Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1886, Image 5

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Another Lincoln Editor Who is Simply
Blowing to Secnre Patronaga ,
JlowSlicrlfTMrllckM Wife Prevented
n Cntivlut'n WITo Prom Helping
Him to U cnpc Ofli ! p
State Capital New * .
[ rnnn THE nrr.'s i.txcot.x ntiiE\n.1
Our little News scorns to be especially
ntixiotis nliuiit the eternal welfare of Mr ;
KtMcwntcr , anil fears liu "will never sue
( oil , " all on account of tlmt little indis
cretion of Mr. lloll'mun's with a IIOMO , a
Missouri ( ifiluor , nm ! a tiluco down there
whore tlie.y put pc'ojlu ) when tlioy tie nst
want them to run at largo , 'I'hu article
In the Mows of Saturday was hardly in
" 'keeping with the towering uud majestic
4 colonel who scratches the notes for his
interesting Unlit paper. "After straining
himself for a few infinite : ! endeavoring to
swallow a quail , " the colonel applies
tin epithet to Judge Hayward , when the
original was intended for , anil does lit ,
- iho learned counsel who -pretended to ho
_ * ho anxious to try the celebrated libel case
ou ilie last half day of the present term ,
just as the criminal business was to be
readied. This learned gentleman liatt
three months in which to prepare
his ' ease , but at the boiiin-
iilng of the term had to ask the court for
live 'lays ' additional linit ; in which to tile
liis reply , knowing full well that his
action virtually carried the ease over.
It the majestic colonel who is socking to
divide the job work of the B. & M. with
the Journal can find a few more pretexts
on which to call the editor of the ! : : a
liar , it is safe to presume that ho will re
ceive an order lor at least 01,000 more
postal cards , or po. 8ibly some extra
dodgers. He had better sec his railroad
bos- * and "hit 'em again. "
MIIS. n VAN'S i.rrn.i : scnr.Mi : .
In the conviction and sentence to the
penitentiary for three 3 ears of Robert
Jt.Viiu and .lames Wileox it is very prob
able that the gang of crooks that has in
fested the H. & M. depot at this place for
many months past has received a death
blow. Kyan' . it will be remembered , was
arrested tor stealing silk from Newman ,
amiVilcox lor robbing a passenger at
the depot of $00. They pretended
not to know oilier , but
the poljce soon became possessed of in
formation which fjhqwod conclusively
that they wore the king spirits of the
gang , and directed all the "work. " In
connection with the arrest and conlino-
ment of Kyau in the county jail , pending
trial , Mrs. Meliek. the wife of the sherill' ,
tells an interesting story. A few days
after Kyan was locked up a young
woman appeared and asked for employ
ment as a domestic. Something about
her told Airs. Meliek that she was not a
working woman , and , although close
questioning failed to shako , the girl's
hlory that she was in earnest in her application
the sherilV's wife became
plication for a job ,
came suspicions , and refused to take her
in. . At the trial of Ryan the same woman
appeared in court as his wife. Notwith
standing : i great change for the better in
her clothes and general appearance Mrs
Meliek recognised her , and asked why she
had applied for work as a domestic
at llio jail. The woman's ' answer , of
course , was an indignant denial that she
had over done so , and a.strong , ell'ort to
convince" Mrs. Meliek that she was suf
fering iroiu a bad ease of mistaken iden
tity. Mrs. Mclick , however , insisted tlmt
she was not : mistaken , and the police
finally succeeded in cMablishing the fact
that Mrs. Kyan , if she had been put at
work in the jail , would have found it easy
to open tlie doors and assist her captive
husband to escape , as that would have
boon her only object in working there.
The Journal lias at last found that
there are no more railroad lauds in this
state to bo taxed ; the supreme court
found out the same thing in the preemption
tion case of Flalle , of Grand Island , a
few years ago , under the ruling of Mr
SehuiY. . It is quite natural that tins-rail
road secretary , who lias found out that
the Journal property is not assessable to
exceed $5,1X10 , should limt out that its
master's property is not assessable at all ;
of course our commissioners are not ex
pected to be wiser than the supreme
court and so tiie $100,000 plant will pass
under the scathing eye of our county
dads and bo labeled O. K.
The Omaha Herald and Lincoln Jour
nal seem to bo materially worried as to
who will become editor of I he State Demo
crat. This seems all unnecessary , as
both these gentlemonly editors seem to
have attained that which the llentld edi
tor has failed to , and which the Journal
man lias only partially succeeded in
doing , notably get ollico. At present the
Democrat will be under the supervision
of its former manager , Mr. Walking , but
as soon as some brainy and worthy gen
tleman can be secured then he wiil turn
the dogs of war over to another and attend -
tend to his non-partisan dutjos.
The stock yards enterprise is attract
ing the attention of several capitalists
and manufacturers of the east , and ere
the wane of man } * moons our proplo will
bo surprised at some of the plants which
will domicile in west Lincoln. '
The open air concert Saturday evening
f by the University Cadet band in the Gov
ernment square was patronized by u
_ majority oi our popple. The boys have
. , developed rapidly in the art and tire en
titled to much credit for their proficiency.
Lieutenant Dudley , the military com
mandant at the university , feels very
badly to think breaking up day is so near
at Hand.
William Ettton , son of Webster Eaton ,
and an old time chirk in the postoUico ,
has started on a rusticating ttitir through
the northwest. Ho oxpeeU to visit .his
father , who is at present in Nova Scotia ,
Mr. Hull , a wealthy Calafornian , and
unolo to our popular county clerk , is visit
ing relatives hero , lie , like other good
Julias , pronounces our city a wonderment
in point of beauty and enterprise.
It is currently reported' that Messrs.
Kclinmg liros. have sold their drug store
to some Missouri parties , who will take
possession some time next mouth.
Walter lloge , 11. M. Watring and A. 1) ,
Guile have boon elected representatives
from the A. O , U , W. lodge in tins city to
the convention at Grain I Island , for the
purpose of organizing a grand lodge for
this state ,
The Kearney hose team , the "Wide
Awakes , ' ' have just had completed for
them in this city , by I ) . W. Camp , the
finest built out lit in the state. Our Fit/-
geralds will have to look out for this
cowboy team at the state tournament , as
the boys have both wind and muscle ,
Iy ! special request of the committee for
tlie Homo of the Friendless , 1'rof , Jacob
Mahler has consented to give an enter
tainmeut for the bunolit ot tlmt ! nstitn <
lion. U will take place at the opera
house , Juno SI ) . The play is entitled
'Gulliver , " ami is said to bo even more
interesting than was "Hobby Sliafto. "
Its success is assured when tlie nrofcssoi
takes a hand , and the Home will receive
a real bonclit in a tangible form.
Kay Ryan , the young man who , in a lit
of absent mindodness. signed II. P , Lull's
name to a check for & ! ( ) , has gene to tin
pen to live with Warden Nobcs for our
year ,
The funeral services of the Into F.vorott
Mcoro tool : place from his parents' real'
ilciiiifl on C street yesterday afternoon ,
and were largely attended Mr. Moore
ilicil of consumption , induced by u wound i
in HIP che twith a bar of iron. Inflicted
by a burglar whom he was trying lo ar
rest. Ho was an olllcio'it policeman atid
i-orthy citizen generally ,
A mooting of citizens has been called
or Tuesday evening at the engine house
o make arrangements for the cclebra
ion of tie ! "ever glorious" fourth with a
leeoming blow of trumpets and I'm. of
The work of relaying the street car
r.ieks still goes on , to ( no consternation
mil dismay of all who try to pilot light
Irivlng rigs about the city.
TilMasonlo building association of
tculrice , capital . * "iO,000 , has been ineor-
lorated. The promoter * are 11. W. Par-
< er. U.V. . Diivl.s 1)V. \ . Cook , F. M.
Cook , J. KiehariK W. 1) . Cox and \V.
At the hitching tip test on Decoration
lay the Lincoln lire department did tiio
work in four and a quarter seconds , the
"lorses running forty toot from Iho stalls
, o Ihu hose cart pole.
The ease of Uoolavaltcr vs Lansing ,
involving title to considerable real es-
tale in Lincoln , and it nasty scandal as
well , has been put o\'cr until tne next of tlio district court by sUr.uhi-
tlon.Louie Meyer , Ihe hustling Tenth street
merchant , lias bought Ihe 1'lalt mansion
it A and Fifteenth streets for a family
residence. Consideration , 7,000.
Lancaster lodge , No. i ! ' . ) , 1. O. O. F. ,
will celebrate the thirteenth anniversary
of its organization to-nighl.
Carrie K. Hayes , Iho colored woman
who assaulted Olltcur Carnalmn with a.
ra/.or on the 27th of April lust , was sen
tenced to eighteen months in llio pen by
Judge Pound , Saturday. James Connor ,
Iho man convicted of robbing the house
otJ. W. Dowccso , also went up for eigh-
Icon months.
About 10 : ! ! Sunday morning lire was
discovered in the elevator shaft at the it.
M. depot , bill , thanks to Iho prompt
ness of the liremeii , was extinguished be
fore any serious damage was done Ten
minutes later' and the entire building
would have been in Humes. The origin of
Ihe lire is a mystery , but the fact that a
large amount-of oily waste and rags were
stored clo-o by , leads the warden tolhlnk
Unit it might have been a case of sponta
neous combustion.
That of Ijtillicr O. Bryant , AVIio
AnutsMcd $1OOOOO , Only to
be KolilMMl of It.
A New York special says : Luther C.
liryant. , a tottering wreck of humanity ,
past eighty-live years , was found on Mon-
luy night last , sitting on the slops of Ihe
Uharlos street police station. His ramb
ling statement and physical debility
caused the ollieur in charge to .send him
to St. Vincent's hospital , where ho now
lies with tlie shadows of death lengthen
ing around him. To the house .surgeon ,
in whose mind Ihe old man's name had
awakened vague recollections , Itryant
lias told tiie story of his life that once
was the sensation of the hour in this city.
In the old posl-ollico building on Nassau
street , Itryant kept a little staml and sold
old coins , medals and postage stamps.
Eleven years ago the stand disappeared ,
and one day tlio morning papers told
of how old man Itryant. who kept it , had
been arrested on the charge of being in
collusion witli thieving ollico boys who
robbed their employers of stamps and
Hold them to him at about one-tenth of
their value.
The arrest made a great sensation , and
a deal of indignation was expressed ,
while tlio defenceless man lay in the
Tombs vainly clamoring to bo heard.
When his story was linally told , and it
speedily appeared that this arrest was a
'qb put up on him by thieves , who knew
, iis reputation of being a wealthy old
mixer , and had used the opportunity to
rob him , atleisnre while the police held
him captive , the indignation look an-
olher turn , but it was Inen lee late. Old
Mr. Bryant had lived alone for years and
years in a single room , in the tenement
No. 1 Forsyth street , hoarding his earn
ings and denying himself almost the
necessaries of life to scrape together the
money the thieves carried oil' the night
after his arrest. How much , it was never
salisfaelorily shown. The old man
claimed that it amounted to fully
$ 200,000 , of which . 70,000 was in gold
coin at the time when that commanded a
handsome premium in tlio money
With characteristic distrust of banks ,
hi ) had kept il in a secret bureau drawer
in his room , whore he believed it safe ,
but the thieves knew of tlio hiding place
and carried it oil' to the last dollar , to-
gothcr with a number of valuable med
als rare coins and the like that were
kept with his hoard. When old Itryant ,
having proved his innocence of the
trumped-up charge , and satisfactorily es
tablished its source , was released , it was
only to lind himself a pauper. The three
stout padlocks that had secured bis door
in his absence wore broken , and the bu
reau with his secret drawer .sacked and
empty. The hoardings of a lit'etimo
were gone and his business ruined.
Itryant never appeared again at his
old stand. Ho devoted his remaining
years and strength to the pursuit , of the
thieves who hail ruined him. Two wore
captured and convicted , They are now
serving out twenty-year sentences in
state prison , but of the money ihe old
man gel little or nothing baek ,
Ho Holds tlio Fence.
Detroit Free Press : Several weeks ago
a Delroiter purchased a piece of hind in
the wosl end of Iho county. Aflor the had been completed hu.ongagcd
a surveyor's services , to see if ho bad
boon cheated. The discovery was , made
that a line of fence was over nn his land
eight inches. When he wentlo the owner
o' the adjoining property with the state
ment , thu man replied :
"Stranger , the row about that fence
began twenty-eight years ago. It was
then live feet over the line , and the two
man tit and lit until ono was killed and
the other crippled. After awhile it was
moved a foot , and then the other owners
fil and lit. until the lawyers got the two
farms , The fence was then moved an
other foot , and two now owners spent
half a year in jawing each other and the
other half in lawing , Ono died and the
other got sold out on a mortgage , and
when I got this farm the fence was moved
ever another foot. And then 1 lit aud lit ,
and two years ago was kicked in Iho ribs
and was laid up for three months Dur
ing that tiino the fence was moved lo Us
present lino. So it's still on your land ? "
"Yes. "
"Well , I s'poso Iho proper lliing is a
row. If you'll go out oy the barn with
your revolver I'll como out and hunt for
you with the shot gnu , If you git Ihu
drop on mo , don't lot go , because 1 shoot
to kill. "
It look the Detroiter some ( into to con
vince the farmer that ho didn't ' care for
eight inches of land , and that ho wouldn't
have the fence moved for $50 , and when
he had succeeded the old man drew u
Ions' breath of relief and replied ;
"That's kind o1 you , and it leaves my
boys a chance to lit and lit after I'm gone ,
1 hope you ain't coiiiin'out ' here to live
alongside o' mo ? "
"No , "
"Ulad on't. If you lease , get some man
who'll want them other eight inches.
The boys and 1 is lonesome for excite
ment , "
A Long Island man who recently died
loft u bequest of $500 to a Now Jorso
church on condition thai Iho church bell
should bo lolled for him on each anni
versary of his death. In the event of this
tolling being omitted on any anniversary
thu heirs may demand of llio church the
Ked .Star Cough Cura builds up and
strengthens nhrsinilli' PrliMi 9. i Rnnr.a. .
Nobrankn lottliiR .
The North I'latto land oflice look in
$2U-100 during May ,
Tlie talk of dividing Cnstcr county has
inictcd down for the present.
Lyons v\\l , \ \ vole $ : > ,000 in bonds and use
he proceeds in building a school.
Arlington will now invest in n lire np-
ii.irutiis , Kxpcricnce is a eostly teaeher.
The total assessed valuation of Snrpy
county is tT. > l,8Ul , an increase over last
year of $128,581.
The farmers at Turkey Crook , Holt
county , have organized the Producers'
jrothcrhood for self-protection.
A $12,000 opera house and an 8,000 ho-
cl are nntonir. the promised Imnrove-
mcliLs this .season at Central City.
lightning struck the Episcopal clinrcli
n Central ( . 'ity last week , toarlnu out
mge clutnUs of tlio interior furnishings.
The busy men of ( Sroomvooil liave suli-
ficrllicd the necessary fnntls to j lace u
f 10.000 canning factory on a bolltl foun
The assessed valuation of real and
personal property if Norfolk precinct
? ' , ? an increase over last year of
Hainbow socliilo' ' Is the-roviacd moili-
liealion of "painting the town. " trash
ing Nebraskans are too progressive to [
limit I heir artistic cllbrts to a .single color.
Herbert Noble , a brakcman on llioKlk *
liorn Valley rontl , had his foot caught in
a free ; while switching at Ulair. Tin.1
wheels amputated Ihe limb near tlie
Sevoinl herds of biillalo were seen near
Haijrler last week. Four calves were
captured alive by local hunters and
placed in one of the ranches in Hit ? neigh
The Nebraska \Varelionso company
lias been organi/.cd at Ftillcrtoii ; capital
"f.'iO.COO. Tlie company proposes to erect
warehouses and bins with a total storage
capacity of L'M.OOO bushels.
The North I'latto Telegraph Has
hoisted the following ticket : For gov
ernor , Cicneral John AI. Thaycr ; "for
senator , Hon. ( J. 11 Van \V ok ; for con
gressman , Third district , lion. George
\ vE. . Horsey.
Nuptial note from O'Neill ' : "Grovcr ,
if yon don't send a box of cigars around
to this ollico immediately , or .sooner ,
we'll ' publish to the world tlie fact that
you have cone anil done it. You'cr a sly
cuss , Clove ! "
John Paul , a tramp , was touched by
lightning near Sidney ami his weary
spirit * ont aloft. A local pitpur says the
admirable facility with which the light-
mug got in its work testers the hope that
it will continuo in hu.siucss indelinitcly.
A _ loving nair of elopers , with a sus
picions freshness in their movements , put
up at a Grand Island hotel. They were
cornered by a policeman for playing man
am ) wife without a permit , and were mar
ried to get out of the dillienlty. They
hailoil from Plum Creek , and are now
known as Mr. and Mrs. Fremont U'lieeler.
The excursion of llio Nebraska Press
asMiciation is a sure go , bill the date has
not been determined The party will
congregate in Omaha and go west over
the Union Pacific to Portland. A num
ber of sideshows have been arranged
along the route. Great gobs of fun will
bo hung up in the commissary car and
at each station.
Kmlroad men report a small army of
tramps between Sidney and Chovonno ,
all heading west. They are strung along
the track in droves , and the braUemun
experience the greatest dillienlty in keep
ing tlii'in oil' the trains , lien roosts ,
clothes lines , and houses from which the
resiitenls are temporarily absent are
being systematically raided.
The Grand Army Index is now pub
lished .simultaneously in Omaha and
Lincoln and is improving with each
issue. That veteran newspaper man and
lypo , Mr. John Hriggs , manages the
Omaha end , and Brad P. Cook tlio Lin
coln branch. The Index is the ollicial
organ of tlio Grand Army posts in the
state , the Woman's lielicf corps and the
Sons of Veterans. It takes high rank
among papers devoted to the interests of
ex-union .soldiers anil deserves a place at
the lir.sside of every veteran in the
The Jotlingcer approaches the subject
of .snakes with due caution , but as a pur
veyor of truth in Kvo-like garb it is nec
essary to give the world the facts without
guarantee. Out at Alma a Mrs. Dually
is credited with having dispatched a
blow suakovith a club. She first tackled
the reptile with brick bats but failed to
intiicl any damage. She then seized : i
hoe and charged on his sniikcship , smit
ing him in Ihe rear of his reservoir with
fatal results. It should ho stated that
Mrs , D. did not strap her skirts with rub
ber bands , nor startle the county with
harrowing shrieks.
Uncle Daniel While of Blair , is a vet
eran traveler and pioneer , according to
the Republican. Fifty-seven years ago
be rode behind the first locomotive oper
ated on the continent , at the rate ot
eleven miles an hour. \ \ lien he struck
Chicago ho could walk around the town
in twenty minutes , and refused to trade
his team for forty acres on the outskirts.
Later he struck Omaha and was ottered
the lot on which the Lyllo block htands
lor an Indian pony. Kightoon years ago
be bound wheat on the townslto of lilair.
Like the rolling slono in Ihe fable , ho
gathered but littler moss , and nt sixty liyo
un. joys as good health and finds more
littpi > inossin life than millionaires. .
A frightful and fatal accident occurred
on a farm wesl of Sidney last Wednesday.
The farmer , whoso name is not given ,
was plowing some distance from his
house and his ton year old daughter
brought dinner to him , Something did
not work to suit him , and stopping the
horses ho throw the plow out ot the soil ,
and placing his little girl on the ground ,
told her to see if anything was broken.
'J hu child stooped down directly in front
of the plow , when the horses became
trightened and started to run. The'child
wus caught by the plow point and literal-
lyimpalcd The father's fnitnic dibits to
utoi ) the loam were of no avail , and the
body of Ihu little girl was soon horribly
mangled , The gashed nnd blooding
corpse was dropped to tlio ground and
still the Horses ran on , A quarter of a
mile from where they started was a deep
arroyo. Over the precipitous bank they
dashed. The horses were Instantly killed
and thu fanner crushed to death b'unoath
Iowa items.
SuvQuteen railroads center at Dos
Moines ,
In Doono county taxes arc i > aid on
2,220 ilogf.
rJCorn is two nnd a half fcot high in
Clinton county.
Mooushoro has a cornet band wjth a
woman at the small end of each horn.
Five hundred delegates attended the
session of thu Masonic Grand ledge in
DCS Moices lust week.
During tlio past year there were 51,500
hogs shipped from Buchanan county , representing -
resenting a value of fclOlVJSO.
The Stale Holiness association of Iowa
has arranged to hold Us annual camp-
meeting on Iho Goodm farm , south of
Nuvndu , Juno 23-80 ,
h.Tho Hod Oak Express names forty-five
farmers of one township , Montgomery
county , that lost 1.7U3 hogs last year by
the cholera , an average of sixty-ono head
per farm.
Tlio Catholics of Denison have in
course of construction a handsome pas
toral residence for Hev , D. C , Lcnehan ,
formerly of Sioux City , who has recently
been assigned to that mission.
John. Glulin , of Sherman f township ,
Momma county , planted a Hold of corn
May 7 , utid.ou May ill , just twenty-four
days after , the eorn measured twenty-
four inches in height , a growth on an av
erage of an Inch a Hay
Mrs. Julius Ijlan.iiokc , of Waterloo , has
a hen whose inplliurly instincts aru quite
remarkable. She js now caring for sev
enty chicken. " , the joint hatching of six
hens. The chicks' ' are of dill'ercnt tijjes
ami si/.os , and when she "gathers them
under her wings" at night the younger
ones get the reserved seals.
A few weeks ago John P. Dostal , the
Iowa City brewer announced his inten
tion of removing ! > is brewery to Aurora ,
HI , It seems that the oiti/ons of thai city
do not want Mr. Dostal and his brewery.
They have prou-a d , and have sent him
a largely signed memorial to Unit ellcct.
Itul he is going just tiieeiui - .
At a special election held at Iowa Fails
on Monday to vote f 1,000 to aid the Hur-
lington , Cedar Itapids ifc Northern rail-
ronil company in constructing a $10,000
round-house in that city , 200 votes were
cast In favor of the proposition and but
7 against. Iowa Falls will now bo made
n division station.
In a moment of mental lunacy the
mayor of Slou.v City ordered policemen
to shoot all tmmiixy.lcd dogs. Charlie
Couch was the lirst cop to draw bead on
a eiir. The natives wisely ran for
shelter , and fortunately , too , for when
-thii snioke of battle" cleared away n.
section Qt "a" finite glass window was
shattered aud the dog uninjured , .
The saloonixls of Davenport are soon
to feel the full force of ( ho revised edi
tion of the prohibition law. They have
been operating under a pop license law ,
the proceeds of which wont to the city
treasury. Suits to compel the city to
pay ( his money into the school Itind are
threatened , and In addition the temper
ance people propone to try a dose of llio
Clark law. A lively time is expected.
The assessment of Turner county will
reach over $ .2,000,000.
Il is estimated thai -400,000 bushels of
llax will be raised in llntehinson county
this &ca.son. The wheat acreage is greater
than over before.
The alarmists of Kapid City predict
disaster and ruin to the town , now that
the railroad people are surveying a route
beyond the city.
Sully county farmers kill gophers by
scattering corn over their llelds which is
lirst well MiuKod in a decoction , of which
strychnine is an ingredient.
Tuesday morning lightning struck the
holism of Joseph Petdrman at Lisbon ,
stunning Mrs. Petcrman aud a child and
killing a cat which was lying under the
stove. _ It tore up the kitchen floor and
demolished tlio Move.
The now towns on the Scotland exten
sion of the Northwestern have been
named. The lirst one south of Mitchell
is called Kthan , the .second is Kirk , anil
the third , at Iho junction , is named Tripp.
The town between the junction and Ar
mour is called Dclmont.
Three newspapers will bo rustling for
circulation in FeUcrmati within ten
The territorial qapitol and university
bonds were sold hist week to N. \ \ .
Harris & Co. , of Chicago , at a premium
of $51.ISO on every thousand dollars of
bonds. 't '
Parties from Pennsylvania are in the
Swcctwutcr valley looking over the
ground with a view of establishing largo
glass works as 50011 as the iron horse
runs up the valley , Immense stretches
ot the whitestlinost sand line the .survey
ami surround the soda lakes. Experts
pronounce this , sand the lincst for glass
manufacture eyer found.
There are three iniiuunse soda lukis in
Sweolwater county , valued at $1,000,000.
They were recently sold by Tom Sun to
Diipont & Stony , of Wilkosbarro. Pa.
The. last lake in the valley lies some dis
tance up the river from the group of
three , anil the railroad survey. It is a
line and rich deposit and belongs to S.N.
Morgan , sncrotary of the territory.
Before reaching Sweetwutor valley the
line of the Northwestern will be graded
through veritable coal banks. On the
head of Willow creek , twenty mijcs
cast of Independence Rock , the point
where the survey strikes the Sweolwater
river , will bo entered the coal fields.
These not only traverse the legion
around the head of Willow crock , but
also follow down the valley of Fish
creek , throtigii which the survey also
runs , Eighl miles west of Independence
Koek is Whisky ( ! ap , a pass llirougii the
Rattlesnake mountains. Here Is also an
immense coal deposit , easily reached by
a branch lino. 'Jho Swcotwator valley is
fast sotlling up.
You Don't Have to Unllcvc 'Km.
John Newborn killed eight largo rattle *
snakes in ono day on his farm near
Scandia , Kas.
A snake killed at St. Matthews , S. C. ,
had two fully developed heads , one on
each end , anil it could travel either
way with ease.
Tom Whitly , of Hawkinsviilo , ( la. , saw
a rattleiiiako anil shot it in two a few
inches from its head. His dog then ran
up to the .snake's head and was billon and
killed by it.
David Lutourott , of N'ew Carlisle , Ohio ,
says a snake nearly twclv e feet long lias
its don in a stone pile near his farm"gate.
It can jump pight fool inio llio air , and
thinks nothing of making a runninc
jump of twenty-four foot.
James II , Warder of Nokcsvillo , Prince
William county , Va. , says : "My wifo's '
old turkey hen was sitting bcsido the gar
den fence on thirteen eggs. About n
week ago a largo black smiko came along
and ate the turkey , curled himself on Ihu
eggs , and slaid llioro until they hatched
out , and then ate the whole brood at
onco. "
Professor Tiioodoro ( iill of the Smith
sonian institute says of the bull or pine
snake , which is found in many parts of
tlio country , "This reptile has become
notorious on account of tlio sound It
emits. It is very much like the low bel
low of a bull , and to this the snake owes
one of its names. This la caused by the
fact that llio epiglottis , an organ absent
or represented only by a tubercle in all
other serpents Is abnormally developed
in Ihe bull snaket" '
A man hving.'ncarTania , Fla. , was bit
ten on the leg by a rattlesnake. A doctor
was at once soi t forUttd llio leg was ban
daged lighlly iibovy the wound , although
It was thought that the man would die
before medical iisi i tanco could bo pro
cured. The log , Imvlng boon bared lor
the application pf 'tlio bandage , was at
tacked by a swdrm pf mosquitoes , When
thu physician filially arrived ho found
the man in gooif condition , but the
ground around whpro lay was strewn
with dead mosiyultoes ,
Edward Harrington , of Dawson , Oa. ,
while passing through a swamp , hoard a
noise above nla.liua/J , ami the next instant
a largo coachwhip snake fell to the ground
from the branch of a tree. The snake
wound itself in a coil and prepared to
Miring. Mr. Ilorrington struck it with a
Hick , Instantly the snake began lomuko
a continuous clatter on the ground with
its tail , and at the same time raised its
head until U stood , mouth open , nearly
seven feet high. The man killed the
monster after a sharp batllo.
A largo trad of waste land on Iho farm
of It. 1Kenich , near Circlovillo , O. , is
infested with snakes. A rain Hooded this
tract recently and drove ( ho ropUles ( o a
little hill in the vicinity. Koniok Kogons
and two farm hands came to this place
shortly after the storm , and wore greeted
witli a chorus of iiissos. The procured
heavy clubs and sot to work to o\termi-
iiH'e the serpents , In half n day they
killed 473. snaies , which when piled to
gether made a heap three aud one-half
fcot high. The snakes wore of every
species known ' .n that region.
A young man of Maine says that while
out hunting ho lay down on the bank of
a trout brook and took a drink of the
cool water. While in the act of drinking
lie sucked into his stomach a largo water
snake. II crawled home with dilliculty
and in vain souglit the aid of physicians.
The Miake nearly choked him several
limes by crawling up into tins throat. As
a last resort his friends advised him to
go back to the brook trout and lie down
where the snake would hear tlio running
water. Thinking that tlio sound of the
water might tempt the snake from IU
hiding place , the young man went nnd
laid down by a noisy little water fall.
Presently the snake began crawling out
of the man's stomach , and a few min
utes later leaped from the his mouth into
the brook.
The Athens ( UU Cyclone tolls the fol
lowing stories of buttles between bird.- )
and serpents which occurred'in that vie-
ilyj A prairie jav. or mouse hav/k ,
poised on its wings for a moment and
then darted down on u young bull snake
with all the stubborn fury of a Ijnx on a
lamlh. lie chattered and pecked , spread
his tail , and wielded bis withcy wings
with all thu determined desperate skill
and agility of a pri/.e-lighler , niton dodg
ing the furious strokes of his snakeship.
Tne desperate struggle lasted about an
hour , when the plucky hawk seized the
deailjtorpont in his bill and Iriumphaiitly
mounted To lits" " wings with his prey ,
alighting now ami then to rest from ids
heavy fond. The little butcher linally
landed his forked-tongue game in nil old
oak tjee , where he made a full dinner on
the cold-blooded carea s. This event took
place on the farm of P. D. Tilson , about
four miles east of this village. A crow
was observed to light upon the plowed
ground and seize something in its bill
thai , from the crow's ' maneuvers , led an
observer to believe was alive. Ho im
mediately hitched his horses and made
for the snot : as be approached the crow
spread his black wlnirs and Ilow away.
On arriving at tlie spot n largo copper
head Miako was discovered. The poison
ous reptile was dispatched with a club. "
Novelties In Trick Articles That De
light the Traction ! Joker.
New York Mail and Express : ' 'New
tricks for Ilic boys * " repeated a dealer in
bleight-of-hanil articles in reply to a Mail
and Evprejs reporter's inquiry yester
day : " 1 should say so. There's no end
to them. There is a beautiful button
hole bouquet , for in > tinee. : After plac
ing it in your coat button-hole you call
llio attention of a friend to its beamy and
fragrance. Of course he will step for
ward ami sinell of it , when , to his a.slon-
isliinenl , a line .stream of water will be
thrown in his face. Where the water
comes from is a mystery , as you e in have
your hands at your side or behind you
and not touch the houqucl in any man
ner. There is a little leaping monkey
that is boiler than a surprise party for
making fun nnd getting up an excite
ment. After it has been silting quietly
on the stand or table , and
being admired by your unsuspecting
friends , it will biiddcnlv , and without
warning , make a wild leap into the air
and land under the table or in aome-
body's lap , creating a regular panic all
around * Then there is _ a eigarcisethat _ ; : is
ono of ( ho best practical jokes of the sea
son. To all appearances it is an ordinary
cigar case made in imitation of real
leahter. Ask your friend to have a cigar ,
at the same time handing him the case.
As be attempts to open it an ugly looking
gorilla , six inches in height , .suddenly
pops up instead of the expected cigur.
Another trick novelty in tlio cigar line
consists of a light , strong metal shell , the
size and shape and color of a cigar. It
has a spiral spring concealed whnin.lhat
may be released at the will of the opera
tor'by slightly pressing a trigger that is
attached lo the small end. One end of
the spring is fastened in the shell and the
end , which is protected when released ,
has a eork attached to retain it in the
shell. When the spring is released il
will Ily out from twelve to lit'leen inches
with \yliirring , rattling noise , so quickly
that while Ihe person towards whom il is
pointed can sue somclliing coming and
hear it , he cannel loll jusl what has hap
pened until after ho has scon it and niadu
a lively ell'ort lo dodge it.
"A ihagic nail is another interesting
little trick article' A common nail is
shown , and , without a inonieiit'.s
hesitation , ihe performer forces it
through his linger. The linger can bo
shown with the nail protruding from
both sides. The illusion is i-o perfect
that llio spectators will bo satislied thai
the wound is a genuine ono. The next
instant the nail can be withdrawn for
examination and the linger shown with
out , a cut , scar or wound. In another
trick you exhibit , u neat and pretty wind
mill , which you blow with the greatest
case , remnrking that the mill is en
chanted and will only work at your com
mand. Then liinul il to any one with the
request to Iry it. The moment he tries it
he receives a staitlinir salute , and finds
lips , chin , nose and cheeks decorated
with Ulack or white , as the case may be.
This has often been used with excellent
ellbct by store-keepers who wish to get
rid of loungers. It is placed on the
counter or show-case , and most naturally
some idle curiosity-seeker will pick it up
and blow on it witli a result that will
cause him lo rolreat. A good Irick is
done witli a card which you can change
inio a full-blown rose by simply trans
ferring it from ono hand lo Iho other. "
"Whal is new in Iriok cards ! "
"Tho wizard's pack. This is a full
pack , apparently the same as un
ordinary pack , but with which wonderful
aud apparently impossible tricks can bo
performed. These are not done by
legerdemain or sleight-of-hand. The
secret is in the cards. Among those
Irioks are Iho following : A card
may bo drawn , shnfllud in the pact ; and
cut the lirst time ; a card may bo blown
from the puck after having been drawn ,
returned , and shullled ; thu two colors of
a pack divided by one cut ; the card dis
covered under a handkerchief ; six
pcrnons may draw a card each , sliufllo
them and imnuuliately alter the per
former at pncu produces them , pulling
them rapidly out of the pauk , ono after
llio oilier ; Iho up former may leave Iho
room and in liU absence a card may bu
drawn , which ho on his return at once
picks out of the pack , "
The CourtH out of FiiiulH.
DKMViai , Juno n. Judge llallot thin ineru-
Infi announced tlmt unless an apjuoprlntlon
was soon niiuhi ho would dlxchargo the
United Sink's court * , ns tlm funds nro ex
hausted. In malting icfmonro to this niiit-
tenit tlm birtluijiiiUe ruforrcd to the Kivlm ;
of millions by euiiuruss for "livurimd Imibor
Improvements" while Kiev iiej-'lectoil to nil-
liruprlntu millielent funds to entry on the
com is.
Pains in the bnok entirely disappear
when the great pain cure , St. Jacobs
Oil Is applied ,
Cut glass is produced by lirsl grinding
the surface with wheels of sUine , then
with wheels of Iron , covered with sharp
sand and emery , linally with brush
wheels covered with putty , a small
stream of water in each instance kept
running on the glass to reduce of
' \Tlien r , by wu t\cV , w R TO hi * OutorU ,
When < he waa a Child , she cried for Cattoria ,
Wlien tlio became Miss , aho clung to C atori ,
V7bu ib tad Children , he jre them Cfcstori/ ,
When all so-called remedies fall , Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures.
'So far as the attire of eastern visitors
is concenvil , " says the fun Francisco
Report , "It is not , all other things equal ,
ns good as ours. That is , taking into con
sideration the wearer's station in life , the
clothes of the eastern man or woman nro
not of ni treed material or as well made
as the Californium' . There Is n noticeable -
able ciirelessness ale in to headgear ,
footgear and neckwear as compared with
Ihe old residents. The step is not so
quick , the motion of the head Is slower ,
and Iho new coiners don't look as well
fed. "
_ _ _ ,
I'ltiKst pTiTn'st iMiitit
A sure euro for Blind. IJIcfdlns : , Ite.hln
find Ulcerated Piles bus Iwcn discovered by
Dr. Willl.ims , ( nu Indian roinoily ) , c.illoil Or
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A slnglo
box IMS cured the woist chronic ease * oi a.V ur
'M years ttandiin ; . No ono need stiller live
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
inr medicine. Lotions nnd Instruments demote
mote harm than trnoil. Williams' luilhn
Pile Ointment nlnorl > s the tuimit * , allays the
Intense ItehhifT , ( particularly nt iiliilit after
rutting Wnrni la bed ) , nets as a poultice , elves
Instniil. relief , anil Is prepared only for Piles ,
Itchlmc "f private parts , and for tmthliiK elso.
Dr. Krar.ier's Music ( Hutment cures n * by
manic , Plmjilin , Hlack lle.uls" ur drubs ,
Ulolchi's and Kriiptleus on the face , leavln ?
the silu eleariiml Ixvuitlful. Alsn cures Itcli ,
Salt IlK-uiu. Sore Nipples , Sere Up ? , ami-
Old Olisllnnto Ulcer * .
Sold by liiuirglsH , or mulled on receipt of
Retailed by Kulin & Co. . nnil Schroder > Sr
Comad. At wholesale bv 0. F. l < oiulman
A Wisconsin lumberman was caught by
a rolling log the other day and held so
fust that Im was unable to got iuvay. Ho
yelled in vain for help. \ \ liilo l lugthcre
a big bear came up to him. He drew his
revoive.r aud lirod six s-hols , killhm the
bear , and these shots were hoard ny n
u lumberman , who went to see what was
going on , and released the prisoner.
Rheiimatii.m violds to the magic power
ot St. Jacobs Oil the coi.qtiuror ot pain.
John Mitx.xy , of Porland , Me. , is ninety-
eight yours old , but he doesn't act as if
he'was. Hu still transacts business with
skill and sagacity , and tlio other day ,
talking aboula of land Ihat hoowtis ,
said : "Tlie lease runs oul in live years ,
and when it expires 1 am going to build
the handsomest block in Portland on that
lot. "
Mrs. Henry Ward Hoeehcr uses and
gives away over three hundred Alleock's
Porous Plasters every year. She writes
that siie has found tlioin a "genuine re
lief for most of llio aches and pains which
flesh is heir to. " Hon. Samuel J. Ran
dall said they cured him of inllamation
of the kidneys when everything else
failed , and cured him of a severe cold
thai threatened to run into pnuemonia.
lion. James W. llustcd writes that they
eured his son of chronic rheumatism and
relieved him of serious pulmonary
A cili/.en of Mottaeahous , Ulster county ,
N. Y. , says that thu sting of the honey bee
is sure cure for rheumatism. The treat
ment is to expose the part afl'oeted and
induce bees to sting it. Ho says that this
novel euro has been tried' by his neigh
bors with great success.
"For economy and comfort , every
spring , we use Hood's Sarsanarilla , "
writes a Hullalo ( N. T. ) lady. JllO
Doses One Dollar.
It is believed in Portsmouth , N. II. ,
that the government is abandoning the
navy yard there. Everything about it ,
they say , is going to pieces , and tlie navy
department lias ordered to bo sent to
Washington everything not too rotten to
bo worth the trouble.
Ileiiton'H Hair Cirower
All who are HAM ) , all who nro.beunminc
BALD , nil who do not want lo bo luld , nil
who are troubled with DANMMUKF , or
1ICIUNU nl' the seal- ) ) should use limiton's
Hair Grower. EIOIITV PEII Cn.vr of those
uslne it have prown hair. It , never fails to
stop the hair tram liilllni ; . Through sickness
and fevers the hair sometimes falls off in ! \
Hliort time , and although the person may
havoroiimined bald for years , If you use Hun-
ton's Hair Grower according to directions
you ; ue sure of a growth of hair. In hun
dreds of cast's wu have produced a com !
growth of Hair on who have been bald
and glazed for years wo have fully stibstau-
tlated the following facts :
Wo grow Hair In 80 cases out of 100 , no
matter how lonu' bald.
Unlike other contains no
siif'iir of lead , ur ve ulnblu or mineral
It is n speclllc for falling hair , dandruff ,
and Itching of the scalp.
The Hair Grower Is a hair 1'ood. and Its
ompositliin Is almost exactly like the oil
which supplies Ihu hair with its vitality.
When tlio skin Is very lough and naid , and
( lie I'olllco is apparently cftuctimlly closed ,
thu single strength will sometimes fail to
reach tne papUla ; lu such cases thu double or
tilple strength should be used in connection
with the single , using them alternately.
Pilce. sluu'le .sticiigth , 31,00 ; double
strength , SS.OO ; triple stroin-tli , sJ.OO. : If
your druggists have not got It we will send it
prepared ' < n receipt , of nrico.
Cleveland. O.
Sold by C. F. ( inndmnn nnd ICulm&Uo ,
ISlli mill Houglilri , IHtll mill CllllllllSM
The free Monday .scientific lectures
have become such a passion among the
daughters of the lowly of Birmingham ,
Eng. , that "wash day" has boon changed
to Tuesday , which thu London ( Hobo con
siders the greatest achievement of sci
ence thus far.
The Great Southern Remedy for nil
Tlicro urn very Cow ivho do not know of Dili
Illllu uniwlnn utniitalili' ; of our niouiilntiit
mill lilllt. hut VITJVw ( rrnllrn Ilie fuel. Hut
Ihu Iliilo purple licrrylilili t.n nmiiy of u *
Imvu t'Uti'ii In limit uycry Minillii'roUnprlii -
rlple III It having \\iinilirfiil filed i > n Ilia
bmvula. Dr. liUncr'H JlnrlJi'hcrry 1'onlhU U
lllUOIlKAT KOUTIIP.IIN 111 MTUV lllOl rP llirft
tliu Illtlti OIKI Ici'llilnir. iinii i-urt-3 pluirlia'a
ijyftfMiU ry uiul Cramp Colic.
Wit ' 11 l conslilorocl Hint nt tlii--"aronot
limy ? BUiMc'ii niul < liiiuiinuiilinrka of Ilia
bow.i.J ara su fro'iuent , unit \ \ " lifiir nfsa many
ili'iithn occurring licfuro u pliyilclun CAM lit
rallej lu , It U Importunt tlmti'trrv IIOIKI * .
liolJ ulioiilil | irmilo ( U.fmM'lvc * ulih naino
f > | ii > vdy fPlliif. n tlosa of nlilcli will H'llcvo tint
imlii ami have iniicli antlciy. Or. Itliizrr * '
HIMMrlii'm Cordial Uabliuploii'iiii'Jy HLUi.
miy clillil It ii'a | i'l to tuko.
I'rlrp , U cviiiH liolllt ! . Manufactured by
WAl.TKU A.TAYI.OI' . Atluiila.lla.
' ! ' % lorg ( ylirrukfc Iti'inrilv ' > T mvrd Iinii'
end Alullfln lll riirtt liik'h * , Croup unJ l"i ,
Hiiinnllun lrlf yirin. aini tl a IUI < . . . .
I'or etilc by llioll T. Clarkelru ? Co. , nod all
UruR-itists , '
with p Tli l roirsril in hrnUV.
No Ammunln. l.lmoor Alum ,
PRICE SMINO rowoen co. .
' > T I.P
ii.i.usi'it vrn'K svniM.u yum : TU
KxhiUHtoil VltilltrNflrrivr- . . . . . _ . riir-toil . . . . D'hllllr I
ProranturoOn'tlnom Min , I'r-ors nf Youth , snj ( ! < hl
untold ml-PrliM nmittlnt-from Itull-orotlon nni
re-pot. . "A bo'k tor ni'r mil" , yolii'ifT'miilillo-Hjel
nnd old. . llrnnlilnmp , < -.pript'.oii , foriill nrutannl
rlirunlrillnnii-n * ! , onrnni.ot whldi K Invnliinhln. Sj
fnuiul liy tlioniitliorTrliixo nttiorlnnra Mr U yaral *
pncli ixMirohriblf norcr Doforefoll tnthn lot of nur
pnyi > lrln n : . - "IpiCDbound In biMiitlful Kronen ntti *
'n. mtio < < ili-nrr . fi : ! ! > iviiiriiiit | | ( > i < iltn honttnar
workln orory i on * " mi'rtinnlrnMltnMry nnilpr fo'-
flonnl-thnniiny ollu < r work In tlil rontitrjr forll.H
ortliomoncy will tinrofiiml InoTory liMtnnon. rrl'9
onlr II by nvill , t > i > -lp.t. | llln-tr.itn I iniplaill ) .
Hcnilnn\T. u , > Miiioilil.iwimloil thaiintlmr rtlia Xv
tlonnl.Muilloiil Avvlntlon. til Din lion , A. I' . III'-nll.
nmln 'iiii'iiin : mii-nri of the l > cm.l tin rentierUr *
rpocifullvrt'ffrr.'l. , . ,
Tlio.Si'lo'iiMHif. IJfil * wiirlh niontloth * Tnuiiinit
mlilillc-niioil IIUMI of tlil KOnnmUii'i linn nil tlnciil I
iiilniM oiCiilltornliiiiiul tlio ivor | inlnos ut Nuv.nt- ,
rnnililiii < il. S. ! ' . Cliroiili'lu.
I'ho s li > nranf l.lfD l" > lnt * out Itio rocki nttd imlak.
.mulion which HID rnmtltiulon niul luiim * > < r mmr
iiynunn in-lit Ir.ivolicuu Ml.illy wiockeilAtiuicliO'Ur
' "
' ' I.lfoliot uro.-itorvaliia tliiniillt'ti
nu'iUcnl ' piibll'lii'ilIn..llils country lorlliupDl
' ( hii Scloiiciiof l.iio l < n uttiibrli unit iui-.lorlr . trrt it *
l r on norvoiw iiml liability. Potroit fr-
AddrooAllia PoiliaJr Mo.lloAl InstlliUo. or Or W. It.
I'nrker.No.4 llnllilnulitroot , Ilixtan , .Mim * . . < Tliamr
bocon-nUoilouallilHonsosroqulriiu'lril lumloxparl'
cnco. Clinitilrtniil iib luuio OUointii lliit Invo tiif.
tlPd tin * rthlll of nil otliuriiy | ! < il-linn .i piuUlly. SlU I
trpaiod Ktici'i'ssfnlly wlliitjui mi imunco o : falluci
Mention Ouinlm 1IJJ.
Red Star Line
Ciirryliia : tlio nolfflum Itoynl niul tlnltoil Stntoa
Miill.siilllnir uvcry .Sutimlny
Between Antwerp & New York
Snlon from fOO to $100. Kxciirslon trip from
$110 to I1SO. Suoonil Cnliiii , oiitwnitl , $41 ;
pi'opnlil , ? 4"i ; UACiirsliiii , $ IU. Btoorniro piHsa n
nt lo\v rules. IVIor Wrl-rlil & Sona , UoiioriU
Aifi'iUs. 0" > llronilwiiy. Now VtirU.
tluury ruii'lt ' , u'ls iMiriiiiinst. : 1'uiileoii k Co. ,
13 St. : U. U. Fanjimm , IIJ.'I Kaniiuiist.
and Ml Wos'k.
1020 I'urnain Street. Omaha ,
England , France & Germany.
Tim .steamships of tills well liiiown line iu-o
liutlt of lion , In wntor-tlht coiMiHrtniiiils | ) , niij
nro furnlsliuil witli ovury roqiiUlto to iniilco tlio
inihHuiiu both Hiifo nnil tiRri.'oulilo. Thuy curry
tlio lliiitoil Sillies mill Kiiropiian iiinlN.nnil Ic.ivn
NuwViirkThurBdnyg mid Sntiirdnyj for Pl .
inouthrONUONCliorboUrl'Altla ( ) ( ( nud HAM-
UUUO ) .
, the Bleiuucrs lonvo Hiimbitr ? on
mid Snuilayd , vlu. Ihivro , tuitlnir
Koutliumpton uiul I.oiulon.
First ciililn $ . " > 0 , fill uiul $75 ; Stuorswo $ J1
Itallmnil tlukoUs from Plymouth to llrlnliil , Cur-
illir. London , or to any jiluco In llio Bouth of
Kii liind , FHJ5U. SIIHU-IIKO from Kurupo only
fa. Suntl for "TourlKtliii/otli- . "
c. u. mciiAitn&cu. ,
uomirnl I'lin eiwor Afiinta | ,
01 Ilroaaway , Now York ; Wushluiftoii uud La
BulloStH. Chlcuvn. 111.
Iti-cently llullt. Newly KurnlalioJ
The Tremont ,
J. C. rriV.GHHAl.l ) k SON , Proprietors.
Cor. Fth mid 1'Sls. , Lincoln , Nob.
Untesfl.rpcriluy. ) . Blrci't cira : from house to any.
pin tot Iho city.
Architect ,
a' ! , ni and 4 : : , Itlr-nnidH Illock , Lincoln ,
Kliiviitnr nnlltli nli-oi > t.
Live Stock Auctioneer
Sulos uiitik1 III nil iiiulii ( if Ihu IT K. ut fult :
rnlnM. Itooui il.Hlute Illouli , Lincoln , Nuli.j
tiollownyiuiil Short 11 urn hulls for halo.
U , H. nOUJ.DING ,
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Corn..itiondeni'o In reiraril to IOHMS HollolloJ.
JUxim 4 , ItlchiinU Illnck , Llnuoln , Noli ,
Public Sale ,
Denver , Col. , .fime lOlli ,
40 hand of Show Short llorus. llatoa ft ( , 'ruli'k
clinnlf , 2-ycnr-oliU , wiilHlilinr HIM ) ; hulld ami
liellorK , Addros-i Klold ami Kunii , Tor ealuloif *
HUM , Doiivur , Oil. C. M. llrmijdii , Lincoln , Noli.
Col , V , M. Wuodc , Aiiullonuuf.
When In Lincoln Hlop at
National Hotel ,
And KUI u Rued illnnor fori'iu. .
.1. A. l'HI > AW\yl'ioii.
Nollcit In Ciiutrautofd ,
tm\Lil : ) prpiio am for tlio hulMliiKof a court
> 7 IHHIVII uiul jml lu B indii'ico , Uroolc rounty ,
Wynmlnir toirittiry.uml lor Iuriilaliln llio mil-
H'lliil lor llio ( tonnlrilutldii n | thu Hiimo will lie
ro/elvo I l > y tlio coiiinilsaliiiiors of NiiM coiinly
up to n oVIoolt noon on Tnojdiiy , .Inlyi Hi , A.
I ) lit-OI , nt which time thu | > rrmociil.i vlll lie
( iionodln | initilli ! .
I'lans nod HP o.llcatlnna fur r.tilil linililln - may
. . . . . . tic iiilkoof tliuo.juul/dorlcmi uiul
iillurMny.Hi , 1"HI.
llnls IIIIIHI In * 10 'I'lnimnloil houillltoil o'lcclc '
lor f"i C , iiruii iiiiruvinl | | liiiml for ll u iiuioiint ,
II& U 'U.U tlll'l-'O ' III KOOtl Iflllll.
Tlio c'oiiniy ( < > iniuH4ionra rt'ecrvo 1liuriuit !
to KiJciM mi ) nrnll hlilf.
Illilx iiuiril tin direct oil In John H. lUirinr | ,
Ciniiiiy Cloru , rliiiiilniicii , V.'y iii.Iiif , tin. ) uii-
( ldol | "I'i-oi0iiil3 | for Hulliiiiiif Cdiut Hoii'o '
unit .lull. "
Ily onltr of Iho Rounl of County Oi-in nl-sliioi-A
Jllll.NB. lIAIII'lilt.CoiiiilyC'li'rk. '
HuiidiuicHVyi ) . Miiy Dili , 1UI , in-- , > , rfH
Legal Notice.
f K HtliKHIN'LM- It nnd I'll | > . Rlnclilr , Ills
vT u-ifr , nun r < < 6ident iIoroi.iluiHH , will tnl.n
niilirn tli u nil the lift iliy : < if Ju.ii' , | XSU , Milton
Iliiidnir , plaliilln , burnln , lllul potlluir. lu
Iho DIstrlit Court ( iC llou/lui roiiiny. Nnlintk-
ku , iiu.i'iiut ail I ilofou liinlH , tliu object 411 I
| i ; nytir of wlil.rh nr fi u inipul Ihu Hii'rlo pur *
tnrmmicu nt a wr.ilcn conlrjcl t ron < y in
n il pliiliulir ny iiill-i'lilin | ilcml thu liilioivliif
lots lu itio tniviiot' l''loriiioo : in r-vt'1 roiniiy. i < > -
ull : - ' , hl ! < r ; lot ' , hl'ic'-i : : ; lot V , Mo V
'M : lotH , lit < n-U57 , Hi1' cnn''tI'inilliiii ' lor wti.clt
Inn hdon fully imiil by tuni jiialntiir tocitiil deVon -
Von urn lO'l'ilccd lo . .itnwerS'll'l poll-ion < vi
er I eforu the IJth day o > ' .inly , l tii.
llnied Omaha , Ju , o Idt.lHaD.
' MIl.'ftlN IIKM itl.X I'l Inl if
Ily. Co.snuiiN , J ( iiT.viiN A lU'r ' : II * .MII > I *
- . ( ] . ' ; ' I r-u