Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1886, Image 1

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The Home Eulo Bill Defeated in the
House of Commons.
Magnificent I" ( Tor ( B lj filnilstone nml
1'nrnoll 1'or the Cause of Irulitml
roll to Have llu > Great
No Clmn o for Irclntnl.
LONDON , Juno 7. Gladstone entered the
commons at 4:55 : this afternoon , and pro
ceeded straight lo his scat , \yiien his
presence was noticed ho was greeted by
tremendous cheers. Tlio premier vvoro a
while ro o in his lapel. The commons was
ciovvdcd to Its utmost capacity at the Hour of
opening the session. Gladstone , icpljlng
to a question on the paper , bald
thu government was unable to promise
to Incorporate miasmes for homo
eminent In Kngland , Wales and Scotland In
the revised Iilsli homo rule bill , when It was
brought In dm Ing the autumn session , In the
event of Its passing the second reading now.
'I he opposition loudly cheered John Blight
and llnitlngion as they entcied and took
their places. The Painellltcs weio nil In
good voice. They gave Gladstone a most en
thusiastic welcome. Kvcry Inch of space on
the main llooi as well as In the galluiles was
A t noon lo-day 100 seats had been secured
by hatting for thn closing debate on the
homo rule bill to-night. ChambeiIain's reply
to I.abnitdicics appeal to htm to abstain fiom
voting to-night in older to save the principle
of Gladstone's bill favoiably affected the
The Hlgnt Hon.Gcurgu J. Go-ciien ( libeial )
resumed the debate on the homo rule bill. Hu
bald the soveiclgnly of tlio Impel la ! govern
ment depended on the clause which It was
highly piobihlc thu majoiity ol the house
would never consent to. If tlie bill passed , a
tiemendotis stiuggle would be Iniiuguiated
by Ihu Catholic cleigv ol li eland foi the con-
tiol ot education In that country. ICegaidlng
the question vvhethei tlie bill would piove
n linal settlement of the Irish dilhciilty ,
or lead lo eventful sepnation , Goschcn
Raid he did not think It would
niovo a duality. Tlmt would depend en-
thel.v on the assiiranco given by the Iilsh
niembeis. The premier at one time was sup
posed to have given a pledge lo lecoiibtiuct
thu bill , but he subsequent ! ) Indignantly ie-
pudiated thai assumption.
Gladstone iiiteiiupteii 'That Is a cross
crior. What the gentleman , thinks looked
like Indignation was nij c.agci Repudiation
of the cool statement thai 1 had le&olved lo
reconstruct tlie hill. "
Goschen , ic'-uuilng , b.ald ho saw ( lie dis
tinction but was unable to see how the
piemler could avoid tlio dlllienlty. 'Ihe
noiibu was now intoimed thai Ihu bill w.ib
not to be icconstitided. JCilesol "OhlOhl'
and cheers amidst winch Gladstone ex
pired signs ot dissent. J Was the govein-
meiit going to stand by then bill or not ?
[ Loud opposition eheuis ] This state nt
doubt came fiom voting not on the bill but
Irom explanations given the ioicicn ollicu
and amplified and explained away on the
l-'ilday lollowing. Fiiithei explanations to
the answer were made on Iho ensuing Mon-
day. It had also been elicited in v.iuous let
ters which passed between the plunder and
his llio icconstiuctlon bill was
the basis on which many niembeis would
unite In voting with the government on the i u which eveiy ono admitted to be thu
most impeltant cvei submitted to pirlia-
ment. 'I lie opponents of the bill will have
achieved the insult if thu bill is withdrawn
after the second reading it it
passes tliat stage. Tlie premier is
now more anxious to leaiii lioni
his mippoileibvv'hat , they will anttiuil/o him
to give than to Insist upon knowing what thu
Parnelllles will accept. [ Cheers.J Tlie
house will icmember the first icaillngot this
bill , and It will recall the right honouiblu
chief sccretaiy of li eland's icpeated allusions
toceilaln ilailc biiblerianean toices. We do
not hear .so much theieof now.
Continuing. Goschen bald : "The piesence
ot lilsli nu'inbeisat Westminsiei Is incom-
p.itlblu with asepaiato Irish paillamenl. 11
will lie Impossible to Include Ulster In the
Dublin parliament. " IParncllito cilcs
ot No ! No ! No ! ) "Tho cluiscs lelating
to taxation anil linancu also , " eontiiiued
Gosciieu , "aro Inherent detects In tlio bill. "
He asked If thu homo ruleblll vvas In-
bcpuably tied up with the land puichaso
scheme. [ Oil , oh , oh , cheeis.J Hu had been
honiu coiiesponileiico in which Ihu piemler
stated that the subjects weio Insepaiablo In
the inlnaof thu governmental the moment
tlio woul Insep arable did not convey anj-
tliingcleai and definite. The speak ei was
entitled lo know vvhethei If thu homo rule
bill letuined vvas In tlie autumn it would bu
accompanied by the land puichaso bill , where
toll hud been slid to buinseimi.ihlytied ,
he would also like to know vvlietliei the light
regarding Ulstei penctraled llio oien mind
ol tlio government. Were the niembeis of
the lioiiho remaining Ignoiant as to whether
the government Intended to ignore Ulbtei's
earnest pleadings ?
In conclusion Goschcn said : "I Implore
the house by the tradition of which vvu aio
here , by obligation and duly and honor , by
0111 hopes ot Inline empjic , by om duty to
the queen , to look to It th it these who shall
comuafiei us maybe our witnesses that vvu
did not belle our trust. "
I'Aiixi.i.i/H srnr.cir.
Parnell vvas tlio next speaker. Ho was
loudly cheeiedby his followers. Hu said :
" 1 should oidlininly li.avu lacked coinage In
follow Ing so able and eloquent a speaker In
this contest of giants , but 1 think he twice Is
lieaiil who hath Ids qnaiiel just [ eheeisj , and
unequal ami Interim as 1 am at my points , I
hone I shall not ho .so far behind as usual.
ICheeis. ] Without intending to oliei any
dlsiespect , 1 could not help thinking , while
listening to his speech , In all the lost causes
wlierewllhl have Men him connected dm lug
many ve.iis , hunevei was so little ellectivo
as when contending against Ihu bill
vvu hope to read a econd tlniu
to nluht. [ Cheeis.J Goschen soinrht.
1 think , veiy nnlairly to cast a lurid
light on tlio situation by his allusion to those
unhappy oumines In Keiry. 1 join him in the
expiesslon of contenml for Uial eovvaidlj' ,
dlsgnicetiil piai lice ; I Join him to the tidiest
extent , [ lleai.hear. ] But when 1 denounce
ouliage-i 1 denounce them In eveij'
. . whcthci In Ulstei 01 Kerij' .
Hear , heal. ) GoM-hen Is cor-
ainlv flee tiom rejiioacli. Ho now
loins l.oid Kaiidolph Clnnchlll and Chani-
bcilaln In the use of bad language In lefei-
enie to tlie atfalrs of tlie countiy w hleh U not
their countiy. [ Cheer > .l The intereiuo Is ,
tin w filch they do not ollei a paltiy excuse ,
that It Is not an ) business ot thelis , in thai
they had anj Interest theie. Mv colleagues
have In times past been lepioaclied because
they have not ( icon caielul In lookhu to thu
effect of the language anil doctrine in the re-
bpoiiblblllt ) which has been cmploved against
"Loni llnndolf ! | Clnnchlll ought to plead
excuse. Ho believes , In nothing and nobody
but himself. So ho could not expect any
gicat ImpoitaiHo lo bo attached lo Ids dcclar-
tlons , while of Chambeilalu it might bu
bald , ami said voi.trulj , ho WHS ignoiant of
all the chcmiibtaiiees ot liehind. His
ccltbiated piujecled vUlt theio last au
tumn not having- come otl hu
really couldn't know what to be the lact of
his language. | Cheers.J Mr. Gos < > hen snoko
about the tovemntj ot paillament. Upon
tldbpolnt lagieo with Iho dennltlon given
byllijce. [ Cheeifr. ] Wo know perlectlv
well wo alvuus have known sluco this bill
Was Intioduced the dltleiuncu between a co-
tndluato and suboidlnato paillament.
ICheeis. ] W know that tliu leg-
fblatlon with which the premier wishes to
constitute Ids biiboidlnato paillament Is
not like Giattan'b , which was coequal ,
[ Gliulstone : hear ! ailslng out ot the same
constitution and the same manner as this
imiliaiiH'iit tiven bv the noveregn , [ Minis
terial iheeib. ] We underbta.ul tills per
fectly well , and wo should have undoubtedly
piefeiled , us 1 stated on the intioductloii of
the bill , as show ing I could not accept this as
thp settlement of the question
\\o shoula have preleiied the lestoiatlon
of ( Jralton's parliament , tl'nnielllte cheers. ]
It would have IK.CII more In accord with the
sentiment and wishes of thepeople.and en-
timents goes a long vvav with a people like
the Irish [ Cheers J \\ehad this measure
accepted by all the leaders. Kveiy section of
national feeling In Iicland , also outside of
Ireland In Amcilca and every country where
the Irish people are found. [ Cheers.J Wo
have not heard n single voice raised against
the bill bv an Irishman , [ files of oh Ij
1'arneH'n exposition of the question was
masterly and extended to considerable
length , lie was followed by Sir Michael
llleks-lteacli , who said the bill tailed to rep
resent the v lews ot the liberal patty , it was
the production ot one man the man who
was nlRcest In Hie kingdom , but still practic
ally alone , the iciimlnder of the liberal lead
ers Intending to vote against the bill.
.Mr. Gladstone followed. On arising he
was loudly ehecicd. He expressed his
pleasuio at having listened to the ma-terly
exposition. " 1 cannot call U less of the
member from Cork. [ Loud cheers and oppo
sition laughlcr.J I feel as stion a convic
tion that the speeches couched in a tone
alike bv sound statesmanship and lar-seeing
modoiutlon , will nevei tail lo ptodiiuc a
lasting ellect upon the minds and convictions
ot the people of Knuland and bcotla-nl. Mr.
Beach began ny stating in a setles what lie
desciihcd us simple facts. 1 will not ay that
his simple tacts aiu pine fiction , but Mr.
Heath declaies , though 1 do not see that it
has much to do with the mallei , lint this Is
the bill of ono man. Well , I am amim ! to
hem my opponents speak as II they
had been at my elbow all daj'
eveiy day throughout tlio winter. [ Clieeis. ]
Mr. Cliambcilaln could only speak within
the compass of his knowledge , audit he said
it vvas a bill of onu man he would know no
mure about It than u member opposite. Bui
long bi'foie that time the leading details ot
the hill had been a matter of anxious
coiisldeiatlou between me and my neaiest
political friends. ' 1 hu notilu lout's ailthnietic
Is still moio defective. Apaityof Jlfi Is , 1
appichcnd , by elghtj-livo votes laiirerthan a
paily of SIX ) . [ Renewed laughleij. Then
the right honoiablc gentleman savs that
excepting one point the customs anil excise
duties no change was made In the bill after
It was submitted to the cabinet. Ho has no
means ot knowing that. It it weiu true , and
It happens to bu entirely untrue , [ loud laugh-
IcrJ , tins is a matter ot gicat Im
portance , though it is one that
has never been si en by Cliimbcrlaln. Cham-
bei lain took exception to the provisions of
the bill without being acquainted with the
whole case. This Is a fnct. .Mi. Beach is
wrong also In this one of his simple fads.
Then .Mr. Beach saj s that I announced to the
house that the bill was not
lo bo reconstructed. 1 said nothing
of tlie kind. [ Cues of Oh ! and cheeis.J
I announced that I had not promised that
the bill should bu icconstiucted , and theio
aio othei gentlemen opposite who think il a
uiattei of laughlei , ( files , Oh ! ] who see no
distinction between pnmiising that tlio bill
hlull not bo leconstiucled and not
has ing pi omised that It shall be icconstriictc d.
'IhepeibOti wlio has Iho bill
shall be lecoiistiuctcil is hound to iccon-
stiuct It , and thai is true. [ Libeial cheers. ]
The pei sou who has not piomised is lice to
rcumstiuct It without pioinlsins. 1 am glad
to see that the lautrhtei of the opposition has
now ceased. [ Clieeis and luuglitei. ] 11
would be the meanest , basest act on the pail
ot thu government to pretend that Ihov have
a plan of reconstiuctloii ready uefoio hand ,
cut and dried In their minds , at a tune when
tiom the very nature of the case It must bo
seen that It Is peifectly clear theie can be no
btich thing. ( Clieeis.T
Anothei subject on wliicti i will onlydwell
tor a moment Is that of federation. Many
gentlemen In tlio house aie gicatly enauioietl
ot tills Idea anil the object they
have In view is a noble one. I will
not admit to Mi. Beach the justice of the
dispaiagemcnl lie cast upon Ihe British em-
pi ic. 1 do not coushlci that tills Is a loosely
compacted ciiiphe , bul 1 admit that it the
means can bo devised lor establishing anion'
active connection w itli our distant posscssois
tliat Is an object well woithy of every noble ,
enlightened man. it Is the popular idea. I
gave no opinion upon it 1 suspect it has
been the , cause of moio dllllculties than have
yet been examined and brought to light.
It is quite true tliat In constituting a legisla
ture In Ireland wo do as wo did when wo
constituted a legislature In Canada anil Aus
tralia , namely , devolve nn Impoitant poitlon
ol thopowei. Wedevolved itwith thatslow
ill Canada , and 1 hope we shall doit In he-
land , not to establish a paillament nominal ,
but real and , with an independent
management othei ou olhceis. [ Cheeis.J
that is the lights which out oj > -
opponents object to and that is
thu thill ! : we desiie and hope and
mean to do. It Is obvious that the question
may bu lalsed how do vou piopose lo deal
with llio questions that may arise when the
imperial gov eminent , notwithstanding this
geneial division of afTaiis , may
ho by the obligations ot imperial
uileis compelled to Intervene. Well
myanswei is that this question liasieceivcd
a i.u bettei solution fiom piaclkal politics
from tlie oxpeiiencoof the last lorty or fifty
veais than would ever have been given to ft
by tlio definitions of a lawyci , howevei em
inent. Wo have lound It easy
to rcconeelo the rights of Canada
with the ilchts ot the imperial
pailiament. It will be found not moio dif
llcull to reconcile the rlghls of 1 1 eland with
these of the iinpeilal government. Con
stantly 1 lieai the woids "unionists and scp
aratlsls , " but what 1 want to know Is who
aio unionists , [ clioeis ] , and who are sepa-
i.itlbts. 1 bee this bill In newspapeis of
great circulation and elsevvlicio desciibed
as a " .separation bill. " [ Cheein. ] Meiuberb
of the opposition adopt thai style and make
thcdcsciiptlon Iheli own. I take no notice
of IhosH clioeis. I bpeak of other muiileiaout
of doors. Spcaklngof thlsdcscilption alone , 1
sav ills the ineiesl slung ol vulgai contio1 ei sy
[ Cheeis. ] Vou think tliat this bill lends to
.separation. Your aiguinent and even join
pieludicesare woithy of all consideration
and respect. But is It a lair tational mode ot
conducting a contioveisy to attach
these hard iiamea to measures
on which wo ullier on which
joii argue and desire to convince bj' aigu-
ment1 will llhistrato what I mean. 1 will
go back to the time of Lord Giey's rcfoun
act. When that bill was Introduced It was
honestly believed by Ihu gicat masses of
Intelligent men thai ( ho bill absolutelv in
volved the destruction of the monaichy. The
duke of Wellington piopounded a docliino
very much to that elftct , but I don't think
nnj one of those gentlemen 01 new-papers
Unit Mippoited them uvci descended so low
In the weapon ot theli waifaio as
to bland it "tho monaichy de-
Btiiictinn bill. " [ Clivers. ] 'I his is
nieieiy begging the question. Wo eon-
hclenliouslv think llioio are unionists and
dlsuiilonMb , but we tonselentlouslj think
ourcondiicl tends to union. ICheeis and
laughtei , ]
hrr.M.s or covrirsio.v.
'I he oxeiteiiient during tlie dlv Won had no
parallel in thu hlstoiyot tlie house ot com
mons. Loid Randolph Churchill lin > t ilis-
eoveied the government was defeated , and
by waving his hat and Indulging In
othei jojful dernoiistiatloiis , aroused
tlio cnthusla-in ol the members ot
the opposition , who , lUlinr. waved
hats , ehcired again and again. When
thellgineveioannouncid tlio cheom were
deafenin The 1'ainellitos ehallengeil the
vote. O'Connor culled lei cheeis lei the
giandol man , which vv era given with a
iibtobytho government Mipporteis. blr
Wlllhiiii llarconrt and his companions rose ,
bowed lo ( ilaiMone. who was someuhat eni-
bauas-ed. The Painellilea called for
gioaiibforChanibeilain , which weio given
withhhoutsot "tialtor"and"JudaslbcaiIot. "
Chamberlain merely laughed.
When order vvas lestoied Gladstone rose ,
white and Humbling , and moved to adjourn
until Thursday , Uealey and O'Connoi again
challenged the vote , sajing they would not
oiler an > opposition , but wished to expiess a
repugnance of thu conduct of many ot the
members of Gladstone's party.
Dm Ing the hubbub Gladstone , weaiing a
liaggaid look , loft the house cheered by lib
Tlio ProtCHt of n Prince.
PAIIIS , Juno 7. Prlnco Jeiome Napoleon
publishes a protest agaliibt the pnssigu of Iho
jiroposed expulsion bill. Ho prullcts Uut
the chamber of deputies by such conduct will
drive the icpublla into civil war ,
Itulnert AVhent Flehln.
AIUIM.K , Minn. , June 7. Crops of every
de&criptlon aio badlv damageil. Wheat seems
to be iiliiiobt hopele ! .ly ruined. Theiields
aie black and baio aud have the odoi of now-
Bill Revoking Pre-emption , Timber Onlturo
and Desert Laws Passes the House.
After n Hitter riRlit Senator Van
AVjclc Secures the Hofcrcnco of
the lllll to the Conunlttoo
on Acrlottlture.
The House Proeccillnsfl.
WABIII.NOTO.V , Juno 7. Mr. Kcllj- ,
rising to a question of privilege , cited the
rule nndci which the house meets on Friday
nights for the consideration of pension bills ,
llo found In tholtccordof jesterday n twenty
live column speech on Kdwln M. Stnnton ,
delivered by the repiescntatlvo Irom tlio
eighth district of Alabama ( Wheelci ) . When
avowedly thcto was no pension business be
fore the house , tlio sessions which had been
set apait foi the consideration of meritorious
business weio being perverted to the basest
of ends the slanderof Illustrious dead who
died troni devoted set vices to their country.
Mr. Herbert called attention to the fnct that
his colleague was absent , nnd suggested that
it would be eminently proper for Mr. Kelly
o wait until Mr Wheeler should bo In tlio
house. Mr. Kelly expressed a willingness to
do so , and entering a motion to expunge the
.speech f i out the Kccoul , stated ho would call
up that motion for action to-morrow moiti-
.Mr. llcndcison , of Iowa , stated that in the
report of the Wheeler suecch a remark made
by himself had been misstated , but he also
defericd taking any action till to-moiiovv.
Messrs. Crisp , of Georgia , and llolman , of
Indiana , explained away any bad feeling be
tween themselves as a result of the debate
Mi. Weaver , of Iowa , offeied a resolution ,
which was rcfeired , reciting that It is cur
rently reported and generally believed that
ceitatn uiiectors of tlio Union Pacific or
Kansas I'acilic railioad companies have befen
faithless In their trusts in various vvavs , nnd
paiticulirly by buving stock ot the Kansas
Tacllic at n nominal 01 small sum nnd trans-
luring It to the Union I'ncilic , then selling
the same atn gieat molit. by which nnd
other similar tiaiisactions tlio directors made
gicat personal gains and neglected to ac
count toi the same to the Union racilie , and
diiecting tlio judiciary committee to Inquire
Into tlio ti.insactlous of thodlrectois of both
companies since their Incorporation. If tlio
committee hnds the dlicctois have made
( 'nlns which thej' should have accounted lei
to either corpoiatlon , It Is diiected to bring a
bill authorising thcdcpirtmcnt of Justice to
commence pioceedlngs to compel tlio diiec-
toia lo render tine proceedings.
Other bills weio Introduced nnd icferred
as tollows :
By Mi. Hauls To impose n graduated In
come tax.
By ih. Mnlioncy , of New York A resolu
tion expressing the svmpathy of the house
with the etlorts of Gladstone and his as
sociates to secure a fiec p.uliament foi Ire
land. Mr. Mahonov moved to refer the
roiolntlon to the committee on lands , but the"
ousel elected the motion 201 to 10. ! and
ho lesolution was sent to the committee on
orcicn atlalrs.
BJMt. Butterwortli of Ohio-Granting a
pension of S100 per month to the widow of
General Dm bin Waid.
A icbolutlon for the appointment of n
special committee was offeied by Mr. Negly
ot Pennsylvania , consisting of live members ,
to make Inquiry into the administration of
the allatrs of the pension dcpaitment , and
nioic particularly into tlio methods and piixc-
tlccs ol conducting the Investigation of
claims and the admission of evidence , and
icpoit upon the wopriety of continuing the
excessive expendltiuo of money to carry on
the present si stem.
Mr. llolman moved that the house go Into
committee of the whole tor the consideration
ot the legislative appiopriation bill , but the
house icjected the motion yeas , 71 ; najs ,
150.Jlr. . Cobb moved to suspend the rules , and
pass the bill icpeallng the pre emptiontlm-
hci cultiuo ana desert land act. Messrs.
Cobb and Pajson supported the bl'l ' , and re-
lulled to the frauds which had existed , as
thcv livened In entries of land under the
acts which it was proposed to repeal , Mi.
Pajson during the past four
jeats IK ) pci cent of the entries had been
Mi. Ilenly opposed tlio bill on the ground
that while the desert land laws should bo
amended It should not bo absolutely ro-
Mr. Spiinger said that under tlio preemption
tion , timber cultuio and descit land laws vast
areas of the public domain were being fiaud-
nlently appropriated by cattle sj ndicates ami
foreign land grabbeis. An English loul had
ictently acquired 0,000 ncics In Kstes park ,
Col. , and this was but n sample ot thu
manner In which the nubile domain was
being taken up. If this bill was passed the
land would heicaftci bo held jor the people's
'I he motion to suspend the rules and pass
the bill was agreed to jeus , lb.1 ; navs , 40.
Mr. 1'ownsgend moved to suspend the
rules nnd pass the senate bill nutliori/ing the
constiuctlon of n bridge ncross the Aithur
Kill ( Baltimore .feOhio bridge ) . Mr. Tovvn-
shend briefly explained tlio piovislons of the
bill , llo was Impelled in making tlio motion
by the belle ! that the measure was in the In-
tciest of the general commerce of the coun
try , and especially in the inteiest of tlio peo-
Dlo llv ing in the Mississippi valley and south-
em states.
Mi. Mouison sent to the clerk's desk nnd
had lead thoieport of the government en-
glnecis , setting lorth ceitaln objections to
the proposed site. When the reading was
completed , Mr. Morrison said llmt there
seemed to be some meiit in the bill , and ho
would nrnko no opposition to it.
'the motion to suspend the rules nnd pass
tlio bill was agreed to 1U9 lo a. Tlio house
then adjourned.
WASII.SOTOX , Juno 7. In the senate Mr.
Mlllei moved that the oleomargarine bill bo
icteircd to the committee on agriculture.
AI lei consldeinblo debate the motion was
Mi. llairlsasked to be excused from ser
vice on the special committee appointed to
Investigate thu nmttei of the appointment of
Indian traders , declining his Intimate per
sonal acquaintance with the commissioner
made It Inappioprlato for him tobeivc.
Mi , Dawes reimuked that though Mr.
Hairis might move to Jay the whole subject
on the table the senate disposition evidently
was to decline beginning the investiga
tion.Mr. . Hauls replied It was not proper for
him to make n motion. Tlio commlssionei
courted the fullest Investigation , Mr. Ilanis
was excused.
Mi , Mlllei moved the reference of the oeo- !
matcailno bill to thu committee on ngrlcul-
tuie.Mr. . Morrlll bald If tlio motion should not
prevail he would move to reler it to the com
mittee on liimnco. If It was to bo con-ddeicd
as a revenue bill the hnance committee was
tlio proper committee to consider it.
Mr. Vest thought that tlio bill was a rev
enue bill or nothing.
Mr. Miller bald the senate must decide now
whether the agriculture ot the touutiy vuis to
have a fair hearing or not
Mr. Van Wjck said the leading feature of
the bill vvus not taxation , Taxation was a
meio Incident.
Mr. Butler asked how congress got juris
diction of the subject matter of the Dill if It
was not a bill for raising revenue.
Mr. Van Wjek said the litst two words of
th title of the bill were "deUning butter , "
What did the committee on nuance know
about liiittiu ? ( Laughter. ]
Mr , Butler asked , In return , what the com
mittee on ngrlcultuie know about butter.
Mr , Van Wick lenlied : "Kverj thing. "
fltenowed languid.1
Tlie people ofilio United States , ho said ,
wanted pure butter.
Mr. Mnxey asked Mr. Van Wjck what
would be left of the bill If tlio taxation tea-
turo was stricken pnlV
. Mr. Van Wjck renlied that If the commit
tee on lu'iieultuie struck that uut Uiej would
tiud bouicthlni : to put in Its. place. They
might Inflict pilninhd penalties Instead of
n tax. They mlehtf for Instance ninko It n
misdemeanor to mannfnctnro fraudulent
Mr. Beck believed that the bill vvonld raise
n revenue of about ten million dollar * . Wo
already had n sTtrpins of about twenty-live or
thirty million doIInK
Mr. Kdmunds regarded the bill AS ono of
icvenue. llrw'ftnted It to stand as n tax bill.
Mr. Vnn Wyck said the committee on
finance had a great deal to do , nnd If tnls
bill wns rcfcired to It the committee might
not llnd It convenient to report It back this
session. ' 1 here could bo but ono object to
opposing Its reference to the committee on
agriculture , and tlmt object was to prevent
legislation on thn subject.
Mr. Evarts said tlie bill dealt with food
substance , the product ol the farm , llo fa
vored reference to the committee on ngri-
Mr. Beck thought wool and tobacco were
also the products of the farm.
The question of reference then came to n
vote and resulted for Miller's motion , 3
against 31 , and the bill was referred to the
committee on agriculture. The vote In de
tail was as follows :
Yeas Messrs. Allison. Illnlr. Campion ,
Conger , Dawes , Dolph , Evans , Hale , Harri
son , Honr , Kcnna , Logan , McMillan , Mn-
hone , Miller , Mitchell , of Oregon , Sherman ,
Spooner , Teller , Vnn Wjck , Whlttehorn
and Wilson , of Iowa S3.
Nays Messrs. Aldrlch , BccK , Berry ,
Brown , Butlci. Call , Coke , Edmunds , Lus-
lis , Hauls , Hawlcy , Jones , of Arkansas ,
Mnrey , Morrlll. Paj no , Pufth , Hlddleherper ,
Vance. Vest , Wat thai ! nnd Wilson , of Mary-
land-ai. .
The consular and diplomatic appropriation
bill was then taken up nnd passed.
Some debate nro o on the bill icportcd by
Mr. Blown from the committee on railroads
to provide for the settlement of accounts
willt i all road companies that had received
proncrty from Iho United States during 180. >
and 1800.
Mr. Hartley called attention to the report
accomuanj Ing the bill. It referred , ho said.
to the union nrmv as the "Invading army , "
Mr. Han Ivy icxarilud the language of the re
port as a Kro-.s dlscotirtesj' . The senator
Horn Georgia had had an opportunity to np-
pologbo for it and had not dona so.
Mr. Brown disclaimed any ollcnso by the
Mr. Harrison did not think It proper that a
report containing tlie words "InvndliiKarmj"
as applied to the army of the United Mites ,
was n proper report to place on timiecords of
the senate. Ho moved that the bill be recom
mitted to the committee on railroads , \vltu
instructions lo stiikc out from the icpoVt the
words leferred to.
Mr. Brown asked permission to withdraw
the report altogether. Unanimous consent
being given , the report was withdrawn nnd
the bill was then passed.
Mr Beck submitted an amendment to the
oleomargai hie bill for reference with that
bill to the committee on agiiculture. He said
he did not wish to be responsible for nil the
detailed piovislons of the amendments , lie
then announced his amendment to bo the
house bill on taiillaud taxation. [ This is tlio
Morrison bill. J ' .
On motion of Mr. Butler the senate , against
the opposition of Mr. Hale , took up the bill
piovfding for admitting to the naval acad
emy giauuatc-s excluded by the naval ap
piopriation bill ol 18SJ. , Without action on
the measure tlie senate went Into executive
session , and when the doors reopened ad
journed , ' * r
„ .
* "
' '
* n
Another Victory for Van AVyck.
WASHINGTON' , Juno 7. [ Special telegram
to the Bii.l : Senator Van Wjck won
anotuci bitterly contested nalil In the senate
to-day. Ho had the oleomargarine bill
passed by the li/juso last xveek referred to the
senate committee on agriculture , by n vote of
23 to 21. This insu esa report on the meas
ure within a few days , and the vole indicated
Us strength , npon the final passage. The
opposition to the blll was coucen
t rated In the form of a movement
to refer It to the committee on
hnance , tlio members of which , It Is
said , are opposed to the bill. Senator Vnn
W ykln advocating Its reference to the com
mittee on'ngrlculture plainly and forcibly In-
fprmed the opposition that the only object
there was In referring the bill to the finance
committee was to defeat Its consideration
and time those who voted against reference
to tlicagiiculluie coiumitte which has been
considciing the subject lor six weeks nnd is
already practically ready to report upon it-
would have to account lor theh action to the
farmcis ot the country.
A Martyr at Iinst Found.
WASHINGTON , Juno 7. At a meeting of
the democratic congressional committee this
morning , Senator Kcnna accepted the chair
manship of the committee. His peisonal af
fairs were such that it would leqidro a sacrl-
hco on his part to assume nnd discharge the
duties ot chairman , but he had certainly not
been Influenced to decline by any apprehen
sion of a democratic defeat. He would , In
obedience to the wishes of his colleagues of
Iho committee , accept the olllco.
AVInston Can Conic Hack.
WAMIIXOION , Juno 7.J. . II. Winston ,
United States minister to cibia , soon atter
leaching Thcian forwarded hiij resignation
to Washington , and the secretary of state to
day telegraphed him notice of Us ac
ceptance. _ _
Yesterday's Events on the Turf and
BnioiiTON BEACH. June 7. For two-year-
olds , live-eighths mile : Belle won , Ann-
itiong second , Nat Goodwin third , 'lime
1:04. :
Selling race , Fovcn-elghths mile : Isletto
won , Pat Dennis second , Brunswick third.
Time l : ' ) } ( .
Selling race , seven-eighths mile : I5ed
Buck won , Haiiy Boss second , Vaultei third.
Handicap , ouo-slxtceith ) mile : Pcrlcle.s
won. Choctaw second , Ktokuk third. Time
1:51. :
I1 or three-year olds , mile : Walter II. won.
Moonshine second , 1. 11. 1) . third. Time
1:45. :
1:45.Middlewclghts , mile : Tattlpr won ,
Sopiano second , Jennings third. Time 1:40. :
ST. Louis , Juno 7. Koi Uw Kcllpso stakes ,
MibsWoodlord was lirst , Volanto second ,
Tlio liaso Hull ICccoril.
Pitisburg 0 1010100 o s
Clnclnn.itl 0 Ofl 00000 0-0
Pitchers Galvln and Mullaue. First base
liiis-Pittsbunr 8 , Cincinnati 7. Kirors
Pittsburg n , Cincinnati 'i. UmpUe liiadley.
At J OIIbVlLLK ! „
Louisville. . . . . . ! 00011100 2-0
St , Louis 1 0-4
Base hits LouUvllIe 8 , St. Louis 11. Errors
Louisville 3 , ' SU Louis 0. Umpire
Baltimore 1 00001013-0
Mets 4 0 U 0 8 0 0 0 0-8.
Pltcliers Taj lor and' Ljnch. Kirsl base
hits Baltimore 0 , Mets7. Ktrors Balthnoio
1 , Mets 6. Umpire Otilnn.
Chicago ,0 & 000001 3 7
New York.j.4 , 0 7
Game stopped on tccount of darkness.
Pitcheib , Clarkson , Flvnn'and \ \ elcli. First
base hits , ChU-iKp , I'JjlNevv York , 14. Errors ,
Chicago , 1 ; Now York , 1. Umpire , Cou
ncil j' . , . i
Detroit 0 0000100 o i
Philadelphia. . . . . . ! ) 0013020 x 5
Fhstliasy hits , Detroit , 7 ; Philadelphia. 4.
Errors , Detroit , 10 ; Philadelphia , } . Umpire ,
Kansas City 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-3
Boston , , , . .0 0001001 0 2
1'list base hits , Kansas City , 0 ; Boston , ! ! ? .
Errors , Kansas Cty | , B ; Boston , S. Umpire ,
Galfnej' .
Nationals 0 0000140 0 5
St. Louis ,0 1 0 0 0 U 0 0 0-1
Base lilts , National * , 5 ; St. Louis. 1. Er
rors , Nationals , T ; fat. Louis , U. Umpire ,
Golnjt lor the tioulullsts.
VIKNNA , JuheT. Tlio reichbrath is debat
ing the lust of a series of laws against social-
tor trial without jury ,
A Bill Introduced in Congress to Prevent
Trespass by Oattlo Men ,
llopoits Ilcccltcd of an Improved
Crop Outlook in Spite of tlio
Droulli 1'oital Changes
Vcrsonal nml General.
For Western Uomostenilcrfl.
WASHINGTON' , Juno 7.1 [ Special Telegram
to the BKIJ.J A bill was presented In the
house to day uy Mr. Morrow , of California
which Is of special Interest to the Noithwcst-
ern states and territories. It provides that
the n o and occupancy of any part of the
public lands of the United States by any
person without claim or color of title made
In coed faith nndei the laws of the United
States Is declaied to bo unlawful ; and It Is
pi ohlbltcd that any person In possession of
any of the public lands of the United States ,
In any of the ten Itorlcs under title or color
of title , 01 any right to possession thereof
from the United States , or any
grantee of , or who not being In
possession has title or color of
title or rightto the possession of any such
bonds dcilvcd fiom Iho United States , may
maintain any action to recover possession
thereof , or an action to iccovor damages from
any person who shall trcsspass thereon , or
for damages caused thereto , or to natural or
planted products thereof , or ImpiovcmcntB
thereon , by horses mules , cattle , sheep ,
goats , bogs or any othci domestic animals
belonging to , or In custody and keeping of
another , anj thing in the laws to the con
trary notwithstanding. The object of the
bill Is to protect ciops from
the ravages of cattle. There aio at pres
ent many persons In the states and teiritoiios
having laige amounts ot public lands en
gaged In cattle raising and that of other do
mestic animals , and who are In the habit of
occupying largo areas ot the public domain
without any authority. Such persons have ,
In many instances , by their power and Inllu
once , Induced legislatures to enact laws
vvherebj' the owners of lands are denied the
right to maintain actions against others to
recovei for such damages as may bo done to
their lands and product theieof by lioises ,
cattle , etc. , unless it appears that at the time
such trespasses vvoro committed the lands in
aucstlou were enclosed by a so called law fill
fence. As the cost of fencing the lands Is
many times greater than the pi Ice put noon
IJiem by the government , it Is a gicat burden
upon actual bottlers.
The oloomaigarine bill seems likely to meet
with much opposition in the senate. The
fi lends of the bill , headed by senator Miilci ,
want It to go to the agricultural committee ,
while its opponents , Beck , Merrill andotheis
of tlie finance committee , will insist on its
rcfcionoo to that committee. It Is now on
the table and awaltlni ; reference. It Is cei
taln that it will bo made less objectionable
to the olcomuigarine people.
The general ciop prosnccLs continue to bo
Kood , despite the llttlo scai o on account of
rtiy weather which recently prevailed In the
northwest * 'The' apprehension lor north
western ciops have been largely removed by
the recent rains in and west of the Missis
sippi valley. A telegram yesterday stated
that In southern Iowa Iho outlook Is excel
lent. The special signal olllco bulletin for
May reports that during that month the tem
perature was 'very nearlj' normal In nil sec
tions east of the Mississippi river. West of
this river it was slightly above noimal ,
Changes have been ordered as follow s In
the Star mail servlci In Nebiaska : Under
wood to Doniplmn , fiom July 1 , Increase
service to trl-wceklj1 ; llrooks to. Grand
Island , from July 1 , omit Biooks and begin
atMcrengo , Increasing distance one inilo ;
Little to Kvvlng , from July 1 , omit Cache
Creek , decreasing distance ionr miles ; Paris
to Gibbons , tiom July 1 , omit Wiiltham and
embrace Terociior , Lace and Sliafei , dccicas-
iiitr distance two and one-halt miles. , Labon
Cropper has been commissioned postmaster
at Bound Valley , Neb.
Representative Doisey said to-night that
ho believed that the Pacific lailroad extension
bill would be passed by the house to-moriovv ,
but that Its passaco or defeat would in no
way Indicate the stiength 01 weakness ot Ills
bill to penult the Union Pacific bill to con
struct branch lines , which he feels suio will
bo adopted.
Representative. Consccr of Iowa to-day In
troduced petitions from a nuuibei of assem
blies of Knights of Labor in Ids state , in sup
port of the lull prohibiting aliens fiom acqiih-
Ing titles to ical estate In the tcrritoiies.
Delegate Gilford intioduecd a bill in tlio
house today appionrhitinir SJO.OOO for the
puiposcof establishing an Inn mil Industiial
school a ! Picric , lak. P. F. McClure , major
of Pierre , and a well-known merchant. Is
heie. He has been looking after this matter ,
and snjs the bill will pass.
The Nebraska delegate did not Introduce
any bills In the house dining tlie call of
states nnd tenltorles to-day , but Mr. Congci ,
of Iowa , Intioduced a hill to pension Joseph
T. Klikhart , and Mr. Ilendcison to pension
Luke Hall , _
WASHINGTON' , .lime 7. The senate com
mittee on aurlcnltuio will begin its bearing
on the oleomargarine bill on Wednesday ot
this week.
The most Important business done In the
bccict session to day was the confirmation of
GoveinorSwlneford , ot Alaska.
The Arthuikill bridge bill which passed
the house to day by mi almost unanimous
vote , being the senate bill , will , after iccclv-
ing the speoKer'b slgnatnie , go to the presi
dent for Ills approval. The fiionds of the
measure are ( 'iateful to Mi. Townshond/of
Illinois- , who , standing huh on the list of
members mi titled to recognition , consented lo
call the bill up lei action.
Commissions of Iwentj'-four poslmasteis
of presidential postolllces will oxphc during
Iho present month. 'Ihero will bo tldrty-
beven expliations during the month of July ,
of which the more important aio at South
Chicago , III. , and Kl Paso , Tex.
Senator Spooner submitted a pioposed
amendment to the sundiy e.lvll appropri
ations bill appropriating < ? 7 ! ,000 lor a public
building at La Crossc , Wis , , In addition to
the S 10 , 000 already appiopnated.
Senalor Plumb of Kansas , chairman of the
committee on nubile lands , has lecelved
from Sun oj or General Dement , of Utah , In
reply to an Invitation sent two or three
weeks ago by Instruction of the committee ,
a statement madu under oath den > lug the
truth ol the cliargo brought against him.
The President Fishes.
UKFH PAIIK , Mil. , Juno 7. The president ,
accompanied by Private Secrctarg Lament ,
\\cnttroutllsliing today. The presidential
fishing patty was In every way a success.
During thu afternoon Mis. Cleveland , Mrs.
Lament , Mrs. Henry G. Davis and her
daughter , Mis. Major Brown , took mil to a
longdrlvu through the woods bick of Deer
Park , They returned but an Instant beloie
thu president drove up. Thu time for the
piesidfiil's depaituro has not vet been lixcd
as far as can bo learned. Tlie impression
prevails , however , that he will not be hcio
latei than Wednesday.
Klglu Dairy Mnikot.
CutrAoo , June ? , 'Iho Inter-Ocean , Elgin ,
HI. , special eajs ; On the boaul of trade
today butter was active and linn. Regular
bales w ere 43,800 Jbs at lOc , No regular sales
oftheese were made. Private bales of 16,300
Ibs of butter and l.tiOQ boxes of cheese weru
reported , The total sales aggregated 10,351
Ibs. Biiyein are now selecting butter for cold
storage , and a firm market is looked for dur-
iug ( he remainder of June.
Omalin Still Shows Up In the Proper
BOSTON , Juno 7. The following table
compiled fiom special dispatches to the Post ,
from the managers of the leading clearing
houses In tlio United States , shows the gross
bank exchanges at each point for the week
ending Juno r , lu comparison with the cor
responding week In It :
"Denver and Galvostonaie not Included In
the totals.
Biitlsh Ornln Trailo Rc\low.
LONDON , Juno 7. Tlio Mtuk Lane Ex
press , In Its weekly review of the grain
trade , sajs : Tlie beason lutleily has de
cidedly favored spilng-sown ciops. Trade
has lavoicd buyers. Sales of L'nglish wheat
during tlio past week were 4,070. at ! Hs M ,
against4J. 201) ) quintets , at 84s Gd , dining the
coricbpondlng week last jeai. Flour is ( id
lower. Piuelgn wheats are luithei de
pressed. The reaction In Amer
ica Is rcgauleil as solely duo
to gambling opciatlons. A met lean
tlourls lulU Cc lovvei. Theio were lour ar
rivals and fem sales , 'len caigoes weio with
drawn and Ihreo remain , two of which are
Oii'jgon. Tiadc forward amuiuitb vlituiilly lo
nolfilug. Sellers are more disposed lo meet to-daj's maikct. Wheat vvasOc
lower. Plour wns veiy dull. Coin was steady ,
Oats weio Gc lower. Betunib issued by the
boaid ot trade show tliat i m polls for Iho
month of May decreased as compaicd with
thecoiicspoiutlng month In lijsCi EJ.170COO
and that the expoils dccie.ised Y153'0.1100 '
sterling as compiled with Ihuso ol May ,
lbS3. _ _ _ _ _
The Visible Supply Statement.
CiiicAao , J line 7. Tlie nunibei of bushels
ot gialn in stoic In the United States and
Canada Juno A , and the increase 01 decieasu
as compared with the previous week , will bo
posted on change to-moirow , as follows :
Wheat 8J,4MVi9 ( Increase 1.12,1,128
Corn H.WH.S'jG Decieaso THuil
Oats 2ltxSU'ii Dcciease 5i"i4 , ( 70
Bye 2b.V5fU Decteaso 8,428
Barlej' . 2.0OI5 Increase. . . . . . 32.4.J7
Thu amount In Chicago clcvatois was :
Wheat 8,213,709
Corn 2Vb,421 !
Oats : teSr , > 17
Bjo W,4 ! S
Barlej' 30b2.3
Eight 1'crfioiiH Kinothcrcil to Death
CiiicAao , June 7. E ght poisons were
smothcied lo death In a lr. . . .e house 731 and
7u ; South Canal street at 4 this moinlng. The
names ot the dead are ab lollows : Michael
Miuphy , aged about thhtj Ino ; Annie Mm-
pliy , aged 9 ; Nellie Muijihv , aired 11 ;
Mib. Maiy Dlnikcn , aged 30 ; Patsy Lavin
aged 4 ; John Dinkln , 3 weeks old and
William Hand , 08 je.ais old. The
lire broke out in tlie cellai ot Tin Canal stieet
and spread thiotigh the wooden vv.dlot the
basement and 7.11 was boon vviappcd
which enveloped the adjoining number.
Many sleeiieiw doubtless smothered In their
beds. The flames following altei
burned Ihu bodies lo a ciisp.
John Baleigh , Ji. . wile and oveial
children occupied tlio first llooi ot 7. t.
Baleigh vvas awakened by his wife , whom ho
rescued by tlnowing hoi Irom a window and
being unable lo do the s.imu with the clill-
dien , went to the second llooi nnd jumped
fiom the window with them in bis aims. The
second sloiy wns occupied by IhuDurkln and
Murphy families. No member ol cither oC
these families escaped. Thu liieincn , in
searching the iiiins ol the houses , came upon
most hairowing scenes Some weio Ijing in
half-binned beds , others who were awakened
before death came upon them , and wcie
clutching each other in groups on Iho floor.
They had all evldenlly been ovcicotnu by
smoke before any efloit had been made to
escape , 'llio nppci floor was occupied by
William Hand h. , his lather , wife and chll-
dien. All the family vveie saved bj jumping
fiom the windows except the old gentleman.
Tlie low or floor ot Jv o , 731 , occupied by a man
named uleUuho , who kept a groceiy stoie ,
all weio baved. It is liclieved tlio Iho vvas
the vvoik ot an Incendlaiy It was lust been
by a watchman in the biueinear by , llo
stalled over lo ahum thu IK cup nils.
When In tlio ieai ot the huined houses hu
met a man who said : " 1'lifio Isu liie , vim'd
bettei turn In tlioalaim. " The man illsan-
pe.ued up the alley. 'Iho watchman could
not identity the man if he should MO him
again. This Is thu thlid timu Iho place has
been set on lire.
Ilia 1II.A/B AT I.OUISVll Li : .
r.ou'iSN ILL ) ! , June 7 , At tt:10 : this mom-
Ing a lire was discovered on the binge ot the
now ( iiand thealei. The alaiiu was sent In
but thu engines tliat respond ! d went unable
to do anvthliig towards extinguishing the
lire , which by this time coveied all ol the
mlddlo of the block between Thlid and
Kointh , Jelleibon and ( ireen bluets. Tim
second alaiiu was tin nd in but thu entlio
Uiealio was then on lire and lesisted tlie of-
foils of thu tin men , At dayhieak the entlio
center ot thu bquaio was a glowing
mass of red hot metal and bhi/-
Ing wood. The lestauiant , the lotliiy
olllec , the Kentucky school of medicine ,
and the bather shop have burned out as well
as tholliteiior of the theatre. The theatei
was one ot the finest in thu west 01 south and
Is n complete loss. The block was valued at
8100,000 , The entiict block is u loss. The
properly Ib thought to bu hihiued , but it is
Impossible lo get the amount. At A o'clock
the flame1) buist out with renewed vigor In
the Medical college building and at the Jellei-
son stieet bide of the theatre. 'Ihu tools of
all the burned stiuctureshavu fallen in.
Shoitly alters , the lire vvas got undei con
trol. The Iov3 aggregates 570,000 , iiibiil.uicu
Titoy , N. Y. , Jiino7. The boiler In the
Beiihselaci mill , one ol the establishments ol
Tioylro.ii and steel works , exploded this
moinlng , killing Michael Dunwoith. Pat
rick ( iaj nor vvas buveielj Jiiijiiied ; ha cannot
recover. Some eight othei s weiu Injuicd ,
but will probably leeover.
A Curd Inn I lor Quolier * .
QUIIIIC : : , Junu7-Oiand Vlcai Lcx.aro to-
daj received Irom Koine an ofllchtl notice
that nt the conslstoiy , vvlilch opened theio
this morning , A'chbiuhnp. Tasehereau was
pioclalmed cariilnal. The aniioiinieiueiit
was lecelved vulh gteat demoiibtiatlons ot
A North Cnrollnti
CIIAIII OTII : , N. C. . Juno 7 , Alfied Long ,
who vvas charged with the muidei , lobboiy
and burning ol tlio bodies of A. J. Multildo
and vUfc , togethei with the house and con
tents , was hnched about live miles from Lex
ington vebteiday. Ho.nmdti . a full touteb-
slou of his guilt.
Otoo's Ei-Trcasuror Sajs Ho Is Innocent
of the Oriino Charged ,
A Horse TlilcT I'senries From a
"Safe" lnll Klro nt Ohmlron
News Proin tlio Critnliint
Glnlmq to Ho Innooont.
ClTV , JUIIU 7. [ Special Telfr
giam to tlio Br.i. . | Duke Simpson still re-
iimlns In Jnll , being unuhlo as jet to piocurn
ball , lie occupies the cell nt night Hint Bo-
linnnon occupies during tlio tiny , the hitter
being put In tlio cage. . nt night. Ills counsel ,
.John 0. Wntson , K. T. liiinsom nml 1 F.
vvnrren , nio busj on lilsr.isu.
NinitAM : { A On v. .luiio 7. The ariest niul
Imprisonment ol Duke Simpson , cx-tieas-
nrerof Uloerounly. on the clmiKO of rob
bing the county , continues the only tonic ot
Inlet-esthete. Tlio people aio duuifoundeil
o\er the \clopment > , jet they tire loth to
bcll\e trial Stinison | took the money. This
feeling Is sticngthoiied by the fnct tlmt
Simpson did not attempt to leave the county
urn bhlrk the icsponslhlllty of nny not of
Ills. SpeaUnc to n icpoitcr of the Ncwa
Simpson said :
"I mn nnl Rulltv of taking nny sinking
fund \\nii.intq , noi know nothing about
thi'in , and theu-foio do not fear to stand my
trial. I have no money. but will ask lor a
fnti .iiul Impartial tilitand do not tear tlio ver
dict. 1 did notiuutllato the coutitj rcctnds
and know nothing of them. If I CUT looked
at cllhei book- , and 1 baldly think I
liavedono to , tlio books \\citi bioiightand
laid on the coiinlcis outside oftlm vaults by
the custodians , cloiks in tieasuier. "
Astiuii point In Simpson's fn\or Is the
fact that Measurers do not Issue \\aunntx ,
but simply pay thoinhcn issued by the
commissions and signed by tlio elerk. The
ImnliMiol' 111 oof lies with the commissioners
and doubt Is cxpicsscd ot theh ability to os-
t.tblish In .1 com t the f.iut thai thuiurnuts
weie issued b > Simpson 01 that ho stole the
money ,
The leather Victorious.
AtnmiN , Neb. . June 7. [ Special Telegram
lo the Uii : : ] Tlio habeas coi pus casobrougl t
lcloio .ludgo Chinch by ono Samuel A. Wil
liams of Qulncy , ill. , aiuiistV. ; ! . Q. and
llninia Heudilcks , attaches of thoCiestin
cliciib , foi the iceineiy of hi1Vllllnms' ( )
llttlo nlno-jearold ihuightei , culminated tli1s
nun nine. The ease was up Satuuhiy last
and the pleading ended. Judge Chinch said
if Hcndilcks gave s.itlsfat'toiy assm-
nnco that tlio gltl bh.ill bo taken
to Qulncy , Ills , and kept at school and out
of shows and conceits and vaiiety theaters
till loin teen > of ago , ho would not
disturb tlieh ii'lations , mid couit adjourned
till U o'clock to day.
llemlileKsasasKed lo give bond lo the
amount ol § 10,000 to Keep the pill In school
till she was fourteen joais of aac. In ease
lieiefuscd lo do so , Iheeouit gave Mi.VH -
ll.inisthiitv ilijs in which to letiun lo Illi
nois and lm\u u giiaidhin appointed , and
unless ho did so , the judge himsell would
lind her a homo or keep lici liiuiMill.
Mr. JlemtricKs could not fuinHi
snob. bond , and leaves this nUeinoon
lei the Cicston eiieus , to contliuio his w.iHr. *
Mr. Willlanis will leave lo day 01 to monovv
for Qulncy in quest of u guaidian. 'Iho de
cision of thofouitas ovcijwheio received
with commendation , as the sv uipalliy ot the
cntlio community was with the natuial
lathei ot the girl.
Court In SunmlcrH County. \
WAHOO , Neb. , June 7. [ Special lo the
ill. i : . ] In the case of ( he State of Ncbiaslca
\s Frank 1 1. u roll , charced with complicity
In the binning of the bkatlng rlnU heiolwo
jcais ago , a vcidict of not Lrnillv vvas
londeied by the juiy. The genetal impies-
slon is that ho was Implicated in tlio binn
ing but the evidence against him was cli-
cumstnnttal and veij' meager.
V. Jaiib.i , chaiged with assault with Intent
to kill , plead guilt v to assault and battery.
in the case ot Chailes Illmeb uigli , chaigcd
with gland larceny , Ilin Jniv lomlcicd a ver
dict ot "not guilty , ' and In thu case of the
state against Thomas Ilealy , indicted lor
i ape , \erdkl of guilty of assault and bat-
teiy was lendeied. There aie several otiicr
eiiminal cases lo be tiled , and all found
guilty \\lll bo sentenced at the end ol the
teim ot toint.
Dead on tlio Plains.
Cum I..NM : , Wjo. , .lime 7. ( Special Tele-
gum to the Hii.J : The news uiiived hcio
to-day of the finding ol the remains ot John
Wellington , neat Waim Spilng , by the
roulidup. \ \ u familiar eharnc-
tei about Poits Ketterman and L.u.uule. llo
lias been missed since .May ' 0. Ho had $500
\\licu last seen , and Is hiipjioscd to have been
iniiideiiil 1 01 that , but the body Is in sudi n
btato ol decomposition that a conclusion
could not be ccitainly aiihcd at by the cuiO-
ner's jinv.
Conli.iLtoi Iio\\nof ) Council Bluffs , at-
ri\cd to-diiYitli IIIPII to be in woik on the
( list eight miles ol the Chin ennoc Noithoin
railioadhkh Is to be liiiblicd this jear.
Tlio North \clr.i.ska Teiielicrti' AH-
Xom-oi.K ( Xi'b , , Juno 7. [ Special to the
li ! i. . ] Tlio Xoith .Vebraska Teaclieib' nt-
soclntion closed uciy Huccosstul convention
of thieodayson .Satuidiij , atlei o'lo tlng a
IK'imanent oiganiitlou , Thu following mo
thu allied s lei the ensuing year : I'reildfiit ,
AV. 11. IjUlngston , Norfolk ; secietar > , L B.
Bohannon , Madison ; tieasuici.Supeilntend * '
cut Hoyd. Antelope countv. K\ci ulhe com-
uiiltLC .Miss Kate I ) . MiUlH'iiiKJ , I'nllerton ;
.Mis. A. I' . H.dlou , Schujler ; 1'iolessoi I ) . A.
Coopoi , Madihoii. Thu association w.ll hold
Its next session dining thu ulnU'r liohdaya
ol lbbj.7. (
Work ol' Kullionil
WAIIOO , Neb. , June 7.- [ Special to tbo
BKK. ] A gang of men lioin the i.ilho.ulcrs
camp f-outli of town came to town , and par
taking too licely of thu "aidcnl , " Iho 'of
them wcio lodgid In tliecountj b-istllo hull
paid 313 cath Into the school luiid.-CnulIrii , '
on tlio Fremont , KlUioui it AlNsoinl Yalli *
lallioad , liom 1'imiioiit to this plate , li
about Lomnleted. If thu bildgu o\u llm
I'latte ihcras tomiiltted UucK-layliii :
would botoiumeiiLecl this month.
IJIIIOIIH | | vs. Jjcinlvllles.
LINCOLN , Xeb. , Juno 7. [ hjii'cli Tt'le- to the Bii..J ; The elosln ; of the
ot base ball games between tlie Lincoln
and Lead vlllu nines was plajcd today on
heavy ( 'iimud. Thu bcuro was 5 to a ,
In lavoi of Lincoln. The game was largely
attended and thu Leudvllles pit Slmllan ,
Iheli now man from Cincinnati , In the box ,
iind the game was onu ol llio bu.-t pl.ucd on
tlio grounds this \ t'.u. The Lcailvllleu U-H
tot iiomoat 'J.uO.
rii ( ) at Cliailton.
CIIAIIIIO.S , 4\ibf June 7.- ( Special Tclo-
giam lo the BII .J The i.ilho.ul ( oinianv'a ) '
building at the bUnk j.uds , ono mile front
heie , uasconsuniLd by hie thisuM-nlnp. Th
bnlldingii huined wen ; thu Kiipplv and nil
houses. 'Iho Ino oiluluatul at tl.o latter
place , but there IH no clue as lo him it stuitid.
Ihulosi.lddi lsiiite | lie.i\ } , Is alone con-
inn 4 to the companj' .
Pailiuo at MoPook.
Mr COOK , Neb , Juno 7. [ Special 'lelegrnin
to the Bir. : | W. II. ilnjden it Co. closed
thedooibot tl'uh ' m'neiul ' bloiehelu and u |
At\\ood , Kansas , today. Liabilities uw
knoun. . i