa , 'I'll/ ' S'irrpp8iir to Is me ( IHMitli. Commission Merchant , hiu ) wluilosiilndenlor liieonntiy jnoiluco , f nil IP , butter , rni-'F , elc. tiooils on ( . onslKiinaMil n upeeialty. U l N. ICIli bt. . Oiimlm , Nub. KlltSClIIiKAI'N * SONS , ( Sncci'S uis to A. 1' . SuhnuU. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No , vilJ South r > tli Street. Omillin , Nul ) . Ury Goous. "j. j. nitou'N & < : o. Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , JS-'il DouuliM tiliuct , Omaha , NeK it. ( iiNsiir.itn , v co. , WUoltBulo Di'ulerbln Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , , I'.UI-IIH , I'.inlirolilury nml Wliltu Ccocs. WODcuulns Street , Uinulm , Kt u. _ * _ _ White Lead , UAUTF.Il WIIITK J.KAD CO. . Strictly Pure While Lead. 20th Stnnd U. J' , Ity. Omuha , Harness , Etc , wn.TV .V IANIltOCK , MnnuriuturcTH and Jolihcrsof Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turl Cooitu , IlliinketB nml Holies , li l Furmuo Sti i'iitOiiiiihu _ _ , Jj 'l > ± Mattresses , rZ M. , Mattress Company , Mnnufncturliw Mcttrteses , llntillnir. IVnlhcr 1'illown , Cotb , lUc. tXKi mill U'OH Doncluu fitrocl , Uinulm , Neb. Overalls. CJtJFAcriJKiNo co7 Manufacturers of Overalls , .SIilrii ) , HitIHti undFtfi CUOCt , Ouwliu , i\vli. : OMAHA JOBBERS'DIRECTORY. OMAHA I. MI1FH CO , Dealers In.\llKhuli of Building Material at Wholesale. 1Mb Stifet nml i n on I'mfl Truck. Oninhn G15HMAN' IMVYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , lOth nml t/nril Stieet ? , Onmlm , Noliriiskn. J. \VAKF.FIF.U ) , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , , tlulMlmr 1'nperi ) , Sn li , Doors , llllniM , Mntilf lnir t ! . FieXHs , PoMs , Unip , I'ltiMer. llnf , Cement. Nlntn nmi.lono" , Onmlm Neb. . . t . _ . _ i Millinery , Importers nmlJolibersoC I Millinery and Notions , _ _ K13 nml 1SH Hnriicy Street , Omntm , Nob. Musical Inslrumenls , , 'vs' % 1U1H01.M .V F.IUCKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Stoluwiiy I'lnnos , Welter , UceKor , lliiluoiniiil * ' . ) ! * riuiuiA , I'lieKiuil OIKIIIIS , C'lms-o Origins , luiuudiui _ Furniture , Etc. _ CHAKLKS SltlVKUICK , Furniture 'Mirrors , Beddidg , Upholstery , KU > . , U ! > M , lM3Htul : KM I'mmim Srtii'et.Oimdm. * DUWISVASTONK , Wholesale Dealers In Furnltaro , rnrnnni Street , Oiunhn , Nob. _ _ Groceries. Wholesale Grocers , a Douglua Street. Onmlm , K. 11. CHAPMAN * CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobnrco mul SmoU'ii' Articles , 1-17 Howiml SU Mr.VKUA RAAl'KK Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Frills , Cigars nml Tobnrcos. VII * mid 1319 Doug * Ins Strcut , Diiinhu , Null. ilcCOHD , 1IHAUV& COMI'ANIT , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th mitl I'uriniiu Streets , Oiimlm , Nclk 1'AXTON , 0 A M.AU lllllt & CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nog. ; ur > , 1U7 , 7\M mul,11 H. lUtli St. , Oiunliu , Neb. Hardware. Vf. J. IWOATCII , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Eprlnps. tViiKun Stock , llanluooil Lumber'eta. ILVJiiml l-II llninuy Mieex. Omnlm , Nub. " " KDXKY& aillllON , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon Ana rarrhuro Wood Stock. Heavy llnrdwnrn. Kto. UlTunil U'l'J LvuvuiMtui tn Street , Umitlm , Neb. III.MI.-IIAUOII &TAYI.O11 , Builders' Hardware , Meelmnlep' Tools nnil llntlnlu Si-idus. H05 Doup Ins Street. Oniiilui , Null. . . , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Klo. AwntR for llowo Scales mul Mliinil i'uwdcr Co. . Ointilia Neb. MILTON UOUKHS k SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantle * , Ciiattv , JlniBH irooils. 1U21 mul 13 ) PMO mini Street. " ' HKCTOUVlUilI.MV ! CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Steel Miillfi. Cor. 10th mid Hnrnoy Streets , Oiu-iliu , Nob. _ _ _ _ _ _ Harvesters. m , _ , " " " ' ' \Vil.'f'lil21tINa & CO. , CHICAGO , Manufacturer of tUo Deering , Harvester Goods , ; tVrlto to Win. Jl. Lorlincr , ( Jonorid Apcnt , Oinalin. Tc'ejliono ) 10. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. U STKANH COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. , Etinm , VVutcr , Itnllwny mul MlllliiB Supplies , Et3 VM , KB mul v.'t Kuriuim St. Uinnliii , Nob. I " c'liuucinr PUMP co. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , ' Btenni mul Wnlor Supplies. Heiuliiuiirtcrs tot Must Foost Co.'s Guodb. 1111 l-'ainuiii Btroot , Oiuulia , Neb. J Jewelry. ' l'iHOI.M : ) i E1I1CKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Donlcre In Sllvenviire , IHiiinonilB , Wntobaa Clocks , Jewelers' TooH mul MaterlnH , Kto. , 101 | | mul 1UI , JOtli fJtreet , Cor. IJcdiro , Oiiiulm. Nob. Notions Et : , VlNVAitl ) & SCHNKIKK. ! ) , 'obDoia in notions , Hosiery &Gents'FurnisMng ' Good ItXM und JUJb ruiiutm SUUuiiibuNuU J. T , Robinson Notion Company , 4 liiniHO.r.S. imhSt.m ( , Nob. ' WboR-tiile DealeiH In Notions und UonU' ITu nlsliliiR Goods. Oils , Etc. CONBOM DATED TANK . fi-i'ers ' iii Gs ! ! , " - " * "cu AiloOrei o , A. II. Illnhop , r , Onmlm , Not" " . Pork Packing. JAMKS u. uovnT' Fork Packer and Shipper ; Onmlm , Nilinmkit , HAItlllH ft FISllKIt , Packers and Provision Dealers , Office , Union Miirlii't. I.rl7 Doditu hi root. 1'iiuklnit iMtiikii , U. 1' . H. K , Truck , Omixhii , NoU Tole plume No , 15V , Safes and Locks. . . . . , _ - . -J..JW. , jiovjju j , ( ; O. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 I'iio und HuiKlai- oof SareH.TImii IxiuUH.Vnulti and .lull wet I : . | u.'U Furnum btreitt , Omilhu , Nub Seeds. 3 , EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds , l , Vwtiihlo , Hie. OJd FolJowa' Hull , N. W , Cor. lllli nml Doduu Ht . , Oniuhn , Ni.l > . Drugs , Etc , THE ( JOODMAN DHUfi CO Wholesale Druggist' , ' Aod JJ Mer in I'MiiK Olla nnd Window Gins * lunnliu , Neb. , Wines , Liquors , Ct : , iir.u \ co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines Anil J.lfjuorti. Sole , iimiuituutiirura of Kiami ly'f 1'itft liullu Illllci'd. 111'llurnoy ! tJUcut , Ni Ii. ( ir.o. , tomul A.luiN ( \ , Iiujiorlort mul Ilcalorh in Y/lnos / , Liquors and Clgors , Ar . lllb ft. , Omuha , "i'b " ' ' V. lIKASOH'd & f'-fl.'l , ' Wholesale. Job Lots , . , Dry Oroil , KotloiiH , fjtnth1 t'.anltlili" ' O o'I * . Uoniln I iir.n New \W. | Ti.vlei > Hi * daily. ' l tun1 ' * * South r uii f-t , , pmanu.