Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements nnderthU lioid , 10cents per
line for the flrfl Insertion , 7 cents for onch guh-
sequent in crt on , nnd SI.So n line per month.
No ndiortlscir.ont t ikcn fcr less than 2.1 cents
for tlio ilrst liwrt.on. Po\cn words will bo
fioimtcrt to the line : they must rim consecu
tively mid tnustbo pnld In nlrnro1 * . All nlvcr-
( Ijomenti tnu t bo hnndcd In bnfoto 2 o'clock
V , m.nnd widir no clrcum tnnccs will thoj bo
( fikon or dlsd n Inucd by tcleplione.
I'nrtlts n-lvcrtl Inff In tticsv lo'timn nnd Inv-
Imrlhontmwnrsn'ilressfd In < nro of TUB HKE ,
will plen o nsk for n cheek toonnhlo them to p-ct
their letter * , ns r.ono will b dolivuro.l except
on ptosoiitrttlon of check. All nnswrrs to nl-
\crtlsemcntsshoilld lioonrlosot In envelopes.
si ONIY : TO I.OAN ? inr < nnt 4 per rent to
111 the Jnnn who bujd his clothlnir of U O.
Jones A. Co. , ccomomy clothiers , 1303 Fnrnntn St.
ONIY ; TO I.OAN-OH rcniovnio. flibson ,
& M I.nrson * Co. , lloom ! \Vlthnoll l Illock. 143
"oNrvro : MIAN At IOWPIrnt' titan any-
whom fl o In tlioclty.onfilrnltiiro , plnnoi ,
Injuns , her o , wnKOtK , or tok or nny kind.
llemombcr , nt lower rnlc-i tlmn nnyntncrlonn
coinimny in the city. City Ixinn A : Mnrtfrnve
Co. . room 15 , 1101 Karnnm st , opposlts I'mton
hotel. Vtl
_ - _ _
rilll I ! Omnhn tlnnnelnl orchnnito Is prepared to
J. mnko lonni In tiny nmount.oii nny klndof
npproved ceurlty. Lnriro collnterftl lot\n a
fpeclalty. Al o on chnttol * and rent ealnto In
ninounli nnd tlmoto suit. Lower rntc ? , bnttor
turm-i , nnd pnimpler M'rvlco tlmn nny lonn
nwoney In thfiully. Tor finthor pnitleulurt call
Olllco on the second lloor of the llnrkor Block ,
southwest corner of rnnmm and isth ftreots.
1 | | ONI'.Y tn lonn on rc ldoneo nnd biHnes ?
A'l propetty. Ixiwpst rule * . C. . ) . Cnswoll Je
Co. , Koom 19 , Iron Ilankllulldlntr , U'th and l-'ur-
tinin. _ . iGO
' \ \ ONHY to lonn by the timlcrMfrnnil , who has
J'lthnonly propnrlv ( irnnnlod lo n nifoncy
in Omiihn l.onns or $1(1 ( to $ l , < Kn miido on fur-
iiltnti' , plnno.i. oiiruns , lmr cn , wiiKont. nmchln-
dry , &o. , without removal. No delays. All
huMm-M Blrlclly conlldnnlliil. I.o n ea mndo
tbnt nny pnrt cnn bo pnld nt any time , onch pay
mrnt reditr-lw the c'ot pro rntn Advnnro
inndoon fine wntches nnd diamonds. Persons
plionldciirefully consider who they nro ilenlhiK
wlih , ns mnny now roneorns nro dnlly romlnn
Into existence. Should you need moncv , cull
nnd pee mo. W. H. Crolt , Koom 4 , Wlthncll
llulldlng , Ifith nnd Hnrncy. _ U.VJ
Ornii f'KXT money to lonn. Tut intes on
Inriru lonni .Mnhoncy & Harris , lloom 11 ,
) W I'nrnnm St. 874J1M
_ _
OM'.V TO LOAN nt rcnsonnblo rntei on
hoiopfl , luriiitino. wnlehns nnd other per-
tonal protirrty. C. .1. Cnawell , lloom I1. ' , Iron
Ilnnl : building , 12th nnd Turnnm. Take elevator.
$ trill , ( > 0l to lean on city residence pronerty
( lrnW.lnv. ) Miiruriinm. : 25 >
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ol'IIH Cl'.NT Money lo loan. Slownrt .t Co. ,
llnoinSt , lion bunk , li-'lh nnd Km num. rg |
nn.ono lo loan. Sums ? .VK ) nnd upwards.
Lowest rates. Hemls , IJth nnd Douuhit sis.
_ | _ SBO _
< ) NI-Y TO T.OAN-O. I' . TavU i Co. Iteal
M Bstnto nnd Lonn auents , 1505 Fariipm St
MONP.Y TO LOAN-On peed securities. A
McQnvock , room 7 Itcdlck IHoen , 1509Knrnnm
Et , ' . ' 0 !
ONiv : TO LOAN On real estate nnd chat
tols. D. L. Thomas. 2(11 (
MONKY TO LOAN InVuma of $200nml up.
wnrdi on Ihst-clnps real cstiilo aociirlty.
I'ottorftCobb , 1615Fnrnum Bt.2 < i4
MONiY : l.OANm nt C. K Itend A Co's. Ixxin
ofllco , on furniture , planon , horses , wagons
pqrsonnl property of all kinds nnd nil other nr-
tlclesof value , without romovnl. 1119 S. Vlth ,
oier Itln'jham's Commission storo. All bus-
ness strlctlr ronndontnl.
S GIIANCI'H Wanted Yiiiiiitr
man lor cashier of nntloiml hunk. Must
Imvo unexceptional lofeienccs ami ho attired
In L. O. Jonoa At Co.'a Inultlusa clothlnir. MJ-7
FOIt HXCHANfJIC Stocks of woods of every
kind , for farina and land ; nlso lands to ov-
chniuro for ( roods. If you want to
mntlor whnt It isyouhnvo , wrltn , with full do-
gcrlptlon , to C. 13. Mnyno , Heal Rstnto nnd
Trust Co. , Omnhn Nnb , 26n
Foil SAI.l' : Clear , news and eoiiloetloiiery
Bland , In lr ) t cliHa lociiilon for slntloiii > ry
nndc'wirs. ' Will bo sold cheap. Addicss 1212
Oomrlas si , Omnhn , Neb 475-S *
] rinTAl.lT lteslnuriiTiTr veil TocntTd " w Ith
splendid trade. liljrglns < .V I'nrlt , I.VJ2 Donir-
Ins st. 4iil-R
POIt SAI. l ! A lift-class bakery , re tnurnnt
and coiifoctlonory stand in a town of 700
Inhabitants. Innuho of K , I' . 1'ny Si Co. , Omaha.
_ _ _ _ _
FINKoponlnir fnrnellro man to KO Into the
the boot and shoo business ; linn biiflniiss cg-
tnbllshdd : stock for snlu : More room for rent ,
M2N. street. K. T. Amlrpw. 4K1 5
_ _
POH SAIK Or ( 'xchaiiKO for city properly ,
a ( rood feed sioio in a-cood stand with a
Orst class tiade. N. W. Merrill , 1117 & 14th Bt.
42 ! ) 5"
17IOK SALK-Sovcral Blocks of Roods , dolnu-n
JL healthy business , ownorahlp clear , sails-
faction Kuninntocd ; terms ent > y. Romu Omaha
property tnkon In o\clmmo. Marshall It Lo-
lieck , 1511 Knrnnm 8t. - 412
I.OSINti OUT inv cnllin sfoi k oflHTotTnnd
shoos nt cost ; ipiirlinrfroin business ; btoro
it > oin nnd llxtures lor runt , 012 N. 10th street. 1' .
f. Andrew. -IE1-.1 !
Bl'SINHSS CHANrr.-A flno hall supplloil
with Hio tl'iest jplrlNof phomontl vorlnvito
nnd nil the accompanying ilrinUs nnd nniiise-
montHbelontrlnirtoii llrst-cliKspliiceol the kind ,
located on one of the best business stieets In
Omaha. Tbo ownerniust Roll as other business
nails him' nwny. The tilaeo mu t bo closed out
nt cmeo 1'or partleiilnrs enll nt room No. fl over
CoiiiiiiuicliilNiilloiinl Iliink. 1) . S. Mooro. ! 2
iJUSINKSH CIIAN ' : _ innti n nny live
> - ' town cnn do n piolltnblo business In our
Hoods nloao. or In connection with lurtilluro or
nny class ol hoiiFo-lnrnl-diinir ( roods or ( rrne-
orlr.s : small cnpltiil nnd , Inriro piollts. Tor pir-
tlriilins address "Mmnifi.oiurcr , " 01 Pumniur
stici't. lioston , Mil" . _ fiOS-j'i'
Foil SAI.I : in llrst-diss : location , irrocury
noc'c mul tlxturoa : small capital reiiuirod :
tent low. Inqulri ) nt drup store , lotli nnd
t o T On Monday jTniT Misti between
8j I'loruncn nnd Omnhn , a piieltairo eontalnhiK
n com , u shawl and other articles. Kinder suit-
ibly tmvnrdcd liv loiiy'iitrsniuo at WlUlnmOcii'
'Ionian's store , Ifith nnd Cnas. 415-5 *
. OST A M-llowskvt-erlor : answers lo the
J-Jnninn "Trninn. " $5 iniranl olTorud Ad-
clu > H3i. ( 8 I'oo otllee. 4537 *
FOirSItn oppiu-lnnlty to buy stylish , well-
mndo suitat I ed rocl > pricw lit r * 0. .Innrs&
CI'B. 1 sn rtirnam rft. 602-7
OTKAYHD-OIIU bay innro. black mane nnd
J tall , spnxln on both hind le 'S , nnd a client-
nul-riiloied I yearold roll. I'lnder will return
to M. T Murphy , Contractor und lltillL'cr. 15H
* \oith 20lh mid 01 iu o St. 434
p ' .IIsoN.\l.-W1l.1o | iipli AllenSouderpleiiso
.1 M'lid hlsnildiu-hlo Mr. Henry Sennhui , bend
rook Metiopolltiui Ijotcl , or call in person If ho
Is In town. 627-S *
, Oiils'ONAr < TUA Qiouthlv rnrncd luarninir
I. bciiutlfiilphutoi'rTipli piintlnirtnuiril : | tree ,
In ono hour , to Intrndiico material. I'rcmhnna
tocolvixl nt St. Louis und Kiixuns Clly fnlrs.
, f Mb Christie , nil Doiwlns. COVH
PUIfjONAI. Matrlmnnlnl A boatitlful nnd
uultured Indy of mu.uiH would llkqto cor *
lospond with n well i dunned , honorable yonnn
nnin that nlwajs buyK his clothlnir of L.O. .tones
ti C' ' > . , tnlloi rlolhlur" , l ! > 0'Kniniiiii ) 6f , 512.7
7)iitiiO.V.\l. : To persona who wUh to build n
.1 home In On-hard Hill , I will sell lots upon
tui } mcnt ol i ho nominal gum of ton dollar and
linlnneo ni thocnd of llvoyo.irs. Interest t n
rcr cent , pnyahlo hcnii-nnnnnlly. This U the
nest oiler over made to nny homo-seoker In Ihl *
cily. Call and ECU mo. (113. ( May no , Itcul ] . ' ;
lulu und Trust Co , , sW. cor , 15lb nuu I'm num.
1)iif : > ( iN.lNcnt and tusty all-wool bus ) .
DUBS Bulls for only $7.00. All Hlic-i. Mail
iirdria tilled. L. O. Junes .V Co. , 1309 Fnrn m ,
BOAlIDINO-KleRiint furnWied ( lout parlor
and Io\id only ( * > per wouti to n JOUIIR man
v. h ) IniyH all hlb clolhlnir of L. O. Jo lips A : Co. ,
K0 > I'a | nnin St. f.12-7
WANTl-i-SI\ : r-oittioiunn boai-dorii by
tljo weol ; , JJ.OJ ; duy buord } 'A IK N.
17th et. 421-t"
ItKNT-ltoiim auJ boarrt for two. ICU
'upllol nvo It1 !
OIULUU bids will bu received at the ort ! o of
O the > 5uuth Omnhn [ .and Kjndlc'itu unti , Juno
tth , ISM. nt Jo'ilock u. in. , for the trrudin if
22.1X10 yards Of earth , moio or lu , on ttroplj In
toutu Onmlin. I'rotlles cm bo K-cn nt the > yn-
dlcnluolllco , Mllbird llot.'J Illock. 'tho ri - ' t to'
reject any and nil bldt li ic ui v-d.
i-0- W. A. UITOX , Munagei.
\ \ TANTiiHoH : .e tobulldln city or conn-
ii to * . Cnll or nddrcsj X , 15. corner Hurt and
llrown. MS-ll *
IIS having- rooms elthir furnlMicd or
1 i n'urnlMioil ' , or house * they wish to rent ,
will Ilinl It to thnlr lntero t to call nt lloom
lle-ntlntr Aircnov , lloora 15 , uoi Kfirnam st , 01 *
to-ito I'n.xton llot'jl. \ \ -y
STOIIAOK WesUrn Transfer A Storage Co ,
cot nor Mtli and Nichols st , nro prepared In
receive and ttoro till kinks or household poods
etc. _ _ ar.i _
li"'Olt Ill'XT A store on n good rotnll street.
JApply tlio Omnlin Heal I'stato and Loan
Co. J _ _ 107
mitoiTfSo Sliillioti'ack Shoppnrd , Jr. , win
JL mnko the scnso not I8M nt Onmhn Knl-
Grounds. Stands IG'S ' hands high , weighs 123- ; Ihulnriron mid handsomest Hambloton
Inn In the wu t Hrco'd the " 'lino ns Director
2:17 : Phallus , 2:13 : * . | ' , ntid.lny-Kjo-Sco , 2:10. Cnlr
mill sco him mul hl stoo k. Trms , t-J tlio cn3
roil. Adam Thompson * C1.VJO _
I1OK IlKNT jsqunro 1'liino $3 monthly. A
Hospo. ISDLouirlns. 27 ;
"irioit HUNT Pqtinro Piano , $1 monthly. A
J _ _ lloiio | , 1513 Doitiilu * . grJ
DANISH imOTIII'IUIOOnha-ion-rnirod Prl" * )
Lake grounds inclusively Junolitli. Pries
Ilros. 40.VB
IjAOIt Iti'NT Organs , J2 per month , ilospo ,
JL 1IJ13 nouitlns. - ' .
WK oiler lor snlo 500 ohoico two-yonr-old
steers. Btrnngo tiros. , Sioux City , In.
. 4UI'--r.
FOlt SAM : Ono top liturgy , se'Onl-hnnd ,
llrowstcr mnke , piano 1-ot. Wllf c.\chnnao
for produce. Cnn be seen nt our store. W. It.
llcnnett & Co. , 113,115 nnd 117 N. 15th st , Omaha ,
Nob. 483.5
17i Oil SALK Horao with carriiuo nnd bur-
1 ness. Any onoln wunt of n lolinblo Inmlly
hot so , c.ill at I Ionian's Stables , lath st. 220-a *
FOK SALK A Starry , Simpson's mnko : Rood
us now , at A. .1. Simpson's. 250
Foil MAijK 1'ony and cart-cheap. Harry
Mooros , Wubnsh olllco. UWW
FOlt SAM : Cheap , lion columns ind win
dow c'ips sullablo fur front on brick build-
in p. Kor p.irtlciiliiM apply nt this onico. 813
: Ortrndu tor city lots , n spun of
JL1 black chiving horsoi. suitable lor tumlly
cnrrlngotcnm , Apply rooms , Iron ilnnkbulld'ir.
! H)7 )
FOltS.U.K y , year leiiso on section good
luiiil , 7 miles southcuHt ol Atkinson ntul 4
miles southwest or Ktntiict , Holt county. Nob.
Heiital only $4H per jcnr. Hatcher. ( Indil & Co. ,
12 IK Douslus sliuul , Mlllni-a hotel block , Omnlin ,
Nb _ _ _ \ _ KOl
J 7 < Oll SAI.lllcdrontn sot , Rood ns nuw , nt n
Imi-gnln. Apply \Vlioutoii8t. . Oil
M AlifiNTTr1 One'sur oTirmro , blind In Tuft
I eve , 8 vent ! ) old. W. II. Unuld , South Onmhn
Water Woiks. 4U7
I : Cheap , flna top buittry. A. Ilospo ,
l..lil Douglas. fiBO-Jin'
I 71 OK SAI-'Onn cnrJJ mul 1 your old heifers
J un 1 calves ; ono cnrcliuico fresh mllohcowa.
Xl. ( Hull , Gibbon , Nub. 4a.V.l
FOKSAI.i : Satinra plmio , RH , monthly pny-
monts. llojpu. ISlii DoUKlns. _ -71
IT'OltSALK Mutch tonms nnU her o < of ul
hliiiU to suit uu tomois ntStnr S.ilo Stables ,
-inli nnd Cumlnc. M. Ciinnon , I'rop. " 70
WANTKIl 20 good | { lrl * for Ill-it nnd poeond
oilt In prlvntu Iniiillles Cnll nt Nob. cm-
ploy mont oecnoy110 Iblli and Capitol u\enue.
ANTJSn-Krst-cLiis | IftUndrcss. 710 South
V ? 14th 8tRimil wiigcSi , abS-8 *
VAT T A NTiiJrZilVri : < ir iwolvo jjlrls to innUo
> T swcnt piKlo. Apply botwoun. 111 nndi \
o'clock .Monday Miu-ua Ilros. ' Snddlofy Co. ,
U07 llnrnuy SI. fil7- : . '
W ANTKIl 12 jflrN lor housework. ( ! oed
ivnt'oa olluicd. Apply " ! ' . < N IGth st. 474 n
W A NTIII : tlootl Klrl * IH cTioks lor prlvnlo
Imnlllosund hotels : uUo dlnlni-ioom ulils
klti'hen clrlannil rlrl < for KOiiornl hoii owork.
Cull Oinnhu Umulryment Uuruau , 1120 Fai mini
\T7"AXTIr.I ) A ulrl toiisslst dolnp housowork.
> > Mrs. L. DiigKiiii , Ilia South litli si. 4V
\-\TANTKIJ-A female cook nt ono , nt the City
* HoU'l. 45'i-7 ' *
| \'A"NTiu , : S cliamboi-rnaldi at VI" UOHBI.IB
8t 4I )
_ _ _
WANTKD Two G\ttn \ lor kltuhonwork ;
wofres $15 pur muntli. lij'17'IIoiviird st.
41'J-ri *
TVTA NTKIJ-2 cooks. Apply to Mr Norrls'
V T Hcfllnurniit , 104 H. loth st , between I'odwo '
nnd Dunlins. Comu ( irupnred to stay. 423-n
WAXTIM ) A J-OUIIK : Imly would like to uo
to thii Kort to take earn or children nnd an-
Blst with smvliiR. Addifss (1 5 lien ollice. 111- , ' . '
\\7ANTHI > ( ! oed elrl , compolout to cook
i' and do Koimial liounowork. Ajiply 'JCII !
Douglas struct , ono door west of Gtillauhci'a
house. 4'n- " > '
WANTKD Klrst-clnss rook nnd housekeeper
for Imm work In Hio country. Elderly
woman , a mail cool ; , or man and wife , wltfi
llr-t-class recommendations. Steady ycurwoik.
Address K 71 , lleo olllco. 403
\\7ANTKO-Olrl. 15IS North ICth St. "ilwl
it J. M. Cotinsiniin. U72
WANTKI ) Ilxpinlencedshlrt hands. Apply
Omaha Shirt Kaelory. ilO' N. Ifith st ICi'.i"
A\7-A"NTI-i ) Second ulrT Oft ! 1'ark aveiiuuT
\ \ 7ANTKI ) A pirl for general housowork.
lllSHowurdst. SW
AY I'ANTHO A ( 'irl for frcnural housework nt
2I2J .Sownrd st. Uio )
W ANTKD-l'nstry cook at Windsor Hotel.
. 0")8
l \ TAN riiTwo : Rood Blrls , ono to cook ,
T wash nnd Iron , thu other to do second
work. _ I'lU Wcbslor. 1)17 )
WANTHII A iroo I dressmaker atonco. Cor.
10th and Uo.luofits. 001
\\'ANTii : > In family of thrco , thorouslily
eompetont Oermnii ( fill lor Konornt
hoiisuvioiK ; must turnlsh rolnronces. Aiiply at
Cochrnti Iiro-'rcr.l estate olllco , 16UJ Kainam
street. 7W
WANTKD 500 xltlllcd mnchiinlcs ; miiBt bu
sti lolly sober nnd wear I ; . O. Jones A : Co.'s
silk sewed e'othimr. T > 02-7
W.\NTii : > A ( rood vliimbot * . Address W.
K. Koiirnuy , 215 Kouith Si. , Sioux City ,
Iowa. f.23-5
* \\rAS"r < : i ) Good Industrloug boy to pass
it circulars und attend olllco. 1511 Douirlns ,
lloom a. an-5 *
\\7"\NTii ) Live iiKimts to soil ti now , novel
it und useful household noeetslly. No com
petition. Oood wajri's. J'\chi6lvo territory ,
Pond fitnmp for pnrtfculurJ , Uurcku llroom
Holder Co . Indianapolis , Ind. 499-C *
\\7ANTKU Exjierleiicod salesmen to travel.
11 Only men of anknowledired nullity neud
apply , llhitow , Wnircn A Cblnlov , jobbers of
notions an.I furnishing KooJs , .St. I'uul , Minn.
\v , 'ANTiu : A traveling reporter , llrnd-
> sttx'Cts'ABoncy. 40i-5
w. \ : A -rood live man to solicit for
grocery. . Iminiru IWfJLumlnirat. 4t'J-7 *
WANTI'll 'llmcn for Knulo on rnlliond at
Clnidron , Nub. ; phlp ut So'cloek n. in. Mon
day , .IIIno 7. Call at O'litihn Ciunlionicnt lln-
rcau , 1120 Karnam at. V , O. llcllo-lslu & Co. iG7
W \NTi : Coed t'ltls nt Mrs. I'lnnnnry's
1010 S. 10th st. 170-7 *
\iANTII > Six youiiK mon of jrood nddrcs )
i nnd biislno's ability. Call on ,1 , M. Krenoti
& Co. , I'oom It ) , IHislimuii Illock. 115-10'
\\rANTIJU-2 Inborlns mcii. 1010 Jnckson EL
n IM-S"
" \\7ANTiii-l'ificon : onipfinors to work on
i feedliiir barn nt Ann i. Do IRO Co. , Nub. Kor
Information npply to bl.uw & I'lclu , 251 h and
llaiuoyttj , 4)7-5 *
ANTio llroom-mit'.cri. ( Juiuiia Iltooui
torus. . " 'ill-f
\\ANTio : Yuro steady , oncr.'utio ototi to
' > toll Kchp'o ifooda. Oood wnuos to tbo
ilghlnioa. Apply to A , J , Wood , IIOJDoci ost.
\\rA.S"riu Laborers for radioid work ,
i' gradera nnd track-layers. JJ. a. Albilirht ,
I ibor Agoncy. Ui8 Karnnm , 10J
SlglTA-riok WAMTBD.
\irANTii : > lly B competent mnn. I'osltlon
il us stuivaidor inunascr at sonic rood hotel ,
besiofrslcrtncoj , cull or nUdvess 112) , rnrnum
sticct. Sll. ! )
" \\rANTKIl-Hy a uontrtn , , \ tltuilllon as
> i Doueckoopor , Cali t No. 115 N , Utli st _
_ _ ! ! g. > .7 *
\\rANTii : > lly n JOUIIJT innrrlcil : uan posi
ii tlon In u wnolnfinoor retail hoiuu in the
city , grocery prutvrrud : 5 jeau vxporivnce ;
writes n tulr buslnrn hnnd , bus fomo knowl-
0.10 of booli.COPTIC ; aUo undorrtnnd * typo-
wililiu-HIM can tui-iii = h mnuhire. 1'oad r < Mtr-
fnn-ul\\'ii if nuiuirid. AiiUrcij with paitlcu-
l.ii > , G ' :2-J
\\7ANTnii-Pltuntlon In Jonl cjtato or
* ' trading In land nnd merchandise ) otllcc , M
outside mnn. Compensation nominal Address -
dross nt once " 0 , 13 , " Hee ofPoo. 481-2
\\7ANTii KnfpTojTiicnt In wholoV
tpll urocrry by younp Rnirllstitnnli of ten
years exptrienco In the bulnossof jtcndvhnb-
ItROOCI : I/ndon reference. AddrcM O in , lleo
ollico. 515-8 *
T\7ANTKI > Situation in nrohllcct's onico ns
T tracer , by younif mnn of three jenrs ex-
crlcnco. Addmss O 10 , Ilco olbce. 471-10 *
" \\7ANriD : Man nnd wife seek employment ,
ii mnn to onto for horse ? , etc , wlfo lo do
housework , town orcountry , fnrm orotherwl o.
Addu-ss " (1 ( , H , " lleo ofllco. 4lt-5
\ VAKTiTsituatlon : Uy competent" " iTritK
1 1 plsl often years' experience who Is regis
tered in lown by pxnmlnr.tlon. or would buy
nn Interest In a pnvlnir storo. Address C. E. 11. ,
any-nth 10th si. , Omnhn , Nob. 37.I-5 *
WANTin : situnllonby n nfoadvyounirmnn
on a far in ; n good worker. Address 0 Ib ,
Kco ollice. , bi-7 ! *
I T ANT lin-qituatian nl milker. ' 'AildmM O
> > 15 , II JO olllco. 417-.V
\\7AXTKIl Situation ns shorthand corre-
ii pondontnnd typowritor. ( lood rotoronees.
M,72ii Willow nveune , Council IllnlTs. 4tO 8 J
{ 'T. > iurrny.
" \\TANTI : Itoom und board for n sentlo-
i ' man and his son , ntfcd 12. AdJrciS , irlvlng
terms , tl 7 , lleo olllco. . 457-3 *
\\7ANTKI-.T o deslrnblo unfurnished rooms
Tt In pttvato fntnlly , ccnttnl locution. Hofcr-
cneea oxcbanged. Address J. W , U , 421 S , 12th
WANTKO To buy for cnsh , renl estate
without Improvement ; pilconot tootceea
$ " ,000. Kent estnto agcnti need not appb'Ad -
drcssl' _ . K. i lodmiin.220 N. IQIhal. 41Q-H'
WANTKO To rent two rooms In ( rood locnl-
lly llr > t flnss In ovciry resjicct , with board ,
by a fiontlrninn and wile with ono child. Ad-
druc.s O 1. , Oiiialin lloo. 484-7 *
" \\7ANTin.liyuontiinil : wlforonm and lourd
l' or loom In neighborhood 17th and Dodge.
K 11 Mooto , Herald hulldlnjr. 4 0-5 *
" \\7ANTKI ) To buy a sucond-hand onglno
Tt and bnllor. toiir-hoiso fo wor. C. 11
Maynt-iT'tli ' and Firnnm. \ff \ > ± Ti
W . .VNTiTlio7tnnnd : work of nil kinds by
J , II. Hnynes & Co. , 1511 Dodge st. b05
\\7ANTi : Houses for good toiuinn. J. II.
W Evnns & Co. , 151.1 Doduo. fl3 !
Now 1 rno n houfo"wTfhci torn ,
J' well , etc..Sldoeks lioni nnll works , $12.1)0. )
Theo Olson,218 S Ktli bt. Ml-r.
"I11OII KUNT 5 rtTom lieu e , $12. ln > | iilio ot
.L1 II. r. , nosers , ! ? . K. cor. Ciiiiilntr nnd Snund-
crs. 45S
FOK Iti'NT Small houserooms ! ) , Cap. nvo ,
but. Uth nnd 10th. T. S. Clnrkson.iilU 8.
14th bt. fiai-T
IfHlIt ItiNT-JIoiiso : ll-rooins , bnth looms ,
' clnsi > tx. etc. . No 111 North lilth si , $75.
Stoic r.iomonSt. Muiy'suvo. withllvhiff room
nbnvo , * BO.
Stou 11:0111 : on llth st , ncnr Karnnm ; miiKo
line olllco , > 25.
llrick store , N IJcnr. llth nnd Howard , SVi.
Homo U roonia.rooil tuiin , lldslol sticct near
corners.ii.iideis , Puftur .lime 16th.
C. H. Jlnj-no , Iteal K.stnte and Trust Co. 4SI
Foil ItKNT HOIHOS. A 10 loom house ,
electric ! l'ht , In'nid ' llooi.siales and lur-
naeoerycheap to Itunilv who buy their rloth-
inv of L. O. Jones .V Co. , economy clolhlers , IIWJ
Karuam utrccl. 50..7
Oil ItKNT I room house 3 blocks south of
? Ihuiscom I'aik. cor. tiould nnd Allenbt.45'-7 *
F OK SA1K New U-ioom houso. Ames , 1507
arnnm Bt.
FOlt ItKNT Ono 8 and ono lo loom house
with nil modem linpiovements , In n doslr-
able location , Inqulio of O. K. Dnvls Ac Co. .
1501 Km num. :174 :
Oil KKNT-Sloru btilllmir wllh 4 llvliif
rooms ubovo , situated on 1'nil Hiciidanst ,
bet. Ht. Marysave. and Li'iivenworth. The loon-
tlon atlords a dosliiililn opi'nlnjr lor a bakery ,
siuldloiy und harnct.s or laundry buslnoss. Ap
ply to Win. Klumliitf , llth nnd Douijlus. SI
Foil llllNl' An 8 room house ,
modern impiovomonts and every coiuonl-
ctico,28th and Chl iiro sts. $15 per month with
hum or $25 without barn. C. K. Maync , loth and
Karnam. ! 'V )
FOIl KKNT New fi-room oatti' 0 on 2Ith
and Webster His. Inquire Itoom 15 , Onmhn
National Hank. l'.I. ( rcudon. 'Jll-7
Foil ltiNT : A meat innrKot all cnmplete
and doln r n Rood bitslnoas. Apply ItoDt.
I'uivls,21lS. Hth. 218
tOltltftNT One"Hroom cottaKo ono block
north of Head of St. Mary's uve. , S2. > tier
month. Ore two-story house cor. Phil Sliorldun
and Hull St. , 8 nice rooms , S'M per inonlh. K
T 1'oteiaon & Co.S. K. cor. 15th nnd Douslas
street. 07U
FOlt HINT Two nicely lurinshcd looms on
street car line. 227 ! Ilodgo. filli.12 *
Vr Tloblnsvilh bo.iid at IwF
mim bt. 520-tf
FOIt IlKNT Largo east liont room , 112 S.
23d. 510
i\Oll : I'KNT fj'irso plonsanl furnished room
1 N. W. cor. 2jth and Uodgo. 60U-51
17IOK ItKNT-Funiisbed rooms for Unlit
13 houscKoepimr , f l'i a month on Callfnrnla
near'/i'd. T. S. Clarksou , 210 S. 14th st. 524 i
FOItltllNT l.'urnlsacd rooms , 1707 Cn s st.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j
T71OK ltiXT : 2 handsomely f urni.sheirpnrlo7
-L1 will lent toRuther or aoparatoly ; niodurn
conveniences. 1720 Capitol Avo. 4' < ' .t-5
JTMMl llIJN'T KiirnlsTiod room ; Kt-'iits only.
J InqulrofiOSS. I3tli. _ 47'J-S *
FOK KKNT Lnrtto ally room for two RPII-
tlemoa at 7tx ) S. 10th st. llclcrcnocs 10-
quired. _ 4sri-8
1T1OI ! It iNT riirnishud rooms 120 | ! Cnssbt.
JL1 4W1-11 *
J710K UIINT Nleo furnished front room ;
iciit roasoniibk'iilt ; _ N. Mh st. 4a7-7
II\T Nicely furnished pic ant i-com
for trontlninpii : pleasant locality : * private
Fo JOlB C-ipltol avo. - ' 45-J-lir
TTIOit lllIXT : j uniiirnlshcil rooms with linth
.L1 room and nil con , -01110:10 cs lor housokenp- lamlly without children. 1007 Howaid
st. , , lil lloor. _ _ _ J _ 45QV *
POIt ItKvr-KurnlsUod rooms , $ and $1
per month. rt5 North r.lli at. 4M > 7 *
TjT oit lli : > T Nfeuly'Iu7iihitjud c > oiiis witK
J-1 11)13 ) Dodfc'O. . , : WI-5-
FOlt KiNT Nicely tunuilicd loom willntl
( ovc , No. 525 Kalrvluw St.i tilouli nortli bt.
Mary's avo. U'7-9 *
fjioi. iti'NT ? lv unfurnl'iliod rooihs ,
JH or two In suit : vomloinon prctenod. In-
nuirool lr > L. A , Simona , 1'btttbrobk llloolt , 1U4
N. ICtlibt _ _ . _ . _ : J71 _ _
FOlt HUNT Ono ulco loom nt i2:5 Doclye
Street. 37U
FOlt itKNT Small fumlshod room' cTiuap.
710 N. Ktlijt. _ y _ _ .IBj-B4 _ _
FOlt KiNT : Two furnUhud rooms. Cor.
Lonvcnivprtjijiiiil 2'ith. No. ' 'l.'f Ml'8'
"ITlOlt HUNT Two store | -oom qn Ifltu atn'ot ,
A.1 Water , ttns and unvor vonnoctlons , ' The
C.liMayno and Trust Co. , cor. Hth nnd Knrnain.
_ _ _ _ _ _ | _ SJl _
T7 < Oll Itl'XT rorllyht hou'okoeplne , rooms
I' furnished or unfurnished , In lloemor's
Illodr. cor.lJlirJitU.uiid Howard , _ _ JW _
triOll ItlINT Lurtro furnished front room
1 with alcove 2513 Dodito st. In-
- ' L. I'loiaon \ Co. 201
3JMHI ItlINT Nicely fiiriilshoi rooms , with
1 bonid , 714 N , lotti st. 233
r II UNT-Purnlabo J robtua. Wil CuTTitoI
ce 3'
FOK IlKNT A ftirnWied loom 111 n prlvuto
ln'ntU' ' _ Adilroi * 1'5 * . flco olllcu. 2il
- noit UKNT-Kurnlsbod rooms ; terms low.
J1 ; ' 02. lliirnoy & 1J-5 *
Foil ituxT Kurnishud ) oem witlj or'wlih.
out board. Apply to 1114 N. 17lh st. liJ _ _
'ClOlf ItKNT onico room on ni-.t ttoir. In-
-L quire U. C. I'attouon , Iron llunlc lltiildln ; ,
OlTTlKNT An excellent baseinent. , VW mid
511 S 13th Et. ; a stores on Oti | and Douglas ,
aml2 stores on .v.d nnd Cumltiir. IMuIscn "c Co. ,
1513 Knrnnm. KY7
n oit'itKNT-FuinUbed rooms. 1810 Dodifo ,
POK ll : XT flood furnlshoJ rooms , looutlon
central , Inrjuiro at Atkinson's Millinery ,
_ _ _
ivrrit mlNl'-Dcs ! * mom. Uush A ; Sulby.218
fl S-Ji'L1 ' 8tr _ 'j1 ' . .
rnoil UKXr A nicely furnUned room , 10JJ
-1 ? Uouglaist. 801
FOl MAI.Il-UOU3I)3-IiOT3 ,
W Lulcst addition ,
linns from
Hamilton tu
Cumin ? iitreuis.
Splendid lx > tl ,
CunnliiKhnm i Uroniian-
. ' 1511 Dodge , , M7-6
73 AUK KOIinSTIols : best nnd cheapest : cverr
1 roortnnn shouldhnicone , $250 to $ .10) : $10
down Hoggs "KJWI 110j Fiirnam st. 500-5
TxMtTHAOKKby lonffodds ttiomoM"beaut [ ?
w fully locntpdjadijltluii on the market. tQ7-5
' " " "
oll"SATiUr "TcottiigeT
trade. In Ambler
riflcc. Will trodnor foUouloiifr time. Ills
gins * t 1'nr.t , 15 | DoUflas. 104-3
/-lAUTHAOi : Uits'nro Just half the prlco of
V-/Jols In the lintncdlnlo vlcln ty. 507-5
OK SAM * S Coftnpes nnd lotroiTsOth nnd
Qrnco , f-'iX ) onsh. bnl $ JO per inonlh. These
counties nro n bnrcnln at the prlco askoJ. Hlg-
gins A 1'ark , 1522 Douglas. MO-t *
AHTHAOi : Is the be > t Investment.
' i E07-5
"irioil SAM : LoTs In Lincoln place , $425 7o
-L1 $475 , easy terms. HUghis tc 1'ark. 15S
Douglas. - 6'J9-3 '
/1AHTIIAGH will have nil the advantages of
\J the licit Line depot and the cable cnrs. 607-5
TjAHICFoilKSTlots ; best and chonpost : every
.1- poor man should hnvo one , $259 to f * > 00 : $10
down. Hoggs X Hill , U03 Knrnnm st. 500-5
/"lAHTHAOl : Oo out Cumlng- stand see this
\J beautiful nldlllon , nnd then visit Cunning-
Imm .V llrcnnnn's olllco nnd secure n lot. fOK >
BK.DICK'9 OHOVi : will mnko you money us
nn Itnostment on account of location ,
nonrnuM to uushic s nnd prices nnd terms
irlvnn. Lots Pelllnir nt $700 tol,50J. Amos Uoul
Kstnto Aconcy , 1507 I'm mini st. Dffl
CAHTHAOH If you want n corner lot on
Cumlng st.mll at our olllco nt once. , Cun
ningham A ; llromian , 1511 Dodge. 507- " .
TMIl'troIlKSTInts : best and cheapest ; every
J. poor mnn should have ono , $250 to $ CO ) : $10
down.llo _ gs Ar Hill , 1408 Kartmin st. r > 00- ; ' '
CAHTHAOK If you want n corner lot on
Hamilton st , cull nt our olllco. Cunningham
& ll.ciimui , 1511 Dodge. 507-5
171O11 SA f.n ticvoiiil lots In Lincoln I'lnco "for
Jsnlo cheap on long time , Hlgglns & 1'ark.
CAUTHAI1U lots will pell quicker tlmu nny
olhor addition olleredtbls } our. 507-5
IAUKKOUr.8Tlot.sjbostnndchcnpnst : every
. poor mun should hnvo ono , $25J to JoOO ; $10
down. Hoggs Hill , 1403 Karnnm sU 500-5
CAUTHAQK The county commissioners have
decided to Rrado Nlctiohis st to this addi
tion. Wo will sell corner lots on st lor
S4UO , for ono week only. Cunningham A ; Dren-
nan , 1511 loeje. ; 507-5
" '
ircirATlin'mi. ! , lots fell on tholr merits.
Low prices nml easy lorms vlvon , Call at
The C. E. Mnyno and Trust Co.'s olllco nnd net n
plat. 203
CAinilACK A lot In this addition Is nnnb-
soliitely safe InvcMmont.iind a largo annual
Increase. In vnlito l.s certain. 507-u
I > a.lllC KOUG3T lolc ; best nnd chonpost : u\ery
poor man slnuld have < inc , $250 to t4IM ; $10
down , llofgs A : Hill. 1103 Knrnnm St. 501-5
C AllTIIAOK lots are now on the market. No
rtsnrro lots hero. Tnko your choice. 507-5
KEDICIv'S OltOVK You should seo'iitid coiT
slder for youisolvos Its ndvunt.iiies tor In-
vestment. Lots as near business as those , are
a sale Investment at $700 to $1,500 a lot. Amis
Itcnl Kitnto ARoncy , 1507 Karnnm si. USD
OAllTIIAOi : Kor ono week wo jrlvo special
inducements to puiclmsu In this bcnutltul
addition. Iluy this week and savo25 per cent.
Cunningham X Ureutiiiii , 1511 Uocliro. W)7-f ) >
"I ) AUK KOltnSTlots : best nnd cheapest : o\ cry
J poor man should have ono , $250 to SaOO ; $10
down. Hoggs A : Hill , ll'JS ' Karnam st. fiOJ-5
OAUTIIACiK The best residences In Omaha
will undoubtedlybe In the west part of the
oily. See Carllui&u tnid then see every other
addition , and you will bo convinced that Cnr-
tluuro Is the best-iu\d cheapest. Cmmliurlmm
\ Uicniinn , 1511 flidRe. 507-5
rAVElf STiariiTS to within ono nlock of
Iledlck's ( iii rc. only strciiRthoii that most
dcslniblu spot for.iMSidonco. Como und ECO tor
yourself. [ - , j AMf.8,1507 Karnam. 710
\J T511 DodROHt. .
Are solo tiRonts for
Kribl. ; best nnd cheapest ; every
-L poor man should have one , $2".0 to t.OJ ! : $10
down. llOKKSAiHlll , HOS Karnam st. WXJ5
CAHTHAOi : Wnjing street will bo paved this
year. The liorSb tars will run to Dr. Mer-
cor's icsldciio ; ilifbublo ears will run In the
direction of CirflAigu ; the licit Line depot will
bo situated two blocks lioni it. Ifyouwlshto
boeomo propciojs with thu west side , buy a lot
In Caithinrono.xJygok. . 507-5
B13DICICS ; OROyi" ' Is Insldo nny residence lo
cation now for snlo at$70Jto $ lr > 0r ) per lot.
Como nnd sou it. Ames Heal Kslnto Asoni'y ,
1507 Knrnnin St. 'J80
CAUTHAOK The first nurchnsori In this ad
dition will haon decided ad\nntngc. WJ7-5
I AUK KOKKS'l lots ; boat and cheapen ; o\oiy
J poor man tbuuld hn\o ono , iU.VJ to * : > jij ; JIU
down. loigsHill ! , 140i Kurnam St. 500-5
CAHTHAGK Moio money to lib mndo on lots
in this addition than in any other Invest
ment. G07.5
BEDICK'S ( IHOVIi will mnko you money as
un Investment on account of location ,
nenrness to buslnu'-s and pr.'oos and terms
Klven , I < ots selling ut $700 to $1,500. Ames Hual
Kstato AjfencyjjrH ) Karnnm st. ; )8D )
CAHTIIAQK Duriiifr the coming week con
veyances will leave our olllco every hour
tromlt n. m. to 5 p. m. , for Cnrthngo. Cunning
ham Av Ilrcnnnii , 1511 Dodge. 507.5
IJAHIv KOIIEST lotsrbe't and cheapest ; ovi-ry
pcor mnn should bin o one , $250 lo WOO : * 10
down. llojjgsA ; Hill , HOS I'ninambt. 500-5
CAIlTHAGK-'lhls Is no "wild cat" addition.
A lot here Is a safe and solid investment. 51)7 5
Foil .SALK 3 cnttiiRCS nt n bniRUln , rt blocks
Irom Cum nlngbt.ilrooms , city water , line
Krutoln ent'h , $25' ) cash , 1mlS23 per month , lilt'-
Bins & 1'ark , Ki Douglas. ' 4GI-3
CAllTHAGi : to thofront. Now Is tlio tlmoTnr
poi.snn of fiinall means to make u rood
Investment. 507-5
IJAItK KOIt35TloH ! ; best and cheapest : oiery
poor iiian should hnvu ono , J250 to JIO ) , 10
down , liojtgs Ac Hill , HOS Karnam st. IM-b
CAIITHAGlJIs the place to buy n lot If jou
want to bultd n home , that will bo easy dis
tance Irom the cable cars , the horse cuis , the
htuiimcu.- . 507-5
Foil SAM : Klnu corner lot on 2'd st , with
trmid barn. Will tell cheap or will build
| IOIIM > to suit purchaser. S2iO cnsh , bal small
moiuhly piiymonts. Hlgsliu & I'ark , 15'2 Douy ; .
astir 401-8
C lAltTJIAfJi : Oo out to CnrtliiiBO andsto tiiu
bulldlnir boom In thu vicinity. C07-5
OMAHA VIEW lots now foundry .cheap
est in iniukot , "r.'lW to.70i ) , $10 to C25 ciisli.
Hoggs A- Hill , Ut > ul E-liito , 1108 Karnam Hi. JW'i
CAHTHAUi-Wo : want 250 people who will
build houses In Caithairo. Consider ol ) the
ndvantneod which the pluco itifonU. Cuminu-
hum X lircnnan , loll DudKo" 5u7-5
. snlu unciits. 15' > 7 Karn 1111 il.
Chenpi st Its ,
llest Lota ,
Lots on
Cum nsticot ,
haul itrcct ,
Nlcholns stieot ,
Ctildwell btreot ,
Hamilton sticct ,
Cniinlnutiiim \ llrennan ,
iSll'IWdno ' street. 607-5
OMAHA VIKVV jou'noiir now loundiy , cheap-
cst In markcJpMSn : lo t57tO , * 10 to t'tt cuali.
Hi s-3 \ Hill , Heal l.jtttto , II Oi Fain tun Rt
400 I'usl.frout on Delaware street , Hnnscom
pliico , boautlfiil lot g ' ,10-3. Lovjrrcn &
Wilde , 1501 Knrnain ttroat. list
OMAHA VIKV lotsticar now foundry , cheap-
cst In market , jiUJ lo % 7iK ) , $10 to f 3 cn li.
lloi'f.s & Hill , Haul Kctuto , IDS I'nrnnm st. MJ-5
FOK itliNTjiishcir front rooms wltn
alcn\o. 5251nirtiuw street , ! ' ! blonk fioin
at. Mnrj 'a avo. _ 40'J-b
OMAHA VII'\JiJots iKiirnew foundry , olieaii-
e t Iu mm kchl"Jto ) * 7t)0 ) , flU tu fSi rnli.
lloKgs \ Hill , HeJrirnatc , 1 10 i Varnam l. 5yj 5
FOlt SAM : JfXrfftnrtwolOrt onlhoeouier.
east uml norWi routs , near Luku tt. , Hush &
Selby , 2l8ri , 15th 4 s 51.
OMAHA Yll'.W i'liicst location in the city.
Houses built on cay pn > incuts. Lois $300
to $700. lioi'ijs A : Hill , ical Cat.Ue , 110 : Karnam
bticut 60 > 5
TTIOII SAI.K Dwolllnirs at nil prices and In nil
JU purt of tbocity. Kubh t Sclby , 21d S. 16th
61 n ft. 512
un easy payments.
to $7UU. liUfKS A ; ami , vful , estate , H'Jb Kunmm
street. . 60J
"IJ10H SjAM : Hujtill cash pajmenn nnd bat-
L' anco inont'ily payments lor d' . > ellln ! i cen
trally Ucato.l , { I.7UJ to $1SOO. liujh , V St'lby ,
218 ri. 15lh at. 512
OMAHA VIi\V-Klno : = t locution In the city.
Homes built on easy payments. Ixita 0
to S70J. Hoggs & Hill , ml osttto , 1103 Kainum
sttt'ct 60J-5
T > BrHOK'8 ( JIlO\rK Nearestboh und chcap-
JV eit ot In Oinnhu , n$701 tn fl.SM per lot.
i'.Itcul lotutuAacucy , 1J07 tilruatu et. U30
AfAKKmoney now Clo ln out bnlnnco of our 1'nrk
; * Kurcnlntiilurlacttipnctt nvc < lAj . $ JV ) to SMU
JlOrtoirn , HORJrs A Illll , Iteal KiUtc , HIM ( lirniini t ,
* * "
TU3T think of It. Tno lots pn t fionts nnd
tl near Mrect cnr * for only * 1/U ftl I
" * - _ _ _ . i i .
TV ] AKKTiionpy'iiiTtr ClonlnViiiirluilnnro uf o"tir 1'iirk
"l * orp tlots itiirlnK next nvo ilnj , fiVl toi wIO :
A Illll , Itrnl Kdtate , 1103 Knrnnrast.
FOlt SAM : t ? : in tin nddltons lo
Omnhn , Tor snlo by Hush A ; Sclby , 2183. 15th
at. , 515
: On monthly piyniBnt ,3cottn ro.s
. . of S rooms unch , ono intlo from poslofllco.
l'3niiilroof | Win. ( Jyijer. nt DowoyA-Stono's. 014
O MAHA Vir.W lots noir new foundry , cheap
est in market , $ HJ ) to $700. tit ) to ( .25 ca h.
.V Hill , Heal r.state , 140) ) Knrnnm at. AM-5
, as ncarstorcs , schools and chinches ,
Como und sen tho'o lots. Amos' HonJ I'itnto
ARcncy , 1607 Fiiruani st. 3S3
Bi:3T : bnie ilnn tn city. I'lcftnnt lots In Omnhn
View , ClvO to $700 , easy payments. HOURS &
Hill. 6OT-5
RKDICK'S 01UVK-7COtotliOOalot. ) They
JLW nro n klncr three times this prlco lor lots
further out Amoj Heal Ustnto Agency. l.Vj"
Knrnnm , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Bl'sT Tinr nlno In oily. Klopnnt lots In Omnlin
View , t3Xlo ) J700 , eniiy puyments. HORRS &
Hill. 6005
EKDICK'S ' OHOVR-Only lots ns near busT
ness , ns nenr stores , soliools and churches ,
Como and fun thc o lots. Amos' Heal Katnto
'AKeney. " * ' 1507 Kninnm st. _ B'O _
1'ST bnrcntns In city. Klounnt lots In Omaha
View , flOO tn $703 , easy puyments. llogirs i-
Hill. 503-5
KlifURiTS tTliOVK-Only lot aT non"r"bir87
ness , ns nonr stores , echools nnd churches.
Como nnd see thojo lots. Ames' Itoal ISitnto
Auoiiuy , 16)7 ) Knrnam st. _ JIM
BKST biirirnlns In city. Uleunnt lots in Omnlin
Vlow , $ , wo to $700' easy paj ments , lloifrs At
Hill. COO-5
Tj1tll SALE On Knrnam st nenr court homo ,
JL' a line lot ut abnnrnln.irsold within the next
few days. HlKKlns li 1'ark , 1522 Douglas st. 401-8
BEST barir > * lns In city. Klcgnnt lots In Omaha
Vlow , J3tO to t' < 03 , easy payments , lloz s Ac
BlIDICIv'S OHOVKis msldn any rosldenco lo
cation now lor sale nt J70J to $1,500 per lot.
Como nnd eu It. Ames Heal Kjtatc Aifcnoy ,
1507 Knrnain st. _ oM _
BUST bni-Rnlns In city. EleKiint lots In Omaha
View , $3,0 to $700 , easy pay uioniB. HOKKS &
Hill. _ _ _ ! _ _ _ _ ' _ S ° ? i _
Irufu SALK-Seven choicoit'Kllby Pluce lots ,
' $ S5) ) ouch. A. 1' . Tukey , 13)1 ) Knninm at. 14 J
BK.ST tinrirnln ? In dty. r.ltnnl } ; lota In Omnlin
Vlow , J'.OJ to $7W ) , eniy ptiymcnts. Itom-s &
Hill. MO-5
_ _ _ _ _ _
irmciTs filbvr.-Ho feet nom paved
street. Yi block trnin 'JHlb bt. sthool liniiso ,
$7rx ) to tl.MlO per lot. Amos' Ueal Kstntu
tU'iii nun si. iM
BKST bniRnins In city. I'lcR-anl lots In Onmhn
Vlow , iJSOOto $70J , unsy payments. BoiRS& (
Hill. 6005
_ _
174111 SAI.K-CottnRns on Ohio . Small cn li
Jpnyivent , bnl ? 25 per month. 451-8
BKST bniKiiltit In cltjElegnnt lots In Omiilm
Vlow , $300 to 5700 , easy pajmonts. Hones &
KKDICIC'S ( IHOYK-Nearest , best and chonp-
esllot.s In Omahn. nt tTlrt to $1,60) ) per lot.
Amos' Heal I'btnto Agency , 1" > 07 Km imm st , a > 0
BKST bait-'airiH In city. Kluxnnt lots In Onmlin
Vluw , SJOJto $70D , easy pnyinents. lliijrirs > \ :
Hill. 600-5
KlTlCK'8 ( } ItOVE-Only lesldoivo lots fo bo
had at llRiiro * asked , > > ellii.r | lust nt S70J to
$1,500 per lot. AMI.S KUAI. KsrTE Atniscv ,
420-5 150' ( h'ainiini st.
OMAHA V1KW Kinest locution in the city.
Houses built on ea < y payments. Lots J'i'JU '
to f 700. Hoggs A : Illll , real estivtc , H08 Karnnm
street. POO-3
LAST CHANCK.-1'ark Koiosttlots must nil bo
sold during next 5 dajg. tlU s.cnroono. .
Sin u to double within il months. I'rlLb $ ' 50 to
iU)0. ) llofgs & Hill , llcal Es'.uto , 1408 Knrruim st.
O MAHA VIi\V-W : tr , f.2,00'1 will buy you n
splondld house nnd lot. Kasy pnymonts.
K.S A. Hill. fiUD-r >
REDICK'S OKOVR-You should see und con
sider for yourselves Its advantages lor In
vestment. Lots ns ncnrbuslni'FRasthosi ) , nro n
snfo Investment nt f70 > to $1,500 n lot. Ames
Itonl Kstnto ARcncy , 1507 Karnnm st. 3l <
OMAHA VII'.W $800 to $2ob"owlll buy you u
splendid bouse und lot. Busy payments.
HOKBS Us Hill. 6W5
Park Koroat lott m'istnll be
sold dnrlnu uoxt 5 diiys. 510 secures one.
Sure to donblu within 3 months. 1'rlcu ? .TO to
$ . W. Uot'KS & Hill , Heal Kstuto , HOB Ka : ivun nt.
Foil SALK Seven lots , Kilby I'liico. on
Dodge st , SI , 200 for all. GrHlitim . Ilcna-
wa , CieUhton Hlock. 421-5
AST CIIAXCK. I'nrlc Forest lots must nil bo
bolddurinpr no.xt 5 days. 10 ncuiires one ,
Sure todoublc within : ) months , Price * 2" > 0 to
J30J. llotrgs & Hill , Heal Ktatc , 1403 Karn.un at.
POIt SA ! . ! ; Residence property and vncHiit
lots In every addlllon In Omnhn. Terms to
suit puicbasor. Also desliablo buslnoss prop
erty. Qlbson , Larson Ac Co. , Itoom 3 , Wltlinoll
Illock. 152
LAST CIIANCR. 1'nrk Koiost lots must all bo
bold dininirtioU Fi days. $10 bocilres onu.
Sure to double within 3 months. I'rlco ? 2'iO to
$ -00. lloffgs.V Hill , Heal T.-tate , 1403 Kninnmst.
KT5IctfS 7TtOVK iTo feet irom paved
1 street , H block Horn 28th st. school house ,
J''X ) per lot. Ames' Ko.U Kstuto
.igoncy , 1507 rnrnum sf. WJ I
AST'lANl'-l'nrk Forest lot- ) must all bo
> gold during next -5 day.s. 10 fouincs ono
Siiiutodontiluwlthin II months. Price. $250 to
? 300. JlojfCb Hill , Heal Ksluto , 1103 Karntim bt.
5fX ) 5
RKDICR'S GHOVK-110 leot from puvod
1 btroct. ' , ; block from 2Sth 81. Hcbnol ho.isu ,
$703 to fl,5'jO per lot. Amos' llr-al K-tatu
Aijuncy , 1607 I'nriinm . 3 < ' 1
rAST CHANCK. 1'ark forest I.otsiniist till bu
J no&t G diy * S10 soudros ono.
bureto double wl'lilti'l months. Price $2.Vl to
SIM ) . Ilofgs XHbl , Koal r.stato , 1403 rarimm st.
60 > 2
OHOVi : I'onie an 1 see the value
o I Ihcsolots lorlnvcstment. Youcnnmuko
more money on those lots ut 6700 to J1.50) ) than
nnywbcroolso. Ames Itoal I'stato Ascncy.1507
V'urntiin si , 42'l 3
AST"CHANCn 7'iirii forest lots must all bo
J sold dnrlnir no\t 5 days $10 socnrus one.
Surptodoiililo within J month * . I'rlco $ , ' 50 to
fJW. ItORSfb & Hill , Itoul Iv tnto , 1408 Knninm St.
5U-5 )
17\'OK"SAI.i : nio line Iiit , Ullliy I'lnro ndd. ,
-I nour Dodpo it , $700 ciioh , Grabnm & lien-
ana , Crultfhiou Illoou. 4.'l-6
CIIANCI'--l'iirk Koiost lots nuiat ell bo
i-old dnrlnp no t lidajp , J10 tieciiroi ono.
Suiolo double within J months. 1'iiou S'l'jO lo
Hllljltoni llst.ito , ! ! 031'iirnam t
KI'DICK'3 UIIOVK Kiirnum street rnis.cnblo
cars , un elegant residence purt of Omaha ,
all combine to mulio this propeiiy deslrablo :
$703 to 5-1,0) a lot. Ames itoiil KiuUu Agency ,
nOTKuiimui et , DtU
T A'Sr'cTlANCE , T'urU Koicst lots must all bo
-LJ sold durlntr next 5 days , ilusccuin ono.
Suio In donblu within 3 moiUlH. 1'rico C'50 in
Hill. Heal Katiuo 1403 Kurnair. et.
FOlt SAM ! Buslne , lot , corner , on Undyo ,
67'iao. Urnhum J > .iaivn. 421-5
AST CHANCK.I'nrbiHonet lots mii5t nil bu
foldilurlnj next 6div'a , % 'lu bceuics ono.
Sure tn double wiihln il ; pcnth3 I'rco ! S-.riUio
$300. llogssA ; Hill , Itcit Uitntc , HOi 1'arr.nHi st.
pKDICK'S GHOVH i urnnm sli pet cars , otiblo
JV i-aii ) , nn eleKiuit roji\once | \ part of Otnnlui ,
all comblnu to nml.u tl < property defirublci ;
S'lUMoll.VJOitlot. Amtl Itcnl Tstuto Aaoney ,
0 W
3" ) lots loft In 1'iirk I'm cat lo bo co-ud !
out next 5 diiis. i2V ) lo fijO-flo : down
Hill , Ken ) I'-lnto , 110 I'urmunBt. L'U. ' J
BK.DIOK'S liltoVH-W.itrocnn you findloU
located n mile lioni pojtollfcu nl ? 7i > MO
$1,000. They are aokitib'thrcn tunes HIM pi Ice
lor lot * lurthcr out. Amoa' Kstuto
Agency , 15'J71'urnnm. 4id-5
25 lots left In f'aTl ; Korost to l > e
out niixl 5 ihifs. STiO to SWO-5IU down.
UOXXH\ Hill , Heal Kstat'o Hoal'iirniunet 5x > 5
( ) Tnj.\LK Lot on 'hnmllton ' st , f'.lO ' )
Oruhani A ; llunuwa , lid fi. 15th st. 4J1-5
ONLY 21 jots loft iu J'lirtc I'orejt to bo closed
out nuU 6 duys. 5250 lo JJOO $10 down.
Itoytrs A : Hill , Iteul ) ' . - < tato.-IiOS Knrnam st. VM-5
' : ( ' , itAiti'Als Kino &aoro lots , nil
toirothor. In Hlmobivuah' aldll'on. ' M'lat
bo sold right away. 1'rlce per ncru , ? W ) . It. U.
I'utterson.lUh and Douglus. in1
O NLY 2o lots Iclt in 1'oik 1'ortst tqboclOH'd
out neitG dt > a. ? 2iO to &M jJO down.
E tatu , 119 * Pariinm tt , MilO
IMHCK-d ( JHOVB-SiiotUl * propiiriy.bofors
B buyliDr ; consider Its vnlu * . It Isrhonpat
Ut * l,5 ) per Jot. AIUCJ' llcul 1'iiatu
y , 1W ; i'uru-iin. 4iii'i
$250 TO S.ioo cftn bo made on crery lot you
buy of in in 1'ark KoreM within 3 month * .
CIoMnR them out tt bedrock prices. Now Is the
time to buy f 10 dawn , naffft , t Hill , llrnl Ks
tnti' , HOS Kiiinnm > t. 600-05
SALU-.loncs' addition , electric llfrh
I' irranlto strccti and ever ) tiling flrt tlas ,
1300 Karimm st.
Motis' otjllslt seersucker coat and vests $2.00.
Wens liner quality summer couts and vests ,
Mi ns' flncf t silk I'on jco fonts nnd vest' , $8.00.
Mens' neat nnd tasty nil suit * , 7.00.
Metis' stylish plaid cns-lmnre suits , flJ 00
Mcns' Kiutllsh worsted suit * , ? 120J
Metis' suits to ordor. nlco patterns , JJ.5.0J.
Metis dross suits to order , $ -5 1X1.
llt-meiiibcr the number , $13uU Knrnntn street.
Foil MALI : 3 nures In llnrknlow'g nub-dill-
slon.rRit.front ; t shares In Onmhn li.ilry
association : Itwo-sented bURiy ; 4 nno btuhor
chairs. 214 S. 12th ft. CHI
OMAHA VIEW lots near new foundry , chenp-
ostlnmnrket , ; : inoto f70) , Slit to fr , cnsii.
DORRS \ Hill , Itonl r.ftnte , ll.w Knrnim fit , 500-fi
RKDICK'S tUlOVK-Yoil should see nnd cotiT
alder for yourselves Its ndvnntnircs lor In-
vestment. Lots ns nenr buslnoss ns these , arc n
safe Investment nt (700 to flM > J loU Ames
llonl K.stnto Ai-om-y , 1507 Knrnam st. :1M : _
OMAHA VIKW lots near now foundry , clienp-
e't In tnnikct , $ , K > J to ? 7iM , (10 tu J-A oush.
HOI-KS .V llll , Ilenl Hstnte , 1403 Knrnnm st. f > 005
I" 7011 sAiniKtvcT acres In
Mon. lot 2' , Omaha Kor Information nd-
dress I' T , Smith , Heo olllee , Lincoln , : i6"-i * _ _
O MAHA VIKW lols near now foundry , cheapest -
est In market , $ 'loo to $7W , $10 tu fc6 ! cash.
Hill , Heal K.Mnlo , 1103 Karnnm st. fiOO-5
13 will mnko you inonur us
nn Investment on account of locution , to business nnd price * and terms
clvcn. Lots snlllnir nt $70) ) to $1,500. Ames Uoul
Kslnlo.\Konoy , 1507 K.uniimst. 380
O MAHA VIEW lols nonr now foilndiy.chonp-
estl n market , $ ! 0) to J.700 , $10to $ . ' > cusli.
Hill. Heal Eslnlo , UPS Kaninm st. 500-5
F O if'SAl , K Tw o eTdxiTn l east front corner
lots In llurr Onk : natural slnido trcos.
Hatcher , ( Indd & Co. , 1210 Douithis street , Mil bird
hotel block Omaha , Noli. Ml
O MAHA VIKW lots near new foundry , cheap-
cat In maikot , * HD ) lo $700 , $10 to $25 wish.
llo , Iteal Extalp , 14'J3 ' Karnnin Rt. 5UO-5
NLY 25 loti loft In 1'arlc Forest to bo closed
out next fi days $250 to $ . W-S1U don n.
- Hill , Itonl ICstnte , 1403 Knrnain ft. WKKl
IflOisAM-Corne : lot , Shlnn'fl 2nd ndd. ,
' rhcnpat$9M. tirnlmm llonairn , Crelgh-
ton llloek. 121-5
N'LY 25 lots loft In Park Poreslto bo ilu ed
_ out next 5 days. { 25(1 ( to ? : iJO-lll down.
I ) o gpa& Hill Itoal Ustnle , U08 Kiirimm > t. M/1-5
EDICK'S UltOVK-Ames Itcnl IMnio Aen- (
vy < 1010 n ents. 1507 Parnnin tit. _ ; ia5
21 lots loft In 1'nrk Korest , to bo closed
out next 5 dnvs $250 lo SJJ-$10 : down.
llotfjs ( > V Hill , llonl Ritnte , llOHl < 'iirnatn Et. 600-5
SAI.I2 narunln Lot on Vltglnla a\oT ,
SSCC Otnhnm A : Ilcnnwa , CrelRblon Illock.
O NLY 25 lots 13,1 In 1'ark 1'orest to bo closed
out noxl 5 dnyi. f2.VI tn $ ! -f 10 down
, Haul I'ttato , 140S Fnniiini st. 500-5
liDICK'S O mvr.-Tho onlj lots In the city
n mile from po ° lollio ! at $70 Mo * l,500eii8y
toinn. Ainca' Kstnle Agency , 1501 Kninnm
STi lots loft In 1'ai k forest lo bu clo o 1
ONLY next 5 dnvs. S2-,0 to flMU frill down.
Uofis&lllllHoil ( ratalo.HOJ l-'nrnnm ft. 601-5
FOItSAM : Tivo KOHlots \ , Hnnscom I'nou ,
$1,0")0 ouch. ( Jriihuni & llonnwu. 421-5
'NU SS lots loll InT'niFKorost to bo closed
O out no\t5dnys. $250 to $ ; ) ) $10 down.
& Hill , Heal Kstnto , 1108 Kurnamst. 500-1
RI3IICK'S -Karnnnistree'"ca"rs7eiilld
cars , an olcKiint insldenco part of Oinalia ,
nil eomlilno to mnku thlH jiropoity desirable ;
S700 to SI.'OOu lot. Amos Heal Kstato Awi'iiey ,
1J07 Kt.rnii.iii bt. "
FOR SAIK Twenty lots. KllDy IMauu , nciir
Dodse Kt , ? 750 to $ i5 ] , Graham & Ilrnnna ,
CrclKhton Uloclc. 4-M-5
FOR SAI.1C Vivo di'Slrublo Am Dior plnue
lots nt n bniKiiln II sold within n few days
Imiuuuof Hlsdon .vComstock ; , Meiehunts Na-
tlonnl bank bnlldlntr , Itoom 1 , \ii--t | ilis. 4U4
T-jKIICK'SlUOVK ( Lots on Harnoy nnd How-
± 4 in lists , in Hediek's Oiovu , at fiOO to $1,500.
lleioisuchanuo foriosldonco lots at n bnwiln.
Ames llual r.slalo AKuncylu07 Kuril Jin. 42i-5 )
; jno TO ! : ( [ ) ( > can bo made on c\ery lot you
buy ol' us In I'aik 1'oioat within : i months.
Closliur tliom out at bedrock prices. Now Is tlio
llmotobiiy. f 10 down. IJojrgs > v : Hill. Heal Mst -
t tu , I4C8 Knnmm f-t , 5TO-5
FOlt SAr.lC A jrooil linpiovod farm , 1IW
ncros , 10 miles fioin Omaha. K. M. Cenliia ,
H08 Douglas sti-cot. 441
line TO SKIO : can bo maile on every lot > ou
$ buy of us In I'nrk Voro't within ; i months.
Closing them nut at bedrock piieos. Noiv Is the
time to buy. f 10 down. Dogga S : Illll , Itcnl ICs-
talc , 1108 Knrnnm st. 6005.
' OROVK oilers best Inducements
In teuns. prleca 4ind locution of any prop-
urty in this miirkot. See thesu lol.s selllnjr nt
ijTOil to 1,500 and bo convinced. Amos' Ituiil
Kstnto ABQUoy. 1507 F.iirmm Bt. 42U-5
. (0 ( TO saoo cnn be mndo on o\ory lot you
$ buy of ua In 1'nrk Korost within : i month" .
Closlnir them on tat bedrock prices. Now Is the
timolobuv. flOdown. lloirifsi : Illll , Heal Ks-
tutu , 1104 1 uriinm bt. r > M-2 )
FOK'JAl.l- : Or Tr.vto-lmprovcl and ilnlm-
piovoJlamH in Kurims nnd ot lor wosturn
couiillm. Address Win Sltncral , Ar.ipn Wa ,
KurniwCo. Nob. 75
$ 'jSOTO ( Silion be made on every lot you
buy of us iu 1'ar'c I'orcst within J months.
Closlntfthi'in out atbidiock prices Now Is the
ttinutnhuy. $ IOdowu. llostfa A ; Hill , Iteal Us-
tnto , 141)3 ) I'm mini M. 500-5
' OIIOVR Amos Itcnl Estate Ason-
cy , solo iiKonts. 15J7 Karaani bt. 5
! ifiOTO * ; ! ( > can ho made an every lot you
$ buy of us In 1'iuk Koiest wllliln : t months.
Closlnjrtliom out at bedrock prlcin , Now is the
liipotobuy. SlOdown. llOffSoA : Hill , Heal 13-
tntu , llUiiuinnni at. 600 fi
f r > olt SA 1. 1 : Improved and nnlinprovod tnrm
i < lands , filbiou , Lurson A : Co , Itoom 'J ,
Wllbnell Illork 151
BOIClT' ? OltOVi : Nearest , bon nnd chonp-
est lolBlnOuiBha.Jit * 7'W Ir. $ l.rOJ per lot.
Ames HealEstnU _ ) Agency. I'i07 I'liriianibt. libil
MAICi : money now. Closing nut balance of
our 1'uikKorest lots , durlivrnoxt live daj
nt $25) ) tor.l > i , $10 down , llo 'd > V Hill , ical
fsiniu , I ICS Km niiin St. 61)0.3 )
oTn-XClfANtJlTIf 0,000 stooli drVKOods ( or
JU 0r. : ha pioporty. Archer Ac I'ltch , iS ! ) H
16th SI. _ 40.-I
MAKi ; money now. Closing out hnlnneti of
o irl'ur' Korea t L3ifdurlnir next llvuda > s
at i'.Vi ; ti > .voil.l. $10 do\\n. \ Jo ! ; j3 i Illll , ical
cdtnlo , 1 10S 1'iirn.tii ) St. VHJi '
BttinCK'S OUOVn-Ucst lots for the money ;
SMhsi. jehool honsu lust biijond ; paved
itrcnl within 110 feet : lota $ ; oatu $1,11X1. Ami'- , '
Heal KMnlo Apcncy , U07 rnriiiun et. 430-5
VIGW-llousu ? built on jiaymenti ) .
OMAHA , sivhil ; location , { 'IOu to f70o ,
Incrcnslng very tnbt. Ilnrgnlni. Hoggs \ Illll.
HAN5COM I'LACUCorner lot on Oeorefw
A vi- . , t./WO.
Kt3l : Ironl on Ocor ln Ave. , SIfD9.
Corner on I'hll SliorMupt.l-'X ) .
Coiiioron Vlrj/uiln Avu. , " . 1-.W.
Knit fiotit on Ylrxlnla Ave , f 1,001.
JCaft iront on Virginia Avu. , 11,100.
\V it front on Virginia Avu , tl.O
\Vcat Ironl onOeorala Avc . S-l/jV ) .
I'.a-l Irnnt no Dalnwiiio St. , $ ! / ? ' > .
l'.n-t f mnt on Uulliurlne at , , f lW5.
'Jwnonst hunts on I'arli Avu. , cach f 1,000.
Hibt : Irontj on I'hliyiicrldnu , f'.m lo f 1.050.
This Is all KOO.I properly nnd wo hnxoiuoro
like It In niljiieont addi'ium. T. W. lll.icl.hni-n
* Co. , ol' St MnryiAVOllttu. 4JH-.1
YIK.W Houses btilll on payments.
OMAHA lulu , tiuhily location } .Mo ( $ 00.
t very last , llar nlns. Ilojfgs A ; Hill.
5'jO 5
SAI.K-TWO lots o > IJOJBO st.uiibv
Foit , < ? 70i i-tuli 1'urjiin. Ur.iham
llcnawn , _ _ '
' III : 8OLU. The iTiunlnlni ; 25 lold In
Ml'KT ) , J'orcat. Ilaiy.iiiH In these. t-M to
! f.iOi 10ilo vn liOfgj.V Hill , Kitalc , Hid
' bt. 5CO-5
RKDU'lC'ri UHOVi ; U Inside nny rosUluncolo
i cation now lor snlu ut t'U ) to lt/io pur lot
Come and sou It. Amun ( Kjtato A uncy ,
IMj ; rnrnum sL ; i '
_ _ _ _ _
' HUSOU ) TJ io Tumiin na 25 lots In
WI'BT I'UOdt , Il.iiV'i'lli ' III tliosn yj.jl to
< ! 0 $10do\ui. Itogt * fi Hill , H'-ali:8lMo.ini : _
Fill nil in tl , _ 6iO-5
7jioit KALI : " . . . ts on noj.-o st , KH'iy i'lnco.
-1 : 87iO to favii'ttjli. Orahum A lltmiw.i. 1215
rtll.-INKSb meat uruntlh ? hoaici will iln.l Onmh l
11 VIUH' II liOl-U.IH I'.C.lllrtll. Will Illlltll tldll'ftOII
iiiiiiont . Lulu < : ) tu ] 7UJ. Ho ; t A. Hill , lloul ) ' > M < \
ilif' > t , * "hl
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iil'K'S : OUOVJJ CO'no and aeo t.e best
lotiliitown for tlio money , $ ; ou ) $ l.iUl Kitatu Av'Uicy , 15 J7 Kuinum. 4.0 5
umb. ti'iinuji nlll tliidOuuli.t V'on '
L > a ir ) > i-l t < I ifntfnii. Will U.UIJ huuku * i . !
mvit : < . l Ut-UltoJ.W llu * A Hill , Uvul lifi in-
Hi 3 IVrpaai it. W >
JIMKKSON A ro. , iioalitftlo : llroVora ,
i 1808 V'nrnam , Snd lloor ,
Woofleron montnly imjinjntx , Cholco
Acre liotn In llonneld nt $ 4100 0
Tx-l ln lleilford 1'lnco. . $3Xto ) 40000
40 ncrcs rendy to suudivldo see thl * .
Near llelt Line . , , . , . 4,50 ( VI
I'ltio lint on llninpr . 3,8 W ( X )
Wohnvon larjto ll t of Sporlnl llntirnliifi'
which wo would bo Kind to show you at nny .
time Whonj on wish
To riuy ,
To Sell.
To K ( change ,
Do not fnll to eo no. Wo promise you liberal
trcattnont In every cao
Our It U phone No. Is KM , J , ! . torpon A Co )
-l-oil S\II3 txiN on Ontnlnir nnd Hurt
J ? streets. nenrJWth , $ l,2 Xto ) * l,0i0 oneh.
Lola In Uiwn'j addition , $5JO to $ RX ) onch )
" > ory easy lerniR.
-'incio . well Improved , 3 houses , bnrn , etc. ,
noir Koit OmHhn.J-SlOJ.
Lot on Suwniil st. , near 1l t , $005.
Slots , iioj feet couth fronl > , on Hamilton 8t ,
nenr I'oorClnlro convent , fl,70J.
ISO fuel west Iront , on .Ith st , nour 1'nnmin ,
f 125 per foot.
Coiner lot on Hurl M , , near Lowe nvo , 65 fcot
S. front , f 700 Knsy lorms.
on Vlrftlnlit nvo. , near Loavonworlh at. ,
- .
2 ncto.s In West Otnnh.i , $8OJO.
Lot on Howaid i-t. . ttulxKU foeti.S.'l.OCO.
Corner. 4l-titJ ; , on Harnoy st1)lAM. ) .
Lot In Nclson'rtadd. , fl,7iJ.
2 lot" In Plain Yiow , tiKM oiich ,
Coiner lots on Suward st , ! 1 blocks from I'oor
Claim Convent , J7.,0 , : onsy term * .
41 feet east fronton S. lath st , fl.V ) ) .
12i feet oust front on S. tilth St. , ( .11,004.
Kottr-story and bnsoinent brian store , 30 foot
fronton llnrney st , $ , WVM.
2 houses nnd lots on Knrnnm , near "Ctli st. ,
south front , fliiicncli. (
House of 7 roiiina , lot 00x127 foot , on S.unulors ,
near CiimliDr , f5,20J.
House of 2 looms , cistern , etc , tot I5lixl.u on
B. 17th St. , ( I , MX ) ; monthly pnyinunta.
SO acres , 4 miles wnst of city , $100 \ > or ncro ,
trfita In South Omaha , ? 4' ) to 75) .
Lot 2..xl20 , on Dodttc , nonr 12th st , SI.WJ ,
Ixit Iu Corllnndt IMnce , ! f5OCKJ. ono block from
Bt. Mnry'a ale
Ilon. oiml full lot on lliiinllton et , near SCth ,
Hou o of 8 rooms , lot 2. > .xltO foct , on IPth , nenr
Nicholas st. f J.50U.
House of U looms , lot U5.xllO fcot , on IStli ,
nea ' Icholns st , (2UJ. )
Mont/ lonn nt lowest rntc of Intorust. Qoo.
1 * . ll'-inla 3. W cor. 15th nnd Domliis. 5)1 )
" 17UHI SAI < K Ortrndu for unimpiovod pro |
X' orty within two nillosoftlty.n llnu modern
house ol II looms , well , cistern and urn , beau
tifully tlnbhcd inside ; lot 50x150 , located ono
block from terminus of led iindHreun cnr Unco.
c. M. Kntouflias.iiijiiM. _ : injy3 ; _
MAKK inonoy now CloMn ? out linl.uiop of nm P.-trk
rori'Dt lots ilurliiKiievt tlv dn > K , f.'VI tnSSH , ( ID
dun n. HOBKS A Illll , Heal li.'tnto , IIIH I'liiiuiiu Kt ,
T7 > ol SAl.l I'lnco , $7W
I lo ? 3JO each ; easy terms. Uinhnm , V lion-
4 > l-5
TVTAKK monejr now Closing out Inilnnci * of our I'ntk
" * I'oiont lot : tliiilhK HUM tlv ' . fiVI
Hill , Itcnl iito , UOd fntlumi at.
i (1HOVI5-A (
cy , KoleaHcnla. 1507 I'lirnuin bt.
\ \ AKi : iiimit'y mm ClOhliiii nut tin 111 ncn of our I'urk
111 Kuiu'l lots ihii Ini : licit tlvu tl.i > 8 ! ' 'VI to $ JO ; MO
down. A d l > titc : , H'H l-'iuiiiun M.
/ \ MAHA VIi\\-sOO : \ LI $2 100 wTfl buy you ii
splendid house and lot. Ensy p.ij monts.
\ Illll. 500-5
OMAHA VIUW-$8Uto ) $2OCO w III buy } oil n
splendid house und lot. Easy payments.
Hoggslllll. . GOO-5
O I MAHA VIEW Hollies built on paj incuts.
Kleirnnt lots , slBhtly Inc.ulou , $ ! tix ) to $70J.
"injr very tuiu llniuuius. lloiius A : Hill ,
' ,00-5
O MA1IA VIKW Houses built on pnymenls.
UloK.'iit lots.sltfhtly I ion , 90 to $700.
_ . . _ 6 .0-5
$ ano TO aoo can houuUoon ovury lot yea
buy ol us In 1'nik 1'orost within : i inontbs
Clojlni ? them out at bodiock prices. Now is the
tlmu to buy flOdown. llOKKa Hill , Koal Us-
tale , I40N 1'iu Hum St. 5i.O-5
lfa ( tiiOYlI-Amul itonl Kstiito AKOII'
JA cy , sole UK Jilts. 1507 I'm mini si. JI33
$ ! ii5O TO & : ino can bo made on every lot you
buy of us In 1'ark ' 1'oiest nit HIM .1 months.
L'loslni ; tliom out at hcchoclc pi Ices. Now Is the
tlniolobuy. fKJdiiwn. llojtfcs A : Illll , Itonl Us-
tutu , 1 118 l < 'nrnini : st. 500-2
KDlClv'H ( JUOVn-llcstund iioiuostlots nt
the money. See what > ou can buy In this
addition at 7UO to $1,500 pur lot. Tuvina o.ia/ ,
Amos. 15)7 ) Karniiiii. 42U-5
$ 'jno TO S.'ioo cnn bo made on o\orylot you
liny of us In 1'nik K ru t wltliln : i months.
Cloflnir thorn out at buJioek prices. Now IB tlio
tlmotoliuy. SlOiuiwu. llUK b , t Illll , Iteal Ufa-
talc , 1 1'JB I'arnam l. 60J-5
I7 > 011 hALK-Ilnrsuliis by Slockdulo &
1 llunchcr.
Lot In Dialio add. on Dnt'enpoit at.$2COO.
Thico bonutltul lots In SniuyjUu on Call-
foi nlii St. , each fli ; > M.
iiunant : Miuth trout lot In Capitol hill ndd. ,
Haiiiuy si. , $5OOJ.
1'iuo lots In Ihuiscom ] dic3 : from 1,050 to
Lot In Hillside No I , on 1)a\cnpnit < t , S1.1TO.
Lot l-Oxloooii tiiiunderdbl. , uul liutil , noiir
Lnltu , i5O.W. .
Kour beautiful ncrosln T.iylor's ndd near tlio
Knit , $3,500.
Ciiuap lots In all the oull ) tn ndd tlons.
Hou-iO-i and lottt ntnll prleea uvi-iyivhero.
AlwajSht'U us bcloio joil buy or null.
S ocKdalu & llimchur , 1511 Iodj'u st , 03.11
$ : ; r o TO 8:100 : can bu mndu on ovury lot you
buy of n.s In I'aiU Kou-st within : i monula.
Closlni ; them out nl bodiock pilces. Now Is the
tlmu to liny. 6-Ulilowii. UOUBS A : HIM , llonl Ua-
tulu , 1IU3 Km 11,1111 M. 600-3
Foil SA l.i--Vacant : lots. Woolfor :
Viranl lilOvKll corner ncnr Lnko st.
Vneiinl IOU\l23on Luko.
VuciintSiVluA , eorueron Howard.
Vacant , VJ\1IO , li'in-.u'N add.
Vacant 100x151) ) , IMilc avo.
Viii-itnt 10ixiriOiciirKhinvo. ) (
Vacnnt li-\l : 10,16th ri.
Vacant Ij2\l < 0 , si.
Vacant ItMxl- ' , , coiner Lowo's add.
Iliuh \ Solby , 2IH S. Ulli bt. 613 \
Ml'ST Hi : SOLO. The leiiialnlnt ; 21 lots'la
I'm I Koinst. llawnins in these. ftTjOto KigU
t > llilii\Mi. ) llo b.Vllill , Heal i.bliile , 140 ! ) I'ur-
iiumsl. 60J- &
" "
-inou SAi7ir-ny"'Fiicijroiabi7"ai8 s. 1Mb St
-L A few Ihirtfiilns :
tia\i 1 room Imunt' , null p.miry , rloseli , cittern ,
ncllutchKitli ) nt .
( Juoj ( runiii IIUUHL' with suiiiu , UOI.MHM : | I.
l.ulsln Iliiiiscoiii 1'l.tcn Sl.UWlo 1'ikJ
ISII cut east float , Mlnill's l t , . . . . . . iUJ
rinu hoiiidiiiul IniilutK , llaiihiuiii IM.IUU , . . . 6'Jl/J
LotajxIWJ , I'aniplji'll'K mid . . . . t3
3llnolot , I'clliniii I'Juco . . . 7V )
UuuJ i-ruum liousi' , uoiir OainliiKS 3'iJ ' )
MUST III3 SOLD.-Tho roinulnlnir 25 lots hi
1'nrk Kort-ft. llurjrauiHln tho5o. S-50 toaw
MO down , floss * to Hill , Ucal Ealnlu , I4U3
Kuinum st. DX)5 )
-I II. iVANS : i ; CO.
tl , ll.ive lor .silo :
riiiucoiiipmlu lifiiNo'cnilil
I Inc einiicirt , JIula.'I'lioinliHU I'laio.
. .
lU'illuid Plate'jijcliolco lulu. .
llutuliuinc , I Lnt LUrner at. . .
I'liico . f < It)2 ,
. , .
Ami cliokv piupurt)1 tlirouKJiuut tliu tit ) ' .
M lVl' III : t-OI.O.-Tho rcinaTnlntf S6 lolsn |
I'aik l''ou > l. llarKniiiaiiiiliepo 5-2.VI to < J.'HXl
-jl.l iluu-ii. \ Hill , lloal IMntn , 110-j
I'liiimiu UI06
OlIKIty Which Is tl.u boat property ( o buy
. to obtain blir proflti'/ Answer Aero prop-
01 ty.
/"NllKllY Wlml part of Dm oily will develop
Vi ! IllfilV -TIlO eOlllllWCst.
IIIIIIY in wh.ft iiddltlnii Is the choapvil
Q , ncrcs ? A. I'litlerson I'arli , SH75 per nero
i/iiiiY How lur from court house | j 1'utter *
Q1 con I'aik. ' A - : ) ! ) miles.
' - aoioa bo buui.'lil In l'nlturi' > : i
Qri'KV-Cun limu , onsy ptijmonls nnd . . /
intu or Intercut/ . Vcs.
tJKV To whom will 1 go lo buy am > lu
Ot I'Httuibuu I'ltiU ? A.-To D. O. I'altoreon.
olllc.5 Wt lluor , lion ILiuli llulldnij , who also
Lincoln 1'laco ,
Mujrsolil ,
Hnn&'juufcrh's add , ,
\\'OHt Omaha ,
Haundi'r ti Hltnobnut'h'j ,
hhiiin'd Kir > t ,
Houib Onialin
Call on 1) C. I'aUorson. 12J _ _
ifi ' ' * lotIn
MUST : SOIiU.-'i'no rdnmlnltiL M
1'nik Koiudt , DaixultH In the/in / , Wj ) to
Sli--10do\ii. ) ! llu/gti A : Illll , llcaj lf illt.lluJ
Kuin i'ii tit. wl.D ) _ J
TD iiJci's : ( ( iltuVi : Neanli lots lo biitlnvsi
JTuin \ Hio priro ; $7 > m t i M.UJ.i lor 1'c-lick's
( linviK thu neiuest ioil-'iii ( o lo1-foi'falo Ir , ( HU
c.ty. I'stuto Aycncj < / > Ji 1'aruani ,
Ml'ST U "fi ( cS lotn li
Jii J'ltrk Ion Ju the < iu 1'iOto
-VJ-ii I'J down. Hill , It' ) il Kitnl" . 14.09
1 ari'.am t , ( .Ul-i.
OIM'Tj'V. A QHICV , rormaiuitl
run I. -1 t Uuiiu | > il,2l < MJlltjtl n
x.Ujn V. iatn..i N > TMlfi rjr. la-
' . " ' '
ulxptll Illfl J'jiKjItf. Uunk
fnw. * '