Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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tcllvcicil l > y rnrrior In nnypnrtof the city nl
twenty cent * JUT w cole.
11. W. TII.TON , - - Malinger.
nc f.F.KsOmfT. , Xo. 4.J.
Now York Plumbing company.
xNew siiinincr good * ) at Keller's.
b The city council meets this evening.
The film-nil of Frank Na.sli was held
ycstenlny nftcrnuun : t IIIH homo , No. ll'J
Glen uvenu' ! . ,
The now brldgo nrross Intlian orrok ,
on Tenth struct , north of Broadway , is
about completed.
A grand hall is to bo given by tins ( Jor-
nmn Catholic Indies In Beno's hall ono
week from to-night.
In Iho case of Vtsrnon vs the city , the
Jury returned u smiled verdict yesterday
morning after being out nil nhjlit.
J. C. Ilofl'mnn , of Waterloo , is arrang
ing to open it novelty store here , KO soon
ns no can secure u desirable location.
The case of Harry Walbrld e , the skip
ping tnivolinir inan lor Kir.seh < te Co- ,
comes up to-day in the district court ,
The Parisian Millinery company am
dnily receiving new mid-summer styles
in ilowur * , huts and all the latest novel-
tics.The second annual mnetjng of the.
Women's Christian association is to bn
held nl the rooms of the V. M. C. A. this
Tony Spencer , the hey with a. stock of
snide jewelry , has been released , tint po
lice not being able to ferret out proof to
sallleiently substantiate their .suspicions
ol crookedness.
A fellow , giving his name as Harry
Darnell , was discovered by Ollieer O'liricn '
prowling about the alleys in u .suspicious
manner. As ho was a .stranger without
nny money or vif-ible means of .support
lie was placed behind the bars to be
further investigated.
There wns unusually fine music in con
nection with the service at the Presbyter
ian church yesterday , The Council
Ulnfl's participant in the conun" festival
in Omaha s.ntr : portions of the "Men-
sinh. " Mr , Treyiior King an excellent
Bolo as did also Miss Anna Merkel.
Contractor Trolsom , St. Paul , explains
that the reason for his assignment of the
paving contract here , was thai he hail so
much work to do in St. Paul as to make
it impossible for him ( ogive his personal
ntlontion to the work here. The assign
ment of the contract was not due to finan
cial stress , but simply a matter of con
The Uierks company has completed
arrangements for enlarging the liendrio
foundry , located opposite the canning
factory. Additional lots have been pur
chased , and as soon as the works are
completed steady employment will be
given to lifty mechanics. The enterprise
is backed by abundant capital , and it
will prove n valuable addition to the in
dustries of Council Bluffs.
Kooni Mouldings Largest assortment
and lowest prices at Hoard's Wall Paper
Snore. _ _
At the Pacilic House you will got all the
comforts of high priced hotels and save
from ( JO cents to $1 per day. Try it and
'be convinced.
Colonel J. S. Tain was in the city Sat
Mrs. James A. Jackson has returned to
the city.
Dr. T. Wrcde , of Uemson , Iowa , was in
the city Saturday ,
Phil MeShaneand wife , of Omaha , were
in the city yesterday.
K II. Daniels lias gone on u three
weeks' visit to Troy , N. Y.
E. M. Stodman , of the United States se
cret torvlcu , is at the Ogden.
A. W. Patterson and wife , of Omaha ,
yesterday visited Council Bin It's.
C. F. Chase and K. G. Fisher , of At
lantic , wore in the city yesterday.
E. I ) . Fuller , of the Mueller Musiri com
pany , is visiting his parents in Wusliicld ,
W. E. Brock , ono of the liveliest of
Pcregoy & Moore's men , is in from a suc
cessful trip.
Cleveland spent Sunday at the Ogden.
Not the national bridegroom , but T. D. ,
S. II. Kelly , the druggist , is suffering
considerably , and is kept from business
by n sprained leg.
A. M. Jackson left on Saturday for
Denver , to return to-day with his wife ,
who has been visiting there.
J. A. Gorham , the photographer , has
just completed crayon portraits of Mr.
and Mrs. Phil McSnano , of Omaha.
Miss Mollie and Jubo Miller , of Peters
burg , III. , arrived in the city yesterday to
Tlsit their sister , Mrs. Ed C. Drake.
J. C. Mitchell left on Saturday for Min
nesota , where his wife has been visiting.
They will both return to this city to-day.
Host cream soda in the city , 5e per glass ,
at Palmer's , 13 Main street.
Go to Board for room mouldings.
Oaliorn For State Auditor.
The mention of the name of S. C.
Osborn , of Mills county , for the position
of stale auditor , has called forth many
favorable comments. Now comes the
formal announcement of his candidacy.
IIo has been a resident of Mills county
for twenty-two years , and has lilleil Iho
ofllco of .county auditor there in a highly
satisfactory manner for llirco years. Ho
is a man of clear record , acknowledged
obilily and great popularity , and the re
publicans of western Iowa will givn him
& unanimous indorsement. There seems
but little doubt that this place on the
ticket will bo conceded to this part of the
state , and in that case there is no doubt
of the nomination of Air. Osborn.
John Tompleton has moved bin cigar
factory to 050 Broadway , opera house
Order jour fireworks of the Mueller
Music company , No. 103 Main street.
Wholesale , only. Mail orders * promptly
attended lo.
Belling cheap for the rtmiaindor of the
at Harknoss Brothers' .
Dentil or II. C. finllnchcr.
The announcement of the death of H.
C , Gallagher at his homo in Gainer town-
hip Friday night has caused sorrow and
surprise to his many friends hero. The
tad event was not expected by them , as
few know oven lliat ho was ill. Mr. Gallagher -
, laghor was one of the oldest and most re-
pcctiil citi/.cns of this county , and had
pinny friends and acquaintances through
out tills part of the slato. The time of
the funeral has not been decided upon , it
being dcsirnhlo first lo communicate
with Ids son , Lieutenant II. J. Gallagher ,
who Is at Fort Lewis , Colorado.
Wide flpnnclngs in Spanish chantilly
and uscurial laces at Harkness Brothers.
- .
Twelve choice improved farms in
Bholhy county , 'in ' trade for property in
ibis city . Oilell'Bros. & Co. , 10'd Pcarf Si.
A North Mnin Street Qirl Shocks Her
Fellow , But Noi the Doctor.
oftlic Circus Men The Hnttir-
lay Mntincc nt thn Driving
1'nrk A Kcinntc Arrcstctl
l < \ir Coiintcrl'clt ln ? .
Crniklnu 'ic ' Hunilny.
Coniu-il Hlull's luis been jrainiiifi lately
quito n rcpuiiitinn for th qiiiotness of Us
Sunday ! ) . With the new city adminislrii *
lion I ho > nloons have been closed on Sun *
day and the beer ipmlcti businuss stts-
jieniled. Other ( 'lianKO.s have been made
which liavu unused thu day to lie nuirked
with suburban quietude , i'e.sterday the
struuls were soinulliiiiK of the old-titno
liveliness. The arrival of Cole's
drcticnii'ed ) an inlln.x of
many stnuiKers and an outpouring
of many of Iho residents , esneeially thu
younger ones. The unloading and mi-
packiiifr , and DVury moveIn < letail wore
watchctl by many. Besides Iho advent of
Ihe tiruiit show , the niinonnceincnl was
made that thoru would bu a bisc ; _ bull
fjanie anil a liorse raeo at the driving
park. This 'bussc.s and carryalls were out
in full force , and t.everal loads of tutoplu
were tnkcli to Iho driving park bufore it
was learned that Iho inanaieiiiont , of Ihe
park would no ! , permit of any ball triune
beinjr played then ; on Sunday. The
promised horse raeo consisted simply of
a private drill or exercise , jireliniinary lethe
the .starting of the team for the lutirim *
inetil at Dubtione. 'I'hero was a big pie-
nie vesterday allornoon given by the
Danish eili/.ens near Park's mills. Scores
of carryalls and 'busses made trips out
there carryiiifr hundreds of people. Be
sides the liveliness of the street scenes
thus caused , some of thu saloons opened
up for business. Notably was
thai of Hiis-oll & JMalnney who
have obeyed the requirements very
closely , but to accommodate some
Mrangors and circus men yesterday
morning opened lint bar for a few min
utes , intending to close It almost imme
Learning ; , howc.ver , that some ono had
started oil to make complaint of them ,
they concluded that they might as well
have HID whole game as well us the name ,
and so they kept at it , doing a rushing
business miisl of Ihe day. Besides these
incidents , giving a week' day liveliness to
the appearance of the streets there were
a great many strollers and drivers , thu
day being a very pleasant one botli for
walking and driving.
If you want to invest a few dollars
where it will save many times the amount
in labor and doctors' bills , buy an Ameri
can washer of Cooper it Mccc. ( !
Go to the New York Plumbing com
pany for garden hose. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
Cole In Here.
To-day W.V. . Colo's great show is the
great attraction , and there will doubtless
be a crowd on thu street and under the
canvas. This show is receiving high
praise everywhere. At Lcavonworth ,
Kan. , where il recently appeared , the
tents were lilled to nearly suflbcation ,
and the Times devoted a , half column or
more to describing how "Lcavenworth
turns out en masse to . welcome the
youngest , wealthiest and most successful
manager in the universe. " It says : "Of
the performance ton much cannot lie
said , in fact it would require too much
space to give it its just dues. From the
grand entree until the last act it was one
continued round of acts which were new ,
novel and startling , and from three to
live different performances going on at
the same time in thu two rings and on the
elevated stage between. Tim most no
ticeable new departure in the perform
ances were the many aerial acls which
wore all executed in the most daring and
dillicnlt manner. There was no loss of
time , as everything was pushed through
in rapid transit style. _ The circus proper
passed without a hitch. The hippo
drome performance was all Unit could bo
desired. The ladies' jockey race , elephant
race , camel _ race , wheelbarrow race ,
Roman standing race , the pony race , and
four-horse Koman chariot race , all de
serve special mention. Then came the
wild west part ot the show , conducted
and under the management of Dr. Car
ver. The thrilling scenes of the plains of
many ynars ngo were very faithfully portrayed
trayed , the Indians , Mexicans , cowboys ,
viieijuoroM and lasso throwers were all
great features and elicited many rounds
of applause. Dr. Carver's part of the
programme , wherein he does some re
markable shooting , was certainly a won
derful exhibition of skill.
If yon want perfectly satisfactory
accommodations at $2 per day , go to the
Pacilic House. Depend upon it , yon will
never regret your choice.
Why buy a poor gasoline stove when
you can get a "tiuick Meal" at the same
price } Cooper < 'i > McGco have them.
Queer Money.
On Friday atternoou two young men
went into the restaurant of Mr. Swcigart ,
at Wcstou , und bought n cigar , paying
for it n counterfeit silver dollar. The
two follows were followed and arrested
and brought to this city. They gave
their names as Charles Collins and Tim
othy lleagan. Upon them wore found
Ion moro counterfeit silver dollars , all
bearing the date 1883. They waived ex
amination , and bail was fixed at $1,000.
Not being able lo give it , they were sent
to jail to there remain until the next ses
sion of the United States court Septem
ber. The two follows claim that they got
the money in Omaha , and that they did
not know it was counterfeit. The dollars
nro only fair , and anyone used to handling
money could hardly bo deceived by lliem
unions carelessly taken in by a dim
Saturday night Constable Ilickotts ar
rested n colored woman , Litha Francis ,
alias Hill , who is thought to bo impli
cated in the alfair. She 'claims to be tv
sporting woman , and says that her homo
is in St. Jo. She has been visiting a sis
ter in Sioux City , and on hur return
stopped hero a short tune ago , and rented
n house on Tenth avenue , near Eighth
street. She says that these two fellows
have been staying at her house , but thai
she did not know their business. A
search of the house revealed only a bar
of lead. Her trunk was taken into cus
tody , but its examination has boon de
ferred until some United States ollicor
can examine it.
( ! o lo special sale at Woman's Ex
change to-tiny.
Go to lisard for wall paper ,
Hportnt the Purk.
The matinee at the driving park Sat
urday afternoon proved to be an enjoya
ble ono.
The first race was between Amandat
nml Jumbo , bust two in three , and was
won by the former. Time 3:44 : $ , 2:42J. :
The rnco for roadster * was won by
Win. Linoborgor's Hay Doc. Time
3:08) : ) , 8:04 : ! . The others : McCar-
gcr'a Fanny , Paul Honqnot's Lady Long-
maid , and M. . F. Hohror's Flicker.
In the boys' pony rnco Master Daily ,
son of ColonoJ Daily , took the pn/.o.
There was cdnsidcrabli ) interest taken
in a seventy-tiro yard foot race for.fTiO be
tween one of the IHnllf City team , ( . 'amp-
bell and a stranger here , giving his name
nsCook.hailhiir from St. Paul. Thplnttcr
got away with the race very ca'ly ' and
much to the surprise nml discomfiture of
tlm former's backers. There was some
lilllo money up on Ihe race aside
from Ihe stakes , and Die
Council HluKs boys got bit
badly. Cook's friends before the race
offered ? 10 ( o have the race declared on" ,
and tnis intimation of his fear of being
out run was apparently thrown out as a
bait for bcIS but it did not catch many.
It is claimed thai Cook's real liamo is
Rogers anil thnt ho is as speedy a 100-yard
runner ns there is in the country. Cer
tain it is that ho got away with the other
man vei'y easily. It is nearly time lhat
Council mull's learned belter than to bet
against every runner who conies this
way. _
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire , 10
Pearl street , Council llliills.
The Qujck Motil gasoline stove is be
coming more popular every day. Get ono
of Cooper & McGee. _
nt the ClroiiM Site.
The circus grounds were yesterday
morning visited by many norsons , while
during the afternoon only a few visitors
were on the grounds. The ground be
tween avenues 1) ) and C , and Twelfth and
Fourteenth streets , is occupied by the big
show. The two large louts wuro not put
upyesterday , the canvas wits laid on the
ground. to dry and during the afternoon
was rolled tip and packed away until this
morning , when the two large Icnts will bo
Yesterday being Sunday , was truly a
day of rest for thecanvasnipn and most
of the hands employed. Some spent the
day in mending harness , clothes , splicing
ropes , and doing odd chores that were
necessary , but of them laiil down on
blankets , etc. , and look a needed snoo/.e.
Each man remained aUiis station whether
asleep or awake. The horses and an
imals all seemed willing to pass the day
in quiet and the most ol them also took a
imp yesterday afternoon. The busiest
employes on the grounds were those in
the cooking tent. Thev have togelthroo
square meals a day whether there is a
show or not. All the canvas hands ,
lio-illers. laborers , etc. , take their meals
on tiie ground while the performers and
actors dine at a hotel. The Pacific iiouso
fed tins performers yesterday. Late in
tlio afternoon some of those connected
with the circus had a game of lacrosse
near the grounds.
Ladies attending the festival at Omaha
this week are cordially invited to visit
IMiss , 15M Douglas St. , and oxamiii'1 an
elegant line of'line millinery , the largest
assortment of opera bonnets and dret-s
hats in the city. Correct styles and low
prices. _ _
The Indies of the Episcopal church
have in preparation a carnival of authors.
to be held in the building now occupied
by M. E. Smith & Co. , for June Iff , Hi , 17 ,
18 and 1 ! ) . This will be one of the most
attractive entertainments over given by
this society. There will be a lunch for
business men every day , from half-past
cloven to two o'clock.
The Demand For Permits.
The county board of supervisors meet
to-day in regular session. They will be
called on to take action in regard to a
number of permits to sell intoxicating
liquors. A number are desirous of hav
ing the permits cancelled which wore is
sued under the old law , as they desire to
take out permits under the 'new phar
macy law. There arc also two new ap
plications for permits.
Accompanying these applications arc
petitions of freeholders anil electors.
The law provides that one-fourth of tlio
freeholders and electors of the voting
precincts in which the applicant proposes
to do business must sign the petition.
Just how it can be determined whether
the requisite number is obtained or not ,
is a puz/.lc which has not yet been solved.
The applicants themselves do not always
know when they have secured enough
signers , and it is still more dillicult for
the board to determine.
Our Nebraska
Customers arc I'cqucste ; ! to send early for
the choice things in white dress patterns ,
silks anil dress"goods.
Beard has an immense stock of wals
paper and room mouldings which must
be turned into cash , so down go the price
at Board's.
She Still Survives.
On Saturday evening Dr. Mel. Bel
linger was hurriedly summoned to attend
a case of suicide , as he tncn understood
it to be , on North Main street , in the
builuing owned by "John , " the China
man. On hip arrival Dr. Bellinger
learned that a woman had taken several
ounces of laudanum. The empty vial was
then standing on a chair by the side of
the bed , on which the woman lay appar
ently lifeless. He readied over to look
into her face , and thought tie saw her
laughing. This put him on his guard ,
and it only IOOK a short time to
ascertain that she was only "kid
ding" her fellow , who had ran
for the doctor. She dht not deny taking
the laudanum , but said slio was tired of
life and had taken all the bottle con
tained. Tlio doctor received his fee and
left the woman , who gave the name of
Jennie Williams , still enjoying good
health and Iho company of her male ac
Dr. Cook has moved his oflico to his
residence , No. ! J4 North Main street.
To Sub-Contrnolors.
Straight scraper work to lot on the
Cheyenne & Northern railroad. Apply to
7. J . Brown & Co. , Council Bluffs , or at
Cheyenne , Wyo.
Mrti. Ilucbor Captured.
Word was received hero Saturday that
Mrs. Huobor , the .skipping procuress , had
been arrested in Minneapolis. It will bo
remembered lhat she was placed under
$ 1,000 bonds lo answer lo the charge of
enticing Lulu Mercer into her house of
prostitution in Omaha. As soon as it
was learned that the grand jury had in
dicted her she skipi t from Omaha , It
is said that slio raised several thousand
dollars in cash lo take wiln her. Now
comes the news of l > er arrest , and Sheriff
Ucol will start for ) " < r jusi as soon as ho
can get the necessary requisition papers.
The fact of her thus skipping out has
caused many to believe her guilty , who
have before boon rather inclined to doubt
a good portion of tlio Mercer girl's story.
Our rofngeralors are going very fast ,
Good goods and low-prices tell. Cooper
& McGeo.
They Mqt a Score.
Detroit Free Piv'ss : The other noon
two of the crow of oul men employed by
the board of public works to clean the
streets were eating their cold bite on the
curbstone at Michigan avonno and First
street. Ono of them handed a portion of
u newspaper to the other und said ;
"Road mo about Iho game of base ball.
My son Johnny is just wild over it , and I
want to sco what it is that carries the boy
away. "
The other took the paper , located the
count of the game and read ;
"Gety.oin's work in the box Jtas seldom
been excelled. "
'In the box ? What did they have u
man. in u box fort .If a man iu u box'can
play base ball then mnarf in a chair can
scrape oil' the pavemcMl.'t
" 1 .suppose it means in was in n
but thn paper c.ills it n' ' box to ease up his
feelings. Let mo rent ) on ;
" 'Denslcy hit tip K fly for Deacon
While to corral.1 . ' '
"Whv kind of a liyv ; , ' ' ,
"It doesn't say. II may have been a
horse fly which was bothering Mr. Dcas-
ley. " ' ' '
' 'And what does corral , uiean ? "
"Corral jewelry , ofiootirsc. Lcl me
go on : ' '
" 'Welch's corker was * taken in by
Hniilon , and - ' "
1 StopI" said the man , as ho waived a
cold piece of meat imtho air. "Welch
had eork-jr. did lie ? " '
"Ho did.1'
"And Hanlon took it in. "
"That's what it says. "
"And did the referee give the match to
Welch * "
"It don't say , but if it was tlio London
rules ho had to. I saw a chap gel a
corker nl Iho knock out the other night ,
and ho fell like a codlish. "
"Very read ; read on. "
"Richardson hit a grounder and Get-
/.vin beat it to the plate. Thompson
sent- "
"Stop again ! What's a grounder ? "
"It's a blow below the belt. "
"And that man ( Setxeln was llic same
rhai > lltcy had in the cage at Iho sltirl.
Who lol him out , and what for ? "
"I'm giving you what Iho paper says ,
and here's moro of il :
" 'Rowe senl up a pop fly , which Con
nor mulled , Thompson going to "
"Stop again ! Put lhat paper down on
tile grass , and put a stone on top of il !
It's no wonder the whole country is strik
ing tor eight hours' work wid ten hours'
pay when the newspapers have gone
eray.y. The horse-fly which was bother
ing Mr. Deasley was all right , but a pop
lly is an animal 1 never heard of and
won't give in to. Mr. Connor must have
looked clcga.U wid a muffin his hands to
bat a pop lly over the head1 !
"But It's the game. "
"Then it's no wonder my boy Johnny
comes homo every base-ball day wid a
palo face and u cramp in his stomach.
and that half o' tlio men in Detroit pull
out a base-ball score , whenever von ask
'em the time 'o day. Mr. Welsh. "
"What is U , Mr. OTlyun ? "
"Givo mo a light for me pipe and we'll
talk Gaulick to each other. Base-ball is
too much tor us.
There is a colored church in Newton
county , Ga. , whoso members have a
mania for funeral sermons. Oue _ old fel
low's funeral has boon preached six times
at this church within the past eight
JVe are malvfyig a Spec
ialty now of
And are Offering
You will find new
special bargains on
our counters
Every Morning.
We are selling Lawns
at c. , worth Cc.
Satteens at 12 l-2c. ,
worth 18c.
Embroidery patterns
at one-Jtalf their
Dress Goods
At loss than they were ever known
You can save money by coming1 to
Council Bluffs for
&c. Wo hoop the choicest patterns
turned out of the Looms , and our
prices are the lowest in this western
country. You will say so when you
see them. '
Watch our advertisement every
morning1 for new bargains.
Look in local column for special sale
Harkness Bros , ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Established 1K17.
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes , bought anil Bold , at retail ail < l
n loll. Lurgu ( juiuitlttcs to telnet from.
lliutt , Kear Pacific .HouseCounil Buci
Agricultural Implements , Bn&lM ,
Cnrrlngc's , Kto , Etc. Council ItlitiTs , town.
MnVo llio Original nml Coinplcto
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
No ? . KOMJJI. l M nml 1S)7 ) South Mnln sircot ,
Council Itlnn. , low n.
Manure ? an ( Jobbers of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Cnrrlngo * . nml nil kin 1 * of 1'nnn Mnatilnorr.
1100 to Ilia South Mnln Street , Council IlluiM.
.1 XK 1IA XJ\soM. T. H.nomihV tio.F. ! : WIIKIIIT.
l're . &Trem. V..I'ro . .VM in. \Uounsol. .
Council BluTs Haidle Factory ,
( lno rinrntc.l.t |
Manufacturers of Axle. I'lck , Slodffo nod Sm.lll
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtnln Fixture. * , IJplioUtcry ( looJs ,
Etc. No. 41)3 ) Hrondwiiy Council Illults ,
cm Aits , roH.irro , Kir.
Wholesale .lobbors In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Nos. 23 Mnln and 27 I'curl Sts. , Council Hunts ,
Fruit and Produce ComiQlssion Merchants.
No. H Pearl St , Council Illuirs.
Wholesale Oils Paints Glass
Druggists , , , ,
UrugHiste' Sundries. Ktc. No. 23 Mnln St. , mid
No. SI Pearl St. , Council Illuirs.
nit r GOODS.
M. E. SM ITlf & CO
Lipirters anl Jjbbars of Dr/ GOD ! ? ,
Notion ? . Etc. Nos. 113 nml 114 Main St. , Nos. III !
nml 115 IVnrl St. . Council Illuil's. Iowa.
WWII * .
0. W. BUTTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 81J llrondvtiy ,
rotiucll Illuira.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. Ifi nml 18 Pearl St. , Council Illullft.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Alee Wholesale Liquor Donlor" . No. 410 llrond-
way , Council lilulls.
Mnnu'ncturcrB of and \Vhili-salu ( noalorj In
Leather Harness Etc.
, , Saddlery , .
No. 62. " ) Mnln St. . Council Illiill's , lawn.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
No ? . 342 and IM4 llroadwny. Council Blutta.
11KA VY IIAltint'AltH.
Iron Steel Nails Hardware
, , , Heavy ,
And Woodstock , Council llluirH. loivu.
D. H. MeDANKLD it CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , Pelts , rcn o and i''ura Council
liliilfe Iowa.
Wholesale DonliTB In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils
ETO. ! , E3TC.
8.Theodora. Airont , Council Illuirs. Intra.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
And llridffo Material tfpecliiltlos.U'Iioluaiilo Luui-
bor of all Kinds. Olllco No. 1IW Main St. ,
Council lllulTg. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Agent for St. ( iottharri'u Hurt ) Hitters. No. U
Main St. Council lilulls.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
t. . datitcU
Special ndvm-titomunts , Hli-h ni Uist , Found ,
To J.oiin , Tor 3 lie. To Kent , Wnntti , Hoaidinir ,
010 , , Kill bolntorted In this column at the low
ruloof'l'KNCKNTS I'KU LINK lortho Ural Insor
tlontind bUbsoqmnii
liiborllon. l.envo advurtlsuments at our ottice ,
No. 11'ciil turn , near lliondway , Council
HI u tin.
FOH SAM : -Dnitfstoro In northwestern Iowa.
Must bo rcxNloioil pharmacist. Whole
amount $4uK ) . Capital required ifMM ) lo $ l , < iOJ.
Address Dr. 'Ihoa. Wrcdo , lleniMin , I'lymoulb
county , lown.
\VANTUI Fifly day boarders at the lluoli-
telo hotel. CheaprateSKlvon ,
ANTKlT A"BOOI ! lioytolearn tlioprliillni ;
trade. Call at lleo olllco. Council lilulls.
Foil SALE-Two lotsJM icet from N. W. H'y
track , unllalilo for warehouse or factory
purposes. 15. li. Shcalo , & ' )3 ) llrond way.
I71OH SAI.K Union avenue hotel property.
X1 t-IieciRlbiirtriiin. U.UShenfo , WJ lirondmiy.
FOHSAI.K-Old tmpors. In quantities to suit ,
at lleo olllco No , IU I'uurl Mrect.
China , ( ilassxvaro and 1/ainn.s.
\V. S. Homer & Co. ,
No. 23 , Main St.Council Hlull's , la.
Justice of the Peace ,
OfficeO er American Cipre.'s Company.
in 1S77.
20,000 Vehicles Annually. Soml for Cafnlopic , Price * , Frclgli
Itnic.i and Testimonial" ,
Hrlck h.HMIna nnv hlml rnl nd or mnvcil nml sails motion ffitnrniilccil. 1'rnnio houses movoJ
oUj thu tionhi tlm worM.
808 Eighth Avenna mitl Eighth Strojt , Council Bluflk.
. , . . * ft
u , i7r d-L-Jx. "
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Creston House ,
The only hotel in Council Illuirs having
And all modern Iniiirovrmcnts.
-15. SI7 urnl 21 Miilntt.
.MAX MOIIN , 1'ro ] ) .
I'ractlccs in State nml Federal Courts.
liouins 7 und 8 , Slitmart lllouk.
I have tlio largest" and most com
plete line oO
ANL : >
In Ihe city. J am closing out
Yon will find all the latest novelties in
hats , bonnets , llowcrs , plumes , tips , rib-
lions , < , crapes and other ityles of
Goods Must Be Sold ,
Bust of Bargains over offered Cull
nml see them.
No ; IttS Broadway , Council IJIull'f.
R. RICE , M. D.
or ether tumors removed without
the knlfo or drawing of blood.
Over tli irly yunrj' unctioal mtiarU.i > j.
o. 11 I'uurl Struct , Council lllutTj.
Qmw : or TIIK I
COU.NCII , Hi. HITS , IOWA , May 10 , 1BWJ. )
Notion Is hereby Klvcm Hint tliurcKiiliirnnnmil
mcetlnu or tlio MockhoMrrB < > t tlio Council
Hind's City Waterworks company will bo held at
tlio ollico of tlio company. No , KW llroiidwuy ,
In tlio city of Council HlnlTs. Iowa , onVcdnc.s -
iluy. tbo'.itli ilnyof Juno , IBWl.ut two o'eloul : p.
in. , for tlio L'locllon of dlicctors lo servo lor tlie
mmiliiffyenr , und tlio liausaotlon of such otlior
business as may lawfully como Imfnro It.
Tlio transfer books ol tlio oomiiuny wlllcloso
on Wcdnosilay , tlm "nd day of June , 1H < ( ) , nt 'I
o'clock p. in. , nml will ro upon on TliurHluy , llio
Otli day ot Jinm , 1HK ) , at Ion o'ulook a. ni ,
lly order ol' llio Hoard of Dliocloi- ? .
S. W. Ilorii.v6 , .In.
Room 7 , Shugarf Block.
I lm\o i > < ] UMility of tound. well donned eoed
wliliil : I oiler ut > lu ll un R. teud or llio
erop of 1WV rorri-sioiiilonco u > leiti'd ! , F. U.
lowu. ha SclJ.Cicf , IIUTI. . ! : ! ' . N. W. lly.
Dealers in Milch Cows.
11 At Our Slock lards
< GZ3fZP $
Xo n02 and 500 K. IJromhvay.Council r.lTs
tW. . TI'I.MV. : , I'rc' . T. J. EVANS , Vlco-l'ro.i
J.\MIS : N. HmnvN.Cusliler.
Capital . $100,000
Authorized Capital . 250,000
Stockholders Represent . 1,000OCO
Do n pcnornl bunking busi
Account * of bunks. biitiKurs * , morjliatils tiwn-
utiiotiirers mid individuals rccuivoil on favora
ble terms.
Domestic nml foreign cjclinnjo.
The very best of iiltuiitlon ulvon to nil busl
ness committed to otirruru.
Hews und Mules kept eoiKtnntly on liuml
for f Hlo nt retail or In car loads.
Orders promdtly lilled by contract on abort
notlco. Slock sold on coinnils-lon.
SIU.UTKU Jt HOI.K1' , 1'roprJrtora.
Btnblo Corner Fit Hi Avenue und Fourth St
Council HlutlH Ijwn.
Choice ninpliiof I.atesl I'aU
term , All CJnulcs.
Council Bluffs
4 OS Broaclwcty.
A Sclcrl Slock of Choice
\ovcltlc * In.
Grown unil solcclt-d from Miisciitin
Sued by
J. R. McPherson ,
Grower and Dealer in
Council Jtlnfl's. lown ,
\o. ; { ! ! Itroadiviiy.
In urdur lu < 't > titlillt > li reiiiitalluu \ In ( 'on
I'lirr fur llnu work , I will 1'Olt 'fJj ! ! I'ltii.OU
o nil cutting , illtln ; , ' und nuucliiij its uliunp
e ilon D eliuwlicro. I.ndics need linvu no f
mlMHs us my