1 THE DAILY BEE : TUESDA JtJNE 8 , 1880. - IOST ALL OF THEIR DIGNITY , The Board of Education Indulge in a Lengthy 'Wrangle. I-1 EX-SENATOR HILL , OF COLORADO Two Fires Tlio Board of Trade fc llulliUtiR A Lost Ilciy No- uraska Mnnonn Minor Mentions. Tlio Boaril of IMncntlnn. The members of the board of education relaxed their accustomed und becoming dignity last night and held a heated and flomewlmt stormy business session that rc.-ieiiiblcd in a measure some of the more enteitainlng meetings of the city council. The board mot at b o'clock , with nil of tlio members present except Mr. Llvesey. A number of applications for positions as teachers wore received and referred to the committee on teachers and text books. Permission was granted to Miss Helen Hunt , of Pacllic school , and Miss Florence Heed , of Loavenworth school to hold summer schools in the buildings in which they are teachers. The proposi tion of John S. Caitllicld to supply the school with tc.xt books at the publisher's wholesale rates was referred to the com mittee on supplies. The following report of finances was received from 1 reasurer Buck and placed on file : Juno 1 balance last report , Slfl.SSO 70 Tax collected In April 1OH IS For non-resident tuition 110 75 For lines In pollen court 1,007 fiO For licenses In May 43,910 05 _ 69.203 81 warrant * paid In May 22ttB m Transferred to sinking fund 40385 Ijj Balance 80,25900 _ , , , 69,293 84 Balance In slnkliigfutid 37,497 30 Uomlson deposit. , 01,000 00 The finance committee nmdo the follow ing report of the estimate ot funds re quired for the city schools lor the ensuing fiscal year : Superintendents and teachers' fund 8110,000.00 Janitors 11,000.00 Construction 08,000.00 llepalrs 0,000.00 Insurance 1,500.00 General improvements 12,000.00 ] < uc ! and lights onoooo Furniture 400000 Hpppllcs. . 3,500.00 Uooksand stationery l'J.000.00 Apparatus ! > 000.00 Kent l&oo.oo Ciado curbing , etc. , tax C.ooo.OO interest 6,000.00 Sinking fund 0,000,00 Jinn mil tinining school ! i,000,00 Secretary's salary , legal sei vlce.etc. 2,500.00 Miscellaneous 1,000.00 " § 208,000.00 Wo ; ; ; anticipate : From lines and licenses S180 000 00 From stale apportionment 14,000.00 From levy 74,800.00 The finance committee also reported . the bids made for the .sinking fund bonds advertised for sale by the treasurer and their acceptance of the highest bids as follows : if 10.000 of 7 per cent bonds sold to Bowler & Merrill , of Bangor , Me. , for $1,205 ; $20,500 of 0 per cents sold to N. , W. Harris & Co. , of Chicago , for 810,002.20 ; $17,000 of 8 per cents sold to Douglas county for $17,610. The action 1 of the committee was ratified bv the board.- Claims to the amount of $20,552.88 were allowed by tlio board. The musical part of the session was opened by the chairman of the committee on teachers and text books introducing a resolution providing for the election of tlio following teachers in the high school : Prof. Lpvi&ton , Belle II. Lewis , Martha A. Cook , Jennie E. Keyser , Fannie > Wopd-and ; Lmnia Whitmoro as principal 6f Lake school , nnd Stella M. Champlin ns an assistant teacher. Attached to this was a clause authorizing tlio secretary to make contracts with the principals , teachers and assistants uow employed by the board. Mr. Blackburn objected to the motion , ns , ho said , ho was not prepared to vote on such an important question without a chance for preparation. Mr. Copeland said he objected to the high-handed manner in which the com- mjttoo on teachers and text books had been carrying on their business. The board should bo allowed to have some thing to say in the selection of the tcach- eis. Chairman Long of tlio committee said ho did not consider it necessary for tno committee to consult with tlio other mem bers of the , board in regard to business that had been referrett to thorn. "Mr. Blackburn said it was generally understood that the committi-o on teach ers was a close corporation. They spring o report on the board and ask that it bo swallowed whole without the board hav- ingany knowledge of its merits. Mr , Copeland said the board had never dy n asked a report from 'the ' superin tendent upon the qualifications of tlio touchers. Mr. Long replied that the superintend ent had refused to recommend teachers. Superintendent James came to his feet Ilistantor and . .said lie had never shirked tiny duly imposed by tills boiinl. Ho had never been asked a statement concern ng the qualifications of tlio teachers but ho had filed such a report with the committee. Ho expected it would bp destroyed so ho kept a copv OTit. IIo said the board was employing teai\hors \ who bhould not ho omnloyed. Ihi had always furnished information when asked of liini and ho hated to bo licensed of cowardice. "Mr. Copeland said he wanted to getaway away from the dictation of tlio tuanhora1 committee. Mr. Coburn explained the committee's position at somu length. After wrangling until 10:30 : o'clock the motion to proceed with the election of 'tqftphors was pastponod. The motion was afterwards reconsidered so far as re garded the teachers in the high school , and the following touchers were chosen at-the salaries named : ' Homer I' . Lewis , $2200 ; A. N. Hohalmw , $1300 ; Mary H. Harris. ' 1600 ; M. U. Molntyrb , $1600 ; S. H. tkutJ inn. i. ' ' 'w1 oi..i _ . : 0y , ; . , is. ; rofessor Lovlston , $1100 ; Belle II. Lewis ' Martha A. Cook , $1100. J.'R. Key' Kor$1100 ; ulsoKmmavhltmoro , prlnci pal'of Lake bchool ) $1)00. ) > Y. S , Curtis was elected member of the board of examiners to fill the vacancy. and it was decided to call a meeting of the board of examiners for Juno 3S. 29 and ! ! 0. The secretary was instructed to adver tise for bids for school books , and u num ber of bids 'for the construction of the Georgia avenue school building were opened and read. Tlio lowest bid for the entire work was by S. (5. ( Stevenson , at f.'J.GOO. The matter was referred to a special meeting of the board , Friday afternoon. „ A resolution to increase the salary of JJiss Quackonbush from $1,100 to $1,200 w.83 vnad and referred , and after a few motions which wore lost for want of a second the mooting adjourned. He Will Support Her. Tlio case brought in Justice Anderson's court ugainst Thomas Watson , charged with being the father of tin illegitimate child bora to Mary Anderson , an em- plove at the Deaf ant ] Dumb institute , i pauio up for a hearing yesterday , and compromised , Wjtson agrees to maintenance for the woman and ' A roE OF MONOPIA' . Kx-Sctmtor Hill , of Colorado In Town. Kx-Srnator Hill , of Colorado , arrived last night from the west and registered at the I'nxton. Ho was met at the depot boTranic'Managcr Kimball , with whom ho had n short conversation. Hn tiicn took n bus and rode up to town. Ho was met before leaving the depot by a BKK reporter to whom ho said in answer to a question that he was not on his way to Washington , He had not had much business there lately , and on this trip he would conline himself to a visit to Ivcw York and .Boston. His stopping over at Omaha was occasioned solely by business neccs.iitics. The interests he represented in the mountains , mining and others , naturally throw them into business rela tions of considerable importance with the Union 1'acillc road. These interests required , of course , to bo attended to , and ho was here to attend to them. He would remain over night and leave early in the morning. Tim ex-senator is looking well. Ho bears Ids honors as one of tlio wealthiest men of thu mountains with the ease of a man who has yet to make a competency. His face is full and florid while his hair and mustache are a steel gray. In manner , ho is a liable and kind , yet looks like a man who meant everything ho said and did when opposed to the outrageous wrong inllioted by the kings of monopoly , and especially the emperor of kings , Jay Gould. Personal 1'nrnRraphn. N. J. Burnlmiu has gone to Soward. Matt Patrick left for Cheyenne Sun day night. Mrs. S. S. Fclkcr is visiting friends in Grand Island. Mrs. J. llobluson returned yesterday from Detroit. A. II. Swan left for Chicago yesterday , and President McKen/io , of the Ogalalla cattle company , took the same train on his wav to Scotland. H. C. Williamson , of Virden , Miss. , special correspondent of the Memphis Appeal and Jackson ( Miss. ) State Ledger , is in the city on his way west , . Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gushing , Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald , Mr. and Mrs. Temploton , Mr. John N. Flynn and Misses Code. O'Lcary and Cole formed a very pleasant picnic partv which spent Sunday at the nome of j Mrs. Cushing's mother in Plattsmouth. A. B. Southard who for several years past has been connected with the Cable railway system of San Francisco Cal. , lias been visiting with Ins wife and baby City Clerk Southard , and leaves to-day for Kansas City , Missouri , where ho will locate , as assistant engineer of the cable line of the latter city. Rov. E. B. Graham , pastor of the United Presbyterian church , returned yesterday from Hastings , where on Sun day night , ho preached the annual address - dross to the students at the Hastings col lege. He left last night for St. Paul , Minn. , whence lie will return on Satur day next accompanied by his wito who has been spending vacation there. G. li. Wallace and J. L. McCaguo , both graduates of Monmouth college , Mon- month , III. , will attend tlio graduating exercises of that institution which takes place next wcok. Mr. McCaguo will bo present as pno of the trustees , while Mr. Wallace will deliver the annual address to the graduates. Mrs. L. W.Williamson , of Hiawatha , Kan. , sister of Judge McCulloch , accom panied by her husband , arrived yesterday and will remain hero , until after the marriage of the judge to Miss Josie Me- Cuguo. The ceremony will take place on Thursday , 10th inst. , and will probably bo performed by "Rev ? Thomas MeCaguo. father of the bride. Brevities. A now grocery clerk just arrived a ) Egati Bros. It is a bouncing boy of ton pounds. Mother and son are doing well. Lawn tennis promises to bo a popular game this year. Several olubs have been organized in different purts'of the city. Mrs. C. S. Crawford , mother of Mrs. Dr. Darrow , of Stanton , Va. , is visiling her daughter and will remain all sum mer. mer.Goo. Goo. W. Frost left yesterday for Weeping Water , where ho is interested in the construction of the Lincoln branch of ( ho Missouri Pacific road. Mary Scott , tlio eldest daughter of Wil liam Scott , has been unpointed guardian for her father , who lias boon adjudged insane - sane by the county board. The river is rising slowly. It has cut away about 400 feet of land on the Iowa side , nearly opposite tno smelting works , and still further encroachments are feared. Joseph Marrow , son of a well-known citizen 9f Omaha , and one of the youngest clerks in the senate mailing room in , Washington , won a prize recently in a folding contest , for the neatest and quick est work. General Traffic Manager Kimball , of the Union Pacific , was pleased yesterday to receive a largo barrel of tish from his sons , Richard and Thomas , who are now engaged in fishing in northern Wis consin. Harry Gilmore , form orlyyardmastor for the Union Pacific at this point , and a member of the executive committee of the Yardmastors' Mutual Benolit associa tion , wont to St. Paul last nignt to attend tlio twolUh annual convention of the order. Joseph Jonas , a Bohemian returning with lus best girl from the Bohemian hall dance early yesterday was "attacked and severely beaten by the Potatseh brothers , three in number. Jealousy was the cause of the trouble. Warrants have been sworn out in police court for the ar rest of the three brothers Constable Karl yesterday closed up tlio notion store of S. Hosonbloom , on St. Mary'd avenuo. on attachments amount ing to soyoral hundred dollars. Hosen- bloom is now in Canada , .whither ho lied to avoid settlement with numerous cred itors. The Moline Flow Company , through Goo. F. Allen , yesterday ' acquired title to the lot on the south west corner of Pacific and Ninth streets , and to another [ on Califor nia near Thirteenth street , which was ef fected at a pecuniary sacrifice of $750 by C. E. Mayno. Messrs Spencer and Fred Stover desire to return thanks to their friends for the kindness shown during their recent bo- reavemoni in the dcatli of their mother. Jurry Keating , Colo's clownwho broke a cellmate's nose at the city jail on Sun day , was lined $25 and coats by Judge Stcnborg yesterday , Judge Wakoly and Leo Kstollo are in Hurt county. On account of the district attorney's absence , tlio case against Leonard for assault upon Olliuor Bloom will not bo called until to-morrow , The Board of Trmlo nuiltllni ; , The corner stone of tlio now board of trade building , now in process of orcc- tion , will bo laid one day next week dur ing tlio session in this city of the grand lodge of Nebraska Masons , The date and programme have not been fully de cided upon. The services will probably bo held on Wednesday. A Jackson , Mich. , grocer has $13,000 worth of unpaid accpuuU , which ho is willing to sell for $300. At 1001 .S. 13th St. is the plaeo o buy building paper , carpet felt , mouldings , doors , windows , VHn.ds , .etc. , at very low prices. G. F. ESCAPE. A Dold Attempt nt Murder Frustrated l > y Moving n Bed. Sioux CITV , In. , .luno 7. [ Special Tele- Rrnrn to the HEH. ! A daring attempt at rob bery and murder wa * made early this tnorn- tng at the residence of L , O. Haurrct , a promi nent and wealthy farmer , IIvine near the llig Sioux river bridge about four miles northwest of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Uaurrct intended starling for Canada on o visit , and It Is supposed the robbers thought a largo sum of money had been drawn from the bank on Saturday for the Journey. About 2 o'clock Mrs. Baurrct was awakened byanolseas of Jfotne one trying to Ret Into the house As Mr. Baurrct got uu to light the lamp , a cnn report was heard'and a heavy charge of shot struck the wall only a few inches fioiu his head. This moused the other Imnixtes who huriicdly came to Hie rescue just In tlnio to see tlio retreat ing persons of three men. Investigation showed that the shot had been IIrod through the screen wire of the door. The oerson who filed the shot was evldojitly ftmlllnr with the picmhes , and falnl consequences were only mcried by the bed beliiK moved to a differ ent part of tlio room during the day. as the aim taken was In a direct line with the bed In its old position. The police of the city were notified as soon as possible , and after getting something of a clue arrested Maynard Parks , who had until recently been em ployed by Mr. Bonnet and Is now workliiR In tlio city. Several strong circumstances point to him ns the one who did the shootin ? , although ho 1ms heretofore home a good reputation. The olllcors are still after two accomplices. Parks 1ms told several contra dictory things icKtmllng the nullcr. and seems considerably agitated. Flatitlns : fur a Railroad Route. DES-MOINKS la. , Juno 7. [ Special lelo- gram to the HFI : . ] A. lively lighl 1ms bcun for the possession of the route southwest from this city to Kansas City. The Wilson syndicate that sold the Diagonal to the now system that Is to build a tlirouli line from Chicago to Kansas City , has boon endeavorIng - Ing to get hold of the Dos Mollies , Oscoola Southern , running from hero across the Missouri line and then ex tend It on to St Joseph and Kansas City , but the syndicate , representing three-quarters of the stock of this roatl are also figuring on the same route , and It has announced to-day that they had arranged the necessary funds , and would widen anil build the road ns a through line from here to St. Joe and Kansas City. In case this Is done It is thought the diagonal people will make tralllc arrangements with them , and not build on from hero southwest at present. Death of mi Old Timer. DUUUQUK , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Telegram to the 1JKK.J Solon Longworthy , one of the oldest settlers of Dubuque , who sottleu" In this city In 133-1 , died tl ls morning. Ho was a n Indian lighter. Ho struck a rich vein of lead ere and owned the first upper Missis sippi steamboat in 1837. Ho was a quarter master during the civil war and since that tlnio had been engaged In tko lumber busi ness. _ An Insane Murderer. KnoKUK , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Telegram to tlio HKK.J John Stiffen , of this city , who shot and killed his father a few days ago , was examined by the commissioners of In sanity to-day and declared Insane and sent to the Independence hospital. His delusion was chiefly a fear that some one was going to him. poison _ _ _ _ _ Advcntlsts. DES MOINRH , la. , June 7. [ Special Tele-- grnmto the JIKK. ] The stale camp meeting of the Seventh day advcntlsts begins In this city Wednesday , b'ut Informal exercises have already commenced. About seventy tents are spread on Governors' square and services are held nightly. The most prominent mem- bcrso f that denomination will taKe part In the meeting. _ Shot byi'HU Brother. TnAnn , Iowa , June 7. [ Special Telegram to the JJKE. ] Arthur Evarts , pr this place , while extracting a cartridge from a revolver this evening , shot Ills brother , the ball pass , lug through his liver. He will probably dlc- DK.iUKYXOhDS ACQUITTED. Tlio Evidence Not Deemed Sufficient For Conviction Lducolu News. LINCOLN , Neb. , June 7. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK.J In the district court yes terday the case of Dr. Reynolds for obtain ing money under false pretenses was on trial. The evidence lacked the strength necessary , - essary lor conviction and the verdict re turned was not guilty. The grand Island train yesterday over tlio Burlington road was larccly made up of dele gates from the Ancient Order of United Workmen lodges In this section , Including delegates from Nebraska City , Plattsmouth , Brown vlllo , Omaha and other places'in the custom part of the state. Tbo delegates at Grand Island will organize a grand lodge ( or Nebraska. J. W. Bookwaltor , who will bo remembered as a prominent politician irom Ohio , who once essayed to bo governor , arrlved.ln. Lin coln last nluht over tin * Burllncton route. Ho Is accompanied by A. L. Clalford , both coming fiom their homo at Springfield , O. The uoputy wiiideu of tlio Missouri state penitentiary IIJIN secured an oxtrailition war rant lor an escaped convict who Is la this state and his whereabouts known. Ho will bo returned homo for punishment. , The latest agitation in Lincoln'Is created1 by a Scottish lord , who viewed this cljy a day or two ago , and talked -buildlm ; a imcklng Mouse to citizens hero. " S. H. H.Clark.of Omaka , and Alex Jeltesof St. Louis , cuniu In on last evening's train to look over the Missouri Pacific railway busi ness on the now line to this city , ,1'ljcy will sojourn hero durlne today. . . i. Last evening the filonds ' 6fonoral "VIi- qunlu tendered him a farewell banquet at the Windsor , covers being laid tor 100 guests. At a Into hour the guests weiu still fcaslingand onjoy'iiig tno hoclnl features of tlio event. The ircui-rnl leaves to-day for Baicanqnllla via Washington , - . The following arnamoug the hotel arrivals' of Xcbrnbkniib : S. 11. H. ClailcOmaha ; A. F. Kust , Omaha ; J. 11. Wateiumn , 1'latts- mouth ; V. K. White , I'lutt&mouth ; U. Thompson , Ashland ; John H. Sohlcr , Oinnhu ; T. A. Harrison , liuiclinid ; ( i. C. Krceman , Liberty ; J. B. Cromnton , Alma ; K. D.Taylor , Yoik : K , C. Parklugton , Seward ard ; K. Mclntyii ) , Seward ; J. A. McMillan , Omaha : H. W. Kurnas. Biowuvillo ; 1J. B. Smith , Phittsmoutli , HELPED DY III3 WIFE. i Cleveland Certain of u Ronoinlnatloii * Now Ho Is Married. NKW VOIIK , Juno 7. Special Telegram to the Bin : . ] These politicians who study the effects ot the president's marriage as closely as the result of the ward caucus , say Mrs. Cleveland will bo ambitious to nuiko her lord and master his own successor , and that In the next two years there will bo quite a dif ferent policy pursued at Washington from that of the last two years. The spoilsmen among the democrats in this vicinity are vociferous In their declarations that Gov ernor Hill will luuo tlio next democratic dele gation from thi * state. S. B. Elkiiislio has just returned from a western and south ern trip , said In on inteivlew to-night that his observation was that Cleveland would bo lenomlnuted. " 1 reason this way , " bald lie. "Tho south will bo uniform tor him and he will tiold the south through the power of the nntronago of Lamar and Carlnud and Buyaru. The southern democrats are of a character to bo goveined by pat ronage. Cleveland has the solid south at his back , whoso votes they must have to succeed. Theio will be gen eral turntiitr about , and ho will bo nominated oven though the buntlmeut in New York may be against film. You fiee the , south has votes that the democrats must have , Besides , Cleveland will have stiongsupport In several northern and western states. ' Ho will have nearly all of Xew Kugland , Michigan , ! Wis consin , Olno , possibly Missouri and some others. These , with the south , would be sulUclent to renouilnate Him with out Now York. Hill has the lead in New .York now , and would be nominated If the convention was. to comei otf next mouth but It Is after the president has thrown his patronage in the balance ( hat tha real tr'st will come , The next point which the domocraUc'leaUers hope to attain Is the capture of the iUnUed States snnat * The president wouldllkaadcmocratlc senate to act on his appointment so ho may innko more liberal of his patronaRC. Tim spoils men of his party nsree that a democratic scnixto. would bo able to bring tlio president Into complete accord with their views nmlittlslfr * . 1 get this In formation , which Is corroborated by various movements now on foot ui tlio several states where tlio terms of the republican senators expire , from promlnpnt flomocrnts who said that Tlldcn's old polltlcKI manager , Smith M , Weed , was 111 Washington within ten days and spent the entire day In the dlscussloujoi tie | situation In the senate with President Cleveland. 1 ran across Weed and asked him about his trip to Washington. Tlldon politicians all have padlocks on tholr iiolisH and Mr. Weed \\as no exception. He ailhiittcd having been In Washington , but bcyohd telling mo an Inci dent of his visit ho refused to confirm or deny the Information 1 had received. A Horse TlilcT Escape * . VAI.KNTI.VK , Neb. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK ] A horse thlof sent hero from Clmdron county , for safn keeping. broke jail this morning. Tlio jailor allowed him to Ica\o the steel cage and enter the corridor rider for oxcrclso. - Ho succeeded In forcing JilH way Into another cell , and With a stick of wood forced a bar from the window , throu * li which ho managed to crawl and escape. Tno sheriff and deputies are out searching for him , but as yet ho has not been recaptured. K fronts of the Gut Rates. CHICAOO , June 7. At a meeting of Chicago cage , St , Louis and Missouri river passenger agents' association to-day a resolution was adopted that in view of the cut rates now pre vailing , net rates to all points beyond Kansas City , in competition with the rnuto via Coun cil Dluffs will bo based on 84.2. % and that eastern lines will bo given a basing rate of ? . ' > io the same points. Ijost Her Hoy. Mrs , Emma J. French , an elderly lady whojivcs m the western part of the city , is looking for her ohiln. a boy about a year and a half old , which she eave into the cnro of a woman tunned Georgia Arbucklo about six months ago. Mrs. French alleges that the Aruucklo woman agreed lo return her child whenever she was able to take care 'of it. The wonlart lived on Fifteenth street at that time but has binco moved away and cannot now bo found. The Uallard Cnsc. Tha new trial of the Uallard muraor case will bo commenced in the district court one week from to-day. Clias. Alstodt , one of the principal witnesses for'tho'Statc , was placed under $1,000 bonds yesterday for his appearance as a witness. This precaution was taken to keep Alstodt from leaving the city. ' i "HERMrr JOE. " Story dfa Disappointed tiovor A Gold , Mlno in His Mountain Gave. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph : The writer was talking to a gentleman on t ifth avenue yesterday afternoon , when the lattcr's attention was suddenly di rected to a man , evidently a stranger in Pittsburg , to whom ho said : "Hello , Joe , you seem to bo out of your bearings. How do you happen , to bo m this city ? " The stranger stopped , abruptly , gazed upon the gontlemaivwitjha stare that im plied ho did not rcr omper hin , mumbled an unintelligible seintoi co , and then am bled down the aycmio and was soon lost to view. For a , brief , moment that ho had tarried on the sidewalk there w.as such a wistful , sad expression in hjs mild bl no eyes that the , wrilqr's curiosity and sympathy were aroused. The stranger was an old man , with wrinkled brow and stoop shoulders and long white hair and beard. Ho was drcssep , in. a well- worn suit of clothes , . buf which was neatly brushed as though' the , owncr still took some interest in hlsjporsprial appearance. There was a rcstjcssnoss In his eyc.s , though , and a general dpmoanor of man- .nor that .hinted tha't his intellect had been impaired. ' " , ' . . „ . 'Who is hoY" fald the gentleman 'who had addressed tho' . old man , in answer tea a query , from the vmter. , "Ho is known up in the mountains as 'Hermit Joe. ' Ills has been a long , bad life , with a peculiar romance wovci through it that shattered all his prospects , and to-day you hco him a frail , broken hearted old man. " "I was up in the mountains hunting last fall , " continued the gentleman. "where ho leads a hermit life , and learned Ills history. It is over thirty years since the romance of his life bcirau. Ills father had a snmll farm a little this side of the mountains , and Joe tilled the soil until long after his majority. His was th'o' old story of falling in love with a yoUng girl , whoso father was what would be called a magnate in that sec tion yaars ago. The girl's friends would * not'listen to her marrying Joe because h'6 'was poor , and tha engagement was pfT. . "Joo used to ponder over the fact that the 'marriage ' was prevented solely because , - cause ho was poor. Hut for months ho plodded along , doing the drudgery of the farm work an though lie had abandoned all thoughts of wedding the girl whom ho loved. "Suddenly lib mysteriously disap- pcaredi1 No one know whither ho had gqnojtot } months after , his disappearance. One. day. n party of hunters , who had kh'owii him , discovered him living in a hut upon tlio mountains , a hundred miles from his father's farm. He was morose and silent , refusing to say why ho had chosen the life of a rceliihO. and merely telling his former friends that ho was sat isfied to live in his lint and gain a meager % ubs'ustunco by hunting and fishing. All jlJJ'o.'rtfjtq . iiidiico him /oturu and giyo up his strange fnodo of" existence wcro unavailing , and ho scorned gratified when Jii.-i friends turned away1 and loft him at the "djior of his' gloomy hut. ga/.ing 'dreamily down thd mountain siilo. His frrowISTOturnod home and narrated their meeting with Joo. His farcical mode of living was a subject of gossip for a cou ple of weeks , anli then ho was ngain for gotten. "But Joo's romance was only half begun gun- ' ' continued the gentleman. "Early ono morning in th spring , two years after ho had loft homo ; ho suddenly re appeared , IIo was a jlillcront man. Ho had sold' a lot of skins ho had cured , was well dressed , und seemail to fairly beam with . , happiness. / - , IIo had several h tvy packages in his pockets , which liUvgn'anlM /.oalously that curiosity walk lupusod as to what were thulr contents. Ily wus so impatient that ho had not beou-hcro an hour until ho hurried oil' to tho'villlago and accosted the proprietor wjUi.Jho announcement that ho" had b'eoif working for tlio past two years in a gVhl mno ho had dis covered , which he. Jcpp v was tlio richest mine in tlio world. * ! If-Avas a * cavern , he said , literally fillouY wjjli bright yellow golden nuggols. .uVliuro was it ? Ho smiled and said thafitrwas in a precipi tous portion of thunfhoiaitains wliero no other foot than hjq * Jifld over trod , . and where no ono else 'cotllH discover it. IIo would bo the richest iimri in the state in the world lie uxiilthnUv said , and then whispered to the iwofor ? that at last ho could wed the ginl i-for , whom ho had labor od unceasingly for two years stow ing away gold nuggets. "At last ho produced the mysterious little heavy packages , which ho said were samples of his vast wealth. Tlio little group that had gat.horud together in tlio otoru drew close to Joe and gazed , awestruck , upon the yellow bits of mineral. The jovyolcr carefully picked up suvc-Tul pieces , looked at them a couple of moments , aiid then said : 'Joe , my friend , yon are mistaken. This is notgpl'l. These- deceptive yellow lumps are iron pyrites. , They ate worthless. ' "Far a full minute Joe uttered not a word. Ho Bceinod bereft of speech. Then ho mechanically raised his hand to his blow , as though to collect his thoughts. 'Am you sure it is not gold ) " he truniulouslr asked. 'Yes,1 was tlio ) fly > 'Thou farewell , friends ; hanpir has forsaken mo forever ; ' 'Jhat was all ho said. Slowly ho loft the store , and as quietly passed along through the village. His father's farm was now reached , but he stopped only to open the door of the homestead and , say jrood-by , In another hour ho was on his way baoK to his retreat in the mountains. His dls < appointment had been so sudden and hi ? grief so intense that his mind seemed t < i weaken under the great strain. Ho did not even stop to scq tlio ono ho had lovd and worked so hard for , but seemed to feel that all was lost to him forever. She , It is said , was true to him , and died a few years ago of a broken heart. Joe has ever since dwelt in his hut in the moun tains , which of late years lias become an object of curiosity to people visiting that section of the country. Ho has grown lee old to eke out a subsistence , but lives on a small income ills father loft him. His mind lias become so weakened that ho now imagines the cayo near his hut contains a great mass of wealth , but that the world has conspired to ignore him and his imaginative tons of gold nuggets. " _ _ The Fly-Screen Man. Detroit Free Press : lie had a simple fly-snrcon under his arm , and ho turned asldo and entered a little shoo shop in Lafayette street east. " 1 vluis worry busy to-day , " said the cobbler , as lie looked up. "Y-o-s , 1 suppose so , and so are the flies , " was the reply. ' "My friend , have you given any thought to the momentous query : "Shall I keep the tiles out or in this summer * " "I liaf to get dls boot done in half an hour ; " " .Exactly , and I don't propose to Inn- dor you. 1 am taking orders for lly- screens. You , can peg , ueg away wliilo wo talk , talk fly-screens. " "I doan' vhant some. " "That is lo say , you propose to sit in this shop all summer and encourage the visits of winced insects. Do you Know how much tune a man loses m four months in 'striking at flies ? " " 1 doah' figure up on him. " "Of course jrou don't , but I have. You will loae just two days in every inoiuh. That's eight days thrown away , and not a fly killed. Now then - " " 1 doan' vhant some lly-scrcmis. " "That is , you think vou don't. How many cubic feet of air do you think comes through that door in four months. „ "Maypc six , " "Maybe millions ! How much dust do you suppose , accompanies that air ? " "I vhas worry uusv. " "Evactiy , but more than two bushels of dust enters this shop by way of that dop'r , anil you inhale at least half of it. IIow many microbes accompany the dust ? " "Dis shop vhas under nioatgago , you sen. " "That's ' all right , but for ten hours a nay you inhale 100 cholera microbes an hour. " ' . "Und maype i moot avhay lo Chicago in , June. " "Suppose you do. A fly-screen door is portable property. There are flies and dust and microbes in Chicago as well as Detroit. Do you want to die of cholera ? " "If I die it vhas all right. If I live I haf to work all dor time. I vhas a great luimlt to be alone in my shop. " "Certainly you are , out the question remains : 'Shall flics light on your or ' I will make door ' ' not ? you a - 'I vhas worry busy. "Don't doubt it.but you owe something to yourself. Two dollars and a half will buy , the door complete , and I want to tell you that our - " "Great hcafcns ! go nvhayl I vhas busy ! I doan' vhant some doors. I donn' vhant some tly-screonsl" "You don't. If you don't want a door why did you encourage me ! Why did you _ take a quarter of an hour of my time ? Do you suppose I can stop and figure up cubic feet of air and busnols of dust and numbers of microbes to gratify idle curiosity ? " . "I like you to go avhay. " "Well , I'll go. Why didn't ' you say seat at first ? What have I done to you that you should want to injure me by robbing mo of niytimo ? Your conduct is out rageous sir grossly outrageous. " The shoemaker jumped and locked the door as soon as he was out. For a mo ment they glanced at each other through the dusty glass , and then the lly-scrcen man said : "It's shameful and I'll a ease , keep an eye on you. It is just such trifling con duct as yours , sir , which lias brought tris country to wliero it is. Why didn't you teU'nje whcii I came in that you didn't ' Wantafly-soreen door ? " " ' r ' " - > ' EMBROIDERED BOX SUITS. A1" Complete Ijino at $1.5O , $2.OO , : " $2.5O , $4.0O , $5.00 , $0.00 , at 6l . , > S.P. Morse & Co.'s. S. P. Mv& Co. offer a line of Embroid- oje'n , . .Kobcs * ' In' ' boxes at one-half the plupes others ask , and to-morrow morn- mg'ofl'or , 100 Hexed White Suits , "t P yards of Embroidery and 1 Morse's iffyurds Whitc.Swiss. at f To-morrow. ll.fiO , worth $3.00. J ' Anolhcr"16"t at § 3.00 , worth $3.50. Another lot at & 5.50. wortli ? n.OO. ' \ . , S. I5. MOUSE & CO. i. . , . . . . . . . For Sale. A second hand phatton just ill .of the' shop , and as good as now. yillbftsbld cheap. Inquire at Simpson's Carriage Factory on Dodge street. . - - - - * 132 fciot'squaro on 11. U. track , near 10th St : ' 'A bargain. Investigate it. _ MOTTKU _ , 311 S. 15th. Ladies' and Misses' white suits just opened up this 'morning at McDonald's. Northwestern IjoRfon or Honor , Oato City Council. Companions : With deep sorrow your commander announces the death of ( Join- ponlon Anthon Parkorny , who departed this lit'o this day. The tnneral will take place Irom his late rcsidoncn , Thlrtoonth street , between Jones and Loavcnworth , Tuesday , Juno 8 , at 3 p. m. Companions are invited to attend without further no tice. Soi. PJIIKCG , Commander. For a wedding presnnt nothing is so lasting in remembrance and there is nothing more suitable than homo article of solid silverware. Beautiful new stock at liimor.M & 'Bryans & Co. , Heal Estate , Rooms 20 and 37 , Paxton Building , Cor. Ifith und Farnam. Children's suits in endless variety at McDonald's Emporium. Practical watch repairing by Burbank at Woodman's , 220 N. 10th , iTcrninij 1'arlc. I have several lots in this addition which will double in value this season , owing to Cable line faeilities. Call and sue them. T. S. CLAUKMJN. 210 S , Mth St. The best railroad watch is the Aurora ( /Kick train watch. Sold only by Edholin i ; Erickson , If you buy lumber anywhere without first getting lloa huula prices you will lose money. Sco those beautiful white suits at Mo- Donald's emporium. Taking quality into consideration , I am soiling iTirMliRH cheaper than any yard in town. My now olllco , Oth and Donglaa street is very convenient.FKKU FKKU W. Giur. 11112 WOMBX FATLKl ) . oniccra Sucoood In Moving tlio Oa'r nt CuinmliiKi. CIIICAUO , Juno 7. [ Special Tclrcram U the HKU.J At Cummlngs to-day the pollc < finally succeeded In moving the two cars ol nails. When the cars started a largo crow il of women , carrjlug baklos and holdina Rtuall children bytliblr hands , gathered or the street corner and a delegation ot them mo\cd down tha track a quarter ofatulk and directly In the way of the train. A posse of onlcors was sent down and cleared the track. About a hundred feet west of the track , directly alucail of the disabled cars , was a large unpalntcd barn , nml the police grew uneasy ns a ciowd of strikers began to gather in Its vicinity. Another posse was sent out to clrar the barn , and tlio workmen , who had been appichonslvo ot being fired upon , bi entiled easier. Everything was pro nounced clear and the officers boarded the caboose. Superintendent Chamberlain ca\o the order to stint up , nnd the train , with the caboose at the forward end and engine In the middle , backed slowly out. AftorprojuesslnR about twenty-live fed It was found that the track had been liberally soauoil , and the en gine wheels refused to hold. Anolherston was made while the tracks wore cleaned , and the train started once more amid the hoots nf the women who , driven from tlio tiacks , stood In tlio InmiL'dlato vicinity. As tlm train nassed tlinn , ono thin-faced liacpnrd looking \\oiimn broke from her companions and planted herself firmly nu the track directly In Itout of the rapidly apinnachluc caboose , on the front platform of which was Superin tendent Chamberlain and a crowd ot oillcers. The train was stopped nnd a number of po- llcemon gently but thinly carried the strucKlliiK woman out of harm's way. Another start \\ufl made and another woman ran up and throw a lock Into the crowd of ofllccrs on the platform , doing no damage. however. The cngtna was given a free head of steam and arrived at south Chicago at 12:30 : without further Incident. Superintend- en tUlmmboi mill , as conductor of the train , dismounted and turned his way bills over tn the station agent and the ofllcors adjourned to dinner. A SUnUHBAN KICK. StronifiburK Protesting Against the Nmv System of Trains. STROMRIIUIIO , Neb. , Juno 7. [ Special Tel egram to the HKE.J An enthusiastic meeting ot cltlrcns was held at the council rooms tc determine upon the best iiieaus for redress of grievances sprlngliifr from the recent change in the tlmo card on this branch of the Union Pacllic. The action of tlio load was strongly censured , and two committees were appointed , ono to correspond with the North western , offorlnc that company Inducements to run their pioposed extension fiom Colum bus to Hastings through Stromsburg. and the other to confer with other towns along this line and t > und In a joint petition to the Union Pacific for better railroad facilities. Trial oT Milwaukee Flro Brands. MILWAUKEE , Juno ? . The tilal of Alder man Hudzlnskl , on tlio charge of Inciting and abetting the recent riot at Hay View , was resumed by the council this morning. The piosocutlnn piosented several now wit nesses , ShcufT I'aschnn and Mayor Wallbcr among the number. Further corroboratlou of Kiulzlnskl's inflammatory ultcranccs was elicited. The defense will begin late this afternoon and it Is thought the case will continue tlnougliout the week. His re ported the grand jury has indicted Hudzlnskl and lie wilt bo arrested as soon as the com mon council disposes of fids case. Tomorrow row moinlngtho an urchlstsand conspirators , fifty In number , \\lio were indicted by the grand juiy , will be arraigned. It Is under stood a plea of not guilty will be i cindered in every case. A Fatal Knllroud Wreck. CiiAiti-ESTON , S. C. , Juno 7. The north bound passenger train on the Northeastern railroad , which left hero at 12 o'clock to-day , plunged through tlio Sautco river trestle bridge , midway between St. Stephens' sta tion 'and the San tee river bridge , smashing up ' the coaches and killing six passengers. The killed are John L. Cole , Dr. G , Q. Kincloch , Charles Iglcsby. Jr. , Miss McFoer , of Charles ton , Miss. ; Of. E. McWhita , of Merlon ; Miss Hannah Wilson , residence unknown. Conductor 11. ( } . Mazoclc and Mall Agent F. W. Kenncokon were badly injured. The rausoof the accident Is not Known , but It is supposed to have resulted from Insecure fastenings of rail in changing the eaugc. A special train has boon dispatched to tlio relief - liof of the wounded and to bring back the dead. The wreck Is so serious tlmt no north bound train was sent out to-night. bailer Troubles CHICAGO , Juno ? . Tno Kock Island Kail- road company succeeded In moving out four cars of rails made by non-union workmen this afternoon , consigned toltat ( Jammings. The rails were "boaned , " but this occasioned no serious delay. When the engine started out with the ears a few of the women carrying children deliberately seated themselves on the railway tracks , but were removed by po lice before the approach of the engine. The Printers' Annual Convention. I'lTTsnuno , Juno 7. The thirty-fourth annual session of Hio International Typo graphical union opened tills morning. One hundred and eighteen delegates were present. A losolutlon was unanimously adopted ask ing eougiess to rcstoio the wages In the gov ernment printing ollice to the rates paid prior to the reduction In February , 1878 , as piovlded for in tno pending house bill 7170 , Adjourned till to-motrow. j Runaway Accident. NnmiASKA. CITY , Juno 7. [ Special Telo- giamto the I5ii : . ] Jacob Slcld , a wealthy meicliant of this city- while out riding last evening In company with his two sisters , his hoises becoming 1'ilglitencd , tinned the car riage over , bicaklng the Ictl aims of both of the Miss Siclils and bruising Mr. Slchl very badly , but not bcilously. Two Fires. Tlio fire department had two general calls in quick succession about 10 o'clock last night. The lir.st was by a blaze In the traino nuildinir opnosito Hiirgins' plaeo at tlio corner of Twelfth ami Douglas. Tlio lire was checked without the aid of the department. Thu second alarm was caused by a fire in the roof of the South ern hotel at the corner of Ninth and Jones strocfs. The bla/o was quickly checked. The damage will not exceed Nobrankn Masons. Tlio grand ledge of Nebraska masons will be hold in this city commencing on Wednesday , Juno 10 , and continuing for throci days. The ledge of instruction will meet on Monday , Juno M , and will bo in session until tlio meeting of the grand lodgo. About tliroo hundred masons from dill'oronl parts of the stale will bo in attendance. Ofllecr Honlleld arrived yesterday after noon from Chicago with ollieial papers to take the anarchist Kau back to Chicago , but when ho arrived ho found the pris oner had already gone to Chicago with out papers with Ullicor Furlmrt. ISryans & Co. , heal Estate , Rooms 20 and 27 , Paxton niiildlng , Cor. 10th and Farnam. O. W. Williams , M. D. , Surgeon and Homeopathic Physician. Olllco Room 17. Arlington block. Night calls answered from ofllco. Iluttlo or ( jottyrfburg Opr-n every day ; 10 a. m. to 10 p. m , St Mary'bave. and 18th st. For Bale. Two acres , on Lowe avenue , near Cuining fetreet. Will pay to investigate. Monr.u , 311 S. Fifteenth. Don't pay big prices or lumbar but , buy ciic-ip at Uradford'd. Low I'rlces On Fine art gootls , stool eiiirravJns : * i boati- tiu ( f rumen at A. Hwpo's 101U Dougla ? . COULD NOT BEAT IT DOWN , Wheat Holds Its Own in Spite of Pound ing by Spcoulatorai CUDAHY FAILS TO MANIPULATE. No Spcolal Activity In the Market Corn null I'rovlslotiR Rxlilhlt StrctiRth-O.ittla Firm IJut Slow ( Quotations. " " " " * " " * 14 , CHICAGO QUA IN MAUKET. CtnoAno , Juno 7 , ( Special Telegram to the llr.i ; . ] WIIIIAT The leaders In wheat have to congratulate themselves on doing v hat they could to-day to bieak tlio nmrkrt , and condole with each other over the failure to accomplish what they hoped for In the way of a decline. The clear Intention of owners . Cudahyand In hl.s follow Ing WAS to knock prices elf about le for loading up purposes. Hut they failed to , and naturally they ob jected to throwing away enough of their o\\\\ property to accomplish It The small crowd that gathered lioloio the big ones got around wore bullish and talked the opening around T9c for July , but when the open board began business , they estimated values Vfc lower Mian this and thus 78 > / became the regular opening. Ono of the tlr.it htmvy weighs sellers was dropped down to lA } { < &iSXc , but on fair local demand aftcrwaid- recovered to 78'c ! , When the market kot first reached this and filled to submit to the pounding process or respond lo bear talk , the bulls said tlicro was little expectation of their accomplishing Ihclr ends and eave up the battle. Very few features entered the umrltpt , and trading WM of a local re stricted ordur. Around U o'clock wheat hud boon slowly steady and Inclined to drag arountl 78W ( § 78e , when Schwaitz , Dupoo. Carr and others began buying liberally and sent tlio price up to TDVc. but It failed. Al 1 o'clock the market was steady and firm at the slight advance noticed. Conx AND PROVISIONS Tht'io was very much more strength In corn and provisions , both of which tended to hold wheat up Instead - stead of vice ver.sa. The bulk of the corn imichascs are said to have gone down to Cudahy. The advance In. this was ? /o. Pork gained -0c ! per barrel and kept the bulk of It , Tlicro was a fair trade and linn mar ket. ket.AFTRiixooy BoAiin Afternoon trading began with the maiket substantially the sanin as It stood at 10 o'clock. The reolln f was Him , and during the half hour valuoi lluctuatcd but sllglitly. Tlio close was I \Vlirat a shade oaslor at 7rtjtfc for June : 78W ( > 78.4 < p for July ; corn steady ; o.xts lirmer al 'JTJ ( ! > 37 } < e for Juno , 2So for July. Pork llriiior atSs.UilorJune , S3.Ho for July , 59.03 for August , S1U5 for September. OH ICAGO LiIVK STOCK. CmrAcio , Juno 7. fdpeclal Telegram to the UIK.J : CATTI.K The cattle market was not active this morning but values were firmer. Salesmen asked higher prices and the general maiket was strong , buyers wore un willing to pay any advance , but on dcshablo stock there was considerable competition. I'rlces ruled strong and the maiket was mod erately active. Low grade native steers wcro In laigo supply and they sold very slowly at unimproved prices. Common , thin and rough cattle woio plentiful. A lot of meal fed cows sold at Si. 25 and 1KO pound meal fed stccis sold at $0.00. and so mo twenty-six cars of 1150 to 1-J90 lb slop-fed feeders sold at 84.20 5.10 , mostly at 84.90@.lO. There wcro two care of7401b yearlings at 54.55. Dressed boot men paid S4.3(3 ( > 3.5) , mostly about 84.00t33.20 , forll-r to 13JO lb beeves , taking a few earn at Sfi.li" . Shlppcis and exporters paid 84.75 ® B.OO for 110J to law lb cattle , about a train load going for din-el ( A port at S5.555.60. Slilpplmr stceis , 1130 to 1500 lbsS.r.ir > ( < w > Oi V200 to 1450 Ibs , 55.40 ; 050 to I'-'OJ Ibs , S4.10@ 600. lions The market was active and f > @ 10o higher than Saturday , and fully 2. " > c blehor than the lowest last week. Mixed sold at S4.in@4.25 ? , and good heavy at S4.'J5a ( 1.30. Light sold at S4.10@-I.2S. The Vork .sort as high as 34.23 , ranging between SI. 15 FINANCIAL. N iw Yorte , Juno 7. MONEY On call easy at 1@3 per cent. Pimm : MUKCANTII.E I'Arr.n 4@3 per cent * STr.ur.iNO jixcn.VNon Steady : actual rates. S4.87) { for sixty day bills ; 34.89 for demand. UovHitXMiiNTS Bonds wcro quiet but steady to-day. STOCKS Tlicro was no peculiar feature to early trading In stocks and prices after the first boom shaded off gradually until mid-day , when the Ktiength of Vanderblltn gave tone to Inn market. The not result ot the day's business Is an advance of only small liao- tlons for the majority of the active stocks. Lake Shore , however , shows an advance ot IB per cent. STOCKS ON WA.tr. STIUtEX. 83) ) cent bonds. . . 100 C. &N. W preferred. . . Now4's 120 N.Y. C PacificG's of ' 9125 Oieirou Trail. . . Central I'aciUo ; 1'aclllo Mull 0.&A 141 I'D. &K prcfeired. . . . ISO p.i'.c m C.,1) ) . & ( . . , . . . isr : % Hock Island. . . . 124J. 1)L. &W. . . . . . WJtfSLL. \ &S. D. <. O Ifijf preferred. . . Erie 20 % C. , W. is St. I' . . . preferred. . . . CO ) preferred. . Illinois Central. ! S7j < f.St. V. &O 47j ; 1. , B. & W pieforrea. . . 110 Kansas ife'l'oxas. 28 , ' < Texas I'acilic. . . 11 % LukoSlioie UnionI'.iclllc. . . C.W L. A N W. , St. L. ifel' . . 7 % Midi. Central. . . . 7 profcrroa. . . 17 Mo. 1'aclfle JOS5 Westcin Union Noilhein 1'ac. . . ' - ' r > ' O.K.it N 103 > l CHICAGO Clilcnco , Juno 7. Flour Quiet but steady ; unrliaiigi'il ; In car , Sl.'ir ' ' ' ? i.7'i ; Koutli- . , JllnUla IlilUi'l at w Jif u i vu , | > iituin.nt v iii vuii low grades. SifXCi I.O ( ) ; ilpti Hour , quiet at S : ! . : C'i.r : > o in bbls , g.i.oo < < ii.W : ! In hacks. Wheat I-'ahly active ; opened weaker , closing , ' jc uiiifur Katmdny ; cash , 70)f@77o ; . , Coin Artlvi * , htrong and higher ; closed Jfc above Suluiday ; cash , ! )5Jie ) ; July , MQ fiO > < e ; August. : Wo. Oats i-'mu but indifferent ; deliveries ad/ vanccd a Hluulo : cash , 'JTcj July , 2 27Kc ; August , fe. Hye-Iullatcmo. Hailcy Dull at 0054VKR Timothy Pilmo. S1.03@1.05. Klax Hc'i'il-Sl.Oltf. Whisky SI.H. Polk Active ; opened stronger and higher , settled luck Be , latorbec.min stronger , tallied 25c , gudually icccdlng 8 > tfCj5o. and closed steady ; rash , SS.1X ) ; July , 88.009 8.0 % ; August , S8.li'X38.t7. ( Laid Artlvo and lOo higher ; closed steady ; cash , * O.I5tf ; July. 80.nW < i < JSO ; August , Sfi.2ftkn.UT. ! Hulk MiMts-Shoiildcra , S4.1OT.r ) | 0 ; short clear , W.BOfiiS.W ; slioit libs , SUiVq.'i.CTtf. Ilutler FJi m ; creamery , lIGsin o ; dairy , Clieeso .New cream ehcddars , flats , tX < WaYoung \ Aipcilcas , skims , Cfeffk1. Hides Heavy green salted , 7Jfo ; light , 8 > fu ; dumagtiil , < > l/o : 'mill liiilos. .We ; dry Milted. llCJl'Je ; dry Hint , 13 l4o ; cillekins , l o ; all skins under 8 Ibj. elasaiu as deacons , & 0 < ! each. Talluw-A'o. 1 country , No. 2 , So ; cake , Shipments. Flour , bills . 7,000 11.000 Wheat. . ) ! ! . 0)00 ( ) 0,00(1 ( Coin , on . ttJO,000 Jirj.OirJ Outs.lm IIM.COJ s.ooo IJnrluy.bti . 1,000 " Afteinoon Hoard Wheat Kas July ' 78kre7SK ( ( ! . Corn-Kusy ; July , M k Oath- Finn anil hlu'htir ; July , 28c. Lard Hteady and unchanged. Now York , Juno 7 , Wheat Hecclpta , 200,001 ; ixpoits'J.VJ.OOOj ) spot lotof ) winter , l/M' ! hlgla-i ; hpilnt ? , about le lower ; iiuiicd a shade lower , later advanced nftcrwaiU settled back % < i , teadj ; No. 2 icd , 8S ? 'c f oh , 8U 7-10 dehveied ; No. 1 rod , Ole ; No. U icd July closed nt tfi c. Coin Spnt advanced % @ ) ( c and optloni V < ( l'4e ' , dosing Blfudy ; icc < ; lpts , 131,000 ; 23,000 ; uiigtaded , SflQ Xc ; JKO. X