Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    * " * < * * * * ? !
THE OAIAHA DAILY AlONDAY , JUNE 7 , 1880. * 1 * ]
York. June S. MotfEV On call
easy at 12 nor cunt.
rimiii > IIIICANTILB I'Ai'Ku 42" > l > er
cent ,
Urnnt.ixn iIxntANor Dull : rules.
84.b U for sixty tiny bills ; S4.M ) for Ueinnntl.
UOVKUX.MIST : Dull but steady.
SIOCKH To-dny stocks applied decidedly
nenk. There wni ron ldcrablo scillnir of
IOIIK flock early In the day , \\lilcli , in Hi
turn , stinted selling for short nccdiint. Hut
after nililil.iy a better feeling inevallrd , and
pilous moved up. There \\.is considerable
rcnlirlni ; , however , touard the close , nnd
prices were heavy ntiii. \ . in.
SflcentbotuK. . 100J. AcN. W
U.S. 4M's . llljfi preferred. .
Ncw-Vs . 12J ( , N. Y , 0
I-nclllcO'iof ' . 12T. lOictron Trail. . 2f
Central Pacific 41 % 1'ncllio Mall . MK
C.&A . 110 ,1' . . I ) . . feli 23
preferred. . . . 1M > 1' . I' . 0
C..II. itJ . JKJ Hock Mann. . .
1) . , L. & VV . 127X St. I * , its. I' . . .
I ) . All. O . Ifi'f pi cf erred. . 41
Erie. . 20XC. , Sl.&aUl1. .
iirefcn < < ! . . . . 00 | piefciied. 121
Illinois . Central. JST&.St . , V. * O
J. , II. AW ii-1 1 preferred. . 110
Kansas ite Texas. ] 1'ctus 1'ncllic. 1) )
J.akcShoro 81 J Union I'acilie. . .
J. . & N. . . . . ! I7 t\V. \ , St. L. A : ! ' . , .
Mich. Central. . . . 1 i prefcned. . . Inmj
Mo. I'acllic Western Union mj
Not them 1'ac. . . O.K.&N 100
im-fcncd. . .
> m , Juno r . Kloitr Quiet but
steady : iiuchaimcd ; In rar , SI.25iM.75 ( ; south-
eiu,5l.0 .v-4.-IO . ; Wiscon-fln , S4.2.iil.W.Michi ( ) ;
gan holt Mirluihent. . i8.V5ii4.10 ( ( ; Min
nesota b.ikors.SuiXit4.00 : ; patents , S I.M > C'r > .bo ;
low ur.ulcs. S ! J.Wj ) l.oo ; rlue Hour , nuli-t at
$3.fUXjiuH : ) In bbK si.xxwo ( : ! : ; In sacks.
Wlu-at-OpeiH-it at ycstciday's elose , fine-
tu.ited anil closed } * < aboui yesterday : cash ,
T7uJ > ? 7'fi'c ' : .lnly,78MJ7lte ; August , Tit hlWc.
Coin l-'limer ; advanced > V i clo-diiK MC
nboyesleiday ; cash , X > v\ \ July , ! ! Co ; Au-
Kust. : . .
Oats ( lood demand but ( inlet ; cash , arc ;
July , 27A(327Xe ( ; August , ! Xi .Wtfc. !
Kji1 Quit-tut We. Icy-Dull at KK'V3c ,
\Vhlsky-S ! . 14.
Timothy-Prime. § 1.00(5 ( .00.
Klu.SeedSl.lfl. .
I'm k Steadli'i ; advnnccd r > @ 10c , and eloped
steady at about medium ligntes : cash , > . ! ; " > ;
July , S .f.7JJSy.TO ( ; August , SS.77M < sS .SO.
Laid Modeiatoly active and iiimerj ad
vanced 2U'c , olosfiiK steady ; en-rti. SO.O'i ;
July. 3U2fcriiii.i5 ( ; Aucust , ( \'M&n.'iAf. \
Hulk Meals Steady and iinclmnia-d ;
fdioilldei H , S l.tlXi ? I.4U ; shoi t clear , 55.70ii.l5.7.'i ( ;
short iibsSi.1S.
Hiittei 1/inner ; creamery , 12@iri > 4'c ; dairy ,
Cheese I.owei ; full cieam Cheddars , 7J < ( ? >
He ; Mats , choice , SJ/QSJie ; Yuinig ,
Hides Heavy green salted , 7J e ; light ,
BJtfc ; dnm.iged , Gtfc ; Dull hides , fijfc ; dry
nailed , ll ( ; ( > l2cdry ; Mint , i : < 14e : call skins ,
15c ; all skills under 8 Ibs. clashed as deacons.
MX e.ich.
Tallow No. 1 country , 3) c ; No. 2 , 3c ;
caketc. ! ! ! .
Receipts Shipments.
Klour.bbH U.OOO H.OOO
Wheat.on 25,000 10.000
Corn , uu 28' 2dooi , )
Onts.bu 214.000 171.000
It ) I' . Oil 2.00(1 ( 1000
Unrluv.bu 2-OJO 8,000
8t. 1/oulH , Juno 5. Wheat Finn and
huhcr ; Mo. 2ied , cash.7S@Tb-Ju ) ; July , 77 ; ' ( , (
17 > ic.
Coi n Firm ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , 31Jfca ( ! : fc ;
Oils StioiiK : No. " mixed , cash , ' > } < &
1'oi'k hti'.ufy at cb.bO.
Laid Kilm at S.VbO.
ItnltiM ( Jiilel but btuaily ; cieaiueiy , 14@ >
15o ; daily , il@le. ! !
Jt\e Steady at 57e asked.
Toledo , .liinu 5. Wheat Quiet but
firm ; cash , M i.SiJc.
Coin .Modi'iutij business ; cash , SG jC.
Outs .Nominal.
KaiiMiH City , Juno 5. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 icdcashi.ll , > ; c ; July , ( He ; AugustH ( c
bid , < ! . "itr asked.
Coin Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , ; Julv ,
20 ? fo.
O.its No qnotatioiiB.
Ijlvortiool , .luno 5. Wheat OlFured
lieely ; iiewlso. 2 winter , dull at Us ld ( ;
hpilnu , dull at O.s lid.
Kloui Olfeicd fieely , but dull at 8s.
Coin Supply poor ; snot , firm at 4s 5d ;
June , t > teady at 4s UU ; July and Aiunist ,
steady at 4.s 2 d.
Now York , Juno h. Wheat Receipts.
137.000 ; expoits,22(1,000 ( ; spot him and less
active ; options opened strong , later ue-
cllncd % ( ! i % ? . afteiwaid advanced WCJl c- - ,
closing steady at < fB o under ousidu lates ;
ungraded red , 78feb'Jc ; No. 2 icd , 87J.fc in
store ; No. t led , 04c ; No. 2icd July closed at
Coin Spot less active ; options . . „ „ . _
hluher , closing ste.idy ; receipts , 202,000 ; cx-
poits , : tr > ,000 ; ungraded , 2figi42lc ( ; ; No. a. liOc ;
No. 2 , 42@4ic : In elevator , 44 ( * i'4'c ' alloat ;
July closlnirat-14fe.
Oats-llifeher but quiet ; receipt. " , 112,000 ;
exports , 750 ; mixed western , oichlto ;
01 n , : t7C < fttj-je. :
IVtroleum Steady ; United closed atO.V c.
KKKS Quiet but til incstoin ; liesh , 10 > .i@
10 | e.
I'oik Steady and falily active ; mess
5 ! > .oo@'J.2r .
Lird llluhor but only moderately nc-
tlyo ; wcAtuin steam to arrive , 8C.2i : spot ,
Uutter Quiet bill Renerally steady ; west-
cm. 10@IOc : Ki ln creamery. 1010 c.
Cheese Firm but rather quiet ; western
"at. 5 { < g7tfe.
Milwaukee , Juno ! > . Wheat Stronc ;
ci.Hh , 77 > ' ( ( c. ; July. WKAusiistlKijfc'e. \ .
Corn-Nominal ; No.2 , K4Jfe.
Oats-Steadier ; No. 2 , 2c. (
Hye Dull ; No. 1. 57'fc '
Ilarluy Steady : No. 2 , 4'ic. '
I'lovlslous Higher ; mess pork , cash nnd
June , $8.05.
Cincinnati , June 5. Wheat Firm ;
No. ' . ' , red , tOc.
Corn Kasler : No. 2 mixed , 35Jfe.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , SOU.
Hye-Kasit-r ; No. 2 , OJc.
I'oik-Qulel but linn at S'J.25@9.37 > ; .
Laid Finn at S5.75.
Whlskv-Steady nt S1.10.
Minneapolis , June 5. Wheat Dull and
lonei for futuies ; only moderate business ;
No. 1 haul , cash , 7bc ; July , TUc ; August ,
W c ; No. I northern , cash , 75c ; July , 7Sc ;
August , 77)50 ) ; No. a not them cash,7le ; July ,
Flour Steady , patents , S4.45Q4.GO ; bak-
eis , si.45.70. : : )
Keceipts Wheat , tn.OOO bn. ; Hour , 1,000 ,
Shipments Wheat , 15,000 bu ; flour. 28,000
bbl .
: > , June5 , The Drover's Journal
reioitsas follows :
Cattle Keeelpts , 1,000 ; slow but nominally
bte.uly : hhinpiiiKstt-ers , St.i'idf.'i.M ; stockers
mid teodern , . ' ,7.W4.iO ( : cows , bulls and
mixed , 1,7531.00 ; Imlk , S'J.GO fy.50 ; through
TexiiH entile , SHOOOllifl.
lloirs Kecelpt.s , 15,000 : strong and all sold :
rough and mixed , fr3.tO < H4.10 ; packlnc and
shipping S4.00if4.l7tt ( ; llKht , sa.75 .20 ;
Sheep-1-Kecelptn , SOO ; steady : natives ,
2.004. ( ! ' . > 5 ; TexuiiB , g2.002.75 ; lambs ,
81. Ijouls , Juno S. Cattle Ilecolpts ,
BM ; bhlpmeiits , 200 ; market bteady ; irootl to
connnon i
. . . „ . . .
Hogs Receipts. 2,200 ; shlpn'ents , 1,000 ;
niaiket nctho and linn ; butchers' and best
lieay , S4.ttX ] H.l'JX ; mixed packing , S4.00i4 (
4.05 ;
City , June a Cattle Receipts ,
700 ; shipments , 125 ; market active and firm
on till Kood iat shipping steers ; butcher
steers nnd cows , steady ; stackers and feed
ers , linn ; mixed grass stuff , ucnkundslow.
llogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ;
etroinr , active and advanced 5e : good U
choice , S3.b5Q.t'.i5 ; common to medium , 3.20
< RU.bO ; skips nnd pigs , 53.60513.00.
Saturday Evening , June 5.
Cattle The market to-day has been a tit-
ting dote lor the week just ending , the Iiu-ht
receipts , small uansactions and general dull
ness making It a thoroughly representative
day , Uood dressed beef steers arc much
wanted here , and good shipping cattle would
h Bell. I'rk'ts him ) not changed here , but
everything is steady.
Hogs Quite a strong feeling prevails here ,
\uthoutanychango In prices save thai
fe\\er loads 'sold at the leer limits. One
lend sold nlxjvc quotations , but Indicated
notliin. . Traiisnctluns Mere quite frequent
until c > er > thliii ; was sold soon afternoon.
The market closed slroni ; .
Sheep None on the market , and demand
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the pre\alllngptlces paid for live
stock on this nmikct.
Choice steers 1S.V ) to 1.1001 b < S U.yas.05
Choice steers. 1100 to 1TOO lh < ? 4.nO ( $ < .bO
Medium sleet" , 13.V ) to 1SOO HH 4.40$4.00
1'at llltle steer" . 1030 to 1150 Ibs . . . 4.50W4.00
( Jood feeders , too to 1000 Ibs 3.05a3. ( & ' >
( iood to choice cows and heifers. . . 3."iOfM.OO
Fair to medium cimsnnd heifers. . 2.75jin.i
( iood to choice bulls . ' 1.00\ < f.1.2. >
Medium bulls 2riOvl2.7ri
( iood to choice stags , 4.0J ( < il.50
Medium stags fl.rorrfH.75
Choice llt'lit nnd mcdlnm hogs. . . . . 8.fflili.riO ( :
( lood to choice heavy hogs 3.4V'i3.50
( iood to choice mixed lie s ; i.50.l.5 ( * )
Common louuh pr.idcs S.2.Vi.l.4 ( )
Choice to extra shorn sheep 4.00 < < J4.0
Cattle HOC
1 loirs. . 20110
Sheen. . : o
All sales of stock in this nnrket nro nmdo
percwt. live weight unless otliorwlsc slated.
lend lions sell nt Kc per Hi for all \\elght .
"Skin1' , " or hogs wclghlnz less than 100 Ibs
no value. Pregnant so\\saio docked 40 Ibs
nnd tags bO Ibs.
iU'prcHpntntlve Hales.
l fold.
C Sides of entile lluht.
A , Ai ileus , St , I'.ml , sent in two Inndof
hot. ' .
Spald vV Miles , Haitrte'l , .sent In a load of
BII. C. Hellene , of Sehnyler , visited the
Hawks iV Itlley , Cedar Uaplils , shipped
inn load of hogs.
A lo.ul of hoys was sold for Cooper te
TuttK'-biiiy , Weston.
.1. II. .Mooie. vlth two loads of ponies ,
] mss tluou'h : the jaids.
A load ot hops belonglnc 'o ' WnlKui Bros. ,
\ Vaeilyas sold heie to-day.
A , I , , Speatmnn , of Siulnliclil as heie
nnd sold twenty-six bend ol cattle.
John Snencer , , was In tha yards
with two loads of ho s which he sold.
S.V. . Pan 01 s , Union P.icllio stock agent ,
\\as here on business tor the company.
Mr , Peyton , of the ( inn ot Fuller & Peyton ,
Fullerton , maiketed two loaiKol hogs for the
him ,
Hammond's pnckliic house was roinncllcil
to .ship In ten loads of .steins Irom Kansas
Markets ,
Thnibday KseniiiL' . June 5.
Kcif.s The maiket Is slow and weak at be. Choice liesh { iiass biittei , 7@
lOc ; inferior , -KijOe ; creamery , Vi < ji > \ ! > c. : : Kancv lull .cream cheddais ,
new make , lie ; Hats , like ; joiing
Ameiira. l-'e ; Hist qnalltv Swiss cheese ; second ( ) iiality , lUXQMc , Llinbiu er ,
HOil'-'c ; skim Huts. Uf10c.
Pori.Titv The : rcelpts of old fowls ate
llbcial and the majoilty of Ihesalesaie made
nt ! 52.7oViJ.OO. ( : Sin inn chickens aie eomlni ;
In In Kreatei numbers and do not meet with
very leadv sale , as they aie still high ; they
are quoted at saoOdKi.W ) .
PiiKSKuvus , , ) ii.i.ns : : , m-c. Preserves , all
kinds , 'JO-lb. pails peril ) . lOc ; do 'in pail
lots , iiei Ib. tij c : assoitcd.Vlb. palls ner ciate ,
( i pails , SH.75. .Jellies , nil kinds , fust giade ,
lM-lb. ) pails , per Ib. Bo ; assorted , hist xiadc ,
5-lb. pails , per crnte , 0 pails , Sif)0 ; do
Mb. pails , per case , iido/ . Side ; , tnmb-
Icis. per case , 3 doi. , 81.-10. Je.'ly. all kinds ,
second KradciO-lb. : palls , per Ib. ftc.
Pins' i'UKr. Tmru , hio 1'igs * teet , pcrK
bbl , S-4.00 ; do , M bbl. S2.00 ; do. ner kit , liuc.
Lambs' tongues , per } { bbl , Sil.-S ; do , per
kit , S2..10 ; do , quail jars perdo5.VJS ; do ,
pint jais per case , adoS0.75. . Tripe , per H
bbl S4.00 ; Uo per Mbbl , S'iOO ; do , per kit
JUc.UOMW HONEY Caliloima , 15n ; stiaincd ,
lOc ; Xebiaska , llic.
MAIM.I ; Suo.vii Hilcks , perlb , 12 > cpen- ;
nv cakes , per ) b. . Ific.
UocoANU'is Per 100 , S5.00 ; less than 100 ,
85.M ) .
I'novisioNS Ham. lOj c : oreakfast bi- :
con b < < Z8Xc : clear bldu bacon , 7a ( Kc ; dry halt
hides , l0)4c ) ; shoit lib sides , ! < c ; shonldeis.
TK ; ; mess poik. SUJ.50 per bbl ; diled beef , ham
pieces. We : lard , tlcices , riS' Oc ; fiOlb cans ,
r/mi ' > < c ; 70 Ib eaua ( Kalibankb ) , 0 ( Cife : 5
Ib'cans , do , fi ( r.i c : 3 Ib can * , do. . OC'iO ' c ;
boneless ham. lOc ,
NEW J/IOP , DATES , RTC. Layer figs , S and
10-lb boxes , ] ) ei Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy Fnrd ,
12-lb boxes , per Ib , I4c ; Persian , 50-lb boxes ,
pcrlb , lOc. Prunelles , ao-lb boxes , perlb ,
18c.LKJIOXP The market is steadily advanc
ing. It Is Kcnci.illy expected that lemons
will biinp&lO.OO within the next two weeks ,
Fancy Messlnl , per box , 87.50 ; fall to good
per box S7.00.
OJIAXOIIS With the present Unlit iceclpts
stocks would move fast , but the receipts of
summer trults has lessened the demand to
some extent. Los Angeles uie quoted in Cal
ifornia at twice the piice of two months
ngn. I'l Ices hero me the same as last week.
Los Amieles , 84.00 ; Mediterranean sweets ,
84.00 : HlversIilebeodlliiBs. S0i.75 ! ; Hlver-
bldo Medlteiranean sweets , S4.75f 5.00 ; paper
rind St. Mich. , 55.00.
HANANAS fresh stock hns been received
dmliiKthe iiastlewda > H. Vellow , per bunch ,
CiiiiiitiK.s ; Southern cherries nro coming
in and are in better shape than the Califor
nia stock. Southern chcn les , per sin ml ,
g8.00@y.OO ; choice California , per crate , Si.50. :
OAi.ii'OHNiA Ariurors Per crate SH.50.
SriiA.wiinitiiiKs The receipts aie heavy ,
150 to 475 stands being received daily , besides
cases. Shipping stock , choice , per case , S2.00 ;
soft stock , per case , 7fc@Sl.00 ; tit , Louis
home-L'iown , stands 4 drawers , ocst , 85.00 ®
I'iNi : Ai'i'i.r.8 Shipping stock , per dor. ,
I'oTATOKS There Is no Improvement In
the market noticeable since last week , Theio
is an occasional kale of a few sacks to some
letail dealer who may have run short , or to
peddlers , but there is no sale worth mention
ing. It makes no ulltcrencn how low they
are quoted , there Is no sale of any account.
New potatoes which are being shipped
In from the south and west and Salt Lake po
tatoes , help to lessen the demand for old
NtocK. Salt Lake potatoes are quoted at 50@
75c.Nnw V icnRTAiu.K9Cabbaze , per ciato ,
S5.00 southern cauliflower , per do/ . ,
Si.OOJiS'-IU ; homCrgrnvMi asparagus , per
do/en bunches , 35M4Uc ; spinach , per on ,
'iOtfMOc ; green onions , per do/ , l.lii'-Oi ; :
radishes , per dol5WOc ( : lettuce , jw do/ ,
'Ma ; pieplant , per Ib , Ic ; pens , per luish
box. Sl.M ) ; string beans , per bush box , S1.7.T
< 28.,00ax ; beans per bush box , S3.N ) ;
ciicnmbeis , per doX ( ) ( 75 ; squashes , per do/ ,
Sl.ys ; onions , southern , per bbl , $5,00 ; onions ,
soulhuin , perbubh box , S-.lK ) ,
UKANS The market Is verv quiet and
theielsery little stock moving , infoilor
stocks , 7 , ' > c(21.0 ( ( ) ; peed clean country , 31.J5 ! 4
1.50 ; medium hand-picked , 81.WX51.40 ; handpicked -
picked navy ,
Hour , best quality patent , 3.00@3. 10 ; second
quality , 2.50 ( < < .3,00 ; best qunlily spilng
wneat llour , uatent. 82.50 ( < | 2.75 ; bran , 55c
per ewt ; chopped feed , BOc per ewt : white
corn meal , Wo ) ; yellow corn meal , 70c pur
ewt ; screening , COc per ewt ; hominy , 31.50
percwtjbhorts , COoper ewt ; graham , S1.7o ;
Jmv , in bales. $0uo@7.00 per ton.
WOOL Medium , 12@l5c perlb ; flue heavy ,
I0@14elliht.l2@l5c ; ! coarse , 10@l''c ; burry
wool , 'i ( < Vto off.
LEATHEH Prime slaughter sole Icatncr.
2&'iCt3c : : prime oaK sole leather. SCf b-Jc.
Upper leather , per toot , 'Md'X > Qhem. \ .
kip , 75 ( < t&5o : oak kip , 85@y.y : : French KIP ,
S1.00 < ai.i5 ! ; hem. calf , S1.00@1.10 ; oak c.Uf ,
81.001.25 ; French calf , SI. 'J5Q1.65 ; Moiocco
boot leK , ao < 2T-'c : Morocco oil iiebble , as@ : c :
toi > plni:8 ami linings , 0.00 10.00 perdoz.
COAL Iowa , 83/J5 ; Walnut blo K , 83.26 ;
Illinois , S4.75 ; Missouri , 84 00.
HEAYV U AUD WAISK Iron , rates , 83.25 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , 03c ;
cast tools ao , 12lBc ; wagon spokes , per set ,
6U75fit.OO : : hubs , per set , SI.U5 : telloos ,
Sawed dry , 81.40 ; tongues , each , 75o ; axles.
each , 75c ; simare nuts , per Ib. T@llu ; coil
chain , per Ib , r < > $ VJo : malleable , CC < 6c : iron
crowbars Co ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
spilns steel , 7(3 ( , ; Hnrdcn's horseshoex.
S4.40 : Burden's mule shoes , $ : > ,40. Uarbed
Wire. In car lots , s .lw per JOO Ib * . Iron
NallS. rates. 10 to CO , $3,00. bhol-Sl.V ) :
biirkohot , SJ.S5 : oriental powder , ke , ? 3.W
O4.00 : do. half kegs , SJ.OO ; do , quarter kess
gl.ffl : blasting , kegSj $3.Tj ; fuse , per 100 feet ,
' I'At.vri iv o'lT. White lead , Omaha , P. P. ,
7 } < c ; White lead. St. Louis , pure. S7.N ) * Mar-
scillesprecn , I toft lt > cans , 'JOo ; Fieiich zinc ,
preen seal , I''c ; French * lnc , red seal , He ;
French , in varni h n-sst , 20c : trench
7.lnc,75c ; vcrmilllon. American. Ifcc : Indian
red. lOc : rose nlnk. 14c : Venetian , icd. Cook-
son's , 2. fe ; Venetian , red , American , i.c ;
red led. " < c ; chroino yellow. Kcnuine. ! ) c :
chrome yellow , K. 12c ; ochre , rochelle : < c , ;
oehre , 1'rench , S'fc ; ocluo , American. 'Be ;
Winter's mineral , a'tfo ' : I.ehlgh biown , 2 c ;
SDanish brown. 2vc ; Prince's mineral , * c.
lnv PAINTS W bite lead , t > c : Kiench ? mp ,
12c : Paris whltlmr , 3hc ; whttitic ; gliders ,
Ifjc ; whiting , com'l , lUo ! lampblack. ( ! er-
mantown. l''c : Inmublack. ordinary , ic :
J'liibslan blue. Wo : ultramarine l ct nn
dyKe. blown. t > c : umber , buint. 4c : umber ,
raw. 4c : sienna , burnt. 4c ; sienna , raw4c ;
Paris in ( it'll , uenulne , Uoot Paris preen , com
mon , ' -'Oc ; chrome given , N. V. , 20c : chromo
RICCII , K , l'2cernilliion. . Kngllsh , In oil ,
< 0c ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib. cans 12c ;
rawAinl buint sienna , l'2c ; vanUyUc. brown.
18c : rellned lampblack , 12 5 coach btacK and
Ivory black , ir > c ; drop black , Ifio : Prussian
blue , 40c ; ultramnrinc blue , INs : chrome
green. L. , M , it D. , lOc : blind and siiuttoi'
L'lcen , L. , M. & D. , ICc ; Paris giecn , 18c ;
Indian red. 15c ; Venetian icd , Vc ; Tuscan ,
tf-'c : American \cimllllon. L. & U. . VMc
jellow ochre , t'o ' ; L. M. & O. 1) . , ISc ; godes
ochre , Kic ; patent dryer , & ; cininlnir colos
llirht oak , daik oak , walnut , chestnut ami
ash. I'Jc.
Dutuis AND UltKMicAi.s Acid , carbolic ,
nic ; arid , tnrt.irle. f c : balsamco ) ialba , pel
lt > . 45c ; bark , sassafras , per lt > lOe : calomel ,
jicr Ib , 72c ; chlnchonldla , per oz , iuc ; chloro
form , per Ib , 50c ; Hovers powdeis. per Ib ,
&l. ' i ; ppsom salts , perlb , il'j'c : gljcermo ;
pure , per lh. Ibc ; lead , acetate , pet Ib , SOc ,
oil. rastot ; No. 1 , pel ual. , 51.51 ; oil , caste
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil , olive , per gid. ,
81.40 ; oil. oilu'annm. 50c : opium. ? . ) .IM : qut *
nine , P. AV. . , and H.'itS. . per ob5o ; po
tassium Iodide , per lt > , Si.OO : ; saliclu , per o/ .
iOo ; sulphate niiirphine , per oS.OO ; sul
phur. per Hi. 4c : stivchninc. peroSI. . 40.
\ AiiNHiins Hauels , tier gallon : r'urnl-
turc , c.xlia , 51.10 ; luinitiire , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach , extra , SI.40 ; coacii , No. 1. ? 1.20 ;
Daiuar , extia , 51.75 ; Japan , 0c ; asphaltum
pxtia , 5Sc ; shellac , is.oo ; hard oil linlsh ,
tspiiHTS Colojrno spirits. 1SS proof , 51.12 ;
do 101 pioot , SI. 13 ; spit Its , second quality ,
101 proof , SI. 13 ; do , iss pioot , ? 1.11. Alco
hol , 18S pi oof , Sill ) per wine gallon. Hedis-
tilled whiskies , Sfl.tWCBl.oO. ( iin blended ,
St.M2.l)0 ) ) ; Kentuekv liotnbons , .OJ tO.O' ) ;
Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania lye- , , ? 'J.OOii i..7J ;
( olden bombon and i\e whiskies ,
? l.5U ( < ( : t.oo. Hraiidics. Impoiteil , S'i.o
domestic. ? l.w@i.oo. : : Olns , impmled , S4.f > 0
( ft0.tW : domestic. SKi'ifii' ) Oj. Unms , im-
poitedS4.50aib.Xi ( ; New Kngland. S1.7 : > @ 'J.lK ) ;
domestic , Sl.'iXji'i.OO. ' Champagnes , Import
ed , per case. fJS 00 ® 54.03 ; Amcilcan , per
case , SlO.OOiJ 10.00
Dry Goods.
PniNTS American , 5' ; Arnold's. ( Jc : Co-
checo , Oc ; Manchester , lie ; Lyiuan , 5c ; ( Sloii-
coster , 5' c : Dunnell Jacijuard. Ce : Dunncll
ftJic ; Windsoi , Oc : Paciiic , Cc : Harmon
4' < je ; Anchor Shirtings , 4Xc ; Merrlmac ,
Shiitings , Ji c : Berwick.le. .
DUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 oJfasnolia. .
lOc : 10 MaL'iiolia , I2c : So/ . West Point ,
lovio : o/ . West Point , is c.
itnow.s COT rex Lawienco LL , Be : Shaw-
unit , Lil , . Be : Heaver Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic
MA 5c ; Indian Head. 7e ; Wauehusset , 0 fc ;
( . 'town XXX. 6 > { c ; Clifton CCC , Cc ; Utica
CCr-l'fc ; Atlantic P. 5 Wo.
TICKINOS Amoskeag AC A 12' < c : Thoin-
d\ke OOO , 7c ; 'Ihoindyke tanev.
loilc , im < jc : \oik fancj. l2Je , , ,
12Vc ; Peail ] { i\ci , ll' ' c ; Hamilton , 1'Jc ;
Swift ICIver. C cShetiieketS. ; t > McShetuek- ;
c't SS , ' .life : Montauk AA , I''c ; Montauk HIJ ,
He ; UincuM ACA , IHc.
Dttrk ( coloied ) Hostou Ooy. blown and
drab , 13 > c ; Boston U H blown and diab ,
He : Hostou XX blown and diab , lOc : Hoston
XXX brown and drab. HUte : lioaton O P
blue , ll } c : Wairon Tiicot. I5c.
lJt.K.vniir : > COTTONS Farmers' choice ,
O'c ; Cabot. ffc > ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4t , 7J < jc ;
Hill. % < CKc ; Lonsdale , So ; Finit , be ; Wam-
sutta , 10/c. ! .
Const : r .1 IA.V : Kcnrsar e , 7c ; Armoiy ,
7c ; Peupeicll , 7J < e ; Indian Oiclmul , di'
Nauinkeag , 7c.
CIIIVIOTS Amoskeas , checks , 0 } < e ; Amps-
keasr , stilpes , S' c ; Slater , Miipes , m ; Kdin-
biug. 9 > i.c ; Whlttendon , stripes , Sc ; ( ! len-
rose , ! > e : Otis , checks , li ) < ? c ; Otis , Mi ipes , lie ;
Itoynl , OVc : Amoskea ? , naiijied. 10 > e : Lu-
lay , book fold , 12c : Oberon , book fold , '
Endurance , book told , 12c.
DII.MMS Beaver Creek AA , lie ; Heaver
Cieek IJH.lOc ; Hc.xver Cicek CC. ! > c ; JalTiev
XX. lie ; Jallrev XXX , 12e ; .laffrey I ) i 'L\
12) ) < fe : Columbian , 12'tfe : YOIK. 13c : York ,
laucy , 13 > c : Everett , 13c ; Haymakei's bine
and blown , 7 } a _
liralH'f IflsOrllbls I'M Kta
K W FIBO. aw ! 100 w i to - 12 10
Muun'B S'tNo.l L'b fl 00 a AO 3 20 1 8J 1 , r.O 5'1 ' W
T/RO GlbVd Fnnci ( i fiulll . ' . " > 2 ! I7 1 07 I 40 51 47
L' o H'd Sli'io K'eylS 5o | . ) 2i S 7 1 07,1 , 40 , 5.1 47
Yarmouth bloateiN'Joc ; now sealed heiriiicis ,
Dry Liantbor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12,14 and 10 ft S17.00
No. 2 " " 12,14 and 10 It Ifi.OU
No.3 " " 13 , H anil 10 ft 13.01
No. 4 " " 12 , Hand 10 It 11.00
No. 1 , 4fcO Inch , I2and 14feet , rough..810.50
Mo. 1 , 4 0 Inch. 10 feet , rouJli 17.0J
No. 3 , 4 A6 Inch , 13nml Hleet , lough. . 14.00
No.'A 4 & 0 Infih. lUteot.roiiiib 10.00
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 23 ft 24ft
2r4 15.BO 1V60 I5.M 10.50 17.50 18.50 19 50
2x0 13.00 lri.OO 15.00 10.00 17.001M.Or.1.03
4H-tU3 . . ibiso1 is'no' ' is'no io5o ! | liibo ! ibisolTali i
A 6lnoh , whitepino S3" . ( > 0
It o inch " " ai.oo
C 0 Inch , " " 29.M
J ) oinch , " " COM
KOInch , " " 17.53
A12 Inch , sib 12 , 1 * and 10 feet 840 00
li " " " " ' -1200
C " " " " " " SO 00
I ) " " ' " > " " 300
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 18 00
No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft , . 1800
No/J " " * " 12.14 anil 10 tU 1000
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 517.50
No. s , Plciln , 8 and 10 Inch 15.50
No. 1,0. U 1S.OO
* A * Standard 82.C5
5inch , clear , 81.55 ; Olnch , clear l.K >
No. 1 1.83
Lath 2.25
Grocer * ' Mat.
PICKLES Medium , In bbls. S5.50 ; do In
half bbls , 83.25 ; small. In bbls. SG.rX ) ; Uo In
half bbls. 83.75 ; cherklus , In bbls , S7.50 ; do ,
in half bbls. 84.25.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case. 3.45 ; strawberries. Ib. per c.ibu , & 2.05 ;
raspberries , 2-lb , per case , 82.33 ; Culiforiuu
pears , per case , 84,00 ; apricots , per cabe ,
4.50 : tie.iches , per case , 84.50 ; \ > hlte cherries ,
jjcrcase , 85.00 ; vliims , per case , 33.70 ; blue
berries , per case , .2.25 ; egg plums , 2-lb
per case , 82.50 ; green panes , 2-lb , i > er case
82.50 : pineapples , 2-lb. per case , 33.20(35.50. (
MATCHES Per caddie , Uho ; round , per
case. S 1.00 ; square cases , $ l. 0\ \ mule square ,
CStn.UK Powileiort. 74e ( out loaf , 7c ;
qrattulated. n r : cojif < vttoiicrsA,0"cstand- ;
nrdoxttnC , CV'e\tr , ( . \ f.'s ( o'4c ' ; mcdlnni
yellow , fi'j .
Ditii-.i ) HIUITS No. 1 quarter anplr * . In
evauorated boxe ,8ft icblackberrica ; box o.S
( fWic : peaches , eastern , 4 MAiAc ; peaches
evaporatrd , l.Vi < rtl7cs Mxlt Lake , now.1" ®
7,4c : raspberries , new ; l"i0cciirr.ints. ; } & @
7 0 ! prunenew , 4 ' < v 4fe.o
CiiACKiiiw-Unrnoauis soda , butter and
picnic. 6 } < c : cre.tmj , Wc ; plnger snaps
' "fcS city MHI.U 7'ic.
SODA In Ib papers S-VJl a case ; salsoda ,
kec , per Ib. 22'ie.
STIIUI Xo. 70 , 4-callon kecs , 81.00 : New
Orleans Siril'Vj per gallon ; Jlaplo byrup.
K barrel , strictly purfi , 70c per eallon : 1 teal-
Ion cans , SH.23 per doz : > gallon cans S5.25
per doz ; auart cans SXOO.
_ _
sKirk's oavon Imperial. S3. 70 :
Kirk's satinet. Saoo. Kirk's standard , S.l.05 ;
KlrK's \\hltc Uiisslan. S4.10 : Kirk's \Vlilto \
Cap , SO.W ; Dome. SL90 ; Washboaid. 53.10
CANDLES Hoxcs. 40 ID , CN. io\c : Ss lo'/c / ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Cs , lO c ; ha'.f box , 2010 ,
11 'u\
CANDV Mixed , OK&Tiiac : stlek , ,
SALT Dmy loads. JUT bbl. 31. < V > ; Ashton ,
In sacks , SR.ti.'i ; > { sacks , Ashton , 85c ; bbh ,
dairv , S2.GO@2.75.
SPICKS ( iniunrt Black pepper , boxes. 23
@ 2u'c ; nllspleo , 12@ICc ; cluimmon , laraioc ;
cloves , 15 ® Joe ; glngT , 15@2. " > c ; mustard , 15 ®
_ v
soiiMOc : cliolco. > VIC > ( < MC : Souelioii ! : , good , no
dJ-lx : ; choice , o.'XiH'ic ; .Japans , tnlrJ.X < J.5."c ) ;
cood. S.Vo4"c ; : choice , M75c ; Tea Oust , 1.x ; ;
TcaSlfthiL's. IHc.
Umnn Nu\v iotk , pc-rbbl , $7.00 ; do , half
bill , S4.00 ; Crab , per doqK S2.75 : .Mlchhrnn
rcllncd , per bbl. . S0. ? > 0 ; < | o , hnlf bbl. S4.00.
Wlilto wine , ii : ( < U7o ; elder , in
sticnuth , I2c : nipple sticn th ,
iiNT.Ci'T Hmrt to Heat , 7Uc ; Clinim of
the West , COc ; Koiiiit.iln , 70c : ( Joldcn Thie.aU-
GTc ; Knxoilto , GOc ; Htttts 6 ( c llocky Monn-
tnln , r > 0c ; Kainsy , 43o ; Daisy. 40c ; Noith Stnr
0c ; Cnoil Lnek. 53c ; Our Uust , 02Kc ; Good
The newest of new kuicliiufH h very
line linen lawn , with a ( iimrtor-ineji hum.
The wide lu-nis and iinniunso iniliali
hnvo litul tlioir ilny. Kvurytliing is
( liiintiness itself , Ihulacc edging many of
the iiunis ih the morust wlgn
Soinetinii-s the luindkurchiof is edged
with embroidered daisies ( tiny utFiirs ) in
colors led , pink , blue , yoliow , cream or
Point d'tisprit not and lace come again
to the front fashionably , being used lor
evening dresses over yellow or red and
plentifully trimmed with yellow or red
ribbon and flowers.
Chantillv , sntinMi , Jlcckliti , val , Brus
sels and ecru giiighams ( all imitations ,
but most clever in their spiu-ioiisncss ) tire
the ciaxo. overyhodyi buys and wears
them , ami often the liner qualities require -
quire an expert jto deride upon their
( ilovrs silk and linbn , silk , Suede , cas
tor and > ometimes tlie dressed kid hov
beautiful they all rel this is a glove age
it would scorn that perfection hail ar--
rived. ,
( iloves with brand onibroidercd hack ,
.self or contract in color are worn for driv
ing and travel. '
_ Silk and linen glove's ' are both econo
mical and pleiihant to wear : hilkl wll , if
would last afternoon without
they o > ily one
out a lingcr's end looping throtich we
would FO love to write in their praise ,
they arc so cool , so much a part of .sum
mer.White drcsMid and \\rnl \ reused kids are
worn for evening ; some few weirr a deli
cate t-hado of yellow , while others cling
to black ; the latter , it is s.iid , is vanity ,
for no glove gives one's hand so hmall
and delicate a look as black.
Neck-wear the variety Is immense
the bcaiititul things .shown bewilder one
Ribbon bound edges of li.sse , finely
crimped , line mnnj admirers , then there
is lissc and j-repc in every fashionable
cojor made in fancy dcsiirn , in biases
with loopings of mere shreds of velvet
between , and with every shade of tinsel.
The etamine biases come in all colors ,
but the cream is preferred , with narrow
ribbon run diagonally through the
C'lieniiM'ttt plastrons is the new name
for the old time ' 'dickey" when it was
wom by the sterner .sex. This i a tucked
linen front , shaped like a ihirt bosom.
has a high standing collar , and folded
lawn tie around the neck , finishing in
tiny bows ami ends in front.
Plain duck is also used for these clicmi-
potto's , while fancy linen , duck and pique
form vests in tailor-made Mills.
Best Goods in the Market
, III.
Ask for our'trooils and BCD tlmttlio
bear our tnulo mark ,
State Agents
DeckefBfo'sPianos '
Omaha , Neb.
job jPrinling.
Job Printers , Book Bluders , '
And Illnnk Hook Manufacturers. 100-108 South
Four teen Hi Htroe
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J , Wclshang * Co/s Quick
Italtinir liuckwhent Uour und proprietors Omaha
City Mills , cor. 6tu und raniuin Streets , Omuba.
Leather , Hides , Oc ,
SLOMAN nuoa ,
Whole ialo
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Saddlery and Shoo rindiiij. * , Illdt6Vool , Furs ,
1'elte , Urcuto , Tallow , Etc. , Omaha Not.
gent for An&euser-Bush Breving Ass'n
Special brands Faust , lludwoUor , Kiluugtr
Book Binding , Els ,
> %
llf.KS P1IINT1NO O . ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook > lnnufnctuirr . No . 100 anj
10S South 14th Stivct. Omnhn , Neb ,
Bridges Steam Pile Driving.
nnd Contrnctors.
Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Cointilnatfnii and llmvo Tru * llrlilxoji ,
1'lllnir and Onk Timber. 15th St. , near Fiunnui ,
Telephone N' < > 731. B
Cigars and Tobacco.
" " "
MAX > ir.viu : & co. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
niiti nnd Ammunition. 21 * to 2. , ! South 11th
fitnet,10x'0tol0i4 ; riuiiiunPtrcct , Oninhu , Noli.
( I Ml rACTOHV ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Vi liole ale Dpnlrrs In Lo if Tobncrus. Not
208 nnd 11 1 N. Itth St reel , ( linnlin. Neb.
for the Manufacturers nnd Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chlmfiejs , Kte. Ofllee , 1)17 ) South nth
Stieet. Omaha. .Nob.
c. s ? noomucii & cb
Auctits tor K. A. Whltnry Cairlnso Co. a _
Children's Carriages ,
And Jewctt's Celebiated Herrijjeraior . Son
for prlco lists. 14t"i Parnim t. , Omnhn. _
o. s. pi-rrns & ( "o. ,
Wholsalo & Retail , Fine Carriages ,
I'tinptnim , HiicKlo' nnil Itimd Wacon . M nor cent
ra > cd In bu ) Inn of 1111. 1 W-1110-llli , Itnril btrcct ,
Dninlia , Ni'liru'kn.
Ilriinrli at Cnuiu 11 HIiilTlonii. .
Eagle Cornice Works.
Jotri Rpcnolci , Pioiii/etor. / Jlauufnc-tiircr of
Ralviuil/ed li-'in nnil Kniilio. IUI Iodu ; and 1'JI
and 105 North 1 Jth Sh eel , Oninliu , Neb.
KUI'.MPlNd & llOI/ri ? ,
Mnnufccturursof Omniuvntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , rimiN , Kie./JlUS. I''lh St. Workdono
in tin/pan ot thoiountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT , Proprietor.
Onlvnnl7ed Iron Tornlccp , Ktc. Spccnl's Im-
l.ioved Patent Metall'oSkjlight. ' SOS mid S1US.
1 1 h St. . Omnhn. Net.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
ThTGate City PUnlng Mill.
Iloorp , Pa < sli nnd llllnds. Also all kinds of
IninliifT. Scroll mid Stair woik ol exery du-
Mnnufocturor and Denier in
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Blair Haiti n spcclnlly Telephone No. F-
t5tb nnd Mmcv Sti..Omuiiu , Nob.
Electrical Supplies.
"w."wOtrE & CO. , ElcctrlclanV.
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Tllock , Omaha. IlurRlar Alarms , Ilolls ,
file Alarms , Jf'ectrlo .Mattiiu , Spoiikln Tilboj ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building \York \
ion Stall i , Hnllliu , Holled Iloima nml ( JudoM
Steam Kiirlne ( , llrn-s Woik , ( Senpinl Koinidry
Mnolilnii and IllnukKinith Work. Olllco nod
Woiks , U. P. Hy. nnd S 17th St.
Iron a ; d Nails.
"OMAHA NAIL > u < JurACTUiitNO co ,
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Tire Nalli r. f xlnllv. . < lrnnlin , Nob.
Omaha Safe Works ,
0. ANDItriKN.
Mnmifnctmcrof riionnd Proof Sntoi.
Vault DOOIH. .lull Woik. PlmtteiM and Wlm
Work. Cor. 14th nnd .Jnekson Pts. , Omnhn , Nrb.
Waprons and Carriages !
Eptubllthed 18TA
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
JK ! > and UU lloilfu Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission , Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
Ceo , Iliuko. Mannifcr.
Union Stock Yards , S. Omillix Tolo.hcno 5SZ >
Union Stock Yards'Company ,
I Umltcd. John K. lloyd , Snpcrititendonl.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
6hlj ments of any nnd nil klnus of bl
, ed. Union btrck Vnrdd.Omuhu , Neb.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
8ub , Deere , Ktc. Ynrds Cor. 7tli and Do
Cor. Utu und Uout'lnJ.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Btnlr Work ami Interior Haul Wood
J''inlsli. Jiihl opened. N. K. cor. bib und Ijcuven-
ivortU Streets , Omnlm , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
14 a 14th Btrt-et , Oniulin , Neb. V. Colpot7cr ,
C. N ,
Lumber ,
13th and California Stieets , Onmlm , Nob.
Lumber , Limo , Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Cor , Cth und Uouglus KtrectE , Omuhn , Ncb >
Wholesale Dealer in Lumbar ,
Onmlm , Nebnibhu.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnron Stock , Fiiney Woods , llrldpo
&c. , B.V , Cor , Vlh and Douglas , Oumlm , Nub ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
iiuildiiur 1'upcr , Ktc. South 13th K t r t , CamEfc
Nebraska ,
Flth , Etc ,
6uccc88ors to Ickcn Plcinfiten It Co.
Wholesale Fisu Dealers ,
Importers of rirclKU ribh.Nos. 011-ai3 Jonet
feara fitn-'t nud VT. I1. Truck. UmuLiiw iub.--
K. P. KAV ife CO
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbcis ol Fiuits , Xnts anil Cigars. 1211
J'ailuua tit , Omaha , -Scb ,
Agricultural implements. _
Dealers la Hgricnltural Irapleraonls ,
Ofllco , Corner CtU nn.t PncineSt * , Oinnlin , Ncl > .
rAUMN. OHr.NlOltlT & MAUT1N .
\Vbolcsr.c Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
mul llUKKlcs , Omaha Nub. _
ClU'RCHlI.h 1'ARKt'R ,
Wliplcs.ilo Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrrlngos nnd llutrplcs. . ! < np < HI. , bol. Plh nnd
Utti , Uinnlni , Nib. _ _
Boots and Shoes.
. " _
jioi < 5R V CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1111 Farnum Ptrrct. Oinnhii , Xeli. Mnnufnctory ,
Summer Strict , lloolon.
Carpets. _
' "
P.'A. oucHAiiiiT
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curlnln looi' ! . lite , , HIM 1'nrniini
Stixct , Oiiiiilin , NuU
Coal , Liroo , Etc.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
.Siay. Hthft.Omnlin , Xcb. Yurda , Plli
nnJ Or , ' 01111011 Streets.
Duelers in Hard ana Soft Coal.
Beet varieties. Oflloo.SWP. KlthPt. Telephone
No. 14K. , Uniahn , Ni-li.
Shippers of Coal and Co e ,
811 P. Kith Pt. . Omnnn , Ni'b.
UM > . C.Towi.K , 1'rcsldnnt.
Giro. I'ATrntsoN , Pee iiml Trcm.
J.1I. llKi.iiriiT , F.A. IUi.rn ,
I'loprietor. Mdiii
Nebraska Coal and Limo Company ,
Oincr.SITf. Itli8ticet. ! ! Tclil liono43. _
CEO. r. l.Munit , rrc0 VCIOOIIMANV. 1'rca.
.1. A. SUMLIU.\Mi ) fee. and U'l i-ns.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Limo Company ,
Jobbers of hard and > lt coal , k'oU S. Ulh St. .
Otiiulin , Nub
Hard and Soft Coal.
Eiciunlvc dciilors In Honlder Colorado Conl,217
i-outli Htri hi tret.
Coffee and Spices ,
Home Colics and Spies Mill MTgCo.
ColTcu ltii ( leis ( loci Spleo llii.iduix. iininii
rnelmoraof linking I'owdi-r , rinvoinn ; I'xtiuuN
Itluliifr , ulc. Try "no w-o ( if our Mb packairo
Homo Illend Hoattcd Coirco. lUJO llowiiulfcl ,
Ciniiha , Null.
CI.AllIvE rtltOS. i. CO./ /
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
I'owdur l-'liivorlnff
TensCotrees Spiers , HiiKltiA
Kxtnict" , Uimidry llfno Ink , vie. 14U-10 Hiu-
nt-i itri'utOmaha , Neb
Commission , Etc.
_ _
, . .
jjlANCH & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
J121 I'm iiam St. , Omaha. Apples Our < mn i-ack-
i B I'latt A C TlKt-r lltiuid OjbtuiH , Huttur ,
Kegi' ' , Oiiinu , I'oultij , Potatoes.
Genera ! Commission Merchant ,
Vrodiico , PiovMons riult , , rioilrlmd Teed ,
? . Hlli St.Oiiuhn , Neb. CoimlsimientiiboIiL'l
Hutuins Hindu momutlv.
R. MrDOXAM ) .
BID 12lh Stn-i't , Oina'ici , Neb. Piiociultlcs : Hut-
Ire IVu-4. and ( 'Ii
\virni : > iAN A. co. .
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'o'ultiy , Uutter , fiiuno , IViiitsKlc. ttMP. 14IU
St. , Oiniili i , Neli.isUn. )
General Commission Merchants ,
JlOODodfe-oStMct , Omnhn Neb. Consignments
\v. u. itinnni.L ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Uutter I'UKS , 1'diilliy
mid ( iiiine. 1U S. lith. , Oiiiulm , Neb. Tell-
pliono No. 3J5.
Storage and Commission Msrchints.
roiL-'trn anil Donio-tic' Fiiiila nspccliilly. Kl-
l ! Uiit stornjro fncilitlos WtiiuliniibU and oflleu ,
1U NorlU Mill st. Telephone 775. _
n. A. : iumEy ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter , Kptrs and I'rodnco. A full HUH of Htono-
wnro. Coiitlgimierils bollcltud. 14U Uodfo SU ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Buttoi , KKBf , Cheese and C'ountiy I'rodii
indly , aou U. lith St. , Omaha , Neb.
Bayers of Butter and Eggs.
Fief rlfrcrntor ami rnckimIldiiso.HtM & Lciivcn-
nurtb St. , on U. 1' . It. 1' . Tincti , Omaha , Nub.
Established 1670.
General Commission ,
Z11P. 14th St. , Omnhn , Nob. Ppeslallles nuttor
, I'oullry and Oaine.
1'KYCKK 1111OS. ,
Commission Merchants ,
Fruit" , Produce mid I'rovieioiiH , Oimilia , Neb
( SKlKI-'lTll 1I1OMAS ,
Kiicci finifi to lpia < i ( iilllltli.
Commission Merchant ,
nnd wlmleMilo denier hi country produce , frnltP ,
butter , ( KK , < > te. ( Joods on eonsltrmnent n
Biuinliy. | ) KilN. ICtli t-t. , Omalin , Neb ,
KIHhl'IIHKAUN & S < ) NS ,
( Sueccs-'ois to A , I1. Pclmok. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. " 13 Boiith 1'itli Street. Omuhn , Noli.
Dry Gooils ,
' "
J. j. iiitowN .v. aj. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Motions ,
11S.-J JOUIUH | Sliect , Oiaahn , Neb.
L. aiNsiiiiiio & co. ,
WlioIcEiilo Ueidumiu
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , { . .ncs , Knibi older ) * mid Whliu Coeds ,
liC-'ODout'liishlrt'ot , Oiuuhfi , Nou.
White Lead ,
CAKTKll WHll'K 1.1CAU CO. .
Strictly Pure Wile Lead ,
ZOIh Stnnd U , P. Hy. Omuhu ,
Harness , Etc ,
ManufautururB uiidJobbcraof
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Tuit Gooda , lllankota and Holies. 1U1 Kunmio
_ _ hlre'i.Omjiliij. ' . N'b. . _ _
_ _
K. M. 11UI/5K ,
Mattress Company ,
MimiifncturliiK Jli-ttrcfcfcCri , HialilliiK ,
1'lllouti , Coin , I'.tu. 1'AK und 1-US Dout'l.irt MrnU ,
Oiiiahu , Neb. _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'uutB.Shii IB , lUa , 1102 nnd 1 'Jt
tiuott ,
mm JOBBERS' DiS 6Tfflf ( 4. .
OMAHA li Mlirit O ) ,
De.tlois In All Kind' of
Building Material at Wholesale.
IPth Stioet and t u nt1'ne 11 Truck , Onmht
nr.llMAX 1 > . WYATT ,
\Yholesale \ Dealer in Lumber , N
Kth nnd 17-ird ? t reels Omnhi , N'ebra kn.
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
llulMltivr l'uier | < . SaMi , leer , IlllniU , Mntttf
liif | , ricKcts roMs Mine , I'inMrr , llaf ,
CViiient. .N'liMli niHi.loncUiunhtl Nob.
Importers nnd Johbvrsnt
Millinery and Notions ,
I IsH Hnruey Street , Oniiilui , I
Musicil Instruments ,
innoiiM : & KiticKsox ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
wiiy Pianos Weber , Ocekor , n
Pinnox , Piu-Kiinl Uiguii" , Clui.-o
lOlnmlllUlJlliMieel. _ , _ _
_ Furniture , Etc.
* " "
Furniture Mirrors
, Bedding , Upholstery ,
Ktc. , 1200 , KMs nnd mn I'm mini Stieet , Uninhn.
Wholesale Dealers In Furnitara ,
_ I'lirnnui Street , Qpinhn , Nob.
Groceries ,
" '
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ l llouirhm Street , Omnlm.NrK
1 ! . U. CHAPMAN V CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobnceo and Smokeih' Article" , U'l" Howard St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , Ci'iirH and Tobnecos. 1:117 : and KI1U Douv
Ins Htui'l , ( ) mnhii , Nub.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th and I'limnm Bti eels , Omnhn , Neb.
1'AXTON , ( lAl.I.AOHKIl > V H ) . ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707 , 71W mid ,11 S. lUlh St. , Oninhu , Nob.
W. J. 11HOATCH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Sprhips , t n Stock , llnnlnood Lumber , oto.
1X-I1 Haiuey MI ecu Oiiiaha , Neb.
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnrrlajro Wood HlocK. Heavy Hnrilwnro ,
Lie. 1217 and 1U1U 1 citvunttoitli Stieot , Omnhn ,
A'JOlt.TAVI.OU ' ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechnnlcs'Toolsnml llnirulu Senlcs.
InsStieul. Oimilm , Neb.
UR : , riiiin ) & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Ktc. AircnlB for flonu Scales and
illiuui l'o derX'o..Omnhn Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Muntles , Ciiiites , tlinssKoodii. Ul mid ItU FttT *
niiHi Street.
irVholesaie Hardware and Nails ,
Cinerson Steel Nulls. Tor. lOlh nnd llninoy
bit cuts , OiP'ilm. Ni > b.
\\4j.'niiuiNo : : & co.CHICAGO ,
Mumifr.cUner of tlio
Deering Farvester Goods ,
( Vrito to Win. > I. Ixii liner , ( Jcnoinl
Omulm. UVuiilionoOIO.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Stinm , Water , ItnllM ay nnd Milling Supplies , Kt. )
V2U , VJ2 nnd IC'4 Fiiriitiin St. Oimdin , Nub. i
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam mid Water Siiiillcs. | | lleiidqimrtors tot
Miibt Koost CO.'B Goods. 1111 I'urmun Street ,
Oiuuha , Nub. (
CDI10LM 4 : nillCKSON ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
IlcnlcrB In Bilvcnuuo , Illiiinnnds , Wntclua
Cloekn , JoweloiH * Tools mid Materials , Kto. , 101
and 1(0,1Mb ( Plied , Cor. Dcdgu , Oinnlia , Nob. ,
Notions Etc.
Jobbcis m
Notions , Hosiery & Gents'FurnisMng ' Good
lOUU nnd 1W3 ( I'm num St.OmulmNeb.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , '
4(0 ( und 405 S. 10th Ft. , Onmlm , Nob. '
Wholosidu IJuiiluiH hi Notions mid ( Junta1 Fur-
nlshlni ; ( loodd.
Oils , Etc.
" " " * " "
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Qacnllnc , Mien Axle ( iiciiMi , Ktu. A. II. Illuhop ,
MamiKL-r , Oinnhii , Neb ,
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Onmliii , Nobiauliu ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onieo , Union Miulict , 1517 Dodiru Hlrunt. I'uol < ln
lioiiko , U. 1' . II. U. Truck , Unuiliu , Nob. Telephone -
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks ,
r. IIOYKU & m.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' '
Fire and llin hir 1'ioof HnluH.TImo liulBViiull
unit Juil uoik. Ueu ; Fnniam titicut , Onmlm , Null
Seeds ,
' "
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
iVirrlunltiirid , Ycirolahlu , Ktu. ( Md Followtt' Hull.
N. W. Cur. lltli nml Dodge st „ Ouiulia , Nt.l ) .
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggist ,
And Dealer In 1'nlnlF , Oils nnd Window Olna %
OiiLilui , Hob. ,
Wines , Liquors , Tt : .
II.I5U &CO ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Il < ] iiorx. Hole iiuiiHiriiiliiuuH nl KcimiKly'l
l.nsi liuliu llltloid. 1112 lliunuy btiLLt.Uiuutin ,
tiiai , \ > , nuixPAN ,
Butxcssor to McNAMAiiA A. DI'.NCAN , ImportoM
and Wlju
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
_ 111 undiilOB. Hill Ft. , Omulm , Nob. _
" " " "
Notions , ttt ,
' J , . IIHANDIKS k MN ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry floods , Notions , flunis * KurnlHhln ? nogJe.
UuoiU friini Now York. ' 1 1 mle tutu * dully. U
nm1 r < M South 1'Jtb St. , Oiiiahu.